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Global PokédeX Plus Forums _ Roleplay OOC Discussion and Sign-ups _ Satellites (Catch Me If I Fall)

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 20 2011, 09:57 PM

okay I really shouldn't but holy fuck after seeing someone coughklowiicough say stuff then some returning coughdoccough I finally got my motivation back to finally finish this. I'm still looking after Harlequins, though.

(Catch Me If I Fall)

((Hey, Hey, Listen! The is up!))

Knowledge of the beginning is child’s play. From the youngest age, children know what had happened. In the beginning The Original One, Arceus, was born from a single egg made from nothingness. From Arceus, other Gods called Legendary Pokemon were born. Then from Arceus came our universe and Earth. Populating this Earth were Humans and Pokemon, living in a perfect harmony. Arceus’ army of Legendaries served and aided him in the creation of the universe.

One of his firstborns, Dialga, was meant to be keeper of time. Meanwhile, its sibling, Palkia, was to be keeper of space. The third sibling, the demon dragon Giratina was to rule over the Underworld, keeping Death in check. Unlike Giratina’s ability of death, Ho-Oh, the mythical phoenix, was to not only calm the souls but to revive the dead and give it new shape. Its brother Lugia controlled the seas, creating and calming storms. Much like Lugia, Rayquaza watched over the Heavens with the ability to cancel out any storm, calming the land and sea – its siblings Groudon and Kyogre. Groudon created land while Kyogre created the sea.

Like how Groudon created land, Regigigas created its shape and form. From Regigigas came three golems to watch over the world while Regigigas went into an eternal sleep. First there was Regice, made from never-melting ice; Regirock, made from unbreakable clay; finally was Registeel, crafted from fiery magma. Much like how the Golems were to watch over the world, the Kami Trio had governed the lands, heavens, and between the two, lighting. These three were Tornadus, Landorus, and Thundurus.

Yet, some Legendaries were not made from Arceus. The Tao Trio is a main example. Long ago, Arceus once created a single Dragon Legendary. Yet, during a war that plagued one of Earth’s regions, this dragon was split into three. Reshiram represented yang and the truth one side wanted. Zekrom represented yin and the ideals the other side wanted. Finally, Kyurem is said to be what was left of the great Dragon, falling from the heavens in an ice covered meteorite. Kyurem is the absence of yin and yang – wuji. A second minor group, the Legendary Beasts, where revived by Ho-Oh after their original corpse were destroyed after their tower was burned. Raikou was to embody the lighting that struck the tower, Entei for the fire that burned it to ashes, and then Suicune for the rain that had put it out.

Meanwhile, other Legendaries Arceus created didn’t seem as important to man’s faith. Yet, each of them still has their powers. Shaymin created plant life from purifying polluted areas, while Celebi can time travel to restore any plant to perfect health. The Lake Guardians of Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf governed over Wisdom, Emotions, and Willpower respectively. The Lunar Duo Darkrai and Cresselia created nightmares and dreams, representing the new and full moon. Legendary Birds, a minor weather trio, were Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, governing over blizzards, thunderstorms, and flash fires.

Mew, meanwhile, was said to be the Legendary Arceus created all other Pokemon from. Jirachi is able to grant a single wish every one thousand years. Manaphy and Phione are guardians of the sea. Heatran lives within volcanoes, guarding and erupting them without a moment’s notice. Latios and Latias were born to signify a family’s relationships. Victini was born from man’s will to have freedom and justice. Meanwhile, the quartet of Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, and Keldeo were to protect Pokemon from man’s harm. Lastly, Meloetta was the incantation of music and dance, inspiring people though the ages.

Much like how many were made from Arceus, man has also created Pokemon that have earned their right to live among Legendaries. Mewtwo was born from Mew’s D.N.A., created for only evil purposes. Another was Genesect, a robotically enhanced ancient hunter that has been brought back to life. Like them, Deoxys was created when man messed with a meteorite from space, bringing the alien Pokemon to life.

Thus, each Legendary had started from somewhere. But before this all happened, before the world and even the Legendaries, something else had started. To a human or common Pokemon, from a single egg Arceus was born. But to the Legendaries, not one being was born from that egg, but rather two. This second God was unknown to man. Legendaries and even Arceus himself will not call him by name, preferring to call him “The Nameless One”.

Unlike Arceus, who could create life, The Nameless One was given the gift to cause death. As the world began, Arceus lived within the heavens; The Nameless One opted for the underworld. He watched as Arceus created other Legendaries. He watched as his brother created Earth and its occupants. He watched as every Legendary played their part in creation, even watching some as they fell.

As the first few years wore on, The Nameless One found something growing within him. At first, it was sadness. At his hands, everything withered and died. Then came envy - why should Arceus be the one that everyone loved? That made everything in the universe? Why couldn’t help? Why was he shunned away by everyone? Was it from who he was? Finally came hatred, one so deep that it burned like a blazing fire within The Nameless One. They all hated him; why not do the same back to them? Then the idea sprung. As Arceus would create life, The Nameless One would only destroy it.

From his own world, The Nameless One crafted souls from all the things he embodied. He began with Anger and Hate, something he was so used to. By this Nameless created demon, one that was with strength that could rival Regigigas, the strongest of all Legendaries. Next came Envy which soon became a long serpent that could wrap around the world and choke it. Than came Deceit, born from all the lies of the world, which formed to be a beautiful lady that could change her shape at will. As these emotions grew, Greed formed to a dragon-like creature, made from gems and stone with iron defenses. From a Fear Nameless knew would soon come, a shadow creature was created, forever shifting to a person’s worst nightmares. Pride became a handsome man, who was strong and intelligent, and could sway an entire army to his side. Finally, Death became a skeleton rider, his black horse with a deathly look.

As all together, these souls became Chaos itself – The Nameless One.

With these souls, as well as a trope of soulless demons raised from the underworld; The Nameless One stormed Earth with his army. From there, The Nameless One poisoned the world with all things evil that he could muster up. By the time Arceus and the Legendaries could arrive, it was too late to save the Earth. All they could do now is defend the rest from The Nameless One.

This war waged on for months, and even humans noticed it. Yet, in the end, The Nameless One was easily defeated by his brother. Arceus sealed The Nameless One in the deepest pits of the Underworld, sending Giratina to guard. The souls Nameless had created were sealed and scattered throughout the world. This was all in hopes that, one day, he would not rise again. Yet, Arceus created another failsafe – this time on the humans of his world.

Each human then received a special power from a certain Legendary. Their powers were simple and weak, but when put together, they created enough force of a single Legendary. At first, man was content with what they had. But as time grew on, the poisons The Nameless One put within the world were showing. Man began to be greedy, even killing one another for more power. Some even sought after their Legendary to gain even more power.

To Arceus’ dismay, he knew he had to end this. Thus, he took man’s power away. At first, they were very unhappy, but soon forgot about the ordeal. As this all passed, Arceus gave his Legendaries a single task. They were to pick out a single human and gift their power to them. Thus, a new brand of humans was born – Defenders. Defenders were gifted with extraordinary powers. These Defenders were much stronger than their ancestors due to having a little piece of soul of their guardian Legendary sealed inside of them. Why Arceus had wanted this, no one is quite sure of.

Each generation had a line of Defenders. Arceus hoped that they would defend their world and help and save it in the process. Some never knew of their powers, passing it off as if it were nothing. Some mastered their powers, going beyond the measures needed. Some Defenders became corrupt, others pure. Either way, they were Defenders, if they liked it or not.

Yet, unknowingly, The Nameless One has been slowly breaking the seal on its prison. Until fourteen years ago, that was. Humans had thought it was a mass string of murders. About forty people had been killed, without any connections to one another or any motives. But the Legendaries and Arceus knew better. These murdered men and women were Defenders, and the last of their lines. Thus, in frenzy, each Legendary had to locate a new human to entrust parts of their soul and powers to, no matter their soul at this point.

To many, odd powers were a shock. To others, anger for now being…different now. Some were even happy. Either way, the powers and duty of being a Defender was put on their shoulders. Some Legendaries had left them a message, other stayed, mostly minor Legendaries for Major Legendaries had too much to worry about, to aid their chosen with their new powers, or even came back after some time. Unknowing to them all, The Nameless One has been working to find these Defenders. Seeing how young they are, how new they are, The Nameless has been pursuing several to join his side. Now, many serve under The Nameless.

But as for you now?
It is your choice – to serve The Nameless One or to serve Arceus. To bring both chaos and destruction to the world or to bring hope and save the world.

It is your choice after all, young Defender.

~List of Legendaries Not Taken~ (click to show)

~Rules & Other Things~ (click to show)

~Registration~ (click to show)

~ Accepted Characters ~

I. / Kyogre / Neutral / Shadow Dragon / Regigigas / Evil / Shadow Dragon / Zekrom / Neutral / Shadow Dragon / Raikou / Good / Shadow Dragon

II. / Dialga / Good / Xychi

Kyurem ~ Xychi

Palkia ~ Xychi

III. / Regice / Good / Death Magnetic / Meloetta / Neutral / Death Magnetic / Darkrai / Evil / Death Magnetic

IV. / Registeel / Chaotic Good / CaptianMystery / Mewtwo / Evil / CaptianMystery / Groudon / Good / CaptianMystery / Regirock / Good / CaptianMystery

V. / Lugia / Neutral / Yurianni / Latias / Neutral / Yurianni / Articuno / Neutral / Yurianni / Ho-Oh / Neutral / Yurianni

VI. / Mew / Good / 123may / Rayquaza / Evil / 123may / Celebi / Good / 123may

VII. / Latios / Evil / Wishful Jirachi / Azelf / Evil / Wishful Jirachi / Zapdos / Neutral / Wishful Jirachi / Suicune / Evil / Wishful Jirachi

VIII. / Uxie / Good / Indestructible / Genesect / Evil / Indestructible / Thundurus / Good / Indestructible

IX. / Shaymin / Neutral / Zapi
Moltres ~ Zapi Mesprite / Neutral / Zapi

10 Defenders with side without C o r r u p t i o n

While 8 will bring about the D e s t r u c t i o n

And 10 will reconstruct our world without C o n t e n t i o n

Posted by: Not A Moron Jul 20 2011, 10:49 PM

Alright, I figure I'll sneak around this roleplay since it's rather boring without the forums.
Save me a spot. Cobalion if I'm allowed to reserve a legend. If not ignore that.

Ohbtw, I know the name reference. cat.gif
Rise Against ftw

Posted by: Xychi Jul 20 2011, 11:05 PM

May I reserve both Palkia and Dialga?

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 20 2011, 11:06 PM

Woo someone that got the reference
Here I was thinking no one would xD

I'll put you on the list.
It will be interesting for one with Cobalion

Aaaand then Palliative and Dialysis too, Xychi

Posted by: Xychi Jul 20 2011, 11:14 PM

Hm? Palliative and Dialysis?

Posted by: Not A Moron Jul 21 2011, 01:09 AM

Oh, I think you missed something... You put that little extra thing in the rules, and then there's nothing that involves it.

Posted by: Death Magnetic Jul 21 2011, 02:05 AM

Seeing the title of this thread made me happy.
It seems like forever ago when I was in the RP that was similar to this.

Anyways, it would be very wonderful if you could reserve me a spot. Regice of course. Were you surprised?

Doc needs to get his ass here.

I have a quick question. Are the Defenders going to be gijinkas, or are they simply regular looking people who have powers? I just need to know this before I get started on the appearance.

Posted by: Not A Moron Jul 21 2011, 03:46 AM

I won't be able to post the profile for a bit, idiot brother might have broken the charger and this iPod is dying.

Posted by: Blazikid Jul 21 2011, 03:51 AM

I'm in~

Reserve me Jirachi, and I'll try and do my best to keep up with this. Don't be surprised If I drop out somewhere along the line.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 21 2011, 06:34 AM

Example of unneeded auto correct
silly phone

If what I'm thinking of is correct, just disregard it as meres

Yesssss you have returned
I am now
And no, in the final price they are all just normal. Yay.

Meaning Regice and Jirachi is reserved yeeeeah
ffff where is doc now too.

Posted by: Death Magnetic Jul 21 2011, 01:54 PM

Username: Death Magnetic
Name: Isolda VanEtten
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Hometown: From Snowpoint, starts out in Verdanturf

Legendary: Regice.
Powers: Isolda has control over ice. She can form ice at her will, but she can only form a certain amount before she starts to get tired.
Side: Good.

Appearance: Isolda stands at a short height of 5' and she weighs in at about 102 pounds. Her skin is pretty pale since she neglects going out into sunlight. Isolda's body temperature is colder than normal humans, and the air is slightly cold around her. She doesn't have any muscle at all, and it is pretty diffucult for her to lift heavy things up. She looks pretty frail and weak. Her hair is straight, long, and jet black, going down almost to her waist. It appears short in the front, but as it falls towards the back it gets more lengthy. Her bangs are cut straight across her forehead, and they barely brush the tips of her eyelashes. Isolda wears a pair of black glasses, and behind those are her bright green eyes.

For clothes, Isolda wears a long sleeved white shirt. The sleeves are long, and they go a few inches past her fingertips. They cover up most of the scars left from where her father would hurt her. She has many of them on her legs and arms, which are usually covered up. Around her neck she wears a snowflake necklace that was once her mother's. She never takes it off. For lower wear, she wears a pair of dark blue jeans that are beginning to rip at the knees. Around one of the belt loops, there is a keychain with an icicle. For shoes she simply wears an old, beat up pair of black and white sneakers.

Personality: Isolda is very shy and timid. When she's around new people, she'll speak quietly, stammer, and avoid eye contact with the person she's speaking with. It's very hard for her to trust anyone since she's gotten her trust in people shattered many times before, but when she begins to trust and get to know someone, she won't be as shy and timid towards them. Once she has someone as a friend, she will do everything she can to make sure that they don't get hurt. Isolda hates seeing people that she cares about gets hurt, and that's one of the things that makes her very angry. When she does get angry, it's best to stay out of her way. She will not hesitate to hurt someone. The only time where Isolda resorts to violence is when she is defending someone or herself.

Unfortunately it's fairly easy for her to get upset over something. When she does get upset about something, the only way someone can tell is the air around her gets even colder. She masks her emotions pretty well otherwise. If someone does manage to find out that she's upset and they ask why, she'll usually say that it's nothing. She doesn't like it when people worry about her, or make a big deal out of her feelings. Her moods change very quickly, however. She can go from depressed to calm to hateful very quickly. It's pretty rare to see her happy and smiling since she's always worrying or nervous about something.

Another thing about her is that she's incredibly lazy. She loves to sleep and sit around doing nothing most of her days, and any kind of physical activity or anything that requires work makes her annoyed. The only time she doesn't mind work is when she's trying to help someone with something. However, if she is forced to work then she will mind it and be very annoyed. She especially gets annoyed if it's work outside. She dislikes the sun most of the time, and she's used to sitting inside her home where it's dark and cold.

Isolda dislikes it when people touch her. It brings back bad memories and it makes her cringe. She also hates crowds and windowless rooms. Both of those make her feel trapped, and they make her feel like she can't breathe very well.

History: Isolda grew up in Snowpoint City. It was just her and her dad. Isolda's mother had died when she got lost in a raging blizzard during the night. This wasn't a very big impact to her, since she was only 2 when it happened. It was a very big impact on her father, though. He would stay out drinking very late after work, and then he would come home and abuse Isolda. It saddened her when this happened to her, because she always saw parents being nice to their kids, not hitting them. After a while she began to hide once her father came home, usually in the corner of her closet. She was very afraid of what would happen if he found her.

By the time she was 7, she finally got to go to school like she wanted. It scared her at first, since it was an entirely new thing to her. She didn't know anyone, and she had a very hard time making friends. By age 9, she decided to give up on talking to people. In class, she wasn't the smartest kid, but she wasn't exactly the dumbest. Her grades were good enough so that ever her father was slightly impressed with her. This was a big achievement for her, and it made her happy.

As the years went by, she noticed that when her father hit her it didn't hurt as bad anymore. He was getting old and very weak. Eventually, he had to step down from his job, so Isolda got herself a job when she was 15 as an assistant at the Poke Mart in her city. By the time she was almost 16, her father became very ill. Even though he was horrible to her most of her life, she tried everything she could to help him. It was no use, though. A few weeks after her 16th birthday, he passed away. She cried for him, even though he was mean and brutal to her.

As the days passed, she overcame his death and went back to her job. When she was getting ready for work one morning, her boss called and told her that there was going to be a very bad blizzard hitting around the time she was supposed to leave. He suggested that she should stay home. Isolda declined, and she went to work anyways. Her boss was right. By the time she left work, there was a raging blizzard outside. She always walked to her job since she didn't want to buy a car, so she would have to walk through the blizzard. It was very easy to get lost and lose your sense of direction, and that's exactly what happened to Isolda. She began to get tired after walking around for what seemed like forever, and she collapsed, unable to go any further. This was exactly how her mother died, and it would be how she died too.

Until she awoke in the hospital the next morning. She was treated for hypothermia and dehydration. After spending a night there, she got to go home. When she went to open up the curtains, a row of icicles appeared on the ceiling. Shocked and rather intrigued, she tried again. More icicles appeared, to her excitement. She held out her hand and then made a fist which caused all of them to shatter. Isolda decided to keep her... Abilites a secret. She didn't want tons of people swarming her home and asking her to make ice for other people's amusement.

By the time she was 17, she wanted to live somewhere else. She went over the maps of each region, and decided on the small town of Verdanturf in the Hoenn region. She used the money that she saved to buy a ticket to the Hoenn region, and she set off on the boat that departed from Snowpoint. It didn't take that long to get to the Hoenn region, Sinnoh was pretty close to it afterall. The boat dropped her off at Slateport, the main harbor city of Hoenn. From there she traveled to Verdanturf, seeing many pokemon and other things that she had never seen in her town. Once she got to Verdanturf, she lived in a small house that was barely affordable for her with the money she brought. She practiced her powers everyday for years and years, trying to keep it a secret.

As the years went by things changed. Neighbors moved in and out of the small and peaceful town while she stayed. People would ask her why she did stay, and she didn't quite know herself. When she was about 24 years old she began having weird dreams of Regice. It would tell her what to do, and it would even guide her a little. A year after that, it was speaking to her in her mind while she was awake. It didn't always respond to her, but that was fine with her since she found it a little odd. Now that she's 26, she is very curious about whether there are others just like her. She would question Regice every chance she got but it never really responded on the topic leaving her clueless. Her question was soon answered one quiet little day...

Extra: I bayleef.gif that you should ask the owl that question, and not me.

Pokemon: Glalie
Nickname: Gale
Gender: Male
Ability: Inner Focus. Prevents flinching in battle.
Nature: Gale is typically calm. He only gets agitated if someone tries to harm Isolda. He prefers not to go out into battle, but he will if needed.
Moveset: Ice Fang, Crunch, Blizzard, Ice Beam

Pokemon: Dewgong
Nickname: Frost
Gender: Female
Ability: Thick Fat. Halves the power of ice and fire type attacks.
Nature: Frost is very gentle and caring. She will never intentionally harm a person or pokemon. She doesn't like to battle just in case she hurts the pokemon she's battling with. However, if her trainer is in danger then she will willingly go out into battle.
Moveset: Signal Beam, Ice Beam, Aurora Beam, Aqua Tail.

Wooo finally done. Now I can be a lazy ass the rest of the day.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 21 2011, 02:14 PM

You missed the first chuck of profile with the name/age/gender/shit but seeing how it all is it's not that important now

You got me to still like Isolda
Why are your characters so interesting hnn
Anyway accepted.
Woo first person.

...I should put my shit up too hnn

First ~ Kaiko (click to show)

Second ~ Alexander (click to show)

Posted by: Death Magnetic Jul 21 2011, 02:19 PM

Woooow I fail at copy pasting stuff.
I edited it just because it would bother me and whatnot.

Oh please. My characters aren't that interesting. xD
But I like to use Isolda a lot. ;3;

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 21 2011, 02:22 PM

Ah, I see.
As long as it gets there, I guess

Yes they are hnn
If not you wouldn't like them, I'd guess

Also Bayleaf. Yes.

Posted by: Death Magnetic Jul 21 2011, 02:27 PM

Oh fine, I'll admit that some of them are interesting. More the shy characters than my usual insane/violent ones.

And I totally got the whole "I bayleef.gif" thing from someone in the Last Person to Post Wins thread. It's pretty funny when used at the right times. xD

Posted by: Xychi Jul 21 2011, 03:29 PM

Oh, hello, there, Klowii. <3
Silly phone.

Posted by: Not A Moron Jul 21 2011, 07:22 PM

((Going for a generally weaker character here))

Username: Not A Moron
Name: Skye Gatsune
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Hometown: Fortree City, Hoenn

Legendary: Cobalion
Powers: Skye inherited two powers from the musketeer pokemon. One is the ability to pretty much create a protective barrier around someone, however it's limited to one human, or a few small pokemon as it drains him very quickly. If he's around the other 2 musketeer pokemon, he can sustain a larger barrier, or a smaller one for longer. His second ability is being able to make any creature smaller than he obey him, provided they are less powerful than him, with a serious enough face.
Side: Neutral

Appearance: Skye has very light skin due to staying inside so much. He stand about 5 foot 11, and doesn't know the exact number but weighs in the general vicinity of 170-180 lbs. Skye has a generally thin and tall body style. His eyes are a piercing green, and his chin is rounded. The rest of his face is rather small. His hair is a very deep brown, and often oily due to his genetics. It's also often messy, and hangs barely above his eyebrows. He only seems to have two facial expressions when you first meet him: one serious, militarian-like face, and one quizzical face, often seen when trying to figure something out.

His clothes are often simple, and worn out as he doesn't like being fancy or anything. Often, it just consists of some faded jeans that look like they're years old, and either a solid color t-shirt or a button up shirt with black and white patterns. His socks almost never match, and his shoes that used to be white and black are now a very, very dusty white and a faded grey. Around his neck he keeps an assortment of little machine parts that have been grouped together on an old string and put around his neck. Once in awhile, he gives in to his geek-like attitude and ties a bandana around his forehead while no ones looking.

Personality: Skye is very quiet, due to most other people being classified as morons in his head. In a choice between physical activities over non-physical, he would automatically choose non-physical. He loves finding out how things work, being a science type of guy. While it is hard to befriend him, once befriended he becomes warmer towards his new friend. Of course the same goes for enemies. Skye can be perfectly content alone somewhere as long as he has something to do. Despite his higher level of thinking, he gets distracted easily. Therefore, if a job is given to him, unless he finds it has a challenge for him, he will refuse to do it.

Normally, Skye is very passive and doesn't fight if he can avoid it. He prefers not harming anything, and instead dodges most people who attack him. His friends are most important to him, thus harming them results in a very pissed off guy. However, all this does is make him more cocky, and doesn't change anything else. What really pisses him off is constant annoyances, and can result in him becoming a brute. He dislikes being touched, as it makes him feel uncomfortable.

If he finds anyone or anything hurt, he attempts to help right away. Of course that means he brushes aside all other things, including any common sense. Skye is very nervous around any girl his own age, except for friends. Also very unorganized.

History: Skye spent his whole life in Fortee City, as he was adopted by the gym leader there. More forced onto her than adopted. Despite that, he spent a good life there.

He was left in one of the many tree houses after his parents abandoned the place, being unable to pay for anything. After much refusal, Winona finally gave in and took care of him. Of course later in life as he entered school, he got no special treatment for that, which he liked. It just gave him more of a challenge. As a few years went by, he excelled at school and was often done with anything before anyone else, save for anything history related. He despised history. Around the age of 9, one of the older folks of the city died, and their stuff was to be auctioned off. His pokemon however were to be simply given in a contest. One to each of the top 3 in the contest. It was simple for Skye to win, so he was allowed first grabs. There was a Hitmonchan, a Swampert, and a Magnemite. Much to no one's surprise, he picked the Magnemite, wanting to train it as he liked.

For his tenth birthday, now that he was able to go and become a trainer if he pleased, he recieved a pokeball from Winona. Deciding that he would much rather continue studies, and possibly become a professor, he kept the pokeball empty for awhile. It wasn't until he was walking towards the Pokemart one day. While rolling the empty pokeball in his fingers, he tripped. Looking back, there was simply a Zigzagoon standing there as if nothing had happened. Due to it's obliviousness, it was surprisingly easy to catch, not giving any sort of refusal.

He first discovered his powers at 16, while looking out a window. Looking down at some pokemon playing, he saw a rather viscous Mightyena ready to strike at them. As it jumped, Skye reached out at the pokemon, fully knowing it wouldn't do any good as he cried out to them. A slight shimmer appeared on them, and the wolf pokemon was stopped and thrown back. He wasn't quite sure how it happened, and dismissed it as sheer luck. As of now, he is partially aware of his ability to create barriers, and unaware of his ability to make creatures obey him.

Extra: Nah. I never bothered counting while eating one of those.


Pokemon: Zigzagoon
Nickname: Do they really need one? If so I'll edit this. If not, nah.
Gender: Male
Ability: Pick-Up: Pretty simple, at times the pokemon will find items laying on the ground others would have missed.
Nature: Generally hyper, true to his Zigzagoon habit. Is a little derpy, in a childlike oblivious way.
Moveset: Tackle, Substitute, Tail Whip, Headbutt

Pokemon: Magnemite
Nickname: Wheatley
Gender: Non-Gender
Ability: Magnet Pull: Steel pokemon are unable to switch out/flee while this pokemon is battling.
Nature: Devious. Also likes to start fires with littles sparks and stuff, forcing Skye to constantly carry around some water.
Moveset: Sonicboom, Thundershock, Supersonic, Thunder Wave

((Aaaaahhhh it's so shoorrttttt... ;-; ))

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 21 2011, 07:45 PM

It was still interesting
I was wondering how someone would of used, like, one of the musketeer quad
Interesting, yes.
So accepted of course

You don't need nicknames, though. It's optional.
...why was I amused over the magnamite though....

Posted by: Not A Moron Jul 21 2011, 11:42 PM

It was kinda difficult to think of exactly what powers he could have gotten.

Possibly the name, or that it's a pyro.

Posted by: CaptianMystery Jul 22 2011, 10:54 AM

Holy french toast revival party grin.gif

If I wasn't at my moms my profile would be up by now :'l

save me a spot for Registeel, I'll be using You know who.

Also, gimme a reservation on Giratina.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 22 2011, 11:31 AM

After seeing you my lunch got instantly better :'D
Anyway. Glad to see you again.
Registeel (is it bad that I suddenly thought of Voldemort when reading 'you-konw-who' at first?) and Giratina are reserved.

Hey look our first trio of Pokes has finally been gotten
and with only four spots left awwww yeahhhh

Posted by: Yurianni Jul 22 2011, 12:45 PM

This sounds interesting, may I join?

Username: Yurianni
Name: Iris Divinity
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Hometown: Cianwood City
Legendary: Lugia
Powers: She has the ablity to create and calm storms as well as do small amounts of work with water.
Side: neutral
Appearance: Iris is a somewhat tall for a girl her age, she stands at about 5 foot 6 1/2. The most noticable detail of her face are her deep red eyes. There are times when people look into her eyes and see flames dancing in them. But most of the time they're just a pale pink color. Her long, straight hair runs almost to her knees, it's color pure white and almost seems to glow.

She tends to wear a long dress that runs down to her knees. The dress itself is nothing amazing, just a plain black dress, with a thin white ribbon around the waist. She takes along a faded gray backpack with her where ever she goes, and keeps her hair up with another white ribbon.

Personality: Iris is very calm and sincere. She is always willing to help someone in need, even if she doesn't show it. She is very caring and compassionent, yet stubborn. If someone needs help, even though they don't want it, she doesn't normally take no for an answer.

Iris does have another side though, she hates to see people suffer and if you mess with her or her pokemon she becomes very aggressive and will fight back with all she has. Her pokemon are very important to her and she hates to see them in pain or anger.

History: Iris was born in Cianwood City in the Johto region. She was raised to see the bright side of things, and that pain and suffering are deadly and dangerous. Over the course of her life, she has helped fight raiders and other pirate like people on the seas. She does this to protect her friends and family living on the island away from the main land.

Iris first was picked by Lugia when she was ten, just after she recived her first pokemon. She was lost out at sea and he came to her through telapathy. She wasn't sure what to make of this at first, but she learned to live with the powers she was given and to give good back to the people. She doesn't abuse her powers, and enjoys the fact that a legendary pokemon has put his trust in her. Though she knows this comes with alot responsiblity.

She hasn't always been carful of her powers though. When she first recieved them, she almost wiped out her town and all the people in it. Lugia came and helped her fix what she had done and since then she tries to be extra careful on what she does with them. She lives in Cianwood City so that she will be close to her beloved legendary pokemon. And if he ever needs her, she is there.

Extra: You might need to ask the owl that question.

Pokemon: Riolu
Nickname: Luna
Gender: Female
Ability: Inner Focus, prevents flinching.
Nature: Suspicious, she doesn't trust most people besides Iris and Genna.
Moveset: Quick Attack, Endure, Force Palm, Counter

Pokemon: Spheal
Nickname: Genna
Gender: Female
Ability: Thick fat, halves the power of Ice-type and Fire-type moves
Nature: Jumpy, she's very nervous around new people and tends to hide behind Iris.
Moveset: Powder Snow, Water Gun, Encore, Ice Ball.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 22 2011, 01:15 PM

Interesting there.
so many neutrals :'D

Spots are down to three awww yeeeah

...lugia must of been a lazy fuck to wait 8 years to find someone mhm..

Posted by: CaptianMystery Jul 24 2011, 01:26 PM

Username: CaptainMystery
Name: Adelmo Je’ Damask
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Hometown: Iron Island
Legendary: Registeel
Powers: His skin is almost impossible to harm and he can control certain steel alloys

Side: Chaotic Good

Appearance: Adelmo has a dark skin, a mixture of African and Cuban. He has a faint accent that would make you assume that he is from Cuba. His eyes are covered by a mask that has the Registeel dots on it, it covers his entire forehead. His hair is an albino white that goes down to his neck. His nose is crooked like a vultures and he has a small beard. His face is very stern and a little thin. His neck is a tad bit log, but barely noticeable. He is 6'1 and weighs 153 pounds

He has on a vest that exposes his skin but that wouldn’t matter because most of his skin on his chest is covered by random bandages and lines of cloth. He does however appear very muscular; He has a very intimidating atmosphere around him. With that said, he is also very slender as well, showing that he keeps himself in very good shape. His vest is sleeveless and you can see his bear arms up to his hands. His hands have bandages covering around most of them except the very fingertips. His hands have three red dots illuminating from the front of them.

Personality: Adelmo Je’ Damask tends to stay uninvolved in conflict, not wanting to jump into danger he is kind of a loner. But he can be social with people, he just tends to not care much about what they do or what they plan. He is also very sarcastic, to an extent were people can’t even tell if he is being saractic or not. This leads him to make fun of people he meets right off the bat, which tends to annoy a lot of people.

Adelmo always has a calm behavior towards problems if he does get involved with things, he is not one to get hot headed or angry over little things because he doesn’t operate like that, he also is not the curious type of person, he really doesn’t care much for things he doesn’t understand because he doesn’t want to get involved.
Adelmo Enjoys being around factories or places with large amounts of ore, it sooths him strangely, maybe it has something to do with the Registeel thing. He hates being near heat though, it makes him nervous and weak. He is also an expert swordsman

History: Adelmo started life in the poorest of conditions, well not poorest but his family was in deep poverty. He was born in Spain, and his mother was from Cuba, his father was from South Africa. He had several siblings and although his conditions were poor, he made the most out of life. His father noticed right from the beginning that Adelmo was something special, even when he was an infant he seemed to be abnormally strong willed and was able to walk quicker and better than most other children.

Since Adelmo’s fauther wanted the best for his son, he tried to enroll him in an School program over sea’s but being that they were so poor, they couldn’t possible afford it. Soon, as Adelmo turned seven, His family’s house was foreclosed and they were forced to move. With the last remaining amount of his money, the Damask family moved to a far off island with very few people living there, also known as Iron Island.

Adelmo never got much of an education, there was no schools were he moved to, his eldest Brother Rodrigo, who was 17 helped out his father and built a small shack for all of them to live in. Rodrigo spent most of his life living in that shack until his father died when Rodrigo was 16. This killed most of his family emotionally, the man that had tried so hard, and helped them so much, had died. This broke most of the Damask family apart, the only people who stayed on the island was Rodrigo, Adelmo, Sophia, and Razul. Razul was the oldest of the group, being 23 Rodrifgo was third oldest 15 Adelmo was second 18 and Sophia was last, 12 .

Adelmo did most of the Labor work around there; he would gather wood, make fires and even mine for resources, which actually lead to him receiving his strange powers. As he was mining one day late at night, He struck a strange ore, it glowed a mystic red color, but the ore itself was black. Adelmo hid the ore from his family and studied it whenever he had the chance.

One night, on Adelmo’s 24th birthday, something happened, Adelmo had tried everything to breack the rock, that night, but nothing would work as he was about to give up, the rock blew up in a fantastic display of flashing red, grey and black. No one was home at the time, so Adelmos’s family was safe but they thought that the explosion had killed Adelmo. This ruined the family completely and all of them moved.

A year later, on the exact same day, Adelmo woke up under a pile of rocks and mud. He got out from the rubble and looked in a puddle, his black hair had turned a stunning white, and he had scars all over his body. He covered the scars up with bandages quickly, explaining why he wore all the bandages. He quickly learned that he could not be harmed at all when he fell from a cliff and didn’t break a bone in his body.

When Adelmo was 26, he found a strange weapon as he was walking around Iron Island, a sharp sword was just, there one day, no note no anything it was just there, as if it were waiting for him. He quickly learned how to use it and the following year he found a note were the sword had been. The note was not specific, but it said that there were others like him; the strange part was that Adelmo didn’t care and just moved on with his business, and then something very strange happened.

Adelmo found another note, the exact same day, the exact same time; just appear from thin air, the next year, when he was 28, Adelmo was frightened about this and decide that he would have to look for more people like him and figure out what is going on. Adelmo left Iron Island and is looking around Sinnoh for answers.

Extra: Candy causes tounge evaporation

Does Adelmo have to have a pokemon, I didn't picture him having one cat.gif

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 24 2011, 01:48 PM

Hey look phone stalking

I guess Ill be accepting this one, Doc
No Pokemon is fine, since I can't imagine it either
Once I get to a PC Ill edit the first post
Do not want phone auto correct

Oddly the Chatoic Good made me laugh
Me and my weird sense of humor

Posted by: CaptianMystery Jul 25 2011, 06:44 PM

Username: CaptainMystery
Name: Nuve G. Valkeria
Gender: Male
Age: 44
Hometown: Jubilife City

Legendary: Giratina
Powers: He can conjure up balls of ghost like energy, he can open rifts in space to the Distorition world with ease, trapping opponents there to fend off against the savage Giratina
Side: Evil

Personality: (Personality of the character. Are they shy? Brave? Maybe a bit weird? Add anything you can think of. Again, two paragraphs minimum.)

History: (The background of the character, starting at life to wherever it would end for now. Include their, er, ‘finding’ with their new abilities. Make sure to include any important events, as well as any major characters within their background. Three paragraphs minimum.)

Extra: (Anything else that you want to add?)

Pokemon: (Pokemon. Simple. Two to six, there’s a form below that you can use. Just copy and paste it as many times as you need)

Pokemon: (Pokemon Species, simple enough)
Nickname: (Make it sensible and easy to read and whatnot, please.)
Gender: (Easy, no?)
Ability: (The Pokemon’s Ability. Please, try to post the description/effect/whatever of the Ability so there’s no need to look them up)
Nature: (Basically the personality. You can make it described by a few words or a paragraph, I really don’t care.)
Moveset: (A list of moves, four at most. Only egg moves and level up moves, please.)

I'm not nearly done yet, but I just wanted to get SOMETHING down at lead cat.gif

Posted by: Death Magnetic Jul 27 2011, 01:40 PM

Gdi this place is too dead and it makes me sad. :c

Just wondering, though, when do you think you'll be able to get the RP up? c:

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 27 2011, 01:54 PM


I was hoping for when Xychi, Blazkid, and Doc finish their profiles
But if Doc can finish his second ( since we really need a bad guy) before Thursday then I will try to get it up then
Since chances are the night/some of the afternoon of thursday and most of friday I won't be able to do shit because of concerts and adventures in new york yeeeh

so yeah
a run-down of things

Posted by: Xychi Jul 27 2011, 02:37 PM

I'm working on mine.
Unfortunately I'm only just finishing the first.
Curse Mom and her unreasonable time limit!

Posted by: 123may Jul 28 2011, 08:12 AM

Darn, don't see Celebi, may I reserve Mew please?

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 28 2011, 10:20 AM

Celebi isn't on the list?

I'll go put Celebi on it, but I'll put you down for Mew May
If you want to switch it/add Celebi on just tell me and I will.

Posted by: 123may Jul 28 2011, 10:56 AM

hmm..... I might just make two characters and have one for Cel. and one for Mew. Might.

Posted by: CaptianMystery Jul 28 2011, 05:38 PM

I- uh... I lost all motivation of creating that character :C

I'm sorry, I just didn't really like him that much, so If I think of something else I will edit that.

Posted by: Yurianni Jul 29 2011, 10:14 PM

Can I do another one?

Username: Yurianni
Name: Keith Rosan
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Hometown: Ecruteak City

Legendary: Ho-Oh
Powers: He can calm strange spirits no one else sees, and can bring pokemon back to life and heal them, though it takes alot of energy.
Side: Neutral

Appearance: Keith has long black hair that hangs down into his eyes. His eyes are a deep green, and when he gets lost in thought they turn more of a brown color.

He wears a black shirt and a white jacket, his pants area brown color along with his shoes. He does his best to stay away from other humans, so he has lighter skin than most people.

Personality: Keith is very serious and tends to ignore most humans. While living in a city Keith spends most of his time hiding away in the Bell Tower with Ho-Oh and his pokemon.

He only shows his feelings towards pokemon, and people he deeply cares about. If he finds a pokemon in pain or anger he will do everything he can to help.

History: Keith was abandoned by his parents at a young age, after finding himself alone in the forest he met his first pokemon and fell in love. Since then he has enjoyed the company of any pokemon.

At the age of five he stumbled into the Bell Tower and met Ho-Oh, the legendary. Unlike some people he went up to the legendary bird and introduced himself, from there he decided that he enjoyed the solitude of the tower. A few days later Ho-Oh decided that Keith was the person he wanted and chose him.

Since then Keith has been doing tasks for the bird and healing pokemon. He has tried to avoid all forms of human contact, but there are times when he has to communicate with others. Most of the time he's in the tower without any other human company, and he enjoys it.

Extra: Ask an owl


Pokemon: Vulpix
Gender: Female
Ability: Flash Fire, Powers up Fire-type moves if hit by a Fire move
Nature: Sweet and Friendly
Moveset: Ember, Fire Spin, Flame Burst, and Confuse Ray.

Pokemon: Poochyena
Nickname: Ester
Gender: Female
Ability: Run Away, guarantees escape from a wild Pokémon
Nature:Very protective of both Keith and Taylor, though if you get to know her she's very sweet.
Moveset: Tackel, Assurance, Bite, Roar

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 30 2011, 06:45 AM

Okay then Doc
Ill keep the reserve for you though, just in case

Hopefully Blazkid or Xychi has evil characters hnnn
Don't really want to start without them

Yurianni is accepted again
Ill edit the first post once I get to a PC
If I ever stop being sick too hnnnn

Posted by: CaptianMystery Jul 30 2011, 11:47 AM

Hey Yuri...

Why is he in the burnt tower that one was Lugias not Ho-oh's

Ho-oh was in the bell tower silly cat.gif

Posted by: Yurianni Jul 30 2011, 12:09 PM

Oh, woops... I'll fix that.

Posted by: Death Magnetic Jul 30 2011, 12:20 PM

Sorry for this completely random post, but...

Burnt Tower, Bell Tower, Sprout Tower.

Burnt Bellsprout. 8D
Oh god don't hurt me. ;A;

Posted by: CaptianMystery Jul 30 2011, 01:50 PM

Yeaaah, it better be fixed boi wink.gif

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Jul 31 2011, 05:46 PM

Burned Bellsprout?
Dear god...

I'll start the RP up by either Tuesday or Wednesday,
Depending on what day it will be done

By now, we have Three Good characters, Four Neutral, and no Evil peoples.
Why no love for the Nameless?
Oh wait, he's a bad guy
...looks like I should get cracking on that last character slot now hnnn

ffff Doc why is your sig distracting me hnnnnnn

Posted by: 123may Jul 31 2011, 08:18 PM

It's official, I wanna reserve both Mew and Celebi, thank you

Posted by: Xychi Aug 2 2011, 04:16 PM

Sorry, I went a-campin' and didn't warn the interwebz.
I apologize further, as neither of my chars are evil, unless you want a third char, which will probably be something silly like Phione. Heh.
In other news, my first character is nearly complete, and shall be posted shortly, at the latest tomorrow.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 4 2011, 10:44 AM

Yay more characters
you don't have to make an evil you, Xychi, but it would be nice if you did

Ale ffffdf so sorry I haven't posted up the topic
My days of the week have been seriously lessees up and I didn't realize yesterday was Wensday
that party really messed me up hnnnnnn

On a second choice I will wait on Xychi, since s/he should be close enough done, I guess
If any objections I do have everything written up, so just say something and everything will be posted.

Spoiler (click to showhide)

Posted by: Xychi Aug 6 2011, 11:31 PM

So much for my unreliability.

Firen (click to show)

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 6 2011, 11:46 PM

Foren is quite interesting, surely
Ill both update the first post and post the main RP topic come tomorrow/Monday, since everything is saved over in the PC at my Gram's fffffff-

hmmm I have an odd feeling she might just dislike almost everyone....

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 7 2011, 02:43 AM

Username: Death Magnetic
Name: Melissa Zeverai
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Hometown: From Lavender Town, Kanto, currently lives in Oldale Town, Hoenn.

Legendary: Darkrai
Powers: She can give anyone who is sleeping around her terrible nightmares, and she can make those around her fall asleep as well, except doing this takes a lot of energy.
Side: Evil.

Appearance: Melissa stands at 5'3" and weighs about 113 pounds. Her skin is very pale as a result of only going outside if it is nighttime, or if it is cloudy outside. Her eyes are a bright blue and stone cold, showing little to no emotion at all. Her expression is usually dull and hard to read.

Her hair is short and black, barely brushing her shoulders. Her bangs are styled so they fall over her right eye. For clothes, Melissa wears a black jacket that's usually unzipped. Under that, she wears a tight fitting white t-shirt. For lower wear, she wears black jeans that are torn up and worn out a lot. There is a big tear going down the side starting at the right knee, and many other little tears and holes. For shoes she wears a pair of black steel toed boots.

Personality: Melissa appears very calm and quiet on the outside, not really doing much. Her emotions on the inside of her are a whole different story. She often thinks about killing people, or things. She is very sadistic, as well as slightly insane. She loves the sight of anyone in pain or dying, and this usually triggers something in her mind that changes her on the outside. Melissa will usually get an insane smile spread on her face and she will shake and try not to go on a mass killing spree. The only way she usually gets back to normal if the person hurt dies, or if they get out of her sight.

She is incredibly quick to anger. One wrong word will set her off. She usually handles her anger physically instead of verbally. It takes her a while to calm down. She usually will need to be alone, even though she often is alone. Melissa never gets sad. Never. She doesn't feel remorse or mercy either, those emotions does exist in her at all.

Melissa hates it when it's sunny outside, preferring to stay inside or in the shadows. She loves it when it's nighttime. If she's feeling bored enough, she'll go out at night at give people awful grotesque nightmares, or even kill them. She only does the latter if she's feeling angry as well as bored.

History: Melissa grew up in a small house in Lavender Town with her older sister and parents. As Melissa grew older, everything she did was overshadowed by her older sister. If she got good grades, her sister did better. Her sister caught her first pokemon before her. Her parents loved her sister and hated Melissa, always telling her how she should be more like her. Melissa didn't want to be like her. She was snobby, bratty, arrogant, and she had life easy.

When Melissa was getting teased by her sister one day, she ran from the house and into the tower where pokemon were laid to rest. She didn't know how long she was there, but she talked to the ghosts there. She told them about her rotten sister and how much she hated her parents for not caring about her. To this day she wasn't sure if what the ghosts were saying was just a part of her mind or what, but they said to kill them all. If she tried to be kind to them all and they didn't give anything in return, they should give her their lives.

She didn't do this right away, however. She saved up as much money as possible and was sure to make out a plan of where she would go. She sure as hell didn't want to stay in this town anymore. On the night of her 16th birthday, she took a match to the house and burned it down. She didn't know if anyone had made it out alive or not, she had left as soon as the house lit up in flames.

She traveled all through the Kanto region, eventually getting bored with it. She then decided to go to Hoenn and see if it was any better. When the boat got to Hoenn, she was in a very bad mood. Someone looked at her, and that was a mistake. She glared at them, and they dropped to the ground. Melissa was very puzzled about this. She wasn't sure what the hell she did, but she tried it out on another person who made eye contact with her.

She could make them drop like flies without even glaring at them. She ignored the two people lying on the ground and traveled the Hoenn region a bit, decided to stop and live in the small and quiet town of Odale. She didn't discover her nightmare talent until she was 22 years old. Someone was sleeping out in the sun, and she looked over at them. Almost immediately, a wispy red line flowed from her to the sleeping person. It disappeared just as quickly as it appeared, and the person sleeping thrashed about, almost as if they were trying to get away from something.

Melissa practiced this many times on people, and she was very intrigued with her new abilities. She was also intrigued about the dreams the legendary pokemon Darkrai was in. He told her about Arceus, and The Nameless One. Melissa decided she would side with The Nameless One. The way Darkrai had told about The Nameless One was very interesting to her, and she couldn't possibly side with the good side considering all of the stuff she did.

Extra: Ask the owl. :c


Pokemon: Gengar
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Ability: Levitate - Ground type attacks don't affect it.
Nature: Gengar is devious and loves to cause trouble. He often leaves Melissa's side to go torment people by playing pranks on them and putting them to sleep. He would never do any of this to his trainer because he finds her a little bit scary.
Moveset: Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Destiny Bond, Nightmare.

Pokemon: Banette
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Female
Ability: Insomnia - Prevents the pokemon from falling asleep in battle.
Nature: Banette is a troublemaker just like Gengar. They'll often team up and play horrible pranks on others. She's much braver than Gengar, and she will prank Melissa every once and a while.
Moveset: Sucker Punch, Shadow Ball, Hex, Faint Attack

fdklsdjalskdjalksd I hope this is okay. I haven't used this character in forever aughhh. ;^;

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 7 2011, 09:19 AM

Oh snap Its Melissa
Hide your children

And of course, accepted again.
Yay more evil-do-ers cat.gif

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 7 2011, 02:33 PM

Omg...I thought Catch Me If I Fall rung a bell! *Is so tempted to re-enter her character*

It's so sad I didn't draw the connection until now....

Edit: I have to re-join. =)

Ezra Elit (click to show)

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 7 2011, 06:32 PM

Wooooo Wishful is back on the team
Of course you are accepted -w-

Also guess what
The RP Topic is finally here!~

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 7 2011, 07:13 PM

Rise Against reference, HELL YEAH! *hi-fives*

If I'm not finished, I will finish eventually (click to show)

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 7 2011, 07:17 PM

Yeeeeeeeeah another person that gets the reference
Free cookies for everyone.

So anyway, Uxie will now be reserved for Indestructible
Aaaaaand sign-ups are now closed unless I get a change of heart
....will be, like, impossible. hmmmmmm....

Posted by: 123may Aug 7 2011, 07:32 PM

I can still submit my chars because I reserved right? almost done.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 7 2011, 07:49 PM

Of course
The SU's are only closed for anyone else other than people that have already made profiles/reserved

I'll be awaiting those profiles now~

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 7 2011, 08:56 PM

Would you be horribly annoyed if I simply copied my old intro post?

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 7 2011, 08:58 PM

Not at all.
I don't quite care what people really do at first, as long as they post and stuff

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 7 2011, 09:00 PM

lol, well then I'm going to do that! =)

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 7 2011, 09:08 PM

I just realized something though

You might just need to edit the last few sentences around,

*is shot*

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 7 2011, 09:10 PM

lol, I was re-reading it and noticed that! haha. I changed it, don't worry. Although it was nicer with the bodies, no?

Posted by: 123may Aug 8 2011, 08:18 AM

FINALLY, I PRESENT TO YOU, MY SIGN-UPS!!! *insert applause here*

Username: 123may
Name: Mirage Pennyton
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hometown: Fortree City
Legendary: Celebi
Powers: She can do minor things with time like stop it temporarily, make it move forward, and make it move backward. She can also fly, but no one knows how.
Side: Good
She has long green hair that reaches her lower back and blue eyes. She wears a red scarf around her neck that flows down over her shoulder in the front. She also wears a black shirt, white jacket, blue jeans, and white tennis shoes. She is 5' 8" in height and weighs 122 lbs.. She has a very light, untanned skin color.

Personality: Kind, but temper mental. Easily gets along with other people, but doesn't like large crowds. Not shy, very bold, but knows when to step down or hold her position. She has a happy-go-lucky and bubbly personality. She is light-hearted and has a soft spot for pokemon. She is serious sometimes and doesn't anger too easily.
She is usually nice. She doesn’t usually follow the rules for most things, but knows what to do and when to do it. She does what she wants and mostly gets away with it. She is considered a free spirit and has wonderful timing on most things and is never late unless there is something big or important.

History: She has a mother and a father, but no siblings. Being an only child can be lonely for her, but she muddles through. When she turned 9 her parents gave her her first pokemon, a Ditto, and they have trained especially hard to get stronger. When she was 10 she caught her second pokemon, a Vulpix. She also trained that pokemon as well. Her parents then gave her a Fire Stone and told her to use it only if she needed it.
Two days after her Vulpix evolved she caught her Pichu. Since then It has evolved into a Pikachu and she is working on finding a Thunder Stone. She has also caught a Cyndaquil and is working on evolving it into a Typhlosion. She has been saving money up since she was little and has roughly [insert money type here] 7,000 just from doing odd jobs around town.
When her Ditto was battling another trainer her Ditto had transformed into a Sceptile to fight. when her Ditto had used Hyper Beam and couldn't move. As the Sceptile had dodged and was about to attack, Ditto couldn't move. Mirage panicked and time suddenly slowed down. She was shocked, but she had just enough time to move her Ditto/Sceptile before time started moving again. She won the battle and no one questioned her.



Pokemon: Ditto
Nickname: Ditto
Gender: N/A
Ability: Limber- The Pokémon is protected from paralysis.
Nature: Calm
Moveset: Transform

Pokemon: Ninetails
Nickname: Ninetails
Gender: Female
Ability: Flash Fire- It powers up Fire-type moves if it's hit by one.
Nature: Relaxed
Moveset: Ember, Flamethrower, Bite, Tackle

Pokemon: Pikachu
Nickname: Sparky
Gender: Male
Ability: Static- If a pokemon with Static is hit by a move making contact, there is a 30% chance the foe will become paralyzed.
Nature: Brave
Moveset: Thunderbolt, Discharge, Quick Attack, Flash

Pokemon: Cyndaquil
Nickname: Ty
Gender: Male
Ability: Blaze- If a pokemon has less than a third of their HP remaining, Blaze will power up their Fire-type moves by 50% (1.5×).
Nature: Timid
Moveset: Ember, Tackle, Smokescreen, Dig

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Username: 123may
Name: May ElisaBeth Wolf ( likes to be called Mew because of her initials)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hometown: Fortree city
Legendary: Mew
Powers: She can transform into different things, can float a few feet off the ground, and has psychic abilities, although they aren't that strong yet.
Side: Good
She has light pink hair that reaches to her lower back and deep blue eyes(don't pay attention to the eyes in the picture). She is 5' 9" and weighs 110 lbs. She has a light tanned skin tone. She wears a light yellow dress shirt that reaches her waist, a white jacket, blue jeans that reach her shoes, and blue and white tennis shoes. She has a thin frame and can easily fit into small places.

Personality: She is a happy go lucky type of girl. She tries to have a bubbly personality despite any interference around her. She is rarely anything less than happy or excited. She is bold and brave and never takes no for an answer. She can be shy at times, but that doesn't take her happy away. She loves to be around pokemon she likes and loves to make new friends. She has a lot of pokemon that stay at her house, but only carries five with her when she goes somewhere.

History: Although she doesn't have many friends that are human, she has found that pokemon love to be around her. Ever since she was little pokemon had crowded around her. Her parents died when she was 8, so she now lives with her grandparents. They are nice to her and enjoy the pokemon she brings home.
When she was 9, she had brought home an injured Pidgy. She worked for a whole week to help mend it's wing and it was finally able to fly again. She had run to the backyard with the pokemon and let it fly. It flew in circles around her, then landed in a Pecha berry tree. The Pidgy seemed to like the berries and has stayed with May ever since.
She first found out about her 'abilities' when she was watching her Pidgy fly one day. She wanted to fly with him and tried to imagine what flying would feel like. She opened her eyes to find that she was floating in the air, but she list concentration and fell to the ground. Although she wasn't hurt, she still tried over and over again to see if she could do it again. Later she had begun to read the minds around her, although she couldn't make them out at that time, she has gotten much better now.
After her Pidgy had evolved into a Pidgeotto, she was flying around with it one day. She thought of how it would be like, more specifically, to fly like a Pidgeotto. She felt feathers grow and saw her mouth turn into a beak. May looked at her arms and noticed they were wings and that she was a Pidgeotto. She has spent a lot of time perfecting this as well. Since then her Pidgeotto has evolved into a Pidgeot.

Extra: (Anything else that you want to add?)


Pokemon: Pidgeot
Nickname: Pie
Gender: Male
Ability: Keen Eye prevents the pokemon from losing accuracy, for example from moves like Sand Attack.
Nature: Calm
Moveset: WhirlWind, Hurricane, Mirror Move, Steel wing

Pokemon: Onix
Nickname: Onyx (Yes, named after the gem)
Gender: Male
Ability: Sturdy- It cannot be knocked out with one hit.
Nature: Modest
Moveset: Iron Tail, Slam, Dig, Earthquake

Pokemon: Gengar
Nickname: Shadow
Gender: Male
Ability: Levitate- Gives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.
Nature: Rash
Moveset: Thunderbolt, Hex, Shadow Ball, Psychic

Pokemon: Shinx
Nickname: Sparx
Gender: Male
Ability: Rivalry- Deals more damage to a Pokémon of same gender.
Nature: Brave
Moveset: Charge, Discharge, Thunderbolt, Thunder Fang

Pokemon: Gardevoir
Nickname: Gal
Gender: Female
Ability: Synchronize- If the opponent causes a burn, paralysis, or poisoning of the pokemon with Synchronize, the opponent receives the status condition too.
Nature: Calm
Moveset: Teleport, Psychic, Magical Leaf, Shadow Ball

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 8 2011, 09:34 AM

Although nothing else are wrong with your profiles May,
You need to write out those appearences, not just post a picture

Sorry about it, but that's just how it is

Posted by: 123may Aug 8 2011, 10:00 AM

I edited

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 8 2011, 10:28 AM

Okay then, everything is in order

You're accepted May, and cam now go post and stuffs

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 8 2011, 10:36 PM

Me and Doc were talking about our characters in Laptew and stuff aaaaand I think they're apparently going to hit it off again or some shit like that so I edited my profile for Isolda to make her older since his charrie is like, 30 something while mine was like, 18. xDDD

We don't want a pedo character. xD

Just thought I'd let you know. |D

Posted by: Xychi Aug 9 2011, 12:02 AM

As I imagine it, that Latios jacket just seems so out-of-character to be worn by a character with a reference picture of 2D.
Even on Ezra, I'd expect it to be incapable of being called white.

Anywho, I've been reading Maximum Ride, and I'm inclined to make an evil charri who can fly, with wings. Might I get to obtain a third charri, though I have no ideal literary sample to prove myself worthy? I've roleplayed with you before, and my literacy can be seen in my character sheets. (I should get working on Palkia, now, shouldn't I...)

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 9 2011, 09:52 AM

Hmm that would be a good idea, chaining the ages and whatnot
all perfectly fine, too

Xychi, you can indeed reserve a third without any example, just tell me what you want.
You like everyone else I know how they roleplaying and shot so,
besides I've been meaning to change that one hnnn
And wooooo maximum ride
I need to finish that series

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 9 2011, 10:14 AM

QUOTE(Shadow Dragon @ Aug 9 2011, 10:52 AM) *
Hmm that would be a good idea, chaining the ages and whatnot
all perfectly fine, too

Xychi, you can indeed reserve a third without any example, just tell me what you want.
You like everyone else I know how they roleplaying and shot so,
besides I've been meaning to change that one hnnn
And wooooo maximum ride
I need to finish that series

Ah, hehehe it gets really bad after the third book ewe I wouldn't suggest reading past the third

Posted by: 123may Aug 9 2011, 10:31 AM

Sorry to but in, Maximum ride rocked, The only book I haven't read yet is Angel, and that's cuz it's one of the newest books. YAY FOR MUTANTS!!!

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 9 2011, 10:56 AM

QUOTE(Xychi @ Aug 9 2011, 01:02 AM) *
As I imagine it, that Latios jacket just seems so out-of-character to be worn by a character with a reference picture of 2D.
Even on Ezra, I'd expect it to be incapable of being called white.

Anywho, I've been reading Maximum Ride, and I'm inclined to make an evil charri who can fly, with wings. Might I get to obtain a third charri, though I have no ideal literary sample to prove myself worthy? I've roleplayed with you before, and my literacy can be seen in my character sheets. (I should get working on Palkia, now, shouldn't I...)

I'm not aware of the reference that the picture is for. I simply thought it was a fan character.

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 9 2011, 11:44 AM

QUOTE(123may @ Aug 9 2011, 11:31 AM) *
Sorry to but in, Maximum ride rocked, The only book I haven't read yet is Angel, and that's cuz it's one of the newest books. YAY FOR MUTANTS!!!

Uhhh, No it sucks after the third book



Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 9 2011, 11:54 AM

I'm mostly only reading past the third book for the characters
Like Iggy

But yeah the global warming thing kinda just downgraded the books in a way
Needs more organizations trying to murder them

Posted by: 123may Aug 9 2011, 12:02 PM

I agree with SD, I'm only reading for Iggy and Fang really. OMG!!! I HAVE THE FANG BOOK!!! (the rest of the books I borrowed from the library) XD


Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 9 2011, 01:06 PM

*Loves Melissa*

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 9 2011, 01:13 PM

Maximum Ride is a good series, the whole Global Warming part of it is just... Ehhhhh. :<

I've read all of the books up to Fang.
But the ending of it made me tear up sakdjalksjd /shame

Aww Wishie, I'm sure that if Melissa could feel the emotion of love that she would love you too. c:

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 9 2011, 01:43 PM

lol, Let's not get sappy now Chloe. =P

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 9 2011, 02:07 PM

But if you wouldn't have said anything then I wouldn't have said anything. :c

You started it! noes.gif

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 9 2011, 04:08 PM

gah! you shot me!!

(Plus, I wasn't getting sappy..Just said I liked big.....=P)

Edit: Question because it seems I might have overlooked it! So the 'Guardians' are the actual form of the Legend? So the actual Legends will be taking part this time?

Posted by: Xychi Aug 9 2011, 08:01 PM

Ahh so much off-topicness from something I said! x-x
...What, no shot?

And - yay - I'd like to take Kyurem for my third charri.

I just finished the third book.
Onto the next!
(Regardless of peer reviews.)
(I mean, who stops reading a series just 'cuz people say something about it sucks?)
Iggy's my favorite character.
Down with Fang!
*shot* *shot*

Oh, right;
Wishful, I'm pretty sure our characters represent the legends, I doubt they are the legends in human form. However I'd expect the legendaries and the humans to be apart of the battle with The Nameless One.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 9 2011, 08:09 PM

How did I guess this hmm
But then again that Legend just has that evil aura despite being so awesome

Yay another person who's favorite is Iggy
Now I don't feel alone.

But, yes, like Xychi guessed, the Defenders aren't the Legendaries
Just people the Legendaries decided to represent them and shits
Besides if they were the plot would of probably been completely different
Though Xychi did guess right with the Legendaries and Humans fight the battle together against the Nameless.
Them, and a bunch of NPCs yeeeeeeah

Posted by: Xychi Aug 9 2011, 08:15 PM

How'd you know!?
Well actually I think of Kyurem as misunderstood, and upset enough to eat people. Heh.

Yay, I was right!

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 9 2011, 08:32 PM

That's what I thought. One of the posts made me think that the legend although passing on powers to each defender still existed and was in physical contact with them.

Posted by: Xychi Aug 9 2011, 08:35 PM

They do still exist, but not in physical contact?

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 9 2011, 08:39 PM

Perhaps it would be better if I explained with the post. It was the line "Since their here, come up here Ho-oh murmered, I want to talk to you." from the last post because previously there was a comment that the character looked up at the tower which I am assuming is the tower which you find ho-oh in the game.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 9 2011, 08:55 PM

Yuri's character sorta lives, or at least very close, at Ho-Oh's Tower, whatever it is called
Bell Tower or something, right?

I'm guessing that Ho-Oh is currently perched at their tower while the young man was at it's base,
Thus being within a sort of physical contact to their chosen
But I'd say it's RPer's preference to be within physical or mental (like telepathy and so) with their legendary

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 9 2011, 09:03 PM

Alright. That just confused me a little.

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 9 2011, 09:24 PM

Well I guess Adel mo is a mix of physical and mental, he get sent cards made of steel with very vague descriptions on them XD

Posted by: Xychi Aug 10 2011, 02:00 AM

It'll be really fun making my Kyurem character.
So many awesome ideas coming to mind and whatnot.

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 10 2011, 08:29 AM

Last time Kyurem was a villein with robots

but I didn't give him alot to work with

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 10 2011, 08:38 AM

Last two days at the beach were fun c: Sorry I couldn't work on my stuff. I'll try to finish it today.

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 10 2011, 11:37 AM

Ok, I've decided to change my view point to a more, good orientated stature, as that said, I would like to dereserve Giritina and reserve regirock (Because I love that trio)

Username: CaptianMystery

Name: Terrence Hajar Alann

Gender: Male

Age: 29


Legendary: Regirock

Powers: He can cover himself in a protective cover of rocks, although it can be broken by a strong enough force. his powers are in between the two other regi's, he isn't as dangerous as Regiice, and isn't as good as a shield as Registeel. He can control stone and rock, and fashion them into weapons. He Can also amplify the power of his punches by adding rock covering over his fist.
Side: Good

Appearance: Terrence is a burly man, he has a six pack and his arms look like they can break through concentrate, and they can with enough force. Terrence is about 6'6 feet tall, making him easy to stand out, he has short black hair, almost a buzz cut and a very intense face. Well, almost intense, he has to wear square glasses that make him seem a bit less intimidating, but he still is very intimidating. He has a jagged scar that runs down the left side of his cheek down to his neck. He wears a helmet that covers his short hair completely, and is normally wearing googles as well to protect his eyes from the sandy deserts of route 11

Terrence wears brown gloves all the time, even to sleep, they are huge and cover his massive hands. The attire he wears included a Very dirty plain Sleeveless white shirt. Although it is very hard to tell if the shirt is even white anymore mostly because its so dirty now, it has a more light brown color to it. He is ripped from head to toe. He wears dirty black pants with bulky pockets to carry rock samples and fossil data that he uses for his research. His belt is the most interesting thing, as it seems to take up a quarter of his body, it is filled with all sorts of things, pokeballs, fossils and even a pickax that is cached around to the end of it.

The Pickax looks worn out and has cracks from aging around the handle. The poke balls themselves are covered in mud and dirt, they look more like balls of hard dirt then anything else at all. He also keeps a pistol with him for self defense in case someone were to mug him or if a pokemon went wild in the field.

Personality: If you were to judge Terrence by his appreance alone, you would think he was just a strong sack of meat. But in actual he has the intellect to rival even the greatest mind. Terrence is one that knows exactly how to work things out and prefers not to get into violence unless the situation forces him to do otherwise

Terrence normally uses his knowledge to dispute arguments and is very passive, but when a situation arises that would require him to use force, he hardly ever loses. Terrence is very kind to new people he meets, but normally doesn't confront others, but lets others confront him. Terrance has a very calm demeanor , but his voice is very deep, but at the same time, it sounds caring. He says what needs to be said, and nothing more. He is very strong willed and sticks to his beliefs. he has a solid understanding of what is right and wrong, and doesn't plan on killing anyone unless they threaten to kill more then one person

History: Terrence was born with a muscle disorder that made him incredibly weak, he could barely pick up a toy block at the age of three. His parents were worried that he wouldn't live for another month because of his condition, they were willing to risk anything. then one day, a scientist by the name of Simon, offered a solution to the couples problem, although the risk were great and success was not likely.

Terrence was given a new type of drug, that would supposedly would enhance the function of muscles dramatically, but the side affects were unknown. After the new drug was injected, the affect Occurred rapidly, at the age of eight, he was taller then most boys, but unfortunately that's also when the side affects began to rear there ugly head threw the corner of Terrance life.

The first side affect, was lose of vision, although he could still see, he had terrible eyesight. it also made him color blind, he can not see red on blue or orange on green. The second side affect, was that he had a shortened lifespan, which the doctors said that if his muscles kept growing at the rate they were, he would die at the age of 50 because of it. the third side affect was that his voice became increasingly low, by the time he hit puberty, giving him a very mature, deep adult voice.

Terrence was always fascinated by fossils, The other kids were afraid of him, so he didn't socialize with them much, it was one day when he went to route 111 that he knew what he was going to do with his life, preserve it. on that faithful day, he saw pokemon pouchers attempt to kill a rare flygon, Terrence tackled the pouchers and got a cut on the side of his face, but he saved the flygon, and from that day forward, they have become invaluable friends

Around the age of 13 he was sent three gifts by his dying grandfather, they were all pokemon, a Lileep, a Anorith and a Archen. His grandfather slowly died after he received the three pokemon. Terrence had a rough High school life, and he didn't dwell much with being social with others, but he did respect them and always helped others when they were being bullied or harmed. He was valor Victorian at his highschool in Lavaridge, and got three scholarships to three different pokemon history universality, he eventually chose to go to Rustburro university, and learned under Steven himself, although, at age 19, his parents were suppository killed by a roaming salamance, and he spiralled into a great depression.

It was in his darkest hour, that Terrence found the love of his life, at age 20 he met a new student, a fossil enthusiast like himself, named Jeromy. he was the first one to never judge Terrance on his apprence, and was a very kind and innocent spirit They would talk on and on for hours, Jeromy was an excellent pokemon battler, but he was weak physically, but he makes up for that ten fold in his scientific ability to create machines and alterations to the human body.

Terrance finally had the courage to express his feelings toward Jeromy at the end of collage, Jeromy had also been hiding feelings for him, and they had a wonderful relationship with each other. Jeromy wanted to help enhance Terrance ability to function live life Normally, like Jeromy did. When Jeromy heard about Terrance's life expectancy, he was flabbergasted, but Terrance assured him that everything turns out they way things should, and not to try and change anything about it.

Terrance married Jeromy in his hometown at Lavaridge, it was there he learned of Jeromys origins, he was the son of the man who made him the way he is, Simon. Although it was no conspiracy, just a huge coincidence. Jeromy seemd to be more angry at his father then Terrance did, but the side affects were irreversable, Jeromy cried many nights in Terrances arms, he didn't want the love of his life to leave him so soon.

Jeromy spends most of his time in the lab, trying to find a cure to Terrance diseases, while Terrance himself would use his curse to his own advantage in the harsh deserts of route 111, it was there, that his fait would change even more drastically.

Terrance isn't one to believe that such fairy tails as the existence of Acrceus or even the regi's for that matter. but one day as he was looking around a uncharted region of route 111, he saw a huge figure stand before him, only orange lights were seen. it told him I ONLY CHOOSE ONE WHO KNOWS THE VALUE OF STRENGTH, BUT KNOWS OF OTHER OPTIONS and with that the figure was gone.
Terrance was restless in bed, what he thought at first to be a hallucination was haunting him in his dreams as well. one day while he was in the field, he encountered a cacturne gone wild, he didn't have much time to reach for a pokeball and instead mved his hand up and a stone shield blocked the cacturnes vicious attacks. Terrance slowly began to understand that he had somehow been given the power to control stone and rock.

He kept having frequent dreams about finding others like him, and that he should head all the way to lilycove to find them. Terrance was fully convinced that this was out of his control. he left a not on the desk of his home for Jeromy. and headed to Lilycove.

Extra: Several billion Tager tons of licks, it will then be atomized in the name of science

Pokemon: Flygon
Gender: Male
Ability:Levitate, Durhur can't be hit by ground types
Nature: Rash, is very loyal to Terrance
Moveset: Flamethrower, Earthquake, Crunch, Dragon pulse

Pokemon: Cradily
Nickname: Nope
Gender: Female
Ability: Suction cup, can't be switched out
Nature: Quirky, very energetic besides being forced down to the round.
Moveset: Energy ball, Stone edge, stockpile, swallow

Pokemon: Armaldo
Nickname: Nope
Gender: Male
Ability: Battle armor, No crit hits
Nature: Brave, very out going, defends weak pokemon
Moveset: X scissors,Toxic, Aerial Ace, Brick Break

Pokemon: Archeops
Gender: Female
Ability: Deafetis, once half hp gone, attack stat goes down
Nature: Bashful, very shy around others, sticks around Terrance
Moveset: Fly, Rockslide, U turn, dragon claw

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 10 2011, 12:14 PM

This means not only the golem trio is all taken but my favorite group of Legendaries is taken
and they're all good, cept for the one, I think

I should get back to work now

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 10 2011, 04:21 PM

QUOTE(Indestructible @ Aug 7 2011, 08:13 PM) *
Rise Against reference, HELL YEAH! *hi-fives*

If I'm not finished, I will finish eventually (click to show)

I believe this is finished.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 10 2011, 04:27 PM

I noticed an error in appearance, although,
"Appearance: David is short for his age, at about 6'6"."
Unless that is short than idk

Anyway it is all good and accepted.
Go have fun now.

this is, what, the fourth character that at some point came from Snowpoint?
So much popularity there hmm

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 10 2011, 04:27 PM

I have a boy for Suicune if you don't mind him being younger. I honestly think he's 14 or something so that really isn't that young but his appearance is younger so I'll de-age him some. Let me get the profile in order.

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 10 2011, 04:29 PM

QUOTE(Shadow Dragon @ Aug 10 2011, 05:27 PM) *
I noticed an error in appearance, although,
"Appearance: David is short for his age, at about 6'6"."
Unless that is short than idk

Anyway it is all good and accepted.
Go have fun now.

this is, what, the fourth character that at some point came from Snowpoint?
So much popularity there hmm

...I'll go make that 5'6" whoops XD

But i have some friends irl that look like they haven't hit 5 foot yet. And my friends are 14.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 10 2011, 04:29 PM

Though I rather wouldn't 14 is a fine enough age, I guess.

I hope to see that profile now Wishie

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 10 2011, 04:32 PM

I can raise his age if you would rather. I just said fourteen cause it matches his picture ref best. lol. I can say he's 16 though, just youthful.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 10 2011, 04:33 PM

That might be better
You don't have to if you don't want to, Wishie
Not forcing you or anything -w-

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 10 2011, 04:40 PM

Nah, it's fine. I have to edit his history a little anyway so I'll make those changes as well.

Edit: This character was originally set in our world so in his history is a mention of a bomb, I don't remember if it's exactly named a bomb, so I hope that's okay or we could just call it a work accident.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 10 2011, 04:54 PM

I'm sure that's fine enough
Even if there's like electrobes everywhere people in the Pokemon world would have surely made a bomb or two or whatnot.

hnnn now I want to see this character even moreee

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 10 2011, 05:03 PM

lol, his history is a little off, in particular the last two paragraphs because I had to add those to fill in the last two years and connect to the roleplay better but I hope he lives up to expectation.

Username: Wishful Jirachi
Name: Nathan Wells
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Hometown: Lilycove

Legendary: Suicune
Powers: He can freeze anything through touch and can cast winds similar to Suicune’s Northern Winds by holding the stone which he has had since he was a child.
Side: Evil, why not!?

Appearance:, being sixteen, is in that age range where a boy should have had their major growth spurt however he appears to be a late bloomer so is still kind of short in stature. In all, he only reaches a height of 5’ even however this really isn’t too bad for a child of his age. As most children, his skin is clear of blemishes and rather peachy in color. His eyes are the sweet color of molasses or caramel (amber) while his smile shows his cheerful and sweet disposition.

His cloths are suited for rougher use, in particular travelling. He wears mostly leather made material for its durability as well as a basic cotton shirt. The shirt is a dark hunter green and fits loosely over his body. The shirt is ripped slightly in the middle at the top but the cut is only one inch in length. Underneath this loose shirt he wears a tighter fitting black shirt, which is the shirt he sleeps in at night. Covering the sleeves of his shirt is a basic brown/tan leather jacket.

The jacket is short and stops just below his chest and has short sleeves. The collar is made of a darker material and fans out across his shoulders. This same darker material wraps around the cuffs of his sleeves which are tied by one silver button for each side. Just below his jacket sleeves is a small strip of his hunter green shirt that shows through. Matching the style of his jacket, his wrist guards and shorts are made in a similar fashion.

The wrist guards are mostly made of the same brighter colored leather as the jacket. They tie in the same fashion as the jacket sleeves with an identical silver button. These buttons have no button holes and are more like circular clips. On the underside of each of his wrist guards is a small sliver of silver metal, similar to the buttons. Upon his hands are black gloves which tuck underneath the wrist guards. In all, this only reaches to just below his elbow.

His pants, being the same style as the other portions of his clothing, it mostly consists of the brighter color of leather with the pockets outlined in the darker leather. The trim of the shorts are crafted in the same manner as the trim if the jacket sleeves and the wrist guards. The shorts only reach to just above his knees. His feet are bare as he prefers not wear shoes at all.

His hair is blonde in color and short, like most boys, but has grown out to the point that some mothers would be demanding that he get his hair cut immediately. The bangs, which have not yet grown to block his vision due to the style of cut, is longer in-between his eyes and then shorter until it reaches the brim of her ears. For the most part his hair is straight however he has one rather large cowlick in the back middle of his head. This lick consists of one large clump of hair and two smaller portions on each side.

On his back is a rather large travel pack that is associated with camping. The pack reaches from just below his bum to half way up the back of his head. It is a pale grey/tan color and is slightly wider then his body frame. The pack straps overlap the leather collar of his jacket and wrap around his hips. The pack has two large pockets on the bottom sides which is thicker due to weight distribution. The top of the pack is skinnier and has a blue blanket and darker blue pillow tied with dark leather buckle straps. Dangling from the strap on the back is one solitary frying pan.

Personality: Nathan is a happy, cheerful boy. He smiles often and doesn’t bother to think about saddening matters. He is pleasant to people that he meets and is quite respectful to his elders. Despite his pleasant disposition and outward appearance, he often doesn’t speak about his past or anything in regards to his life. He also does whatever he is told and doesn’t let others know when he is hurting whether it is physically or emotionally.

However, that was more like the old Nathan. He still is cheerful but for different reasons and still doesn't complain but that's becuase he thinks that no one cares. He completely shuns the elders, thinking they caused his father to kill himself, but still continues to hide his past. Now he never listens to what he is told unless the person somehow manages to become a part of his life. His most loyal companion is Harmone who accompanies him everywhere.

History: Nathan was always a perfect little baby. He was loved dearly by his family, being their first child. His mother spoiled him and his father taught him the ways of the land. The boy was obedient as he grew up and he was helpful around the house as he aged but he didn’t speak for many years past the normal time that a child would begin to speak with a basic vocabulary. His mother never thought much of it and she simply waited for him, exclaiming that he would speak when he was ready.

The pair would often be walking around town, Nathan’s hand in his mother’s, and people that knew the family well would smile and wave. Some would come over and try to get Nathan to speak but no one could and the day that Nathan first spoke, his mother was overjoyed. On that day he had found a small stone that was blue in color. He had brought it in from playing outside and showed his mother, exclaiming that it was cold. From that day on, that stone was the most special thing that their family ever had. No other items or childhood toys that Nathan received would ever replace what that stone meant to him nor would his mother ever forget the gift that that stone had given her son; the gift of speech.

As the child aged, he never would get rid of the stone. Some thought that it might have been a rare mineral or precious gem stone but no matter how many people ever looked at it, it could never be properly identified. Regardless, Nathan loved the stone. It was always in his left pocket, where he could easily reach it if needed. And as he grew, the stone was a source of wonder and inspiration. He often thought of what secrets the stone held and where it had originally come from.

During his younger years, his father often took him camping. Sometimes his mother would come along as well but she normally had other things to do. She greatly missed the bonding that took place on these trips but she was happy to see her son growing but it was during one of these trips that a fated day began. It seemed as any other day when the sun first crept its way into the new day. Birds were chirping and life was proceeding as it had been intended to however the sun would not set on that day before it bled read in the afternoon heat.

Nathan and his father were returning from one of their camping trips and their mother was going to meet them out for lunch after they returned to town. They were both pleased to see the only woman in their life however she never did come. After half an hour of worry, his father called the building with which she worked and there was no reply let alone a tone. The two left the restraint and went to where his mother had worked every day of her life sense she had been old enough to do so. Upon their arrival they spotted the smoke cloud and the police tape.

The street had been blocked off and officials were walking across the sidewalk, trying to keep people under control as they attempted to see what had happened. It was from the ambulance sirens and the tears of a woman in the crowd which spoke the truth. Nathan’s father ran past the officers, yelling that his wife was in there. He fought to get to the other side, to run into that building and find his wife. He was ready to risk his life, to let it go if needed. Nathan stood there as he watched his father tried to break the line.

The fire that was still crackling in the building was beginning to smolder out as firefighters took control of the situation. Knowing all very well that his mother was in that building, he simply looked at it. He was too young to understand if there was anything that he could do and he wouldn’t have been able to think of anything to do regardless. Despite his calm appearance, he could only stare at the flames and then at his father who had fallen to his knees, clutching tears in his hands. All he could was walk over to his father and stand there, resting his hand on his father’s shoulder. He remembered his father had done the same to his mother once when she was sad.

The funeral was held a week later. It was a lovely ceremony put into place for each member that had died during the incident. The family members of each person walked behind each coffin as they went to the graveyard which would serve as the memorial. Nathan simply held his father’s hand as they followed. His father tried to remain quiet and be as strong as his son had been during the actual incident but he could only do so much. As her coffin was lowered, his father couldn’t take it anymore and he crouched down to the ground. Nathan looked over to him, now the same height. His face was plain and simple. He knew the pain that his father felt but he also knew that there was no body in that coffin. If there was anything it was only ash and that was not the woman they had known; that was not his mother anymore.

The house was quiet the next few days and neighbors tried to offer support. They offered to take Nathan to the park or the pair of them out to dinner. All they wanted was for them to feel better but it soon became apparent that life could not simply return to how it had been. This was clear when Nathan no longer went out to play but sat inside simply looking outside, fiddling with the stone in his fingers. His father didn’t have words to say to his son and didn’t want to try to explain something like that to him. He felt that his son shouldn’t have to understand how to be a man in a situation like that. He felt that it wasn’t fair at all to Nathan to expect so much from him.

And as the days passed, his father simply wished that God had taken him instead of his wife. He felt that Nathan needed his mother then he did him yet it seemed that God would not allow him this happiness. Thankfully as Nathan reached 13 or a few months later, things started to become more pleasant. It seemed that perhaps life could be okay without her there. It greatly helped when the pair went camping again. It was like old times and Nathan and his father could smile freely. All would be okay. They would make it somehow, they always had after all.

It was just after Nathan had turned 14 that the truth of the stone would be told. Nathan had begun to play outside again. He still didn’t play with the other children but it was pleasing enough to at least see him playing by himself. He had his stone as always and he was simply lying down in the grass under the shade of an oak tree. The stone set out against the grass and he ran his finger over it as he looked up. His father had knocked on the back window and was waving to him. Smiling he had waved back before looking back at his stone.

The stone had grown paler in color, perhaps white, and had grown extremely cold to the touch. As Nathan watched the stone, the blades of grass the stone touched began to frost over. He continued to watch the stone with curiosity. He had once heard a story from his mother about a special stone like his which could summon a great creature from lore. The story had always been one of his favorites and as he remembered this thought, the stone began to glow softly before a large crack appeared on its side. Just as the glow became so great that he couldn’t see the stone anymore, a voice spoke in his head causing the biggest smile to crepe its way across his face since his mother’s death.

Afterward, his father became concerned because Nathan continuously tried to convince him that something was speaking to him, in particular Suicune. His father however had never truly believed his wife’s stories, despite evidence that the Legends of Lore could have actually existed. Therefore, he took Nathan to a specialist which was really just the old man of the town and told him to take a look at his son. The old man told his father that the legends did exist, completely confusing his father.

Later that night, in a fit of confusion, his father committed suicide and Nathan was left without another soul in the world. Following Suicune’s guidance, he remained in his home town and simply tried to ignore everyone else but he couldn’t. Someone had murdered his mother and his father had committed suicide. He convinced himself that it didn’t matter anymore and not long after he turned sixteen, Suicune began to speak all about others like him, Defenders. Sadly, Nathan didn’t see use in helping anyone else so he ignored Suicune and has remained in Lilycove ever since. Yet during this time in which he began to practically lose a portion of his mind, he has acquired the knowledge of how to create the very weapon which killed his mom, whether he has made one is a mystery.

Extra: He’s a crafty little demon.

Pokemon: Houndoom
Nickname: Harmone
Gender: Male
Ability: Flash Fire
Grants immunity to Fire-type moves and increases the power of Fire-type moves by 50% when hit by a Fire-type move.

Nature: Harmone, practically Nathan’s guardian, is much like him, having practically been with him his entire life however he is more straightforward and open then Nathan is. He sees things that Nathan doesn’t and often instructs the child on things that he doesn’t understand. Harmone himself has not begun to speak but Nathan understands him well enough. It might be due to the fact that Nathan hadn’t spoken until many years after he should have that he can understand Harmone so well and just like his mother, Nathan simply waits for the day that Harmone speaks as well.

Harmone himself is actually rather cruel. He looks down on other pokemon and will often harm them if no one is watching him. If prompted he will act aggressively and without mercy. He is not afraid of other pokemon and hates his pokeball just like Nathan. He is always at Nathan’s left side unless he is in battle or needed for another purpose.
Thunder Fang, Flamethrower, Foul Play, and Smog.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 10 2011, 05:27 PM

I feel slightly sorry for Nathan, in a way
But anyway
Wooo another kid from Lilycove and luckily another evil one yeeeeeah
And another accepted character for Wishful

time to go edit again woooooo

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 10 2011, 05:34 PM

I have completed my mission then.

I had thought about this when I was writing his powers: What if like Suicune he could purify things? Evil guy makes things pure. Irony?

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 10 2011, 05:36 PM

That would be irony

after all, bad guys are supposed to destroy stuff,
not purify them

Something Completely unrelated to current conversation although,
How would you guys feel if I began to use the Nameless' minions (Main Greed and Pride) to mess everything up
Surely Greed would mess up any sort of boat trip, hinthint, then Pride would mess shit up in Lilycove somehow
but idk

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 10 2011, 05:37 PM

QUOTE(Shadow Dragon @ Aug 10 2011, 06:36 PM) *
That would be irony

after all, bad guys are supposed to destroy stuff,
not purify them

Something Completely unrelated to current conversation although,
How would you guys feel if I began to use the Nameless' minions (Main Greed and Pride) to mess everything up
Surely Greed would mess up any sort of boat trip, hinthint, then Pride would mess shit up in Lilycove somehow
but idk

...yeah, why not?

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 10 2011, 06:30 PM

QUOTE(Shadow Dragon @ Aug 10 2011, 06:36 PM) *
That would be irony

after all, bad guys are supposed to destroy stuff,
not purify them

Something Completely unrelated to current conversation although,
How would you guys feel if I began to use the Nameless' minions (Main Greed and Pride) to mess everything up
Surely Greed would mess up any sort of boat trip, hinthint, then Pride would mess shit up in Lilycove somehow
but idk

Sounds like we're talking about Full Metal Alchemist, lol

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 10 2011, 11:06 PM

Done you guiz grin.gif

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 11 2011, 10:13 AM

Somehow I started to think of TF2 reading it, but then awww'd through the last half of the history

Of course, accepted.

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 11 2011, 10:21 AM

Shweet cat.gif

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 11 2011, 01:49 PM

Just thought I'd let everyone know that today is my last day of internet for a while. Well, I might have a little bit of tomorrow but I'll probably be up until 8 AM trying to get the best of this, lol. Anyways, the cable people are coming to my house to discontinue the cable and internet since I'm moving.

I might be able to get internet at a a family's friend's house that I'm going to on Saturday, but I'll be on my iPod most likely. And on the 14th, I'll be moving. I think after about 11 or so hours of driving we're stopping at a hotel so it'll probably have wireless and I'll have my laptop with me so I'll be able to post and do things then until we leave.

And then the next day we'll get to the spot and we'll be unpacking everything and all that boring stuff, and I think I'll get the internet all hooked up either that day (the 15th) or the next day. (16th.) I might be going to a friend's house tomorrow though so I'll have internet there all day and the rest of the night so posting won't be a problem if I do that.

For my characters, I was just thinking that someone could drag them around and whatnot. Like seriously, I don't want to have to write a bunch of paragraphs to get my character all caught up because I'll prolly be in the hotel by then. And shit, I'll want to go to the hottub and relax after being in a car for 11 hours. ;3; So yeah.

Aughhhh sorry for my wall of text jsdaksjdkasjlda. ;AAAAAAAA;

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 11 2011, 01:52 PM

Hmm, so should we talk for your character as well, seeing as you are going to be gone and what not, should someone temporary take control of her?

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 11 2011, 02:04 PM

I was thinking that Wishie could take control of Melissa for a bit since her charrie is talking to her and whatnot, and I was thinking maybe you could take control of Isolda, if it isn't too much trouble. c:

Just be sure she's all shy and whatnot when talking still, I'll make her stuttering stop once I get internet back for good.

Hopefully this will all be okay with Shadow and stuff. c:

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 11 2011, 02:07 PM

Hey, fine by me
I'm guessing by the orders Wishie is taking over Mellisa and Doc can take out Isolda then?

also, have fun and good luck moving
it was a pain for me moving all those boxes into the new house .w.

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 11 2011, 02:13 PM

Sure, why not :P

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 11 2011, 02:16 PM

Yep. c:

And thanks. cat.gif We actually don't have many boxes, we gave a bunch of stuff away.
Getting the heavy furniture into the truck is going to be a pain dflsdkjlsd.

Aaaaand I'll tell you guys when you can start controlling my charries and whatnot. c:

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 11 2011, 02:20 PM

Have fun Klowii c:

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 11 2011, 02:36 PM

Thanks Glisc, I'll try. c:

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 11 2011, 03:55 PM

Sounds good to me. I hope I can convey the cruel nature of Melissa. I have to quickly introduce Nathan into the scene before you leave!

Edit: Oh snap! I didn't realize that his personality was so cheerful or contained information from the old roleplay. I'll have to edit that. I simply got rid of the second paragraph because it was in relation to the other roleplay and updated the personality to fit his role and how I was planning to betray him better.

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 11 2011, 05:51 PM

Oh dear.

Melissa gets into an argument already. xD

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 11 2011, 07:40 PM

I had to! Don't hurt me! It's so much fun!! =D

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 12 2011, 03:33 AM

Wishie, you know I wouldn't hurt you for something like that. xP

'Sides, arguments are fun when two violent and mean characters are in it~ cat.gif

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 12 2011, 08:57 PM

Very true.

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 13 2011, 09:36 AM

You guys can control my charries now, I'm about to leave my friend's house and I don't have time to post. :c

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 13 2011, 06:28 PM

We can still make new charries, right? If so, I'm going to work on a Thundurrus one tomorrow.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 13 2011, 09:48 PM

Ffff whyis it eleven that now I realise I have things to do?

Anyway, yeah, everyone can still use up their remaining character spots,
may it be two or one or idk

Thunderhead reserve woo
Finally one of that trio I've been waiting for this fffff

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 14 2011, 05:53 AM

Peter Van Zandt (click to show)

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 16 2011, 12:03 PM

Hey guys I'm back for good and everything so I'll try and scrape up a post and whatnot. cat.gif


Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 16 2011, 04:33 PM


(Hope you are settled in your new house nicely)

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 16 2011, 04:36 PM

Wishie! *Hugs back*

Thanks, and I already have my room all done and unpacked.

And you did a great job with Melissa, I loved reading the post where you controlled her. cat.gif

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 16 2011, 04:37 PM



Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 16 2011, 04:39 PM


Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 16 2011, 04:41 PM

QUOTE(Death Magnetic @ Aug 16 2011, 05:39 PM) *

I- i made Terrance get into a arguement with his husband grin.gif

I want the two groups to come together so much nooooaw grin.gif

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 16 2011, 04:41 PM

yaaaaaaaaay Klowii is back
I hope you had a nice time moving and not all that much trouble cat.gif

also ffff- Captain you made me almost die
I should go recover with Potions/Revives/Phoenix Downs and then edit posts now

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 16 2011, 04:45 PM

I know, I just read the posts.

And I want the groups to come together now too, askfjslkdjalksjdaq. xD

Thanks Shadow, it went better then I expected, actually. cat.gif

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 16 2011, 05:02 PM

QUOTE(Death Magnetic @ Aug 16 2011, 05:36 PM) *
Wishie! *Hugs back*

Thanks, and I already have my room all done and unpacked.

And you did a great job with Melissa, I loved reading the post where you controlled her. cat.gif

Woot! I really thought that the last line was a nice touch. =)

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 16 2011, 05:05 PM

So did I, I thought it was really good.

Thanks so much for controlling my charries to both Doc and Wishie and for everyone else that posted. I didn't have too much to catch up on so yay for that. c:

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 16 2011, 05:16 PM

Yes, you actually weren't gone as long as I was thinking that you would be. I'm really glad your back though. =D

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 16 2011, 05:17 PM

I honestly thought I would be gone until the 20th, but my stepdad had a wireless router so I connected my compy to it and it worked just fine. cat.gif

And thanks, I'm glad to be back~ x3

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 16 2011, 05:18 PM

I wouldn't have been able to live four more days! =O
(I knew it was supposed to be longer)

Posted by: 123may Aug 16 2011, 05:28 PM

Welcome Back!!!

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 16 2011, 09:01 PM

Nice to have the village drunkard back in town c:

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 19 2011, 04:53 PM

I'm thinking of making another character, evil this time, and related to Adelmo

I'll probably use either Genesect or Mewtwo.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 21 2011, 10:56 AM

I feel like I should make a person for Azelf.....meh....

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 21 2011, 07:50 PM

Its been two dayssssssss >:I

someone post

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 21 2011, 08:21 PM

Blarghhh I'll post after I'm done playing Brawl. xD

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 22 2011, 09:37 AM

Wish, listen to your mind
do ettt
...thinking of it I forget what Azelf can even do...

I should post soon after unexpected weekend break. hmm.

Thinking of it, I might just end up capping each side at only having ten people.
That way not everyone is ending up on one side and all and hnn.

Meaning if Indestructible and whenever Xychi gets done they might be the last good people ohshi-

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 22 2011, 03:39 PM

Lol, your so demanding SD. =P

Azelf's spirit can leave its body without dying. Its spirit can return to the body at will. Azelf has the ability to control one's will, according to the Sinnoh Pokémon Handbook. It can also enter the body of another Pokémon or a human. According to legend, if Azelf is harmed it can cause humans to lose all will inside of them, making them completely immobile for all eternity. It was also shown in The Needs of the Three! and The Battle Finale of Legend! that Azelf has the ability to teleport itself, as well as other Pokémon and humans.

Yah for Bulbapedia! =3

I will be evil! They all will be evil!! cackle.gif

Edit: I feel like the remaining Legends are being neglected and need some love... some twin love....twins.....-_-.gif
It has been thought of! Would it be horribly inconvenient if Azelf's Defender was a twin but their twin was not a Defender? (of course they still travel together or perhaps not and the twin shows up at a horrible time! dun dun dun...*enters climax*)

PS: I have beautiful twins in mind. egh? egh? Sounds good. =)

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 22 2011, 04:36 PM

So Azelf does that Eh?

Twins should be fine.
We can always make the other suffer in terrible ways for fun
Dun dun dun dun
....what is with you and all the evil characters anyway?

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 22 2011, 04:42 PM

Omg! I'm so siked but don't hurt Nero too badly! (Yes I named them already. Midna is the Defender and female while Nero is human and male) But what the heck, give him hell. =D

“Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torment of man”
~Friedrich Nietzsche

I simply like being a sadistic jerk. =3 lol
-Don't worry. In real life I'm as good as cake... unless we're talking about portal cake, in which case I am not like cake. Regardless, I'm not like my evil characters, lol.

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 22 2011, 07:27 PM

I've put this guy off too long. I'll finish him tonight, if not tomorrow mornig.


Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 22 2011, 08:01 PM

Woo ninth good person
Indestructible, your character is now accepted
Have fun.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 22 2011, 08:40 PM

I have completed the profiles and I rather like the pair. =)

Username: Wishful Jirachi
Name: Midna Shinsou
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Hometown: Agate Village

Legendary: Azelf
Powers: Midna, like Azelf has the ability to project her soul outside of her body as well as control others wills to a degree. It is far easier to control someone’s will when she is actually inhabiting there body but she can control a person from a distance to a small degree. When her soul exits her body, her body is still awake but it is even more unresponsive than normal. She does not speak, even sound effects, and stands there with a haze over her eyes. At this point Nero guides her as if she were a doll with no spirit.

Her soul itself, once exiting her body, is purple in color ironically and takes on either the basic form that it is in when it is in her body, that of a human, or the form of a small four legged creature that could be described as a fox. This being does not speak at all unless it is housing itself in another creature. This being also can only be harmed to a minimal degree but can be pushed from inside a creature if the creature forces her out.
Side: No duh Evil.

Appearance: is 5’9” in height and pale skinned. Her facial features are soft and feminine. Her right eye is blue while her left eye is a strange miss of brown and blue which makes it appear somewhat purple like. Beyond these basic facial features, her tongue has one piercing in it and her hair reaches to just below her shoulders. It is died purple on top and blue or darker purple from there down.

Her cloths consist of a loose fitting hoodie that has alternating stripes of dark and soft purple and a large pale colored fur hood. The jacket has a V cut neck that dips down to at least 3/4ths of her breasts but these are hidden by a gray t-shirt which she wears underneath. The jacket has a rather large set of cuffs and a single pocket on the stomach with no zipper. Her lower wear consists of a pair of gray pants with numerous pockets along the sides.

Beyond her cloths the only other feature about her is the fact that her wrists are wrapped with white cloth and many band aids cover her skin. These are located on the brim of her nose, the right side of her face, her left collarbone and across her right upper arm. Most of these are worn because of actual injuries but some of these have most likely healed.

Personality: Midna is not a very outspoken person unless something really ticks her off. She tends to shrug or make odd sound effects instead of the use of words which normally can be understood because they are common gestures; however, some of them are only understood by her brother. Regardless of the meaning, she uses them and to great success. She has often avoided things simply because people could not understand her well enough.

She takes pride in her being different and never lets anyone else tell her different. She enjoys the fact that she is mostly anti-social and heartless. They are considered charming qualities to her but her most loved quality about herself is the fact that she has heterochromia. The only downside that she sees to this defect is that people sometimes stare at her because it is a relatively uncommon defect which the average person is not familiar with.

She is very stubborn and normally refuses to listen to her brother but he being the older one has always been a sort of driving force for her. She has often wished to accomplish something as well as he could and for the most part can but her social levels are quite far behind his own. This might be because people with heterochromia are considered freaks to some people and therefore cast her away straight off the bat.

Midna absolutely hates touching people, except her brother. She will not touch a person at all, even their hands, unless it does happen to be her brother’s. This is actually a common thing, that they hold hands. It could be a symbol of the bond they share as twins or simply as the bond of being there for each other through the days. Regardless of the meaning it is so important that she will instantly stop a person if she thinks they will interfere in the bond that they share, making her a little antsy around other females and males who exhibit certain qualities.

History: Midna and Nero were abandoned as small children. They had originally been born into an upper class society and were praised for being healthy young babies; however, at their birth it was believed that Midna was inhuman, as they were born not in a town but in a small area where her type of genetic make-up was rarely seen. Some thought that she was unholy offspring or possessed by some sort of devil.

Regardless of the meaning for why her eyes were like they were, people only thought them to be a symbol of evil; therefore, their mother was forced to abandon them in a location in which she assumed that the children would not survive. But it if we’re not for a kind passerby they would have. And so the children who had been born with wealth grew up in poverty.

In time, they left the old man who had rescued them to start a life of their own. At first it was simply to find out who their parents were but it soon turned into something much more. They were no older than ten and of course along with every other ten year old at the time, were starting a quest to become a something greater. The pair, who oddly enough did not understand this reasoning, was taken by a more experienced person who explained to them the truth behind the entire quest.

Somewhat understanding, the pair acquired a set of eevee which were thought to be quite valuable at the time. Some people of course thought that they stole them but no matter what the pair ever said, they were thought to be liars. As they grew in their battle skill and acquired a decent little fortune, the rumors continued. It was thought that the pair was bandits who swindled people on the open road out of their money.

They fought these accusations for years until they were fourteen when Midna simply had enough. She was tired of bullies trying to make her feel lower because they were threatened by their ‘stepping in’ on their territory. She simply decided that she would not care. No longer would she dwell on what people would say about them, she didn’t care. If people thought they were liars and thieves then they would be liars and thieves.

And so the pair acquired what their namesake had entitled and during this time, the power of Azelf as well. At first Midna could only think that a voice in her head would be a nuisance and highly impractical as she couldn’t convince Nero for the longest time that the voice actually existed. However, breaking through to him, the pair learnt the ways that Azelf would teach them but as Midna learned, she began to use her abilities for less holy things.

She used them to inhabit bullies so that they would be taught a lesson which they had deserved for bothering them. Sometimes she even tried to inhabit attractive females who tried to get her brother’s attention. But her abilities only went so far and many a time the pair had to fight as simple humans. So as the years passed, they acquired many basic wounds but for the most part had avoided real trouble.

They had never gotten caught and this they prided themselves in. But it was not until they reached twenty that they created a quite effective scheme. It was simple; Midna would release her soul from her body, leaving Nero to guide her. And as they passed people would think that she was helpless and Nero would add to the illusion by explaining that she was blind and at times mute, which really wasn’t that far off, when she was prompted to speak. Naturally, the life less doll played the role well and through this they got easy money.

But as the pair reached twenty-three Azelf started to demand something different, something it had never requested for in the past. Azelf wanted them to leave behind their life and start anew, to go in search of Defenders. Midna however did not like this idea and Nero simply agreed with her because it was what she wanted. So the pair did not listen to Azelf’s words but one day Azelf promised that it could lead them to their parents.

For many days after, Midna and Nero discussed the manner in the only way which Midna spoke. The pair didn’t want to leave behind the life which they had fashioned, the good life, but they wanted to know their parents as well. They had never known their parents after all, being abandoned as infants but there was always the hint in the back of their heads that perhaps their parents didn’t want to see them or would not believe them. It was also thought that perhaps in the worst case scenario that their parents were dead.

In the end, the pair set out at Azelf’s instruction but the more and more that Midna used her power the more that she was consumed by it. She began to act like her life less doll, even when her soul was in it and she refused to touch people. Her speech patterns became even worse and at some points she didn’t speak at all. In essence, Midna could only really communicate through sounds and gestures which mainly Nero only understood.

Extra: She is somewhat mute, explaining her inability to from natural words correctly. This of course makes it much easier to make sounds rather than combining syllables to create words.

Pokemon: Vaporeon
Nickname: Aesin
Gender: Male
Ability: Water Absorb-
Turns water into HP.
Nature: Aesin is a very calm pokemon. He copies his trainers personality quite nicely and therefore does not speak unless it is to either Midna, Nero or Zabe. His strongest skill is his ability to solve problems which Midna struggles with and which Nero cannot fulfill for her. (This of course pushes in on Nero and he doesn’t exactly like it)

Aesin is also just as strong willed as Midna. He never backs down but never picks a fight. His understanding of Midna’s commands is exquisite and somewhat almost impossible but the pair have managed well enough over the years.
Moveset: Quick Attack, Aqua Ring, Aurora Beam, and Hydro Pump.

Username: Wishful Jirachi
Name: Nero Shinsou
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Hometown: Agate Village

Legendary: N/A
Powers: N/A
Side: No duh Evil.

Appearance: is 5’9” in height and fair skinned. His facial features are hard and masculine. Both of his eyes are blue unlike his sister. Beyond these basic facial features, his tongue has two piercings in it and his hair only reaches to just above his shoulders. Like his sister it is died purple on top and blue or darker purple from there down.

His cloths (which are exactly like his sister’s) consist of a loose fitting hoodie that has alternating stripes of dark and soft purple and a large pale colored fur hood. The jacket has a V cut neck that dips down but is higher than his sister’s. Underneath he wears a gray t-shirt. The jacket has a rather large set of cuffs and a single pocket on the stomach with no zipper. His lower wear consists of a pair of gray pants with numerous pockets along the sides.

Beyond his cloths the only other feature about him is the fact that his wrists are wrapped with white cloth and many band aids cover his skin. These are located to the right side of his nose, his left cheek, the lower portion of the left side of his neck and the upper portion of his right arm. Most of these are worn because of actual injuries but some of these have most likely healed.

Personality: Nero, unlike his sister does use words but also on a minimal level. He probably speaks at the average persons limit and is unfamiliar with highly distinguished words. He however does not use sound effects to express himself. That trait is solely Midna’s. However, he does understand this trait quite well. He is able to read what Midna means and respond accordingly. Normally this would mean that he would have to be a translator for her but the pair hardly deals with other people so this normally isn’t too much of an issue.

He is alright with human contact but knowing that his sister does not like it, refrains as she does. His temper is also more in catch than hers and this allows him to fulfill the older brother role much easier. He too takes pride in himself but not exactly on the same level as his sister. Qualities that he exhibits are important to him but he will follow in Midna’s steps if she wants to do something over something else. This however has caused him to have a lack of force behind himself but this problem is normally resolved when it comes to other people.

The remaining fragments of his personality are quite reflective of Midna’s but also of the typical older brother. He cares for Midna and would never trade her for anything else in the world. If anything comes to harm her, despite the fact that he doesn’t have powers, he does try to do something about it. And when Midna’s soul is roaming from her body, he guides her even though she is essentially a lifeless doll.

History: *Same as Midna’s*

Extra: No Powers!!!

Pokemon: Jolteon
Nickname: Zabe
Gender: Female
Ability: Volt Absorb-
Turns electricity into HP.
Nature: Zabe is a more spirited creature than Aesin. Zabe is just as strong willed as the vaporeon but she lacks in strength what he has. She is easily rash with her actions and therefore normally ends up just as bruised and battered as Midna and Nero look on a daily basis.

She however is caring. Despite the remainder of the groups attitudes, she is the one who takes on the mother like role. She often questions in the only way which pokemon can when things go wrong and she will be the first to object to something which she fully understands. Because of this she shares the closest bond with Nero because he too acts the older brother role for Midna.
Moveset: Thunderfang, Thunder, and Quick Attack.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 22 2011, 09:01 PM

Wishie's third (forth too?) evil guy is accepted.
Please go have fun
And mess with everyone's stuff because that's what evil people do

I found those two rather interesting as well
You did a very nice job Wish

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 22 2011, 09:07 PM

QUOTE(Shadow Dragon @ Aug 22 2011, 10:01 PM) *
Wishie's third (forth too?) evil guy is accepted.
Please go have fun
And mess with everyone's stuff because that's what evil people do

I found those two rather interesting as well
You did a very nice job Wish

Yah, it's kind of four, lol. Thank you and I will most definitely be having fun. =P

And thank you for your compliment on the twins. =D

Edit: I absolutely love the concept of dolls especially when applied to people as in they are emotionless, unresponsive, or simply spiritless. It's even more intriguing when the dolls are evil. =)

Posted by: 123may Aug 22 2011, 09:17 PM

May I reserve an Evil Rayquaza?

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 22 2011, 09:20 PM

YES! We've got more evil at the party!! =3

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 22 2011, 09:22 PM

Finally getting evil people

hmm thinking of it, if I didn't use up all my spots I could of made an evil deoxys character hmm

Anyway Rayquaza reserved yeeeeeah

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 22 2011, 09:24 PM

Wow, I really liked Wishie's characters. ;w;

And yay, evil Rayquaza! ;w;

*Luffs Rayquaza*

Posted by: 123may Aug 22 2011, 09:55 PM

wow o.o so much positive feedback for a negative character........ I like it!!!


Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 23 2011, 05:49 PM

Would it be alright if I could reserve Meloetta?

And she'll be on the good side for sure, I hope that's okay. sealed.gif

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 23 2011, 05:54 PM

I'd say put it to Neutral since then the Good side would be all filled up but eeeeeeh do want you want

I'll reserve it for you anyway

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 23 2011, 06:05 PM

Oh, I totally forgot about neutral. xD

I just figured for what I had in mind, it would be hard to make her an evil character and whatnot. I can do neutral instead of good. c:

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 23 2011, 06:06 PM

Everyone forgets about the third group
they are just so unlove but oh well

Eh, we have enough evils by now
Mostly we just need the neutral side to fill up a bit more.
it's like 9 - 6 - 5 now I think?

Posted by: 123may Aug 23 2011, 06:48 PM

what abilities would a rayquaza kid have?

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 23 2011, 06:55 PM

"It is notable for its ability to soothe the other members of the Weather trio, when angered. Rayquaza is capable of using various elemental attacks that it shoots from its mouth and are incredibly ruinous in power. Rayquaza can negate the effects of the weather. Since Rayquaza is a Dragon-type Pokémon, it can learn Draco Meteor. Because of it's slim and coiling structure, Rayquaza can fly up to blinding speeds and maneuver with ease despite this. "

So I guess weather related abilities then

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 23 2011, 06:59 PM

QUOTE(Death Magnetic @ Aug 22 2011, 10:24 PM) *
Wow, I really liked Wishie's characters. ;w;

And yay, evil Rayquaza! ;w;

*Luffs Rayquaza*

Yah! Thanks Chloe! <3

Edit: On the note of the twins, I don't have time to post a worthy introduction tonight but I will do my best to pay attention in class and write it, lol. =P

Posted by: 123may Aug 23 2011, 07:22 PM

I was reading that in bulbapedia like, 20 min ago, but I wasn't sure if they would be ok. Thank you!!!

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 23 2011, 09:26 PM

I think I'll reserve Evil Mewtwo guy. Minor cloning abilities?

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 23 2011, 09:34 PM


Minor cloning abilities, yes
Mostly himself I suspect, or something like that idunno.

yaaaaay evil side is finally getting love

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 23 2011, 09:44 PM

Username: Death Magnetic
Name: Sirena Baideme
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Hometown: From Castelia, Unova. Starts out in Lilycove, Hoenn.

Legendary: Meloetta
Powers: She can create shockwaves with her voice by screaming, and she can calm people around her with her gentle singing.
Side: Neutral. c:

Appearance: Sirena measures out at 4'8" and weighs in at 84 pounds. She is very pale, almost as if she has never been in sunlight before. She has somewhat curly shoulder length greenish-brown hair. There are a few spots in it that are brown, like on the bangs, and underneath. She never lets her bangs fall in front of her eyes, so she is almost constantly brushing them away. Her eyes are a hazel color. They are green on the outsides, and gradually turn to brown. Around the middle of her pupil is an almost orange colored ring. On the right side of her head, she wears a black and purple bow that she never takes out of her hair unless she is showering.

For clothes, Sirena wears a light green v-neck shirt with a lacey white tanktop undeath just so she doesn't show too much cleavage. For lower wear, she wears a pair of dark blue jeans. They aren't anything like skinny jeans, since those are uncomfortable. Her pants are held up with a black and white checkered belt. For shoes, Sirena simply wears a pair of dark green converse. Her fingernails are also painted a light green color, and are long in length. Around her left wrist, she wears a bracelet that has black musical notes all around on it. She never takes it off.

Sirena appears to be younger than she actually is, which is a common mistake people make. Some think that she is 16, 15, or even 14 in some cases. Her height is most likely what makes people think that since she isn't that tall.

Personality: Sirena is a very calm and serene individual. She never raises her voice or lashes out at anyone. She stays calm in the worst of situations, speaking normally and not panicking. It is almost impossible to upset of anger her. She keeps calm when someone is insulting her, hurting someone she cares about, or anything like that. When talking to other people, she speaks in a sort of quiet voice. She often comes off as shy because of this, but she isn't. Sirena isn't outgoing enough to go up to random people and talk, but if someone approaches her with something to say, then she will respond.

Sirena is a lover of music. She listens to almost every type of music, and she plays a few instruments. The intrument she likes the sound of the most is the piano and the violin, and she plays both of those. She also plays the piccolo and the flute, but not as often. She also likes to write music too. Most of the stuff she plays is things that she has composed herself. Inspiration to her comes from other famous musicians and songs that she's previously written.

One thing that she dislikes is bright light. Overly bright things both her, like sunlight that is shining on metal and giving off a glare. The sun itself doesn't bother her, however. She also hates sudden loud noises, like an alarm clock going off. She is startled very easily, but she still keeps her calm.

History: Sirena grew up in the large city of Castelia, with her parents. She had a good life with friends, and she went to a good school and everything she could ever want. When she was 12, and unfortunate accident happened. When Sirena was 12, her parents were stabbed to death while walking home one night. Sirena was then adopted by a young couple who lived all the way out in Lilycove City.

That meant that Sirena had to move from her city, across regions, to live with them. She was upset about this for a while, but she gave up and just went with it. By the time she was 16, was settled in her new home. She hadn't made any friends because of her odd personality, but that was fine with her. She would just sit up in her room and play violin most of the time, causing pokemon to stand by her window so they could hear the peaceful music.

On her 17th birthday, she and a few others had gone out during the night for her birthday. They went out to a restaurant, but the people who went with her had to leave early for family matters, so Sirena stayed at the restaurant a while before leaving as well. She was walking alone at night, which was pretty dangerous. She wasn't scared until she felt someone grab her. They forced her to the ground, and she knew what was going to happen. She screamed as loud as she could. But something was off about this scream. She saw the air distort around her, and there was blood coming out of the person's ears. Not even looking back, she ran all the way home, not telling anyone about what had happened.

As the years went by, she found out that she was a Chosen, and she found out one of her main powers was singing. Her voice had changed, and it developed a melodic tone to it. There was also a very faint voice in her head. Sirena could barely tell what it was saying most of the time. Now 19, Sirena has figured most of her powers out, but she still feels that there is more left to learn. She can't help but wonder if there are others like her, however.....

Extra: But I've answered this like, 9340238409283019 times! noes.gif

Pokemon: N/A. sealed.gif

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I hope this is okay~ c:

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 23 2011, 09:57 PM

hey look
Annabella isn't the shortest character anymore
...i think

Anyway Sirena is accepted.
Have fun.

I should be getting a post finally up come tomorrow, if not finished in time tonight.
since if right I should be getting boot off the computer soon hnnn

and flip
if blazkid doesn't get to working here we might just be opening up a last spot
if someone really wants to jump in, that is, at this point
...which will probably be no hmmm

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 24 2011, 07:22 AM

"According to the scientific logs found in the Pokémon Mansion of Cinnabar Island, Mewtwo was born of a pregnant Mew, found deep in the jungles of Guyana, whose embryo had been tampered with to alter its DNA."

I see this reading about Mewtwo, and I'm like "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat."

Basically, what I found was that he was cloned, is the most vicious, and he kinda meditates or something so that he can dominate in battle.

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 24 2011, 02:28 PM

Hey now, I said I wanted Mewtwo first >:I

Posted by: Yurianni Aug 24 2011, 03:56 PM

Can I do a third character with Latias on the good side or if that doesn't work neutral? Or are any of those not going to work?

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 24 2011, 04:04 PM

Username: CaptainMystery

Name: Razul Ta' Damask

Gender: Female

Age: 37

Hometown: Sewers of Lilycove

Legendary: Mewtwo

Powers: She can transform parts of her body into different organs and bones. She can turn into a puddle like substance that makes her move quicker. She also has a large aptitude of psychic energy; she can perform many Pokémon moves. She can also practice mine control to a small extent, causing people to make small different actions. It works best on the insane and the mentally weak. She also has the ability to sense other Chosen

Side: Chaotic Neutral/ Evil

Appearance: When she isn't a blob of paste and blood, she is noticeable pale. Her dark skin is very faint, as if she looks like a walking corpse of someone she uses to be. She is very skinny, noticeably so, she doesn't look very athletically fit. She has bags under her murky yellow eyes. She is 5'11 inches tall. She has a red jewel as a earring in her right ear, and her left ear is partially gone. Unlike Adelmo, her mask covers up her entire face, and the design is much different. It is a plain white mask with two small eye holes. Her yellow eyes are visible from a far away distance when she wears her mask. Her hair is a faded black color, it looks like it is partially graying actually, showing her age. her hair is relatively short.

She wears a ragged old lab coat that looks like it hasn't been taken off in days it has a nametag that is faded to much to see what name it has on it. Her sleeves go all the way down to her hands. Her hands are bruised and her nails look horribly cut and rotten. Under her lab coat, she wears a plain white T-shirt, it is also fairly dirty, but it’s more filled with the stains of dried out blood and sewage. Her pants are white, well use to be white, they are also covered in sewage and blood stains. It should be noted that she smells like rotten leftovers, and that you should be able to notice her from the smell alone.

When she goes into her blob mess form, her cloths sink into the mess, she is able to move quicker in this form. The mask moves around wherever the brain is, she cannot communicate well when she is in this form. People can only understand parts of the sentence and sometimes full words. the blob looks like a mixture of pasty skin, organs, bones , and red blood.

Personality: Razul has a deep knowledge in many subjects, such as Languages, Biology, Literature, Archeology, and especially Mathematics. She is not very charismatic when approaching others, mostly because she hasn't held a conversation that lasted more than five minutes with another human being for over 10 years.

As a knowledgeable person, she does what a lot of knowledgeable people do, belittle those who are less intelligent then her, and she considers no one to be more knowledgeable then her. She acts more of a monster then human most of the time, as she has committed cannibalism and murder many times.

She seeks one thing, Knowledge, Power, and Consumption. She cares for nothing else then this, and she will stop at nothing to achieve this goal, anything or anyone who gets in her way of power, will die before her.

History:Razul was born the first in her family and started life in the poorest of conditions, well not poorest but his family was in deep poverty. He was born in Spain,her mother was from Cuba, her father was from South Africa. she had several siblings and although his conditions were poor, She disliked living the poor life, but she had to deal with the cards she was given, she would mostly read when she was little, She made perfect grades as a kid, but unlike the rest of her family, she wasn't athletic.

She never went to school, but she taught herself most of what she knew. By the age of twelve, she had learned more about mathematics then a senior in colleague, she was a super genius, but her parents failed to praise her for it. Soon, as Razul turned 13, His family’s house was foreclosed and they were forced to move. With the last remaining amount of his money, the Damask family moved to a far off island with very few people living there, also known as Iron Island.

Razul had det4sted the moving, she didn't get to go to school at all, and she wasn't able to increase her abilities in knowledge, there was no schools were she moved to, Her first brother Rodrigo, who was 17 helped out his father and built a small shack for all of them to live in. Rodrigo spent most of his life living in that shack until his father died when Rodrigo was 16. This killed most of his family emotionally, the man that had tried so hard, and helped them so much, had died. This broke most of the Damask family apart, the only people who stayed on the island was Rodrigo, Adelmo, Sophia, and Razul. Razul was the oldest of the group, being 23 Rodrigo was second oldest 20 Adelmo was third 18 and Sophia was last, 15.

Razul didn't do much of the work on the island, her brothers and sister did instead, she would usually use the little money the family had to buy math books and science books to increase her knowledge as well, she loved math to and obsession almost, and she craved challenge. As time went on however, the challenge went away, nothing was challenging anymore and she was surrounded by meathead idiots which she hated to call her family.

She thought the torture of being without a challenge would never end, until luck struck her in a unusual way, a Explosion killed her brother Adelmo and the family agreed to go there separate ways, she was more delighted then she was disheartened by the death and left as soon as she could. She headed to Lilycove and entered into a community college, she didn't have enough money top apply there, but she wanted to at least take the exam to get in.

She passes the exam with a 100. She was accepted by one of the professors under a certain contract that she had to apply work under him after she passed school. She agreed to the terms and got perfect grades in every single subject she was put in; no matter what she got into she excelled in it. When she turned 32, she had become a successful teacher at the school, working under the professor, but she felt the man was holding her back. But for the first time in her life, she didn't care so much, she finally had a perfectly normal life, and she didn't want anything to change she lived in a apartment, and she made a normal salary. it was then that she began to have the dreams.

"Work for our new god, defy the new world order, Kill those like you, and you obtain infinite Knowledge."

She didn't know what this meant, and she wasn't dumb enough to follow such fairytales as her dreams. But then she began to feel sick, she called off a couple of days from school to stay home, and she continued to get the dreams. Her body was changing, she felt terrible. it was then, that she finally saw what was telling her everything. A being stepped before her one day when she woke up from one of her dreams, it walked up to her, and touched her on her forehead, she was then given power, power unlike anything she ever felt before and the words were spoken to her again.

She woke up in a building that morning, she didn't know how she got there, and she felt like she didn't have any limbs, because she didn't at the time. She was a blob like pasty substances, almost liquid. She seemed to be in a some sort of work facility in the middle of the day, people were staring at her from all areas, they thought she was a large pile of bloody puke; someone was on the phone about to call the police, as they thought a murder had happened. That’s when she began to tap into her powers.

After killing about three people, someone took out a gun and shot her; the bullet went through her and hit a fire extinguisher. It exploded, and all hell broke loose. She was able to escape, and hid under the sewers of the city. Before she left, she saw someone carry out one of the women, she was dead though, and she could hear the screams of the man.

As more years passed, she began to thirst for more, more power, and more knowledge, and the entity that gave her powers was promising that, if she was able to kill others who were also chosen by entities, she didn't question it, but she knew that she had to hunt them, she had mastered the powers she was given, even making the same man she saw cradling his dead wife commit suicide with her mental powers.

She only comes out at night now to kill people, and she does it rarely, she is thought to be a legend, the beast of Lilycove is one of her names. She figured out that she had forgotten to kill the last remaining member of the family she had been tormenting, and she is planning on killing him at the opportune time, and the icing on the cake, is that he is a chosen as well.

Extra: Idunnolol

(I might make the entire family have powers now ewe it seems like a cool idea)
( I connect her to Wishies Charrie, this is going to be fun >:D)

Posted by: 123may Aug 24 2011, 05:37 PM

Username: 123may
Name: Drake Matmed
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Hometown: N/A
Legendary: Rayquaza
Powers: He can slightly manipulate the weather in most cases and has trained hard to perfect his art. He can also fly extremely fast and extremely well and can use the move Draco Meteor, but only rarly can he use it.
Side: Evil

Appearance: He stands at 6' 2", has light green hair, and deep emerald eyes. He usually wears a green or blue-green shirt, green-dyed cargo pants, and neon green tennis shoes. The shirts he wears have sleeves that are shorter that short sleeves, but longer than no sleeves. They usually have a picture of a Rayquaza on them that wraps around his torso and the head ends in the middle of his chest, although the pokemon does vary on different shirts.
His cargo pants have eight pockets, two in the front at the top, two in the front near his knees, and in four in the same of each location from the front on the back. His tennis shoes do have white and red stripes on them, but are mostly neon green that is noticeable from anywhere. He also wears neon green fingerless gloves that reach to the middle of his forearm. He sometimes wears a light green jacket, even if it's hot, but only rarely.

Personality: He has a dark personality that allows him to do anything without a concious. He never has a second thought about anything and loves to make people suffer, despite his legendary. There is absolutly no way that he can be nice without it taking a lot of effort, although he doesn't like to fight much.
The only thing he really cares about is his pokemon and himself. He is extremely good with pocket picking and is so quick that you wouldn't even have known he was there to begin with. He has taught himself to be almost like a ninja, so he can be extremely quiet. He isn't considered clumsy in the slightest and hurts anyone who suggests it.

History: He never really had a home, or that he remembers. He lived in trees and ate berries for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. One day, when he was about to go to sleep, he found that a pokemon was asleep on his branch. He made the pokemon get up and leave, but the pokemon returned the next day. After he found out that the pokemon was a Zorua, he decided he did need at least one friend. Later that day he had gone to the store with money he had swiped for travelers of all kinds and purchased seven pokballs, two trainer belts, and a few potions. He still had ample money left over, but decided to save it for a rainy day.
He had returned to the tree and found that his Zorua had evolved. He asked the new Zoroark if he wanted to be his pokemon and was estatic when the pokemon accepted. They have been close friends ever since. Since then, he has caught three more pokemon and worked extra hard to make two of them evolve. The third pokemon, however, needed a stone which Drake could not find anywhere.
Extra: Did I say it? hmm, maybe 872THE WORLD WILL NEVER KNOW!!!

Pokemon: Zoroark, Umbreon, Murkrow, Lucario

Pokemon: Zoroark
Nickname: Zar
Gender: Male
Ability: Illusion - When a Pokemon with the Illusion ability switches in on a (non-fainted) Pokemon, it takes the form of the Pokemon it just replaced.
Nature: Brave
Moveset: Faint Attack, Fury Swipes, U-Turn, Scratch

Pokemon: Umbreon
Nickname: Ema
Gender: Female
Ability: Synchronize - If the opponent causes a burn, paralysis, or poisoning of the pokemon with Synchronize, the opponent receives the status condition too. Self-inflicted status conditions (for example through the use of an item) are not passed on.
Nature: Shy
Moveset: Tackle, Quick attack, Confuse Ray, Last Resort

Pokemon: Murkrow
Nickname: Murk
Gender: Male
Ability: Super Luck - Heightens the critical- hit ratios of moves. (A pokemon's best friend)
Nature: Hasty
Moveset: Wing Attack, Night Shade, Faint Attack, Peck

Pokemon: Lucario
Nickname: Lex
Gender: Male
Ability: Inner focus - The Pokémon is protected from flinching.
Nature: Calm
Moveset: Metal Claw, Bone Rush, Force Palm, Quick attack

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 24 2011, 06:37 PM

@Doc: I read over the profile. I don't see a connection except both being raised in a poor lifestyle, did I miss something?

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 24 2011, 06:37 PM

Yurianni, I'd say put it to Neutral, but Latias is fine
I should probably close up the Good slot since I do think Xychi's Palkia is on that side and all hnnn

Doc is in your houses, Indestructible, stealing your reserves.
Or maybe the other way around? I don't know. But I guess now someone can use Genesect like I always hoped?
Oddly Razul reminds me of a friend's character...but that only makes her much more awesome.
That was a really interesting read, so accepted and all

As for May,
Your character is a walking highlighter
Anyway accepted.

the nameless would be so proud of all of you now :'D


hey, hey, wish
I think Razul was part of the explosion that killed Nathan's mum
or from what I gather at least

Posted by: 123may Aug 24 2011, 07:09 PM

Why thank you, I can't stop laughing at that comment. the way it's meant is funny! Ima try to post now

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 24 2011, 07:44 PM

Danka Shadow cat.gif

I was thinking of having all the Damask siblings chosen. ewe


Posted by: Yurianni Aug 24 2011, 07:46 PM

Ok, neutral it is.

Username: Yurianni
Name: Alexandra Von Heather (Archer is her nickname.)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hometown: Lilycove

Legendary: Latias
Powers: She's is very fast, and if she moves quick enough she sometimes lifts off the ground. She also has the ability to warp into Latias herself (I got this idea from one of the movies. Latias changes into a human. If you don't like it I can change it.)
Side: Neutral

Appearance:She's tall for her age. With long brown hair that comes to her shoulders. Her eyes are a deep blue and tend to scare people with their ferocity.

She wears a orange t-shirt and blue jeans. She also has a black jacket that she wears around.
Personality: Archer is not one to follow the rules, she has been know to break a number of them. She is however very keen on honor. If someone threatens her or makes fun of her she will strike out without a seconds hesitation.

She's nice enough, she isn't one to sit around a plan. She'd rather be out fighting things or adventuring. She has a very adventures spirit and can't sit still for long periods of time.

History: She’s not quite sure where she was born, since her parents traveled a lot. When she was five they finally settled down in Lilycover. But soon after her father went back to traveling, she and her mother lived by themselves unless he returned on rare occasions. One occasion when he did return he brought her Stella.

She first met Latias when her father took her on a trip with him. She was in the middle of a market when she was separated. She turned to panic and started to race around in fright. Latias found her and shared her powers; the two ever since have had a mental connection.

Since then she’s traveled around, she met Lily her Staravia in the grass. Lily refused to join because she said that she could take Stella in a battle and that she was weak. Stella fell to the challenge and beat Lily fair and square. Since then the Staravia has been on her team. Sparky joined her team shortly before Lily. The Pikachu was rescued from almost being killed for stealing food. Sparky still has his quick fingers to this day.

Extra: The world will never know the true answer.

Pokemon: Bulbasaur
Nickname: Stella
Gender: Female
Ability: Overgrow- powers up grass type moves
Nature: Relaxed unlike her master she prefers to take things slow.
Moveset: Vine whip, razor leaf, take down, sleep powder.

Pokemon: Staravia
Nickname: Lily
Gender: Female
Ability: Intimidate- Lowers attack of other pokemon upon entering the battle.
Nature: She’s quick on her feet, she’s more like Archer than Stella when it comes to personality.
Moveset: Ariel Ace, Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Whirlwind.

Pokemon: Pikachu
Nickname: Sparky
Gender: Male
Ability: Static- if hit with a contact move 30% chance of being paralyzed.
Nature: Calm mild mannered
Moveset: Thundershock, Electroball, Thunderbolt, Slam

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 24 2011, 07:51 PM

Nice character there,
Although morphing into Latias is a bit much, it will pass

Accepted, now go have fun posting~

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 24 2011, 07:55 PM

As you can tell, I have not posted an introduction for the twins. This is because I actually forgot about the twins because my teacher lied to me about what we were doing so I missed a quiz yesterday and got surprised with the notice that there is a test tomorrow. -_-.gif Thank you for also making us have a sub today when I need to speak to you! I forgot. I'll try to remember tomorrow!!

Posted by: Yurianni Aug 24 2011, 07:55 PM

So she can do it?

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 24 2011, 07:57 PM

I'm logging now. See you guys tomorrow.

Edit: lol, Latias is all energy and lets do this thing while Latios is all let me sleep or die. =P

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 24 2011, 08:01 PM

Yes, she can go morphin'
Like the power rangers
odd thought there, at one point I did think of this RP with it's cast like the power rangers...
i should lay off the chocolate so late at night...

Meanwhile while I look over the accepted characters I think I accidentally made Annabella the mole.
And that luckily now there will be a sorta far fight if the Evil peoples go against the Good peoples in like, middle of Lilycove or something...

...did I just give myself an idea? hmmmm...

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 24 2011, 08:44 PM

I guess I'll do Genesect then... *looks up on Bulbapedia*

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 24 2011, 09:11 PM

Yay Gen 5 legends are finally getting some love. c:

They probably were before this, I'm just slow. xD

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 25 2011, 03:57 PM

No one loves Gen 5, lol.

Note: I started the twins posts but haven't finished.

Posted by: Xychi Aug 25 2011, 11:45 PM

D= Lies.
I love 5th Gen.
It's the 4th Gen that's neglected, be it for obvious reasons or not. =P
I'm making a Kyurem charrie, anyway.

Lol you all killed me with your mega-postings in the RP topic, but anyway I really need to stop procrastinating. xP

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 27 2011, 07:11 PM

Just a question before I reply. Doc, what is your character actually saying? I tried to make it clear what Midna was saying but I can't understand your character very well. The twins won't fully understand themselves but I want to know what she said before I respond regardless.

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 28 2011, 10:07 AM

Ahehe, thing is, you're not really suppose to understand at the moment, and she isn't really saying anything importent, if she is saying something beneficial tlo to the plot I'll make it easyier for her to be understoop
:P sorry about the confusion

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 28 2011, 10:35 AM

Alright. I'll go post now.

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 28 2011, 04:03 PM

Hey guys, my power went kerplunk, so I guess Capt can take over David and Klowii can take over Peter for now, mkay?

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 28 2011, 06:14 PM

QUOTE(Indestructible @ Aug 28 2011, 05:03 PM) *
Hey guys, my power went kerplunk, so I guess Capt can take over David and Klowii can take over Peter for now, mkay?

Aight, I'll be as Cocky as possible :P

(Damn I have alot on my plate, I thought up of another chatracter as well, damnit >:I)

Posted by: Indestructible Aug 28 2011, 06:49 PM

Actually, never mind that. Power came back up, so I'm back on.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 28 2011, 07:05 PM

Yay Indestructible has power again
I was sorta lucky to still have power after the hurricane crawled through here,
but then again I'm in inland New Jersey so no problem there.

Speaking of more characters...
Is it bad I want to extend the character limit again just to see if I can write up another profile/get all the legend reserved?
I should stop trying to break my own rules soemtimes -w-

Ill attempt posting tomorrow, depending on the time I can get to the PC
Or I might be able to do it over my phone, seeing how there is almost nothing to write of and I accidentally left Alex at the docks anyway so I can't make fun of anyone

actually going over or if any of you actually want me to change the character limit I might if there is enough of you that want it

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 28 2011, 08:07 PM

I'm fine with that.

Posted by: Yurianni Aug 28 2011, 08:54 PM

sounds good to me.

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 28 2011, 08:55 PM

Klowii is fine with it too. c:

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 28 2011, 09:11 PM

Wishful/Yurianni/Klowii has spoken.
since I'm s
on my phone I won't update the first post and all
But the new four character limit has now passed

...and right off the bat Ill reserve Zekrom/Giratina since idunno which to use by ideas everywhere.

Posted by: Yurianni Aug 29 2011, 06:56 AM

I wish to reserve Articuno please.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 29 2011, 08:39 AM

Does Nero count as my fourth? Just wondering...

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 29 2011, 10:31 AM

Articuno reserved
and whoever wants Giratina can have it, since I'm choosing Neutral Zekrom now

Nero wouldn't technically count as a forth being he has no powers and all
unless you want him to, that is
you prolly don't tho, right?

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 29 2011, 03:24 PM

Eh, Reserve me a Groudon please grin.gif

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 29 2011, 03:42 PM

Yes, I don't want Nero to have powers.

I might make another. I'm not really sure but if I do I would like Zapdos. I think this one should be female cause I have three males and one female right now. Derp.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 29 2011, 03:59 PM

Groudon and Zapdos will now be taken, yeeeeah

I think we're only uneven in genders by two for the females
oh well

I think I shall finally take away Doc's title of having the oldest characters now

...erm, nevermind
Razul is the oldest no matter what since I can't image this Zekrom guy more than 35 hnnn

Posted by: Yurianni Aug 31 2011, 07:09 PM

Articuno girl done.

Username: Yurianni
Name: Ailer James
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hometown: Mossdeep City

Legendary: Articuno
Powers: She has control over ice. She can move it, as well as create it and control it.
Side: Neutral

Appearance: She’s tall and skinny, with long ice blue hair, her eyes are a deep green and she has normal skin tone. Her hair is normally pulled back into a long thin braid behind her head, and held in place by a white hair band. She has a scar across her face, starting above her left eye, traveling across the bridge of her nose, and ending under her right eye.

She wears a dark blue t-shirt, with a white jacket over that. Along with that she wears a set of thicker blue jean pants to stand the cold. She also wears a white pirate style hat with a black feather.

Personality: Ailer is a very quiet girl. She isn’t very trusting to anyone, she can deal with a few people now and then, but isn’t big on any actual companionship except for in pokemon.

The one thing that Ailer is big on is fighting. She will fight for almost any reason, even if it isn’t a very good one. You make her mad, she fights you. You mess with her pokemon , she fights you. Some people say that she’s a has anger issues. She won’t admit it but she does.

History: No one is sure quite where she was born. Some say it was in the Kanto region, some say Johto. But no one is sure. She now lives in Mossdeep, though she would much rather live in some place with more snow and ice. From the time she was born, to her age now, she has always loved the snow. Both her parents died when she was young, and she lives with her uncle.

She met Articuno when she went on a trip with her uncle. He was visiting the caves in the Kanto region, and she fell down through a hole. Her uncle told her to remain calm and he went to get help, but instead of staying where she was, she left to explore the cave. Deep in the heart of the cave she met the ice bird legendary, she found her amazing and felt a sudden peace with her.

Since then, she’s taken to exploring caves and mountains that aren’t well known, so that she can practice her powers in secret. On rare occasions Articuno makes the trip from the Kanto region to teach her new skills, or just to check in on her. She’s always dreamed of returning to that cave where they first met, but has never found the chance. Until she finds that chance, she will have to survive learning where she can.

She met the pokemon she calls Guildmaster in the forest shortly after meeting Articuno, she was informed that if she wanted to take on the duty that she would have to become a trainer. So she discovered and igglybuff eating an apple by a tree, and they’ve been together since. He gets his name from how he seems to lead the other pokemon.

She met Snaff next; she was fishing near a river and had just caught a fish. When she felt something rummaging in her pocket. Guildmaster was lying nearby and found this new pokemon interesting. Snaff reacted not as Ailer would have expected him to, he actually went over and looked Guildmaster over. He travels now with Ailer, hoping to see the wonders of the world.

She met Lillian in the tower in Lavender Town. She had met up with Articuno nearby, and realized that it was a secluded place to practice her powers. While inside, Lillian snuck up behind her. She succeeded in scaring Guildmaster, surprising Snaff, and getting herself frozen. While frozen Snaff examined the newcomer and Ailer decided to add her to her team.

Mallow was the last to join, Ailer found him one day while practicing alone in cave. The pokemon was nervous about joining her, but Ailer persuaded him to give it a shot. Upon meeting the rest of her pokemon, Mallow has been extremely nervous, but he soon settled in. After being checked over by Snaff, and scared to death by Lillian.

Since then Ailer has had the urge to travel around. At the moment she is living peacefully in Mossdeep. But with her nature for travel, it won’t be long until she travels somewhere.

Extra: Maybe it’s not best to ask owls, they tend to eat them.

Pokemon: (Pokemon. Simple. Two to six, there’s a form below that you can use. Just copy and paste it as many times as you need)

Pokemon: Gastly
Nickname: Lillian
Gender: Female
Ability: Levitate- Allows pokemon not to get hit by ground moves.
Nature: Prankster, and joker. Loves messing with people.
Moveset: Hypnosis, Shadow Ball, Night Shade, Dream Eater

Pokemon: Sandshrew
Nickname: Mallow
Gender: Male
Ability: Sand Veil- boosts the pokemons evasiveness in a sandstorm..
Nature: Quiet, he’s very polite and calm.
Moveset: Sand Tomb, Gyro Ball, Sandstorm, Swift

Pokemon: Wooper
Nickname: Snaff
Gender: Male
Ability: Water Absorb- Turns water moves into Hp.
Nature: Intelligent, and curious. But can be annoying to some pokemon.
Moveset: Water Gun, Earthquake, Slam, Mud Bomb

Pokemon: Wigglytuff
Nickname: Guildmaster
Gender: Male
Ability: Cute Charm- May cause inflammation on contact.
Nature: He’s very absent minded, doesn’t always pay attention. He’s very powerful though.
Moveset: Sing, Double Slap, Defense Curl, Disable.

Posted by: CaptianMystery Aug 31 2011, 07:23 PM

Sorry I havn't posted guiz, I have a shitfuck of work to do, I'll get my profile and post done hopefully by today or friday, I have to study for a test tommarrow so I won't be on much.


Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 31 2011, 08:12 PM

Yurianni is accepted
It was interesting, to say at least.

What are these things that sound like hell itself Doc? noes.gif
Don't worry about the posting. I probably won't get much done, since I still gotta finish up with my summer homework
and school starts I think in the enxt two weeks aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Also say hello to Zapi everyone. Since she's being a big help to me I'm opening up a spot for her
She won't bite, I swear
If she does then I can't really do anything then. I'm not a Medic, no matter how many doves and odd equipment I buy, nor a Lawyer or anything.

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 31 2011, 08:16 PM

Hi Zapi. c: *Waves*

And if anyone bites me I'll bite them back so then we'll need two doctors and two lawyers. c:
Yaaaaaay. c:

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Aug 31 2011, 08:29 PM

Come on now, I don't have that kind of money! noes.gif

Anyway, here's my Zekrom charrie,
If any of you want something to read to pass the time

Spoiler (click to showhide)

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 31 2011, 08:29 PM

Zapi!!! (Haven't seen her in a while)

Zapi, now why did you disappear and not say bye to me!? =(

Posted by: Death Magnetic Aug 31 2011, 08:41 PM

Butbutbut that's why you rob a bank and then use the money to get a really good lawyer to prove you innocent. :c

And I liked reading the profile for your new charrie, Shadow. I always feel like I'm reading a character description of someone that's going to be in a book when reading other's profiles and stuff. ;^;

And when writing my own profiles I feel as if I'm contributing to that character list and when RPing, I feel like I'm helping write a story little by little.

Yay for nonsensical rambling. |D

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Aug 31 2011, 08:43 PM

Doesn't everyone feel that way? *Wonders if she is just weird*

Posted by: Zapi Sep 1 2011, 06:39 AM

Thanks again for giving me a slot, SD c:

Wishie!! Hi! But I don't remember disappearing, when did I disappear o.e
Also hi to the other people whom I don't know as well!

I'll try to get caught up with what's going on soonish, then I'll post my characters for all of you to see.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 1 2011, 03:47 PM

Hi! You did disappear. Didn't you? I just haven't seen or spoken to you in a great deal of time.

Posted by: Zapi Sep 1 2011, 04:00 PM

I've been on here, just not in any parts of the forums you usually go to I guess.
I swear I've been here the whole time o.e

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 1 2011, 05:46 PM

Odd I never ran into you for so long...

Posted by: Indestructible Sep 1 2011, 08:06 PM

I need to work on Genesect evil charrie.... but what abilities would he have?

Posted by: Zapi Sep 3 2011, 09:21 AM

Just letting you all know that I probably won't have Wi-fi over the weekend. I've got what I have done of my character forms saved on my iPod Touch, so hopefully I'll have them done by the time I come back on Monday.

Nevermind, looks like I have Wi-fi after all grin.gif

Posted by: CaptianMystery Sep 4 2011, 07:43 PM

I had a shitfuck of homework over the weekend too, classes have been brutal.
I'll post tommarrow pinkie promise :P

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 5 2011, 06:04 PM

I'm back! =)

Edit: this needs more posts

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 5 2011, 07:06 PM

The OOC is twice as long as actual RP aaaaa
Ffff we need to get working here ;^;

sorry about not really posting or anything since only phone internet access and school starting soon aaaaa
but Ill do it soon, or at least try to

and since I'm in a bit of a rush now and we need something to occupy ourselves Doc can take the duty of playing you know who now
Totally not Voldemort
....or is it?

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 5 2011, 07:10 PM

I totally did not watch Harry Potter One

Posted by: Indestructible Sep 5 2011, 07:14 PM

Bulbapedia has like nothing decent about Genesect ;w;

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 5 2011, 07:24 PM

At the moment, the best I can think of is to do something relates to his signifier move, whatever it is.
Maybe, like, being able to produce a sort of beam of light, which can change to Red (fire) Yellow (electricity) Blue (Ice/Water) and whatever the fourth disk was. depending on something. Maybe emotions or the surrounding are? Idk really.

Posted by: Indestructible Sep 6 2011, 02:33 PM

Yeah, Techno Buster changes based on what thingy he has... maybe I'll just do an evil Jirachi?

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 6 2011, 04:01 PM

If correct, Blazkid still has Jirachi under reserve.
Unless you want to contact him or something idk
There's still a lot of other legends left that could be evil and would be good at it
Like, uh, Reshiram or Deoxys or Giratina

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 6 2011, 04:12 PM

I rather like Reshiram. I might just have to snatch it instead of Zapdos, lol. (I honestly don't know anything about it. =P)

Posted by: Zapi Sep 6 2011, 06:44 PM

^Reshiram is a fire dragon and it represents nature and yang (as opposed to Zekrom who represents technology and yin). That's all I really know about it though lol.

Anyway, I've finally finished my first two characters yay~

Maya Mason (Shaymin) (click to show)
Desmond Farrell (Mesprit) (click to show)

hurp durp let me know if I need to change anything and whatnot. Hopefully I'll finish my third charrie soon.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 6 2011, 06:58 PM

Dear gos do you write some good things.
Somehow when I got to reading Desmond I was laughing a bit

Anyway, accepted
Not gonna try to update first post through phone, tho.
But go have fun now, please.

Posted by: Zapi Sep 6 2011, 06:59 PM

Daww thank yous grin.gif
Yeah, Desmond's personality section was meant to be a little humorous, glad it worked c:

Posted by: Indestructible Sep 6 2011, 08:26 PM

If i can't think of anything for Genesect, then I'll switch to Deoxys. I think I have an idea, but I'm not sure how good it would be.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 7 2011, 09:10 PM

I'm storing the begging of my next post here because I need to ask a question before I finish. Pretty much, does anyone's legend have basic healing? Kind of make Midna's whole ordeal a little easier if someone does.

For me:Midna, despite not wanting to give into her brother's words, had no choice but to go with him as he directed her from the park. Nero, obviously not wanting to draw a great deal of attention to themselves, tried to remain off the streets but of course remain in the path of the hospital. He felt bad for forcing her to go to such a place but he had no choice after all. She needed healing and unless Azelf magically gave her healing powers, they weren't going to get it any time soon.

Posted by: Yurianni Sep 7 2011, 09:28 PM

Keith can heal pokemon... if it's ok I don't see why he couldn't heal people too. But I don't know if that's ok for him to do with his power.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 8 2011, 06:49 AM

It would make sense when it comes to Ho-Oh...

So sure.
Keith should be healing people too now
makes sense and all

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 8 2011, 08:31 AM

Alright. I plan to have Azelf pick up on this because he obviously doesn't want his Defender to die. I'll post once I get home from school.

Posted by: Lost It All Sep 8 2011, 06:08 PM

Evil Genesect purrson (click to show)

Posted by: CaptianMystery Sep 8 2011, 06:35 PM

Username: CaptainMystery
Name: Rodrigo Jota Damask
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Hometown: Iron Island (Will be in Lilycove)
Legendary: Groudon
Powers: Rodrigo can pressurize his fist, making his punches more powerful. He can create land masses by shifting the earth, this also includes causing earthquakes, mudslides, and other natural disasters, but he can reverse these affects easily.
Side: JUSTICE (good)

Appearance: Rodrigo has dark brown hair that looks very vibrant and youthful, it seems to be rather average compared to most people actually, and it’s a bit messy though. His face is actually quite attractive if you can look past the roughness of it. His nose is pointed at the end and he has bright yellow eyes. He has a small scar on his chin.

It seems that Rodrigo has never heard of shirts because he doesn’t seem to wear them. But this might be to his advantage due to him being quite buff, he his thin and has numerous tattoos across his chest, back and torso. The tattoo on his back is a large crane. The one on his front are fire like patterns. He does however, wear a old tattered cape, it has a picture of a Groudons face on it.

He wears tattered, broken gloves that look like they have been caught aflame numerous times. His arms look rock hard along with his fists that are white at the tip of the fingers. Rodrigo has a African skin color for the most part, a bit darker than normal.

His pants are dark grey and worn out, they have rips and holes. He doesn’t seem to wear shows and the tips of his toes are also pretty white as well. Rodrigo is about 6’0

Personality: Rodrigo follows a very strict no kill policy with everyone. It is part of his strong moral guidelines which he follows. He believes that Death is the ultimate crime and no one should deserve it. He has a great understanding of Justice and evil. That being said, he isn’t that smart.

Rodrigo has gotten into a lot of incidents by accident as a result of him being extremely easy to manipulate and use. Rodrigo doesn’t know how to defend himself verbally at all as well, and can be brought to tears by other people’s words. He is also hot headed and can get ticked off over little things.

Most people find Rodrigo to be a bit annoying as well, his yelling and extreme behavior make him distant from most people, except his sister Sophia.

History: Rodrigo started life in the poorest of conditions, well not poorest but his family was in deep poverty. He was born in Spain, and his mother was from Cuba, his father was from South Africa. Rodrigo was probably the least intelligent out of his family and was often mocked by his older brother and sister. He shared a deep caring for his sister though, and protected her from his brothers torment.

(Read Adelmo’s or Razul’s story get to the part where Adelmo “dies”-.-)

Rodrigo was distraught and saddened by his brother’s death, even though he was mean to him; he still cared and loved him very much. Rodrigo went with his younger sister Sophia to live in Hoenn at the age of 22. It was there that some of his troubles began

Rodrigo worked for a old man by the name of Arden, Arden made Rodrigo work hard for his honest pay by doing a bunch of odd jobs, it wasn’t the best life, but it was good enough for him and he enjoyed it strangely enough. Arden taught Rodrigo simple philosophy, do onto others as they would to you, be kind to everyone, and stray away from the path of evil. One day however, when Rodrigo was 26, he began to have visions

The visions were of a powerful being, one that called itself Groudon; this would happen in the middle of the day and make Rodrigo completely blank out. The visions would tell him of mystical prophecies , and that he had been given godlike powers. Rodrigo was not skeptical at all and tried it out, and sure enough he began to learn of his powers of pressurization and used them to complete his work quicker.

One day, he got a vision while he was working in the front office where his Arden had been working at. When he had finished blanking out, he saw that the office was ruins. His boss had been murdered by a local gang. And things only got worse and worse

When Rodrigo arrived home after the funeral, his sister had left him a note, apparently, she had been harboring a secret that she had also been chosen by a being and had left to find more like her. Rodrigo cried that night for everything he had lost. He promised that he would follow the mottos he had learned to an extreme. Rodrigo decided that he would also look for his sister and tell her that he had been chosen as well.

(No pokemon)

Also I've anwsaered this question thosands of times now >:I

Posted by: Death Magnetic Sep 8 2011, 06:44 PM

Wheeeee finally some fighting is happening for my characters and erryone else. ;w;
*Happy dance*

And I like the powers for the charries that Doc and Glisc posted. Creative. ;v;

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 8 2011, 07:10 PM

Yaaaay more fighting.
...fff I have an odd feeling Kaiko might be useless currently hmmn

Also yaaay promising profiles.
The powers are indeed creative
...First thought with evil Genesect thing was what would happen if someone put Hannah Montana or Justin Beaver on his IPod...
HMMMM /plots

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 8 2011, 07:13 PM

He would implode....just saying.

Anyway! DOC!!! I love your avi and statement. It's awesome.

Posted by: Lost It All Sep 8 2011, 07:19 PM

QUOTE(Shadow Dragon @ Sep 8 2011, 08:10 PM) *
Yaaaay more fighting.
...fff I have an odd feeling Kaiko might be useless currently hmmn

Also yaaay promising profiles.
The powers are indeed creative
...First thought with evil Genesect thing was what would happen if someone put Hannah Montana or Justin Beaver on his IPod...
HMMMM /plots

Then he would turn into a fag *shot*

But he doesn't like them c:

Posted by: Yurianni Sep 9 2011, 07:42 PM

Keith wants firewood because I was reading up on Ho-oh and it talks about him reviving things from ashes. So I figured that Keith could use ashes to heal people. Of course Nero could take it the wrong way and think that Keith wants to burn his sister. I'm just clarifying why he wants the fire. happy.gif

And yay for battles. grin.gif

Posted by: Not A Moron Sep 10 2011, 07:53 PM

I forgot I was in this I'm sorryyyyy...

It's too late now, so you guys can just take me out. Don't wanna have to make a whole new intro this far in.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 10 2011, 08:48 PM

Although you could prolly make something, its your choice to drop out
Hope to see you in another RP then

...shot I need to get back to spoiler making yeeeah

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 11 2011, 09:33 AM

Post or I will kill you. =P

Edit: It wasn't bad SD and I think that you understood the location well enough. All I honestly had to go on was a bench so you are basically in the right location.

Posted by: 123may Sep 11 2011, 05:16 PM

From the beginning of this rp I have been lost. My characters are just wandering around aimlessly as I read about someone busting through a creature with a sword and the boat rocking back and forth. I'M LOST! Anyone wanna help me figure out if my chars would be useful in the fight in the middle of the city while they wait on a bench? *sigh*

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 11 2011, 05:25 PM

YEAH i somehow understood things.

Anyway, May,
As I remember your character's abilities correctly, only Mirage wouldn't be useful currently in the fight between Razul and bunch of other characters.
Although, currently, we still have Mindia and Keith (and Alex just watching everything) by some benches at the docs and Maya/Desmond/Iris at the beach. Both May and Mirage can be moved to either locations for interaction.
As for Drake, idk what you might do with him. Maybe have him help out Razul in the fight? It'd be nice for the evil people to start making alliances already

Less work for me later.

Posted by: 123may Sep 11 2011, 05:30 PM

*nods* ok, so, since they can fly, I might have them at the fight in a hearbeat, but, yeah, Drake..........

*thought to self* What if he changed sides in the middle of everything and became neutral? I mean, He's evil, his legendary is good, he feels neutral at times........hmmm...............

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 11 2011, 05:33 PM

Became Neutral?
Makes me have to redo some of my planning for the end, but either way that would be fine
At some point anyway I was going force everyone to take sides/form into their own groups anyway.

Less work for me? Idunno.

Posted by: 123may Sep 11 2011, 05:44 PM

o.o It was just a thought, I was only considering it. He steals from people and doesn't care about anyone but himself and his pokemon......... hmmmmm......................

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 11 2011, 06:37 PM

I hope it won't be hurting the plan SD if Ezra moves completely over to the Evil side now? (That substance flowing through his head should be a little convincing by now)

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 11 2011, 06:39 PM

Actually I was hoping that all evil characters would stick
So yeah, go for it
...brings me back to the point where I think many of the evil characters will be the mole now .-.

...ffff I should of taken a list of everyone's abilities before thinking of it

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 11 2011, 06:46 PM

lol. Well..All of my characters are going to remain evil mind you. I think Midna will be the only one with a little trouble due to her power and because I doubt the others will be to happy to have Nero around as well. I love how I have almost half of the evil characters, lol.

Posted by: 123may Sep 11 2011, 07:08 PM

Nice Wishie! I guess I make up 1/100th of the evil side then

I'm gonna keep Drake evil, but he might have some neutral attributes every once in a while. >:D

Posted by: Death Magnetic Sep 11 2011, 07:19 PM

Melissa is going to stay evil. No way in hell will she go neutral or good. xD

Posted by: Lost It All Sep 11 2011, 07:26 PM

My evil guy will always be evil guy once i finish him

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 12 2011, 08:14 PM

Eeee you people need to finish up
I'm rather 'fraid to advances muchwith people unfinished

Anyway to a reason I'm actually posting.
being now the fight with Razul is over I hoping that both Wishie and Yurianni will get done with their buisness soon,
That way I can hopefully somewhat timeskip to nightime and get the people on ship in Lilycove so that hopefully so that I can actually advance.
Hopefully by at least Thursday night.
till then ill be plotting.

If you really want hints, I'm hoping to finally seperatwd the groups between Good and Evil
and maybe neutral
but Idk about them

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 12 2011, 08:27 PM

I'm ready for this advancement. Not to be mean to people but there isn't a lot of posting being done by most of the group.

Posted by: Fatal Error Sep 12 2011, 08:32 PM

I agree with moving on too. There's nothing going on really except for fights and we've been in Lilycove for a while. We need to get moving in order for the story to advance, and I don't want to be stuck in the same place for much longer. :\

Posted by: Lost It All Sep 13 2011, 02:58 PM

Yeah, my new guy can find his way around if we leave him behind. Move along. Move it on over. I don't know any more songs about moving.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 13 2011, 03:32 PM

what noes.gif
guys stop becoming a mob it's scaring me ._.

Anyways I'll attempt to hopefully get everyone along.
I really would wait to be able to make it nighttime, but seeing how you all are I might as just well do what I need to do soon
Maybe once we can get to a hospital or something idk

...are we really going to a hospital in this one too? You people need to stop being so clumsy.

...guys, is it bad to laugh at how Ezra is getting zapped by electricity now..?

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 03:58 PM

You guys hurt Ezra!? For real!! I go and check the OCC before reading the RP and I read that....dang. lol. Might as well as go see what the damage is. *goes to check RP*

Edit: Ya'll are jerks. He is so gonna kill you now. >=)

Posted by: Lost It All Sep 13 2011, 04:01 PM

Peter is rich and clueless. He does whatever the fuck he wants.

Posted by: CaptianMystery Sep 13 2011, 04:02 PM

QUOTE(Lost It All @ Sep 13 2011, 05:01 PM) *
Peter is rich and clueless. He does whatever the fuck he wants.

and that gets people killed cat.gif

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 04:07 PM

QUOTE(CaptianMystery @ Sep 13 2011, 05:02 PM) *
QUOTE(Lost It All @ Sep 13 2011, 05:01 PM) *
Peter is rich and clueless. He does whatever the fuck he wants.

and that gets people killed cat.gif

lol...I love you so much right now.. so much.... =P

Edit: It's only right that after all of that Ezra has to be out of it for a little but don't worry, he'll get you guys later. =)

Anyway..Midna and Nero are lonely..some ho-oh Defender needs to post...

Posted by: Lost It All Sep 13 2011, 04:17 PM

Now I'm picking on Nathan and Kaiko.... this guy doesn't really seem like a good guy right now.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 04:25 PM

QUOTE(Lost It All @ Sep 13 2011, 05:16 PM) *
"Hm... pathetic. You wasted too much energy fighting you demon, you forgot about the hero who'd jump in and stop you."'s America. =O

Edit: Peter is a good guy too, lol.

Hey SD, I didn't notice before but you spelt Midna's name Mindia on the front page. Just letting you know.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 13 2011, 04:34 PM


Typo? You must be seeing things. I never typo anything!~

*scurries off to change that*

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 04:36 PM

Yes SD. Did I not tell you I was high? =P

Oh wow...I totally just realized that now Nathan is getting attacked. Feel kinda bad for leaving Nathan behind and now he is getting attacked...poor kid.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 13 2011, 04:37 PM

Well I want some of what you're smoking then!

I honestly almost forgot about him |D
But he can scurry away fast enough if things get bad.
or something

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 04:39 PM

lol. SD! Those are bad for you! *whacks*

I know...Nathan hasn't been doing much really. =(
He has to at least block this attack and somehow he has to become evil. Perhaps he'll get pissed at Peter and try to murder him as it seems that everyone is smoking something in this roleplay. =P

Edit: I'm reading everyone's post in a funny accent...It's entertaining for some reason...

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 13 2011, 04:48 PM

Meanie ;D;

Oh god wishie you almost made me spit out/choke on soda
At this moment I think everyone is pissed at Peter anyway

Ffff now I want to try that...

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 04:50 PM

QUOTE(Shadow Dragon @ Sep 13 2011, 05:48 PM) *
Meanie ;D;

Oh god wishie you almost made me spit out/choke on soda
At this moment I think everyone is pissed at Peter anyway

Ffff now I want to try that...

lol. That makes me smile oddly, don't kill yourself man!!

Do's fun....=)

Edit: I also love how everyone is on and's brings me great joy.

Posted by: Zapi Sep 13 2011, 04:54 PM

Augh I'm sorry my posts are taking so long :< I guess I can't write as fast as some of you can...

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 04:55 PM

*hugs Zapi* It's okay! You just have to post and I'm happy! =)

Posted by: Zapi Sep 13 2011, 05:01 PM

*is hugged*
lol, thank you Wishie. But I still feel kinda bad about being slow/procrastinating/not having my third charrie done/my posts being mediocre/etc.

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 05:07 PM

You're doing fine.

Edit: It appears that everyone disappeared.

Posted by: Fatal Error Sep 13 2011, 05:27 PM

People are getting attacked again yay. ;w;

I mean, oh no, people are getting attacked again! noes.gif


*Sneaks away to post*

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 05:28 PM

lol, your subtle humor Chloe...get's me every time.

Posted by: Fatal Error Sep 13 2011, 05:43 PM

I'm so hilarious. 8D
And yay for making Wishie laugh! 8DDDD

*Loves to make people laugh*

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 05:54 PM

=) You do a good job.

Posted by: Fatal Error Sep 13 2011, 05:59 PM

I should get paid for making people laugh. ;w;

And I will sue erryone if I don't get money! >(

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 06:00 PM

Must we pay with money?

Posted by: Fatal Error Sep 13 2011, 06:04 PM

Yes. I do not accept checks, credit cards, debit cards or anything of the sort.

I want cash.

I'm not going to roll around in it or anything.

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 13 2011, 06:17 PM

But but I has no monies ;-;
do I have to sell my soul?

...Its not bad that I'm all "don't give into Sirena's cuteness Peter don't do itttttt finish them offfff" now?
No? I hope not.

In the meantime Ill go make some crack pairings
God help us all now

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 06:32 PM

lol, finish them off Peter. They deserve it! =)

I request to see pairings when they are completed. (that is if I'm allowed to..)

I has a free soul I got from a friend but I don't think she would want me to sell it...

Posted by: Fatal Error Sep 13 2011, 06:34 PM

Bawwww Sirena isn't try to be all kyoote, she's trying to be nice and help people. xD

You have to have money! >( Go rob a bank, that's what they're for! >(

Crack pairings omg I wanna see when you're done too dkjflkdsjflaksdja *Flails*

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 13 2011, 06:36 PM

They always deserved it
even after fighting off some monster thing

So for I'm just using a pair of randomly generated strings of numbers
....the first one is the crackpairing of Nathan and Racheal .-.

Butbutbut robbing banks are bad for youuu

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 06:36 PM

Do I get a fancy gun when I rob the bank!? =)

Posted by: Fatal Error Sep 13 2011, 06:38 PM

If anyone deserves it, it's Melissa for being such an insane murderer. xD

Pffff I read Racheal as Melissa at first and my mind went "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat" until I reread it. xDDD

Yes Wishie, you can keep the gun just as long as the police don't catch you. c:

Robbing banks are good. That's why I have so much money. :<

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 06:39 PM

YES!! I will never lose for I shall be an assassin!

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 13 2011, 06:45 PM

It actually gave me Isolda and Melissa
I went whaaaaat for a moment there

Yaaay assassin Wishie
Think you can kill off some people for me?

This lost is making me mad
there is nothing funny really or anything OTP worth
Except many Mindna and Drake but that's another story

Posted by: Fatal Error Sep 13 2011, 06:48 PM

Loooooooooool neither of them roll that way. xD

And Wishie should kill some people for me too, but I won't pay you for it. c:

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 06:51 PM

Dang expecting me to do it for free? lol
I'm the best assassin ever. I should be like those assassins form Gunslinger Girl who are just little adolescent girls who have robot bodies (in other words a cyborg). I totally love that anime....

Midna is a little old for Drake don't you think, lol. Nero wouldn't be to pleased with him anyway...=P

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Sep 13 2011, 06:54 PM

actually it spit Isolda and Melissa together again
What are you trying to say generator hmmmm?

But but Ill give you cookies forever

Fff there is nothing good on this list
At least I got a kick out of Razul and Peter put together somehow
blame the generator
oddly I got Ciar and Mindna and somehow I see it working... in a really odd ass way, of course

Posted by: Fatal Error Sep 13 2011, 06:58 PM

My characters like peen, nothing else! >(
*Punts the generator*

I'll give you what's left of my soul! ;A;
Oh wait, that's nothing since gingers don't have souls. |D

Lolololol Razul and Peter wat. xDDDD

Posted by: Wishful Jirachi Sep 13 2011, 07:03 PM

lol, Razul is not adept for this.

These are such odd pairings, lol, and now Midna is the younger of the two by a lot.

Cookies are always good but I need ammunition fool.

Posted by: Fatal Error Sep 13 2011, 07:06 PM

I have some gold bullets, will those work?

I used the gold in some rich person's house, I'm sure they won't mind seeing over half of their stash missing. c:

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