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Global PokédeX Plus Forums _ In-Game _ White Team

Posted by: Blackflame May 12 2011, 02:56 PM

I dont have these yet[but will get later on]:

assumed level being lv 100

[since i think evs can be maxed out in 2 stats ill deal them out by 100%, 75, 50, etc out of 200%]
*also, i like speed. A LOT. so ill be switching from Timid/Jolly a lot. Adamant/Modest too.

Name: Zoroark
Ability: Illusion
Item: ?
Nature: Modest/Timid
-Night Burst
-Nasty Plot
Evs: 50% HP, 50% Speed, 100% sp atk


Name: Hydreigon
Ability: Levitate
Item: ?
Nature: Modest/Timid
-Dark Pulse
-Dragon Pulse
Evs: 75% speed, 25% atk, 100% sp atk


Name: Umbreon
Ability: Synchronize
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Modest/Timid
-Dark Pulse
-Confuse Ray
Evs: 100% sp atk, 25% def, 75% speed


Name: Espeon
Ability: Synchronize
Item: ?
Nature: Timid
-Signal Beam
-Calm Mind
-Morning Sun
Evs: 75% sp atk, 50% def, 25% hp


Name: Feraligatr
Ability: Torrent
Item: Shell Bell
Nature: Lonely
-Aerial Ace
-Ice Fang
Evs: 100% atk, 25% def, 75% speed


Name: Serperior
Ability: Overgrow
Item: ?
Nature: Jolly
-Leaf Blade
-Aerial Ace
-Leech Seed
Evs: 100% atk, 100% speed


Name: Scrafty
Ability: Moxie
Item: Expert Belt?
Nature: Jolly
-Brick Break
-Aerial Ace
-Rock Slide
Evs: 100% atk, 75% hp, 25% speed


Name: Swampert
Ability: Torrent
Item: ?
Nature: Jolly
-Ice Punch



myumyumyu. the Feraligatr, Serperior, and Scrafty i have ATM [around levels 90 - 100]. the rest, as i said before, yet to exist.

Posted by: WhiteEmber Oct 9 2011, 11:39 AM

poking this, as i updated the mons in the OP.

Posted by: Klose Kombat Feb 11 2012, 07:25 PM

Night Daze has 5 more base power than Dark Pulse, but Night Daze has 95% accucary while Dark Pulse is 100% while having a 20% flinch chance. Focus Blast can be used over Extrasensory, but it has super effective coverage against Fighting types. Grass Knot can also be used instead of Flamethrower, both work well.

Fire Blast can be used. Give Fly to another Pokemon(like in your PC Box) and use this slot for Focus Blast(against Dark types and Normal) or U-turn(Dark types,Psychic,Grass and momentum)

Your third dark type. Watch out for fighting types. Anyway, Umbreon shouldn't be used as a offensive Pokemon. They're many other stronger Dark types, but Umbreon can be used for Wish and stall support. Umbreon has a weak Special Attack with 60, and a Attack of 65. It's best for defense only, 110 Def and 130 Special Defense.

Psyshock can be used over Psychic. Psyshock has less 5 base power, but calculates opponent's DEF stat, this way Chansey and Blissey won't wall you. Besides, 5 base power isn't much at all. Hidden Power Fighting can be used, but is hard to get in In-Game playing(unlike Competitive, where you can choose). Otherwise, Signal Beam is the same. Calm Mind works with it's SpA and SpD. Morning Sun can be used for recovery, but offensively, Shadow Ball can be used against Dark types.

A sweeping set should be used, two boosting moves in Dragon Dance and Swords Dance make this work well. With Feraligtr's above 100 Atk stat and 78 Spe, Dragon Dance's speed boost will boost your speed. For more power, Swords Dance can be used. Waterfall should be kept, while Ice Punch can be used against Dragon/Grass types. Return can also be used, but isn't easy to get to 102 base power in-game play. Earthquake can be used as well. Aqua Jet is a good water-type STAB priority move that can be used as well. Bulldoze should not be used over Earthquake, as Earthquake has much more power, only Bulldoze lowers Speed.

With Leech Seed, you should use a support set instead, with Giga Drain, Taunt and Sub. Adamant can be used for more power, since Serperior is already fast with 113 Speed. Dragon Tail can be used to deal damage and avoid being setup on by phazing it. Sub can be used over Aerial Ace for more time to set up Coils.

Brick Break should not be used because there is Hi Jump Kick and Drain Punch. Hi Jump Kick can be used for power, dealing massive damage, but massive damage if it misses. Drain Punch can recover HP while hitting your opponent. Dragon Dance can be used to sweep, boosting it's 90 Atk and 58 Speed. Crunch is acceptable in this moveset. Ice Punch can be used over Rock Slide, but caution against Volcarona, which can Hurricane or Bug Buzz you.

The last slot can be Superpower. You can also additonally use Stone Edge instead of Ice Punch. Evs can be HP , Atk, and Speed.

EDIT: If you can use a sun team, Moonlight and Morning Sun can be used as it heals much more HP then it usually does. But then you would need fire types and all that, so yeah.

Posted by: Merchant Feb 15 2012, 02:58 PM

Not much of a critic, but I'll do my best. Also, I apologize beforehand if I sound like I'm treating this as a competitive team. I have a habit of doing that.

From what I know, if you have a powerful move with low accuracy, you don't want it unless you plan on using Wide Lens. Even then, you can only have it on a single Pokemon.

Klose Kombat makes a wonderful suggestion with Dark Pulse. Flinching is the best thing you can have with speedy Pokemon not battling a Trick Room team. Night Daze is great, don't get me wrong, but like I stated above, you want accuracy over power most of the time. Zororoak gets quite a few interesting moves; one of which covers it's two weaknesses and can be used on an Adamant set.

Flamethrower is a great option as it takes care of the nasty bug types and others that do not resist Fire type attacks. Good job choosing it.

Extrasensory is also great, but I say you don't really need it. You can use it if you want, I'm just stating my opinion.

Keep Nasty Plot. It's a great move and I'm sure everyone will agree.

HMs are rarely needed, plus Levitate treats Hydreigon as a no-weaknesses Flying type so get Fly outta there and slap it on a slave.

The moveset I have on my Hydreigon is Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Hyper Voice.
The first three are recommended if you like playing it safe and always want a hit. Hyper Voice is just there because I like to imagine Hydreigon screaming at the opponent in a booming voice.

If I didn't want it, I'd give it Taunt or Torment or Surf. Hydreigon lacks a proper stat boosting move, and Taunt/Torment are great for dodging bullets. Surf is just a great move to have. Also, don't give it Physical Attack EVs. Hydreigon was destined to be a Special Attacker.

Defense, defense, defense. I love Umbreon's looks and defensive capabilities, but it's not what I dream it to be. But that's why it has a balance in Espeon.

Dark Pulse would better replaced with Toxic. Best move ever and perfect for it.

Psychic is unneeded as you have two Pokemon who can tackle Fighting types with Neutral damaging moves and eradicate Bug types. I'm going to agree with Klose Kombat regarding Wish.

If you want to do some real damage on a regular basis, try Faint Attack or Assurance. One that never misses, and one that does twice the damage done. With your current EV set up... I only wish for the best.

Moonlight is great, as is Confuse Ray, but if you're going along with me (and I kinda hope you are even though I might get bricks tossed at my face), you need to pick one or the other.

Don't forget, it can also use Substitute.

DIVERSITY! I'd pick something like Bronzong or Metagross, but Espeon is okay too.

Klose Kombat is probably aware that Psychic can lower Special Defense which is GOOD NEWS for the first two Pokemon. Psyshock is a great move, yeah, but you have other pokemon that destroy Blissey. But for now...

Signal Beam is better off on something like Ampharos. Shadow Ball would be better, as it hits Ghosts for super-effective damage and is not resisted by bug types, IIRC. Either works, but I'm going to side with Signal Beam on this.

Calm Mind is perfect.
Morning Sun, is not. Unless you want to pretend it's a Pink Umbreon, don't use it. Uh... random move, random move, random move.... Charge Beam?

First off... Dragon Dance.
Just... Dragon Dance.

I'd wait for DW Totodile to appear, as an Adamant, Sheer Force, D-Dancing Feraligatr can be a menace.
If you decide to wait, here's my suggestions:

Waterfall. Best offensive water type move available. Loses the flinch chance for increased power.
Crunch or Ice Fang. Same as Waterfall.

As for non SF moves: aforementioned Dragon Dance and... Hmm. I really don't know.

Non SF Feraligatr would be best with the same moves, but with Aqua Jet for first strike. Swords Dance can be opted in for Dragon Dance if you want power like Klose Kombat suggested.
If you want to stall a bit, try out Dragon Tail. Damage dealer and physical Roar rolled into one. Earthquake is also best on a Swords Dance set.

Oh boy. I have a Serperior myself, but I can never pick the right moveset for it.
It's a double dipper, that's for sure, but never in the same bowl.

Offensive Serperior takes two paths. One physical, and the other special.
Leaf Blade and Energy Ball are its main weapons for each respective path.
Leech Seed is great on both sets.
Coil is best for a physical set, whereas Calm Mind is preferred for a special set.

Serperior is also granted with Gastro Acid. If you're against a Sap Sipper, pick this move.
Aerial Ace does average damage to almost all of its weaknesses, so try it out for a Physical Serperior. Or, try out Swords Dance if you're feeling lucky.

As for the rest of my suggestions, Klose Kombat has that covered. However, Snivy gets the ultimate trick in Contrary. Leaf Storm makes him terrifying with Contrary. It's worth the wait.

Shed Skin can troll any status inflicting users out there. It's a 50/50 as increased power in Moxie makes Scrafty really crafty.

Brick Break is perfect. Bulk Up in combination with Moxie is awesome, so I recommend that, but if you're up to it, get Drain Punch on him. Better attack boost plus a Recovery all in one.

Crunch is perfect, but you don't really need dual STAB moves. One is enough more than often.

Aerial Ace I say should go. Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, or Zen Headbutt are preferred.

Now here's the best part. Scrafty's unique egg group combination grants him access to Dragon Claws, Dragon Dance and Dragon Tail. Yeah. He's a boss. Rock Slide is perfect, but you need to pick your poison carefully.

Honestly, I like what you have so far.
Ice Punch is great for potential freezing. Waterfall and EQ are perfect.
Stone Edge can be used, as well as... Well, just Stone Edge.

Klose Kombat really has it going perfectly. I can't think of anything that he hasn't already.

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