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P.A.N.E. Channel 4 News, When news breaks in Furoh, we bring the PANE!
post Oct 9 2009, 07:29 PM
Post #1

Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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Group: RP Moderators
Posts: 3 412
Joined: 19-August 07
From: Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the sun
Member No.: 208

And a Golurk

For the moment, only mods shall post here. You may praise our glory in the announcement thread grin.gif.


This is P.A.N.E. Channel 4 News.

With Don Fann and Rose Lia

A man in a black suit and purple shirt stood next to woman in a green pant suit. She had two blue and pink roses in her front pocket. Both gave bright smiles to audiences around Furoh.

Manny Aphy with weather

A man in a bright blue suit is shown pulling his blue hair as he stares at an ominous looking storm on his computer.

And Luke Ario with sports.

A somewhat large man with a blue sports coat and black shirt stares back at the audience, seemingly yelling "YA-HA!". He points four fingers, two forefingers from each hand, straight into the air.

P.A.N.E News starts now!

"Good day, and thank you for joining us," began Don, shuffling some papers on his desk. "Here are the top headlines."

Crime Ring Sited at Mt. Carello:
Police in Arasam are reporting a possible appearance by a group called Team...Decrepit? Anywho, we're told the "team" was at Mt. Carello to raid the tunnels of rare pokemon. In addition, the ring apparently had stolen several pokemon from a group of trainers in the area and "shadowed" another. Police arrived in time to break up a battle between the trainers and Team Decrepit, but the suspects escaped before being apprehended. The trainers' identities have not been released, but they and their pokemon only suffered minor injuries.

The camera switched to Rose, who cleared her throat as she handled the next headline.

Attack on Barley Contest:
There was another assault at a Barley contest. A gang dressed in black stormed a warehouse where a contest was taking place. We're told shadow pokemon were involved in the assault. Interpol stormed the scene and apprehended several members of the gang, but a few escaped. No official word as to their identity, but Interpol hasn't ruled out involvement of Team Decrepit- Deception- Defective? Whatever they're called, no one knows. Several people were injured but treated at the scene. Unfortunately, three pokemon were stolen in the chaos: a zangoose, seviper, and a shiny luxio. If you have seen any of these pokemon, you're asked to call 911.

Don gave a chuckle at Rose's fumble of the team's name. It's obvious the name is Team Decrepit. They're zombies! That's why there's so little information on them; it's a government cover-up! While Don daydreamed of blowing zombies away with his slowpoke, he felt a sharp blow to his ankle. "Ow!" he yelped, turning to Rose. She looked livid, jerking her head towards the camera. "Oh!" Don quickly turned back to the camera and continued.

Behemoth Tree Wows Scientists:
Once considered a fable, now a reality. Scientists have announced the discovery of what is being termed as a "wooden skyscraper" in Fidona. This tree is a whopping 300 feet tall! The branches hide a hidden valley in the middle of the Fidonan rainforests. Pictures show not only the massive height, but also a hollow space filled with large glowing mushrooms. Scientists are in the area to further study this mysterious foliage.

"But what isn't a mystery is this beautiful weather!" Don exclaimed. Rose appeared to do a faceplam, disapproving of Don's crossover. She recovered by brushing her hair aside as she turned to Manny. The weatherman gave a small chuckle, likely out of courtesy to Don.

That's right, Don. We're experiencing a trend of beautiful sunny weather all over Furoh. There was a period of heavy showers west of Arasam, but that has cleared up. A cold front is headed for the Barley shoreline. That should be coming in just in time for the Fall Festival on the boardwalk. This trend should continue for the foreseeable future.

"In other words, we don't need you anymore," remarked Don. Don meant it as a joke, but the uncomfortable laugh from Manny suggested he wasn't so sure. Rose decided to change the subject. "Now here's Luke with sports," she said with a seemingly forced smile.

WOOWEE! Things are heating up on the path of champions! We’ve got a rising star in the form of Johto native Jaima Kuonji. Kuonji made an attempt to challenge Arasam Gym Leader Otis. It was Jaima's marshtomp, luxio, and quilava versus Otis’ golbat, noctowl, and numel; quite a match-up. Otis played the defensive, his noctowl using light screen and golbat using haze. Kuonji countered with a swift from the quilava, a brilliant move that bypassed the haze. Otis still had some tricks up his sleeves, switching in Numel for Noctowl. Since his numel used magnitude against electric and fire types, you'd think the battle would be over. BUT IT WASN'T! That luxio managed to knock out the golbat, putting Otis at a disadvantage.

You guys know how I love teamwork, and both sides had outstanding examples. Otis used noctowl's sunny day to power up numel's solarbeam, an unexpected combo that knocked out the quilava and put the marshtomp at risk. The water type distracted both pokemon and Otis with water gun attacks, while the luxio came out of nowhere and took out the noctowl. It was a two-to-one match; Otis was on the ropes!

But there was one last surprise left. Otis' numel evolved into camerupt, an unexpected move that finally took down the luxio. The match was tied one-to-one. It would go down to the wire! The camerupt would attack with solarbeam once more, but it was a combination of toxic, endeavor, and water gun that would bring the gym leader down. This brings the Kuonji kid halfway through the gym challenge. I hope the champion is watching, cause this kid is coming! YAHA!

Luke got out of his chair, pounding the air with his fist as yelled "YAHA!" His fellow newscasters looked on in shock; simply talking about a gym match got the sportscaster’s blood pumping.

"That's all for today," Rose announced, glad to end this newscast. "We hope to see you next time."
"Same PANE time, same PANE channel!" Don added. As the screen faded, one may have been able to catch Rose hitting Don on the head with a rolled-up paper.


Do you have a story that every Furoh resident should hear? Send it over to the PANE mods and if it's newsworthy, it may be featured in the next broadcast. Just use the form below, or better yet, write the story yourself.

Headline: (A sentence that sums up the story)
Links: (RP links (preferably to the postwhere event starts), Wiki links)
Summary: (What happened?)
Quotes: (This is optional. Eyewitness accounts might spice up the report, whether from RP characters or NPCs.)
Other: (Anything else relevant that isn't mentioned above)

Do you want to advertise a business you've made up? How about an upcoming local event? Send it over to the mods with this form (or write it yourself):

Name of business/event:
Link: (RP links (preferably to the postwhere event starts), Wiki links)
Description: (What, Where, When?)
Other: (Anything else relevant. This would be a good place to mention special discounts, coupons, etc.)


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post Jan 2 2010, 11:45 PM
Post #2

Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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Group: RP Moderators
Posts: 3 412
Joined: 19-August 07
From: Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the sun
Member No.: 208

And a Golurk

This is P.A.N.E. News!

The lights slowly brightened, revealing the news team. Evidently, they weren’t quite ready yet; they quickly put away magazines, make-up, stress balls, and a game boy and looked to the camera.

“Good day, and thanks for joining us,” Rose started, still gripping the stress ball. “Our top stories…”

QUOTE(Castle Vonmoto: The Golden Ticket for Trainers)
Computer tycoon Alonzo Vonmoto has invited a select group of trainers, coordinators, and others to his winter home on Mt. Carello for his annual mentoring event. What’s new about this year’s event is that he is letting pokemon decide who comes. “They’re a better judge of character than I could ever be,” says Vonmoto, who has sent a flock of delibird all across Furoh. Each bird carries a golden ticket, good for one admission to the event. An anonymous source claims that each ticket has a tracking device, which will allow helicopters to find the chosen trainer. If you are one of the lucky few who receives the ticket, you are advised to head to the nearest pokecenter for pickup the next day. We asked Vonmoto Industries for an itinerary, but they have yet to comment.

Rose turned to Don, who was looking much paler than usual. The co-host apparently overdid it with the makeup.

“What is this?” Rose asked, though she knew she was about to regret the answer.
“Well, with that Twilight franchise becoming all the rage, I thought I’d try a new look,” Don replied. He was attempting to emulate one of the vampire characters from the series, though he just appeared to be a paler version of himself.
“Watch out ladies. Don is hungry,” he said to the camera. Don flashed a smile, complete with fake fangs. After several seconds of awkward silence, Don went to the next story.

Mysterious Thief Steals from Travelers!

Law enforcement officials are advising travelers in the Carello foothills to look out for a thief in the area. In an attempted robbery of two girls, the girls gave chase and recovered their things. Police note that this should not be copied; he may be armed and dangerous. If you see Ambrose Loki Scarper (his I.D. picture flashes on the screen), you are asked to call the authorities. Or me: Don “Cullen” Phan.

“We’ll be right back after this break,” Rose said with a smile, though her smile quickly turned to rage at her cohost. The screen went blank as a commercial rolled.

QUOTE(FAB Foundation)
A man in a T-shirt reading “F.A.B.” appeared on the screen. He seemed to look quite sad.

“The world is a cruel place. Everyone judges you by your looks. If your just not pretty enough, you’re thrown out of the movie business and end up hosting commercials for unknown non-profit organizations.” A sniff seemed to escape the man, rubbing his scruffy moustache. “While most of us have the ability to remedy this, there are those who do not. What if your skin looked like rotting swiss cheese? What if your tattered look made others turn away? What if you were…a feebas?”

A montage began, showing schools of feebas in small ponds full of weeds.

“Feebas are deemed the world’s ugliest pokemon. Few trainers ever raise them, even fewer reveal their full potential. They are thrown back to their dirty ponds, unwanted by society. Do you know what that does to their self-esteem?!” The montage continued with a reenactment of a trainer throwing a feebas into a dirty pond, yelling hateful things to the pokemon. The camera then switched to a feebas rubbing its eyes, seemingly crying (though likely just rubbing his eyes).

“Fortunately, there is help.”

A logo appeared on the screen. It depicted a feebas silhouette with the letter FAB inside. It faded to show a nice looking building by the ocean. The montage showed the inside, with feebas aimlessly swimming around in large tanks. They seemed in perfect condition.

“We are the Feebas Are Beautiful (F.A.B.) Foundation. We catch hundreds of feebas, make them feel loved, and release them in cleaner waters with the confidence that they are beautiful, no matter what the world thinks. But they need your help too. For as little as one poke a month, you can help pay for food, shelter, and self-help tapes that tell the poor feebas how beautiful they are. In return, you’ll receive a drawing done by a feebas who appreciates that you believe in him or her.”

On screen, random splotches of different colored paints appeared. A closer look would reveal a scale pattern and tail fins from the feebas. Finally, the commercial returned to the man, holding a fully grown feebas in his arms.

“For so little, you can do so much for a feebas. Please, call now. WILL YOU NOT HELP THEM?!”

The commercial ended with the man embracing the feebas in a loving hug. The fish pokemon struggled in his grip; he simply wanted to go back to the water.


When the newscast returned, Rose had slightly ruffled hair, while Don looked like a train wreck. Half of his makeup was wiped off his face (handprints could be seen streaking across his cheeks). He looked a bit disheartened as Rose continued the broadcast.

“And now, here’s sports with Luke Ario,” she said with a big bright white smile.

QUOTE(Contest News)
Hello good folks of Furoh! Now, most of you already know that I’m not a big contest guy. Too tame for my tastes. But this big show in Arasam had caught my attention for several reasons. First, this marks the contest debut of double badge owner and future champion Jaima Kuonji! He entered with his magnificent lucario, an obvious choice for any serious contender to the champ. In this appeal round, the pair teamed up to deliver a exhilarating martial arts match-up to the death! While any normal person would have given him top marks, the judges dismissed him on a technicality. You see? This is exactly why contests suck! They wouldn’t know good if it bit them on their pampered bottoms!

Probably better this way anyways; Kuonji needs to focus on the champ rather than this beauty pageant.

Second, we have the actual appeal winner and his reaction to the news. First time coordinator Darryn Kellor wowed the crowd with his singing routine, with his butterfree using its various powder attacks to provide some “razzle dazzle.” While, that’s all great and all (for a contest), check out Kellor’s reaction to the news:

A drum roll echoed through the arena, silence miraculously slamming down around the audience like a cage. Bated breath was held for seconds… minutes… hours… it seemed to go on to long. Then, just as the crowd became restless…

“Darryn Kellor!”

Darryn heard his name, turned his face to the ground and was promptly sick all over his (and Meiko’s) shoes.
"Kami-sama, DARRYN," Meiko screeched, frozen in utter horror. Jaima leapt into action, grabbing a nearby towel used by performers to mob sweat from their head and handing it to Darryn while Meiko made her way out of the muck. She wrinkled her nose. "Are you OK?"

"Mmrph," he responded, rather eloquently, she thought, but she found herself backing away quickly.

Too quickly. She felt her foot give, and she toppled backwards, screaming the whole way down.

HAHAHA! That one’s a classic. In fact, it’s deserving of an INSTANT REPLAY!!!

The replay focused on Meiko’s reaction, from the devastated look on her face, to her screaming as she fell backwards into the vomit. This was made worse in slow-mo mode.

I’d bet my hair that this girl will be an Internet sensation by dawn tomorrow! YAHA!

Anywho, the second round consisted of actual fighting. Kellor faced off against Hall Leader Troy in a doubles match. Kellor had a jolteon and cranidos against the leader’s mawile and donphan. While Troy had type advantage, the challenger’s pair was able to hold off annihilation, the cranidos protecting his jolteon ally with a powerful hammer arm to the mawile. The mawile struck back, knocking out the cranidos with a solid flash cannon. A rather fancy combination of double team and an electric attack devastated the mawile, knocking her out. It was one-to one, the ground-type donphan having its way with the electric type jolteon. Just when I thought the donphan would claim victory, the timer buzzed; the match was over.

Wait, these things are timed?! Well, based on that and something about points, Darryn Kellor emerged victorious. But that isn’t the important take-home point here folks! It turns out that this Kellor fellow is friends with none other than Jaima Kuonji! The Kuonji kid must have some magic powers that rub off others and make them win matches. If that’s the case, I gotta meet this kid and get my battle mojo back!

Once again, Luke ended his report by repeatedly punching his fists into the air. He went into his “YAAHAA” song, which pretty much concluded the news broadcast.



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post May 13 2010, 11:20 AM
Post #3

Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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Group: RP Moderators
Posts: 3 412
Joined: 19-August 07
From: Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the sun
Member No.: 208

And a Golurk

This is PANE News!

Background brought to you by The Rose Crusader (I think)
Shading of Luke Ario courtesy of GirlCalleBob of Bob's Sprite Shop



Rose cringed her face as Don played the role of announcer, followed by Luke’s flamboyant follow-up. Rose then turned to face the camera and flashed a somewhat sincere smile, mostly because Don was coughing after straining his voice. Her features quickly turned serious as she went on with the story, attempting to talk over Don.

BREAKING: Fire Outside of Petropolis

The Petropolis Fire Department has confirmed eyewitness reports of a massive fire outside the Petropolis district. So far, it seems to be restricted to wilderness areas, specifically within a trench. Because the fire is relatively contained, it does not appear to threaten Petropolis. The Emergency Aid Brigade (E.A.B.) have been called to combat the fire, but there is no word on their progress at this time.

Just then, someone off screen hands Don a sheet of paper. Upon reading the contents, his eyes bulge and mouth drops towards the desk.

“Holy magikarp!” he begins, interrupting Rose’s newscast:

BREAKING: E.A.B. Copter Crashes Into Blazing Inferno

Initial reports claim that an Emergency Aid Brigade copter fighting the flames has crashed. There is no news yet as to what caused the crash or the condition of the crew. We’re still waiting for confirmation from fire marshals on the status of that rescue team.

“If we receive any further news, we’ll break in as soon as it happens,” Rose added.

“Looks like someone is getting…fired,” Don joked. He didn’t seem to realize that this was perhaps the most inopportune time to crack a joke. Rose nudged him from under the desk, encouraging him to move on to the next story.

Thieves Attack Trainers near Petropolis

Police in the South District of Petropolis have warned travelers to be on the lookout for thieves in the area. A man robbed a group of kids; he managed to get away with at least one of their pokemon, a torchic. No word as to who this man was, but the kids were later able to recover their pokemon. Despite claims of Team…Decepticon involvement, this appears to be a random robber. Besides, you’d think an all-powerful criminal organization had better things to do than go after some kid’s torchic. What’s next? They’re going after someone’s pikachu?

“Lots of stuff going down in Petropolis lately,” Don remarked. “Everyone must be high on all those fumes.”

“Thank you, Don, for insulting a quarter of our viewing audience,” Rose remarked. She sighed as she muttered “we’ll be right back.”

Inside a barn, a man dressed in overalls and a straw hat sits upon a barrel. He strings his banjo as he looks upon the masses on the other side of the screen.

He then breaks out in song:

I like eggs, he likes eggs, she likes eggs too.
Oh, I like eggs, they like eggs, we like eggs too!
And I believe that you will like eggs too. WOO HOO!

“Mr. Loch here! I invite you to visit Loch Ranch, a massive daycare located on the vast plains of southern Furoh. We’ll watch over pokemon of all shapes, sizes, and attitudes. Rather than be stuck within a dusty computer, they’ll have full access to acres upon acres of land under the protection of our fine security team.”

“New this year: Our newly expanded hatchery will ensure that your eggs and hatchlings are taken good care of while you’re away. Commanded by an on-site Nurse Joy and a team of Chansey, each individual egg is cared for like her own children.”

“But don’t take my word for it. Listen to these fellas!”

“Having toured their facilities myself, I can assure you that that there is no place like it in all of Furoh”- Prof. Oak

“With the help of their matchmakers, my rapidash was able to find love. I brought her back to the ranch as well as her healthy son, born on the ranch in superb condition.- Otis, Arasam Gym Leader

“THIS PLACE ROXXORS MY SOXXORS!”- Luke Ario, Sportscaster for PANE News

“Be sure to visit our website for a virtual tour, or do it the ol’ fashion way! We’ll even serve ya breakfast!”

Loch Ranch: The PokeHome Away From Home

“And now, for sports-”

Rose was rudely interrupted as Luke raised his hand to silence her.

“Hold it! I’ve got this intro!”

“Oh no…” Her hands went over her face as the new sports intro began to play.

It is time…once again…for…

A montage of sound-bytes and fierce battles was accompanied by heavy metal music.

“Down to the wire!”

“Razzle Dazzle!”

“Kami-sama Darryn!”


Luke Ario’s Sports Report

Welcome back Furoh! Today’s a special day for the Sports Report. As part of our “Masters of the Pokeball” series, we’ve got an exclusive interview with King Maxi, Fidona’s own gym leader. I traveled to the exotic island, where I met his majesty in Taminagi Palace.

“This is a sweet place you have here!” Luke marveled at the isolated cove. Tall rock walls kept the beach private, Amazonian guards standing on top. The beach area curved around the massive tidal pool, the stage for future battles. Luke walked with Maxi along the shoreline. Draped along his torso was a young woman who seemed very happy to be in his company.

“So, who’s the lady? Girlfriend?” Luke grinned widely, wondering if he just revealed a big piece of gossip.

Upon hearing this, Maxi closed his eyes in annoyance while the woman giggled wildly.

“This is Carmen, Fidona’s hall leader,” Maxi replied. “She dropped by unexpectedly after I specifically told her not to.”

“Well, when you said you wanted alone time, I thought you meant with me,” Carmen replied, still smiling at the gym leader.

The gym leader did not reply to Carmen’s statement; he simply shook his head. Thinking it was OK to continue, Luke went on with the interview.

“So, milord, what is it that you like most about challengers-”

“Hey Baldy!” Carmen interrupted angrily. “We’re having a discussion here!”

“No we’re not!” Maxi retorted, “And don’t call me ‘lord’; Maxi will do fine.” By the time he was getting back to the interview, Carmen went on to talk to Luke herself.

“He’s in a state of denial about our blossoming relationship,” Carmen nodded to Luke.

“Is that so? Tell me, milord, how will your denial of the obvious affect your performance in future challenges?” Luke quite liked emphasizing Maxi’s royal title and kept doing it.

At this point, Maxi looked like he wanted a nap. Seeking an end to the interview, he summoned one of his pokemon for assistance.

“This will have no affect on my battles whatsoever. Observe. Hariyama, toss this guy into the pool!”

Before Luke could react, the fighting type had his massive hands around the sportscaster. With one thrust, the man flew across the tidal pool.

“YAAAAAHAAAAA!” Luke cried as he landed directly into the deep end.

“Yay, you beat him,” Carmen exclaimed. “Let’s celebrate!”

The interview ended with Luke grudgingly swimming back to shore while Maxi was shouting “Hands to yourself Carmen!”

Er, that was a planned stunt, just so everyone knows. Anywho, tune in next time, when I will have the world exclusive on the latest and greatest competition to hit Furoh. Let’s just say this should satisfy the athlete in you and your pokemon. YA-HA!

Luke had his fists in the air as he shouted to his fans. Rose then turned to the sportscaster, looking as though she was about to give a lecture.

“You know, I gave you that letter for a reason. You better edit that intro; that poor girl doesn’t need to relieve that moment at every broadcast.”

“Ooh, thanks for reminding me!” Luke said, turning back to the audience.

“Hey, everyone remembers Vomit Girl from my Arasam contest report, right? She actually sent Rose a letter! You can read it on the Sports Report website. I’ll be auctioning off the original copy for charity real soon! Stay tuned! YAHA!”

“Ooh, burn,” Don added to Luke sidestep of Rose’s lecture. “Speaking of which, watch for coverage on that fire.”

As Don congratulated himself for the flawless segue, Rose simply waved to the audience, signing off in silent displeasure.

Vomit Girl's letter (click to show)


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post Aug 8 2010, 08:41 AM
Post #4

Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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Group: RP Moderators
Posts: 3 412
Joined: 19-August 07
From: Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the sun
Member No.: 208

And a Golurk

This is breaking news! This is a respected news team!

This. Is. PANE NEWS!!!

The camera zooms in on the trio of reporters at the desk.

“Thank you for joining us,” Rose said to the audience, a smile across her face. “Before either of my co-anchors say something rash, let’s get started with our top stories.”

Groudon Shrine Uncovered in Underground?

Leaked reports are suggesting that an ancient Fuhrite shrine dedicated to the legendary pokemon Groudon has been uncovered within the Underground. Pictures we’re getting from Petropolis Museum show a giant statue of the eruption pokemon’s head serving as a doorway, as well as several ancient artifacts. We’re hearing that a group of raiders posing as museum workers were at the area and clashed with a group of trainers. The battle caused an underground well to rupture, submerging much of the ancient temple underwater. The criminals managed to get away, despite earlier reports that the police apprehended the ringleader. In a strange turn of events, a body was found in the Aridana Desert that matched the description of the ringleader, proving once more that crime never pays.

No word yet on the damage to the temple or if anything was taken, but pokemon rangers are patrolling the area to protect it from other raiders.

Among the group of trainers were Pandora Gibbs, an explorer recently credited for finding the Wooden Skyscraper, and Petropolis local Justin Smart. We were unable to reach them for comment.

“Interesting things we’re finding out about this land’s past,” Rose commented, rather interested in such stories.

“That could make a great water park!” Don added, causing Rose to do a facepalm. “Come on! You could swim through ancient ruins, get some souvenirs, and go tubing through the tunnels! Sure, you’d have to replace the Groudon head with something like…I don’t know, Horsea or something. It’d be more popular than the park in Aridana!”

“Don. Just do the next story please.”


Illegal Factory Discovered in Gigarte

A sulfur mine has been discovered within the Gigarte dome. A group of local trainers explored the cave to find some sort of factory inside. The people running said factory attempted to destroy the evidence with explosives. Fortunately, the trainers made it out safely. However, the event has freaked residents out, dubbing the incident “The Gigarte Grotto Disaster”. Seriously, you would not believe the conspiracy theories going around.

Mechanical manufacturing is prohibited within the Gigarte dome, so that’s why they’re making a big deal out of this. The identities of the trainers or the details of this factory have not been released outside of Gigarte, as the investigation is still ongoing. Also, they probably don’t want to tell the bad guys who exactly uncovered their operation.

“Course, Gigartans will also freak out if you toss a soda can on the ground, so we’ll see whether this is worse than that.”

“Thank you Don,” Rose said sarcastically. “Would you like to insult another city? Perhaps Barley?”

“Well, now that you mention it-”


QUOTE(Commercial (by Umbrae Calamitas))
Spaying and neutering your pokemon pal.

Ladies and gentlemen... all across the country, pokemon that have not been spayed or neutered are mating. Pokemon eggs are being laid and left, the pokemon that hatch from them left to run wild. Sewer rattata roam the streets of Petropolis. Abandoned grimer slime up to unsuspecting trainers in Lenolia, seeking comforting, but unleashing their wretched smell upon these poor children.

Don't ignore the facts, ladies and gentlemen, and don't turn a blind eye to these horrifying events occurring right before your eyes. Pokemon, abandoned because their parents are pokemon belonging to trainers who move about, forgotten, left to go feral in a cruel world that cannot support their overwhelming numbers.

This cannot go on. What will we say to our children if nothing is done, years down the road when they ask us, "Why, Daddy - Why, Mommy - are there so many wild pokemon running around?"

And what will we tell them, ladies and gentlemen? The truth? That there are so many wild pokemon because we refused to take care of the problem where it started? That we, the trainers of these pokemon, shirked our responsibility to the world and simply let nature take its course? No, ladies and gentlemen, no.

For the sake of our children, for the sake of the pokemon roaming the continent wild, please, please, spay and neuter your pokemon pet.

Paid for by the Rid. I. Culous Foundation

“Welcome back, Furoh,” Rose continued, cutting off Don. “Now…*sigh*…her’s the Sports Report with Luke Ario.”

Sports Report- Arasam Edition

YAHA! We got a double dose of competition, all centered in the fine city of Arasam! I’ll save the best for last, so let’s start with the contest circuit.

As you all know, I’m no fan of contests, but the battles in this competition weren’t half bad. The appeals rounds yielded two contenders: Pandora Gibbs and Douken Sota. Out of the two, I’d say Ms. Gibbs was the best, mostly because she’s smokin’ hot.

…Er, she’s 18, right? Great!

Anywho, on to the battles! Douken was up first with his growlithe and duskull. Troy countered with his marowak and skarmory. It was a fierce fight, but due to the convoluted point system, Troy came out the victor. The opposite happened during Pan’s match. Her venusaur and growlithe were performing all these stunts, my favorite being the ones where growlithe is tossed into the air. That last minute Reversal was amazing! Of course, with the challenger having more points, the hall leader decided to change the rules so that KO’s won the match. Bah, just when you think you have these contests figured out, they change the rules so no ribbons are rewarded.

Let’s move on to the gym challenge, where we have a familiar face taking on Arasam’s gym leader Otis. It’s Douken Sota, proving once more that if you suck at contests, you’ll do wonders in the gym challenge. Douken used his growlithe, seel, and duskull, while Otis defended the badge with his fearow, growlithe, and a bitchin’ awesome shiny charmeleon. Seriously, this lizard had Dragon Rage and Thunder Punch in its arsenal! Despite losing his fearow early on, things were looking great for Otis: heavy damage to the seel forced Sota to use the Rest skill, a risky move which left the challenger with one pokemon against the gym leader’s pair. Douken turned the match around by taking advantage of the ghost’s tricks. Just like in the contest, we saw Trick Room being used, something I have yet to see in competitive play. Confuse Ray turned out to be the winning move however, as Otis’s confused growlithe and inexperienced charmeleon fought with each other, leaving just the charmeleon to defend. The tables turned, Sota came out victorious. Ladies and gentlemen, we have another contender on our hands! YAAAHAA!

“Gibbs? Is that the same one as from the earlier story?” Rose asked.

“I wouldn’t know. I slept through most of the broadcast,” Luke replied. “YAHA!”

“*sigh* This is Rose Lia signing off. Good day Furoh.”


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