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Global PokédeX Plus Forums _ Dead Profile Archive _ Douken Sota

Posted by: Douken Sota Sep 19 2009, 09:56 PM

Name: Douken Sota
Age: 16
Hometown: Fidona

Appearance: Douken has dirty blonde hair which is always in a scrambled mess, and has bluish-green eyes. Thanks to his bad eyesight, he has to wear glasses to see properly. As for his attire, he wears a dark blue overshirt kept open with a black short-sleeved undershirt. His pants are dark blue khakis held up by a belt. Flor footwear, he wears size 9 1/2 grey running shoes. He also carries a small bag with him, usually full of berries and, small set of medicine, and empty Pokeballs.

If Douken was to remove his shirt, he would reveal on his shoulders tattoos upon his shoulders, as if like shoulder pads. They are marks of his tribe, but are incomplete. With all the lines and curves, a spot is open on the top of each shoulder, which would be filled once he seen as a true warrior.

Personality: Douken is a quite laid back person, spending time to play with his Pokemon and training them at the same time. In battle can be another story. During battle, he is always on alert, his eyes checking the fields at all time. When he begins to think seriously, closes his eyes, pushes his glasses up with his right index finger, and cups his chin, staying like that until a strategy has been planned. How he acts in a contest is unknown.

Biography: Living in a breeding center is a life always surrounded by customers and Pokemon. Having to watch eggs and care for them before they hatched and playing with the Pokemon was always fun. After Douken was 10, he assisted his parents in caring for the eggs, and sometimes did too good of a job, having them hatch there and the Pokemon sees them and think he's the parent. This only occurred twice, but they have been trusted partners since.

On his 13th birthday, he and his mom met up with her tribe's leader, who stated he was getting to the age to be a man. The leader, however, had her doubts, not knowing how to test a man with a caln full of women. She decided that the best choice was to live alone in the woods for six months, even without his Pokemon by his side. Should he survive, she would honor him as one of them. Though the trial was long and hard, he barely made it using the techniques her mother kept and taught him. With the success, he was branded with tattoos upon his shoulder, but not a complete form. She stated he had to prove himself as a warrior to be entrusted to the final marks, placing a full status with the tribe. With this in mind, he took two more years to learn the way of the Amazons, as well as the modern world for two and a half more years.

At the age of 16, he felt his time was done at the island. He said when the time came, he would return to the island and prove himself worthy. With this goal in mind, he gathered his things with him and took one of the boats out to begin his journey...

Pokemon Team:

Male LV. 26
Father - Hitmonchan
Mother - Toxicroak
Ability: Dry Skin
Bullet Punch \\ Astonish \\ Mud-Slap \\ Poison Sting \\ Taunt \\ Pursuit \\ Faint Attack \\ Revenge \\ Swagger
Profile (click to show)

Female LV. 24
Father - Corsola (Grandfather - Shellder)
Mother - Dewgong
Ability: Thick Fat
Icicle Spear \\ Headbutt \\ Growl \\ Water Sport \\ Icy Wind \\ Encore \\ Ice Shard \\ Rest \\ Aqua Ring
Profile (click to show)

Male LV. 20
Father - ???
Mother - Arcanine
Ability: Intimidate
Bite \\ Roar \\ Ember \\ Leer \\ Odor Sleuth \\ Helping Hand \\ Flame Wheel
Profile (click to show)

Female LV. 20
Father - Misdrevous
Mother - Dusclops
Ability: Levitate
Trick Room \\ Pain Split \\ Leer \\ Night Shade \\ Disable \\ Foresight \\ Astonish \\ Confuse Ray
Profile (click to show)

Italics Means Egg or TM Move

Items: Set of Pokeballs, Potions, Antidotes, Paralyze Heals, fold up Bicycle, collection of berries, notebooks, and Pokemon food.
Items gained on his Journey: Rainbow Feather, Pokegear

What is the biscuit's name? Bertha

Posted by: Master Houndoom Sep 20 2009, 03:58 PM

It's short, but it meets the minimums for the most part. However, I'd like to know the circumstances behind his starting his journey.

Also, considering that Arasam is embedded in a mountain which is a semi live volcano, perhaps a better place for a breeding center might be Fidona or Gigarte.

Lastly, please don't post profiles twice. They are hidden, and there's a post about it.

Posted by: Douken Sota Sep 20 2009, 09:14 PM

Sorry about that. I did not read that post until i posted it a second time and i was on a different screen on the first post, so my reaction in not seeing it was, "Wait, did something wrong happen? o.o". So it was my bad there.

And thanks for those extra details. I just finished the edit and add-on.

Posted by: Master Houndoom Sep 21 2009, 08:44 AM

Accepted. Add a post to and Enjoy PANE™.

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