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On the Offensive, The beginning of the end |
![]() Team Rogue: Espeon ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 044 Joined: 25-March 09 From: United States Member No.: 5 443 Tuesday's Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
OOC (click to show ) "I'm tired of changing my look! I like my look! But, NO, someone HAS to involve us in some STUPID lie and then, what do I have to do?! CHANGE MY MEWDAMNED LOOK!" Sagira smirked at hearing Jay rant - again - in the dressing room next to hers. He probably should have been over in the guy's section, but considering the circumstances, they had been unwilling to separate. After the news broadcast, they'd made their way quickly and as inconspicuously as possible through the town and to the mall. There, hustling through a crowd of people, they found a nearly-deserted and cheap clothing store ("I am not wasting money on clothes because of that worthless son of a whore!"), and searched through the racks. Why the store wasn't busy was anyone's guess, as Sagira was rather fond of a lot of the clothes. Unfortunately, she and Jay couldn't disguise themselves again as Monty and Alyssa, and Sagira's desired looks were too well know. They would have to make some rather large changes, which is why it was good that the store had a salon in it. "I am going to wedge my foot SO far up his mewdamned ass that when I wiggle my toes, he'll cough!" Jay yelled, his voice sporadically becoming slightly muffled at points as he pulled on or took off a shirt. "That's not half as bad as what I intend to do to him, BlueJay," Sagira said, pulling on a thin off-white blouse and fixed the collar. "You can't kill him, Catseye." "I know," she muttered darkly, clearly in disagreement. "I already promised Bryce that he'd still be alive after we catch him." She growled under her breath. "Though I don't think even Bryce could deny our right to rough him up a bit." Jay chuckled. "Next you'll be wanting to give him a Texan Tattoo." "Oh, I've been wanting to do that for a while, in place of my original plan to give him a Columbian Necktie." "Considering the way you said that, I'm not sure I want to know what it is," Jay said hesitantly. "I'll spare you the gruesome details. Which means all of the details. Unfortunately, I won't be able to Texas Tattoo him, since we have to change our looks entirely, and that means no spurs for me." The door to Sagira's dressing room creaked loudly as it opened, and Jay's followed swiftly after. "What do you mean entirely?" he asked, and turned to look at her, his mouth falling slightly open. "Wha-what did you do?!" "Did you know you take more time to change your clothes than the average teenage girl?" Sagira asked him, cocking an eyebrow. "I'll got my hair cut, genius." She struck a pose. "Like it?" "It's certainly... different." Sagira turned to look in the mirror behind her. It definitely was different. She'd had the hairdresser chop her hair really short, until it was only about two inches in length, and then put gel in it, spiking it in a windswept manner to the side. It was also bleached blonde - a stunning contrast to her original look. Her pale flesh was also contrasted by the dark mascara around her eyes. She was wearing a thin, long-sleeved, off-white blouse, with sleeves that reached to her knuckles on top, and her wrist on the bottom. Her pants were cream-colored khakis, tucked into a pair of heeled leather boots. She also wore a dark crimson coat that overlapped, with two sets of buttons on the front, and a series of straps on the back. The tail reached in a layered style down to the back of her knees, though the front of the coat stopped just and inch below her belt. Sagira cocked her hips to the side, smirking. "So, Jacob, what-" she slid her stylish sunglasses onto her face, "-do you think? Sagira's Look (click to show )
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![]() Team Rogue: Houndoom ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2 186 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Austin, Texas Member No.: 804 Uprising Mod ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jay knew that he was bitching. Whining. Grousing. Being a baby. But looking in the mirror, he missed his red hair. He had always been against cosmetic changes. Dying one's hair wasn't as bad as, say, plastic surgery, but he was proud of the fact that he looked good without doing more than getting the occasional haircut.
Twice, now, he'd had to change his appearance significantly, and it had lead to major changes afterward the first time. "How do I look, Hinata?" You look fine, Trainer Jay. The voice was more listless than usual, and Jay's brow furrowed. He sighed. He wanted to sit with Hinata and talk, but he didn't have the time. Something was bothering his girl, though. Something had better stop. He was very careful not to allow his emotions to be felt by Hinata any more than he had to. She was upset enough. She was even calling him "Trainer" again, something she hadn't done since she evolved. He looked in the mirror, sighing. He'd had his hair bleached to white, though some blonde highlighted it, the bleaching process unable to fully eradicate color from his hair. Instead of cutting it or spiking it, he settled with slicking it back, letting it puff up slightly at the top. It was not the latest style, in fact it hadn't been seen in a decade or so, but it was functional, and he liked it. He wore a plain black t-shirt and black jeans, but an open red button-up shirt added color to the ensemble. He'd hoped that, at first glance, he might be mistaken for a Magma, or at least left alone if there was no blue in his clothing to have him identified as an Aqua. He topped it all off with a black canvas over coat that went down to his mid calf. He picked up the sunglasses he'd brought in and slid them on, sighing. He looked pretty good, but he hated that feeling of being shallow, that he'd either put on a mask or stripped one away. He wanted to punch the guy in the mirror for being so fake, but forced himself to look at things objectively. While he knew the image was fake, it looked real enough to fool anyone who didn't know him. Still, it was a change, and it wasn't because he wanted to change. "I am going to wedge my foot SO far up his ass that when I wiggle my toes, he'll cough!" The conversation degenerated into Texan Tattoo's (cutting someone's throat with spurs, so that it left a more or less dotted line) to Colombian Neckties (which Jay did not recognize, and did not care to try to find out). Jay removed his sunglasses, reaching for another pair, a pair with thinner arms and a bit more frame around the lenses. As they exited their respective dressing rooms, Jay gaped at the visage before him. It was Sagira. He could tell it by the way she stood, by her eyes, uncovered once again from her cat contacts to show the deep, beautiful blue he loved in her. But otherwise, it was a stranger that stood before him. His heart nearly broke seeing that she'd cut off all of her beautiful hair. "Wh-what did you do?!" "Did you know you take more time to change your clothes than the average teenage girl?" Sagira's brow shot up, the familiarity of the gesture marred by the fact that the brow was blond and not black as it should have been. "I'll got my hair cut, genius." With a hand going to the back of her head and another gently resting on her thigh, she dipped a bit, looking like a model vamping for the camera. "Like it?" "It's certainly... different." He hated Victor just then. Not for his pettiness, or his arrogance, or his selfishness. Not just for those things. He hated him because his jealousy (and nothing could convince Jay differently; The boy was jealous) had forced them to not be themselves. Had forced Sagira to be someone she wasn't, when she fought tooth and nail to remain at all times exactly who she was. Jay could forgive Victor of forcing him to put on a new face. He'd done it enough times, even since Noverus. Melissa Bryce had been a prime example of Jay's ability to change to a new person at need. But to force it on Sagira... somehow, that was unforgivable. Sagira had turned to the mirror, and turned back again, cocking her hips in another gesture he was intimately familiar with. "So, Jacob, what-," she cooed, pausing to slide her glasses on, "do you think?" "I think, Iris, that you're-," he, too, paused to slide his glasses on, "dressed to kill." Sagira smirked, her eyes narrowing behind her glasses. "Buzzkill," she said, but then chuckled. Jay looked toward the third dressing room. "You know, she doesn't have to change her look. They aren't accusing her of rape." "I'm not stopping her, BlueJay. It's... it's more like her than I've seen in a long time." Jay nodded, nudging her arm in that familiar way they'd developed. Together they waited, in silence, until, it seemed, that Jay could take no more. "We're not running. We're going to fight back right away, and finish our mission, and get back to normal, and show Bryce we are his best agents." "Are you still on that?" Sagira rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in her voice. "No. I stopped after the blowup in the alleyway, so technically I'm back to that." Jay shook his head. "I mean it, though. We're on the offensive." Jay did not wait for Sagira to answer, but held a hand out to Hinata. "Come here, Hina, I need to get that paint off of you." As you wish, Trainer Jay. This caused Jay's brows to shoot up, and he looked at Sagira, worry flashing across his features. He did not press the issue, but poured out as much concern for the kirlia as he could muster, hoping she would break down and tell him what was wrong. She only retreated into herself. Frankly, Jay blamed Victor, even though a very logical, very mature, very convincing voice told him in his own head that there was nothing Victor could have done to cause this. -------------------- |
![]() Nevermore! ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 630 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Halloween Town Member No.: 807 BLARG ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The velvet curtains were pulled back in a large theatre. A figure could barely be made out standing centerstage. Two spotlights, one coming from the left and the other from the right, revealed the figure to be none other than Victor Bays. As the orchestra began Chicago's "I Can't Do It Alone," Victor sang:
"My cousin and I had an act that couldn't flop. My cousin and I were headed straight for the top. My cousin and I earned a thou[sand] a week at least, But my cousin is now unfortunately deceased." Victoria, Victor's beloved cousin, was not deceased nor was she even close to death. She had been missing for some time now though, and that absence had affected Victor. They were supplements; They completed each other. Victor was under the impression that this new girl he had met might possibly fill that gap. Linda however, watching the performance in the front row, was not pleased. Victor continued: "I know its sad of course, But a fact is still a fact, And now all that remains is the remains Of a perfect... double... act! Watch this!" Throwing off his trench coat, Victor revealed a flashy outfit, completely covered in red sequins (Click). Linda rolled her eyes in disbelief. "You have to imagine it with two people! It's swell with two people," he told her. Victor recreated the entire scene from Chicago on stage, the choreography done with excellent precision, and as such, Linda was thoroughly displeased. It was as if Victor and Linda were the notorious murderesses Velma Kelly and Roxie Hart themselves. "Now you see me going through it; You make think there's nothing to it, But I simply cannot do it... alone!" Victor extended the final note for many more measures than written in the music. Linda and the orchestra were beginning to wonder when he was going to run out of breath. Victor was standing off to the right with one spotlight on him and there was an empty space on the left with the other spotlight, most likely where he hoped Linda would join him on stage. Finishing off the word "alone," he tossed his hat into the largely empty theatre. It landed directly in Linda's lap, much to her displeasure. There was no applause. "So how 'bout it?" Victor panted, his chest heaving. The look on his face was simply brilliant. Performing on stage brought Victor such indescribable joy. He was on top of the world and nobody was ever gonna bring him down... or so he thought. "No," Linda replied curtly. The singing and dancing reminded her way too much of a "minion" she had once upon of time. Victor had not expected such answer. His arms slowly fell to his sides, as opposed to midair where they had been waving enthusiastically (Jazz Hands). That brilliant smile he was sporting a few moments earlier was gone. "... No?" "Yeah, no. That's not my 'thing'." "...Well... Did you at least like my performance?" Victor asked innocently. He looked like a small child who was just told that Santa is not real. He was on the verge of tears. "Honestly, I hated it." Victor was heartbroken. Linda on the other hand, was hiding a smirk. She now had Victor eating out of her palm. She was in charge again and she liked it. *** A prison girl stared at her cell walls vacantly. Victoria was conjuring a beautiful wonderland in her mind where all things made of stone were nonexistent and Aqua chum was reserved for only those whom she felt needed to suffer. "No matter how long you stare at the wall, it's never going anywhere," the Aqua Grunt guard told her. Victoria very slowly turned to face the guard. Her glare was enough to scare a Gorgon. The prison itself grew colder... icy cold. Icicles were beginning to form and frost covered the walls. "...Say that one more time," she told him. She could not stand being treated as if she were stupid. The guard snickered. "No matter-" Victoria let out a terribly high pitched screech. She was just about ready to murder that guard. Luckily, her Froslass had more of a conscience that she did. Diamant froze all of the moisture in the Grunt's face, leaving him in a very uncomfortable position. Lady Victoria, they are going to catch me if you keep having me torture this man. "I don't give a-" Please, for your own sake, keep your voice down. Diamant had been invisible the whole time, but her presence was made obvious by the cool air that occupied the space beside Victoria. "He's too stupid to notice you're here," Victoria pointed out, speaking in her mind. That is very true, but he may report an incident and an Aqua with more wit may put the pieces together. "And why is it that you can't just get me out of here?" My Lady, I've done the most I can do. My ailment limits me to a terrible extent. "Yeah, yeah. Shut up and go find Victor." As you wish, my Lady. -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Espeon ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 044 Joined: 25-March 09 From: United States Member No.: 5 443 Tuesday's Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The theatre was darkened but for the lights that shown down upon and near the stage. Blackness enveloped the rear of the seating area, and this was where one might find Malchior, if they were looking for him.
Red eyes luminescent in the shadows, reflecting what little light there was, Malchior sat with statuesque calm. His gaze was concentrated on the stage, as the boy finished his song and dance. "Quite a disgusting act, isn't it?" Malchior did not move as the voice washed through him, but he wanted nothing more than to run away. He knew, however, that he couldn't escape the wrath of this demonic beast. "Ukatili." "He speaks." The voice held a mocking cruelty within it that always made Malchior feel very cold inside. "I hope you're not here for the entertainment. It seems decidedly lacking." "Don't be cruel." "Oh, come now, dear Malchior, we both know you dislike the boy as much as I." "Yes, but unlike you, I will not act upon my emotions." "So you say," came the hissing reply, "but that's not really how it goes, is it? You're only not acting now because there is nothing that you can do. As soon as there is an opening, like every great hunter, you will attack." Malchior cringed away from the words, knowing, but afraid to admit, that they were true. "Go away," he mumbled. "Funny, isn't it?" Ukatili asked. "With all of the others, you are the strong one, the leader. You are the master, the king of them all." He smirked, and Malchior shivered convulsively. "But with me, you are the weak one - submissive, a worthless underling. Does this mean that I, as superior to you, am ruler of them all?" "None of them will follow you." "No. No, they won't. Not so long as you are here." His golden eyes narrowed darkly as he grinned, fangs gleaming in the darkness. "So I will simply have to destroy you. And when you are gone, your place, your rule over the others, will be mine to take. And any of them who stand in my way will also fall." He chuckled deeply, darkly. "But not now, not yet." His voice began to fade as he disappeared into the shadows. "After all. I'm having too much fun... watching you fall..." The last vestiges of his voice echoed into nonexistence, though Malchior waited for moments after, until he was absolutely certain that Ukatili had gone, before he allowed himself to duck down and shiver in fear. It was not a fear of the Dark One that made him convulse, but the fear that was brought on by the knowledge that Ukatili was right. He was stronger than Malchior, and it was only because Ukatili was enjoying himself that Malchior was still alive. And if Ukatili had it his way, that wouldn't last long. -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Houndoom ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2 186 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Austin, Texas Member No.: 804 Uprising Mod ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
He is here, she thinks, but he is not here now. He is here before, and now he is somewhere else. She squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head. She knows it isn't exactly correct. Something is missing, but she doesn't have time to try to figure it out. He is here, and he is agitated, and he is somewhere else, and she must be where he is.
So she runs. The first time she sees him, he saves her from the chains that bite into her wrist. The scars still sting, and always sting, even though the pain is not really there. The memory of the pain is there, and it is enough. The memory of all the pain is there. She learns to live with it. She swims in it, navigates through it until it is nothing to her but another warning, another sign that something isn't right, to ignore or react to when she wishes it. Pain does not, can not stop her anymore. The second time she sees him, he is running, but he does not run as the others run. He runs like a stantler, wild and free. He runs like a ponyta. Even though the run is necessary, he runs for the joy of it, and he runs with laughter on his lips. She runs just like this. He saves her. He must. She makes a mistake the first time. Her first master is not old enough to know, even though he has some of the power that she sees in the one she tracks, he isn't old enough to know not to tell anyone about it. Especially not his father. She tries to warn him, but he is happy, and he thinks his father is proud. His father is interested, but not proud. His father is, instead, greedy. He wants to know where the son knows this power. The son points to her, and the father smiles, and reaches. The pain is there.She screams about it, screams until her voice is raw, screams until her captors hold their ears and frown and make hand gestures, and still she screams. The father solves the problem, however. The father cuts her neck and severs her vocal cords, and even though the pain is still unbearable, she cannot scream and be heard. Her boy, the son, she doesn't know where he is. The father has said something about a test. But what the test is, and whether or not he passes, she doesn't know. It doesn't matter. She sees the son again, and his eyes are cold, and he turns to the father and hurts the father, but does not reclaim her. "She is ruined now, I do not want her," she hears, and that makes the screams stop, even though the screams cannot be heard. Then he comes. The boy with the red hair and the nice ripples around him, and he sees her, and he saves her, with the power the son has. At first, she is scared, and she runs. But he helps her. He saves her. He must. His ripples are not far, and she pulls the cloak she has taken around her, and the hood over her snout and ears and sensors, and waits in the alley near the door where he is. She keeps him safe. And he saves her. He must save her. Or her heart breaks, and she dies. -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Pidgeotto ![]() Group: RP Moderators Posts: 1 543 Joined: 9-January 08 From: Amazingstoke, UK Member No.: 814 PANE: Darryn Kellor ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
“Why is dressing up so hard?” Ivy moaned, staring grumpily into the mirror. She had come around to Jay and Sagira’s plan for disguise quickly – it was a smart move – and as such had taken to finding her own new outfit along with them. They split up in a selected department store just outside the mall so that Ivy wouldn’t have a panic attack in any thick crowds again. That had been Sagira’s idea. Ivy smiled to herself at the thought and tugged on her selected coat.
“How do I look, Eppy?” She asked the small Eevee who had been watching her with mild interest since the endeavour to change image had begun. The Evolution Pokemon was still unsure about coming too close to Ivy unless the trainer demanded it so Ivy had resigned herself to keeping distance from her for the time being. Simply spending time in the vicinity of each other would have to do for now. “Ree.” Eppy replied shortly, tilting her head and making a funny little shrug motion. Ivy pouted. “Well, it’s going to have to do.” The girl sighed, pushing the curtain back and going to search for Sagira and Jay. She found them quickly, somewhat surprised by her friend’s choice of ‘disguise’. Sagira looked like she would stand out of a crowd more than ever but then again, that was completely out of her character as stealth had always been her way. She hurried to them in her high heels, somehow keeping balance perfectly and not feeling uncomfortable with shoes on her feet for the very first time in her life. Eyes blinked with surprise as she reached them, no doubt shocked that she had not relinquished the feminine style that Victor had bestowed upon her. A flaring black coat wrapped tightly around her waist, covering the shirt and short skirt underneath completely so that only her white stockings stuck out from the hem to plunge into the black stiletto open-toes that Eppy had helped her pick. Her hair had been brushed out and braided into twin pigtails that hung over each shoulder from underneath a loosely woven white Flaaffy-wool beret. Beneath the wispy bangs that managed to fall to either side of her face, Ivy wore simple black eyeliner and mascara with silver eye shadow, a little foundation and a pale pink lip balm. One word would have described that seventeen year old as she swayed her hips through the store. It began with an H and rhymed with ‘pot’. “Woah, Ivy.” Sagira’s darkened eyes widened. “That’s definitely another new you.” Ivy blushed. “I just like these clothes… I hope they’re OK…” “They make you look like a catalogue girl.” Sagira continued eyeing her up and down, still in disbelief. “I never knew you were so… er… Don’t even think it, BlueJay.” She hurried the warning. Jay’s mouth dropped. “As if I would!” He protested quickly but Sagira was already grinning her sarcasm and pleasure at seeing him squirm. Ivy took refuge with her little group, comfort seeming to literally grab her and draw her short frame into a loving embrace that warmed her very bones. As a trio they were a particularly odd-looking and mismatched bunch but underneath the surface they were an effective three-man-cell. Humans were so strange. Ivy rolled her eyes to herself and joined the others as they left the store, their new mission already underway. *I'm coming to save you, Victor. Just you wait and see...* -------------------- Darryn Kellor ~ ![]() ![]() PANE Characters (click to show ) LA's Plays (click to show ) Unovalocke (click to show ) |
![]() Team Rogue: Espeon ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 044 Joined: 25-March 09 From: United States Member No.: 5 443 Tuesday's Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sagira growled low under her breath as she stabbed her thumb against the control for the fiftieth time in the past three minutes. Her eyes narrowed at the television screen as her keener ears first caught the words spoken by the newscaster, and then her eyes took in the images shown on the screen. She resisted the urge (though just barely) to throw the remote across the room. Every channel that she changed to, there was a news broadcast going on, all concerning the same topic. It was the topic that had been conversationally broached by the poor lobbyist downstairs, as the trio entered the hotel.
"Good evening! Welcome to The Girafarig Palace," the round-faced young woman said with a genuine smile, her pigtails bobbing happily. "How many rooms would you like today?" "One, please," Jay said, stepping forward to the counter. He and Sagira had discussed the upcoming interaction with the lobbyist. Sagira had thought a good deal about what "part" she should play, considering her change in appearance. They had to be certain that they wouldn't be caught and, considering how well they had managed to hide before, people would now be looking for them in disguise. The plus side was that Ivy was with them this time. The downside was that they had to be even more careful about remaining inconspicuous. So, that led to the idea that they should switch their roles. Sagira, who normally took charge in the situation, who normally forced herself to the forefront of every moment, led the way in a show of dominance, took the back seat. It made her grind her teeth together, but she had to put her trust in Jay not to lead them astray. She knew she could, but it was so hard to stand back and let someone else drive. Even though she knew he would never harm her, would protect her from anything, it still made her feel... vulnerable. So when they walked up to the counter, with the lobbyist grinning cheerily at them, Sagira hung in the back and kept her normally-quite-large mouth shut, and watched as Jay took charge. His idea of taking charge was definitely not the same as Sagira's. He sauntered up to the counter with the arrogant finesse of a male tabby, and then slid his crossed arms over the counter, grinning at the lobbyist in a manner that made her eyes widen slightly. When he winked at her, she blushed like a schoolgirl, but thankfully did not notice Sagira clenching her fists and narrowing her eyes to the point where she couldn't see between the lashes. "Hey, cutie... Why don't you see what you got in a room with three beds." Sagira's jaw tightened as Jay leaned foward over the counter, until he was almost whispering into the blushing girl's ear. "My sis here, she wants to make sure me an' my girl ain't makin' too much noise at night, yanno?" He winked at her, and the girl blushed deeply, giggled, and coyly flirted back with him, completely ignorant of Sagira's ire. Despite her mounting fury, Sagira was able to recognize that Jay's chosen accent was distinctly Brooklyn, and that he pulled it off incredibly. It suited his attire and Sagira secretly admitted that she liked the new look. She did not, however, like the way that the lobbyist was looking at him. So when the sweet young girl thought, moments after giving them their room key, to warn them about the rapist and his accomplice on the loose, Sagira's temper loosed itself like a bridled hurricane. She'd held her accent, already deeply slipped into the character of Chantel Weiss, though this surprised her slightly. The looks, the accent, and the inflection were distinctly Chantel, but the temper was undoubtedly Iris Sagira Smythe. So it was really no surprise when the girl burst into tears and fled into the employee's only section. Sagira had ignored Jay's glance her way, not even wasting the energy to interpret it, and plucked the room key out of his hands. She gently nudged Ivy into the elevator and sidled gracefully in after her. She turned and glared at Jay. "I do believe zat de stairs would suit you well, mon ami," Sagira said, using Chantel's French accent impeccably. She took vague note of Jay's surprised glance in her direction, before the elevator door slid closed in his face, taking Sagira and Ivy to the top floor, and leaving Jay to climb six flights of stairs. Sitting on the end of the bed, staring at the now-blank screen of the television, Sagira sighed and let herself fall back against the mattress. They were only three hours into their disguises and things were already going badly. The room only had two beds, the lobbyist that Sagira had made cry was the only one on duty until noon the next day, they only had one available room key, and Jay wasn't speaking to her. It was more than her actions in regard to his flirting - flirting that she knew was an act. He tried to hide it, but Sagira could tell that he was disappointed in her choice of attire. He didn't like her hair. Turning her head, Sagira stared into the mirror on the far wall. Truth be told, she wasn't a huge fan herself. It wasn't her, and while it served its purpose as a disguise, at least as Alyssa she had still held onto some portion of herself. Chantel was... a stranger. Closing her eyes, Sagira willed herself to fall asleep. Perhaps, in the morning, things would look better... -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Pidgeotto ![]() Group: RP Moderators Posts: 1 543 Joined: 9-January 08 From: Amazingstoke, UK Member No.: 814 PANE: Darryn Kellor ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
After debating with Sagira at length over who should sleep where, Ivy had finally managed to convince her that the floor really wasn't all that bad and that while she had grown up with the Mightyena she had fared much worse. Why the arguement had even started confused Ivy to no end. Her initial thought that Sagira and Jay could sleep in one bed and she have the other did not sit well with her teammates, well, Sagira to be precise, despite the fact they were clearly mating... dating... chelating? Ivy's grasp of the human language was good but sometimes the meanings of words were completely lost on her.
When she awoke from her curled-up position at the foot of Sagira's bed, Ivy was instantly alert. She dressed quickly and silently, knowing that both of her comrades would attempt to stop her if they realised she was leaving the hotel on her own. Her outfit from the day before was back in its position in record time, the heeled shoes carried in her hands as she left the room to keep from clip-clopping her way into being restrained by the sleeping pair. Once out in the lobby, Ivy donned the shoes and clicked a Pokeball open. "Ree?" Epsilon looked up at Ivy quizzically, the pink bow on her head shifting slightly. Ivy grinned. Eppy's look was perfect. *** The streets in the centre of Noverus bustled like a hive of Combee, bodies moving this way and that in an automated fashion that, for once, did not bother Ivy at all. She frowned a little, struggling to remember the point where her fear of crowds had seemed to evaporate. True, she still did not like the idea of bodies squeezing in all around her but the irrational fear that usually accompanied it was gone and replaced with... mild irritation. "I guess they did fix something, after all..." Ivy muttered to herself but Epsilon's ears pricked up all the same. Dark, deep chestnut eyes glanced up at her trainer briefly before going back to watching the crowds around them. To enhance her disguise, Ivy had purchased a handbag and put Epsilon inside to have her head sticking out of the zipper. She had noticed some girls doing just that on the tele-box and adopted the fashion to separate herself even more from her previous mentality. Walking through the throngs of shoppers and business people, Ivy was able to pick out snapshot glances of newspapers where Jay's face was plastered in black and white along with the word 'rapist'. Thankfully, Sagira and her own images were not displayed. *And why would mine be there, anyway?* Ivy told herself confidently *as far as Victor is concerned, I am still his friend... and I am! That's why I'm going to clear this all up and take him home so he can brush my hair again. I know he liked doing that...* "Oh, Vicky..." Ivy sighed. "Where are you?" Epsilon's eyes darted upward again briefly then went back to the crowd. *** After walking for what may have been an hour or two, Ivy made her way back to the hotel. She had come across no clues as to where she should begin her search for Victor and releasing her brothers outside seemed too risky in broad daylight - especially with Aqua and Magma roaming the streets of Noverus. Eppy's nose had proven no better than Ivy's own and she had a distinct lack of Odor Sleuth unlike the rest of her brethren. The Girafarig plaza drew into view just as the screaming began. "Oh my god! It's gonna kill someone!" "Someone call the police!" Ivy tensed and growled, turning quickly to address the threat. Epsilon mimicked her growl, her body seeming to coil with tension even while remaining in the bag. "That girl is in the way!" "Look out!" Ivy, still cluthcing Eppy's bag close to her nimbly backflipped and tossed herself to the side into a springing tumble that allowed her to find her heeled footing immediately. The bag was out of her hands and discarded completely with Eppy's exit, that pink ribbon still sitting atop her head like a crown of glory. "Eeeee!" The hulking beast stumbling around them screamed, swinging its long neck and wings... no... leaves?... no... definitely wings around as it tottered through the market place manically. Thanks to her speedy reactions, Ivy had dodged being trampled on by the great creature but it was still charging around aimlessly, screaming the whole time. People threw themselves out of its way, hollering the whole while but all Ivy could do was watch carefully. *I can't just send Eppy on her own - that thing is massive... But then, I wouldn't want her to be offended for her very first real battle... Oh screw it - I'll apologise later.* "Alpha!" Ivy tossed the Pokeball much to Epsilon's surprise. The Eevee glared dangerously at her for a moment before sitting down on the spot, turning her back on her trainer. "We've got to reign that things in - Shadow Ball!" Alpha turned his head and glared at Ivy. He growled low and made no move. "Oh, comeon Alpha! This isn't the time to sulk - just do your stuff!" Still no response. "Fine! Then Beta can help me!" Ivy threw the next Pokeball, her Manectric darting straight into the battle. "Let's go with a full-bodied Spark attack!" Beta's magnificent speed propelled him through the air like a living bolt of lightning, his fur crackling with electrical energy that slammed ferociously into the rampaging Pokemon. It screamed madly and jumped awkwardly to the side, shaking off the lingering sparks of electricity before beating its fan-like wings and releasing a flurry of blade-edged Razor Leaves. Beta yelped as the attack hit home but recovered quickly and leapt back into the fray, clamping his sparking jaws around the beast's neck with an angry Thunder Fang. "Yen!" Alpha barked at his comrade, producing a raised eyebrow from Epsilon. "Don't be so rude, Alpha!" Ivy yelled at him sternly. "Beta's plenty strong enough to win this and he's not acting like a big baby!" The monster plant threw Beta clear with a mighty swing of its head and kicked a tremendous Whirlwind into force, spinning Ivy's Manectric high and far into the air. As the canid fell, more leaves poured forth from the foe, slamming harshly into his body. He landed with an awkward totter and growled angrily, Howling ferociously to the sky and darting back in with another Thunder Fang. "That's right, Beta! You show 'im!" Ivy urged, wishing that he was small enoug for her to join in with a Kylarian Cani-Fang Combo but those days were over for her precious electric Pokemon. "Put it down with a Thunder Wave!" The dinosaur-like creature screamed angrily, the fruit hanging out of its chin - its chin! - swinging madly in defiance as paralysing static swamped its body. It stumbled instantly, groaning under the paralytic influence of Beta's attack giving Ivy the prime oppotunity. "Whatever you are, you're mine!" She threw the Pokeball hard and fast, its button connecting squarely with it's wide jaw. With a high-pitched wail, the Pokemon was collapsed into red energy and sucked into the orb, clicking shut and falling to the ground with an audible "clack!". It shook there repeatedly, Ivy holding her breath the whole time, before it finally stopped and remained still. It was caught. "Wowee! I got a big one!" Ivy puched the air with delight and picked up the Pokeball. "I'm gonna call you-" "Daisy!!!" Sagira screamed from across the market. It took a moment for Ivy to react to her alias but once she did, she knew she was in for a lecture. *** Epsilon's eyes watched carefully. Always considering, always focused. She saw the way the irksome female was ignored by the lead male in her new pack. She also saw how even the humans that surrounded her admonished her for her actions. And most of all she saw the girl accept it. She saw Ivy's weaknesses and she liked it. -------------------- Darryn Kellor ~ ![]() ![]() PANE Characters (click to show ) LA's Plays (click to show ) Unovalocke (click to show ) |
![]() Team Rogue: Houndoom ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2 186 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Austin, Texas Member No.: 804 Uprising Mod ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Luckily for Jay, the door had not been locked like the last time Sagira had taken issue with him. He had, however, still been forced to climb up six flights of stairs and he was already cranky from the rape accusation. Oh, he supposed he laid it on a bit thick down in the lobby, but the less the girl thought about who they were and asked questions, the less they would have to worry about. So he poured it on thick, distracted the girl, and got the job done. Until Sagira had, literally, torn into her for daring to mention the rapist. At first Jay, or "Lenny", as he'd dubbed himself, was touched, but after "Chantal" had yanked the key away and abandoned him to walk up the elevator, he realized it wasn't concern for his reputation that had prompted Sagira's ire. It was just plain anger. So when he'd gotten upstairs and flung the door open, the first word out of his mouth was an exasperated, "Really?!" The argument had been, atypically, one sided. Sagira had simply glared at him as he'd tried to explain his method, to explain that he'd told the girl that he was attached without making it obvious, that he'd been making sure anyone who asked wouldn't be able to connect Jay, who was devoted to Sagira, with Lenny. She had said nothing, and to top it all off, he couldn't help looking at, and mourning, the loss of her hair. It was so tantamount to a loss of herself that he wanted to buy her a long haired black wig just so that she could be herself, at least in the hotel room. All of this was met with a stone wall that seemed to get harder between them. Jay could feel his anger rising, and after a moment, he began to grow uneasy... if he let go now, Sagira would be affected. He violently shoved the anger down. Maybe later he'd find time to sneak out and run, let his tension drain through exercise. For now, he just had to keep the lid on his feelings for a short time. "You know what," he sneered, shaking his head and looking away, "that's fine. Be mad. I'm used to it by now." He turned and walked into the bathroom, kicking himself. It was a cheap shot, but there was no taking it back now. Besides, if she walked all over him, he'd never hear the end of it, not from her and not from his own head. He turned the shower on full blast and sat, releasing his pokémon, Hinata first, then Videl, then Siryn, then Raven, and lastly the taillow he'd caught earlier that day. "No, Hinata, no headpaint." I know, Trainer Jay, thank you for reminding me, though. Whatever Jay had been about to say died on his lips, and even Videl and Siryn looked at the kirlia askance. Hinata merely turned her back, facing the door, and said nothing else. "Whatever it is, Hinata-" Thank you, Trainer Jay, but I'm fine. Siryn blinked, then whispered, or, at least, seemed to try to whisper. The Hinata is not happy. Jay's lips pressed together, and instead of pressing the issue, something that never worked with Hinata anyway, he addressed the rest of his team. "Videl, find a shadowy corner and stay there until morning. You're guarding the inside. If they come in and we haven't opened the door, sic 'em!" <<Yaaay! I get to sic 'em!>> Videl growled softly, bringing a snicker from the taillow, who sat on Jay's shoulder, mimicking his facial expressions. She had even set her head feathers into a small approximation to Jay's hairstyle. "Raven, you're going to be traveling with me. Siryn, you'll be at the window." Yaaay! "Invisible." Awww! Jay let another half smile touch his lips, the bird matching the expression. "Little taillow," he said, "Sagira doesn't like birds... I think it'll be best if I let you go. You're healed up now, so it'll be OK..." The taillow took one look at him, narrowed her eyes, and whopped him over the head with her wing. She pulled back the other, but Jay, surprised, backed away before she could hit him again. I believe, Trainer Jay, that she wishes to stay with you. Despite Hinata's melancholy, a hint of amusement rushed through her psychic voice. "Yeah... OK... fine... but you'll have to stay in the ball tonight. I don't think telling her I have a flying type while she's so pissed at me is such a good idea." The taillow tilted her head, nodded, then hopped off his shoulder and pecked the button on her heal ball. With a whooshing sound, she was back in her ball. Jay sighed. "Most of you will have to travel in the ball. Too much chance of being recognized. Raven's new, so she'll be outside with me." Jay stood up and opened the door, allowing Videl and Siryn to step out and gain their positions. Before Videl slipped out, Jay leaned down, touching, but not grabbing, her snout. "If Ivy lets Alpha out of his pokeball, you make sure he keeps to his side of the room. I don't trust him." Videl looked into his eyes, but without Hinata's help she couldn't communicate with her chosen packleader. She merely nodded, but she knew that Alpha, for now, wouldn't be a threat. Jay took a shower, washed Hinata, and returned the kirlia to her pokeball. When he stepped out, he only glanced at Sagira before sinking into the smaller of the two beds and turning his back. He couldn't deal with her right now. With the rape accusation, and Hinata's funk, and Sagira angry at him, he was barely holding onto his blanket of calm. A good night's sleep would help. ----- "Merde!" he heard, sitting up blearily. "What, what is it?" Sagira looked at him, lips pressed together, but the need was stronger than he anger. "Iv- Daisy is meessing," she said, dropping into character automatically. Jay snorted through his nose, muttering, "I shoulda said you two were sisters. You both got a penchant for sneaking out while we're undercover." He managed to catch Sagira's nostril's flaring, but cut off her retort. "I'll go left, you go right," he said, pulling on his boots and coat. "Hinata, stay here so we can communicate with each other. Raven, with me, Videl and Siryn, I'll need you on my belt." He returned the two and headed out the door, Sagira hot on his heels. In the lobby, then both dashed apart, calling Daisy's name. Jay hadn't gone far when he'd spotted the blonde, but it wasn't Ivy. For a short moment, he nearly ran after her, but instead released Siryn. "Follow that girl, right there," he said, pointing. Linda Laird was at a sidewalk vendor, either buying something or lecturing the cart owner about the quality of his food. From the look on their faces, it was the latter. "Do not get caught!" Siryn will be quiet like a sneakyquietthing! Before Jay could stop her, she floated off, cackling. He winced, but Siryn disappeared and stopped laughing by the time she reached the people nearest her quarry. "I guess that'll have to be enough." ----- Hinata, for once, didn't mind being left behind. Trainer Jay was right. She was the best way for the pair to communicate. Besides, it was time she learned her place. What use was a blind pokemon in a fight? It is very odd to find one which shines so brightly in such a dim state. Hinata's head snapped up, a useless gesture, as her useless eyes would not allow her to see. Who's there?! The voice was kind, deep and resonant, and had a quality she found not only comfortable, but vaguely familiar. It chuckled, and Hinata found herself, rather than angry, intrigued. Such a vicious voice for one so small. But the package is rarely indicative of the power. Fear not, Fair One, I mean you no harm. Hinata cast her senses out, and rather than detect a presence, she detected instead a lack of one, outside, on the fire escape. She would never be able to track it; if it moved, she would lose it. But it was conspicuous by it's absence, like something black against a dark background. The imagery was something she had pulled from Amber's mind, when she was still young, and was one of the only visual analogies she could understand. It was, after all, the same way she perceived Videl. You're a dark type, but I can talk to you. How is that? Again, amusement, and kindness, flowed through the voice. Does it matter? Is it important? Not to me. To me, all I wish to know is why one so capable of brightness is so dim. Despite herself, Hinata felt the urge to answer. I'm not very bright. I'm darker than I look. Even darker than I make myself look. Her mental voice dropped, remembering the time in the alley, when Paladin had pushed her away, and she nearly retaliated. I can be dangerous, if I don't watch myself. The voice from outside seemed saddened. I wish I could know who convinced you of this. I believe a long talk would be in order. He, for it was a male voice, seemed to know that Hinata's heart had clenched. I will have to suffice myself with undoing the damage that was done. It is not right that a beutiful presence should mute herself so. I, Adimu, see only beauty in your mind. Hinata felt her face warming, and with it her heart, though part of her rebelled. Adimu... you are... very kind. But-- The voice cut her off, rushed. I must go, for now, Bright One, but if you should ever need me, we shall be standing close. Put your trust in us. Us?! Who's us?! The voice, however, did not answer, and the lack of presence was gone. Hinata cast about into her minds eye, replaying and reliving the memory of the conversation. For the first time since the alleyway, she smiled. -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Espeon ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 044 Joined: 25-March 09 From: United States Member No.: 5 443 Tuesday's Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
They stood together, a pack bound by more than common understanding. They knew each other, in some ways better than they knew themselves, and in other ways, just as well. They were the same - one being, but many minds; connected. A pack bound by more than common understanding, they stood together.
Malchior was their king; a leader with a kind soul who willed the world to be true, and shed tears when he saw that it was not. Wajibu was their warrior; born to protect them with the power of his claws, the terror that dwelled in his fangs. He carried within him the soul of one who had seen much pain, much death, and lived to stop more from coming, even if that sometimes meant causing it. Nipashe was their guardian; the mother of them all, she cared for each of them as though they were her children, loved them all, and protected them all, often at the cost of her own health, but never at the cost of regret. Amani was their heart; the youngest among them, she held the innocence that could only be contained within a child’s heart. Her want for peace was rivaled only by Malchior, but none among them could best her in the steadfast belief that there was still hope for peace. Adimu was their advisor; loyal to a fault, he had a way that was true, a soul that was determined, and a mind that was as keen as the claws he wielded in battle. His was a wanting heart, in some ways a mourning heart, for he was one of only two who were fully aware of the truth. That was their pack – five hearts bound by a common understanding. But there was a sixth. Not a member of their pack, but one among them who was like a disease – a parasite who sucked the life out of their pack. Ukatili was that parasite, that disease. He was the heartless and unmerciful creature that haunted them, and hunted them, for it was his purpose and desire to steal their lives, one by one, until none but Malchior was left, and then destroy him. To cause the king pain, and then steal his proverbial throne, and rule indefinitely. It was with the knowledge that they were hunted, that at any moment their lives might come to an end, that they lived. A pack, but one being; one being, but a pack. ~*~ “Daisy!!!” Calypso’s ears flattened against her head at Sagira’s screech – one that very well may have rivaled that of the misdreavus who traveled with Jacob. The kitsune moved gracefully down the street, so light-footed that she surely danced upon the wind. Her eyes had been watching and she had seen the great beast fall, caught in the capsule of the young girl’s device. Her tails twitched, but she uttered no words. There were none within her that held anything of concern about the capture, or the saurian beast. Her mind was on the changes in the girl who had been more like her before, and who was now something like the demon woman, Ezira. Again, Calypso’s tails twitched, and she turned her head away. It was an unfortunate loss, but perhaps a redeemable one. Her ears twitched at a voice that touched the back of her mind, ever so softly that it was almost a whisper. “Perhaps…” ~*~ Funny, how it seemed cold when one was alone. There was an openness, like a bare window in winter, when one did not have companions to grace them with their presence. When one did not have hope. Paladin had not left Sagira’s side. He remained invisible to all eyes, but he hovered near her, unwilling – unable – to leave. He owed her this. He would never leave her again. He would not allow her to be hurt. His life was hers, and he would give up everything else to make sure that she was safe. But he never thought that it would make him so cold… -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Houndoom ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2 186 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Austin, Texas Member No.: 804 Uprising Mod ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Siryn's Log: Stardate... um.. Stardate... today! (Siryn is SO smart!). Siryn has been told by the Jay that Siryn must follow the blondetargetgirl and be as sneaky as a sneaky thing that sneaks. This is easy for Siryn. Siryn will be dedicated! Siryn will be diligent! Siryn will- Oooh, SPARKLY!
NO! Siryn must follow the blondetargetgirl! ... Siryn will come back for the sparkly! The blondetargetgirl has been on the Jay's mind for a long time, but not like the Sagiracat is on the Jay's mind. The Sagiracat is not a target, but a playmate. And the Jay wants to play a LOT. But the Jay also is very nice, and doesn't make the Sagiracat play if the Sagiracat doesn't want to. Which she does. Except for now, when she doesn't, because for some reason the Sagiracat is mad at the Jay? For no reason! The Jay was only pretending to make the buizelheadgirl blushyfaced! Sagiracats, am I right? Yes, you're right! WHO SAID THAT?! ... Oh, the blondetargetgirl is moving again. Siryn must follow. Sneaky... sneaky... Now stopping. Blondetargetgirl is not afraid, which is sad, because Siryn is feeling a might peckish, and Siryn does not think that the Jay would mind too terribly if Siryn had a nibble of delicious delicious fear. Ah well... The Jay had to change his head again. Also, the Hinata, who Siryn loathes, kind of loathes, doesn't like, but the Hinata is so nice to Siryn... she is sad. And Siryn, for some reason, doesn't like that the Hinata is so sad. The Hinata should not be sad. Siryn will have to talk to the HandsomePaladin and make him make the Hinata so much happier. In the interest of hating the Hinata, of course! Brr... there is a chill in the air. Siryn needs a coat. But alas, Siryn has no arms. The Jay hopes that, by trailing the blondetargetgirl that finding the blondevainsingingboy and then the Sagiracat can punch him in the face. Siryn believes that if the Sagiracat can punch the blondevainsingingboy in the face, she will not want to hit the Jay so badly, and then they can play some more. Siryn is not as sustained by giggleplay, but it does taste sweeter than fear, so Siryn likes it! ... There is a cold wind which blows no one any good... Siryn must stay on target, but something about that wind... You must not interfere in my Mistress' plans, little one. I am sorry, but I must make sure you do not find Sir Victor. ... Aw dang! It was as if the cold air came from nowhere, but when the people around looked up, they could see it: A purple and red blob catapulted from thin air, trailing after it icy winds. As the misdreavus' scream trailed away, a shape like a teardrop draped in a kimono coalesced from where the cold air had first materialized, golden eyes malevolent from within the white shell of her head. Puckered purple skin surrounded the eyes, smoothing as her gaze widened. The misdreavus was charging back, her own eyes wide with mad glee. IT'S SIRYN'S TURN! Before she rammed physically into the frosslass, Siryn opened her mouth, releasing a high pitched screech that sent everyone running. I do not have time to play with you, little one, growled the froslass, releasing an icy wind from her mouth. Siryn shuddered, ice crystals forming on her smoky brow and necklace. Ooohh, the misdreavus shuddered. S-siryn doesn't like you! It's Payback time! The misdreavous glowed, releasing what looked like the same wind, only black and ash like instead of white and snow like. It hit the froslass, causing her to screech in pain. She pushed back out of the wind, casting about. The misdreavus had disappeared. The frosslass looked around, beginning to fade, when she heard it. Siryn is right behiiiiind you! Instinctively, the froslass dropped, lowering itself from the air, and the psybeam from the misdreavus split the air where the froslass had been. She spun and shot an ice shard from her hands, but Siryn dodged it. The misdreavus cast about, but her quarry, the blonde girl, was gone. Aww! You made Siryn lose the blondetargetgirl! Now the Jay is going to be upset! Siryn REALLY doesn't like you! Before the froslass could retaliate, Siryn had disappeared. She took a few moments to seek out her quarry, but the misdreavus was gone. With a heavy sigh, she looked toward where Sir Victor's companion had disappeared. I will have to inform Lady Victoria of this development... -------------------- |
![]() Nevermore! ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 630 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Halloween Town Member No.: 807 BLARG ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Victor sat in front of the piano, alone on the stage. The seats were empty and, though very unsual, Victor actually preferred it that way. He didn't want anyone to see him in this state. Victor had been sitting alone in the theatre for what seemed to be an eternity. He honestly had no perception of time anymore. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he played the first few notes of "Legally Blonde," the title song of the musical Legally Blonde.
"Take back the books and pack up the clothes Clear out the room and drop off the key Leave with what's left of my dignity Get in the car and just go. "Chalk it all up to experience They said I'd fail but I disagreed Who could say then where my path would lead? Well, now I know." A couple feet upstage lay a gossip magazine open to page 24, where a reporter had written a ludicrous article about Victor. From his spot at the piano, Victor could not make out the small text, but he knew exactly what it said. After reading it so many times, the article was committed to memory. It read: Victor Bays has risen to fame recently, but what do we really know about this pseudo-celebrity? His situation doesn't makes sense if you try to put the pieces together. Victor, son of Team Aqua executive Xavier Bays, was held captive by Aqua, escaped and is now living with the Magma-affiliated Brooks. What would lead to such a situation? We did some digging and found some juicy tidbits you might like to know. Apparently, he's been living in the Brooks' estate here in Noverus, passing himself off as his cousin Victoria Brooks. The cousins are said to look identical, so with some make-up, a wig and female clothing, Victor has successfully fooled the Brooks' security. Thinking he was Victoria, Aqua held him hostage at their base of operations in Noverus. Victor somehow managed to escape though. However, Aqua found the real Victoria, who is currently at the Aqua base, and Victor has entirely replaced her at the Brooks' manor. We'll bring you more dirt as it comes. For now, here's a pic of Vick in some wicked drag. [picture of Victor dressed as the Wicked Witch of the West] Victor seems rather fond of dressing as a woman. Could this lead us to make conclusions on his very questionable sexuality? Of course! Check out next month's issue where we delve deep into Victor's past. Ironically, the straw that broke Victor's mental stability was made of lies. Now he was seriously considering leaving all of this behind and heading back to Sootopolis. "Back to the sun Back to the shore Back to what I was before "Back where I'm known Back in my own Very small pond" Not only was Victor's reputation being assaulted with gossip and rumors, there was still no sign of Victoria, there was no way of making up with Jay and Sagira which meant that he probably wouldn't see much of Ivy and Linda did not turn out to be the BFF he planned her to be. Victor had big expectations for Linda, which only made the disappointment that much greater. He felt like a puppet master whose puppets went on to create an entirely different spectacle without him pulling the strings. "Laugh with my friends When I arrive We'll drop the top and just drive That's fine with me Just let me be Legally Blonde. "Back to the sun Back to the shore Back to what I was before "Lie on the beach Dream within reach Don't stray beyond "Some guys fight hard Some face the trial Some guys were just meant to smile "It's not up to me Just let me be Legally Blonde..." Victor paused, almost wishing someone would dramatically walk down the aisle singing Emmett's line. When no one chimed in, he concluded, "It's not up to me. Just let me be legally blonde." "A beautiful performance, as always, Victor," said a bodiless voice coming from the mezzanine. Victor averted his gaze from the ivory keys and looked at the source of the voice. It was his butler Edward. "What do you want?" Victor asked coldly. "I want to help you," the servant responded. "And you're not the only one who needs help." Victor was flipping through some sheet music, not caring at all of what Edward had to say. "I found a Froslass who says she's looking for you." Victor still paid no attention. "Her name is Diamant." Victor dropped all of his music in surprise. "V-Victoria's... Snorunt??" -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Pidgeotto ![]() Group: RP Moderators Posts: 1 543 Joined: 9-January 08 From: Amazingstoke, UK Member No.: 814 PANE: Darryn Kellor ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Epsilon sat back on her haunches and listened. She was very good at that. She titled her ears delicately under her pink bow, catching the words spoken by the humans and drank them in greedily. She assimilated every morsel of information that she could, storing it and saving it for what it was – power. Everyone knew that knowledge was power. Simple facts. You know more, you are able to exploit more possibilities than you could if you were ignorant. Easy.
She had listened when she was young, too. Coming from a litter of eight at the breeding center outside Mauville City, Epsilon had known just how crucial it had been for her to keep her tongue still and her ears open in order to get herself out of that sweet-smelling prison. Humans were crude beings that lacked the ability to notice the subtle differences in behaviour of young Pokemon and so none of them had suspected that she had been the one to manipulate the visitors into buying her. Epsilon was clever. Epsilon did not like her new name. When she had hatched and been left amid the squealing forms of her brothers and sisters, Epsilon had gone by another name. A name that heralded her true self in a single word. Ilex. In human speech it meant ‘Holly’. The beautiful plant that remained green all year round, defending its luscious crimson berries behind needle-like cages of barbed leaves. It was ironic how she had come to be with one named Hedera – Ivy. After all, according to that famous human song: “The Holly and the Ivy, when they are both full grown. Of all the trees that are in the wood, the Holly wears the crown.”. Epsilon knew which crown she wanted and it would only be a matter of time before she wore it. *I must get stronger!* ~*~*~*~ Alpha flattened his ears to his skull and watched with contempt as the male and female human came hurrying towards Ivy. He could smell the stink of worry, panic and tension on their skin even before they were within fifty meters of him. They were ridiculous. He sat back at his leisure, waiting rather impatiently to be put back in his ball. Of late, Ivy’s demeanour had taken a turn that meant he spent a lot more time locked away than out and stretching his paws. She had definitely changed and Alpha could only blame the humans around her for that. She had been absolutely normal before she had got caught up in the politics of human affairs but they had corrupted her. She was spoiled. Her smell was even different. Not just in the obvious ways – that blonde bastard had left his mark in the form of Vileplume No. 5 perfume. A more subtle change had taken place that Alpha could not pinpoint. She was lacking something from before and had picked up things that he could not describe. It was altogether unsettling and yet no-one else seemed to notice or care. Well, at least not in the way he did. To fix her, Alpha would need to lead their pack himself but that would take time – his brothers were not convinced that he was able to do the job like their sister could but he could fix that with time… He hoped. *I must get stronger!* ~*~*~*~ Beta panted heavily and trotted back to Ivy’s heel while she got berated by the human couple. His tongue lolled to the side, losing the heat that had flared in him during the battle. That large creature had been spectacularly sturdy – firmer than any of the others in their little team – and battling him had taken a surprising amount of effort. Even so, Beta was far from collapse and so he felt like he had won another small victory for himself. He was getting stronger every day – strong enough to protect his sister and his pack. He chanced a glance at Alpha who was glaring at the humans. He was still mad at them all. Beta inwardly groaned. His brother’s mood had done a 180 when he had evolved. Before, Alpha had been far more playful and carefree – a true puppy – but he only ever seemed serious and angry nowadays. It was a sad change. Beta loved his brother almost as much as he loved Ivy but things were changing. It was plain to see by the way they were spread from each other. Before, they would be rubbing sides and climbing over each other almost like one great organism with one heart, mind and goal. Beta would be the one to bring them back together! But to do that he would need to convince Alpha that trusting Ivy as before was what they needed - not to baby her as he intended. *I must get stronger!* -------------------- Darryn Kellor ~ ![]() ![]() PANE Characters (click to show ) LA's Plays (click to show ) Unovalocke (click to show ) |
![]() Team Rogue: Espeon ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 044 Joined: 25-March 09 From: United States Member No.: 5 443 Tuesday's Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
A gentle wind ruffled the think fur of Calypso's tail and she shook herself to disturb the tickling feeling that erupted across her flesh. Licking a paw, she brushed her ear as delicately as a persian, brushing back the crimson fur until she was pleased, and then stretching lithely, her forelegs out in front of her and her tail raised high into the air.
"You would be wise not to make such a target of yourself." Calypso yelped, leaping forward abruptly and then immediately throwing herself to the left. She landed in a crouch, hunkering low to the ground as her lips pulled back, revealed a mouthful of small fangs, dripping with angry saliva. A warning snarl erupted from her throat as her eyes swept continuously from side to side, trying to catch sight of the inevitable threat. "I am impressed." Calypso stiffened, her growl silencing immediately as she realized that the voice was not coming from anywhere physically near her, but was echoing within her own mind. Her eyes narrowed as the voice continued, "I had not expected such a stern, offensive reaction. You are clearly not a creature prone to timidity." "Nor are you one prone to self-preservation," Calypso snarled, her sense of shock dispersing and her eyes again roving the area, still under the suspicion that her mind's visitor was somewhere nearby. "So distrustful... so willing to jump to the offensive." Calypso snarled at the voice still speaking into her mind, though he - for the voice was clearly male - did not seem perturbed. "You do not even know me." "I don't imagine that is necessary," Calypso growled softly, eyes narrowing. "Anyone who bothers themselves to invade the privacy of another's mind is clearly not someone that I would care to know." She had been on the receiving end of these invasions too many times to hold any sort of amicable attitude toward one who dared. "I have clearly overstepped my boundaries, dear kitsune. Please do forgive my intrusion." Calypso blinked at the apologetic tone of his voice, and the feelings that filled her but were not her own. "I would tell you to call on me if ever you were in need, but I do not believe that you would heed my request." Calypso resisted the urge to snort derisively. A tone of amusement encompassed the voice now, as he added wryly, "Do note that I will be watching, Kitsune. Always." And then the presence that had filled her and been within her head, a feeling that she would not have comprehended had he not spoken, vanished, leaving emptiness behind. And then she pondered on that presence and the creature that held it, and though she loathed that he had dared to poison her mind with his intrusion, she couldn't help but wonder at his name... ~*~ Topaz was filled with a strange feeling. Something within her was demanding attention, though she could not bring herself to understand precisely what this something was. Curled up on the ground in search of some form of comfort as she listened to Sagira berate the girl who smelled only fleetingly of dog, she buried her nose into the fur of her tail and sought answers to the questions that plagued her heart and mind. Something... something was coming. She could feel it, echoing within her like a scream that had no real voice yet, but undoubtedly would grow one, the closer it came to fruition. And this frightened Topaz, for how long could she hear this scream and listen to it building before it overrode her every action and deafened her... destroyed her? Where are these thoughts coming from? Topaz demanded of herself, appalled. I sound like Raven, with all of this talk of coming doom and darkness. She raised her head and shook herself, her brown and cream fur ruffling up into a thicker mane, before it quelled. She sighed softly, shaking her head slowly to will away the dark thoughts. There is no impending danger. Get a hold of yourself, Topaz. Mistress certainly does not need two Ravens scurrying about when she is already having troubles with her mate. Of course not. She lowered her head to the ground, closing her gold-flecked eyes as she tried to get some sleep, content with the fact that whatever level of hypertension she seemed to be suffering from, it would go away in time. ~*~ Sagira ran a hand down her face, groaning and begging for patience, though no god would take that suicide mission. She sighed softly, and raised her eyes to see Ivy still standing in front of her. Things would be so much easier if the girl would just act like herself. No, they wouldn't be able to hide as they were now, but... Sagira knew how to act around Ivy. This strange mix of Ivy and Kylarian, however, was beyond her level of understanding, and she was too exhausted to truly put forth an effort. "Desoleé, ma soeur," she said softly, and met Ivy's eyes. "Je suis... irritated." She sighed and opened her mouth to go on, when she felt a tug at her hip and the unmistakable feeling of someone's hand on her ass. With a sound just one step short of a snarl, Sagira twisted her hips, throwing her right leg behind her to shake the hand from her belt, and then allowed the rest of her body to follow suit. Her left hand snapped forward like a starving seviper and she wrapped strong, lithe fingers around the entirety of the boy's wrist, effectively pinning him in place with both her grasp and her glare. Her eyes moved to the familiar wallet still clutched in his fingers, before she let her eyes lock dangerously onto his. "Zat is mine," she said slowly, the words curling over her tongue like warning wisps of smoke. She saw the boy swallow convulsively, and she tightened her grip slightly on his wrist, causing him to reflexively drop the wallet. "Topaz," she said, her eyes never leaving the boy's unsure gaze. The eevee, now fully awake, darted forward and grasped the wallet loosely in her fangs before bounding out of reach of the boy's feet, should he choose to use them. Topaz danced over to stand next to an annoyed, but strangely thoughtful Calypso. "What do you sink you are do-eeng?" The boy shrugged, a flamboyant grin sidling onto his face as he eyed her up and down. Sagira resisted the urge to aim a kick to make his grin disappear. "It's not like ya need any more of that dough to make the outfit, doll," he said, his words and tone not fitting his age - a clear put-upon act, or else a result of growing up in the wrong peer group. "In fact," he added snidely, "a few less clothes would do ya just fine." When he winked at her, Sagira twisted her hand slightly and took a moment to enjoy his whine of pain as his knees buckled but did not give out. She let up on the force she was exerting against the fragile bone of his wrist, and he rose awkwardly back to full height, his eyes only slightly subdued - wary against a repeat. "I sink, perhaps, I should turn you een," she said thoughtfully, tilting her head to the side as she appeared to consider this. She saw a flash of fear in the boy's eyes. They had an agreement in one area. Police were to be avoided. "I'll battle you," he said. "For my freedom," he added, when she cocked an eyebrow at him. "If I win, you let me go." "And eef I win?" she asked slowly. He grinned, again flamboyant, and winked at her. "I'll give ya a free ride, doll," he said, nodding conspiratorially at her as though this were some great deal on his part. This time, Sagira didn't let up until the boy collapsed to his knees with tears building in his eyes. She smiled at him as he looked at her, her grin no doubt as feral as any she had given as Sagira. "I weell take your offer," she said, grinning. "And when I ween, I weell take your jacket, and you can keep your freedom, oui?" "Okay, okay," the boy said, "but I'll need my arm back." "Of course, oui," Sagira said, and tightened her grip momentarily, leaning closer until her face was mere inches from his own. "But eef you run, mon ami, I weell catch you." She grinned, baring her teeth, and then released his arm, stepping back. The boy rose to his feet, grinning. "I forgot to mention," he said, stepped back until he was flanked by two other boys, each older than he was and one standing on either side and just behind him, "I'm not alone." Sagira smiled pityingly at the boy's obvious stupidity. "Oui," she said, nodding softly and raising her hand to indicate Jay and Ivy, as Calypso and Topaz took up their places on either side of her. "Nor am I, mon ami. Nor am I." -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Houndoom ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2 186 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Austin, Texas Member No.: 804 Uprising Mod ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Nathaniel Bryce was, usually, a calm man. He had his foibles, yes, and his buttons that could be pushed, but it was not easy to find them, or to push them, or to get the reaction you wanted out of him once you had achieved the former two. The person on the other end of the phone managed to hit the buttons, press them, and get the reaction most wanted without intending to do so.
"Look, let me talk to your superior NOW, or there is going to be hell to pay, you sawed off little runt!" To be fair, Bryce had no idea of the person on the other end of the phone was a 'sawed off little runt'. And, in fact, the Officer outranked him, by rank as well as seniority. However, the insult and tone had the desired effect; the frightened officer scampered to his superior's office and handed the phone to Officer II Langestrat. Jamie Langestrat was short, blonde, and, to those who didn't know her, cute. Those who did found her to be a hardassed leader, in the 'fair but firm' category, with an emphasis on firm. She, too, was a master at not being ruffled. It was rare that she could say that she was calmer than Nathaniel Bryce, but this was just one such occasion. "Nathan," came her honey-sweet voice, a contrast to the fearful stammering of the officer he spoke to before. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" "Cut the crap, Jamie!" It was a definite sign of Bryce's anger that he had shouted at her, but Jamie merely leaned forward and plucked a bon bon from a bowl on her desk. "What the hell is going on? Why are my agents being hunted? Again?!" Jamie rolled her eyes at her Officer, making a motion with her hand that any man would recognize. "Mr. Lange has been accused of rape, Nathan. We're in a precarious enough position in this city, we can't afford to have our agents going around raping the populace. It breeds discontent." Nathan let out a string of swear words that would have made any sailor and their pokemon blush, but Jamie grinned like a schoolgirl. "Ah, Nate, you do know how to give a woman that warm feeling inside. Now, if you're done insulting my mother and questioning my heritage, let me lay it on the lin-" "There is no way in the Reverse World that Lange raped *anyone*!" "And how do you know, Nate?" The voice at the other end was no longer light and joking, but hard and as cold as ice. "Because Smythe hasn't mailed me his nether regions yet." Langestrat snorted, and Bryce went on. "Look, these two have already been hunted once, and they got away. If they're hunted again, it's going to push them to lengths they don't want to go, possibly even out of the organization all together!" Finally calming, he sighed and leaned back in his chair. "James, I can't lose my best two agents over what's obviously a Magma ploy!" "I believe he's innocent, Nate." "The boy is... wait, what?" Jamie smiled. It was almost as fun to see Nathan riled up as it was to deflate him. "I said, I believe he's innocent. But HQ doesn't want to take chances, and HQ are the folks who make the rules. Orders are orders, Nathan, you know that." Bryce sighed, leaning forward and grabbing a cigarette. "Damned if I do, damned if I don't, then, is it?" "I'm afraid so, Nate. So. Let me ask you... you haven't told these two they're your best agents, have you?" Nathan chuckled. "I'm not as dumb as I look, Jamie." "It'll work out, Nathan, if they're as good as you say they are. Oh, congratulations on your promotion." "What?" Jamie chuckled. "I wasn't supposed to tell you, but the Dawson capture put you over the top. You are now an Officer." Nathan chuckled. "I'm not leaving Sector B." "They wouldn't dream of it. In fact, they're really just making things equal. Every sector has an Officer." Nathan nodded, took a swig of his coffee, and sighed. "Thanks for letting me rant, James." "Any time, Nate... Wednesday?" "See you then." Bryce hung up, sighed, and typed a command on his computer, starting the communication network. Reluctantly, he removed the comms belonging to Smythe and Lange. If he knew them, and they knew they were being hunted, they wouldn't have them on their person, anyway. "Attention, all Sector B agents. As of now, Jay Lange and Sagira Smythe are designated Capture on Sight." ----- Jay had just trotted up when Sagira was accosted. It was fun watching her take care of the situation, but he noticed the two boys slipping up behind the one she was lecturing. He sighed and pulled two pokeballs from his belt. Siryn was still tracking Laird, as far as he knew, and Videl was too recognizable. Hinata was at the apartment. That left two, and one of them was not an option while Sagira and he were fighting. That left one. "Looks like you chose the wrong party ta crash, buddy," he said, tossing Ravyn's luxury ball up in the air and catching it without releasing her. The boy who had chosen to face him sneered. "Yeah, I crash parties. It's what I do." He pulled a pokeball off his belt and twirled it, then gave Jay a 'come on' gesture. "Show me what you got, blondie." Jay smirked and pressed the button on the luxury ball, releasing the silvery form of Ravyn, who looked around and fairly glared at the boy across from the one who chose her. "Oh, geeze, this is going to be a piece of cake. Doughboy, you're up. Get rid of this off color mutt!" The boy, too, released his pokemon, a rotund yellow mass that punched at the air, teetering on his feet like a sumo wrestler. "Maku!" Jay sighed. Type disadvantage. Of course, he knew how to deal with that eventuality, but Ravyn was new. He cracked his knuckles, but Raven reacted differently. She yawned and lay down as if she were going to nap. "Doesn't look like she's too worried," Jay sneered. The other trainer scowled. "She's gonna be. Doughboy, use Arm Thrust! Show her you mean business!" Jay smirked, not reacting, and, as he expected, Raven waited until the makuhita was right on top of him to move, using Quick Attack to shift to the side in a blur. The makuhita stumbled, toppled, and rolled, turning oddly nimbly as he rose, growling. "Quick attack," Jay shouted, and the eevee leapt forward, dashing once again as a blur toward the fighting type. "Fake out, Dough!" The makuhita clapped it's paws together, causing Raven to stop, shaking her head. "Now, Arm Thrust!" The fighting type stepped forward, slamming Raven in the side with a paw, then repeated with the other paw, causing the eevee to cry out. Jay grit his teeth, but Raven had spotted something. Hidden in the folds of the makuhita's belly was a sitrus berry. Raven growled, rolling to her feet, and dove at the makuhita. <<I... want... that... BERRY!>> The Makuhita was taken off guard, and Ravyn hit him in the belly with her head, bouncing out and jarring the berry loose. She dove and grabbed it, crouching and growling before sinking her teeth into it. "Hey! That rat stole Doughboy's berry!" The boy growled and reached for his belt, but Jay was distracted by a loud hissing noise. One of the pokemon of Sagira's opponent had gotten too close, and Serenity had come out of her hiding place to snap and hiss at it. Neither of them saw the boy's pidgeotto fly up and dive, straight for Serenity. "LOOK OUT!" "TAI LLOW!" The heal ball on Jay's belt opened up, and red light coalesced into the form of a speeding taillow. A foot before the brown bird pokemon could slash into Serenity's back, the taillow had slammed into it, intercepting and beating around the pidgeotto's head with her wings. "TAI! LLOW TAI TA LO!" cried the taillow, beating the pidgeotto back. Serenity had gained enough time to retreat to Sagira's wrist, and the taillow, with smug satisfaction, nodded to a shocked Sagira before flying off and landing on Jay's shoulder. "Good girl," he said, petting her head, before turning to see the boy he faced had released two more pokemon in his anger. One was a dark shape wearing a mask vaguely shaped like a skull, and the other looked like a stone head from Easter Island. "Triple team that little off color runt!" "Dammit! Raven, get out of there!" ----- "The orders for the detainment of Lange and Smythe have been made clear by headquarters. If they are cornered by another team, you are to make sure that Sector B is the one to apprehend them first!" Bryce looked down at his coffee cup, with the untidy scrawl on it, in his daughter's hand. He nodded, making his decision. "If at all possible, you are to run interference for them. Give them time to clear this up. We work better together than apart. I repeat, only apprehend them if they are about to be caught by another sector, or if not doing so will make you look like a traitor. Do me proud, ladies and gentlemen. That is all." Bryce shut the machine down and put his head in his hands. "Lange, Smythe... you better be worth being such a pain in my ass..." -------------------- |
![]() Nevermore! ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 630 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Halloween Town Member No.: 807 BLARG ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"We are here live with Linda Laird, a common girl who was swept up in this violent rivalry between Team Magma and criminal Team Aqua." A platinum blonde talk show hostess sat in a large velvet chair next to another comfortable-looking chair, in which Linda sat. "This struggle between the two large entities has been going on for ages and never seems to cease. Ms. Laird here says she recently retired from Team Magma because of this conflict. Could you elaborate on this for us?"
Wearing a skirt, Linda lifted her right leg and placed it over her left, flashing her exposed thigh to the audience. She smiled and answered, "I just couldn't take the pressure anymore. I am a peace-loving individual and I simply would not take part in the ongoing violence, even if it means living in the streets." "Why, Linda, you're not living in the streets are you?" the hostess said with a false surprise that seemed rehearsed too many times. "Oh, no," Linda said, reasuring the audience. "I was very fortunate and found a friend in the city to stay with. I owe him so much, but right now I can only repay him with my never-ending affection and compassion." "Well it seems that your friend came to pay you a visit. Let's welcome Mr. Victor Bays to the chair!" The hostess held out an arm to her right, the direction in which Victor was supposed to enter from, but nothing happened. Victor did not appear on the stage. Linda looked around stupidly like an unprepared actress faced with a major slip up on opening night. The hostess held her pose like a mannequin in the window of a store. Linda's facial expression suddenly turned sour as she realized how much of fool she seemed on live television. *** "She what?!?!" Victor was standing with his jaw on the floor in the Grand Foyer of his luxurious home in the Wealthy District. He could not believe what he was hearing. Yes, Sir Victor. Lady Victoria has been in captivity for weeks now. The elegant Froslass was floating at Victor's eye level, reporting only facts. She is in dire need of your help. I have done all I can do to assist, but I am most unfortunately injured to the point where I am almost of no assistance. Victor leaned against the wall and took in the news. "I thought I had enough to deal with," he muttered to himself. "I need to deal with this by myself unless I want to start a war between Aqua and Magma... Well, I'm still a member of Aqua right? I can go and get her out of there!" Excuse me, Sir Victor, but I feel I must, please pardon the expression, "burst your bubble." Diamant felt that idioms and figures of speech were vulgar and shouldn't be used at all but made an exception to show the difference of circumstances in the situation. You are being hunted, sir, by Team Aqua. They view you as a traitor for your actions. I have located one individual in particular who is after you. "Who?" demanded Victor. He suddenly felt afraid to go out in public. A girl of yellow hair with three canine Pokemon accompanying her. I was following this- "Ivy? Ivy's looking for me?" Victor interrupted. Is that good or bad...? I do not know the female's name, sir. "Were those Pokemon a Mightyena, Electrike and Eevee?" Yes, sir, but I must inform you of- "Ivy can help me!" Victor grabbed his bag off the floor and dashed out the door. "Tell Victoria I said hi!" -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Pidgeotto ![]() Group: RP Moderators Posts: 1 543 Joined: 9-January 08 From: Amazingstoke, UK Member No.: 814 PANE: Darryn Kellor ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
“Ah see ah gots da priddy one, huh?”
Ivy blinked like a Buneary caught in the headlights. Was that even human speech? It definitely came out of a human… well, if humans resembled Snorlaxes, anyway. The great hulk of a grunt loomed over Ivy ominously, grinning wide and showing that his peg-like teeth were so short that his fat gums showed more in his drooling mouth. “What’s a ‘priddy’?” Ivy cocked her head to one side, completely and utterly confused. “Can you eat it?” The fat guy grinned with his gums. Ivy shuddered. Whatever this ‘priddy’ was, she felt really sorry for it. No-one and nothing deserved that fate. He began to open his mouth again to talk but Ivy was on a mission and time-wasting was for losers. Plus, she had let her iconic Pokemon roam from their balls for too long. “Everyone, back inside.” She said, quickly recalling all but Epsilon to their balls. “Ready to battle, Eppy?” The Eevee squeaked once and stalked towards the towering beast of a man, her tail swishing dangerously over her ribbon-clad brow. Ivy’s opponent blinked down at the puppy and reached for his own Pokeball. “Ah see ya gits down ta bizness real fast!” He announced, releasing his own Pokemon. Ivy braced herself for a monstrosity of a foe but nearly found herself choking on her own laughter. “Clefairy!” The pink puff ball that emerged declared herself proudly, patting her chest defiantly. “Ree!” Epsilon took off like a shot without warning, a blazing Quick Attack nailing the Fairy Pokemon right between the eyes. The pink thing screamed loudly with pain, falling back on its behind and wailing loudly. Epsilon pranced clear, turned and growled before launched herself back into the fray. “C’mon, Bruiser! Use da Metronome!” Fatface ordered. The badly, oh-so-badly, named Bruiser’s brow furrowed with anger and her fingers glowed with an azure light as they pointed accusingly at Epsilon. Reacting quickly, the Eevee broke off the attack and flipped backwards, getting some distance between her and the opponent. *Wow! Eppy really knows how to battle!* In a surge of screaming wind, a ripping Air Slash tore from the Clefairy’s fists, producing a shout of joy from its trainer. Ivy gasped. “Dodge it, Eppy!” The Eevee blinked in Ivy’s direction just once before she looked back to the incoming blade of silvery air and glared intently without moving. “Eppy!” “Ree!” Epsilon’s eyes flickered red and a shimmering wave seemed to envelope her, the Air Slash passing straight past her body as though it had been off target. Ivy knew, however, that the move would have been a powerful hit and its aim had been true. Could Epsilon know some sort of dodging move? “Wha? Da doggie done a Detect!” Ivy’s opponent supplied the answer. “Dat’s cheating!” “Whatever! Eppy, use Quick Attack then Bite the wings off that thing!” Epsilon needed no encouragement to be on the offensive once more, zipping in with blinding speed and striking at the Fairy again and again. “Stop it d’ere, Bruiser! Make some Gravity!” The Clefairy, crying profusely, still managed to wave her fingers in a magical pattern, producing a field of crushing energy around the fleet-footed Eevee. Epsilon squealed and tumbled to her knees, unable to keep running with the extra weight exacted upon her body. The Clefairy, in a position of power, took the opportunity to totter in close and started beating the Evolution Pokemon with her open palms. “Haha! Take Bruiser’s Doubleslap, Doggie!” Ivy clenched her fists tightly together and called her support for the Eevee, unable to come up with anything that would counter a move that literally immobilised her dear Pokemon. It was Epsilon that ended the barrage but her strength was waning rapidly – she had taken way too many hits to be in much of a condition to keep on battling and she knew it. With a desperate kick, Epsilon kicked blinding sand into the Clefairy’s eyes and managed to use the bought time to drag herself clear of the Gravity field and scream harshly through her teeth. The whistle automatically activated her Pokeball, sucking her back inside. “Baton Pass…” Ivy whispered to herself even as Alpha exploded free. “ENA!” He took off like a rocket and, from what the reports later that day claimed, committed repeated acts of Pokemon cruelty before the fat fool gave in and recalled the joke of a Pokemon from the field. Alpha stalked back to Ivy, ignoring her praise and accepted her recall without question. Ivy stuck her tongue out at the grunt and unclipped Kappa’s Pokeballl, rushing to where the others were fighting and readying herself for another battle. *We need to move on faster than this. Damn, if these goons don’t get out of the way I’ll have to convince them to leave…* -------------------- Darryn Kellor ~ ![]() ![]() PANE Characters (click to show ) LA's Plays (click to show ) Unovalocke (click to show ) |
![]() Team Rogue: Espeon ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 044 Joined: 25-March 09 From: United States Member No.: 5 443 Tuesday's Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sagira was not particularly pleased with the current situation. It was bad enough that some little kid with a bad attitude – put on or not – had tried to pinch her wallet and had managed to get a good feel of her ass in the process, but now she was forced to battle him without her best pokemon.
Umbrae was too recognizable as belonging to Sagira Smythe, and so he had to remain hidden in order to preserve their costumes. Serenity was still wrapped around her wrist and could fight if necessary, but it wouldn’t be the same. The ekans might have been with her the longest, but Sagira was closer to Umbrae. She was not happy. She was even less happy when the kid called out three pokemon, and one of them was a pidgeotto. “Fleetfoot, Dreamer, hang back. Wrath, you’re on this one,” the boy commanded. His pidgeotto and drowzee remained beside him, while his poliwhirl hopped to the forefront, clenching its fists. I hope he evolves into a politoed, just to prove how stupid of a name that is, Sagira thought darkly. “Topaz, es your turn, mon amie.” With a sound of agreement, Topaz leapt forward to stand before the water pokemon. She blinked at the large froggish creature. “You’re quite ugly, aren’t you?” she asked innocently. The poliwhirl yelled something harsh back in response, but his words were blanketed out by his trainer’s cry of “DoubleSlap, Wrath!” “Topaz,” Sagira said softly, and inclined her head. Needing no command, the eevee leapt nimbly over the first hand and then dodged under the second, dashing around the poliwhirl and caused the pokemon to stagger forward to keep his balance. “Quick attack,” Sagira said, and the eevee leapt at the poliwhirl’s back, slamming her body into his and sending him staggering forward. “Bite,” Sagira said, and Topaz obeyed, sinking her teeth into the creature’s gloved paw when he swung at her. The poliwhirl cried out angrily, shaking his paw and sending the eevee flying. Topaz twisted in midair and landed gracefully on her feet, hunkering down and growling at the poliwhirl. “Bubble!” the boy cried angrily, and though Topaz tried to dodge the attack, she was thrown backward with a cry, her fur soaked. “Topaz,” Sagira said, and had to work to retain her accent within the stress of the battle, “comment allez-vous?” Topaz barked in response, rising swiftly to her feet. She leapt forward, dodging from side to side in a speedy run, and quick attacked the poliwhirl right in the face, sending him crashing backward. “Damnit!” the boy cried, recalling the dazed frog pokemon. Topaz came dancing back to Sagira, pleased with herself. Sagira bent down to scratch the dog behind the ears, when there was a hiss at her wrist and she turned her attention to see Serenity had revealed herself from the folds of Sagira’s sleeve, hissing at the drowzee, who had stepped over too close to Sagira. I hadn’t even noticed, Sagira mused, perturbed. There was a cry and she glanced up, startled, to see that the boy’s Pidgeotto had caught sight of Serenity and dove. Sagira jerked her hand back, her other hand going to the pokeball on her waist to recall Serenity, when there was a sharp cry from her left. One of the pokeballs on Jay’s belt that Sagira had seen but hadn’t dug too deeply to find out what was inside of it burst open. A dark blue, red, and white pokemon materialized, shooting through the air and intercepting the pidgeotto in the weirdest way that Sagira had ever seen. She started beating the bird around the head with her wings, shrieking angrily like a woman smacking some perverted peeping tom with her purse. Sagira could only stare at the bird when it turned to her and gave a single, sharp nod, and then flew back to perch on Jay’s shoulder. Serenity curled her body tightly around Sagira’s wrist, bringing her back into the moment. She turned to face her opponent again, making a motion with her hand that sent Topaz dancing behind her. “Calypso,” she said, her French accent barely noticeable beyond the snarl that her words had turned into, her eyes hooded and dark. “Take down zat bird.” She made a sharp motion toward the pidgeotto. “My pleasure,” Calypso said, and leapt forward with a snarl. As the fire-hearted vulpix attacked the pidgeotto that the boy had, by the look on his face, clearly been saving for his last pokemon, Sagira turned sharp eyes to Jay for a moment, before snapping, “What the hell are you do-eeng with a bird pokemon?!” -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Houndoom ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2 186 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Austin, Texas Member No.: 804 Uprising Mod ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"What ze hell are you do-eeng with a bird pokemon?!"
Jay, at the moment, couldn't answer, because at that point Raven was being attacked by three pokemon that Jay scarcely recognized. "Aerial Ace on that fat wad, kiddo," Jay called, pointing to the makuhita. The taillow ripped off his shoulder, her wings glowing white, and slammed into the fighting type, sending it rolling back. In the meantime, the skull masked pokemon's eye glowed, and a shadow on the ground extended toward Raven and under her. Raven looked down and snorted, finishing the last of the berry she'd stolen. The attack passed over and through Raven, doing no damage. "What the hell?!" the boy shouted, face full of fury. "What game are you playing, pal?! Groucho, knock that thing out!" Jay, too, had briefly been stunned, then realized the mask must have been a ghost type. "Raven, Bite!" Raven turned and chomped down on the skull faced ghost, causing it to tremble in her teeth. She leapt with it still in her mouth, shaking it from side to side. "Dammit! Groucho! Get her now!" Groucho, the Easter Island looking pokemon, was not the fleetest footed pokemon, so in the time it took for it to get to Raven, Jay turned to Sagira. "Yer welcome, by the way." "I am not thanking you," she snarled, watching her vulpix merrily try to light the bird that had attacked Serenity on fire. "Good," sniped Jay. "It wasn't me that saved Serenity." At this point, the taillow had come back to land on Jay's shoulder, and after a brief moment of fear, Sagira's features softened. As Jay called to Raven to Quick Attack to dodge the stone pokemon, Sagira examined the bird. The pokemon had a pensive, concentrating look on her face, a bird-like mirror of the man upon who's shoulder she sat. But there was no time to talk, and she was still angry. "You should have told me. I would have understood," she said, her eyes narrowing. "I sought we agreed zere would be no more, how you say, secrets!" Jay's mouth compressed into a line. "Look, I ain't keepin' no secrets from you. I caught her 'cause she was sick, 'cept Siryn brought me a heal ball, so she got better. Then things went ta hell and I never had a chance ta tell ya about it." "And yet you intend to keep her, n'est-ce pas?" Jay actually smiled, calling for Raven to bite the ghost again while dodging the stone head. "Actually, she made it clear to me that she intends ta stay." He glanced at Sagira, who's eyes were widening. "Upside my head." It seemed to take Sagira a moment to take all that in. Either she was trying to decide if Jay was lying, or she had trouble understanding his accent. Or she thought he was using his accent to cover up a lie. After a moment, she sighed. "Have you named la petite oiseau?" Jay looked at her, blinking, then shook her head. "Like I said, didn't have time." The bird, still on Jay's shoulder, was looking at her with an identical expression, and Sagira nearly laughed out loud. "We do not need anozzer of your trainer, petite, but you are a female version on heem none ze less." Glancing to make sure Calypso was handling herself, Sagira stepped forward, close enough that only Jay and the bird could hear. "Call her Lady Jaye." For the first time since she'd been captured, the taillow's facial expression was not a bird equivalent of Jay's. Lady Jaye, for that name she liked and accepted, was full of surprised elation, spreading her wings and crying out in joy. Jay, for his part, was simply shocked. "Ya mean ya ain't mad?" Sagira stepped away, once again adopting the persona of Chantal. "I do not like ze birds, Leo-nard," she said, tripping over the full name the way they'd practiced (and that Jay thought was cute). "But for zis one, who has saved my Serenity, I... will try." She looked down at her wrist wistfully. "We both shall try." "THUNDER WAVE!" Jay spun, his eyes widening as Raven tried to move stiffly out of the way of the rock type. Her muscles jerked under her silvery coat, and she stumbled, but struggled on, growling at the rock. Behind it, the makuhita was up, bruised but not out, and charged her. Next to her lie the skull-ghost, lying on the ground looking less like a pokemon and more like a "LJ, Aerial Ace on that fat wad! Take it out!" He grit his teeth. Paralyzed, Raven was now on equal ground with the rock type, and her normal moves had little effect as it was. "Groucho," laughed his opponent, "Rock Slide on that little dust ball!" The rock type raised its stubby arms and opened its previously closed eyes, but Jaima's attention was caught by a moving shape behind it. Almost as if it were in slow motion, a figure rose into the air, draped in a red, hooded cloak which it pulled off one handed (pawed, actually, as in revealing it's form, it was obviously a pokemon) and cast aside, landing and launching instantly into a low kick, but unlike any low kick Jay had ever seen performed; it launched itself... she launched herself, he knew, suddenly, off of her arms and spun, feet first, into the back of the rock type. It pitched forward, it's attack interrupted, and slowly turned to meet its attacker. The pause afforded them gave Jay a chance to look at the new pokemon, and with a shock, he realized he'd seen her before. She, a riolu, had been hanging by chains in a storage closet located in an Aqua office building. Jay had encountered her, literally lead to her, and managed to free her. He could still see the wide scars on her cheeks, and her neck had something, a line like a weld on it, but in the flesh. But he knew her. He'd seen her. And now, unlike the way she'd left before, she was fighting, if not for him, then on his side. As he watched, she crouched, then hopped toward the other pokemon, spinning in the air. Before she landed, her hand, surrounded in blue energy, came out in a slapping motion and struck the rock type. When her feet touched the ground, she crouched, kicked out with both feet, then pushed off her paws and struck again, upwards, propelling herself from the ground and flipping to land onher feet. It was too much, and the rock type tipped to its back and lay there. The trainer's mouth was agape as he watched the riolu walked timidly to Jay, looked up at him, and then raised her paws, as if she wanted to be let up. Jay looked down at her, blinking, but something pulled him. Not like he was being forced, but almost the same way he ran; how he chose the path he would take. It seemed right, seemed good to do this, as if she were slightly brighter than the world around her. He knelt down and picked her up, letting her wrap her arms around his neck and legs on his ribcage, front and back, like one might hold a sleepy toddler. The riolu leaned her head on his shoulder, and Jay looked at her. He remembered when she'd interfered before, how Hinata had asked what "Cannon Spike" meant. Softly, as Lady Jaye perched on his shoulder, leaving the makuhita on the ground, panting heavily, he asked her, "Mind if I call you Cammy?" The pokemon smiled, closed her eyes, and fell asleep. An Explanation of the moves (click to show )
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![]() Team Rogue: Pidgeotto ![]() Group: RP Moderators Posts: 1 543 Joined: 9-January 08 From: Amazingstoke, UK Member No.: 814 PANE: Darryn Kellor ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ivy skirted around Jay and Sagira, watching them closely. Even in disguise they battled really well, managing their side of things with practised expertise. She smiled fondly. So much had happened. She truly understood that now. From her first encounter with Sagira to the disastrous promotion of Ivy herself, enough had happened that would fill up a single person's lifetime ten times over. Even so, with so many different things filling her head and all those memories collating into one big jumbled mess, she still managed to get the feeling that things right now were right. Everything was in its place. It was stressful, it was painful but damn was it fun!
Excitement that she hadn't felt in a long time boiled inside her. It came up in nauseous waves that burst in her throat like bubbles of foam atop an uneasy sea. She simply couldn't contain it any longer! "Time to finish of these... these..." She wracked her brain for the word. "Sillies!!! I'll get the nosey-Parker!" Ivy squealed with delight. "Kappy's gonna wham 'im!" Ivy's Floatzel shot free of the Kappa-marked Pokeball as she threw it through the air, landing squarely in front of Sagira's opponent's Drowzee. Kappa punched one fist into the other paw's openly palm threateningly. The Drowzee looked up at his trainer and shrugged, edging forward for battle. "C'mon, Kappy! Agilitize!" The Floatzel crouched low for a moment before firing off his muscles on all cylinders. As a bolt of orange he swept around the yellow and brown blob. The Drowzee's eyes followed Kappa lazily, not too focused on what was going on. Ivy spat. "What a lazee-bones! Get 'im, Kappy!" "Zel, zel!" Kappa agreed, flooding his surroundings with water and shooting like a bullet in his Aqua Jet. "No ways you gonna dodge that, mister!" Ivy punched the air. "Psych. Up." The human turned his attention to Ivy's half of the split battle. The Drowzee smiled deviously and, much to Ivy's surprise, dodged Kappa's Aqua Jet by... wait for it... running. "NO WAY! THAT'S GOTTA BE A CHEAT OR SOMETHING! YOU GOTS AN ACTION REPLAY!?" Ivy stomped her foot. "Get 'im again, Kappy! By focus harder this time and try out your Sonicboomz!" "Floooo-zel!" Kappa span and leapt, flicking his tails in rapid succesion to create waves of pressurised air. Arcs of silvery wind shot forth, slamming repeatedly into the target's body. "Bull's eye!" Ivy laughed. "Psych up that, ya dinky dunkin donut!" The Drowzee stumbled backwards, grimacing and moaning as he fought to regain his footing. He held up a hand and it immediately began to glow blue, a psychic aura surrounding it. The aura extended to Kappa who, still in the air, became instantly frozen to the spot. His eyes rolled with surprise as he struggled to move but his limbs appeared to be encased in invisible floating concrete. "Nice Disable attack, Dreamer. Now Pound!" The Drowzee, fast on its feet thanks to Psych Up, dashed Kappa and leapt at the last moment to punch the Floatzel square in the jaw. With a wail, Ivy's Pokemon rocketed to the ground and hit hard. "You're doing the naughty tricks! NAUGHTY TRICKS!" Ivy accused, running to her Pokemon's side. "And if you start doing the naughty on me and Kappy, I'll be naughty all over you!" "Is this girl serious?" The guy demanded of Sagira. "Damn straight, I's serious!" Ivy spat, helping Kappa up quickly. "And jus' ta show you how damn serious I is, I'm gonna show of Kappa's new trick. Right, Kappa?" Her Floatzel looked a little bashful and blushed. "C'mon. Just like we practiced - you can do it just like Alpha and Beta used to!" "Stop talking and fight already!" "SHUT UP!" Ivy raged. "Let's go, Kappy!" "Flo!" The human opponent watched with mocking eyes as Kappa jumped atop Ivy's back while she lowered herself onto all fours. The Drowzee eyed them uneasily but otherwise remained calm. Ivy giggled nastily. She knew all the right ways to surprise someone who underestimated her and one of her trusty Kylarian Killer Combos would do just the trick. She launched herself forward, Floatzel clutching tightly. At the last moment he sprnag into the air while Ivy dropped into a slide, kicking up at the Drowzee's stomach. It was lifted clear from the ground with a gasp and Ivy nimbly rolled away, Kappa's maw glowing a frosty white. "Fang Over Fang!!!" -------------------- Darryn Kellor ~ ![]() ![]() PANE Characters (click to show ) LA's Plays (click to show ) Unovalocke (click to show ) |
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