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Global PokédeX Plus Forums _ GPX+ Archive _ The Exploration Institution

Posted by: SilverLugia456 May 9 2012, 11:18 PM

Created By SilverLugia456


To Explorers,

This group was created for people who have done explorations, who enjoy them and even for people who want to write them. In this group you can discuss the explorations(Without revealing tasks), give reviews of them(how were they?) and even write your own.

Introduced in September 2010, explorations give users a chance to earn various prizes. They range from Legendary Pokemon, specific Novelty Pokemon, or very rare/hard to come by items. An exploration is a series of tasks based on a story, that you need to complete for the reward of a special, hard to obtain pokemon. The great thing about explorations are that they are not entirely based on luck - they require a number of criteria to be able to start them, and have tasks that take a bit of work to do.

There are two types of explorations - Special, and Normal. The stats on GPX+ will read not only the amount of special and normal explorations completed, but also the total amount of explorations completed and unique explorations completed.

What's New? As we talk about explorations, something new has been added to what this group can do. Many of us might have a story or an idea for a exploration and would like to put it out there for others to see. Well, now you have a chance to do it, this group will also be a place where you can share your exploration story and ideas. To be able to write them out and have others read them and even help you out. I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun!


The Exploration Institution


~ All forum rules apply.
~ No spamming.
~ Please don't argue or fight if a disagreement emerges.
~ When it comes to others people writing or sharing, it's alright to correct but don't be mean about it. Be polite and respectful.
~ If any of these rules are broken, you will be banned from the group.
~ To show that you have read the rules please answer the question in the form with the words: Exploration Go!
~ New rules will be added if needed.


~ Have the Newbie Explorer Achievement
~ Have at least 20 achievements
~ Been a member on the forums for at least 1 Month
~ Be Active


Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique):
Have you read everything?:

**Form won't be accepted if everything isn't filled out right.**

~ Since this group did carry over listing of members and how many explorations total they have completed, instead of updating constantly how many explorations you have completed you can post your updates once a week or every other week. This is so that we don't have the constant spamming of people saying when they have completed another exploration.
~ When writing exploration stories, if you choose to write it all at once it would probably be best to place it in a spoiler tag so that the page doesn't stretch out from long posts containing exploration stories/ideas.
~ If you have a name change either message me or write it here so that I can update the members list to have the proper name.

Exploration so far shared

-these are exploration stories that are either being currently worked on and part already shared, or someone has shared their full story already.

The Explorers


Members: - 95 75 - 90 - 25 - 17 - 74 - 123 - 36 - 48 - 47 - 71 - 20 17 -26 - 27 -17 - 44 - 37

Posted by: Dreoilin May 10 2012, 08:00 AM

Congratulations, Kim, on being selected as the new leader of the Exploration Institution.

And now, a form for you!

Name: Dreoilin (Ryn)
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 52
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

I approve of the new rule change regarding updates. Make sure members are aware of it on a fairly regular basis for now so anyone who re-joins doesn't mistakenly "break" that new rule.

Posted by: Manah May 10 2012, 08:47 AM

And again~

Name: Manah
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 89
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Posted by: Orenji May 10 2012, 09:34 AM

I can't remember if I ever applied to the other one...Oh well, here's my application form grin.gif

Name: Orenji
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 75
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Posted by: Freeze Shock May 10 2012, 10:07 AM

Name: Freeze Shock (Sam)
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 90
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Posted by: knowledge May 10 2012, 10:18 AM

And again~
Name: knowledge
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 25
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Posted by: Natural Harmonia Gropius May 10 2012, 10:38 AM

Name: Natural Harmonia Gropius.
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique):17
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Posted by: KiD MiCro May 10 2012, 10:39 AM

Need to reapply okay~ Here's mine~

Name: KiD MiCro
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 71
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Posted by: SilverLugia456 May 10 2012, 10:55 AM

All Applications have been accepted

Like i said in the first post, this group has kinda expanded to more than just updating how many explorations you have done, now you are able to talk about and share ideas and stories. If you have a writing for a exploration you want to share and have people read you can post it here. While posting your ideas here others could get inspiration from it and also help you out. You can even post ideas and opinions of the current explorations(Just remember don't post exploration tasks.)

Also remember that when people post their writings or ideas, you are welcome to correct them or help them but make sure you are polite and respectful about it.

Anyways I'll start out with an idea I'm working on now:

I was thinking sometime in the future this could happen, were a exploration that has to do with obtaining 2 or 3 pokemon/items could have a story split. What I mean by a story split is that the first few tasks are the same for everyone but then you need to choose which path story you would like to do. So say you are doing a exploration for the Lake Trio....the story would begin the same for everyone then on task 3 or 4 you are given a choice and depending on what you choose, will decide what storyline to follow and what pokemon you would get. Instead of waiting until the end of the exploration and just choosing one there.

Some upsides to this is that you could look forward to going through 3 different stories instead of just repeating the same one until you get all 2 or 3 pokemon from it.

Right now I'm currently working on implementing this idea into a write up for the lake trio I'm doing.

Posted by: Sweeter May 10 2012, 12:02 PM

Here I go again~

Name: Sweeter
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 109
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Posted by: Mizuhisa May 10 2012, 03:46 PM

Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique)cat.gif5
Have you read everything?:Exploration go!!!!

Yay expect a name change from me in a couple of days

yay I have enough time to be in a group just not owning a group

Congratz for taking my place Kim

Posted by: KiD MiCro May 10 2012, 10:25 PM

QUOTE(SilverLugia456 @ May 10 2012, 11:55 PM) *
All Applications have been accepted

Like i said in the first post, this group has kinda expanded to more than just updating how many explorations you have done, now you are able to talk about and share ideas and stories. If you have a writing for a exploration you want to share and have people read you can post it here. While posting your ideas here others could get inspiration from it and also help you out. You can even post ideas and opinions of the current explorations(Just remember don't post exploration tasks.)

Also remember that when people post their writings or ideas, you are welcome to correct them or help them but make sure you are polite and respectful about it.

Anyways I'll start out with an idea I'm working on now:

I was thinking sometime in the future this could happen, were a exploration that has to do with obtaining 2 or 3 pokemon/items could have a story split. What I mean by a story split is that the first few tasks are the same for everyone but then you need to choose which path story you would like to do. So say you are doing a exploration for the Lake Trio....the story would begin the same for everyone then on task 3 or 4 you are given a choice and depending on what you choose, will decide what storyline to follow and what pokemon you would get. Instead of waiting until the end of the exploration and just choosing one there.

Some upsides to this is that you could look forward to going through 3 different stories instead of just repeating the same one until you get all 2 or 3 pokemon from it.

Right now I'm currently working on implementing this idea into a write up for the lake trio I'm doing.

I love that idea where we can choose different tasks and get different ending~ I've thought about it before but I'm not really good at writing stories so I just keep quite LOL~

Posted by: Velocity May 10 2012, 11:32 PM

Name: Velocity
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 42
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Congratulations on becoming new leader Kim, I'm sure you'll do great! xD

Posted by: SilverLugia456 May 10 2012, 11:47 PM

Thanks for the congratulations, I will sure try my best ^_^.gif

@KiD MiCro - ya that would be the basic idea cause then you could look forward to a different storyline so say you went for Azelf...well if you went for Mesprit next it would be the same story for the first few tasks and then choose the mesprit path and you will be reading a different story that would probably contain different tasks. It would be something new and probably cool to try in the future. The one thing though is that, that would be two different stories, with artwork, it would probably take a good amount of work to get it done.

As for writing your own exploration and showing ideas I myself have started one like i stated before which can be read here:

First idea for a exploration. (click to show)

now that is just something that I thought of, there is probably errors in it, but I have changed many things around as new idea start to form, and continue to write the three separate stories, just so give an example what it would be like if something like that was implemented in a exploration.

Posted by: Keyda May 11 2012, 11:33 AM

Name: Keyda
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 47
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

I really like that idea, I'd be glad to help anyone out once I get through finals next week. Are there rules on what kind of explorations you can do?

Posted by: SilverLugia456 May 11 2012, 12:04 PM

Form Accepted

As for the kind of explorations, its really any ideas that you have, for pokemon or for items like the few that were already done. Write out a story put it in spoiler tags others can read it and discuss it. Same with any ideas you might have post that and people can discuss it, add to it, and give their opinions on it.

Continuing from my last post, I'm still trying to think up a good storyline for each of the splits I think I have something good for one of them but I don't know about the tasks that each part would need.

Posted by: Sweeter May 11 2012, 04:26 PM

Here was one I started on about a year ago today. I put it aside because I was getting bored with it but now that this group included posting exploration stories I was thinking some of you can suggest stuff for it, like if the tasks need to be harder or something was worded weird or whatever.

This was all part of this idea I had of individual explorations for legends that have a 100% chance of being shiny. The user can only do one every once in a while. It obviously wouldn't be fair if someone were to do this more than once. I know it'll most likely never happen but it's an idea. Maybe I could convert this into one that'll give you a Rainbow Wing.

Over the Rainbow (unfinished) (click to show)

Posted by: Doctor Octopus May 11 2012, 04:55 PM

I have a possible exploration story idea whirling around in my head, and was going to post about it, but then I realized I haven't actually rejoined yet, whoops. XD So let's get all this technical junk out of the way first.

Name: Doctor Octopus
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed: 70 (will be 71 once I finish this run-through of Ripple in Time)
Have you read everything?: Exploration go!

Laura, I'll read your exploration while I'm waiting for this to get accepted. c: I'm sure it'll be great!

Posted by: SilverLugia456 May 11 2012, 04:59 PM

@Doctor Octopus - Form Accepted

I liked your story it was well written, though i need to say if its an exploration for a shiny pokemon especially a legendary the requirements and the tasks within the exploration would probably be higher. When it comes to explorations the equation should be requirements + Task = Reward. So you need to make sure what your requirements and tasks are equals your reward and since its pretty nice as a shiny(Legend) then both should be high for example:

you did raise requirements and stuff those are decent.
Tasks you could have berry feeds between 100-200
Pokemon level 100

But also since it is such a specially reward you could also have an exploration that is a one time thing for a shiny. Like with the token exploration where you only do it once and change the story up a bit.

Posted by: ProfessorLayton May 11 2012, 05:06 PM


Name: ProfessorLayton
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 20
Have you read everything?: "Exploration GO!"

Posted by: Doctor Octopus May 11 2012, 06:11 PM

@Sweeter: Pretty much just echoing Silver here- the requirements probably ought to be upped a bit (but probably not by much), and the tasks increased in difficulty. Interaction tasks would be longer, berry feeding tasks would require more berries, that sort of thing. whoops you already fixed that before I could finish my post ahaha. Like I said- they could be a little harder, but I think they're relatively okay. I mean, it's not like you're trying to make another TBD here.

Thus far, the story itself is good. There are a few grammatical errors like with tenses and such scattered through it, but those can all be fixed pretty easily. :P The rest of the stuff that I noticed to fix was really just personal things to kind of make it flow better and/or put it into my style, so yeah, I won't really mention those much more than through this. XD

And now on to my exploration idea! I don't have any of it actually written yet since it's still kind of a conglomeration of ideas rolling around in my head, but I figured I'd post what I have figured out thus far.

... Get ready for a text wall. I'm eloquent. XD

Hoenn Weather Trio (click to show)

Posted by: SilverLugia456 May 11 2012, 06:42 PM

That sounds really good so far.

When it comes your story it seems like there might be a lot of detail that would need to work into about a 10-15 task exploration.
Going through what you said:

the task split is good at 2/3 cause that gives you plenty of time to give each story without rushing it.
As for where the story should go, that could probably head a few different ways:
Red is basically groudon -> which means you could chase around intense sunlight rays to like two different locations cause that would give you at least two pokemon tasks before the final task. This also gives room for berry feeding tasks and items. Same could go for Kyogre. As for Rayquaza with the winds, you could use the winds or maybe sightings to choose two locations before sky pillar, and save a least one task for the sky Pillar climb. You could probably use the last few task as a confrontation one if there is a villain featured in your exploration.

As for mine, I already posted what was going to be in the beginning so I'll give a overview of what I'm doing.

A Lake Trio Exploration (click to show)

I look forward to other stories and ideas that other people come up with, so far these ideas and stories are looking good and could be expanded on with new ideas and opinions. ^_^.gif

Posted by: Doctor Octopus May 11 2012, 07:00 PM

Hm, that does sound good, except perhaps the Rayquaza one. The thing with that is that, with 'you' being such an aficionado of the legend, you would know straight away where Rayquaza usually hangs out: the Sky Pillar. However, a way around that could be that you try to fly directly to the top, but get blown away by the winds, and your Fearow gets pretty badly beat up by the crash landing. That'd leave a berry task for you before you attempt to climb up the Sky Pillar. So basically: Fearow task to try to fly there, feeding task to help it heal, then climb the Sky Pillar.
(Or perhaps an exploration item task in place of the berry feeding one- part of the orb could have gotten knocked loose from whatever you're carrying it in when you crash landed, so you have to find it)

As for Groudon and Kyogre, the first task following them could be the same- go to the Weather Institution to see where the sunlight or downpours seem to be concentrated the most, then go from there. For Groudon, Dodrio could get exhausted before you get to Lavaridge, requiring a berry feeding task, and for Kyogre... surf around the area for a bit and not find anything (surfing Poke), go to Mossdeep (interactions), and get your diving Pokemon plus maybe a few items for 'preparation'? The item thing could be split up when you try to dive first and realize that whoops, you can't breathe underwater. Dunno what items you'd need though...

Villain confrontation: That's what I figured, but I'm not sure how I'm going to go about doing that yet, so it'll require some more thought.

@Lake trio thoughts: Maybe instead of the lights turning into orbs, they could coalesce into chains of the same colours- thus tying it in to the D/P/Pt stuff, and still be something physical to grab on to. Part of me is kind of not liking the orb thing because of parallels with the Hoenn stuff- the red and blue ones matching, basically. It's all just symbolism in here, I know, but still. :P

Uxie: Expanding on the idea of a mistake, perhaps 'your' difficulty and reason for trudging through the snow would be that you've made such a bad mistake that it's eating you up inside, and Uxie teaches you that not everything ended after your mistake, and that some things can still be turned around. Granted, there would still be consequences to the actions of your mistake, but things can get better. Technically this is more 'wisdom' centred and knowledge =/= wisdom, but for the exploration I think you could pull it off.

Azelf: Again, 'you' could be struggling with a problem, or a big decision that you need to make, but what you know is the right thing to do requires you to do some difficult things, whether physically or mentally. Azelf could show you that, despite the seen difficulty, with willpower and perseverance it's not as hard as you thought.

I dunno, these're still pretty nebulous ideas, but hopefully that'll give you a little more to work with.

Posted by: Apple Bloom May 11 2012, 07:37 PM

Mizuhisa is now Apple Bloom

Posted by: Doctor Octopus May 11 2012, 08:02 PM

Okay, well, turns out inspiration struck (again) while I was out getting ice cream at Dairy Queen with mum, so here's what I have.

Spoiler because I have a tendency of being long winded (click to show)

Posted by: SilverLugia456 May 12 2012, 10:01 AM

That sounds good you just need a story now to back that up with, along with what tasks could possibly accompany each parts of those stories like if there is a confrontation either a battle in battle tower or a pokemon leveling task. There would probably be a few pokemon leveling or obtaining tasks since the places jump a bit.

As for your suggestions for mine, i will definitively keep those in mind when writing my three separate stories, since those give me a few ideas of what could each story be focused on. Cause one thing that I don't want is each story is different but I don't want them all to be closely the same cause that defeats the purpose of each individual story. Thanks for the feed back. ^_^.gif

Posted by: Shadow Suicune May 12 2012, 01:28 PM

Natural Harmonia Gropius->Shadow Suicune

Posted by: Doctor Octopus May 12 2012, 04:31 PM

Well, with what I've got described there, it seems like the three different paths won't differ all that much after you actually find the respective legendary, but they do still differ a little bit... so they do merge back relatively quickly, but I think it'll still be okay.

Aaaaand if all goes well, I'll probably start writing it out sometime soon. I have something that I need to draw and finish before Wednesday, so I may focus on that first, but hopefully I'll start writing soonish.

Another thing I thought of is, well... what will the powers that be do once there is an exploration for all (or most, at least, since I can't see Arceus having an exploration anytime soon) of the normally unobtainable legends? Will they make ones for summonable legends, or for their respective summoning items, or just completely leave them out of the exploration roster? Just something I'm sort of curious as to what they'll end up doing, I suppose.
I have to make sure to temper my delusions of grandeur with this thought, ahaha XD since chances are that the powers that be won't be making summonable legendary explorations anytime soon, if at all

Posted by: Sweeter May 13 2012, 09:17 PM

I've been coming up with a couple other explorations. I'm still brainstorming stuff. One of them involves getting five random Battle Gems you don't have yet or just five random ones if you have them all, and the other I'm not sure about. I'm thinking either for a novelty or a new item. For the second one the main character is transported to a strange dimension where some Pokemon are enslaved and forced to hurt innocent Pokemon. The slave master owns a Hydreigon but I don't know if it's gonna be a special one or not. I have some task ideas:

Task 1: Item-finding
Task 2: Interaction (when you're transported)
Task 3: Have an Infernape in your party
Task 4: Have Infernape win a battle in the Vs. Seeker
Task 5: Have 85 people feed Infernape a Cheri Berry (it wins but it gets paralyzed in the process
(I'm not sure how many other tasks will be in between)
Task ??: Have a Dragonite and a Pinsir, at level 65 or higher, in your party

And that's all I have thought of so far.

Posted by: Manah May 14 2012, 10:02 AM

I love the idea of different paths. That'd make doing explorations several times a lot, boring isn't the right word, since I still enjoy doing them, but you get the idea. And I love reading the stories, so I'd love to be able to have different story paths.

Posted by: SilverLugia456 May 14 2012, 10:41 AM

I'm glad others like the different story ideas, its something new and could probably work somewhere down the road.

@Doctor Octopus - thanks, yes they will have similiar to each other but yet different in the sense of a different setting or a different time, with a different goal maybe. As for what could come for explorations after one is done for ever unsummonable legendary, they could possibly do ones for summonables, one for items that are had to obtain(like a blue stone, the battle gems/items) maybe even have a new item that gives something new to the site. I'm sure when that time comes new ideas will come out on what explorations people could do.

@Sweeter - that is a interesting story idea, and its something new, you could have a story like that stretch though 9 - 12 task depending on what the setting is and what happens. As i can see now, you have a main character transport so that's a good few interaction tasks, then pokemon tasks to fight others berry feeding tasks to heal injured pokemon, maybe a item finding task to find a key or key item for something, and also battle tower battles going against the top person or maybe if the characters runs into any other threats. As for a reward that could be offered for it, that I wouldn't know at the moment but a new novelty or a new item sounds good. Nice job, if you write out a exploration story for this, i look forward to reading it.

Posted by: Keyda May 14 2012, 07:16 PM

Just out of curiosity, I know you're working on an exploration for the lake trio. What happens if the admins already have something for the same ones, or had someone do one? Do you have to stop working on it or would they either incorporate yours or use yours completely?

I was thinking of starting a google doc to store all these story ideas, that way people can read them without sifting through posts. Would people be okay with that?

Posted by: SilverLugia456 May 14 2012, 07:37 PM

You see, there is really nothing that says these ideas or stories will be used. There is always hope that, something like that could happen but people writing these explorations(myself included) I would think could be doing it cause maybe they love to write, or they had an idea for a exploration story idea for something that was already done or hasn't been done yet and would like to get it out there for other people to read and get opinions on it.

Also if the time comes where new ideas need to be brought up for explorations people could look here and get them. And even if the admins/contributors already have one done for the site, i don't believe it would hurt to share an story or idea if you have a different one than what is out already. Stories are always fun to read, and some fun comes in writing/creating the story, which having fun is one aspects of this group. ^_^.gif

As for the doc idea might be a good idea, and its something that could probably be tested out to see if it makes reading the stories more easier.

Posted by: Keyda May 14 2012, 07:49 PM

Okay, so it's more for fun and if it gets used then that's wonderful. I wasn't saying don't write them, I hope it didn't come across like that.

I'll put together a doc tomorrow when I can function a little more. Today was my final and it was exhausting.

Posted by: Keyda May 15 2012, 08:37 AM

Here's the documents, let me know if you like it or not. I've only included actual tasks if they have been labeled as such, that way it keeps it more organized. If something needs to be fixed just let me know where it goes and repost the entire task again with the changes.

Posted by: SilverLugia456 May 15 2012, 09:23 AM

okay I'll look at it as soon as you approve my request to look at it since it asked that when I clicked on the link, then after that I'll add it to the first post so that everyone will know where to look and where to click, though if they need permission to view the document that might be a small problem so if you can, have it where it doesn't need permission and is a open document for people to view.

Posted by: Keyda May 15 2012, 09:35 AM

Sorry, all fixed. I forgot to change it from private to anyone with the link can view.

Posted by: SilverLugia456 May 15 2012, 10:26 AM

looks good so far except you need to change the requirements for the exploration i did, since there was none and it can't be one time anyways since you need to embark on it at least 3 times to get each lake legendary, the only requirements that were listed where those from Sweeter's exploration, if i could edit it myself i would but i can't since its only in view only. Other than that it looks pretty good.

Posted by: Keyda May 15 2012, 11:05 AM

Fixed. I copy pasted then forgot to edit. Guess my brain really is fried.

Posted by: SilverLugia456 May 16 2012, 11:31 PM

Its alright now that the list is updated, now it can be edited whenever there are new stories or ideas are shared, it should help keep things more organized and i thank you for bring up the idea and making the list out.

As for the exploration update for my story: I'm still working on the emotion storyline it seems like I'm making each task a bit too long and too detailed. i need to reword a few things and make a few changes to shorten it as well so it isn't over 20 tasks xD which shouldn't be a problem.

Posted by: Sweeter May 23 2012, 01:40 PM

I'm now up 114 completed explorations. Unfortunately my exploration ideas have slipped my mind as of late. I hope to get everything back together soon.

Posted by: Velocity May 27 2012, 08:03 PM

Update: Just finished Sweet Success for 48 explorations completed.

Posted by: SilverLugia456 May 27 2012, 11:55 PM

everyone has been updated as of today a few minutes ago.

As for me I'm still trying to work on the lake trio exploration story I have but each time i type it up it always seems too long i need to find a way to cut it down so its not all stop and stuff like that. I'm trying to find the balance so to speak so...ya I should have a part of it done this week if i have time since I get a few weeks break from my online classes.

Posted by: Manah May 28 2012, 07:29 AM

Haven't updated in a while... 94 completed explorations, and I'm currently on task 5 of A Ripple in Time. Expect to finish it today or tomorrow.

Posted by: Keyda May 28 2012, 07:37 AM

QUOTE(SilverLugia456 @ May 28 2012, 12:55 AM) *
everyone has been updated as of today a few minutes ago.

As for me I'm still trying to work on the lake trio exploration story I have but each time i type it up it always seems too long i need to find a way to cut it down so its not all stop and stuff like that. I'm trying to find the balance so to speak so...ya I should have a part of it done this week if i have time since I get a few weeks break from my online classes.

You could post it and I could try to help you shorten it. I've been told I have a gift with writing, so I'd be glad to try if you want.

Posted by: Shadow Suicune May 28 2012, 10:27 AM

Mine isn't done but...

The Trio of Lakes (click to show)

Posted by: SilverLugia456 May 28 2012, 05:55 PM

@Manah - Okay that has been updated.

@Keyda - I'll keep that in mind, I currently am rewriting it but after this version is done I'll post it so that others will be able to help, take
out stuff that maybe isn't needed or add stuff that is.

@Shadow Suicune - that looks like a good start to a exploration, probably could think of more of a storyline to add to it after those two tasks, or maybe even expand on those so that a storyline starts to take shape.

Posted by: championkasq17 May 29 2012, 03:24 AM

Name: Championkasq17
Link To Party:
Explorations Completed: 17, working on 18 by the end of May.

~Read Everything: Exploration go!~

Posted by: Keyda May 30 2012, 06:42 PM

Updated the document with Suicune's tasks. It looks like a good start, but it needs a little more descriptive details, I think.

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Jun 1 2012, 01:41 AM

thanks for the update with the exploration stories.

Okay as for me, i finally have 1/3 of the trio exploration done, so far i have only done the mespirt which is the Emotion story. For this just so people understand when they read it, i didn't really focus mainly on emotion but what could happen if emotion is strong, so a different aspect of it.

Mesprit Story for Trio Exploration (click to show)

Well there is the Mesprit story I'll probably work on either the Uxie or the Azelf story next but I wanted to share this one to see how it came out, personally i teared up a little bit as I was writing it, but hey that is just me. I hope you all enjoy it.

Posted by: championkasq17 Jun 1 2012, 02:47 PM

I personally love that exploration, the only thing i dont quite get is task 13, you already got the egg in task 12, why do you need an extra task to happen just to show it, specially because its already completed in task 12? Personally i say mix 12 and 13 together into just task 12(:

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Jun 1 2012, 03:28 PM

yes, towards the end of the task I wasn't sure if it would be better than to have two separate tasks or maybe one combined together so i wrote it like that keeping both opinions open for people who read the exploration and get their take on what it should be.

I'm glad you like it though, it literally took me like a week to think up something and a few days to write it out.

Posted by: championkasq17 Jun 1 2012, 03:42 PM

i probably wouldnt have the patience to do that lol, tho i have a mind to do that easily xP maybe if u want to have something at the end like that you can do either 1) dont get the egg till task 13 and make it like 300 interactions or something small like that. 2) combine the 2 like i mentioned earlier. 3) just make it that u dont even get the egg till the exploration end. ~Either way i think will be fine i just dont like the setup of it the way you planned it out in the above post, my opinion i deffinantly like it overall tho(:

Posted by: Keyda Jun 2 2012, 10:11 AM

It's a very good story. I agree that the receive the egg task, if you want to make it a separate one, should have an ending paragraph before you click end exploration. I had to add the task numbers differently though, because in the last posting you had task 2 as the pick which path to follow so I adjusted the numbers and fixed the spelling mistakes. pokeon is an interesting word, lol.

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Jun 2 2012, 10:35 AM

lol, that is what I get for using wordpad instead of the actually Microsoft word. In wordpad it doesn't auto correct or underline any words that are misspelled. So i had to read it like 10 times before i posted it and even before then i was pretty much half asleep so i kinda figured that a few spelling errors would get through, I plan on doing the next story in Microsoft word so hopefully there will be less errors like that and going to work on those tasks arraignments as well ^_^.gif

but i am glad you like the story took me like a week or so to come up with it, that includes in constant deleting and retyping to get the story to sound right.

Edit: I edited the story I posted, since I just got done with a current exploration and found out that the task 13 should probably be a continue to exploration's end instead of another task.

Posted by: Keyda Jun 3 2012, 01:53 PM

I'm confused. I can't tell which task goes to which step. In task 12 you have that you need 2000 interactions but in that step you black out. Can you add the tasks to the bottom of the story that they go with like in the real explorations?

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Jun 3 2012, 02:32 PM

Let me explain a bit, I have it so that the tasks go to the part of the story that is located above them like you would see in a exploration public on a site. So in a current exploration you have the story then at the bottom you have the exploration task. I have it set up the same way as that, so the 2000 interactions go with the part of the story that is located above it. And the task 2 that is listed at the top of the spoiler comes from the split in the story so that would be the first task that changes depending on which path story you choose to do.

Posted by: Keyda Jun 3 2012, 06:14 PM

Ah, okay. Let me fix that then.

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Jun 4 2012, 12:42 AM

Thank you for fixing that.

Okay after much time thinking, like a few weeks I finally have a full exploration completed with 3 seperate stories, keep this in mind these were only to give a feeling for what kind of explorations i was kinda hoping that these would be, these could always be adjusted or changed if someone things another scenery or another story would be more appropriate.

Full Lake Trio Exploration (click to show)

Well those are my exploration stories that I have manage to come up with, each story has to do with what each pokemon means and go in different directions and then towards the end has a similar ending with maybe a few things changed. This like i said took awhile to come up with personally, i liked how each story came out, and I know there might be a few mistakes and changes that would need to be made, but all the same as whole its pretty good ^_^.gif. i hope you all enjoy reading them.

I also look forward to reading the other stories that members of this group will come up with and post ^_^.gif

Posted by: championkasq17 Jun 4 2012, 02:01 AM

i would love to come up with a exploration, but do you mind if you could givme a pokemon or item or something i can do it on?(: then i will take my time to make one, im just not sure exactly what to make it on xD But i would love to try(:

Posted by: Keyda Jun 4 2012, 01:27 PM

How about a battle type exploration with the prize being a gem or a focus sash?

Posted by: championkasq17 Jun 4 2012, 03:59 PM

QUOTE(Keyda @ Jun 4 2012, 01:27 PM) *
How about a battle type exploration with the prize being a gem or a focus sash?

That a really good idea, i have a great imagination but not with the starting idea thing haha, thank you, ill get started with it and see how i do xP

Posted by: Keyda Jun 4 2012, 04:44 PM

No problem. If you need any help, let us know.

Posted by: championkasq17 Jun 4 2012, 06:24 PM

So i spent about 3 hours on this, im glad im a fast typer took me like, 30-35 minutes to type, i hope i did a good job, please tell me if you like it or anything you would change or if you just dont like it at all.

Gem Exploration (click to show)

Task 9 with the 3 battles, the only reason i did 1,000 interactions was because i thought it was pointless to make 3 separate back to back to back tasks just to battle 3 battles, so i think it is better that way, tell me what you think on that as well if you could, thanks(:

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Jun 4 2012, 06:51 PM

that looks like it could make a good normal exploration, I liked the story and everything, though instead of talking a lot, you could also balance the talking with a bit more detail of places you are going so that you can give the reader a good mental image of what is happening. As a whole though it looks like it could be a good exploration, i liked reading it, so very good job ^_^.gif

Posted by: championkasq17 Jun 4 2012, 07:03 PM

I as well did not like all the talking even while typing it, i read over it 3 times and still didn't like it but i wanted an opinion, so i will try to fix that(: thanks

Posted by: championkasq17 Jun 4 2012, 08:24 PM

Okay that took a while i tried to take out most of the talking and add a lot more detail, i like it a lot better but i am also hard on myself and suck at actually knowing how good something i did is, so yeah please tell me what you think(:

Revised gem Exploration (click to show)

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Jun 4 2012, 09:51 PM

ya that looks better, you manage to balance out the details of your story and the talking more so that there isn't too much talking and the details give the reader a good image of what is going on. I think its better than the first draft, and the writing itself wasn't too bad its still a good story for a normal exploration. ^_^.gif

Posted by: championkasq17 Jun 4 2012, 09:59 PM

Thanks(: I dont know what else to do with it so I'm just going to keep it liek that since i actually think thats pretty good compared to the first one so yeah, I'll keep it like that(: What happens to it now?

Posted by: Apple Bloom Jun 9 2012, 08:19 AM

Completed 36 exploration with the latest being my first try on TBD

@Champion That exploration idea is so good.I hope they make an exploration like yours.

Now working on Needing a friend task 4

Edit:Finished Needing a Friend so I now completed 37 explorations now
Edit 2:Completed The Babysitting Adventure for 38 explorations completed
Edit 3:Completed Mysterious Creature of the ruins for 39 explorations completed
Edit 4:Completed 46 right now
edit:53 exploratons now

Posted by: Samoo Jun 11 2012, 03:46 PM

Changed my name from Freeze Shock back to Samoo. I miss this display name too much.

ps I love your stories, Kim + Laura<3

Posted by: KiD MiCro Jun 22 2012, 11:14 PM

Just finished TBD for the 4th run a week before..
A Ripple in Time and The Great Rescue just now~
sadly Squirtle Clone that I chose not a shiny though~
Won't be able to do any more exploration for a while due to the waiting period~

Posted by: Sweeter Jun 23 2012, 12:20 AM

Completed 123 explorations as of right now.

Posted by: Keyda Jul 4 2012, 11:42 AM

Exploration (click to show)

So finally got a start on my exploration. Hope it's good so far.

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Jul 6 2012, 01:54 AM

That actually does sound like a good start to a exploration, I can't wait to read the rest of it, hopefully it will be just as good as what you posted there, especially if the consistently keeps up and everything. As for me i haven't worked on any exploration stories lately cause of other reasons, mostly real life and other things i want to get done in the process so ya.

Posted by: AOPSUser Aug 2 2012, 07:49 PM

Name: AOPSUser
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 17
Have you read everything?: Yes

Posted by: knowledge Aug 9 2012, 02:23 PM

Haven't updated in a while... 28 completed explorations. Currently on task 5 of Guardians Exploration.

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Aug 31 2012, 02:57 PM

thanks for all of the updates, currently I'm trying to think of something else that could draw attention to this group if anyone who is in this group has any suggestions please feel free to share them here or PM them to me.

Posted by: Keyda Aug 31 2012, 03:39 PM

Is there any way to have our own explorations here within the group? We could do trinkets or drawings for prizes.

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Aug 31 2012, 03:51 PM

that might be possible.....and to keep them a surprise i could have people PM their own explorations and use them as for prizes, trinkets(rarity based on how tough the exploration is) or sig/avy/or some sort of drawing prize(but i would need someone who is good at them) I'm working on it but I'm not that good with art yet. So now thinking about that could be quite possible.

Posted by: Keyda Aug 31 2012, 04:35 PM

If we can figure something out I don't mind running it, and doing trinkets. Anyone with suggestions can post or PM one of us too.

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Aug 31 2012, 04:44 PM

Well everything would be in the first post, lets just see if anyone else has any suggestions or likes your suggestion and then see if something can work out before giving a okay on anything.

Posted by: Keyda Aug 31 2012, 04:48 PM

Okay, sounds good.

Posted by: AOPSUser Aug 31 2012, 05:56 PM

I'm now up to 26 Explorations completed.

I'm creating an exploration harder than TBD right now. It's a bit too sadistic, but considering that the prize is an Azure Flute (to access an Arceus Exploration), it's gotta be pretty hard.

"Feed Gliscor 2500 Aspear Berries"

Yeah, that hard.

Posted by: purple umbreon Aug 31 2012, 06:10 PM

Name: purple umbreon
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 27
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Posted by: AdmiralPerry Sep 3 2012, 03:55 PM

Why did I not see this before?? I've been wanting to write my own exploration for awhile so this is perfect!

Name: AdmiralPerry
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 17
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Sep 3 2012, 04:25 PM

Welcome the two newest members of the group, if you have any questions you are welcome to message me or ask them here.

@Keyda - back to your idea on explorations, I was thinking to have them like Mini-explorations....since the main explorations really are public on GPXplus, just like you have the main game then you have the mini games. I'm opened for suggestions on prizes but depending on the prize it might be good to have it reflect in what kind of exploration you write up.

Posted by: Keyda Sep 3 2012, 06:10 PM

I'm not sure what you mean when you say mini exploration. Do you mean shorter than the site or doing something completely different from what the "real" explorations do?

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Sep 3 2012, 06:19 PM

different from the main site probably would be a basic for it, i mean we could just say explorations just make it clear the prizes for completing these are artworks and trinkets nothing really big like would be offered in a regular one.

Posted by: Keyda Sep 3 2012, 06:37 PM

right, those things are what I had in mind for prizes. I'll have to think on the exploration itself, not sure how to adapt it for here...

Posted by: Keyda Sep 16 2012, 08:32 AM

So I finally finished my written exploration. Let me know what you think happy.gif If you read the first three tasks I posted before, you have to read them again as I went back and added to them.

Treasure Hunt (click to show)

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Sep 17 2012, 08:28 PM

that was quite a interesting read especially it being a exploration based around trinket collecting, I liked the way the story went and was focused on what could relate to the prize. Perhaps a few more like that and there could be a few explorations opened up here with a trinket as a prize or something like that cause this would make good for one of those kinds of exploration plus a few more so that it could swap every little bit.

Posted by: Shadow the Assassin Sep 17 2012, 08:44 PM

May I join? ^-^

Name: Shadow the Assassin/Higoset
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 44
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Oct 31 2012, 07:19 PM

Welcome, I have been trying to think of new exploration ideas, and was wondering if anyone wanted to try their hand in creating a Thanksgiving like Exploration for November. Since we have a exploration for Halloween and Christmas right now ^_^.gif.

Posted by: Keyda Nov 1 2012, 12:48 PM

that sounds like fun. Maybe I could do something with leftovers as the prize. or a valuable item... I'll see what I can think up.

Posted by: Garder Voir Feb 3 2013, 08:09 PM

Name: Garder Voir
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 20
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Posted by: pikspore1 Apr 21 2013, 10:45 PM

Name: Pikspore1
Explorations Completed(Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 2.5
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

I'm going to make a exploration for a gem. It IS different from the other one, and involves mining it up.


name (click to show)

(click to show)

Posted by: Keyda Apr 22 2013, 02:45 PM

So far so good. Maybe add a little more details?

I have one up above that I wrote if you want to read it too happy.gif

Posted by: pikspore1 Apr 22 2013, 08:07 PM

Thanks. I've noticed everybody has only made one exploration. I assume I can still make more than one, but it would be nice to know. if for some reason I can't. Anyway, exploration.

Spoiler (click to showhide)

I'm thinking of making step 4 a six pokemon battle and adding whezing, voltorb, and geodude/golem. what do you think?
Spoiler (click to showhide)

Posted by: Lility91 Jul 17 2013, 09:47 PM

Name: Lility91
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): Ahn... I can't remember exactly and haven't found where to have a look and be sure (I'm kinda new to the site xx), but, I remember completing the Spiky-eared pichu, one... The celebi one,and I'm currently doing the one for Keldeo... I think I did another one... The one for the Unown!
Have you read everything?: Yes! Exploration Go!

Posted by: Keyda Jul 18 2013, 04:31 AM

on the right where your tabs are, click the yellow card (4th one down), then look in the last column forhow many youve done

Posted by: Lility91 Jul 18 2013, 07:01 AM

QUOTE(Keyda @ Jul 18 2013, 04:31 AM) *
on the right where your tabs are, click the yellow card (4th one down), then look in the last column forhow many youve done

Ah! Found it!!! I've done 5.
Thanks, Keyda!!! cat.gif

Posted by: Keyda Jul 18 2013, 12:55 PM

No problem. Welcome to the group.

Posted by: Lility91 Jul 18 2013, 04:08 PM

QUOTE(Keyda @ Jul 18 2013, 12:55 PM) *
No problem. Welcome to the group.

Ahhh, ok, Thank you very much!!! cat.gif

Edit: btw, I didn't find the code for our banner...
But maybe it's because I'm in a mobile? Oo

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Aug 30 2013, 04:57 AM

sorry for my inactivity for this group, I'm trying to get back into being active on the forums again. Which is including the groups as well.

Posted by: Keyda Aug 30 2013, 05:19 AM

Don't worry about it happy.gif glad to see you back

Posted by: Zac11th Aug 30 2013, 01:07 PM

Name: Zac11th
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 36
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Sep 1 2013, 02:21 AM

You have been added to the list, welcome to the group! ;3

Posted by: Zac11th Sep 1 2013, 02:36 AM

QUOTE(SilverLugia456 @ Sep 1 2013, 03:21 AM) *
You have been added to the list, welcome to the group! ;3

Yay grin.gif And I also finished another exploration so +1 grin.gif

Posted by: Devilicious Sep 8 2013, 02:05 AM

Name: Devilicious, but most call me Avada
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 3, but i am almost always on a exploration
Have you read everything?: Yeah

Posted by: KevinsLunchbox Sep 8 2013, 02:48 AM

Name: KevinsLunchbox
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 11
Have you read everything?: Yeah I did

Posted by: Keyda Sep 8 2013, 03:47 PM

KevinsLunchbox and Devilicious, you two didn't read everything, unsure.gif

Posted by: Elexia Sep 10 2013, 03:57 AM

Name: Espurr
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 95
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Posted by: Kaitou Kid Oct 27 2013, 11:07 AM

Name: Kaitou Kid
Link to Party:
Explorations Completed (Please use the total number of explorations, not the unique): 35
Have you read everything?: Exploration Go!

Posted by: championkasq17 Nov 20 2013, 07:12 PM

Yeah havnt been here for a while, sorry! Only been back the last month, so my exploration total goes from 17-42 (:

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