Name: Justin Smart
Age: 19
Hometown: Petropolis
Appearance: Justin is tall and somewhat muscular. He has short, black hair and likes wearing sleeveless white shirts and jeans. He's got very tan skin, though he is Caucasian. He tends to walk upright with very good posture, often on purpose, because he likes having people at least think he's confident.
Personality: He's not that smart, but he's pretty determined when it comes to getting his things taken care of. He moved out of his parents' house at the age of seventeen, after he got a job in construction, which paid well enough to live alone in the big city, but also had very long hours, and it was pretty dangerous and tough work. Still, he thinks it's very important to be confident and independent, so even though he is on good terms with his parents, he'd never consider living with them again.
Biography: His parents always taught him to take care of himself. They weren't very hands on, but they both worked a lot. Justin didn't do very well in school, but he never really thought that was important. It was just something you had to do, but only the losers really cared too much. Justin cared more about hanging out with his buds away from home. Before he graduated, he got a job in construction, and eventually dropped out altogether to take on more hours. His parents were disappointed, but they supported him nonetheless.
The construction business allowed him to utilize pokemon during the job, as it helped things become more efficient and even safe. Even low leveled pokemon often had potential to be stronger than humans. Neither Justin nor his parents, however, had access to pokemon. His girlfriend, however, had a fair amount of pokemon and so she gave Justin two of them, Tyrogue and Bonsly, who would be very useful at his job.
While he was on break a few weeks into the job, he found a bug pokemon rustling in the bushes nearby. It was a Nincada, and one of his work buddies asked if he wanted it. Justin said yes and his buddies gave him a pokeball. The Nincada turned out to be pretty low leveled and he was able to capture it without any trouble.
Current Pokemon:
Hitmontop (m): Level 85
Quirky Nature, Ability: Technician
Quick Attack
Helping Hand
Fake Out
Rolling Kick
Focus Energy
Triple Kick
Rapid Spin
Mach Punch
Gyro Ball
Wide Guard
Fast Guard
Close Combat

Sudowoodo (m): Level 30
Lax Nature, Ability: Rock Head
Fake Tears
Low Kick
Rock Throw
Wood Hammer
Ice Punch
Faint Attack
Rock Tomb

Ninjask (f): Level 30
Hasty Nature, Ability: Speed Boost
Leech Life
Sand Attack
Fury Swipes
Mind Reader
Bug Bite
Double Team
Fury Cutter
Swords Dance

Pinsir (m): Level 35
Lonely Nature, Ability: Moxie
Focus Energy
Seismic Toss
Brick Break
Vital Throw

Octillery (m): Level 50
Relaxed Nature, Ability: Suction Cups
Lock On
Gunk Shot
Rock Blast
Water Gun
Aurora Beam
Focus Energy
Bullet Seed
Wring Out
Signal Beam
Ice Beam

Shedinja: Level 29
Quirky Nature, Ability: Wonder Guard
Leech Life
Sand Attack
Fury Swipes
Mind Reader
Night Slash
Items: Potion x3, Pokedex x1, Pokeball x3
What is the biscuit's name? The answer is...Bertha
Other Notes:14/15 levels in
The Ubiquitous Umbra of the Unending Underground: Justin meets
Pandora Gibbs and goes to explore some of the underground near a town called Under Hill. They end up fighting off a member of Team Deception who is trying to collect an artifact from a lost civilization which they found.
- 10 to Tyrogue
- 1 to Bonsly
- 3 to Nincada
15/15 levels in
Operation Wounded Snake: Justin joins team deception and is given a shadow pinsir. He meets his partner,
Nate Guzman and their first mission is to capture a wild seviper (without a pokeball) and bring it to a middle man so one of their bosses can open a zoo. Once they capture it and Tyrogue evolves into Hitmontop, they enlist the help of
Taggarty Lee and
Malcolm Smith, deceiving them into believing that they are trying to bring the seviper to Petropolis to heal it. They encounter rogue members of Team Deception and must fight them off, and all the while Tag does not seem convinced that Justin and Nate are being truthful. It culminates in a battle between Justin and Tag, with Justin being victorious and their mission accomplished.
- Pinsir obtained
- Tyrogue evolved into Hitmontop
- 10 to Hitmontop
- 1 to Bonsly
- 4 to Pinsir
3 levels in
RP Contest: Forever Summer: Flashback to Justin's favorite summer just before Tina moves in with him.
15/15 levels in
Lockdown: The next day, Justin learned of a battle tournament taking place in Petropolis and met up with his friend's daughter, Jill and a few of her friends, all around Justin's age. At the tournament, however, Justin met up with Tag yet again and were forced into combat. After Pinsir defeated Tag's newly evolved Bachi (into Nidorino), he refused to show mercy, forcing Justin to use Hitmontop to knock out his own Pinsir. Though Justin emerged victorious, Tag was nonetheless grateful. Justin rode with Jill's friends to the nearby pokemon center where Tag headed as well. Once there, however, an eco-terrorist group attacked and held the people inside hostage. Tag, Justin, Jill and her friend sprung into action and defeated the attackers. This event served to further solidify Justin's and Tag's potential for friendship. Tag went on to fight the gym leader of Petropolis the next day and Justin and Jill (who stayed together that night) decided to spectate as Tag emerged victorious.
- 10 to Hitmontop
- 3 to Bonsly
- 2 to Pinsir
15/15 levels in
Lackadaisical Repose and Leery Rascals at Loch Ranch: Justin and Jill spent the night together once again. While Justin was still looking for someone to fill the void left by Tina when she broke up with him, Jill was not interested in a commitment. Disappointed, he dismissed her to go to his next Team Deception mission somewhere in Arasam. On his way, Hitmontop and Pinsir were poisoned by a stunky and so he moved quickly to the closest safe place he could find, Loch Ranch. There, he met up with Pan Gibbs once again as well as her friend
Douken Sota. In exchange for healing Pinsir and Hitmontop, he agreed to stick around and help out with some ranchlike chores. The end of the day brought about a kiss between Justin and Pan, as well as a potential romance. Before they could think too much on it, the ranch was invaded by a criminal cult, known as the Cult of Darkrai. They fought off the invaders, who seemed to be searching for a spiritomb egg. The next day began with Justin saying goodbye to Pan and Douken as they were headed towards Petropolis and he towards Arasam to meet up with his partner, Nate, to do some grown man crime.
- 6 to Hitmontop
- 5 to Bonsly
- 3 to Nincada
- 1 to Pinsir
12 levels in
Roleplay Contest: Resolutions: Justin resolves, for the new year, to let himself go a little bit and enjoy his mealtimes. Second place + Shiny pokemon!
- 5 to Hitmontop
- 5 to Nincada
- 2 to Pinsir
14/15 levels in
When Crime Pays: Justin and Nate go to Mt. Carello and find a secret cave therein where they are to meet up with five men and trade an unknown package for 100,000 dollars. After the trade, the men get confrontational and steal back the money. During their retreat, Nate, barely conscious, leaves behind Da Bomb, his Numel. In the cave, they meet up with Tag again, as well as
Raven Amaranth, who had met Tag previously. Tag and Raven agree to help out Nate to get back Da Bomb. Raven warns Justin that he best not lie to her. He does, about his job specifically. It comes out later, though, when Nate gets angry. They fight a Tyranitar and Tag catches a Snorunt. Justin's Bonsly evolves into a Sudowood. Then they all meet up and fight the bad guys who stole Da Bomb. Justin chases after the boss man who stole the money, but lets him go after deciding to turn back and help his friends fight the others. Raven gets severely injured in the course of the battle, but Justin, Nate and Tag make sure she gets to a hospital.
- 5 to Hitmontop
- Bonsly evolved into Sudowoodo
- 2 to Sudowoodo
- 7 to Nincada
15 levels in
Roleplay Contest: That First Kiss: Justin's first kiss was when he was sixteen at a high school party. He kisses a drunk girl for whom he does not have feelings while thinking of Tina.
- 5 to Hitmontop
- 5 to Ninjask (evolves in Lopsided)
- 5 to Pinsir
15/15 levels in
Lopsided Leviathan of Languid Lenoilia: Justin and Nate are sent to Lenoilia after their failure at Mt. Carello to scout out the town for danger and act as bodyguards for a Team Deception VIP coming in the next day. Before they arrive, Justin catches an Octillery and Nate catches an Eevee, whom he names Whip. Also, Pinch, his Krabby, evolves into Kingler. While there in Lenoilia, they discover that Pan and Douken were forced to stay there due to a storm coming in from the west. The town has been overrun by a biker gang led by a man named Burro, whom has under his control a beast of a pokemon. During their travels in the town, they come across a group of little zorua whom mess with their minds. During the battle, Nincada evolves into a shiny Ninjask, and her shedded skin returns to life as a Shedinja, which Justin captures. When the VIP arrives, a man by the name of Dr. Mondo, Justin and Nate learn that the beast under Burro's control was created by him. Pan and Douken are kidnapped by Burro, and so Justin and Nate try to persuade Mondo to help them. He offers them a piece of advice when fighting the monster. Meanwhile, Douken is taken to combat the monster one on one while Pan is stuck trying to free herself from her prison. Nate help Pan escape while Justin relays the advice to Douken, whom uses it with aplomb. Nate and Pan arrive in time to help Douken take it down while Justin and Hitmontop ensure that Burro cannot deploy his men. Once the monster is shown to be a shadow Zoroark whose illusions became reality, Burro's men turn on him. Before Justin is given a chance to tell Pan how he feels, he gets called off to another gig, this time in Gigarte.
- Octillery captured
- Nincada evolved into shiny Ninjask
- Shedinja captured
- 5 to Hitmontop
- 10 to Octillery
15/15 levels in
The Par-Tay in Gigarte: Justin and Nate are assigned security detail in a circus at Gigarte. There, they encounter Tag, who is looking for Raven, as well as the same Seviper from Operation Wounded Snake. While they are initially guarding the stage area for new on the scene musician,
Seican Serroc, they decide to protect the Seviper from Tag freeing it. Thankfully, Justin is able to talk Tag down without resorting to violence.
- Sudowoodo learned Ice Punch via Ninja (Nate's Sneasel)
- Hitmontop learned Earthquake via tutor
- 5 to Hitmontop
- 8 to Sudowoodo
- 2 to Shedinja
10/10 levels in
Starfall Field: Justin goes to the PokeCon without Nate in an attempt to find Pan. He does, as well as Douken (naturally) and the two decide to actually talk about their relationship. They decide to go for it. Yay! Of course, meteors fall, the world almost gets destroyed, they save the day, blah blah blah. Oh yeah, in what they thought were their last living moments on the world, Pan and Justin make love in a tent, but then Regigigas stops the meteor from hitting them. Awkward....
- 5 to Hitmontop
- 5 to Pinsir
15/15 levels in
The Tormented: Justin and Nate are sent on their next mission, again in Gigarte. A high ranking officer had been afflicted with some sort of nightmare, and could not wake up. After receiving a promotion to Unit 90, they were sent to assist Unit 28 in protecting Officer Helms. Unit 28 was led by Omar and consisted of him, Miriam and Ace, at whose house Helms was kept. While Justin and Nate were out on errands, they met Tag, who was still searching for Raven (he went to Gigarte after Starfall Field) and they decided to help him search. They received a call from Omar and rushed back to Ace's house only to find that everyone else had fallen asleep too. Then, they fell asleep. They awoke in Helms' nightmare, an urban warfare environment. Justin and Nate found that their shadow pokemon were no longer shadowed, and were entirely lucid. Pinsir also turned out to be Shiny and tried very hard to gain Justin's affection. Though they found Helms, he was shot in the head, ending the dream. Then, they were in Ace's, a haunted house with many ghost pokemon the group had to fight. Ace was pulled through a wall by a ghost and met his murderous father, who decapitated him, ending the dream. Then, it was a dream by the lake, which the group thought to be Miriam's. Tag disappeared and relived his trial and subsequent suicide attempt, but he was rescued by Justin after swimming across the lake. During the swim, many water pokemon attempted to stop the group, and they killed Miriam. The dream then ended. Omar's dream was next, an apocalyptic event. He found the first casualtyless end to his dream by focusing and taking control of the nightmare, almost confronting Darkrai in the process. Nate's dream was next, and they were being hunted by Team Deception. Omar was sniped in the back of the head, but Nate, Justin and Tag managed to kill all the attackers, particularly with the help of Ninjask and Zuki (Tag's relatively new Poochyena). Justin's dream was next, and it took place in the last house he burgled before joining Team Deception. He succumbed to an intense anger and fear, attacking Tag and Nate. Hitmontop refused to join the fray, and so Tag beat Justin. While Justin tried to attack Tag barehanded, Hitmontop stopped him, ending the dream. The three were then confronted by Darkrai, who told them they must offer freedom to their pokemon. Then, he released them from the nightmare. All of Justin's and Nate's pokemon decided to stay, but Zuki left Tag. Justin and Nate then decided to find a way to get out of Team Deception, and decided that bringing it down was the only way to do so. Tag offers to aid them.
- +5 to Hitmontop
- +3 to Ninjask
- +5 to Pinsir
- Pinsir becomes Shiny and is no longer Shadow
- +2 to Shedinja
15/15 levels in
Collective Insight and Chaotic Intentions at Crescent Inn: Justin and Nate are told to seek out a third member to join their team. They decide their third member should be with them in trying to take down the organization, so they decide to seek out the men who tried to steal Da Bomb back on Mt. Carello. Justin meets up with Pan while Nate takes care of recruitment to talk to her, since she'd been calling him. Justin, Pan and Douken get caught in their pokemons' dreams, and Justin learns a little more about Octillery, who had a daughter before Justin captured him. She was captured by a Lenoilian before Justin came along. They had to fight off Dream Eating pokemon who were part of the Cult of Darkrai and saved Cresselia. Pan then informed Justin that she was pregnant and was going back to Kanto. He finally admitted his involvement in Team Deception and insisted he was going to bring them down. After that, he would join her and help raise the baby.
- +5 to Hitmontop
- +7 to Octillery
- +3 to Shedinja
This post has been edited by Yzarc Drowsnam: Jan 6 2013, 01:09 AM