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Global PokédeX Plus Forums _ GPXPlus Discussion _ If you don't want Keldeo anymore, I can take him off your hands

Posted by: TetrahedronDash Aug 3 2022, 10:15 AM

I recently came back after starting to really go crazy for Keldeo recently, and I realized I never did the Keldeo event lonnngg ago when I was always active. I could really use a Keldeo without having to wait for the "Protecting the Fragile" expedition to come back.

If any of you guys have a Keldeo you don't want anymore (even though no one wants to release him, unlike all the Ho-Oh's, and Legendaries I'm seeing in the Shelter now...), I will love to take him off your hands to a good home instead of releasing him.

If I end up not being on GPX when one of you is actually okay with letting me take your Keldeo off your hands, you can always message me on Discord at Tetrahedron Dash#4656 to let me know, since I am always on Discord 24/7.

Posted by: MimikyuCupcakes Sep 6 2022, 11:48 AM

There's no trading on GPX+, so I'm not sure how you expect to accomplish this?

Posted by: AregularFrankiefan Oct 17 2022, 01:47 AM

If it helps, I see Keldeo released into the Safari Zone here and there. Really just the unshiny ones from whenever the Protecting the Fragile exploration comes around. So just keep refreshing the SZ.

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