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Petropolis Catastrophe - Team Blue
post Mar 4 2014, 04:28 PM
Post #41

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

The most difficult part of the ordeal thus far? Branwys had to admit defeat once again. The team had come down into the tunnels to rescue any survivors...but all they'd accomplished was getting into trouble. They had not worked as a team. Leadership had been tossed around from person to person willy-nilly, and each person appeared to be at their wits' end.

And they'd yet to rescue a single person. They were the ones that had been rescued. By a legendary Dog. That everyone had been surprised to see...except Douken. Perhaps running into legendaries was a regular thing for him.

Good for him, Branwys thought bitterly. Let him be the hero. Someone has to be. She was amazed at how unfazed he had been the whole time. How not a single surprise had managed to catch him off guard. She didn't have that kind of strength, or apparent pre-cognition. She, like Lyla, had just been tossed about like a pair of rag-dolls. Darius, while probably physically stronger, and more prone to suspending his disbelief to the magical craziness that had happened around them, was more likely to wind up in an instution someday. And as crazy as he was, she found that she had warmed up to him some. Perhaps it was something about the crazy she knew, and was tangible, and she could actually reason with that she enjoyed. Darius had made an excellent knight. Cesc, her whatever-he-was-now was probably off gallavanting with the other time, being all daring and debonair and swashbuckling as he did. Even if she had been the one to bail him out time and time again, at least he had the bravado to appear strong to everyone around him. She found herself happy to be in the company of such strong men.

But that was the problem. Why was she relegating herself to 'being in the company of strong men'? Why couldn't she be the strong woman? The warrior? The protector? The Leader? Why had she broken down in front of the whole team...proving to the patriarchy that the men were the stronger sex. She'd let all of her fierce and independent sisters down. She was weak. She was the runt.

Sniffling, Branwys, with help from her concerned looking Lucario friend, clambered up onto the Gogoat, motioning for Lyla to join her. Hopefully they'd encounter Tikal on the way back up, or maybe the girl had already gotten to safety.

"Please...let's just go before something else horrible goes wrong." She looked over at Suicune with tearstrained eyes, ashamed at her utterly devastated appearance.

"Thank you." She forced a little smile, finding comfort in the majestic and serene gaze of the Dog of the North Wind. For such a cool Pokemon, it had such a nice, warm energy to it. She nestled into the Gogoat's flanks with her legs, rubbing the top of its head tenderly.

"Let's just get out of here, please?" She looked around at the team, clambering up onto their newfound mounts. "Sir Knight?" She gave a little smile to Darius, "Would you kindly lead the way?"


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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post Mar 8 2014, 10:38 AM
Post #42

Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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And a Golurk

Darius perked up when Brawnys referred to him as a knight. True, knighthood was still on his large bucket list of titles to attain, but it was nice that the girl finally softened up to him. Perhaps it was the weariness from their troubles though. In any case, Darius had no problem heeding her wishes.

“Well, you heard the lady,” Darius told his steed, “Onward, to the light!”

With everyone mounted up, the gogoat took off, speedily dashing through the roots that covered the ground. It seemed someone pressed the rewind button on their journey, for the dragon trainer saw every twist and turn of their tunnel flash right before his eyes. It wasn’t long before his eyes finally caught the bright light of the outside. They were nearing the exit. Darius couldn’t help but cheer as they prepared to enter the outside world.

“WOOO! It feels like months since I saw that sight!”

All the while, a cool breeze blew from behind the group. Suicune followed them to make sure they would exit safely. The end was finally in sight…


PANE x2 (click to show)

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Douken Sota
post Mar 8 2014, 12:02 PM
Post #43

Space Force? Pirate? Outlaw sounds nice...
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"Thank Arceus," Douken muttered under his breath, finding out that she was safe. But it still held the question of why she was there in the first place! However, he couldn't ask right now, and Suicune probably wasn't all that sure of why she was there in the first place anyways. Still, this meant getting everyone else back to safety.

While Douken's team was full of mostly younger Pokemon, his team would of probably been seen as the weakest, but it was clear he was more experienced in these death-defying situations. Then again, considering all he had been through, there could be a surprise he was yet traumatized by it all. this still meant they had to return to the surface, in which Suicune offered new Pokemon to them known as Gogoat. Returning all but the Psychic type, he approached one yet to betaken, brushing its cheek as he stated, "We're in your care," before following suit and mounting the large Grass type. Checking back on Lyla and her Typhlosion, he made sure she was set up and ready before following along.

Still, he had to admit the Gogoat was fast and very responsive to sharp corners. It would be amusing to see one of these try and race Pan's Arcanine. However, it seemed that things were almost drawn in for a close.

Let the Kishin Egg take you to my GPX+ Team.
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Yzarc Drowsnam
post Mar 8 2014, 01:09 PM
Post #44

Omar comin'
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Justin Smart, one of the villains working with the bad guys here, was placed in charge of capturing Suicune. So, imagine his surprise when the first corner he turned in the water tunnel, he saw the beast of legends seemingly charging towards him, though in reality it was just towards the exit. It had a posse of odd looking grass pokemon (Justin could only assume) mounted by humans.

He moved both of his hands to grab two pokeballs off his belt. One of them housed Hitmontop, his trusty sidekick, and the other was an empty, specially made pokeball, designed specifically to capture Suicune. When the charging pokemon got closer to Justin's imposing body, they came to a slow. Not for fear of him, but because they didn't want to run the guy over. That was when Justin noticed Douken riding one of the unfamiliar pokemon. He sighed.

"I'm sorry," he said to no one in particular and threw the empty pokeball at Suicune. It didn't even wiggle as pokeballs tended to do before capture. It just fell to the ground, captured. It was unlikely, Justin figured, that Suicune would obey whoever were to use it, but he also figured it wasn't going to be used for battle. Likely caged, either for entertainment or for even more nefarious purposes.

Before the group of trainers could react, Justin summoned Hitmontop. "Y'all are gonna wanna just stand back," he said. "Don't get involved with this. For your own sake." He then summoned a Ninjask from another pokeball. "Hey girl," he said softly. "Grab me that pokeball really quick,"

She chirped somewhat cheerfully, clearly not recognizing the scope of the situation, and with incredible speed flew to Suicune's pokeball, picked it up and returned it to Justin. Ninjask had recognized Douken, and even went so far as to make eye contact and do another cheerful chirp. She would not be used in this battle, so Justin called her back. Hitmontop, as well, recognized Douken, but he was able to comprehend that, at the moment at least, they were enemies.

Justin didn't want a fight, but he also wasn't stupid. He was the villain, he had not deluded himself into thinking otherwise, and these were the heroes. They had to stop him. Moreover, running wasn't an option, not with them mounted. So, he summoned two more pokemon, Pinsir and Octillery. Hitmontop was far and away the strongest pokemon in the tunnel, but Octillery and Pinsir would have a tough time. Their purpose was primarily to support Hitmontop.


[spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart]
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Nate Guzman (Partner)
[spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent]

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[spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt
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Living Arrow
post Mar 8 2014, 01:09 PM
Post #45

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

Lyla really didn’t care what Pokemon she had to sit on to leave that place as long as it got them out of there fast. By Suicune’s instruction, she moved to one Gogoat nervously, her borrowed Typhlosion keeping a protective watch over her. Even with the fire weasel so close, the obviously Grass-type Pokemon didn’t flinch as it waited serenely for the Breeder to mount it.

“Uh…” Lyla looked around nervously to see what the others were doing and found Branwys holding out a hand to her. Relived that someone still knew what they were doing, Lyla recalled the Typhlosion with a whisper of thanks and hurried to her side. She reached out to take the girl’s smaller fingers in her own and began searching the beast’s side for a step or foothold or something... As thought he had read her mind, Douken appeared by her side to offer a quick bunk-up onto the goat to sit behind Branwys and together they began retracing their steps to the exit.

Although fast, Lyla couldn’t say that the Gogoat things were very comfortable. Bouncing around on the back of the fennel-scented creature, she locked her arms around Branwys’s narrow waist and spent the journey to safety promising herself a million oaths that she would never allow herself to do anything so stupid ever ever again.

*I won’t be thrown around and stomped on like that… Never again… I won’t be the weakling that everyone expects me to be… Things are going to change… I’m going to be strong… You just wait…*


“Hey… who’s that?” Branwys’s voice and nudge brought Lyla back to her senses. She looked up quickly to find a plain-looking guy, with a little muscle, standing in their way of the exit. The mini-herd of Gogoat automatically slowed, drawing to a stop so that they didn’t knock the poor guy over, but the blue dog Suicune continued its race through the tunnel.

Lyla could see the guy’s lips move but couldn’t make out what he said right before he threw the Pokeball. Maybe it was the classic “Pokeball, go!” or even “Suicune, you’re mine!” but that didn’t matter. What mattered was that the Pokeball sucked in the wondrous being that had showed the battered trainers to the exit and then stopped moving as soon as it hit the ground.

“No!” Lyla cried, holding up a hand to her mouth with her gasp. How could someone just capture a legendary Pokemon as simply as that?! Was that even legal?! She’d never heard of anyone actually owning a Pokemon that you only heard abot in stories and yet this guy… this guy… who was this guy!?

The evident Pokemon nabber used a speedy Ninjask to retrieve his Pokeball while three other battle monsters were summoned into the tunnel. Whatever was going on, his motives were less than admirable and he was certainly looking for a fight. Darius and Douken both looked ready to jump right in but Branwys was feeling as withered as a daisy on Mount Pyre.

*Stop him!*

Lyla heard the voice in her head but she couldn’t move. If this random guy could capture Suicune – Suicune – then what chance did she have at leaving even a tiny scratch? There was no chance… maybe one of the boys…

*No more caving!*

But if they were able to battle then surely she shouldn’t…

*Don’t just sit and watch! Don’t be who they all expect you to be!*

With her pink and white dress in tatter, smeared with dirt and stained with her tears, Lyla really didn’t look the part of a hero. Heck, she didn’t even feel like one. But she was damned if she was going to let someone just take away the one thing that had just saved their pretty behinds from face-invading ghost plants!
She threw a leg over the back of her Gogoat and slid to the ground, grabbing for a Pokeball and running to the front of the group.

“Go, ALAKAZAM!” She screamed, her blonde hair a mess of ragged curls around her otherwise pretty face. “Go get ‘em!”

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Mar 8 2014, 10:16 PM
Post #46

Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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And a Golurk

Just as the end was in sight, a man emerged with a pokeball in hand. In a matter of seconds, he threw a pokeball. The breeze died. Suicune was captured without a struggle. Darius was flabbergasted. To capture a legend was unheard of, but to do it with such ease? It just wasn’t possible. The dragon trainer dismounted to join the others in meeting one last threat.

“No, you see, we’re already a part of this. We’ve been a part of this since the explosions started. And judging from the fancy pokeball you just used to capture our friend, I’d say you’re a big part of this too. If it’s a fight you’re looking for, this will be the quickest fight you’ve ever been in. Then you’re gonna let Suicune go. And then you’re going to tell us what you did with our pokemon!”

It didn’t matter if Darius didn’t have any proof. As far as he was concerned, Justin was the mastermind behind all of this. Lyla was surprising quick to battle; Darius wasn’t about to be behind the others as well.

“Get going, Cherrim! Sunny Day!”

Darius summoned his overgrown unbloomed flower. Shortly after, the tunnel lit up like a bright dawn on a new day. The flower bloomed into a maniacal flower child, the crazed smile stretching across her face. Not only was she primed and ready, her ability upped the stats (attack and sp. def) of the group’s pokemon.

“For the North Wind!” Darius shouted as he drew his sword.


PANE x2 (click to show)

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post Mar 9 2014, 12:33 AM
Post #47

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

One moment, Branwys had finally felt an impending sense of relief nestled between a trotting Gogoat and Lyla. In the next minute, the breeze died away as Suicune disappeared in a flash of light. With the majestic legendary gone...Branwys' hope withered away entirely.

The mysterious thug-looking man who'd captued Suicune had offered to let them go, and, honestly, the better part of Branwys just wanted to let him get away with it if it meant going home. Lyla and Darius immediately rose to meet the man who was clearly an enemy. And, after all, Suicune had saved them, and she did owe it to at least try. She wasn't confident in her skills as a trainer, and she'd just recently spent time having a mental breakdown.


With Cherrim's Sunny Day, it only seemed like the logical choice. And, possessing Leaf Guard, she'd be protected from Status Effects. Though, from the intimidating looking Pokemon that the thug had procured, it didn't look like statuses were going to be the problem.

She didn't quite have the will to fight. Lyla, Darius, and Douken could handle the fight, she'd have to make do with supporting.

"Lilligant." Branwys called shakily, "Sleep Powder."

Lilligant, who didn't seem to share her makeshift trainers' lack of enthusiasm, let out a graceful twirl and unleashed a cloud of Pink Spores towards Octillery.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Douken Sota
post Mar 10 2014, 02:48 AM
Post #48

Space Force? Pirate? Outlaw sounds nice...
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When a figured showed himself, Douken squinted to try to get a glance. That was when the Pokeball came and captured the Suicune. Yanking back on the horns, the Gogoat make a painful yelp as it stopped, looking back at the male rider as Douken saw the Hitmontop, soon followed by the Ninjask, collecting the captured Pokemon, greeting Douken before it took back off. "No," he muttered. "You have got to be kidding me." Hopping off the Gogoat, his eyes burned in rage as the light from the exit glared his glasses. "Why? You of all people... Is this how far Deception is willing to go? IS IT, JUSTIN?!"

Without hesitation, Justin had three Pokemon on his side. All of them his own. His response: Aside form the Gothica on his shoulders, he sent out the Flaafy, Bulbasaur, Hariyama, Gible, and Sudowoodo... so everyone he had on this rental arsenal. The rage in him shot another headache in his head, but he ignored it. There was no way he was going to let this man get away with this.

"EVERYONE, ALL OUT ATTACK!" Douken screamed out, charging into the battlefield himself. he didn't want to issue commands. He was going after Justin himself, so to held give cover fire, his Pokemon took the offensive. First off was Gothica, shooting off a quick Charm to the powerful Hitmontop to turn him into less of a threat as she rested on his shoulders. Familiar with effrectiveless on water types, the Flaaffy tossed an Electro Ball at te Octillary. With the sun set up, the Bulbasaur used growth to boost up her power as she felt the sun make her faster as well. Encasing herself in blue flames, the Gible charged forward with Dragon Rush to crash into the Hitmontop. Hariyama, as if wanting to take on the Hitmontop himself, threw out the challenge by throwing off a Fake Out to leave the top Pokemon open. Sudowoodo, following the Electro Ball, ran behind with a Wood Hammer set and ready, not worried about recoil thanks to his Rock headedness.

However, when Douken got to Justin, he himself threw a punch at the opposing villian, screaming, "IS THIS HOW YOU ARE GOING TO BE A FATHER TO PAN'S CHILD?!"

Let the Kishin Egg take you to my GPX+ Team.
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Yzarc Drowsnam
post Mar 13 2014, 09:39 PM
Post #49

Omar comin'
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Justin took the hit to the face and his head jerked to the side from the impact. He was expecting it to hurt less, as Douken was quite the skinny guy, but he was very tall, so it's easy to forget that a lot of muscle can be there, just distributed more thin due to his longer arms.

He turned his head back to Douken and began rubbing his chin with his left hand. He pulled his hand away to look at the blood on it. For a second, he didn't even care. He deserved it. He was an asshole for doing all this, and Douken was right to be mad. But then the kid said something he probably shouldn't have. Something that made Justin's blood boil, and he didn't even quite know why for a second.

"Is this how you are going to be a father to Pan's child?" He shouted.

Justin's gaze moved from his bloody hand to Douken's eyes, but the rest of his body remained completely motionless.

"You know what, Douken?" he began. "Yeah. Yeah, it's how I'm gonna be a father to her child. But more importantly? It's how I'm gonna be a father to MY child." And he dropped his arms to his sides while stepping forward. Douken was taller, but Justin was not lacking in intimidation himself. "Tell you what, buddy. How about if you're a parenthood expert, why don't you go out and have yourself a kid?"

He wanted to go further. He wanted to call Douken out for being so obviously in love with Pan. For spiting Justin because of it. But he didn't know exactly how to say all he wanted to say. He didn't even really know what all he wanted to say. He just knew that there was more behind that punch than just a concern for Justin and Pan's future child, and it bothered him.


The battle was looking to be pretty quick. Hitmontop managed to get off his signature Fake Out Mach Punch combo on the Hariyama rushing towards him, stopping Hariyama's own Fake Out, but was quickly hit by a Charm, weakening his attack power. Meanwhile, Bulbasaur grew incredibly powerful due to the Sunny Day Growth combo.

Octillery was put to sleep and subsequently hit by a moderately powerful, yet super effective, electroball. Pinsir had yet to be targeted, but his trainer appeared to be locked in combat of his own. So, he just picked the target he knew he could do the most damage to - Alakazam was weak to his strongest attack, X-Scissor.

Hitmontop, from there, kept his focus on the Hariyama, but at this point, his weakened attack power meant it was going to be a slow fight. With Octillery asleep, Pinsir was pretty much the only pokemon on Justin's side who could do damage.


[spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart]
Justin Smart Profile
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Currently In: Zoobreak!

Nate Guzman (Partner)
[spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent]

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Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt
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post Mar 15 2014, 09:59 AM
Post #50

Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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And a Golurk

Darius was shocked when Douken went into a rage and summoned his entire team of pokemon. He wasn’t only upset about Suicune’s capture; he knew this guy. Not that the dragon trainer cared. As far as Darius was concerned, Douken’s rage would only work in their favor.

Darius took note of the sleeping octillery and decided not to leave him be. They were just fine facing just two of Justin’s pokemon. Besides, he really wanted to test out the Cherrim’s most powerful attack.

“Solar beam the sleepy one!”

The cherrim’s eyes glew with the brightness of the sun. Out of its psychotic smile emerged a laser beam that shot straight for the sleeping pokemon.


Meanwhile, Pan finally stepped away from the computer. It was done. This horrible nightmare would be over soon. All that was needed now was time, but did they have it? Pan turned to find one of the camera screens was displaying nothing but static. It was her only link to Darryn and it was gone.


She rushed over to see if she could make out any shapes, see if the people there were visible. Pan couldn’t lose this connection now, there was so much left to say. Not knowing whether Darryn could actually hear any of this, Pan made an attempt to say goodbye.

Farewell (click to show)

Pan wiped the tears from her eyes; it was time to go. However, her focus on one camera had blinded her to the events conspiring on the others. Her eyes caught sight of Justin, but he was in a fight with…Douken, Lyla, and others. One guy had a sword out! Justin was fixing to get clobbered by the angry trainers, but the others could easily get hurt themselves. Pan had to get over there and end the fight before things escalated.

“Droid, get these doors open!” Pan commanded as she summoned her golurk. The massive pokemon immediately went to work, slowly prying the sliding doors apart. The sound of twisting metal filled the room as Pan rushed over the glass display of mega evolution stones.

“We’re going to need all the help we can get,” Pan said as she grabbed the only stone that had a name related to one of her pokemon: aerodactylite. The researcher never encountered the term “mega evolution”, but if the name gave the correct hint, her aerodactyl had a chance to evolve. She summoned Valkyrie and held the stone out.

“Don’t do this if it doesn’t feel right-”

The aerodactyl cried out as she began to glow. Rocky protrusions emerged from her body. A far more terrifying beast was emerging before Pan’s eyes…


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post Mar 16 2014, 10:47 PM
Post #51

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Douken had just bodily hurled himself at the enemy. His entire team of Pokemon were out on the field, and now it seemed like chaos, just to take down the three enemies. It would have been hard enough to co-ordinate between Lyla's Alakazam, Darius' Cherrim, and her own Lilligant...but now there were too many allies on the field. Douken's rage had just thrown strategy to the wind.

But she couldn't really blame him. He evidently had some personal stakes in the battle, and that this man impeding their path was someone's baby-daddy. Pan, evidently, whom he'd spoken of back by the computer, and the now-captured Suicune had mentioned.

Lyla had lost it. Douken had lost it. Branwys was never sure if Darius had it to begin with...things were just mess upon mess upon mess. Her earlier statement stood; she just wanted to go home. With Justin occupied, it would be so easy, especially give her small stature, to just move past him and be on her way. Yet, the nagging part of her begged her to stay and fight. It wanted her to stay and support these people who she hadn't known up until today.

Perhaps that was the voice that Douken and Darius listened to more clearly than she. Maybe that's why they were the heroes.

Clenching her fists and pressing them against her side, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Just for a moment, everything seemed to slow as she breathed in. She pushed down the rising, bubbling fear within her and just observed the battle. So many Pokemon on the field. So many clashes and skirmishes. So much noise and sound. So many smells of attacks, of Gogoats, of random Pokemon all in an enclosed space. The singed smell of a Solarbeam. The heat from the sunlight that had somehow penetrated into the tunnel. Her Lilligant had already been boosted, and if she recalled correctly, had an ability that corresponded with Sunlight.

"Lilligant, Growth. Quiver Dance."

While all of the enemy were distracted, she would use the chance to power up her Pokemon on the field. With the constant boosts, it looked like she'd be able to take on the super-powered Hitmontop, especially now that it had been weakened by charm.

Alakazam appeared to be preoccupied with a Pinsir trying to bifurcate it with X-Scissor, so she looked to Douken's Gothita. She felt odd giving commands to another person's Pokemon...but she'd been doing it all day already. Douken seemed to busy duking it out to notice, so he probably didn't care.

"Gothita, can you link up all the minds of our Pokemon? Like, is there a way to make sure that at least there's no friendly fire here?"

She had heard of Psychics who could do that using telepathy, but the little Gothita...was she powerful enough to pull off such a trick?


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Living Arrow
post Mar 17 2014, 01:29 PM
Post #52

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor


Lyla’s bravado faltered, her borrowed Psychic Pokemon forgotten, when she heard the declaration of the identity of the man barring the trainers’ way. He was the father of Pan’s unborn baby?! This… this what? Criminal? Had that been decided already? What was there to even confirm that? Sure, he captured a legendary Pokemon, but other than that he had simply challenged the group to battle him by summoning his Pokemon.

“Pan’s baby’s father?” Lyla whispered to herself. “Is this guy?” She froze on the spot, dazed by the shock of the revelation. Douken appeared to know him (big surprise there – he seemed to know everyone) and was particularly angry with him. The first punch was thrown early, without warning, and somehow had little to no effect. The other guy was also angry, his admission to Douken that his actions were less than honourable shocking Lyla even further.

*Does Pan know about this?* Lyla wondered, her eyes wide with alarm. *Is she OK with what he’s doing?*

“Ka! Alaaa!” Lyla’s Alakazam shouted for her attention, his battered form waving spoons at her madly. His frustration seemed to snap the girl out of her stupor and her battling fire returned.

“Get out of there, Alakazam! Teleport!” Lyla cried, already throwing another Pokeball. “It’s your turn again, Typhlosion! Hit that Pinsir with Flame Wheel!”

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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Douken Sota
post Mar 28 2014, 11:05 PM
Post #53

Space Force? Pirate? Outlaw sounds nice...
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Douken's fist clenched tighter on his comment. He had the faintest clue about being in real love. Being surrounded by Amazon, women who saw men more as tools and preferred to keep them out of their society, he had to become who he was to simply be with them. Sure, all that time with Pan may have created actual feelings for her, but he accepted their situation at the Hotel. But now?

"You don't get it, do you?!" Douken yelled back, "Because of your actions, Pan is trapped inside here, and the only one who knows where she is at is in that Master Ball!" Lifting his hand up, h coldly stated, "Now hand over Suicune, or you will be NO ONE'S father! Cause you can hand it to me, or I will pry it from your unconscious body..."

At the request of Branwys, the Gothita looked over and scratched the back of her head nervously. It seemed her pseudo-master had gone a bit crazy with rage, so someone else tried advising something on a large level. She could connect with them one on one, but not as a whole, let alone an interweaving connection. Still, she tried her best to get as much as possible.

Not being able to budge as it snored, the Flaffy decided she should charge up even more, noted by the crackling along her wool before firing off a Thunder attack.

With her speed and power boosted up, the Bulbasaur thought it was time to fire down on the Octillary as well with a Seed Bomb, making sure it was down and out. Though why so many was needed for three Pokemon was the main question, taking care of some ca cause those unneeded to back down.

However, it seemed no one was quick ready to back off, as the Gible saw the Alakazam get endanger because of the large bug. Sharpening up her claws, she get her ready to show the Pincer her powerful Slash attack.

Sure, one Fake out interrupted the other followed by a quick attack, the Hariyama still stood, though heaving from the damage of the powerful Pokemon. Still, it was stupid for it to staying in grip's reach. Aiming to grab the Hitmontop, he would be able to throw him around into a Seismic Toss, suplexing the spinning Pokemon... back on his feet?

However, with so much action, the Sudowoodo was a little busy looking around, trying to figure out who he should help? Maybe take the bug? It seemed the least preoccupied, so he figured it was going to ready a strong attack. Maybe it should retaliate with a Sucker Punch. Yeah, that's a good idea! Just wait for a sign of an attack and hit first!

This post has been edited by Douken Sota: Apr 2 2014, 12:42 AM

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Yzarc Drowsnam
post Apr 15 2014, 07:15 PM
Post #54

Omar comin'
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Justin was half listening to Douken as he spoke, but only enough to feign concern. His real issue was with the fact that his pokemon were losing. Bad. It made sense, too. These people thought they were fighting the bad guys on behalf of good, why would they limit themselves to 1v1 combat against a stronger opponent?

Fighting was clearly not an option (no matter how much Douken made him wish it was) and so his only other real option was to run. Fortunately, he was already holding the three pokeballs of his summoned pokemon. So, as Douken lectured him on the wickedness of his ways, he took a few steps back, pretending to look intimidated (doubtful, though, that he did a good job) but only really so he could get a good look at the fight and get a clear line of sight on his pokemon in order to call them back.

Then, very quickly, he lifted the three pokeballs simultaneously (two in his right hand) and called back Hitmontop, Pinsir and Octillery. Realizing he didn't have much time before the trainers got back onto their goat pokemon, Justin wasted no time. He turned and ran. Perhaps the cowardly thing to do, but he was the villain - He wasn't supposed to be brave.


[spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart]
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[spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent]

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[spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt
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post Apr 15 2014, 10:30 PM
Post #55

Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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And a Golurk

Darius looked on as Justin summoned back his pokemon and retreated like any of his cowardly ilk. Well, maybe not that cowardly. He retrieved his pokemon before they were beaten to a pulp. Not that that was going to stop Darius from pursuing.

“Alright, no pokemon battles then,” Darius said as he summoned back his cherrim. “We’ll settle this like men.”

Brandishing his sword, the dragon trainer whistled for one of the gogoat. His gogoat, eager to avenge his legendary ally, raced to Darius’ side. He mounted up, switching the grip of his sword so the handle was out. Villain this guy may be, but Darius wasn’t about to straight up murder Justin. Not when he had answers about their pokemon.

“FUSROHDAAAAAA!” Darius cried out as he charged after Justin, quickly gaining ground. He lifted up his sword arm, aiming for the back of Justin’s head. But his blow never landed.

Rather, the opposite happened.

The darkness of the tunnel hid the approaching terror, one that traveled swiftly from the dark recesses of the broken lab. Darius only saw a large shadow descend between him and Justin when the wind was knocked out of him. The dragon trainer was sent flying out of the shadows, flying over the heads of Douken, Lyla, and especially Brawnys. His unconscious body slammed into the wall, slumping over onto the floor.

The creature responsible stepped into the fading light of the cherrim’s sunny day, her shiny skin glistening in the setting sun. It was a familiar fossil pokemon, but far more menacing in appearance. Rocky protrusions extended out of her face and wings. The aerodactyl was in mega form, and made sure everyone knew it. As soon as the sunny day expired, Valkyrie bellowed out a mighty roar to stun those that would stop the rescue. It worked on Darius’ steed; the gogoat passed dangerously close to the others as he made his escape. Darkness covered the tunnel; only the terrifying cry of the ancient filled the air.

Hidden behind the mega aerodactyl, a faint glow emanated from her back. To Justin, it was just bright enough to make out the glowing cheeks of a pachirisu, the face of Pandora Gibbs, and an outstretched hand awaiting to take him from this place. Whether she said anything to him was not known: the bellow of their ride drowned out her voice.


PANE x2 (click to show)

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post Apr 16 2014, 11:10 PM
Post #56

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

One minute, Branwys thought she'd finally gotten a grasp on this new situation. The next? A giant rock dinosaur flew overhead, ridden by the girl she vaguely remembered as Marsh Mallow, and Darius was tossed like a skittle way over their heads. This little excursion into the underground tunnels just kept getting worse and worse. With Suicune captured, there was nothing keeping those horrid little ghosts from before from coming back and claiming their dinner. The rather plain looking villain's pokemon had been defeated, but cavalry came in the form of a gigantic-spiky-flying-rock dinosaur, whose deafening roar sent their mounts skittering back down the hallway from whence they came.

Branwys, who had stepped behind her boosted Lilligant, found herself suddenly exposed as her defending Pokemon disappeared. The unearthly roar had caused every one of the Pokemon present to retreat, not just their Gogoat steeds.

Trembling at the horrifying sound, standing there with no Pokemon to protect her...the two most viable human fighters in the group either crazy with rage or unconscious, she really had nothing left between her and the flying rock monster. She mentally checked through her list of Pokemon; none of them would probably be able to stand up against this creature. Snorlax would at least serve as a barrier, but that was more a question of which terrifying monster would attempt to eat her first.

So, she stood defiantly, her hands holding all of the Pokeballs, ready to summon her whole team to the field to face down the new threat. Her normally vibrant face seemed oddly peaceful, her watery eyes staring down the ancient terror in front of them with not so much a hint of any sort of feeling. She had no more tears, no more screams, nothing.

She was just numb.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Yzarc Drowsnam
post May 6 2014, 09:49 PM
Post #57

Omar comin'
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Justin wasn't thinking about anything. Everything he did was on instinct. Those trainers weren't going to hurt him, but if he had to go back to Omar without Suicune, he knew his life was on the line. So when he got scooped up by Valkyrie, he just held on to Pan, his hands on her waist. When his senses slowly came back, and all the things that happened were more understood, he felt something he hadn't in quite some time: Comfort. For no reason at all, he knew that everything would be okay.

His slid his hands slowly to the front of her, so that they were on her stomach. She wasn't showing yet. Whatever was inside of her shouldn't even have been a real thing to him, yet he already felt like a father.

"Pan," he said, finally, knowing she was focused on the escape. "We need to get back to Omar. He needs to know we didn't fail the mission. I got Suicune. You set up the bomb. If he knows we did our part, then he'll have no reason to suspect us. You'll be able to go back home, where it's safe.

"I know you didn't want to do this," he continued. "We did a lot of bad things today, and it's hard to say whether or not it was even for greater good, or whatever. And when you're on the bad side, I know it's easy to say 'I didn't have a choice' or 'I was just following orders' but those are bullshit excuses. We did have a choice. We picked the selfish one. And it's gonna be tough to live with. But I don't think anyone died. People are gonna get their pokemon back. We just caused of a lot of damage. That doesn't make what we did good. But the thing is, I don't regret it.

"Not for a second. Pan, when I'm with you - When I just think about you - I don't have a choice in my actions. I have to do the right thing, my body won't let me do otherwise. But the 'right' thing it makes me do, it's not the right thing for the world, or for myself. I have to do what's right for you. For the baby. I need you to know that, from here on out, everything I do, all the good, all the bad, every fucking mistake I make, and every thought in my head, I do it for you."

He'd said it to his parents. He said it to Tina, his ex. He said it to Nate and Hitmontop. But he hadn't said it yet to Pan, the mother of his future child. "I love you."


[spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart]
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[spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent]

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[spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt
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post May 10 2014, 06:30 AM
Post #58

Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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And a Golurk

As soon as Justin grabbed onto her, Pan leaned forward onto the aerodactyl’s back. Her head emerged from beside her mount’s. The researcher had the perfect view of who stood before them, and they the same. Her face dropped as she caught sight of both Lyla and Douken. After all the time they had traveled together, she felt as if she had betrayed Douken after activating the recall system. If Lyla was here, Darryn was also; she put them all in danger. Yet they were still trying to make things right by capturing Justin. Pan was denying them that victory, yet she could not leave the father of their child at their vengeful hands. All she could do was mouth a silent “I’m sorry.”

It was then that the reset finally reactivated the recall system. The rental pokemon were immediately returned back to their pokeballs, which started to glow as they did the first time. Their pokemon would be replaced, but Pan knew this was to reverse the damage she had done. In a matter of seconds, pokemon and trainer would be reunited.

Those seconds provided a big enough opening for Pan and Justin to retreat. The mega aerodactyl flapped her wings to propel upward. She took off, gliding over the trainers’ heads, back up into the computer room, and straight out into daylight. They emerged in the arena where it all started, complete with baffled police officers looking at the beast she was flying.

As they flew over the makeshift city, Pan listened to every word Justin said. He shared the same regrets she had, yet their actions were clearly for each other. She had torn her friendships asunder just to make sure Justin’s cover wasn’t blown. She had her doubts at first, but Pan loved him. She loved his undying loyalty, his goofy smile, and the way her body fit into his. She wasn’t about to give any of it up, certainly not to TD.

“Leave with me,” Pan replied to Justin. “Screw Omar. Screw them all. We’ll pick up Nate, head for Port Barley, and leave this place behind. I love you Justin, and I’m not about to share that with them.”

Mondo watched as the pair flew by on a mega aerodactyl. The scientist had never seen such a form before. It seemed this mission was far more profitable than he realized (no one had told him the fate of the leveling device however).

“Magnificent,” Mondo said to himself before speaking into his radio. “Make sure you gather any ‘curiosities’ down there. And get my chopper ready.”


Darius awoke from his rough blow to find the culprits gone and the rest of his team ready to move out. He also noticed his belt felt lighter: only two pokeballs remained.

“Basterds stole me pokemanz again,” Darius shouted, his speech still a bit slurred. His addled mind did not come to the realization that Bindy and Snake were by his side once more.

“Come back ‘ere and face me, cowards!”


PANE x2 (click to show)

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post May 10 2014, 11:33 PM
Post #59

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Branwys trembled at the sight of the terrifying monster. She'd already almost been eaten once by a giant pokemon...but Snorlax looked like a fat teddy bear. This one legitimately looked terrifying, and she didn't have the option of recalling it to its pokeball.

She was going to get eaten by this flying rock dinosaur. That was the end of her story.

Holding all of the Pokeballs she had available in her hands, she waited to summon them. She'd fight. No one would ever call her a coward. But here, the inevitability of her journey's end loomed over her. She felt empty. Incomplete.

Her mind reached out to Dimo and Ognian. Still missing. Still somewhere lost. Gone. Her mind reached out to Cesc, somewhere in the depths of this ruined hell they'd so easily traipsed into. Perhaps he had already been eaten. Perhaps they'd share this fate together too.

And without warning, the creature left, taking their enemy with them.

A huge sigh of relief escaped her body as the trainer sank to her knees. She hadn't realized she'd been holding her breath, so the exhale came as a surprise.

As she looked at the pokeballs in her hands, she watched them all glowing, and a small cry escaped her lips.

"No..." she whispered weakly as the pokeballs vanished. The closest thing she had to Dimo and Ognian was now disappearing, and she turned to Lyla, fearing that the closest person she had to a friend would soon vanish as well, just as everything else around her had.

Yet, when the light faded, she realized she was holding two Pokeballs. The very weight familiar in her hands, she opened them up. Looking at the ground in front of her, she was the familiar shapes materialize. Without saying a word, she reached out and wrapped her arms around the Pokemon, tears springing out of her eyes without warning.

Worldlessly, quietly, her happiness sprang out of her as she held the two Pokemon close to her.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Living Arrow
post May 12 2014, 01:35 PM
Post #60

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

“And now the Flamethrower!” Lyla cried, her Typhlosion laying waste to the Pinsir with its fire attacks like a boss. She grinned in spite of herself, the thrill of battle sweeping her off of her feet and into full battle mode. She was about to let the flaming weasel really let loose when the Pinsir was recalled by the mysterious trainer.
*Now what? Lyla prepared herself, holding out an arm to recall her injured Alakazam while Typhlosion hurried back to her side. *More Pokemon to battle? Maybe a-*

Lyla flinched, bringing up her hands to cover her head as the armored form of Darius went sailing over her and the others to crash into the tunnel wall behind them. Her wince unravelled into an eye-widening stare that capture the monstrosity of a Pokemon that had revealed itself to them. A draconic monster of doom, the winged beast bore horns like bodily teeth of black iron and screeched a primal deathscream at the few trainers that had hoped to stop the capture of Suicune.

“Typhlosion, I-“ Lyla began but was interrupted as the Pokemon protecting her flashed into red energy and swooshed back into the ball at her hip. Simiarly, the other Pokemon around her began auto-recalling to their balls without warning to leave the four trainers devoid of any sort of protection against the brutish creature bearing down upon them.

The trainer who had caught Suicune mounted that thing swiftly, his escape completely unhindered as the Pokemon trainers watching on in fear and awe. Lyla wanted to scream at him, demand that Suicune was released, but nothing but strangled breath could pass her lips.

*And yet again I’m the helpless one.* She chided herself while the Aerodactyl sped out of the tunnel like a living arrow. couldn’t help it

She looked across at Branwys, their eyes meeting each others in a confused stare of exhaustion. What was to come next? What else could possibly be thrown their way after what they had just been through? The shorter girl opened two Pokeballs into her hands, revealing two of the Pokemon that Lyla had seen back at the Boutique of Bonnies Breeding Center. Her tiny arms wrapped around the Cubone and Scraggy, pulling them tight as the girl broke down into uncontrollable sobs.

“Branwys!” Lyla gasped, her weak limbs finding energy to hurry to the girl’s side. She knelt down, wrapping her own arms around her friend and her Pokemon protectively, burying her face into Branwys’s hair. “It’ll be alright, Branwys! It’ll be alright!” She hushed into the golden curls, fighting the tremors that were working their way into her fingertips and the quiver that began to tremble in her lower lip. “It’ll be alright."

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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