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Gigarte Grotto
post Jan 3 2010, 02:31 PM
Post #1

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One day in Gigarte...

Amelia felt the cold air flow over her face as the red banners waved around in the cave system, the cold air on the surface was flowing in through the air vents. It was fairly dark in the center of the Tigiate square today: The light was being partially blocked by snow. The maintenance crew hadn't come and cleared some of the glass panels above certain sections of the bustling city. Her cart full of honey, adorned beautifully with ribbons, would sell great at the art festival today. Honey was getting into lower supply, since the bees were resting, so this cart would sell well as other vendors stopped selling, to conserve their supplies. They had luckily stocked up.

The soft buzz of her Combee, "Hope" and the delicate cooing of her Pidgey, "Austin" soothed her as she walked down the cold streets. The cart wobbled as the gravel streets were very rough, paying no mind, Amelia kept on at a brisk pace. She passed several artists on her way to her spot. The art festival today would be excellent. She rolled her cart to a halt and commenced placing her jars around in an organized fashion. It was good that she was one of the first ones there, some of the others setting up stalls might stop by.

A couple of painters soon came and started setting up their station up. She listened silently to see if they would be a potential customer. Amelia overheard something fairly intriguing. She motioned for her nearby "Austin" and "Hope" to remain stationary. The two continued on as if nothing had occurred,

"Yes, the chemicals are coming from the unexplored cavern off the side of Maple street."
"Has the commission started yet?"
"I heard that they needed more volunteers, despite the generous pay. I guess most of us don't want to deal with pollution..."

A pollution source, in the city! That was horrid. Maybe there was a leak from the polluted water source yet again caused by those Snorlax-bodied westerners. Or it could be Pokeking, she never trusted those fast food places that had food that tasted like a salt-mine. Blech! Well, anyways she would have to investigate it, maybe the pay could boost her sales.

More people poured into the heavily decorated square, and she received a few customers, but her mind didn't remain on the business , but instead on what horrid thing was happening so close...

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post Jan 3 2010, 08:21 PM
Post #2

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"Daniel!" Victor Worthington called to his son. The wealthy owner of Gigarte Construction awaited his son in the living room with the television turned on. "Daniel, are you ready yet?" He called again. Moments later he heard his son barreling down the stairs into the living room clearly packed and ready to leave on his first ever pokemon journey.

"I'm ready! Let's go! Let's go!" Daniel said cheerfully heading out the front door. His first pokemon, a Machop named Hercules, followed after him, marching like a soldier marches into battle.

"Hold on there, Tiger." Victor said, grabbing his son by the back of his pack and pulling him back into the house. "It's pretty cold out there. This is winter time. You should put on something warmer, like this for example." Daniel's father held out a black jacket with "Gigarte Construction" written in white letters on the front pocket. On the back it said "Building a better tomorrow". If Victor's son was going to travel and potentially become a pokemon master, he might as well advertise for the business while he's at it.

Daniel was too eager to leave to make any argument. He quickly set down his pack and put on the jacket, listening as his father gave him instructions.

"Never forget where you come from, no matter how successful you become. And make sure you head down to Tigiate Square before you leave town. Your mother's there showing off her artwork. You know she'll want to see you before you leave. Will Hercules be okay in this weather?"

"Herc? Oh yeah, he's fine. Geb prefers to stay in his pokeball when it's like this though. Bye Dad!" Daniel said and hurriedly darted out the door before his father had a chance to grab him again.

"Goodbye Danny! Make sure to call home so that your mother doesn't worry. Look after my boy, Herc!" Victor called out the front door after his fleeing son. The construction tycoon sighed, closing the front door and settling on the couch before the T.V. They would be covering the art festival today, so maybe he'd see his wife or even catch another glimpse of his son. I'm gonna miss that boy. Victor thought with a touch of sadness. But he sure knows how to make his father proud.


Daniel jogged through the streets of Gigarte as he headed to Tigiate Square. Hercules kept pace beside him, enjoying the excercise and the smell of the crisp cold air. It always smelled like flowers in this town, even in the winter time. Down a the square, many artists were already gathered and setting up their displays. Daniel searched around for his mother and soon caught sight of her.

Daniel's mother, Marie Worthington, was a pretty and dark-skinned woman. Though she was the wife of a wealthy man, she was never satisfied to sit quietly at home. Around her, she displayed many of her finest works, scenic paintings of areas all around Gigarte, some even featured pokemon. "Daniel! There you are! Look everyone, here comes my son, the pokemon trainer!"

Daniel smiled proudly as he walked over to his mother, allowing himself to be hugged and kissed. Maybe he should be embarrassed by this kind of attention, but honestly he sort of liked it. He enjoyed having everyone know he was a trainer because trainers were people that had adventures and that was the kind of person that Daniel had always admired.

"I'm gonna miss you, Danny boy. You be good and make me and your dad proud, okay. Oh! But one more thing before you go!" Marie said as she released Daniel from her embrace in order to fish around in her purse. She pulled out some Poke and handed it to Daniel. "Sweety, we're low on honey at the house. Could you buy some for me? Buy some for yourself, too, you might like some."

"Mom! Where am I supposed to get honey?" Daniel complained, a whine evident in his voice even as he accepted the money from his mother.

"I saw a girl selling honey right over there. Just look for the girl with the Combee." Marie explained, waving her hand in dismissal. She wasn't about to give in to his complaining. Instead she engaged an onlooker. "Do you like that painting? Yes, I did that in the summer when the Metapod were evolving. Would you like to buy it?"

Daniel huffed and then went on a search for the Combee girl. "Combee, Herc. Let me know if you see a Combee." Before long, Daniel felt his Machop tugging on his new jacket and the trainer quickly looked in the direction that the pokemon was pointing. "Oh yeah, that's a Combee!"

He hurried over to the honey vendor, smiling happily when he noticed that she not only had a Combee but a Pidgey as well. "Wow, you've got a couple of cool pokemon there!" He blurted enthusiastically, and then immediately felt like an idiot for it. Stupid! Stupid! You don't even know her! He flinched and then composed himself. It was hard for him, he liked girls and he loved pokemon. When the two were put together he felt like a stupid, blundering, nervous wreck. "I mean, I would like to buy some honey please."

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Daniel Worthington

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post Jan 5 2010, 05:07 AM
Post #3

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Alex woke up with a yawn in his bed and got up to stretch his muscles and dressed. Walking out his door to get the newspaper he noticed that there was an article about the art festival in Tigiate Square and decided to read about it while having breakfast. Placing the paper on the table he went into the kitchen and began making himself and his pokemon some breakfast, raspberry jam on toast with orange juice for him and pokechow for his pokemon. The meals ready he released the two from their pokeballs that they'd been sleeping in and said, "Dig in you two hope you like it"

Finishing his meal Alex went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and shave his facial hair.Once he was done with that his pokemon and him headed out the door and off to Tigiate Square to see what was happening at the festival grounds. When he arrived there he saw a boy a few years younger than him with a Machop being fussed over by one of the artists attending the festival.

Wandering through the stalls with Bea his Combee swooping around his head and Leif his Turtwig trotting at his heel Alex heard two painters who had just set up their stall talking about a pollution spill in an unexplored cave off of Maple Street. Nearby was a woman with a Combee and Pidgey selling jars of honey wrapped with ribbons, so he decided to check it out and see if he heard any more about the pollution wither from the stallowner or the painters.

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post Jan 5 2010, 03:59 PM
Post #4

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After a long trip from Lenoilia, Delainey arrived in Gigarte. She walked down the streets, watching a few kids play. She smiled and walked past them. She was looking for the Pokemon Center.

After a few minutes, she found what she was looking for. As she entered, she was greeted by Nurse Joy. "Hello, welcome. Can I help you with anything?"
"No, I'm fine, thank you." Delainey responded. She walked over to one of the nearby couches. She opened her bag and pulled out three pokeballs. "Come on out guys."

Out of the pokeballs came a Cyndaquil named Axel, a Tailow named Sora, and a little Swinub. Axel climbed into her lap and laid down. She reached over him and pulled out a few berries, one for each of her Pokemon. Delainey watched as her Pokemon happily at the small berries.

After a few minutes, Nurse Joy walked over with a cart filled with bowls of Pokemon food. She laid three on the floor next to Delainey, "Here you go." Delainey thanked her as she walked away, while her Pokemon sat on the floor eating their food. Axel was still sitting on her lap, so she picked him up and placed him next to the untouched bowl of food and proceeded to walk over to the nearest vending machine. She put in what was needed and received something to snack on.

When her Pokemon were done eating, she returned them to their pokeballs and started walking towards the door. She noticed a small piece of paper on the floor and picked it up. It was a flier for an art festival. She looked for a date and realized it was today. She rushed out of the Pokemon Center and walked towards Tigiate Square.

It didn't take her long to find it, for it was brightly decorated. She walked around for a little while and found a little honey stand. She looked at the honey for a while and decided to buy a jar.

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post Jan 5 2010, 04:30 PM
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A few customers had come to her stall. Business was picking up, but she couldn't stop thinking about pollution. Gigarte couldn't be ruined by pollution, just like Lenoilia was! She would have to ask some customers about it. Not loud enough to scare the majority of those who had come to see the art. Amelia had to take control of her emotions this time, and not get angry or excited like she usually did.

Austin was perched on a banner, lightly floating in the wind above her ahead. Catching a thermal or two, he would rise into the air, but quickly come back down on the more common down drafts of the cool air. Hope was darting around, cheerfully greeting her customers. She smiled, they would help her keep calm.

A young man dressed in a new, leather jacket with a Gigarte Construction logo on it, a few years younger than herself bustled up next to a few other customers. He quickly shouted out,

"Wow, you've got a couple of cool pokemon there!"

Immediately gaining a strange expression onto his face. Before saying,

"I mean, I would like to buy some honey please."

He was a bit nervous, she could tell. She giggled, it was a bit funny after all. Behind him was a Machop who seemed fairly content. Gigarte Construction was pretty successful, if she could remember correctly. Maybe this would be a good person to bring it up with, if a bit young.

"Don't feel bad, I can say some strange stuff on impulse to. Do you mind if I ask your name? Have you heard about the pollution off Maple street? I was planning to investigate it later, would you be interested in coming?"

She smiled and talk calmly, trying as hard as she could to hold back a rapid speech to match her anxiousness. She had brought out a jar of honey with a red ribbon tied around the top, hoping he would buy it while talking, so she realized that she might have said it loud enough so that bystanders might hear her. Hopefully it wouldn't ruin the panic and the destruction of the festival...

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post Jan 5 2010, 05:01 PM
Post #6

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As Delainey looked over the honey, she was greeted by an adorable little Combee. "Why, hello there." She smiled. She dug through her bag and pulled out a small berry. "Here you go," she said as she gave it to the Combee. The Combee buzzed and flew around her head, making her laugh.

The Combee flew off, greeting new people that came up to the little honey stand. She noticed two people talking, one of whom she assumed to be the owner of the stand. She didn't mean to eavesdrop, but she heard something about pollution. She decided that it was a good idea to leave them to their conversation and just wait for them to be done.

Delainey pulled a pokeball out of her bag and called out her Cyndaquil. "Come on Axel."

Axel came out of his pokeball and rolled around on the ground a little. "What are you doing silly?" She giggled.
"Cyn, cynda cyn." Was the reply. She just smiled and looked around at all of the people.

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post Jan 5 2010, 05:35 PM
Post #7

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Crystal walked out of the Pokemon Center. "Huh...? What's this?" She said, noticing a poster. "Oh! Cool! I had better get going!" She hurried over to the Art Festival. "Wow..." She said in aw. She walked into a honey shop. "Mmm... Smells good," she mumbled. "Hello. I'd like a jar of honey, please."

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post Jan 5 2010, 08:31 PM
Post #8

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The news about the pollution hit Daniel like a slap in the face. His eyes widened from the shock and his smile drooped as worry overtook him. It was nearly unthinkable! Who would be so destructive, so wasteful, in his town? Suddenly the words of his father echoed in his head. Never forget where you come from. After that, his decision was almost immediate. Sure, the delay was a little annoying, but he couldn't exactly just leave with his home town in peril like this. It was his responsibility as a pokemon trainer to right wrongs and triumph over evil! (Now where had he heard that from? And why did it make him want to strike a superhero pose?)

"My name is Daniel Worthington, and I would be happy to accompany you, ma'am. I'm a pokemon trainer and adventure is what I live for," Daniel replied, trying to sound cool. His cool attempt was thwarted, however, when another nearby trainer's Cyndaquil erupted from its pokeball and rolled about on the ground. He couldn't help but turn to it with an obvious "squee!" expression before turning back to her and attempting again to be cool and calm.

"Ahem, but I didn't catch your name. Who might you be? And I'd like two of these please." He said, gesturing to the honey before him. Hercules ventured from behind his trainer to peer into the golden jar of deliciousness as Daniel took out the money to pay for his purchases and offered it to the girl. He also kept a careful eye on his Machop. Hercules had never pilfered food before, but he looked like he might be considering it now.

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Daniel Worthington

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post Jan 6 2010, 09:01 PM
Post #9

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Iko walked leisurely through the city of Gigarte. He was down from Arasam, visiting an old friend that had moved here. He was now a trainer, his sights set on the Arasam badge, being from his hometown. Iko was planning on meeting up with him at some art festival in town, but first he decided to stop by a Pokécenter and a Pokémart to heal and stock up on supplies. the first he came across was a giant Pokémart, one of the departement store type things, so he strolled in and looked through the items on display on the first floor. He picked out a few things he needed, three antidotes, a giant mixed back of berries, six potions, and a few assorted snacks for both Pokémon and people alike. Deciding to explore a little, he went up the stairs, Nova clinging to his back as always. on the next floor he found a seal case for decorating pokeballs. Not being a contestant, he didn't really see the need for them, but he picked up a case and one that made lots of sparks. Seeing nothing else of interest there, he moved up to the next floor. Here he came across a selection of TMs, but he couldn't afford them, so he moved on up the floors, finding nothing of interest. He moved back to the bottom floor, putting all his purchases up on a counter. all rang up, it came to almost 1200 Poké, a good bit of his money. He was now left with 3000 and change. It was worth it, though. It'll last me a while, he reassured himself. He wasn't the kind of person who was errant with their money. When he was done with his shopping, he headed out, sticking the sparkle seal on Oshi's ball. He hoped she wouldn't mind. He wandered around some more, even seeing the festival once, but he was intent on finding a Pokécenter first. It had taken him a while to get to Gigarte, and he had a feeling his Pokémon were pretty worn out. Finally, he came across one. He went in and handed over his Pokéballs to the nurse, and Nova hopped down from his back and walked around the counter to her.

"Aw, how cute," she said. "We'll have him and his friends in top condition in just a moment." She sat the Pokéballs in the tray, and sat Nova on another counter and dropped a dome over his head. Then she put the tray of Pokéballs in some machine, and, a moment later, she lifted the dome off of charizard and took the tray out of the machine. She handed Iko back his Pokéballs, which he strapped to himself again, then picked up Nova as he came around the counter and sat him back in his customary position.

"thanks," he told the nurse.

"Of course. Be safe!" she replied.

Finally he got to the festival. He walked through all the stalls, not finding much to his interest. One lady offered to do portraits of your Pokémon, but he didn't have anything to do with it, so he let the offer go. At one point, he noticed a banner waving above the crowd advertising honey. Iko loved honey, so he went over and stood in like, waiting. When he got to the front he asked, "Do you have any honey made from Haban berries? It's our favorite," he said, pinting to Nova, perched on his back.
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post Jan 7 2010, 12:58 AM
Post #10

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Pane Stuff

"Where is it? She said it was near that place," Cheri pondered.

Cheri and her Charmander walked briskly through the city of Gigarte and soon found herself lost in Tigiate Square. Today, the young woman donned a simple outfit: a knitted hat, a sweater, and jeans. Taking in a breath of cold air, Cheri picked up the young Charmander and held it in her arms. It cried softly to her and slowly began to drift to sleep. The female looked around and found many stalls showing off their creativity. She remembered fondly as to how much she had enjoyed art festivals as a child. Stroking her Charmander’s orange head, Cheri walked from stall to stall in search of a peculiar item.

Cheri and her family treasured the sweet taste of honey; Cheri had heard that a young woman was selling some delicious honey. This was her purpose for coming to Tigiate Square. Scanning the air for a scent of honey, Cheri continued her long search as she peered into a wooden stall, which contained mini-scarves for pokemon. The woman was fascinated by the varieties of colors and and sizes of the scarves. She could see that there were many sorts of these fabrics. Reaching with her right hand, Cheri touched a white scarf; it felt like as soft as Mareep’s wool. Hmm, I wonder how many should I get.

“One scarf, two scarves, red scarves and blue scarves,” called an unknown voice.

Cheri turned her head around and found a little old grandmother, wearing a magenta robe with a red robe around her frail neck. She asked in a soft voice, “Are you interested in these scarves, my dear? By the way, you have quite an interesting Charmander.”

“Oh, thank you for noticing madam,” Cheri replied, “May I please purchase eight scarves?”

“Why of course you can, my dear. Choose any that you like,” the grandmother replied back.

In several minutes, Cheri grabbed the eight chosen scarves, but woke up the sleeping lizard.

“Char! Char!” Charmander cried. It began to cry from being woken up.

Trying to comfort the creature, Cheri rocked it with her left arm, while placing the scarves around her neck. She then gave the woman money with her right hand and thanked the grandmother for the scarves.

"No problem, my dear. It's always nice to see a young girl buying things from this old rag," the grandmother replied and sighed as Cheri left with the crying Charmander. "Why does she look so familar?" pondered the grandmother, "Perhaps, I'm going senile. Yes, that's probably it. Now where's that cat with my hat."

“What am I going to do with you, Charlie?” pondered the annoyed Cheri. Feeling a bit weary from her shopping, Cheri sat down on a wooden bench and placed the cheap purchases next to her. “I’m sorry for waking you up, Charlie,” cried the girl sweetly, “Would you like some honey?” Drying his tears with his right claw, the Charmander stared at Cheri's eyes and nodded in reply. Placing the scarves into Cheri's purse, Cheri took out a jar of yellow honey and a metal spoon. Open wide Cheri told the Charmander as she began to spoon feed the creature with some honey.

Meanwhile, Cheri's mind began to wander. She continued to look around to find the honey stall, but could only see a an endless ocean of customers with brown plastic bags. Aimlessly, she began to paint Charlie's face with honey and giggled at her mistake. The Charmander smiled, despite his mask of sugar. It too found the event funny, and then it happened. Cheri was puzzled as she watched her Charmander jumped off the bench and ran into the crowd.

"Wait, Charlie I need to wipe your face," she exclaimed, "Where are you going?"

Charlie the Charmander loved honey and in return could sniff out the delicious, gooey snack. The orange lizard ran through the mob as he began to look for the sticky prize. "Char! Char! Char!" it exclaimed. Jumping up and down, Charlie directed Cheri to a stall selling honey. The girl sighed as she realized what made her pokemon jumped. "Come here, Charlie," the girl commanded, "How many times do I have to tell you not to run off? What would I do if you got captured by some random person and then placed in some underwater cave?" Picking up the Charmander, Cheri hugged the pokemon and laughed as she began to wipe off the sugary snack from the Charmander's face. What am I going to do with you. Then again I found it. Well, I guess Charlie found it. Cheri saw that there were several people and their pokemon waiting around the honey stall. The girl walked briskly towards the stall. Hmm, I wonder why everything is taking so long.

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post Jan 9 2010, 02:16 PM
Post #11

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Qua, who was in Crystal's arms, leaped out and ran off. "Qua! One moment, please," Crystal hurried off after Qua. Qua stopped at another stall.

"Hello, my dear," the lady behind the desk said when Crystal got there, "Would this happen to be your Torchic? It ran over here a litle bit ago and I thought it was just so cute that I had to make a portrait of it."

"Yes, thank you," Crystal said. "You know what? Could you please do a portrait of each my Pokemon, then with all three together?"

"I will. One moment please so I can finish the one of your Torchic," she very neatly and carefully added a few more brush strocks and it was done. It was extravigent. "Next one, please," she said.

"Here," Crystal said, a smile on her face. She let out Lat.

"Oh...? Why I love doing Nincadas, my dear. I shall do my best," the lady said, smiling. "Oh, and my name is Sheila," she added. She painted it in a way that it gave Lat a extra-strong appearance.

"Wow, here is my last," Crystal said in aw, letting out Zigzag.

Sheila must have years of practice and expeireance, Crystal thought. When Sheila was done, it was amazing. "Ok now, you three, get on up on to thi pedistuall," Sheila got Crystal's Pokemon up on the chair and started painting.

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post Jan 10 2010, 05:42 PM
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"My name is Daniel Worthington, and I would be happy to accompany you, ma'am. I'm a pokemon trainer and adventure is what I live for Ahem, but I didn't catch your name. Who might you be? And I'd like two of these please."

"Silly me! My name is Amelia. With all the sales I'm ready to go, since your order of honey finishes off the supplies I brought. Uh, maybe for safety, we should bring some others. Oh, those to jars of Honey will be 500 Poke"

She handed him the jars. While she had talked to him, she had also sold jars to others who asked. She smiled she had enough money for awhile. She motioned for Hope to come back, she quickly came back and perched down on her shoulder. She rubbed her a little bit, as she was tired from flying over the crowd who came to see the art.

She pulled down the sign and started pushing the cart down the street. She called out to several customers to get their attention. She continued on untill she left the square, she looked over towards maple street and then over those around her. She smiled. Hopefully some of these people would come with her and Daniel...

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post Jan 10 2010, 05:48 PM
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Felisha's Team!

"Finished!" Sheila said proudly, showing Crystal the picture.

"Wow. This is... Is... Amazing... Thank you," Crystal commented on the work.

"Your welcome. Enjoy!" Sheila waved her off, giving Crystal the four painting in plastic bags to keep the paintfrom smearing.

"Huh...? Hey! Wait!" Crystal shouted as she saw the lady that was selling honey and some trainers going away from the festival. She ran after them, hoping to catch up.

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post Jan 10 2010, 08:08 PM
Post #14

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Daniel paid Amelia before stuffing the honey that he'd bought into his pack. Hercules frowned at Daniel disagreeably as he did this, but simply shifted closer to Daniel as the crowd of trainers around them grew. Daniel agreed with Amelia, they should definitely bring along more trainers, and looking at the crowd around her honey stand it seemed as though almost all of them were trainers. As Amelia packed up and moved on with the crowd of curious trainers behind her, Daniel followed as well. Observing the group, he noticed that two of the trainers had charmanders. He remembered that he'd seen one girl with a cyndaquil as well, and as Amelia moved away from the festival, he heard a shout from behind and turned to see another trainer running up with a torchic in her arms. So many fire pokemon trainers, Daniel thought in a bit of awe. It was hard to find fire types around Gigarte, so Daniel hadn't encountered them terribly often.

He did spy one man ("boy" didn't seem like an appropriate term. He was nearly a foot taller than Daniel and clearly a bit older, though Daniel couldn't tell how much older) walking with a turtwig and a combee beside him. Daniel made his way through the crowd to walk next to the man, greeting him with a grin.

"Hey, what's up?" Daniel said happily and then added before the man could respond, "You are comin' right?" He didn't elaborate on where they were coming to within the bounds of the crowded festival, but he asked this question as though the destination were some exclusive hot party and not some smelly polluted spot around Maple Street. "My name's Daniel, by the way, and I'm definitely comin'!"

Meanwhile, Daniel's machop walked so close that he was nearly tripping his trainer up. His expression registered his increasing discomfort at being so near to so many strange trainers and pokemon at once. It only took Daniel one time of nearly toppling over Hercules to realize what was wrong. "Hey, it's all right big guy. I know you don't dig crowds like I do. You wanna go inside your pokeball?"

Hercules's expression hardened as though Daniel had said something to irritate him. "Chop!" he said, which simply meant "No way!"

"Suit yourself, bro." Daniel said, hiding his concern. If Hercules was nervous, why wouldn't he go into his pokeball? That had never been an issue before. Then Hercules reached a hand up to hold one of Daniel's as they walked side by side. The young trainer couldn't help be smile again. People could say what they would about fighting types, but Daniel thought that his machop was adorable. The size and humanish shape of the pokemon made him look a lot like a small child. It didn't help that sometimes Hercules could behave just like a toddler and get into just as much trouble if left on his own. However, Daniel also knew how dangerous his pokemon could be. Hercules could throw Daniel all the way back to his house if he wanted to, so Daniel had to be careful and respect the power of his pokemon. The day-shift nurse at the pokemon center had taught him that, his first lesson in handling pokemon.

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Daniel Worthington

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post Jan 12 2010, 09:01 AM
Post #15

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RP pokemon

Seeing the honey saleswoman heading off towards Maple Street Alex and his pokemon began following her along with the others who had gathered there and expressed interest in what was going on at the cave. Bea tired from zipping around landed softly upon Alex's shoulder with a happy sigh.

Turning slightly to the younger trainer walking beside him Alex smiled back and replied, "Yeah I'm coming too, name's Alex nice to meet you Daniel." Hearing a girl's voice shouting out for someone to wait and seeing a girl running towards the group he slowed his pace a bit to allow her to catch up.

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post Jan 12 2010, 03:52 PM
Post #16

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Axel sniffed the hair and could smell the honey as the girl walked away. Before Delainey could say anything, he ran towards the smell. "Axel, come back!" she yelled.

Delainey ran after her Cyndaquil, who was very fast. Axel weaved through the people, racing towards the smell. Once he made it to the cart, he had gotten distracted by a Machop walking next to a trainer. She reached them after a few minutes, a little short of breath. "Axel... you have to stop doing that... sorry if he bothered you." She picked up Axel, who wasn't very happy about it."

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post Jan 12 2010, 06:41 PM
Post #17

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Daniel grinned his usual mischievous grin, happy to hear that Alex was onboard for this little adventure. Next, he heard a female voice approaching, sounding out of breathe. He turned his head to see who it was, expecting it to be the girl with the torchic who he'd seen some ways behind. He was surprised to see that it was instead the girl with the cyndaquil that he had been adoring earlier.

"Axel... you have to stop doing that... sorry if he bothered you."

Daniel couldn't think of anything to say. His face flushed pink, and a much darker shade than his usual when he encountered a female. This girl looked very different from any that he'd ever seen in his life. He wondered if the coloring of her hair and eyes were natural, but he couldn't articulate well enough to ask. Then suddenly it struck him that he'd seen her before. Not just near the honey stand but around town as well. Didn't she go to one of the schools in Gigarte? Not his school, but he'd seen her in a uniform once. He could punch himself for not recognizing her before even though he must have seen her more than once. Her looks were certainly exceptional but perhaps she had a way of blending in and going unnoticed. Like a spy...or a Kecleon.

"N-no b-bother ma-ma'am," Daniel stuttered out, his blush deepening as he used all of this willpower to push words past his lips. "M-m-my name's Daniel. Wh-what's yours miss?"

This post has been edited by Amissa: Feb 4 2010, 10:02 PM

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Daniel Worthington

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post Jan 14 2010, 02:00 AM
Post #18

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Pane Stuff

"Wait!" Cheri exclaimed, but unfortunately it was too late. Cheri watched the shopkeeper leave with all of the delicious honey, and she felt sullen. She stared at her Charmander pitifully; her glowing honey eyes were now darkened by sadness. By the then, the cart and customers were gone; all that remained was a customer searching for a purchase. Sighing, Cheri walked over to the stall next to the original honey stand.

Here was the painter Sheila, who was currently selling paintings of pokemon and their trainer. She was a woman approaching her mid-thirties; she had always lived in Tigiate Square. Sheila was a resourceful woman that always knew what was happening around the area. Her light complexion is outshined by her radiant smile. They say a picture can tell a thousand words, but this creator can tell billions of words with the stroke of her delicate hands.

Greeting the young woman cheerfully, Sheila asked, “How may I help you today, miss? Would you be interested in a painting or two? If you need anything, then please let me know.”

“ Ehrm, no thank you ma’am. I was wondering…,” Cheri said, while forcing a smile, “do you know when the girl that sells honey will be back.”

“Hmm, I’m pretty sure she won’t be back for awhile,” Sheila replied, “she just sold her last jar of honey a little awhile ago. Besides, that girl’s is up to something. I’m sure of it. Maybe, if she can find her she’ll be able to find you some honey.”

“Thanks,” Cheri murmured. Then a question popped into the curious cat’s mind. What was the honey girl up to? Many sorts of ideas formed in the girl's head, but she waved them off. She knew she shouldn't jump to conclusion before knowing all of the facts. “I don’t mean to pry in, but what do you mean she’s up to something?” For emphasis, Cheri formed air quotes with her fragile hands.

“Oh! Did I really say that?” Sheila said surprisingly, “well it’s not my place to say, but come here. Let me tell you.”

Cheri leaned into the stall, turning her head so her hear was parallel to Sheila’s mouth. She gasped when Sheila was done talking. “I can’t believe she would something like that by herself!” Cheri exclaimed, “what is she thinking? I think I should go help her that is if I can find her.”

"No problem, sweetie," Sheila replied, while she handed Cheri a brown leather package, "see that man across the street. Give this to him, and I believe he will be able to help you. Tell him its from Sheila."

"Oh, no problem, madam," Cheri said hastily. Then with a mighty dash the girl and her trusty sidekick ran through the horde of shoppers. The two were punched by various of bags, bumped by various of body sizes, and worst of all tiny droplets of sweat became attached to Cheri's face. She did not like it at all. The girl arrived at the man's stall, who was apparently selling various of bell instruments. Various of silver and gold chimes decorated the stall's exterior, and in the stall was a table gleaming with bells, ranging from different sizes and even sounds. The stall was scented with pine oak and painted with streams of ribbons. Watching over the shop was a middle aged man with his pokemon- a Chimecho, Chingling, and a Bronzor. He gasped as he saw the girl and her Charmander.

"Goodness, what happened to you, young lady?" the man asked shocked, "perhaps, would you be interested in buying something from me?"

"Oh, that's not it," replied the gasping Cheri, "you see, the woman from across the street said you could help me with my problem. She told me to give this to you; it's from Sheila."

"Sheila? What on earth was she thinking, sending you off like that?" the man bumbled, " by the way you can call me Mr. Edgar."

After she regained her breath, Cheri told the seller of her story of how she wanted to help the Honey Seller complete her quest. Holding Charlie's right hand, Cheri wondered as to what was the man thinking. She too wondered as to how he could help her. Bells and chimes can't help me find or reach her. For a moment, Cheri's eyes glanced around the stall, and then something caught her eye. In the background, behind Mr. Edgar was a shiny red bike. It was a bicycle for one person and contained a wooden basket. Of course, why didn't I think of it earlier? I could definitely use a bike; it would certainly speed things up as well."I don't want to be rude, Mr Edgar," Cheri chimed gleefully," could I perhaps borrow your bike for a couple of hours?

"You want my bike?" asked the puzzled man, "well, I guess you can although I wonder as to how she knew about it. Anyway, answer my question and I'll give to you. Let me warn you this could be a very hard question if you don't think."

"Okay!" said Cheri. It was probably a simple riddle or something; after all how hard could the question be.

"What is the symbol for 'Love without end'," asked the riddler.

"That's easy," said Cheri, "it's a circle."

"Nope, good guess though."

"Okay, how about a heart then?"


"Umm, is this a trick question?"


"Okay, you asked for it, Mr. Edgar!" screamed the annoyed Cheri, "here's my answer. Love without end could mean many things. Love after all is a feeling; it can't be shown physically. When two people fall in love, it's as if they will never separate; they would have formed a bond that could never be broken. Like a family, for example. Siblings may argue against each other or against their parents. However there is an invisible bond that links them together. Their love for each other. Then again people can feel love for many different things, and it's intensity can vary by person. There is no symbol for 'Love without end". I believe there is no right or wrong answer; it just depends on the person."

For a long time, Mr. Edgar stared at the Cheri with cross-eyes. "I'm sorry to say, but that was completely wrong. Nice try though. Just make sure the bike doesn't get broken."

Blinking her eyes back and forth, Cheri placed her hands on the bike's handlebars. If I'm not right, then what in the world was he talking about. Well, at least he was kind enough for the bike. Shaking her head, Cheri placed Charlie into the wooden basket and positioned herself onto the leather seat. Then she went. Snaking through the crowd, the girl placed all of her energy into pushing the black pedals, while scanning the environment for the girl selling honey. Charlie too was helping, but with his nose. It had no idea what was going on, but had a feeling his friend knew what she was doing. Blazing past many stalls that would have garnered Cheri's attention, she was determined that she could find the girl.

Back at the musical stall, Mr. Edgar was talking to Sheila. "You know that girl you sent over. Boy, is she quite the girl? You wouldn't have believed what she said when I asked her the question. Looks like she still has a lot to learn."

Sheila remained silent as she stared into her husband's warm eyes. She had been married to the man for at least a decade; they definitely had a strong bond. The wife was grateful that she had such a wonderful and loving husband, and he too felt the same way. Holding her left hand into the air, Sheila stared at it peacefully. Gleaming in the sunlight, a golden ring was attached to Sheila's ring finger. Etched upon it was a phrase that was no longer readable, but everyday Sheila would stare at it. She had memorized it as a child. When Sheila looked at her ring, she sang out a cheery cry. Yes, she does have a lot to learn.

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post Jan 17 2010, 10:41 AM
Post #19

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Delainey was still a little out of breath. She hated always running after Axel, but it was good exercise.

"N-no b-bother ma-ma'am. M-m-my name's Daniel. Wh-what's yours miss?"

Delainey smiled a little. She could tell that he was nervous, she was too. Delainey was always a little nervous around people, because she grew up away from them, but she tried not to let it show. She pushed the little strands of hair out of her face and replied. "My name is Adelaine, but just call me Delainey." Axel was squirming in her arms, so she put him back down on the ground. "Don't run off again, got it?"

"Cyn..." Axel loved to run, but he stayed close to her. He walked around a little, playing with the pokemon close to Delainey.

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post Jan 17 2010, 05:12 PM
Post #20

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As Iko was waiting in line, the girl ran out of honey and left. Frustrated, he he decided to go look for his friend. He hadn't run into him during the festival, so he decided to go and find his home. Thinking hard, he remembered it was on Maple Street. He walked around the sqare, looking for some street signs. FInally, he came across one that said 'Maple'. He hurried down the street, looking around for his old friend. As he was walking, he came across someone else heading towards the fair. Hoping they might know where he lived he asked them, "you wouldn't happed to know where some one named James Marx lives, would you? He's on this street."

"I'm James Marx," he replied.

"It's me, Iko!"

"Seriously!? I was just going to the square to find you! Awesome!"

"Man, we gotta catch up! Come on, lets head back down your street. There's not much going on at the fair."

"Okay, works for me. So what have you been up to?"

"Not a whole lot, I'm planning on being a trainer. What have you been up to?"

"What do you mean, not a whole lot! being a trainer is alot! I'm guessing thats why you have the Charmander on your back and the Bulbasaur running around?"

"Dude, come on! This is Nova! You know, my best friend?"

"Oh yeah!"

"And thats Oshi, my third Pokémon. I caught him last year in the rainforest."
As they were walking, they were so absorbed they almost ran into a large group of people. Iko didn't recognize any of them, exept there was the lady selling honey! "Where are you guys headed?"
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