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SLASH!, Just yet another battling amateur, on his way around the world
Captain Combuske...
post Aug 27 2009, 07:19 AM
Post #1

A.k.a CC or Captain.
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Zack Aiza's Team

OK anyone, please join the RPG!

The story of Alex Slasher

The icy cold, sharp claw, came down on Alex Slasher's face, scarring his face badly. A three second pause. Then the blood started dripping down, trickling its way down to the ground. But Alex had to go on, even though his body was telling him he couldn't.

So he faced the Weavile in front of him, its malicious grin as it held its claws for all to see. Alex shuddered viciously. He reached to his belt.

"Go, Blaze!" he shouted. Out came his Torchic, looking brave, and powerful.

"Blaze, ember!" shouted the boy.

But before Blaze was even a little bit ready, the Weavile attacked, running towards the small Torchic, its feet slowly padding on the thick snow below itself. It slashed its claws about viciously, impaling Blaze. Alex shouted a loud "NO!" as tips of claws entered flesh, and coming out the other end.

Blaze was dead. He couldn't beleive it. His best friend was dead.

He roared angrilly, punching the Weavile with all his strength. It ran away, leaving Alex to simply touch the now cold, lifeless body of Blaze the Torchic

Alex's eyes snapped open. He quickly reached for Blaze's Pokeball again. It opened, and out came his companion. He sighed a huge sigh of relief. Yet another awful nightmare. When would they stop? They'd been going on for days now, always Blaze geting killed, always a different setting, and a different Pokemon doinf the damage. Alex wondered what these dreams meant, and what was he to do about them? He knew not, but by golly would he try hard.

He looked at his surroundings. Ah yes, that was right. He was at the entrance of the Daas forest, home to varioyus bug and grass Pokemon, and home to the elusive Celebi, if legends were accurate, which they probably weren't.

Alex stood up, after letting Blaze climb onto his shoulder. He brushed his clothes, then put his backpack on. Today he would traverse this forest, even if it killed him!

So, Alex entered the entrance, into Daas Forest...
OK.... a good enough opening?

And someone please join!


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post Aug 30 2009, 01:47 PM
Post #2

You Know Who
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Drew walked into the City of Barley. Drew had no idea what to do. He was just glad to get away from his father. Drew's father almost worked him to death. Drew worked on the farm from five in the morning to eight when it got dark out. Drew only had a hour to play with his pokemon.

Drew had only been in the city twice before. The first was when he was eight. Drew caught an epidemic that was going around when he was eight. He had to go to the hospital for five days. The second was when he was going on vacation back to Kanto. His father and Drew took a boat from the Port Barley. Drew said that was the most fun he had in his life ever since.

The sun was setting. It was two three hours ago when Drew left his farm. The wind was picking up. Some Pokmon were howling at the wind. Drew was going to walk to the Pokemon Center. That was what his father said do to, at night get to the closest Pokemon Center.

Drew was walking by Central Park when a piece of paper slapped against his face. He took a glance at it. It was a railroad ticket to Petropolis. He looked around. There wasn't a single soul in the area. He ran to the train station. He decided that it was fate that gave him the ticket. Drew jumped on the train just as it was leaving the station.

Petropolis is one of the bigger cities in Furoh. It was located on the southwest coast of Furoh. Where as Barley is in the Northwest corner of Furoh. Drew heard great things of Petropolis. The skyscrapers were one of the tallest in the world. At least, taller than Barley. It had a Contest Hall, maybe Drew could challenge the Leader. But then Drew remembered reading you must have three pokemon.

This post has been edited by AwesomeVenusaur: Aug 30 2009, 03:44 PM
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Captain Combuske...
post Aug 30 2009, 03:22 PM
Post #3

A.k.a CC or Captain.
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Zack Aiza's Team

Questions and answers for my fellow RPer (click to show)


The Story of Alex Slasher and Drew Nelson

Daas forest was dull. That was Alex Slasher's first opinion of the forest, the first time he ever went into there, at the young age of eight. Alex remembered that day well...

The predator watched its prey creep into the forest. No doubt this child was looking for berries for Poffins or Pokeblocks. Hmph! The beast scoffed. He'd show this inferior thing, oh yes he would. He'd whip it and slash at it until it gave in...

Alex was suddenly scared. He knew he'd underestimated this mighty forest, and now it was out to get him. He didn't know why. He was getting an oran berry for Blaze. Blaze had suffered a little damage at school and Alex had no money for a potion, so his parents had told him to get an Oran berry in the forest. Alex had just finished picking and was giving it to Blaze when suddenly, something charged at him. It was a terrifying scyther! Alex was rooted to the spot with fear. This Pokemon could rip him up in seconds with those scary looking blades.

Alex could think of only one thing to do. Fight it.
"Blaze, ember it!!!"
the little chick Pokemon looked at him, and valiantly fought, burning the scyther, who was taken aback from the sudden resistance. This foe was stronger than he had first thought. He scampered off.
"Blaze, you were great." said the Torchic's trainer. Then they headed back home.

That day rooted into his mind not just because he'd been in Daas forest for the first time. It had also been the first time that Alex had battled with Blaze outside school.

Alex passed through the first few metres of forest without any hassle. Then, as he reached about a quarter of the way through the forest, a bug jumped out. Wurmple.
"Go, Stryk!" yelled Alex.
Out came the Starly, her head raised in a proud expression.
"Peck!" Alex ordered.
Stryk quickly pecked the Wurmple. It toppled over, its eyes going a little blank.
"Come back then, girl."
Stryk turned I to a ball of weightless red stuff, then entered her Pokeball.

The next battle happened a little later, about two thirds of the way into the forest. This time, it was a Taillow that tried its luck.
"Always train Pokemon evenly" said the voice of his father in his head. Alex knew who.
"Swamps, it's your turn! GO!"
Out came a Mudkip, with a similar-looking expression as Stryk had earlier. Except this expression was defiance, not pride.
"Oh, so you're in that mood, are you? Well, Swamps, all I'm doing is raising you to be a winner! Come on! Please?"
It was actually the first time Alex had said please to his Mudkip. And surprisingly, it worked. Even though there was a little reluctance, Swamps quickly followed his orders, using water gun and tackle to faint his foe.
"Well done buddy."
Swamps looked happy as he went back into his Pokeball.

The last battle took place literally at the exit of the forest. This time, it was a Heracross that stood in front of Alex.
"Blaze! Go, buddy!"
Out came the proudest and happiest of Alex' Pokemon. It cried out a proud chirp, but Alex knew Blaze was trying to roar. Alex had the impulse. Alex worked quite well on impulse. It usually worked out well. His impulse told him he wanted this Heracross.
"Blaze, what do you think to a new buddy to battle with, eh?"
The Chick Pokemon chirped again, agreeing with its master and friend.
"You know what to do."
Blaze used tackle, but put a lot of effort into it, making the attack stronger and more powerful. It did the trick. Heracross hadn't quite fainted, but was looking weak. It was funny how you noticed things at weird times. Just as he threw the ball, he saw the pattern of the horn. Spikes, notched edges. That meant it was a male.
The ball rolled from side to side. Then stopped, and the little cricle in the middle of the ball went black for a second.
"Yes!" exclaimed Alex, as he ran, thrilled, towards the ball, picking it up triumphantly. He opened the ball, doing his usual ritual. Then he opened Swamps and Stryk's Pokeballs. He always did this exactly at the place of capture or receivance.
"Heracross, I nickname you Cross! May you be kind to your new friends, and become a great battler. Please meet your new friends. Blaze, you you've already met. Swamps the Mudkip. Stryk the Starly. Everyone, this is Cross, your new battling buddy! Everyone, please welcome Cross!"
Swamps, Stryk and Blaze all chirped or cried out in acceptance of their new fellow Pokemon. It was truly a lovely moment."

Once all his Pokemon were inside their Pokeballs once more, Alex headed out of the forest. An earthy road met him. This was were his adventure truly began. Alex headed for the crossroads.

OOC: (click to show)

This post has been edited by Proby3: Aug 31 2009, 04:16 AM


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post Aug 30 2009, 04:01 PM
Post #4

You Know Who
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The Story of Drew Nelson and Alex Slasher

With the engines roaring and the screech from the poorly built railroads rubbing against the wheels, it was pretty hard for Drew to fall asleep. So Drew stayed awake. There were a couple of other people in the cabin Drew was in. Most of them were sitting alone reading the daily paper. Drew figured that they were business people working in Barley for the day. Most of them had suits and ties on Drew noticed after some examination.

Drew tried with all his might to try to fall asleep but he couldn't. So for something to do, Drew released his pokemon, a female Charmander and a male Tyrogue named "Ty." They danced around the three seats with Drew sitting next to the window. They seemed happy to get out of their pokeballs. After about ten minutes when some of the business men gave him mean looks, he put Charmander and Ty away in their pokeballs.

A hour later, Drew saw that they were stopping in Gigarte. One family got off. They were louder than Drew, Charmander, and Ty, but the stern businessmen didn't give them mean looks. By the time the train was rolling again, it was dark out. Drew was mad that he couldn't see out the window anymore to look at the beautiful country side. What he saw was his own reflection. Drew's buzzed black highlighted by his mother's blue eyes. His tan skin appeared along with his neon orange t-shirt and black gym shorts.

About two hours later, the train rolled into Petropolis station. Drew grabbed his things and exited the train before anyone else could. He looked at a map in the station and located the Pokemon Center. He remembered where to go and started walking north out of the station. The lampposts were on since it was dark out. Drew glanced at his watch, it was ten to midnight. He finally got to the Pokemon Center. They were out of rooms so he was given a sleeping bag. He slept on the cold floor across the country from where he never thought he could get out of, his father's farm.
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Captain Combuske...
post Aug 31 2009, 05:50 AM
Post #5

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Zack Aiza's Team


The Story of Alex Slasher and Drew Nelson

Alex was now at the crossroads. He'd defeated a Rattata with his new Heracross, who had some good fighting moves, as well as handy bug ones. He definately liked the new addition to his team. So you can bet that once he reached crossroads, he already had all his Pokemon out, and was aking them the direction he should go. The majority of them all pointed to the biggest sign on the pole. It said Petropolis.

So, Alex headed through the road to Petropolis. He had a bike handy, so rode on it. The journey didn't take long. On a bike it was a breeze, going across the road, dodging trainers because he didn't want to fight yet, he just wanted to get to a Pokemon center. There weren't many trainers at this time of day anyway, they were asleep in their beds. They'd come back to train in the morning, as would Alex hopefully. Right now he was starving. He'd eaten breakfast early, eager to get started, and was now very hungry.

If Alex' hadn't met a nice man to show him the way to the Pokemon center, he'd have been lost. Badly lost, as well. Petropolis was huge. There were houses everywhere, at least two shops, two schools, and millions of buildings. There was a large gym, that Alex was sure he would eventually fight in. It was a little overhwleming for someone who'd come from Daas, tiny in comparison to this huge place.

That's how Drew Nelson and Alex Slasher met. Alex entered the Pokemon center, not caring where he sat down. He sat down. He ate his dinner that his mum had prepared for him. It was in the middle of this that Alex looked up at the other boy at the table. There sat a skinny, tanned boy with messy black hair. He loked tired, and Alex couldn't help but think that this boy would look perfect with a stem of straw in his mouth, and wearing overalls and a straw hat. Alex finished his dinner, then spoke.
"I'm Alex. Who are you?"

This post has been edited by Proby3: Sep 2 2009, 02:33 PM


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post Aug 31 2009, 10:54 AM
Post #6

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The Story of Drew Nelson and Alex Slasher.

Drew Nelson arrived at the Pokemon Center safely walking through dark, mysterious alleys and roads. Drew has never been so relieved to be in a place he had never been before. Drew heard his stomach rumble. So before he lay down to go asleep, he grabbed a nice peanut butter sandwich out of his backpack. Drew made plenty about ten of fifteen to last him a week or two. Drew couldn't stand jelly. It tasted so slimy like to him that it grossed him out.

Drew let out Charmander and Ty and told them to be quiet. People were already asleep in the other rooms. He almost ate the sandwich in one bite he was so hungry. After he fed Charmander and Ty some berries he picked before he left. They swallowed it almost as fast as Drew did his sandwich.

Just then a small guy walked through the sliding doors of the Pokemon Center. He had vibrant flowing orange hair. Not ginger colored hair, orange hair. He has glaring green eyes. He looked at Drew as if he was scanning him. Drew was hoping he couldn't tell he was a farm boy. He sat down across the table from Drew.

The kid didn't look much older than him, maybe a year or two. He didn't even look at Drew when he sat down. After he finished, he looked up at Drew and said, "I'm Alex, who are you?"

"Hi, Alex, I'm Drew, Drew Nelson. I just started my Pokemon Journey today. Took a train all the way from Barley to here. When did you..." He was interrupted by a girl with a Cyndaquil and a Mareep.

OOC: (click to show)

This post has been edited by AwesomeVenusaur: Aug 31 2009, 07:18 PM
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Lady Ink
post Aug 31 2009, 07:13 PM
Post #7

The Wielder of the Purple Pencil.
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QUOTE(Journal Entry #1)
Dear Journal,

I've decided to start a new journal for my adventures in Furoh. I'm about to leave Petropolis, but I've decided to head toward the Pokemon Center first, to make sure that Harold and Pastry completely healthy before I start my journey across Furoh. Maybe I'll meet some trainers there that I can travel with.

I'm not sure if I can make it as a trainer. Maybe I'll fail miserably and harm Harold and Pastry by accident. On the other hand, I could do amazingly and perhaps even make it to Daioh and have the opportunity to challenge the League Champion. I just hope Harold and Pastry are up to it. I'll probably see lots of new Pokemon on my journey.

Well, destiny calls. I'll continue writing later.


Melody closed the spiral-bound notebook, resting her hands on the hard cover, tracing the letters of her name on the indelible ink that marked it as hers. She wondered if it was the right choice deciding to become a Pokemon trainer and travel the routes of Furoh. She had never been far away from a family member before in her life. Of course, Anthony had given her some food to stave her over for about a week, along with a picture of him with one of his witty quips inked on the back with his neat, cursive handwriting.

Melody sighed. She knew that she was about to fulfill one of her life dreams, so why didn't she grab it by the reins and get going? With this thought in her mind, Melody slowly rose from the bench in front of the Pokemon Center, her hopes and dreams flashing in front of her eyes, encouraging her to get going. Melody slowly and deliberately slung her silver knapsack over her shoulder and checked for Harold and Pastry's Pokeballs, making sure they were still there and that they were secure. Finally, she carefully stowed away her journal into the front pocket of her knapsack, and took a step toward the Pokemon Center. There was no turning back now.

The Pokemon Center's glassy doors obscured the view of everybody inside the building, making it appear like an abstract painting. Suddenly, Butterfrees returned Melody's stomach, and all of the bones in her legs seemed to have been removed. In certain need of help, Melody sent out Harold.

"Cyn?" Harold peeped, cocking his head. The flames on his back were bright--he obviously knew he was on his way on a great adventure.

"I'm sorry for calling you out Harold, but I need some reassurance. I'm not sure if I can do this," Melody explained, already slightly encouraged by Harold's bright flames.

In a slightly comical way, Harold tottered over behind Melody, and began pushing against the back of her feet, using his stubby little arms and elongated head. Melody grinned. Harold always knew how to get her going.

"Alright, alright, I'm going!" Melody said, in a teasing voice. "Thanks for the help, Harold." Melody scooped up the little creature in her arms. The Cyndaquil nodded, and let out a satisfied 'cyn'.

Melody began to walk to the glass doors of the Pokemon Center, stopping a bit short of the doors. The sliding doors quickly opened automatically, as they were supposed to. This gave Melody a clear view straight into the Pokemon Center, and the feeling that everybody was watching her. She took a deep breath and continued in, with Harold glancing around the room. She spotted a table with two boys, that seemed about the same age as her. She wondered if they were experienced trainers. Perhaps they'd let her travel with them. But first things first, Melody approached Nurse Joy, to inquire about her Pokemons' health.

After assessing a very confused Harold, Nurse Joy concluded that the Cyndaquil was healthy, after which Melody sent out Pastry from her Pokeball. After several minutes of Pastry in front of Nurse Joy and some poking around, the Mareep was declared healthy as well. Melody was relieved, yet frightened at the same time. She no longer had an excuse to postpone her journey anymore. She hid her fear and thanked Nurse Joy, returning both Harold and Pastry to their respective Pokeballs.

Melody glanced around and spied the table with the two boys she had seen before. Figuring it was worth a try, Melody approached the duo, with a greeting ready.

"Hello," Melody said, with a smile, "I'm Melody. I've just started my journey as a trainer. How about you?"
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post Aug 31 2009, 07:29 PM
Post #8

You Know Who
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My Favorites

The Story of Drew Nelson, Alex Slasher, and Melody Hart

"Hello," a small girl said. There was a small, but noticeable pause. It seemed like she was nervous. Drew was nervous too. "I'm Melody. I've just started my journey as a trainer. How about you?"

Drew looked at her. But more in detail, her fashion. She had tan skin, not as tan as Drew's though. She had mysterious purple eyes. Drew wanted to ask her if she was wearing colored contact but refrained. She has long creepy black hair with silver highlights that ran down her back. She was wearing a white shirt with a purple tie. Drew had never worn a tie before. He never had a need to. He only thought boys wore ties. He felt kind of jealous that she had a tie.

Drew broke the silence by saying, "Hello, I'm Drew, this is Alex, we just met, seriously like two seconds ago while you were checking on your Pokemon. Well, I started today, I took a train all the way from Barley, where I worked on my father's farm. I was just about to ask Alex the same question. Where are you from, Melody?"

Hopefully she traveled very far like he did. He knew Alex didn't live very far away because he had a bicycle. Drew always wanted a bicycle. He never had the money to buy one.

OOC pointing towards Inksplatter: (click to show)

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Lady Ink
post Sep 1 2009, 05:40 PM
Post #9

The Wielder of the Purple Pencil.
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OOC to Venusaur (click to show)
The Story of Drew Nelson, Alex Slasher, and Melody Hart

"Hello," the exceptionally skinny boy responded to Melody first, "I'm Drew. , this is Alex, we just met, seriously like two seconds ago while you were checking on your Pokemon. Well, I started today, I took a train all the way from Barley, where I worked on my father's farm. I was just about to ask Alex the same question. Where are you from, Melody?" The boy seemed to talk quite a lot, while the other boy--the one with the vibrant orange hair was silent.

It took Melody a bit to absorb the question the boy had asked, but she quickly formulated an answer.

"I'm actually from Veilstone, in the Sinnoh region." Melody paused. She wondered if she sounded odd to her new acquaintances. Or rather, looked odd. Her silver streaks and purple eyes were usually a lot for new people to take in. She continued, trying to ignore her lowering self-esteem. "But I moved to Petropolis to live with my brother, who runs a restaurant here." Melody paused again. She hoped she didn't sound too vain or full of herself. She really wanted to be able to travel in a group.

"So," Melody said, nonchalantly, in an effort not to sound too desperate, "do you have any plans for your journey? Do you mind if I come along? My goal is to reach Daioh and challenge the League Champion. I suppose your goal is to reach Daioh too." Melody realized she sounded a bit too enthusiastic. She mentally corrected herself, though she tried to tell herself that it wasn't all a bad thing either.
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post Sep 2 2009, 12:51 PM
Post #10

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My Favorites

The Story of Melody Hart, Drew Nelson, and Alex Slasher

"So, do you have any plans for your journey? Do you mind if I come along? My goal is to reach Daioh and challenge the League Champion. I suppose your goal is to reach Daioh too."

"I would love if you joined! I would like to eventually get there. But remember, we only met and I have no badges or more important to me, any ribbons. I'm thinking we travel Furok to all the significant cities and towns, train our pokemon." Drew stopped trying not sound like he was controlling everyone. "I think first we should go where Alex wants to go, he is the oldest and maybe he is a bit more experienced."

Drew was happy that someone else joined their pack. By now, Drew was completely done with his dinner and glanced at his watch. It was a quarter past eleven. Drew could feel his eyelids trying to close, but he couldn't go to sleep, not yet, at least. He needed to wait for the rest of the conversation to end. It was important because it could shape up all of his journey. Then Drew relized he would need to catch more pokemon. He just started to ponder about possibilities when Alex spoke up with his reply.
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Captain Combuske...
post Sep 2 2009, 02:43 PM
Post #11

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Zack Aiza's Team


The Story of Alex Slasher, Drew Nelson and Melody Hart.

"OK..." satrted Alex. He was quite shy, so this sudden burst of attention threw him for a second or two. "I'm from Daas, which you probably haven't heard of. Small town, south at the crossroads? Yeah that's right. Those crossroads. I want to head back that way, if that's all right with you two. Fight the trainers, level our Pokemon maybe, just general training. Then we head for Lenoilia as our main big target. There'd probably other small villages and towns between here and there, with warm up gyms and such. That's my guess anyway."

Alex stopped for a little while to drink a bit of his water. Then he started again.
"Well, I think we should get to know eachother's Pokemon. Let's go outside for that. Then we'll stay at the hotel for tonight. We can start again tomorrow."

Without waiting for the other two, but guessing they'd probably follow him, for he knew he had at least some common sense on his side, Alex headed out of the doors back out into the street. The chilling night air breezed slowly through Petropolis, cooling Alex down, giving him lovely fresh air. He breathed it in thankfully, and stat down on the bench next to the Center, thinking about his life so far. He'd just started an adventure. And so far, he was loving it.

This post has been edited by Proby3: Sep 3 2009, 07:42 AM


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Lady Ink
post Sep 2 2009, 04:52 PM
Post #12

The Wielder of the Purple Pencil.
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The Story of Melody Hart, Alex Slasher, and Drew Nelson

The boy with the vibrant orange hair (Alex was his name, according to Drew) began discussing their plans--travel to Lenoilia, and battle trainers and become stronger along the way. Melody pondered the thought of a three on three battle. She had never seen one before. Perhaps it was because the ones she watched on the television were all of tournaments, and three on three wasn't an option. But perhaps in the world out there it was. After suggesting they head toward Lenoilia first, Alex suggested they stay at the hotel for tonight. But which hotel? Melody had only explored Petropolis a bit, but she was sure there were at least two hotels in the city.

Melody opened her mouth, about to suggest they all stay at her brother's flat above the restaurant, but Alex had already left into the crisp Petropolis air. Melody turned to Drew.

"Do you know what hotel Alex is staying at?" Melody asked, slightly puzzled.

After no response from Drew, Melody half-ran, half-walked outside the Pokemon Center, after Alex. She whirled around wondering where the older boy had disappeared to. Then, she saw him sitting on the bench outside of the Pokemon Center.

"Hey," Melody demanded, "you never told us what hotel you were going to. There's at least five hotels in this city, you know?"
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Captain Combuske...
post Sep 3 2009, 07:50 AM
Post #13

A.k.a CC or Captain.
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Zack Aiza's Team

OOC: Hope ya don't mind a little bunnying.

The Story of Alex Slasher, Drew Nelson and Melody Hart.

"I hadn't thought about that." said Alex, before he started to blush. How had he forgotten. He was a foreginer, not a resident in Petropolis. It was obvious that he wouldn't know the hotels of the city. He was lucky to have someone who knew here with him.
"Well, there are: The Granger hotel, the cheapest, Luxx hotel, most luxurious but most expensive, Newtrainer hotel, expensive but good for newbies like us. Hikat hotel, very strict and neat and Thug hotel, which is like a prison."
"I think I'll choose Granger." replied the boy.
"I will too." said Drew, who had come out of the Pokemon center now.

"Right, with that decided, then let's meet eachother's Pokemon. Have a little battle. You both seem to have only two Pokemon apiece- I have four- so let's battle! Double battle, two of yours versus two of mine. Learn eachother's strategies, and so on. OK then, out ya come, Swamps, Stryk!"
He threw both Pokeballs out, and out came his two Pokemon. Swamps the Mudkip had a glint of happiness in his eyes, and Stryk the Starly was as proud and ready as ever. Alex smiled. Both of his Pokemon seemed happy.
"I'm waiting. Come on, it's only a friendly match thing!"
Alex waited for the two to choose their Pokemon, hoping for sucess.

This post has been edited by Proby3: Sep 5 2009, 01:39 AM


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post Sep 3 2009, 01:03 PM
Post #14

You Know Who
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My Favorites


The Story of Alex Slasher, Drew Nelson and Melody Hart.

"I will too." said Drew.

"Right, with that decided, then let's meet eachother's Pokemon. Have a little battle. You both seem to have only two Pokemon apiece- I have four- so let's battle! Double battle, two of yours versus two of mine. Learn eachother's strategies, and so on. OK then, out ya come, Swamps, Stryk! I'm waiting. Come on, it's only a friendly match thing!"

"Right I only have two, Charmander and Ty, an awesome Tyrogue. Can we not battle though so late at night. I need sleep, I have no attention span when I'm tired." He threw both his pokeballs towards an empty clearing near Swamps, a very serious looking Mudkip, and Stryk, a proud Starly. Charmander and Tyrouge appeared through a light blue flash and Drew's empty pokeballs came flying back towards them. Drew caught them with ease. Charmander stood stern. Charmander took great pride in being a Pokemon under Drew's control. Tyrogue was doing stretching, showing how fit he is. Tyrgoue and Drew ran two miles everyday. Than Melody stepped forward to release her pokemon.

This post has been edited by AwesomeVenusaur: Sep 3 2009, 01:06 PM
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Lady Ink
post Sep 3 2009, 05:12 PM
Post #15

The Wielder of the Purple Pencil.
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The Story of Melody Hart, Drew Nelson, and Alex Slasher

Melody watched as Alex released two of his four Pokemon--a Mudkip and a Starly, both of which seemed very confident in their skills. Melody was impressed with the Pokemon, both of which seemed to be in great condition. It was times like these that Melody wished she had a Pokedex to record the information of the Pokemon she saw, but she had never obtained one. Despite the regret of not obtaining one from Professor Rowan, Melody was still eager to see all the Pokemon in the world.

""Right I only have two, Charmander and Ty, an awesome Tyrogue. Can we not battle though so late at night. I need sleep, I have no attention span when I'm tired," Drew complained. Despite his objection, Drew sent out his two Pokemon anyways--a fit Tyrogue and a Charmander. Gears began to whirr in Melody's mind.

Right, well, since I have Harold and Pastry, I have a Fire-type and a Electric-type. I'm matched up badly against that Mudkip, but Pastry will be able to do well against Alex's Starly...

"Alright, I'm ready," Melody called out, grabbing the two Pokeballs from her knapsack. "Come on out, Harold and Pastry!" Melody announced, throwing the two Pokeballs next to Drew's Pokemon. In a flash of light, a joyful looking Cyndaquil and hyper Mareep appeared in front of Melody, ready for battling. Melody was rather nervous--this was her first real trainer battle. All the training she had done beforehand was done by battling wild Pokemon, and occasionally feeding her Pokemon rare candies.

Melody took a deep breath. She nodded at Drew. It was time to battle.
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Captain Combuske...
post Sep 5 2009, 01:39 AM
Post #16

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The Story of Alex Slasher, Drew Nelson and Melody Hart.

Alex smiled as he prepared himself forn the first move.
"Swamps, water gun!"
Swamps sputed a powerful jet of water from his mouth, that pounded into Harold, the Cyndaquil. The little Fire Mouse Pokemon recoiled back, obviously hurt by Seamps attack.
"Stryk, quickly, Peck!" shouted Alex.
Stryk dived towards Harold, pecking at the Cyndaquil viciously. Harold once more recoiled in pain. He looked on the end of his strength, but still somehow managed to stay put.

Alex waited for Melody to make her move, his eyes focused on the battle. He didn't watch Drew, just stayed looking at the battle. He didn't notice the shady man creeping up slowly behind him, a powerful mightyena as his side. That was one oif Alex' flaws. He was too concentrated on battles.

This post has been edited by Proby3: Sep 5 2009, 11:14 AM


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Lady Ink
post Sep 5 2009, 09:57 AM
Post #17

The Wielder of the Purple Pencil.
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The Story of Melody Hart, Drew Nelson, and Alex Slasher

Melody bit her bottom lip. There was no way Harold could keep up for long. Even with such resilience shown already, it was just a matter of time before the disadvantaged Pokemon fainted from exhaustion. Melody now she had to act. And fast. Pastry was standing to the right of Harold, wincing every time the Cyndaquil took a hit. It was obvious she wanted to fight back.

"Harold, quick! Dodge those attacks as they come!" Melody called out, hoping the Cyndaquil was fast enough to evade the Starly's attacks. The Cyndaquil dove to the left, narrowly missing the Starly's peck attack. However, the Starly was still too quick, and deftly landed another attack on Harold, with no time to spare. TheMelody gritted her teeth. All of those years studying diligently at school weren't about to be wasted now. Pastry was now brimming with electric energy, ready to take down that Starly. A few sparks leapt from her coat, but Melody knew Pastry wasn't quite strong enough to unleash a thundershock attack. But then, Melody got an idea.

"Pastry, now! Tackle that Starly and make sure you hit it with some of your wool!" Melody hoped that Pastry got the message. Her wool was now brimming with static electricity, swelled up to almost twice its normal size. She had learned that this Pastry's wool in this state could give out quite a shock--the hard way. As the small Mareep charged at the bird Pokemon, her tail glowed brightly--another indicator of the amount of the electricity stored up in her wool. Pastry quickly approached the Starly and leaped into the air, and slamming into the bird with her electrified wool, shocking the Starly.

"All right, Pastry! Great job!" Melody grinned. She knew all of that getting zapped by Pastry a few weeks before would pay off in the long run.

"Harold here's your chance! Use em---" Melody's command was cut short.

An unfamiliar figure shuffled up behind Alex, startling Melody. The figure seemed to be masculine--though it was hard to determine in the darkness, even with the street lamps, which set an uncomfortable glow upon the man. A powerful Mightyena stood beside the man, muscles tensed, ready to attack. It wasn't clear if the man was a sinister character or not, but it was clear that the battling trio was in his way.
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Captain Combuske...
post Sep 5 2009, 12:30 PM
Post #18

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The Story of Alex Slasher, Drew Nelson and Melody Hart.

As mentioned, Alex was too pre-ocupied by the goings on in the battle to notice the man behind him. The last thing he say before his mind went blank was Melody and Stryk, and Swamps, Melody was shouting a warning, and it might have been instinct, but Swamps and Starly were herrying towards their already open Pokeballs, in the middle of the battle. Then blackness, total blackness.

Alex looked out into the forest. Blaze was walking, scared, in front of him. Suddenly, out of the blue came a vicious Scyther. Suddenly Alex realized, within his dream, that this was his experience years ago on his first visit to Daas forest.

Execpt this time, there was a difference.

As the vicious Scyther showed its claws, Blaze prepared himself with firey attacks. Alex watched horrified as what should have hppened (Blaze fighting back and winning) didn't, and Blaze got slashed up into pieces. It was a horrible scene.

Alex woke up, panting, eyes wide. He had to be sure. He reached for his belt, only to find the Pokeball that belonged to Blaze gone. What was happening. Was Blaze dead, like the dream said? Alex couldn't bear it. Knowing that Blaze might be dead was unbearable. What would he do now?

This post has been edited by Proby3: Sep 6 2009, 04:52 AM


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post Sep 5 2009, 02:21 PM
Post #19

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Drew took a seat on a nearby bench. He watched carefully to learn any mistakes either of them make so he won't do them come his first battle. Stryk and Swamps were giving every thing they got. Harold and Pastry were resisting, but he couldn't say how long. Alex looked like he was concentrating very hard. Melody had a strange look on her face, as if she was trying to say watch out. She was staring at something, so Drew looked to see what it was.

It was a man in a black suit, a very cheap suit with rips and dirt. He had a fierce looking Mightyena at his side. THe worst thing yet was Alex hadn't even realized yet. Melody screamed. Alex turned around only to get hit by a bat straight in the forehead. Drew was shocked. Drew didn't know what to do so he just sat there in the bench. E quickly lookedat Melody, she was frozen too.

The mysterious man gabbed Alex's backpack. He quickly searched through. Finally, he threw it back at Alex. He had grabbed a pokeball. Drew was so relieved he didn't grab two pokeballs. The man started running the way he came from towards the bad part of town.

Drew grabbed his Poketch. Luckily his dad told him to install the 911 app on it right before he left. After a couple of rings, a guy answered by saying, "Hello you have called 911, what is your emergency?"

"My friend got knocked out by a robber and stole one of his pokemon."


"One mile south of the Pokemon Center on Hurtle Avenue."

"Okay, where is the robber?"

"He went running south towards the South Petropolis."

"Okay, an officer will be right with you to interrogate, does your friend need medical help?" Drew heard a groan from Alex. Melody was still frozen. Alex got up checked his bag, and yelled.

"No, he's fine."

"A squad will search for him. Good bye."

"Thanks." Drew hung up. He ran to Alex. He was all sweaty as if he had a seizure.

"What happened?" Alex asked hoarsely, "Where is my Blaze."

Drew wanted to say gone, he knew from past events that police men weren't very helpful. Nor are firemen, no, this world does not work right. He quickly though of something to say.

"Alex, you Blaze has been stolen." Drew wondered what kind of pokemon Blaze was, fire no doubt. "The police are looking for him. They are on their way."

OOC to Proby: (click to show)

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Captain Combuske...
post Sep 6 2009, 06:14 AM
Post #20

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OOC to AV (click to show)


The Story of Alex Slasher, Drew Nelson and Melody Hart.

Alex sighed a sigh of relief. Blaze wasn't dead, like his awful dream said.

"Alex, why are you relieved? Blaze is captured!" asked Drew.
"Erm... well... I've been having bad dreams lately. Dreams were Blaze is killed. Always in different places, always different Pokemon but the same events. And I had a dream again. I'm releived because he isn't dead. But you're right. We have to find him. Police or firemen might do a good job, but I have to get Blaze to safety myself, as soon as I can. To me, it's a matter of life or death."
"Then what are we waiting for?" asked Melody. She'd healed the battling Pokemon in the time Alex had come around, and now pressed to balls in Alex' hands. "Swamps and Stryk. Let's get going!"
"I'm in." stated Alex. He threw the Pokeballs, then reached to his belt, and picked out another. he threw this as well.
"Cross, out you come!" he shouted. Out came the Heracross, looking pleased to breathe fresh air once more.
"Stryk you fly ahead, scout out traces of the man's direction. Cross, I want you to hover above us all, taking rests of course, and make sure any flying assault doesn't bother us. Swamps, I want you to bodyguard the front. Melody, Drew, get your Pokemon to do similar things. The fast ones scout ahead, the stronger bulkier ones protect us and eachother. Got that all?"
"Yup sir." said Melody.
"Uh-huh."said Drew.
"Then let's go!"
And with that, th at, they three youngsters and their Pokemon set off to find Blaze.
The small, little Torchic opened its eyes once more. Its eyes darted around the small room, then finally found the door. It stood up.
"You won't escape here, you know." The voice belonged to an old-ish man, with glasses, a white lab coat and a Mightyena at his side. Blaze tried his best to stay clam, but he knew his eyes showed fear.
"Ha ha ha! Scared, are we? Well, I wouldn't worry too much, you know. I'm only running a few tests. I'm Professor Yikan Jenkins, Team Deception. So, ready for the tests? Don't worry, I promise I won't hurt you more than is necessary..." then Professor Jenkins laughed evilly, Blaze gulped.


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