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Global PokédeX Plus Forums _ Pokémon Animé _ Fan Theories

Posted by: Garrison Ford Oak Sep 5 2012, 09:37 PM

Prof. Oak II here. What's everyone think of theories concocted by the fanbase? I've seen a couple that are just fascinating, on different elements from the show. I'm talking 'Ash's Coma' level stuff, here, things that take a ton of time and thought. What are some crowd favorites, and would you mind sharing?

Just a list of several I'm aware of:
- The Ash-Coma Theory
- Pokemon is set in a post-war time.
- Pokemon was set far in the future after some kind of apocalyptic event. <-- This one needs some kind of source reference, because I've only heard of it a couple times.
- Ash Ketchum is a Zombie <-- This one is a personal theory.
- Gary Oak was neglected as a child and has behavioral issues as a result. <--Also a personal theory.
- Gary Oak's parents are dead.

If you'd like to confirm or expand on one of those already listed, I'd be happy to read what you've got to tell us! I'm actually really interested in fan-theories, so the more I see here, the happier I'll be. I'll expand on the couple I've included if anyone's interested, too.

Just how crazy can it get?

Posted by: Quomimi Sep 5 2012, 09:43 PM

Hmmm... I've only heard a few of these... *not much of a huge-o fan to see all of these online*

1- Coma theory- I find it completely stupid. Seriously, it's just STUPID. It's a kids show for goodness sakes!
2- Post war time? I never saw any evidence of this in the show itself, although I haven't watched every single episode. Again, it's a kids game.
3- Seriously, if it was some sort of apocalypse event, why would there be humans?
4- A zombie? Any evidence on that?
5- I haven't seen any hints of this in the show nor the games, although I find it cruel to congradulate YOU and pay attention to YOU instead of his own grandson.
6- I would guess that his parents are dead, he is a grampa.

Just remembered some-
Cubone thing, that Marowak was supposed to evolve into Kangaskahn ((spelling whateva cat.gif))
Another stupid one is 'What is under Cubone's Mask?' Duh, his head.

Posted by: RoboFloatzel Sep 20 2012, 10:41 AM

  1. The coma theory I always found way too dark for a kids show like Pokemon, and even then, how does that explain the games and manga? I never liked it either, always found it too surreal even for the franchises premise.
  2. I'm sure that, like in the real world, there have been wars in the Pokemon world before, Lt. Surge even mentions a war in the games.
  3. I can believe that with Adventure Time, but definitely not Pokemon, or at least with the main series, as for the PMD games, I certainly believe that it's a post-apocalyptic world there given the lack of humans
  4. I don't get this one... AT ALL
  5. I'm pretty sure he's just envious of Ash, that's what I always thought
  6. We never see Gary's parents, nor are they even mentioned, then again, we don't see Ash's father either

There is one weird theory I have had in my mind for some time, and that is that because of the lack of real animals in the Pokemon world (save for the ones that appeared in the earlier episodes), Humans in the Pokemon world are Pokemon themselves, but have lost their powers, as well as their ability to understand Pokemon (hence why we only hear the Pokemon say their own names), and are trying to rebuild their connection with Pokemon by trying to "bond" with them, and as the years progress, slowly begin to understand Pokemon more so that humanity can regain all their lost powers and abilities.

Posted by: Dont Make a Sound Dec 21 2013, 04:00 AM

How the hell can Ash be a zombie?
And while Gary being neglected as a child could have some merit there is no suggestion whatsoever that his parents are dead.
I am reminded of the old Red/Blue/Yellow game theory that his radicate died because he ceases to use it after the S.S Anne and claims to be visiting a friend in the Lavender town tower (I am blanking on the name irritated.gif).
Also a heavily overthought notion despite the eerie coincidences, as he has just as much access to PC boxes as our character does.
The early episodes in the anime support this when Oak compares Ash's recent captures with his grandson's (Bigger krabby, several taros vs. Ashes single one).


This isn't such an interesting one but I have head cannoned that James mispronounces Butch's name on purpose to piss him off. As a way of saying "you're a pile of crap on my shoe".

1.) It's a difficult name to mispronounce if it's possible at all.
2.) There is actually a moment during the trilogy involving the mother and child lugia where he pronounces it correctly and it's NOT to his face.

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