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Scott Carson
post Sep 28 2013, 11:09 PM
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Will be updated periodically to take into account new team members and evolutions.

~Sorry if the biography is a little long, I like to make it somewhat detailed.

Name: Scott Carson
Age: 17
Hometown: Currently none (formerly the Loch Ranch area)- details in bio section

Partner- Amber Harrison

Appearance: Scott is tall and thin, with a height in the area of 6 feet but a weight of merely 130 pounds. He has brown hair that he usually likes to keep at a moderate length, and which is usually fairly straight but occasionally curls towards the tips when the hair is getting too long. His eyes are an icy blue in color, and they sometimes may make him look less friendly than he actually is.

As for his clothing, he generally wears a simple t-shirt and either cargo or gym shorts. During the wintertime his clothing changes very little, with only the addition of a light jacket even when there is snow on the ground. His shirts are usually a plain brown or gray color with no markings on them, and his cargo shorts are the same, while his gym shorts are usually black. He also wears a pair of plain grey and white running shoes.

In addition, because of the events detailed in the bio section, he has a very large, noticeable scar on his right arm, running from his elbow all the way to his shoulder.

Personality: Scott is usually a quiet guy. He doesn't like to show emotions very often, and it is difficult to get him angry and likewise relatively hard to please him as well (unless you are a good cook- his stomach sometimes controls his actions, and his Pokemon have picked up this personality trait of his as well). In battle against a strong opponent he likes to leave his Pokemon to their own devices, letting them figure out the best plans of attack and defense while giving them tips and occasionally telling them what to do when they get stuck in a bad situation. He is very sensitive about abusive Trainers, however, and doesn't like seeing anyone (human or Pokemon) getting hurt needlessly. As a result, battling isn't his favorite thing in the world, although he enjoys casual battles and is more than willing to dish out pain to any abusive Trainers he finds.

Biography: Most of Scott's life can be seen as rather dull. He grew up in Hearthome City, Sinnoh, with a pair of rich parents and a bunch of equally rich friends. However, he was a mere B student in school and really didn't care much for wealth. His parents noticed this, and they all decided to move to Furoh when Scott finished basic schooling at age 10. Scott was gifted his eldest Pokemon, Ruby, as a farewell gift from a friend.

For the next six years Scott's life become noticeably more interesting. His parents bought ranchland a few miles from the famous Loch Ranches, and they used some of their wealth to turn the ranchland into a tree farm, where they grew all sorts of fruits- apples, oranges, pears, and several kinds of berries in particular. Some of these fruits and berries were sold or simply given to the Loch Ranch owners, leading to a friendship between Mr. and Mrs. Loch and Scott's parents. Scott barely knew the Lochs however, although he was often caught trespassing on their lands looking for interesting Pokemon to photograph.

However, everything changed when Scott was 16 and a half years old.

First, while heading back from some nearby hills where he had been looking at nesting Staraptors (and had gotten himself clawed in exchange for disturbing the little Starlys) Scott came across a battle between two groups of wild Pokemon. It could be more accurately described as an execution- a gang of Mightyena were attacking a male Flareon, female Espeon, and a pair of baby Eevees that could not have been more than a week old. The Flareon was already dead when Scott arrived and the Espeon was cowering in a small crevice between two rocks with the two Eevees.

Scott quickly leaped into the fight to assist with Ruby, knowing very well it would be the toughest fight he'd ever been in. Luckily for him, Ruby had been given to him knowing the egg move Disable- and although Scott had never found it useful in any previous battles, it helped him out here. The wolfpack of Mightyena were already confused and weary of Scott himself, as they knew little about humans, and when Ruby suddenly Disabled them all and stopped them from repeating attacks their feeling of dominance collapsed, and about half the Mightyena fled right there in search of easier opponents. Those who remained (four of them) switched targets from the Espeon to Scott, ignoring Ruby entirely. While his Vulpix desperately tried to help with Embers and Quick Attacks, one of the Mightyena managed to claw Scott, ripping his right arm open from his shoulder all the way to his elbow. Seeing that the battle had quickly tuned hopeless despite having gotten rid of half the wolfpack, the Espeon used the last of her psychic energy to launch the two rocks she was hiding between at the Mightyena, taking out two of them. The remaining two fled, unsure of how much energy the Espeon had left and seeing a terribly angry Ruby rushing towards them.

The Espeon knew she had mortal injuries herself, so once the Mightyena had fled she entrusted her two baby Eevees to Scott, knowing that he would at least keep them safe before she passed away a few minutes later. Despite his own injury, Scott stayed around long enough to bury the two Eeveelutions before rushing home to get his arm stitched up (the scar left behind is permanent). The event was important for two reasons- one, because Scott acquired the two Eevees, but more importantly because from then on he decided to switch from trying to become a Pokemon photographer to a Ranger so that he could better help other Pokemon in the future.

And then a mere three weeks later disaster struck again, this time in the form of a lightning bolt during a thunderstorm. Scott had been at the Loch Ranch with Ruby and his two new Eevees, watching the babies play with some other young Pokemon there while Ruby slept. When the rain started, no one thought anything of it. There was only a little lightning in the storm. It wasn't until another traveler came running up the road that anyone realized there was a problem. Scott's house had been struck by lightning and had caught fire. The fire had reached a small propane tank next to the house, which promptly exploded, taking out most of the two-story house along with both of Scott's parents and all but one of their Pokemon, a male Braviary.

After a several-month-long period of mourning and living with the Loch family, Scott has now decided to go out on a journey of his own to increase his knowledge and become a Pokemon Ranger along with Ruby and his two Eevees. (His parent's Braviary guards the land that Scott now owns, and has become deathly scared of thunderstorms. His level is 62, but Scott won't be using him because any battle with him just wouldn't be a challenge, so he wouldn't learn anything)

Class: Ranger

Pokemon Team:
All of Scott's Pokemon wear modified Ranger vests to distinguish them from wild Pokemon in the event they are working solo. They are also all trained to be able to act on their own without needing commands from Scott, although in a difficult battle he will still assist them.

Ruby, female vulpix.gif, level 24- Ruby is hot-headed and aggressive, and very picky about what food she eats. She takes pride in being Scott's lead Pokemon, and often looks down on anything smaller than her, or anything that she thinks is "weak." For her level, she has a substantial amount of speed and attack power, but her fire-type attacks have a shorter rnge than those of most other Vulpix and her defensive stats are quite low, making her a sort of glass cannon. She knows the egg move Disable, and makes significant use of that move and any other status and support moves she can manage to use. Ruby is also very smart and very capable of acting on her own without Scott's assistance, to the point of being more dangerous when Scott isn't around to hold her back. Both her mother and father were low-level Ninetales owned by a Sinnoh breeder.

Ebony, male umbreon.gif, level 17- Unlike many Dark-types, Ebony doesn't spend his time trying to look tough or intimidating, instead preferring tosimply ignore everyone else and their opinions of him. He often doesn't socialize with non-Ranger humans or Pokemon unless he has a good reason to do so. He has a balanced personality, not friendly but not mean either, and his fighting style mimics that with an equal emphasis on offense and defense. Ebony was also gifted with the egg move Covet. His mother was a low-level Espeon with little battle knowledge while his father was a mid-level Flareon who knew several strong fire-type attacks.

Scarlet, female espeon.gif, level 17- Scarlet is not particularly aggressive and is generally quite friendly, although she is rather shy. However, she is relatively easily angered and is prone to picking up items with her telekinetic powers and using them to bash whomever angered her. As she is often wearing a Ranger vest, her fur is especially clean and pristine, and extremely soft. Scarlet is also very intelligent, and does her best to learn everything she possibly can. She prefers to stay on the edge of a battle whenever possible, supporting her allies instead of being the primary damage-dealer. Since Ebony is her brother, she has the same heritage he does. As a result of her evolution into a dark-weak type and the death of her parents, she is extremely scared of Mightyena, to the point of paralysis when one looks at her.

Moss, male leafeon.gif, level 12- Moss is extremely shy and unlikely to ever try to socialize with someone he doesn't know unless Scott tells him to. He prefers not to fight, and given the choice would rather used long-range moves and healing to support allies so that he can avoid damage. Even then, as a Leafeon he can take a surprising amount of damage and due to his shyness and desire to stay out of danger, he is extremely fast. If given no other choice and unable to flee, he will bite hard enough to get his teeth all the way to the bone in a human's arm, however, and for small Pokemon an angry bite from him could cause potentially catastrophic damage. He will often feel very bad about it afterwards though, and may even try to heal his own unlucky victims. He is smarter than Ebony but still not too terribly smart, and both his mother and father were mid-level Leafeon with no particular battle skills. Moss also has an extreme aversion to female dog or cat-type Pokemon that he doesn't currently know.

Oran berries and Leppa berries were among the berries grown on the farm before it mostly burned down. A few trees survived and still produce berries and fruit for anyone whom Braviary deems worthy.
Oran Berry x10
Leppa Berry x8
Great Ball x2
Ruby's Luxury Ball
Ebony and Scarlet's Great Balls
Fire Stone (for Ruby eventually)
A five-inch switchblade (bought right after the Mightyena incident)
A big backpack
And the camera he used before the event with the Eevees, a mid-line Nikon

What is the biscuit's name? The answer is... Scheherazade
Other Notes: None so far.

This post has been edited by 7eeveelutions: Nov 17 2014, 11:35 PM


PANE - Scott Carson
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Living Arrow
post Sep 29 2013, 12:59 PM
Post #2

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PANE: Darryn Kellor

Hi happy.gif

Thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed bio and physical description for Scott. The following are some pointers that will need to be straightened out before we go any further but there are no major things to worry about, really.

1. I have an issue with a ‘pack’ of Mightyena being chased off by a 16 year old and a Vulpix… If they were blood thirsty enough to kill one Pokemon and still be after a few more, I doubt they’d be scared off so easily. Maybe you could show us just how Scott and Ruby managed this?

2. Why are you handicapping the levels of Scott’s Pokemon? As long as the total combined levels is no more than 20 you can increase the levels of his Eevees if you wanted to before this gets approved. e.g. 10. 5, 5

3. Ebony can’t know Shadow Ball just yet, I’m afraid. The earliest he can learn this is via TM at level 42. If, however, you’d like for him (or any of Scott’s other Pokemon) to know egg moves, please edit again before approval.

Please take a look at these pointers, make appropriate edits and let me know when you’re done – then we can get approval out of the way and you can start roleplaying!


Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Sep 29 2013, 01:36 PM
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Okay, cool. Before I make any edits, is there a limit to how many egg moves Ruby and Ebony can get? I don't remember seeing anything about TMs or egg moves anywhere. (this knowledge will help me decide how Ruby defeats all the Mightyena)

I had originally been going to make Ruby Level 15 while the Eevees were levels 3 and 2, but halfway through writing the post I saw the rules about having no Pokemon over level 10 to start with. Even still, I don't really want Ebony or Scarlet to be all that strong to start off with, even if it is a handicap, because it would seem really weird (at least to me) for a pair of 6-7 month old Eevee's to be even half as strong as a Vulpix that Scott has owned for 6 years.

Also, I'm curious as to what the minimum level for evolution is. I didn't see that anywhere either. Maybe I missed a thread......


PANE - Scott Carson
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Master Houndoom
post Sep 29 2013, 02:08 PM
Post #4

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Uprising Mod

For stone and other item evolutions, you'll need to make a request in this thread. Usually there isn't a problem with that, as there is no real minimum, but we like to keep it fairly... fair. Evolving a pokemon to it's final form at level 5 is going to overbalance it. There is no need to request for a level evolution.

For TMs, there is a request thread here. Egg moves follow the same request, and are constrained by the pokemon's father. We like to keep it slightly realistic, and prevent overpowering of a pokemon (while in the game, a pokemon can learn hugely strong moves from hatching, in game it would be close to goodhood if he fought levels close to his and suddenly, for example, pulled out Earthquake).

The beginning of the move request thread outlines rules. I know there's a tier system for requests, but I can't seem to find it...

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
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As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

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post Sep 29 2013, 03:02 PM
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Okay. Just to be sure, I post in the Move Request thread for egg moves after I've had my profile accepted and not before, right?

As for evolutions, I might evolve Ebony/Scarlet rather early (level 15 or so) but I won't be using Ruby's fire stone for a long, long time- level 35 at the earliest.

I'll get to work on making the edits that were suggested now then :p

EDIT- I added a paragraph on the battle between Scott, Ruby, and the Mightyena and clarified how Scott got the scar on his arm as well, since I left that out previously. I also changed Ebony's Shadow Ball attack to Covet and gave Ruby Disable to help with the Mightyena attack. Oh, and I increased Scarlet's level by 2 so she's not so much of a liability, bringing the level total to 18.

This post has been edited by 7eeveelutions: Sep 29 2013, 03:22 PM


PANE - Scott Carson
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post Sep 29 2013, 05:44 PM
Post #6

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Might I suggest bringing the levels up some more?

You only get about 15 levels per rp, meaning that you'll be growing very slowly. For instance, let's say you distribute levels evenly between your 3, that's 5 per rp.

That means Ruby needs 25 levels to reach 35, which means at least 5 rps with, which would leave Scarlet and Ebony at 29 right? (That's assuming you score 15/15 on every single rp, not saying that you couldn't, of course ^_^.gif )

There's no reason to handicap yourself.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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post Sep 29 2013, 07:19 PM
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I did notice the 15 levels per RP part along with the rule about giving no more than 10 levels to one Pokemon. I wasn't entirely planning on distributing levels evenly, but rather distributing them based on whoever either was used the most or whoever needs the levels the most, or just giving Ruby the max 10 and splitting the remaining between the Eevees.

Even still, I see your point, so I went ahead and raised Ebony and Scarlet's levels to 5. Is there anything else that I might want to change?

EDIT- I also added a switchblade to Scott's starting items. He bought it partly because of the small possibility of running into another event where his Pokemon are drastically outmatched against a pack of wild Pokemon, and partly because as a Ranger-in-training you never know when a knife will be useful. I hope it's okay that he has it.

This post has been edited by 7eeveelutions: Sep 29 2013, 08:39 PM


PANE - Scott Carson
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post Oct 4 2013, 12:59 PM
Post #8

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Sorry about the delay. You're approved!

Post in the Current Levels Thread and have fun!


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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