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Help me make a team for a character!
post Feb 5 2021, 12:22 PM
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My little monsters

Heya, random thread here. Basically I have a character who is a Vampine wannabe, basically a "normal" human who is convinced to be a vampire. And recently I decided that I wanted to translate him to the Pokemon Universe. Obviously I think he would have a crobat, because, bat. And a Millobellus since he's really into taking care of his appereance and so obviously he would want to have a pretty pokemon in his team.

What others kind of pokemon would you add to his team? I was tempted to add all the "bat" pokemon like Scorplane, swoobat and noibat, but I feel like making a team of full on flying pokemon won't hold tight if he wanted to get a championship (I mean, Stealth Rock) so I wanted some feedback.

I'm not really good with words, so IDK what you'll need to know to guess the pokemon to add or not. So feel free to ask some question about the guy. Obviously I only want canon pokemon, even if some fanmade one would be perfect for him (like Vilucard from Pokemon Uranium)
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post Feb 5 2021, 04:23 PM
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Like a vampire? Hmm. Maybe like... a Pokémon that takes energy from others?
Or like Remoraid, that's always attached to Mantyne?


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post May 1 2023, 04:37 PM
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hm oks

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post Feb 6 2024, 12:16 PM
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i'd probably pick a few "edgy" pokemon to fit your character's aesthetic: crobat, eelektross, greninja, arbok/seviper, drapion, and for a pretty pokemon, maybe froslass? zangoose, banette, bisharp/kingambit, malamar, dragalge, durant, or cofagrigus are also good options if you want to play around with type matchups.

there are some type overlaps, but when i think "vampire", i think of poison and dark types, lmao.

EDIT: this post is old, oops!

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post Dec 20 2024, 08:20 AM
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QUOTE(Nightmon @ Feb 5 2021, 10:22 PM) *
Heya, random thread here. Basically I have a character who is a Vampine wannabe, basically a "normal" human who is convinced to be a vampire. And recently I decided that I wanted to translate him to the Pokemon Universe. Obviously I think he would have a crobat, because, bat. And a Millobellus since he's really into taking care of his appereance and so obviously he would want to have a pretty pokemon in his team.

What others kind of pokemon would you add to his team? I was tempted to add all the "bat" pokemon like Scorplane, swoobat and noibat, but I feel like making a team of full on flying pokemon won't hold tight if he wanted to get a championship (I mean, Stealth Rock) so I wanted some feedback.

I'm not really good with words, so IDK what you'll need to know to guess the random pokemon to add or not. So feel free to ask some question about the guy. Obviously, I only want canon Pokémon, even if some fanmade one would be perfect for him (like Vilucard from Pokemon Uranium)

Sorry For Bumping Old Thread.
This is a cool idea! For his team, I'd suggest Gengar for the spooky vibe, and maybe Lucario or Gardevoir for elegance and power. To balance out the flying types, you could add Toxapex or Corviknight for some sturdiness.
If you want more random suggestions, you could always try a random Pokémon generator to get some fresh ideas! ��
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