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Jill Cortoma, Divided by two!
Aura Dynasty
post Nov 4 2012, 08:45 AM
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Guess who's back?
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Jill Cortoma

Jill Cortoma

Age: 17
Date of Birth: September 17th (Virgo)
Hometown: Falarbor Town

Jill has a smooth soft tanned skin, which she got due to the many travelling before settling in Falarbor Town. Her eye color is rather special, as she has light brown eyes mixed with some green, blue and even yellow around the pupils. Her hair has a natural dark blond, light brown colour but due to having dyed parts of her hair, her bangs to be specific, she now has a few blond highlights. Her hair is semi long, reaching just behind her shoulders. She hides behind her bangs when being shy, as the bangs cover the left half of her face. This however can be undone with a single swing of her head, throwing the bangs to the far left side of her face.

With the upcoming Battle tournament in Petropolis Jill has decided to enter, and with such an event new clothes are a necessity. Her new wardrobe consists of black jeans, white shirt with rolled-up sleeves and dark grey vest over it. She has a red bracelet on her left wrist, a brown belt and wears a pair of red trainers. Her favourite accessory is a leather bracelet with a little golden plate with her zodiac-sign encarved in it, which she wears around her right wrist and has never taken off since she got it.

! UPDATE !: Since the Petropolis Grand Invitational, Jil has a 5 inch long scar running over her lower left arm, as well as a moderate burn mark on her left abdomen, resulting from the impact of several exploding Electrodes.

Jill is the quiet and observant type. Shy as she is to strangers as talkative will she be when surrounded by friends. Though she might act crazy most of the time she does have a cunning way of thinking. As she is able to empathize with everyone in such a way, most have come to trust her quite quickly after they met her, some even telling her their most precious secrets. Jill is friendly towards most people but will surely show it when she's displeased with something, this being her stubborn nature. Her biggest trump would be her great sense of justice and her caring nature.

As she is the calm type she doesn't rush into things, at least not before going over all the possible ways a certain situation could turn out, she acts quite lax. She first thinks about how her reaction towards others could be interpreted and due to this she knows how to react in order to keep the counterparty satisfied. Even if this means suppressing her own way of thinking and her own judgement. This can however lead to fierce tantrums when she has reached her suppressing limit, though few have ever witnessed this happen. A fierce temperament hides underneath the kind looks of this young woman, sometimes shown when engaged in battle. She does however adores the outdoors and can be counted on when going on adventures that aren't seen fit for her, as she goes by the motto "Two steps forward, one step backwards? I'll go all the way in just a second!"

Since the events that have occured during the Petropolis Grand Invitational, Jill met her 'other side', an entity called Genesis that for reasons yet unknown resides within her and has been feeding on her fear of the past. Graduatly Genesis is building up power, causing Jill to black out and lose the control of her body, which Genesis in return controls. Genesis is a ruthless being, who cares less for the well-being of others and only wishes to gain more power and dominance. As she is not bound to the 'usual' body restrictions, during these black-outs Jill's body-limit is greatly increased, but has extreme drawbacks when pushed too much. The appearances of Genesis aren't consequent, and whether they're controlable remains a mystery.

Because her mother died during childbirth Jill has never felt the warmth of a mothering figure. Her father tried to make the best out of it as he had to raise two children on his own while having to travel abroad constantly for work. So he decided to make his two children tag along. Jill and her older brother Nathaniel know much about the different cultures of the many regions, as their father was an archeologist. Due to this constant travelling Jill never developed the skills to socialize, making her very shy around strangers and making her feel uncomfortable in unknown environments. But this clashes with her adventurous spirit, so she decided to observe her new environments and see what could happen before acting. This became a habit and every time her father had to move again for his work she repeats this process.

She and her brother Nathaniel lived in Sinnoh for a few years as their father helped the research of the three lakes, making them temporary inhabitants of Twinleaf town. They were lucky as professor Rowan had three new starter-pokémon and just one new kid to go on a pokémon adventure. As there father was working at he lake Nathaniel was summoned to the Pokémon lab and Jill happily tagged along. Professor Rowan told him he was old enough to be entrusted with a pokémon of his on as there would probably come a day he would embark on an adventure of his own. With this said, Rowan told him to pick one of the remaining pokéball. He chose a chimchar and when Jill wanted to ask what would happen to the last pokémon another boy dashed in apologizing for being late. He left with the last pokémon and Jill wasn't really happy of that.

On the way back she tried to play with the chimchar, scaring it with her enthusiasm. Nathaniel could laugh with it but the chimchar couldn't and became angry with her. However being a stubborn child, this being the result of being raised in an environment of men, she never wanted to give in. And due to her boyish nature she didn't mind to get dirty and hurt as she got scorched by the chimchar more then a few times. As the years slowly passed Jill and the chimchar became foes, as Jill just saw the pokémon as a sparring buddy the chimchar really started to hate her.

As they moved once more, this time to Hoenn, their father had some business in Celadon City, Kanto. Jill and Nathaniel were free to roam around the city and while Jill hung out with the gym leader her brother wet to the game corner. As they later on gathered at the hotel Nathaniel, who was then 17, told his family he had decided to stay in Kanto and become part of a secret organisation. He had met some members of this organisation and was convinced into joining them. Jill got crushed when hearing this news, as she would be left alone. When they left Kanto for Hoenn something inside her broke. From then on it became even more difficult for her to make friends and she filled her days alone, mostly wandering down the dig sites of he father. As her father noticed her change he decided to settle somewhere in Hoenn and stop moving. His eye fell on Falarbor Town, close to the Meteor Falls. This was the perfect town, quiet, peaceful and close to a large digging site where they were anxiously awaiting new archeologists.

Five years later Jill was home alone as a letter with a package arrived at their house. Because the letter said confidential Jill left the package at home and dashed of to the meteor falls. She knew that letters with 'confidential' written on it were mostly destined for her father and sometimes bore important news. Once she got at the digging site she gave the letter to her father, whom opened it. He took a quick look and gave the letter back to her, saying it wasn't one from his work. Jill read the letter and suddenly became pale, backing down a little and dropping the letter. She shook her head while muttering "no,no,no" and bursted into tears. Her father stopped and looked at her while taking and reading the letter himself. He too became pale and his eyes were filled with tears as he looked up from the letter, just in time to see Jill run off further into the caves.

The letter was sent by an organisation known as Team Rocket. The letter said that they were sorry to report that her brother Nathaniel Zayne Cortoma, one of their best agents, was killed in action. During one of his missions a totally new organisation, calling themselves Team Aqua, had butted in and interfered with the stated objectives. Nathaniel tried to protect his fellow members and fended them of in order for his comrades to have a safe retreat. He gave one of them a pokéball, telling him to sent this back to his family together with his last words. An explosion followed shortly after all members had safely retreated.

As Jill climbed up on a higher platform she thought about her brothers last stand, heroically defending his retreating friends with a mighty tyranitar (His favourite pokémon). She hadn't noticed that beneath her two men, clad in blue, had appeared and were attacking something. She looked down and heard one of them saying that no-one fooled Team Aqua, not even a stupid little poochyena. When she heard the name Aqua she dropped herself from the ledge and landed on the one hurting the poochyena. The little pokémon, at the end of it's tether, looked up at it's saviour. Jill picked the little thing up and started running, soon being chased by the Aqua members.

As they ran through a godforsaken part of the caves a roar was heard. Both Jill and her persuaders looked back and saw a raging salamence running their way. The two grunts left somehow, making the salamence chase after her alone. But somehow, as fate deemed it so, she met he father as he went searching for her. Now both ran for their lives, and got stuck when they ended on top of a waterfall, which was roaring down in an underground lake. Jill arrived at the edge first and looked down, a 32 foot drop down, at the look of it. Her father yelled she had to jump, seeing the salamence get dangerously close to them. She stepped back but felt two hands giving her a mighty push, throwing her over the edge and she crashed down. As she turned during her fall down she saw he father getting slammed by the salamence, the sickening sound of breaking bones resonating through the cave as he hit the cave wall and tumbled down.

Jill screamed before hitting the water surface and got swallowed by the enormous amounts of water, pulling her downwards. The last thing she remembered was that she didn't let go of the poochyena but held it closer against her. An old couple found her washed upon the banks of the underground lake later on and took her in until she was better. They gave her all the love and comfort she needed in order to get through the past events and she was told they had found her unconscious on the lake's banks, the poochyena tucked against her. It appeared that during the entire pursuit, fall down and her unconsciousness she hadn't even loosened her grip of the poor pokémon. As she remembered everything clearly the old couple helped her get back to Falarbor Town after three weeks. The poochyena had decided to follow it's saviour and allowed itself to be caught by her without struggle. Once there she took notice of the occurring events, her fathers body was found a few days ago.

Unable to decide how she should take up the thread again of her daily life she went back to her old house to pick up the package containing her brothers chimchar and left Falarbor afterwards. She travelled through Hoenn in order find a new goal in life. She met a lot of new people and even befriended Axelle, a Pokémon trainer from Unova, whom she kept contact with for the rest of her journey's. One day both trainers had decided to meet up in Lilycove, as Axelle had something to tell Jill. So Jill headed to Lilycove City immediately after this call and reunited with Axelle. Axelle told her that she had experienced her greatest adventure till now, as she had gone to an entire new region, not really known in Hoenn. As Jill asked her how she ended up there Axelle replied that she somehow managed to end up boarding the wrong ferry and ending up in Port Barley in Furoh. Axelle kept telling wondrous tales about Furoh, how beautiful the environment was, how strong the trainers and how cool the cities were. A few days later Axelle took a ferry back to Unova, as she needed to visit her family and left Jill with an empty and curious feeling.

Curious about this new region Jill wanted to learn more about Furoh and started asking around about it. Many trainers she encountered told her that they had heard legendary tales about Furoh and the strong pokémon residing there. As Jill wasn't a trainer she didn't really felt compelled to go to Furoh until one day she encountered a ruin maniac. As she mentioned Furoh the man went crazy, telling her about how badly he wanted to go there and research the ruins and undiscovered legends. Before parting the man told her that there were many legendary pokémon there but one tale caught his eye the most as it was a tale about a Legendary pokémon, one that nobody had ever seen in real life. When she heard about this a feeling deep within her began stirring. And every time she thought about it the feeling grew stronger. This lead her back to Lilycove, where she sought a ferry that could bring her to Furoh.

She wanted to go to Furoh in order to start al over again. Perhaps a new journey in a region she didn't knew could help her set her thoughts of her loss. And with this new shot at life she decided to follow in her fathers footsteps in order to make him proud. She would start over as an archeologist, but not a mere archeologist, one specialized in legendary and pseudo-legendary pokémon. As she already knew much about the known legendaries why not learn about some new ones? And if the search for these legends would make her and her Pokémon grow, why not become a Pokémon trainer too? With these new goals she found a ferry that left for Furoh soon. She bought a ticket and bought enough equipment for the journey. But as an extra feature she took her sketchbook along, wanting to put some possible events on paper. She had heard so many wondrous tales about Furoh so there should be some things that would be worth recording and putting on paper.

Filled with new hopes and dreams she boarded the ferry and left Hoenn. Her heart was beating forty miles a minute because she was so terribly nervous. What would she encounter on her journey? Who would she meet? And would she find a new goal in life, other then to honour her families remembrance? But she would have to be courageous in order to endure the harsh journey.

Pokémon Trainer/ Mythologist (<= with this I mean she searches for ancient pokémon, both mythical/legendary/pseudo-legendary, and writes this down in her sketchbook. Unlike the other archeologists she just wants to gain all the knowledge of the ultra-rare legendaries)

Starting Pokémon:

Name: Axis
Gender: Female
Level: 20
Ability: Quick Feet
Moves: Tackle; Sand Attack;Howl; Bite; Odor Sleuth

Name: Vex
Gender: Male
Level: 20
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Ember;Scratch;Leer; Taunt; Flame Wheel; Fury Swipes

15 x pokéballs
10 x potions
8 x different kinds of pokéball (consisting of 4 heal balls, a Quick ball, a Timer ball, a great ball and an ultra ball))
6 x lava cookies
5 x escape rope
5 x Sitrus berries
3 x revival herbs
1 x pokégear (bordeaux red and goldish yellow)
Black shades
Pokémon food

What's the biscuits name?: Scheherezade

Additional notes: /

Last Update: 11/12/2014

This post has been edited by Aura Dynasty: Dec 11 2014, 06:26 AM

My body...
is made out of swords.
Iron is my blood
and glass is my heart.

I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated.
Not once have I retreated,
Nor once have I been understood.
Always alone....
On the hill of swords...
intoxicated by victory...

Thus, this life has no meaning...
This body...surely was...
Made out of blades.

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post Nov 4 2012, 02:46 PM
Post #2

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

So, in both PANE and Uprising, you're only allowed one character at first. We typically wait for someone to prove their tenure and skill before we give the green light.

Here are the guidelines for obtaining a second character. HERE, I say!

Apologies, apologies. I'm sorry if this wasn't made clear.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Aura Dynasty
post Nov 4 2012, 05:22 PM
Post #3

Guess who's back?
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Jill Cortoma

I am quite aware of the fact that stupidity seems to be my closest friend these days...

I'll have to add some things then and throw this to PANE, or perhaps leave this be until I meet the requirements to get an Alt.

Since I didn't see there were requirements I'll PM you when this is editted, but thank you Kamaitchi, for being the guiding light right now.

My body...
is made out of swords.
Iron is my blood
and glass is my heart.

I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated.
Not once have I retreated,
Nor once have I been understood.
Always alone....
On the hill of swords...
intoxicated by victory...

Thus, this life has no meaning...
This body...surely was...
Made out of blades.

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post Nov 10 2012, 02:49 AM
Post #4

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Here is where I'm wary on this profile as a PANE submission:

Just because I've been the point of contact on this profile, I saw it in the Uprising section, and the bulk of it is still devoted to an Uprising setting, notably Jill's Magma Grunt outfit, and a majority of her bio. I understand that you did a lot of work on it, and I understand that you tweaked it a bit to fit PANE.

That being said, I'd prefer if it were more catered to the PANE setting, which involves fairly minor changes. You switch tenses a few times, which is something that particularly aggravates me, and again, that is something that has impacted scores when I grade.

More precise notes:

General: Kindly watch some spelling and gramatical errors. I can forgive a few due to typos, but some words are constantly mispelled. "Childeren" as opposed to "Children" is particularly noted. This sort of thing, when I'm grading, can hinder your score in RP Grading, so I might suggest paying closer attention to them.

Appearance: Please remove the section on Magma attire. Also, since Falarbor is a place where volcanic ash in the air constantly, I wonder how one can get a tan, considering how little sun it must receive being not only in the shade of a mountain, but also under the constant cover of ash.

Personality is fully fleshed and nicely written. Thank you!

Bio: In terms of story telling, we know that Jill has a brother, but you never mentioned that "Nathaniel" is her brother. His name just appears, and logically, I assume that he is, in fact, Jill's brother. However, that sort of thing can be cleared up.

I have a question concerning Chimchar: If he was her Brother's starter, and he worked as one of Rocket's best agents...why is the Chimchar Jill's starter at such a low level. That either needs to be explained or changed.

I'm curious as to why Magma would send someone to Furoh. From my point of view, that was thrown in to mend the two profiles.

As a note, Vex the Chimchar can start at Level 10. I see no reason for the handicap, unless you really want it.

So, yes. Those are my notes. Personally, I'd prefer if you started Jill over from scratch rather than making her an expy, but if you don't want to do that, some fairly minor fixes would be nice.

Thank you!


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Aura Dynasty
post Nov 10 2012, 08:06 AM
Post #5

Guess who's back?
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Jill Cortoma

God... this will be a lot of changing but you're right!

The spellingmistakes will be due to the fact I'm actually not english... I have to change between Dutch, French and English quite often so I sometimes(most of the time) make these gramatical mistakes.

About Nathaniel being her brother I did mention it in the first paragraph of her biography in the third sentence quoted here:
Biography: Because her mother died during childbirth Jill has never felt the warmth of a mothering figure. Her father tried to make the best out of it as he had to raise two childeren on his own while having to travel abroad constantly for work. So he decided to make his two childeren tag along. Jill and her older brother Nathaniel know much about the different cultures of the many regions, as their father was an archeologist. Due to this constant traveling Jill never developed the skills to socialize, making her very shy around strangers and making her feel uncomfortable in unknown environments. But this clashes with her adventurous spirit, so she decided to observe her new environments and see what could happen before acting. This became a habit and every time her father had to move again for his work she repeats this process.

The bio will be changed AND the part of the Magma outfit will be erased, as I forgot to do so apparently.

This post has been edited by Aura Dynasty: Nov 10 2012, 08:13 AM

My body...
is made out of swords.
Iron is my blood
and glass is my heart.

I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated.
Not once have I retreated,
Nor once have I been understood.
Always alone....
On the hill of swords...
intoxicated by victory...

Thus, this life has no meaning...
This body...surely was...
Made out of blades.

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post Nov 11 2012, 01:19 AM
Post #6

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Joined: 22-December 09
From: Washington, DC
Member No.: 77 254

Taggarty Lee

You could've fooled me for a native speaker! English is my third language too, btw, so I totally understand how difficult it is.

Thanks for editing your profile, and sorry I missed the bit on Nathaniel, that's my fault!

In any case, approved. Post in the Current Levels thread and have fun!


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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