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Global PokédeX Plus Forums _ Roleplay OOC Discussion and Sign-ups _ Legendary Collapse the Reboot

Posted by: ChaosHatsune Aug 31 2012, 10:26 PM

Team Rocket as well as several other evil organizations have decided to create a much larger and more dangerous team known as Team Chaotic, in an attempt for a more successful chance of enslaving Pokémon for their own selfish desires.

Having sent out their best agents in search of the powerful Gods of the Pokémon world, the immortal legendaries. As an attempt to use the power they possessed had proved futile, as not even the strongest or bravest of souls have been able to capture or tame the immense power that these Pokémon possess. The legendary Pokémon were simply too powerful for such a feat to be successful, nonetheless, it was insanity to even to consider such an attempt could even be possible.

Despite the fact
Team Chaotic continued forth with their plans, but every attempt ended the same—failure.

This only made those in charge of this newly formed organization try even harder to catch the legendaries. And one day the most intelligent of scientists had finally found a plan to create a more effective way to capture these Pokémon. Until now, all their agonizing years of research and failed experimentations; has their work finally come to an end. It was a device that will weaken the god-like Pokémon to the point where they will be virtually like any other Pokémon...


Trying out their new technology on several evolved Pokémon, they had noted that all Pokémon used in these tests had become a weaker versions of themselves. But rather than reverting to their previous evolutions like they had originally thought, each Pokémon had only became weaker and their powers greatly reduced. Although, oddly enough much of the more larger Pokémon shrank in size but despite that one side-effect they had remained the same in appearance.

Unfortunately, there were still several flaws and bugs that had yet to be fixed, but none of the leaders had paid much of attention towards the fact, having been effected over the years and as a result they had grown impatient and restless.

Not allowing the scientists to continue their research, they began their quest for the Hall of Origin, the home to the Legendary Pokémon Arceus.

It took months upon months until they finally found the place, and the humans used the strange machine without a moment’s hesitation. Making all the once powerful and feared legendaries weaker as the seconds passed by, large Pokémon such as Arceus had began to shrink in size.

The Pokémon gods (or goddesses) were losing their energy at such a rapid pace that they had nearly lost all of strength around the seventh minute. Arceus being the strongest out of them all had somehow managed to open a rift to an alternative dimension before it was too late, and in a blinding flash of light all Pokémon that were part of the legendary council was gone…

To a place where no human has roamed the land, a place where only Pokémon dominate the land…

Treasure Town.


This is meant to be a reboot of Legendary Collaspe, which you can find here.

Rules (click to show)

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Taken/Reserved Legendaries (click to show)

Posted by: ChaosHatsune Aug 31 2012, 11:59 PM

...wait, don't tell me that you thought all the Legendaries had to be boring did you? awesome.gif

Also, yes I made Arceus a stereotypical dad...don't judge me? cat.gif

EDIT: Added 'Tina's profile, oh and I almost forgot my own rule... OTL



Species of Pokémon: Arceus
Name: (None)
Gender: Male
Nickname: (None)
Attacks: Seismic Toss, Hyper Voice, Earth Power and Cosmic Power
Level: 34
Personailty/Bio: Arceus being the creator of all Pokémon alongside Mew, has taken the responsibility of being the father-like figure towards his creations. Even going far enough to tell every legendary except Mew, to call him by the name of ‘dad’ or ‘father’ much to the other legendaries’ chagrin.

Although, many of them could consider him as their biological parent, they just choose not to and many of the legendaries find it rather strange why he would even want to be considered a father and many of them would rather not use such a human term of endearment. Especially, when he has little knowledge on how to actually stop temper tantrums, break up fights or other things you'd expect a father to be capable off--you can bet that Arceus will be unable to accomplish it. And in his attempts? Well, he'll just end up embarrassing his 'children', unlike Mew.

Despite his somewhat poor parental skills, Arceus is actually quite intelligent and when it comes to making large and difficult decisions regarding his family, and you can always count on him to put his 'family' before himself. As you can tell, he truly loves his family so much that he would even go to such lengths to miss some of his own free time, to babysit some of the younger and more childish legendaries. Often overexerting himself in the process, which often leads him to disappear to god--no pun intended--knows where for several hours and even days ( depending on Arceus' exhaustion level).

Likes: All his ‘children’, especially the more younger legendaries, days without any duties or obligations, sports, watching TV ( don’t ask him how he obtained such an item) and basically everything that isn't considered “bad” for his kids.
Dislikes: Rigged sports, bad sitcoms, immoral teen pop sensations, ACTUALLY having to do any work…etc.

Additional information:
Generally, you can consider him to be the stereotypical, embarrassing father. Also, despite being seen as a father figure, the larger (or used to be large) and/ or mature Pokémon already know that none of his creations are actually blood related but may be considered as such.


Species of Pokémon: Giratina
Name: (None)
Gender: Commonly considered female.
Nickname: 'Tina
Attacks: Shadow Sneak, Slash and AncientPower
Level: 20
At first glance many Pokémon are often imitated by her physical appearance, but that's probably due to her large body mass as well as the uncomfortable and ghost-like "aura" she seems to emits. Most people never attempt to lie in the face of the dragon type Pokémon, mostly due to her piercing red eyes that seem to look right through the very depths of your soul, and quite frankly you don’t even wanna try to mess with this dragon.

Giratina--or 'Tina --for short isn't considered the most adventurous type out of all the legendaries either. In fact, many of the other legendaries consider her rather boring, even saying that she doesn't seem to know the definition of fun at all (but they'll never tell her that--too many of them cherish their lives to do so). However, she isn't incapable of doing anything adventurous, actually it is far from that she just simply afraid of taking risks that may cause injury to herself and the people she cares for.

Not willing to admit this, the dragon/ghost legendary covers up all her weaknesses, by creating an impassive wall around herself; never daring once or even thinking to tell another about this. She's afraid that many of them will not approve of her methods because it has only caused her to move further away from her fellow legendaries. But if you ask her? She considers distancing herself an effective method to keep herself safe, so she'll never have to experience the awful loss of losing something or someone close to her (you may not know this, but she's a torrent of emotional discord underneath her emotional mask).

Likes: Reading, personal space, books, music, silence, Distortion World (it's is the only place she could really go without getting pestered by anyone) and strangely she's fairly interested in astrology. Sometimes, you may even find her stargazing in secluded places.
Dislikes: Being interrupted, awkward moments, romantic novels and over-used clichés.
Additional information: (None)

Posted by: Dorito Ninja Sep 1 2012, 06:46 AM

Excuse me good sir but I would like to ask for permission to reserve the Eon Duo as my characters. I plan to have them in a a brother/sister combination.

I attach an RP sample from my latest thread that I'm a part of, "Johto Adventure", a story set in thh late 19th century in Johto (1874 I think). My character is a researcher and trainer researching what is currently unknown about Pokemon.

My RP sample (click to show)

Posted by: Len Kagamine Sep 1 2012, 08:25 AM

Species of Pokémon: Pikachu
Name: Len
Nickname: Len-Chuu
Age: 14
Rank: The Most Annoying Blonde in the WORLD
Gender: Male
Attacks: Thunderbolt, Tackle, Double Team
Personailty/Bio: Len is a cheeky, rude and annoying Pikachu and gets angry when provoked. He likes singing and dancing and has a sister called Rin.
Likes: Singing, dancing, bananas
Dislikes: Smug people who think they are the best when obviously they're not
Additional information: Bananas cat.gif

RP EXAMPLE =D (click to show)

Posted by: ChaosHatsune Sep 1 2012, 10:12 AM

Excuse me good sir but I would like to ask for permission to reserve the Eon Duo as my characters. I plan to have them in a a brother/sister combination.

Dorito Ninja, I'm actually a ma'am but I'll allow this mistake to go unpunished...

For now.

Haha, nah I'm just kidding! Anyway, I have placed both Latis and Latios underneath the Taken/Reserved list with your name written right next to it. nod.gif

Len Kagamine: You've been accepted! Although, sorry if I may sound rude and that really wasn't my intention, but I do believe that your writing could be improved....THROUGH THE POWER OF ROLE-PLAYING! omgyay.gif

Oh god, sorry if I sound fairly random.

Seriously, though is it alright if you be more careful with your grammar? Not asking to fix every typo, ever grammatical error, or something (considering I'm notorious when it comes to grammar) but is it alright if you try to capitalize your I's a lil' more often? Hopefully, I didn't come across as rude or unpleasant as that wasn't my intent. sweat.gif

Posted by: Len Kagamine Sep 1 2012, 10:16 AM

QUOTE(ChaosHatsune @ Sep 1 2012, 10:12 AM) *
Excuse me good sir but I would like to ask for permission to reserve the Eon Duo as my characters. I plan to have them in a a brother/sister combination.

Dorito Ninja, I'm actually a ma'am but I'll allow this mistake to go unpunished...

For now.

Haha, nah I'm just kidding! Anyway, I have placed both Latis and Latios underneath the Taken/Reserved list with your name written right next to it. nod.gif

Len Kagamine: You've been accepted! Although, sorry if I may sound rude and that really wasn't my intention, but I do believe that your writing could be improved....THROUGH THE POWER OF ROLE-PLAYING! omgyay.gif

Oh god, sorry if I sound fairly random.

Seriously, though is it alright if you be more careful with your grammar? Not asking to fix every typo, ever grammatical error, or something but is it alright if you try to capitalize your I's a lil' more often? Hopefully, I didn't come across as rude or unpleasant as that wasn't my intent. sweat.gif

noes.gif I did ma best..... crying.gif

Posted by: ChaosHatsune Sep 1 2012, 10:19 AM

Len Kagamine: Woah, woah, woah! Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude I was just pointing it out and I'm sincerely sorry if I did more harm than good. However, please don't let this discourage you from posting or role-playing for that matter, after all, I wasn't (and I never will be) the best role-player in this world but practicing through writing and role-playing can really go a long way. happy.gif

Posted by: ChaosHatsune Sep 1 2012, 06:18 PM

Seems like everybody's busy, might as well add Cresselia's profile now! grin.gif

Species of Pokémon: Cresselia
Name: Cressa
Gender: Female (Obviously)
Nickname: None.
Attacks: Confusion, Safeguard and Double Team
Level: 16

Cressa is one of the few legendaries that enjoys reading, often using huge and complicated words; usually she does this as an attempt to show off her intellect, causing some of the legendaries to believe that she had accidentally digested an entire dictionary a millennia ago.

Strangely nobody exactly knows and even Arceus doesn’t quite understand how she learned such advance vocabulary, especially considering that most of the words she uses are...rather uncommon among normal conversations and most of her selective language consists mainly of scientific terms. Nevertheless, despite her acquired wisdom of all things written, she can act rather immature when somebody points out her more obvious flaws, in fact, try taking a jab at her poor social skills and you’ll have raging Cressa screaming obscenities at you.

Oh, and she can be rather snooty too.

Likes: Books, confusing others in a conversation, as well as acting ‘superior’ compared to others (of course, this just attributes to her attempting to be more intellectual).
Dislikes: Losing her glasses, losing her books…and everything that a bookworm would normally dislike.

Additional information:

Cressa is known to wear glasses even when her eyesight is perfectly fine, though she still wears them since she considers wearing glasses as a sort of fashion sense. And it doesn’t help that she has come to the belief that wearing them will further ‘enhance’ her natural beauty, although, she has other reasons to wear them but none of which one could easily fathom, she says. Overall those glasses of hers serve no other purpose besides being purely aesthetic, she can also be seen carrying and reading a thick book brown book with symbols that only she can decipher. How she obtained such an object, no Pokémon knows.

Posted by: Dorito Ninja Sep 3 2012, 03:59 AM

OK ma'am I go with the Eon duo signups, sorry sbout that mistake, hard to tell gender with some names/avatars to be honest. NO worries tho, sorry again, but anyway here I go:


Species of Pokémon: Latios

Name: Latios

Gender: Male

Nickname: Tio

Attacks: Psywave, Dragonbreath, Safeguard

Level: 22

Personailty/Bio: When someone looks at Latios the phrase 'Strong silent type' comes to mind. He is quiet and withdrawn and doesn't like conflict, only battling when he has to. He has a kind of calming influence around people, and is often the peacekeeper when fights break out in the group. However, he has a tendency to bottle up his emotions. He has been prone to explode when pushed too far, and although he has never attacked anyone, he knows it could still happen. To prevent this he closes himself off from others and distances himself,.

The only time he ever really opens up is around his sister, Latias, or Tia. When the two are alone, he will talk freely, and sometimes even crack jokes. He is happier, livelier, and he always feels better about himself. He loves his sister dearly, and as such is fiercely protective of her. He tries to keep her out of trouble, but he has trouble keeping up with her sometimes.

As far as the other legendaries go, he doesn't them, and they don't bother him, and he's fine with that. He can usually be found flying around on his own, or relaxing somewhere. If he ever has to work with others, he'll do it respectfully and efficiently, but won't usually interact with them much unless he absolutely needs to. whne on his own, he listens to music, and has a liking for all types, often changing it to accompany his mood.

Likes: his sister, all types of music, listening to his music on his Radio/Stereo (If Arceus gets a TV, I assume he could get one of these for Latios?), flying

Dislikes: Conflict, working (unless he has to), overly loud and obnoxious people.

-And now for the sister-

Species of Pokémon: Latias


Gender: Female

Nickname: Tia

Attacks: Dragonbreath, Psywave, Safeguard

Level: 19

Personailty/Bio: While Latios is quiet and distant, Latias is very open and carefree. She is very curious about the world around her and is often exploring in her spare time. She is very talkative and loud, and always looking for stuff to do. She is a natural optimist and is very bubbly and bouncy. She can be naive however, and is prone to saying the wrong thing sometimes. Like her brother, she also dislikes fighting, often tryin to talk things through.

With the other legendaries she is very nice and sweet. Like Arceus, she does view them as a family, and as such, treats everyone with respect. She is very keen to be friends with everyone, even the legendaries who prefer to be by themselves, because she hates seeing them be left out of things. She can be rude sometimes, but this is only when she is very angry with someone, and she will apologize soon after.

The one person Tia loves to hang with more than anyone however is her brother Latios, or Tio. Although she is often annoyed by how overprotective he is of her, she knows he only cares for her. More than anything she wants to help him be more social with the group, and is often trying to get him involved.

Likes: her brother, parties, hanging out with friends

Dislikes: Having nothing to do, being alone, mean people

Additional information: SO basically I've made them into a brother/sister combo who get on eachother's nerves sometimes, but do stick together and help each other out. I guess they’re kinda lke sitcom siblings to go with your sitcom dad of Arceus.


Posted by: DarkPikachu732 Sep 3 2012, 05:42 AM

Species of Pokémon: Dialga
Name: Dialga
Gender: Male
Nickname: Time
Attacks: Roar of Time, Return, Metal Claw.
Level (Stay around the range of level 20): 25
Personailty/Bio: Dialga will protect its friends, He used to be Primal Dialga which made him go out of control, but thanks to 2 young starter Pokemon he was back to his normal self. When the hero left, he gave the partner a wish, once that happen, he's calm with a heart of gold. He's a rival of Giratina
Likes: Listening to music, helping, fighting with Giratina, playing games on the DS, Xbox and the Wii.
Dislikes: Annoying Pokemon, being bored, very hard jobs.
Additional information: I thought of the idea of Dialga because its a member of the creation trio. Which is found

Posted by: ChaosHatsune Sep 3 2012, 10:02 PM

QUOTE(Dorito Ninja @ Sep 3 2012, 02:59 AM) *
OK ma'am I go with the Eon duo signups, sorry sbout that mistake, hard to tell gender with some names/avatars to be honest.

Dorito Ninja: Hey, no problem. To be quite honest, I don't really care which gender I'm viewed as, in fact, there's no need to apologize. wink.gif

Also, I have placed the Eon duo underneath the Taken Lists! grin.gif

Likes: his sister, all types of music, listening to his music on his Radio/Stereo (If Arceus gets a TV, I assume he could get one of these for Latios?), flying

It only makes it fair. Plus...who says Legendaries can't have fun with modern technology? awesome.gif

DarkPikachu732 You've been accepted! Although, I do have a question would Giratina and Dialga be kinda-like rivals to some extent? I mean they are in the same "team"...and if I remember correctly Dialga and Palkia tend to drag her in with their fights sometimes (or at least, that's what I got from watching the movies. I should probably try re-watching the movies again).

Posted by: Myufi Sep 12 2012, 01:33 AM

Hi! I'd love to join and reserve...hmm...
Raikou... and I guess Kyurem.
Yeah! I like those two.

RP example~ (click to show)

Hey I was wondering if DarkPikachu provided an example as well?
I was going to ask about Len but checked and realized she had provided one.

Also if you are curious, the roleplay this example came from is a twist of imagination, using D&D-style dungeonmastery to provide the setting for those trapped in this sort of nightmare, looking for somebody lost in the world of a demon-child.

Posted by: Dorito Ninja Sep 25 2012, 02:31 PM

Anyone know if this is gonna start?

Posted by: Durppie Oct 18 2012, 04:04 PM

Species of Pokémon: wingull.gif
Name: Aeroplane
Nickname: Aero
Age: 17
Rank: Bronze
Gender: Female
Attacks (3 attacks at most for now): Water Gun, Wing Attack, Mist
Level: 22
Personailty/Bio: Aero isn't the brightest Wingull around. She can be fooled by just about anything, provided it isn't too farfetched. She is also aware of the fact she isn't that intelligent, and relies on other Pokemon for help regarding anything intellectual. Her partner, Confuzzlement/Connie often does that bit for her. Aero wants to become smarter, but reading books bores her. She prefers if someone else reads books to her out loud. In order to make up for her lack of brains, she pursues other things in the hopes that she will be good at something. To her liking, the Wingull has recently found out she's fairly good at making mosaics out of the shiny odds and ends she collects.

She is also very tolerant and can get very clingy to her partner. Aero will even resort to stalking the Spiritomb.
Likes: Art (especially art that she created), Flying, Connie, pretty things, the colors blue and green, springtime, sand castles
Dislikes: Reading, not being a genius, vandalized art, not being near Connie 24/7, annoying TV commercials
Additional information (Optional):

Species of Pokémon: Spiritomb
Name: Confuzzlement
Nickname: Connie
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Attacks (3 attacks at most for now): Pursuit, Ominous Wind, Hypnosis
Level: 25
Personailty/Bio: When Connie speaks, she seems to speak with many voices more or less in sync. If she is aggravated, the synchronization of her voices becomes more and more off. She will also start exhibiting less self control than she normally has. Generally, Connie is polite to everyone. After all, she can't accomplish things with being rude to other Pokemon. She has a small degree of caring for strangers, but would gladly take advantage of them. However, she has standards. She'll do anything to them but killing is not an option.

As for friends, Connie values them highly. She only has one actual one so far: Aeroplane. At first, Connie did not really intend to become friends. She wanted a tool to use. Later, her friendship with the Wingull slowly became genuine. Connie found that she enjoyed being around Aero, and teaching her stuff (including how to read). Aero has become a Morality Pet to her.
Likes: Pokewatching (Pokemon equivalent of peoplewatching), Aero, being better than others at something, nefarious plots, crime novels, villains in general
Dislikes: The idea anything would harm Aero, being outsmarted, foul language, confusing plots
Additional information (Optional):

RP Example (click to show)

Posted by: Raziel Oct 26 2012, 05:31 AM

*raises hand* May I join?


Species of Pokémon: Lucario
Name: Anubis
Nickname: Anubis
Age: 22
Rank: Diamond
Gender: Male
Attacks: Metal Sound, Dark Pulse, Force Palm
Level: 26
Personailty/Bio: Anubis, despite his name, is not much like a death god. He is very civilized to the point of being much more curteous than other Pokémon. Even when angered will he keep himself under control, eager to remain rational and fair at all times. He supresses anger and sadness as much as he can, though sometimes, this poses difficult even for him.
On the outside, he looks very much like a normal Lucario. Fur and eyes are the same for hi as they are for every other Lucario as well, but the horn on his chest has been cut off almost half the way, leaving a flat where once, he had a spike. The ones on his hands have been changed to be two instead of one and shorter than normal. He is very keen on keeping his horns clean. Around his neck, a white and black checkered scarf is wrapped, the edges of which are slightly frayed.
Anubis has been on his rescue team for quite some time already, and he really likes his job. Since he and his partner, Neptun, make for quite the good team, they have advanced in rank fairly fast, though they still pale in comparison to some other teams. However, Anubis' main objective is exploring and rescuing Pokémon, not his rank while doing so.
Likes: He likes being of help to others and having control of his own emotions. When he has some free time, he enjoys sparring and spending time talking to Treasure Town's merchants. His reputation is important to him, but he is not above asking for help when he really needs it. He seldomly does anything purely for fun, if he does it will most likely be reading, and even then it is research most of the time.
Dislikes: Anubis despises being sick, because it hinders him in training. Rumors also displease him and he doesn't like talking bad about someone, both if it is a friend or a stranger. He also doesn't like loosing control of his emotions, which happens only rarely.
Additional information: He has a friend named Desdemona, an Absol living in the mountains. They don't meet often though.


Species: Shiny Dewott
Name: Neptun
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Attacks: Toxic, Razor Shell, Air Slash
Personailty/Bio: Neptun is a determined little Dewott. He has nerves of steel to the point of not knowing when to back down or give up, which might lead to him exerting himself. This, combined with a slightly bad temper and the inability to keep his mouth shut, has more than once gotten him and Anubis into trouble. Though usually Anubis has been able to get them out of it again.
Since he does get into many fights, and not always is Anubis there to help him, he has quite a few scars marring his arms and head. For protection purposes, he wears a folded checkered black and white bandana around his forehead. Other than that, he only sometimes carried the exploration team bag, though Anubis sometimes reliefs him of it. He's a shiny Dewott, so his colors are different, but other thn that he's normal.
As troublesome as his headstrong and agressive behaviour is, as valuable it is: He would never leave a friend behind or give up on them. That's just not his style. Same applies to battle: He won't back down, even when Anubis has already given up. That being said, he also always takes the most direct route to get to something, missing out on treasure when left unattended and barging into Monster Rooms headfirst. He is best not left alone.
Likes: Neptun values his own freedom, though he lets Anubis control him a little, and swimming in the sea. Diving is great, too, and he loves communicating with other Pokémon and gathering new information, useful or not. Maths and foreign languages confuse him, but he's always giddy to learn a few new words. And showing them off, too. He enjoys winning and sparring with Anubis, and he also likes the other Pokémon around, even though some of them tend to annoy him.
Dislikes: He absolutely despises Pecha Berries. Seriously, he won't eat them except when on the brink of death. Or if he is forced to. Also, he doesn't like loosing and having to back down - not that he ever would. Runing away is just as bad.
Additional information: N/A


Species of Pokémon: Palkia
Name: Palkia
Gender: Female
Nickname: Astra
Attacks: Aqua Tail, Dragonbreath, Protect
Level: 22
Personailty/Bio: Astra is... Weird, for lack of a better word. She is a fairly peace-loving Pokémon and happy more often than not, but while she is headstrong in serious situations, she is a bit whiney in private. The only Pokémon she can't be nice to is Dialga - he just bugs her. Which is why she constantly tried to get Giratina to side with her against Dialga.
She likes exploring very much, finding places she hasn't seen before for example. However, since she could teleport wherever she wanted, she always has to control herself to explore normally and not just warp to where she wants to go. She normally likes humans, too - just the evil ones piss her off. And you don't want to cross her when she is pissed off.
Likes: Astra loves exploring and finding all kinds of gems and rare rocks. She always is sceptical of diamonds, though. She also likes good company, friendly sparring matches and peace. When she can enjoy some time in quiet ( be it alone or with friends), she enjoys that as well, especially when it is sunny and she can stay outside. Also, she loves swimming.
Dislikes: She dislikes people and Pokémon who try to kill her, and those who try to mess with her domain. She doesn't like Dialga either. And some other Pokémon at times, though that is always short-lived. Deserts, which dry her out, also aren't a favourite of hers.
Additional information: N/A


RP Example (click to show)

Posted by: MinaRawr Feb 10 2013, 10:35 AM

Could I join and reserve mewtwo, ho-oh and lugia?

Posted by: Letan Feb 10 2013, 02:29 PM

QUOTE(MinaRawr @ Feb 10 2013, 10:35 AM) *
Could I join and reserve mewtwo, ho-oh and lugia?

MinaRawr, please don't necropost. I've gone in more depth about it, so I'm gonna do the same thing I did with the other one. Closing this unless the OP comes back and wants it reopened.

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