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Llewellyn "Llew" Cassius Haydn, secondcharacterfinallyuplolol
post Jan 22 2011, 10:31 PM
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Name: Llewellyn "Llew" Haydn
Age: 18
Hometown: Hearthome City, Sinnoh

Appearance: Llewellyn has a rather small body frame; he's not exactly lean, but he is barely toned. His stomach is quite nice, but other than that, he isn't toned and is rather weak. He stands at 5'6" and weighs roughly at 136 lbs. He has a medium-long face, and his chin is thin, his jaws subtle. He has light grey, almond shaped eyes that contain a hint of a lavender hue. His hair is a light violet, bordering on heliotrope; the actual hair falls to his shoulders and curls softly to his left, making him look very asymmetrical. His face is free from any facial hair, as it seems he lacks that beard-gene, so he doesn't grow beards quickly at all. He has pale skin, though considerably fairer than his sister's.

Llewellyn's favourite colour is, obviously, purple, and this shows in how he dresses. His choice outfit consists of a cuffed, long sleeve, dark violet button up shirt with a crisp and usually-starched collar. Over this is an amethyst, fully cotton sweater vest that's just the right size. The vest has several interlocking diamonds on the front, alternating from reddish blue to bluish red and so on, finishing with reddish blue. He wears black, nice pants and black shoes that have soft purple laces. 

Llew wears several pieces of expensive jewellery, if only to show how rich he is. He has more than five necklaces, made out of diamond, that he alternates every other day. Multiple rings that are amethyst encrusted decorate his right hand, though the most expensive is on the left hand, on his index finger. He owns a lot of bracelets, ranging from diamond to gold to any-metal-under-the-sun. His favourite is a thin diamond one that resembles string and is tinted ever so slightly purple.

He has a bag, though he doesn't carry it often. It's just a dark, deep purple messenger bag that looks extremely expensive and worthy to steal. 

Personality: Llewellyn Cassius Haydn gets everything he wants and things he doesn't want. He grew up surrounded by luxurious items and thus cherishes material objects rather than actual friendship or silly things like that. He's rather stuck up, thinking he's better than everyone and that everyone should listen to him. He doesn't sugar coat things and, contrasting his own personality, he isn't afraid to yell at those he believes are lower than him socially. He rarely is seen smiling – rather smirking – genuinely. Yet, despite all the bad traits, he can be surprisingly trustworthy – as long as it’s not during a bet.

However, he is, to put it blunt, a cry-baby. Every little thing upsets him — from not getting his way to being scared to getting yelled at to getting his credit cards rejected, plus everything else in between. His biggest fears are bugs and losing his sister (no matter how mean she can be at times), and whenever he's reminded of such things, he holes himself away for some while until he can't cry anymore. Because of his naturally mean nature, his only friends are his pokémon, most notably his Minccino, Treble, who makes sure that his trainer is always as happy as he can be. This doesn’t always work. He may be gone forever, locked away forever, torrents of tears streaming down his face. He doesn’t like people seeing him cry, and he often darts away, no matter how rude it may seem.

He enjoys music, especially classical music. Llewellyn likes to play the violin; however, he is not very pleasing to the ear. He is always told that he is the best ever, though. He doesn’t take well to criticism, as one might see, and prefers praise over anything.

Biography: When one thinks of Hearthome City, one is reminded of how lush and expensive everything looks. The Poffin House and Pokémon Fan Club attract a lot of tourists, pumping money into the city's economy. The Contest Hall draws in an enormous number of aspiring coordinators to either let them realise their dreams or crush it in a single round. Amity Park and the large fountain are nice décor, adding to the expensive look the city gives off. 

One would expect all the rich to be drawn here, and the Haydn family was no different. 

Roberto Haydn had lived in Hearthome a long time with his parents; like the gym leader Fantina, the family was practically swimming in cash. Roberto's ancestors had extensive amounts of money invested in highly successful companies when they had just started out, such as Silph Co., Devon Corporation, and the Pokétch Company. Over the years, they've hoarded and soon became in the top percentage of rich folks in all of Sinnoh. 

Roberto chose a wife that wasn't as rich as him, but still she had money, not to mention she was quite the looker. Julia Haydn was welcomed into the family, and not long after the expensive wedding, twins were born: Llewellyn and Gilbert Haydn. 

Their names are actually quite a funny story. Just after the birth of their children, the Haydn's gave their children names — the male was Gilbert, and the female was Llewellyn. However, the nurses were very incompetent and mixed the names up. Llewellyn became the boy's name, Gilbert the girl's. Their parents didn't notice until a few months later, and by then, it was too late. 

Not that anyone would dare make fun of Llewellyn for having an extremely girly name though — oh wait, they did. Even in kindergarten, a pack of five and six year olds would have their way with the poor boy until his much stronger willed sister stepped in. When Llew came home one day with torn clothes and paint all over him, that's when they pulled them from school and hired the best tutors and teachers to homeschool them. 

At this point in time, the twins had already been sufficiently spoiled. But, when they spent all their time at home and away from society (save rich parties), they were given even more things. "No" would never have been said to them — if one of the nannies even said no to them, the nanny in question would be fired the next day. In fact, the children were so spoiled that they were given pokémon from a faraway land, called Unova, when they were around six. Llewellyn was given a Minccino; since he was just beginning to learn the violin, the pokémon was aptly named Treble. The Minccino was spoiled as well, given ribbons and lots of other things that he began to love. It soon grew to be Llew's best friend, trailing everywhere behind him or on a shoulder. 

It was about that time that the Haydn parents began to focus on gaining even more money and also boosting their social status. Llewellyn was left in the dark. Prior to this time, he had been a momma's boy. Now Julia didn't want to be seen with him when they were out and even when they stayed at home, which was rare. It destroyed his little mind and he begged and begged to be with her. To make him more or less shut up, she gave both he and Gil two more pokémon from that far away land. They both got a Zorua (Llew named his own Calamity) and Llew got a Klink, naming it Nova. Although these two weren't as close as Treble to their trainer, they would never be separated. Llew grew up lonely and without much human interaction. 

When the twins were eleven, their parents got invited to a party. That wasn't unusual, but the family hosting it had just moved into the city. 

QUOTE(The Party / Meeting Rachelle)
Treble clung to Llewellyn's shoulder as he stood nervously next to his hardy sister, Gilbert. They've never been in the house. Granted, it wasn't as large as theirs, but it was still large enough for them to get lost in. That's exactly what they had done. Gil had wanted to explore the house, solely to see if they were as rich as the Haydn's, but she hadn't banked on getting lost. At the moment, they were standing at the end of a long hallway. The floors were granite — tch, marble was so much better — and the walls had portraits of the family's ancestors. At the end there was a rather large painting of presumably the family: a mom, a dad, and a little girl in the middle, who was a bit chubby.  

Llew jumped when there was a snippy, foreign sounding voice behind them. They both swivelled around to find the same little girl from the picture, looking rather annoyed. She snapped at them in an unknown language, one that sounded very prim yet congested at the same time. 

Gil eventually grew annoyed at this and retorted back in a pompous voice, "Why aren't you speaking our language — the right language?" Llew shook his head and his Minccino wrinkled its nose. 

The girl stopped suddenly and blinked. "... What did you just say to me?" she asked, flicking her short black hair back, raising an eyebrow. 

"Oh good you can speak our language. What's your name?" asked Gil, glaring creepily at her. Llew took a step back, hiding halfway behind his sister. 

The girl wrinkled her nose, shoving her hands on her hips. She did a small pose and announced, "I am Rachelle-Anne Lafourcade-Hauchecorne, and I am eight years old!"

The Haydn twins stared at her before Gil promptly started laughing. "And I'm Gilbert Alleen Haydn. This is my twin brother, Llewellyn Cassius Haydn, and we're eleven years old!" She laughed again, but softer.

The other girl huffed, sticking her tongue out. "But I'm better than you two!"

There was a short pause before Gil and Rachelle grinned at each other. Llewellyn gave a really small smile. It was the start of a beautiful friendship between all three of them.

Llew was still just as quiet over the years, but he progressively became bossier and bossier. It got to the point where only Gil and maybe Rachelle were the only ones who could make him do something. He was still a huge crybaby though. He normally stayed up in his room, playing with his pokémon. When he was around fifteen, he decided to check out the Contest Hall in more depth. He had been there before but he never stayed long enough to see the end. When he did, he was amazed. He wanted that ribbon so badly. He went home that night and began training Treble to take part in this glorifying concept called contests. 

He put on a fake show for a few of the nannies and his parents, and they realised that he was absolutely terrible at it. They escorted him to the contest hall, armed with money. Before the show, as Llew was backstage getting ready, the nannies, as instructed, paid the judges all of the money — which was a considerable hefty sum. That night, Llewellyn won the contest, and Treble cherished that ribbon. Llewellyn never found out that his parents paid for that win. 

He continued to train Treble in the art of coordinating, but he never got any better at it. He mostly stayed up in his room, as he did before, but now he was putting on mock contests for his two other pokémon. They cheered him on no matter what. 

When he was eighteen, he got dragged into a bet by his sister.

QUOTE(The Tea Party)
Llewellyn sat contentedly at the table, Treble in an entirely different chair next to him, as if he were a person of his own. The table was set so nicely. Rachelle and Gilbert were there as well. This small party of their own — taking place in the Haydn's lush backyard — was quite dapper, something that became part of a weekend. It was a celebration of sorts, though they weren't really celebrating anything in particular.

It was a bright, clear day, late noon. An array of Mr. Mimes stood on guard with little bow ties to wait on hand and foot for the three. Some held trays laden with different kinds of cakes, others held trays with various cakes, others held nothing at all. It was pretty quiet as the people sat down and gave off sighs of relaxation.

"Oh, I heard something about a new region," said Gil, taking a drink from a tray and sipping daintily at it.

Rachelle, in the middle of shoving a lemon cake into her mouth hungrily looked up with Llew. "Ah, luike Uhnoha?" she asked, mouth full. She took a moment to swallow the cake, taking a drink out of her own glass to wash it down. The Haydn boy kept his mouth shut, but he shared glances with his Minccino, uncertain glances. 

Gil nodded matter-of-factly. "Yup! It's called Furoh. I wonder if they have any new pokémon..."

Llewellyn spoke up then. "I bet they do!" He gave off a small grin, Treble nodding with him.

"Min!" he chirped, stuffing a cake into his mouth.

"Well!" said Rachelle, holding up a finger, "we should go check it out... I mean, I bet they have tons of hot guys too!" She giggled then, stopping only to take another drink.

There was a small silence; Gilbert broke it. "And contests too." Her eyes sparkled slightly as the corners of her mouth twitched up. "Why don't we get a little bet going, huh bro?" 

Llew blinked, not expecting that to be directed at him. His eyes grew somewhat hard. "... Who... Can get the ribbons first? I wonder how many there are... I'll win, of course, I mean... I've already won here... Right, Treble?" The Minccino once again nodded and pulled the ribbon off of his ear, showing it proudly to everyone, even though they both had seen it already.

Rachelle rolled her eyes. "Oh come on! Euh, I will win!"

"... So everyone's in. Excellent!" said Gil, leaning back in her white wooden chair slightly. "Whoever wins..."

"Gets bragging rights and unlimited everything!" shouted Rachelle. Llew and Gil stared incredulously at her.

"... No," the twins said simultaneously. Gil continued, "How about...the losers have to be the winner's servants for a month?"

Rachelle straight up laughed. Wiping a tear from her eye, she said, "Oh oui! Perfect! You will wait on me and get me everything!" She laughed again, quite pleased with herself. 

Llew huffed. "No, I'm definitely gonna win now!" Treble nodded — habit. 

Gil chuckled. "Then... Off to Furoh we go!"

And they set out, pockets full of money and best wishes from their parents...who were at a party at Llew's time of departure. He cried. 

Starting Pokemon:

Treble • Minccino • Sassy Male
Cute Charm • LV. 7
Pound • Growl • Helping Hand

Treble is a rather...insistent pokémon. He likes to get things he wants as quickly as possible and most certainly will throw a fit if he doesn't. He's prim and proper and more of a man than his trainer. He likes to be clean, and for that reason, he's a neat freak. He's known for cleaning up and fussing with the maids, redoing what they've cleaned if he believes they've done it wrong. He refuses to be inside a pokéball, but if he must, he has a premier ball, like his comrades. He never leaves Llewellyn's side (if he did, Llew would seriously cry forever). 

Calamity • Zorua • Brave Female
Illusion • LV. 7
Scratch • Leer • Pursuit

Calamity is, also, more of a man than Llew. She's a curious little bugger who doesn't ever take no for an answer. She likes exploring everything there is and usually gets in quite a lot of trouble. She enjoys destroying things that aren't hers, mostly Gil's stuff, hence her name. Her favourite thing to disguise herself is a Shuppet or Gastly, as she can male herself invisible and play pranks on others. She is usually the first one to charge into battle. 

Nova • Klink • Modest
Plus • LV. 6
ViceGrip • Charge

Nova isn't like Llew's other pokémon — it's a quiet type. It's also extremely laid back and doesn't ask for a lot of things. It enjoys playing with electrical sockets and has a chiming laugh, though it's not really a laugh. Despite this, it doesn't look forward to using electric-type attacks. Often, it will tell jokes to itself — one gear to another — and laugh. Treble and Nova will be unamused, mostly because the jokes are extremely lame. 

  • Luxury Ball x 4
  • Hyper Potion x 6
  • Max Revive x 3
  • Revive x 5
  • Tissue package x 3
  • Change of clothes x 2
  • PokéGear x 1 (cards: Map, Phone, Radio, Calculator, Violin tuner)
  • Credit Card x 4
  • Violin x 1

What is the biscuit's name? The answer is... Waldorf!
Other Notes:
— Small things in the biography may change, since Gilbert is Haunted's character and he's not online ):
— Rachelle is Darkrow's character, who will be joining the rp soon as well


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