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Adelaide Robinson, Something a little different...
post Oct 25 2012, 05:24 PM
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Mistress of Nothing In Particular!
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Adelaide Robinson

Name: Adelaide Robinson, Ph.D Oxon.

Age: 20

Hometown: Her real hometown's... well, um, it's complicated, but she lives in Cerulean City these days, though not for long.

Appearance: Simply put, Adelaide's a great beauty after a series of bad accidents. Her long black hair is thick and well-kept, framing her naturally pale face's mischievous, blue eyes (the irises shot through with grey, just like her father David's) and her razor-sharp cheekbones. Sadly, the eyes are very rarely topped with eyebrows due to experiments in high-energy physics at Route 10's Power Plant. She's tall and graceful, with long and slender legs that would draw stares from envious girls were it not for the network of white scars from innumerable lab accidents during her less careful childhood days. Indeed, her whole face is a paean to those halcyon days of youth, but she refuses to hide them under troweled-on makeup, claiming it'd make her look like some horrible chav (her words; the girl's unfortunately given to using words that nobody else in Cerulean City understands. It's a scientist thing.).

Her outfit is also eye-catching, but it could only really be called fashionable by a good-natured liar in pitch darkness after being beaten about the head with a blunt instrument. That blunt instrument would likely be her boots; knee-length black leather types that you only want to compare to those of a professional dominatrix if you want to test how well soft portions of your anatomy hold up in the face of carbon-steel toecaps. They were a present from her father, Professor David Robinson, as is her favourite (and given how often she changes her general outfit, possibly only) T-shirt - a too-small black babydoll cut bearing the legend "They laughed at Daddy at the Academy!". The rest of her outfit comprises a dark pencil skirt, huge studded leather gloves that don't look so much tailored as forged, a thin grey cardigan for summer or gigantic sea-green cable-knit jumper for the winter, and the piece de resistance: her industrial-standard, ankle-length reinforced lab coat. This thing deserves elaborating upon; besides being able to stop a 9mm bullet at twenty yards, its pockets are full of notebooks, tablet computers and her Pokédex. She sets great store in documenting everything she can about Pokémon, particularly Electric-types, which explains why even her lab coat is covered in drawings of them alongside strange-looking abstract pictograms that look like the circuit diagrams of an Outer God. Perhaps unsurprisingly, there's a stick of home-made charcoal poking out of her top pocket in case she runs out of space in her notebooks and required a nearby wall to finish her thoughts before they go away. Such is the lot of the jobbing experimenter, I suppose.

As far as jewellery goes, well, scientists don't tend to wear much. She does have her left ear bedecked with jewellery, some of which she uses to store additional data from her palmtop, but the observant would notice that there isn't any hanging from her right ear. Though she tries to hide it with her hair, the fact of the matter is that she does not in fact possess a right ear from which to hang any shiny bits of bent metal, a memento from her youth to go with the great cut across her face from the right-hand corner of her mouth to her left temple. That's the only scar she's attempted to cover up since coming to Cerulean; if she didn't, small children hid behind their mothers and she got pitying looks from shopkeepers. A prideful woman, she wasn't entirely sure which of those hurt more, but Mantyke understood and nuzzled her when she got back to her apartment. Aside from that, there's nothing except a battered, scuffed fob watch on a gold chain. Inside is an inscription:

"Don't let 'em call you mad, Doctor."

It was from her father too.

Personality: Perhaps to be expected from someone so bedecked with scars and whose penciled-on eyebrows always lend an air of mild surprise, Adelaide has a bone-dry sense of humour that she's only too ready to bring out at a moment's notice. The problem she has is that no-one really finds her funny because she's referencing stuff that doesn't actually exist here (more on that in the next section), which in turn means the good burghers of Cerulean whose acquaintance she has made don't really like her very much. The word arrogant springs from their mouths when she's not there, and they'd be right. She is arrogant. However, she thinks it's justified; she's a naturally gifted physicist specialising in the emerging field of cybernetics with a Ph.D from a highly-respected university. What I'm saying is... she doesn't make friends easily. When she does, though, she is unflinchingly loyal, and while she might not sacrifice all to save them, she prefers to head situations like that off at the pass.

It wouldn't be inaccurate to say that her two best friends are her two Pokémon, and it therefore follows that she doesn't battle other trainers very much. It's considered very bad form indeed to run from a Trainer battle, after all, as she discovered while confined to a wheelchair in Cerulean Hospital. Wild Pokémon are a different story. She's got them up to Level 10, which she's proud of, but she has a long ol' way to go before her friends will have the power to do what they must for her. Hence why she's converted to the Trainer way of life and gone in search of powerful Electric-types, for which she has an obsession that borders on the fetishistic.

It's her one shot at getting home.

Biography: You know when I said her hometown was complicated? It's because it, um, kinda sorta doesn't exist.

Let me explain. In 2013, the superheroes had (for want of a better term) won. Crime was almost non-existent, there hadn't been a war since the Oil Crisis, and the last alien invasion had begun and ended with Solargirl swearing at the High Arch-Magister of the Zikthuji Pansapient Hegemony with such alarming foulness that he wet his evil alien space knickers and started to cry. The governments of the world were at a loss as to what to do with the superheroes; the present situation involved Supro, Strongman Of The Stars holding a teenage girl upside down until she promised never to drop chewing gum in the street again, which was embarrassing for everyone. Some bright spark then got the idea of a worldwide network of maniac inventors - all the power-hungry, technologically-literate villains they'd shoved in maximum security prisons for years - that could give the heroes something to do other than beat the hell out of each other and destroy priceless landmarks in the process. Given that the latest scrap between two groups laying claim to be The Planet's Most Marvellous Heroes had claimed three Mondrians and most of the Manhattan Beach area, this sailed through the legislature and the Mad Scientists' Union and Building Society was set up. Fifty years on, the plan was regarded as something of a good move by all concerned, especially the superheroes themselves. For one thing, it meant they had an excuse for why they hadn't mowed the lawn.

Now, if you're thinking to yourself "Hmm, I don't remember that little lot being in any of the Pokémon universe," well, you'd be right. It isn't.

Adelaide's home town isn't really a town at all; she grew up in the headquarters of her father's World-Bestriding Robot Legions of Terror. This place, known to Interpol and heroes alike as the lair of Evil Doctor Berserk, was accessed through the back bar of the Aigburth Arms in Bootle, except on Tuesdays when the landlord borrowed it for the quiz night whereupon they used the entrance in the upstairs toilets. It was a happy childhood, if a slightly lonely one; the other girls she knew (and she met lots of them, it being part of the MSU Code of Practice to have a beautiful, intelligent, headstrong daughter) didn't get on with her because she wanted to be a scientist in her own right and not get into the pants of whichever square-jawed Captain Whatever managed to bash through the final obstacles and halt her father's evil plans just in time. (If the hero in question was late, the MSU rep was obliged to stop his or her Doomsday Timer for a bit before getting into position. Once, her mother had had time to prepare Sunday lunch and do most of her tax returns before The Ion Lady came sheepishly into the chamber.) In all, she was a little more isolated than her loving parents would have liked, but she was fiercely intelligent and they supported her from an early age.

When she was nine, however, this came back to bite them somewhat. Adelaide's mother Unity (short for Maternal Unit Y-Delta-2Q4B) had gone to bed early and the girl snuck down into the main testing lab to work on an experiment she'd had cooking away in secret. Unity and David awoke when they heard the explosion, mad scientists being light sleepers, and poured into the lab where they'd heard it come from. Immediately, they sent for some of the more medically-trained members of the Union, and a team lead by Giggling Doctor Soup eventually restored her sight. They couldn't do anything about her ear except offer a prosthesis, which Adelaide declined in favour of the scarring and a few cybernetic implants. The appendage in question had been struck by burning shrapnel from the retort stand, and while the doctors had got the metal out and repaired the eardrum as much as they could, the only thing that'd heal it was time.

Adelaide now threw herself into her science. With a little help from her parents (her mother was a talented cyberneticist, largely on account of being a cyborg), she unleashed a giant robot on the Home Counties at the tender age of twelve that took the entire Justice Society of Milton Keynes and Surrounding Conurbations to bring down. Pleased at giving the heroes something so spectacular to contend with, the MSU formally accorded her membership and she took her first Mad Science Name. She was known for years as the Demented Doctor Spatula, and artfully balanced her Union duties with the obligatory doctoral course at Oxbridge, where she read theoretical physics and finished in four years.

Demented Doctor Spatula was tipped for greatness in the Union; two years of hard post-doctoral work into parallel universes had led to the possibility of bringing some bloodthirsty demons from the Forbidden Dimensions for the heroes to battle to their hearts' content, and it had been going on for a while when disaster struck. While performing an experiment to make a dimensional portal in the Cotswolds, a passing duck did its business on an exposed bit of wiring. The power surge and resultant explosion lowered the water level of a nearby lake by three feet and three assistants died. Of Adelaide, there was no sign.

Our gaze now turns to Route 10, where Adelaide landed with a crunch. She was rushed to hospital and spent a year convalescing and reading up on dimensional theory (her palmtop and memory stick had emerged from her crash site miraculously unscathed) and the local fauna. As part of her recovery plan, she roomed with a Pokémon and made friends with another - her starters, as they were called in the place's vernacular. Adelaide had always had a head for languages and was quickly fluent in the local tongue with help from a speech therapist and her Lickilicky, and she eventually asked where a girl could get her hands on some mad science equipment. She was discharged from the hospital soon after and told about a placement at the local power plant. Since she'd become obsessed with Electric-types, she received the Tynamo she'd befriended, as well as a Mantyke upon which she could surf to work.

The reason she took the job at the Power Plant was tied up with her time in the hospital. They'd had quite a large library there and Adelaide had taken to reading outside in the sun while she recuperated. The books she devoured told of Kanto's three Legendary Pokémon: one of which was the Legendary Bird of Electricity, and Zapdos' lair was (according to the sources in her books) the Power Plant off the coast of Route 10. Her obsession with Electric Pokémon came from the comparatively low tech level of the surrounding country; it's a tall order to build laser-contained fusion chambers with the technology of her own world, much less that of Kanto, and that kind of power was the only thing that she knew would be able to force holes in spacetime and allow her to get back to the MSU and her folks. The portal was easy enough to create (and wasn't very big at all: a four-metre-wide wheel of pure iron with spokes made of navy brass was not exactly hard to come by in any town with conceptual artists in it), but her dear Tynamo's Charge Beam attack simply didn't have the power output for it. She resolved to use Zapdos' mastery of lightning to that end instead, and upon arriving at the power plant for her first day's work she powered through the doors and went in search of the creature...

Who was nowhere to be found.

Adelaide felt crushed and utterly betrayed. The legends had turned out to be just that: legends, with about as much grounding in reality as the phlogiston theory or the geocentric model of the universe. Worst, she felt like she'd lost her only chance of seeing her family again, and so she had left the Research and Development section's laboratory and sobbed into her boarding-house's pillow and screamed until her throat swelled up. She'd been chewed up and spat out, all her layers of artifice stripped away, but something came over her as darkness fell. Her parents had raised her to be a fighter, and she knew that the bioelectricity Pokémon were capable of generating could be useful as generators. Adelaide decided to refine her original designs for the portal and rework the fields needed, so that Pokémon in sufficient numbers and possessed of sufficient potency could power the thing.

R&D work for the Cerulean Electricity Board took her about an hour to complete, so she had the rest of the day in her private lab. It was where she hid from her new co-workers, still occasionally shuddering when she saw the doors that led to the old plant's dank, dingy basements, the purported lair of the Electric Bird. Even with this spare time, however, redesigning the portal and its generator supply took her a year of solid work. After it was finally finished, she dried her last tears and handed in her notice. The CEB was sad to see her go, but understood that she wanted to be a trainer now. Her manager even talked to her about the opportunities for people like her out in Furoh, a relatively unexplored region of the world where there might be new Electric-types of unknown majesty. Thus heartened, she purchased a one-way ticket to Furoh's capital, Daioh, to recoup funds and gather adventuring equipment. She thanked her manager and decided not to tell him about the concealed blaster perfectly ordinary spatula she'd built on company time.

So, with a happier heart than she'd had since the Zapdos incident and her two Pokémon companions by her side, she landed in Daioh and made for the people versed in Electric-types. With a little luck, she'd get valuable intel on where these mighty beasts were to be found.

And with some mad science, maybe she'd see her family again.

Class: Researcher

Starting Pokemon:-

Lv 10 Female

Moveset: Tackle, Bubble, Supersonic, Bubblebeam
Nature: Sassy

Lv 10 Female

Moveset: Tackle, Thunder Wave, Spark, Charge Beam
Nature: Brave

8x Great Ball
Thunder Stone
Several Notebooks
Cheese (yummy, yummy cheese)

What is the biscuit's name? The answer is... Scheherezade

Other Notes: I do hope I get in; it'll be nice to RP again, I've not done it on a forum in far, far too long.

This post has been edited by colourcodedchaos: Nov 5 2012, 07:38 PM

I remain,
Yr. Obdt. Svt,

Something to give you hope.
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post Oct 30 2012, 08:55 PM
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I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Well, it took me a few days to process this.

I love the character. The appearance and personality are excellently detailed.

The backstory, I fear, is too far-fetched to fit into PANE proper, I think. It doesn't explain why Adelaide is in Furoh, which is the setting of our roleplay, for one. Amongst others, why is she so intrigued by science when there are legendary pokemon for Space/Time control?

I really do enjoy how detailed and different Adelaide's story is, but I, sadly, don't think it's a proper fit. Although, as could be noted from my ambivalence, if there's a really excellent reason and a good plan, I could be convinced.

As for technical details:
In PANE, a Pokemon does not need to know Surf in order to ferry people over water, it only needs to know the move as a technique for combat.

Also, in PANE, Pokemon are not limited to a 4-move set. Therefore, Mantyke can also have "Bubble" in her repertoire.

As for Adelaide's inventory, the HM03 is probably no bueno, since that's a rather rare "Hidden Machine" after all. Thunder Stones are rare, but since she works at a power plant, I don't see the problem with it.

Anyhow, please make the adjustments or state your case for Adelaide's backstory. Thank you!


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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post Nov 5 2012, 01:26 PM
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Mistress of Nothing In Particular!
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Adelaide Robinson

I'm SO sorry I missed this! Dumb CCC is dumb and should be hit with a rock.

First off, the case for having her dimension-hopping backstory: depth. Simply having a beautiful, intelligent teenage runaway is just tacky; if you want to make something like that work, you need to have a better hook than that. With this backstory, not only can I get some Fish Out Of Water (or Mantyke Out Of Water, as the case may be) comedy out of this, I can give her the drama of her needing to find her way back home. For an excellent example of how this should be done, watch the BBC series Life On Mars and Ashes To Ashes. She's not just a Mary Sue Hollywood Scientist with the faux-tragic ran-away-coz-my-parents-lyk-hated-me-coz-im-lyk-so-goffik past: she's got something worth fighting for and Godsdamnit, she will fight for it!

In any event, the reason why she's intrigued with science is because, well, she's a Professional Scientist (Mad). That's why she did her work in the Power Plant off Route 10: in order to cross dimensions, her method (which she knows works because she's where she is) requires masses of electricity. Building a laser-contained fusion reactor with the tech level extant in the Pokémon universe is a tough ask for even the most gifted mad scientist, so she had to look for the other sources of energy. This led her to try and find powerful Electric-type Pokémon.

The thing is, she sets no store by the legends of Legendary Pokémon. She's a scientist, not a historian; the old legends are of very little interest to her, and they aren't substantiated by hard evidence. This wasn't always the case - the reason she chose to do her studies in the Power Plant was that she'd heard from the nurses in her convalescent home that that was where Zapdos hung out, but the creature was nowhere to be found.

((Translation: The last Pokémon game I bought and really obsessed over was, er, Silver. As such, I wasn't really aware of any Wibbly-Wobbly-Timey-Wimey-Stuff Legendaries and didn't account for their presence when designing Adelaide. Mea culpa. That's the thing about a good scientist, though: they're always ready to be proven wrong by evidence...))

As for why she set out for Furoh, that's merely down to wanderlust. Adelaide's hopes were crushed in the Power Plant, and she lapsed into a depressive episode for a year. After counselling, she handed in her notice and decided to go as far away from the bad memories of Cerulean City as she could. Down at the docks, she saw a notice advertising cruises to Furoh and booked herself a one-way ticket. Beyond arriving there, her future is uncertain... all she knows is that it'll have mad science in it.


I should probably have put this in the first time around, shouldn't I. Do excuse me while I facepalm.

As for the moves, thanks for the heads-up with regards to the Surf thing. I appreciate the information and will amend it accordingly. She only carries a Thunderstone because she wants to evolve her Tynamo (whom I imagine to be an absolute Keet), and I thought they'd be more common than they were.

Thank you again for looking through my signup sheet, and I hope the case here is set out to your satisfaction. =]

I remain,
Yr. Obdt. Svt,

Something to give you hope.
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post Nov 5 2012, 03:44 PM
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I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

My pleasure! I love reading fun, well written work.

So, I'm interested to see Adelaide play out in the PANE universe. I'll approve the profile once you've incorporated the points you outlined in your case into your profile. It's really just so it's all concise and in one place, because I have a hard time traipsing all over everywhere to find things.

Thank you!


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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post Nov 5 2012, 07:40 PM
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Mistress of Nothing In Particular!
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Adelaide Robinson

Okay, the profile's been amended and is now shipshape and Bristol-fashion. Thank you for letting me join, and I hope I'm a credit to the game. =]

I remain,
Yr. Obdt. Svt,

Something to give you hope.
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post Nov 7 2012, 01:24 AM
Post #6

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Righto. Approved you are then!

Please post in the current Levels thread, and have fun!


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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