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Global PokédeX Plus Forums _ General Discussion _ Hilarious School Shenanigans

Posted by: LegendaryDerps May 22 2013, 07:28 PM

Share any funny stories about/from your school here!

I'll start.

Apparently this week was Senior Pranks at my school. Basically, Senior Pranks is when the people who are graduating that year pull pranks on the entire rest of the school the week before finals.

This year, they unleashed 200lbs of small bouncy balls down the Freshman Hall staircase, spread glitter/silly string/shredded paper/whatever EVERYWHERE, and moved a large number of chairs to the entrance of the building.

The bouncy balls, chairs and glitter were two different days, but it was still pretty interesting.
specifically the bouncy ball mayhem was yesterday (tuesday may 21st, 2013 for anyone reading this in the future), and the glitter/chairs was today (wednesday, may 22nd, 2013).

Posted by: Zigzagoon May 25 2013, 10:30 AM

We had or prank session 2 weeks ago for our graduation day from school. Not a lot was done to be honest but we blew up a bunch of balloons and filled a corridor. We also stuck creepy memes all over the place, as well as the legendary Chamber of Secrets prank.

The leavers yesterday covered cars in post-it notes and turned one of the science rooms into a space ship (including aliens). They also created a Gangnam style teacher video that has all of our teachers acting stupid and dancing on it. It's actually hilarious. xD

Yesterday was our official last day too, but we didn't get to do anything. We had a sing-along in our English class though, and had a few people climb out of the windows without our teacher noticing. cat.gif

Posted by: Samoo May 25 2013, 11:21 AM

Hmm.. well now that i've actually finished school and off to the English version of college 2 years late... I can't think of much.

I think the only interesting thing that happened was some kid went round pulling moonies at teachers. We also had this huge contraption set up (I didn't take part, though, only watched and died from laughing)

It was this big sort of.. thing with a lot of buckets, paper and so on and so forth. Our teacher played tricks on us the entire year so we did it to him (and got support from other science teachers) there was a bucket on the door attached to string which ended up firing a load of biological gunk at him. Plants, pondweed, mushed up fruit and it all ended up with a spring loaded cream pie.

Good days.

Posted by: Lord Raven May 27 2013, 12:29 PM

Couple from one of my physics professors;

One time we had an assignment due on a Friday or w/e, he said he'd talk about it in class and never brought it up. He assigned it through some notes he sent us which is why it was weird. At any rate, come Friday my friend asks "was there an assignment due today?" and he said "I don't know." Then my friend Rachel asks again "Seriously was there?" "I don't know, I'll ask Dan." Dan is the resident practical-man, reads all notes and gets stuff done the day of so he doesn't worry about doing them later. Dan says "yeah," and Rachel goes SHUT UP!!!!!!! to our professor and the professor cracks a smile because I'm pretty sure that's the exact response he wanted.

Cue next semester, I was talking about this professor's shenanigans and he walks up to us. I said "Oh, we were just talking about you." He said, "bad things I hope." I said "Yeah, remember when Rachel told you to shut up?" Apparently, later that day, he goes up to Rachel and she's near a bunch of Arabs (they're taking Arabic, so she calls them the Arabs, although most of them are Arabs) and then this professor walks up to her and randomly just yells NO! And Rachel was like, "wtf??" to which he responds "yeah, someone reminded me today that you told me to shut up."

One other time, we had a class with the same professor early in the morning, and Rachel was with one of her best friends who she's so close to that they more or less refer to each other as their lover. Anyway, for whatever reason they walk back into the physics building later in the day and they pass the professor, where he says "Don't you have a life? Why are you coming back to this building? Class is over." Then Rachel goes, "No, me and her are on a date hehehe" and he responds "Oh. I'm a fan of alternate lifestyles."

God damn this guy lol

Posted by: Arceus Awakened May 30 2013, 06:20 PM

I practically live in my school's SEN department whilst there, and by the door there's a magnet board with letters? One time, a friend of mine (though I didn't know it was her at the time) wrote 'no cannibalism please' on it. Then someone else (totally not me >>) changed it to 'cannibalism please' and it was pretty funny XD Maybe you had to be there.

Posted by: Persephone Jun 1 2013, 02:14 AM

Since it's still summer here, we all keep in touch in facebook and/or twitter and stuff. The other day, a lot of my batchmates were still up past 1AM, including myself. One of my classmates tweeted, "Guys, type this in google image search: Trypophobia" It sounded really familiar and also really creepy and I knew that if I googled it, I'd probably be terrified, but I googled it anyway because I was curious. Most of my batchmates who were online at the time googled it as well, and as expected, we were all horrified with what we saw.

I would advise against googling it, because it's a mentally-scarring image, especially after 1AM. Anyway, we were all pretty (jokingly) pissed at her for sparking our curiosities and we were all twitter-screaming, "Burn Dominique!" (sounds funnier in Filipino). And then one of my batchmates suddenly tweeted, "HOW DARE YOU DO THIS NOW MY ARMPIT IS ITCHING" and then after that everyone who saw that tweet plus the trypophobia pictures started itching and scratching. Yep. Moral of the story: don't google trypophobia and don't socialize with people after 1AM.

Most of the funny things happen on social networking sites, actually. That's because our school is a strict Catholic school and we can't pull off too many antics in school because we risk getting caught, so we take our antics elsewhere. One time, my classmate (Dominique, same classmate who posted the trypophobia thing) had a twitter war with her bandmates, and we were all really concerned and we were like "wtf guys what are u doing why are u fighting omfg don't break up [band] let's spread love peace and joy" and stuff like that and then suddenly, Dominique posts a collage of screencaps of all the concerned twitter replies from the people who saw the "twitter war" and she captioned the collage with "YOU JUST GOT PUNK'D" noes.gif

Oh, yeah. I just remembered that I had some pretty cool teachers. I'm really easy to surprise, so when I look like I'm dozing off in Algebra class or doing something else, my Algebra teacher from freshman year would slam the blackboard or stomp her foot really loudly and I'd be like, "WTF????!?" and she'd laugh at me noes.gif That same teacher likes teasing other students too. One of my classmates likes taking off her shoes in class. She sits near the aisle in the middle of the classroom where teachers can pass by. One time, her shoes ended up in our Algebra teacher's way on the aisle so she kicked it to the back of the classroom. Then when my classmate got up to get the shoe, our teacher took it and ran around the room with it HAHAHA.

OH WAIT OH MY GOD SPEAKING OF COOL TEACHERS I have a classmate who likes cosplaying and there was this presentation in Social Studies about the Age of Exploration and that classmate of mine brought a prince costume + an anime wig from some anime I don't know for her group's presentation. Our Social Studies teacher took an interest in the anime costume AND SHE WORE IT and she WALKED DOWN THE JUNIOR YEAR'S CORRIDOR WHILE WEARING IT, complete with the anime wig and the sword and everything, AND SHE TAUGHT HER MORNING CLASSES WHILE WEARING IT! It was hilarious.

My science teacher from freshman year is this huge, cuddly guy who's really funny and sassy and everyone loves him and people from my batch (including myself) usually tackle him with a hug in the corridors and he'd be like, "Ew omg you touched me I need some alcohol asap," [I'm not exaggerating, he actually said that] complete with a disgusted face and effeminate bitchy gestures and it's hilarious because he's so huge and scary-looking and it just makes him so much more precious but if there aren't that many people around he'd actually let his students hug him and he'd say some encouraging words and omfg he's the best.

Oh yeah omfg every October we have this dance production thing where each class will make their own dance interpretation of a certain dance genre given per batch coupled with a general theme for all batches and it would be a batch competition (ex. back in junior year, our batch-specific genre was gymnastics and the general theme was hope, so we had to make a gymnastics dance that symbolizes hope and we'd compete with other junior year classes for the top 3 awards). Gymnastics has ALWAYS been the juniors' batch-specific dance genre, other year levels may change their genre from time to time except the juniors. Anyway, each year, the juniors are given a certain equipment to use in the dance. Some years it's streamers, some years it's rings, but when we were juniors we were given balls for our gymnastics routine. This is hilarious because during practices, sometimes we'd drop our balls and the gym teachers would be like, "HOLD YOUR BALLS FIRMLY!!!" and we'd all be immature about it by laughing our asses off.

Lol. Balls. Hold your balls firmly. Jfc I'm immature.

Posted by: kenny1433 Jul 29 2022, 12:03 AM

And our beautiful days are the afternoons lounging by the gentle and cool river.

We crossed the bridge over that river to get to school. And on our way back home we passed it too. On hot days, the number is extremely cool and peaceful. But on rainy days, it's not like that. the water rises and flows fast. There were times when the river level had risen to near the bridge. And we considered crossing the bridge when it was a risky game that every schoolboy had to try a couple of times. We're lucky we're still alive. It's hard to forget.

Posted by: peppor33541 Jul 29 2022, 10:23 AM

Time is now only counted down and counted by every day, every second, every minute, not with the excitement of waiting for summer like any other year, but as if there is nothing to regret and regret! Sitting close to each other, leaning on each other's shoulders during free time, singing to each other, suddenly there are times when the tears just fall and can't be stopped. Similar hearts understand each other's heartbeat and understand that each of us is thinking, so we can't utter a word. The other look is the lingering feelings, the forced smile on the lips while the eyes are still wet is to hide the feelings that have never been experienced and no one wants to have, is to comfort each other that "still That's not parting!"

Posted by: ugly cat sweaters Aug 2 2022, 01:57 PM

In high school, I filled a locker up with oranges and let them rot after the school administration didn't do anything about me being harassed. I suppose that was the weirdest shenanigan I have to offer, haha!

Posted by: percrutch Apr 16 2023, 10:43 PM

QUOTE(peppor33541 @ Jul 29 2022, 10:23 AM) *
Time is now only counted down and counted by every day, every second, every minute, not with the excitement of waiting for summer like any other year, but as if there is nothing to regret and regret! Sitting close to each other, leaning on each other's shoulders during free time, singing to each other, suddenly there are times when the tears just fall and can't be stopped. Similar hearts understand each other's heartbeat and understand that each of us is thinking, so we can't utter a word. The other look is the lingering feelings, the forced smile on the lips while the eyes are still wet is to hide the feelings that have never been experienced and no one wants to have, is to comfort each other that "still That's not parting!" [removed]

Those are memories that any high school student has.

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