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A new idea for the suggested themes for the SWSH!, Suggesting a change for the SWSH Pre-poll. Please vote! |
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![]() Gym Leader ![]() Group: +Donors Posts: 195 Joined: 4-May 13 From: Mexico Member No.: 196 476 Active Squad ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hello there!
Rookie here with a new idea for the SWSH pre-poll we've been doing for... Three years now?! So. I've been thinking for a while and I've seen a lot of people wanting the new, recently-added Pokemon to have a time to shine as well. We've also seen how some recently added mons have taken the spot from other planned Pokemon (which it's completely okay!). As such, I've been thinking. What if we try to incorporate a month of SWSH, preferably January of each year, where all the suggested themes for the SWSH pre-poll include at least ONE recently added Pokemon and make it a new tradition as well? If people are interested in this idea, the rules for the SWSH would be the same. We are just SUGGESTING themes for people to vote on, and the winning theme would be the one we try to push to be hunted for in the next SWSH (who knows if we will be able to get it tho'!) The only difference is that, if most people like the idea, we would be pushing for three themes that have pokemon that have been added to the site in that very year. So, not only pokemon who are rewards from completing a SWSH (like Indeedee that was added as a prize for July's SWSH), but also ones that were added thanks to an event (like White Basculin)! With this new mechanic, I would like to reassure more people and have it so that their favorite recently added mon would have a better chance at getting selected. And, hopefully, get people to NOT deviate from the winning theme for any of month, if possible. For example, due to White Basculin winning the previous SWSH, we won't ever be able to have the suggested theme for the THREE BASCULINS in ONE SWSH. :') In my opinion, that was kinda sad (that we missed such a cool opportunity), but HEY, if the people asked for it, then the people asked for it and that's democracy, yup yup! However, maybe this suggestion could entice some people into thinking again if they really want to jump off the suggested theme dynamic knowing that there might be another suggested theme that sounds cooler than if they were to hunt it right there and then. Or maybe they do prefer to do just that, in which case? Completely fair! After all, remember, we are only SUGGESTING for people to vote for a certain theme. NEVER to enforce that, nuh uh, that's a big no no. Anyway, tell me what you guys think about the idea below! Or if you have any other suggestion or idea. IF you are interested, here are three themes that meet the requirements above! (Also, these themes can be re-rolled at any time during the year! If RNG decides to pick them tho' :'D) Fight!!! : Galarian Farfetch'd, Tyrogue, Meditite. By tealingual. Lazy Sunday : Slowpoke, Galarian Slowpoke, Slakoth. By Sign Seven. Sportfishing : Goldeen, Remoraid, Arrokuda. By Cao. Hopefully you guys say yes, and have 2024 as a test run! Either way, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Rookie out! -------------------- |
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