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Reciting The Past, Rt117 & Protoman
post Jul 12 2012, 09:39 PM
Post #1

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For the past week since she arrived in Noverus, Sera had dedicated two one-hour sessions to training with her team of three Pokemon in the Shady Acres Park. Every day she would come, allowing her Pokemon freedom from their stuffy Poke Balls, and time to improve their techniques. Fortunately the need for such training wasn’t demanding, but she still wanted to be prepared for anything. It had taken some getting used to, being in one place for this long. Normally Sera would stay in a town or city for only a couple of days, doing a few odd jobs to earn food and board, but this place was not like any other, and the change was almost welcoming, if not for the many rumours she had heard about people disappearing, all because of the conflict between Team Magma and Team Aqua. They weren’t new names to her, as since she started her trip through the Hoenn region, she had heard these names uttered a few times by locals in the various towns, how members of these two groups had stirred all kinds of trouble.

But, now was not the time to ponder over such thoughts, as they were quickly cutting into training time. Following the same routine as she had been all week, Sera trekked to the same spot she had been going to daily, a small section of the park that housed a pond, and plenty of open space for practice battles. Pulling three Poke Balls from her pocket, she tossed them upward into the air with a smile, and in a bright flash of light, saw her three Pokemon appear before her.

The first, being her oldest and strongest, was a Charmander she had long ago nicknamed ‘Cinder’, after the embers he spat out while using what was currently his only Fire-type attack. Following Cinder was a long blue serpentine Pokemon, Sera’s Dratini. She had been nicknamed Ryu long ago, named after an ancient translation of a dragon. Letting out a small sleepy yawn, Ryu looked up at Sera with greeting, eyes sparkling in the afternoon sun. Last came Sera’s newest team member, and easily the youngest: a Pichu. Nicknamed Spark, he always had the most energy out of the team, able to continue going when even Sera was tired out. She figured it was partially because of his inability to use proper use his Thundershock attack, which meant all of his electrical power was locked inside of him.

“Alright guys, you know the drill!” Sera cheered, Cinder and Ryu moving to one side of Sera, and Spark quickly moving to the other side, before facing one another. As every day, Sera would start off the three with some agility exercises, followed by working on new moves. Since Sera couldn’t find anything for Ryu to learn, she had her practice her combat skills against one of the local wild Pokemon, at least until they fled.
“Let’s start: Cinder, you’ll be using your Scratch attack, while Ryu uses her Wrap. Spark of course is the one who’s it. Whoever catches him first in five minutes wins!” Sera instructed, making it sound like a game more than anything. To Sera, her team was still fairly young, too young for serious training that would stress and exhaust them. But she wanted to see them improve more than anything.

With a smile, she called for the game to start, before sitting down and watching with a smile as her two Pokemon chased her Pichu around. Ryu would have to literally throw herself at Spark to attempt Wrap on him, but his rather skittish nature allowed him to dodge and jump out of the way. Cinder was a bit slower, so it took him longer to get to Spark, who was normally long gone by the time he arrived.

“Remember guys, it’s all about team work!” she smiled. In order to catch the elusive Spark, they would have to find a way to trap him, and keep him from getting away. Hearing her words, Ryu let out an odd cooing call to Cinder, before slithering into the pond, vanishing from sight. Seeming to understand, he proceeded to chase Spark down to the river, the Pichu unaware that his partner was hiding there. With a great splash, Ryu ambushed Spark, trapping him within the coils of her long body.

Seeing her Pokemon finish up, Sera clapped and stood up. “Great job everyone! Now let’s work on some move techniques, the break for a snack!” she called over, setting her bag down and rummaging through her belongings. All she had for them today were some rice balls she had made earlier, each one containing a berry at the center, accustomed to their tastes. They would enjoy those later, as she got out a couple of stakes with round pieces of wood attached, sticking a few into the ground as targets. Sera then sat back down, her Pokemon finally making it over to her.

“Alright, we’ll be picking up on where we left off last week. Spark, I think you’re getting close with your Helping Hand, as Cinder’s attacks definitely get stronger with you using it. And Cinder, you’re getting better with your Mud Slap, but you need to focus on your target, because your accuracy has been rather off.” She coached the two. Turning to her Dratini, she smiled. “We’re going to do something special today though. I figure that Spark should be fine taking a day off of his Helping Hand technique, and work on finally being able to use Thundershock properly. I think Ryu might be able to help, since she can use Thunder Wave.”

As Cinder proceeded to race forward to one of the targets constantly and fling mud at it, Sera took Ryu and Spark over several meters, having moved one of the targets over to them. “Okay, let’s see how this works. Spark, I want you to concentrate as much as you can on focusing your electrical energy, so that you can release it all at once in the same direction. Ryu will demonstrate with a Thunder Wave.” She spoke, gesturing to her Dratini, who in response closed her eyes, and shot out blue electricity at the target, encasing it in the bright blue light.

Rather startled by the display, Spark recollected himself as he adjusted his position toward the target, then hunching over in concentration, clasping his paws in desperation as he closed his eyes. The result of such a display was a bolt of electricity, though short lived, managed to hit its target and cause Spark to roll backward. With a small giggle, Sera scooped him up and set him back on his feet, patting his head. “That was great! With a little more work you’ll be able to do it more freely, and without knocking yourself over.” She smiled, watching with a sense of pride as her Pichu grinned happily, and attempted his electrical attack over and over with glee.

This post has been edited by rt117: Jul 15 2012, 01:20 AM


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PANE RP Character profile: Tikal Faylen: @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 18
Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
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Uprising Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Sera Taisa - Uprising Wiki
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post Jul 12 2012, 11:39 PM
Post #2

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Uprising Pokemon

It's been two years since Richie Palmer first joined the Rebellion. Not being on many missions after the last few fiascoes, Richie pretty much felt as if he was rusty as well as his Pokémon. Putting his boots and his gloves on, Richie heard a loud voice blare from his left shoulder.

"All operatives," a voice blared loudly, "One of the four former operatives have been spotted around Noverus. I repeat, the first pf four operatives has been spotted."

"Falcon to base," Richie stated through his walkie talkie, "I request more intel on this operative."

“Please be on the lookout for ex-Rebel Gregory Ramirez,” the voice on the intercom says. “Sources say that he is very dangerous and should be trailed with extreme caution.”

“Understood,” Richie replied coldly, “I’ll use extreme caution…” After releasing the button on his radio, Richie’s features could be seen clearly. His hair was the same, but his face had more seriousness and anger on it, causing him to look rather vicious. There was a scar on his right eye, but his eyeball was still perfectly intact. Richie’s body was also a lot more toned and muscular, almost as if he had been dedicating his life to exacting his revenge on Team Magma. His name was finally well known within Noverus, even though he was still only an initiate. All of the upper ranks respected him as if he was just under the Elder. Richie began to humble himself at this point, being quite modest now. Backtracking to when he was still young, Richie was handsome, tan with pearly white teeth, no scars or unsightly blemishes of any sort, though muscular, was still small for his size. The biggest difference came from his attitude, however, going from being cheerful and sarcastic to serious and anger filled. After watching your friends disappear one by one for two years, how would you become?

Richie’s anger never clouded his judgment, making sure he always thought his plans through. He has become quite the Rebel ever since everyone left. Maybe they were the reason he was less focused. Without another thought of his past, Richie began to leave from the Sanctuary in order to go search for Ramirez.

“Palmer, wait,” a Veteran called to him, making Richie stop and turn around. Without a second thought, Richie saluted the Veteran, who gave him a salute back. The Veteran handed Richie a small device, resembling a micro SD card that is placed inside of phones to store data. “That has the mission briefing for you and everyone for your next three missions.”

“Understood sir,” Richie replied, giving the Veteran another salute before jumping inside of a car and revving the engine. Placing the chip within his phone, Richie read over all four of the names, becoming a lot more frustrated at each name. “Time to tie up loose ends, I suppose.” Pulling out from the garage, Richie began to drive towards The Black Dragon. Dialing a number from his phone, Richie put the car in park and waited for his call to be answered.

“Hello,” A gruff man responded to the blaring of the phone within the establishment.

“Yes, Mr. Blackman,” Richie asked, getting the dial tone after being so blunt. Calling once more, the same man answered the phone.

“If you’re a bill collector or a travelling salesman…”

“Relax, sir. It’s Richie Palmer.”

“Palmer? Hot damn, son. How have you been?”

“Been better, Randy.” He sighed heavily, letting Mr. Blackman know that it was about that time.

“What and how much do you need, Richie…”

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post Jul 12 2012, 11:59 PM
Post #3

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As time drew by, Sera's training session had soon come to an end. As a treat for his success, Sera allowed Spark to remain out of his Pokeball for the journey back, recalling her other two companions as she made her way out of the park. She was still trying to decide how long she wanted to stay in this place, whether she would be leaving soon, or if there was more for her to do. She didn’t feel compelled to get entangled in the city’s conflict, but one could only do so much traveling without becoming sick and tired of it. Perhaps once she got back to the Pokemon Center and had her friends treated, she could dwell more on such things.

Walking through the streets, she took a quick glance around every so often, wanting to take a little caution during her trip that something didn’t go wrong. Her Pokemon were exhausted from their training, and currently not fit for battle. Even Spark, who was currently napping in her arms, had tuckered himself out from his earlier training. Sera took another quick glance, this time skyward, and frowned.

“I hope it’s not going to rain.” She frowned. While she was fairly close to the Pokemon Center at this point, she didn’t want to get cooped up inside while it rained outside. So, picking up her pace, she hurried toward her destination, when a flash of something caused her to halt in place. A car, coming from the direction of the Pokemon Center nearly flattened her, the driver obviously preoccupied with something. “That was too close...” she sighed, before picking up her pace once more, the Pokemon Center soon in sight.

Stepping through the doors, she smiled over at Nurse Joy, jostling Spark awake to let him know that they had arrived. Smiling down at him, she gave the nurse her two Pokeballs and her companion, heading over to sit on one of the nearby couches, and glance upward at the sky in a daydream state. Sera knew that there were a few empty rooms that she could potentially use for practice, but she much preferred if they went outside, so that she didn’t have to worry about breaking anything. Not like her Pokemon had such power though, at least not yet.

Sera dozed off moments later, only to be awoken by the sound of Nurse Joy calling her, letting her know that her Pokemon were healthy and happy. Slowly getting to her feet, she shook her blonde hair out of her face, brushing her bang aside before hurrying over to the desk to collect her team. Thanking the nurse, she dug out another one of her rice ball treats, offering it to Spark as he sat on her lap, chewing away at the treat with delight.

She had enough money for a few days of food, but then she’d have to find some work again soon. Until then, they would have lots of time to go out and explore. But that could wait, as they had only just gotten there after all. “We’ll go explore in a little while, okay?” Sera promised her Pichu, watching as the regular traffic of trainers trickled in and out of the facility. Sera could still remember when she first got her Pichu, which was not too long ago. The poor thing had been chased by someone's Houndour, for whatever reason she couldn't be certain. But by the time she had dealt with it, the Pichu had been rather hurt and tired, as if it was disoriented and unsure of where it was going. With some love however, he looked healthier and happier than she had ever seen him.

This post has been edited by rt117: Jul 13 2012, 12:02 AM


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PANE RP Character profile: Tikal Faylen: @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 18
Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
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Uprising Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Sera Taisa - Uprising Wiki
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post Jul 13 2012, 12:16 AM
Post #4

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Uprising Pokemon

After driving back from a successful grab and go from the Black Dragon, Richie placed the car in park and grabbed the duffel bag that the materials he was looking for were in. Richie pulled out a Premier Ball, opening it and releasing Spunky, his first companion. Spunky yipped happily at Richie's feet, which made Richie smile, a rare occurrence. Richie had not smiled in quite some time now, so this feeling made him feel as if his face was beginning to crack. He didn't mind, however, seeing as how he smiled larger just to make his Growlithe happy. After a brief moment of playtime with Spunky, Richie began walking towards the Pokémon Center, noticing a small mouse sitting on a young girl's lap, eating a rice ball.

"That Pichu is too familiar," Richie stated, but Spunky already made it his business to see who the Pichu belonged to. After sniffing around the girl for a while, he barked happily. Richie simply walked towards the small group, apologizing for his Growlithe for being so friendly. "I didn't mean for my Pokémon to come towards you like that, ma'am. I promise I'll keep him on a leash." Now getting a closer look at the Pichu, Richie began to notice that this same Pichu resembled Violet's old Pichu. Maybe it was the look in its eyes, or maybe it was the way it acted. Regardless, Richie couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Pardon me ma'am," Richie began, "what is your Pichu's name?"

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post Jul 13 2012, 12:35 AM
Post #5

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Sera was quite surprised when the first thing she saw was someone’s Growlithe, flying in from outside and yipping at her, not in an aggressive way, but instead in a form of greeting. She giggled a little, before patting the Pokemon’s head carefully, almost as if she were afraid that he would suddenly turn and bite her. Of course it wasn’t that likely if it was a trainer’s Pokemon, but one could never be too careful.

“It’s no problem, he’s very friendly.” She commented, continuing to pet Spunky for a few moments more. Spark was slightly startled by the initial bark, but his ears quickly perked up upon seeing Richie walk in. “His name is Spark, I found him when I first came here a couple of weeks ago.” Sera explained, before watching her Pokemon with genuine surprise. “He was being chased around by a Houndour when I found him, so I adopted him after I got him treated.” Her inquisitive nature kicked in, if only for a few moments as she wondered why he would be interested in her Pichu, but perhaps he was just trying to make some conversation.

As he examined the familiar face, Spark was quick to stuff the rest of the rice ball in his tiny mouth, before jumping from Sera’s lap, running up Richie’s side before perching on his shoulder in greeting. In his excitement, he then slid down back onto the ground, offering Spunky a paw in greeting, cheeks sparking with electricity as he became overexcited.

After watching the display, Sera took her eyes from her Pokemon to look up at the stranger. “He really seems to like you...“ Sera noted, wondering if the two could somehow know one another. Spark was a bit shy around strangers, so his sudden change in attitude was rather surprising to the girl, especially if he was comfortable enough to sit on someone else’s shoulder.

“...anyways, my name is Sera. I’m sort of new around these parts, so I haven’t seen you around” she smiled, standing up onto her feet, careful not to step on the two Pokemon greeting one another, before offering her hand to Richie for a handshake. “May I ask for your name?” The least she could do right now was make a new friend, especially if it meant learning a bit more about the city she had been spending the past couple of weeks in.


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PANE RP Character profile: Tikal Faylen: @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 18
Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
PANE Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Tikal Faylen - Furoh Wiki
Uprising Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Sera Taisa - Uprising Wiki
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post Jul 13 2012, 01:14 AM
Post #6

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Uprising Pokemon

Richie was awe-struck. Sparx was back within the city which meant that Violet was still alive. He could find her and bring her back to the Sanctuary to clear her name entirely. Things were beginning to look up for him entirely. He then redirected his attention to Sera, who actually looked like Violet slightly. He was completely off of his game today, but shook it off and returned to his regular stone-faced expression.

"My name is Richie Palmer," he responded, "This Pichu of yours use to belong to one of my friends." Richie simply smiled as the Pichu was reunited with Spunky and the pair began to converse as much as they could. "It's strange, since I never expected to see this Pichu without her around." His mind began to wander again. He began to think about Violet. She was a great friend, someone who he began to develop more than simply friendship feelings for...but that was only because she understood him.

That also was a thing of the past. Richie had to come back to the realization that this girl was not Violet, although her Pichu did belong to her. She was just another civilian who didn't know the truth behind this city. She only knew where she was from...which was a good thing. Richie didn't want her to be hanging around him and get herself into a mess.

"If you're looking for a tour guide," Richie told her. "I''ll be back in a second, I have to grab my watch." Without another word, Richie began to walk off, taking the escalator downstairs twice to reach the base. Not even ten seconds after he did that his phone rang.

"Hello," Richie answered, "hey mom...yes ma'am, I'm doing well...oh Katherine? She's fine...yes ma'am, I'll tell her...I love you too, mom...I miss you too...I'll be back to visit soon...bye." He never could get through a conversation with her without getting a little misty eyed, with today being no different. He grabbed his watch from off of his dresser, slapping it on his wrist and heading back upstairs.

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post Jul 13 2012, 08:54 AM
Post #7

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Upon realizing that he was not going to respond to her handshake, Sera lowered her hand, allowing it to rest on her now free lap. She had no idea that her new companion had belong to someone else, and on top of that, someone he knew. Perhaps it would be possible to find the Pokemon’s owner and return him, but then another thought came to mind.

Why was he out on his own in the first place? No sensible trainer could simply let their Pokemon run around injured for days, or possibly weeks. Sera decided she would inquire later on about this friend of his, wanting to get to know a little more about them, especially why they could let such a young Pokemon get injured.

“Well it’s nice to meet you Richie.” Sera smiled. “And thanks, I’d really appreciate the tour. I’ve been wandering around here more than anything.” She explained, knowing that she never really got that lost or disoriented while trying to traverse the city. Rather, she wanted to see more parts of it that she had yet to see, wanting to know everything about it before she could travel onward to the next town. Mentioning something about a watch, she watched as he hurried down a flight of stairs, vanishing from sight. Sera had never been down to the basement, someone telling her that only certain people were allowed down there. She regretted not having inquired further.

After he had vanished from sight, Sera glanced down and gathered Spark, who had finally settled down. She noticed his almost saddened look, as if he was reminded of what he list. Sera hated seeing her Pokemon sad, especially her Pichu when his big eyes watered. Even Richie’s Growlithe, who had been bouncing around with joy earlier, seemed rather mellow, causing Sera to frown. She realized that they probably missed this friend of theirs, and Richie bringing it up during his explanation simply reminded them of this.

“Don’t worry...” Sera told him, not noticing Richie returning from the basement as she tried to cheer Spark up. Setting him down on the couch, she made an enthusiastic thumbs-up gesture. “I’m sure we’ll find your original owner. You can bet on it!” Almost immediately the Pokemon’s demeanour changed to a more pleasant mood, and as he crawled up onto her shoulder once more, Sera spun around and saw Richie, giving him a smile. “Did you get your watch?”


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PANE RP Character profile: Tikal Faylen: @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 18
Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
PANE Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Tikal Faylen - Furoh Wiki
Uprising Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Sera Taisa - Uprising Wiki
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post Jul 13 2012, 09:24 AM
Post #8

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Uprising Pokemon

Flashing his wrist to show her his sports watch, Richie motioned towards the car that he had placed next to the Pokemon Center. Petting Spunky on his head once more, he walked to his vehicle and let Spunky hop in the back seat, wit the dirt on his paws and everything. He noticed this after his Growlithe kicked up more dirt than usual, placing it all on the seats. Although this aggravated Richie extremely, he still didn't let it show. Well, he thought to himself, that just gives me one more thing to do today... With a sigh, he also opens the door for Sera, waiting on her and her Pichu to get into the car. He began to think to himself about the older times, before this day.

"Daniel," he said while his mind frolicked through his life story, being sure to only include his events within Noverus. Ever since he had gotten here, he made a friend that was taken away. First it was Ramirez, then Daniel, afterwards Katt, and even Violet...somehow, he didn't think that when he saw them, it would be a happy reunion in the least. He already knew the story with Ramirez. He had become the enemy. Richie saw his face every night, taunting him, daring him to give chase. Richie struggled internally with maintaining his composure, clenching his fist and cracking his knuckles in the process. Because of Ramirez...

"Richie," A voice called out to him, making Richie jump and instantly lose his frustration. He heard her. He knew he did. Looking around, Richie saw nothing but fire...fire and falling lumber surrounded him, meaning only one thing...

He remembered it all.

Richie, Katt, and Violet were all sitting inside of a warehouse, tied down and at a disadvantage. This was part of their mission given to them by the higher ups, which was usually a good thing. This mission was a search and rescue, since the last one was a botched attempt and they ran out with their tails between their legs. Richie already knew the severity of this mission and was willing to do whatever it took to succeed. Getting captured was not part of the plan, but it "did" make it easier to get inside of the building.

"What should we do about these three," one Magma asked.

"These kids," the second responded, causing all of them to look kind of aggravated. All of them were older than eleven, so kids must have been for lack of a better term. "Let them stay here. 48 hours of pain oughta teach them not to step onto Magma territory without experiencing the repercussions. With the first Magma walking away, the second simply nodded and walked off. After pulling up a chair, the guard sat down and closed his eyes. The only good thing was the fact that they hid their Poke Balls somewhere for them to always use. The downside: Since they were tied up, no one could reach them.

"This could have gone better," Richie replied, getting a chuckle from both women. Slowly, but surely, he began to wiggle free from the rope, trying to bring it above his head in order to free himself and save his friends. With only one guard watching them, and him being asleep, this would prove to be a successful mission after all. After about ten minutes of moving, the ropes were over his head, and dropped to the ground. Afterwards, he snuck behind the guard, knocking him out and taking the pocket knife he had.

"Richie," Violet hissed as she was more concerned that he would be caught before they got a chance to escape. With Richie cutting her loose, she simply gave Richie the "You better not screw up" look. Richie flashed his usual smile that melted some girls hearts and then cut Katt loose.

"Relax," Richie told her, "I have everything under control."

That's only what he thought...

Snapping back to reality, he jumped into the car, turning it on and waiting on this new girl to get in as well. He felt as if this was going to be a long day, so he prepared himself mentally before anything else.

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post Jul 13 2012, 12:11 PM
Post #9

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Sera picked up Spark as the two hurried off through the sliding doors, and toward the garage, picking up her pace as the two headed toward the parked car. It didn’t take her long to recognize their vehicle as the one that nearly ran her over earlier, leaving Richie to be the careless driver. She shrugged, leaving it in the past as she clambered inside of the vehicle, along with Spunky and Spark.

As she got herself situated inside, Sera heard Richie mumble something, causing her to glance over at him, seeing him in a trace-like state, as if recalling some old memory. She blinked a couple of times in confusion, and then shrugged. Perhaps she did something that caused some old memory to come back to him. Whatever it was, it couldn’t have been a pleasant one, based upon his slight facial and bodily movement. "I wonder what going on in his head... maybe it has to do with that friend which owned Spark before me... I hope I can actually find him, or her, soon enough. Maybe he misses them too..." she pondered

“Hey, are you okay?” Sera asked, having buckled herself in already while waving one of her hands in front of his face to gain his attention. She didn’t want to interrupt him or anything, but she was anxious to get a good look around the city, and he was the only one of the two that could drive. Seeing him return to the conscious world, the girl offered him a smile before relaxing back into her seat, Spark sitting comfortably on her lap, held in by part of the seat belt.

“Is Daniel the name of your friend?” she asked, having heard the name during his earlier mumble. She didn’t want to poke her finger into his old wounds, but her inquisitive nature always seemed to get the best of her. Sera always wanted to know everything, believing knowledge to be power when it came to everyday living. And knowing everything she could would allow her to better understand the world around her. That was part of why she had wanted to pick up on her travels, so that she could learn more about the different places of the world, and better understand why things the way they were.

Remembering his earlier facial expression, she added. “You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want.” After all, she had just met this man, and the last thing she wanted to do was to insult or bother him with things that may or may not be best left alone in the back of the mind. Plus she would be relying on him as her new tour guide of this sprawling city.

This post has been edited by rt117: Jul 13 2012, 12:12 PM


Click above to go to the Party!
PANE RP Character profile: Tikal Faylen: @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 18
Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
PANE Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Tikal Faylen - Furoh Wiki
Uprising Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Sera Taisa - Uprising Wiki
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post Jul 13 2012, 03:16 PM
Post #10

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Uprising Pokemon

(Collab Post.)

Richie slightly twitched at the sound of Daniel's name, giving him an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He kept having flashbacks of their only mission together, realizing how miserably he failed then too. With a sigh, Richie revved the engine and took the car out of park.

"Daniel was my partner," Richie stated, "and we had a mission together a few years ago. Needless to say, it ended badly, since I was the only one of us to return." Sera frowned at the tone of his voice, realizing that it was probably a painful memory.

"...I'm sorry to hear. I could never imagine losing a close friend" she replied in a quieter tone. Sera was already starting to regret asking that last question, and the one that was about to follow. "...Who do you work for, if I may ask?" She didn't see him wearing a uniform, and his mention of a mission made her wonder if he was sided with Team Magma or Team Aqua in this whole mess.

"That information is classified," Richie exclaimed, "if I told you that, then that would be against code 104 in the handbook." He placed his eyes back on the road, driving slowly so Sera could focus more so on the buildings and surroundings and less on his past. The last thing he needed was another person getting tangled up in his web of a life.

"I see..." Sera replied, turning her attention from her driver to the buildings around them. She felt Spark squirm around in her lap, before climbing up onto her shoulder, hugging onto her head so that he too could see the vaguely familiar surroundings around them. "So I take it you've been in this city for a few years?" she questioned, wanting to steer to some cheerier conversation.

"Three so far," Richie nodded, "I actually like it here, minus the constant Magma and Aqua threat...one day that will be a thing of the past and peace will be restored." He made a right turn at the light, allowing her to see more buildings. "What about you? When did you get into Noverus?" Keeping her eyes on the buildings, Sera thought back.

"I’ve been here for just a couple of weeks. I used to live in Fuchsia City, but my family took up travel when I was 16. I worked in the Safari Zone there, probably one of the best jobs I ever took up. Saw tons of rare and cool Pokémon, and got to learn a little about taking care of them too. Someday I want to go back there, but only after I travel the world."

"The world is a big place," Richie told her as he continued to show off the numerous towers that surrounded them. "This is only the Hoenn Region, and there is only one more I'm certain about. I've heard about a fifth region, but I'm not sure that it truly exists yet." Richie paused for a moment before stopping the car at a red light. "Have you heard of or been to the Unova region?"

"Not yet. I went to most of Kanto with my parents, though we couldn't go to Cinnabar Island because the volcano went off. I started touring through Johto when I turned 18, but spent most of my time in Blackthorn City. I arrived here in Hoenn a couple of months ago, but I took a wrong turn and ended up here. I would like to explore a new region though, somewhere with lots of new Pokémon." Sera explained with a grin. "Ever since I was in Blackthorn though, I've always dreamed about become a Dragon Trainer, even though Dragon Pokémon are the hardest to train. I haven't given up though, especially with Ryu at my side."

"Ryu," Richie asked, becoming more intrigued now than he ever was before. "I have a Riolu named Ryu." Richie chuckled to himself before the light turned green. "Small world," he stated before making a second right turn and stopping at a large building.

"Ryu is my Dratini. I got the name after reading a few books on Dragon Pokémon. It's supposed to be an ancient word that means 'Dragon'" Sera explained with a smile, before pulling out her Poké ball. "I met her when I worked at the Safari Zone. Unfortunately most of our training hasn't been battle related, and since I've met so few trainers on my journey, I haven't had much practice in real battles. I was hoping to change that when I found this place." she smiled, gaining a somewhat dreamy look on her face as she imagined herself battling like a real trainer.

"I could battle you if you want," Richie told her, "it would be a way for you to get a full understanding of how a battle goes." Richie put the car in park and got out, waiting for Sera to follow suit.

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post Jul 14 2012, 12:21 AM
Post #11

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"You mean that?" Sera asked, a little surprised that he would offer her such an opportunity. For him it probably wasn't a big deal, but for Sera it was a chance she had been hoping on since she began to travel on her own. She had battled a few times against weaker Pokemon, but a true challenge was what she and her Pokemon needed, especially since the weaker wild Pokemon she had encountered never seemed to put up much of a fight for her team. And if she wanted to become a Dragon trainer, she would need to ensure that her team had lots of training.

Sera had hoped during her solo travels that she could have encountered at least one other trainer willing to battle, but since she was never one to really consider traveling by road, no guess was needed as to her problem. She hated having to travel the roads anyway, as she saw so little wildlife compared to the deep lush forests. However in the city, it was nothing but paved roads. That was part of why she enjoyed the park, as it was the closest to nature one could get within the city, without going outside of the city of course.

Time and time again she had worried during her travels that she would encounter some danger, which would be too strong for her Pokemon to protect her. Even a scenario involving the total wipe of her team bothered her. This was why she had started to take the idea of training her Pokemon more seriously, so that not only could they protect themselves and her, but so that they could protect the weak and innocent, to become heroes of some sort. And from all the rumors she had overheard during her time in the city, she could not take any chances.

Looking out at their surroundings once more, Sera felt herself get flung forward slightly as the vehicle came to a stop. "What are we doing here?" she questioned, jumping out of the car and following him out as she fixed her hair, Spark still sitting on her shoulder as she exited the vehicle. She had expected that they wouldn't practice until much later, not now. However sooner would be better, as a battle during the day would be much easier to carry out than one at dusk, or well after the sun had set.

This post has been edited by rt117: Jul 14 2012, 12:28 AM


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post Jul 14 2012, 10:13 AM
Post #12

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Uprising Pokemon

Richie walked towards the extremely tall building with the Poke ball on the front of it. He looked back at Sera and noticed that she had stopped and was looking confused. He heard her ask where they were headed, but forgot to answer until now.

"I'm going to give you a tour," Richie began, "of Noverus' shopping mall." He proceeded to walk through the door, but he stopped to see if she was following him. "Unless you just want to battle right now." Staring off into space again, he began thinking back to when he first came to the mall. Him and Ramirez came to give Richie a new look. Long hair was out, and short hair was in. Richie went to the barber, cut his long hair, and made it short and spiky. If Richie couldn't thank Ramirez for anything else, he could thank him for that. But that still didn't make up for what happened...

With Richie, Katt, and Violet all trying to find a way to escape, each exit looked like the last: filled with Magma operatives and only one way out. Getting rather aggravated at the situation that they were in, Richie stopped dead in his tracks. Utterly confused, Katt and Violet both looked at him.

"Why'd you stop," Katt asked impatiently.

"Yeah," Violet added, "we have to get out of here Richie."

"He's here," Richie replied, leaving a perplexed look on both Katt and Violet's faces. Suddenly, Richie ducked an incoming punch, leaped over a sweep kick, and returned with two punches of his own, both being blocked. Having his wrist grabbed, Richie was slung over the attacker's shoulders, dropping to the floor.

"What the hell, Palmer," a voice responded, causing Richie's eyes to immediately soften.

"Ramirez," Richie sighed. It was just him. A friend who was there to help.

Now he could escape this hellhole of a warehouse and complete the mission.

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post Jul 14 2012, 01:23 PM
Post #13

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"Nah, there will be time later to battle, plus I'm sure I can wait." Sera grinned, catching up to Richie, and walking past him as she made her way toward the large building. However as she noticed he was no longer following, she paused and turned, noticing that he was daydreaming once again. Shaking her head lightly, Sera smiled. "Though at this rate we'll never get to battle before sundown." she commented, walking back over to him.

"I wonder if he always does this... maybe seeing Spark made him remember something..." Sera thought, continuing to wait until he finished his thoughts. Waiting for what felt like forever, she skipped off to the front of the building, examining the directory that had been posted beside the doors. She could at least find out what this place had to offer while Richie was in his little dream world. Suddenly Sera caught a whiff of something sweet in the air, causing her to glance around for the source of the delicious smell. Spark caught the scent as well, his ears perking up as he quickly became familiar with the smell.

Long ago, he and Violet would come to the mall on a weekly basis, to treat her entire team to some of the delicious baked goods they sold just outside of the mall. The street vendor had been rather generous, allowing Violet to pay only a portion of the price so that she could treat all of her Pokemon to his specialty: a sweet puffy pastry with an Oran berry cream in the center. And so that had become a tradition that he looked forward to.

Knowing where the vendor was, Spark raced down from Sera’s shoulder, scurrying off toward the vehicle parked not too far away, waving his small arms to Sera. The girl was quick to catch up, soon finding that the vendor’s pastries were the source of the smell. She glanced down at Spark, who was giving her the same look he gave other Pokemon when using Charm. Never could she say no to that face. Checking her funds, she figured that she had just enough for herself, her Pokemon, and both Richie and his Growlithe.

Thanking the man as they made the exchange, she gave one of the small pastries to Spark, before heading back over to Richie. “Hopefully he’s snapped out of it by now.” She thought out loud, as they hurried back over to the front of the mall, where he was standing.


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PANE RP Character profile: Tikal Faylen: @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 18
Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
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Uprising Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Sera Taisa - Uprising Wiki
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post Jul 14 2012, 02:37 PM
Post #14

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Uprising Pokemon

Richie looked up and noticed that Sera had returned with three pastries in her hand. When did she leave, Richie asked himself, forgetting that he completely zoned out once again. Then he noticed that she only had three pastries. At least until he looked down and saw the Pichu stuffing his cheeks with the pastry, leaving blue filling to cover his mouth. Chuckling to himself, Richie waited for Sera to fully return to where he and Spunky were. Spunky yipped happily as he jumped around and chased his tail, waiting for Sera to come back.

"Obviously," Richie began, "Spunky has really taken a liking to you. Then again, he knows friendly people when he sees them." Spunky continued to bark cheerfully as they came closer. With him now half paying attention, Richie was able to thumb through the files that he was given by his superiors. Placing the headphones in his ears, Richie listened to the vocal recording placed on the micro SD card.

"Greetings, Initiate Palmer," the voice said into Richie's ear drums, making him turn the volume down slightly, "I take it that if you are listening to this message, then you have been informed about your former friends and Rebels." There was a pause for a brief moment before the briefing continued.

"Your mission is not a simple one...not because of it's amount of danger, but because of the situation you have been put in. It is required of you to locate and interrogate ex-Rebel Gregory Ramirez II to discover how much intel he has been funneling to his superiors about us. We need to know if he gave them the location to the Sanctuary, and if he did, then we need to have all of our defenses placed around the perimeter ASAP.

I know that Ramirez is your friend, Palmer, but in this firm, you have to make a choice between friendship and freedom. It sounds harsh, but that's the life that you have chosen, or rather, the one you have been shoved into. Be warned now, Palmer: you may still see Ramirez as your friend, but he sees you as the enemy. He will not hesitate to attack you if need be. Take the utmost caution on this mission and do not be hesitant to call in for backup.

One last thing, Palmer,"
Richie was listening exceptionally carefully to this next part to make sure he didn't miss anything. "Any friends you make along the way cannot and will not become a part of the Rebellion anymore. If you want them to live a carefree life, keep them in the dark about everything that has been going on for as long as you can...I don't want to see you become someone bent on strictly revenge. That's not what we stand for. As Rebels, we fight against the tyranny of both Magma and Aqua, mainly Magma for right now. Leave your personal grudges out of the mission." With a click and several beeps afterwards, Richie realized the transmission was now over. Placing his cell phone back within his pocket, headphones and all, Richie looked around the shopping mall with total awe.

The shopping mall was amazingly large on the inside, which meant the outside only told half of the story. Numerous stores that included a basic trainer store, clothing department, several restaurants, and a skating rink to entertain numerous numbers of people. Around the water fountain, some young skaters could be seen trying to cover their faces with their hoods.

"I bet you won't snatch that girl's Pichu," one of them whispered to the other.

"You're on," the second exclaimed, circling around the fountain like a hungry vulture. Things were about to get rather interesting...

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post Jul 14 2012, 09:55 PM
Post #15

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“I figured I’d bring you guys a treat.” Sera smiled, offering one of the pastries. However he seemed to preoccupy himself with something on his phone, causing Sera to let out a small sigh. At least Spunky was paying attention, noticing that he was looking at one of her pastries. She had the others stored away for the rest of her Pokemon, so with a smile she knelt down beside the energetic Growlithe.

“I bet you would love one of these.” The girl grinned, extending her hand out, the pastry resting on her palm as she allowed Spunky to devour the pastry, and lick her hand clean. She gave him a brief pat on the head, before shoving the second pastry into Richie’s hand, gesturing to him that he could eat it, as she did her own.

Sera waited for Richie to finish whatever it was he was listening to as they headed into the massive building, Sera having to stop to glance around in awe at all of the stores surrounding them. Everything was made available, from food, to clothing, to Pokemon accessories, and so on. It seemed like there wasn’t anything they wouldn’t carry. A few meters ahead of them was a dazzling water fountain, shooting crystal clear water up into the air. It was obviously a rather popular hangout spot, as there were a number of kids standing around, talking to one another.

“This place is amazing! It could compete with Goldenrod or Celadon’s stores!” Sera gasped, Richie having finally removed the ear buds from his ears, and put his phone away. Spark followed behind closely, though with all of the people around them, he had become quite alert to his surroundings. Ears twitching and moving in every direction, he quickly raced up her back to rest on Sera’s shoulder once more, attempting to clean the blue berry juice from around his mouth.

“So where should we start? This place seems almost too big to cover in one day.” Sera noted, heading over to another one of the directories, which was just in front of the fountain. As they approached, Spark hopped down on the ledge of the fountain, pawing at the water with both of his hands to try and clean himself a little better, then staring at his own reflection in the rippling waters. Dozens upon dozens of coins could be seen just past the surface of the water, left there by people who wished for good luck.


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PANE RP Character profile: Tikal Faylen: @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 18
Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
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Uprising Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Sera Taisa - Uprising Wiki
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post Jul 14 2012, 10:45 PM
Post #16

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Uprising Pokemon

With a swipe of his hands, the second young skater had grabbed Spark, dashing madly towards the left side exit. Richie, not knowing exactly what the young man took, simply took off after him, letting Spunky chase after as well. Just now realizing that he had one of the pastries in his hand, Richie took it and threw it as hard as he could at the skater's head. With a loud splat, the pastry covered the back of the kid's head, and hurt him slightly. Without thinking, he stopped and turned around, only to see a very angry Richie storming after him. Almost like how deer get caught in head lights, the young skater was stuck staring at Richie barreling forward until...

BAM! Richie knocked the trainer over, which sent Spark into the air. While it wasn't very high, it was still high enough for a Pokemon like Spark to be startled. Catching him within both of his hands, Richie made sure that Spark was properly cushioned so that he could prevent the young Pichu from being harmed.

"I'm surprised that he didn't use Thunder Wave," Richie replied to himself, placing Spark on Spunky's back. "Take him to that girl we met today named Sera." With a nod, Spunky walked to Sera with Spark in tow, growling at anyone or anything that wasn't her. Meanwhile, Richie looked at the young trainer that he knocked onto the ground, glaring at him to basically try and make the kid say something.

"I don't want any trouble, dude," the skater replied. Holding up his hands in surrender. Richie, who was rather agitated at the fact that this young punk just tried to steal a Pokemon, claimed that he doesn't want trouble. "I was dared by those other guys over there." Pointing towards the fountain where the other skater punks were watching, the young man on the floor began shaking terribly.

"You cold, kid," Richie asked, looking at the other skaters as he asked this. Looking back, Richie noticed the skater shaking his head no in response. "Then quit shivering." Now making it his business to teach the other punks a lesson, Richie stormed towards the small group of them, consisting of about five. They all looked at him and got extremely quiet. Richie simply pointed to the young man that he tackled while still looking at them.

"What about 'im," The one in the front asked. "Did he do something illegal?"

"Did you dare him to steal a Pokemon," Richie asked, making everyone become uneasy. Richie already knew that he did, but it would make him become less aggressive if he nodded yes. With a lack of an answer, Richie moved closer to the skater, who looked sheepishly at Richie's dark stare. "Answer my question, 'dude'." The skater nodded, trying to make sure he didn't get himself injured. "Next time you do that, I won't be so nice, got it?" All of them nodded, including the one he knocked onto the ground. Regaining himself, Richie walked towards Sera, Spunky, and Spark. "Let's look around, shall we?"

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post Jul 15 2012, 12:06 AM
Post #17

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Sera was rather bewildered as someone suddenly ran past her, nearly knocking her off her feet as they snatched something right by her. It took her a few moments to realize that her Pichu had been stolen, and as this dawned on her, she immediately sprung to her feet. Looking a little lost at first, a mixed expression of fear and anger passing over her face as she stared daggers at the kid's back. How dare he try to steal her Pokemon? This had been what she was afraid of, feeling like she was unable to do anything as someone got away with such an act, as if she were helpless in the matter.

“GET BACK HERE!” she shouted, nearly screaming as she started to run after the kid, only to find Richie passing her fairly quickly. She came to a halt as she saw him take out the kid through his collision, worry clear on her face as she watched Spark sail through the air, only to be barely caught by Richie, and sent back with Spunky. She could see on his face that Spark was terrified of what had just happened, paws over his eyes, and cheeks sparking with electricity. Sera rushed over to the pair and hugged Spark right off of the ground, holding the Mouse Pokemon fairly tight.

Unfortunately for Sera, with Spark’s eyes closed he interpreted the tight hug as being stolen once again by one of the kids. With sparks flashing from his cheeks, he finally released the stored power, shocking Sera with a Thundershock in the process. This time it was Sera who became startled, blinking a couple of times in surprise.

“...Spark... it’s me...” Sera groaned, releasing the baby Pokemon from the tight grasp, so that he could see who was holding him. Upon opening his eyes, Spark grinned slightly and scratched the back of his head with an apologetic smile. Sera managed to smile back, though she could still feel her heart race from nearly losing her poor Pokemon. To her, Richie seemed fairly calm about everything that had just occurred as he was walking back over to him, but it was clear from her eyes that Sera was still scared stiff, though she soon relaxed into a more easy state as he came close again.

“Thank you so much!” Sera told him, more than grateful for his action. “Spark’s been through so much already... I don’t know what I’d do to think of him being thrown back into some awful situation.”

This post has been edited by rt117: Jul 15 2012, 12:06 AM


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post Jul 15 2012, 12:29 AM
Post #18

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Richie blushed at how he was being made out to be a hero. All he did was stop a couple of skaters from stealing what didn't belong to them. Nothing too major, really. He noticed how Sera was still kind of sparking, which probably came from Spark going a little overboard on her. The really surprising part was the fact that Spunky didn't get hit. Looking to his left, he noticed that all of the skaters had left, including the one who tried to actually take the Pichu, making him breathe easily. With less people like that around, Richie could give a tour and not have to worry about anything else. Escorting her towards the escalator, Richie began to feel like an actual tour guide, giving Sera the grand tour of the building.


"You sure it was him," a Magma Grunt asked. His mid-length black hair moved out of his stone black eyes. All of the skater kids nodded, making the Grunt scoff in disbelief. "Unbelievable. This is why you never send boys to do a man's job." Cracking his knuckles, the Grunt signaled for two Recruits to follow him. Both nodded, walking behind their leading officer towards the upstairs floor.

"Why don't we just take those skate rats' Pokemon instead," One of the recruits asked.

"Because they don't have any to take," The grunt answered. "And that Pichu belongs to a prisoner that is currently in our custody. We aren't going to cause a scene, just grab the girl and the guy and leave." Both recruits nodded before looking at each other and smiling darkly. Things were looking up for them.

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post Jul 15 2012, 12:55 AM
Post #19

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To ensure that a further incident didn’t occur, Sera made sure to keep Spark within her arms so that nobody else could take him away. It was obvious that Spark wasn’t too pleased by being held down in that manner, but his squirming didn’t get him any closer to freedom. So hanging on he went along for the ride, as Richie and Sera took their own tour of the massive mall.

For the most part, Sera was able to compare this mall to the ones she had visited in both Johto and Kanto. She had heard that somewhere in a city called Lilycove City within the Hoenn region, there was a massive mall, making her wonder if every region had its own giant marketplace. It would have been interesting to Sera if each mall was different somehow, though the variety tended to be more in the view from the rooftop.

Still, Noverus’ mall was beautiful regardless, making her somewhat glad that she could actually spend enough time in the city to explore it more, rather than staying a couple of days before moving on. As time progressed and more of the mall was covered, Sera made sure to check on Spark, who seemed to have recovered from the earlier capture. However she noticed that he kept looking around, as if afraid that someone was going to take him again. Reaching the entrance they had originally taken, she patted him on the head.

“You might feel a little better if you got in here.” She told him, pulling out his Pokeball for him, though he shook his head, wiggled free from her grasp and perched on her shoulder. She had noticed his dislike toward staying in the Pokeball, which she figured meant that he was too used to his freedom. Despite his dislike she had managed to convince him on several occasions to get in, but she had figured that by letting him stay out more, that he would warm up to her quicker. This seemed to be true from what she could decipher.

“So, do you think we could have that practice battle before the sun completely sets?” Sera asked, nodding toward the skyline, or rather what could be seen between the neighbouring buildings. The sky was slowly sinking into darkness, as the orb of light was sinking below the buildings before them, slowly creeping out of sight. It would only be a couple of hours until it got completely dark out anyways, and Sera had been looking forward to her first battle during the entire tour.


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PANE RP Character profile: Tikal Faylen: @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 18
Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
PANE Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Tikal Faylen - Furoh Wiki
Uprising Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Sera Taisa - Uprising Wiki
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post Jul 15 2012, 01:32 AM
Post #20

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Uprising Pokemon

"Of course," Richie stated, "fortunately, this mall has the one thing that the others don't which is an indoor dojo." Leading her towards the battle facility, Richie began to crack his neck in anticipation. "It's been a while since I've battled, but I think I remember how this place is set up. Depending on the season, the arena will use different terrain. Since it's summer, I'm pretty sure it would have a beach like lay out right about now." Richie knocked on the door of the building, walking inside afterwards. Sure enough, the floor of the room was made of sand, leaving the outer edges to show plenty of water and the last little bit of sunlight. Richie grinned widely as he stared and admired the scenery. He allowed Sera to step inside and see exactly what he used to see on a daily basis. The room never changed. He saw everything just like he remembered it. The walls were so chameleon like, changing with the time and seasons as well as the weather. He kept thinking back, which made him begin to reminisce again. He kept a very large smile on his face, seeing as how he and Violet used to come here to become better Rebels than they already were. He also remembers himself and Katt coming here for "alone time"...then his fantasy twisted...

Ramirez, half startled, half relieved, helped Richie up to his feet, who dusted himself off and gave Ramirez a hug(a rather manly hug). After letting Ramirez go, he simply looked around to see if he was trailed.

"Man am I glad to see you, Ramirez," Richie exclaimed, hoping that his friend would and could say the same thing. "We need an escape route, and fast. We really don't have the time to hear your wisecracks either, so please just save it for when we all get back to base."

"Richie," Ramirez mumbled, grasping the young Rebel's attention entirely, "I'm not going back...I'm a member of Team Magma now." Richie, Katt and Violet all looked at him, awestruck and non believing, but only Richie laughed and took it as a joke.

"Okay, see," Richie chortled as he patted Ramirez on the back, "that's one of those wisecracks I was asking you to hold onto." Richie looked at Violet and Katt, who, instead of laughing with him, were both glaring at Ramirez. Richie, finally getting the picture, looked at Ramirez, who in turn, looked away from the three of them. "It isn't true..." Richie grabbed Ramirez by his collar aggressively, giving Ramirez his tearful rage. "Tell me and them that it isn't true. Say it right now." Ramirez sighed, grabbing Richie by his wrist and pushing him away.

"Unfortunately," Ramirez responded, "it is true...I'm no longer a Rebel, Richie...I'm sorry." Without another word, Ramirez left the three of them, just standing there. His eyes no longer able to hold the tears back, Richie simply collapsed onto the floor. The very man that he was trying to save, simply sided with the same people that did the most damage to him? Why? His friends would never leave him stranded, never leave him needing or anything like that. But it didn't matter...he'd get his for turning his back.

Walking towards another small group, Ramirez looks behind him at the other three Magmas

"What are the commander's orders," One of them asked as Ramirez simply stared off into space. He paused for a moment, stating very clearly the next five words.

"...Burn it to the ground..."

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