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Global PokédeX Plus Forums _ Roleplay OOC Discussion and Sign-ups _ Harlequins

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 22 2011, 04:34 PM


Long ago, there was a powerful man. He could perform almost any feat needed, for this man was one thing – a wizard. This wizard, named Adam, could manipulate fire and water, shake the earth without a second glance, and even whip up tornadoes with a flick of his hand. If lucky, you could see him even turn night into day and then back into night. Some say he could even change the flow of time and space. In all, anyone could agree – this man was not one to cross.

Yet, even with his fearful status, Adam had managed to have a lady, the young Miss Lucina, to fall for him. It was only natural, with her youth and beauty, for Adam to return those feelings. Thus, within only few years, they had wed. At this time, Adam had finally composed the best wedding gift he could – their little world, separated from everyone else. Dubbed the City, this was a place that only drifted around in the fabrics of space. As it was soon found later, it was even a gateway to other universes.

During their time there, Adam and Lucina had invited many friends and family, even allowing complete strangers, to live within their City. It was, after all, a large place, and it was rather lonely without anyone. Soon, the City was a prospering place with people on every corner. Along with all of these people, the couple had brought several children, all daughters, into the City.

The first was Nova, who was smart and wise. She was gifted with control over the winds and air of the world.
The second was Audrey, who was mean and hot-tempered. She had the gift of shaking the earth to its core.
The third was Pandora. She was smart, able to do any strategic planning, yet remained calm at any time. She, once, was able to manipulate the night.
The fourth and fifth were twins, Riko and Rina. Riko was short tempered while Rina was calm, yet they always worked as a team. Rina was able to control water, while Riko controlled fire.
The final child, the sixth, was a girl named Justice. She was special, for it appeared of how she had inherited her father’s space bending skills. Alas, they were never truly trained properly, for she was only a baby once it all started.

But before, the family lived a good life. Alas, once they were bored, they found just what the City could be used for – the Game. The Game was of pulling people from their universe, almost always involuntarily, to partake in a game that was about two weeks long. Sadly for them, each day had a ‘curse’ set upon the city just so they could be tortured. At least, once dead or finished with the game, each character was sent back to their own universe.

Although, the Game, back then, seemed harmless. It just isn’t much of the same anymore.

As it started, Pandora had gone missing. Everyone had gone looking for her – after all, the City wasn’t that big of a place, excluding the additions made to it – and yet no one could find the girl. Then, the City had all thought they lost her forever. Alas, they let down their guard all too soon.

Come only months after her disappearance, a figure appeared within the City. Whatever was in its path it destroyed. No one knew who this figure was…no one, except for the sorrow filled mother. Yet, this was not the Pandora everyone had known. This was a girl with a corrupted appearance and soul, who was only driven by madness. She didn’t even recognize anyone. She only caused destruction.

It seemed that now, no one could stop her. At least, as it seemed. Yet, as the City lay in ruins, Lucina took it up as her own goal. Her own goal to stop her third child. Those who were still there to witness the event had said that it was almost catastrophic. In the end, neither truly survived. Pandora’s very body had been destroyed, her corrupted soul sealed away. Meanwhile, Lucina had fallen into a state of health that was close to death and, soon, had finally succumbed to it.

As the loss of his wife had ruined him, the corruption of his daughter and destruction of his own world had caused Adam to spiral into a depression, hiding himself away from everyone. His remaining family had been left with the City. The inhabitants were mostly either dead or moved away to someplace else. Very few, if any, really remained.

Years had then came and passed. The daughters worked their hardest to restore the city. Few weeks here and there, they’d run a small Game. Sadly, no matter what they really did, the City was never truly the same again. It was only an empty place of its once greatness. At least, it was peaceful.

Alas, even the peaceful didn’t last long. Around the City, odd earthquake like tremors began going through the city. Buildings seemed to be destroyed without any help. And, above all, another figure has begun to appear within the skyline. Although there was no clear look, they all knew just what it was.

Pandora was back.

Thus, the girls had tried to get to their father. They knew he would be within the white tower that stood within the middle of the city. There, the center of the City, the gateway to every other universe. Instead of a white tower, although, they came face to face with an ever-spinning roulette and an hourglass. The sands that ticked down, they guessed, were until Pandora was at full force.

As she had taken over the white tower, she had taken over the City. The four eldest daughters had then scattered to protect the City’s borders. They knew that, with a very good chance, Pandora wouldn’t stop at the City. She’d try to control the other universes, each and every one of them. As their magic surrounded the City, it became harder to ever get through. Although they knew it wouldn’t last, the borders would slow down Pandora.

Meanwhile, the youngest, Justice, had been given a task. Being the last of them, she was to run another Game. That way, she’d bring people from any dimension to aid their cause, even if it meant to force them to. Although they couldn’t truly guarantee it would all work, they were desperate.

The Game would begin their war.
And the Game would end it all.

Some Things To Know (click to show)

Shadows (First Enemies) (click to show)

Gage Creations (click to show)

Laws of the Worlds (click to show)

So You Wanna Play the Game? (click to show)

A Model(And SD's Character) (click to show)

Game List

I. Sho Minamimoto ~ The World Ends With You ~ Shadow Dragon
II. ~ Ghost Trick ~ Shadow Dragon
III. Ganondorf ~ Legend of Zelda (Wind Waker) ~ Shinzu
IV. Ezio ~ Assassin's Creed ~ Shinzu
V. & ~ Guilty Gear ~ Wishful Jirachi
VI. ~ BlazeBlue ~ Wishful Jirachi
VII. & ~ Blazblue ~ Darkrow
VIII. ~ BlazeBlue ~ Darkrow
IX. ~ Lord of the Rings ~ Carnt Spel
X. ~ The Prince of Mist ~ Carnt Spel
XI. ~ Naruto ~ Pikalover10
XII. ~ Percy Jackson ~ Pikalover10
XIII. ~ Sonic ~ Not a Moron
XIV. ~ Sonic ~ Not a Moron
XV. ~ Tales of Symphonia ~ Sasson
XVI. ~ Tsubasa Reservoire Chronicles ~ Sasson
XVII. ~ My Neighbor Totoro ~ xires
XVIII. ~ Naruto ~ Eyes of the Gorgon
XIX. ~ Tangled ~ Eyes of the Gorgon
XX. ~ Kirby ~ Pika the Raispeon
XXI. ~ Little Big Planet ~ sackperson
XXII. ~ BlazBlue ~ Eraser Mortis
...and so on...

Posted by: Shinzu Jun 22 2011, 04:58 PM

Dude this sounds awesome. <: I've been looking for one more roleplay~
And there's some hard core creativeness here, because WW Ganondorf is really...he's there for like five minutes and there's little about him. XDD

Ganondorf~ (click to show)

Ezio (click to show)

I only included half of his powers, or the ones I know that he has in Wind Waker. ._o' My failed attempt to make him weaker for this was for him to be able to use most of his powers a couple times a day or so.

I also may end up using Ezio or something from Assassin's Creed, if I'm not being lazy and can control more than one cannon character. XDD

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 22 2011, 05:08 PM

Yayyyy Shinzu
There is someone that's interestes :'D

Ganondorf is accepted to the Game.
Go another villian thing!

Don't be worrying to much about a second one
I still need to choose between three hermmm...

Posted by: Shinzu Jun 22 2011, 05:28 PM

Ah, but I need a good guy for my bad guy, yes? XDD -Shot-

What three are you trying to choose from? o.o

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 22 2011, 05:42 PM

I may have to join this.

I shall think about it, SD.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jun 22 2011, 06:08 PM

As Dark said, I'm intrigued. All I need to do is think of a usable character.....

Edit: Would it be alright to reserve the characters Baiken and Anji Mito from Guilty Gear?

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 22 2011, 06:40 PM

Yes my new two prisoners
I mean uh
Yeah, that.

Also yes, Wishful, it's all fine.

And to Shinzu,
I'm trying between an old man with five hearts, a wolf/sun goddess with brush powahs or just scare the shit outta little kids with the Slender Man
Such interesting choices, those are.

Posted by: Carnt Spel Jun 22 2011, 07:07 PM

Hohoh! An RP that actually interests me!~ <3
Save me a spot, will you? c:

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 22 2011, 07:10 PM

Wishie, I love you for that edit. X3

Yeah, I'll join, just lemme think of characters.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jun 22 2011, 07:13 PM

lol, I thought you would be pleased with my choices Dark. =)

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 22 2011, 07:14 PM

I actually main those two along with Millia and Potemkin. XD

I would like to reserve Rachel Alucard and Valkenhayn R. Hellsing, both from Blazblue.

Posted by: Pikalover10 Jun 22 2011, 07:57 PM

BWA! I HAVE to join!

Naruto (click to show)

Nico di Angelo (click to show)

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 22 2011, 08:21 PM

How could I say no Pika?
Even with a wall of text I will be accepting them both.
Welcome to Hell, my friend.

This makes like what six now
This is going good hnnn

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 22 2011, 08:31 PM


Look down please.

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 22 2011, 09:16 PM

Username: Darkrow
Name: Rachel Alucard (accompanied by Nago & Gii)
Universe: Blazblue. Namely, after Continuum Shift, so she is much weaker than she once was.


A Making of: The snobby head of the Alucard family, Rachel behaves like a stereotypical upper-class individual at all times. She often expresses boredom, snobbery, apathy and arrogance with others. Despite being a vampire, she heavily dislikes sucking blood. She tends to horribly mistreat both of her familiars who remain loyal to her nonetheless. In particular, the chubby Gii is her favorite bullying targer. She speaks in a refined manner and rarely, if ever, uses contractions, such as "I'm" or "I've". She dislikes being called a rabbit (due to her hair ribbons that are shaped like one's ears). She is also a very skilled summoner and has lots of minions under her command, though she only regularly uses two. She enjoys sweet food, such as cake, and drinking tea and is very protective of her teacup. She is an extremely potent sorceress as well. She belittles people fighting her and toys with them, which is usually enough to defeat them. She tends to have childish fits that often end up with her attacking others or her own familiars. Lastly, she rarely fights herself, letting Nago and Gii do most of the work.

Equipment: Nago: A big shapeshifting cat that has the same kind of attitude as his master. He can shapeshift into anything you can imagine, but still keeps his goofy face and black color. He is most often seen as an umbrella and can be considered Rachel's main weapon. He takes the hits instead of her.

Gii: A stout little bat, Gii is the one that gets mistreated the most by Rachel. He doesn't fight much, but he does block incoming attacks when Rachel sees them coming. Both him and Nago seem to be impossible to hurt, but it's possible.

Powers/Skills: Teleportation: Yeah, what it says. Fairly basic. Limited to a few times per day for the RP unless it's very short range.

Flight: Rachel can fly. Well, levitate.

Silpheed: Just a fancy name for controlling the wind. Can only be used in short bursts from any side and can only be used four times per minute. Will change the trajectory of any and all projectiles.

Mastery of Lightning: What it says. Mainly used in conjunction with Lobelias.

Tsukiyomi: Basically, Rachel, when she needs to, can use her clothes as weapons, changing their shape to her will.

Lobelia: Nago transforms into a cannon and shoots a red pellet in an arc. It deals a small amount of damage if it hits by bursting into electricity. If it hits the ground (or any solid, unmoving surface), it transforms into a 10 feet tall thin rod that cannot be removed by any means (except one, shown below). Only three Lobelias can exist at any given time.

George XIII: One of Rachel's two minions. He is a frog that occasionally hops forward and shocks people with a small electric field he emits.

Impish Gypsophila: The second of Rachel's minions. A stationary flying pumpkin that acts as a trap. If directed using Silpheed, it becomes a fast moving projectile that deals some damage using fire.

Sword Iris: Surrounds Rachel with electricity and sends lightning bolts crashing down on any and all Lobelias present, no matter where, violently shocking anyone near them and making the Lobelias disappear.

Baden-Baden Lily: Rachel slowly rises into the air, eyes closed, and is struck by a fierce lightning bolt that also sets off her Lobelias. She "explodes" in a cross-shaped electricity field.

Clownish Calendula: Rachel's most powerful and physically draining attack for the RP of course. She rises up high in the air and a 10 feet wide red laser appears around her. If anyone happens to enter within three seconds, a cross-shaped grave will rise from the ground behind Rachel and she'll make it explode with electricity, obliterating the opponent. Rose petals also fall after the blast. If no one enters the laser, nothing happens and she is tired. She CAN use Silpheed to try and lure opponents in. Bewaaaare.

Other: Rachel herself will rarely, if ever, be hit. Only Nago and Gii will be, but if they are both knocked out then she is considered defeated.

Reason for choosing?: Rachel is the one character in Blazblue, along with Carl Clover and Hazama, that I simply am unable to use. I wish to learn how to play with her one day, because her fighting style's awesome and I like snobby bitches in RPs.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 22 2011, 09:44 PM

A snobbish bitch
That makes a perfect addition

She is accepted.
Enjoy Hell, again.
Goooo Dark for picking good characters.

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 22 2011, 09:45 PM

Username: Darkrow
Name: Valkenhayn R. Hellsing
Universe: Blazblue. Same period as Rachel.


A Making of: A werewolf with a sharp wit that has served the Alucard family for many generations, Valkenhayn is Rachel's right hand man as well as her personal butler. He is polite and acts like a gentleman... when not battling. He tends to remain calm and genuinely cares for Rachel, who seems to also care for him but does not show it as much. He greatly respects his opponents, unlike his master. However, be aware that despite all this, the elderly man IS a werewolf and therefore has a disturbingly savage temper. A simple insult aimed at Rachel can set him off, but he will still listen to her. He dislikes it when Rachel associates herself with things that are below her class (most things, it seems) due to boredom, but he obeys nonetheless. When angered, his voice deepens and his teeth become fangs instantly.

Equipment: None. Only his knowledge of fighting.

Powers/Skills: Lycanthropy: Valkenhayn can change into a wolf, either fully or partly, at will (no need of that sissy full moon crap!) for a limited time for the sake of the RP, he can stay for as long as 5 minutes, but it takes half an hour for him to be able to transform into a wolf again if he exceeds that limit. Otherwise, it's proportional.

All the following attacks are made possible or strengthened with magic.

Nacht Jäger: A powerful shoulder tackle from the elderly werewolf.

Schwarz Jagd: A low kick with tremendous range.

Weiss Jagd: Want me to say it simply? Magic-infused Sparta Kick.

Nacht Rosen: Immensely powerful uppercut that sends the opponent rocketing upwards.

Mondlicht: Valkenhayn rapidly spins in midair, leg outstretched.

König Wolf: Only in Wolf Form. A forward dash surrounded by energy.

Eisen Wolf: Only in Wolf Form. A powerful dive from the air that will knock most enemies down in one hit.

Himmel Wolf: Only in Wolf Form. Valkenhayn pounces the opponent and bites them as much as he can before jumping off, automatically reverting back to his human form. While in the game he can retransform immediately, for the RP this is not possible.

Sturm Wolf: Only in Wolf Form. A long flurry of feral attacks preceded by a dash and a punch.

König Flug: Dives down from midair, making the opponent bounce off the ground. He then transforms into a wolf, gathers magic and crashes upwards into them.

Blut Vollmond: Valkenhayn does a backflip kick, sending the enemy flying extremely high up. Then, he transforms into a bipedal, muscular wolf and proceeds to violently maul them in midair, reverting back to his human form as soon as he's done, completely exhausted for the sake of the RP.

Other: Being one of the Six Heroes, Valkenhayn is an exceptional fighter whose skills are rarely matched. For the RP though, he is much weaker.

Reason for choosing?: I need practice with males. I like snob/butler combos. I need practice with males. He's an interesting character. I need practice with males. His theme is awesome. I need practice with males. I like his personality. I need practice with males.

Oh, and I need practice with males.

And when I get the permission to get a third character, I already know who to pick.
And, on another note, I shall call you LSD. Le Shadow Dragon. |D

Posted by: Pikalover10 Jun 22 2011, 10:05 PM

*looks at Dark's profiles* Hmmmm. I might just have to watch/read this anime/manga... cat.gif

Anyway, yeah. I already have my third charrie picked out for when I can get him too cat.gif

But yeah, Dark... you DO need practice with males! lol, though i do tend to enjoy reading how you RP with the snobby bitches XP

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 22 2011, 10:07 PM

I wouldn't mind having a butler like that hmm
And accepted.
Snobby bitches need butlers, after all.

LSD, yay
Now I feel like a drug

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 22 2011, 10:12 PM

It's a fighting game, Pika. XD

But damn, a Blazblue anime would make me happy. A long one. Same for a Guilty Gear anime.

Posted by: Shinzu Jun 22 2011, 10:25 PM

Blargah, lots of characters! x'D Did you guys know that this is my first attempt at using a non-OC character...? -Shot-

Anyway, I don't know those characters, SD, but they sound fun. xD

Posted by: Carnt Spel Jun 22 2011, 10:26 PM

Nazgul (click to show)

I might be adding one more character.. Dunno, depends on how I feel tomorrow.. xD

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jun 22 2011, 10:27 PM

QUOTE(Darkrow @ Jun 22 2011, 08:14 PM) *
I actually main those two along with Millia and Potemkin. XD

I would like to reserve Rachel Alucard and Valkenhayn R. Hellsing, both from Blazblue.

lol. That's awesome.
Hey, If I screw anything up, please tell me. I still haven't managed to get my hand on one of these games.

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 22 2011, 10:28 PM

No worries, Wishie, I'll help you. X3

And if you have no idea for your third character, I could arrange something to make it funny with mine.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 22 2011, 10:56 PM

I hope they do, Shinzu.
Quiet a colorful cast, hmmm

As to Carnt Spel, I'm soory to say but...
You are accepted.
Now to attempt painful editing with a phone yeeeah

....Or less painful editting tommorow on the computer! Yay!

Posted by: Carnt Spel Jun 22 2011, 11:10 PM

Sorry to say? DD8
But yey. c:

Posted by: Not A Moron Jun 23 2011, 02:53 AM

Name: Sonic the Hedgehog (Going 1991 Sonic here, not modern day)
Universe: Sonic series.


A Making of: Sonic is a mute, and a smug one at that. He tends to follow Ivo Robotnik, in order to keep his plans from coming into fruition. Sonic tends to prefer going fast over staying in one place, becoming rather impatient when he has to stay somewhere. He'll often throw himself into dangerous situations head-on in order to protect what he cares about. This usually ends up being little woodland animals, and the world itself. If knocked down, the ever stubborn hedgehog will just get up and charge at the enemy even harder. While he prefers to spend his tine faster, Sonic will often stop to search for the mystical Chaos Emeralds, yet again to stop the ploy of Robotnik.
((Didnt quite know how else to put it. He doesn't have that deep of a personality, ya know? Sorry))

Equipment: Shoes. Not just any shoes. Shoes that grant Sonic the ability to run at supersonic speeds, faster than anything else on land. Also, if he has all seven, the Chaos Emeralds can be used as well, to go Super Sonic.


Super Speed: Kinda self explanatory. Able to run faster than anything on land.

Spin Dash: Curling into a ball, Sonic applies his speed to spin at incredibly high speeds, breaking through layers of metal if fast enough.

Super Sonic: When he has collected seven Chaos Emeralds, Sonic can transform into a golden powered up version of himself, with even higher speed capabilities and invincibility to many things, however that does not mean he is not majorly slowed down by larger attacks. Also allows him to survive in areas of little to no oxygen.

Other: If allowed of course, he has a sidekick, Tails, who more often than not just throws himself into harms way.

Reason for choosing?: Felt some nostalgia after thinking about his return in Sonic Generations.

Lemme tell ya, felt weird signing up to be an animal while everyone else is human.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jun 23 2011, 05:55 AM

QUOTE(Darkrow @ Jun 22 2011, 11:28 PM) *
No worries, Wishie, I'll help you. X3

And if you have no idea for your third character, I could arrange something to make it funny with mine.

I don't have a third character idea so I'm all ears.

Posted by: Sasson Jun 23 2011, 06:47 AM

Is it, by any chance, not to late to join? I know the list says and so on, but I wanted to check to make sure~ cat.gif

Characters I would use are Yuan from Tales of Symphonia and Elegost from The Lord of the Rings: The third age (at least I think that is the English name >_>). Both are videogames. cat.gif

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 23 2011, 09:03 AM

I need sleep.

For Not a Moron, Sonic is accepted.
There's probably gonna be more.... Animal things soon.
If you eanna make Tails as well, just make another profile for 'em

Yes, this is still compleatly open.
I'm just too lazy at add more.nymbers to show space.
I'll put on your reserve too, once I get to the computer and not a phone.
Cursed thing hnnnn

Posted by: Not A Moron Jun 23 2011, 10:35 AM

Hmm... Come to think of it, I'm not very good at having two characters at once. Seeya Tails.
I know how you feel about the sleep too... ;-;
But thanks.

Posted by: Pikalover10 Jun 23 2011, 03:23 PM

Oh, it's a game.... >.> don't judge me dark....

Can't wait for the RP to start tho! :P

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 23 2011, 03:32 PM

Yaaay enthusiasm.

I plan on starting once there's about two more people.
Hmm...I must go plan hmm

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 23 2011, 06:48 PM

Oh, just a small thing I forgot to add.

Rachel is 4'7". Valkenhayn is 6'3".

Posted by: Shinzu Jun 23 2011, 06:50 PM

XDD I can't wait to start! However, I think another character is in order, because...well, RPing with one character gives me barely a paragraph, and I enjoy typing much more than a few sentences~

-Hops off~-

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jun 23 2011, 07:32 PM

Username: Wishful Jirachi
Name: Baiken
Universe: Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus (ending where she teams up with Anji)

Appearance: is a female whose actual age does not show in her appearance but at a first glance it seems that she might be somewhere in her 20s or 30s. Her height is basic for most females and her hair shades of pink. Her hair is styled in a high ponytail that reaches to below her waist with bangs that fan out at the forehead and reach to her chest. On her face is a pink symbol that consists of a dot and a crescent moon overlaying the top. Her left eye is unusable and is closed with a scar running across in up and down to the face.

Her outfit consists of a somewhat loose fitting and revealing kimono. The kimono is a low cut, showing a generous portion of the top of her breasts. It is pink in color with a darker pink trim around the sleeves. The collar fans out around her neck while the sleeves reach her palms. The bottom of the kimono has a V cut which creeps on the left side up to her waist. The back of the kimono, on the bottom, is a sun like symbol that consists of a circle and four triangles.

Wrapped around her waist is a red sash which holds tight a black jacket like vest. On the back of the vest is a similar design to the one on the lower back of the kimono. The right arm of the kimono is ripped and tattered on the ends while around her wrists are a pair of leather like braces that clamp around her hand. They are black in color with a gold trim. Around her lower leg is a similar brace which is connected to a pair of basic sandals.

A Making of: During the Crusades, the nation of Japan was destroyed by Gears making any people of Japanese decent cultural treasures. To protect these people, they were placed into colonies however Gears attacked these as well. During an attack, Baiken watched her parents die and lost her right arm and left eye. She saw a figure during the attack which she refers to as “That Man”. Afterward she swore to hunt down “That Man”.

After searching for “That Man” and other Gears for a great deal of time, she meets Anji Mito who wants to find “That Man” but does not want to kill him but to rather gain information from him. Later on Anji insists on becoming her accomplice and she gives up on her revenge towards “That Man”.

Her fighting style is mainly defense and consists of numerous counters. Her basic moves are-
-Suzuran: a dash with an upward block.
-Mawarikomi: a dash behind an opponent.
-Ouren: long jump with a front flip.
-Baku: a red kanji appears over the opponent, harming them. By using this form of attack she sometimes manages to stop an opponent for a short period of time as well as two other side effects. These effects take place in the form of a seal over their heads.

Katana: The Katana is strapped to her left hip and is used as a primary weapon. She can perform fast attacks in combination with this weapon which she wields with her left hand. Once the katana hits flower petals come out of the blade.
-Youzansen: An aerial attack which consists of a 360 degree slash.
-Sanzu Watashi: Three slashes, two horizontal and one vertical.
-Instant Kill: Dash and sweep.
Bladed Fan: Hidden under the right sleeve of her kimono is a fan with a bladed edge. By using a sweeping motion, the fan can be used in a similar manner as a knife.
Chain Rope/Claw/Hook: In place of her right arm, she has a chain rope which contains a claw or hook at the end. There are three claws/hooks in total which are swung at the enemy, giving her a farther reach.
-Kabari to Tetsuzansen: By extending the chain towards an opponent, she can draw them closer to her to then slash them in an upwards motion.
-Youshijin: By extending the chain towards the opponent, she attacks at a range.
Green Dragon Cannon: This weapon is also hidden under her sleeve and used as the name implies.

Powers/Skills: The only basic spell like attacks that Baiken performs is using tatami mats from under her feet. They appear in the shape of giant upright rectangles or smooth cut shards. Each tatami mat can take a bit of small damage before it is destroyed and must be replaced. However each is completely flat and does not wrap around her body in any fashion.
She can create short ranged blasts of energy.

Other: N/A

Reason for choosing?: I chose Baiken primarily because I like the artistic quality of the game she is from, Guilty Gear. I myself, have not played this game but I would like to one day. Her back history also is quite intriguing to me as well as her character design.

Username: Wishful Jirachi
Name: Anji Mito
Universe: Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus (ending where he becomes Baiken’s guardian)

Appearance: a male of average height and decent strength. His hair is brown in color and spikes up slightly over a sky blue wrap around his head. His chin is broadly shaped while a pair of scholar like glasses set on the brim of his nose. His upper body is bare however his lower half is clothed by a somewhat kimono like clothing.

The kimono bottom is dark blue with a darker blue or almost purple sash, trimmed with gold. Underneath the kimono, which dips on the sides of his body, is a pair of bright blue shorts. His shoes are dark blue in color and are made in a basic Japanese style of a shoe with two planks horizontally on the bottom. Around his wrists are bright blue cloths which connect to the underside of his palm between the pointer finger and the middle finger.

Around his arms is a darker blue clothed circulate with brighter blue stitching. This clothing functions primarily as a set of sleeves that cover the elbow and drape around his back. Either attached to his belt or held in his hands is a pair of Zessen fans. The fans are almost a dark brown in color with golden diamonds across the front. He uses these fans in a dancing like fighting style to keep Japanese traditions alive.

A Making of: Anji never regrets losing a fight and prefers to negotiate with opponents. He is rather intelligent and his most common trait is constantly pronouncing how proud of his weapon he is. A common thing that he does is compare weapons with his opponents.

After Japan was attack by the Gears and Japanese people were placed into colonies, he escaped. Ever sense he has been running from security forces who are attempting to return him to his colony while trying to find out more information about “That Man”. He eventually meets Baiken and in the future tells her everything “That Man” had said.

He ends up joining “That Man” to remain young by becoming an immortal gear; however, it is unclear to whether he accepts this offer. During a mission, he meets Baiken again and decides to be a guardian for her instead of working for “That Man”.

Zessen: A pair of large fans which are used as basic physical weapon attacks of varying manners.
-Fuujin: forward dash followed by an attack with the fan.
-Shin Isshiki: after jumping, he throws six fans in a quarter circle.
-Hitoashitobi: same as Shin Isshiki but instead of jumping he dashes.
-Nagiha: a low fan attack in which the fan is covered in blue energy.
-Issei Ougi Sai: the fan enlarges in front of him, spins horizontally, and then closes on the enemy.

-Shitsu: a blue butterfly approaches the enemy but flies upward, transforming into a falcon, and then dives toward the enemy.
-Force Shitsu: a red butterfly with the same power as Shitsu but is stronger.

-Kachoufuugetsu: four swipes.

Other Attacks:
-Kai: a jump and then lunge at the enemy.
-Rin: a slower fan attack.
-Force Rin: same as Rin but reaches farther.
-Kou: upwards spinning attack that hits eight times.
-Aoi: a ground spin that hits four times, knocking the opponent on the final hit.
-Force Kou: same as Kou but has a tornado like effect, ending with Shin Nishiki.
-Shin Nishiki: aerial move where he curls into a ball and produces orbs of energy from his hands.
-Tenjinashi: similar to Kai but is a ground attack spin.
-Instant Kill: a jump onto a Chinese energy dragon and them ramming the opponent.

Other: N/A

Reason for choosing?: Same reason as Baiken

Username: Wishful Jirachi
Name: Ragna the Bloodedge
Universe: BlazBlue (Current)

Appearance: is a 6’8”, 172lbs, unknown racial being. His right eyes is read and left eye green while his hair, which is spiked in the back, is white. He wears a red jacket which reaches half way to his knee. The jacket’s collar reaches to the brim of his nose if zipped but it rarely is. The shoulder pads are defined while the sleeves are thin and trim at his wrists.

The jacket, which has numerous silver/black belts, is wrapped in a tight fit by a large black belt that crosses across his body just above his hips. The belts have silver metal like materials at the connections. The jacket has three red buckles in the front, just above the belt, which are tied by gold buttons. Underneath his red jacket is what appears to be a black jacket with a white trim.

His lower half consists of a pair of slightly bagged black pants and black/silver shoes. He wears black gloves on his hands and a pair of buckle like tales attached to the back of the red jacket. His weapon of choice is a weapon called a Blood Scythe.

A Making of: Ranga lived in a church with his younger siblings, Jin and Saya. Saya became ill and Ragna decided to look after her however Jin grew jealous and he began to hate Saya. Later on Jin, along with Terumi Yuuki, burns down the church, cuts of Ragna’s right arm and kidnaps Saya. It is unclear when but at some point Ragna is bitten by a vampire, making him heterochromic and changed his blonde hair to white.

Jubei of the Six Heroes then trained Ragna to control his Azure Grimoire (located in the replacement for his lost arm). During this training he met Taokaka and after his training was complete, Jubei took him to the church and gave him two items: his jacket and Blood-Scythe.

He travels from each city, destroying NOL bases and becomes a world-known criminal with a bounty on his head. He however does not fear being captured. Inside the headquarters of one of the NOL bases, he meets Jin again. While there he battles Hakumen of the Six Heroes. Shortly after, he saves Noel from being killed by Nu. Noel returns the favor by saving Ragna from being captured by Nu. Rachel then appears on the scene and in the end Terumi Yuuki is revealed.

Afterward, Noel and Ragna travel for a short time, however, they go separate ways, now enemies. He then falls injury to Carl Clover and heals in a Kaka Clan, making friends with Tao. After leaving he meets Platinum and is warned to not fight Hazama by Kokonoe while being told not to fight Terumi from Jin, whom he defeats. Ragna then fights Hazama and before he is about to die Nu saves him.

-Blood Scythe: a sword like weapon that is broad but short in length. It allows him to steal life forces with each strike. This weapon has the ability to change into a scythe like weapon and use a move called Soul Eater.
-Azure Grimoire: is located in his right arm. It enhances his powers so that he enters a state called Blood Kain which increases strength while decreasing energy.

Powers/Skills: His elemental affinity is darkness which during battle allows him to summon parts of the Black Beast such as its pointed jaw, tail, claws, one of its many heads, breath or lump, hide, and wings. Through a similar technique he can also transform his entire body into a creature of pure darkness.

Values-Silver Bracelet
Likes-Meat Dishes
Dislikes-Ghosts, NOL

Reason for choosing?: Dark had prompted Ragna as a character to stir up conflicts in the roleplay and once I saw him and read his background, I was in love with him. So it was a no brainer that he would be used as a character.

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 23 2011, 07:45 PM

Wishie, I could send you their powers, if you wish. X3

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jun 23 2011, 07:55 PM

Yes please! I couldn't find it anywhere!
I just used what I could get from combat videos.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 23 2011, 10:00 PM

This is completely late but I has excuses
like dentist
and sims
but that's another story

I'm guessing I'll be accepting all three, then.
Since you already made and posted, I guess it's a good exception.
So yes. All three accepted.

Speaking of other characters, I still need to figure out one of mine hnnn

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 23 2011, 10:05 PM

*wonders if he can post his third profile*

Posted by: Shinzu Jun 23 2011, 10:25 PM

Okay, can I reserve a character, Ezio from Assassin's Creed? I have literally no time right now to post a huge profile- my mom let me keep an adorable little kitten and I need to take care of it until it falls asleep. noes.gif I started posting, then I was kicked off and yeah. -Headdesk-

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 23 2011, 10:54 PM

FFFFFFFF- fine Dark
Since I know you'll be doing a good job amd all.

As to Shinzu,
I'll put your reserve up tommorrow
And awww. I want a kitty.

Speaking of which.
Grabbin' reserves for self.
Yeeeeah Ghost Trick.

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 23 2011, 11:39 PM

Username: Darkrow
Name: Nu-13.
Universe: Blazblue. After the events of Continuum Shift (she is presumed alive, so yeah).

Appearance: and

A Making of: A Murakumo Unit sealed in the Sheol Gate to protect it and terminate any hostile target near it, Nu is completely emotionless, being a robot. However, she seems to have a personality flaw because she becomes amazingly cheerful whenever Ragna The Bloodedge is in the vicinity. She is completely and thoroughly obsessed by him since she wants to absorb him to have him assist her in destroying the world since they both possess a piece of the Azure Grimoire. Due to his attitude, though, she tries to do this by force numerous times, which always fails. She's always smiling when with him and he is the only thing she even remotely likes. When she has to fight, she immediately changes into her Battle Mode.

Equipment: Eight Disembodied Blades that float behind her in Battle Mode and the Azure Grimoire.

Powers/Skills: Nu has the power to create portals from another dimension that shoots large black ethereal swords. Much of her skills use these swords, making her a long-ranged fighter. She can also fully control the Eight Blades.

Spike Chaser: Nu sends a wave of swords from the ground towards the opponent.

Sickle Storm: A round sword chases the opponent for a short while. Can be summoned behind the opponent.

Crescent Saber: Nu slashes above her head with a sword. Makes the enemy bounce off the ground.

Gravity Shield: Nu summons a portal on the ground. Anyone who stands in it will have their speed dramatically reduced for 10 seconds.

Act Parser: Nu can teleport quickly behind the opponent, interrupting her attack.

Legacy Edge: A small portal appears a meter or two in front of Nu at chest height and rapidly shoots around 40 small swords at high speed.

Calamity Sword: A portal opens up above the opponent and a big sword crashes down on them.

Sword of Destruction: Nu's most powerful attack. She charges up power and grabs the opponent, paralyzing them. Then, a gigantic portal appears over her head and a huge sword falls down on the enemy. Drains most of her energy.

Reason for choosing?: Simple, Nu is the character I main in Blazblue along with Tager.

Thank you, LSD.

Posted by: Sasson Jun 24 2011, 12:34 AM

Baww, now I'm reconsiering my choices! :C Although I love those two to pieces, they're very similar in personality and you guys are all so cool~
Okay Elegost and Yuan sarcastic and awesome as hell as well but eh...

Okay. Decision time, please wait till the computer has finished loading...






Okay I decided. I'm gonna keep Yuan (cause he's awesome) but drop Elegost (cause he's so similar) for... someone else. Who will be dicided on as soon as the first profile is done. So here I go for now.

Oh one more thing: I do not own these pictures, I only found them on google. Credit goes to the original artists!

Username: Sasson
Name: Yuan Ka-Fai
Universe: Tales of Symphonia - set between first and second game (because I don't like the second :P) After the, uh... Good ending I suppose? More than one good ending here, but anyway all main characters survived which means Yuan can bitch about all of them.


That is Yuan... obvious yes, it's a simple picture (which I do not claim), but a few things to go with the appearance. For one, he is a half-elf, which seems kind of obvious when looking at his ears, but he could be an elf for all you know or whatever the evil version of an elf is called in English... None of that though, he is a half-elf.
This logically means he has an extended lifespan, but that is not all. Yuan is also what the people in his world refer to as an angel, one of the four seraphim. Their history will be told later, but the point if an unremovable crystal on his chest (currently covered by armour) gives him high powers and pretty much immortality - as long as he is not killed in battle or takes it off himself, that it.

The thing he is holding is his weapon, the so-called "Swallow", his weapon of choice. It is basically a staff with couble-edced big blades on the ends, and it's good for more than just show. He is surprisingly fast with it...

Another thing that deserves to be added are his wings. Another thing granted by the crystal, they depend on his magic energy to funcion, not being made of physical material but rather pure energy in the form of light. The span about his body heigth to both sides and have pink to purple colors. Yes, they seem to sparkle somewhat...

A Making of: Okay now, telling the whole history of a 4000-something years old guy would take a whil so I'll sum this up fast.
Yuan was born in an era of war in his world and grew up making friends with Kratos Aurion. He and kraots set out on a journey to stop the war together with a pair of siblings, Martel and Mithos Yggdrassil. They managed to stop the war but Martel, Yuan's fiancee at that time, was killed by a human, resulting in a deep hatered for humansin Mithos.
Determied to not let her die, Mithos bound her Cruxic Crystal (Gems that give them strong powers and wings, making them what the world would come to call angels) The the sed of aholy tree, the source of all mana. he stopped the ree from growing (claiming it was to stop another war) and went to create a perfect Mana-Match for Martel: A girl with the same Mana signature (probably DNA) as Martel by creating a fake religion and getting people married at will.

Years later Yuan fomed a resistance group because he could not stand seeing the memory of Martel used to do this for this was no longer about Martel herself at all. This group, the Renegades, would play a vital roll in the events of the game.
Now the game is very, very confusing and it would take hours to descibe so let's say it took a lot of confuson, betrayal and sacrifices to save the word from being deprived of all life-force. Kratos was, as a result of that, sent off into space on a giant meteor creating mana.
Yun's role in the story as the one of a conman of whom nobody knew on what side he actually was - it ended up being the good guys, but he was a threat more often than not. he caused major trouble for the team but also helped them on two or thre occasions - on of which got Yuan's second in command killed.
In the end he was realy useful, saving Kratos's life even though oiginally, it had been expectd that Kratos would have to die in order for the bd guy to be defeated. Yuan found another way.

Yes I know, a bit confusing, but you'd have to read for an hour to get thewhole game. In the short version.

Anyway. About Yuan's personality, it's a bit complicated. On the on side he cares deeply for his friends but he can also not stand what they are working for, at least in the beginning since his best frind actually turns good. He has enough brains to put the sake of the world above his friends, which is really not nice to the friends. However, he did not simply do nothing and accept th fact hat one of them would have to be sacrificed. Even though he did con his best friend (=Kratos) to basically commit suicide by releasig all his mana to beat the bad guy, he showed up there to save him by transferring his own mana to his friend, which is something along the lines of a blood transfusion, only more... meaningfull.
This shows he is willing to put the greater good before anything else, but will also look out for his friens and protect them whe danger arises.
He also once causes an incident with a dangeros tree going on rampage. And after initial disbelief, he is fast to asses the situation nd forma a pan with the reest of the protagonists and some anthagonists as well (who are traitors anyway but who's keeping track anyway?). He remains calm at all important occurances an is a quick thinker who gan think outside the box and develop useful strategies.

Yuan's greatest weakness is his temper. He tends to be extremely sarcastic as often as he can be and is shown to be enraged quite easily. On top of that, he has a high self-esteem, rarely admitting he made a mistake. In general he can be really un-pleasant and is most of the time, he is however not a bad guy at heart.

Another thing is that he never forgets. After all this time, he still has Martel's engagement ring and was pretty pissed when he lost it, but the found it again. He does not want to forget her and never will, it is that way with all friends he makes. With his enemies, too, though...

Equipment: Yuan will not be bringing much into this little adventure. But here's a list anyway.

> His Cruxic Crystal important for his magic and overall survival.
> His Weapon, "Swallow", kinda self-explanatory.
> About five pinapple and five lemon gels. The things they use for healing. (Though I never quite got how they use them, it looks like jelly on the artwork. Eat it or put it on the wound..?)
> His Armour? Really, that's all he has, seriously.
> Oh, I forgot his ring. His engagement ring. Not like it's gonna be of much use, but I thought I'd mention it.

Powers/Skills: Yuan's skills range from combat with a weapon over magic reaching to the power of flight. I'm going to list some of the skills he can use here.

Flight: Easy one here, Yuan uses his wings to fly. Cannot be used if in some sort of magic embargo.

Close Combat: Yuan is skilled in combat with either just his body of his double-edged weapon. And pretty fast at it, too...

Thunder Magic: He also specializes in thunder magic, which is mostly used to summon Lightning logically. The lightning my surround him, strike his foes of strengthen his weapon, depending on how he wishes to use it. Here are some of the more powerful real attacks...
> Thunder Explosion: Yuan jumps into the air, charging his weapon with lightning, and the ram it into the ground, causing the ground around him to basically explode from below.
> Indignation: Yuan summons a giant bolt of lighning which crashes down where he wants it to, causing an area around that to become hit as well.
> Shunraiken: he stabs his opponent with his blade, resulting in five to seven small bolts of lightning hitting the target and pushing him back.

Other: Yes, he will be mentioning Kratos a few times. Or I will mention him in his thoughts. The canon says they became good friends again after the game events (even though Kratos got send waaaay away from earth on a meteor), so I'm going to stick to that, and he will probably be pissed a bit. But other than that, nothing else~

Reason for choosing?: Eh, well for one Yuan is just one of those damn fun characters that are sarcastic, mean and in the end fight for the good cause. Also, you never really know whose side he really is on: First he tries to kill you, then he saves you, then he tries to kill you again... I always liked those guys.
Also, he's a bad guy in the story for some part. That is always a plus in my book.
Oh, and he has Lightning magic. Which kinda grew on me since Inheritors.
... And he can fly. I wanted a flying character.

Hm, so that was one guy... For the other one... Um... Anyone know him/her/it/THEM? xD
If they're too powerful, I can replace them, though.

Username: Sasson, once again~
Name: Mokona Modoki: Larg and Soel, though Larg will only appear as a side character. Watanuki will appear as well, as however an NPC. A useful one.
Universe: Tsubasa Reservoire Chronicles, after the end of the Manga.

The one on the right will be the one traveling with them while the black one will be at the shop with Watanuki to keep a link between them.
And this is Watanuki, the shopkeeper. Yes, all of them... This is how he might look now that he is the shopowner, seeing the style takes after Yuuko quite a bit (the former owner of the shop).

A Making of: Mokona of Cephiro is the original Mokona who aided Yuuko and Clow, two powerful wizards, in their time. However when Yuuko's time was frozen and tragedy was bound to happen, Larg and Soel were created for the one purpose of aiding in that quest with their unique powers.
Ultimately the white Mokona was send on that journey with Syaoran, Sakura, Fai and Kurogane to, well, save the dimensions while restoring Sakura's memory and saving her life. Now, if I tried to explain this, it would be even more confusing that Tales of Symphonia, so I'm not gonna do it because I don't really get the beginning either...

Anyhow, Mokona is a sort of mascot. Though he posesses strong magic abilities, they are never used for fighting, merely as support. However, Mokona would always stay in battle to aid his companions. It is very bold, but at the same time scared easily. He is also able to see when someone is faking something easily. Most of the time that is, because he is easily fooled by a happy, smiling facade.

It does however seem that Mokona could pretect himself and other persons if necessary, be it by a secret tecnique not yet announced or magic. He certainly has a strong will and positive spirit.

Equipment: Umm... The earring it wears. It gives Mokona the power to, in case of an emergancy, enhance the magic power of everyone. Other than that nothing, really.

Powers/Skills: Mokona has a very large range of abilities, but no all of them are really useful. While you may find a longer list, these are the ones that ill be most important:
> World-traveling: Mokona baically has the ability to to transport people from one world to another, but seeing this is cetered round said multiple worlds, ould you like me to downgrade it to getting back to the tower?
> Translation: Something extremely handy I would mean, since this way everyone of us will be able to unerstand the othr, even when they are speaking a different language.
> Teleporting objects from one of them to the other, which is very useful in case of a deal with Watanuki.
> Countless other this such as 'break in' 'play chess' or 'knit'

The person who automatically comes with Mokona is Watanuki. He posesses a shop which fulfills wishes - against a price. That might range from something as trivial as valued long hair to the memory of a beloved or something other of great value. In exchange for that, the trader will get the help of advice he needs.
Now, Watanuki is still new at this (and this thing is pretty useful), so I would propose the prices are quite high and/or we can only call on hm, like threee times over the course of ten pages. Or twenty, whatever...

Other: While Soel will be with the group fighting Pandora, Larg and Watanuki will always be in the shop, since Watanuki can't leave there anyway...

Reason for choosing?: Aww come on it's Mokona! It's like a mascot, and we needed a mascot! Plus, they have some nice power and I would love to see what the characters would give up to get certain things on their quests. No risk no fun~
Also, friends of mine cosplayed characters from that story and I have developed a love for Mokona. And Watanuki... His character design is cool, he's an interesting character and has a nice history~

Well, that's it~

Posted by: Not A Moron Jun 24 2011, 01:01 AM

Temptation won me over, I'm gonna add in a second character

Username: Not A Moron
Name: Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik
Universe: Sonic series, there since the beginning, not called Eggman until Sonic Adventure


A Making of: Having an IQ of 300, Ivo's main goals have always been a scientific paradise... Mad scientific paradise. His dream goal is constructing his massive empire, Eggmanland. However, despite his great genius, he always has a weak point that Sonic discovers and uses against him. This has not yet stopped the moustached man. Each time he is defeated, he simply returns with an even more powerful machine, ranging from giant robotic replicas of himself to mechanical duplicates of the hedgehog. Robotnik's main base of command is his gigantic Death Egg, which has been destroyed many times. Even though Robotnik is a genius, he is hot-headed and easily to anger. His main form of taking out that pesky hedgehog are his badniks and anthromorphiv robot series, the Omega series. Badniks and Omegas alike are powered by small animals.

Walker/Hovercraft - Eggmans main mode of transportation as a man lacking physical abilities. The Walker is essentially a "Combat Form" of the Hovercraft, loaded with missiles and bullets, while the Hovercraft is used for quick movement. Both can hover, though the Walker will slowly descend as it hovers.

Tools - He's a scientist. He had tools.

Genius - He has an IQ of 300. He's considered a genius.

Epic Stache - Dudes got an epic stache man

Other: It alright if his Badniks and such are sorta like disposable NPCs? He does rely on them a lot, and they have no real personality and history. Just different abilities.

Reason for choosing?: He just seemed a fun character to try out.

Posted by: Carnt Spel Jun 24 2011, 02:16 AM

xDx asdf Everyone is getting/has two characters! That means I might as well reserve another one for myself.
I'll be reserving Cain from The Prince of Mist~ I'll make the profile after I get some sleep. You don't want to imagine the stuff my brain can make up at 2:30 in the morning..

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 24 2011, 09:01 AM

Darkrow is accepted.
Honestly, Nu looks like a little shorta boy
Gender confusion hnnnm

Both characters are good and accepted.
But like you had said,
I'd rather have your second character's first ability changed.
Maybe instead of world hopping, he could teleport almost anywhere in the City?
After all, there are.bounderies around it

Moron, Eggman is accepted.
This will do ust fine with another villian
May wanna fix the, though.

And then Carnt is getting another yeeeeah.
I should go finish mine too. Hm.

Hey look my second profile.
Username: Shadow Dragon
Name: Sissel
Universe: Ghost Trick : Phantom Detective, after changing Missile's fate.

Appearance: For the sake of the RP, Sissel will be able to still control his body. But, as he uses his Ghost Tricks, this body will be left in whatever place it was, and presumed dead. Granted, if his body isn't destroyed, then Sissel can always return to it. If not, he will be trapped as a ghost, and possibly may take up room in some object to use as a body. Think of a lamp or something.

A Making of: Ghosts are always an odd thing. As for Sissel, he finds, as a ghost, that he has unique powers. Alas, as he awakes, he finds that he has no memory. After trying out his new powers, as well as changing the fate of a young woman named Lynne, Sissel ends up transporting himself to a new location. This, he finds that he has been targeted for some odd reason, as well as his supposed name.

Thus, going back, and then transporting elsewhere to save the life of a little dog named Missile and another young girl named Kamila from a hit man sent to finish the job of killing Lynne. Sadly for Sissel, he's not about to find out everything about his murder just yet.

For being a 'normal' citizen, Sissel carries around nothing but his cool shades.

Ghost World is which Sissel switches form the 'Land of the Living' (our world) to the 'Ghost World' in which time stands still. This allows him to preform his 'Ghost Tricks'.

Ghost Tricks are what Sissel can do. This caused his spiritual form of a ghost to leave his physical body and move around. Although, this leaves behind his physical body behind. Of course, he can always repossess it.

Jumping from object to object is one of the simpler things he can do. Within a small area, Sissel is able to posses and object, even able to move, turn on, or just about anything with that object.

Telephone Jumping is an ability to move from telephone to telephone, thus being able to travel great distances in a short time. Although, in order to do this, Sissel must know the telephone number to which he is traveling to.

Ghost Possession is the ability to posses the body of the recent dead and to not only speak with them, but to change their fate.

Time Travel is another ability, which allows Sissel to travel back several minutes before a person's death.but, the deceased person must have recently died. This way, he can reverse the fate of someone. Sadly, if this happens to Sissel, he can't possess his body, go back in time and change his fate.

Other: N/A

Reason for choosing?: I always liked Ghost Trick, along with it's cast. Sissel is an excellent character, in my opinion. Plus, I quite like his abilities. Being a ghost sounds like a lot of fun, too. That and nice to play something not completely human.

Posted by: Sasson Jun 24 2011, 10:09 AM

Okay, so hopping around the city it is~! Fine by me! ^^

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 24 2011, 10:19 AM

Well, you can tell she's a girl by looking at the hips, LSD.

And she's clearly female when you look at her Battle Mode. XD

Posted by: Not A Moron Jun 24 2011, 10:34 AM


Posted by: Carnt Spel Jun 24 2011, 11:11 AM

Username: Carnt Spel
Name: Dr. Cain (Also: Cain or the Prince of Mist)
Universe: The Prince of Mist; Chapter 6
Appearance: Mr. Cain has no definite appearance. His looks may be distorted or seem different in the mist that adjoins him everywhere he goes. He's described to be quite lean and tall, little to no muscle on his body at all. He stands at 6''3. His cheeks are hollow, his face somewhat.. empty looking. He has lovely, high set cheekbones that give him a handsome apperance.

His skin might look like it has no pigment in it; it's about as tan as a sheet of computer paper. The only thing that makes him look like he's.. well, evil, is his eyes. They're narrow and have disctinct colors. They change in color to match his mood. For example, his eyes may turn a fiery red when he's highly aggravated, or maybe an icy blue when he's slyly interested in something. His eyes glow in the darkness/mist and have the ability to turn to nasty slits when Cain wishes. His hair is stringy and jet black that falls sloppily over his pale forehead. It's not really long, but it's enough for someone to grab with their fingers.

His clothes aren't define, either. However, he's usually wearing a long, black trenchcoat that ends just below his knobby kneecaps. It's loose enough to have free reign in the wind, blowing freely at every blast that might hit him. He wears a pair of black, loosely fitting slacks and a pristine-looking pair of shiny, dark leather shoes.

A Making of: The Prince of Mist is an evil, diabollic character. He's a cruel magician that travels around his own creations, a circus troupe. He goes from place to place, from carnival to carnival, in search of poor victims in search of better lives. He has the ability to grant wishes for these people, only asking for one thing in return. However, these 'things' aren't as simple as one might think. It usually has to be somebody else's life, whether it be your first born child, your best friend, or a family member. Dr. Cain gladly takes these people and happily murders them in the protection of his mist. It's unknown why he does this, perhaps for the pleasure, but it's been hinted that it extends his life time.

Equipment: The only things that Cain carries around are his necklace and his wands. The necklace is a circle with a six-pointed star inside of it. It looks like it's made of a black sort of metal; it's not too shiny nor too dull. It doesn't have particular uses, it's basically just his haunting symbol that he has a habit of engraving or painting everywhere he manages to go.

His wand is his life. It's a simple magician's wand: a white tip and a black base, but with it, he can do just about anything that he wants. It's the only way that he can do his magic and without it, he would be lost. If he'd be away from it for a long amount of time, he would surely die. It can do almost everything. I'll list some of the things that he can do with it below..

Powers/Skills: Dr. Cain can do a number of things because he's a magician. However, the main thing that he'll do is change apperances. He can change into two things: a black cat with amber colored eyes, and a robust clown. These two facades allow him to sneak through places unnoticed. He can speak normally and fluently through both identities without any significant problems.

He can levitate objects that may be thousands of miles away. If he can imagine them and know exactly where they are and where he wants them to be, he can move them with his wand. He can teleport himself and others where ever he wants. He can morph water into controlable beasts that he can use at he pleases. He can control mist where ever he goes and he can control his brainless circus minions. Basically, he can take over that he wants.

Other: N/A

Reason for choosing?: The Prince of Mist is my favorite novel. I read it a couple years ago and fell in love with Cain, this mysterious figure that's always accompanied by mist. He's a crazy loner and I can't help but love his character design. Besides, everyone had a second character, so I figured I wanted a second character, too.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 24 2011, 11:34 AM

Dr. Cain sounds like a pleasant fellow.
Accepted, by the way.

I think we're only waiting for Shinzu now.
Probably I'll start with the actual RP once she's done.
So be ready.
And stuff.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jun 24 2011, 01:54 PM

QUOTE(Darkrow @ Jun 24 2011, 11:19 AM) *
Well, you can tell she's a girl by looking at the hips, LSD.

And she's clearly female when you look at her Battle Mode. XD

Is it just me because I can't get the battle Mode picture to open.....?

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 24 2011, 01:54 PM


Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jun 24 2011, 02:07 PM

Ah I see. Most definitely female, lol. I do have to say that I like her Normal Mode better however.

Posted by: Pikalover10 Jun 24 2011, 04:18 PM

O.O If I saw her in battle mode I'd fear for my life -_-2.gif'

Posted by: Shinzu Jun 25 2011, 09:50 PM

Okay! I just posted Ezio in my first post. cat.gif He's got a lot more detail to him, because, well, he's a main character, not a villain who appears at the very last moments of the game. XDD

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 25 2011, 10:01 PM

Yay Shinzu is done.
And with Ezio accepted,
Oncw I get to am actual computer I will attempt to start

But chances that is not till Monday
Sunday night, if I'm lucky.
So go, I don't know, do something while all of you wait till then

Posted by: xires Jun 27 2011, 10:04 PM

Okay, Before I post, I have a quick question.

Is it allowed to be a lesser enemy (Goomba, Noise, Etc.)

If not I won't bother you.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 27 2011, 10:09 PM


Really, I don't want to allow it.
I'd rather say to have something else that could control a troupe like that, rather than the tropes themselves.
Mostly, from how they can be only easy enemies with no personality whatsoever, no back story to them, no nothing.

So, sorry, I must say no.
But I hope you can come up with something just as good.

Posted by: xires Jun 28 2011, 09:14 AM

What? Oh, Totes. I had a back up plan.

Username: Xires
Name: Totoro
Universe: My Neighbor Totoro, No change

Totoro is a Forest troll, with the appearance of a beast that is a mixture of a bear, an owl, and a raccoon. Totoro has brown fur with a cream colored belly. He has seven arrows shapes on his belly, all brown, pointing up. He has arrow shaped ears, large, inquisitive eyes, and a very large mouth. He has a stubby, yet large tail that is the uniform brown of his fur.

A Making of: Totoro is shy, quiet, quirky, jolly, tired, and very sweet. he likes to take naps, and sleeps during the day. during the night, he plays his Ocarina. He loves to fly around on his top, and grow trees from little seeds. He enjoys gifts, and will always repay the favor if someone does something nice for him. He represents the forest spirit and the wind itself.

Equipment: Totoro has in his possession an Umbrella, a small top and string to wind it up with, an Ocarina, and a small packet of Acorns.

Powers/Skills: Totoro can grow huge trees from little seeds in just Minutes by making a pulling motion, as if pulling the tree out of the ground. his top floats, and he can hop on top of it and fly around at very high speeds. he only appears to who wishes to, otherwise appearing nonexistent. he can jump extremely high, leaping up trees in seconds. He can close things off when he does not want to be seen.

Other: (okay. Playing with the Pros here. I'm just hoping I can keep up.)

Reason for choosing?: Originally I wanted to be a Psyche fox, a Mini-boss of the World ends with you franchise. however, I began to think of other characters I would like to play in case he didn't make the cut. Then, I had the Idea of Totoro, everybody's favorite forest spirit. I decided that he would be my Back up plan.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 28 2011, 09:57 AM

Ah, Totoro.
I need to watch that movie someday soon.

Have a fun time in Hell.

Fff phone editting.

Posted by: xires Jun 28 2011, 10:25 AM

Doctor: We need a movie projector in here, stat.
Nurse: It's out of power!
Doctor: NUUUUUUUUU!!!!!

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jun 28 2011, 11:12 AM

TOTORO!!!! OMG! I love him.....<3 *brings tears to my eyes* lol

Posted by: xires Jun 28 2011, 11:29 AM

But I think Totoro will be slightly bad to have on a team, seeing as he's a pacifist. No fighting for him, nope.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 28 2011, 11:41 AM

Now I must be the only one .-.

Don't be worryin'
We can just have two mascots yeahhhh

Posted by: Sasson Jun 28 2011, 02:43 PM

Yay for another mascot! ^^ Totoro is awesome. he's fluffy! xD

And the movie was awesome~

Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jun 28 2011, 05:06 PM

Hrmm....I am interested.
I'll post a bio eventually...
Look out, PikaLover. It's probably gonna be an Akatsuki.
And a question: This may have already been stated, but are they idyllic, like, "I know who I am, but where is this?" and don't know where they came from, or is it like 'Saw' where they know they have to escape? (Sorry. Very busy. sad.gif )

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 28 2011, 06:00 PM

It's sorta like, uh,
I wanna say a bit of a mixture,

They know who they may be, don't know where the hell they are, and course, escape would be one of their priorities.
too bad they can't te-heh

Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jun 28 2011, 07:09 PM, if Ash were to be there, would he remember Cilan or Iris? That is my question.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 28 2011, 07:26 PM

Yes, he would, if that would be the time he would be taken out from his world.

Hopefully that will help then hnn.

Posted by: xires Jun 28 2011, 07:54 PM

This is going to be a stupid question, but who the flip is Mascot #1??

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 28 2011, 08:11 PM

Mascot one is Sasson's second character
The one that looks like a bunny and talks in the third person
Can't miss 'em

Posted by: xires Jun 28 2011, 08:28 PM

ah. This makes sense now.

Posted by: Sasson Jun 29 2011, 12:42 PM

Mokona is awesome! xD And Totoro is awesome, too! ^-^

So SD, you wrote about those zombies... Will they only be after the girl or will they go after everyone?

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 29 2011, 12:44 PM

How I planned, they would go after a target (ex. Girl)
But they can also go after any other living thing.
You know, food and such.
So I guess they will go either way.

For now they're still at the center of the City
But hey guess what's gonna happen grin.gif

Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jun 29 2011, 01:32 PM

Here it is...

Username: Eyes of the Gorgon
Name: Kakuzu
Universe: Naruto (Shortly after sealing the Two Tails, I suppose...)


A Making of: Kakuzu can be very impatient, well, EXTREMELY impatient, if he's in a hurry. He has some serious anger issue problems, and has been known to maim or even kill those who anger him, allies or not. He is, what I like to call, 'Invested in things eternal,' meaning he loves money. This is probably because he's REALLY old, and money never loses it's value. He has lived since the time of the Third Hokage, which, in the anime, was well over a hundred years ago.

Equipment: Standard Ninja Tools, Kunai knives and shuriken(Throwing stars) for throwing, as well as...caltrops and explosion tags.

Powers/Skills: Oh, (using an Earth-Style technique) can harden part or all of his body at once, leaving him invulnerable to physical attacks. His body is composed of a mass of black threads, which can pierce the skin. He uses these to extend his arms mainly, and they are also used for bodily repairs for himself and others. Killing him is tricky, since he has four hearts, situated on his back, shielded by animal masks. When needed, they can separate themselves from him, and fire elemental blasts (Searing Migraine (fire), Pressure Damage (A huge gale of wind), and False Darkness (A concentrated blast of lightning,) To kill him, you need to destroy all four hearts. He has great strength and speed, combined with intellect and experience.

Other: Uhh...nope.

Reason for choosing?: I've been compared with Kakuzu more times than I care to remember, and am a huge supporter of the Villains. Plus, his skills seem to be suited well for this task.

You may need to put a cap on his power, since he's so Awe-Smackingly awesome. -_-2.gif

Posted by: Shinzu Jun 29 2011, 01:33 PM

KAKUZU!! <3 My favorite Akatsuki! x'DD

Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jun 29 2011, 01:36 PM

Oh, really?
I thought I was his only fan...a lone, lonely existence of a loner...Now I see I'm not the only weirdo around! (No offense.)

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 29 2011, 01:41 PM

I am also not alone with the old guy being one of my favorites

I don't see much that can be changed with Kakuzu, though there's probably something.
Either way accepted.

...why do I find it funny on how I was gonna use him as a second character at first hnn

Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jun 29 2011, 01:44 PM

It seems I have beaten you to the punch... still thinking on when I should get another, if I do...

Posted by: Shinzu Jun 29 2011, 01:46 PM

XD I think he's much more interesting than Itachi or Deidara. Don't shoot me please And, hell, he's greedy and snappy and freaky strong for an old man~

WEIRDOS UNITE! -Dramatic pose-

Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jun 29 2011, 01:48 PM

YEAUUHH!! *does a different weird pose* Kisame's cool too...
Anyway, to the roleplay!

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 29 2011, 02:39 PM

Ahh, Kisame's my favorite.

Posted by: Shinzu Jun 29 2011, 02:42 PM

Bwahahah! Kisame, Kakuzu, Hidan, Konan, and Pein are my favorite Akatsuki in total. grin.gif Tobi's up top...and has been my nickname for three years. XD

If I ever screw up anything that has to do with your guys' characters...forgive me. ;u;

Posted by: xires Jun 29 2011, 03:35 PM

Why nobody mention Tobi? Tobi awesome!

Posted by: Sasson Jun 29 2011, 05:17 PM

Hidan Hidan Hidan~! *hugs Hidan*

Most awesome Naruto Character ever! Should I ever choose a third character, it would be him. And he would annoy the hell out of Kakuzu like always~ >3 <3 Oh, that is sooo tempting..!

Haha, sorry. Hidan is my favourite from Naruto. right after him comes Kakuzu, then Pain and Itachi.

Oh, I remember one awesome fanfiction I have to read again..!

Ahem, sorry. On with the RP~

Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jun 29 2011, 07:30 PM

I chose my second and will post...when I feel like it.
LOL, I started a whole discussion....awesome.gif

Posted by: Skid Row Jun 29 2011, 09:53 PM

lol Akatsuki talk.
Tobi's always been my favorite. Zetsu is a close second..

Even though Kakashi will always be my favorite of my favorites in Naruto nng ;w;

Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jun 30 2011, 05:00 PM

Okay, yeah. Better now than later. I don't want a bunch of confusion...

Username:Eyes of the Gorgon
Name: Rapunzel
Universe: Tangled (after her mother leaves to get shells, before Flynn's entrance.)
A Making of: As of now, Rapunzel is naive and helpless, but sees the outside world as a major threat, and wants to keep away from it, like her 'Mother' has always told her to.
Equipment: MAGIC HAIR.
Powers/Skills: Her long, golden, hair can heal wounds and...make people younger when she sings.
Other: Pet chameleon named Pascal.
Reason for choosing?: She seems like a good break fom mean old Kakuzu, and will be fun to see how she reacts to this world.

sigh....this is a bit short for my taste...sad.gif

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jun 30 2011, 05:25 PM

It is a bit short, but with that there isin't much to put anyway.

So yeah.
Accepted you are.
Have fun.

....I just notice how there's like three girls and there's like a sixteen character cast
Oh dear.

Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jun 30 2011, 05:49 PM

Yeah. Things won't go well on your 'GenderBent' day, will it? *wry smile*

Posted by: Darkrow Jun 30 2011, 07:57 PM

Oh, by the way, if you ever make the zombies attack people, Rachel and Valkenhayn are in the middle of the city.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jul 1 2011, 09:16 AM

Omg..gender bender day would be weird. lol
Of course Anji and Baiken would have some issues to get over........=P

Let's go Dark! Conflict! It must arise!

Edit....I just thought about how Anji would be a girl. He really doesn't have a shirt.....that will be an odd morning. lol

Posted by: Darkrow Jul 1 2011, 10:52 AM

Female Valkenhayn... o.o

Posted by: xires Jul 1 2011, 11:18 AM

Hmm. I'm pretty sure the only difference totoro would have would be a little pink bow. hmm.

Posted by: Pikalover10 Jul 1 2011, 07:35 PM

Fwaaaaaaaaa. Sorry I haven't posted yet Shadow -_-2.gif' My computer, I swear Ima throw it through the walls one of these days, majorely spazzed out on me and we fixed it last night, but then I passed out :/

Anyway, I'm gonna go post like now, lol. Just wanted to let you know that I didn't abandon this thing! Promise!

Posted by: Shinzu Jul 2 2011, 04:17 PM

=.= Disappeared for a few days and it's like...mass posting. Anyone wanna fill me in?

Posted by: xires Jul 2 2011, 04:44 PM

Pretty Much Introduction Posts, a Few People have met, and Shadows are moving outward from the center of the city.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jul 5 2011, 01:32 PM

Dark! *stabs* JK
Please post Dark....Ragna is getting lonely yelling at the sky alone. He needs to have a freak attack.

Posted by: Darkrow Jul 5 2011, 01:33 PM

Just have to clean my room first.


Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jul 5 2011, 01:51 PM

Just realized Kakuzu likes to throw people...especially into trees and such. Haha... poor Kakashi. Kakuzu kicked him through a tree in the anime... I guess I'll be throwing people in the RP, too...

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 5 2011, 05:40 PM

Interesting, hmmm

Anyway. For some reason beyond me, just wanted to see what you guys would think of this
What if these Shadow enemies could copy an ability or attack or even weapon of a character?
Not all of these powers/abilities / weapons, but maybe one or two.
Like, um, one having Baiken's arm chain thing and other having um
Having an ability similar to one of uh Kakuzu's chakra attacks or what not
Courses they can only cop one power ability or weapon but still
And yes so far this is the only thing I got for common mook Shadows hnnnn

Not that this won't pop up later on a larger scale later in the RP hinthint.

If any of you get an idea for our common enemy or just anything else please share
Please please please
Please or else your To owner will die from thinking up things.

Posted by: xires Jul 5 2011, 06:14 PM

Perhps Banshri's?
They are large, bat like creatures that patrol the skys. They work kind of like vultures, but they are more likely to kill it if it's not dead yet.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 5 2011, 06:21 PM

I like the idea of them
Prolog gonna be annoying. To deal with but we are not them so yay

Thus comes common milks and then flying looks called whatever you called them

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jul 5 2011, 06:25 PM

What about something that only comes out at night and can only find someone by following vibrations in the ground?

Posted by: Darkrow Jul 5 2011, 06:27 PM

And travels underground.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jul 5 2011, 06:32 PM

lol, yes Dark....

@Dark: Can you believe it. Look at this guy's

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 5 2011, 06:43 PM

Something that is blind and travels underground

Oddly I think of some blind priest looking dude and some groundhog thing
I don't think that would be the best idea ever hnn

Posted by: Darkrow Jul 5 2011, 06:44 PM

I know, she's one of my friends. XD

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jul 5 2011, 07:32 PM

I know! I spoke to her the other day about Hetalia and now....*tear*. I've been copied!! that's bad right?

Posted by: Darkrow Jul 5 2011, 07:33 PM

Imitation is a form of flattery.

Posted by: Pikalover10 Jul 5 2011, 07:53 PM

Imitation gets annoying though.... someone on another site I was on changed their username to Pikalover11 after constantly bothering me -_-2.gif'

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jul 6 2011, 09:17 AM

Yes, I mean. I'm flattered that she wanted to have a similiar name but it's so close that I don't want confusion between the two of us. You know also that thing where you get attached to a name that you make....kinda feeling it.

Posted by: Darkrow Jul 6 2011, 10:11 AM

Well, she'll probably change it back when she can. Temporary thing most likely.

Posted by: Pikalover10 Jul 6 2011, 10:24 AM

Idk, but either way nobody that actually knows you can confuse you guys Wishful happy.gif

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jul 6 2011, 11:29 AM Ya'll are so positive.

Posted by: Pikalover10 Jul 6 2011, 02:48 PM

:P That's what we're here for!

Posted by: Darkrow Jul 7 2011, 10:38 AM

I'm positive by nature. XD

I just need to... get bothered to make Rachel fi- Valkenhayn will do it all. XD

Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jul 8 2011, 03:27 PM

O.o Hope no one copies me....
ANYWAY... Monster ideas... drawing a blank...Slimes from DragonQuest!!

Posted by: Shinzu Jul 8 2011, 04:40 PM

For monsters, what about those things from Spectrobes? XD I don't remember what they're called, but they're black with long bodies, a couple sets of legs, and lots of bright blue markings. ;u; Like a squorpion (I cannot spell that to save my life).

Posted by: Pikalover10 Jul 10 2011, 02:43 PM

Uhm, I'd like to inform you that starting Saturday/Sunday I won't be able to post for 2 weeks as I'm going to a boot camp thing. I have no clue if you would want someone to RP my charries temporarily when I leave until I return, or if you just want me to mass post when I return or what? I'm fine with either happy.gif

Posted by: Pika the Raispeon Jul 10 2011, 11:02 PM

Username: Pika the Raispeon
Name: Marx
Universe: Kirby.


A Making of: Marx was once a carefree and happy resident on planet Pop Star, but one day, for whatever reason he became corrupt. The Sun and Moon happened to be fighting at the time, so he told Kirby to collect the power from the Dream Fountains to summon Nova, a wish granting robotic comet. After Kirby had done so and was about to ask Nova to save Pop Star and stop the fighting, Marx jumped in the way and made his own selfish wish, to rule the planet he lived on, turning him into a monstrous Bat winged rather silly looking creature. Despite looking so whimsical, he is actually very powerful.

Equipment: His hat. Trusty trusty hat! oh.gif

Marx has five abilities which have a simple,distinct, pattern. He starts out by teleporting back and forth around the battle zone in an erratic manner and shoots four crescent blades after doing so. After that, he flies upward,and drops small seeds that grow into large, thorny vines. After the vines grow and disperse, an electrified shadow follows His opponent around the area. A few seconds later, Marx emerges from the shadow and flies up, then comes down again.After that, he stops on the side of the area he is battling at, glows blue, and releases a stream of arrows at his opponent. He flies off and reappears shortly after, and spits a spiked bomb at the ground, which transforms into two ice balls that slide across the screen according to his opponent's height level. Finally, He glows again, then launches a giant horizontal beam(Similar to the Shoop da woop/Lazer meme). The pattern occurs once more. After taking enough damage, his attack pattern will become more unpredictable. He will also split in half, revealing his iconic attack- the black hole. His opponent will suffer a large amount of damage if they fall into the black hole. However, this is his slowest and most predictable attack, although it has a considerable range and guarding does not work either.

Other: No, I don't think so. But he has two forms, Marx and Marx soul. But that is irrelevent.

Reason for choosing?: Because Marx is awesome?

EDIT:Fixed up the making of part a little, rephrased the Powers part~

Posted by: Skid Row Jul 11 2011, 01:13 PM

I've been absent for a few days, so could somebody please fill me in as to what's going on in the RP right now? xD

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 11 2011, 02:10 PM

Well then. It'd be easier for someone to take up controlling your pair, Pika, especially for you,
So who's up for it anyway?

Raisp, though I'm a bit iffy,
I'll accept Marx,
Though I'd like it if you'd tidy it up a bit more - seems rather messy.

Nothing much really happened Skid,
Mostly people have been meeting up with one another and several are going toward the middle to battle some Shadows.
So far we got bats, slimes, hedgehogs, some blind thing, Scorpion Krawl (as Shinzu pointed it out), and the regular Shadows.
Interesting enemies.

Posted by: Skid Row Jul 11 2011, 02:13 PM

Alrighty, thanks c:

lol a hedgehog

Posted by: Pika the Raispeon Jul 11 2011, 08:13 PM

Hmmmm, it could use a little tidying up...
Especially the "A Making of" part...
Anything in specific you would like me to adjust Shadow?

Posted by: Not A Moron Jul 11 2011, 08:43 PM

A Shadow... Hedgehog you say? XD

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 12 2011, 01:03 PM

Other than, like you said, changing the Making of Section and possibly sorting out the Powers section,
You're quite fine Raisp.

Yes. Hedgehogs.
Actually thinking of it hedgehogs don't burrow under around those are groundhogs
Maybe make them like the Hedgehog enemies from TWEWY, since I've only seen those kind there,
Being that they extend their quills and then can scatter quills to make them explodeeeeee

Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jul 12 2011, 01:37 PM

Gahhh, projectiles, how bittersweet.
@Pika, is it boot camp or BAND camp? The Band camp I go to is very similar to boot camp....I could be Nico, but only if you can't find anyone else.

Posted by: Pika the Raispeon Jul 12 2011, 03:20 PM

Fixed up my form~

Posted by: sackperson Jul 12 2011, 05:04 PM

Username: sackperson
Name: Sackboy (Fitting, eh?)

Universe: LittleBigPlanet

A Making of: (Taken from A Sack Biography/Statistick) Sackboy is one of the most diverse, intuitive, creative, ice-cream filled chaps you'll ever meet. He's gotten through some of the hardest areas that the universe has known. He's jumped hurdles (with the help of some Bounce Pads) that you will never dream of doing. He's rough and tough and ready to go with anything, be it a scary movie or a fun lollipop and daises frolick through the fields.

No one has a pinpoint on his appearance, since he imitates so many different characters, such as Cole from inFAMOUS or a Persian Cat. This photo is the closest we can get. The basis of him is a zipper and sack material. Otherwise, ice cream and happiness. His kind, when in a group, are called "gadders."

Equipment: In this case, Sacky the Sackboy will be having a shirt that says "This is my armor" and a bulletproof vest underneath. A Spartan helmet will be his toppish attire, as he is quite the internet fan. Literally. A fan. He waves to the internet. He wears cargo pants.

Sacky wields an immensely large hammer with a big bunny sticker on the side that literally can pound you into the ground past pipes and electric wires. This is about fourteen feet tall, though can shrink. He also wields a small knife that is for combat. The hammer is for hammering nails in. What do you expect? Him to be insanely overpowered?

Powers/Skills: Sackboy has the ability to carry four thousand pieces of clothing in his back righthand pocket. He also is insanely creative, and is essentially the MacGyver of Everything. He's built a rocketship out of pencils, a computer, and bad candy.

Other: Not that I can think of.

Reason for choosing?: Sackboy is my absolute favorite character. I just am stark-raving mad about LBP, and I love Sackpeople.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 12 2011, 05:14 PM

Yeeeah Sackboy

sackperson, I'll be accepting you
...this will be interesting hmm

Posted by: sackperson Jul 12 2011, 05:17 PM


Time to make some broken minds! 8D

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jul 12 2011, 07:13 PM

Sack! Good to have you join. =)

Posted by: Pika the Raispeon Jul 13 2011, 12:48 AM

Hi Sack and Wishie~

Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jul 14 2011, 12:20 PM

Oh, yay, enemies list.
My slimes remind me of that old horror movie, 'The Blob'

Posted by: Eraser Mortis Jul 14 2011, 01:21 PM

Arakune (click to show)

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 14 2011, 01:43 PM

Hmm so many BlazBlue people
Not that I"m complaining at all they're all awesome.

Eraser Mortis, I'll be accepting you.
Go along and post while I go update the first post

...which probably won't happen till I finish a Very Potter Musical yeeeeah

Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jul 18 2011, 06:38 PM

Kakuzu has HAIR!?!?!!? And it's NICE?!?!*world explodes*

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jul 18 2011, 07:15 PM

RP must get more action...

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 18 2011, 07:32 PM

Of course Kakuzu had hair
Even a greedy man like him must have beautiful hair

Yeah, it does
I was hoping that once Shinzu and Sasson posted, then some shit will happen,
I could go onto day 2
And diver from original plans and make Day 2 Involuntary shape shifting

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Jul 18 2011, 07:34 PM

lol. You could go to day Two if you like and do whatever punishment or curse that you would like. We just need some action.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 18 2011, 07:36 PM

I don't really wanna move on till Sasson and Shinzu go post and shit, really

But afterwards I will
I just need something good for a penalty
But what...?

Posted by: Eyes of the Gorgon Jul 18 2011, 09:53 PM

Everyone has to walk backwards, no walking forwards. It's simple, but annoying wink.gif
EDIT: Or get handcuffed to someone they won't get along with. That'd be hilarious.

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