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Global PokédeX Plus Forums _ Roleplay OOC Discussion and Sign-ups _ World's End Hallow

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Mar 31 2012, 04:00 PM

World’s End Hallow
{ Paradise in Hell }

{+} When I die will they remember not {-}
{+} What I did, but what I haven’t done? {-}
{+} It’s not the end that I fear with each breath, {-}
{+} Its life that scares me to death {-}

A long, long time ago there was no universe. Everything was an empty canvas, awaiting someone with the power to shape it and paint it to their visions. Suddenly, in that blank canvas, a single egg popped into existence. It was unlike any other to follow, an egg that was colored a pure white. This egg was without any blemishes or cracks, without dirt or scratches. It was pure – pure enough for our great God to be born from.

In those days, there was only one God. They dubbed him The Original One, the great beast Arceus. He was a fantastic God, powerful and majestic. Yet he was lonely in the blank canvas of the pre-universe. To quell his loneliness, Arceus created out universe from that canvas. He created our world, and began to slowly populate it.

At first, all Arceus created were other Gods. Gods that were on his level of power, but none that could ever dream to reach Arceus’s own powers. Overtime, however, he found his world empty, even with the many other Gods he created. So from the Gods, he created lesser, common, almost powerless copies of the other Gods. These creations would be known as Pokemon. From these beings, Arceus created an almost entirely new species – us Humans.

Satisfied with his world, Arceus ceased creating new things. He grew tired from using his powers, and felt that a rest was well earned. So he laid to rest in his kingdom in the sky, the great Hall of Origin. Arceus decided in that hall, he would lay rest until he awoke again. But knowing that again meant far, far into the future Arceus left the other Gods with a set of special items.

These items were created just as Arceus was created; seventeen coffin-shaped stone were the bases of all of Arceus’s powers. They were the Seventeen Plates of Arceus, one for each ‘type’ that had been created – Fire, Water, Grass, Bug, Flying, Electricity, Ground, Rock, Ghost, Dark, Dragon, Poison, Ice, Fighting, Steel, Psychic, and Normal. With few parting words, Arceus slipped into an eternal sleep within the Hall of Origin.

Now that Arceus was gone, the Gods split the Plates among themselves and moved to their own part of the world. Where they laid the Plates, life flourished in that area. Back then, the Gods were much more active in the lives of the Humans, helping them achieve their greatness. The Gods were everywhere, using their powers to help the land and the Humans grow. Unknowingly, they allowed the humans to grow in more ways than one.

In those early days, Man grew to depend deeply on the Gods. But this dependence gave way for another emotion to emerge within their brains – greed. Man wanted more than what the Gods could give; they wanted all of their powers for themselves. More importantly, the humans wanted the powers that the Plate had all for themselves.

However, the Gods were not stupid. They knew the Plates were important. They hid the Plates, and in that way only the God that laid them there. Humans came close, but they were only able to discover one Plate – the Normal Plate, first Plate of Arceus. They were close to bringing the Plate back to their village, but a quartet of Gods swooped in to retrieve it.

Angered that the Gods did not let them have their way, the humans began to hunt after the Gods rather than search fruitlessly for the Plates. Sometimes, humans came close to capturing them, almost killing them, but in many times the Gods were able to get away with the most minimal injuries to the humans. But no matter what the Gods did, Man would not step down from their hunt.

For some time, the Gods were in constant motion, unable to stop in one place for long for fear that they would be caught. Even with their abilities, the Gods did not want to kill the humans. They were all Arceus’s works of art, and to destroy Arceus’s works of art would be more sinful in the Gods’ views. For many years did this go on, one side striving for war and another peace. Neither came to either side, until the Gods reached an island out in the sea.

{+} The world has broken you down {-}
{+} You and me are going to make it through {-}

This island, as you would see, was no different from any other island in the middle of the ocean. Like many other islands, this island was the home of a small tribe that was isolated from the rest of the cruel world. This island was untouched by the Gods, one of few places they had ever went to. Yet they were peaceful people, who were able to achieve their legacy without help.

For some time, the Gods put down their fort on the island. All those that attempted to cross the seas or cross the skies to reach the island were shot down by the Gods, and the few that reached the island were also disposed of. Those they could they teleported far away, but sometimes that could not be helped. For several years they rested in this island until finally the humans gave up.

As the humans went away and gave up on the Gods, the Gods quickly moved in and removed the Plates from their previous locations. In reward for the village tribe that helped the Gods to hide within the island and tend to their wounds, even to grant them access to their food banks, the Gods moved the Plates to the island. With the Plates, the island would always be protected from any dangers of the outside world. And thus, the Gods left the villagers to go back to their lives in their newfound security.

Time grew on, and the island remained undisturbed. But like all others, the people of the island would soon be the ones to fall. They didn’t even need help from the outside world.

Their corruption began within the island itself. At first, the villagers did not notice it. But they were no longer as peaceful – fights between them all broke out almost daily, even coming to the point where you couldn’t go anywhere without people brawling. They were much meaner, nastier. The corruption also affected the island, where the crops began to die and the forests to go become petrified. The streams and springs became toxic, and anyone who drank for them received varying illnesses; most of them were extremely fatal.

For several years as it grew worse and worse, a final attack the villagers launched on themselves. A riot broke out, and the murder of many of the villagers took place. At night, the village itself burned to the ground. It burned until nothing left, and those that survived took stance against one another. At these moments, sensing more fear than ever, the entire island itself reacted violently.

The Plates began to activate a defensive mechanism that the Gods had implanted in them. From their powers they created almost exact copy of the Gods, sans the great Arceus. However these copy Gods were not the same as their counterparts. Although the Plates could copy their powers and create a grayscale appearance, the Plates could not copy the personalities of the Gods.

As the hallow Gods were created, they were to be used to save the island. They were to separate the remaining villagers, calm them and restore peace. But something went terribly wrong – instead of helping, the hallow Gods began to kill. The survivors stood no chance against these Gods.

{+} These flowers have grown from bloodstains on the ground {-}
{+} There's no use so don't deny we're just the same {-}

Atop of the tallest mountain in the northern part of the island, the seventeenth Plate stood. Its color had turned from pure white to a dark turquoise. The stone coffin emitted a dark aura; as if anyone would draw near they would be overcome by the complete insanity the Plate emitted. The seventeenth Plate was once touched by Man’s greed and corruption, and so does it reflect what the world had come to. As the Plates’ powers were connected to the island, the only way to release the built up energy was into the island itself.

And so, as human corruption tainted that so pure, the corruption of Arceus’s final Plate became complete.

There was, and never will be, anyone can ever do to save it.

Now as the island was deserted, one would believe that the hallow Gods would be left to roam free in the world. However, the hallow Gods were good as tied to the Plates and the island itself. They could not leave the island; they were to protect it at all costs, no matter what was laid in front of them.

The water Gods took to the seas and the flying Gods took to the sky. Whirlpools surrounded the island while dangerous thunderclouds swirled above. Those on land took to the different areas, within the mountains and the forests and the plains. They were cruel beasts, acting on their instincts to “protect” the island. And “protecting” they were very, very good at.

{+} Now a miracle begins for me {-}
{+} Working with incredible speed {-}

Until this present time, the hallow Gods controlled the island. As humans grew, they crafted ships and aircrafts. The vessels that came too close to the island were eaten up by the storms. Most people died in the crashes, those who survived were trapped on the island. However survival on the island is hard. All those end up on the island meet a cruel death in the end.

The governments covered up as much as they could. They were confused, unsure of what was happening. There had to be rational reasons to this. A rational reason why ships and aircrafts would go missing and everyone on board would disappear along with them and, as they assumed, die. The governments did not believe that other worldly forces could be at hand – after all, man no longer believed in the Gods. The Gods had left long ago, and now they were nothing more than a myth.

The Gods left in the early years of human life. They did appear, at time to time, but those they appeared to were ridiculed for having such wild illusions and fantasies.

Probably, long ago, the Gods would have appeared again. They would of appeared again to warn the humans of the island or help them destroy the hallow Gods. On their own, the two forces were matched in power. By fighting the hallow Gods, the Gods would have lost several of their own in order to completely destroy the hallows. The risk, to them, was too much to take.

Being no one was on the island anymore, they found that they would simply let the island and the hallow Gods be.

Within our time, over sixty reports of missing aircrafts and ships have occurred. The dead and missing count has risen to such a height that many are taking notice of it. The governments can no longer hide the fact that something terrible is happening.

Together, the five governments of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova pooled together their knowledge and resources to solve this mystery. They began to map the locations where all communication had been cut off. They created a general area where the happenings had occurred and no farther. At those moments, they warned against traveling to those regions for…weather reasons.

Now that they had the location, what were they to do? Of course, let ten year old children go off to find out what’s happening like everyone else does!

No, seriously, they actually didn’t do this for once. Even if ten year olds could stop giant criminal organizations, the governments didn’t have enough faith in them to discover why so many ships, aircrafts, and people were going missing.

Seriously, I’m being honest about this! They really didn’t!

Instead they let older teenagers and adults do the dirty work. After all, letting an older group of people go after something and risk their lives for something that probably wasn’t even there would be a lot less lawsuit causing then small children.

{+} These strangers are friends that you've never met {-}
{+} They'll send them sympathies with a hallmark card {-}

They set up a volunteer contest of a sort. Once you signed up, the volunteers (victims?) would meet at Castelia City, Unova noon sharp. There they would board a boat that will take them to the area where everyone goes missing. At that point, they would be on their own (which is why a water or flying partner was required) and be tasked to find the missing ships, aircrafts, and people and bring back proof. Those that do would receive a hefty reward and some other gifts.

In all honesty, the governments really didn’t expect them to come back. But hey, might as well try!

The Gods easily learned of what the governments were doing, and they thought of this as madness. They know they could not save everyone, but they will try. Choosing from the group that will arrive, even some that had at first decided against it, the Gods have chosen those that they will save. Granting them small powers to defend themselves on the island, the Gods will only be able to communicate with them from afar.

The corrupted Normal Plate had caused all of this, and until it was destroyed the real Gods can not move in to battle the hallow Gods. When the Plate is gone, the hallow Gods will be weakened and confused. Along with those on the island, the real Gods will then be able to swoop in and destroy the fake copies.

Given the situation, a lot of you will die. Would you rise to the top and defy all the odds of death? Escape the island and defend yourself against the hallow Gods beside your fellow victim, or might you go off on your own to win? Will you be able to destroy the corruption and stop the madness before it takes over your mortal mind? Should you fail; certain death will wait at the hands of either tainted Gods or your own teammates.

Or dare say, yourself.

{+} Tattered memories of what used to be {-}
{+} I release you from this life {-}
{+} Don't turn your back on paradise {-}

Overly long preword by the crazy RP owner, then Rules ;;; (click to show)

Gods of Thy World ;;; (click to show)

Skeleton ;;; (click to show)

Character List ;;;
I – Shadow Dragon
--- ( Regigigas )
--- ( Zekrom )
--- ( Darkrai )

II – Flynt
--- ( Groudon )
--- ( Rayquaza )
--- ( Articuno )

III – Wishful Jirachi
--- ( Raikou )
--- ( Azelf )
--- ( Latios )

IV – Holy Roman Empire
--- ( Celebi )
--- Lugia )

V – Mister Blah
--- ( Giratina )

VI – Slave1
--- ( Genesect )
--- ( Uxie )
--- ( Keldeo )

VII – True Blue
--- ( Victini )

VIII – Bully
--- Kyurem

IX –
--- ???

X –
--- ???

XI –
--- ???

--- ???

Posted by: Spanish Inquisition Mar 31 2012, 05:02 PM

Ooooh, may I please reserve Mew and Entei for this? I'll have the character profiles up in a jiffy.

EDIT: Actually, scratch that please. In retrospect, I might not have time for this RP and shouldn't tempt my fate.

Posted by: Flynt Mar 31 2012, 05:04 PM

If I may, I'd like to reserve Groudon, Rayquaza, and Articuno. I'll have profiles up as soon as possible.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Mar 31 2012, 05:47 PM

SD, really now. You know how much I wanted Satellites to live. There is no way I'm not joining. =)

So reserves. I'll reserve Raikou, naturally, and Latios.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Mar 31 2012, 05:50 PM

I promised I wouldn't stalk my RP
That promise went right down the drain

Down to business,
Groudon, Rayquaza, Articuno, Rakiou, and Latios reserved.
Five in one sitting? I'm impressed.
Happy to see you're joining Flynt. I'm a fan of your writing skills. They're so cool oAo

And yaaaaay Wishie!
I totally wasn't waiting for you to come, nope.
But I'm so happy you're here anyway.
and taking my Raikou! oh well.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Mar 31 2012, 05:52 PM

I saw you stalking SD, lol.
Happy to be here! =D
omg...but I love Raikou *sobs*

Also, I shall be busy every so often in April but I shall try my best to be on. There will only be a period of maybe three days where I won't have internet access but once but I shouldn't fall horribly behind during that time.

I'll shoot for having both profiles up this week. Most likely Raikou will get done first. Depends how it comes to me as you know how I am when I write profiles, lol.

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire Mar 31 2012, 06:02 PM

The awesome me has arrived...... Wait, wrong character. Let's try this again.
*clears throat*
The Great Holy Roman Empire has arrived!(Jk)

Username: 123may
Name: Natalia Arlovskaya
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Occupation: Professional Breeder
Hometown: Solaceon Town
God: Celebi
Powers: Minor time adjustments. Can do more with time if given a stressful situation. Minor 'floating'.
Appearance: Everything? SD, you know I'm as lazy as you. *Sigh* She has silver-blond hair with dull blue eyes that lack iris'. She wears a dark-ish blue with that pretty blue bow. She also has a white ribbon on her head. She wears gray-black stockings and black dress boots(don't know how else to explain them) She is slim, light, and has wonderful balance and flexibility. Natalia is 5"3' and weighs about 105lbs.
Personality: She is usually shy at first and might not want to talk at all, but once she is comfortable around a person or group of people she can sometimes be energetic. She likes to be alone most of the time to collect her thoughts. She doesn't like to speak her mind straight out because she fears people will shun her or her ideas and won't listen to her. she handles pressure rather well, for a time, before she even thinks about giving in. She fears fire, but loves the water and the feeling of flight.
If she has someone to look after she can be very sisterly and overprotective. She is a good judge of character, but tries to hide her emotion. If she ever breaks down, you might want to run, or, if she's crying, just give her a hug. She doesn't often let someone into her life, but when she does, they are all she is there for and she feels empty without them.(I did better with this than I did her appearance -_-')
History: She grew up with her grandparents, helping them run the DayCare in Solaceon town. She's never had much adventure or any friends, but she can feel the emotions of pokemon because she spent so much time studying different types and behaviors. There weren't any other kids in the town, save the occasional trainer, so Natalia has a deep respect for the elderly. Being tied to helping her grandparents, Natalia often spent many days alone, watching reruns of contests and major battles looking for every type of strategy she could.
Also, because she was alone, she never developed proper social skills, but she is very polite and respectful of those who she sees fit. Her only real friends were the pokemon that were dropped off for care or the Yamask she hatched from an abandoned egg.
Theme song:
Species: Yamask
Nickname: Max
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Ability: Mummy: Contact with this Pokémon spreads this Ability.
Appearance: Shiny!
History: Natalia found an abandoned egg near the back of the daycare. She raised the egg lovingly, not knowing what pokemon it was until it hatched. It was rare seeing a Unova pokemon in Sinnoh, but Natalia didn't mind and was surprised that the pokemon that hatched was shiny.

Species: Salamance
Nickname: Sam
Gender: Male
Nature: Bold
Ability: Intimidate: lower's the Attack of all opponents by one stage when the ability-bearer switches in (including the start of a battle).
Appearance: Normal
History: Raised by her grandmother on her journey, Natalia was given Salamance as a gift, and as a guardian.

Species: Golurk
Gender: Male
Nature: Calm
Ability: Iron Fist: boosts the power of punching moves by 20%.
Appearance: Normal
History: Raised by her grandfather on his journey, Natalia was given Golurk as a gift and a guardian.(Cliche, I know)

Species: Luxio
Nickname: Lax
Gender: Male
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Rivalry: Deals more damage to a Pokémon of same gender.
Appearance: Normal
History: He was dropped off at the Daycare as a Shinx and the trainer never returned for him. Now Natalia cares for him.

Species: Buizel
Nickname: Bay
Gender: Male
Nature: Timid
Ability: Swift Swim: Boosts the Pokémon's Speed in rain.
Appearance: Normal
History: For a strange reason, this buizel could never evolve. Not wanting to release the pokemon back to the wild, the trainer entrusted Natalia with caring for the pokemon.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Mar 31 2012, 06:09 PM

fff I love this song so much <3~

And finally, the first profile!
I think two hours is a break through for me
Ahem, so May I'll be accepting you.
Cheers, I hope you'll have a fun time with this and all

Jesus May why did I pick the long name again aaa

Although I noticed an error in your Pokemon section.
So her Golurk is suddenly a Salamance?

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire Mar 31 2012, 06:28 PM

Wait, what error? I am too awesome for an error, er, I mean, Holy Rome makes no mistakes!
Can you explain, please?

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Mar 31 2012, 06:42 PM

QUOTE(Holy Roman Empire @ Mar 31 2012, 07:02 PM) *
Species: Golurk
Gender: Male
Nature: Calm
Ability: Iron Fist: boosts the power of punching moves by 20%.
Appearance: Normal
History: Raised by her grandfather on his journey, Natalia was given Salamance as a gift and a guardian.(Cliche, I know)

I believe SD is referring to the fact that you said Salamance in your history but Golurk as the species.

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire Mar 31 2012, 06:51 PM

GAH! And I didn't even copy and paste it this time! Sorry, and thanks for pointing that out. will fix!

Posted by: Flynt Mar 31 2012, 07:28 PM

Heh, I'm honored that you like my stuff. I'm trying something different with these guys. Hopefully it's alright.

Username: Flynt

Name: Brendan Rustici
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Occupation: Trainer
Hometown: Village Bridge, Unova

God: Groudon
Powers: Increased resistance to heat, improved sense of direction (Able to navigate through caves, mountains, and valleys without getting lost; when at sea, able to point towards nearest landmass.).

Appearance: Brendan stands 5’10”, and weighs around 154 pounds. His white skin is fairly tan from two years of travelling. He has red hair, and brown eyes. His hair is a bit long, and drawn into a ponytail that goes down to his shoulders.

Brendan is just discovering a taste in formal attire. He wears a light green dress shirt, along with a light gray waistcoat. He also wears a pair of black pants and black shoes. They’re fairly inexpensive clothes, so he doesn’t mind them getting scuffed. Thus, the legs of his pants are fairly dirty, as are his sleeves and shoes.

Personality: Brendan has found himself to be very good at being a Trainer. This has lead to some level of pride. He is very driven, and determined to defeat anyone who manages to beat him. So long as you aren’t on the other side of the battlefield from him, he can be very easy to get along with, and though rather laid back for the most part there are some hints that he used to have a fiery temper. This old aspect of his personality is most commonly made apparent on the battlefield.

History: It has been two years since Brendan started his journey as a Pokemon Trainer. He lived on the Village Bridge for his entire life until he started travelling, and expects to retire back home when his adventures are done. He was 16 when he started travelling, starting in Nuvema Town, Unova, he received his starter, Tepig, and eventually won the right to carry a Pokedex. The Trainer made fast friends with Landen Robertson, a fellow new Trainer, and found a rival in Amelia Cooper.

Unova was fairly easy going along. With his Pokemon by his side, Brendan found he had no trouble sweeping through Cress, Lenora, and Burgh. Dissatisfied, he briefly considered retiring. That all changed when he reached Nimbasa City. It was there that he first learned of the Subway Masters, and saw Emmet, the younger twin, completely destroy Elesa, the local Gym Leader. It became Brendan’s goal to defeat Emmet, and though it was difficult, he managed to fight his way through the Battle Subway and reach the Subway Master.

It was a battle he was destined to lose, and lose he did. In the end, it was a 4-0 defeat. Always the sportsman, Emmet invited him to try the challenge again once he was stronger. Reinvigorated, Brendan continued his journey through Unova. He fought, and defeated, Elesa, Clay, Skyla, Brycen, and finally Drayden. Along the way, he learned that the Gym Leaders were no joke, coming close to losing against Clay and requiring second fights against Brycen and Drayden. With new found respect for his adversaries, Brendan planned to take on the Elite Four, the final step before he felt he would be ready to best Emmet.

Before he could challenge the Elite Four, however, he received the call. He would go to the island, not really knowing anything about it.

Other: Brendan, as well as Landen and Amelia, are characters from a story I’m in the process of planning out. They’re being grabbed for the RP very late into the story, so Landen makes the age limit, so a lot has happened to them involving the canon characters from the games. Hopefully this is alright.

Theme song:

- Species: Emboar
- Nickname: Abigail
- Gender: Female
- Nature: Abigail puts on an act of being bashful. She's a bit stuck up, and can be annoying at times. She shares her master's pride.
- Ability: Thick Fat
- Appearance: Normal Emboar.
- History: Abigail was Brendan's Starter, his first Pokemon. The two have been together for two years now.

- Species: Simisage
- Nickname: Roi
- Gender: Male
- Nature: Your average hyperactive knucklehead. He fears rejection, and this is the primary reason he doesn't reveal his crush on Abigai.
- Ability: Gluttony
- Appearance: Normal Simisage.
- History: Brendan adopted Roi from the same group Landen and Amelia got their monkeys. He proved to be an avid battler, taking down Cress without too much trouble.

- Species: Conkeldurr
- Nickname: Archibald
- Gender: Male
- Nature: Gruff, possibly bland. Very easy to get along with.
- Ability: Iron Fist
- Appearance: Normal Conkeldurr
- History: Archibald originally belonged to Landen, who caught him as a Timburr and evolved him to Gurdurr. Brendan traded his Boldore for him, when he and Landen discovered the two Pokemon got along better with the other's Pokemon. Both evolved upon trading.

- Species: Bisharp
- Nickname: Dustin
- Gender: Male
- Nature: Calm, collected, and serious, Dustin places the safety of his master and fellow Pokemon above all else, and battles with the air of a master tactician.
- Ability: Defiant
- Appearance: Normal Bisharp

- Species: Haxorus
- Nickname: Radek
- Gender: Male
- Nature: Radek is a bit of a blood knight. More then any of Brendan's other Pokemon Radek loves to fight, and is commonly covered in cuts and bruises because of it.
- Ability: Mold Breaker
- Appearance: Normal Haxorus

- Species: Zweilous
- Nickname: Evelyn (Heads are referred to separately as Eve and Lyn)
- Gender: Female
- Nature: Evelyn has a split personality, literally. Two minds inhabit her body, each controlling one of the heads, and taking turns controlling the rest of the body. Brendan has fostered this partnership where it should not exist. The Lyn mind is a parasite, and the Eve mind needs to overcome it in order to evolve.
- Ability: Hustle
- Appearance: Normal Zweilous


Name: Landen Robertson
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Occupation: Trainer
Hometown: Castelia City, Unova

God: Rayquaza
Powers: Some weather prediction abilities. Internal compass guides him to those chosen by Groudon and Kyogre, and can act as a mediator between them both. He also has an easier time persuading them to his side (May not work as well on Kyogre's chosen since he does not know them.)

Appearance: Landen is 5'7", and weighs about 130 pounds. He's fairly pale, likely not tanning well, if at all. His hair is blond, and he has blue eyes. His hair is short and messy, usually hidden under a gray newsboy cap.

Along with the hat, he wears a pair of brown cargo pants, which are rolled up to end midway between his knee and ankle. He wears gray sneakers, and a black t-shirt. This shirt is usually hidden under a forest green hoodie.

Personality: Landen is your average optimist. Always trying to look at the bright side of things and keep a smile on his face. He's happy-go-lucky, and likes helping people. Because of this, he tends to be a horrible battler, not wanting to see his or his opponent's Pokemon hurt. He is slowly getting over this fear, however.

History: Landen was born and raised in Castelia City. He would have been fine living his entire life there, but his parents wanted him to see the world. So, at the age of 14, he started his journey, choosing Oshawott as his starter. He quickly became friends with Brendan after the older Trainer saved him from being completely destroyed by Amelia. Since then, he has traveled with Brendan. He was the last of the trio to receive a Pokedex.

It is Landen's goal to someday be a part of the Battle Subway. It is to reach this goal that he keeps fighting. Upon reaching Nimbasa, he met his hero, Ingo. He approached the Subway Master for advice, and was told that he would have it upon defeating the master. Though he tried his hardest, he lost to Ingo 3-0. The Subway Master offered him a rematch when he was stronger, and, in the meantime, told him to seek out Caitlin, a member of the Elite Four and former head of the Battle Frontier's Battle Castle.

So he pressed on, taking on Gym Leaders when he felt he was ready. By chance, he met Caitlin in Icirrus City, and received the same responce from her as Ingo. To reach his goals, he needed to be stronger. His Pokemon would go to the end of the earth for him, but he wasn't letting them. Caitlin instructed him to take the Elite Four challenge. If he could best her there, she would help him reach his goal. Thus, he started training in earnest, though he still has issues with letting his Pokemon fight to their fullest.

Before he could take on the Elite Four, however, he received the call, and, alongside Brendan, left for the island.

Other: Landen, as well as Brendan and Amelia, are characters from a story I’m in the process of planning out. They’re being grabbed for the RP very late into the story, so Landen makes the age limit, so a lot has happened to them involving the canon characters from the games. Hopefully this is alright.

Theme song:

- Species: Oshawott
- Nickname: Tommy
- Gender: Male
- Nature: As happy as his master, and very inquisitive. Tommy is easy to get along with, though he isn't very tough.
- Ability: Shell Armor
- Appearance: Normal Oshawott
- History: Landen's starter. The two have been together for two years now.

- Species: Herdier
- Nickname: Denton
- Gender: Male
- Nature: Resolute, and something of a gentleman, Denton is a father figure for Tommy and Tyko.
- Ability: Sand Rush
- Appearance: Normal Herdier

- Species: Pansear
- Nickname: Devdan
- Gender: Male
- Nature: Lazy, without a care in the world, Devdan is very hard to motivate.
- Ability: Gluttony
- Appearance: Normal Pansear
- History: Devdan was adopted about the same time Brendan and Amelia got their monkeys.

- Species: Mienfoo
- Nickname: Tyko
- Gender: Male
- Nature: A bit of a loner, Landen's only truly shy Pokemon. He can be a bit hard to open up, but is very kind once you get to know him.
- Ability: Reckless
- Appearance: Normal Mienfoo

- Species: Gigalith
- Nickname: Dhaval
- Gender: Male
- Nature: Quiet, though not really distant. It can be difficult to really peg him down at times.
- Ability: Sturdy
- Appearance: Normal Gigalith
- History: Caught by Brendan as a Roggenrola, after evolving to Boldore he was traded to Landen for his Gurdurr. The two evolved upon the trade.

- Species: Excadrill
- Nickname: Nathaniel
- Gender: Male
- Nature: Boastful and proud, Nathan is easily Landen's most outgoing Pokemon.
- Ability: Mold Breaker
- Appearance: Normal Excadrill


Name: Amelia Cooper
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Occupation: Trainer
Hometown: Nuvema Town, Unova

God: Articuno
Powers: Increased resistance to freezing temperatures, snow, and ice. Increased agility and dexterity. Can navigate the worst of winter storms without getting lost.

Appearance: Amelia is 6', and weighs in at 164 pounds. She has brown skin and black hair. Her eyes are a sharp green. Her hair is a bit short, ending at the base of her neck. She's a bit more muscular, and thus stronger, then either of the boys.

Amelia keeps her outfit simple. She wears blue shorts, and a white muscle shirt. Along with them, she wears hiking boots. She has a blue coat, though it's normally tied around her waist by its sleeves.

Personality: Amelia is aloof. She's wanted to travel her entire life, and doesn't like being slowed down, by anything. Due to this, she has distanced herself from Brendan and Landen, who go a bit slower. She likes being strong, and takes any opportunity to better herself and her Pokemon. This has made her something of a rival for Brendan.

History: Amelia is the only one of the three to describe her life before becoming a Trainer as "boring". She was born and raised in Nuvema Town, and was made to complete school before she started as a Trainer. Thus, she only started at the age of 18, but after a childhood of growing up with Pokemon and an intelligent background, she was easily granted a Pokedex, long before Brendan earned his.

As a Trainer, Amelia set her goals as high as they could go. She would take on and defeat the Champion. Despite encountering several snags on the way, she made her way all the way to the Elite Four. In a series of extremely difficult battles, she took on and defeated Grimsley, Shauntal, and Caitlin. Finally came Marshal. In an instant, it all went south. The Fighting Type master had no trouble defeating Felix, Amelia's Scrafty Trump Card. Without Felix to act as her crutch, Amelia went down. She was defeated, but vowed not to give up, and so she began to train.

Eventually, she got to a point where she thought she was ready for the rematch. However, before she could challenge the group again, she received the call. Seeing it as her final test before a rematch with Marshal, Amelia set off for the island.

Other: Amelia, as well as Brendan and Landen, are characters from a story I’m in the process of planning out. They’re being grabbed for the RP very late into the story, so Landen makes the age limit, so a lot has happened to them involving the canon characters from the games. Hopefully this is alright.

Theme song:

- Species: Serperior
- Nickname: Jade
- Gender: Female
- Nature: Haughty and distant, Jade is loyal to Amelia and not much else. Enjoys picking on Tommy, but steals clear of him if Abigail is around.
- Ability: Contrary
- Appearance: Normal Serperior
- History: Amelia's starter. She received her two years ago, though the pair had known each other for a year before that.

- Species: Audino
- Nickname: Doc
- Gender: Male
- Nature: Doc serves as a primary healer for the team, making sure the group stays in good condition during training. He cares for the entire group, and is easy to get along with for the most part.
- Ability: Healer
- Appearance: Normal Audino
- History: The first Pokemon Amelia herself captured. She studied Route 1 for days prior to starting as a Trainer, and knew exactly where to find him. He gave her a huge advantage early on.

- Species: Panpour
- Nickname: Emil
- Gender: Male
- Nature: Laid back, but vain to a point, Emil was never much of a fighter.
- Ability: Gluttony
- Appearance: Normal Panpour
- History: Amelia adopted Emil around the same time Brendan and Landen got their monkeys. His attitude annoys her at points, but she cares for him nonetheless.

- Species: Zebstrika
- Nickname: Pauline
- Gender: Female
- Nature: Amelia's answer to Radek. Pauline is very much a blood knight, and commonly has the injuries to show for it.
- Ability: Lightningrod
- Appearance: normal Zebstrika

- Species: Scrafty
- Nickname: Felix
- Gender: Male
- Nature: Boastful, brash, and very loud, Felix gets along great with Roi. He's Amelia's strongest physical brawler, and very proud of it.
- Ability: Shed Skin
- Appearance: Normal Scrafty

- Species: Crustle
- Nickname: Susie
- Gender: Female
- Nature: Quiet and good natured, Susie is nonetheless a master tactician, and uses her uninteresting appearance to her advantage.
- Ability: Weak Armor
- Appearance: Normal Crustle

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Mar 31 2012, 07:36 PM

Wishie, stop taking my job.
I have myself to support you know /sobs

Those were excellent profiles Flynt, both accepted.
It's alright how they might be involved with the cannon characters, mhm.
Can't wait for the last one!

look i actually got something done!

{Regigigas} (click to show)

Posted by: Flynt Mar 31 2012, 10:52 PM

I've updated my post with Amelia's sheet.

Posted by: Mister Blah Apr 1 2012, 12:10 AM

And done.

Username: Mister Blah
Name: Cecilia Monreau
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Occupation: Former Pokemon Trainer
Hometown: Castelia City

God: Giratina
Powers: Reverse World, the world while generally remaining the same, will have a minor tweaks to the environment. Ceceila can see other people's aura in this world while they are in the normal world, though they cannot see her while she is in the Reverse World.

Appearance: The average female - well, kind of. Average weight, average heigh. Her long, black hair is unkempt and she has tired bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. She has brown eyes, the whites of her eyes also looking a bit reddish. He skin is also quite pale. In general she looks like a mess. As for clothing, she wears a pair of brown cargo shorts and a wrinkled tank top.

Personality: After her life started spiraling downhill, Cecilia fell into a horrid depression. She doesn't do much but sit around all day in her melancholy mood, either. She now lacked any motivation to be a proper Pokemon trainer. Heck, she was hardly motivated enough to eat or keep herself clean. She is kind of tired of it all, which drove her to joining the rest of the government-appointed team to go out on a suicide mission. Did she expect to come back? No more than the people that hired her did, but she didn't care.

History: Cecilia's life went fairly well for most of it. She did wonderfully in school and her career as a Pokemon Trainer was a success. She eventually met with a guy that she fell deeply in love with, and together they travelled around and married. As husband and wife, though, they didn't settle down ever. They continued travelling, as was their plans all along. However, her lover developed lung cancer and ended up dying on her. Her life as a trainer spiraled as she was too depressed to do anything anymore. Battling became something she just didn't do anymore.

Running out of money and needing a place to stay, she headed back to where she grew up, Castelia City, to find a place to stay. She began to reside with one of her friends for a few weeks before some government folks, who had heard of her great exploits as a trainer before, called to ask her to go on this trip to a mysterious island to solve its mysteries. Knowing it was likely a suicide mission, and it would give her some sort of purpose, Cecilia accepted.

Other: Not much left to say.

Theme song:


Species: Yanma
Nickname: None
Gender: Male
Nature: Quirky
Ability: Compound Eyes - Improves the accuracy of Yanma by 30%
Appearance: Normal
History: The last Pokemon Cecilia caught before her lover died. She had no time to nickname or even train it before she retired as a trainer. Yanma wanted to join Cecilia to actually be used by his trainer, as all of her other Pokemon had.

Species: Eevee
Nickname: Dusk
Gender: Male
Nature: Naive
Ability: Adaptability - Increases Same-Type Attack Bonuses from x1.5 to x2
Appearance: Normal
History: Was supposed to become an Umbreon while Cecilia was on her journey, and she meant to evolve it soon, but then her lover died. Her relationship with her Pokemon plummeted and Dusk remained an Eevee with a bit of an unfitting name. Dusk joined Cecilia in hopes that he could become close friends with her again and finally evolve into an Umbreon.

Species: Raichu
Nickname: Ari
Gender: Female
Nature: Brave
Ability: Static - Opponent has a 30% chance of getting inflicted with paralysis when in physical contact with this Pokemon.
Appearance: A bit bigger than your average Raichu, but otherwise normal.
History: Cecilia's very first Pokemon, who volunteered to join her on her mission. Ari is named after Cecilia's mother, and has stuck by her trainer's side no matter what. This time is no exception, and she will fight to the death before anything kills her friend. That's why she came along, after all.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 1 2012, 09:58 AM

lol, sorry SD. *hands cookie*

I'll be working on my profiles today. I've got other stuff to do as well though but hopefully I'll have at least one up today. =)

Edit: I've finally settled on references which please me so I shall also be reserving Azelf so that I can have a group of three. At least I won't have to put much thought into powers since I already had those legends in Satellites. =P Although SD, despite how much I do love Midna she will not be the chosen of Azelf. I decided that her situation would not work well since I couldn't have Nero with her so I shall be making three new characters. =D

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 1 2012, 12:11 PM

This is very good, very good.

Ameila is accepted, and I'll reserve that Giratina for you MB until you're done

Azelf is reserved as well. Although I would love to see Midna again as well, considering how vastly different these two situations are I wouldn't try to use her either. Can't wait to see what you think up at lest <3~

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 1 2012, 12:18 PM

Yes, it will be sad to have Midna not be around.

Having started my profiles, I may not get them finished today as I have decided they will have some sort of relation. Lets just say there are some wedding bells ringing, lol. In addition, I see most are following the traditional trainer route. I'll have to spice it up a little with some old poachers. devil.gif Of course their female companion will keep them in line for the most part. =P

Posted by: Mister Blah Apr 1 2012, 01:58 PM

Finished up my character's profile.

Posted by: The Marching Misfit Apr 1 2012, 06:17 PM

Dear Lord, SD. First, you blow my mind with an irrvocably long intro, then you challenge me like that? I'll see what I can scrounge up~
In ohter words, please reserve Genesect and Uxie.

PS, It's Gorgon.

Posted by: True Blue Apr 1 2012, 06:44 PM

Ok no matter what I want victini. Reserve dialga but if someone asks before my profiles are up they can have it xD I might be too lazy to even do dialga o_O2.gif

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 1 2012, 07:58 PM

In all honesty Gorgon you confused me
I was all "WHO IS THIS PERSON" and then "...oh"
Stop confusing me >:C

Mister Blah is accepted! Fine character you got there, I really like her.
Genesect, Uxie, Victini, and...Dialga(?) reserved
In all honesty your wording is confusing me True Blue but for now I'll put you down for it

And damn, look!
Barely even two pages and a little over half (seven) slots are filled!
I love you all so much just my feels are all edgfgbsdxfcvft

Posted by: Kamaitachi Apr 1 2012, 09:01 PM

Please reserve Regice for moi. Thanks!

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 2 2012, 07:21 AM

I hope to have my profiles up tonight. Going to try my best.

Posted by: Kamaitachi Apr 2 2012, 02:05 PM

I suppose, since anyone could die, it would be in my best interest to reserve more spots, no?

I'll go ahead and complete the trio: Could you please reserve Regirock and Registeel for me?

Here it is!

Username: Kamaitachi
Name: Ari Larson
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Occupation: Research Assistant
Hometown: Goldenrod City

God: Regice
Powers: When attacked, the moisture in the air around him will freeze into a shield. It has a very limited radius, and is difficult to use offensively.

Appearance: Standing at 6 feet even and weighing 167 lbs, Ari is in excellent shape. He keeps his hair short, and is a sun-bleached blonde colour, with matching eyebrows. His skin is very tanned, from spending so much time in the field. His eyes are a deep, very warm colour of ocean blue.

Ari tends to wear comfortable clothes due to his job as a field researcher. His attire typically consists of jeans, hiking boots, a t-shirt and cargo vest. He often sports a utility belt, with all sorts of fun data collection tools, and carries a knife hidden in his right boot.

Personality: Despite his warm, inviting appearance, Ari is actually a very reserved, very aloof person. He opts to speak very little, more than content observing and listening. Ari has grown very talented at hiding his true feelings under a mask of calm and composure. That's not to say that he doesn't feel them; he just keeps them hidden away where they're not seen. As a result, he comes off as cold and distant more often than not.

Ari hobbies involve drinking herbal teas and sunbathing. He exersizes out of habit, and reads a lot in his spare time. He dislikes pokemon contests, musicals and other performance type events, as he finds them gaudy and distasteful.

History: Ari started out as a pokemon trainer in Johto at the young age of 10 like everyone else. As a child, he had been much more jovial and outgoing. He was easily a very kind, caring and affectionate person. As a trainer, he was decent at best, and saw mediocre success in the five regions.

Tragedy struck though, while travelling to Unova, as his starter pokemon, Meganium, was knocked off the ship during a battle. Despite the frantic search by several water pokemon, she was not found, and presumed to have drowned at sea.

Around the time of his 20th birthday, Ari was forced to return home, due to his mother growing ill. She passed away shortly thereafter, so Ari stayed to help his father out. Only a year or so later, Ari's father grew ill and passed as well, leaving Ari alone. Despite the freedom to travel again, Ari opted to stay in Johto, and took up a job as a Field researcher for Professor Elm, which he worked for several years. Now, though, he outgoing and friendly person had disappeared, leaving behind a quiet, pensive adult who rarely even smiled.

When the call came for trainers to travel to the mysterious island, Ari accepted without hesitation. A popular rumor was that he was just ready to join his parents and his Meganium in the afterlife.


Theme Song:

(Of course, their team. Around two to six, please.)

Species: Pidgeot
Gender: Male
Nature: Pidgeot is the sort of pokemon that does whatever he sets his mind to, making him incredibly single-minded and focused at the risk of being stubborn.
Ability: Tangled Feet - Pokemon's evasion increases when confused.
Appearance: Normal Pidgeot
History: Pidgey was the first pokemon Ari caught when starting his journey. The Pidgeot has been a loyal friend and companion for many years. He, too, mourns the loss of Meganium.

Species: Espeon
Gender: Male
Nature: Uncharacteristic of his species, Espeon is very hyper-active, unable to ever sit still and constantly prowling and jumping about. He's curious about everything.
Ability: Magic Bounce - It can reflect the effect of stat-changing moves
Appearance: Normal Espeon
History: Received by a strange man as an Eevee in Goldenrod City, Espeon has been with Ari for a long time as well. He only evolved into Espeon upon reaching Unova, having been more than happy to live as an Eevee.

Species: Heracross
Gender: Male
Nature: Heracross seems bored at everything, no matter how exciting. It's as if every task before him is a bother, and he wants to get it done simply so he can go back to his pokeball and rest.
Ability: Moxie - Attack is raised by one stage when the Pokemon knocks out another Pokemon
History: The fourth and final member that Ari caught in Johto, just outside Mahogany Town. At first, he was a pain to train, and preferred napping to battling. However, he's become the team powerhouse.

Species: Flygon
Gender: Female
Nature: Flygon is the mother figure of Ari's team. She fusses about everyone's well being, and prides herself in being their guardian.
Ability: Levitate - Damage dealing Ground Moves have not effect on this pokemon. Cannot be trapped by Arena Trap ability. Takes no damage from Spikes.
HIstory: On his travels to Hoenn, Ari wound up catching a Vibrava. She gelled instantly into his team, and was much loved by the other four. She feels Meganium's loss the hardest, as she felt that she failed to protect her "big sister"

Species: Empoleon
Gender: Female
Nature: Vain and vainglorious, Empoleon worries more about her appearance than anything else. She constantly makes sure that she's shining and perfectly preened.
Ability: Defiant - Attack is raised by two stages when the pokemon has its stats lowered.
History: Upon arrival in Sinnoh, Ari was offered a chance to train one of the Sinnoh Starters. Charmed by Piplup's cuteness, he chose her, and focused primarily on training her during his trip around Sinnoh. She proved to be a remarkable combatant, but often chose not to enjoy the company of the rest of the team.

Species: Chandelure
Gender: Female
Nature: Shy and very timid. She prefers to hide behind Ari and her teammates if she can help it.
Ability: Flash Fire - Activates when user is hit by a damaging Fire-type move (including Fire-type Hidden Power). Once activated, user’s Fire-type moves deal 1.5 times damage. While this ability is in effect, this Pokémon is immune to damage from Fire-type attacks and Fire-type Hidden Power (accuracy and effect from these moves are ignored). For Fire-type Pokémon with this ability, Will-O-Wisp activates this ability without having an effect. If a non-Fire-type Pokémon has this ability, Will-O-Wisp will activate the ability and have the effect.
History: While mourning in Unova over the loss of his first pokemon partner, he was approached by a Litwick, who immediately took to feeding off of his negative energy. She had her fill, and continued to follow him around at a safe distance. Before long, Ari was made aware of her presence and captured her, making her the final pokemon he caught on his trip.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 2 2012, 04:03 PM

aw, poor Ari
So sad indeed.

Accepted, and the other two are now reserved.
I honestly wasn't thinking of the concept of death, but hey, why not?

and yesss first finished trio

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 2 2012, 09:10 PM

I am finally done...*sigh* Well, I'm most proud of Nathan but I believe in terms of depth of character Zaine fits the roll better. Regardless, I am pleased to be finished. lol

Hope this works SD and as usual, any changes needed to be made, let me know. =)

Username: Wishful Jirachi
Name: Nathan Wells
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Occupation: Old Trainer/Co-Scientist
Hometown: Slateport City

God: Raikou
Powers: Nathan naturally has a similar ability to that of Raikou in that he can create ‘mini’ thunderbolts or thunderclouds. This primarily is created through the snapping of his fingers as the friction created between the atoms between his fingers when he snaps are suddenly filled with energy and therefore create a ‘spark’. This spark he simply amplifies into what most would call a thunderbolt. Naturally there is a limit to his abilities however. His thunderbolts can only go a short distance and the farther away he is from his target the smaller the voltage, however; if he were to come in contact with the subject he could essentially cause death due to the high voltage affecting the heart to the point that it either shocks into slowing or leaps rapidly. Either effect causes horrible effects to the subject.

Nathan stands at 6’5” with less fair skin compared to his wife, Rebecca. His body is masculine framed in that it is somewhat ‘boxy’ while his chin is equally broad. His skin, unlike his wife, has a scar running down the left cheek from just below his cheek bone to just above his eye. This scar is fairly new in that it still contains the cross marks of where the stitches sowed the scar closed and was caused by an unfriendly confrontation with Rebecca’s older brother, a poacher. This confrontation also prompted the loss of site in his left eye. The topic itself is rather touchy.

His hair, like his wife, is brown, however, his is darker then hers. It is also cut short, customary to most males, but his hair is styled somewhat in that he parts his hair so that his bangs all swoop to one side, the left, so that they can cover his blind eye for the most part as he hasn’t yet gotten over the blindness and so chooses to hide it. His hair trims below the neck, being slightly longer as it hasn’t been cut for many months as he gets his hair cut along with his wife, and covers almost both of his ears due to the cut of his bangs. In addition, he has a fair amount of facial hair, consisting of a beard. Due to the fact that he doesn’t have side burns the beard only adorns the lower third of his face, cupping around the chin. This beard is uniformly kept and cut so that it almost could connect with a mustache and sort of resembles a full beard and a goatee combined.

His eyes are the same as Rebecca’s but are darker in color and appear to be stressed rather than deep in thought like her eyes. Due to his less formal occupation, his clothes are loose fitting and far more casual. They consist of an under shirt, hoodie, and pair of pants. His clothes are less coordinated as they aren’t a proper uniform but serve the exact purpose that they were designed for, casual. Their colors are also dulled due to over use.

His upper wear consists of the under shirt and hoodie. The under shirt is black and has a swoop neck with short sleeves. The shirt trims just above his hips and is not seen from underneath the hoodie. The hoodie is made of two colors and is rather large for his build. Its base color is a dull orange with rather large black markings. The hood is primarily orange with only a strip of black running the collar to the opening for the head. In addition, the inside of each sleeve as well as one third of both the front and back chest panels is also black. In contrast to the black strip on the hood, an additional black strip divides the middle section of the jacket from the pockets, running horizontally above them. The zipper itself is also black. The trim of the hoodie, around the wrists and the waist, are made of an expandable sweater like material. The only other defining feature of the hoodie is the two rather large, unconnected pockets on the front panel. This hoodie rests over the top of his pants, hiding the belt buckles.

His lower wear is also dull in comparison to his upper wear as it consists primarily of a worn pair of faded blue jeans. These jeans are tight in the upper region and looser around the legs, trimming over the top of his shoes. These shoes are a simple pair of tennis shoes that have a base color of black with highlight trims and the company’s logo in orange, to match his hoodie. These shoes additionally have orange laces are rather worn as well as he is determined to make small purchases such as shoes to last for many more months then the average person tends to keep them.

In addition to this basic apparel, a watch dons his left wrist. His pockets also contain such items as a wallet and a few extra materials that he carries for his wife, including a pocket knife. Running from his belt to just half way down his thigh are a set of suspender like belts that are made of a very loose material and are orange in color, matching the hoodie. Attached to this belt, much like his wife’s belt, are a set of pokeballs filled with the trusty team he used in the old days against the gyms leaders and those trainers beyond.

Personality: Nathan is a kind but strong willed person. He fights for what he believes with no concern of the costs, unless that cost were to be his wife, something which he learned during his many years as a trainer. It was during these years that he learned that simply not fighting for what he believed or desired would get him nowhere in the world. Because of this he has become a single minded person on most topics but if his wife’s decision is in question, he will agree with her regardless unless it were on a highly important decision which he disapproved.

For the most part he is good at controlling his temper as well but when it comes to poaching he cannot. Through his numerous years as a trainer he has learned that a partnership with pokemon in necessary and he believes the proper partnership should be one where the pokemon and trainer are equal, therefore; he highly disapproves of poaching. In fact after his numerous years of traveling as a trainer he became a sort of ‘bounty hunter’ in that he would track down poachers.

Because of this disapproving demeanor he only gets along with certain types of people, those who are kind to others as he also disapproves of pushing other people down. He saw far too much of it during his years as a trainer and so he disapproves any sort of behavior like it, something which he isn’t afraid to go to blows over. Overall, his people skills are quite good though. He is pleased to support anyone who needs support regardless if whatever he is supporting is practically meaningless or lower compared to his own achievements. His normal outer demeanor is quite friendly and is approved of by society but more importantly approved of by his wife.

His only fear is losing Rebecca as she is the most important thing to him. The second most important thing to him is his pokemon. Some would see this as odd as he’s known his pokemon longer but others would think of it as right as Rebecca is his wife. Regardless of the views of others he has placed his importance on these two levels due to his own thoughts about them. This fear however, is also a weakness because it can cause him to think irrationally, especially when it comes to blows, allowing him to be wounded in his confrontation with his brother-in-law.

In terms of work ethic he is a strong and supportive person who could easily get a job doing whatever he liked but he prefers to work along with his wife in her attempt to better help both pokemon and human. This cause he finds to be a cause worth fighting for and was one of the many reasons that he married his wife in the first place. Naturally he also hopes for the same hopes that his wife has through her research and so he is quite enthusiastic about helping her come to a solution.

History: Nathan was born in the small town of Slateport City. For the most part his younger years were much like that of the average child of the time: collecting poke’mon, training, and dreaming of the day when they would become a master or at least a champion no less. But there weren’t many children who actually achieved this goal. Most were tossed out of the system by the gym leaders and out of those who remained, the elite four picked away too. By the end of the whole ordeal either the kid had been horribly crushed and had given up their dream or they had been lucky enough to defeat the trainers who crossed their path, either through strong friendships with their pokemon or they more than likely cheated. Nathan was one of these few lucky enough to earn the right to face the elite four and he beat them too, without cheating. It was a hard struggle, a struggle which began when he was but a little boy.

His parents owned a small shop in the market place, a small herb shop. It had been his mother’s idea, she was the potion type. His father had of course gone along with her but he was more of the battling type. His younger years had been spent following the same dream as so many others but due to his encounter with love, he never made it to the elite four but he knew enough of battling to teach his son.

Nathan worked with his parents in their shop since he could walk. Naturally he wasn’t very helpful as a barely walking toddler but his presence was enough to make the day a little better regardless. His mother of course enjoyed watching him try to help and his father tried to teach him all that he knew. He learned a lot in these younger years and spent most of the time he didn’t spend in the shop with his parent’s poke’mon. It was clear from his interactions with their poke’mon that he cared for them just as equally as he cared for any person and it was around then that his father gave him his first poke’mon, a charmander.

He’d gotten the charmander from an old friend who had traveled with him in his training days and now was a scientist. It had been a gift to congratulate them on the birth of their son and deciding the charmander would be better loved by his son, he gave it to him for his fifth birthday. Naturally, he quickly grew attached to this little poke’mon and like most young trainers began to call his charmander by a nickname, Wan. And with that it was clear that both would be great friends for years to come.

It was a few years later, when he was eight, that he came home from school in tears, his dear charmander bruised. They’d been watching a battle between two of the other students, one far stronger than the other as their poke’mon had been raised by their parents rather than by them. Nathan, trying to be of help since he had seen his father’s battles before and he’d been taught some of the basics, challenged the trainer to a team battle. The cocky student agreed, allowing him to help the trainer he’d been brutally beating only moments before. To be honest, his partner and him might have won the battle although chances of that were slim but there team held strong against their opponent until he withdrew his poke’mon for another, a water type.

The remainder of the battle went quickly and horribly. With a huger leveled, type advantage against him he didn’t stand a chance. Naturally he was crushed. He hadn’t expected the outcome that had occurred and so he had naturally broken into tears upon the loss but it wasn’t the loss which had hurt him but the health of his charmander. So he instinctively returned home. He knew that a poke’center would be able to heal his friend but he didn’t want to risk anyone else seeing their loss and so he went home, knowing that his mother would be able to care for his companion.

It was this initial loss that drove Nathan to never lose again. He’d battle, he’d never stop battling, but he would not lose. Allowing a loss was a fault on himself and a risk to his poke’mon. If he was not strong enough then his poke’mon would suffer and that was not acceptable. And so the spirit of a fighter was born.

His father began to train him later that year at his request. His father had secretly been hoping for the day that he would teach his son to battle and so he gladly accepted his son’s wish, after all, just because he couldn’t accomplish his childhood dream, there was nothing that said his son couldn’t accomplish his. And so they trained. They’d work many hours a day when Nathan didn’t have school and as his son grew he noticed the fire in his hear that would make him great. By the time he was ten his charmander had evolved into a charmeleon but his change of shape didn’t change who he was. He was and always would be Wan, his loyal companion.

It was only a few months later that he challenged that cocky student who had defeated him two years before. They cocky student hadn’t changed and so he gladly accepted the challenge on the condition that once again he would battle with the parent he’d had before. Thankfully the female had gotten an electric type since then, something that might scare the cocky student from trying to use a type advantage against him as he had done in the past. Due to his training, as well as his partners, they secured a victory and all the joy that comes with it, but one win was only sufficient. Like the remainder of his generation, he had the dream to challenge the gym leaders and to win.

So when he was ten, just like most other children, he set out on his journey. Naturally he traveled to the closest gym to his home town. There he faced the gym leader with only his faithful charmeleon. In the end the numerous poke’mon of his opponent’s team proved to be too great for the fire driven trainer with only one. Naturally the blow was crushing but his determination stood strong. He’d promised himself he would battle but he would train so that when he battled, he wouldn’t lose, he wouldn’t cause harm to his poke’mon. And so the next day, healed from their battle and trained further, they challenged the gym leader again, this time beating them.

From then on the pair battled every gym leader and trainer willing. They rarely loss when the odds were even but it was around that third gym leader that he realized that a team with only one poke’mon, despite their strength, wouldn’t stand to his future battles. He returned home for a few months to help his parents as he contemplated the matter. The rest was enjoyable to Nathan but he soon was raring to go again. His twelfth birthday had come and gone and they still hadn’t returned to their journey.

It was at this point that his parents decided to try and help their struggling child so they bought him a rarer poke’mon, an eevee. (He’d later acquire the thunderstone needed to evolve him into a Jolteon during his travels.) Naturally, he was enthusiastic and eagerly set out on his journey again, his hope renewed, with their new companion. The only downfall was that his new companion was not as strong as Wan and so days were needed for training.

Doing what most trainers would call grinding, he helped his new companion grow by battling wild poke’mon and his own. It was during one of these battles with a wild poke’mon that he managed to come across a rare poke’mon, Larvitar. Knowing of the power this small poke’mon would have once he had grown, he captured the poke’mon, giving him the name Taz.

He, along with his team of three, trained beyond the commitment of many trainers and by the time he was fifteen, they were ready to face the elite four. They’d spent the past three years defeating the gym leaders and completing a set of eight badges. During this time their power had grown to an immense degree and now they hardly lost a battle. They were ready for the challenge of the elite four.

Their first attempt went well until the third member at which he realized that with Lun still an eevee they could not stand up to the challenge. Determined, he evolved him into a Jolteon and trained even harder to get him to his peak. By this point their training and battling style had dropped most of the formalities other trainers used. For one thing, during battle he never called his poke’mon by their nicknames but chose to use their species name, their true name. Through the use of different training methods, their battling style was more fluid and provided less opportunity for failure. During battle they worked as if they were one creature, determined to beat the threat that faced them. But immediately after a battle ended, they were separate. Names were returned and the hostile feel of their will subdued. They had become a foe worth fearing.

And so their second attempt was a success. It had been a struggle, as any battle against such top trainers would be, and they took many blows but they achieved their goal. Now, most trainers at this point would become ‘greedy’ or ‘cocky’ or perhaps they simply wanted more adventure and so they’d go to other regions and challenge other trainers and gym leaders but he had achieved enough. It was time for a rest.

So they once again returned home, Wan now a charizard and Taz now a Tyranitar. Naturally his parents were so proud of their son, especially his father. They welcomed him with open arms and smiles. Together they celebrated his sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth birthdays. In all two years and three months.

He still battled during this time but he never did pick back up on his journey. But as time passed he heard numerous reports of poachers and each time one of these reports reached his ears he couldn’t help but be angered. Those poachers were treating poke’mon just how he had vowed he never would treat his. After hearing reports for a month more, he finally could take it no longer. His poke’mon and he were growing weary at home and restless for the journey so naturally this challenge would once again bring back the fire they had had.

For the next four years off and on he traveled around the region (and occasionally to other regions) in search of these fiendish poachers. Naturally, some got away, but if he managed to get word of a poacher in the area he could usually track them down with the help of his poke’mon. This increased not only his poke’mon’s strength but his as well.

But once he turned twenty-two he grew tired of life on the move but overall he’d found someone intriguing, a female. Her name had been Rebecca and she was much like him in that she too cared for poke’mon as she had devoted her life as a scientist to helping them (and people).

They first met each other on the road outside her home town Lilycove City. She’d been trying to get to one of her observation sites rather quickly and she’d been unable to keep up her fast pace while keeping an eye on the road before her. Therefore she quickly ran into the much taller Nathan, causing her to drop her tools that she had a less firm grip on. As any gentleman would, he helped to gather her fallen tools and naturally question where she was going in such a rush.

He ended up going to the site with her at the promise that he wouldn’t take or move anything from where it was. This was their first encounter and soon he accompanied her on each of her trips to this particular site. The two became friends in this manner, neither of them knowing or even suspecting that they would fall in love and get married but that they did.

They actually began dating about a year after they had first met and married three years after that. Their relationship before their marriage was good and truthfully probably was what most couples would want to have. They both cared for each other greatly and knew everything about each other, well mostly everything. His wife, knowing his hate for poachers, never told him about her brother’s profession as he was a poacher. Truthfully she didn’t tell him until they had been married for a little over a year, when her brother began to get cocky with his poaching.

At that time they had already been living with each other, having moved in after getting married, in a slightly larger home then she had had previously but they had chosen to remain in her home town as her lab and all the experiments which came with it resided. He of course was surprised to hear of his wife’s sibling but he was not angry at her for hiding such a thing, after all, it was not her fault that her brother was a poacher. And it was with this easy acceptance that she prompted that the two could perhaps speak with each other as his previous experience with poachers might allow him to convince her brother to give it up. So she convinced her brother to visit her the following year and upon his arrival, introduced him to her husband.

Their discussion was short lived and went on bad terms rather quickly. She hadn’t expected the discussion to get so out of hand or her brother to spark the confrontation. She hadn’t seen her husband’s anger either and so his response, although just, was surprising. So before she even knew what was happing, her husband was in rage, having been wounded, and her brother was brandishing the weapon. In worry, she separated the two and tended to her husband.

The wound which he received across the left side of his face eventually caused his left eye to go blind and a hatred for his brother-in-law to be created. Despite his anger and his pain, the panicked look of his wife tamed that anger. He wouldn’t forgive her brother so easily but he would never take his anger out on her, after all, it was not her fault that the confrontation had taken place, despite her thoughts otherwise.

In the following months she tried everything she possibly could to ease his pain and make up for the injury she had caused, despite the fact she believed she never could. This was her reasoning behind signing them up to go to the mysterious island. For one thing she had known that her husband’s mind was distracted and perhaps the change to work on a new subject would help him heal, despite his wounded pride, and in addition she too wanted to go to the mysterious island simply for research purposes.

Other: N/A

Theme song: (Makes more sense if you've seen the movie and understand my thought process)


Species: Tyranitar
Nickname: Taz
Gender: Female
Nature: Brave
Ability: Unnerve-stops the opponent from using their held berry.
Appearance: That of the average Tyranitar.
History: Mentioned above.

Species: Jolteon
Nickname: Lun (Loon)
Gender: Male
Nature: Bold
Ability: Volt Absorb-unaffected by electric attacks
Appearance: That of the average Jolteon.
History: Included above somewhat.

Species: Charizard
Nickname: Wan (Wone)
Gender: Male
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Blaze-fire attacks heal damage
Appearance: That of the average Charizard.
History: Highlighted in the above history.


Username: Wishful Jirachi
Name: Rebecca Wells
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Occupation: Scientist
Hometown: Lilycove City

God: Azelf
Powers: Rebecca has a similar ability to that of Azelf, in that she can affect the will of another person. This is achieved simply through intense thought but it naturally has its limits. She can only slightly affect people from a distance regardless of how hard she focuses on the action but if she were to be in contact with the subject who she is trying to will there is little hope of escaping her will. The only downside to this tactic is that if she is in contact with the subject then they can feel her presence trying to will her which they can’t feel if she is trying to will them from a distance as the connection is not as strong.

Rebecca stands at 5’6” with fair skin. Her body type is average and her feminine features prominent. Overall, her body is devoid of markings or blemishes, having out grown her teenage years, while her hair is a dusty brown. Her face frames into a nice oval, having a smooth chin rather than a broad chin, which is equally framed in a flattering manner by her hair, which is cut short for most females. This shortness was a business decision as longer hair would hinder her abilities in her practice. In addition to this earth toned hair, her eyes are a brown, amber.

Trimming at the base of the neck, her hair is not the length in which it could be tied up but instead is the length which requires little maintenance as is her preference. Her bangs, like the remainder of her hair, are somewhat un-kept and haven’t been cut for many months so are of varying lengths. They cluster between her eyes, swooping to the right side of her face. Above her eyes the hair is swept to the sides for much the same purpose as her hair is trimmed short. A cluster of bangs, longer in length and cupping below the chin, fan in front of her ears. For the most part her ears are still quite visible and in fact are cupped but hair swooping beneath them in an arced pattern.

Her eyes, which match the earth tone of her hair and are brown, amber, are soft and questioning. They indicate her personality and her work ethic without question or observation. They are darker then they are bright and for the most part contain no flecks of brighter shades. In all they appear to blend with the other features of her face creating an affect which is hardly noticed and hardly remembered. Typically they express the deep thought of her mind towards her work and her marriage.

As for clothing, being a scientist, she dresses uniformly but with a clear free spirit. Her clothing for the most part is tight and contains no loose ends as this, much like her having long hair, would hinder her ability to function properly during her work. This need for structured and durable clothing is reflected through her stylistic choices of a high collared top, jacket, and basic pants, which indicate a clear pattern of three base colors: white, red and black. In addition to these basics are numerous tools and safety equipment which are required for her line of work.

Her upper wear, which consists of the high collared jacket and top, are flattering to her feminine body but tend to express a masculine feel. The top has a base color of black with red as a complimentary color with white as a highlight color. The top is sleeveless, much like a vest, and fans out around her waist in a sort of over coat fashion. The collar reaches to just half way up her neck and is zipped firmly, allowing little skin to show. The bottom of the top is cut in an upside down V shape and reaches only a few inches below her hip. From the bottom of the top to roughly two and a half inches up is a dark red trim that compliments the black without being overly showy. The zippers of the top as well as the edges around the bottom are trimmed with white.

Above the top is a white jacket which has sleeves that trim half way down the lower part of her arm. The shoulders of the jacket are broad, creating a masculine effect, while the collar lies flat against her body unlike the top, which peaks above. The cuffs of the jacket roll back, indicating that the jacket could be worn with longer sleeves if the cuffs were to be unfolded, however; this is not to her liking. The collar is made of two folds, much like the collar of any modern day jacket, and is made of the same dark red fabric as the trim on the top. This fabric continues onto the inside of the jacket and follows the edges of the outside as a sort of trim. On the right side of the chest is a small pocket. In addition another, slightly larger pocket, adorns the right arm, slightly higher than midway up the upper part of the arm. The cuffs themselves are red as well with a white trim while the bottom of the jacket trims a few inches above her waist, indicating that it is sort of a ‘mini’ jacket.

Her lower wear is less ‘decorative’ compared to her top as it primarily consists of a simple pair of black pants. These black pants blend with her top nicely as they are made of the same material and differently than a normal pair of business pants have a row of pockets on each leg. These pockets consist of one smaller pocket near the top which function as the basic pockets and one larger pocket near the legs which are used for tool purposes. These pockets are in sets so one pocket on one leg has an equal sized matching pocket on the opposite leg. The bottom of the pants are tucked into a pair of sturdy, less fashionable, boots, which are also black in color and highly worn.

In addition to this basic apparel she also wears a pair of gloves which are fingerless and cup just below the wrist. They are black in color with a white strip running around each end. They are looser compared to her other apparel and are worn primarily for safety purposes as they will protect her hands from being injured. They are made of a less heat inducing and less stiff material than leather but contain the same durable properties of leather. Other tools such as a compass and watch are either wrapped on a chain around her waist or are held in one of the larger pockets of her pants.

Personality: Rebecca is generally a kind person to human and pokemon alike. She is typically one of those pure souls in the world who only wants to help, however; she is not as naďve as those pure souls tend to be. She understands the cruelty of the world, something she is quite familiar with when it comes to her brother. She is quite compassionate and defends what she loves with all her strength, one of these loves being her husband.

She is deeply protective of her work as a scientist as well. Primarily becoming a scientist to help pokemon and human, she is protective of theft of her life’s work but she isn’t afraid to ask for help. Collaboration is actually something which she greatly enjoys as it allows for a stronger team and better opportunities then she would have on her own. Through this and her understand of her husband’s hardships, she has become a strong and determined person.

Due to this desire to collaborate, she works well with others. She equally plays her part but is not afraid to take charge if necessary, in fact, she wouldn’t mind being in charge most of the time, something which her husband has learned. Her people skills themselves are quite good as she easily gets along with most people, even her brother whom she disapproves of. She is also not afraid to voice this disappointment, something which prompted her to have her husband try to negotiate with her brother. The encounter which took place shortly after she is greatly sorry for and often is distracted by.

Because of her strong love for her husband she is crushed by the accident she caused him and because of the life he’s lived she can’t help but feel horrible for the events that occurred at her own say, after all, it was only from her prompting that her brother and her husband got into the confrontation that they did. This is her weakness, her inability to deal with harm to the things which she loves, primarily her husband and his constant telling that it was not her fault does not ease her pain. Having been married to him for a great deal of time she can tell that despite his words and his forgiveness of her, he is still wounded by the confrontation in more ways than one.

This is also her greatest fear, the loss of the thing which she loves most, the loss of her husband. Therefore she is quite protective of him and quite loving towards him. She will offer whatever means of support she can manage and so she sometimes prods where she shouldn’t, despite her good intentions. Despite her husband’s reaction she does not blame him. She easily forgives him and drops the subject but sometimes she can’t help but feel hurt by his words. At which point she begins to dislike herself for being weak when he is the one who is hurting the most of the two.

Her relationship with her brother is for the most part on good terms however she personally does not approve of his poaching profession. Knowing her husband’s dislike of poaching as well, despite his being far stronger then hers, she didn’t bother to tell him for a great deal of time but it couldn’t be helped at some point, leading to the confrontation between the two. Numerous times she has tried to convince her brother that what he does is wrong but each time she has been unable to get through to him. She however will never give up on him. The boy which she knew when they were younger she still believes is there, she just has to search to find him.

History: Rebecca was born in Lilycove City, a small coastal town. Both of her parents were scientists who had gotten their big break there and had decided to settle down when they had their daughter, already having a one year old son. They knew she had a brilliant mind and had high hopes for their daughter, a daughter who had the best of interests at heart.

She grew up like most children in the world, save for her parents, and went to a normal school. Her first poke’mon was her beloved pichu, a poke’mon who had been sent to her parents as a helper. Naturally, this pichu was kind and assertive, qualities desired for a lab assistant and so she easily fit in. She proved helpful in more ways than one when her relationship grew their daughter.

Being of a young age, she wasn’t allowed to freely walk about the lab unsupervised and so she easily became attached to the more obedient and watchful pichu, who she later nicknamed Kee. Choosing a nickname for her partner, despite her young age, was easy as this pichu potentially was her key to whatever she wanted because as long as Kee was with her, she could do whatever or go wherever she wanted.

It was in this way that she grew to appreciate poke’mon, an emotion which led to her protective nature of poke’mon. Her brother however, didn’t feel the same way. Truthfully at such a young age his appreciation for poke’mon was seen on the same level as her’s but he ultimately appreciated poke’mon for their power not their companionship. It even baffles her how her brother and her could have grown up in the same environment but have such opposite views.

Yet she was happy. During her younger years she never suspected her brother. She in fact would denounce any claim that he viewed poke’mon cruelly as a child. She knew who her brother was after all, and a poacher was not him.

As she and her brother aged and their interests moved to battling, her brother acquired a poke’mon as well, as Kee had been deemed hers. His poke’mon, a small growlithe, was a lab poke’mon too, but a lab poke’mon in that he’d lived in a lab but wasn’t meant as a lab assistant. His poke’mon was actually a rescued wild poke’mon but regardless of where the poke’mon came from, both were slightly confused when it came to battling.

She tried to keep up with her older brother in the coming years but she simply couldn’t manage. Her poke’mon, now that she too had been given a Luario as another assistant since Kee, now a Pikachu, became more of a companion poke’mon, were not meant for battling. Her poke’mon were meant for assistance, for lab work, just like her. She never mastered battling, despite her brother’s pushes to do so and so when he went off on his journey, she remained behind.

She occasionally heard word from him every now and then when he would win a badge or acquire a poke’mon but each message was far and few between. She suspected his struggle but she would not ask him, knowing the endless determination he possessed and so she continued her work in the lab. Her parents had begun to give her more freedom and she had started an experiment on her own. Truthfully it was only a little experiment that was mostly made of observations of wild poke’mon but she felt like she was actually accomplishing something so she stuck to her studies.

By the time that she had turned thirteen she had begun to help her parents with their experiments. Through this she proved that she was indeed the child of a brilliant mind as her parents had suspected when she was but a child. The experiment she had started long ago with wild poke’mon she had completed and filed away, never bothering to deem it worthy of publishing, after all, it was only the thoughts of a child.

And so Rebecca continued to help her parents in their experiments. Their tests were far more advanced and so far more challenging and interesting, despite her inability to understand every detail her father spouted from his mouth. This only pushed her to try harder in her own work though. If she could manage to read enough books, to understand enough tests, then perhaps she might reach the height of her parents, after all, that was what most children would want. So in a way, not going on the same journey as her brother had still allowed her to have her own journey, a journey of the mind.

In the following years to come her parents acquired another poke’mon, a pidgeotto, for transportation. They’d begun a rather large experiment with a few scientists in the neighboring region and they needed some form of mailing system to keep in contact when other forms of communication were too risky. Rebecca didn’t fully understand the measure of the situation but her parents were trying to work on an experiment that could offer wonderful things to the world if they managed to succeed and so they didn’t want other scientists catching word of their work. But the long distance tests only lasted so long and when Rebecca reached the age of eighteen her parents decided they were going to move to the neighboring region so that they could work on their experiments more easily. Naturally this was saddening for their daughter but they gave her one final gift that any girl like her would have greatly loved, they gave her their lab, after all, they didn’t need it anymore.

And so she took over the lab in which she had grown up. At first it was a daunting task, keeping everything up to the standards that her parents had had but she soon found the task enjoyable. With the help of her poke’mon and the pidgeot they had given her when they left she easily adjusted to her new life and began to experiment further. But for the next year and a half she didn’t hear of anything interesting and so each of her experiments had been more so pass times than anything influential.

She found the subject of her experiment within the next few years with the report of an eco-damaging event. Naturally she couldn’t acquire all of the details but from what she had learned she had become somewhat worried about the ecosystem of her town. And so she began to run tests everyday at the shore on poke’mon and the environment. She did this for a few years, gathering information and comparing it to records she managed to find of how the environment and poke’mon used to be like when she was a child. Combining this with whatever knowledge she could gather from her parents she began to create a rather clear record of the area.

It was during this first trip, when she was twenty-one, that she ran into the man she would later marry, Nathan. At the time she obviously didn’t understand or even predict the relationship she would have with this stranger who she had rudely run over in her attempt to get to the shore line but it was due to his helpful and kind nature that she allowed him to come along with her. To be honest bringing him for her first experiment when she didn’t have that much data wasn’t harmful. Plus, he didn’t strike her as the kind of person who would first off understand everything she said, although she didn’t want to think highly of herself over anyone else, or would be interested enough to even attempt to take her work.

So she allowed this male to accompany her on her tests and within a few months he’d sort of become her assistant, her companion. He had morphed from this stranger passing through to a friend who she could trust. She didn’t want to say but she knew she cared for this man who seemed to view poke’mon in the same light in which she did and to her delight her heart was answered within a year of them meeting, at which point they began to date. As any would hope, their relationship was good, especially for how hectic it sometimes seemed to get with her running about for her tests but he never did leave her side and so after three years of dating, she said yes to his proposal.

Her life was as happy as it could be but the brother she only faintly recalled from time to time would come to haunt her when he became reckless with his poaching. He hadn’t spoken of her brother with Nathan in fear of what he would say due to his dislike of poachers, that of which her brother was, but after almost a year of being married, she told him, after all, with how reckless her brother was being he was bound to find out sooner or later. She was surprised at how well her husband took the information but it was that simple reaction which reassured her that she had married the right man.

But a thought struck her mind. Her husband had taken the information so easily, what if he could convince her brother that poaching was bad? It was at least worthy of a shot and so she consulted the pair, not informing her brother of her husband. The following year her brother came home to see her at which point he met her husband for the first time. Their conversation quickly turned down hill and she stepped in. There wasn’t much she could say or much she could do but she was horrified at what her brother had done and the lasting effects it would have on her husband.

From that day forward she tried as hard as she could to make her husband forget the fault he lives with now. She tried every day to make up for the mistake she caused, despite his words that she hadn’t. She was crushed and heartbroken but above all angered with her brother for having done such a thing and if she got the chance she’d tell him but she’d protect her husband first, above all else. And so when she heard word of volunteers needed for a journey to a mysterious island, the island she had only heard about in rumors, she signed them up. It would be intriguing, a new experiment, and just maybe it would distract her husband from his thoughts.

Other: N/A

Theme song:


Species: Raichu
Nickname: Key/Kee
Gender: Female
Nature: Calm
Ability: Static-may inflict paralysis upon contact
Appearance: That of the average Raichu.
History: Basically is in history above/received thunderstone as a gift from her husband.

Species: Lucario
Nickname: Bant (Bont)
Gender: Male
Nature: Careful
Ability: Inner Focus-Prevents flinching
Appearance: That of the average Lucario.
History: Included above.

Species: Pidgeot
Nickname: Richi (Re-che)
Gender: Female
Nature: Bashful (Somewhat)
Ability: Keen Eye-prevents accuracy from being lowered
Appearance: That of the average Pidgeot.
History: Stated above somewhere.


Username: Wishful Jirachi
Name: Zaine Marks
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Occupation: Pre-Trainer/Poacher
Hometown: Lilycove City

God: Latios
Powers: Zaine, similarly to Latios, can create the same orbs which are known as Latios’ defining move, Luster Purge. These orbs are small in comparison and are created in his palms through mental and physical stimulation. In truth his ability works on the same level as Raikou’s and Azelf’s chosen in that the process is similar but a combination of the two. Through a snapping motion like Nathan he can manipulate the same energy which Zaine amplifies through the use of his thoughts to create the smaller version of Latios’ Luster Purge. The limitation to his power is that each individual orb, despite being able to create two at a time, one for each hand, are rather weak in that the storage of energy takes a great deal of time. However, if he were to focus his energy into one orb for a longer period of time, the effects of the blow would be increased.

Zaine stands at 6’3” with skin similar to his sister’s in that they are related. His body however, cannot be said to be devoid of markings as it not only has a scar on the left upper arm but also a tattoo covering most of the upper right arm. His face is less broad compared to most men but highlights his masculine body frame, which typically can easily be viewed by his lack of clothing on the upper portion of his body. His hair is the same shade of brown as his sister’s, a dusty brown, and is unfortunately even less kept then hers.

His hair collects on the top of his head, fanning out slightly in a cowlick like fashion, while his bangs are longer in comparison to his sister’s. They too collect between his eyes or are swept to the sides as he doesn’t care for the look of bangs in a man’s eyes. The bangs in front of his ears cup just below the chin and hide his ears except for the very tip. The base of his hair trims half way up the neck and overall his hair is quite thin, giving it a light feeling. Unlike his sister however, his eyes are blue, causing them to stand out more in comparison to the blending affect his sister’s cause.

In terms of clothing, his upper body is loosely covered, revealing his chest and arms. This clothing consists primarily of a vest like top and a pair of form fitting pants, both of which are dark blue, much like his eyes. This clothing is uniform and tight, while being airy, to aid him in his line of work, a line of work which his sister, not to mention his brother-in-law, doesn’t approve of. In addition he also wears quite a few accessories meant to help him in his work like his sister.

His upper wear, which consists of the dark blue vest like top, is left open, revealing his chest. The vest naturally has no sleeves and so exposes his muscular demeanor which his brother-in-law prefers to have covered. Zaine wears a sleeveless outfit primarily because it is less constricting and naturally he likes the fact that he is rather strong, something demanded of his line of work. The top itself has a rather high, flared collar that trims half way up his neck. The zipper of the top is silver and typically is only zipped to half way up his body, allowing the remainder of the jacket to remain open.

His lower wear, which consists of the darker blue pair of blue jeans, is rather plain compared to the upper wear. It is form fitting, just like his upper wear, highlighting his fit body frame and allowing easy maneuverability. These jeans have the basic pockets on the top and no others. They cup over the bottom of his shoes much like his brother-in-law’s. The shoes themselves are a pair of basic black work boots with black, rubber soles. They are for the most part a new purchase and so do not appear to be worn but appear to be actually in pretty good condition.

In addition to this apparel, he wears two dark blue belts, one over each shoulder, which crosses in front of his chest. Attached to the bottom front of each belt are a set of three pokeballs, each with his crueler pokemon. In addition he wears a pair of form fitting dark blue gloves that reach to half way up his lower arm. They are too fingerless like his sister’s but are only fingerless from the first knuckle on unlike hers. Wrapped around his left arm, half way up the upper portion, is a sweatband like band that is white with a dark blue strip running through the center. In addition a smaller necklace, held with a black cord, lies around his neck.

The tattoo on his right arm is that of an ornate, spiked design. It has no real purpose despite to highlight his masculine nature. The design itself is the logo for his work, his signature mark as it were, and was the defining mark he wanted to leave behind his work. The scar on the other arm is older and was acquired during a scuffle in his line of work, that of a poacher, a line of work unapproved of by his family.

Personality: Zaine deep down is the same child which his sister knows but it is buried deep by the lifestyle he now lives, the lifestyle of a poacher. Growing off of the determination he had as a child he has grown into a being who sees poke’mon as not a companion but as something of value. His outlook to all poke’mon, save for his own, follows this straight forward perception that they are simply useless or they are worth poaching. He may just poach said poke’mon if he finds one of worth.

He is quick to judge when it comes to poke’mon, finding that the same thing was done to him when he was attempting to accomplish his dream. In particular, his attitude towards his brother-in-law is that of hate. Due to their confrontation and for numerous other reason that lead up to the confrontation he does not view him as for one thing being worthy of the badges he possess or of his sister’s hand in marriage. The second may simply be his older brother demeanor coming through his hard exterior but not even he fully knows.

Despite his distant relationship with his sister, he will give in to whatever she says as long as that does not include his poke’mon or his poaching. Those two things are probably what most would call as dear to him, despite their cruel nature. His treatment of his poke’mon, although a dear love can be seen between him and them, would be frowned upon by most trainers for his lack of support. His sister knows that the only reason he treats his poke’mon in such a cruel manner however is because he wants to become stronger.

His social skills depend on who he is around. If they are people who will accept him then he seems to act more normal but if there is any hint of sympathy or doubt he cannot remain in their presence without being irritated and perhaps announcing his irritation. He does not wish to be looked down upon. In truth he is still chasing that dream he had as a child. All he truly wants is to become stronger, to become the team he always thought he would have.

The reason why he is so defensive of his beliefs is probably because of this shattered dream. To him it was not simply a lost cause but became his life. After all, without his dream, all he has left in the world is his sister and he believes he has screwed up his relationship with her due to his actions against her husband. In a way he looks to his poaching as a way to find something better despite how that probably seems like the opposite direction to most trainers.

History: Zaine was the first born child of two scientists. His parents had been on the move, performing tests for many years since they had married and up to the birth of his younger sister had traveled with him as well. Upon his sister’s birth however, they decided to settle down and establish a permanent lab. Deciding to set up their lab in Lilycove City, a small coastal town, he, along with his sister, were free to grow up in the somewhat hectic environment that was their lab.

From a young child he enjoyed spending time in the lab along with his sister and often trying to interact with the lab assistants but he found that more often than not they were busy and could not be bothered by him, regardless if they wanted to or not. The only exception was Kee, the small pichu who befriended his sister. The three of them often explored the labs and the town as they were free to do what they pleased as long as they remained together. It was probably the notion that the little poke’mon was obedient enough or he was smart enough to know what they shouldn’t do that they were allowed to do such a thing but he wouldn’t complain. He liked their freedom.

And so as he aged he grew up surrounded by smart minds and the kindness of poke’mon, a combination which was thought to never be able to produce the kind of person he grew up to be. Regardless of what he grew up to be however, his younger years were much like that of the average child. He too went to a school where the children loved poke’mon and those with dreams began to battle. Wanting to battle as well, he received a rescued growlithe and began to train him nonstop. He would prove that together they could beat any kid at their school, they would accomplish their dream like so many others had wished.

So naturally he tried to train with his sibling but her poke’mon were not meant for battling and despite how much she tried Kee just didn’t catch on, not to mention Rebecca didn’t seem to understand very well. This of course annoyed him slightly and sometimes he got mad at her for being so ‘incompetent’ but he never remained mad at her long and quickly made up. Overall he was just determined, a determination that would get him into trouble as he began his journey.

By the time that he was ten and of the age to start his journey he had already battled most of the kids at his school and he’d defeated most of them due to clever play, a type advantage, pure strength, or even sometimes pure luck. Whatever the case was, he hadn’t lost to his peers and so he believed that his team was unbeatable and so eagerly set out to collect the gym badges. Little did he know that one poke’mon, regardless of how strong, simply could not stand against every trainer in the region.

He learned this after he challenged the second gym where he was easily crushed but he didn’t get sad over the loss or even somewhat concerned for his partner, although the concern was there. Instead he got angered, after all, with how easily he had defeated his peers how could he have been defeated by this gym leader? Angered he trained harder, challenging every poor passerby who managed to enter the town. Soon enough trainers were disheartened from leaving town at certain times of the day because they would surely be caught and prompted to battle. The residents of the town understood the boy’s wish to defeat their gym leader but there was a point when his constant battling became annoying and it was at this point that a wealthy, slightly snobbish male came to the town.

This male obviously had been spotted and challenged to a battle by Nathan. Naturally he accepted, thinking that no mere commoner could defeat his prize bred poke’mon and he was right to. Nathan lost and once again he was set at a cross road but what drove him over the edge was the manner in which his opponent treated his win, noticing his lack of sympathy towards his poke’mon and his eager attitude to throw his win in the loser’s face. Taking this to heart, he decided he would make the male pay and so he decided he would steal one of the male’s poke’mon. The only downfall to the poke’mon that he did steal was that it was only a weak little ghastly that the owner hadn’t even bothered to train.

Dismayed by the lack of fortune in his theft he was tempted to abandon the ghastly there and then but he thought it over and decided to keep the ghastly, knowing that once it evolved its curses would be deadly. With this at heart he trained and beat the gym leader and so he was able to continue on his journey. The numerous gyms that stood in his way between him and the elite four were also tough, especially due to his lack of control if he lost. He became notorious for challenging a gym leader right after a loss without care to heal. He’d become a rash and irresponsible battler.

Eventually he gave up the gym leaders, having lost so many battles. He did inform his family with a simple and short message but he didn’t return home. The days of a child and battling were done, he’d moved on to a better profession. Hearing word of a group of poachers nearby, he joined their group. He learned a lot during his time with the group but he learned even more that he had to get stronger and be better than anyone else as they had picked on him not only for his age but also for his poke’mon, which were seen as weak and pathetic in their eyes. Real catches were the strong wild poke’mon, neither which he had.

Determined, he followed their ways, learned their craft, and eventually set to poach for himself. He had difficulties at first but he worked his way up and once he had caught his first catch, a purely wild scizor, he felt himself ready to tackle larger challenges, even that of stealing from trainers as he had done so many years ago. With his heart blackened and his poke’mon’s spirits turned, he set out with his team to capture great poke’mon, even those of the legends. And as the years passed, he began to make a small name for himself but that wasn’t enough. He was determined to gain that team so many had crushed him with before.

Securing a feraligator from a trainer, he was building such a team. Now his poke’mon were fully evolved and decently leveled and he was only twenty-five. It had taken him a great deal of time to get to where he was and he was proud of his work. So he decided to make his name known, he’d poach, that’s what he was good at, but he’d have a brand mark now. And so he got a tattoo with the insignia of his team.

But he soon grew cocky. Cops got word of his poaching and some trainers began to defy his ‘right’ to poach. Naturally he fought anyone who dared to stand in front of his path, believing that his fearless poke’mon could out due any of them. His cruel heart had been filled with the power of his poaches, a heart which no mercy resided save for one, his sister. Despite the relationship he had had with his sister and the actions he had taken since he had left home he still loved his sister, despite her disapproving look at his profession. She was still the same little sister he knew and so he would give into her requests but he would not give up something as profitable as poaching just because she told him to, that he stood firmly beside.

And so when his sister called him to request his presence at home he figured he was going to get lectured again about how his poaching wasn’t safe or right, especially with how cocky he was getting. He knew that she had good intentions at heart but he didn’t see poke’mon like she did anymore. They weren’t simply companions but things of value that could easily be exploited. So he went home but there he found she had married. Surprised by his sister’s lack of information he was curious to who this fellow was that believed he could marry his sister so easily.

The conversation and confrontation that ensued thereafter was both surprising and shocking. Angered that this man thought it right to question his poaching in such a manner, as it greatly angered him, and to marry his sister with this kind of temper was out of the question. It didn’t help that something ticked one of the two off and the confrontation turned violent. Nathan was technically the first to throw a punch but after it had been returned he resorted to more cruel methods, a knife as it were. In his trade using such things during a confrontation was not unheard of and was actually allowed but naturally his sister didn’t take to kindly to his use of it.

Angered at the situation and somewhat baffled that his sister hadn’t supported him he left without another word. He didn’t speak to either of them, what reason he would have to speak to his brother-in-law he didn’t know, and upon hearing word of a mysterious island in need of volunteers he signed up. Who knew what sorts of poke’mon lived on the island? What sorts of poke’mon sat prime for the picking.

Other: N/A

Theme song:


Species: Arcanine
Nickname: Azu (Ah-zoo)
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave (somewhat Rash)
Ability: Intimidate- Lowers opponents attack stat
Appearance: That of the average Arcanine.
History: Stole evolution item. (Remainder above)

Species: Haunter
Nickname: Sequio (Say-key-oh)
Gender: Male
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Levitate-immune to ground type moves
Appearance: That of the average Haunter.
History: Mostly in the above.

Species: Scizor
Nickname: Nexi (Nex-e)
Gender: Male
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Swarm-raises attacks if attacked by a bug type
Appearance: That of the average Scizor.
History: Stole evolution item. (Remainder above)

Species: Feraligator
Nickname: Ton (Tan)
Gender: Male
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Sheer Force-raises attack stats with two effects, ignoring the second
Appearance: That of the average Feraligator.
History: Stole evolution item. (Remainder above)

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 2 2012, 09:39 PM

Jesus Wishie how are you able to write such long and good profiles
Why are all of you people amazing just adegfv

All three accepted, anyway!
This makes (counting my unposted one) 11 out of 18 profiles in, and 2/3 slots filled.
I simply can not wait for everyone else to finish up their profiles!

I'm totally not fangirling about you people @A@

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire Apr 2 2012, 09:42 PM

Aw, I feel loved. Thank you SD!

Of course you aren't. Just like I'm not fangirling over GerIta right now. Just like Greece isn't the CUTESTnation alive!

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 2 2012, 09:44 PM

lol, you fangirl SD. =P

Thank you as well and I too cannot wait!

Posted by: True Blue Apr 3 2012, 01:47 PM

Victini almost done (1 poke left!!!) But dad is on the computer i was doing it on....sad.gif srry. Dialga is also coming up!

Posted by: True Blue Apr 3 2012, 05:28 PM

Yay, profiles!

Username: True Blue
Name: Amber Dawson
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Occupation: Pokemon Trainer
Hometown: Little Root Town

God: Victini
Powers: Because Amber believes faithfully in Victini, (I'll explain later) her powers are strong. She has psychic powers as psychic type pokemon do. She is able to slightly lift things and wave her arms to move them. She can also conjure up small balls of fire in her hands to use as a mini shield or attack.

Appearance: Amber got her name because of her well, amber colored hair. She has sharp green eyes that never miss a beat. She is about 5'3 and weighs about 130lbs. Her hair flows down her shoulders to her waist, and her skin is a rich tan.

She likes all the hot colors, so she wears any outfit consisting of those colors. Her favorite outfit, however, is a red-orange coat similar to Cynthia's with macaroni and cheese colored leggings. She also has a magenta colored poketech she got while traveling in Sinnoh. She is never seen without it.

Personality: A firm believer in Victini, Amber always calls on him(not literally) to help her in tough situations. Always murmuring "Victory is on our side" before a battle, she is quite the believer. She is a compassionate person, never being able to resist helping someone in need. Her appearance is like a warning sign about her fiery spirit. Her brash side often leads to disputes with someone who doesn't agree with her.

She loves the thrill of pokemon battling, and her pokemon are her pride and joy. She will do ANYTHING for someone/thing that she truly loves.

History: When Amber was young, she loved and still loves old legends and myths. As a little girl, she always listened to her grandmother's tales, along with the other children in her small village.Her favorite story was one of a mythical pokemon Victini, leading her to use him for courage in tough times. She lived with her mother, brother and father in a small hut by the seashore, where they lived into peace for years, until her brother Anthony passed away from a bad case of the flu. This sent her family into a peiriod of despair in which she could not escape for a long time. Sadly, she never fully healed from the loss. Touch on the subject, and she will reveal her quiet side. Always active, she would run in the woods every day playing, shaping her into the athletic person she is today. When she was 10, she left for her pokemon journey like any other person, except that her parents gave her a Ralts as a starter instead of the usual lab starter.

At first, Amber couldn't decide on what she would do in life, but then decided on the gym challenge. She traveled around Hoenn for a while, challenging the gyms and Elite Four, Sadly, she never beat the champion there. This was partly because she only had 2 pokemon, a Kirlia and Budew.(See their history)This only made her determined to try harder. She decided to go to Johto next.

At Johto, she started to challenge the gyms as before, with 3 new pokemon: Umbreon, Eevee, and Togetic. Her Budew also evolved into Roselia after a battle with Youngster Joey. However, she soon found out about the Pokeathalon, and couldn't resist. She stayed there participating for about 2 weeks. While there, she met a man named Magnus and his Poliwrath. He claimed to be the owner of the Pokeathelon, so she challenged him to a Pokeathlon match, in which she lost. She continued on with her journey, knowing she must get stronger. She made it to Lance, challenging him multiple times(about 8), until she was finally victorious. She then heard of contests, and traveled to Sinnoh to do them.

Amber soon realized she wasn't the contest type. She was a bit wild, not designed for "fancy dress up parties"(her words) and soon abandoned the thought. She had now made up her mind to do the gym challenge in every region in the pokemon world, and Sinnoh was no exception. She managed to beat all the gyms, elite four, and Cynthia (on her 3rd try) in Sinnoh with a team of Gardevoir, Togetic, Roserade, (Magnus gave Amber a shiny stone) Umbreon, Dragonair,and Leafeon. She decided Unova would be good to travel to next. Shexwas right.

A day after her journey in Unova began, Amber met a man named N. Challenging Amber to a battle and losing, he talked about how he felt on pokemon cooped up in balls. He also mentioned the EVENT in Castelia City. Amber was affected by N's speech, and decide 2 things. 1. She would go to the mysterious island. 2. She would release every single one of her pokemon to keep them from harm at this island. But her pokemon refused to leave and vowed to stay by her side, touching both N and Amber.

N promised to at least come and see her off. He might be joining her, might not on this faithful trip. Amber is ready to figure this mystery out. Will she survive?

Theme Song:Don't Stop Believing By Journey


Species: Gardevoir
Gender: Female
Nature: Calm. Gardevoir is extremely loyal to Amber and would do anything for her.
Ability: Trace: Copies the foe's ability.
History: Ralts was given to Amber as a parting gift upon starting her journey in Hoenn.

Species: Umbreon
Gender: Male
Nature: Rash. Umbreon sometimes does not listen to Amber. He can be very stubborn at times.
Ability: Syncronize: Passes a burn, poison, or paralysis to the foe.
History: During her travels through Johto,a man named Bill gave Amber 2 Eevees, brother and sister. One evolved into Umbreon, the other Leafeon.

Species: Leafeon
Gender: Female
Nature: Gentle. Leafeon is like a big sister to all the pokemon. Kind and caring, she is like a mother to them all.
Ability: Chlorophyll: The user can move faster when sunlight is bright.
History: During her travels through Johto,a man named Bill gave Amber 2 Eevees, brother and sister. One evolved into Umbreon, the other Leafeon.

Species: Dragonite
Gender: Male
Nature: Jolly. Dragonite is the optimist of the group. He is always kind and cheerful and looks at the bright side of things.
Ability: Inner Focus: The pokemon is protected from flinching.
History: While traveling through Sinnoh, Amber felt something around her neck. Realizing it was a Dratini, she caught it quickly.

Species: Togekiss
Gender: Female
Nature: Lax. Carefree, Togekiss likes to merely soar through the air for no reason at all. Often, her life is quite random, except for battle, of course.
Ability: Super Luck: The user can critical hit twice as often.
History: After arriving in Johto for a while, Amber continued to hear a rustling in the bushes behind her, but thought nothing of it, until one day, when she felt something wiggle into her pocket and heard a click. A Togepi had been following her for a long time.

Species: Roserade
Gender: Female
Nature: Sassy. Roserade loves to twirl around constantly and dance. Amber uses this to her advantage in battle as a strategy.
Ability: Poison Point: Sometimes poisons the target if it comes in contact with the user.
History: Amber found an injured Budew in the woods in Hoenn(yes I know they're from Sinnoh, but a girl can dream.) and nursed it back to health. It decided to stay with her.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 3 2012, 05:42 PM

Although its a nice littler profile, Ill have to not accept you for the moment.

First off, length.
Im fine with the two short paragraphs for appearence, but I would like it if you'd expand on the history.
and I don't mean cut the bulk paragraph in half. What about telling us about her travels? Did she meet anyone, or did she have a really hard time, or something of that nature?
Im a bit iffy with the Victini think but that's just me and grandparents always tell wacky stories to the kids
But like I've stated before, reprise her reason for joining the group. No one knows what is happening there other than the fact a lot of people ha e gone missing, along with their ships, aircrafts, and all that precious cargo.

Excuses the misspellings, my phone's autocorrect can be a bitch when it wants to be.

Posted by: True Blue Apr 3 2012, 06:00 PM

Sure, i'll edit.
I like to get to the story part, and not the profiles sweat.gif I should work on that a bit. :p

Anyway, I'll get right on it wink.gif

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 3 2012, 06:49 PM

It's okay, take your time
We aren't starting until everyone has finished all their profiles anyway.

Speaking of profiles, I've finished the last of mine!
If you guys remember stuff like I do, Gorgon might recognize one and I'm sure Wishie might know the other one.
May, too, but idk.

{ Darkrai } (click to show)

{Zekrom} (click to show)

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 3 2012, 07:04 PM

Ah, Ciar returns. I can't say I remember much about the original Ciar, lol, but I do remember him.

And as a heads up, knowing we'll probably have started or be starting the roleplay around then, I'm going to be in the mountains from the 9th to the 12th. I'll be able to get internet access only once during this time and for a short amount of time. Naturally I'll catch up when I return.

Posted by: True Blue Apr 3 2012, 08:48 PM

Edited happy.gif
I hope this turns out any better than before.......

And also, if its alright, could one of my roleplay characters be N? Its totally fine if I can't, just wondering.....

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 3 2012, 09:10 PM

Still a bit iffy with the end of the history, but hey, we will acceptance it for now.

And no.
The best you can get away with is having mentions or talking to them over the phone until we reach the point where communication it cut off.
So no, create your own character.

tonight we mark 13 out of 18 woooooooo

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire Apr 3 2012, 09:39 PM

I wasn't going to have another character, but my friend said, quote, 'DO ET!'. So here I am!
Username: 123may
Name: Gilbert (Gil) Beilschmidt
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Occupation: Professional Trainer
Hometown: He grew up deep in the woods near Castelia.
God: Lugia
Powers: Water powers(general minor things including freezing and unfreezing small amounts of ice/water, and manipulating it in different ways to suit the situation), awesome powers(Not quite sure what this is, but it'll have to do, for now), and annoying abilities(Can easily annoy a person without trying, but he sometimes tries to cut this power off. It usually fails to stop by his command).
In short: He has red eyes and silver hair. He wears a white outfit with a white cloak and black soldiers boots that his pants tuck into. He is 5 feet, 9 inches tall and weighs about 115. He has a black on the front of his shirt and at the bottom left side of his cloak(Both fairly big). He has a thin build and extremely white skin as if he's never seen sunlight, no matter how long he tans.
Personality: Gilbert likes to battle and is considered a 'hooligan'. He will do anything to become strong, and has an arrogant attitude, believing that he is the best and still more "awesome" than others. His brother once said that Gilbert "knows little about common sense." Deep down, it is said that his true nature is that of a punctual and diligent soldier, though his bad manners mask it. In addition it is said that he's much stronger than he looks. He is very loyal.
He only seems to be fond of cute things, sleeping, fighting, and eating. He seems to have a tendency to sneeze and find himself bored with or distracted from tasks, especially reading, although he claimed to be "a wiz at cleaning" and also seemed to be good at gardening, so it's possible his skills show when he is less distracted. He doesn't socialize well and often makes fun of people when he feels to be in an awkward situation. He is considered a good judge of character and ignores those he doesn't see as 'awesome'.
History: He was raised in the woods and therefore doesn't have many manners. Though his brother is more strict than he is, he respects and loves his brother, though he doesn't mention it. He doesn't always acknowledge the Torchic that is aways around him, but they have been friends for as long as they could both remember. He was always surrounded by nature and became extremely laid back.
He would definately be spotted easily in a crowd, if not for his hair and eyes then for his loudness and constant exclaims of 'being awesome'. He's traveled through three and a half regions, the half being Unova. He doesn't care much for catching pokemon as much as he is catching those special few and training them to their fullest potential. He's the only one of he and his brother who fully remembers their parents, both growing up without parents. He can be somewhat random at times and doesn't have much of 'a censered mouth'. Some think him a perv, but he's usually innocent.
Theme song:
(Of course, their team. Around two to six, please.)

Species: Torchic
Nickname: Gilbird
Gender: Male
Nature: Awesome (Bold)
Ability: Blaze: increases the power of Fire-type moves by 50% (1.5×) when the ability-bearer's HP falls below a third of its maximum
Appearance: He looks like awesome.
History: Too awesome to tell.(Let's see how long it takes until this gets old, shall we?)

Species: Braviary
Nickname: -
Gender: Male
Nature: Calm, yet Rash
Ability: Keen Eye: prevents the Pokemon from losing accuracy, for example from moves like Sand Attack.
Appearance: Awesomely normal.
History: Nah.

Species: Carracosta
Nickname: Fritz
Gender: Male
Nature: Loyal
Ability: Sturdy: It cannot be knocked out with one hit.
Appearance: Normally big.
History: Nah.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 3 2012, 09:48 PM

Althought I hate to,
But I'm not accepting your profile until you do a few thigns

First off, appearence.
Using a picture is fine, but ya gotta write it out.
And expand on the powers
I honestly have no clue what to expect from this guy when it comes to his powers aaaa
and although the history seems iffy, it's all good

Now go fix that appearence and powers so I can accept you >:C

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire Apr 3 2012, 09:49 PM

*salutes* Yes Ma'am!

*Reports* I have fixed it!

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 3 2012, 10:03 PM

Good minion!

Unless I can force you into makeing more words,
I'll accept it for now.

A loud rash person that think's their awesome?
Too bad I gave up that Raikou slot - I could of done so much evil plotting kukuku.

y u have such long names it's like midnight why do I write these things ;A;

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire Apr 3 2012, 10:11 PM

Sorry, They're based off of other characters who have LONG names. It hurt just to type them in the profiles. I guess it's just a way to say 'don't expect me to write their last names in any posts.'
I'll see if I can pump out more words, but it's 11:15 and I'm tired. Those heels today didn't help, but that's beside the point.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 4 2012, 07:21 AM

hehe, it's Prussia. =)

ahhhh.....sorry SD. *hands cookie*

Posted by: True Blue Apr 4 2012, 01:49 PM

Thanks.......for accepting me when I kind of suck sad.gif
Don't worry, Amber's actual story will be great, I swear. And so will my next persons profile, cause he stays in one place. its hard to write a whole journey :p


sorry, I couldn't resist that xD

Posted by: Flynt Apr 4 2012, 05:00 PM

Alastair seems to be very much a White haired, pale skin, feminine features leading to a very bishounen look, overall. He is aloof, quiet, and shy. Time will tell if he turns out to be evil or not.

Posted by: True Blue Apr 4 2012, 05:57 PM

QUOTE(Flynt @ Apr 4 2012, 05:00 PM) *
Alastair seems to be very much a White haired, pale skin, feminine features leading to a very bishounen look, overall. He is aloof, quiet, and shy. Time will tell if he turns out to be evil or not.


It would be interesting to see Alastair be evil (hint hint s.d)

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 4 2012, 06:02 PM

Do I see TvTroopes? Yes!

I totally forgot about that
It's not like he's gonna sell you out to the Hallows nope
Seriously not hinting anything. But consider the horizons opening today.

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire Apr 5 2012, 05:32 AM

QUOTE(Wishful Jirachi @ Apr 4 2012, 07:21 AM) *
hehe, it's Prussia. =)

Verdammt, warum muss man jeder sagen, dass? Wahhhhhhhhhh!

Posted by: True Blue Apr 5 2012, 05:07 PM

~working on Dialga now!~

And also, could I reserve Zapdos as my last ~God Of Thy World~?

Posted by: Slave1 Apr 5 2012, 05:36 PM

Sorrry for the wait, but please reserve Keldeo, too. I'm all junked up on Marvel comics, so I'll crank them out soon.
And don't think I didn't recognize Alastair~

Also, do you think I could get away with the blaster thing from War of Legends for my Genesect, since he has virtually no other offense?

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 5 2012, 06:38 PM

Oh god Im so late at replying again ffff

Zapdos and Kaeldo is reserved, yes
Considering how it worked, sure.
I can't think of anything else for Genesect anyway |D

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 5 2012, 08:25 PM

QUOTE(Holy Roman Empire @ Apr 5 2012, 06:32 AM) *
QUOTE(Wishful Jirachi @ Apr 4 2012, 07:21 AM) *
hehe, it's Prussia. =)

Verdammt, warum muss man jeder sagen, dass? Wahhhhhhhhhh!

Ah, German I presume? I don't think the translation I found online was very reliable, lol.

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire Apr 5 2012, 09:19 PM

Which source did you use?

Posted by: Slave1 Apr 6 2012, 02:29 PM

Intelligence is a Gift (click to show)

He's done. The other two'll be up soon.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 6 2012, 07:08 PM

QUOTE(Holy Roman Empire @ Apr 5 2012, 10:19 PM) *
Which source did you use?

I can't seem to find the site again but it was something that didn't make sense at all. I did get a translation which sounded better from Google. If that one is right not really sure how to respond, lol. The character sounded like Prussia and I do love Prussia. Felt like commenting on it knowing that you would understand what I was saying. *shrug*

Posted by: Kamaitachi Apr 6 2012, 10:16 PM

My apologies, but I think it wisest I pull out of this rp. My RL schedule got really hectic, so I'd like to focus on the roleplays in which I'm already knee-deep.

Sorry, sorry!

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 9 2012, 03:26 PM

I'm sorry I'm so late aaaa-

Wanted to accept and edit everything at a PC, and when I was at one Saturday I completely forgot aaa

Well, good luck with whatever is going on in RL, Kama
The fantasy world can wait - it's the real world that will effect you most hm.

Accepted, Gorgon
But I must ask, is his ability to erase memories like a type of "Lol I has your memories" or the "Hi I'm a walking bottle of brain bleach!" kind of memory eraser?

Considering we only have to wait for Gorgon and True Blue, I'm hoping we can get the RP up this week
Hopefully by Friday at latest, since I probably won't be able to get on Saturday.
If any of you are those over achiever types, we'll be starting on the boat, just so we don't have to spend too much time on the boat rather than the island.

Posted by: Slave1 Apr 9 2012, 03:32 PM

Heh. Brain Bleach, though his sunglasses prevent unwanted bleaching and make him look like a boss. I still have to find a picture, though... Here's the other ones.

Won’t they be Impressed, I am A Genius… (click to show)

I am the Voice of one Crying in the Wilderness (click to show)

EDIT: Got Sunglasses pic.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 9 2012, 03:53 PM

haha NIkki Minaj yess

Jesus Gorgon
You're just taking all of the teacher's last names
They're not any I recognize, at least, kuku
Not that I would know anyway chacnes are you aren't even in NJ fdsgnbh

All accepted!
Now we just gotta wait for True Blue
Decided on a possible date - Wednesday or Thursday
Wishie won't be too far behind too, so it should work out in the end.

Posted by: Slave1 Apr 9 2012, 04:09 PM

Wonderful. I'm absorbed in Super Hero Squad Online currently. TREMBLE IN FEAR MAGNETO

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 11 2012, 12:04 PM

Glad to hear that I won't be falling behind. =)

I'll be back home tomorrow but most likely unable to get on until the following day, Friday.

Posted by: Public Enemy No 1 Apr 12 2012, 04:22 PM

bwaaaaaaa you did it again Shadow. YOU EVEN ADDED A FUCKING THEME SONG THING!!!!!!!!!!

I'm joining, sure as hell. but of course i gotta write alot. gimme some time on this one

Username: Public Enemy No 1
Name: Jeff Slotch
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Occupation: Student in college, taking video game development major
Hometown: Opelucid City (the Black version, all high-techy and what-not)

God: Kyurem
Powers: Can withstand freezing temperatures, and can freeze liquids.

Appearance: (What your character looks like. Include everything from height to body type, to hair/eye color, from clothing to accessories and any deformities or scars/wounds. I want at least two paragraphs in this section, please.)

Personality: Jeff is like ancient Japan: he solicits himself in his house programming and playing all the time. Of course, he still knows what modern society is like, but just not the people. He's not very outgoing, and prefers to be alone. He has friends from school and college but rarely meets them outside of school.

History: (The life of your character. Where did they live, did they like it there, did they fit in or stand out in a crowd? Where did they go with their companions? Did they have any friends, enemies, or maybe lovers? Were they even in a good relationship with their parents? Are they even following their dreams now, or are they living a life fabricated by those around them? Tell us about it here. I want at least two paragraphs minimum.)

Other: (Quickly! Tell us whatever you didn’t tell us about the character before!)

Theme song: because of the techy sound.


Species: (Exactly what are they?)
Nickname: N/A
Gender: (Erm, there’s girls and boys, and those few unknown genders…)
Nature: (How they generally act. Can either be a simple word (like in the games, Brave, Modest, Naďve, ect.) or you can give something more indepth)
Ability: (You know, that special thing all Pokémon have. Please put down what it does too)
Appearance: N/A
History: N/A

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 12 2012, 04:32 PM

I think I squealed again aaaa-

Reserving Kyurem for you, dear, glad to see you again!~

haha I need to get to work.
Since my art skills aren't that good, I'll be writing out an index of the island and putting them into order somehow
Maybe in order to where the locations go, maybe just saying their placement and what borders them? I don't know.
Staying at grandmothers for dinner, so hopefully I can get this done before seven! Don't want this to go over when I wanted this to start! noes.gif

Posted by: Slave1 Apr 13 2012, 11:00 AM

Hurrrry~ I'm actually excited for this.

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire Apr 13 2012, 04:04 PM

I agree with Gorgon. I am way too impatient, and since I've finished reading so far of that HetaOni fanfic and am almost done with book 2 of Fruits Basket, I HAVE NO LIFE!!! SD SAVE ME!!!

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 13 2012, 09:39 PM

I'm so sorry for being late and not keeping my promise ;A;
I had a bunch of work yesterday from science - my summery and lab report
Also turns out today the lap report was due on Tuesday, not today.
I fretted over it for nothing aaaaa

But, look, I was productive after finally getting the computer tonight!
Sexy new!
But it's like 10:40 PM here why would any of you sensable people be up ;w;

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire Apr 13 2012, 11:11 PM

Sensible? *frowns* I'm far from that. It's 12:15 right now, but my sisters wedding is tomorrow and I can't keep my eyes open let alone keep them from crossing. I'll have to post between today or tomorrow. Curse dress shopping and hair salons!!! *Falls over and passes out*

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 14 2012, 08:47 AM

I'll try to have my post up today or tomorrow. I'm rather busy tomorrow so I'm shooting for today. I haven't decided fully how I plan to play it. I had thought about doing the drive there and perhaps I will and then do a fast forward in the same post to the current day or perhaps I'll just have a flashback. Who knows, I'll decide later. As for bunking and the odd number, I would offer Zaine to bunk alone but since I would like Rebecca and Nathan to bunk, them being married after all, I'd rather have Zaine bunk with another user to at least have not all my characters alone, lol.

Posted by: Slave1 Apr 14 2012, 12:33 PM

She can bunk with Claerwyn if you want/not creepy at all.
Well, guess I'll pull something together.

I'm going to an awards show tonight- Wearing the best gold and black dress EVA

And now would be a good time to read everyone else's forms

Posted by: Flynt Apr 14 2012, 12:59 PM

Brendan and Landen are sharing a cabin. Someone can put one of their characters with Amelia if they like, but don't expect her to do too terribly much while we're on the ship.

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire Apr 14 2012, 10:16 PM

I LIVE!!! Can't say the same for my feet, though. I posted and wasn't sure which way to take Natalia, but I think shy to the point of paranoid fits! Anyone feel free to interact, I'll be dead til probably midday tomorrow, so, Спакойнай ночы!

Posted by: Public Enemy No 1 Apr 15 2012, 06:09 AM

shit, i need to get working. CURSE YOU MINECRAFT!

Posted by: Slave1 Apr 15 2012, 05:38 PM

Anyone want to play pool with Claerwyn/she wouldn't ask in the RP

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 15 2012, 05:46 PM

I don't know why, but Zain/Alastair roommate combo seems hilarious in my mind.
But it really isn't aaaa-

Ill totally play pool, considering how I don't know any of these games |D
...although Ill have to write that later fff company
....but babies are hilarious

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire Apr 15 2012, 07:57 PM

Anyone feel free to room with Natalia or Gilbert. Sorry I didn't ask sooner.........

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 15 2012, 08:12 PM

QUOTE(Shadow Dragon @ Apr 15 2012, 06:46 PM) *
I don't know why, but Zaine/Alastair roommate combo seems hilarious in my mind.
But it really isn't aaaa-

Ill totally play pool, considering how I don't know any of these games |D
...although Ill have to write that later fff company
....but babies are hilarious

lol, I'd be fine with having Zaine and Alastair be cabin mates.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 15 2012, 08:17 PM

Cool then, we can go with that
Now I just need two more and Im set Ahaha

If you want May, put them in mine, I really don't care.
or just push them along with someone else Idk?
We aren't spending much time on boat anyway.
We'll just say we're gonna end up ahead of schedule haha.

Wait I actually speller Zaine's name right Im so happy with myself ;w;

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 16 2012, 08:21 AM

*pokes SD* You spelt it wrong in your first post. I changed it when I replied, lol.

Posted by: Public Enemy No 1 Apr 17 2012, 08:12 PM

damn Minecraft, taking my time away from here....

i'm trying to work on this, I just can't think of anything now. CURSE YOU WRITER'S BLOCK!

Posted by: Slave1 Apr 18 2012, 05:31 PM

I love how you made Claerwyn so good at pool- Or is Zaine really bad? AH WELL

(JSYK- Crazy Eights is where the players all take the cue ball and eight ball, and hit the cue ball off the eight ball in an effort to keep it moving. If the eight ball stops, then the player whose turn it was is out. This game results in many smashed fingers at my youth group, hence the name 'Crazy Eights')

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 18 2012, 05:58 PM

I think you're mistaken Gorgon. Zaine is not the one who was playing pool, Ciar was.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 18 2012, 06:27 PM

You cant even remembrance what characters I control ;A;
And Wishie! Thanks for crushing my hopes ;~; but that's okay

I'm just gonna go with Ciar's just that bad, yay!
I've seen several wrong characters place around, like how Wishie kept putting down Nathan instead of Zaine.
...wait, was I supposed to say that?

(Sounds painful. Now, we can get drunk, after I get bored with watching my dad play skylanders and crawl upstairs to a charger/laptop.

I think everyone has been paired into cabins already, not counting Public's and Blue's
Except for my last two (ciar/annabella) and Gorgon's
nooooooo her characters are scrarah ;~;

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 18 2012, 09:53 PM

*facepalm* I can't believe I did that, lol. I honestly did it a few times more but corrected myself. Well, at least it's clear that apparently I prefer Nathan over Zaine since I only ever messed up Zaine's name and never Nathan's, lol. I've gone back and fixed those three little mistakes btw. =P

*pats SD* Sorry, lol.

Edit: 21 o.O

Posted by: True Blue Apr 19 2012, 01:53 PM

*shrieks in terror*




*runs off to finish the profiles at lightning speed*

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire Apr 19 2012, 02:27 PM

*walks in, barely missing Blue as she runs out* Ok, anyway. So, SD, I assume we'll get the ship bit over with once all characters sign on? Sounds good enough, though I have NOTHING for Gilbert to do. Any crack suggestions?

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 19 2012, 03:37 PM

They're trying to kill us, Wishie

But yeah, the plan is to have it magically be dinner time once Blue and Public finish up their profiles and post
Why? Reasons. Haha.
And please, don't rush Blue. Rushing makes terrible profiles. But please, don't take forever to do them. I don't want to keep on dragging us around the boat much longer, I just wanna hurry up and use my RP owner powers to make time go faster.
(too bad I can't do that in real life arrrrrgh)

Since I planned on moving Annabella up to the deck, you can go bother her with Gilbert once I get the post up
In the end, everything works out fine! Yay!

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 19 2012, 06:48 PM was a little surprising to see so many.

I love how Alastair is afraid of Zaine, lol.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 19 2012, 06:52 PM

Hey, Zaine sounds rather scary
Considering Alastair is a chicken, that would probably be the same mind-set

and if its too much to ask someone please explain how one plays card games that gamble because Ive cone to realize that I only barely know blackjack and my childish mind can not grasps these concepts aaaaa

Posted by: Flynt Apr 19 2012, 10:43 PM

Straight Poker is very simple. Players are dealt five cards each, and they bet in one round, with raises and re-raises allowed. Once everyone is happy with the pot, the group show there cards, and the one with the highest value wins. What hand trumps what is the same across the board, so I'll show that further down.

Texas Hold 'Em is a lot more complex. Two cards are dealt face down to each player, and three more are laid face up, serving as community cards. These three are known as "The Flop". After a round of betting, during which time players can either check their cards, call a bet, raise it, or fold if their hand is bad, another card, called "The Turn" is added to the community area. Another round of betting goes by, before the last card, "The River" is laid out in the community area. After one final round of betting, everyone shows their hand, and who ever has the best group of five, using their two and three of the community cards, is the victor.

Poker Hands Explained (click to show)

I think that's everything! Got any questions?

Posted by: True Blue Apr 20 2012, 05:32 PM, well..
would it be ok if i just stick with one profile instead of 3 right now?
you know, i dont want to keep you waiting anymore, i have a huge project for school due in 3 days, and with all im doing i barely have time to manage one.

im so sorry for causing you all this trouble, and if there is ANYTHING at all i can do to make up for it, ill do it.

im so sorry..

*apologizes to holy rome and runs out again to post on RP*

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 20 2012, 08:27 PM

You weren't making us wait for long, but that's okay too.

I don't know if I can get in that entire post, considering I just got back from a dance, it's late, ad I am kind of tired
So hopefully tomorrow I can post something, then later that day use this time skip as an inversion of doing things and then we can have a fabulous dinner
Which, despite how early it seems to be, we might as well get on with it

The plot needed post should be of some length that can rival Wishie's standard posts, but Ill go and begin my poker post after a nice shower

Posted by: Bully Apr 21 2012, 09:08 AM

Hey, this is Public Enemy No. 1. Name change. And I'm sorry I'm not getting much work done on this, I've been quite busy.

Posted by: Slave1 Apr 21 2012, 09:28 AM

Somebody went and saw 'Bully'

NNNYWAY I'm great at Straight Poker, rhyme not intended.
But I don't think I'll partake...

Hey what do you mean my characters are 'scrarah' ?!

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Apr 21 2012, 12:37 PM

That's okay, Pubs
considering the speed Im going at we won't be heading full foqard into the plot today

I still have to update the first post aaaaaaa

And Django scares me a little :c

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Apr 21 2012, 12:56 PM

QUOTE(Shadow Dragon @ Apr 20 2012, 09:27 PM) *
You weren't making us wait for long, but that's okay too.

I don't know if I can get in that entire post, considering I just got back from a dance, it's late, ad I am kind of tired
So hopefully tomorrow I can post something, then later that day use this time skip as an inversion of doing things and then we can have a fabulous dinner
Which, despite how early it seems to be, we might as well get on with it

The plot needed post should be of some length that can rival Wishie's standard posts, but Ill go and begin my poker post after a nice shower

lol, don't feel like you have to if it doesn't work.

As for myself, I'm staying out all night tonight so that means I'm crashing tomorrow. I may be on in the afternoon today, not the night, and ill be back afternoon of tomorrow.

Posted by: Slave1 Apr 22 2012, 05:29 PM

Well he IS insane... sometimes.

Posted by: Bully Apr 25 2012, 08:29 PM

QUOTE(Slave1 @ Apr 21 2012, 10:28 AM) *
Somebody went and saw 'Bully'

Bully is actually a song by Shinedown. In case you haven't noticed, all but my first display name have been song names.

Posted by: Slave1 Apr 26 2012, 04:15 PM

Hah, yes, I see. Seven Nation Army, song takes me back... *wavy flashback lines*

Posted by: True Blue Apr 30 2012, 04:22 PM

im sorry guys. my mom took away my computer for a week, so i wont be able to roleplay till then. sorry......................

Posted by: glaceon girl7 Apr 30 2012, 08:35 PM

Username: Glaceon girl7
Name: Blossom Rose
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Occupation: Trainer/Coordinator
Hometown: Floaroma Town

God: Shaymin
Powers: She can control plants and can cure any status problem, she can also change into her sky form any time she wants even that night.

Appearance: Blossom has green eyes, she is 5'5 and she is 106lbs.
Normal form:
Sky form:

Personality: Blossom is a very kind to everyone she meets, she loves to help people and pokemon and she is very caring to her friends and family but she can be easily mad if you annoy her,tease her and ect.

History: Blossom always dream of becoming a coordinator when she was little so when she become 10 years old, she pick a Turtwig as her first pokemon and started her journey as a trainer and a coordinator. She lives with her parents and her little brother that Floaroma Town and she has some friends in Floaroma Town but she sometimes goes to the forest and plays her flute for the pokemon in the forest.

Other: Blossom loves Flowers and Music and she sometimes draw some pokemon playing round.

Theme song:


Species: Torterra
Gender: Male
Nature: Naive
Ability: Overgrow

Nature: Adamant
Ability: Flash Fire

Nature: Mild
Ability: Synchronize

Nature: Rash
Ability: Snow Cloak

Nature: Adamant
Ability: Cute Charm

Nature: Bashful
Ability: Intimidate

Posted by: Shadow Dragon May 1 2012, 03:00 PM

I really hate to do this, but I can not accept your profile in its current state.
There are several things you need to improve before I can acceptance your profile
First, even if I don't often say thing, please expand on your powers. Controlling plants is obvious, and considering we're dealing more with humans consider altering your healing ability. But what I do want improved is her powers with changing forms. Exactly what does it do, or even what really changes?
Next is appearence. First off, you need to write out the appearence. At least two paragraphs. Also, I'd like if you'd change the appearence, since it seems like its leaning more towards more of a Gijinka thing than human, but that might just be me.

Personality also needs to be more written out. Length, people, length.
History needs a lot more length too. Tell us the details of her adventures. Friends, enemies? Was she very successful or were there extreamly hard times? Tell us, please!

If you want, reread the other profiles and see what you can change. You don't have to make your profile to their length and level (trust me, some of our RPers here are far more advanced than even me!) but it gives you a good look to what Im looking for!

To everyone else:
Im so sorry for being a terrible owner ;w;
I was hoping to make a nice transition to the dinner, but none of you guys have the same posting times as your alter egos in my head ;w;
I promise to go throw my original idea out the winker and do the transition through annabella instead. Hopefully today, tomorrow latest.
Again, sorry for being so terrible. Ill take blame for this going to a very slow crawl right now

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi May 1 2012, 03:13 PM

Don't feel bad SD. lol

Posted by: Slave1 May 1 2012, 03:26 PM

Sorry, I was having a seizure sad.gif

Posted by: Holy Roman Empire May 1 2012, 08:33 PM

A Seizure? Boy do I know the feeling. I legally died 6 times because of those, 5 of them when I was only a few months old. Death isn't happy with me right now.
I hope you're alright, Gorgon.

SD: You aren't a bad owner, you just have a life(unlike me........)

Posted by: Flynt May 2 2012, 01:36 AM

I've been running lots of things right now, I am extremely sorry for neglecting this. >> I'll post as soon as possible.

Posted by: Slave1 May 3 2012, 04:12 PM

O.o I didn't mean literally/now feels irresponsibly careless with words

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