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Reino Mortensen. |
![]() Tsktsk! Stupid Denmark! C< C'mere! ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 346 Joined: 16-April 09 From: GLASGOWWWW. Member No.: 12 189 SKITTY!SCOTTY&Ciaran. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Name: Reino Mortensen.
Age: Twenty-three (23). Hometown: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh. Appearance: At a rather short height for his age, Reino stands at about 5'5” with a slender body structure. His face is rather thin, and box-framed, black glasses rest on the edge of his nose. He has a pallid complexion, due to growing up in the north. Tanning (read: burning) easily, he stays clear of the sun at times. His hair is a golden blonde, and his bangs are normally always pulled back with a simple, purple barrette. It falls to his shoulders in almost a straight line, the sides framing his face. His eyes are a deep blue, and his right eye seems to have some sort of defect in it. In reality, he's blind in said eye. Reino dresses to impress. His main outfit consists of wearing a dark grey, button up, dress shirt underneath a lavender, button up vest (that matches the barrette in his hair). Although the initial dress shirt is loose, the vest is rather tight and slimming, which causes the shoulders of the shirt to wrinkle. He wears black, loose-fitting trousers that end below his ankles, gathering at his feet. At the pant line, his shirt is tucked in. The vest's corners, however, end a few inches after his pants begin, covering the first part. Reino's shoes are black and comfortable. The man also carries a royal purple duffel bag that is usually slung around his shoulder. It's never fully on, and it has various pockets that hold different items. The strap is usually rather long; when on his shoulder, the bottom of the bag comes to mid-thigh. When returning home, he often wears a long heliotrope scarf, with a matching, high-collared trench coat. The coat's lined with faux white fur. A confused look, eh? Personality: It is indeed that he is blind in his right eye, due to a cataract. However, due to a certain fear of going under the needle, he refuses to have it removed, resulting in blindness. He doesn't mind it, as it doesn't really interfere with daily life, as he can simply see with his left eye. The other eye, though, has really poor eyesight, and so he wears glasses with thick lenses. Without the glasses, his vision is rather blurry and he cannot act on anything without them. Reino is a clumsy, clumsy man. Usually tripping over everything from a small ledge to steps to larger items, it often results with him falling. He has tried to be wary of his surroundings, but fails amazingly often. When around others, if he trips, he gets really embarrassed—face flushing—politely excusing himself to regain his composure. It takes him several minutes to do so. The man thinks lowly of himself. He often has to be cheered up by his Pokémon (usually Torden or Paere). He is afraid of failure, and thus refuses to enter battles or contests unless his pokémon are properly trained. He is frequently found crying softly, curled up on the ground, usually for no apparent reason. He finds it really hard to trust people. He constantly wonders how people think of him, and so he acts shyly. Reino prefers contests to battles, but his pokémon are trained to battle as well (hardly). When in battle, he is very serious, often not smiling and rather stiff. This is one of the only times where he doesn't trip over his own two feet. He commands with skill and fierceness. Biography: Reino comes from an upperclass family, that resides in Snowpoint City. His mother was a stay-home mom, and his dad was some important person that had to travel forty-five minutes from their home every day to get to work. He was often pampered and spoiled lightly, in such a way where he would become generous and not pompous. However, being brought up this way has made him really sensitive. He didn't grow up around many people, and the children he tried to be friends with would often lie to him. He isolated himself, then, from everyone, and had to be put on homeschooling. When he was around the age of six, his mother had to go in for surgery to remove a deadly disease. She died on the table, and this is where Reino's fear of surgeries stems from. To this day, he feels as if he could've prevented his mother's death. After the death, he was raised by several lovely maids that cherished him. His father also began coming home more often, fearing that his son wouldn't have a father figure around the house. During the times when he was with his dad, usually in the afternoons and every Saturday, he was taught how to train pokémon. He used his dad's, or one of the maids' Chanseys. Right before he turned twelve, his dad came home one day with Sluge, the Gulpin. Since he was a difficult pokémon to want, Reino's dad figured a lonely pokémon would be perfect for a lonely boy. Reino was, of course, overjoyed; he promptly nicknamed it and began reading furiously on how to train the pokémon, to no avail. Two years passed, when a large storm hit just south of Snowpoint—so it was warm enough for it to rain heavily. This is when a certain Electrike traveled north to take shelter. A few days passed and one of the gardeners found the pokémon in the gardening shed, sleeping soundly. The gardener took the Electrike and, with Reino's father's permission, gave him to Reino. The boy was now excited that maybe—just maybe!—he would be able to train this one. And, finally, several months passed. On his fifteenth birthday, Reino was given a yellow egg that hurt to touch it by a neighbor. He cared for it, and it hatched at a normal rate. Paere immediately took a liking to the boy. His father began to go back to work more often, usually only spending a full day at home on the weekends and possibly Fridays. The maids continued to care for Reino, as did the pokémon. The maids, though, seeing how fragile the young Mortensen was, didn't view him fit to battle. They took him frequently to the contest halls, and that's when Reino developed a love for the beauty of contests. Getting tired of Snowpoint, and not really wanting to view the rest of the region, he bid adieu to his darling maids and father, and, equipped with several pairs of spare glasses, he arrived in Furoh, as advised by a neighbor that they were good for beginner coordinators. Starting Pokemon: ![]() Gulpin, Sluge – Lax Nature – Level: 9 – Male Move Set Pound || Yawn || Poison Gas About: Sluge couldn't have a care in the world, 'cept for food... and Reino. He is often the cause of Reino's distress. He is seen wandering away when his trainer isn't looking, and Reino often has to go find him, having a panic attack about it. The Gulpin prefers to eat then to sleep or battle or perform in contests. Reino keeps him on the side, sort of like a cheerleader... though Sluge is probably eating rather then watching the contest or battle. Since the Pokémon may not move when he is eating, Reino—often not looking—trips over him. He will eat practically everything—as long as it isn't garbage. ![]() Mareep, Paere – Mild Nature – Level: 5 – Female Move Set Tackle || Growl About: The most loving out of the group, she can be quite fierce as well. Paere often picks up items and hands them to her master. She has the random sparks from her wool rather under control, though she can slip up sometimes (read: Reino often avoids touching her wool when the bulb on her tail is glowing brightly). She is chipper, and gets along well with Torden. When Reino is feeling down, and Torden doesn't notice, she'll be the one to go and cheer him up, often nuzzling against him. She makes sure to discharge all electricity before doing so, of course. She is going to be Reino's star performer in contests. ![]() Electrike, Torden – Hasty Nature – Level: 6 – Male Move Set Tackle || Thunder Wave About: The fighter, though he has a caring side. Usually acting on quick rash decisions to protect Reino, it is apparent that Torden cares very much for his owner. He shies away from rain, and Reino has to keep him in a pokéball at all times when it is raining. However, the Electrike will often be present outside of the capture device, trotting alongside Reino. He enjoys being brushed greatly (Reino actually found out the hard way that using a metal brush is bad...) and will often beg for a healthy grooming. Torden is the one most attentive to his trainer's sensitive emotions, and even at the slightest bit of tears, he will immediately try to either distract or brighten up Reino. He is good at contests, and doesn't like battling. Items: It's all in that big ol' duffel bag of his.
What is the biscuit's name? The answer is... Waldorf ~ Other Notes: He speaks with an accent. Don't worry; it's easy to understand. Most of the time. He breaks his glasses rather often. What do you expect? He's so clumsy and falling so much, it's bound to happen. So he ordered extra pairs before going out on his adventure. All of his pokémon names are in Danish. (Sluge = Swallow; Pćre/Paere = bulb [due to it having a special character not everyone may be able to use, I've just separated the ć to ae]; Torden = Thunder.) [ If you've found any mistakes or things that would be better off, please let me know! ![]() -------------------- [align=center]
![]() PANE Profile Reino Mortensen. Current RP: Nocturnal Hunt. DeviantART || SeizeHetalia RP || Abattoir Asylum (RP) || The Amazing Picture in my Avatar I USE ONE-EYED EMOTES. GET THE FUCK OVER IT. Thank you. .> [spoiler=YOU GET CANDY IF YOU CLICK THIS SPOILER OPEN] ![]() [/align] |
![]() Weak Livered Milk Drinker ![]() Group: RP Moderators Posts: 3 412 Joined: 19-August 07 From: Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the sun Member No.: 208 And a Golurk ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Approved! Post in the Current Levels thread and enjoy! I look forward to seeing this guy in action
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