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Global PokédeX Plus Forums _ Rules and Information _ Profile Template

Posted by: Letan Mar 1 2009, 09:20 PM

Name: Your character's full name, both first and last names, and a middle name if you wish to use one. Please keep things realistic, don't put anything that wouldn't be in a normal person's name in your character's name, such as an everyday object. ((Ex. Couch Johnson)) In a faction, you may use a code name if you wish, but for now a name is required.

Age: Again, please try to keep things realistic here. 14 is the bare minimum. Do not make your character's age out of realistic bounds, and please try to keep things logical. 80-year old men wouldn't go out and join Team Magma.

Hometown: Is your character from the city itself, or did they come from somewhere else? Post their hometown here.

Appearance: Describe what your character looks like. You are only allowed to be a human, playing as a Pokemon or an anthro is not allowed. A 5 sentence paragraph is the minimum requirement. Be sure to describe your character's height, weight (exact numbers are not required for this, descriptors may be used instead if you are having trouble with thinking up numbers for these), eye colour, hair colour, skin tone, etc. You may post an accompanying piece of artwork such as a drawing or a sprite to go along with your paragraph(s), although this is not required and a paragraph is still required if you choose to do this.

Personality: Describe how your character acts. Their mannerisms, how they act in a tense situation, and other things of the sort are recommended for this section.

Biography: Describe the story of your character's life. Make sure that you explain how you obtained your Pokemon (inherited from family, caught in the wild, etc.), and your motives for selecting your chosen faction. A 5 sentence paragraph minimum applies here.

Preferred Faction: In some cases, this may change throughout the RP. For now, select one of these factions:
-Team Magma
-Team Aqua
-The Rebellion
At the beginning of the RP, everyone will be at the lowest rank of their respective faction. As you progress throughout the RP, you will be allowed to shift to another faction if you choose to do so.

Boss: (optional) This refers to those who would like to begin in a Faction. You may make up your own superior, or choose one that already exists in the RP, from

Starting Pokemon: Select which Pokemon you would like to start off with. Available starters are listed You may select 4 Pokemon maximum, but the combined level of your beginning party cannot exceed 20. The maximum level for a starting Pokemon is 10. You must start off with 2 Pokemon minimum. Shinies are not allowed.

*Note that the rules of the Available Starter Pokemon thread apply for this section.

Potion x3
Pokeball x5
Your choice of ONE of the following: PokeGear x1, PokeNav x1, Poketch x1

*Note that the PokeGear, PokeNav, and Poketch will basically be able to perform all of the same functions as eachother. Each will be able to make calls to befriended trainers, coworkers, etc. The only difference between them is basically appearance.

Additional Notes: If necessary, post any extra side notes about your character.

Posted by: 2gamers Mar 24 2010, 12:45 PM

The PANE Uprising Mods' Recipe for Profile Success

Today, we’re going to make some scrumptious RP profiles. As some already know, we mods are very picky about the profiles we’re given, so we decided to give newcomers some extra help. After this, you should end up with an enjoyable profile.

Name: This is pretty basic. That being said, make sure you pick something that you like AND fits your character. If you’re having trouble coming up with something, try

Age: Your character must be at least 14 years old. Keep in mind that age will affect the rest of your character’s story.

Hometown: Anywhere in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Orre, Sinnoh, or regions in the Ranger series should work. If it’s in a game, it should be OK.

Now we get into the big three sections: Appearance, Personality, and Biography. These will tell us who your character is and ultimately decide whether he/she is accepted. This is your chance to show off your RP skills!

Appearance: Back in high school English, when I had to write up a descriptive paper, I was told to write as if describing something to a blind person. This section is no different: spare no detail! This will tell your fellow RPers whom their characters are talking to.

Let’s begin with skin and facial features. This includes things like skin color, eyes, and hair. What color are those features and to what degree (light, dark, medium). How is the hair styled (curly, straight, long, short, bald). Are there any scars or acne breakouts? If there are, where are they? It helps to include adjectives and comparisons; they help the reader better visualize your character.

Next, what does our character wear? Include tops, bottoms, shoes, jewelry, and anything else that would apply. Personally, I like to describe a main outfit, but you’re welcome to put more than one or just a general style. Once again, describe colors and state of the outfit. Is it in good condition or is it wrinkled and dirty? Is it tight fitting or loose? Is it a solid color, a pattern, or is there a logo? What about function (pockets for storage, jackets for warmth)? These are only suggestions, but you should include lots of detail. I don’t want to see “red shirt and blue pants”.

It might help if you have a picture/sprite of your character as a reference to help write this section. It’s not necessary, but it can be helpful. A sprite, however, does not replace the Appearance section, it merely adds.

Personality: This one is perhaps the most difficult section for most (for me at least). Luckily, you’re reading this, so you should be OK wink.gif. This section will particularly help when you’re starting to RP your character, so make it good wink.gif.

What is your character like? Does he/she like people or more of a loner? If he/she is nice, throw in some scenarios as to how they would react. If a friend is sad, what does your character do? If there’s a dangerous situation, how does he/she react? What interests your character? What does he/she dislike? Also, add explanation to specify how and why they act in a particular way.

Biography: This is the story of your character’s life. In short, this is the section to explain characteristics in your character’s appearance, personality, and pokemon team. Try and keep it in chronological order, as if you’re writing a story.

A good place to start would be childhood. Was he/she raised in a good home? How did your character spend his/her days? This is likely the period where your character’s most defining characteristics formed, so don’t exclude this section.

Next, when did they decide to pursue a life as a trainer, coordinator, etc? Was there a major event that led to this decision, or was it more gradual? This may be a good time to explain how your character met his/her pokemon team.

Finally, if your character is not a native, why did he/she decide to go to Noverus? If he/she chooses to join one of the factions, what was their motivation? There has to be some reason, so include it.

Starting Pokemon: See the template for further details. Save TM/Tutor/Egg Moves for later. Just PM a mod for help on that.

Items: Again, the template says it all. Don’t go crazy with Master balls and you should be fine.

Other Notes: Anything you’d like to include that didn’t make it into the other sections.


1. Those limits you see in the template are the bare minimum. I don't want to see the bare minimum. If you truly enjoy the RP experience, you won't need me to tell you to go beyond the limit

Good Profiles: There are plenty of good profiles in the Accepted profile forum. I’ll edit this with a list…some day. :P


Darke's Guide: THis one's good for more tips on profile making and general roleplaying tips.
Neo Pikachu's Even more tips for new RPers.

Posted by: Master Houndoom May 7 2010, 09:44 PM

I am making a special point to post that, in the future, anything like telepathy and aura need to be mod approved and explained before it is put in a profile. Jay Lange was approved for Aura long before I became a mod, and Sagira Smythe was similarly approved for telepathy long before Wolf Heart/Umbrae Calamitas became a mod.

Going forward, please check with a mod before having it as part of your profile.

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