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Challengers On The Wind, Private RP for Joey Sweet and Lori Pardare
Living Arrow
post Jan 13 2013, 12:34 PM
Post #21

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

*It worked… It worked!*

Lori couldn’t believe her eyes. A strategy that she had created, all on her own, based on a simple new move that Pipster had learned that morning had led to the defeat of her very first Gym Pokemon! Everything was finally going her-

“Mienfoo! Fake Out!”

That foxy-looking bipedal Pokemon rushed from her master’s side and gave Triss the most unexpected slap to the face that anyone could have expected. Talk about fast! It was almost as though the Mienfoo had teleported right up to the grass snake’s side! And that slap… that slap was enough to make even Triss flinch!?

“Triss! Watch out!” Lori called too late, the fast response from Maxy Z! completely catching her off guard. “Keep defensive and try to dodge anything else that comes your way! Pipster, try-“

“Dewott, Assurance!”

The midnight slash of scalchop blades burned into Pipster’s vision right before they seared his tiny body. With a terrified and pained cry, Lori’s partner tumbled across the dirt-packed floor where he rolled onto his back, eyes glazed over.

“Piplup is unable to battle!”

“Pipster, oh no!” Lori rushed to her penguin Pokemon and scooped him up, hurrying back to the side of the field and examining his face. Bruises and scrapes abounded his body but the little creature’s chest rose and fell weakly. Lori swallowed thickly, recalling Pipster to his Pokeball. With a very deep breath, Lori stodd back up and turned to the battlefield once more. The odds were stacking up against her even more than before.

“We might be on the back foot, Triss,” Lori’s cheeks were rivalling the hair clutched in her hands for their red intensity, “but I belive in you! Give it all you’ve got!”

“S-sni…” The Snivy responded uncertainly, sizing up her two foes. Both were full of energy and ready to launch their next assault… It wouldn’t be long before the match was over, it seemed.

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Jan 15 2013, 10:50 PM
Post #22

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Maxy Z! felt his spirit plummeting. It wasn't as if the match hadn't been in his favour throughout. Lori had pulled off one exciting move so far, but otherwise he was beginning to find the entire ordeal rather lacking in excitement. He'd asked Lori to bring her best, and it seemed like that really wasn't good enough to win in a gym. Thanks to his last round's moves, he'd left Triss unable to counterattack. While it seemed a viable tactic, going through an entire round without any threat felt boring. Nevertheless, he couldn't ease up; he really couldn't afford to take it 'easy' on any trainers. He had promised Lori a fair fight, and he thought he'd delivered, even if she hadn't kept up. Shame.

"Mienfoo, Swift. Dewott, Assurance." Maxy Z! commanded, still trying to bolster his spirits, though he found boredom encroaching rather quickly.

His Pokemon, however, showed no signs of slacking, intending to continue to show their full power. Both of Maxy Z!'s pokemon barked out their names before launching their attacks. Forming a pile of glowing stars between her paws, Mienfoo began to fling them out like little radiant shuriken, homing them in on the little grass snake. Meanwhile, in the wake of the volley of swift stars, Dewott charged forward. Once more drawing her scalchops from their holsters, they took on the same ominous hue from her last attack as she prepared to hit Triss with everything she had.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Living Arrow
post Jan 16 2013, 04:40 PM
Post #23

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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From: Amazingstoke, UK
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

“Triss, watch out!” Lori cried as the Swift stars began to home in on her Snivy. The mature grass snake began her attempt at a dodge, slithering speedily sideways but the star-shaped rays of Swift had some sort of mystical power that enabled them to change direction at the last moment! Catching up to their fleeing target, the stars began a powerful raining assault.

“Sni! Sni! Snivy!” Triss screamed her defiance as the magical projectiles hammered into her first from behind, then above, then the front, catch her from every angle with no room for defence.

“Don’t give up, Triss!” Lori wailed from the sidelines, unable to help her Pokemon as she succumbed to the strength of Swift and collapsed to her knees… Then began to glow… Lori let free a gasp of shock. Could Triss be… Evolving?

“Deeew-OTT!” Dark blades slashed into the glowing form of the Snivy. Dark light stole the aura around Triss, knocking her flat on her back with a powerful slash.

“Triss, no!”

“Snivy is unable to battle!” The referee raised both flags. “The winner of the match is the Gym Leader, Maxy Z!”

Lori was frozen to the spot, unable to do a thing. It was impossible! In just two rounds Triss, her strongest Pokemon, was defeated even before she got off a single attack!? Kino had been so sure that Triss was an amazing Pokemon, so why did she lose so easily? Could it be because… because Lori was raising her badly?

The red-headed trainer wrung her long hair in both hands, still staring intently at the unconscious form of her Snivy lying on the battlefield. Where had she gone so wrong?

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Jan 17 2013, 05:01 PM
Post #24

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Maxy Z!'s eyebrow shot upwards unwittingly with surprise as Triss underwent the customary beginning for evolution. A part of him nearly roared out for Dewott to stop her attack to allow it, but once again, he didn't want to seem to go easy on the girl. The little grass-snake would have the opportunity to evolve again, especially since she appeared ready.

Dewott and Mienfoo watched the downed pokemon carefully, their entire bodies tense as they steeled themselves for the next round. However, the referee's flags shot up, and the duo visibly relaxed. They had won. They looked back to the Gym Leader, who appeared to be feeling less than victorious. For him, it hadn't been a match; it had been a trouncing, and he derived very little enjoyment from lop-sided battles in either direction. While the apparent levels of the Pokemon had been roughly equal, it appeared that his Unova Trio had been much better trained than Lori's team of three. It didn't hurt that two of his Pokemon were second-tier evolutions, but that rarely made a difference in terms of these matches.

Maxy Z! moved to the center of the field with great, powerful strides. In one smooth motion, he was on a knee, tousling the heads of his two fighters affectionately. As he rose, the two followed loyally behind him as he approached Lori.

"Hey, it was a good first try. Most first timers don't even take out a single one of my pokemon." He smiled gently at her, stopping before he reached Triss. "Recall your pokemon; your guide will escort you back to the Pokemon Center. I'll be waiting here for your next challenge, okay?"

With that the Amazonian King turned, recalling his Pokemon. Instead of returning to the high throne in the back, he moved to a side door and disappeared from the cavernous hall.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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post Jan 18 2013, 09:00 PM
Post #25

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Sweet Team

Joey surveyed the three new Pokémon and surmised they must be Lori's coveted Unova region Pokémon, and by the thirst in her eyes, he had probably guessed right. They looked unfamiliar to him and he could easily see that of the first two, one was clearly a water type and its partner was a fire type, and the one remaining back was a fighting type. However, the way the first two looked and acted, Joey reserved that they both could be dual-fighting type as well. He racked his brain to remember the theme of the gym, but he kept drawing a blank. Hopefully when it came time to face his own challenge, he would be much more prepared and knowledgable than he felt in the bleachers. As Lori called out her own Pokémon, he also kept in his mind what he would do in the situation. He cringed a little bit when Lori sent Chico out first, knowing that the dashing rodent was probably weak to all three of his adversaries.

In the tense few moments before attacks flew, Joey gripped the bleachers extra hard to make sure his seat was real. His near-death experience had not quite faded away and he wanted proof that he was still alive, whatever that was, and that he had not passed into heaven or hell or some limbo where was forced to watch the friends he had left behind. He idly traced each of his Pokeballs that held his portable companions who were all more or less safe at this point. And Claw had even evolved! He almost wanted to call him back out to prove it, but he knew his feathered friend needed the well-earned rest.

Throughout the battle, Joey reflected on all the turns his life had taken recently and why. He realized he had come considerably close to death a lot lately and he wondered if leaving really had been the best choice. Steeling himself with resignation, he reminded himself of all the reasons he left. Was he truly living life now, as he had always hoped? Was death bringing him closer to his ideals by keeping him on his toes? He did have to admit, that near-death instances did bring a certain exhilaration with them, but he sincerely hoped the brunt of them were over now. From the sounds of his new living arrangement, they safely were.

The battle got underway and Joey watched with anticipation, his mind calculating every move, and his body wincing inwardly at every misplay. He thought about what Pokémon of his he would use. Claw would be a good contender, as would Jet. But would it matter if the contest hall didn't use the same types at the gym? He couldn't be sure, so he didn't lock in any decisions or dwell on what-ifs.

Sinbad had skulked alongside him and was now perched precariously on the bleacher and staring steadfastly through the railing at the battle going on below, and he looked absolutely ravenous. His compact rodent body was tense, and his tail snapped to some rhythm of battle only he could perceive. When Lori looked back in earnest, Joey tried to offer some sort of encouragement, but it had been Sinbad that had shouted his enthusiasm at the young girl.

"Raaaat! Rat! Rat! Raaaaticaatee!" His delicate whiskers quivered with excitement.

Joey held himself as he saw Chico's demise form. He held his breath as the referee made the call. This wasn't good for Lori, and Joey felt a mixture of feelings: extreme gratefulness that he was in the bleachers and not on the battlefield, and extreme regret that she had to be put through this. His mouth opened a little in surprise as he saw her risky combination of Vine Whip and Bide. He juggled the unorthodox notion in his mind, and he wasn't quite sure if he would have done it, as the pay off didn't seem to be in her favour. However, he conceded that in this case, it had gotten the job done, partially, but it didn't leave a lot of room to finish the match.

When the little weasel ninja came out onto the field, Joey let out a small "Awww..." to which Sinbad visibly rolled his eyes. The battle-hardened rodent saw nothing but a worthy warrior, but Joey thought it looked almost cuddly, if hadn't been carrying that air of deadly discipline, which quickly became apparent at the paralyzing Fake Out. Everything happened so quick after that, that Lori's Piplup was sprawled on the ground before Joey realized he was out, and Lori was on her last leg against two very capable and fresh Pokémon.

Joey actually stood up when it looked like Triss was evolving. He had read about instances where a timely evolution turned the tide of a battle, and he sorely hoped this would be one of those times, but the Assurance slammed into the small grass snake and the limp, non-glowing form could be seen on the battlefield. He wasn't sure if the evolution took or not, but either way the gym leader was the victor in this match. Joey could tell that Lori was visibly upset, and he searched the depths of his soul to think of some way to comfort her and make it better, but he pitifully came up with nothing. As the Gym Leader retreated from the arena, Joey made his way down with Sinbad in tow to join Lori with a very concerned expression on his face. If he felt this bad when Lori lost, he wasn't sure he wanted to do it on his own during a Contest battle.

This post has been edited by LittleShadowPokemon: Jan 19 2013, 05:26 AM

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Living Arrow
post Jan 20 2013, 03:58 PM
Post #26

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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From: Amazingstoke, UK
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

Lori had heard on many occasions that when you hear truly bad news every part of you becomes numb. Now, after losing her first gym match in such an embarrassingly destructive way, Lori truly understood went it meant to feel numb. Voices were dull murmurs that expressed no emotion, sounded no words and failed to pierce her loss-inducing stupor. Motion was distant, as though someone else had taken control of her body while she retreated into the dark space behind her eyes to watch her body return to the Pokemon Center as more of a spectator than a participant.

“Welcome to our Pokemon Center! May I-“ Lori didn’t hear the rest as she wandered aimlessly toward the seating area. Although she didn’t realise it until later, she was grateful for Joey’s companionship. He had dutifully taken care of her while the Amazonian guide took them to a cable car that would transport them down to the city. Even Sinbad the Raticate had carried her bag for her to help lighten the load of her crushing defeat. She slumped into a sofa and stared blankly at the images flickering on one of the many television screens, not really taking anything in.

Wordlessly, Joey held out his hands and Lori dropped her three Pokeballs into them. Whiskers brushed her leg as Sinbad dropped Lori’s bag at her feet. It was a little open, the top of her red-white-and-blue Pokemon egg gleaming inside. She transferred her dull gaze to it, not really thinking anything other than the utter wash out of a Trainer she must be. The Pokemon that would hatch from that egg was going to be so ashamed of her... She sat there for some time before Joey returned with her green-capped Pokeballs which he placed, in their tray, on the table in front of her.

He said something.

“Uh-huh.” Lori’s reply was empty and noncommittal. She had lost to a Gym Leader in possibly the most embarrassing way ever. It would have only been made worse if not a single one of the opponent’s Pokemon had fallen but that wasn’t the only thing that plagued her. That immoral use of Bide to gain some sort of a foothold in battle had ultimately meant doing harm to her closest friend. She picked up a Pokeball. It was equally as plain as the other two green balls but she knew exactly who was inside.

“I’m so sorry, Pipster.” She whispered, raising the ball to her face and kissing the top of it lightly. Tears brimmed in hr eyes, threatening to overflow over the dams of her eyelids. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be a better friend for you.”

Another ball was picked up. Again, it bore no mark on the outside but Lori knew that her newest friend was inside, all cute and cuddly.

“You must think I’m such a loser, right?” Lori sighed, a tear rolling down her cheek. “I’m sorry that you didn’t end up with a Trainer that you deserve, Chico.”

“And you, Triss.” She picked up the last of the unmarked balls, thin rivulets staining her cheeks. “You tried to evolve for me. It’s all my fault it didn’t happen in the end and I hope you can forgive me for letting you down when you needed my support most.”

“I’m so so sorry everyone.”

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Feb 1 2013, 08:15 PM
Post #27

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Sweet Team

Joey hesitantly got into the cable car, which he viewed as another thing that could possibly go wrong, and was tense all the way down to the PokéCenter. When he and Lori dismounted in one piece, he breathed a sigh of relief and loosened up. Sinbad scampered out and up to the Center's doors and clasped his little rodent paws together very meaningfully and had very shifty eyes. His tail twitched excitedly. As Joey and Lori stepped through the automatic sliding door, Sinbad darted in before they closed. His mannerisms intensified before he realized he had to play it cool like the spy he thought he was. He had invaded the PokéCenter, the epitome of Trainerdom and bane of all wild Pokémon. He therefore kept close to Joey and Lori, expecting everyone to assume he was tame.

Joey shrugged off his actions and tended to Lori. He really didn't know what to say, and he was afraid of saying anything that could actually make things worse, so he just took her Pokéballs to go get them healed for her. They were taken back for intensive care immediately, but his own Pokémon weren't in need of a lot of attention. Jet, actually, was fully healed by a move that the nurse told him was Rest. His Seely face smiled widely with his own brilliance. The nurse was surprised when she saw Joey's new Pidgeotto.

"Surely, this isn't the same Pidgey that was in here before," she murmured. "That was such a little thing. This Pidgeotto is almost larger than average. That must have been quite an energy jump."

Joey wasn't sure if that was meant as a compliment, but it felt like one and it caused some fuzzy warm feelings to awaken in him. A Pokémon had evolved under his care. Wasn't this some special sign?

Lori's Pokémon came back fully healed, and Joey recalled all his Pokémon and put them away, not sure if Claw's evolution would trigger Lori. He sat down next to her and handed her the green-capped Pokéballs of which he found himself envious. He should have aspired to get some neat-looking Pokéballs, or personalized them in some way. A flickering TV screen caught his attention and he half-watched a program they had on there while also keeping an eye on Lori. He honestly didn't know what to say or do besides be there, and he wasn't sure how long he could keep that up. He kept checking his newly acquired C-Gear for when he had to head back.

When Joey looked back over to her fully, he could see tears streaming thinly down her face, and a Pokéball grasped desperately in her hand. He thought back to his notebook and all the notes he made about battling and combinations, and the young, socially maladjusted boy severely wished there were something like social interaction notes that he could peek at whenever he needed, and they would give him a clear-cut answer for best results. He would even settle for formulas.

Hug + Pat on Shoulder = Happy Lori.
Kind Words* + Hug = Resilient Lori.
*For examples of Kind Words, see table below.

For times like these, they could even come in flashcard form. But he had none of these, and all he could do was sit there awkwardly and hope for the best.

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Living Arrow
post Feb 13 2013, 12:34 PM
Post #28

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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From: Amazingstoke, UK
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

At least an hour must have passed before Lori’s body finally gave up on sobbing and resorted to a long sigh that blew away what was left of her initial trauma. Sadness and pain, although powerful in their assault, lacked the stamina required to claim the young redhead completely and slowly but surely she regained her senses and felt the inner Lori make her gradual return. And with the inner Lori came the inner realisation that Kino would not want her to blubber away like a dumb kid.

”Snap out of it, Lor! What kind of a girl are you? Going to let some stupid boy get you down?! You’ve gotta stand up for yourself and kick all of the asses that deserve it, right? Right?!”

Yes. If there was a driving force behind Lori’s quest it was the strength of character that her elder sister had shown the world over the years and there was no way that Lori was going to be left behind like a forgotten toy.

“Thanks, Joey.” She murmured, rubbing the tears from her flushed cheeks with her wrists. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a pain.” She graced him with a smile. It may have been a little forced but even the simple action made her feel a tiny bit better. “We might have lost the Gym match today but what sort of Trainer would I be if I let that stop my journey right there? It just means we’ve got a whole load of work to do before we’re ready to take Maxy Z! on again but I know we can do it if we put one hundred per cent into training and learn from our previous mistakes.”

Man, she felt like an idiot for saying something like that outloud!

The Pokemon Egg within her bag managed to snatch her gaze at that moment and she found herself carefully removing it from her bag. It was probably, alongside the ethereal pressure of Kino’s stature, a key item in her recovery from despair. It represented a beacon of hope and promise that she had something to continue working for, even though all her efforts so far seemed to have been wasted. She caressed its surface softly, the mass within responding to her touch with purring vibrations.

“So, my job here on Fidona is kind of over for now,” Lori shrugged her shoulders and slowly returned the egg to its spot in her bag, “but I bet you’ve got plenty to do, right? I don’t know all that much about Pokemon Contests but since you helped me so much, it’s got to be my turn to return the favour. What can I do to help out, Joey?”

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post May 20 2013, 03:19 PM
Post #29

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Sweet Team

Lori was starting to cheer up visibly, or at least trying to, and that relieved Joey. It didn't seem like he needed to do anything more on the matter except move on. He nodded in response to Lori's question and signaled the driver on his Xtransceiver. Lori accepted his invitation to visit his new accommodations and the pair chatted benignly in the limo. Joey even got a peek at her egg, but despite his daycare experience, he couldn't identify it beyond that it was healthy. Eggs were always kind of wondrous to him, but had been more so in his childhood, when the idea that a special baby existed in each and every egg as a surprise.

The limo rolled up to the glamorous hut, and this time Joey submitted to being helped by the charismatic driver, who came around to his side after helping out Lori first. The two slowly made their way inside and Joey took Lori on the small tour, and he excitedly showed off his new room. On their way back through the kitchen, a new arrival caught their eye. From the sliding glass door, a tall man in a comically overdone chef outfit breezed in and right through to the kitchen and started going through cabinets and the fridge in a blur. Joey started to speak up which brought the man's attention to the humble pair of youths and spoke to them in a thick, unidentifiable accent.

"So, this is the new master of the house," the tall man clapped Joey strongly on the shoulders and about collapsed him, to which the chef took no notice and continued with his introduction. "I'm your assigned nutritionist, and under my supervision, you'll be feeling great in no time. This isn't my first rodeo with de Vries household." He ended with a wink before returning to his culinary tasks.

Lori leaned over and discreetly asked if everyone around here was like this. Joey mouthed back that it appears so. The chef slid a plastic bottle of what looked like formula across the kitchen island to Joey, who surprisingly caught it, but still felt very confused. Was this a joke? The chef looked at him expectantly and instructed him to drink it. Joey opened it and tipped the bottle into his mouth and was pleasantly surprised at the thick, vanilla taste. He finished it and found he was disappointed there wasn't more. The chef swiftly took the bottle to wash and handed Joey a cloth napkin from his vest when he saw the young boy about to use his sleeve. The attention was making Joey uncomfortable and he found himself wanting to shrink out of existence, so he hurried out the back and pulled Lori along.

Upon his first visit, Joey hadn't noticed the backyard that led out of the kitchen. There was a tropical enclosure that was marked like an arena. It was expansive and the weather was perfect and refreshing. There was already a man by the paddock who was leaning against the fence and consulting a clipboard. He was rather short as well, but older than Joey, and he was standing next to a very short and plump middle-aged man that looked very disciplined. They were discussing in low tones but turned their attention to the pair when they approached. Lori asked Joey who these people were, but Joey could only shrug and looked confused in return. The older man talked first in a strong voice that was imperceptible to Joey's non-functioning ears.

"So, he's finally here! I am your Coordinating Coach, and I'm glad to see you're eager to start today."

Joey was startled to see the younger man stepping forward and waving his hands in strange ways. He started out by gesturing to the older man, then brushed both hands up his chest quickly and swooped them into a rub, then he gestured as if looking at Joey. The next gesture that Joey was able to catch in the swift movements was putting a forefinger in between the fingers of the opposite hand and twisting it, then bringing both hands down with only the thumb and pinky protruding. Joey was baffled and a little scared. He took a step back and bumped into Lori. He quickly apologized, but the younger man stopped signing and instead spoke, more to the older man and Lori than Joey.

"Doesn't he know sign language? We were informed that he was deaf... I only assumed he could sign," his tone was more worried than accusative. Lori explained on Joey's behalf that she didn't think Joey could sign, as she had never seen him do so. Joey had never seen sign language before and was unaware of its existence. He had known foreign languages, for sure, because The Under in Orre was a crossroads for all sorts of travelers. He had grown up hearing a plethora of languages, but he had never seen someone speak with their hands besides illustrating their words, of course. The Coach took control of the situation.

"So you teach him sign language, Bartholomew." The young man, Bartholomew, looked uneasy as the Coach continued. "Until then, I teach him Coordinating. Let's meet your Pokémon!"

Joey understood and let out his team. Kimiko twirled, rejoicing in the luscious landscape, Jet looked around for a pool, and Claw flapped his wings strongly, testing out his new Pidgeotto body. Joey couldn't help a smile when he looked at his newly evolved Pokémon, but he sincerely hoped it wouldn't trigger any bad feelings in Lori. It was easy to gloss over as the Coach quickly snatched up Joey's Eevee and praised the brown fluff profusely.

"Now this is a Pokémon fit for Coordinating! The sheen! The spark! The coat! The poise!" He rattled on as Babylon squealed delightedly at each new compliment. Joey, honestly, didn't see the fuss.

His new Purrloin, Mally, silently slinked away and curled up not wanting to be bothered. Joey felt no reason to insist otherwise.

After setting a glowing with pride Babylon back down, the Coach surveyed the rest of Joey's team and started making his strategical calculations. With a brief nod confirming his own thoughts, the Coach turned to Joey and asked him, "Are you ready for your first lesson, young master?"

The assistant addressed Joey to reiterate by crossing his fore and middle fingers and then twirled his hand.

Joey turned to look at Lori, who reassured him, then he nodded.

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Living Arrow
post Jun 22 2013, 03:38 AM
Post #30

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

Lori felt more than a little out of place as she accompanied Joey to his new home in that flashy limo that had now decided to become his shadow. Is that what is was like to be a Co-Ordinator? People bowing and scraping to your every need and whim? Was Joey really OK with that sort of thing? From what she knew of the other trainer, Lori would be surprised if he was able to easily accept anything other than the bare necessities. She’d have to look up this Orre region that he was from at some point to get a better idea of where he came from.

She wrapped her arms around herself in the stretched vehicle and happily showed Joey the Pokemon egg that she had procured in their first adventure together. Soon it would hatch and she would have another Pokemon to look after but that wasn’t a daunting thing at all – she wanted it to hatch as soon as possible!

At Joey’s new home, Lori was left outstanded by the opulence of the house and gardens and, yet again, couldn’t belive that this side of the Pokemon trainer competitive track was quite so glamorous. What was it about Co-Ordinating that granted the performance side of battling such wealth and fame? To Lori, really hardcore strategy and battling only comparable to the exciting roar of Pokemon Training and League Battles was worth regular peoples’ time and money. Sure, she appreciated the flash and spectacle of Co-Ordination but how was it any more special than the power and might of Gym Leaders, Elite Four and Champions?!

Lori held back and, for once, kept her tongue still as she watched Joey in his new environment. It was incredibly clear that the staff at the house were grooming Joey for something that he was not prepared and she couldn’t help but feel responsible.

*Uh, you are responsible, Lor! No-one else made you call Kino and get him into this!*

But was Joey happy? That was all that really mattered, after all. Lori had only pulled in the favour with Kino (and eventually Ms de Vries) because he had helped her catch her first Pokemon but she was bonding with the boy quicker than she had initially thought.

Joey’s Co-Orindation coach surveyed his team with an expert eye and Lori watched on further as he instructed Joey in the basics of battling in the new style. She removed her Pokemon egg from the bag and left it sitting in the sun as she watched, not knowing really what to expect from a Contest battle…

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Jul 5 2013, 08:18 PM
Post #31

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Sweet Team

Joey tightened up with anxiety. He had hoped to at least have some time to settle in, but everyone on Team Joey wanted to get started immediately. This was the pressure on Day 1, and it was already a bit overwhelming.

Deep breaths.

Things are only multiplied when you over-think them, as Joey had remembered reading somewhere before. That was the rough English translation, but the sentiment was the same.

Joey called forward his first Pokemon to the backyard battle arena. His gut instincts told him to use Claw, and true to form, his newly evolved bird companion started to hop forward to assume his position on the field, when the coach stopped him. Instead of using his first and most reliable Pokemon, the coach insisted that Joey instead use his Purrloin, which was clearly more interested in licking herself.

The coach crossed his arms expectantly, and Joey didn't care to test his authority. He internally grimaced, but from his daycare experience, he knew a few tips regarding maladjusted Pokemon. The key was confidence.

He snapped his fingers at Mally while shouting her name and pointed deliberately over his side of the arena. It worked like a charm and Mally was caught off guard just enough that she interrupted her licking routine to slink over to where her trainer pointed.

"Good girl," Joey leaned down to pet her but instead was met with a swipe and a hiss. Straightening up quickly, a bit flushed, Joey turned his focus to the Pokemon his coach called out. The ground shook as the energy materialized with a tough looking Rhydon, which drilled its horn menacingly. However, Mally didn't back down. Instead of acting like small kitten facing a giant rock rhinoceros, she arched her back and hiss-spitted at the behemoth with murder in her eyes.

Joey was shocked to notice that the young man who had signed to him earlier was at his side and communicating in a mixture of signs and talking. Joey tried to understand as much as he could, and apparently this young man was attempting to teach him sign language for his Pokemon's moves, but it wasn't going well. The coach was losing his patience, and even his Rhydon mimicked his annoyance.

"Hey, you girl!" the coach waved to Lori who had been silently watching. "Come stand in for me with one of your own Pokemon. I can't both battle and instruct a deaf student properly." Upon its trainer's instruction, the Rhydon lumbered off the field and stood to the side, still holding focus, but also enjoying the break.

Not wanting to keep him waiting, Lori left the fence she had been leaning against to join the battlefield. The coach remembered his manners in front of a lady and asked her name and occupation. He had enough know-how to also give a beginning trainer some tips, he confessed.

"Bartholomew, time's up! Teach him as he goes," the coach decisively clapped his hands, "Time for first moves! Make them magnificent!"

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Living Arrow
post Jul 15 2013, 03:28 PM
Post #32

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

So, Joey’s coach wanted Lori to battle with her friend. Usually, that wouldn’t have been a problem – she loved to battle – but after facing such a heavy loss earlier that same day she was still feeling a little sore from the defeat. Even so, all eyes were on her and it would be rude to say ‘no’ and not help out her friend. Joey had, after all, helped her to reach the Fidona gym. She sighed and came onto the field without a spoken complaint.

“Lori Pardare, Rookie Pokemon Trainer.” Lori announced herself, feeling it only appropriate to give the coach a formal curtsey. She added the ‘rookie’ part in an attempt to make clear that she was inexperienced (as if there weren’t enough reminders of that already) and that the coach shouldn’t expect her to know everything that he did.

Lori looked across the field at Joey and smiled. ‘Are you OK?’ She mouthed to him. He nodded back. Good. Well, at least her friend was holding up ok in his new training regime.

“Time for first moves! Make them magnificent!”

Lori went through the now-familiar motions of getting set up for the battle and selected a green-capped Pokeball.

“You’re up, Chico!” She tossed the ball into the arena. There was a long pause as all watchers saw the Chinchilla materialse on the field. Mally’s hackles attempted to rise even further while the rodent flinched under her gaze.

“Cino?” He looked back at Lori with wide, questioning eyes. How could she make him face that thing again!? She must have missed it.

“Chico, go! Use Swift attack!”

With a squeak, her Pokemon launched into the air and span, unleashing a barrage of glowing golden stars from the length of his tail in a scattering shower.

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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post Jan 10 2014, 05:32 PM
Post #33

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Sweet Team

Joey inhaled quickly. A Minccino looked certainly more manageable than a Rhydon, but Joey still felt uncomfortable using his Purrloin. Especially since the murder in her eyes intensified upon viewing her opponent. Joey tried to get her attention to dodge and use Scratch, but her focus was not on her trainer. Her lithe body rushed forward amid the streaming stars. She dodged one or two, but the remainder of the barrage actually turned in mid-air and slammed into her side, sending her sprawling in the dirt. She sprang to her feet and hissed angrily at the Minccino.

Bartholomew tapped Joey's shoulder a little too roughly and irked him, but Joey strained to read his lips.

"Scratch isn't exciting at all. Show off your Pokemon. In fact, show off your whole team with the move Assist," Bartholomew showed him the sign for Assist. Joey imitated him. He formed a thumbs up with one fist and laid it on the open palm of his other hand, and then thrust them both forward. Quickly getting the sign down, Joey then clapped his hands to get Mally's attention. The feline glared at him, but obeyed when he gave the command and used the sign.

Mally poised herself in a battle stance where she could still see her trainer, and began to glow. The energy vibrated around her briefly, and Joey saw a flash out of the corner of his eye. He turned just enough to see that the glow was mimicked on a confused Seel. Jet watched intensely as the glow receded calmly in him, but snapped within Mally. She then began clapping profusely at the Minccino, much to Joey's awe.

Bartholomew muttered next to him, "Encore, huh. Aurora Beam is beautiful and would have earned more points, but I suppose Encore could be construed as strategic. We'll see."

Bartholomew put a hand on Joey's shoulder to get his attention.

"The point is to make your Pokemon look good at the opponent bad. Always have your own tricks up your sleeves, but be prepared to turn their strategies against them. That's what wins major points."

Joey thought he understood and contemplated his next move. He wasn't sure of Mally's techniques, and even then the comment about being unexciting stuck with him. He couldn't think of a command besides scratching and hissing. Was hiss an attack? Joey didn't like the unpredictability of Assist, but Bartholomew urged him to do it again. With a sigh, the young trainer complied.

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Living Arrow
post Jan 19 2014, 04:48 PM
Post #34

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

"Cino!?" Chico cried with alarmed as he found himself backed into a corner of the field. With no obstacles or trees he was a victim of Mally's superior speed on open ground which would mean only his tricky agility would keep him from finding harm with her razor-sharp claws. Lori watched on with completely ignorant eyes. She was still sore from her crushing defeat at the Gym earlier that day and it would take more time for her to get over it properly. In the meantime she owed her friend for all of his support recently and another battle was the only way she could offer it, despite her feelings of utter uselessness.

Encore's power rolled over Lori's Minccino and the chinchilla shuddered visibly. His tail swung back in preparation of another Swift attack but it remained unlaunched until Lori made the call to attack. Lori frowned. Wasn't sign-language cheating? True, there was nothing in the League Rulebook to say that it wasn't allowed and she had seen other particularly suspect forms of battling on TV but that didn't make it right...

*Don't be so jealous - you just wish you'd thought of something like that before getting humiliated like a kid.* Lori moaned at herself, And if you had, maybe Triss would have evolved and maybe she'd actually listen to you for a change.*

Bartholomew's instruction to Joey was one that Lori hadn't much considered before. Contest battles sure were different to a Gym match... Looking good while attacking? Was that really important? Truth be told, Lori had never paid all that much attention to Contests even though they were rife in her native region of Sinnoh. Being 'showwy' wasn't something that Lori considered to be on the top of Joey's priorities but if that was what should be expected in a real Contest then the practice here could really help him before he made his way to the first stage in his journey. Lori sighed.

*At least he has a plan... And he's focused enough to actually work hard and learn from someone else...* The red-haired trainer found herself wringing her hair like a wet towel between her hands. *So, for me to help... I need Chico to look good when attacking? Then Joey has to look even better in response? This is so weird.*

"Chico, go!" Lori ordered the assault once more, knowing that he was forced to use Swift again. If she was going to help Joey as she promised then she'd have to follow Bartholomew's guidance, too... "But this time, jump and spin when you fire!"

With a deft spring, Chico bounced into the air and span as commanded, unleashing a spiralling string of Swift stars that flew down to the ground in a spiral before correcting their flight at ground level and shooting off in a speeding stream at their target. Lori had to admit it looked pretty but it was slower than a more direct attack and she bet it would be weaker, too - putting all that effort into looking good would surely diminish the power behind the original move.

*What a weird way to battle...*

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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Living Arrow
post Apr 11 2014, 02:56 PM
Post #35

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

Lori felt strange, walking away from Joey’s mansion after their training session. Her friend was on a path that she had practically forced upon him since their first little adventure together and he had focused on it in a way that Lori hadn’t originally thought was possible; the deaf kid on crutches had been left behind for sure. She had asked him multiple times if being a co-ordinator was OK for him – if the right decision was being made for his sponsorship – but every time he had just replied that he was thankful for the opportunity. Thankful that his modest little book of tactics was being replaced with glitz and glamour? That his humble roots were being replaced with shiny petals that masked who he really seemed to be?

“Thankful, huh?” Lori muttered, shifting her pack uncomfortably across her shoulder. “I guess that makes two of us.”

“Lup?” Pipster questioned her from his usuing spot at her right ankle. She pulled herself out of her detached mood quickly, smiling down at her partner.

“Joey’ll be fine…” Lori whispered as they reached the end of the long, sweeping driveway. She looked down at her email notifications on her Poketch. The most recent mail flashed there, highlighting the words: ’Petrpolois Grand Ivitational’. Lori looked up and cast her eyes over the incredible view of Port Barley. A huge ferry waited there, due to leave in less than an hour.

“Time for us to shine.” Lori pumped her fists to nergize herself, mimicked perfectly by her penguin counterpart. “Right, Pipster?!”

“Lup, pipLUP!”

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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