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On EmberWings
Master Houndoom
post Aug 3 2009, 11:54 AM
Post #41

Team Rogue: Houndoom
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Uprising Mod

"Tsunami, Fang, and Ember, please come out and greet your opponents." To the outside observer, Jaima seemed calm, even a bit aloof. To those who knew him well, his pokémon included, there was a mere quaver in his voice that was otherwise admirably strong. To him and to Mercury, and Shadow, who could see his aura flickering with tiny bright yellow streaks, Jaima was a nervous wreck.

Golbat! I'm starting to hate that evolutionary line! I could have used Mercury, but she looks so tired! Fang isn't the fastest, but he is strong. He should be able to hold up, and Tsunami's a good battler, I saw that in the battle on the mountain, but I just don't know if I've trained them right! What right have I to go up against a gym leader who's spent a lot of time getting their max potential from their pokémon, when all I've really done is battle them and let other people use them...

Trainer Jaima, please be calm...
There was a note of franticness in Mercury's mental voice, and Jaima scowled at himself. He was being selfish. Mercury wasn't feeling well, and neither was Tuesday. He should call it off.

Don't you dare! The shout was like a slap to the back of his head, and the mental connection cut off abruptly, and Jaima looked up to see Mercury blushing and rubbing her head. He sighed. Damned if he did, damned if he didn't, it appeared...

"Fang, please take the field, and Tsunami as well. Ember, watch carefully, you will be going in as backup."

He didn't have a strategy. He didn't have a plan. He had, however, very loyal pokémon, and he knew their limits better than he had before. He'd just have to watch.

* * * * *

Mercury was mortified. What was wrong with her, yelling at Trainer Jaima like that? She took deep breathes and began to empty her mind. It was not easy.

Trainer Jaima had been having nightmares, but they were linked with Mercury's own, and therefore doubly bad. Trainer Meiko, who had affection for Trainer Jaima, was also angry with him and jealous. Tempest also was jealous, and angry, and hurt, somehow. Trainer Tuesday was hurt and terrified, the strength of the latter emotion keeping her from finding out why, and in Mercury's current state, if she tried to figure it out, she might hurt the poor girl. Lady was teetering between jealousy and hurt and pride, but was leaning toward jealousy. Shadow...

Shadow was a pool of serenity with a mist of concern around it. She could get lost in that, except for one thing. When she thought of Shadow, her throat closed, her crest tingled, and her heart pounded. Her mind clouded so much that she couldn't think.

But now there was a respite. Lady was steaming, Trainer Darryn was trying to be supportive of Trainer Jaima, Trainer Meiko and Shadow were concerned with Trainer Tuesday... all of these basic, strong emotions kept her from getting too overwhelmed. She could, if she wanted, sleep.

She could rest. It was nice.

She could... zzzzzz

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Living Arrow
post Aug 4 2009, 03:14 PM
Post #42

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

"I see you are taking the opportunity to select Pokemon with a type advantage." Otis pushed his wire-framed spectacles up the bridge of his nose with a swift flick of irritation. "You should know that a Gym Leader trains his or her Pokemon to a level that can surpass any type advantage that may be introduced in a battle. Not only that, but we Gym Leaders of Furoh all specialise in Double Battling. If you forget that, you will lose."

Otis' eyes flickered upwards at his hovering Pokemon. What he had said was true - he had, indeed, prepared for battling against Pokemon that should have an advantage against his own. Numerous ideas came to mind as to how to attack the situation but habit set in and Otis found himself ordering the move that he often did in that siutuation.

"Noctowl, use Light Screen!"

The lazily flapping bird Pokemon hotted its acknowledgement and its eyes glowed ominously, a golden shimmering bubble made up of octagonal fragments sprung into place around itself and the Golbat circling manically over its head.

"Now, Golbat darken the field with your Haze attack - blind your opponents with a blackened mist!"

The Golbat's irratic flight came to a halt and immediately a raven-coloured smoke began pouring out of its mouth like some sort of ethereal waterfall towards the ground where it billowed out in ever-expanding waves. Otis smirked.

"Make your move, trainer," he snipped, "And make sure it's the right one."

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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Master Houndoom
post Aug 4 2009, 07:14 PM
Post #43

Team Rogue: Houndoom
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Uprising Mod

Jaima bit his lip, surveying the rapidly darkening field. Several things entered and left his mind, considered and abandoned, or failing at the thought's task of trying to distract him. He could have used Mercury as a surprise against the Golbat, but the Light Screen would have negated her effectiveness. Neither of these on the field were something that Tsunami had a direct effect on; Smart on the Gym Leader's part, because she was doubly effective against the numel. How did you know she'd be doubly effective against the numel? Old research from the Lab. And the single most important thought; Light Screen affects attacks that aren't physically delivered.

"Tsunami, Water Gun on both of those fliers! Hit 'em before the Haze gets too thick!" As Tsunami attempted to spray the two with water, a move that would be less effective because of the Light Screen, Jaima gave his next command. "Fang, Charge! Hold your ground until I say so!" Tsunami took another breath to loose more water, but Jaima held out a hand. "Tsunami, return! Ember, take the field! Use Smokescreen! If we can't see them, they can't see us!"

He had a hunch this wouldn't work. After all, the golbat, even though it had eyes, also had sonar, and a lot of flying types had keen eyes, enabling them to see through fog and such. But it didn't matter. Either it would work, or it would draw them in, and Jaima had ideas for both.

Fang was still sparking, sending out bolts of electricity trough the haze, like upside down storm clouds. Ember's bottome was barely visible as a line of orange glow, her back-fires igniting and burning some of the haze. Both gave themselves away, but the smoke screen was beginning to cover the tell tale signs up even in such short a time.

"Ember! Bank your flames now! Get ready, because they're going to attack!" Then he said something that no one in his crew was around to remember, but both Fang and Ember did. "Remember how you acted when Fang fought against Lemonade!"

* * * * *

Shadow, too, knew the reference. It had been truly an awesome sight, Ember, kind, gentle, frightened Ember becoming a powerhouse battler when Fang had been knocked out. It had been the same fight that Rosie had shown him the kindness of a crash course in Fighting. He would never forget it.

However, the field was obscured from normal eyes. The command would lend Ember a hint of unpredictability if she understood what Sensei Jaima was trying to do. Shadow, however, would have to wait until that happened. He couldn't see, but he could perceive the aura around the pokemon on the field. Fang was trembling, charging his body with the bioelectric charge in his forelegs, and Ember was quivering, but her aura was hotter than her glames.

He turned his attention to his fellow spectators. Sensei Meiko's aura was banked, as many are when thinking. Kohai Tuesday's was almost gone, emulating a loss of hope, but she was tired as well. It was sad to see one so full of Aura banked so. He would have to try to fix that.

Zorro, the Little Brother, was dancing in the silly outfit, and he would have taken the Little Brother to task except that it would likely cheer Kohai Tuesday if she saw it. And that, Shadow knew, was the Little Brother's intent.

Little Mercury lay on a chair, her crest against the back, snoozing but finding little rest. He sent thoughts to her through the Aura, and she calmed a bit.

A flash of movement in the Aura came out, and he jerked his eyes to the field. The next move was being made.

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Umbrae Calamitas
post Aug 4 2009, 11:23 PM
Post #44

Team Rogue: Espeon
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Tuesday's Pack


The field filled up with darkness.

Tuesday shivered. She felt much like the field would have, had it been a living force capable of emotion. Empty, lost... nonexistent. It was as though she wasn't even fully here. Part of her was somewhere else, but not in that world she faded off to when deep in thought. No, part of her was trapped within the depths of a memory, dying a little more each time she was forced to watch Zorro die, Shadow die, the bovine stampede, Tempest slaughter her friends...

Every time she closed her eyes, she was enveloped in the shadows that made up her despair and lingering fear... or was her lingering fear and despair creating the shadows? It didn't matter... the shadows were there when she closed her eyes, and now even when her eyes were open, there was darkness.

Zorro was dancing around in front of her, dressed in a cheerleading outfit. It was funny, and it was cute, and Tuesday wanted to laugh. Her giggle seemed to get lost somewhere along the way, however, and the happiness she might have felt at the image was sucked into the black hole that had opened up inside of her. She felt lost... and cold.

Unable to see anything on the battlefield (and that scared her), she instead turned her attention fully to Zorro. The riolu was jumping from side to side, using his lithe agility to preform maneuvers that no teenaged human could have managed.

He waved the pompoms wildly, cheering with brazen glee, and Tuesday's lip did begin to curl upward.

But then her lingering exhaustion stole the clarity of her vision as it had been doing off and on all day. Suddenly, Zorro looked less like a dancing riolu wearing an outfit, waving pompoms, and more like a battling riolu, covered in blood and crying for help, or mercy, or... something. The abrupt, stunning yellow of the outfit looked like the color of Tempest's fur, and the mixed coloration of the pompoms nearly sent Tuesday into hysterics.

She blinked and her vision came back to her fully, and she could see Zorro as he was - fine, dancing... happy. But in her mind, she could see the blood and smell the death, and she was so afraid.

Without offering any explanation to her pokemon, without thinking of how being recalled so abruptly would make poor confidence-lacking Dante feel, Tuesday grabbed both pokeballs and summoned the two pokemon back into them. She then quickly stuffed all of her pokeballs into her backpack and set it on the bench beside her. If her pokemon were in their pokeballs, they were safe. Nothing would hurt them there. Even if Tempest did get out of her pokeball, as she was well able to, Zorro would be safe, and Dante would be safe, and Tuesday wouldn't have to watch anyone die.

She turned her attention back to the field, but she still couldn't see anything beyond the blackness produced by the sight-obscuring attacks. Within the confines of that ever-lingering darkness, the dreams came back to her.

At first, of course, it was the miltank and the taurus. She could hear the thundering of their hooves and the plain, simplicity of their cries as easily as if they were stampeding through the battle arena.

Then, of course, it was Tempest. Hot-tempered, impatient, angry Tempest, with every attack within her arsenal holding ten times the power of a Dragonite's hyper beam.

Tuesday had witnessed these dreams so many times that she could predict every move that the pokemon would make. As she gazed unseeingly ahead, she watched Tempest kill Zorro twice with a thundershock, three times with quick attack, and once even with a tail whip. She bore witness to Shadow's death four times, Tempest puncturing his chest with his own steel horn, using volt tackle, the attack she had forbidden the pikachu to use. And then, of course, she electrocuted the lucario with Lightning Tornado, the attack-maneuver that Tuesday had come up with herself.

Was it really Tempest out there, or was Tuesday the one actually doing the killing?

But these dreams... visions... memories... nightmares... they had become predictable. They were almost boring, except that they made Tuesday hurt inside. She did not even physically react, however, as she watched her comrades die. It was all the same.

Until that third death arrived.

A nameless, shapeless, soulless foe... he rose out of the darkness like a black death. Nothing more than a shadow, and yet far more than any piece of darkness could ever hope to be, the creature - the thing - did not dash forward so much as he glided, and he did not kill Shadow so much as he slaughtered him.

A hand through the chest, ripping out the lucario's heart, and then Shadow was fine again.

A kick to the head, decapitating the jackal-pokemon, and then Shadow was fine.

A slice across the midsection, and then Shadow - no, it was Zorro now - fell, disemboweled and dead.

Slashed, cut, stabbed, impaled, beheaded, diced, crushed, strangled... the list went on and on. Tuesday lost count of how many times the pokemon died. She lost count of who died more - Shadow or Zorro. She lost count of how many wounds had been obtained, and how many times her head physically ached when she watched her comrades fall.

But she remembered the laughter.

It never stopped. Just once. It began, and never ended. He was still laughing now, this shadowed demon. Cackling with glee, but cackling wasn't even word enough. He was beyond happy, this beast, and she could see his smile in the darkness around her, and in her.

He had finally stopped killing the riolu and lucario, but they had equally stopped rising. The two lay side by side on the ground, where they had once been standing back to back. Blood pooled around the both of them, staining their blue and black fur crimson, and Tuesday wanted to cry.

And then, of course, she realized she was crying. She made no sound and in her silence had even fooled herself, but now she felt the tears rolling down her cheeks like tiny rivers that had never been taught how to trickle with that laughing melody that all brooks had. Her cheeks were no doubt red, and they were cold and stiff, but the tears kept coming, and Tuesday didn't have the strength to wipe them away.

The neck of her shirt was wet, but Tuesday simply continued to stare ahead, not making a sound. As she gazed into the darkness of the field, however, she thought she saw a crimson light, and then two golden eyes opened and she realized that this beast was here. He was here, this shadowed demon, and he was going to hurt anyone that Tuesday was around to watch die, and so she had to leave. She had to leave now!

Without a word to anyone, without a sound, Tuesday sprung from the bench and bolted to the door. She sat the nearest and so no one saw her leave. The moment that she heard the door close behind her, she broke into a run for all she was worth, racing out of the battle arena and into the town.

She ignored the street signs and the intersections and simply ran. She ran to get away from the demon in the shadows, and to escape the nightmares, and to protect her friends, and with the hope of outrunning her tears.

But the tears came faster the faster she ran, and soon she was both lost and blind, and this knowledge only made her cry harder, and suddenly Tuesday wasn't letting the tears fall silently but was sobbing and begging, but she couldn't remember who she was begging and what for. She just wanted to go home, she wanted her brother, she wanted someone to hold her and tell her that everything was okay, and to chase the bad dreams away. She wanted someone to tell her that Shadow was okay and he wasn't going to stand staring into death, begging it to come. She wanted someone to assure her that Tempest wouldn't kill Zorro out of jealousy or rage. She wanted someone to show her a future without a big black shadowed beast that killed everyone she cared about.

And she wanted a hug. She wanted a hug really, really bad.

Choking on a sob, Tuesday sniffled and leaned up against a building. The bricks were cold and so offered her neither warmth nor comfort, and Tuesday felt even worse for expecting it.

"I'm being a baby," she whispered, but she didn't really care. She knew she should act more grown up, but she couldn't bring herself to even try at this point. She was tired... she was exhausted. She was having nightmares that made her want to be sick and which caused her chest to ache in an agony that wasn't physical. She felt like her head was fuzzy and her heart was heavy and her mind was too great a burden to bear.

But the nightmares kept coming, and Tuesday was worried, she knew. Part of her was begging her to turn around and go back and make sure Shadow was all right. Part of her wanted to run back to the battle arena and call out Zorro (I didn't bring my pokeballs with me?) and make sure he wasn't hurt. Part of her was afraid that her dreams would come true without her being there to stop them, as if she would have been able to...

But another part wanted to stay away, because if she wasn't there to watch, then they would be safe. If she wasn't there, then Tempest couldn't get jealous, because Zorro wouldn't have her, either. Shadow wouldn't fail and then give his life to his failure, and Tuesday could protect them, just by staying away.

So... so if that was the right thing to do, then why did both her mind and her heart agree that she should go back? Why did that choice seem to grow bigger the more she thought about it? Why did it seem smarter to be with her older, stronger, wiser friends?

It's not safe here.

The thought came to Tuesday's mind just before she heard the growling.

Her head snapped toward the sound and she saw them - two houndour, advancing toward her with the slow ease of a hunter who knew he had his prey in hand. Tuesday took a step back, only to suddenly realize that she had positioned herself in an alley with no back exit. The only entrance held the two dark dogs, both with crimson eyes and bared fangs. One was larger than the other, and while both held the rage all dogs had when protecting their territory, they larger's eyes seemed to hold something else, as well. A hatred. A desire to hurt.

Tuesday whimpered softly, retreating. It was a stupid thing to do.

The larger dog was fast.

He took two strides, and then leapt, his paws slamming into Tuesday's chest.

His weight was tremendous and threw her clean off her feet. She hit her back first, but her vision blurred moments before the pain of her struck head registered. The world took on a kind of fuzzy hue, and then it faded slightly, only to let Tuesday see that the snarling she heard was from both houndour, as they battled. When had that happened?

The smaller was losing. A male, with ribs that shown through his thin, filthy fur. He was standing partway between Tuesday and the larger houndour. Protecting her... why?

The larger dog was faster than the smaller.

A female, Tuesday realized, as she dreamily watched the battle. Older, with scars on her legs and a few on her face. She was well-fed for a stray, and strong from experience she gained living without a trainer. Without care. Fueled by hatred, it seemed, as she snarled and slashed and bit the younger dog, until the small, too-skinny, weak houndour hit the ground with a dull-thud and lay bleeding, whimpering... vulnerable.

Tuesday didn't really think about it when she grabbed the pokeball. She knew it was in her pocket. She always had one vacant ball that she kept separate from the others. She didn't really know why - it was one of those things that Anika did that she, for some reason, picked up on. She was glad for it now, as she tossed the Great Ball - her only one of that kind - at the weak and wounded houndour.

The dark dog disappeared into the pokeball with a soft whimper, and the ball landed on the ground, shaking weakly, before going still. The other houndour looked confused for a moment. Stunned, even, but the disappearance of her prey, but then she knew she had another prize awaiting her, and this one wouldn't disappear.

With a snarl, crimson eyes flashing, the dark canine turned her full attention back to Tuesday, and advanced.


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Living Arrow
post Aug 5 2009, 11:37 AM
Post #45

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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From: Amazingstoke, UK
Member No.: 814

PANE: Darryn Kellor

Otis watched nonplussed as a smattering of water dashed through the air, cutting the Haze like melting butter - wherever it struck it was simply replaced by fluid darkness that clung to everything like gaseous glue. True, there was a chance for impact but the damage would be greatly reduced. In short, the Marshtomp wasn't a problem. The Luxio, however, was building energy and defenses while Otis had set his own. That could become troublesome.

"Tsunami, return!"

*If he thinks switching around will help him, then he's wrong!*

"Ember, take the field!"

*And the Quilava comes in... perfect! Doesn't he know the way we Leaders battle on Furoh?!*

"Noctowl, return!" Otis fired off the Pokeball's collection beam into the smog and a bright red flash came flooding back. "Numel, go!" His short, hot-headed camel trundled into the battlefield, his face hard and uncompromising.

"Time for the attack! Golbat, Supersonic! Numel, Magnitude - knock them both down!"


"That Haze is a tough one to deal with for Jaima..." Darryn muttered to himself, clutching the rail in both hands. "If he had Bravo, he'd be fine with a Whirlwind. And if Merucry or Lady were down there, they could part the smoke with their Psychic attacks... but now..."

"Don't underestimate him." Meiko said quietly, watching with intent. Darryn glanced sideways at her. She was worried for Jaima - the way she chewed the inside of her cheeks screamed her sympathy for their friend but the way she rubbed the end of his bandolier between her fingers said a lot more. A lot more.

"I'm not. I'm just stating the obvious - he's got reduced visibility and two Pokemon that can't dispel the mist. Unless..."

Darryn grabbed his Pokedex and aimed the scnner into the Haze where Luxio and Ember stood, ready for battle.

[Qui-qui-quilava. The Vol--no Pokemuh-muh-muh-mon. Attacks known: zzzuhzzzuh....]

"Damn it!" Darryn hissed, snapping the device shut. "The Haze blocks the signal... If I could scan them then I could see if they knew a move like Aerial Ace which never misses its target..."

*I have no idea what Jaima can do in this situation but fight blindly. I hope he knows something I don't!*

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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Master Houndoom
post Aug 5 2009, 03:37 PM
Post #46

Team Rogue: Houndoom
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Uprising Mod

"MOVE!" It was a moment of panic that caused Jaima to shout so, and he took a moment to calm himself. His hands gripped the Trainer Podium where he watched the battle from with a white knuckled grip, and he prayed that his pokémon were quick. The good thing was that the smog and the haze likely threw the numel's aim off as much as it was intended to obscure the opponent pokémon, but he didn't want to take that chance. The magmar's smog attack hadn't slowed it down all that much when Darryn and Lady were under it.

The golbat's sonic boom struck something and sent up a plume of rock above the haze line, but no cry followed it. Jaima breathed a small sigh of relief; Either the bat couldn't use Sonar and Sonic Boom, or they had moved in time.

In the arena, Ember felt the rumble of Magnitude and dodged, not away from but into Fang, throwing him clear. The magnitude attack swung toward her, and struck the ground around her, jostling her off of her feet. Fang growled thanks and a warning not to do that again, but Ember had taken Jaima's command literally; She was to protect Fang as much as she could.

"Fang," Jaima cried out, noticing the status for Ember dropping on the readout sensor embedded in his podium. "Find that Golbat and use Spark! Ember, Quick Attack on the Numel! Be swift! Try to keep it off balance!" He was relieved to see that Ember hadn't fallen quickly; ground attacks were strong against fire and electric both. It was amazing that Fang hadn't been hit.

Ember was getting upset. She was scared, she was trying to protect Fang, and she hurt. It was making her angry, which was a good thing; She wasn't afraid to fight when she was angry. But it also made things hard to hear. So when Jaima said "Quick Attack on the Numel! Be swift!" all she heard was "Attack... Numel... Swift." That triggered something inside of her, and she pitched forward on her front legs, sending motes of fire that turned into white stars flying, not just at the numel, but up above the haze to the golbat as well. Fang saw the stars and followed them, and as the golbat dove to avoid the stars Fang was nearby, charging forward with his entire body electrified.

* * * * *

Sensei Meiko was preoccupied with Sensei Jaima's match, which is how it should have been. If she wished to make a proper mate, she had to look out for him and let the pokémon watch the younglings. Kohai Tuesday was no mere youngling, but she was small and the humans couldn't possibly see the power she contained. Shadow could forgive them the assumption.

He had been surprised when Kohai Tuesday recalled her charmeleon and the Little Brother abruptly, but it put him on alert, and when she dashed out, he followed without asking. He would be her support if she didn't trust the Little Brother yet. She was dashing throughout the city pell mell, ignoring her heart and mind and acting with only her terror to guide her; it flowed off of her like puffs of acrid smoke. Finally, she stopped, but she had run so swiftly and so intricately through the city that Shadow had briefly lost her.

When she stopped, he could better follow her aura. It was now yellow with fear as well as acrid with terror, and he quickened his pace. He came to the mouth of the alleyway just in time to see Kohai Tuesday make her catch, but from the flickering of her aura, red near the back of her head and yellow and blue shot in the rest, she had been hurt. It was no mere catch, it was a desperate act of preservation.

"Lu!" Shadow barked at the houndour as he moved to bite the life from the Kohai he had left his Sensei to protect. The dog snarled, a long, low growl-whine of frustration, then snarled and tore up the alley toward Shadow. He stood tall and strong, beckoning the creature forward with his paw. As long as this snarling demon was charging him, it was not going to harm Kohai Tuesday.

"No," came a whisper, and Shadow could sense the acrid terror enveloping Kohai Tuesday's weakened Aura, but did not allow himself to be distracted. He launched a Hi Kick at the canid as it leapt, and heard a satisfyingly pained yelp. The houndour landed on its paws shakily, panting heavily, then opened it's mouth.

Flames shot forth, and Shadow cried out. He had felt flame before, and it hadn't hurt this badly. The protusions at his wrists, chest, and back burned at the flesh around them, as if heated and now branding him, and he staggered.

"NO!" It was a wail, a cry, and the houndour was attracted to the smell of Kohai Tuesday's fear. He turned to her, and Shadow, pained but not down, tackled him.

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Living Arrow
post Aug 5 2009, 03:51 PM
Post #47

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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From: Amazingstoke, UK
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

Otis grimaced behind the bank of Haze. Things weren't going how he planned. He had never coutned on his opponent knowing a move like swift and so had not thought to defend against it.
Stars rained down upon his two Pokemon - flashing strobe silhouettes announced the clash of Swift upon Light Screen as the golden barrier was bombarded with the nippy little projectiles. Otis drew in a slight breath of relief as the damage inflicted was reduced by the Noctowl's legacy but he had to clamp his jaw tight when Golbat came careening out of the fog, electricty crackling off his body.

*That Luxio needs to be dealth with. Promptly*

"Golbat, Giga Drain on the Luxio. Numel use another wide-spread Magnitude and make it a big one!"

The blue Bat Pokemon swept back into the gloom, a swirling green vortex jumping from his mouth, searching out the prey in the fog while the Numb Pokemon shook off his momentary daze from the Swift attack and stomped harder into the ground, a glare of concentration falling upon his brow.

"Don't get cocky when Light Screen is still in play!" Otis warned the challenger, already thinking of what sort of tactic to employ next.

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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Master Houndoom
post Aug 5 2009, 04:45 PM
Post #48

Team Rogue: Houndoom
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Member No.: 804

Uprising Mod

Jaima hissed. Otis was starting to get on his nerves with his attitude, but that wasn't his problem at the moment. His problem was that he had two pokemon that were weak to ground moves with a ground type on the field. Tsunami could easily take the ground type out, but Jaima had to be certain Otis didn't simply switch him out at the same time, and that meant knocking out the golbat. Hopefully, if the golbat fainted, the haze would go away as well.

"Ember, Swift again!" He grit his teeth. This magnitude was harder than the other, and he had no way of knowing if it could knock out both of his pokemon in one fell swoop. If only there was a way to get one of them airborne!

Ember dashed toward Fang, and had found him and moved in front of him when the order came. She pitched forward on her dorelegs, releasing the stars again, but when the magnitude attack hit, she rolled all the way onto her back. Struggling to keep her eyes open, she gasped as Fang also rocked to his side, slamming hard and panting.

"Fang!" Jaima's voice was clearer now, defeat lessening the whooshing of blood through Ember's ears. "Try it again, one more time! Go for the green stuff in the field! Ember, you can stand up! We need another smokescreen!"

Jaima's hands on the podium were slick with sweat. Both of the pokémon on the display were flashing red, and a chime was dinging, one for each, out od synch with each other. It was grating. Jaima had no business trying to get this badge, but he wasn't going to let himself or his pokémon down without a fight.

* * * * *

It didn't look good for Jaima, and Meiko sighed, rubbing the end of his bandolier between both thumbs and her indesx fingers. The leather was smoothing where she rubbed it, but she didn't care. If he won, she'd buy him a brand new bandolier.

She glanced to her left. Darryn was as intent on the battle as she had been, his jaw working, wishing he'd been out there. She looked to her right, and was surprised to see that Tuesday had left, without her bag, the pokéballs still visible through the opening. Zorro was gone, Dante was gone, and Shadow, who'd been behind them, was gone.

Well, crap.

She squirmed a bit. She wanted to see this battle, to support Jaima, especially if he lost, but he'd be upset if something had happened to Tuesday. She was probably in the bathroom.

And... she... probably took Shadow with her. For protection.

From the bathroom.

... Riiiiiight.

"Darryn," she whispered, clenching her eyes shut.

"What," he said, not taking his own gaze from the battlefield.

"I need to go find Tuesday..."

Darryn did look at her this time. "Now?!" He glanced around, scowling. "What the blaz- Jaima's in the middle of his match!"

"I know," she said miserably, "but Tuesday's been out of it lately. I just want to see if she's OK."

Darryn cast a skeptical eye. "Look, if you don't want to see him los-"

"It's not that!" she said, a little too loudly. "You know how he is, especially with the little sisters he has! He'd rush out himself if he knew, in the middle of his own match!" When he didn't stop glaring, she sighed. "Look, she's probably in the bathroom. I'll go find her and come right back!"

Darryn rolled his eyes, twitching a bit, then finally came to a decision. "It's just in case, mind," he said, pulling a ball off of his belt. He released a jolteon, and Meiko blinked. "Romeo, go with Meiko. Help her find Tuesday. If she's in the bathroom, come right back!" The last was directed to both Meiko and Romeo. Meiko rolled her eyes.

"Yes, mother," she sneered, dashing out the door as inobtrusively as possible.

Once out of the observation area, Meiko jogged to the rest room. It was empty, and her stomach dropped. "If you can track," she muttered to Romeo, "now would be a good time..."

The electric pokemon looked up at her, then dashed out the door. Meiko followed at a run, and Romeo made sure he was slow enough to follow, frustrating as it might be for him.

Tuesday had been frightened, and though she had run quickly, she had run in more or less a straight path. Though they'd had to back track for some unexpected turns, they soon were attracted to the noise of a battle.

A houndour, a large male, was tussling with Shadow. Both were hurt and panting, Shadow with some swelling around his spikes and the houndour favoring his left side.

Romeo dashed forward in a burst of speed, slamming into the houndour with a quick attack, giving Meiko room to pass and check Tuesday. The girl was groggy, mumbling something about Shadow needing to run before she passed out. Meiko turned to the battle, her jaw set.

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Umbrae Calamitas
post Aug 6 2009, 12:32 AM
Post #49

Team Rogue: Espeon
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Tuesday's Pack

Tuesday's head hurt, and everything was kind of fuzzy, like she was surrounded by cotton swabs. She could see the houndour advancing toward her as though she were watching from a distance. It was an odd sensation, and somewhere, she knew she was losing consciousness, but it didn't really matter.

Until Shadow appeared.

She hadn't thought that anyone would come, but if she had expected anyone, he would be the least on her mind. After all, he was more often dead than alive in her dreams now, and it was becoming hard to distinguish between the two.

He darted forward, calling the fire-dog's attention, and for a moment, Tuesday was grateful to see him.

And then she remembered that lucario were part-steel pokemon, and that steel was weak against fire. And then Shadow was beckoning the houndour forward, standing tall and firm, wanting the other to come at him.

Just like in her dreams, only this was real.

"No," she whispered, feeling ice fall into her belly, because the houndour charged, snarling at Shadow. The lucario hit the canine back with a high kick, but, of course, houndour were fire pokemon, and they were stronger.

Shadow screamed when the flames struck him.

The steel horns on his body seemed to glow red with heat, and the lucario threw back his head with a howl filled with pain and confusion. Agony. Dying agony.

"NO!" Tuesday screamed, the dream coming back to her, overlapping the reality that she could see. Was Shadow there or not? Was he fighting or pleading for death? Was she really seeing this, or was it all a dream? "Shadow!" she screamed.

The houndour, attracted to her cry, turned his attention to her, and the move left his side open. Shadow struck, tackling the canine to the ground, but the houndour was large, and fast, and he snarled and snapped as he attacked Shadow. The two fought, snarling, barking, snapping, growling at each other, ripping open fresh wounds and screaming in pain.

Tuesday, her vision flickering in and out, found herself sobbing in fear, because as powerful as he was, Shadow could not win this battle. Not as a steel-type. Not against a houndour. He was going to die, just like in her dreams.

Her shirt was soaked, her cheeks stained wet, and Tuesday's eyes hurt, but not as much as her head. Her eyesight was blurry with tears, but also flickering in and out every time her head started to ache, and she felt half like she was going to be sick, but she didn't quite know why. But it didn't matter. Only Shadow mattered. Only Shadow and that he needed to... needed to...

"Run, Shadow," she begged, but her voice was weak from crying, from screaming, and she didn't know if the lucario heard her. He probably did, but wouldn't listen. It wasn't like him to listen. He was too noble, and it was going to get him killed. But that wasn't allowed. Tuesday wouldn't allow it.

"You're not allowed to die, Shadow!" she screamed, though it came out garbled in a sob she hadn't realized she had been at the mercy of. She felt more tears flow down her cheeks at the sound of the lucario's wailing cry of pain as the houndour released another ember attack at him. She sobbed, choking on her tears, and she started to whisper in plaintive pleas, "Run, Shadow. Run. Please, run. Please."

She thought she heard another bark, but it was a distant sound that could have been part of a distant, rising dream. Or maybe the houndour had a friend, coming to play tag-team, to slaughter Shadow. But no, the lucario would run, because he had to. He had to run. He had to.

Tuesday thought she felt something... familiar. Like someone was there who she could trust... who she knew... but she was too tired, and the world was too dark, and Shadow needed to run, so nothing else mattered.

"Shadow," she whispered, as the darkness settled in around her like a veil. "Run, Shadow. Please... please... run."

Whether or not he listened, she didn't know for certain, but she was sure he wouldn't.

She heard a snarl, triumphant, barking, a thud, whimpering...

Tears slid down her cheeks at the clarity of sounds and meaning. A triumphant howl, a broken whimper, and silence. Shadow had fallen. Shadow was dead. Just like her dreams.

Tears slipped down her dreams and followed her into darkness...


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Living Arrow
post Aug 6 2009, 12:48 PM
Post #50

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

Otis smugly chuckled under his breath as the Quilava and Luxio slowed, their fatigue openly showing in their movements. This battle would be faster than the first! Having a fire and electric type out against his Numel was the best thing he could have wished for! All it would need was another Magnitude and then...

All of a sudden, the glowing golden shields that surrounded the Gym Leader's Pokemon shattered and fell, motes of sparkling light dancing away to nothing on the field. That meant... Dozens of spinning stars came whizzin through the air, screaming their aggression as they slammed into Numel's hump and against Golbat's wings. Otis squeezed his twig-like fingers into white-knuckled fists.

*Curses! How did he know when Light Screen would fall?!*

"We need another smokescreen!"

*Without knowing the extent of the damage my own Pokemon have taken, it would be foolish to let them battle blindly like before...*

"I don't think so! Golbat, Gust the fog away!" Otis ordered. His Bat Pokemon screeched angrily and kicked its wings into a windmill, dispelling the combined Smokescreen and Haze in one magnificent movement. Otis smirked. Things just weren't going the the favour of this Kuonji boy...

"Yiiiieeee!" Golbat screeched again. This time it was pain. Otis frowned intently as his poison Pokemon flapped and struggled, something clearly wrong with its flight. That was when Otis hissed with realisation.

*The Swift attack on its wings followed by a Gust put too much strain on it... it must have pulled a muscle or something... what a vile trick!*

The flying type spiralled down and down before it landed awkwardly on its feet, shrouding itself in its wings. Otis hated it when someone clipped his flying types' wings but it wasn't as though he hadn't prepared for it. Using Magnitude now would be a mistake. That meant...

"Golbat, use Astonish on the Luxio! Numel, hold back and use Amnesia!"

Otis' Golbat began to toddle towards his foe but the Luxio was far faster and his agility was like concord to a pushbike when Golbat was grounded. The lightning lion's grin was all Golbat could see as electricity crackled of its body as it charged in for a Spark attack...

"Golbat, return!" Otis held forth his Pokeball and snapped it shut angrily, tossing it back into the transporter without looking. Noctowl's ball was already in his hand.

As the owl Pokemon joined the Numel (who was completely contented in his forgetfulness), Otis realised he only had a couple of strategies left. Even so, the best had been saved for last and his trump card was still waiting.

"Noctowl, put up another Light Screen and keep high in the air! Numel, back on the Magnitude!"

*This boy is a tricky one. Swift to combat the Haze only to try and use Smokescreen to use my own strategy against me? Getting Golbat on the ground to prevent use of ground-type attacks? Either he is incredibly lucky or his talent is better than I thought... Even so, he won't be keeping this lead for long...*

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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Unovalocke (click to show)
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Master Houndoom
post Aug 6 2009, 01:32 PM
Post #51

Team Rogue: Houndoom
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Uprising Mod

Meiko pulled a pokeball from her belt and held it out. "Chompwater, GO!" However, it wasn't chompwater, it was a small corphish that blinked up at her. "Rockclaw? Oh! Right, I switched my team out to help match Jaima's." Meiko winced, then shrugged. "Rockclaw, us- ROCKCLAW!" She put her face in her hands. "Don't eat the garbage!"

The corphish glared at his trainer, but she pounted to the houndoom. "Get him in a vice grip and don't let go!" The corphish scuttled to the fray, grabbing the houndour by the foot. The canid yelped and kicked back, but the corphish hung on tenaciously.

Shadow took advantage of the attack, striking home another punch, and nimbly dancing backwards. He was hurting, but it didn't matter. Sensei Meiko had come to the rescue, and he didn't think the battle would last much longer.

If Romeo had been put off by the addition of the water type, he didn't show it, switching from electricity based attacks to Quick Attacks.

The houndour howled, in pain, rage, and frustration, and glowed, evolving into a houndoom. It was, however, still a tired houndoom.

"Rockclaw! Back off and use Bubble! Soak that thing!"

The corphish complied, and the houndoom staggered but did not fall. With the canid wet, and the corphis away from it, Romeo let loose with a bolt of electricity. The wet dog yelped, twitched, and fell, Romeo barking his victory.

Meiko checked on Tuesday again. She wasn't breathing labourously, but the bump on her head wasn't getting smaller. Sighing in slight disappointment, she hefted Tuesday up and started walking to the pokecenter. She'd miss Jaima's match, but he'd understand. She wasn't about to let Tuesday stay alone and hurt in her room.

* * * * *

Jaima took advantage of the switch out and change in strategy to make his own changes. He had agonized over it, but in the end he needed two pokemon on the field and logically, his choice was clear. He hoped beyond hope that Ember would understand.

"Fang, return! Tsunami, take the field! Water Gun on the Numel, and follow it with a mudslap! Ember," he paused, biting his lip, then nodded. "Swift again, then Defensive Curl!"

How he'd gotten so lucky, he didn't know, but he attributed it to the team he'd employed. Logically it had been a bad choice, to try to again use fire against his opponent, matching type against type, but the choice hadn't been made by logic, not completely. Grondir would have folded like a lawn chair here, and Shadow now had a weakness to fire and ground as well. Mercury was tired, exhausted, and finally Ember, Fang, and Tsunami hadn't had a chance to participate in a gym battle.

Jaima began to relax. If he was going to lose, and he didn't trust his luck to hold out much longer, he wasn't going to do it tense. He'd fight his hardest, give the best commands he could, and trust his team, and be extremely proud of them. And if Meiko teases me, well, that's her hang up.

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Living Arrow
post Aug 10 2009, 01:09 PM
Post #52

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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From: Amazingstoke, UK
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

Otis hated, absolutely hated when he lost ground on the field. With Golbat out, he was clearly in the worse position but thanks to Light Screen, his Numel and Noctowl were still in pretty good condition. That couldn't really be said for the challenger's Pokemon. They had sustained injury and were hardly in tip-top shape as a result.

The order for a switch on the Kuonji boy's part was a wise choice from anyone's perspective. Clearly a Marshtomp would have an advantage in the current situation and getting the Luxio away from Numel was an equally applaudable move. That said, however, the challenger didn't know the extent of Otis' training...

"Take the hit!" Otis commanded his Pokemon, allowing the Water Gun and Swift to come flying in with terrfying force. They rained upon the golden Light Screen, a fraction of their power seeping through to strike their targets. Otis' Numel, still numb from its Amnesia blinked angrily as the cool water filtered through the shield and struck him, doing less damage than normal but still a super effective hit nonetheless.

A cheer erupted from the boy up on the viewers platform, but Otis didn't have time to listen to idiotic cries of congratulations. Choosing to take the hit meant that Otis' own Pokemon could focus on building their own attacks and once ready, he could sweep the boy's team with no problems.

"Noctowl, use Sunny Day!"

The owl Pokemon's eyes shone brightly with an incandescent white light that parted the cloud above the stadium and brought down the heat of the midday sun right into the arena. The move had taken months for Otis' flying type to perfect but here it was in all its glory.

"Numel, Solarbeam on the Marshtomp!"

Otis' Numel grunted happily and opened its mouth. A narrow white beam immediately shot forth, an arcing light of majesty that dessimated the globules of mud that were flying towards its maker. The foe Marshtomp's eyes widened considerably and its mouth dropped with shock.

*This is the end!*

A black, spinning ball flew at high velocity out of nowhere, intercepting the beam several feet from making contact with the water type. Otis hissed angrily as the Quilava was catapulted through the air from the impact and cursed it for being so quick on its feet. He didn't wait to see what happened next, instead he focus on the next attacks.

"Numel, more Solarbeam!"

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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Master Houndoom
post Aug 10 2009, 11:15 PM
Post #53

Team Rogue: Houndoom
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Uprising Mod

Jaima looked, to the outside, as if he had merely narrowed his eyes and shifted so that his glasses flashed in the light. To the psychi- To the two psych-.... to any psychic attending in the arena, Jaima became a sudden white hot flare of energy. It certainly made Mercury sit up in the seat with a sudden gasp. Ember flew back and nearly hit the ground, but a red beam intercepted her fall and drew her back into the flame decorated pokeball. With the other hand, he released Fang.

Jaima's fingers tightened on the podium and he grit his teeth to the point that they felt like they might break. Across the field Otis, too, was snarling, but in anger at Ember's sacrifice, and the sight of it seemed to galvanize Jaima. He plugged Ember's pokeball into the reader built into the podium, glancing at the display. Fainted. Not dead, despite taking a solar beam when she was nearly fainted.

Fang began dashing around the arena, electricity sparking around his forelegs, running so quickly that the slow numel couldn't track him with a solar beam. He growled as he ran, piercing the numel and the noctowl with an angry gaze.

"Tsunami, MUD SLAP!" He growled it out, the first time he'd spoken in a commanding voice, and Tsunami responded brilliantly, hitting the ground with a water gun and then slapping the mixed mud at the numel. "Again!" The numel, opening it's mouth, was hit full in the face by the attack, forcing it to shut it's eyes.

"Now dodge and hit the noctowl with a water gun! Just like hunting for flies!"

"How many times do you have to hear the facts?" Otis was nearly snarling, even as the water soaked the bird's feathers. "Your attacks have little effect while Light Screen is active!"

"Interesting thing about Light Screen, Otis," Jaima said, low and deep in his throat. "It isn't effective at all against physical attacks! NOW FANG!"

Fang leapt up the wall, scampering up amongst the rocks and crevices, and dove at the noctowl, his entire body sparking, and an odd, gleeful, wicked grin on his face.

* * * * *

Meiko sighed deeply. She couldn't believe the pain in her legs. When Tuesday had run, she'd run the opposite direction from the pokecenter, and therefore the walk there had been twice the distance than the walk to the gym. Coupled with the run to find her, she was glad when Shadow had insisted on carrying Tuesday after two blocks. She knew he was injured, but he had been so adamant that she knew it was a battle she'd lose if she'd dared argue. Shadow being Jaima's pokemon made the argument pointless. He wasn't her pokemon to order around, so she wouldn't force him.

When she walked in, she was faced with the final distaance through the lobby to the one nurse who she really didn't want to see. The nurse that had been revealed to be Jaima's girlfriend. Still, she thought with a deep sigh, Tuesday needed attention, so Meiko would just have to suck it up.

She stopped short. There was Joy, leaning against the counter, twirling her hair around one finger. On her face was a coy smile, and her eyes were glued to the dark haired young man across the counter. A dark haired young man that, while good enough looking, was definitely not Jaima.

She fought back the urge to leap across the room, like one of those corny kung fu movies that her father loved, and scratch the girl's eyes out. She did, however, stalk forward and slam her hand on the counter, barely managing to keep her face passive when Joy turned, startled.

"Tuesday hit her head," she said in a clipped manner. "Is there someone here who can look at her? I know you're trained in first aid, but I'd prefer a human nurse if I can get it."

Joy said nothing, but rushed into the back, pulling one of her cousins with her. The elder Joy looked at Meiko briefly. "She's gone to medical school," said the younger Joy shakily, intimidated both by the prospect of a hurt human, and Meiko's icy stillness. "What happened?"

"She was attacked by a houndoom. Shadow was fighting it off when I arrived. He'll need to be looked at as well, and Darryn's Jolteon Romeo will need rest. He wasn't hurt, but he did fight. Also, my corphish." She handed the one ball to the young nurse. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll need to find a way to contact Jaima." You know, she sniped mentally, your boyfriend. You hussy.

The elder Nurse smiled at Meiko. "She's all right. Would you please take her to her room to rest?"

Meiko nodded and walked away, carrying Tuesday. She was proud of her restraint, but still angry. The anger faded when she opened the door to her room and looked at Tuesdays' bed.

"Oh! Wait a minute, Mr. Postman!"

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Living Arrow
post Aug 12 2009, 11:11 AM
Post #54

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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From: Amazingstoke, UK
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

"Noctowl!" Otis gasped, not thinking to keep track of the Luxio had been a blunder. He'd been so focused on defending Numel that the challenger had been able to sneak up on the single Pokemon that Otis own that knew not a single attacking move.

Feathers flew as Fang crashed through the golden shield to slam home the electric attack, driving the owl Pokemon downwards to crash heavily into the rocky field. Dust rose in a flash after the impact, showering the Pokemon and their trainers with sand and gravel while they waited for the smoke to fall. When it did, however, only one Pokemon was left standing.

"Noctowl, return." Otis snapped the Pokeball up quickly, recalling the honorable bird where it would be able to take a deserving rest.
"It seems I took battling you too lightly, what was it? Master Kuonji? But don't think it is all over yet. Light Screen will be in play for a little while yet and your Luxio is now wide open!"

Fang's graceful landing had placed him pretty much exactly halfway in between Tsunami and Otis' Numel whose face was still lightly softened by the effects of Amnesia but a glimmer of determination managed to shine through all the mud that covered them. That was what Otis liked to see in his Pokemon. Not only the ability to pull off great strategies but also to fight to the very end with all they had. Numel's sight might have been a little off due to the Mud Slap but not all moves required you to aim...

"Numel! Rip up the arena with your Magnitude once more! Take your opponents down!" Otis cried. He fought down the silent admissions that he was being pushed against the ropes. He was forced into a corner and his hopes were all pinned on Numel now.

The small Camel Pokemon seemed to reciprocate its owner's feelings. It let loose a honking wail as it slammed its feet to the dirt, a tremor building around it in an instant. He screamed louder and harder, pushing the quake into a shuddering jolt with all his might. That was when it happened. White light shone brightly from the Pokemon's every pore and right before everyone's eyes, Numel began to evolve...

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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Master Houndoom
post Aug 12 2009, 11:09 PM
Post #55

Team Rogue: Houndoom
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Uprising Mod

Fang watched the dirtcamel lift it's foot and sprang to action. He'd done it! He'd made his trainer proud! Now he had to make Mama Ember proud, and he knew how. The tremor was coming behind him, and he let the vibration catapult him into his new friend, Tsunami, and push her into the air. He'd almost not made it. The tremor struck him as he was coiling to spring, and instead of a clean tackle, it was a tumble that sent him into the marshtomp's legs. It had the desired effect, though; she didn't take as much damage as she might have. Fang smiled to himself as darkness and light claimed him.

Tsunami wasn't happy. She was already queasy from the heat, and it was her first real attempt at battling. At first she thought that she'd done something wrong, because she'd been called back so quickly, but then she was on the field again, and her new, good trainer was giving her commands like he believed in her, and she made a point to push herself. But then the ground was shaking, and that didn't help her queasy stomach, and then, Fang sent her flying, and that definitely didn't help.

She could feel throw-up in her throat. And it was one of those special throw-ups, the kind she could use as an attack, and sometimes did, at will. She hated using that! It reminded her of the muck, and being abandoned, and sick! She didn't want to make anyone sick..!

But if she was going to throw-up anyway, she thought with a sigh, it might as well be useful. She landed, wobbled, fell to all fours, and spewed a purple ball of goo at the camerupt.

It hit dead on, and the camerupt shuddered, looking a bit purple and green as well.

He smiled. <<That was weak,>> he said, sneering. <<You're weak!>>

Tsunami shuddered in anger. Weak! Weak! It wasn't weakness that let her survive in the muck canal for three days! It wasn't weakness that kept her alive on the mountain when that fireskunk stomped on her over and over! Weak?!

The camerupt slammed it's foot down again, and Tsunami fell on her back, but stood again. She wouldn't lose. She refused to lose! She rushed at the giant camel and struck it, Endeavoring to bring it down to her level. The camel shuddered, it's eyes widening in shock. Tsunami's wide mouth widened more. At point blank, she opened her mouth and sent a gout of water into the camel's face...

* * * * *

Meiko sat vigil by the bed. The Nurse had said that Tuesday would be all right, but Meiko couldn't see that from where she was sitting. The girl's face looked strained, and she looked as if she was on the verge of crying, even unconscious.

She'd sent the Kuonji mail pokemon to find Jaima, and found herself secretly hoping, win or lose, that Jaima would be here soon.

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Umbrae Calamitas
post Aug 13 2009, 11:09 AM
Post #56

Team Rogue: Espeon
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Tuesday's Pack

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What an odd place to be.

That was Tuesday's first thought when she became aware of her surroundings.

The second was that it was remarkably foggy, yet neither cold nor hot.

She didn't know where she was, and that should have worried her, but she found that it didn't bother her quite that much. Rather, she was content in the fact that she was "somewhere," though it was a very foggy somewhere. And it was dark, though not too dark to see. Not that there was anything to see.

A flash of movement in her peripheral vision caused Tuesday to take back than observation. There was something here.

"Hello?" she asked, spinning in a slow circle and trying to see what lie around her. The fog had been thicker a moment ago, she realized. It was dispersing.

The world around her was dark, as though it were night. There were no stars in the sky, however, and she couldn't see a moon. What light there was seemed to arise from the air itself, which was strange indeed. Or perhaps there truly was no light, and Tuesday could just see in the dark. How strange...

"'ello, hermana."

Tuesday turned swiftly at the voice, startled. What she saw surprised her.


"," he replied, studying her.

She blinked at him, surprised. Of all things, she had never expected him to speak with a Spanish accent.

Of course, she'd never expected to hear him speak, either.

"Where are we?" she asked, studying their environment again. The fog had entirely disappeared, but it was still dark.

"I dunno," he replied, scanning the area with her. "I jus' wake up."

"I guess I did, too," Tuesday murmured. "So... maybe this is a dream?"

"Tal vez," he said slowly. She looked at him, confused. His tiny ears twitched. "... maybe," he said uncertainly.

"I guess I need to learn to speak Spanish."


Tuesday was about to ask Zorro a question, when a loud shriek split the air. It wasn't a cry of terror, but more like the natural scream of a hunter who spotted their prey, though it sounded like the shrieking of a Nazgul. Disturbing...

Both Tuesday and Zorro spun, searching for the source of the cry. The world around them began to shift, however, the images changing, until they were standing on a field very familiar to Tuesday.

"Oh no," she whispered, taking a step back.

"Qué, hermana?"

Tuesday didn't reply to his question, but tears sprang to her eyes. So this wasn't a dream. It was a nightmare. The same nightmare that she continued to have. Only this time, Zorro was with her.

"Is hermano mayor?" Zorro asked, looking out into the middle of the field.

"Yes," Tuesday said, her voice warped by tears, "it's Shadow."

"What he doing here?" Zorro asked.

Tuesday sniffed. "He's about to die," she whispered.

Zorro turned his head swiftly to regard her with confused-horrified-frightened eyes. She did not meet his gaze, but continued to watch the proceedings before her. Sure enough, the thunder of hooves sounded against the ground and, a moment later, the herd appeared.

"Detenerlos!" Zorro cried. He looked to Tuesday for help, but she had been having this dream for days. She knew trying to stop the herd was pointless. Shadow was going to die.

How sad was it that she hardly reacted when Shadow was trampled. She didn't even have to look. She knew the expression on his face. He wanted it, longed for it, pleaded for it.

She was becoming desensitized.

"Por qué? You no do anything!"

"Pointless," she murmured. "It's just a dream." At least, she certainly hoped it was. It was like every other dream. Perhaps Tempest would appear next and kill Zorro. That would match everything that had happened so far in the past. "I would like to wake up now."


"You're probably just a part of my dream, too."

Zorro shook his head. "No think so."

"Why not?"

"I... out of ball so could...dormir con usted."

Tuesday frowned, trying to define the words. She knew "con" was "with" from somewhere... probably the names of some dishes her mother had cooked. Dormir... dormir... dormitory... so "sleep." She didn't know what "usted" meant, but... context clues.

"You fell asleep with me?"

"Sí." He looked down. Perdón. I know you want me in ball... pero..."

Stepping over, Tuesday hugged the riolu abruptly, causing him to go silent. She buried her face in his fur, the soft blue soaking up her tears. "It's okay, Zorro," she whispered. She thought back to numerous language classes and finally managed, "Gracias." It was one of the few Spanish words that she could remember. She'd learn more.

Pulling away, Tuesday motioned Zorro up and the riolu leapt onto her shoulder. Feeling more comfortable with him there and, despite the near-impossibility of it, trusting that he was the only real thing within this nightmare, she began to walk on, down toward where Shadow had been standing.

"You dream this?" Zorro asked from his perch.

"Almost every night," Tuesday replied softly. "I don't know why it bothers me so much. It just... does."

"Hermano mayor is strong," Zorro replied. "Should not fall."

"He shouldn't want to fall."

Zorro made an agreeing sound in the back of his throat, but said nothing. They were nearing the center of the field when the darkness filled everything, turning the entire world dark but for an outline of a deep, almost-black red around everything.

Tuesday staggered to a frightened halt. "Zorro?"

Zorro made a soft whimpering sound in the back of his throat and placed a paw on top of her head. "Diablo," he whispered.

The darkness split in front of them, a creature taking shape. Dark silhouettes danced behind it, still, but their attention was focused on the creature that appeared.

There was something wrapped around it, or flowing from it. A light, that surrounded its being, deep, deep crimson, and malevolent in every way.

The creature lifted its head and locked eyes with them - eyes of red and gold and darkness. Tuesday shivered convulsively, as she recognized the form of the creature. It was a lucario, but one that she did not know. A female, with a lithe frame, but taut muscles and sharp spikes. She grinned wickedly and then brought her paws together at her side.

Zorro yelped at her shoulder, barking a word she couldn't understand, as light formed at the lucario's paws, and she thrust it outward at them - Tuesday and Zorro.

As the world filled with light, blue, white, red, and black, Tuesday saw the deaths of all of her friends at the hands of this one lucario and the nameless, shapeless shadows behind her. Tears came to her eyes at the endless, horrible deaths, and she was suddenly away, in some distant area of her mind, that this was more than a dream.

Because she could feel the lucario.

And she could feel Shadow, and she clung to him, for his presence was comforting, and soothing, and familiar. It was kind and wished her only peace and safety, and so she wrapped her arms tightly around him and held him to her chest, as he returned the embrace.

The light and visions faded, the cruel lucario and her shadows disappearing, and Tuesday was back in a familiar field. She heard the thundering of hooves against the ground, saw Shadow waiting to die, and realized that Zorro wasn't sitting on her shoulder.

She was back in the nightmare, and she was alone.

This post has been edited by Umbrae Calamitas: Aug 13 2009, 11:11 AM


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Living Arrow
post Aug 13 2009, 01:13 PM
Post #57

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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From: Amazingstoke, UK
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

Otis grinned when the Luxio finally went down. The lighting cat had been a little menace from the outset but at least only one Pokemon was left on the field a piece. Not only that, but Otis' newly evolved Camerupt was in far better condition. Otis was so proud of his little Numel in those moments when it had driven itself into evolution. When it had first been caught, Otis had had some worry that the little camel would never grow stronger but time and again its gutsy attitude had pulled through - now more than ever!

"Congratulations, Camerupt! Now, let's finish this off!" Otis nearly cried with joy. His enormous new Pokemon grunted his approval and lowered its gaze upon the Marshtomp. "MAGNITUDE!"

Camerupt's wide hoff slammed deep into the ground, creating a tremor that filled the entire stadium. His opponent wobbled and tripped, the shockwave of the ground attack rippling up into her legs and crippling her momentarily. Otis almost spat when she rose.

*There is no way she can hold on much longer... this match is over!*

"Go, Camerupt!"

"TOMP!" Kuonji's Marshtomp was on the move, some ounce of strength managing to carry it around the area once more. It spat a globule of purple thick liquid at Camerupt which struck hard but left no visible damage... unless...

*How can that Marshtomp know Toxic? No matter...*

"Solarbeam!" Otis commanded, calling for the knock-out blow. It seemed, however, that the foe had other plans. Unluckily for Otis, his freshly evolved Pokemon had become cumbersome and slow with its new form and by the time he had taken aim, the water type was rushing around his side and striking in with its flippers. Now, that marshtomp was by no means fast but Camerupt was... nearly immobile!
The resounding thud of the punch delivered by Camerupt's opponent made Otis flinch and yet again he was taken aback by what he was seeing.

*Endeavour?! What a dispicable move!*

He cursed profoundly under his breath and, knowing it was already too late to try and order another attack, witnessed painfully as water was sent directly into Camerupt's face. With a roar and a low, arduous moan, the fire type toppled to its side and fell with a crash. Otis held up its Pokeball and bowed his head slightly in defeat.

"I appears that I have lost." Otis stated calmly, pacing evenly across the battlefield. Somehow, despite his displeasure at losing, he was wearing a genuine smile that he had not expected. Even in loss, Otis of Arasam was able to admit that he had enjoy every minute of the battle and shaking the boy's hand was the least he could do. "You battled admirably and I must say I was touched by the degree of support your Pokemon gave each other - they must be really close. Here, take the Emberwing Badge with my respect and make sure you go all the way to the Furoh League - we can't have just anyone beating me, can we?"

The Kuonji boy bowed respectfully *It must be a Johto thing?* and gave his thanks before going back to join his friends... friend waiting in the stands. With no more challengers waiting, Otis returned to his chambers to research new ways to battle to counteract the strategies he had just witnessed.


"He did it!"

Darryn slumped into his seat with an astonished, gaping mouth hanging slack under his chin. Jaima had won? Jaima had won! But Darryn had lost...

*What am I doing wrong? Don't my Pokemon battle as strongly as Jaima's? Aren't they fast enough? Don't I train them the right way? If I had asked Romeo and Zulu to battle, would things be different now?*

All those questions and more bombarded Darryn as he rushed towards the stairs leading down to the battlefield.

"Jaima! You won! Lemmelookatthatbadge!" He squealed with delight, just like he had in Gigarte. Even though he had no badges and Jaima had two, Darryn couldn't feel any resentment for the guy - he had a completely different way of raising Pokemon and had taught Darryn so much about the way to treat his partners that in a way it was only natural to be falling behind. Besides, Jaima was his best friend and Darryn was just as proud of him as he undoubtedly was for his own Pokemon. With a massive grin, Darryn hurried to celebrate and completely forgot that the girls still had not returned.

"Badge number two! BOOYAH!"

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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Master Houndoom
post Aug 13 2009, 03:31 PM
Post #58

Team Rogue: Houndoom
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Uprising Mod

Jaima had watched the tail end of his battle with a look of shock on his face. He was certain when Fang fell and was recalled, he'd lost, but Tsunami had surprised him, first using a move he hadn't even known she knew, then evening out the newly evolved camerupt's advantage over her, and finally striking for the knock out, all the while looking more determined than he'd seen her.

"Tsunami, great work!" he said as the marshtomp turned and smiled up at him. "You've earned a rest. I'm going to recall you." He did so walking across the arena to shake Otis' hand. Now that the match was over, the Gym Leader seemed more friendly, appreciating the battle, and Jaima reflected that he had felt the same way about Chloe in Gigarte.

Taking the badge, he bowed to Otis, then turned to leave. As he made his way up the stairs, he pondered the badge. He had been lucky in this match. His pokémon had taken over twice, and while he was proud that they had protected one another, he couldn't deny that, had he been in control, things might not have ended so well. He made a resolution to train harder, learn more about his pokémon and their abilities.

Darryn dashed out of the osbervation area, practically squealing, and Jaima laughed as he fairly demanded to see the badge. He knew he was tired, but it still seemed that Darryn was more excited about the badge than he was. He clapped the fashion expert on the shoulder. "Your match was an inspiration, Darryn, plain and simple. Are you going to try again? And where are the girls?"

He didn't get to hear the answer. Mercury's panicked voice blotted out al outside noise, though it wasn't loud. Trainer Jaima! Shadow's missing! So is Meiko and Tuesday! Her voice sounded distinctively panicked, and Jaima felt his own heart pounding.

From the vent in the volcano high above, a green Swellow swopped down. Young Jaima, Miss Meiko has sent me to gather you. Your young friend has had an accident and Meiko is at the pokecenter with her. Jaima felt his heart rise into his throat, pounding as if trying to escape. He looked at Darryn, wild eyed, and relayed the information to him, emphasizing that Tuesday was hurt somehow, though the information had only been filtered through psychic intent and not words.

He gathered his bandolier (was the end past the buckle worn down?) and grabbed Tuesday's tote bag, along with Meiko's backpack, and dashed out, Darryn trailing after.

* * * * *

Meiko was...


"Shadow?" She spoke softly, as if Tuesday was merely sleeping and shouldn't be awakened just yet. The Lucario lifted his head from where he was watching Tuesday slumber. His green eyes, which had been narrowed, widened in question, and a bit more seeing the sheepish smile on Meiko's face.

"Could you go to the counter and get me a soda, and some moo moo milk for Precious?"

The happiny, which had been resting in Meiko's lap, holding, oddly, a little blue ball in it's pouch, looked up and rolled her eyes. "Nyyyyy...."

Meiko put her hands together and bowed slightly. "I wouldn't ask, but Jaima might be here soon, and I know you're close, but he can't speak the pokemon language, and Mercury might be back in the ball. Please?"

Shadow pushed away from the wall, cast another thoughtful look at Tuesday, and then bowed. He took the money and a note that she'd written out and walked out the door.

Meiko sat back, sighing. Jaima had good pokemon, interesting pokemon. And nice, to boot. She didn't really want to get all mopey, but it was another of those things she was seeing as good qualities in him, and she questioned, before viciously stomping on the notion, why he couldn't have possibly waited for her...

He wasn't, she knew beyond the shadow of a doubt, and with a darkening expression, anything like Tahiro.

She squashed that idea, too. Tahiro was the past. Right now, Tuesday was the present. She'd deal with the future when it bothered to show up.

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Umbrae Calamitas
post Aug 14 2009, 01:28 AM
Post #59

Team Rogue: Espeon
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Tuesday's Pack

Steel was weak to fire.

That fact was the first thing to become coherent in Tuesday's mind once the nightmare began.

Pokemon of the steel element were weak to fire attacks. Shadow was a steel-type pokemon, now that he had evolved.

And houndour were walking flamethrowers.

Tuesday remembered the sound of Shadow's cry. When the houndour had attacked him with an ember attack, the lucario had howled in pain, extra-sensitive to the fire that before wouldn't have been nearly as bad.

The sound of his cry echoed in Tuesday's mind as she recalled the battle, Shadow arriving in time to draw the houndour away from her, and then fighting with the snarling canine, its fangs dripping salive, tongue lolling hungrily.

Shadow had beckoned the houndour to come at him. And, of course, Tuesday's imagination decided it was time to run a marathon.

She remembered the wanting, pleading gaze of Shadow as he stared down the incoming stampede of tauros and miltank - the look in his eyes that simply begged that it all be finished. She had seen that enough times that it bothered her still, but didn't through her into hysterics. She recognized it as a dream.

But Tuesday really had been attacked by houndour.

And Shadow was beckoning the fire canine to him, his eyes holding that wanting, pleading gaze. Kill me now, they said. End this.

He'd arrived in time to draw the houndour off, to protect Tuesday, and now he was dying for her.

His agonized howl at the fire attack hadn't yet left her ears. It probably never would. But now she could hear whimpers and yelps of pain, as the houndour sank sharp fangs into Shadow's flesh and ripped bloody wounds open across his fur. Crimson blood stained blue and black fur, and every time that Shadow tried to fight back, to defend himself, another fire attack erupted from the canine's lips, and Shadow was screaming again.

She begged him to run. Begged, pleaded, called out prayers to a thousand dieties, a million wishes to five hundred genies. She begged the world, pleaded for the jackal to listen, but Shadow was noble, and stubborn, and did what was right, even when it wasn't worth it.

Blue-black fur and blood.

He was supposed to run, but he wouldn't listen. He was supposed to protect him, but he wouldn't listen. He was supposed to fight to stay alive, but he wouldn't listen. He was supposed to be strong and never give up, but he wouldn't listen.

He wasn't allowed to die!

But he wouldn't listen...

Blue-black fur and blood.

The yelping, the screaming, the howling... had stopped. No more sounds of pain erupted past the lucario's lips. No more cries as he attacked his opponent's. No more growling defensively, or protectively.

There had been the howls of the victorious, but even they had long since died out.


Tuesday felt the tears on her cheeks, as consciousness returned to her. She became aware of the fact that she was lying in a bed. The walls were familiar - the bedroom she shared with Meiko at the pokemon centre.

Her head hurt. She'd hit it when the houndour attacked her. Everything had been going fuzzy when Shadow... Shadow...

Tuesday raised her head and tried to ignore its pounding at her rising. She scanned the room. Meiko was sitting in a chair beside her bed, speaking to her, but Tuesday wasn't listening. The door opened and Tuesday's eyes were drawn to it.

Jaima stepped briskly into the room, alone. The expression on his face was one of sadness, guilt, and deep concern. He looked almost ready to cry, and Tuesday immediately knew what had happened.

It hadn't been a dream - any part of it. Shadow had arrived to save her, fought the houndour to protect her, and lost.

He'd been killed.

Shadow was dead.

Tears filled up Tuesday's smoky blue eyes, and then began to spill over. They ran down her cheeks, soaking her face and shirt as she began to sob, and she pulled her knees up to her chest and shook her head wildly. She didn't want it to be true! It wasn't fair! Shadow wasn't allowed to be dead!

"I'm sorry," she whispered suddenly, because it was her fault. If she hadn't been so stupid in the first place... If she hadn't run off... Things would have been fine if she'd never left the gym.

But she did, and Shadow had come to save her, and gotten himself killed.

Just like in her nightmares. Every. Single. One.

Sobbing into her knees, shaking her head, Tuesday kept apologizing, but she didn't think it would ever be enough.

Shadow was gone.


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Living Arrow
post Aug 14 2009, 11:20 AM
Post #60

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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From: Amazingstoke, UK
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

During their run back to the Pokemon Center, Jaima didn't say a word and that worried Darryn much more than Tuesday's health. True, it was a shock to hear that the young girl had been in an accident, but Darryn hadn't known her for long and Meiko would have said if it had been really awful. Well, who knew what spin Mr. Postman had put on the story? Maybe it was worse? All that really concerned Darryn was his friend's mood change. He had been so happy to have won the battle and now... That little girl must really mean a lot to him.

They reached the Pokemon Center in record time and trotted across the shiny waiting room to where Shadow was trying to quickly carry two drinks in his paws (lacking thumbs) back to a room adjacent to the waiting area. Jaima made a beeline for him but Darryn was quick to lay a hand on Jaima's shoulder.

"Your other Pokemon? I'll see to them?" He offered, taking Ember, Tsunami and Fang's Pokeballs as Jaima unclipped them. Jaima offered the briefest of thankful smiles through his worried frown and hurried off with his Lucario. Darryn watched them go and heaved a sigh. Just when it was time to celebrate and something like this happened? It seemed so unfair yet so normal that Darryn couldn't even to begin to understand the confusion in his head.

"Just another one of our little adventure dramas..." He muttered to himself.

"So that's what you call it?" Troy snorted, walking over to Darryn with Mawwie tottering behind him. The boy's digustingly pretty face seemed even brighter and fresher than normal and Darryn's heart skipped a beat a full three times as those icy eyes held him captivated to the spot.

"Oh, hi Troy." Darryn said, some embarrassment beginning to leak into him after their 'date' had gone without them really talking to each other and Darryn not achieving what he set out to do. His day wasn't going brilliantly but at least it had started well... Yeah. Like that mattered. "Didn't get the badge. Guess I wasn't ready."

"Whatever," Troy rolled his eyes, "badges are badges. Just bits of metal on a pin for any old trainer to wear to say he's got bigger muscles than another. Big whoop." He flashed one of those pearly smiles that made Darryn stop and stare before going on. "What you really want are ribbons."

Darryn led the way to the reception desk and fished for his own Pokeballs to set alongside Jaima's in the entry tray.

"Ribbons? You mean like Contests?" Darryn asked, running his fingers over Lady's Pokeball fondly. She had battled so well!

"Yeah, I mean Contests! They take way more strategy and preparation than Gym battles do and your style of battling is way more suited to a Hall match rather than a Gym one." Troy's enthusiasm would have been contagious if Darryn had any idea what he was really talking about. Truth be told, Darryn hadn't paid much attention to Contests - they seemed to be the weaker trainer's option for a journey and he had wanted to prove that beautification and the confidence that came with it brought a Pokemon just as much strength as lifting weights.

"Huh, no my thing." Darryn said, smiling politely to the Chansey who took his tray.

"Oh shut up, Daz." Troy plucked the nickname from Darryn's past, giving him a little shock. No-one called him that anymore. "You went into that battle with combinations that would make the hair on any Co-ordinator's neck stand up. You're amazingly suited to it and don't even know it. So, I was thinking you could take place in the Contest that is being held today?"

Darryn frowned. "Uh, I don't know... I'm not sure what to really do in a Contest and my Pokemon need to rest before I make them battle again..."

"Look, you only need three Pokemon, right? You do have three more, don't you?"

"Um... no?" Darryn shrugged. "Only five are with me. Well, I guess my Butterfree is my sixth but she's in Sinnoh right now and-"

"So? Have her sent over! Seriously, Dazza, you've got to take part in this today. There's only a couple of hours before the registration forms need to be handed in and you could have your very own ribbon by this evening. What have you got to lose? I can show you what you need to do and afterwards you can tell me if it was a waste of time or not." Troy's intent gaze was paralysing.

Darryn shifted nerously. He really didn't feel comfortable with some guy just telling him what to do. Not only that, but the embarrassment of losing twice in one day might be enough to put the fashion-trainer off Pokemon completely. Even so, it did sound interesting...

"Sorry, Troy, but I've got to make sure my friends are OK and then we'll want to get soemthing to eat, relax a little, maybe play with our Pokemon. The last thing they'll want to do is watch me vain it up all over a stage."

"Oh, pish that!" Troy insisted, grabbing Darryn by the hands. "You have to take part! I really want to see what else you can do and if you were my opponent I'd have better than front-row seats! Pleeease?"

"Oh, so you're a Co-ordinator?" Darryn widened his eyes. "I kinda just assumed you were a Trainer like me.. Erm... Well I don't really want to be in the way if you're going for the ribbon. Maybe I should just watch?"

"No no no! You've got to take part!"

"Geez, Troy, I get the picture! Damn! Well, I'll check in with my friends and then I'll come find you and let you know. OK?"

Troy pouted and stuck his tongue in his cheek.

"Fine, but hurry up! I've got to go think about my own combinations and train you up in two hours if you decide to take part so don't keep me waiting!"

"Fine fine!" Darryn made to move but only then realised that Troy was still holding his hands. His skin flsuhed to a bright Cherubi red as he wriggled free and hurried off to find Jaima and the girls.

"Oh, and Dazza?"

Darryn turned around quickly, face still flaming.


"Nice ass."

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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