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Global PokédeX Plus Forums _ General Discussion _ Cosplay

Posted by: Foresterra Oct 15 2012, 12:53 PM

Hey, so I wanted to get your opinions on cosplay of anime.

Personally I think it's ridiculous and the costumes are almost never good enough.

Posted by: Darkrow Oct 15 2012, 12:55 PM

I personally don't get the appeal of it, but if people like it then whatever, I let 'em enjoy it.

Posted by: Quomimi Oct 15 2012, 12:57 PM

Meh, I don't really care for it. If people find that their hobby, then ok. I find it pretty stupid though.

Posted by: Synchronize Oct 15 2012, 01:04 PM

Only a small portion of the cosplay I've seen so far is actually good...

Posted by: Chrome Oct 15 2012, 01:25 PM

I like anime, but I just realize how casual my interest is compared to these avid fans. I recently joined a club in college related to that sort of thing and quickly realized how much they REALLY loved it, to the point of going to Comic Con every year and dressing up as their favorite characters. Now don't get me wrong, I love what they love but not so much that I'll be dishing out $100s of dollars on a good anime cosplay costume.

Posted by: Foresterra Oct 15 2012, 01:54 PM

I'd actually like to go to a cosplay convention without dressing up and just look around because it seems there's loads to see (boobs) and people are enjoying themselves.

Posted by: Lord Raven Oct 17 2012, 11:14 PM

This does not belong here.

Posted by: i ME 1998 Nov 17 2012, 12:32 PM

I´ve never coplayed before, but I think its a very fun thing, and I love the dresses, etc., coplayers use happy.gif So, I think its a very good thing, because you can be another person while cosplaying happy.gif

Posted by: AllTheCoolNamesAreTaken Nov 27 2012, 07:47 AM

I've never cosplayed myself but have been to London's Comic Con a couple times and the cosplayers make it so much more fun and exciting. When you see these people cosplaying as characters you love from anime/manga/shows/movies/games you like, it's like you have an instant connection with them and the excitement is just wow.

Unless it's upsetting others I don't really understand why someone would knock something that other people enjoy.

Posted by: SilverLugia456 Nov 27 2012, 07:49 PM

I don't pay much attention to cosplay stuff but I happened to see a few costumes that were used for a cosplay some weren't that good but others I have seen really seem to match what that particular thing looks like from the anime so I give thumbs up for time and effort for making the items and costumes in that case.

Posted by: razevesper Nov 27 2012, 07:57 PM

I had always regarded cosplayers as nerds -- although that isn't a bad thing at all! However, my friend recently got into cosplaying video game characters, making her own costumes, and I've actually found that it's extremely interesting. I'm currently trying to make one of my own, and while I'm sure it'll suck, it will still be fun. :P

One good thing about cosplays is that once you get to a convention, you're basically automatically friends with everyone there. I went to a convention with my friends who were cosplaying as video game characters, and they were approached enthusiastically by others for pictures while we also approached people with really cool costumes. I've seen anything from mediocre handmade get-ups to full-out costumes where a lot of love has been put into it. happy.gif

Looking at cosplayers on websites like deviantArt can show just how amazing some costumes can be, though! A lot of it does seem like the same, but I'm personally pretty excited about going to another convention. I'm not at the level of nerdom that my friends are, and will probably only do this extremely casually and rarely, but it's still fun to get involved into a project like this! Especially if you enjoy arts/crafts/sewing/whatever.

Posted by: Dupe Dec 27 2012, 09:51 PM

Cosplay is one of those things where it seems really interesting, but I can't do because I don't really have the right body typre for them. Though, if I could, I would get one of my friends to cosplay as one of the Yugioh villains and I would duel them, in public, while cosplaying as that villains corresponding hero.

Posted by: Letan Dec 28 2012, 10:32 PM

Cosplaying is pretty great. It's a good way to embrace nerd culture and socialize with people whom you'd probably never talk with elsewhere. It's a lot more comfortable because you're among fellow nerds so there isn't the whole fear of being judged thing, plus you're all in costume anyways. If anything, if you aren't in costume at certain conventions you stick out and feel even more awkward.

Right now I've only been to one convention in my life, just ordered a Naruto outfit online and went as him. Eventually I wanna teach myself how to make clothing, armour, and props and make my own cosplays because there's a lot of video game-related cosplay that I want to do, yet no one ever does it so you can't just order an outfit online. I've done some research on it, and eventually when I have the money to do so I'll probably go through with experimenting and learning. Eventually I want to make some armour and weapon sets from Monster Hunter, maybe make a custom set of Spartan armour from Halo. There's also The Kid from Bastion, but I'd need to figure out how you go about customizing a wig without screwing everything up.

Posted by: Erza Dec 29 2012, 05:17 AM

Everything Letan said -

I'm a big perfectionist and I will spend a lot of money on a costume for it to look good. In saying that, I'm actually making Erza Scarlet's Heart Kreuz armour with metal. Expensive, but I'm authentic like that.

I've seen many tragic cosplays, but a large number of very well done cosplays.

Posted by: Luneon Jan 9 2013, 06:50 AM

Cosplay, it has both good and bad elements.

If you decide to go to a convention, you get to meet a lot of new people, which can be really great. You also have the chance to get exclusive goodies which are only available there. You can put time and energy in a new hobby (creating your own costume (maybe even from scratch) and then show it off to others. I know a lot of people would love to be their favorite character from a game/anime/etc, and that way, you have a chance to be them.

There's also a bad side to it, though. You could get seen as a big nerd, which could have bullying as a result. Costumes are often very expensive too, and of course, you can meet the wrong people. There are also ones who only use conventions as a reason to show off their body, to the point their "costume" looks very inappropriate. If you don't have enough money to buy anything, you could really stand out, which can be really awkward.

I really approve of cosplay, but as long as it's appropriate. I'm not a big fan of girls or guys showing off their naked body like they're posing for an R18 Magazine. I actually want a few costumes myself, not to look stupid, but because I really love certain characters, which you've probably already noticed. For me, it would be nice I can be someone else for once, and not just myself.

On the internet, there are quite a few pics of great cosplays, I hope that some day, I could maybe be able to join a group of cosplayers. Some of the costumes really amaze me, the skills that are necessary to make the good stuff.
Just, WOAH. Before I found out about cosplays, I always thought making costumes was just stupid, but I really changed my mind about that.

I think cosplay can really have a good influence on someone, if they manage to hook up with the right people.

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