The Breeding Aristocracy, Where Rares, Novelties, PUREBRED NOVELTIES/RARES are bred. |
Oct 29 2009, 12:31 AM
Smiting Fundamentalists since the 1980's. Group: +Donors Posts: 915 Joined: 7-July 09 Member No.: 43 334 Active Squad |
Given that the two largest breeding groups have been disbanded. I decided to take up the fallen flag and continue the bright light for all those who hope and wish to breed rares and novelties.
Niaiki, Myou and Lili are the new leaders of TBA. I have stepped down as leader and let them take up the mantle of running the place. Thanks for the support and the awesomeness you guys have shown me. THE NEW NOVELTY IS ONLY OPEN FOR MEMBERS OF THE GROUP, NONMEMBERS WILL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL BREEDING MEMBERS ARE SUFFICIENT ENOUGH TO TAKE ON REQUESTS. YOU MUST HAVE A SILPH SCOPE IF YOU ARE TO BREED REMORAGE. DO NOT CLUTTER UP THE GROUP WITH POINTLESS SPAM. THIS IS NOT THE LATEST OBTAINED THREAD, THIS IS NOT AN AREA TO BRAG THAT YOU GOT SO AND SO NOVELTY, ONLY POST IF IT IS RELEVANT TO THE GROUP, SWITCHING PAIRS, DROP TIMES, CANCELLING REQUESTS, MAKING REQUESTS, JOINING, LEAVING, CONTEST INFO TALK, BREEDING CHAT IN GENERAL, GETTING A SILPH SCOPE, UPDATING INFORMATION, RANKS, SUGGESTIONS FOR CONTEST IDEAS/GROUP RELATED ACTIVITIES, AFFILIATING WITH THE GROUP. DO NOT DEVIATE FROM THESE TOPICS. COMMON SENSE GUYS, ALL THE MODS ARE WATCHING YOU FROM THE SHADOWS. ಠ_ಠ Rules: 1. No flaming 2. No spamming- THIS IS NOT THE LATEST OBTAINED THREAD. ONLY POST AN OBTAINED EGG/NOVELTY IF YOU'RE CANCELLING A REQUEST. 3. No double posting 4. No begging for certain novelties 5. All harassment of members who are breeding certain novelties will be dealt with via the mods. 6. Silph Scope is an option but it's nice to have. 7. If you have a breeding pair please don't switch them out every other day, it's hard to keep track of, if you can, it would be best to keep your pair for a week before changing. To Join: Name: Party Link: List of Novelties and Rares you own: Breeding Pair: If you have any. Silph Scope: Y/N Requests: You are only allowed to do two requests max. One novelty and one rare. Requests are open to all save for listed novelties due to the fact that they're hard to breed: DracoWymsy- Currently unavailable due to the lack of people who have the sufficient pokemon for a breeding pair. You can post the names of people you're accepting requests for so that I can have a means to update the lists. Form: Requesting: Novelty: Rare: Time Available (Days/Time): Unfulfilled Requests: You are only allowed to bring up an unfulfilled request if it's been over a week and you haven't gotten any information from a breeder, ect. Purebreeding/Lineages: What constitutes as a purebred? If it's two pokemon of the same type that have a heritage of the same pokemon as parents, grandparents. For novelties since it's harder to make sure that it's purely purebred I have set up some minimal guidelines if you wish to pursue purebreeding. -At the very least both novelty parents in the heritage must be novelties of the same kind. AKA- Easter Buneary x Easter Buneary (Lopunny is acceptable) AND have at least one grandparent of the same kind. AKA- Easter Buneary/Lopunny. (Ditto can also be used as well since it morphs into the pokemon that it sees.) What is a lineage? A breeder can choose to create a lineage and give that lineage a name, however if you get one of the bred pokemon from a breeder's lineage it is usually out of common courtesy to name it after the lineage. For example: Gemstone Lineage As the name suggests, you might want to name it after a Gemstone of sorts, ect. Chat: This is where you can do quicktime drop alerts, random chat for fun and ect. Copy and paste the link to join if you have a chat client such as INVISION or Chatzilla: irc:// If you don't wish to DL a client for IRC, you can always either use the site's chat link and type /join #TBA or Mibbit. The preferences are up to you. If you're using the site chat don't click out of the box because that will refresh it since it's retarded like that. Instructions if you have recently DL'd a client: 1. Go to the server window, type /server 2. Once you have gotten onto the server, type /join #TBA 3. You're all set to go. Minibars/Sigbars: By Lexiel This post has been edited by Admiral Cereus: Nov 19 2009, 09:16 AM -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 12:48 AM
Smiting Fundamentalists since the 1980's. Group: +Donors Posts: 915 Joined: 7-July 09 Member No.: 43 334 Active Squad |
Ranks and Badges:
Member Badge: Those who have joined the group. Helper Badge: For those who are specially chosen to help with the group. They are personalized with the helper's choice of color. Shining Star Badge: For those who own at least one shiny novelty. ♥Members♥ (click to show ) -Updated and complied by Niaiki- ♥Members With Silph Scope♥ (click to show ) ♥Members Without Silph Scope♥ (click to show ) -Compiled and Updated by Liliumalice- This post has been edited by Admiral Cereus: Dec 20 2009, 04:26 PM -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 12:48 AM
Smiting Fundamentalists since the 1980's. Group: +Donors Posts: 915 Joined: 7-July 09 Member No.: 43 334 Active Squad |
♥Breeding Pairs♥ (click to show ) -Updated and compiled by Myou- ♥Requests♥ (click to show ) -Updated by Niaiki- Accepted Requests: aquamouse: Magicide, ShatteredGlass and Black Ice (Crystal Onixes) AngelFeathers: AwesomeVenusaur, Corinne (BulbaClones) Unfulfilled Requests: This post has been edited by Admiral Cereus: Nov 13 2009, 02:43 AM -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 12:48 AM
Smiting Fundamentalists since the 1980's. Group: +Donors Posts: 915 Joined: 7-July 09 Member No.: 43 334 Active Squad |
CONTESTS Group Banner Contest: We need a banner why not have it as a contest? All you artsy people out there here's a chance for you to take a shot at making a title banner for this group. Rules: 1. It has to be 500 x 100 in size 2. Related to the group 3. Contest will run from now until November 10th Winnings: First Place: Special Group Rank, Special Badge, Placed on my Pal Pad, Added to Journal, Bragging Rights This post has been edited by Admiral Cereus: Oct 30 2009, 08:30 PM -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 12:49 AM
Frontier Owner Group: Members Posts: 161 Joined: 6-May 09 From: The Physcial Layer of the OSI model Member No.: 20 100 Best of the metagame |
Okay kiddies, have fun. I am breeding Slimega's at the moment.
Name: Blue Tomoshibi Party Link: List of Novelties and Rares you own: All of them barring ditto. Breeding Pair: Zergoose Charclone Easter Buneary Currently trying to make a Slime Slugma breeding pair. This post has been edited by Blue Tomoshibi: Oct 29 2009, 12:55 AM -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 12:51 AM
Part of this Complete Breakfast Group: Global Moderators Posts: 172 Joined: 5-May 09 From: computer Member No.: 19 787 Active Squad |
Name: PuppyToast
Party Link: http://gpxplus/user/PuppyToast List of Novelties and Rares you own: SlimeSlugma Easter Buneary Zergoose SquirtleClone CharmanderClone BulbasaurClone Crystal Onix Bidofo Dracowymsy Breeding Pair: I have a Slimega Pair EasterBuneary pair and a Zergoose pair. Also Cronix pair This post has been edited by PuppyToast: Oct 29 2009, 12:56 AM -------------------- (◕‿◕✿) Join the GPX+ Discord! I'm a Mod and an Artist Feel free to hit me up here or on the Discord with any questions! |
Oct 29 2009, 12:52 AM
Pokémon Trainer Group: Members Posts: 6 Joined: 29-July 09 From: Ecruteak city Member No.: 51 795 Bad EGGS |
Name:AnimeFTW (anime is fine)
Party Link: Clicky List of Novelties: Slime slugma,Blastoise clone,Bulbaclone x2,bidofo,Easter buneary x3 and Rares you own:Rotom x6,Phoine x 5, manaphy x 2 Breeding Pair: Bulbaclone X bulbasaur,Poliwrath X Blastoise clone Remember me cereus?Im here and i want a job! -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 12:54 AM
Pokémon Trainer Group: Members Posts: 10 Joined: 12-July 09 From: Texas Member No.: 45 496 My favorites! (: |
Awesome! I'm totally in!!
Name: LisaVanity Party Link: List of Novelties and Rares you own:Novelties:Easter Buneary, Charmander Clone, Bulbasaur Clone, Squirtle Clone, Crystal Onix, Bidofo. Rares: Rotom, Kecleon, Phione (& Manaphy), Beldum, Spiritomb, Castform, Zangoose, Feebas, Riolu, Charmander, Torchic, Piplup, Mudkip, Glaceon, & Espeon. Breeding Pair: EB x EB *Will continue to update list as needed* P.S. I would be willing to update lists, if we're going to have them on here. Just in case you needed some assistants This post has been edited by LisaVanity: Oct 29 2009, 01:04 AM -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 12:55 AM
Pokémon Trainer Group: Members Posts: 33 Joined: 23-April 09 From: California Member No.: 14 773 Loves <3 |
Post up to date as far as this post
♥Things to read BEFORE posting.♥ Rules: 1. Only post your latest obtained Novelty/Rare if it cancels a request. Also state you are posting it because you are canceling your request or we may get on to you when we shouldn't have. 2. You are only allowed to request one novelty and one rare at time. 3. Do not bother the breeders with request PM's. They will post in the thread and/or PM you if they wish to take on your request. 4. You aren't allowed to request specific genders of things or request for something that you already have. Breed a grandchild of the proper gender if you need a breeding pair. 5. Non-Members can request anything that isn't currently members only. 6. DO NOT post egg images in your post even if it's to cancel a request. This isn't a click thread. Unrequestable Things. Ditto. Dracowymsy. Pokii. I'll add more later if I feel the need ♥Forms♥ CODE [size=3][u]Joining[/size][/u] Name: Party Link: List of Novelties and Rares you own: Breeding Pair: If you have any. Silph Scope: Y/N [size=3][u]Requesting[/size][/u] Name: Party Link: Novelty: Rare: Times Available (Days/Time) [size=3][u]Accepting[/size][/u] Name: Party Link: For: Novelty/Rare: If you were missed on any of the lists below or find anything that's no longer valid please PM me. ♥Members♥ (click to show ) ♥Novelty Requests♥ (click to show ) ♥Rare Requests♥ (click to show ) ♥Accepted Requests♥ (click to show ) ------------------------------------------------------- Name: Niaiki Party Link: List of Novelties and Rares you own: Novelties: Shellderboy, Dracowymsy. Winter Vulpix, Remorage, Bulbasaur Clone, Charmander Clone, Squirtle Clone, Slime Slugma, Bidofo, Crystal Onix, Easter Buneary and Zergoose. Rares: Bulbsaur. Charmander, Squirtle, Piplup, Chimchar, Mudkip, Treecko, Torchic, Totodile, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Zangoose, Absol, Vulpix, Eevee, Manaphy, Phione, Slakoth, Kecleon, Lapras, Bagon, Solrock, Riolu, Stantler, Relicanth, Togepi, Castform, Gible, Nosepass, Porygon, Drantini, Ditto, Beldum, Seviper, Munchlax, Lunatone, Spiritomb, Heracross, Larvitar, Torkoal, Feebas, Rotom, Tropius and Shuckle... I've obtained more rares since then but I don't feel like updating it. kthx. This post has been edited by Niaiki: Jan 31 2010, 02:36 AM -------------------- This Pokémon looks rather hungry.. she cannot mature as fast unless she is fed. Would you like to give her a berry? Which berry would you like to feed it? Avatar art made by Puppytoast Adoptables (click to show ) |
Oct 29 2009, 01:01 AM
Proud NB Gator & writer Group: +Donors Posts: 284 Joined: 13-July 09 From: Florida Member No.: 45 767 My Sapphires |
Lol, the Mass Breeding Project is invisible...
Name: bijoukaiba Party Link: List of Novelties and Rares you own: (novelties in bold) Bulbasaur, Porygon, Vulpix, Kangaskhan, Munchlax, Lapras, Chikorita, Heracross, Stantler, Eevee, Togepi, Happiny, Treecko, Torchic, Torkoal, Seviper, Tropius, Solrock, Lunatone, Beldum, Relicanth, Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Phione, Spiritomb, Riolu, Rotom, Gible, Aerodactyl, Mudkip, Bagon, Dratini, Charmander, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Larvitar, Squirtle, Easter Buneary, Crystal Onix, Squirtle Clone, Zergoose, Remorage. Breeding Pair: Currently Cradily x Armaldo, but that probably doesn't count. Side Note: I don't plan to start breeding novelties until I get a Silph Scope. Purebreds I can breed: Aerodactyl, Eevee, and Crystal Onix EDIT 2/1/10: Added Chimchar and Piplup to the 'standard' list. Added Remorage and Zergoose to the Novelty list. Added purebreds. This post has been edited by bijoukaiba: Feb 1 2010, 11:07 AM -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 01:07 AM
Pokémon Trainer Group: Posts: 12 Joined: 8-October 09 Member No.: 67 293 Active Squad |
Name: Kingg
Party Link: List of Novelties and Rares you own: - [Breedable] Novelties: easter Bunnery, Zergoose, Sline Slugma, Clone Bulbasaur, Char Clone, Squirtle Clone, Crystal Onyx. - Rare: plenty. ._.; Silph Scope: indeed. This post has been edited by kingg: Nov 9 2009, 09:37 PM -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 01:12 AM
You can't scare me... I'm a Preschool Teacher~! Group: +Donors Posts: 236 Joined: 19-June 09 From: ~in my house~ Member No.: 36 182 ~My Team~ |
Name: Myou
Party Link: List of Novelties and Rares you own: Novelty: Easter Buneary (2), Zergoose (2), Cyrstal Onix (2), Slime Slugma (2), Bidofo (1), Bulbasaur Clone (2), Squirtle Clone (2), Charmander Clone (2) Rare: All rares except ditto Breeding Pair: nothing at this time, but will put a novelty pair in at the start of November This post has been edited by Myou: Oct 29 2009, 03:28 PM -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 01:15 AM
*slowly rising* Group: Members Posts: 1 147 Joined: 16-February 09 Member No.: 4 001 Active Squad |
If Niaiki's joining i will join too ...
Name: Allel Party Link: List of Novelties and Rares you own: all rares, eb, co, zer, bc, cc, sc, ss, bidofo Breeding Pair: x good luck dealing with spammers Cereus, i'll miss banning people ... This post has been edited by Allelujah: Oct 29 2009, 04:38 AM -------------------- Have you ever had this dream of falling into an endless abyss? It's funny how short our lives are, how insignificant... Have you ever had this feeling of detachment, absence, transcendence ... In the end all of those big words are nothing but loneliness. Have you ever stopped for a second to think how vast the world is, how many secrets it holds, how many will remain hidden for an eternity... And then the light flashes and suddenly the whole world crumbles around you... and you're saved. |
Oct 29 2009, 01:19 AM
You! Hammer to the face! Group: Members Posts: 21 Joined: 20-May 09 From: Silvermoon City, Azeroth Member No.: 25 391 Protector |
Name: The Grand Apothecary
Party Link: List of Novelties and Rares you own: Novelties: Easter Bun/Lop, Slime Slugma, Squirtle Clone, Zergoose, Crystal Onix. Rares: Seviper, Lapras, Spiritomb, Riolu, Shuckle, Zangoose, Togepi, all starters, Porygon, Eevee, Munchlax, Lunatone, Rotom, Tropius, Phione, Feebas, Skarmory, Vulpix, Stantler, Solrock, Beldum, Tauros, Happiny, Kecleon, Relicanth, Absol, Gible, Larvitar, Torkoal. Breeding Pair: Squirtle Clone x Squirtle. Silph Scope: Yes This post has been edited by The Grand Apothecary: Oct 29 2009, 05:07 PM -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 01:24 AM
Pokémon Trainer Group: Members Posts: 28 Joined: 3-July 09 Member No.: 41 913 Extreme Team |
Name: TwiliTer
Party Link: List of Novelties and Rares you own: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Vulpix, KangaSkhan, Tauros, Lapras, Eevee, Porygon, Aerodactyl, Dratini, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Shuckle, Karvitar, Torkoal, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Feebas, Castform, Absol, Beldum Piplup, Spiritomb, Riou, Happiny, Phione, Bulbasaur Clone, Charmander Clone, Squirtle clone, Crystal Onix, Slime Slugma, Zergoose, Easter Buneary Breeding Pair: X This post has been edited by TwiliTer: Oct 29 2009, 01:53 AM -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 01:41 AM
Pokémon Trainer Group: Members Posts: 53 Joined: 7-July 09 From: Australia Member No.: 43 628 Sought Shinies |
Name: Rofl Copter
Party Link: List of Novelties and Rares you own: Every breedable novelty, Dracowymsy, all Rares exc. Ditto. Breeding Pair: Shellderboy x Shellderboy Silph Scope: Yes This post has been edited by Rofl Copter: Jan 28 2010, 04:52 AM -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 02:01 AM
Pokémon Trainer Group: Members Posts: 113 Joined: 6-April 09 From: Johto! Member No.: 8 882 Eeveelutions |
Name: Miyuki
Party Link: ZOMG PARTY List of Novelties and Rares you own: Bidofo, Zergoose, Easter Buneary, Easter Lopunny, Bulbasaur Clone, Ivysaur Clone, Charmander Clone, Charizard Clone, Squirtle Clone, Crystal Onix, Crystal Steelix Breeding Pair: Charizard Clone and Charizard -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 02:02 AM
Pokémon Trainer Group: +Donors Posts: 20 Joined: 30-September 09 From: California Member No.: 65 710 GPX+ Egg Wishlist |
I'd like to join as well
Name: zenzai Party Link: List of Novelties and Rares you own: Novelties: Squirtle Clone, Bulba Clone, Charmander Clone, Crystal Onix, Bidofo, Zergoose, Easter Buneary, Slime Slugma, Remorage, Dracowymsy Rares: All of them. Current Breeding Pair: Dracowymsy x Ditto Full Novelty Breeding Pairs: Easter Buneary, Slime Slugma, Zergoose, Crystal Onix, and Remorage. Silph Scope: Yes. This post has been edited by zenzai: Dec 12 2009, 01:50 PM -------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 02:13 AM
Smiting Fundamentalists since the 1980's. Group: +Donors Posts: 915 Joined: 7-July 09 Member No.: 43 334 Active Squad |
Updated all the new members and breeding pairs. I will take the time to pretty it up later since I'm more focused on getting the bare stuff down first. XD
-------------------- |
Oct 29 2009, 05:02 AM
Pokémon Trainer Group: Newbies Posts: 6 Joined: 22-August 09 Member No.: 58 863 Active Squad |
Name: Slider
Party Link: List of Novelties and Rares you own: Every novelty except DW for obvious reasons. The rares, I can't be bothered to list. Breeding Pair: If you have any. Currently Mankeys. Which are not rares/novelties. -------------------- |
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