Current Levels |
May 9 2009, 04:51 AM
Former GTS +PL Grass Leader Group: Members Posts: 323 Joined: 11-August 07 Member No.: 193 Melinda Rose |
The Current Levels thread in the PANE Discussion Forum is PANE specific only. Do not post here unless you are an active member of the PANE Roleplay (and when I say active, I mean has submitted a profile and had it approved).
The sole purpose of the Current Levels thread is to keep track of two things:
One important piece of information: USAGE OF THE CURRENT LEVELS THREAD IS MANDATORY! All PANE Roeplayers, no matter who they may be, are required to put their pokemon party in this thread. Each GTS+ member is limited to one post per character (so for everyone as of now, that is one). You can edit that single post as your character grows and develops throughout their adventures. There are to be NO inquiry questions made tin this topic: anyone who does manage to spam of this topic will have their posts be deleted and put in my little black book of people I don’t like (*). All questions about this new record keeping system should be forwarded to me via private messaging (and please don't hesitate to, as I know this will probably be confusing for some people) Please copy and paste the following outlines and begin making your own Current Levels post! If you decide to strictly follow and copy+ paste the Guided Outline, just be aware that all quotation (" ") marks should be deleted in your final posts. They are used to indicate what information should be logged. Question (?) marks also serve that purpose. Asterisks (*) indicate a guiding step as to tell you other information which you might need to know. Again, all of these third-person marks should be deleted before posting. All following posts in this thread should be made in this exact format: Guided Outline CODE [quote=Current Levels][b]Character Name:[/b] [url="INSERT URL OF PROFILE HERE"]"FULL CHARACTER NAME"[/url] [b]Pokemon:[/b] [center][b]Total Levelling Points received:[/b] "INSERT #" "RP NAME: ?/15" "RP NAME: ?/15" *(...etc. Continue for as many as necessary. Also include any contests)* [/center] "POKEMON'S NICKNAME" :"POKEMON'S ACTUAL NAME": @ "Lv. ?"[list] [*]"INSERT LEVEL CAPTURED OR STARTED WITH AT" [*]"+ HOW MANY LEVELS" at [i]"A SPECIFIC RP"[/i] [*]*(...etc. Continue for as many as needed. You do not necessarily need to keep going on and could stop here, but replicating for more pokemon) [*]*For evolution:* :POKEMON'S ACTUAL NAME: --> :EVOLUTION'S ACTUAL NAME: [*]*Any locational status as of not being with the character should be mentioned here* [/list]"POKEMON'S NICKNAME" :"POKEMON'S ACTUAL NAME": @ "Lv. ?"[list] [*]"INSERT LEVEL CAPTURED OR STARTED WITH AT" [*]"+ HOW MANY LEVELS" at [i]"A SPECIFIC RP"[/i] [*]*(...etc. Continue for as many as needed. You do not necessarily need to keep going on and could stop here, but replicating for more pokemon) [*]*For evolution:* :POKEMON'S ACTUAL NAME: --> :EVOLUTION'S ACTUAL NAME: [*]*Any locational status as of not being with the character should be mentioned here* [/list]*(...etc. )[/quote] Barebones Outline (for those of us not need of guidance) CODE [quote=Current Levels][b]Character Name:[/b] [url=][/url] [b]Pokemon:[/b] [center][b]Total Levelling Points received:[/b] : /15 : /15" [/center] :: @ Lv. [list] [*] [*] [/list] :: @ Lv. [list] [*] [*] [/list]*(...etc. )[/quote] I think that's about it. Remember if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am more than wiling to check drafts of people's roster's to make sure all of the formatting is correct as well as answer any other questions you might have. Thanks for reading this and have a good day. -------------------- |
May 9 2009, 02:08 PM
Team Rogue: Pidgeotto Group: RP Moderators Posts: 1 543 Joined: 9-January 08 From: Amazingstoke, UK Member No.: 814 PANE: Darryn Kellor |
To the bitter end!
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: Darryn Kellor
Partner Name: Lyla Moore Total Levelling Points received: 147 Gigarte Park: 14/15 Holiday Spirit Contest: 5 Lenoilia Ruins: 15/15 Lost and Found Contest: 3 Arasam Adventures: 11/15 Climbing Mt. Carello: 15/15 On Emberwings: 15/15 Getting the Metalliclaws Out: 15/15 Team Rogue: 14/15 Castle Vonmoto: 10/10 Breaking the Ties that Bind: 15/15 Forever Summer Contest: 15/15 Divide and Conquer: 15/15 The Mirrormist at Twilight: 15/15 Pedagogues and Pugilists at a Particular Pageant in Prominent Petropolis: 15/15 Starfall Field: 10/10 In the Shadows: 15/15 ACHIEVEMENTS Team Composition Theme Namer: All Pokemon are nicknamed according to a Theme Character Profile Titles Glitz and Glamour - Character wishes to become a Pokemon Coordinator Wikimania - Character has a Wiki article Fashionista - Character has a great sense of fashion Adonis - Character is exceptionally handsome Stradivarius - Character has excellent musical skill Leonardo - Character has excellent artistic Skill Astaire - Character has excellent dancing skill Roleplaying Titles Spartan: Character faced an insurmountable challenge or fought an unwinnable battle (and lost). Near-Death Experience: Character survives a scene where he/she would highly injure himself/herself. Gravedigger: Character gets a Fossil Pokemon. Player Titles Willy Shakespeare: Player has won a fanfiction contest Underscorer: Player has heavily involved music in the RP somehow, either through a character singing or performing. Special Chievos Heart of Gold: Character was present at the end of "Castle Vonmoto" ***** In Party ***** Bravo @ Lv. 53
[*] Started at Level 58 in a Friend Ball [*] + 7 Levels in In the Shadows ***** In Storage ***** India @ Lv. 17
This post has been edited by Living Arrow: Dec 20 2015, 03:39 AM -------------------- Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare PANE Characters (click to show ) LA's Plays (click to show ) Unovalocke (click to show ) |
May 9 2009, 06:20 PM
Team Rogue: Houndoom Group: Members Posts: 2 186 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Austin, Texas Member No.: 804 Uprising Mod |
Favorite attack! AURA SPHERE!
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: Jaima Kuonji Partner:Meiko Omura Pokemon: Total Leveling Points received: 174 Port Barley: 11/15 Gigarte Park: 14/15 Holiday Spirit Contest: 10 Lenoilia Ruins: 15/15 Lost and Found contest: 3 Return of the Lost: 10/15 Climbing Mt. Carello: 15/15 On EmberWings: 15/15 Getting the Metalliclaws Out: 15/15 Team Rogue!: 15/15 Breaking the Ties that Bind: 15/15 Castle Vonmoto: 10/10 Divide and Conquer: 15/15 RP Contest: That First Kiss: 12 (Second Place) Starfall Field: 10 The MirrorMist at Twilight: 15/15 The Cusp of Twilight: 11/15 The Changing of the Guard: 15/15 ((Key: Name (icon) @ Lv. (( Partner analogue )) Ember @ Lv. 42 (( ))
QUOTE("Achievements") Team Composition:
Balanced Battler: Character has no repeating types anywhere in his/her line-up Generation Gap: Character's party has pokemon from each generation of games (Currently: 1-4) Equal Opportunity: Party is three males and three females Blue Sun: Character has a Shiny Pokemon Character Profile: Tragic Hero: Backstory has a traumatic event, or is rife with misfortune Contender: Character wishes to become a Pokemon Battler Wikimania: Character has a Wiki article Bilingual Bonus: Character speaks another language Wonder Chef: Character is an excellent cook. Astaire: Character has excellent dancing skill Hard to Port: Character is an imported character from another RP Pokepal: Character is very concerned with the well-treatment of Pokemon The Sprite is Right: Character has a customised sprite (credit to Living Arrow) Never walk alone: Character has a partner (credit to Living Arrow) Cool headed: Calm in dire situations (credit to Jonahman10) Roleplaying: Trouble Magnet: Character has run into villians five times (credit to Protoman for idea). Knight in Shining Armor: Character has sprung to the rescue of another character at least 3 times in one roleplay Special: Heart of Gold (by 2gamers): Character was present at the end of "Castle Vonmoto" -------------------- |
May 9 2009, 09:21 PM
Team Rogue: Espeon Group: Members Posts: 1 044 Joined: 25-March 09 From: United States Member No.: 5 443 Tuesday's Pack |
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: Tuesday "Silence" Ilia Berdison Total Levelling Points received: 125 Lost and Found contest: 6 Skyscrapers of Petropolis: ungradeable Return of the Lost: 10/15 Climbing Mount Carello: 15/15 On EmberWings: 15/15 Getting the Metalliclaws Out: 15/15 Team Rogue: 14/15 Breaking the Ties That Bind: 15/15 Castle Vonmoto: 10/10 PANE Fanfiction Contest #4: "Forever Summer": 12 Divide and Conquer: 13/15 The Mirrormist at Twilight: 15/15 The Cusp of Twilight: 15/15 Changing of the Guard: pending Pokemon: Boxed (click to show ) Tempest @ Lv. 50
Boxed (click to show ) Odysseus @ Lv. 26
Boxed (click to show ) Pippin @ Lv. 15
Boxed (click to show ) Achievements (click to show )
-------------------- |
Jul 15 2009, 06:49 AM
Get-A-Load-Of-This-Guy Cam Group: Members Posts: 848 Joined: 4-May 09 Member No.: 19 272 Active Squad |
To the bitter end and back and back to the bitter end and BACK.
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: Tyson Ealdwine
Pokemon: Total Levelling Points received: 40 Inherited 7 levels from Andrew Simons Roleplay Contest: Resolutions for a New Year : 3 Never Eat Boardwalk Nachos : 11/15 The Wild Chills and Thrills of the Safari : 13/15 Starfall Field : 6 Lícia @ Lv. 22
dem chievos Character Profile Titles:
This post has been edited by Rasu: Dec 13 2015, 11:27 AM -------------------- |
Jul 19 2009, 03:28 PM
Weak Livered Milk Drinker Group: RP Moderators Posts: 3 412 Joined: 19-August 07 From: Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the sun Member No.: 208 And a Golurk |
To the bitter end!
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: "Jaylyn Rehn"
Pokemon: Arnie :arduino: @ "Lv. 60"
This post has been edited by Toogee: Dec 13 2015, 07:02 AM
Reason for edit: Moved Pan's levels into her profile
-------------------- PANE Mod PANE x2 (click to show ) Credit for 2gamer's Seel of Approval (click to show ) |
Feb 16 2010, 09:34 PM
Omar comin' Group: Members Posts: 889 Joined: 12-April 09 From: Texas Member No.: 10 745 PANE |
Tauntaun Sleeping Bag
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: Justin Smart
Pokemon: Total Levelling Points received: 143 The Ubiquitous Umbra of the Unending Underground: 14/15 Operation Wounded Snake: 15/15 RP Contest: Forever Summer: 3 Lockdown: 15/15 Lackadaisical Repose and Leery Rascals at Loch Ranch: 15/15 RP Contest: Resolutions: 12 (second place) When Crime Pays: 14/15 RP Contest: That First Kiss: 15 (first place) Lopsided Leviathan of Languid Lenoilia: 15/15 The Par-Tay in Gigarte: 15/15 Starfall Field: 10/10 The Tormented: 15/15 Collective Insight and Chaotic Intentions at Crescent Inn: 15/15 Hitmontop @ Lv. 85
This post has been edited by Yzarc Drowsnam: Jun 7 2014, 03:24 AM -------------------- [spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart] Justin Smart Profile Current Level Post Wiki Currently In: Zoobreak! [align=right] Nate Guzman (Partner) Wiki[/spoiler] [/align] [spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent] Jill Laurent Profile Current Levels Post Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler] [spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt Abraham West Profile Progress Tracking Currently In: Interception! :piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler] |
Jun 8 2010, 11:13 PM
I'm dying to see how this one ends. Group: RP Moderators Posts: 1 861 Joined: 22-December 09 From: Washington, DC Member No.: 77 254 Taggarty Lee |
To the bitter end
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: Taggarty "Tag" Lee Pokemon: (Average Level: 47.75) Total Levelling Points received: 160 Operation Wounded Snake: 14/15 Forever Summer Fanfiction Contest: +3 Lockdown: 15/15 Lost in Lenolia: 15/15 New Years Resolution Fanfiction Contest: +6 When Crime Pays: 14/15 That First Kiss Fanfiction Contest: +3 Arasam, That Toddling Town: 15/15 The Par-Tay in Gigarte: 15/15 Starfall Field: 10/10 The Judged: 14/15 The Tormented: 15/15 Back in the Zone: 15/15 Pulling Pigtails Fanfiction Contest: +6 As the Saying Goes Fanfiction Contest: +12 The Baleful Beast of Beauteous Baccate Backcountry: 15/15 Petropolis Grand Invitational: +10 Gathering at the Gateway: +15 Suzu @ Lv. 53
QUOTE(Released Pokemon) Zuki @Level 38
This post has been edited by Kamaitachi: Jan 1 2016, 10:15 AM -------------------- Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~ Pane (click to show ) Uprising (click to show ) |
Jan 12 2011, 05:10 PM
Team Rogue: Pidgeotto Group: RP Moderators Posts: 1 543 Joined: 9-January 08 From: Amazingstoke, UK Member No.: 814 PANE: Darryn Kellor |
To the bitter end!
Character Name: Lori Pardare Total Levelling Points received: 11 Beginnings, Bullies and a Beatdown in Barley: 11/15 Sniffing the Dream Smoke Contest: 6 Flowers in the Jungle: 15/15 Challengers on the Wind: 15/15 Gathering at the Gateway: 15/15 ***** In Party ***** Pipster @ Lv. 29
In Storage (click to show )
-------------------- Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare PANE Characters (click to show ) LA's Plays (click to show ) Unovalocke (click to show ) |
Jan 12 2011, 05:50 PM
Team Rogue: Houndoom Group: Members Posts: 2 186 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Austin, Texas Member No.: 804 Uprising Mod |
QUOTE Character Name: Branwys "Tinkertot" Muphenz Total Leveling Points Received: 44 A Tale of Two Kitties: 15/15 The Bug Catching Contest: 14/15 In the Shadows: 15/15 Achievements: Pokémon: Linka @ Lv. 25
-------------------- |
Mar 12 2011, 10:05 AM
Feel the burn! Group: Members Posts: 800 Joined: 13-September 09 From: I'll let you know as soon as I find my sanity. . . Member No.: 63 077 My Dream Team |
“Tauntaun Sleeping Bag”
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: Kaya Rovera Pokemon: Total Levelling Points received: 48 Banished Bugs:9/15 3 levels in RP contest "That First Kiss" The Wonders of Port Barley:6/15 10 levels in Starfall Field 3 levels from RP contest "Deception" 3 levels from RP contest "Sniffing the Dream Smoke" Escape to the Amazon!: 14/15 Manera :blitzle: @ Lv. 18
Flit @ Lv. 10
QUOTE(Current Levels) PARTNER
Partner name:Luke Undar Pokemon: Strall :pawniard: @lv.16
This post has been edited by FirePower: Apr 6 2015, 10:27 AM -------------------- I am a Christian. Jesus Christ loves me, and he loves you too. With a "never stopping, never giving up, unbreaking, always and forever love" (Jesus Storybook Bible).
Click the trainer card to get to my PANE current levels post! My Stories (click to show ) Avitar Credits (click to show ) Previously known as Hurple and Drakonawin |
Mar 13 2011, 03:45 AM
I'm dying to see how this one ends. Group: RP Moderators Posts: 1 861 Joined: 22-December 09 From: Washington, DC Member No.: 77 254 Taggarty Lee |
To the Bitter End
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: Francesco "Cesc" Rojas Pokemon: (Average Level: 38.75) Total Levelling Points received: 96 Going Bovine: 13/15 A Tale of Two Kitties: 15/15 The Bug Catching Contest: 14/15 Rocking the Waves of Fidona Island: 15/15 Sniffing the Dream Smoke Fanfiction Contest (Third Place): +9 In The Shadows: 15/15 Broken Stars: 15/15 Petropolis Grand Invitational: +10 Valentine @ Level 47
-------------------- Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~ Pane (click to show ) Uprising (click to show ) |
May 27 2011, 09:47 PM
Omar comin' Group: Members Posts: 889 Joined: 12-April 09 From: Texas Member No.: 10 745 PANE |
Tauntaun Sleeping Bag
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: Jill Laurent
Pokemon: Total Levelling Points received: 14 On the Edge of the Ocean: 14/15 A Lost Gem: 15/15 Back in the Zone: 15/15 RP Contest: Sniffing the Dream Smoke: 6 RP Contest: Pulling Pigtails 12 (second place) + Shiny Pele @ Lv. 36
This post has been edited by Yzarc Drowsnam: Jun 7 2014, 03:24 AM -------------------- [spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart] Justin Smart Profile Current Level Post Wiki Currently In: Zoobreak! [align=right] Nate Guzman (Partner) Wiki[/spoiler] [/align] [spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent] Jill Laurent Profile Current Levels Post Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler] [spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt Abraham West Profile Progress Tracking Currently In: Interception! :piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler] |
Sep 8 2011, 06:45 PM
Get-A-Load-Of-This-Guy Cam Group: Members Posts: 848 Joined: 4-May 09 Member No.: 19 272 Active Squad |
To the bitter end and beyond!
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: Royce Strife
Pokemon: Captain @ Lv. 15
Achievements Character Profile Achievements:
This post has been edited by Rasu: Dec 13 2015, 11:25 AM -------------------- |
Jan 14 2012, 06:49 PM
Weak Livered Milk Drinker Group: RP Moderators Posts: 3 412 Joined: 19-August 07 From: Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the sun Member No.: 208 And a Golurk |
To the bitter end!
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: "Darius Dovakin"
Pokemon: Total Leveling Points received: 64 "Gigarte Gemma: 15/15" "Pulling Pigtails Fanfiction Contest: 9 + Legendary Encounter" "As the Saying Goes Fanfic Contest: 15+ 3 TM/move tutor/etc moves." Petropolis Grand Invitational: 10 "The Voice in My Head: 15/15" "Bindy" Charmeleon @ "Lv. 42"
This post has been edited by Toogee: Dec 13 2015, 07:03 AM -------------------- PANE Mod PANE x2 (click to show ) Credit for 2gamer's Seel of Approval (click to show ) |
Aug 31 2012, 10:57 AM
Anita Lyfe Group: Members Posts: 57 Joined: 19-October 10 From: In my own little world Member No.: 117 789 Unlost |
Current Levels Character Name: Anita Lyfe Pokemon: Starting Pokemon: Nyan-nyan - Lvl. 7 Met at LV 7 Gender: Female ~~~Ability Wonder Skin Moves- Mud Bomb(E), Fake Out, Tail Whip, Growl, Foresight, Tackle~~~ Poof - Lvl. 5 Met at LV 4 Gender: Male +1 lvl. from Starfall Field ~~~Ability- Defiant Moves- Covet, Focus Energy, Scratch, Counter(E), Low Kick, Leer~~~ Fluffy - Lvl. 8 Met at LV 6 Gender: Male +2 lvl. from Starfall Field ~~~Ability- Intimidate Moves- Howl(E), Roar, Bite, Ember~~~ Excalibur :Snivy:- Lvl. 3 Met at LV 3 Gender: Male ~~~Ability- Contrary Moves- Tackle, Glare(E)~~~ Caught Pokemon: Junk :Golett:- Caught at Lv. 5 Gender: Unknown ~~~Ability- Klutz Moves- Pound, Astonish, Defense Curl, Mud Slap~~~ Total Levelling Points received: "Starfall Field: Team Steel: 3/15" Kirby's Dramatic Entry= (>'o'<)~~~(>'.')>-----o *BOOM* This post has been edited by FlyingMew: Sep 13 2012, 07:16 PM -------------------- |
Nov 11 2012, 04:49 PM
Guess who's back? Group: Members Posts: 1 665 Joined: 24-July 12 From: Vlaanderen Member No.: 168 546 Jill Cortoma |
Tauntaun sleeping bag
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: Jill Cortoma Pokemon: Total Levelling Points received: 25 The Beauty & The Bad-boy - 14/15 Fanfic Contest: As the saying goes - +6 Summer Event 2013: Petropolis Grand Invitational - +5 Axis @ Lv. 22 Female Ability - Quick Feet
Vex @ Lv. 23 Male Ability - Blaze
"Taki" Tacitus @ Lv. 20 Ability - Frisk
Character Profile Achievements Theme Namer Tragic Hero Smarty-pants Leonardo Stargazer Poképal The Sprite is Right Mona Lisa Never walk alone Apple of my eye Cool Digger ~*~ Roleplay Achievements The Beauty & The Bad Boy All Aboard! Electric Fence Wiz Blonde Moment Petropolis Grand Invitational Near-Death Experience Gandalf the Grey This post has been edited by Aura Dynasty: Dec 11 2014, 06:11 AM -------------------- My body... is made out of swords. Iron is my blood and glass is my heart. I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated. Not once have I retreated, Nor once have I been understood. Always alone.... On the hill of swords... intoxicated by victory... Thus, this life has no meaning... This body...surely was... Made out of blades. PANE (click to show ) Uprising (click to show ) |
Jan 3 2013, 11:58 PM
Hunter from ZapdosZulu Group: Members Posts: 723 Joined: 30-March 09 From: Australia Member No.: 6 681 Sebastian West |
Tauntaun Sleeping Bag
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: Sebastian West Total Levelling Points received: 42 The Beauty & The Bad-Boy: 14/15 Pulling Pigtails Fanfiction Contest: 6/15 The Voice In My Head: 8/15 Escape To The Amazon!: 14/15 Pokemon: Blade @ Lv. 32
Jaws @ Lv. 30
Rampage @ Lv. 30
This post has been edited by Hydra: Apr 6 2015, 06:55 AM -------------------- |
Jun 22 2013, 07:13 PM
bewm Group: Members Posts: 441 Joined: 6-September 09 From: In a burning ring of fire, channeling the power of the flames. Member No.: 61 870 Platinum Team |
Tauntaun Sleeping Bag
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: Andy Brunaire
Pokemon: Total Levelling Points received: 0 Amber @ Lv. 7
This post has been edited by MasteroftheFlames: May 27 2014, 02:26 PM -------------------- I used to be Cyogre, ILoveTaillowHesCute, TaillowIsCuteAndCool, Tart Spop, Tartius Spopius, Tartii, King of the Eevees and MasteroftheFlames. If you know me under any of those names, yeah, that's me. In-Game Teams (click to show ) Hoping to get Social Networking! I'd really appreciate an add. Arcanine! (click to show ) Miscellaneous (click to show ) Credits (click to show ) |
Oct 5 2013, 12:55 PM
Squawk! Group: Members Posts: 325 Joined: 22-August 09 From: Somewhere in the skies. Member No.: 58 773 PANE Team |
Tauntaun Sleeping Bag.
QUOTE(Current Levels) Character Name: Scott Carson
Nickname: "Fox" Pokemon: Total Levelling Points received: 54 Broken Stars- 14/15 The Voice in my Head- 15/15 Fanfic Contest- Diancie Ball (Part 1)- +10 levels Escape to the Amazon- 15/15 Ruby @ Lv. 28
________________________________________________________________ Partner Name: Amber Harrison Nickname: "Wolf" Pokemon: Level Average= 21.25 +4 in Broken Stars +4 in The Voice in my Head +2.5 for the Diancie Ball Part 1 +2.75 in Escape to the Amazon Nikila @ Lv. 24
This post has been edited by 7eeveelutions: Apr 10 2015, 11:54 PM -------------------- |
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