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Month of July (2024)
Darth Krytie
post Jun 30 2024, 09:39 PM
Post #1

This one does not have time for your solid waste excretions.
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Hello friends! We've reached halfway through the year! Go us! How is everyone doing? Is anyone excited for anything?

Congratulations to ImYourThirdDad and Keqing's Lightning Stiletto on being promoted to Contributor, and PuppyToast for becoming our latest Global Moderator! With this, contributor applications are currently suspended as we believe the team is in a good place. If that situation changes in the future, we will open back up, but thank you to everyone who showed interest!

Congratulations to everyone who participated and/or completed last month's Scavenger Hunt! Let's all do our best for this month's Shiny Hunt! Which affinity will take first place?

Question of the Month: What was your first Shiny Pokémon? On GPX? In a Pokémon game?

Site News:

5 New storage boxes have been added to GPX+! They have been added to the Extra PC Box Plus tier of boxes so they are more widely available to users with less points, bringing the total limit of Extra PC Box Plus up to 15 from 10.

We added All Gigantamax forms + Eternamax, Totaling 34 forms.

We added Milcery and Alcremie + All of Alcremie's forms

We added Dipplin and Hydrapple

This Month's Explorations:

The Quiet Forest: Celebi

Needing a Friend: Jirachi

Summon the Hero: Zekrom, Reshiram

Mansion of the Gods: Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus

Trinkets: July Trinkets are active! As a reminder, the first trinket box opened every day during July will have 4 guaranteed July Trinkets.

Switch News:

In S/V, you can get Dot's Quaxly with the code D0T1STPARTNER until November 30th, 2024

In S/V, you can get a Sprigatito with Partner Ribbon with the code L1K0W1TH906 until September 30th, 2024

In S/V, you can get a Pawmot with the code Y0AS0B1R1B1R1 until February 28th, 2025.

In S/V, you can get a Mythical Pecha Berry Gift via "receive via the internet" (Expiration not listed yet)

In S/V, you can get a Neo-Kitakami Case for Rotom Phone with the code NE0R0T0MC0VER (Expiration not yet listed)

In S/V, you can get a Chest-Form Gimmighoul with the code SEEY0U1NPALDEA until Nov 30th, 2024.

In S/V, you can get a Terastal Cap with the code WEARTERASTALCAP until Nov 30th, 2024.

In S/V, you can get an Expert Belt with the code SUPEREFFECT1VE until February 28th, 2025.

In S/V, you can get a 30 Quick Balls with the code G0TCHAP0KEM0N until February 28th, 2025.

In S/V, you can get Cetitan with the code L1KEAFLUTE via Mystery Gift until August 31st, 2024.

In S/V, you can get a Revavroom with the code TEAMSTAR via Mystery Gift until Oct 31, 2024.

In S/V, you can receive either a 1x Sweet Herba Mystica OR 1x Spicy Herba Mystica with the code SWEET0RSP1CY via Mystery Gift until Sept 30th, 2024.

Please head on over to Jen's Community Thread for fun, conversation and speculation!


Please use the Help Page and appropriate Help Forum instead of PMing me. Only PM if it's something you need me or an Admin for specifically.
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Rookie Roo
post Jun 30 2024, 10:55 PM
Post #2

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Hello everyone!

Rookie here! Back (hopefully) to the monthly updates both for the SWSH pre-poll and the winning theme of the previous pre-poll (which you can find over here)!

Edit: Gaj finished the infographic! And here it is:

Lactose Tolerant
Vanillite, Swirlix, Milcery

Satisfy your sweet tooth with endless creamy delights.

Amazing Infographic made by Gajeel Redfox!

This post WILL be edited in the near future with the post from Gaj (this time for realz! I promise!) and will also be edited because I have a "small" (lol) thread I'd like to share. So I hope you gus look forward to it as well!

Either way, I'd also like to emphasize that the next Pre-Polls will be made and posted once the prizes for the next coin event go up, in case you don't see the pre-poll popping up as soon as the next month update comes up!

° ~ ° ~ °

This post has been edited by Rookie Roo: Jul 1 2024, 12:22 PM

Look at friend please cat.gif

If you need Social Network, or if you have it, you might be interested in reading this.

Shinies of 2020: 112 (click to show)

Shinies of 2021: 130 (click to show)

Shinies of 2022 (click to show)

Special Achievements (click to show)

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Eryth Violet
post Jun 30 2024, 10:58 PM
Post #3

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So cool that we have so many contributors now that applications actually have to be closed! They do great work too - these Gmax sprites are fantastic.

I don't remember my first shiny on GPX... probably Ralts.


hi kingis
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post Jun 30 2024, 11:02 PM
Post #4

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I have stumbled across my first GPX shiny in my PC but have forgotten again so can rejoice with the reminder next I cross paths.

ETA The first was a Buneary which has since happily evolved into a Lopunny.

Happy July everyone!


This post has been edited by ThunderMoss: Jul 1 2024, 11:51 AM

* * *
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post Jun 30 2024, 11:20 PM
Post #5

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My first Shiny in a game was a silver Rapidash on Mount Silver happy.gif. I don't remember though if it happened in Pokémon Gold or Crystal.

"You've got to enjoy life, or else you'll end up wasting it." ~ Revy, Black Lagoon
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post Jun 30 2024, 11:23 PM
Post #6

you got some nice boulders
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I think my first was a Zigzagoon on Ruby... being a child I named him (and the next four...) "SHINY". You see, I had a creative spark as a kid. On GPX, I picked up a Ralts egg - the egg of my favorite Pokemon! - as part of my very first party, setting a goal for myself to one day get that which had eluded me. Turns out my very first Ralts egg was shiny, so lol, lmao.

Speaking of creative sparks, I'm quite pleased with the lovely volunteers on our team, and you all can look forward to even more good stuff. Seriously, there's so much stuff.

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post Jun 30 2024, 11:45 PM
Post #7

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My first shiny was on Emerald, and it was a Wurmple. Now it's a Dustox, and I think it's in my Alpha Sapphire game. Made it back to Hoenn!

My first shiny on GPX was Ledyba. That was such a cute surprise to have happen to me when I was just collecting pokemon for the dex. I keep my PC boxes of shinies in the order I got them, so it's easy to keep track of which ones I got first lol.

And yeah, it's awesome contributing to the site! Still working on new things behind the scenes!


Things I've contributed to GPX! (click to show)

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Isla de Monte Cr...
post Jul 1 2024, 06:27 AM
Post #8

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Welcome to July! I'm excited to hopefully fulfill the quest of hunting tasty frozen dairy treats both in person and on GPX this month!

Thank you SO much to everyone involved in putting together the Gigantamax event last month too! I had a great time with it!

I believe my first shiny was actually the Shiny Rapidash I have here on GPX - I'd never actually managed to find a shiny in a game at that point - He'll be 15 this December!

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post Jul 2 2024, 01:23 AM
Post #9

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Pokemon Walls

July already, how time flies...

Barely got all the shiny vouchers from last months coin event.

Still remember my first shiny on GPX+ like it was yesterday, it was Shiny Manaphy so kind of hard to forget. Hatched on Thanksgiving day almost 15 years ago.

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post Jul 3 2024, 01:07 AM
Post #10

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QUOTE(monster415 @ Jul 2 2024, 02:23 AM) *
July already, how time flies...

Barely got all the shiny vouchers from last months coin event.

Still remember my first shiny on GPX+ like it was yesterday, it was Shiny Manaphy so kind of hard to forget. Hatched on Thanksgiving day almost 15 years ago.
Well, I didn’t get any but could get one voucher, though I have other rewards didn’t get since didn’t claim as many eggs like a lot of other people, due to lack of boxes/space, even if still got some I need to get... shakefist.gif

Anyway, only exploration I did before my break was Celebi and don’t have Jirachi, but probably doing the Gen 5 Legendaries for my 2 this month.

As for shinies… easy to remember, when I only got one on actual games. On HG/SS (got both, but pretty sure was on HG), I got a shiny Gloom outside of the Safari Zone in Johto, not sure of gender but think it was female. More than a decade ago, would have to look for exact date.

And on here, mine was a shiny Meowth female, think it was my first egg of that species but not entirely sure even if I wasn’t playing as much then as I do now. And it was also adopted from the Lab, which to date is my only shiny obtained from there. Just a shame I already evolved her to Persian way back then, unlike some of my other shinies back then or since returning, as could’ve gotten the Gmax version instead if I waited (actually had high IVs too, 146). And my 2nd here I know for certain was my first egg I grabbed of Kecleon and the only one to date of that one.

This post has been edited by WanderingPikachu: Jul 3 2024, 06:55 AM

My party:

Jinjiro's party, posted with permission:
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post Jul 4 2024, 03:47 AM
Post #11

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My first GPX Shiny was a Meowth, my first Shiny in one of the maingames was Nidorino, happened in the Safari Zone of Pokemon Leafgreen, was glad I was able to catch it!


PM me if you play Oldschool Runescape
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post Jul 5 2024, 05:19 PM
Post #12

Elite Four
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My first shiny was a wooper I caught in Crystal. First GPX shiny was a chikorita hatched in less than a month of playing smile.gif

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post Jul 5 2024, 05:45 PM
Post #13

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My first shiny on GPX+ was Togepi, which I named "First Shiny". I hatched it after 5 days, 15 years ago. Oh how the time flies.

My first ever shiny in games was Magikarp in Emerald. I fished it and thought it was just some cool color and this particular spot was a place where you could fish more if wanted to. So I didn't catch it. The S.S. Anne episodes in anime made me think golden Magikarps were someting that just happens for time to time.

My next shiny was shiny Rattata in Crystal, before you get your first pokéballs. I was soooooo pissed because I couldn't catch it even if I wanted to. It's clearly a flaw in the game design to let person wander in grass before acquiring pokéballs.
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post Jul 6 2024, 12:35 AM
Post #14

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shiny squad

more boxes!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

i first joined gpx back in 2010 and had really fond memories of playing it as a teen - enough that ten years later i still remembered it and was like, "huh, i liked collecting eggs on that site, wonder if it's still around?" and searched it up again - but i must either not have played as much as i remembered or just was very incompetent because i had never hatched a shiny before returning to the site. my first was a mareanie that i hatched after only a 1-day hunt during last january's SWSH:

my first shiny in the games was a ralts! i love that line's shiny so i was super thrilled. i caught it in alpha sapphire with that creeping in the grass shiny chain mechanic, it was the first time i've ever really shiny hunted and the only shiny i've ever encountered (have never had just a random encounter). i guess i just never really got into shiny hunting in the games even though i was sort of trying to start with that catch? it does seem like it's so much easier in the newer games, i might return to it but it's just been easier to consistently play something like gpx than the actual pokémon games lol.
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post Jul 6 2024, 01:31 PM
Post #15

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QUOTE(eraclea @ Jul 6 2024, 12:35 AM) *
more boxes!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

it does seem like it's so much easier in the newer games,

Not that I've been able to find those new boxes to buy.


I liked shiny hunting in the Hordes. Use a sweet Incense. Roam the grass. BOOM! Five pokemon attack. Are any of them shiny? Why, yes, one is. Let's faint the other four, and then False Swipe the shiny to one HP.

I know I found a shiny Gligar in one of the games while I was power-leveling, so it was likely before Exp. Share was a thing. Can't remember which game, or even if it was my first one. My most recent game shiny has to be the Gogoat I found in Violet. It's also the ONLY shiny I've found in Violet.

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post Jul 7 2024, 02:39 PM
Post #16

Part of this Complete Breakfast
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For those having trouble finding the new boxes, they are in the regular main shop so they cycle out at 6am and 6pm server time. You can see everything purchasable if you use the Pass Power - Purchase power and get them without waiting that way. happy.gif

Join the GPX+ Discord!
I'm a Mod and an Artist happy.gif Feel free to hit me up here or on the Discord with any questions!
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post Jul 10 2024, 03:59 PM
Post #17

cute and cuddly!
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love love love

my first shiny in a pokemon game (aside from the red gyarados in OG gold/silver) was a flaafy in crystal version on my very first playthrough, right when the game came out in 2000. I knew *something* was up with it, because it had the sparkles around it like the red gyarados did, but I didn't know what it was - because shiny flaafy is only a tiny bit different pink than regular flaafy, and on a GBC the color difference was barely noticable unless you had them up side by side. This was way before you could just look that kind of thing up on the internet, google was still a lil baby website, and pokemon guides and walkthroughs were almost entirely text only with some ascii art (there were some IMPRESSIVE ascii maps on gamefaqs!)

Of course now I know what it meant, but back then I was coinvinced it was a bug or something wrong with my game because i never encountered it again (other than the red gyarados, of course). lol.gif

on gpxplus, my first shiny was a squirtle. i wasn't hunting it, i just got lucky, and it inspired me to hunt all of the shiny starters.

This post has been edited by teddiursa: Jul 10 2024, 04:00 PM

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post Jul 11 2024, 08:16 AM
Post #18

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Rubber Ducky

First shiny in the games was actually a shiny Pidgey in HeartGold... before you got Pokeballs. The first shiny we caught wasn't until years later with a Sandshrew in Alpha Sapphire!

On GPXPlus, it was a random Sableye (who will probably get mega'd once we stop being lazy :v)!


used Discord for seven years and it's no longer fun to use :v
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post Jul 11 2024, 02:33 PM
Post #19

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QUOTE(Cytosine @ Jul 1 2024, 04:45 AM) *
My first shiny was on Emerald, and it was a Wurmple. Now it's a Dustox, and I think it's in my Alpha Sapphire game. Made it back to Hoenn!

My first shiny on GPX was Ledyba. That was such a cute surprise to have happen to me when I was just collecting pokemon for the dex. I keep my PC boxes of shinies in the order I got them, so it's easy to keep track of which ones I got first lol.

And yeah, it's awesome contributing to the site! Still working on new things behind the scenes!

My first shiny on GPX was my favourite Psyduck
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post Jul 14 2024, 06:33 AM
Post #20

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QUOTE(StellaFleure3 @ Jun 30 2024, 08:20 PM) *
My first Shiny in a game was a silver Rapidash on Mount Silver happy.gif. I don't remember though if it happened in Pokémon Gold or Crystal.

omg Saaaame~ Was level grinding in Crystal (1st video game I've ever owned even). I didn't even really realize at 1st it was a different colour and thought the opening sparkles was an attack like Flame Wheel xD

There is no such thing as Peace.......
But, we can stop Pretending it to be

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