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Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire, Private: Moonlight Zelda, Umbrae Calamitas, Master Houndoom
Moonlight Zelda
post Mar 17 2012, 02:54 PM
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"Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire"
From Port Barley to Charizard Island and back ... maybe.

The ship from Orre to Furoh had taken roughly a week to cross the ocean, and she had certainly made the most of it. By the time the ship docked, Diana's notebook was half filled with sketches of wild pokemon, even a picture of migrating dewgong and seel. Of course, the drawing of Kimball and Innes being used as perches by the wingull that followed them was pretty funny, too. A wry smirk curved the blue eyed girl's lips as she stuffed the notebook back in her backpack, throwing the waterproofed material over one shoulder. Diana shoved one hand in the pocket of her black jeans as she strode off the docking bridge, glancing at her unfamiliar surroundings.

It was clear that the Port Barely dock was filled to the brim with people and wares, and from what she had seen with the ship's approach, was many times larger than Orre's Gaton Port. The foreigner shrugged and turned, touring the rope-laden edges of the dock. She could see smaller vessels coming and going as she mounted the steps two at a time, coming to an observation deck.

Some people were leaning over the rail, and others were browsing the stalls at the back of the raised platform. The black haired trainer quirked a brow as she saw a rather convincing display of what was supposed to be a volcano with a charizard statue next to it, before curiosity won over and she wandered towards it. A quick glance said the stall was empty at the moment, but considering the high noon sun, the person manning it was probably out getting lunch. Pamphlets were neatly displayed despite the salty ocean breeze, held down by a glass Fire Stone mimic, with words "Charizard Island Expedition" boldly emblazoned across the top of the stall in large gold letters. Diana's gaze flicked towards the stairs on either side of the stall, before slipping the apparent advertisement from underneath the paper weight.

While obviously a tourist attraction because of the positioning, the idea of miniatures was definitely different. She flipped through it a couple times before sitting down on the bench next to the stall, pulling out all three of her pokeballs as she did so. With a collective flash of red, her ball-bound companions joined her on the seat, even if one particular mouse turned out to be asleep. The young woman laughed softly, before moving the young pichu onto her lap.

Innes seemed to have just been waking up judging from the way the violet nidoran was yawning, but his twitching ears said that he was awake enough to be civil. The venomous rabbit gave an exaggerated stretch, one limb at a time, before he sat up to greet them, his nose twitching just as much as his radar-like ears. "Sleep good, I take it?" Diana asked, tilting her head at him with a smile.

Something of a relaxed churr came from his throat as he nodded, pushing his barbed head underneath her hand while the much more formal rilou behind him gave a short bow before approaching. Kimball proceeded to tilt his head when he saw the red and gold pamphlet she was holding, though, extending a black and blue paw in a questioning manner. "We did just get off a ship, yeah, but how would you feel about another one?"


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A professional author is an amateur who didn't quit.
~ Richard Bach

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Umbrae Calamitas
post Mar 17 2012, 09:53 PM
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Tuesday's Pack

Garm chuffed unhappily as he trotted beside Lysander, the wheelchair rolling with a rickety thumping noise down the dock. Lysander smiled in amusement and glanced sideways at the growlithe. "I did offer you the option of remaining in your pokeball, if you'll recall."

The red and cream face of the fire dog turned toward him and Garm bared his teeth in a growl. Lysander smirked at him and ruffled the large tuft of fur on top of the growlithe's head. "My hero," he sing-songed gently. He chuckled softly when the growlithe rolled his eyes and jerked his head away from Lysander's touch, looking in the opposite direction to avoid the laughter in his human's eyes.

After his little escapade in Petropolis, dealing with chasing after a stolen pokemon, dealing with the thief and his superiors, while dealing with a partner in the task that he didn't get along with, Lysander had decided that one
of the better options he had before him was to leave the city he'd had so much trouble in so far and make his way to another part of Furoh.

After spending a night at the Pokemon Center, Lysander had packed up everything that he had (which wasn't a lot, really), and his pokemon, and left to figure out which way he would go to leave Petropolis.

In the end, he'd made his way back to the docks where he had docked initially upon arriving in Furoh. There was, as he had suspected might be the case, a ship that would take him to the northern part of the region, docking at a city called Barley. Lysander had paid the fare and boarded the ship, spending a few days aboard.

He was disappointed by the fact that the ship didn't stop anywhere along the way to Barley, instead passing some islands and continuing to sail northward. Garm, absolutely terrified of the sea surrounding them, had stalwartly refused to be returned to his pokeball. Mafdet, who also despised the water quite thoroughly, had happily allowed herself to be relegated to hers. Had Uaid been older, or a bit more... mature, Lysander might have left the hippopotas out, but as it was, he didn't trust the baby pokemon not to accidentally fall into the ocean. So Lysander was left on deck with a growlithe who remained a grumpy, anti-social mess during the journey.

Lysander was glad to be docked, if only because it meant Garm would calm down some, once they were away from the ocean. Of course, the growlithe was rarely less than tense, but at least he was already starting to get back into his regular mood of handling Lysander's teasing with rolling eyes.

Lysander rolled his wheelchair down the dock and into the market that was located fairly close by. The noonday sun was hot on his shoulders, but he found the warmth relaxing and gazed about the stalls. Many were empty, but there were still people meandering around, looking at different wares. Lysander glanced at a few things as he passed by, but what caught his attention faster than the wares was a particular pokemon. Deep blue and black, the bipedal canid was giving a graceful, and by no means mocking, bow to a girl who Lysander presumed was its trainer.

He had never seen such a pokemon before. He'd heard some things about the new region recently discovered and a few brief mentions of different types of pokemon, but Icarus hadn't yet had time to send him all of the information he could gather on them (it really was only a matter of time, with that boy). He wondered if this pokemon here was from that region - Unova, he believed. It certainly wouldn't hurt to ask. What an interesting species...

"Excuse me, miss." Lysander smiled pleasantly at the girl, rolling his wheelchair to a stop some feet away from her. Garm stopped beside him and sat down, looking around with wary eyes. "I was wondering if you might tell me the species of your friend here." He gave the pokemon a polite nod. "I've never seen his like before, though I admit I'm not from around here."


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Moonlight Zelda
post Mar 18 2012, 11:35 AM
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Kimball curiously accepted the pamphlet that advertised the monthly, three-day-long trip to Charizard Isle, his little paws appearing more dexterous than the average dog pokemon's as he managed to open it own his own. The rilou quirked a brow curiously at the size comparison of the picture on the inside cover, the inhabitant only coming to a normal charmander's shoulder. It was tiny - and clearly reminded him of Lin, judging from the way that he took a glance at the sleeping pichu on her lap.

A small smile curved her lips, setting a palm over the jade-wearing electric type, though glancing over as someone stopped next to her. "Oh, hello," she said, giving the black haired man a polite nod. The pokemon in question also glanced over when he was mentioned, handing the advertisement back to Diana as he did so. "Kimball? Well, rilou are traditionally from Sinnoh, so he's foreign to Orre, too - that's where we just came from," Diana added, glancing down as Innes hopped off the bench to investigate the stranger's companion.

The venomous rabbit sat back on his haunches probably a stride from the growlithe, even if the compensation of leaning forward had him looking rather comic as his little nose twitched at the fire dog. She laughed softly, before reaching down to pat him. "Anyway, I'm Diana. Where are you from?"

A professional author is an amateur who didn't quit.
~ Richard Bach

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Master Houndoom
post Mar 19 2012, 03:21 PM
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It had been a hard trip back to Barley. Not because there was a problem with the journey, mind. The way back had been as easy as the way there. Easier, in fact, because the weighty stress of having not received a call that was promised was now gone: She and Cesc had exchanged numbers again, and that was that. No, the hard part was leaving in the first place.

But leave she must. She had not planned on moving on when she'd left for the Bug Catching Contest. In truth, she hadn't really planned it at all, but Dimo, her cubone who had spent the trip back sitting on her right in the bus seat, had been rather insistent.

Violently insistent.

Rolled-up-poster-upside-the-head insistent.

That alone might not have done much, except that Branwys agreed that any depression she felt was her own fault, and so she went. As fate, or coincidence, or some guy writing her as a character in a story in some vicarious attempt to have a better life than sitting behind a desk would have it, there, too, was Cesc. They had gotten closer.

They had kissed.

She blushed, grinning. They had kissed a lot.

It had been hard to come back to Barley after that. She would have gone right out with him, except the majority of her clothing and gear was back at Barley, and, well, as intriguing as the thought was, she felt spending the rest of her time in various states of undress wasn't prudent at this juncture.

So she had returned, with a taste for adventure. Port Barley offered many attractions, from exhibition contests to festivals to tours and expeditions out on the water. Branwys had taken several brochures and pamphlets from the lobby and had looked them over, narrowing her choices down to two. There was nothing left to do but go out and talk to people.

She liked talking to people.

She went out to the docks, Dimo trailing behind her and Tinka secured by her home made bracket to Branwys' satchel, as both of her choices were mini-boat-cruises out to the nearby ocean between FIdona and Daioh and Barley, and found the first of her choices, a short cruise around to the different ports. There, working on a small schooner, was a large man, tying off a sail. He wore a royal blue shirt and white pants, with a black captain's hat on top of his head. White hair peeked out from under the cap, but he seemed strong, even if he was of an age that his hair color had faded to white.

Noticing her, he started, then smiled. It was a good smile, friendly. She smiled back. Then, almost without warning, the man turned and bellowed down into the interior of the schooner, "Little Buddy! Your niece is here!"

Branwys chewed on the inside of her lower lip. Judging both from the words and tone of the man, she had been mistaken for a child again. It was annoying, but she let it go at least once.

Another man appeared from the interior cabin of the boat, blinking in the bright sunlight. Only his head was visible, but Branwys could tell he was likely skinny; he had a longish, narrow face. His features were slack, and his hair, dark brown, seemed to simply fall into place on his head. If not for the floppy white bucket cap he wore, his hair would probably look like a fright wig.

He took one look at her. His features were wide-eyed, innocent, and there was no recognition when he turned to look at what was presumably his boss. "No, Skipper, that's not my niece..."

He seemed to be about to move back down when the Skipper of the boat cleared his throat. The younger man looked up again. "Well, then, Little Buddy," he said, emphasizing his words in an exaggeratedly nice tone, "she might be a customer. Why don't you go down and see what she wants?"

"Oh! Right. Sorry, Skipper!" The young man scrambled out of the boat, and for the first time Branwys saw that he was lean, lanky, with long arms and legs. He climbed with a kind of awkward grace, pulled himself over the rail and under some ropes on the dock side of the boat, and landed in front of her. His red shirt had a white collar, and was hanging off of him, as if it were a good two sizes too large, and his white pants, of a similar cut as the Skipper's, hung a little loose themselves. "Hello, little girl," the man said, squatting down to get to eye level, which incidentally brought his knees up to his ears.

Branwys sighed, then smiled. "I'm not alittle girl. I mean, I am little... and I am female, but I'm older than I look."

The man frowned thoughtfully, then nodded, taking the news in stride. "OK, ma'am. How can I help you?"

Ma'am was better than Little Girl any day of the week, Branwys decided. "I'm interested in going out on the water today." What can you tell me about this cruise."

"Oh, it's great," the man, evidently the first mate if the other was the skipper. "We go to Fidona briefly, then to Daioh. They're doing repairs at the Autodock, so we can't land today, but it's great to see it from the water."

Branwys was a little disappointed that they wouldn't be able to land. Daioh definitely held her interest. Still, to see it would be spectacular. "How long is it?"

"Um... you know, I never timed it. Hey, Skipper," the man yelled over his back. "How long is the tour?"

"Three hours," boomed the other man, busying himself with some rigging.

Branwys curled her nose. "A three hour tour?"

"A three hour tour," the man agreed proudly.

Branwys looked over his head at the sky. "I don't know. The weather could get rough, and this boat-"

"Ship," quipped the First Mate, smiling. "She's just big enough to be a ship."

"OK, ship. This ship is tiny. It could get... what's the word... tossed about."

"Oh, don't worry about that, little girl," came the deep voice of the Skipper, joining them on the dock.

"She's not a little girl, Skipper. She's older than she looks!"

The Skipper scowled, then blinked, then blinked again when Branwys jutted out her chest. It was not a tactic she liked to use, but it got the point across. "Sorry, Miss."

Branwys liked Miss a little more than she liked Ma'am.

"Anyway, I wouldn't worry about foul weather. The crew of The Finneon is pretty fearless."

"Yeah, and Skipper's as brave and sure as they come!"

The older man smiled, with genuine affection, at his first mate. "Aw, Little Buddy, you're a mighty sailing man yourself!"

The two grinned at each other, then looked down at Branwys (even squatting down, they were taller than she). "Don't worry. Even if there's a squall, the Finneon won't be lost..."

Branwys chewed her lip. "How many would be with us?"

"Let's see... with you, there'll be five passengers setting sail today."

"Hmmm..." Dimo pulled her skirt. It was a nice day, and she wore a blue sundress that was, unfortunately, cut a little high and for a younger girl. A white wide brimmed wicker hat perched on her head, and green sandals completed the look. She looked down at Dimo, seeing the look of concern in her eyes. She had to admit, something about the whole thing seemed unlucky.

"Come on, ma'am," the first mate said with a smile. "What could possibly go wrong on a three hour tour?"

That did it. Suppressing a supernatural shudder, she smiled at the men. "Oh, honey," she said, addressing the younger, "You shouldn't say that wearing a red shirt..."


She had politely left the two men, promising to give them a try if she were still in town, once Daioh had reopened its port. Both men seemed disappointed, but soon, just as she was leaving, a tall man in a white shirt and tan slacks approached them. He seemed very smart, clean shaven and hair neatly combed. He might have been a professor or something.

She did not know where the other expedition left from, but she did see a banner with a similar style as the brochure on the observation deck she was approaching, and so made her way toward it. There were two people already there; a young man in a wheelchair who seemed friendly enough, with a grumpy looking growlithe beside him, and a young woman, surrounded as it were by a nidoran, male from the coloration and size of his ears, a riolu, who was Branwys' brother brother Moloch's absolute favorite pokémon, and, sleeping in her lap, a pichu.

This, she thought, was the problem with having gym staff, trainers, and researchers in one's immediate family. There was no mystery.

She approached them, gauging them as they would likely gauge her. Pulling the front of her dress down slightly at the very least showed that there was cleavage to be seen, and might dissapte the age assumption somewhat. Even as she tugged, lightly, she knew she was fooling herself. She stepped forward, smiling shyly, and waved. "Um, hello... are either of you planning to go on the Charizard Island trip?"

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Umbrae Calamitas
post Mar 19 2012, 10:38 PM
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Tuesday's Pack

"I'm from Hoenn, originally," Lysander said, glancing down at Garm as the Nidoran came to investigate. The growlithe, apparently satisfied that no one was going to attack his trainer right that moment, turned his attention to the rabbit-like pokemon. His nose twitched mildly as he took in the other's scent.

Comfortable in that it didn't appear Garm was about to attack the other pokemon, Lysander turned his attention back to the girl before him. "I'm Kirby," he said, and held out his hand for her to shake, leaning forward a little in his wheelchair. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Diana."

His eyes flicked back to the pokemon - riolu, Diana had said it was called - and he studied the creature quickly up close. "I'm afraid I'm not well-versed even in the pokemon of my own region. I didn't spend a great amount of time around them, which I suppose I'll suffer for eventually." He grinned. "Oh well. More to learn on the go, I suppose."

He was about to speak again when a voice sounded up from behind him. Wheeling himself backward slightly so that he was able to turn his wheelchair to better see the new arrival and Diana, Lysander glanced at the girl.

She appeared young at an initial glance - short and under-developed. His eyes caught the way her dress was tugged down further than it ought to have been slightly, and his normal smile was nearly lost in the wake of a wild grin, though he managed to hold it in. An interesting way to get the attention of people to gather toward a particular fact, but effective.

Lysander glanced up at the sign on the booth, having been attracted by the riolu rather than the stall. He glimpsed the flier briefly and took in what he could from that. A cruise. Interesting.

Tilting his head slightly to the side and looking at the blonde-haired girl, Lysander smiled amiably. "It certainly sounds interesting. Are you looking for a chaperone, kiddo?"

Sitting next to Lysander's wheelchair, Garm rolled his eyes and heaved a heavy sigh, before glancing at the Nidoran. "Tell me something, Pinhead," the growlithe grouched, using a nickname to refer to the otherwise nameless Nidoran. "Is your charge as flagrant a moron as mine, or am I just lucky?"

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Moonlight Zelda
post Mar 20 2012, 02:43 PM
Post #6

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The young woman smiled when he introduced himself, leaning forward at the same time to shake his hand. "It's nice to meet you, too." In the process, the electric mouse in her lap seemed to be waking up, giving a nice long stretch while her human disrupted her nap. Lin went tumbling with a surprised squeak. Diana laughed, before picking up the dazed pichu. A wry smile curved her lips when Lin proceeded to shake her head like a wet dog, before reaching out and poking the black haired trainer with a small paw. "Did'ja have a good nap, then?"

Lin gave a sheepish giggle then, before crawling onto Diana's shoulders, turning to look at the new person. The trainer glanced back at Kirby as he continued, offering a nonchalant shrug with a bit of a grin then. "Hey, it means you'll have a little spice in your life. That's better than having a boring trip, don't you think?" she pointed out, though pausing as a blonde girl approached them.

At first glance she looked like a child, although the pulled collar of her dress - probably a little more revealing for that age than one would expect - then suggested that the girl might've been a preteen or barely a teenager. Diana nodded nonetheless at her question, having more or less already come to a decision. "I was planning on it. Miniature pokemon would be pretty interesting to see," she said with a glance towards the stairs as someone wearing a red and gold T-shirt approached, a charizard clearly visible in the middle of it.

When he saw people waiting, the young man slapped a hand to his forehead, before jogging up to the stall. "Sorry about the wait - I forgot to put the sign up when I left," he said sheepishly, combing his fingers through his windblown brown hair as he spoke. "Are all three of you looking to go on the Charizard Island expedition?"

While the humans spoke above them, though, Innes just laughed at the sarcastic growlithe's nickname for him. "Sometimes she does stupid things for excitement, but you could just be lucky, too," the nidoran added with a sly a grin as his rabbit-like teeth would allow,

A professional author is an amateur who didn't quit.
~ Richard Bach

Uprising & PANE Roleplay (click to show)
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Master Houndoom
post Mar 21 2012, 10:53 PM
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Branwys did her best not to scowl at the boy in the wheelchair for his "chaperone" comment, While the other two were briefly distracted by the gentleman manning the booth, Branwys took out the pamphlet she had perused. The dark haired girl had mentioned something that Branwys had not seen in the brochure, but now that she knew it was there, it practically leapt out of the page into her face and started beating on her eyeballs to the rhythm of the drum solo at the beginning of Hey Pachuco.

Miniature. Charizards.

Equal parts of her squeed and groaned. Then the part that groaned realized that they had to be ADORABLE, and squeed as well.

Well, that would have decided it long before the conversation with the other two, and if she'd seen that right away, she wouldn't have wasted her time. She was getting on this boat!

She waited her turn, then stepped up to the man. "One please!"

The man looked down at her, then squatted down to look her in the eye. "I'm sorry, sweety," he said, in his most patronizing voice. Branwys' eye twitched. "But we don't let anyone under the age of ten to ride without a parent or guardian. Is your mommy or daddy here?"

Branwys' eyes widened, then she closed them. Counted backward from 10, first in Gaelic, then in German, she finally opened her eyes and put on her calmest, most congenial fake smile.

"I understand that this is a common misconception, but I'm twenty two."

The man looked down at her, and Branwys could see the skepticism growing on his face. "Sure, honey. I'm sorry. I can't let anyone under ten on. Go find your parents, kidlet."

Branwys' eye twitched again, but she calmly reached into her bag, pulled out her wallet, and showed the brightly colored Pokemon ID which contained, along with her height and weight, her age and birthdate. She smirked, smugly, satisfied that she had gotten the point across.

"What's 'Unova'?" Branwys' shoulders dropped. "This is a nice play ID, honey, but I still need to see your parents.

Dimo, possibly wisely, moved over to where the other pokemon were speaking, leaning on his bone club while he watched Branwy's face get redder and redder. She was about five heartbeats away from attaching herself to the man's face with the claws she called fingernails, or hauling her top up over her head and shouting "Is this proof of age enough?" It could go either way.

"Hyu vont to see schtoopit? Hyu about to get a whole eyefool off schtoopit."

Note (click to show)

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Umbrae Calamitas
post Mar 23 2012, 09:35 PM
Post #8

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Tuesday's Pack

The urge to laugh was almost too much for Lysander to bear, but he managed to restrain himself. Although he had gently teased the younger girl (though apparently, she was not younger by much; perhaps a couple of months), and would likely continue to do so, he did realize that she was not as young as she appeared. That the man running the tour stand did not believe even the information on the girl's identification. That he saw the name Unova and believed it was a toy ID was more than a little ridiculous. Even Lysander, who didn't know all of the names of the pokemon from his own home region, was aware that there was a newly-discovered region named Unova (it had been all over the news for months, not to mention that those in the merchant business would want to be aware of other regions and new species of pokemon, both for business reasons, and those of protection and defense against thieves and their like).

It seemed to Lysander that the man was playing ignorance in order to be able to prohibit the girl joining the cruise without contest, simply because he couldn't come up with anything more creative wink.gif**.

The reasons behind this could be anything, of course. Perhaps the man really did believe that the girl was too young to be allowed on the ship, and by playing ignorance at the region listed on her ID, he could bypass the fact that she had what he might think was a very good fake identification card. It could be he was having a rough day and didn't really want to deal with people, or maybe he had something against people who were, by the curse of their genes, smaller than the average kid on the block. Or maybe he was just an asshole.

All the same...

Lysander grinned and let out a laugh, facing the man but turning to look at the girl. "Told you so," he said in a sing-song voice. "No one's gonna fall for that toy. It was made by a cereal company, for Arceus' sake." He turned back to the man running the stand and offered what could pass for an apologetic smile. "Sorry, but I just couldn't talk her out of it. You know how kids are - stubborn and absolutely sure they're right, even when you're a good ten years older than them." He rolled his eyes in a manner he was quite familiar with: exaggerated brotherly aggravation.

"Our parents aren't here," he said, leaning over slightly and pulling his wallet out of the pack hanging like a saddlebag on the side of his wheelchair, "but I'm her older brother, and as you can see, I am old enough, both to be on the cruise and to-" he couldn't resist grinning "-chaperone."

The man took his ID and looked it over. "You don't have the same last name," he said, looking at Lysander as though he had caught them out in a lie. Unlikely.

Lysander grunted. "We're half siblings," he said, sounding disgusted with the term. "I hate saying it, because it doesn't mean anything, you know, but after Mom-" He broke off, looking away and coughing into his fist to hide a laugh at the man's comically wide eyes. "We've got the same dad, ya see, but I live in Hoenn now and we don't get to spend a whole lot of time together, and I did promise we could go see the mini pokemon together, didn't I, Squirt?" He looked back at the girl whose name he had yet to learn. Her arms were crossed tightly over her chest, her face was red, and she looked utterly furious.

It was completely adorable.

"Could you please let us on?" he asked, looking at the man again. "I know I'm not her dad, but I promise I'll keep an eye on her."

"Yeah, sure, sure," the man said, fumbling with Lysander's wallet and giving it back to him. "You wouldn't let anything happen to your little sister, I'm sure."

"Of course not," Lysander breathed quietly. The man fiddled with a dispenser on his desk. "All right, then. Tickets are twenty poke a piece."

Lysander decided holding up appearances was best and handed the man forty poke, for him and the other girl. He thought she might be too angry at the moment, anyway, to properly function. He received two tickets and handed one to the younger girl, watching as Diana got her own ticket.

He glanced down at Garm, ignoring the fiery glare directed at the back of his head. "Back onto the boat, pal."

"Ship," the man corrected automatically. Lysander ignored him.

"You want to go into the pokeball this time?"

Garm growled darkly at Lysander and turned away.

"Suit yourself." He winked at the yet-nameless girl. "Come on, kiddo. And I know it's tempting, but please don't push my wheelchair off the ship halfway there."

Garm snorted darkly, glaring equal parts at Lysander and the new girl. "I'll admit he's got his moments when he's sly..." He glanced at the cubone. "That girl'a yours. Oughta warn you, Skullface - if she tries to push him down a hill or off the deck, I'll chew her fingers off, one by one."


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Moonlight Zelda
post Apr 14 2012, 09:49 PM
Post #9

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A wry smile quirked Diana's lips when the girl, who was probably lucky to even be eleven, tried to order a ticket. While she looked small for her age, she was willing to guess a year or two up - making it possible that the arrival was a legal trainer. Of course, the booth attendant wasn't going to take any chances on that.

But Innes was clearly enjoying the scene, snickering a little below eye-sight as his ears twitched. He obviously shared the same sentiment as Lysander, leaning towards human stupidity and stubbornness. To Lysander's credit, though, even if he was teasing the kid unmercifully, his spur of the moment inspiration was convincing. It looked like more of a prank to Diana, though, whom was having a hard time not laughing at the booth man’s expression.

Hiding a chuckle behind a cough as she raised her hand, Diane pulled out her wallet and handed him the cash for her ticket. “Thanks,” she said, still thoroughly amused. Of course, the girl was less than pleased – she was about as red as a tomato. The dark haired trainer lightly clapped her hand on the preteen’s shoulder, before nodding in the direction of the boat that was flying a charizard flag. “Let’s go, squirt. You can give your brother payback later,” Diana added with a mischievous grin, winking at Lysander.

Siblings or not, the little firecracker would be – without a doubt in her mind – furious.

The salty ocean breeze might cool her off. Maybe. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure that her pokemon side of the family was following, but smirked as Lin clambered onto Kimball’s back, making the rilou give her a piggy-back ride to the boat. Once out of earshot of the clerk attending his booth, her blue eyed gaze moved to Lysander, and then the still nameless girl.

“So, now that you want to slap us silly, what’s your name?” Diana asked cheerfully, readjusting the backpack across one shoulder as she walked.

Innes, though, seemed to be eager to get to know his temporary travelmates. The growlithe’s gruff nature was pretty amusing to him, though. “Since you’re so keen on protecting your human, Jalapeno Breath, maybe you should butter up to the kiddo and get her to calm down,” the violet nidoran suggested with a cheerful churr, returning the fire dog’s nicknaming tendacy.

Kimball gave a brief, disapproving cough. “You really should act your age.”

“Why? This is way more fun.”

The rilou sighed.

A professional author is an amateur who didn't quit.
~ Richard Bach

Uprising & PANE Roleplay (click to show)
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Master Houndoom
post Apr 23 2012, 01:03 AM
Post #10

Team Rogue: Houndoom
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Uprising Mod

Branwys was speechless. This was a strange state of affairs for more that one reason, and if Tinka had a forehead that could wrinkle, she would be wrinkling it now.

Branwys' own forehead was wrinkled in consternation. Her fingers shook. It wasn't that big of a deal, it couldn't be, but she couldn't shake the uncanniness of it: The story the boy had told, to cover for her and get her on the boat, had drained her of any and all anger.

Did he know her? She didn't recognize him. She'd never met him before.

So how did he know..?

Maybe he didn't. Maybe he just happened to think up a story that was almost exactly like her own situation.

Branwys chewed her lip, distracted from what was going on around her briefly, barely paying attention as she walked the gangplank behind Lysander's wheel chair. She shook her head, grabbing her phone from her bag as she stepped onto the boat. Further distracting her was a message. She read it, smiled, then saw the time stamp.

"Ugh! I have got to turn up the volume on this thing," she muttered, her fingers flying on the keyboard of her phone.

Cesc! Sorry it took so long! Movies would be great! And I'm on a boat now, too!

She tapped send, then thought a bit.

Where should we meet when we can?

In the meantime, the humans heard a loud, guffawing, "cu cu cu cu!"

The pokemon heard it as a loud laugh, the cubone slapping his haunch in gleeful mirth. "Hy like hyu, moot! 'chew off her fingers'. Dot's fonny! Hyu iz fonny!" Dimo grinned, large enough to show the bottoms of large teeth. "Hy tink hyu unt me can haff some... fun..." he said, growling the last word and tapping the dog on his head with his bone club.

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Umbrae Calamitas
post Apr 23 2012, 01:38 AM
Post #11

Team Rogue: Espeon
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Tuesday's Pack

"My charge is the only one I need deal with," the growlithe grumbled to the nidoran, slightly incensed by the name the pokemon had decided to give him. He did not smell like jalapenos.

Garm's growl was of a low enough tenor to be generally unnoticeable or ignored by the humans, but the other pokemon, being creatures of the wild themselves, knew it for the warning that it was.

But still, it was merely a warning, and not a threat; the same as the cubone's words were a warning and not a threat. The growlithe understood the saurian's response for what it was, and though he would not ever admit it to the cubone, he was mildly appreciative of the other pokemon's protectiveness toward his own trainer. That did not mean that he would not protect his charge from the cubone, or from the midget, or the other girl and her strange pokemon, if it came to that. However, it also meant he wasn't surrounded by complete idiots, which tended to make his job easier.

Or, at least, it appeared that way. Time would tell if they happened to fall into any problems that required him protecting his charge. He hoped not, but when had his hopes ever been listened to? When had his charge ever had the common sense not to wheel off and do something stupid?

He turned his head to the side, catching the cubone's eye as the made their way further onto the ship and away from the loading area. "Just keep ta your girl, Skullface. I don't need'ta be worryin' about her as well as my charge."

Eyeing the water lapping at the sides of the ship with a ferocious dislike, the growlithe moved off before any of the pokemon could respond to him. He trotted over to sit at the corner of his charge's chair, forepaws planted firmly on the ground in front of the boy's chair to keep it from moving in case the brakes failed. He would have to be extra careful; he was the only one of his charge's pokemon who was present and they were on a boat that rocked and his charge was sitting in a chair with wheels.

Sometimes, Garm wondered if someone, somewhere, disliked him.


Finally settling on the boat - ship, his mind corrected automatically - made Lysander feel better. While he wasn't as nervous about the ship as Mafdet, or especially Garm, he did not like traversing the gangplank, when it was only slightly wider than his wheelchair.

He patted Garm's head when the pokemon came over and sat very close to him. The growlithe was clearly uncomfortable, but the determined and fierce expression on his face that hid his species' natural puppyish look was all the more endearing to Lysander, if slightly exasperating. Garm really did need to lighten up, and that was quite a thing to have to tell a fire-type.

He turned back to the two girls who he'd boarded with. He liked Diana - she was cheerful and she hadn't eyed his wheelchair in more than a cursory glance, the same type of glance that he had given her. It wasn't a rare thing, but could be uncommon enough to grab his attention and he was glad for it. Granted, the other girl hadn't given his wheelchair too much of a look, either, but he had introduced himself by teasing her on an impulse his older brother habits wouldn't let him defy, so he really couldn't give her any beef over being slightly perturbed at his picking. Still, she had gone rather quiet, perhaps thoughtful or confused, and he might have owed her an apology is she was too insulted by his jumping in and manipulating the merchant.

More teasing could be an appropriate solution, too. Yes. Of course.

He waited until she was done with her messaging on her phone and, winking at Diana, who appeared to find his teasing amusing, waved a hand in a gesture of "nudging" at the girl that didn't involve physical contact - because sometimes, the most innocent of gestures got people arrested, and wouldn't that be a fun call home?

"Hey, Kiddo, you all right? Got all quiet there on us." He grinned wildly. "You're my baby sister now and Diana and I still don't know your name. I'm Kirby, by the way." He winked at her. "But you can call me Big Brother, if you like."

He distinctly heard Garm snort, and was pretty sure the growlithe was rolling his eyes.


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