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Global PokédeX Plus Forums _ Debates _ Dating outside of your race

Posted by: SheJ Jul 14 2010, 03:15 PM

Well, since I saw no topic of debate for this. I thought I would create my own.

I am in a mixed race relationship. What I mean by that is I am of a different race than my boyfriend. I am Caucasian (White) and he is of a Latin decent (Peruvian). I have known for many years people frown upon dating outside of your race and going to date other races. I've heard both sides of this debate where people say you can not help who you fall in love with and I've also heard that it's just plain wrong.

I've gotten that white women take perfectly good men from dating women within their race. I've heard the flip-side of that where a colored skin woman takes a good white man too.

Then there's people who just don't care and think that a mixed race couple can be quite cute. I'm one of those people who finds it to be a good thing. In my mind it means you're accepting of other cultures and people in general.

So, I ask are you for or against a mixed race relationship? What are your views on the subject? Why do you feel the way you do about this topic?

Posted by: Immersion Jul 14 2010, 03:18 PM

I think it's perfectly fine.

If you're in love, you're in love. Doesn't matter what you are. (well there ARE some exceptions, but that's means no human x human relationship >_> )

But either way... if you're in love with someone outside your race, then people should accept that. People shouldn't dictate who you can and can't love, and who is right and wrong

Also, first post ~

Posted by: Blackbird Jul 14 2010, 03:20 PM

No one should be able to tell you who you can and can't love; this applies to every "different" couple, be they gay, mixed, whatever. Do whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt anyone-that's what "life, liberty, and property" is all about. It's one more reason, for me, to be atheist, because most religions are too stuck in their positions of what is "right" and what is "wrong," and punish perfectly good people who interrupt their idea of "God's plan." I find it quite ridiculous.

Also, darn you, Immersion~

Posted by: Immersion Jul 14 2010, 03:22 PM

QUOTE(Blackbird @ Jul 14 2010, 09:20 PM) *
No one should be able to tell you who you can and can't love; this applies to every "different" couple, be they gay, mixed, whatever. Do whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt anyone-that's what "life, liberty, and property" is all about. It's one more reason, for me, to be atheist, because most religions are too stuck in their positions of what is "right" and what is "wrong," and punish perfectly good people who interrupt their idea of "God's plan." I find it quite ridiculous.

Also, darn you, Immersion~

Finally, someone who I agree with 100% o_O.gif

That's rare these days. But I'm glad you share the same view too happy.gif

Posted by: Reyo Jul 14 2010, 03:50 PM

This sounds like such a silly topic to argue over. It's not that you did anything wrong SheJ, but because anyone against the notion will be using the same arguments that are against gay marriage, either religious, or spawned from uneducated hatred.

It's a proven, biological fact that children from interracial "relations" tend to have a better chance at surviving than children of "pure relations". It's a matter of the immunities. African Americans tend to suffer from cycle cell anemia while Caucasian tend to suffer from cystic fibrosis, yet both of those conditions hold a resistance to both malaria and typhoid fever respectively for the individual who holds the gene. Since the gene for both conditions are incompletely dominant, a child of an African American with cycle cell and a Caucasian with cystic fibrosis will have both conditions, but will only be at half the severity as someone with full blown cycle cell or cystic fibrosis. What's more is that the immunity to typhoid fever and malaria are both just as real.

Posted by: Top Typhlosion Jul 14 2010, 03:54 PM

Yeah it absolutely doesn't matter what race your boyfriend is. As long as you love him. People should just learn to accept it.

Posted by: Blackbird Jul 14 2010, 03:57 PM

Reyo made me brain asplode with smartness

Posted by: Agent Arcanine Jul 14 2010, 04:01 PM

We are all part of the human race; the "races" are just a human-made prejudice, in my opinion.
Therefore I see absolutely nothing wrong with this.

Posted by: Top Typhlosion Jul 14 2010, 04:04 PM

I have to congratulate Agent Arcanine, I absolutely agree.

It doesn't matter what race and any other difference.

Reyo, what you said is also true, but that doesn't mean you can't marry people of your same race. (not accusing you)

Posted by: SheJ Jul 14 2010, 04:17 PM

Reyo you made my brain asplode with that knowledge. I'm glad to see such open minded members on this topic so far. From personal experiences I've had many a person frown upon it. They've always said you should date and marry within your race and if you don't then you should do nothing at all. Part of me wonders where such a notion could stem from. Especially in the world we live in today.

Posted by: Top Typhlosion Jul 14 2010, 04:20 PM

i'm guessing their is that kind of prejiduce because of different customs and religious problems that come from marrying people who are a different race, but usually a lot of people can overcome these problems, the predijuce just stops them. (i'm bad at spelling)

Posted by: Reyo Jul 14 2010, 04:23 PM

QUOTE(Top Typhlosion @ Jul 14 2010, 05:04 PM) *
Reyo, what you said is also true, but that doesn't mean you can't marry people of your same race. (not accusing you)

Yeah I know, I just wanted that info out there before anything ignorant was said on the subject.

Posted by: Top Typhlosion Jul 14 2010, 04:25 PM

Yeah, i would call this issue resolved, but it's up to SheJ

Posted by: dreexpuppy Jul 14 2010, 04:27 PM

I support dating outside of race. grin.gif I think age or race shouldn't matter because its love.

Posted by: Top Typhlosion Jul 14 2010, 04:29 PM

Wow , I'm glad I came to this forum, so many people where i live oppose this

Posted by: SheJ Jul 14 2010, 04:29 PM

Well, I'd like to leave the topic open for discussion, mostly because I'm sure there's people out there who have opposing views. I would like to see why they have those views and such.

Posted by: Top Typhlosion Jul 14 2010, 04:30 PM

Yeah you're right.

Posted by: Runi Jul 14 2010, 10:27 PM

I have no issue with dating outside of your race; superficial things such as appearance, race and gender should not stop someone from loving another. They do not inhibit one's ability to care genuinely for a human being, nor should it be wrong by any moral standards. If we have freedom of speech, why not freedom to love?

And children produced by mixed parents should never be targeted simply because of their heritage. Being a mixed baby does not make you a freak or any less of a human being [ Agent Arcanine already brought up the fact that we're all technically part of the same race in the first place, i believe. ]

Besides; most mixed babies/children [ or, at least, the ones that i know ] tend to get the best genetics from both parents. One guy is Chinese and British and is an official heartthrob; the other is Korean and Polish and is pretty damn good looking, if i may say so |D

Though i would like to at least try to date out of my race [ i'm Asian ]; my parents are...against it. It's not that they discriminate against mixed couples or children; it's just that they want their children to date within their own race. They constantly hint at the fact that they would like me to date someone the same race as me, not to mention he should speak the same language. When you're considering all the Asian [ or rather, oriental ] languages there are, you can tell that they want me to pick out of a certain group.

I have a few friends who have the same thing going on too where i live; if they're a Russian family, they want their child's significant other to be Russian too. A Persian should date a Persian, Caucasians should be with another Caucasian, etc. Even when you get to the Oriental kids, Koreans should date Koreans, Chinese should be with Chinese...

But it's all should. It's not 'you must date this race'; they would prefer if you dated within your race. Though it may appear open minded, truthfully, it can be kind of intimidating. It's almost as if, in this dating environment, that if you're not dating within your race then you're letting your parents and the rest of your race down s:

Posted by: Oisterboy Jul 15 2010, 07:19 PM

Personally, I wouldn't 80% of the time.

No, I'm not racist...I just don't find other races attractive most of the time. There are exceptions to every rule, but most of the time I'm only after the white wimminz.

Posted by: Excel Saga Jul 16 2010, 02:43 AM

It's actually bad for humanity for different races to mix. It narrows the gene pool because all the dominant genes from each "race" just crush the recessive ones. Less gene variation means we're less adaptable.

People won't listen though. Most of the time if I say something like that I just get called a racist.

Posted by: Zero Gravity Jul 16 2010, 05:53 AM

It's nothing moral or anything, I just honestly find non-white girls more appealing.
-is white-

I also think white girls are incredibly self centered and stingy and down right unreliable.

-thinks about it- does that make me sexist?

Posted by: Reyo Jul 16 2010, 02:17 PM

QUOTE(Excel Saga @ Jul 16 2010, 03:43 AM) *
It's actually bad for humanity for different races to mix. It narrows the gene pool because all the dominant genes from each "race" just crush the recessive ones. Less gene variation means we're less adaptable.

People won't listen though. Most of the time if I say something like that I just get called a racist.

QUOTE(Reyo @ Jul 14 2010, 04:50 PM) *
This sounds like such a silly topic to argue over. It's not that you did anything wrong SheJ, but because anyone against the notion will be using the same arguments that are against gay marriage, either religious, or spawned from uneducated hatred.

It's a proven, biological fact that children from interracial "relations" tend to have a better chance at surviving than children of "pure relations". It's a matter of the immunities. African Americans tend to suffer from cycle cell anemia while Caucasian tend to suffer from cystic fibrosis, yet both of those conditions hold a resistance to both malaria and typhoid fever respectively for the individual who holds the gene. Since the gene for both conditions are incompletely dominant, a child of an African American with cycle cell and a Caucasian with cystic fibrosis will have both conditions, but will only be at half the severity as someone with full blown cycle cell or cystic fibrosis. What's more is that the immunity to typhoid fever and malaria are both just as real.

Besides, the last sentance of your first paragraph conflicts with the rest of your comment. You say that gene variation is a good thing, yet the very first thing you say that that it's dangerous to mix races...wouldn't mixing the races create MORE variations with each individual?

Posted by: Top Typhlosion Jul 16 2010, 02:31 PM

I agree with Reyo, you sort of contradict yourself.
Nobody will call you racist, this is a forum where we can debate productively and be respectful to one another's different views and arguments.

Posted by: Galahawk Jul 16 2010, 03:00 PM

Honestly, we're not in the time where it was taboo to date a black man or woman anymore. I see absolutely no problem with dating outside your race or finding a member of another race attractive. And what Reyo said only further justifies it.

I know plenty people who are in interracial relationships but are plenty happy and get lots of love and support, and I can guarantee that a portion of that love and support is definitely coming from me.

Posted by: ravenbird Jul 17 2010, 09:23 PM

My next door neighbors are a mixed-race couple: She's as white as a sheet with blondey-blonde hair and he's one of the darkest people I've ever seen, and they both are some of the nicest people I've ever met and so are their kids. also, the couple who won 'cutest couple' in my school this year were mixed race, and so were MY personal favorite couple (first one white/latino, second asian/african american) So personally i dont see how people can argue against it.

Posted by: Galahawk Jul 17 2010, 09:33 PM

QUOTE(ravenbird @ Jul 17 2010, 10:23 PM) *
My next door neighbors are a mixed-race couple: She's as white as a sheet with blondey-blonde hair and he's one of the darkest people I've ever seen, and they both are some of the nicest people I've ever met and so are their kids. also, the couple who won 'cutest couple' in my school this year were mixed race, and so were MY personal favorite couple (first one white/latino, second asian/african american) So personally i dont see how people can argue against it.

I have interracial-coupled neighbors too. One grew up in Peru and the other one's lived here in Ohio his whole life.
Very polite people, and I've been friends with their two sons pretty much since the day I moved into my current house.

Posted by: SheJ Jul 18 2010, 12:04 AM

Sadly, there are people out there against it. They believe each race should stick to being with one another. My grandmother is one of those people. She won't even acknowledge that I am with my boyfriend. She says we're not a couple at all. It upsets me to no end she won't treat him like she did my other boyfriends who were white. He's the same as they are on the inside. He's also a wonderful human being who cares deeply for me and my mother. He loves me and wants to take care of me for the rest of my life. I just wish my grandmother would see how great he is.

Posted by: Stardust Snorter Jul 20 2010, 12:22 PM

Personally I don't see an issue and I'm Asian. By mixing genes to to speak you're adding more variety into the gene pool. In a lot of cases mixed relations tends to have children that have better genetic odds than their parents/ancestors. Sure my mother doesn't like the idea but she can go kick the can for all I care. Her family's somewhat inbred anyhow. Huzzah for ex-nobility.

This is a time and age where people of all races and ideas can communicate with each other. One race isn't superior to the other or whatnot. Each has their own genetic strengths and weaknesses. From a biological standpoint humanity can prosper from mixed relations. The children get all the strengths and nullify the weaknesses. It's a win win situation for the most part.

Posted by: Kookie Jul 21 2010, 11:16 AM

There's nothing wrong with this. It's usually only the older generation which doesn't like it when you date or marry out of your race. There's someone out there for everyone, that doesn't mean they have to be the same color and race. As long as people find real love, it doesnt matter what color is the person they marry or date, what matters is the bond between them.

Posted by: Rheadark Jul 21 2010, 08:22 PM

What's there to disagree with?

Posted by: Sarean Jul 22 2010, 12:45 PM

No you should only be with people who look like you because it's completely bad and wrong to be next to different people because it looks weird and makes people uncomfortable.


I love how the Communication Era is all ass-hurt that people of different races are...*gasp* COMMUNICATING.

Posted by: Xal Jul 23 2010, 12:01 PM

QUOTE(Excel Saga @ Jul 16 2010, 08:43 AM) *
It's actually bad for humanity for different races to mix. It narrows the gene pool because all the dominant genes from each "race" just crush the recessive ones. Less gene variation means we're less adaptable.

People won't listen though. Most of the time if I say something like that I just get called a racist.

Dominant alleles don't 'crush' recessive ones, they don't even prevent recessive alleles from being passed on. Dominance only affects whether the characteristic an allele codes for is expressed or not. It doesn't reduce gene variation at all, and even if it did I don't see much reason why that would be a problem. Characteristics from dominant alleles are generally more advantageous than characteristics from recessive ones. As well as that dominant and recessive alleles are both different versions of the same gene, so adaptability wouldn't be affected even if they did 'crush' each other. It's not as if chunks of DNA would be lost leaving nothing to code for that characteristic.

Posted by: Dango Jul 24 2010, 09:12 PM

I find people that are my race more attractive then out-of-race people. oh.gif
But yeah, I really admire people who date people who don't have the same skin color.
It might be hard for both said to adjust to their different cultures...

Posted by: Jtao Jul 25 2010, 02:51 PM

Um... race is just a made-up set of "ideals" by those who had power a few hundred years ago.

Scientifically speaking, we all came from brown-skinned Africans. If Jesus Christ was real he would have had brown skin (hello Middle East?).

One of my uncles, who is Icelandic, has a Japanese wife and they have the cutest babies!

So yeah, if you can't tell, I support same-sex marriage and relationships. (Even though, unfortunately, most places I've lived are 98% white.)

Posted by: JOSEPH1103 Jul 25 2010, 03:18 PM

to me it okay if a person is hispanic that goes out with a white like me

Posted by: Glambert Jul 27 2010, 06:58 PM

I'm fine with any races dating any races they want to. In fact, it makes me very happy seeing people of different races happy and being in love together, it makes me feel like there is less racism in the world. cat.gif I despise racism.

Posted by: S3iKun Jul 28 2010, 01:05 PM

There is no such thing as human "races".
We're all the same race, just with different qualities.
And we do all come from (not from Adam and Eve but) the native humans of Africa, and from there we have emigrated and changed depending on were we live.
We're made from the same shape, but colored and dented differently because of ours ancestors' surroundings.

Therefore, you can't possibly be dating a human of a different race. In case there not a Homo Sapiens Sapiens. And that seems very unlikely in my eyes.
And because of that is the argument against dating over the Human races invalid.

Posted by: Jedi Mewtwo Jul 29 2010, 04:02 PM

I really dont find anything wrong with it, and thats something, coming from someone who has deep opinions about stuff.

Posted by: Breeder Drew Aug 28 2010, 10:04 PM

I really see no problem with it. I mean we're all people right?

Posted by: Pokii Sep 28 2010, 12:58 AM

My parents flat out told me they're against it, but I (presumably like most people now) don't have a problem with it. I think it's what someone said earlier about older generations being more against it, because something like it was less common and acceptable back then.

Posted by: Crowfeather Sep 28 2010, 04:27 AM

My mother is From England, and my father is from Australia, and my boyfriend is German and I'm Australian..
There is nothing wrong with it. So people with extreme views like that are insane. :/

Posted by: Reyo Sep 28 2010, 11:34 AM

QUOTE(Crowfeather @ Sep 28 2010, 05:27 AM) *
My mother is From England, and my father is from Australia, and my boyfriend is German and I'm Australian..
There is nothing wrong with it. So people with extreme views like that are insane. :/

What color is your skin? I ask because it's predominantly more steriotypical for "dating outside of your race" to be associated with a black person dating a white person, and Australia/England/Germany are steriotypically white areas.

Posted by: Blak99Psy Sep 28 2010, 11:55 AM

I don't see a problem with it. I believe that one is supposed to love a person based on who they are and not what they look like. Sometimes (and I know this doesn't apply to everyone), I think people feel like they have no choice but to date within their race.

I've never been attracted to anyone of my own skin color, but it's more of a coincidence that I noticed rather than a choice. When I looked a little closer at my attraction patterns, it was happening because the personality type that I am most commonly attracted to doesn't often occur withing my own race. My mom used to fight me over the fact that I was never attracted to guys of my own skin color, but after debating her over why it mattered, she let up severely. She couldn't find a legitimate answer.

It's not a bad thing that people date within their race, either. I just don't think that people should be intimidated into it, or ever feel like they don't have a choice. Nobody should be shamed over who they love.

I don't identify myself by my race, anyway, so it's the easiest for me to accept others, compared to the rest of my family.

Posted by: Rich Boy Sep 28 2010, 12:13 PM

It shouldn't matter in any sense. We all bleed red and its all pink on the inside, if you know what I mean.

Posted by: Breeder Drew Sep 28 2010, 01:43 PM

QUOTE(Rich Boy @ Sep 28 2010, 01:13 PM) *
It shouldn't matter in any sense. We all bleed red and its all pink on the inside, if you know what I mean.

This. We're all people on the inside.

Posted by: Lockk Sep 28 2010, 06:11 PM

Saw the title, immediatly thought beastiality. lol

Posted by: Lord Raven Sep 28 2010, 08:30 PM

is it possible to disagree with this statement and remain sane?

Posted by: The great Cthulhu Sep 28 2010, 09:02 PM

I am against it, you cant date dogs or sheep's or race is the human race black/white/yellow/brown thats all skin color srsfacts.gif

Posted by: Crowfeather Sep 29 2010, 07:35 AM

QUOTE(Reyo @ Sep 29 2010, 02:34 AM) *
QUOTE(Crowfeather @ Sep 28 2010, 05:27 AM) *
My mother is From England, and my father is from Australia, and my boyfriend is German and I'm Australian..
There is nothing wrong with it. So people with extreme views like that are insane. :/

What color is your skin? I ask because it's predominantly more steriotypical for "dating outside of your race" to be associated with a black person dating a white person, and Australia/England/Germany are steriotypically white areas.

I'm white, but my boyfriend is as dark as a New Zealand person.

Posted by: pichu egg Oct 28 2010, 04:40 PM

I support it, too an extent. I'm Asain and I'm friends with a white.

Posted by: BarkAtTheMoon Oct 29 2010, 06:47 AM

People who say hey are against it its usually a culture thing or a religious thing. I've heard arguments that because God separated the races, it should stay that way *facepalm* facepalm.gif

but I'm ok with mixed relationships. You can't help who you fall in love with. Though, I do despise the term "mixed." or to say your kid is "mixed." It almost sounds like its a bad thing or you are putting down the people. But thats just me

Posted by: Nightingale Nov 9 2010, 11:44 AM

I agree. I mean, why should love be restricted to how you look? It's just notfair. Sae goes for same sex couples and so on. I think everyone should be granted the freedom to decide themselves who they want to be with.

But... If someone does not like it because of religion or something o the likes and isn't totally hateful, Iaccept that, too. As long as he or she does not pick on the people who still do it.
That, hower, happens far too often.

And besides, look where that seperation of races has brought us in the past. *coghWWIIcough*.

Posted by: mewkeemyuu Nov 16 2010, 04:08 PM

I understand that some people may frown upon racial mixing. However, I believe that skin color and heredity doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Racial mixing is what makes America what it is, after all. (I'm American, if you haven't noticed. XP)

Oh, and not sure if this was brought up, but people with dark skin are like that so they are protected from the sun and less likely to get sunburn, since these people usually originate from somewhere near the equator. Discriminating people for the way they were made/evolved is very wrong. Which also brings up that all people are created equally, regardless of skin color.

Posted by: Ynfiniti8 Nov 18 2010, 04:56 PM

There's a saying I like: "We are all one race, Human"

Posted by: FrenzyClinic Nov 18 2010, 05:16 PM

QUOTE(Ynfiniti8 @ Nov 18 2010, 04:56 PM) *
There's a saying I like: "We are all one race, Human"

This guy is awesome. Makes me think of Martin Luther King, JR. God bless his soul. (Contradictory with another topic I posted in, wut.)

When it comes to dating, it doesn't matter you race you are. The only important thing that matters is that you're happy and willing to try something new. I was once approached by a person of different color, but I declined. Not because of my family views, but because I just didn't have any interest in her. I mean really... I wonder why all my relatives are one color. If I had shown interest in her, I would've gone for it just break the chain.

On the subject of family views, I say ask them about it. Don't rush the conversation, but listen as much as you can if they're willing to talk about it. If you strike the right nail, they'll probably accept it. Racial matters are a sever issue in our society due to history, but that's just it. History.

There's nothing wrong with a White dating a Black. Nor a White dating a Spaniard. Nor a Spaniard dating an Oriental, and so on and so forth.

Posted by: jhunter Nov 23 2010, 11:19 PM

Why have just vanilla ice cream, when you can have chocolate and vanilla?

Posted by: rileyup Jan 2 2011, 08:47 AM

it doesnt matter if you date outside your race we are people on the inside

Posted by: LightYagami Jan 8 2011, 09:17 PM

I personally don't see why it would make a difference to anybody outside of the relationship unless they were racist.. Why would it matter if two people came from different cultures? If you like a person then you should be able to date that person regardless of their background. :P

Posted by: Painted Fox Jan 8 2011, 09:21 PM

There is nothing wrong with it! Anyways we share AT LEAST 99.98% (I think) with other humans...there is no such thing as race-ethnicity, yes-race, no! We all originated from Africa, so we are all African technically! awesome.gif except for the fact that we look different.

Posted by: Layana Jan 9 2011, 04:24 PM

First off I'd like to say I used to be from two 'different race' parents but the US government decided hispanic wasn't a race any more... dry.gif

Second, I think it is terrible. It makes genetic studies so hard. Since it is so morally wrong to do genetic testing on humans we (scientists) have to simply take samples and when samples are impure it makes the results impure and hard to make conclusions. I mean, recently I read a study on a Tibet population that was inconclusive since the people had only been there for a few hundred years and the scientists could not account for migration and such. It also means that when people have too many variables different from each other we can't tell if it is A or B or C etc. that is causing the issue if there are numerous differences. If the differences are fewer it is easier to tell these things. Overall if the human population continues to mix these studies will become harder and harder... people should just stay separate!

(p.s. that was totally being silly and don't take that seriously... I was trying to come up with a reason why it is bad... though my information is technically true/valid. This is not to be taken seriously/not to offend anyone)

Oh and we share 98% with chimps and with each other is 99.99% or more... so does this mean we should be allowed to date chimps XD
And yes diversity is a good thing genetically (for health reasons not for studies though :p)

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