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Global PokédeX Plus Forums _ GPXPlus Discussion _ Cursed Ditto

Posted by: DoomsdayX Nov 8 2010, 08:02 PM

mys ditto is cursed he has had several partner's and had over 300 eggs hatched and none have been shiny, Anybody else have a cursed pokemon for shinies?

Posted by: Mebukijika Nov 8 2010, 08:04 PM

113 children of my Luxray pair, none shiny... But I don't really keep them in my daycare much longer than that. I switch them out if I get bored of them.

Posted by: Pikapie Nov 8 2010, 08:09 PM

My venusaur have 151 children, no shiny ones.. But my charmander have 4 children and 1 is shiny.. Kinda odd....

Posted by: DoomsdayX Nov 8 2010, 08:13 PM

QUOTE(Pikapie @ Nov 8 2010, 10:09 PM) *
no shiny ones.. But my charmander have 4 children and 1 is shiny.

Lucky charmander... is it yours?

Posted by: Pikapie Nov 8 2010, 08:15 PM

QUOTE(DoomsdayX @ Nov 8 2010, 09:13 PM) *
QUOTE(Pikapie @ Nov 8 2010, 10:09 PM) *
no shiny ones.. But my charmander have 4 children and 1 is shiny.

Lucky charmander... is it yours?

Nope, no shiny pokemon for me yet.

Posted by: DoomsdayX Nov 8 2010, 08:16 PM

my pokemon only have 2 shinies breed im 50%

Posted by: TheEdgeOfForever Nov 8 2010, 08:17 PM

My Togepi couple has 148 children... No shinies...

Castform and Gastly had 19 children and one was shiny noes.gif

Posted by: DoomsdayX Nov 8 2010, 08:19 PM

QUOTE(TheEdgeOfForever @ Nov 8 2010, 10:17 PM) *
Castform and Gastly had 19 children and one was shiny noes.gif

How come everyone has something like this, my Arcanine was one of 2 in 179 and neither before 150

Posted by: Mebukijika Nov 8 2010, 08:22 PM

My Blastoise and Swampert had only 8 children with one shiny (didn't get it), and my Skitty/Eevee pair had one shiny among 67 bred (got her). It's all random - it's not dependent on how many siblings it has or anything. =P

Posted by: The Darkrai Nov 8 2010, 08:27 PM

My pichus bred 211 eggs, and have 3 shiny's. None of which are mine. crying.gif

Posted by: Erzsebet Bathory Nov 8 2010, 08:31 PM

No, nor do I have a single lucky pair. What I do have is a lucky family. I was breeding Skitty x Ditto for a shiny hunt. First egg I got from them hatched shiny. Later, I bred that shiny Skitty with a Slaking who I was trying to get on the Most Partners list. And their first child was another shiny Skitty.

I'm totally breeding him someday until I get another shiny Skitty. And so on.

Posted by: Skins T Nov 8 2010, 08:40 PM

My Pichu couple produced about 500 eggs with one shiny-- sadly it wasn't mine.

Posted by: DoomsdayX Nov 8 2010, 08:46 PM

QUOTE(Skins T @ Nov 8 2010, 10:40 PM) *
My Pichu couple produced about 500 eggs with one shiny-- sadly it wasn't mine.

Seems like my luck

Posted by: xYanma Nov 8 2010, 08:48 PM

My Spinarak couple bred two shinies... before I started shiny hunting them.


Posted by: Draknir Nov 8 2010, 08:59 PM

Out of ones adopted from 3,241 eggs made by 68 pairs, only 6 have been shining. I've gotten one of them. Its funny really, because my Bidofo/Hippowdon pair made a Shining Hippopotas, and then the Zombidofo I got from them made a Shining Bidoof with my CloysterWOman.

Posted by: Solace Nov 8 2010, 09:06 PM

Well in my case, it depends on your definition of cursed. Any pokemon that I'm actually shiny hunting breeds shinies easily, none of which i get (shiny eevee in 4 eggs, two shiny poochyena within 60 eggs). So yeah, none of my pokemon really are cursed, but I am cursed to not get any more of the shinies I breed sadnod.gif

Posted by: RadiantFlame Nov 8 2010, 10:30 PM

10 Slime Slugmas ,1 Shiny

11 Eggs for Gulpin (but most of them got deleted so its probably over 100 though) , 1 Shiny

I currently own none of them

Posted by: monster415 Nov 8 2010, 10:35 PM

Ditto has to be my lucky breeding partner :P . It has produced 7 different shinies and I have gotten 5 of them.

Posted by: Slix Nov 8 2010, 10:39 PM

Well, considering I've hatched over 800 Snorunts without a shiny, I guess it's not surprising that in my Froslass x Glalie breeding pair, none of the 324 children so far have been shiny.

Posted by: koolchick Nov 9 2010, 01:58 AM

I have useless luck breeding shinies I have bred over 2500 with lots of different pair. Ok some didnt get adopted so its likely at least some were shiny but out of ones adopted only one was shiny. That was a Squirtle Clone which I did get so no one yet has got a shiny bred by me or released by me.

I want to breed more shinies but right now I am not too bothered as Im breeding Shellderboy for shiny hunt and actually shiny hunting Shellder but refuse to get any Shellder eggs from my day care as it would annoy me picking wrong egg if one was shiny. At least Iknow if I breed shiny Shellder Ill not get it hopefully wont bother me.

Posted by: ChicagoBulls Nov 9 2010, 01:59 AM

About 600-700 Heracross.

Posted by: YunikoYokai Nov 9 2010, 02:11 PM

I've bred 1031 pokemon...1 has been shiny and that was my 30 or something bred egg from my barboach couple. Every other couple I try produces 0 shinies. So it's around about 1000 eggs since my last bred shiny...

Posted by: Vande Nov 9 2010, 02:21 PM

Houndoom = 112 kids - no shiny
Togepi = 203 kids - no shiny

Posted by: Killer Zylos Wolf Nov 9 2010, 05:28 PM

Two Mudkips breeding, has 30 offspring I got 20 of them and all I see is Blue and no Purple. I got the Mudkip achievement, "so i herd" though so at less I have that. And worst comes to worst once if I hit 151 eggs hatched and no Shiny I'll just quit and get "Quitter" achievement(Currently have 50 hatched).

Posted by: Tequila Mockingbird Nov 9 2010, 06:37 PM

Hrm...I've bred 2695 eggs...and a whopping 17 have been shiny. I think that qualifies me as having pretty good shiny breeding luck xD..and 7 of those have been from my can't say my ditto is unlucky either :P

Every pair that has bred at least 80 eggs/pokemon that are still in exisitence have bred at least one shiny.

This might change in 5 eggs though because my crystal onix and solrock pair have bred 75ish eggs with no shiny. Can't say that's unlucky though...75 eggs isn't /that/ much...

I wish I got more of my bred shinies though..I've only gotten 5 of 'em. lol. Some I dont' care about..but others (duskull, staryu, and solrock [from my solrock x ditto pair]) make me sad >.<

Posted by: Kathie Nov 9 2010, 07:10 PM

My Kad/abras were lucky. I remember when one hatched shiny (the one I didn't choose.) And I got discouraged, but still kept breeding. Two more cycles later, I hatched a shiny. =)

I hoping for a shiny Feebas soon. oh.gif

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