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Sell Back Slowpoke Tail
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post Jan 24 2019, 02:30 AM
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Since every other Special Evolution Item is sell-able, I see no reason why Slowpoke Tails shouldn't be as well now?

I know originally it wasn't a Special Evolution item, but especially now that it is and because we need to buy 5 of them for an achievement I'm not sure why it can't be sold back from the Inventory?

You really only need 1-2 for the Spiral Shellder dex completion and I've also gotten them from other site events (not the Shady Salesman, I think I got one from the Underground once?) so I have 7 of them now in my Inventory just...sitting there and I fear somehow ending up with more via however I got those extra 3 that I definitely don't recall buying.

Can we please make them sell-able? Is there a really good reason why they're not already or have never been?
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post Feb 22 2020, 05:26 PM
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probably because it's a meme item? but i do agree with you

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post Feb 22 2020, 07:14 PM
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Maybe the concern is that selling the Slowpoke Tail would result in it showing up in the Backroom, which has an unintended consequences: it allows people to bypass the Slowpoke Tail Salesman for the Slowpoke Tail which the achievement is probably designed to highlight. Getting the right sellback price would be tough too. If it's too low and given how many people have extra Tails they could sell after the achievement, it would be super easy + cheap to complete the Slowpoke Tail Connoisseur achievement from the Backroom, and if it's too high, then the point penalty the Slowpoke Tail Salesman was supposed to cause gets negated.

It's super unlikely, but since Slowpoke Tails were used as an ingredient in curry for Pokemon Sword and Shield (more precisely Smoke-Poke Tails, but definitely from Slowpoke), if curries are ever implemented in GPX the item could have another use.
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post Sep 1 2024, 12:52 AM
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QUOTE(MegaFringe @ Feb 22 2020, 08:14 PM) *
Maybe the concern is that selling the Slowpoke Tail would result in it showing up in the Backroom, which has an unintended consequences: it allows people to bypass the Slowpoke Tail Salesman for the Slowpoke Tail which the achievement is probably designed to highlight. Getting the right sellback price would be tough too. If it's too low and given how many people have extra Tails they could sell after the achievement, it would be super easy + cheap to complete the Slowpoke Tail Connoisseur achievement from the Backroom, and if it's too high, then the point penalty the Slowpoke Tail Salesman was supposed to cause gets negated.

It's super unlikely, but since Slowpoke Tails were used as an ingredient in curry for Pokemon Sword and Shield (more precisely Smoke-Poke Tails, but definitely from Slowpoke), if curries are ever implemented in GPX the item could have another use.

Replies to this 4 years later lol

I've gotten them from Scratch cards and was apparently getting them as far back as 2015 when they were first introduced so bypassing the Slowpoke Salesman probably wasn't a concern (or at least it shouldn't be a concern now).

In any case, it would still be super great if Slowpoke Tails could be made sell-able or the "ingredient for Max Soup/curry" thing or honestly anything. Just something that allows us to remove them from our inventory.
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