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Flowers in the Jungle, Private RP: Lori Pardare and Joey Sweet
post Nov 17 2011, 12:03 PM
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Sweet Team

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Joey wandered around the land of Fidona. It had been two weeks since the helicopter from Starfall Field had dropped him off and he still felt like it was his first day. Leaning up against a tall, modernized building in Fidona’s capital and absentmindedly peeling mold off a roll of bread, the young trainer gazed around the city blanketed by tropical flora and atmosphere and surprisingly even fauna, noted as he shared a cleaner piece of bread with a neighborhood Chatot.

While it was a bit hot and humid, Joey knew too well the desert’s cold night than to spurn tropical warmth. Plus, the local library was the perfect haven with air conditioning. Quite content to spend his time reading and taking in everything of which he always assumed he was cheated during childhood, Joey only left to exercise his Pokémon and to look for food. Oddly enough, the Raticate, Sinbad, still felt inclined to tag along with Joey’s group, but it was not unusual for him to maintain independence by disappearing for a few hours or a day and refusing any food offered to him by Joey, who shrugged off the Pokémon’s indifference with the mentality that he didn’t need another mouth to feed.

Luckily, along with Pokémon books, the young man also pored over nutrition books and general education books. His only regret was not being able to stay longer and read the books forever, but in order to get the best food, one had to circulate amongst the business dumpsters precisely within closing time. Within a week, he had the most effective route. Thanks to that and city food health and safety laws that contributed to the disposal of perfectly good food that may have been on the counter longer than preferred, he ate quite well for possibly the longest stretch of time in his life.

Having finished his bread and stretched, he unfolded his crutches and started for his usual clearing on the edge of the capital city. Joey was pleasantly surprised that he was getting around so well. The sharp spasms of pain in his leg faded away to a near non-existent ache, unless he did something superfluous in movement where his nerves kindly reminded him to cut it the hell out. He fantasized about getting his cast off soon, but had no idea how to do so. Looking around the capital, he imagined that any number of medical facilities would charge for the procedure, and also for every individual step of it. Possibly, he could be charged just for entering the building. His mother’s rantings about the corruption of the medical field flooded back to him in a wave of what he was aghast to recognize as fondness.

“Glorified vets,” she would say. “That’s all they are, Joey. That’s all they are.”

Upon reaching the clearing, relief washed over Joey’s face to see his black and green tent still standing. Constantly, he had to remind himself that his was not Pyrite, where vandalism and theft reigned supreme. Truly, even the wild Pokémon living close to the capital seemed more tame and respectful than he initially expected, both giving him space to live peacefully and pleasantly interacting with him. Since establishing his tent in the clearing with a beautiful view of the capital, especially at night, the un-aspiring trainer and his Pokémon have had the opportunity to play with the local fauna such as Oddish, Whismur, and the ever-adorable Sewaddle. Approaching the tent and plopping down cautiously of his leg at the tarp entrance to the tent, Joey unintentionally caused the scatter of three Zigzagoon with their oran berries, scampering back into the undergrowth.

Clicking each of his four Pokéballs, Joey called out all his Pokémon to stretch their respective appendages in the fresh air and sunlight. Much like he felt his own physical and mental health flourish in his new lifestyle, he saw the same in his Pokémon. All the negative baggage from Pyrite melted away and shed off him like silk wrappings. He was glad to see the same of Claw. The Pidgey really seemed to have filled out lately. While he may never get away from his naturally small stature, he now seemed proportionately healthy, and his feathers and talons were strong and free of cracks or chips.

There was something else in Claw’s demeanor as well. He seemed more patient lately, more refined, and less irritable. He played whole-heartedly with the other Pokémon, even Jet the Seel. Perhaps having enough food to go around and a place to live for even a short while took some of the displaced pressure off. Jet hadn’t really changed all that much personally expect for the strengthened bond between trainer and Pokémon, and said trainer’s enhanced confidence in his battling abilities. Kimiko still had a wondrous and playful curiosity about her, but she seemed at the same time to moving away from her babyish self-absorption. She was becoming more cognizant of her surroundings and peers, and she interacted more than anyone in the group with the wildlife. She was becoming aware of battling, her moves, opponent’s moves, defensive maneuvers, and strategy, mostly due to watching Sinbad, who just happened to lumber out of the undergrowth and into the clearing of playing Pokémon.

Ignoring Joey completely beyond a nod of greeting, the Raticate stalked towards Babylon, his usual first choice. Since what was about to proceed had become a habit of late, Joey tightened in expected anticipation. Babylon, also knowing what to anticipate, scrunched away like a small kitten facing a spray bottle of water.

Joey recognized Sinbad as a competent battler and a virtuous tactician and liked to think he had the vaguest idea of what Sinbad intended. He truly thought that Sinbad meant to toughen up Babylon through confrontation, having pinned him as the weakest link, and Joey thought, rightfully so.

Remembering back to Babylon’s latest battling role, which was essentially hiding behind Claw and Joey giving what support he could, came a long way from running off the field, but it was still a few city blocks away from independence. Joey had come to appreciate Babylon’s gentler qualities such as sniffing flowers, rubbing against trees, and laying in a bed of soft and tender ferns among the earth. After seeing such a timid nature in the Eevee, he forgave him for the embarrassing loss and started to solely have concern for his own well-being and self-protection. That’s why, when Sinbad first started his self-imposed campaign, Joey did not interfere.

Sinbad advanced upon the quivering Eevee, slowly and confidently. By this time, Claw, Jet, and Kimiko all had stopped playing and instead looked upon the unfolding scene; Claw shifted uneasily and fluttered his wings, Jet was a cold and calculating statue of Seel flesh, and Kimiko’s wide eyes shone brightly in awe.

Then, Sinbad attacked.

This post has been edited by LittleShadowPokemon: Nov 17 2011, 11:38 PM

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Living Arrow
post Nov 21 2011, 05:20 PM
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

When she had reached the bus depot in Port Barley, intending to catch a ride to some far-off town in Furoh, Lori Pardare had never expected to find herself back on a boat so soon. It was an odd story really. First, she had arrived to find the next wait for the bus to Gigarte to be six hours away and then she had heard it.

“Yeah! I just caught this Venipede on Fidona! When it didn’t register in my Pokedex I call the Professor back home and she said it was from the Unova region!” Some kid was telling another at the depot, a dark shape attached to his shoulder. Both kids appeared to be trainers and by the sounds of it were already ahead of Lori on the Pokemon-capture front. She hurried over without hesitation.

“Heeey!” She crooned as she trotted over, Pipster toddling behind. “Did I just hear that you caught an undiscovered Pokemon from FidonaaAAARGH! What the hell is that thing!?” Lori screamed and took a leap back as a shiny red face turned her way. The boys blinked back at her.

“Uh, this is my new Venipede…” The first boy said slowly. “She’s a new bug-type Pokemon from the Unova region.”

Lori shuddered, edging back further from the trainer and his recent capture. If there was one thing she hated above all else it was bug-type Pokemon… and Ghost-type Pokemon… And here one was. A massive red thing with gross antenna and a whole bunch of sickening legs under its shelled carriage. The mere thought of it was making her itch all over and now it was looking... right... at... her... She mentally screamed and damned her feet for not allowing her to run!

“Veeen.” It greeted her.

“It’s disgusting.” Lori uttered from behind clenched teeth, her eyes daring not to blink lest it come her way.

“What?!” The trainer’s face drew down into an angry frown. “What did you say?!”

“I said, it’s adjusting…” Lori hurriedly back-pedalled. “To the new environment over here… hehe…”

“Uh, yeah.” The kid scratched his head. “Right.”

“Sooo, any other new Unova Pokemon over there apart from that… that… bug?” Lori crossed her fingers at her sides. This could be a big step for her and the mission her sister had tasked her – catching a Unova Pokemon would be the very first rung on her ladder to success.


“You heard him, Pipster!” Lori grinned broadly as the boat pulled into the bay of Fidona. “Horses made of lightning! Toads that sing so loudly they can throw you away with just their voice! Wild pigs that breathe fire! Unova Pokemon are SO AMAZING!”

“Pip, pipLUP!” Pipster waved his stubby wings overhead in agreement.

The smallish city of Fidona was an exotic one. Wild Chatot flitted over rooftops (quickly scanned by the Unovadex to confirm that they were not one of Lori’s ‘targets’ since she had never seen one before) and even a Chimchar was seen stealing apples off a fruit market cart. Lori tried her best to keep herself in check, focusing on finding a lead that would take her to her first Unova capture, but the local sights were so bizarre it was difficult to keep on track.

“Hardly anyone wears proper shoes here,” she muttered to herself as they walked, “or any shoes at all!”

Slowly, Lori moved on through the city and towards the city edge where buildings became sparse and foliage more dense. Towering palms and other exotic trees decorated her vision but what was really catching her eye was the little plant walking by.

“OMIGOSH! A wild Unova Pokemon!” Lori pumped the air (without checking her Pokedex). “Do it, Pipster!”

“Pipipip!” Pipster threw himself into action without pause, his beak glowing a bright white and growing to several times its normal size to execute a Peck attack. The head-with-leaves was slammed in the side and catapulted high into the air with a cry of: ‘Oooodd!’

“After it, Pipster!” Lori cried with glee and together they burst through the long grass and into a small clearing. Without really blinking, the pair dashed between a Raticate and an Eevee and after the smalle Grass-type Pokemon that was bouncing rapidly away. “UnovAAA!” She wailed excitedly.

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Nov 22 2011, 07:00 PM
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Babylon clumsily side-stepped a series of lunges from Sinbad, who didn’t hesitate to strike with tooth, claw, or quick whips of his tail. Each strike intentionally missed the distressed Eevee, intending to instruct and not harm, but Babylon only succeeded in getting flustered. Seeing the poor Pokémon’s contorted expression of terror and exhaustion, Joey hoisted himself calmly and smoothly with his crutches and shouted out to Babylon to perform a Defense Curl and Tackle technique. The small ball of brown fluff hesitantly obeyed, and Sinbad gave him ample opportunity to perform the attack. Joey was worried his communication had been sloppy. Having had minimal human contact lately gave him no reason to practice speaking nor put forth much effort into it. Having categorized himself as anti-social before, his new loss of basic, physical commutative capabilities brought on a whole new world of misanthropy.

Babylon, having completed the Defense Curl and Tackle combo on the Raticate, which was promptly blocked confidently yet gently, received a warm look from Sinbad. Had Joey been able to hear, he would have heard Sinbad’s constant instructive chatter to Babylon, commending this maneuver, or condemning that one, trying to incite the timid soul to attack in kind. Joey continued giving commands, and Babylon managed to complete about every third one, flinching every second, and running every first.

Sinbad was getting harsher during this regimen, and actually met each flinch with a short, smart whip across the Eevee’s shoulder, driving home the message that a flinch was unacceptable behavior. Joey hobbled closer and told Babylon to clear his head. Breathing heavily and standing shakily, but with a strong look in his eye, the Eevee did so, and eventually began completing more commands.

Sinbad twitched an ear towards a disturbance outside the clearing, but remained wholly focused on the battle. Babylon, preparing an attack, noticed nothing, but Claw and the others swung around and faced towards the city, which caught the immersed trainer’s attention, since the sound of the crying Oddish and pursuing trainer and Piplup crashing through the undergrowth would not.

The trainer was a girl who looked to be older than Joey, but he guessed that she was younger. Her flash of fiery red hair was her most distracting feature, but Joey didn’t get to see much else as her bursting in on their clearing was disturbing and sudden. Unfortunately for the girl, her pursuit of the Pokémon led her right in between Babylon and Sinbad as the Eevee loosed a Sand-Attack across the field.

Trying to take in the situation, Joey came to the premise that she was trying to capture the Oddish, and the conclusion that she was doing a terrible job at it. From what he had read, capturing a wild Pokémon meant weakening it and giving it a status condition before throwing a Pokéball at it, which would require a battle.

As a matter of fact, Joey became quite certain that he was witnessing terrorizing, as opposed to capturing. Not that he had any personal experience, having come from the desert region of Orre, where wild Pokémon life could not be sustained, but he figured that she was missing a few essential elements for catching Pokémon. Or… Joey thought, she could be a criminal. Women could be devilish and cunning when need be, he knew, so he decided to leave his options open and stay on guard.

Drawing himself up to his full height of 4’10”, he donned a look of cold determination and faced the intruder. His Pokémon hurried to his side, while Sinbad stayed poised on all fours where he was at initially, tail whipping back and forth with barely contained menace, an intense look on his face, and buck teeth glinting. Babylon took the advantage of the attention being diverted from himself to belly-crawl towards Joey’s open pack on the ground and swiftly disappeared inside. Only the tip of his tail and an exposed hind foot gave any explanation to the muffled munching sounds heard from within.

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Living Arrow
post Nov 29 2011, 06:04 PM
Post #4

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

“And, now Pipster! Use Bubba-huh?” Lori rubbed frantically at her leg, while hopping sideways, as dirt and sand struck her bare calves. She muttered with annoyance andglanced to the side. A boy was standing there with a bunch of Pokemon just watching her. “What’re you looking at?” She grumbled, picking out a green-capped Pokeball from her bag.

“Whatever.” She turned back to her battle before the boy could make a response only to find the wild grass-type Pokemon disappearing into a bush and Pipster lying quivering on the ground, covered in a strange yellow pollen. “Aw, man! It got away!?”

Lori turned back to the boy that had distracted her. A whole bunch of Pokemon surrounded him – the Pidgey, Seel and Raticate she could recognise but she’d never seen a round pink Pokemon like that before – but the boy managed to hold her attention. It was clear from the violent swish-swishing of the Raticate’s tail that these Pokemon and their trainer were hostile but she didn’t know why. Did the Oddish belong to him?! No… It ran away…

*Is there something about me that just screams ‘trouble’?!* She inwardly moaned.

The kid, smaller than her but maybe around her own age, did not look in the slightest way happy to see her but he hadn’t said anything yet… Lori moved slowly to where Pipster lay twitching and, while keeping an eye towards the stranger, removed a Paralyze Heal from her bag and sprayed the Piplup with it.

“There, good as new.” Lor said quietly, scooping her partner up around the belly and holding his back to her chest. She faced the boy quietly and squeezed Pipster for support. His stubby wings squeezed her arm right back.

“Can I help you with something?” Lori asked tentatively. Her most recent adventure in Port Barley had taught her that trouble could find itself in the most unexpected of places and strangers could be capable of much worse than just beating you at a Pokemon battle (one kid had threatened to cut off all her hair!).

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Dec 5 2011, 12:43 AM
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While the girl faced Joey, he saw behind her that her Pokémon valiantly took a stun spore to the beak. He had the impression that the girl was talking to him, but he couldn’t respond intelligently, so he chose not to respond at all. Once the girl noticed the fleeing Oddish and twitching Piplup, Joey considered getting a Parlyz heal to her out, but she moved too quick for his hesitation and the small blue penguin Pokémon was healed and in her arms. At the sight of the mutual support, Joey visibly softened. No criminal could care that much for her Pokémon, and she was starting to look scared.

Sinbad had grown bored by this time, and wandered a ways away to straighten some of the crushed ferns from their entrance, meticulously counting as he did so. Joey desperately wanted to show some sort of friendly gesture toward the girl and her Piplup, but he was drawing a blank and panic started to rise in his chest. He briefly considered diving in his tent and hiding. Luckily, breaking the ice was decided for him.

Kimiko, the incurable optimist of the team, toddled her way over to the girl and squeaked delightedly at the Pokémon she held, seeing only a potential new playmate. She raised her stubby little arms and stood on tiptoe as if wanting to be picked up as well, but unwilling to wait, she inflated herself to float eye level with the Piplup. Starting to giggle, she couldn’t hold the inflated form anymore and instead landed back at the girl’s feet to finish giggling, but continued to look up at the Piplup with bright eyes reflecting desires of future games.

Joey fumbled around in his pack after displacing a whining Babylon to look for his PDA. Finding it and flipping all four separate screens open, he wiped the screen with his sleeve. He was surprised to see new notifications on it with the information of each new Pokémon species he met, with Oddish listed as the newest one. Bewildered but hopeful, Joey hadn’t seen a Piplup before and hadn’t known they’d existed. Pointing the antenna toward the Piplup, disappointment sunk in his stomach like lead when the screen only showed a series of question marks. Sighing, he continued to fiddle with the setting, hoping it was only a malfunction and not a software problem. Claw kept a watchful eye on Kimiko and Jet resumed sunbathing apathetically.

Joey didn't know how he felt about Kimiko being so open with strangers and he started to move to go get her, but his foldable crutches were out of reach at this point and for some reason he felt a little fatigued. He realized it had been a few hours since he had eaten, and he pulled out some bread for himself (again displacing a grumbling Babylon) and his Pokémon and pulled out a bag of twist-tied gummy Teddiursa. Sitting down to eat, he thought about the ways of communion and acknowledging sharing a meal as the most basic friendly gesture, he gave the bag to Claw who took it in his beak, and with a pointed nod from his trainer, hopped over to the girl to present her with the bag of gummy Teddiursa.

Leaning back at his tent entrance and chewing on the bread, which was unusually mold-free, all of his tension dissipated by the pure interest of the interaction about to take place. Looking closely at the girl for the first time, she certainly didn't look like someone relegated to dumpster meals and sleeping on dirt. She was too pretty and dainty, but she did have a sense of fire about her; a sense of a mission.

Joey really wished he had that.

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Living Arrow
post Dec 8 2011, 03:13 PM
Post #6

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

“Huh?” Lori watched on as the boy’s strange pink Pokemon toddled over while giggling inanely at Pipster. Lori instantly softened and her mouth turned up at the sides into a broad smile. “It’s so cute!” She announced to herself and Pipster who responded with a merry wave of his flippers to the Igglybuff that was floating around him.

*I guess he can’t be so bad if he has a baby Pokemon as cute as this around…* Lori thought to herself, lowering Pipster to the ground so he could play with the bundle of smiles that was waddling around them. It wasn’t long, however, before Lori realised why she had stopped in the clearing in the first place.

“Uh, you know you let that Pokemon that I was gonna catch get away, right?” Lori asked the plain-Joe boy as he rummaged in his bag. When no response came, she pouted. “Fiiiine. But no need to be rude!”

Lori stepped a little closer, deciding that the boy was no threat and watched him closely as he withdrew a Pokedex. Lori blinked. Compared to her state-of-the-art Unovadex the little box was like something out of the dark ages but there was no way for her to know exactly how old it was or from which region it had originated. Whatever the case, a Pokedex normally meant one of two things.

“So, are you a Researcher or a Pokemon Trainer?” Lori asked, looking around at the selection of Pokemon that apparently belonged to him. They were varied enough to suggest that he could be pursuing either profession but none of them looked useful to a scientist nor did they look all that powerful. Again, the kid didn’t reply as he seemed intent on doing other things.

*Oooh… maybe he’s a foreigner who doesn’t speak our language… Figures… Maybe he’s not a bad guy after all!*

“Pidgepidge!” A little Pidgey was passed a plastic bag by the kid and, after a nod of approval, the Tiny Bird hopped over to Lori with the bag and dropped it at her feet with a flutter of his wings. She peered down and scooped up the package.

“Gummy Teddiursa?” Lori untwisted the pack. “And I can have one? Uuh… Thanks!” She plunged and hand in and sank into a squat to pass one to both the cute pink baby and Pipster who snagged it with relish.

“Lup, Piplup!”

“That was nice,” Lori smiled at the guy who was finally looking her way and she popped a red gummy into her own mouth, “thanks! I’m Lori and I’m from Littleroot Town, out here catching and researching Unova-introduced Pokemon that have recently populated Furoh. And this is my partner, Piplup! Who’re you?”

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Dec 10 2011, 07:17 AM
Post #7

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Joey watched the girl eat the offered food and relaxed when the reaction was positive. For him, it was one less social step to overcome. Now looking at her, it was obvious that she was talking to him, to which he inwardly grimaced. Not sure how to respond, but certain that he really had to at this point, he hesitantly turned his head and tapped his ear, then shook his head to the universal gesture of "no". Not sure if his message got across, he took out his notebook and rummaged for a pen with a plastic Spinda top. He had bought it absentmindedly at Starfall Field thinking it was cute, but now he was hoping the girl wouldn't fixate on it too much and think him girly and effeminate. Also grabbing one of the textbooks he had recently bought, Joey snapped open his forearm crutches and went over to join the girl, trying not to drop his stuff in process.

Upon reaching where she was, he cautiously sank to the ground and folded his crutches to place beside him. Patting the ground on the other side, he beckoned the girl to sit with him. A small part of him chastised himself for getting involved when he should have been doing something productive, and another part applauded himself for making contact with another person, thinking if only his mother could see him now! Externally, he kept calm, collected dignity as he opened his notebook to the next clean page and scribbled on the first line:

When he was finished, he set the pen and notebook aside to wait for her response should she choose to give one, and started flipping through his textbook. It was this particular textbook that had a section he wanted to show her… Here it is!

QUOTE("How to Catch a Pokémon")
Preliminary Chapter

Step 1: Engage it in Battle

Step 2: Weaken It

Step 3: Status It

Step 4: Throw Pokéball

For more Advanced Techniques, please see the following pages:

Tricks for Hunting and Trapping p. 226
Moves that Whittle, and Who Has Them p. 228
The Best Status and How to Get It p. 232
Pokéballs: Choosing the Best Tool for the Job p. 235

Joey bookmarked this page and the advanced pages with sticky tabs in case his newest companion wanted a peek. He held the book open to the preliminary for when she was ready to look. Although intending to be helpful, he came to realize that she might not take it that way. As a matter of fact, she may very well take it as an insult, although he saw no reason why other than that she was a girl and knowing that they're a sensitive species and all. Caught between not really caring about her feelings to flatter her competence, but also not really wanting to cause any grief for himself to have to deal with, he considered closing the book and calling it a night. But it might have been too late for that…


Kimiko was overflowing with jubilance at the prospect of a new playmate, and the Piplup did not disappoint. After awhile, even Jet joined in, and Claw got closer, albeit not involved. He preened his feathers not too far away from his trainer. At the permeating smell of an opened bag of gummies, a certain bundle of fluff began sniffing around inside his trainer's pack. Catching the scent trail, the bag turned and scooted across the clearing towards Joey, roughly bumping into him, causing a dazed-looking Eevee to tumble out, nose and ears a-twitching with a mixture of shock from the impact and excitement for the food. Obliviously padding over his trainer's lap and books and paper, he set off on his never-ending quest for stomach fulfillment.

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Living Arrow
post Dec 14 2011, 05:22 PM
Post #8

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

*Ooooh! So he’s a deaf kid? Makes sense, I guess. But, awwww, that totally must suck for him, though.* Lori mentally rolled her eyes to herself as he made the gesture and chastised herself for thinking the worst of him so quickly.

When the boy signalled for Lori to join him around a book, she shrugged off the initial weirdness and plomped down next to him. With her high skirt flowing around her hips like a mini wave, Lori leaned in to read what the boy was writing and flipped a massive swathe of red hair over her shoulder to make sure it didn’t end up blocking her view.

“So, what have we got here?” Lori muttered as she peered at what he had written. “Oh! No need to apologise!” She pointed at the phrase then pointed at herself and shook her head with a smile. Hopefully that came across as ‘no apology needed’ but maybe this deaf kid had a whole load of sign language things that would only make it more confusing… Ugh… Who knew talking to a deaf guy would be so weird?

“Aaand… Right! This is Pipster!” Lori said as she turned her head the other way to signal to her partner penguin Pokemon. “He’s my best friend and the very first Pokemon to come with me on my journey. He’s so awesome and- aw crap…” She turned back and smiled again, a bit of colour coming into her cheeks. That was embarrassing… Maybe she should write as well? It would be weird chatting at the poor guy if he didn’t know how to lip read…

She grabbed the pen. What followed was a bizarre picture of a stick-girl with one massive curl of hair and a round blob with two triangle wings and a beak. Under the girl, she wrote ‘Lori’ and under the beaked-blob, ‘Pipster’. To follow it up, Lori retrieved her Unovadex from her bag and pointed it at her partner for a quick scan before passing it to the kid to read the details it contained about the Piplup species. Just as she was about to give it to him, her eyes fell on the page he wanted her to read.

“Uh, I know how to capture a Pokemon…” Lori pouted and raised her nose. “My sister is Kino Pardare, Unova League Champion, you know… You know? Kino Pardare?” She hastily drew another stick-girl that looked exactly the same but taller, holding hands with the first. “My sister.” She repeated, followed by the further retrieval of a magazine from her bag. The front cover showed her sister in true Pokemon Master glory atop the winners podium, cup in hand and Tsubaki (her Serperior) towering behind her proudly. “So I don’t need lessons on…”

Faster than a striking Arbok, Lori’s hand slammed onto the page and pointed rather forcefully at the first reference: “Tricks for Hunting and Trapping”. She pointed hard and fast, over and over while pointing at herself with the other hand.

“Oh, gimme that!” Lori grabbed the pad again and scrawled under the picture: ‘I’m in Furoh to catch all sorts of newly introduced Unova Pokemon to research them! Please show me how to hunt them down!!!’ She stabbed the page several times for emphasis while grinning madly. Maybe this guy was an experienced trainer like Kino who could give her the right guidance into finding a Unova Pokemon and making her very first capture!?

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Dec 19 2011, 07:08 AM
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Hoping he was giving socially considerate time to her unarguably cute drawings and the glossy, flattering magazine, Joey acknowledged all her materials and especially appreciated the Pokédex info about the Piplup, although the un-apologizing presence of the shiny, new, state-of-the-art technology made him subconsciously gulp and tuck away his dirty, slightly cracked, clearly outdated, and some would say “stolen”, P*DA device.

The girl on the magazine looked glaringly like the girl before him, except older and more mature, and she had another unfamiliar Pokémon proudly sharing the spotlight with her. He gleaned from the body language and her additional drawings that the girl on the magazine cover was Lori’s sister, and obviously someone famous and competent with Pokémon. Perhaps he had offended Lori. Scanning some of the cover keywords he saw Kino Pardare, and Unova League Champion. Sadly, and much to her dismay he imagined, he had never heard of Kino Pardare or even Unova, to which he forlornly shook his head and averted eye contact. How much of a hermit did he have to be to scare away any opportunity at human contact?

Joey visibly jumped when out of nowhere the girl started stabbing at his pages. All women were crazy, Joey was astonished to realize that what his father had always asserted was now starting to prove true. The sudden upsetting action even caused the young man to slur out loud.

“Okay, okay! Deaf, not stupid,” he mumbled while reading her newest message. Perplexed at why she was tormenting an Oddish then, what he knew to be a Kanto region Pokémon, Joey almost raised his question before remembering that it was probably best to leave it alone. Turning the pages to the violently requested appendix, his face fell as he started reading further down. Clearly an advanced section that appeared to be beyond Lori, and Joey was sure it was beyond himself, the first few paragraphs introduced the following chart that depicted useful Pokémon abilities where hunting was concerned, with some abilities even luring out specific types of Pokémon, but unfortunately none of them seemed particularly helpful to Lori.

He moved on to strategies of trapping, skimming the mentions of Arena Trap and Shadow Tag, both of them being abilities. Jumping right to moves, only Block and Mean Look were mentioned, Joey determining the latter to be Lori’s best bet at anything. Then, looking over at her Piplup, he considered the possibilities that it could be useful in any of the aforementioned ways. If that was her only Pokémon, Joey felt he had no choice but to consider her woefully under-prepared for her ambitious task.

Now, if she had something like the Pokémon in the Spotlight Article in the current section the duo were perusing, which was a rabid-looking creature apparently called a Watchog, then she would be pretty well set for life, the way Joey saw it. It not only had Illuminate, an ability established to be paramount in flushing out wild Pokémon, but it also had Mean Look, a way of trapping it, and then the move Super Fang, a well-praised whittling move. While the article sounded a little too promising, like a well-phrased ad, for Joey’s taste, one couldn’t argue with the formula for Pokémon catching. However…

“Do you have any of this?” Joey looked up at Lori and questioned. He was sick of writing, and the damage of her hearing his stereotypical slur attributed to the hearing impaired was already accomplished. He tried to keep eye contact in order to facilitate communication, but he just became aware that he was sitting next to a surprisingly pretty girl that he had no business associating with in the first place: a wholesome girl, and even kin to someone famous. Even now, he was on that path to disappointing her career-wise in catching a Pokémon and he didn’t have the good sense to apologize right there profusely and go hide in his tent until it was time for dumpster rounds.

After realizing what a shame it would be to let her down now, and that he didn’t really have that much to lose at this point and there was no downside to seeing this pitiful social charade through, Joey kept his breathing even and managed to maintain a decent kind of hollow eye contact that was bearable. Hoisting himself to a standing position and snapping open his forearm crutches, and donning them along with his pack with an odd sense of pride, he recalled all his Pokémon: Pidgey, Seel, Igglybuff, and Eevee. Sinbad was nowhere to be seen, to which Joey inwardly shrugged, figuring the wild Raticate could take care of himself. Then he started swinging himself across the clearing and into the jungle, then turned to Lori and motioned with a nod of his head.

“Can’t find anything if you don’t look.”


Joey led the girl and her Piplup to a different and less tamed clearing that he had sparingly explored in his meager free time, but remembered a small herd of Patrat romping around in this area. He was starting to feel hungry, so he balanced on his good leg and absentmindedly ate some bread, forgetting to peel off the mold in his nervousness at having to help almost a complete stranger catch a Pokémon, and a Unova one at that, not that he even partially knew what that meant.

Looking aside at his company, he vaguely wondered how she ate. From his sparse trips to the Fidona Pokémon Center, he observed that they had a cafeteria and dorm rooms for trainers on their journeys. He had been afraid to presume he would be allowed to utilize their facilities and loathed the idea of causing a scene and then having to deal with a confrontation. But maybe… he glanced at Lori. What if he managed to stick around her long enough where the situation would arise for them to share a meal together, and naturally she would want to go back to the cafeteria and eat, right? The gears were really turning in the young urchin’s mind now. If he tagged along, or had a plausible reason to, maybe he would be considered a trainer by association, and if she was as big a deal as she implied, who would dare challenge it?

The prospect of a real meal motivated his stomach to bribe his common sense into overlooking all that could go wrong with that plan, including foremost the notion that if she was that big of a deal, maybe she had private accommodations for eating, which he had no hopes of getting in on. Joey’s speculation was cut short by a yowling screech erupting from the undergrowth promptly followed by two close-distanced quadruped figures darting around the edge of the clearing, one clearly in deadly pursuit of the frantically sprinting first shape. The fractured light from the jungle treetops made them hard to recognize, and Joey was disheartened from trying his P*DA again.

When they came around closer, Joey caught a glimpse of a sleek, lavender, feline form sprinting close to the ground after a steel grey, fluffy, rodent-like Pokémon. They were both Unova origin Pokémon: Purrloin and Minccino. The two zipped around for a bit uninterrupted by the two trainers who watched in awe. The Minccino darted through some ferns, and the backlash (Fwwiiiip!) caught the Purrloin square in the nose, causing a Mrraaoo!! and a renewed chase up a tree. The Minccino looked cornered on the branch as the Purrloin confidently slithered forward toward it, towards a questionably safe-looking thin part of the branch where the Minccino momentarily cowered. Then, the two trainers could almost see the metaphorical lightbulb shine over the fluffy rodent's head as it brewed a devious plan. Very purposefully, it began violently bouncing on the branch. Frazzled now, the Purrloin dropped any pretense of confidence and with wide eyes and extended claws, the feline Pokémon clung tenaciously to the branch, which proceeded to crack, and snap. The maniacally giggling Minccino valiantly lept over the yowling Purrloin just in time to land safely on the other side of the branch while the feline flailed into the bushes below, a single claw horrifically just scraping and missing the attached end of the branch, causing twigs and leaves to fly up from up the thunderous impact of "kitty meets foliage". Shakily, the Purrloin dizzily padded out into the open, glaring up at the Minccino in the tree, before emanating a venerable hissing growl attack toward the target, causing the Minccino to scamper down the tree and away around the clearing, the hint of laughter and triumph slowly fading away as the Purrloin gained length on it.

The young cripple turned to Lori with a look as if to say, “Have at it.”

This post has been edited by LittleShadowPokemon: Dec 27 2011, 06:55 PM

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Living Arrow
post Dec 28 2011, 06:22 PM
Post #10

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

“Yes, my very first Unova Pokemon!” Lori exclaimed as she and Joey watched on, the pursuit of the fluffy grey rodent by the sleek feline completely enrapturing. It was, however, Lori’s mission to capture these Pokemon and first she would have to analyse her opponents. Her emerald green Unovadex was scanning her targets as they dashed through the undergrowth.

[Purrloin – the Devious Pokemon. Purrloin steal from people for fun, but their victims can’t help but forgive them. It attacks with sharp claws.]

Lori liked the idea of capturing a deceptive Dark-type Pokemon – it would make for a very tricky battler which could prove to be extremely useful in building up the number of wins under her belt. Not only that, but the kitty was super cute!

[Minccino – the Chinchilla Pokemon. Minccino prefer a tidy habitat. They are always sweeping and dusting, using their tails as brooms.]

If the Purrloin had been cute, the Minccino was KAWAIIIII! The way it dodged and evaded the pursuing feline was nothing short of impressive and it’s fast-thinking to keep away from those claws could turn out to be a big strength in any battle. Which one to capture first?! There was only one thing for it.

“Have at it!”

“OK! Let’s catch them both!” Lori cried, readying a fresh green-capped Pokeball in her fist. “Take ‘em both, Pipster! Bubble attack now!”

Puffing out his chest in true Piplup-style, Pipster launched his move.

“Piiiplupluplupluplup!” A wide spray of bubbles splattered across the clearing to burst heavily into both the Mincinno and the Purrloin, showering them in a spray of water than slowed them down long enough for Lori and Joey to hurry a little closer. Both the wild Pokemon instantly turned on Pipster, forgetting their primal rivalry for the moment. Pound and Scratch met little Penguin and before Lori knew it her little partner was tumbling backwards with Torchic running around his head.

“Oh, no! Pipster!” Lori rushed to his side and crouched down, checking his bruises. “It’s OK – you take a little rest and let Triss take over for a bit.”

“Luuup…” Pipster sighed, relxing into Lori’s elbow.

“Let’s go, Triss!” Lori summoned her Snivy and turned to look at her new-found teammate. “Two against one isn’t fair and I am not missing out on a Unova-capture! Please will you help me out?”

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post Jan 21 2012, 01:23 AM
Post #11

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"Please will you help me out?"

The words could clearly be read from her lips if not from her wide eyed expression. Sighing inwardly, Joey started rummaging in his front scrubs pockets for his Pokéball. What would be best against these creatures? Peeking over at Lori's Pokédex, he summed up that they were a normal type and a dark type. He didn't have any type advantages in his party, at which he grimaced. Both looked to be incredibly speedy. He doubted he could out speed either of them, even with Claw and Babylon. Where one can't win with speed, one wins with tricks, and his Pokémon with the most tricks up her sleeve was Kimiko. Releasing her from her Pokéball, she immediately brightly waddled over to her teammate, a Snivy that Joey thought he vaguely recognized as a species. Glancing over at Lori, he tried to determine if this was her final Pokémon, or if she had more in her arsenal.

At least so far this was working. He was helping a girl catch two Pokémon. Surely it wasn't so hard to be a Pokémon trainer, after all. He could almost taste the cooked food now.

Guessing that the Snivy was a grass-type, a type known for its support moves rather than offensive maneuvers, Joey hoped it could aid in his plan. Looking over at Lori, he steadied himself on his crutches and tried to explain his thinking as best he could to avoid the associated slur of the hearing impaired.

"They are too fast. We need to cri…"

He couldn't bring himself to say "cripple", even though he thought it without flinching, and if his life hadn't taken that turn on a boat he would have said it for sure, but instead he tried again.

"We need to weaken them. Stop them from moving."

Kimiko was done exchanging pleasantries with Triss, and turned to look at Joey. The two locked eyes and nodded, ready to get serious, as serious as their opponents appeared to be, as the Purrloin looked absolutely vicious in a battle stance, and the Minccino had a steady determination and a certain flex of the tight rodent muscles that portrayed poise and alertness.

*Funny accent… Bet he's from Johto – ugh!*

"Weakening things is Triss's specialty! Right, Triss?!" Lori punched the air. Her Snivy sighed back at her and shook her head in disbelief before focusing narrowed eyes upon her opponents. "And, thanks to my lovely emerald Pokedex, I know exactly what moves she has!"

Lori delighted in the joys of her Pokedex. Not only had they taught her a bit more about her Pokemon, it also gave some guidance on type advantages in battle. After her rather embarrassing defeat in Port Barley when a dumb kid's Cubone defeated her Pipster because she didn't think to learn her beloved partner's movepool, she had made sure to learn what both of her Pokemon were capable of.

"OK, so my special Snivy knows some brilliant moves for slowing opponents down," Lori clapped her hands, "but let's attack first! Triss do a Vine Whip!"

And her Snivy was on the offensive, snaking vines flashing out from the collar on her neck towards the foe Purrloin in a deadly arc….

The vine slammed down on the ground where the Purrloin had been before it dodged to the right, then in quick succession of slams from side to side which the feline kept dodging, the vine finally hit home dead center when the Purrloin performed a fatal misstep. The Minccino rushed up in a wave of euphoria that comes with one-upping a long-time rival, the Purrloin. Jumping over the crouching Purrloin, the small rodent rushed forward and swung its tail around, releasing a string of stars headed for Triss.

"Kimiko, use Copycat!" The pink toddler wobbled slightly in front of Triss and with a twirl of her little paw, she sent a flurry of stars right back at the Minccino, who swiftly and gracefully maneuvered around the attack. Joey realized this was definitely going to be harder than it looks. Hoping the Copycat Swift would buffer the initial attack, but now he had to counter.

"Sweet Kiss," Joey called evenly to his small obedient Pokémon. With a quick response, Kimiko caught the eye of the Purrloin, twirled like a ballerina and then leaned forward making a throwing-kiss motion and ended with a wink. Inwardly groaning, Joey asserted that she could have done that without the theatrics, but made no move to reprimand her.

This post has been edited by LittleShadowPokemon: Jan 21 2012, 01:28 AM

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post Jan 24 2012, 11:51 AM
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Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

“Aww, c’mon, Triss!” Lori urged her Snivy from the safety of the edge of the clearing. “Grab that mouse thing and hold it down with your best Wrap attack!”

Complying with her trainer’s orders, Triss dove for the Minccino again and again but the grey bundle of fur was extremely adept at evading her attacks. The wild Pokemon, though incredibly focused on dodging, was still able to spin fast on its final move and slam the side of Triss’ head with its tail.

“Wow! I bet that was a Pound attack!” Lori watched on as Triss skidded around the grass, gliding to her feet rapidly and hissing a vehement promise to the small Minccino. “Fast and powerful – I’ve simply got to have it!”

The sensation of battling was still as exotic and intoxicating as ever – Lori was on a high that she had never felt before! Ever since she had left Twinleaf Town with Pipster and her first Unova Pokemon, Triss, she had dreamed of this day where she would capture her very first Pokemon fair and now was her chance!

“OK, Triss.” Lori counted off Triss’ attacks carefully in her mind. That kid Joey had said immobilising the opponent was key in a capture but that was proving difficult with Wrap. Her Grass-type also knew the move Glare and Flash – both of which could potentially distract the Minccino long enough for Triss to get her vines around it and beat it into recognition. “Let’s use Glare!”

“Sni!” The young Ivy Snake fired off her vines in deadly arcs towards the Minccino.

“Wha!? Not Vine Whip! I said Glare!” Lori moaned as her Pokemon disobeyed orders. With a large swathe of red hair clutched tightly in her fist, white-knuckled with rage, Lori yelled at her Pokemon: “Listen to me when I’m commanding you!!!”

“CINO!” The Chinchilla Pokemon cried as Triss’s first whip flashed past its face and the other snagged its tail out harshly from behind it. With a mighty heavy, the Snivy swung the Minccino over her head to slam directly into the ground.

“Snivy!” The Grass-type congratulated herself to soon. A flash of pink-red light passed along her vines and before she knew it…

“Why are you stroking it?!” Lori smacked a palm to her forehead. “Hit it!”

Her Snivy ignored orders once more even as the Unovadex whirred back to life at Lori’s hip:

[Cute Charm. Minccino’s special ability. Upon contact, Cute Charm may infatuate a Pokemon of the opposite gender – rendering them unable to attack.]

“Nooooo!” Lori wailed even as the Minccino wriggled free of Triss’s vines and hopped away, blowing his audience a mocking kiss before, with a cheeky wink, disappearing into the underground in a flash. “My Minccino…”

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Feb 11 2012, 04:38 AM
Post #13

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The Purrloin dodged the Sweet Kiss with innate dexterity, and quickly countered with a series of malicious Fury Swipes, claws gleaming in the low, unevenly distributed forest light, with a knowing twinkle in its eye. Not able to scramble out of the way in time, Kimiko was knocked back by various scratches accompanied with a heart-breaking wail. Joey clenched his jaw and sucked in air rapidly. It had happened so fast that the Purrloin had only seemed to twitch. Kimiko didn’t really seem to understand what was going on right away either, until the adrenaline seeped out and the burning pain of the scratches surfaced. Joey could see the situation play across her face. First, the wide-eyed toddler confusion, the reaching of one dainty paw to pat her face where the stinging started, and the subsequent pulling away to see evidence of the wound staining her delicate pink fur, and the distortion of her features as tears began to form in her eyes and a sob caught in her throat.

If Joey learned anything as a day care attendant, it was a small trick that worked a little more than half the time with young Pokémon. Knowing that they were heavily reliant on an authority or parental figure in order to gauge their own reactions, one could surmise that if you don’t freak out, they won’t freak out. If you’re acting worried, then there’s probably a good reason to be worried, in their mind. Thus, Joey had to play it off like it was no big deal, and the youthful Igglybuff might adopt the same idea. He had to act quickly before her own tears overwhelmed her.

“Kimiko, that’s a bad kitty cat, huh?” Kimiko turned and looked at her trainer, tears still visibly brimming in her eyes. The sight sent his stomach into painful knots. When Joey suggested that she spank the bad kitty with a Pound attack, she broke out in giggles while performing his request. Feeling like he could breathe again safely, Joey released the pent up air he hadn’t realized he had been holding. When distracting the youngsters, humour was traditionally the best route of action.

Inflating herself to look more intimidating and being able to cover more ground, she rushed forward with a tiny, pink paw poised for a powerfully perpetrated pound attack. Unfortunately, the speed and agility of the Purrloin triumphed every time. Its lithe, toned body contorting in spectacular ways to avoid each strike. Kimiko, panting quite audibly and visibly with a stressed look on her face, was ordered to fall back. Retreating slightly towards her trainer, she was told to let it come to her. Joey recognized an offensive tactic was proving futile, so he quickly racked his brain looking for an alternative. Deciding on one, he waited for the Purrloin to take the bait, telling Kimiko to hold steady when she looked back uncertainly at him.

The Purrloin, looking skeptical, hesitantly paced back and forth, gaining minimal distance each time, a cold, calculating look in its eye. Each padded step gliding over the top soil and grass with grace that refuses to displace a single atom exuded a building confidence, and the turns of each pace became sharper and more deliberate. Then, suddenly, the Purrloin came rushing in as a shadow with claws extended. Shocked at the sudden, unprecedented transformation into an ethereal state, Joey fumbled to stick to the original plan. It looked like a ghost-type move, and therefore would miss a normal-type such as Kimiko. But just in case…

“Kimiko, use Defense Curl now!” Adroitly following her trainer’s commands, the rubbery Igglybuff inflated herself and rolled to expose her backside, which the ensuing Purrloin connected with as an angry shadow. The impact caused a sick smacking sound where Kimiko was sent bouncing like a beach ball around the clearing until she flipped over mid-bounce and then used her limbs to gain traction and slow her momentum enough to deflate. Impressively, she landed in what could be considered an Igglybuff’s version of a three-point fighting pose, determinedly facing the off-balanced feline. The Purrloin had unexpectedly bounced off Kimiko and was shocked back into a physical form now sprawled in the dirt, dazed and looking nauseated. The attack had been slightly deflected but still damage sustaining. It was now or never to incapacitate it before it recovered onto its feet.

“Sweet Kiss, before it’s too late!” A rosy, illusionary heart floated from Kimiko’s air kiss gesture towards the supine Purrloin, unsuspecting of the attack. It hit home right between the eyes of the Purrloin and pervaded the unsavory creature with a countenance of sheer dopiness and put a definitive loop in its step as it struggled to stand. Joey relaxed and used the reprise to devise an effective counter.

A flash of movement to his right caught his attention and his stomach lurched at the disturbing sight of the small, fluffy rodent being twirled and slammed to the ground from the adroit vines of the elegant Snivy. Joey actually put his hand over his mouth in a grimace as his imagination overworked to fabricate bone-crunching sounds that weren’t there.

Getting caught up in Lori’s side of the battle, as was Kimiko, Joey observed as the Minccino’s ability kicked in, a coup that eventually led to his cheeky escape. Although he couldn’t hear the Pokédex at Lori’s hip, he was familiar with the ability from studying. Before Kimiko hatched, Joey was put in charge of her egg, and thus was given a new mission to learn everything he could about her species, which back then consisted of pitifully looking through picture books. Until recently, he had no idea of how pitiful that truly was. He remembered proudly considering himself a scholar, but supposing everything is relative, compared to his parents and their education level, he was a university professor at age seven.

Lori certainly looked crestfallen as the Minccino hopped through the underbrush into territory unknown. In a rare case of empathy, Joey rubbed each of his Pokéballs, imagining the profound loss if he had missed the opportunity to attain one of his Pokémon. Was Lori mourning the loss of a family member, in a way? Claw, to him, was better than a little brother. Reaching out to touch Lori on the arm, he offered what he hoped was his sincerest look and parted with what he hoped were comforting words. He might never know their impact because Lori’s eyes widened in shock. It felt like lead had fallen in Joey’s stomach as panic rose. Oh no, I’ve already messed up trying to be kind! But with a slow pointing gesture, Joey realized her reaction referred to something going on behind him. Whirling on the spot and swinging his crutches around, his voice caught in his throat with a gasp.

Kimiko, still oblivious to the world from a bout of cheering (for either Triss’s battle competence or the Minccino’s dashing escape, no one can be sure), was chosen as a new and easier prey by the one remaining foe. Having sort of assumed Minccino’s fleeing annulled the battle, the hearing-impaired trainer had forgotten all about the Purrloin, which was now deviously slinking toward the unaware baby Pokémon.

Feeling that she had had enough of battling, her scratch wounds still shining bright, Joey frantically searched his pack for her Pokéball, completely forgetting that it was in his front pocket. With the Purrloin closing the distance horrifyingly fast, he abandoned his search for her ball and instead followed his instincts, to find something hard, blunt, and heavy to throw at the Purrloin to deter it. Maybe he could muster to just slam it in front of it to scare it. Finally clasping something that seemed viable, he whipped it toward the approaching feline expecting to see either a book flopping from his grasp, or considering the shape in hindsight, a roll of bread he had neglected to seal properly, but instead he saw a spinning red and white sphere zipping toward the Purrloin, and smacking it on its fore-shoulder. With a heart-wrenching yowl, the Purrloin was sucked inside in a burst of red energy. It rocked once, twice, thrice, and then settled into a dim, inactive state.

For the first time in his life, Joey face-palmed.

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Living Arrow
post Feb 17 2012, 11:49 AM
Post #14

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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“Oooooh NOOOO!” Lori wailed, grabbing her hair in both hands and squeezing tightly, tugging with angry fists while gesturing manically at the Pokeball in Joey’s possession. “That was MYYY Purrloin! Mine!!!”

How could this be happening!? First the Minccino had gotten away and then the guy who had agreed to help her catch both of her target Unova Pokemon was stealing them from her! How could he just turn around and snag that Purrloin away from her so cold-heartedly?! There was only one explanation:

“You’re MEEEAAAN!!!” Lori wailed, tears welling in her eyes before she could control them. “T-that was my Unova Pokemon! Mine!”

“Sni…” Triss slinked up to her trainer, the effects of Cute Charm finally wearing off with the escape of the wild Minccino. A long vine reached up to stroke Lori’s shoulder in a gesture of support. It went ignored as free-flowing tears took hold of Lori’s eyes and she collapsed on the spot – sinking to her knees with a wail of defeat to blubber into her thick hair that spilled around her head like a ruby waterfall.

“I-it’s just… j-just not fair.” She moaned into her palms. “I love Pokemon so so much and I still can’t get it right. Why do I even bother…?”

“Sni! Snivy sni!” Triss’s angry frown turned on Joey and the bouncy form of Kimiko. “Sni-ivy! Ivy sni sni!” ”Give us that Pokeball! Hand it over now or face the consequences! LEAF TORNADO!”A raging wind gathered in the base of Triss’s tail as razor sharp leaves began to dislodge and swirl into a vortex rising from the Pokemon’s back. The Grass Snake’s form shook with defensive anger as she dropped to the ground and arched her tail over her head like the sting of a striking Skorupi.

“Triss, stop it!” Lori’s arms wrapped around her Pokemon’s middle before the Grass-type could release her newest attack and, in the process, got slashed several times along her forearms. The cuts weren’t deep but they did sting and Lori winced, scrunching her eyes tightly as Triss released the attack to stop her trainer from getting hurt. “We don’t attack people like that!” Tears still fresh on Lori’s cheeks continued to roll despite her crying finally subsiding. “It’s alright… It’s alright…”

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Mar 15 2012, 08:29 PM
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Joey calmly went and picked up the Pokéball, maneuvering the forearm crutches accordingly. He peered down at the small capsule in his palm. It was warm with the life contained within it. It was hard to believe that yowling, hissing mess was trapped inside. He decided against calling it out, imagining the lithe feline body coiled for attack.

The crippled trainer turned to look at Lori, who he was shocked to discover in the middle of a breakdown. She had been gesturing angrily to the Pokéball in his clutch. Applied with some lip-reading, the meaning dawned on Joey. Right! Joey realized. I was supposed to be helping her, and this looks really bad. By now, Lori was crying unabashedly, and truthfully, it broke his heart a little. He didn't like seeing those of the female species cry…it reminded him of his mother, even though she hadn't usually cried so openly and powerfully like Lori. Her tears had been silent, and persistent. He felt paralyzed with emotion as he watched her sink to her knees, and her Snivy wandered up still stepping lazily with the diminishing effects of the Cute Charm.

Their tender moment also added to the effect on Joey, and one by one, he thought about his Pokémon. Would Claw ever do that for him? In all the years they had been together, had he already done so? He racked his brain to remember, but found nothing. Would Kimiko ever sidle up next to him and give him soulful concerned eyes? Even as sweet as she was innately in character, he just couldn't picture her comforting him. Would rubbery Seel flippers ever embrace him? Would a bundle of warm, brown fur ever willingly crawl into his lap and rub against him?

His thoughts were interrupted by a sharp glance from her Snivy. Now with a dose of vehement intimidation, the Snivy started building up an attack and sharp leaves started dancing around her. Acting quickly, Joey withdrew his Igglybuff from harm's way and sent out Claw in a burst of red energy. Landing gracefully, the Pidgey quickly assessed the situation and entered a mental battle mode.

"Pidddeeee!" he screeched with out-spread wings and puffed feathers in an open stance. Not waiting for Joey's command, he started furling a gust in front of him, which dissipated almost as quickly once the pair saw what transpired next. Lori had flung herself upon her own Pokémon to stop the attack, risking a multitude of cuts primarily along her arms. A bright red substance trickled to the surface, and Joey sucked in a breath of air. He mentally began shifting through his inventory, trying to remember if he had any disinfectant left over. He couldn't remember having any, and he immediately kicked himself for being so foolish. Growing up in less than favorable living conditions such as Pyrite, one learned that infection was not something to mess around with; even the small stuff.

With less than ample optimism, Joey rifled through his pack, finding only Pokémon-related first aid ointments, as he had suspected. He took out his notebook and Spinda pen and quickly jotted down a note before carefully tearing it out. He hoped his handwriting was acceptable. Lately, he had been taking more care to form his letters. His mother had had beautiful handwriting. His father had been illiterate, only able to sign his name.

He hobbled over to Lori with determination. He kneeled on his good leg to be at her level and handed her the note and Pokéball containing the Purrloin by clasping his two hands over one of hers, making sure his intentions were clear.

"Here's your new Unova Pokémon. Congratulations," he said steadily, focusing with adroit concentration on his enunciation. It didn't feel like it particularly mattered anymore if she heard him speak. She already had, so there was nothing left to protect anymore. Maybe he wasn't speaking as terribly as he had first assumed. He took his hands away and nonchalantly wiped off a little blood on his scrubs top, a primary use of the material. He also noticed a small line of blood smeared on the Pokéball, but the note seemed clean enough.

Cuts need disinfectant. Pokemon Center. Late. Sleep. Try again bright and early. Purrloin tracker.

He had felt a small pang of regret as he handed over the Purrloin. If anything, it was the first Pokémon he had captured, aside from Claw, that is, but he didn't really count that. Briefly, he wondered if the Purrloin could be useful in some way, or if he could sell it. In the middle of measuring out how much food could be bought with the money from the Purrloin, he talked himself out of it by reminding himself that he already had four lives he couldn't afford to feed, and that he had no business keeping.

After giving her the Pokéball and note, he rose to his feet with the aid of the crutches, and started to back off a bit. He hung back to give them some room, especially the Snivy, who had earned a wary eye from Claw. The diminutive Pidgey fluttered softly and landed on his trainer's shoulder, and twittered quietly. Joey had become accustomed to the pointy little bird talons finding balance by digging into his skin, and on some level, even found it comforting. He reached up and smoothed the feathers while wondering where their night was headed. After this little fiasco, he thought with remorse that he had probably forfeited their chance at a hot meal and even possibly an actual bed for the night.

He sighed, weary of thinking about it, weary of planning and hoping, weary of depending on circumstances to eat and sleep with safety. At this point, all he really wanted to do was go chill in his tent, sleep, and forget about today and the crying girl. Reading was also a viable option to force the images of the tear-stained porcelain face out of his mind, he considered.

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Living Arrow
post Mar 16 2012, 11:17 AM
Post #16

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

Rather ironically, Lori didn’t hear the deaf boy’s words for a little while, focused instead on the small and smooth scaled form of Triss, her Snivy. Had Triss really felt her burning desire to capture her first Pokemon and translated her overwhelming sadness into a bubble of revenge? Her Snivy was always so calm and cool – a real level-headed Grass-type that always knew what was best for any situation. She’d even go as far to ignore her trainer’s orders to win a battle before and had done the same again when fighting the Minccino all because…


”Professor Juniper and I agree that this Snivy is going to be one of the most powerful that the Unova region has produced for some time.” Kino instructed Lori as she fed the small grass snake an Oran Berry. “Her attack power is excellent for a Pokemon of her level and training and she is incredibly smart, too.”

“Sni, sni!” The Pokemon nodded her head smartly to the Unova Champion’s words.

“Wooow…” Lori breathed, her eyes wide as she stared at the donated Pokemon. “She sounds… so… AWESOME!”

“She is, Lor.” Kino smoothed the head of the Snivy one last time before she looked up at her sister. The elder of the two had dazzling green eyes on a normal day but right now they were hardened peridots trapped in ice. “She is very awesome. But remember who the trainer is here. You’ll need to work closely with all your Pokemon, especially ones like this, to understand them and know how they tick. If you don’t then you might just find that you’re the one receiving the training.”

Lori nodded slowly but hadn’t the heart to admit she had stopped listening about halfway through. She was going on a Pokemon journey and she already had a powerful Pokemon! The Furoh region wouldn’t know what hit it…


“Huh?” Lori blinked through her tears and looked up at Joey, who was now holding her hand. His palms were warm and a little larger than hers despite her being taller. His touch made the cuts there sting but she was blushing too deeply to notice the pain. As his hand pulled away, her own palms felt bare and cold.

My Pokemon?” She whispered, reaching out towards the Pokeball. “You caught it… for me?” The red and white ball was smeared with a reddish-brown mark that had come from the cuts sustained on her own arms but it still shone with the glamour of a freshly captured Pokemon. Her fingertips brushed the ball as they drew near and slowly gripped around the warm plastic capsule…

*Is this how I’m going to complete my journey? Wait for hand-outs and donations? Pipster and Triss were both given to me already and my mission is to capture and research these new Unova Pokemon – not get passed hand-me-downs until it’s time to go home… No, I can’t take it. Even though I want it and taking that Pokeball would be easy right now, how would I explain away the red ball that goes home to Kino? It’s not mine… I’d be a fraud. And if I’m the trainer, I need to start showing my Pokemon that I am just as capable as anybody else. That’s my Ninja Trainer Way.*

“Sorry, Joey.” Lori pushed the Pokeball back to the boy’s narrow chest. “But that’s your Purrloin. You caught it fair and square and that’s that. I’ve made a promise to myself and my Pokemon that I’m going to be the best trainer I can be and that means that I have to capture my own Pokemon my own way.” She wiped her tears away and smiled through the pain it brought her hands.

The note that had come with the Pokeball had gone completely unnoticed until then.

“Oh, you wrote something!” She peered at the note. The handwriting had a similar scrawl to her own. “Pokemon Center? Try again? Purrloin tracker? You’re… you’re going to help me catch another Purrloin?”

Lori wasn’t sure what to say. She was convinced Joey had been some psycho thief a couple of minutes ago and now…

“Deal!” She laughed. “And dinner’s on me!” She pulled open her bag to grab at her purse. “My sponsorship means I get to eat free at any Pokemon Center with up to four human guests and all of our Pokemon will be looked after, too. Then we can get up real early and bag one of those Purr-… No, I’ve got a better idea.” Lori laid a hand softly on Triss’s head as the Snivy stared up to her with consideration in her eyes. “I’m going to catch that Minccino that defeated us in battle. That way, I’ll prove that I am a real trainer and not just some rookie who’s ready to give up and go home. Thanks, Joey!”

She launched herself onto his shoulders, causing Claw to flutter off of his trainer in alarm. Her hug was tight and heartfelt.

“We’ll get that Minccino, alright!”

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Mar 20 2012, 08:43 PM
Post #17

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Sweet Team

Claw portrayed the exact level of startle that his trainer tried to hide. Up until then, Joey had only hugged his mother. Even so, people in Pyrite would sooner put a knife in your ribs than hug you. After the short-lived initial shock, he decided it was kind of a nice feeling to be that close to someone, and he allowed himself the social awkwardness of putting his arms around her gently. It was over almost as soon as it started, and despite his well-contained knee-jerk reaction to strike out, he couldn't believe that as soon as she had let go he found himself wishing that it had lasted longer, or wishing she would do that again in the near future. At least she seemed to be over crying.

She didn't seem to notice his discomfort and he breathed an unnoticeable sigh of relief as they started walking through the shallow woods to the Pokemon center. He almost felt giddy at the prospect of a hot meal. However, he recalled that if his father had been here, eating on someone else's dime would have been woefully out of the question. Luckily, as Joey considered it, he didn't share his father's unreasonable pride. Especially on an empty stomach. He shuddered and shoved aside those acidic memories of his childhood home before they could anchor and drag him down. He occupied his mind with his surroundings to distract himself from the pity party he so wanted to indulge.

The walk was fairly uneventful. Joey swung easily, only getting snagged briefly on various undergrowth. Wild Pokemon went about their lives. Natu hopped confidently across tree branches and pecked at patches of moss. Taillow flew as a flock to land in a group of trees that clearly was known as their territory as headed by a few leading Swellow. Spinarak were waking up and sluggishly crawling around on tree trunks. Later in the day and heading towards evening bug-type Pokemon were starting to claim the night. Joey noticed that Lori had picked up her pace.

They arrived at the center in good time. Joey mimicked the other patrons as best he could and gave the Nurse Joy his Pokemon. He felt uneasy not having them around, but they were overdue for a checkup. They had been admitted to Pokemon Centers before, so he trusted them to behave. His thoughts lingered on the new Purrloin. The nurse also immediately offered care for Lori's scratches. The people that milled about the lobby looked so normal and naturally at peace, as if they belonged there as much as in their own house. He imagined each with loved ones, families, friends, spouses, children, siblings, jobs, lives, and happiness. He caught his reflection in a well-polished vase. Do I look like these people? Could I have all those things? Or at the very least, pretend to and get away with it? He answered his reflection with morose acceptance. Not with that messy, dirty hair. Not with those patched clothes. Not with that height. Not with those crutches.

He looked at Lori. She had a sister, and a very successful one at that from what he had been told. He wondered what that was like, to have someone that close. When he was little, he had always asked for a brother, but there was no favorable way to explain to a five year old about how the difficulty of his own birth had left his mother unable to carry another one to term. Once he got older, he asserted to himself that it was for the best. His father only would have made sure that he and his brother hated each other. If he had a sister, he would have been responsible for her in a way he never wanted to be responsible for anyone. Plus, it would have been one more person to leave.

Taking another sweep at the people around him, Joey realized that most of them were trainers like Lori. He considered all she had said about going on a journey and completing a Pokedex. An accumulation of all that he had read and seen since arriving in Furoh, he was starting to realize the culture shock. Everyone seemed to have a goal in mind, a mission, a journey, a path. No one in Orre had that. Orre didn't even have wild Pokemon, or gyms. Contests were practically fairy tales. People traveled, sure, but they were desert nomads unafraid of the death sentence that traversing the desert claimed. If the environment didn't get you, the territorial thugs sure as hell would. Joey was beginning to realize that it was safer here. Being homeless would be less noticeable, and maybe even hold less weight socially. If so, maybe he wasn't as doomed as he first thought. He reigned in his optimism before he got carried away and reminded himself to wait it out and observe cautiously, but he couldn't shake the thoughts.

An assistant nurse interrupted his thoughts and then motioned to Joey's cast and quickly shuffled him to a back room, leaving Lori back with the main nurse. After he was settled on a clean, papered cot, Joey recognized that the nurse was talking energetically. After some lip-reading, it became clear that she was offering to remove his cast. He tensed up. He began to regret not opposing going with her more. He might even be charged for being in the clinic room right now! He moved to get up and started apologizing for wasting her time when she stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder and said something. He turned and looked her in the eye, cringing at the eye contact. No, he must have misunderstood her. Did she say what he thought she said? Even so, was he arrogant enough to assume?

"There's no fee for removing a cast, especially if I do it. Your leg looks healthy enough for the cast to be removed, but it will never get stronger if you leave it as it is. Just give me a minute," she smiled sweetly before going into an adjacent room for the proper tools. Joey smiled quietly and wondered how Lori and his Pokemon were doing.

Joey entered the cafeteria and tried to sight out Lori, hoping she had been tended to already and finished. Her shock of red hair wouldn't be hard to miss, he knew. He still had to use his crutches, but it felt like he had a new, lighter leg. The sight of his own leg had disturbed him. It was still slightly bruised and significantly weaker, but he was comforted that it would get better. It would just take some time.

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Living Arrow
post Mar 21 2012, 02:34 AM
Post #18

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

Lori idly twirled the hologram over her Pokedex with one finger while resting her jaw in the cup of her other hand. She sighed heavily, tapping the device every now and again to scroll through the senseless list of attacks, abilities and other vital statistics of her Pokemon, Triss.

She sat in the cafeteria of the Pokemon Center, awaiting Joey’s return from wherever he had decided to go and had thought strategising her hunting of and battle with the Minccino from earlier. So far she had come up with nothing and all because she couldn’t rely on the Snivy’s inability to follow orders if she did not agree with them. Sure, there was always Pipster to take her place in the capture battle but he had been defeated super-fast by the wild chinchilla. She sat back and gathered a long bunch of hair in one fist, stroking it absent-mindedly and chewing on her lip.

Another deep sigh.

*What am I going to do?*

She glanced down at the scratches on her arms. The local Nurse Joy had put a healing salve on the cuts she had sustained from earlier and had thankfully remarked that they were shallow and so would heal very soon. That was a relief. So many tiny cuts ending in scars would have ruined her creamy skin but she hadn’t even considered the possibility until it had been brought to her attention.

“Miss Pardare?” Nurse joy waved from the reception desk. Lori clapped her Unovadex shut and hurried to the desk.

“Oh, Nurse Joy! How’s Pipster?!” Lori asked fervently as she grabbed at the pair of Pokeballs in the tray marked ‘Pardare’.

“He’s absolutely fine,” the nurse smiled sweetly, “and very excited to battle again!”

“Really? Pipster?” Lori frowned and clicked open the green Pokeball.

“Luuup!” Pipster squeaked with delight and pinned himself to Lori’s shoulder in a tight cuddle. His stubby beak buried into her collar bone but it didn’t hurt a bit – it only felt like Lori’s day got a little warmer and brighter after the deluge it had spiralled into earlier.

“Hi, Pipster!” Lori laughed and repositioned him to sit in a reverse-hug on her stomach. “Thank you for taking care of my Pokemon, Nurse Joy. I’ll make sure to look after them as best as possible until it’s time to see you again.”

“I’m sure you will, Lori.” Joy tapped a completion note away on her computer. “Please, enjoy the rest of your stay.”

“Thaaanks!” Lori waved as she and Pipster returned to the cafeteria.

From the very few that she had been to, Lori had noted that most Pokemon trainers decided to keep their Pokemon in their Pokeballs with maybe an exception or two where one partner remained on the outside. She had decided that falling in with the latter crowd was more her style since Pipster was more like a friend than a pet and putting him in a Pokeball for a long period of time made her feel glum that his beaming face wasn’t around. Joey, it seemed, had his own tack on things.

His group of Pokemon, which turned out to be a Pidgey, Eevee, Seel and Igglybuff, were all eating under supervision of Pokemon Center staff while their trainer was away and every one seemed to be inhaling their food rather than eating it. The Raticate she had seen before was nowhere to be found. Lori frowned. Wasn’t Joey feeding them? Could he? She hadn’t really considered it before but from the way he dressed and the way they ate, it wouldn’t be hard to believe he was short of cash. She mentally gave herself a pat on the back. A good deed for the day was done!

She returned to her table and clicked out her Pokedex, a new plan forming in her mind but this one wasn’t for capture or research…

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Mar 29 2012, 09:13 AM
Post #19

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Joey looked around for a few minutes before spotting Lori. Upon making eye contact, she waved him over, for which he was grateful. Now it wouldn't be like he was imposing his presence on her, even though he had an invite. Now, he hoped he wouldn't make her regret it. He had to bring something to the table. Something she would value. He started making his way over to Lori and he spotted his Pokémon nearby eating some food.

A staff member with a clipboard came over and reported on the health of his Pokémon. They were good overall, but he was given a pamphlet on Pokémon nutrition. Joey accepted it as gracefully as he could and put in his pocket. He looked over his group briefly and noticed the Purrloin was not among them. Following his gaze, the staff member produced a minimized Pokéball from an apron pocket. Pressing the button twice, the ball maximized and opened to reveal a yawning feline form. Settling down and taking in its surroundings, the Purrloin had a look of devout distaste for everything.

"This Purrloin is perfectly healthy. She's female, and a bit on the younger side," the staff member started to say when the second sentence warranted a sharp hiss and glare from the Purrloin. Her eyes went wide at the presumption and considered taking a swipe at the insolent human. The staff member fumbled, finished weakly, and left to attend to other duties. The Purrloin made a "mph!" noise and turned toward her own bowl of food and ate cautiously, glaring at the other Pokémon. Claw glared right back, but the other three pretended not to notice and continued on with their meal.

Joey went and sat next to Lori and offered her a weak smile. She was fiddling with her Pokédex, probably trying to figure out how to catch the Minccino, Joey guessed. The hologram that had been hovering over the screen was sucked back in as he sat down, so he couldn't be sure what she was working on. He greeted her with a nod. Hoping she still didn't hold any resentment about their battle earlier, he tried a conversation about some tactics in the most polite way he knew how.

"You know, an Attract is a hard thing to dodge. If you use your Pipl - Pipster, it shouldn't be effective. But if you're set on Triss, then you might want to talk with her beforehand," he recalled how the Snivy had disobeyed orders. "She seems smart, so it may be possible to reason with her that you're making the correct orders. After all, her decision didn't exactly turn out well," he looked down as he said that last part. "Just an idea…"

He couldn't imagine having a Pokémon like that Snivy, with that level of sentience. Sure, his Pokémon didn't always obey him – he cringed at the memory of his Eevee running off the field of a trainer battle – but this was a little different. He wondered if he should take his own advice and make his Pokémon part of the decision-making process. Well, maybe just Claw to start.

A harried-looking Chansey zipped by and gracefully set their trays of food down in front of them. Joey's eyes went a little wide. The freshness! The diversity! The smell! He reined in his voracious appetite before appearing like a wanton Swinub, and lightly dabbed at different portions with his fork, antagonizing over where to start. A part of his mentality automatically went into survival mode and he started guessing at the perishable rate for some of the foods and deciding what would be safest and most beneficial to ease into his bag when no one was looking. He didn't even know what to call some of these things, which made him realize how bland and limited Orre region food had been. While he started to eat, he glanced over at his Pokémon.

Kimiko was the first to make a move, and Claw chirped at her, but begrudgingly allowed her while keeping a wary eye on the two. The sweet-natured Igglybuff had picked up a pellet of her own food and extended it toward the Purrloin, who curled a lip at her in contempt. Had she not had her own food, this may have worked at least temporarily, but at the moment, the Purrloin felt very agitated. Kimiko insisted and the Purrloin flicked her ears back against her head.

Babylon saw his chance while Kimiko was distracted. Having finished his food long ago, he had been occupying himself with thoroughly licking the inside of his bowl for any errant crumbs. However, his little nose was working overtime to take in the smells of the nearest bowl of food, which happened to be Kimiko's. His twitching little nose guided him over to it on silent paws, and his nimble little tongue guided a pellet into his diminutive muzzle, which he chewed as noiselessly as he could. Claw was also too distracted to notice the Eevee, but Jet calmly pretended to stretch and…Fwaapp! Babylon was sent rolling back over to his own empty dish by the lash of a Seel tail. Dazed, Babylon collapsed into a frog-legged laying position and glared at the mischievous Seel, who only winked in return before continuing his own meal.

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Living Arrow
post Mar 30 2012, 11:53 AM
Post #20

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

Joey’s odd way of talking didn’t seem all that odd to Lori anymore. Sure, it was still noticeable, but even people who could hear sometimes sounded far more incoherent and it wasn’t like he was shouting in some sort of over-compensating manner. His topic of conversation however, didn’t make her feel any better. She was getting a lecture again. She understood why the other trainer was talking her through her dilemma but it didn’t make her feel good about herself – it just made her feel stupid.

*Yet again I need someone to tell me what to do… Things have got to change…*

She decided not to say anything to Joey when he referenced the attack called Attract. Minccino’s Cute Charm was an Ability, her Unovadex told her that, but it had the exact same effect. Then he told her about Triss and her inability to take orders. While Joey seemed to think reasoning with her was a good idea, Lori was more convinced that her sister would have a different point of view. Kino would say they are called ‘commands’ for a reason.

The boy across the table was sweet. He spoke softly and wasn’t presumptuous or rude or sound condescending. She smiled at him.

“Got it.” She nodded, clicking her Unovadex shut. “And I think I have a plan for tomorrow but we can wait until morning for that.” She looked down to his leg. “Cool! Your cast is off! I bet that’s a huge relief! Guess those crutches are going to be around for a while longer though, huh?”

*Those crutches would be holding him back but he still knows what he’s doing… And he’s trying to help me… Oh, Joey! You’re such a sweet guy! That’s it. I’m definitely doing it now.*

“I’m all finished here.” Lori announced as she finished her meal and pushed the plate away. Burgers and fries were burgers and fries no matter where you went and that meal had been aweomse. “So I’ll get as much sleep as possible now and meet you back here at 8am?” She confirmed the meet time with the other trainer as she shouldered her bag and trotted away with Pipster close on her heels. “Sleep well, Joey!”

In her room, Lori clicked out her biro and began to scrawl a letter to her sister.

Lori's Letter to Kino (click to show)

"There!" She licked the envelope and stuck it firmly shut, turning to her bright blue bundle of joy on the end of the bed. "Joey helps me get a Minccino and I help him get a sponsor. Good deed done!"

"Lup Piplup!"

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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