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Master Houndoom
post Jun 23 2009, 11:55 AM
Post #1

Team Rogue: Houndoom
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Uprising Mod

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Jay never really considered himself a thinker. He was a doer, and he was actually good at it. There was a knack that he had for doing the right thing at the right time. Whether it was a charmed life or an innate ability to sense the proper way to handle a situation, he didn't know, nor did he care.

That would have required thinking.

However, his current mission was one that required not onlt action, but thought. It had to go off nearly perfectly if he was going to get the result he wanted. It was a risk It was such a risk that it made his insides shake and his hands clench.

It was also exciting. It was risk, and risk was fun.

It's really not too much of a risk, though. If you knew what I knew.

Jay smirked. He'd long gotten used to Hinata's mental points. In the story of his life, she was the color commentary. And he loved her for it. It kept things in perspective.

But he was glad he didn't know what she knew. She had her own risks and surprises, but there were times when being in her head took the fun out of things. She knew it, and she only warned when it was neccessary now a days. As well as Jay knew Hinata, Hinata knew Jay.

It was nearly a symbiotic relationship.

Jay shook his head. The mission. The mission was key, and in this case, more important than anything he'd ever done in his life.

His father had actually given him the idea, though the twinkle in his eye was lost on Jay at the time. He'd made the suggestion after Jay's mother had left in a huff when hearing that no, he was NOT coming home any time soon, and getting no help from Robert.

It was a good idea, and he was just about to act on it.

He made his way carefully to his goal, leaned down, and said, softly, "Hey, Catseye."

It was a tribute to how close their friendship had gotten that she didn't lash out with her claws. It might have been the rest of the past few days. Or the cat ears. He'd even offered to pay to have her teeth capped (they couldn't be ground to points again without breaking the enamel), but she'd turned him down, and even that was more friendly than it could have been.

They only fought about it for ten minutes.

She looked up, smirking. "You really like to risk getting your wings clipped, don't you, BlueJay?"

"What can I say, I like it when it's dangerous. Which reminds me." He swallowed, but put on his best grin. "Sagira Smythe, would you do the honor of joining me for dinner tonight?"

Sagira blinked at him, her eyes widening. "What... like... like a date?"

Jay grinned, and nodded.

Mission Commenced.

This post has been edited by Hungry Hungry Houndoom: Jun 25 2009, 12:23 PM

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Living Arrow
post Jun 25 2009, 03:50 PM
Post #2

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

"Owwie!" Ivy squealed in the yard, sticking her throbbing thumb into her mouth and moaning pitifully. "Alpha! No need to be so rough!"

Her brother Mightyena looked bashfully up at her, still lying on his back where she had been scratching his tummy. Beta and Kappa ended their game of chase nearby and came scampering over to see what all the fuss was about. Beta had, of late, tended to remain by Ivy's side even more than usual so she was glad he was taking the opportunity to play when he could. Recently the way he followed her so closely bothered her - normal males liked their independance. She suspected it had something to do with Alpha's evolution but he hadn't confirmed anything for her yet.

"Aw! I'm bleedin'!" Ivy held up her thumb to show her three brothers and frown intently at the blood beading on her skin. "Anyone got a plasty?"

Silence was her reply.

"No plasty? You guys are just no good at giving me first aids!" She announced, patting her hip as she turned, commanding them all to fall into line behind her. "Let's go see if old Saggie has some!"


"Sagira Smythe, would you do the honor of joining me for dinner tonight?"

Ivy's jaw dropped wide open. Jay-man had asked Catlady for a trip out to dindins.... DINDINS!

"What... like... like a date?"

Ivy's eyes bulged in their sockets. Catlady thought it was a date?! Surely not... He nodded! Ivy bent ducked back around the nearest corner, her brothers following suit.

"Looks like he's moving on from the Big Sniffs..." She whispered, motioning for all three to keep quiet. "And we all know what that means, huh?" Her three partners nodded, Beta more vigorously than the other two. "Right! So, we're going to follow them and make sure they don't do anything silly. I mean, really! We don't want old Jay-man doing things the way Beta does, do we? We's got to make sure Catlady sniffs back!"

Alpha and Kappa sniggered while the Electrike's ears drooped with embarrassment. Ivy gathered them around and put on her most serious face.

"This is Operation: Dindins." She informed them, stroking her new Grunt II badge. "Our objective? Help Jay-man give old Saggie the best dindins ever so she can give him a proper Big Sniff!"

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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Umbrae Calamitas
post Jun 25 2009, 06:02 PM
Post #3

Team Rogue: Espeon
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Tuesday's Pack

I can't believe I'm doing this.

Sagira turned to the full-length mirror hanging on the wall.

Goddess, why the hell am I doing this?

She had agreed to go on a... a date, with Jay. Why, she still wasn't sure. Maybe she was possessed. Obviously, whatever sadistic demon had decided to make her decide to date him didn't want to stick around for the actual festivities, so Sagira was stuck.

She had gone out to a store to buy something that she would look half-decent in. She was, after all, going on a date. Apparently, however, she never should have mentioned this to the store clerk, as the woman had gained far too much enjoyment from picking out clothing for Sagira to try on. Unfortunately, the woman was into bright colors and Sagira, obviously, was not.

The woman picked up on this and Sagira eventually ended up with something black.

That was very much to her color taste. Oddly enough, she had never expected to end up wearing a Cheongsam.

A Cheongsam is a body-tight Chinese-style dress. The one that Sagira ended up buying was sleeveless, with a collar that curled up around the back and sides of her neck, fanning outward into a curl at the back and sides, about level with her ears. The dress itself was ankle-length, with a slit up the left side that reached to mid-thigh. While the overall color of the dress was black, it was, contrary to Sagira's first thought, not without a design.

A flower-print she would have discarded immediately. Anything remotely girly, she would have given it back to the clerk with a sneer. Anything pink in nature would have been hard-pressed to avoid being shredded.

Purple came close, but didn't quite reach the level of worthlessness that pink had always managed in her eyes.

The clerk sold her the dress, however, without saying a word. All Sagira had needed to do was turn to the mirror and see the large purple feline that was leaping down the side of the dress.

It was an Espeon; light violet in color, stunning against the black, with dark purple eyes and a red dot in the centre of its forehead. The cat pokemon was in a stance that boasted a landing from a steep jump. Its forepaws were at the base of the dress by Sagira's right ankle. The cat's head, body, and rear legs (prepared for landing) were stretched across Sagira's body in a diagonal rise along the silk of the dress. The feline's forked tail, elegant as any real Espeon, curled around the back of the dress, ending at her mid-back.

Sagira wondered if the clerk was psychic, because her grin upon Sagira's exit from the dressing room said that she knew Sagira had bought the dress. She was hard-pressed not to buy anything related to an Espeon. It was, after all, her favorite pokemon. It always had been - only slightly more loved than a Persian.

Sagira had bought a pair of sharp-heeled sandals. A thin leather strap curled over her foot, just above her toes. A strap on either side of her ankle, rising from the sole, formed into two straps with silver buckles that wrapped around her ankle.

She had dyed her hair again, this time completely black, and styled it into a flare that spread out at the sides, her bangs swept with the rest of her hair and leaving her eyes clear.

Looking at herself in the mirror, however, she suddenly felt ridiculous. She had always imagined dressing up like this, in a style that suited her, and going out on a date with someone that actually wanted to be with her.

But now, she just felt like she was fooling herself; a child playing dress-up. She wasn't good enough to be going out. Not with him. And not looking like this.

Maybe I could tell him I'm feeling ill, she mused.

"Thinking of quitting?"

I am not quitting! She fumed silently for a moment. And what are you doing?! she snapped mentally, looking around the bathroom but not seeing him. I'm trying to get dressed!

"Oh, is that what you're doing?" he asked, sounding surprised. "In that case!"

The door suddenly opened in a rush of wind, and Sagira let out a loud shriek of surprise and anger. "PALADIN!"

"My lady!" he cried, in surprised delight. "You look beautiful!"

"Paladin," she growled warningly, "Get. Out. Now."

He grinned cheekily at her. "Are you wearing some lacy undies 'neath that number?"

The sudden flush of embarrassed anger in Sagira was not unexpected. What was unexpected was how it manifested itself suddenly as an almost physical force, a rush of power bursting outward and slamming the quite startled Paladin out of the bathroom and into the wall beyond.

The anger faded immediately, replaced by concern, and Sagira rushed out of the bathroom, to kneel by her fallen pokemon. Paladin, for his part, was so stunned by the actual occurrence that he simply lay there for a long moment, staring up at her. He wasn't reading her mind, so his lack of reaction to her speaking to him, begging if he was all right, filled her with a vast fear.

It took but a moment for him to feel her rising panic, and he quickly open his mind, scanning hers. He blinked. How lazy of him, to close himself off. He sent a wave of reassurance into her mind - a feeling too deep for words - and he could feel the relief that filled her at the feeling of their minds connecting at the gentle touch.

He smiled. "You know, he's definitely going to love you. Beautiful and savage." He grinned, to assure her of his gentle teasing, though he meant every word as a compliment. "You really are a feline."

Sagira opened her mouth to reply when there was the sound of footsteps on concrete, and she looked up in time to see Jay walk into the room, fiddling with the cuff on his sleeve. "Sagira, are you-" He looked up and stopped talking abruptly. "Absolutely beautiful."

Sagira didn't know why she said it. Really, she swore she didn't know. Maybe she was still possessed. For whatever reason, she stood up straight and looked Jay in the eye, and smiled - not a smirk, but a soft, true, ever-rare smile. "I don't know. You tell me."


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Master Houndoom
post Jun 25 2009, 08:37 PM
Post #4

Team Rogue: Houndoom
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Uprising Mod

It wasn't the dress that did it.

Oh, she was beautiful in it, there was no doubt in his mind. But he'd seen her in a form fitting leotard, and while the cheongsam with the lithe espeon curling sensuously around her body fit her in form, function, and fashion, that wasn't what did it.

It was the smile, genuine and sweet, that took his breath away.

"Hold on, I'll tell you when I catch my breath," he whispered, just loud enough to be heard.

Sagira looked down and to the side, letting her hair fall as much as it could to try to hide her blushing. Jay, too, could feel the heat on his face, but for some reason he didn't feel the need to hide it. Not from her.

The moment was awkward, but semi-sweet. And was almost instantly broken when Hinata floated in, took one look at Sagira, and gaped.


Paladin floated up next to her. That's what I told her, but she didn't believe me! Then she threw me into the wall!

Ooh, poor baby, said the kirlia, stroking Paladin's green crest. Paladin gave her a narrowed eyed glance, and there was a good reason; Hinata's mental voice was dripping with playful sarcasm.

"She is, isn't she," Jay said, smiling. Sagira looked up and swallowed, but could not muster the ire it would take to demand he stop.

You're not so bad yourself, Hinata said, smiling. She was looking through Paladin's eyes, and though she had thought she was over that crush she'd had as a ralts, she still found her face heating. Paladin looked at her, and as Hinata was looking through his eyes still, she saw a slight blush, but also saw that she was surrounded in a golden aura that had nothing to do with what was actually visible and everything to do with how Paladin saw her. Her tiny blush turned brighter.

"I dunno," Jay said, looking down. "I feel under dressed."

The outfit he wore was one of the few "party suits" he'd brought with him from Sinnoh. It consisted of a charcoal waist length jacket with a broad black collar, a white shirt with a thin black tie, crisp black pants and patent leather shoes to match. The current style was to wear it untucked and loose, but Jay had never gone with the style and kept it neatly pressed and tucked. His hair was shorter than usual, as he'd cut the remaining brown off and spiked it a bit. To Sagira, he looked just fine, but Jay felt now like a slob next to her.

Hinata couldn't resist. She gave Jay a mental image of himself in that dress. Jay glared at her, but she was too busy giggling to notice.

"So, where would you like to go," Jay said with a bow. He could feel the approval coming from Paladin in waves.

"You mean to tell me you asked me out on a date, and didn't have a place in mind?" Sagira's brow arched.

"I did," he admitted finally. "I had a place in mind, but now I think it might be..." He swallowed.

Oh, he has a place in mind, but it has nothing to do with food, wink wink nudge nudge.

Jay turned, slowly, eye twitching. Hinata had adopted a wide eyed innocent look, tilting her head to the side, but Jay was not fooled.

Neither was Paladin. that was vulgar.

Oh, and asking Sagira if she's wearing lacy underthings is the height of polite conversation, Hinata sneered acidly. She was not happy with Paladin, and so refused to use his eyes to see, but through Jaima's she could see Sagira's eyes widen, and felt the heat of a second hand blush.

I... hadn't let him hear me say that.

Dammit, Paladin!

"Chez Chimecho," Sagira broke in, stopping the argument.

"Bless you."

She arched a brow, pressing her lips together to keep the grin off her face. It wouldn't do to encourage him. "Chez... Chimecho. It's a french place in the wealthy district.

Jay's eyes widened. "Wait, I know that place! That's a swanky place!"

Sagira nodded. "And I would like to eat there tonight."

"But... But I hear you have to make reservations a week in advance!" Jay's expression turned frantic.

"Mm. I've heard two weeks." Sagira smiled slightly. She wouldn't admit to her disappointment at his lack of planning. She'd save it for the next tine he screwed up.

"I hear it's expensive."

"Yes, well, you should have thought of th-"

A smartly dressed aqua initiate ducked her head in. "Mr. Lange, your cab is here."

Jay checked his poketch. "Oh, good, we'll make it wqith fifteen minutes to spare." He put his arm out, but Sagira blinked at him, surprised.

"Wait, what?"

Jay grinned, not quite smugly, as there was too much genuine happiness in the smile. "I'd hoped you'd want something fancy," he said, taking her arm gently.

"You made a reservation?"

"Two weeks ago," he admitted.

Sagira almost stopped in the hallway. "What if I'd said no?"

Jay shrugged. "Then I'd just gone to the pizza place."

Sagira was confused, and it showed. Jay smiled, a tinge of worry in his eyes. "You can't mope in a french restaurant, Catseye."

This time, Sagira did smile again. "What if I'd said someplace else," she said as he helped her into the cab. He seemed enraptured by her leg. Which had shown through the slit. She gave him a few seconds longer than she'd have given anyone. "BlueJay," she crooned, half sultry, half pointedly.

He smiled sheepishly. "I made reservations at all the good places."

He climbed into the cab, and gave the driver the desatination. She was still staring at him when he looked at her. "What?" He grinned charmingly. "I like to be prepared!"

This post has been edited by Hungry Hungry Houndoom: Jun 25 2009, 11:54 PM

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Umbrae Calamitas
post Jun 26 2009, 12:19 AM
Post #5

Team Rogue: Espeon
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Tuesday's Pack

Sagira was pretty sure that they could have cooked a five-course meal on her face. Not that it would have been all that clean or appetizing, but her face was so heated with a blush that it was a wonder the car wasn't on fire.

They were seated in the back of a cab, sitting quite close together, and on their way to Chez Chimecho.

Chez Chimecho, people! Gasp in awe, damnit!

She couldn't believe it. Not only were they going to one of the fanciest, most expensive French restaurants on the island, but Jay had been prepared for them to go to the fanciest, most expensive French restaurant on the island. He had, of course, been prepared for a whole line of restaurants, as he claimed.

Oddly enough, Sagira couldn't find reason to doubt him. And it was nice to think that he wanted to... to...

Sagira blushed full circle again and lowered her head, embarrassed. Jay squeezed her hand softly and she looked up to see him smiling at her. Goddess, he had such a nice smile.

When the cab stopped outside of a large, brilliantly-lit square, a valet came over quickly and opened the door. Jay climbed out and then reached out a hand. Startled, she took it and allowed him to help her out of the cab.

It was standing at the edge of a carpeted walk that she got her first look at the restaurant she had always wanted to eat at.

It looked like a palace. Large, at least three stories high, it was painted a golden color that sparkled in the light much like diamonds. Sagira could smell wondrous odors wafting along with soft-played violin music from the entrance.

Sagira felt a soft touch at her side as they walked. On reflex, she told herself, she stepped closer to Jay and felt his arm curl hesitantly around her back. She smiled softly at the feel. It was nice.

There was a man standing at the entrance who bowed to the both of them, before opening the door and ushered them inside with a congenial wave of his arm. Sagira allowed Jay to lead her into the lobby, where he gave their name and they were quickly shown to their table.

Jay pulled her chair out for her, which made her blush deeply, and she quickly sat down. She tried to hide her face, feeling ridiculous. True, she had always wanted to eat here, but they place seemed far too posh for someone like her. Everyone was wearing a suit and ludicrous amounts of jewelry. Sagira spotted a woman who had at least two rings on every finger, and each with some precious gem about the size of a small marble. The only piece of jewelry that Sagira even owned was a thin metal bracelet that her father had bought her, and while it would have easily suited the style, she had opted out of wearing it. She didn't even have her ears pierced!

On top of that, she really wasn't that pretty. As she watched Jay sit down in the chair across from her and offer a small smile, she couldn't understand why he would want to go out with someone like her. She was temperamental, rash, dressed more like a cat than a human, had a keen disregard for rules unless she thought they suited her, and made a habit of insulting him regularly.

What could he possibly see in her?

Oddly enough, for whatever reason, her manifesting psychic powers chose that moment to fluctuate, happily introducing her to the land of colored lines. She was able to see a thickening soft pink line stretching from Jay's chest to her own, and she wasn't dense enough to have to wonder what that meant.

She was, however, dense enough to wonder if it stretched only from her chest to his or if, perhaps, it was a two-way line. Maybe, for whatever insane reason, he felt the same way about her that she felt about him.

Sagira sighed. Someone call the fire department. My face is about to go up in flames.


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Living Arrow
post Jun 26 2009, 12:27 PM
Post #6

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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From: Amazingstoke, UK
Member No.: 814

PANE: Darryn Kellor

"An' that's why I gotta hold off on the next mission, m'kay Crichy?" Ivy urged into the headset, still trailing Sagira through the mall. It had taken all of her courage to actually set foot in that place again but the crowds were smaller - the Catlady had picked the perfect time of day to avoid the rush of crazed shoppers.

"Now now, Ivy." Officer Crichton sighed on the other end of the comm. device. "You know you shouldn't be stalking people anymore. We had a discussion about that, didn't we?"

"I'm not stalking!" Ivy protested, dodging a man with a moving cinnamon bun cart. "Oooh... cinnamon... I'm just following at a distance!"

"Well, be good and make sure you're up early for the mission briefing tomorrow, OK?" Crichton confirmed, his voice carrying the faintest touch of laughter.

"Roger, old Crichy!" Ivy saluted to no-one. "See ya then!"

Ivy threw herself behind a ridiculous indoor fountain as Sagira stopped by a shop window, peering through the glass for a while before reluctantly entering the store. When Ivy saw what she was buying, the smaller girl couldn't help but fish out her own purse and pick something for herself...


"I's got style, huh?" Ivy grinned, twisting this way and that to get a better view of herself in the restaurant window. A Chimecho (positioned near the entrance to greet patrons) hovered behind her, letting out noises of agreement. "Seems lil ol' Ivy can put on a dress too!"

Clad in a similar style dress to the one Sagira had bought earlier, Ivy had done her very best to fit in. After all, disguise was an integral part to the mission. Her own dress almost reached her knees and was a bright blue colour with an embroidered pattern of her namesake creeping across its entirety in swooping curves that made her look more like a girl than she ever had done in the past.
She had also taken the time to borrow (dogs don't steal) a healthy handful of Victor's hair conditioner while he was on leave and had taken the liberty of his hair straighteners, too. With all of the grease and knots taken out of her locks, Ivy's blonde hair reached to her shoulders. Rather than let it flow freely around her neck (it tickled), Ivy had braided it into a single thick plait that made her almost unrecognisable. Then there had been the make-up... The less said about that the better. In short, she had ended up paying for a nice old lady in the kitchens of the Maw to do it for her - whatever lipstick was, it did NOT taste good.

"Operation: Dindins is a-go!" Ivy grinned at her reflection once more and skittered to the doorway, admitting herself and scampering to a little table for two. Raising a menu to hide herself, she watched as Jay-man and Catlady arrived. "Oooh, Saggia is pretty!" Ivy gasped, her wide eyes peering over the top of the menu. "And Ginge-fringe is looking very tidy!"

The pair were slowly ushered to their seats where Jay pulled out Sagira's chair for ehr to sit. Ivy ticked that off on her list of things male humans had to customarily do to impress female humans.
A Waiter came to ask for a drinks order. Ivy watched as Saigra insisted Jay make the wine selection and immediately left her seat.

"No no!" She muttered to herself, sneaking the order off the waiter's belt and replacing it with a much better wine. The numbers next to the descriptions were bigger and in human society, big numbers meant better wines. It just so happened that the numbers next to the one Jay-man had picked started with a 3 while the one she wanted them to have started with a 9... "Saggie needs the best if she's gonna be giving up the Big Sniffs!"

With real wine now on order for Jay and Sagira's table, Ivy returned to her seat and took up her menu once more, watching the pair like a hawk from her perch in the corner of the restaurant.

*Come on Jay-man! We knows you've already done the Bigs Sniffs, but think with your head - not your tail!*

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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Master Houndoom
post Jun 26 2009, 04:47 PM
Post #7

Team Rogue: Houndoom
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Uprising Mod

Jay sat and waited for Sagira to return from the powder room, or wherever women went when they had to freshen up. If that's what she was doing. He didn't really see why she'd need to, she looked perfectly fine.

He ordered the wine, a nice rosé called Bandol, chosen both for it's ability to go with almost any type of food, and it's pronunciation. The lower price didn't hurt it, either. His father had also suggested, if getting a wine (and it was almost a necessity, being in a French restaurant), to choose something light. "You don't want her to think you're trying to get her drunk."

Jay had blushed. It wasn't that he wouldn't do that, it's that he wouldn't do that to Sagira. If not for the fact that he truly cared for her, it was the fact that she'd absolutely kill him when she sobered up.

He looked around a bit. He'd never been one for a fancy place like this. His tastes were more toward homier places, but for the first date, he wanted it to be something she'd really want, something she'd love. He'd chosen this place first, and made reservations at the other fancy places just to be certain. He was happy when she'd named this spot. It was one thing that he'd wanted to get just right.

A small girl in a table nearby kept ducking her head behind the menu, and he briefly wondered where her father was.

A feminine voice cleared her throat, and Jay rose from his seat, ready to help Sagira into hers again.

It wasn't Sagira that stood before him. Instead it was a flushed, possibly drunk girl with curly blonde hair and a dress that was cut very, very low.Jay closed his eyes and sighed when he saw the look on her face.

"You're Jay Lange, aren't you," she gushed, giggling. He fought not to roll his eyes.

In Jublife, he was recognizeable. How could he not be? His parents were more famous now than they had been when they were acting, and there were always parties and social events and things that he just had to make an appearance at. They had worked hard not to force him into show business, but it couldn't keep him completely out of the spotlight, especially since he often helped his mother out on films. After a while, people recognized him, and, thinking he could influence his mother's decisions, would approach him. This was an especially popular tactic with girls, and was one of the main reasons that he had a major distaste for what he termed "Bluescreen Bimbos".

Not that he hadn't taken advantage of it in the beginning. But he did get tired of it.

It appeared that he was not the only transplant from Jublife. The girl giggled and bounced a bit, pushing out her chest, and Jay's smile froze. He was quite happy that Sagira had chosen now to freshen up.

He didn't answer her question, but she wasn't discouraged by this. Instead she stepped closer. "I'm a big fan of your mother's work, and your father's! I used to watch Catch as Catch Can as a girl!" She stepped closer again, and Jay sighed. She wasn't going to go away.

"Thanks, I'll pass the compliment on." He smiled a bit and made to sit back down, but the girl reached out and put a hand on his forearm. Jay stopped, tensing a bit, when she stepped forward and pressed her chest to his bicep.

"I want to be an actress very, very badly," she cooed, smiling up at him with what she must have thought was a sultry grin. Jay closed his eyes this time, and she must have been encouraged. "I would do anything to work with your mother."

Jay's eyes snapped open, and he scowled, but the girl simply drew the word out, flashing her tongue between perfect teeth. "An-y-thing."

Jay stared at her for a moment, then reached down and pulled her hand off his forearm. He didn't use force, but he was firm. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, from which he pulled a card.

"That's a casting agency. My mom uses them sometimes, and sometimes she doesn't. It's a start."

"But-" The girl moved to step forward again, to press against him, and he stepped back.

"Call them. If they like you, they'll recommend you." He looked and saw Sagira, and his heart froze. She was behind the girl, and if she'd had her clawed glove, the girl's dress, and probably back, would be hanging in tatters. Still, he had to deal with this... person first. "If you do get cast by my mom, and you might, she might need, say, a serving wench or a dancer, or something, try not to mention you tried to seduce her son for a part. She hates that as much as I do."

The girl looked shocked and mortified, and Jay indicated behind her. "Now, if you don't mind, my date is here, and I have to apologize for your taking my time away from her."

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Living Arrow
post Jun 27 2009, 04:57 AM
Post #8

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PANE: Darryn Kellor

"Oh no, ya don't."

Ivy growled from her makeshift hiding place, glaring at the golden-haired she-devil who was attempting to Sniff Jay-man. If ivy had thought Beta had been direct with Calypso, this was ten times worse. No! ELEVEN times! Of all the times for another bitch to be on heat, now was the absolute worst!

Jay-man gave the girl a piece of paper. Was it money? No. It was just an address card... His address card? No. It looked too smart to be for the Jay-man. In any case, Ivy had to act before this girl could cause any more trouble.

The girl grudgingly walked away from Jay-man's table and crossed the restaurant to the bar area where she sat atop a stool and ordered a drink. The whole time, she watched Langie and Saggie with curious, determined eyes. It seemed she was on a misson of her own.

"Wear a disguise, durr?" Ivy rolled her eyes and made her way to the bar area. She spat on her fingers and rubbed her eyes, putting on her most upset-sounding voice and grabbing the girl's skirt in her hands. "Pwease! My mommy went to the bathroom and hasn't come back... help me?"

THe girl looked around for a way out of the situation but finding none resigned herself to aiding the lost little girl and slid from her stool. "Ok, honey. The bathroom is over here, let me take you and we'll find her."
"Um, I don't think your mommy is in here..." The girl said, checking the stalls. "Maybe she's back at your table?" She turned around to find Ivy locking the door behind them.

"If you weren't so Silly then I wouldn't have to do this..." Ivy sighed, advancing on the girl and clenching her fists. "Sorry, but you're just getting in the way and I needed you to leave. Now, I need you to stay in here and not come out. It's very important for my mission..."

"Wha- What are you doing, y'little brat?!" The girl tried to get past Ivy but she effectively blocked her way and pushed her back.

"Can't you tell? I'm in disguise! You really think I'm a little female looking for her mommy? I'm seventeen, Silly." Ivy brandished her Grunt II badge and the girl gasped with horror. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to have to make sure you stay in here and keep quiet...."


Back in the restaurant, a faint crash could be heard accompanied by the sound of a pathetic little scream. The patrons of Chez Chimecho glanced up from their tables only briefly before returning to their meals. It was not uncommon for kitchen staf to drop a plate or two...

A small girl exited the bathroom, her hair a little less tidy than it had been before, but a determined smile decorated her little face. If anyone had been close enough or cared to listen to what she was saying, they would have heard:

"Isn't it silly how much blood looks like wine..."

This post has been edited by Living Arrow: Jun 27 2009, 11:56 AM

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Umbrae Calamitas
post Jun 28 2009, 12:37 AM
Post #9

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Tuesday's Pack

Sagira was no Narcissus, but she took some time to stare at herself in the mirror while she hid in the restroom. The dress was pretty and so was her hairstyle, but she just felt... off. Like she didn't belong. This wasn't her. Staring into the mirror, she saw a person staring back who she didn't recognize, and didn't like.

Her mind wandered over reasons why she was feeling this way. She had never had a problem with her appearance before, but then, she had always dressed for herself and had never cared what other people thought about her tight-fitting uniform. Now, she was dressed up for someone else, and she just... she wasn't sure.

He acted like I was so beautiful, though, she thought, looking again at her reflection, the eye liner highlighting her eyes. Does he really think that? She didn't see it, but... well, she had never been one to put on dresses, even as a child. She had always been ready for an adventure, never a tea party.

Sagira looked down at her hands, adorned with pale violet gloves to hide the hideous scars that marred her flesh. That was probably the reason she doubted herself. No one had ever acted toward her like Jay did. Everyone had always been so cruel, except for Mattie and a scarce few others. Sure, Danny had always liked her, but there had never been a spark there. She had never felt the same, and though she loved Mattie, he didn't feel the same way toward her. She had gotten over her crush on him.

And then Jay walked into the picture, and he seemed to return her feelings.

Seems to, a mocking voice implied.

Sagira growled softly and decided right then and there to see this date through. She wasn't going to back down. Not this time. She was no quitter.

When she returned to the main dining room, she found that Jay had been joined by a big-chested young woman with a smile that told all she intended on her face. Sagira narrowed her eyes and stalked up, intending to tell Jay to shove his date up his ass, when she overheard their conversation.

Jay sounded so uncomfortable that she very nearly laughed. As the girl continued to try and seduce him, however, she felt the humor fade away, replaced by anger, and it was then that Jay looked up and saw her.

He managed to shove the girl off quickly after that, and looked both relieved and worried to see her back. "Sorry about that," he murmured, rubbing his head in nervous embarrassment. "I... really hate it when that happens."

Sagira raised a sardonic eyebrow, allowing him to pull her chair out for her again. "Big-chested blonde bimbos?" she asked, her voice dripping venomous sarcasm. "You don't say, Jaybird?"

He did laugh at that, which made her smile, and the tension went out of the situation. "My parents seem even more famous now that the show's over."

Sagira smiled. "I can imagine they probably got tons of fanmail, asking them to put the show back on the air." She laughed lightly. "I know they at least got one letter."

Jay looked at her in surprise. "You-?"

She grinned. "Come on, BlueJay - the only character cooler than Montgomery Leppenhouser is Weavile, and you know I'm right!"

The waiter came back not a moment after that, burdened with a bottle of wine. He poured them each a glass and Sagira, not noticing Jay's look of surprise, picked up the glass and allowed a smile to come to her face at the familiar smell. "Either you did your research," she commented, "or you're just very good." She took a sip of the blush wine, savoring the thick taste it coated her tongue with. "Château de Chasselas is my favorite."

Whatever Jay had been planning to say the waiter was forgotten at that moment, and he nodded. "Good," he said. The waiter took their orders - Jay with the Psyduck A l'Orange, and Sagira with the Seaking Nicoise - and left them with the bottle of wine as he purposefully moved back to the kitchens.

Neither Sagira nor Jay noticed the familiar stranger of a young girl, watching them from afar.


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Master Houndoom
post Jun 29 2009, 01:54 PM
Post #10

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If the wine had already been there, Sagira would have been drenched when Jay saw the bottle.

Well, I'm pretty quick, I'd have turned my head. But that waiter'd be soaked.

Jay distinctly remembered ordering Bandol, not the Chateau de Chasselas. He also distinctly remembered the Chateau de Chasselas costing three times as much as the Bandol.

Of course, after Sagira had said that Chateau de Chassekas was her favorite, any and all protest died before he could voice it. But he was going to hear about it when his parents got the credit card bill!


Thank you for helping me with my headpaint, Paladin, Hinata thought shyly.

The pleasure is mine, Lady Hinata. Paladin's mental voice was a soft tenor, and melodious.

As his telekinetic power brushed the paint on her head crest, as soft as a caress, she could feel a distinctive heat in her cheeks, a very familiar sensation of late. But Jay was taking his chance. It was time for Hinata to take hers.

Siryn watched as the manly, handsome, strong kirlia applied paint to the other, scrawny, blind little harpy. He was marking her with black, like her heart, and the little witch seemed to like it.

Well, life was short and that was proven when new trainer man Master had almost died! He was taking steps to be with the one he wanted. Siryn needed to take steps to be with the one she wanted.

And no one would get in her way!

I hope Sir Jay is being as polite to Lady Sagira as I am to you.

Hinata floated closer to Paladin, orienting herself so that he could see her eyes, then putting on a smile she'd "seen" on television. Paladin? Not every girl wants a guy to be polite...

Siryn's eyes narrowed. It might be too late...


"You like Weavile?" Jay's face showed slow shock, but that was rapidly giving way to a smile, slightly crooked. All genuine, and hot enough to set Sagira's eyebrows ablaze.

Not that she noticed, no sireebob, ice water would be great right now, where is the waiter with the ice water?!

"Who doesn't like Weavile?" She wrinkled her nose a bit, savoring another sip of wine.

"I can name you several, but no one in my house!" Jay laughed lightly. "Me, he's OK, but I liked The Ariados better."

Sagira shook her head, pursing her lips. "Weavile, Monty, Crobatman, and then maybe The Ariados."

Jay grinned. "I'll give you Crobatman, he's awesome, and Weavile is really cool I admit. But The Ariados is leaps and bounds-"

"Bad pun!"

"- over the others," Jay finished with a laugh. "I mean, he's a normal guy. He hasn't been doing it for ages like Weavile."

"And what about Monty?" Sagira's eyes sparkled, and Jay was silent as he looked into her eyes. She was about to call his attention back to thew conversation whe he spoke.

"Monty's cool, but I just can't look at him and not see my Dad." He shrugged. "Maybe the remake will change that."

"Remake?!" Both Jay and Sagira looked around to see if her outburst had disturbed anyone, and Jay was laughing openly when she turned back to him. "They're doing a remake?"

Jay's eyes shone. "Whoops. I said to much..."

"Don't you dare hold out on me now! Is it them? Is it a movie or a series? Jay!"

Jay simply grinned. "No, but they're involved, yes, and maybe." She opened her mouth, but Jay raised his finger. "Later," he laughed. "Away from prying ears. Promise."

Sagira sat back, eyes narrowed, but capitulated. "So," she said slowly. "What do you have planned after dinner?"

"I dunno," Jay said, patting his breast pocket. "Feel like watching a movie..? I hear Weavile is pretty good."

This post has been edited by Hungry Hungry Houndoom: Jul 13 2009, 02:36 PM

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Living Arrow
post Jun 29 2009, 04:23 PM
Post #11

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PANE: Darryn Kellor

"No madam, we don't serve 'treats'..."

Ivy grumbled into her menu as the snobby waitor stood over her with open disdain on his face. She had kept him waiting there for some time now as she got him to read each and every line on the damned document - including the preface about the restaurant's history. The pickled Magcargo in garlic butter had made her shoot lemonade through her nose with laughter which she had had to cleverly disguise as a coughing fit to try and maintain her cover.

*Don't get Silly now, Ivy!!!* She had thought while dabbing quickly at her nose with her napkin.

"No treats... no meats... what do ya got?" Ivy pulled a face up at the server, no convinced they were in a restaurant at all. They were meant to serve but she'd never heard of the things he had read to her... well, all apart for the complimentary bread.

"We do serve meats..." The waiter hissed through his teeth with annoyance. "Like I said, there is Tauros Veal-"

"What's a vee-yuhl?" Ivy frowned, raising an eyebrow at him. "I's never heard of it before... Is it related to a Seel?"

"No..." The waiter grit his teeth angrily. "It is meat from a baby Tauros..."

"You. Eat. Babies...?" Ivy stared at him with wide eyes. A long pause passed between them, the only sound coming from the waiter's eye as it twitched maniacally. He was about to offer a response when Ivy slapped the menu shut and passed it to him with a wink. "Fried up chippies and a bizkit!" She announced.

"A side order of french fries followed by the chocolate charlotte fingers..." The waiter hurriedly scribbled a note and stalked off, muttering something about eating petulant children rather than babies... Ivy watched him go, completely satisfied with her selection.

"Okies! Now to make sure the food for old Jay-man and Catlady is just right!"

And with that, she plopped off her seat and trotted to the kitchens...

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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Umbrae Calamitas
post Jun 29 2009, 10:15 PM
Post #12

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Tuesday's Pack

Jay and Sagira talked for a while longer about the differences and advantages of various superheroes. While Jay preferred The Ariados above all, and Sagira was highly obsessed with Weavile, they both seemed to equally agree that Crobatman was the second-coolest superhero in the world.

It wasn't long after they switched conversation topics that the waiter returned with their meal. Sagira mouth actually began to water at the smell of the fish. It had been a long time since she'd had anything fancy to eat, and this looked brilliant. Jay's meal, too, looked delicious, and she thought that if she ever came here again, she might have to try the psyduck a l'orange.

"Everything is satisfactory, oui?" the waiter asked, pouring them each another glass of wine.

"Oui," Jay answered, surprising Sagira with his knowledge of French. "Merci, monsieur."

The waiter gave a small bow of his head, before leaving them to return to the kitchens.

Sagira gave Jay a smile as she picked up her fork. "This smells amazing," she admitted.

Jay nodded in agreement. "I've never eaten here before, but I heard that their food has never been a disappointment."

"It doesn't look like it," she said, cutting up her fish. It was so tender that it simply fell apart - just the way she always liked her fish. "So, where did you learn to speak French?"

Jay gave a lopsided grin. "Well, I had to play a small part in one of the TV shows my parents directed. He was this French immigrant, so I had to learn to speak in a French accent, and a few phrases. I just ended up taking classes until I became fluent. It's easier if you understand exactly what you're saying." He smirked. "Before I knew a whole lot of French, I ended up calling my dad a shit-monkey."

Sagira snorted in a very unlady-like manner, and tried covering it up with a cough, being as they were in such a fancy place. She couldn't contain her grin, however, and he smiled back at her. "I don't imagine he appreciated that too much?" she asked.

Jay shook his head. "No, but Amber thought it was pretty funny."

Sagira chuckled. "You are... definitely something, JayBird," Sagira said, laughing. Shaking her head with a smile on her face, she speared a piece of fish. As soon as she put it in her mouth, she choked and started coughing, causing Jay to look up in concern.

Luckily, the waiter had brought a pitcher of water with the meal, and Sagira quickly down and entire glass. Gasping, she looked at her fish in something akin to fear. "Did they marinate this in sea water?" she asked softly. "I think there's more salt on this than in the Atlantic."


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Master Houndoom
post Jun 30 2009, 12:22 AM
Post #13

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Jay had been raising his fork to his mouth when she'd gasped, but he'd stopped, looking at her in panic, swallowing thickly as she'd swallowed her water.

If he'd simply stopped there, he might have saved himself a shock. Instead, as an automatic reaction, his fork continued it's path, taking the speared duck smothered in an orange colored sauce into his mouth.

Within seconds it was as if a fire had started in his mouth. He reached for his own glass, pouring from the pitcher shakily and gulping the water down. There was no thought in his mind that he looked foolish in front of his beautiful, sophisticated date, the girl who, though she had had a similar experience still managed not to spill a quarter of her glass down her front.

He gasped, and felt the anger rising, a brief, split second flash of pure rage before he mastered it, rendering a potential inferno to no longer than a lightning bolt.

"Garçon!" He'd raised his hand and snapped, his voice coming out crisply. He looked at the table, not up at the people around him, and certainly not at Sagira. He was blushing, in shame and disgrace, and somebody, but not him, was going to pay for it.

The waiter stepped forward, curious but not yet afraid. Perhaps he thought that two teenagers couldn't possibly understand the tastes that they were experiencing, and were, instead, mistakenly believing that this was another McGolduck, or Kentucky Fried Farfetch'd, or, heaven forbid, Long Kamon Silver's.

Instead, what he got was a slightly wide eyed young lady looking at her dish in horror, and a red faced young man who looked vaguely familiar, fixing him with a cold gaze.

"I'd like," he said, enunciating each word slowly, "for you to taste my date's dish, please."

"Jay, it's all r-"

"No," Jay said, with deliberate calm. It reminded her of the night in the alley, when her "husband Monty" came to her rescue, except that he wasn't trying to be jovial. "It isn't all right. Garçon, le poisson, s'il vous plait."

The waiter bowed his head politely, as his job required him, and picked up the desert fork. Despite the years of etiquette training screaming in his head against the use of this particular fork for this particular food, he speared a piece of seaking and lifted it to his mouth.

Only even more years of discipline kept him from spitting the fish out, grabbing the pitcher, and downing it's contents.

"Mon dieu!" He wasn't even French, only spoke enough to get through the menu and make orders for the chef, but it seemed right at the moment. He looked at the fish, he understood why the girl looked frightened.

"Would you like to try the Psyduck?" The cold voice brought him back to the present, and he saw the fowl on the end of a fork, dripping with an orange sauce. He could smell the pepper on it from where it hung under his nose.

"I'll... get the manager."

Jay said nothing, simply seethed in his chair. A glimpse at Sagira, her mouth flexing in an obvious frown, brought the shame back, and he sighed as he waited.

"The waiter has informed me of the problem. We will be most happy to exchange the mea--"

Jay stood, slowly. "Exchange..? Sir, what do people usually come here for?" His voice was no longer the cool, quiet hiss, but was loud enough to be heard at surrounding tables.

The manager looked around nervously, then said, quietly, "um.. they usually bring people for... special occ-"

"I can't HEAR you."

The manager swallowed, and then spoke up. "They... bring people for special occassions. Birthdays, anniversaries-"


"Yes. Yes sir."

Jay's face went cold. "That is why I came here. And my date's dinner, and my dinner, have been ruined. My night has gone from being a wonderful experience to a complete disaster, and only my date's attitude is keeping it from being the worst night of my life. So what makes you think we want to spend any more time here?"

"I will prepare your che-" The waiter was stopped by a finger pointed at the tip of his nose. He hadn't even seen the hand move.

"If you say anything about a check, there won't be anyone left in this place that won't hear about this."

The manager looked at the finger, then looked at the table. "But... the wine..."

"Consider it a consolation for ruining our first date."

In the end, they exited, having not paid for the meal, when Jay sighed, swallowing thickly. "Sorry about this.

This post has been edited by Hungry Hungry Houndoom: Jun 30 2009, 08:31 PM

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Living Arrow
post Jun 30 2009, 04:01 PM
Post #14

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

Ivy remained in her seat, a thoughtful frown playing across her brow as she popped another french fry into her mouth. She chewed slowly and methodically, watched the events unravel before her like a rug being spun on an automated loom. All of the tiny threads of intention and coincidence pulled together to form the complicated situation that managed to form itself in Chez Chimecho.

"Seems dindins didn't go too well..." She muttered to herself while continuing to eat at her own calm pace. She had watched the way her attmept at "extra seasoning" had turned sour (no pun intended) but yet managed to reign in her ambitious nature and maintaineed her calm and her disguise.

"The foods might not have been the right way they wanted but it looks like Jay-man has proven himself to be a mature male human - all commanding and manly!" Ivy rolled more fries into her mouth and peered after the couple as they exited the restaurant and began to move away.

Ivy sighed. She had rather been looking forward to a nice meal - one of the very few perks of her mission - and was sad to see that Jay-man and Catlady had ruined it for her. She had needs, too!

"S'all going according to plan..." Ivy lied to herself, already trying to come up with more ideas that would grant the Lange a Big Sniff from the Smythe. "If Jay-man rescues Catlady more then maybe she will like to feel protected... Ya, right!" Ivy laughed to herself, rewarding her with a few glances from patrons at nearby tables.

"Miss?" The grumpy waiter returned from before and took her empty plate. "How was everything?"

Ivy grinned. "'Liscious!" She confirmed, patting her belly. "Time for bizkits!"

"No no, this table is reserved in five minutes, I'm afraid you have to leave now. I can wrap up your desert, if you wish?"

"No look here, misser!" Ivy began, but an odd noise from across the restaurant caught her ears. It sounded like crying... like...

"That's her! She's the one who did it!" An accusing finger pointed across the room, directly at Ivy. The finger had a soggy piece of toilet paper hanging from it and was attached to a blood and poop-stained arm, slashed dress and battered face that looked like it had lost a fight with a truck.

"Oh, CATNIP!" Ivy cursed, flinging loose notes and coins at the waiter and darting for the door, springing into the darkness with many voices shouting after her. She ignored them as best she could, searching for Jay and Sagira. After all, Operation: Dindins was far from over!

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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Umbrae Calamitas
post Jul 2 2009, 12:53 AM
Post #15

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Tuesday's Pack

Sagira thought she handled herself remarkably well, considering the circumstances.

Her fish was so salty that it was surely as dry as sand. The water had contained a faint, barely noticeable metallic flavor, as though it had been drawn from a tap rather than a filtered pump. The waiter had been condescending at first, obviously assuming they were as ignorant as their ages implied. The manager had been presumptuous. And Jay had been bossy, demanding, and downright hot.

Sagira had held her emotions in as best she could, however. She was quite pleased with herself. She had almost lost it when Jay glanced over at her, but he'd looked away sighing in time enough for her to get herself under control.

As he led her out of the restaurant, however, she felt her control slipping, and finally, she released the emotions that had been too-long contained.

And burst out laughing.

Jay stopped and looked at her in surprise. She was certain that she looked less than ladylike, bent over at the waist, hands on her knees, roaring with open laughter. She couldn't help it, though. It was all to damn funny!

Obviously, Jay wasn't of the same mind, as he had a serious expression on his face when she regained control of herself, and he looked almost as though he regretted doing this. "I... don't see what's so funny," he muttered. He didn't sound mad. Almost... depressed.

"The way you handled that," Sagira said, "was quite familiar." He gave her a funny look. "You know, JayBird, you may look like your dad and I'll give you that." She grinned. "But you argue like your mother, and I don't think anyone will ever have the balls to lie to you about that." She flashed her one of her cocky grins, winked, and then turned her attention to the road, waving. "TAXI!"

Five minutes later had them cruising down the road in the back of a golden taxi cab. Jay still had a confused, somewhat nervous look on his face. Sagira, who had been grinning before, now had her mouth in a contemplative frown. She'd been wondering something for a while and Jay's look of regret was making her wish she had asked it earlier. She wasn't quite sure how to bring it up, though.

She had told the driver to take them through the drive through of the McGolduck near the movie theatre. He'd been reluctant, as that wasn't a common practice of cab driver's, but she'd offered to buy him a coffee and he didn't seem adverse to the idea of caffeine. They were still a good ten minutes away from the McGolduck, however, and from there only five to the movie theatre. There wouldn't really be a better time to ask this, in case he wanted to... back out. Sagira didn't think she'd blame him.

"Jay," she said softly. He lifted his head to look at her, but Sagira wouldn't meet his eyes. She was staring down at her hands, worried but determined not to show it.

"Yeah, Sagira?"

"I... I wanted to ask you..." She licked her lips. "Not that I don't like that we're going out for dinner and a movie, but..." She didn't see Jay's eyes widen at the implications of her sentence, or how he looked resigned, but sad. "Why... you could have any girl you wanted, Jay. They fall over themselves... and each other to get to you - like that girl in the restaurant." She swallowed thickly, turning to look out the window at the passing cars. "I'm... nothing special. I'm moody, and temperamental, and more cat-like than human. I jump to conclusions, and I'm not half as pretty as half the people walking down the street, so why... why me? BlueJay?" She dared a look at him and caught sight of an emotionless mask that made her cringe. She looked down at her hands. "I just... don't understand why you'd waste your time," she whispered.


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Master Houndoom
post Jul 2 2009, 02:48 AM
Post #16

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Jay had never felt so mortified in all of his life. The perfect dinner he had imagined, the one he had taken such deliberate steps to ensure it was exactly what she would want, and it was ruined. And Sagira's face kept twitching. Whatever it was that made her drink half of the pitcher must have been awful.

Or, instead of fooling himself, it could be that she was regretting this date, and just wanted to go back to base and forget the night.

Then she laughed.

It wasn't just that she was laughing, however, it was that she was laughing in such an unrestrained way. She was bent over, braying, and it was...

It was cute. But also a little frustrating.

"I don't see what's so funny," Jay said, hearing the hopelessness in his voice with a slight inner cringe.

She smiled at him. A grin, but not the one she gave to their opponents, or even their comrades. Her eyes sparkled brightly, and there was a hint of affection in her voice. She compared him to his parents, and while he usually got annoyed by that, this time it was obvious that it wasn't meant to put him down.

She called the taxi, and they were off, to, it turned out, McGolduck's. That brought his melancholy right back. And not a little confusion.

Here she was, this vision of confidence and beauty, her lithe body squeezed delightfully into a dress that was both classy and sensuous. She had left the cat eye contacts out, which allowed the deep blue of her eyes to shine, and, as when he'd first seen them, he kept finding himself swimming in them like the deep pools they represented.

This vision was going through the McGolduck's drive thru, and it was, in a manner of speaking, Jay's fault.

Now she was frowning again, her eyes going back and forth. Trying to figure out how to cut the night short, he figured, or at least to tell him that she thought they should keep themselves to just being partners and not get entangled in a relationship.

That, he thought, was the problem with girls with minds of their own. They had minds of their own, and if they didn't want something, there would be no talking them into it.


Here it comes.

"Yeah, Sagira?" He wanted to look at her, but he didn't have the guts. She was trying to let him down easy, and after tonight, he didn't blame her.

And then she did something that surprised him. She asked him why he would want to take out a girl like her. Before he could answer, or rather ask why he wouldn't want to take out a girl like her, she began to run through a list, an evidently well practiced list, of why he could do better.

It made him sad. She had no idea how completely wrong she was. Someone, or maybe a lot of someones, had held a warped mirror up to her and convinced her that the twisted image was the real her.

Some of what she'd said was true. She was more cat than human sometimes, and she was moody, and temperamental, and she had jumped to her fair share of conclusions, but for everything she pointed out, he wanted to interrupt and tell her how each and everything she pointed out either wasn't true or simply wasn't so bad.

It was when she said that she wasn't pretty that nearly broke his heart. He hated them then, the people that convinced her that she was lower than she was. He wanted them hurt, and, as he had done for most of his life, the emotions drained to his projected mask of calm.

She cringed looking at him, but Jay reached over and took her hand. For a moment, all he did was hold her hand, stroking the back of it along a groove he knew to be an old scar. She still hadn't told him what had caused it, but it wasn't important. What was important was the fact that she didn't see herself how he saw her, and he needed to tell her. Which meant he needed to find the exact right words.

Despite the initial distraction of her trying to pull away, he managed to find something that might work.

"You're right about one thing. I could have anyone I want." She tried to pull away again, but he held on, gently. "I could have let that girl talk me into going home with her. I could have stayed in Jublife and had a hundred of those girls." He looked up at her. "But they... a hundred of them isn't worth one of you, Sagira."

She blinked at him, confused, her brow furrowing. He thought he saw, hoped he saw, a glimmer, the tiniest spark, of hope in her eyes. "Yeah, OK, sometimes you're moody. Sometimes you jump to conclusions." He looked in her eyes, either not aware that she was beginning to scowl, or confident enough in his point to not pay attention. "I don't care, Sagira. I... I've seen you. The you that doesn't come out for anyone, that hides, and I like that. I even like the you I can see. Boy... do I like the you I can see..." He smiled, and she scowled.

"Do you always judge by what you see, BlueJay?" She ducked her head down, and once again tried to extract her hand, but he held on still, and she either wouldn't break his fingers to get him to let go, or she just hadn't gotten that mad yet.

"No, Sagira," Jay started, then stopped himself before an argument started. "No. It's not just what I see, and that's the point. You're a beautiful girl, sure, but it's what's inside you that I've really gotten to know. It's who you are, not how you look..." He licked his lips. If there was a time to say it, it was now. "Sagira... Sagira, I-"

There was a screech of tires and a resounding crash, and both of their heads snapped forward to see a rather large pile up in the road ahead.

"Ah, yeah," said the driver. "There's gon' be a bit of a delay, yanno what I'm sayin'?"

"You're kiddin' me," Jay sighed, flopping back a bit.

"Don' worry about it!" The cabbie had turned on his blinker. "I know another route. Should be at the McGolduck's asap, yanno?"

Jay nodded, watching the cars slow, most of the lanes blocked, but some of them just rubbernecking. As the cabbie moved down a side street, Sagira looked at him.

"You what?"

"Huh? Jay blinked at her, wide eyed.

"You started to say something."

He opened his mouth, but the moment had passed. "I want you to have a good time, and try to remember that I don't see you the way you think I do. If you can do that..." He shrugged, smiling, a challenge, but also a genuine smile as well. "If you can do that, then maybe you'll see what I see."

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Living Arrow
post Jul 2 2009, 11:41 AM
Post #17

Team Rogue: Pidgeotto
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PANE: Darryn Kellor

"Oh, holy poop on a stick!" Ivy moaned, watching Jay-man and Catlady bundle into one of those public cars that smelled of sweat and urine. She had once taken a trip in such a vehicle and had ended up on her hands and knees on the sidewalk at the end of the journey, reaquainting herself with breakfast.

"Well, now what am I gonna do?" She huffed, pouting angrily and stomping her foot. "Theys just wants me to fail this mission - that's what it is. Just cos I'm all promoted and they's still little nooblets. I's gonna complete this mission and get old Saggie to sniff Jay-man if it's the last thing I do!"

"Hey! That's her!" A cry came from behind. Ivy's head snapped about to find the girl she assaulted and a bunch of burly gentlemen heading in her direction.

"Hey! That's not her!" Ivy shouted back at them, turned on her heel, and ran.

As the car stealing her mission sped away from her and the angry men rushed towards, Ivy decided that despite her impressive running speed there were better ways to get around than by foot. Well, not by her feet anyway.

"Alpha! Gimme a Grumpiggyback!" She giggled, leaping into the air even as her Mightyena brother materialised under her legs. She landed on his shoulders with a laugh of delight and dug her heels in. With a startled yelp, Alpha dashed into the road and after the twin red lights of the taxi.

Ivy clung dearly to the lustrous fur of her Mightyena's hackles, allowing the night air to stream through her tidy hair and ripple her shiny little dress. It felt good to feel that caress on her skin - like the gently lapping waters up at Montague Peak. Thinking of that place reminded her of Victor and she wondered how he was faring back at the Maw without her. She hoped he wasn't being all silly and staying indoors on his own again.

"Faster, Alpha!" She called to her partner, willing him to pour every ounce of energy he had left into running but he was inevitably slowing... or was the taxi speeding up?... Ivy couldn't tell. In any case, Alpha didn't seem particularly tired - just unwilling. "Come on!" She kicked harder and he barked back angrily. She smacked him on the head. "BAD ALPHA! RUN FASTER!"

Obviously not appreciating the way he was being treated, Alpha slowed to a trot and stopped altogether with a petulant whine. Ivy sagged in her furry seat. When Alpha was being stubborn she couldn't get him to do a thing - she blamed it on him being the youngest of the litter. She was about ready to give up and run herself when she spotted movement up ahead... could it be...

"Oooh, Alpha? Lookit! Can you see that?" She pointed through the dark to where a lithe Pokemon was washing itself under a streetlamp. It looked up as Ivy spoke, its proud purple face questioning. "Geddit."

If there was one thing that Alpha liked most to do in the world it was chase cats. True, Victor's Aurum was a cat but it didn't seem the sort to put up much of a chase. That Glameow, however, did. With a howl, Alpha was off again.

"Weeee!" Ivy laughed as Alpha chased the Glameow into the road and in the direction of the fleeing taxi. Surprisingly, the Glameow was especially fast and Alpha had to go flat-out to keep up with it. They hurtled through the streets like the shadows of arrows in flight, pelting towards their destination. That destination was getting closer and closer...

"Uh-oh!" Ivy gasped as they overtook the taxi. Her little head bobbed past the window as they went and she briefly got a view inside of Sagira and Jay, holding hands and looking at each other.

"Yoohoo! They's holding the hands!" Ivy laughed, involuntarily kicking Alpha again. He yelped from the kick and ran off course, straight into the intersection where traffic was mid-flow. The wild Glameow sprang high up onto the top of a nearby van and disappeared into the night. Ivy and Alpha, however, continued straight towards a truck...


"What... happened?" Ivy muttered, rubbing her head. She hadn't fallen far or particularly hard. In fact, she had merely fallen off Alpha's back. The truck that had been headed their way, however, was on its side and its driver crawling slowly from the window.

"Oops!" Ivy rolled her eyes. "He shoulda looked where he was going, huh?"

She turned around and searched for Sagira's taxi. It was turning away... "Alpha!" She called and in moments the pursuit was resumed.

Darryn Kellor ~ ~ PANE Moderator ~ ~ Lori Pardare
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Umbrae Calamitas
post Jul 4 2009, 11:38 PM
Post #18

Team Rogue: Espeon
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Tuesday's Pack

The detour didn't take nearly as long as it felt. The ride was spent in almost total silence. After the interruption of the accident, Jay didn't seem to feel as though he should continue with what he had been saying. Sagira, for her part, wasn't sure how to react to what he had said, and what he might have been going to say. She spent the ride thinking.

He'd complimented her. He'd complimented her in a way that no one else had ever bothered. He'd told her that she was beautiful. He'd compared her to other people in a manner that was off-casting, as though no one else mattered and he needn't waste his time, but no one else ever would. His manner was... almost uncomfortable for her.


On some level, she had to admit, she liked hearing that he liked her, that he thought she was beautiful, and that he liked her for her, and not for someone she pretended to be. He didn't beat around the bush, but told her flat-out that she was right, he could have anyone he wanted, and as she thought about it, she was sure he could. He was an actor, the son of two famous actors/directors, and probably more wealthy than she even realized. He had but to ask for a woman and he would be handed ten.

All big-busted and empty-headed - everything that Sagira worked so hard not to be.

Oh, she had met those girls. Her town was full of them. Girls who said they wanted to be top-dog trainers, but squealed and ran away at the sight of a spinarak. Sagira wasn't a huge fan of spiders, herself, but she was one to follow up on her word. She didn't pretend to be tough if she wasn't.

Okay, that was a lie. She'd often had to pretend to be stronger than she felt, but she wasn't a sissy. She worked hard to get where she was. She listened, she read, and she learned as much as she could. She wasn't a genius, but she was smart. She had, after all, helped Professor Oak out in his lab every now and then, and she knew her way around pokemon. She also knew her way around a fight.

Sure, she dressed in a form-fitting outfit most of the time, but she did so for movement, not for the reactions she got from men and women alike. Her manner was one that'd she had or adopted over the years, but she didn't do anything to make people drool over her. She didn't wear mass amounts of makeup and laugh at something that wasn't funny in the least. She was true to herself, and fuck anyone else that tried to make her into a drone.

But, she would admit, she had become something of a victim to others. Oh, she was well aware that she still bore the mental and emotional scars of years of abuse from her peers. She probably didn't even know the extent of the damage done, but she doubted herself quite frequently. She wasn't all that pretty. She dressed in black almost all of the time, her hair was a flat mess, she was pale, and she had scars on her hands that would never heal. She had a temper and was too often too quick to jump to the defensive. She was working on it around Jay, but... these things took time, and she didn't know where he got his patience.

Things were changing, about her and for her, and she didn't fully understand them. Sometimes she didn't have the patience to deal with herself or this new level of perception that she was gaining with the realization of at least some of her psychic abilities. At points it was too much for her, but dealing with her? Sagira sighed.

Her hand still tingled a little from where he had been rubbing his fingers over what she knew to be an old scar. She'd always hated people seeing her scars, much less touching them, but she didn't mind so much with Jay. He didn't dwell on it. He saw something in her that went deeper than her looks - he'd admitted that himself. It was something that most people didn't even bother with, or perhaps couldn't achieve. Mattie could, of course, but he was essentially in the same boat as Sagira - they were both shunned by the same people, the same way, just for different reasons. But Jay was an outsider to this idea. He would be welcome anywhere - separate, maybe, but welcome - because of his fame and his parents, or just one or the other. He was the type of person that Sagira had always seen overlooking her as nothing of interest, but here he was... with her.

Sagira smiled softly. His words lingered in her head. Even now, the details were fading - the exact phrasing, the feeling of her hand in his - but the meaning remained, crystal clear in her mind. He... he liked her.

She didn't know what he had been about to say to her, and she did want to know, but for the moment... he liked her, and that was enough.

Smiling softly, Sagira chanced a glance at Jay. He was looking out of his window, seeming to be pointedly avoiding her eyes, perhaps out of embarrassment. Or maybe he was watching her in the reflection in the window. She didn't know, and it didn't matter.

Sagira shifted slightly and then leaned against Jay. She felt him tense in surprise and move to look at her swiftly, but she ignored him, not even looking at his face to see if he was startled or annoyed. She simply leaned against him softly and closed her eyes, hmming contentedly.

Yes. This was enough.


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Master Houndoom
post Jul 6 2009, 06:42 AM
Post #19

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She was leaning against him, and after his initial reaction, his next one was to be annoyed. With himself, for suspecting anything bad. He had wanted this level of familiarity. He had hoped it would happen here, on this date, after everything they'd been through.

They deserved it. Her more than him, maybe, because the more he learned about her, in bits and pieces and fits and starts, the more impressed he became with her ability to survive. But, in the long run, they deserved a little bit of happiness.

He slid his arm around her, careful as could be, and was rewarded again with another hum of satisfaction. It made the events of the night so far completely worth it.

And if nothing else went wrong, maybe he could finish what he started to say before.


Siryn knows. Being a ghost is not about being tough or being strong. Being a ghost is about being clever. And Siryn is clever.

Siryn does not know why Siryn hates the Hinata so much. Siryn does know that the Paladin is smart and handsome (and a little girly) and that the Paladin likes the Hinata, so maybe the Hinata is in Siryn's way and has earned her wrath.

Maybe Siryn is a little insane. Months of near starvation can drive a pokemon crobatty...

Siryn knows that she can't fight this feeling anymore. Siryn has forgotten what she started fighting for.

Siryn has a tune stuck in her head!

Siryn's old home, where she wasa hated and hunted and starved has something in it, in the desk of the pompous big butt. Siryn feels drawn to what is in the purple box, a stone that has darkness in it. Siryn is both wanting and afraid of the change it will bring her.

Siryn bets that the same change will happen for the Paladin with the stone in the blue and gold box...

Siryn will give the Paladin the purple box and keep the blue and gold box.

Then maybe the Paladin will love Siryn...


"I dunno, Catseye," Jay said with a frown. "You sure you want a Filet o' Magikarp?" His nose wrinkled. "Magikarp's kinda tasteless..."

"I'm sure, BlueJay," Sagira said with a smile. "I prefer fish."

Jay shrugged, smirking in good humor. "Suit yourself." He leaned out the window and called to the speaker, "I'd like a filet o' Magikarp, a grilled Delibird Ranch Club, a Tauren Royale with cheese, two medium sodas and a large coffee."

"Do you want fries with that?" Came a tired voice from the speaker.

"Yes, I want fries with that," Jay said, mimicking a popular cartoon character, a child with an oblong head, "and if you forget my fries, you shall rue the day! Rue, I say!"

Sagira pulled Jay back into the car, doing her best to scowl but unable to hide the twinkle of amusement in her eyes. The rest of the process passed with little incident, and they spent the trip to the theatre eating their dinners and drinking their drinks in companiable silence.

Before long, Jay and Sagira were sitting in a darkened theatre, waiting for Weavile's story to unfold on the screen.

ooc (click to show)

This post has been edited by Hungry Hungry Houndoom: Jul 13 2009, 02:38 PM

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Umbrae Calamitas
post Jul 6 2009, 12:37 PM
Post #20

Team Rogue: Espeon
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Tuesday's Pack

Now that they sat in the darkness of a theatre, Sagira allowed the grin to take control of her face as she thought back to their stop at McGolducks. She had needed to fight her smile for the entire ride, though it had helped once they'd received their food. So much easier to blame a grin on how awesome a magikarp filet was. How Jay could think the sandwich dry was beyond her. She'd always preferred the fish, and had rarely ever ordered anything else when she and her father went there.

But the fries were on her mind.

Ah, the fries. Delicious though they were, it was Jay's manner of ordering that had nearly had her in hysterical laughter. She wondered sometimes if he didn't know more about her than she thought. Much of his words or actions compliments her likes or her feelings. They were going to the Weavile movie (for which tickets had been sold out for a week, mind you), and Sagira loved Weavile (truly, it bordered on obsession. Hugh Jackman better never show his face in her presence. She was liable to pounce on him like a cat on... well, yeah).

Back to the fries. Sagira was addicted to Family Guy. Addicted. It was her cinematic drug (right up there with drooling over XMen). She'd never fully understood what was so amusing about having a pet pokemon with no powers. Sure, Brian could talk, but so could psychic types, for the most part. He wasn't even an actual pokemon - just something that the directors made up. Personally, she thought he could have been some sort of psychic or dark type, to make things more interesting. Have some sort of power where he shot beams of intelligence at everyone. After all, he was the smartest character in the whole Griffin household; his only competitor in the area of intelligence being Stewie.

Ah, Stewie. The football-headed sadist-child that Jay had chosen to mimic. The child that, for some reason, wanted to murder his mother. And talked to his stuffed teddiursa that, in his daydreams, had the body of David Hasslehoff. That was actually rather disturbing. She shook herself out of the imagery. No need to contemplate hidden messages promoting pedophilia in a show that was already wrong on so many levels. Funny, yes, but done in poor taste half the time. Ah well.

Seriously, though, when Jay had demanded of the employee that she would rue the day if she forgot his fries, Sagira actually thought the cab driver was going to slam on the gas just to avoid having his passenger insult the employee while he was playing chauffeur. Sagira had pulled him back into the car, and she had truly needed to fight with herself. The same words kept echoing around in her mind and it took all of her self-control to come from yelling, "Shut up! Shut up, damn you!" in a dual-mock of Stewie Griffin. Of course, Sagira had never been able to pull off voices other than the occasional accent (she did a very good Romanian, next to her thick Londoner), and she didn't want to encourage Jay. He might do something Family Guy-ish once they got to the window.

Of course, they needn't have worry - Sagira was sure the girl's face was still read from laughter when they got to the window.

Sitting in the darkness of the theatre, Sagira wore a rather large grin. By instinct, she had fought Jay for the armrest, and won. She always won. Of course, she wasn't sure if she had taken the prize this time because of her mad-skills (okay, so she was really happy), or because he was trying to be a gentlemen.

Well, screw that.

Reaching over, Sagira grabbed his left hand with her right and, entwining their fingers, set them both on the armrest. Was she blushing? Oh, hell yes, but it was dark, no one could see, and she was holding the hand of a boy - man - who was rightly hotter than any other man in the universe.

Yes, Hugh Jackman - Weavile - we love you, but not even you match up. Go stab something with your claws and have a manly cry. We'll wait.

As Sagira sat there, grinning to herself, the advertisements that had been playing finally came to a close, and the movie began.

Funny. Even as the brute of a kickass X-Men-to-be came on the screen, Sagira found that nothing stole her concentration as much as the feeling of Jay's hand in hers.

OOC (click to show)


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