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Today's Forecast: A Chance of Thunderstorms, Roleplayinfr
post Aug 9 2010, 05:55 PM
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Hunter's Party

Plot: My character, Zach, checks into a hotel so he has a place to stay when he's not adventuring. During hisstay, he, along with other citizens of Barley, notice random power outages. The officers are baffled when they can't find the cause of these power outages. Suddenly, they find the problem. A large group of Elekid and Electabuzz have found home to the city's power plant, and are using the electricity from the power plant as energy. Officers, however, can't defeat this group of Pokemon, and therefore have decided to wait until they leave. Zach, along with one other person, decides to try and help. They go to the Power Plant and defeat the pokemon, driving them out of the power plant.


"Beep! Beep! Beep!" the alarm clock screamed at Zach as he laid in his hotel room's bed. He groggily rolled over, mumbling slurs and such, and smacked his palm on the button that stopped the alarm clock's beeping, and looked at the time. 10:00. Streams of light peeked through the shade as Zach crawled out of bed and went into the bathroom. His jet black hair was all over the place, as if he used hair gel to make it that way. He took a comb and made his hair look acceptable. He was way too tired to make his hair look anything but presentable. He slowly dragged himself over to his clothes drawers and pulled out a random shirt and some shorts. After he dressed himself, he exited the room, not even caring to lock the door behind him. Walking down the hallway, he took in the disgusting condition of the once bright red carpet and the once baby blue walls, which the majority of the color had peeled off, revealing a dirty beige color on the wall behind it. Even with his standards, this was disgusting. At least they said they have a warm breakfast every morning. A warm, delicious breakfast would really hit the spot right about now. Zach was starving; all he had eaten the night before was a hot dog he had gotten from a vendor in the town.

Zach walked into the room with the supposedly hot breakfast in it. There was a table at the far side containing the food. Zach walked over to it and examined the inventory. There was bagels. Only bagels. He really needed to get out of this hotel. They had no room service. The hotel itself is disgusting and in poor condition. The beds were uncomfortable. The list went on and on. However, it would have to do for now. Zach wasn't made of money and the prices here were cheap. He picked up a plain bagel and bit into it. And the bagels weren't terrible. Mediocre, at best. He poured himself a cup of warm coffee and went on his way. He was going to the PokeCenter; with all the chaos last night, he had forgotten to get his Pokemon healed. As he went through the doors of the motel, rays of sunshine poured onto his face, causing him to whip out his sunglasses and put them on. It was a nice day, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping. Zach walked down the street and to the PokeCenter, sipping his coffee and nibbling on his bagel along the way. He disposed of the cup in a garbage can outside the PokeCenter as he approached it.

The automatic doors opened and closed behind Zach as he entered the PokeCenter. There was a small line of people waiting to get their pokemon healed. A couple of young trainers sat on a sofa, one of them holding a Ratatta. After a short wait, Zach walked up to the counter and handing Nurse Joy his two pokeballs. She walked over to the machine and before he knew it his Pokemon were healed. "Here you go," Nurse Joy pipped merrily.
"Thank you."

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Bronze Charizard
post Aug 15 2010, 12:01 PM
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Hot Springs Gym

"...Sun came up." Kazill had fallen asleep on her side, but somehow managed to twist the blankets into a balled up mess, roll over on her stomach, and drool on the pillow, during the night. Which was better than not sleeping at all. She was sure the mattress was stuffed with rocks. Not only that, but it smelled like something died in the bathroom. Which was why she'd been using the bathroom in the lobby and the shower at the swimming pool.

This had to be the biggest piece of crap hotel on the face of the planet. She didn't mind the puke yellow walls of the room, but she was sure other people would. The thing that really pissed her off was the snack machines. 800 for a candy bar? Back home she could buy lunch and a drink for that price.

At least the swimming pool was decent. The day before, Kazill had spent hours in that thing trying to break her The Biggest Splash record. It was all fun and games until one of the hotel staff showed up and said no cannonballs. Where was that rule on the rule poster? There was No Running, No Diving In The 3 Foot End, and Don't Leave Your Child Unattended, but not No Cannonballs.

“Charchar...” Inferno stretched, his hind legs and tail dangling over the edge of the pillow on the floor. The charmander had learned Metal Claw as a result of yesterday’s battle. He’d been so busy practicing the new move last night that the party lost track of time. They didn’t go to bed until around 10:30, causing them to sleep later than they usually would.

“Morning.” Kazill grabbed her glasses off the nightstand and put them on. She looked toward the area where the two pokemon slept. Inferno was sitting on the pillow rubbing his eyes. Racket, on the other hand, was still asleep. Mankeys with the ability Vital Spirit didn’t require as much sleep, but Racket’s ability was Anger Point. Anger Point didn’t have any effect on sleep patterns.

Kazill got some pop tarts out of her bag, then turned on the TV and sat on the bed to watch it. The news was on. “With the help of three young pokemon trainers, police have caught the gang known as the Barley Beach Bandits.” The site of yesterday’s battle, a cave on the shore; was shown. “The criminals who camped out here were forced to return a box of valuable evolution stones to local merchant Carl Brown.” The face of the merchant from yesterday appeared on the screen. “I don’t think I’d have ever gotten them back if it wasn’t for those kids.” The merchant was just like Kazill remembered him: a big grin on his face. “I repayed them the only way I could. I gave-” The TV flickered, then turned off by itself.

“Huh?” Kazill’s voice was muffled by the mouthful of pop tart. She pushed buttons on the remote control for a few seconds. When nothing happened, she figured that the TV must’ve broke. No big deal, she wasn’t paying for it. She finished her breakfast and got dressed; returning Inferno and Racket to their pokeballs and clipping them to her waist.

She then went downstairs to the lobby. None of the lights were on, and the computers in the computer lab were off as well. “Sorry for the inconvenience.” A passing janitor told her. “The power all over the hotel is off. We’re still trying to find the cause.”

Kazill nodded. “That explains why the TV in my room just turned off all by itself. Thanks for the heads up.”
The janitor waved at her as she left. “You’re welcome.”

The Pokemon Center across the street appeared to be busy, but not too crowded. Perfect for hanging out and shooting the breeze with other trainers. Kazill crossed at the crosswalk, waving at a passing bicyclist to be friendly. She then entered through the automatic doors and sat down at a table.

A familiar voice was saying thank you to the nurse. Kazill looked up. She recognized the guy at the reception counter: Zach from yesterday. She waited until he got his pokemon back, then got up and walked over to him. “Hi. Anything new?”


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post Aug 15 2010, 10:19 PM
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Hunter's Party

Zach released his Pokemon as a familiar voice behind him stood out in all of the commotion. He turned around to see Kazill, one of the girls who had helped him recover the stolen goods the evening before.

"Nothing much," Zach sighed, "I didn't get a lot of sleep and I'm still really tired."

"I was about to go to find something to eat for me and my Pokemon. You can tag along, if you'd like." Without waiting for her response, Zach exited the automatic doors of the PokeCenter and headed West in search of some sort of food joint. Soon enough, Zach approached a establishment called Blissey's Bakery, a bakery which is owned by a woman and her Blissey. After quickly looking through the menu hanging above the counter, Zach decided on a couple of the bakery's signature frosted donuts and a MooMoo Farm™ milk.

"And a bowl of Pecha berries and Chesto berries," he added, for Spark and Blaze respectively.

This post has been edited by Pinsir: Aug 15 2010, 10:22 PM

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Bronze Charizard
post Aug 16 2010, 06:37 PM
Post #4

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Hot Springs Gym

Kazill blinked. Looks like somebody has the attention span of a zigzagoon on crack, she thought. Being from Kanto, she hadn't seen many zigzagoons, but the one she did see never stayed in the same spot. The zigzagoon's trainer had said the behavior was typical of that species.

She figured she better catch up with him. He was one of the only people she knew in this town, even if they didnt know each other much. Kazill had never been much of a boy chaser, so her sudden interest in Zach surprised her. Then again, she was more curious than attracted. Or could that be the same thing? The saying went: "curiosity didnt kill the cat, curiosity made the kittens."

She shook that thought out of her head and left the pokemon center. He'd gone toward the bakery a couple blocks away, and he DID invite her to tag along. Maybe the bakery had chocolate covered donuts...

This post has been edited by Ruby Charizard: Aug 16 2010, 06:37 PM


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post Aug 18 2010, 11:57 PM
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Hunter's Party

"Order 52!" The lady behind the counter called out.

"Oh, that's us," Zach said to Blaze and Spark, who were sitting in a booth parallel to his. "Stay here."

"That's me!" Zach said, waving a receipt above his head as he pushed through the busy crowd of the bakery. As he finally reached the counter, the lady said," So, two bowls of berries, one milk, and two donuts, right?" Zach nodded his head. "Well then, you're all set, here you go!" She chimed as she handed Zach a brown paper bag with the food inside of it. He returned to the booth, relieved to find both of his Pokemon still sitting on the cushioned chair.

"Here you guys go," he said, as he opened the plastic bags that the berries were in and poured them into the complimentary bowls he was given. Immediately, the two pokemon happily started to chow down on their berries as Zach zoned in on the television hanging above the counter, while taking a bite of his donut.

"And that's it for the weather," a man in a bright blue shirt concludes. "Back to you guys."
"That was Manny Aphy with the weather," a man in a black suit and purple shirt says. "Our next story this morning; random power shortages leave local business owners, households, and authorities baffled as they fail to find the cause of the power outages. At the local power plant, here's Clay Dohl." The television shows a rather large reporter, dressed in a grey suit with a red tie, standing next to a female police officer.

"I'm here with Lieutenant Maggy Ortar, who is currently investigating the power shortages with her squadron. Maggy, have you gotten any closer to finding the cause of these sudden power failures?"

"Um, yes," the officer said, looking rather nervous. "We believe that the power shortages is coming from an outside source. Such as--"

Suddenly, the lights in the bakery flickered before shutting off, along with the TV. A sudden commotion grew in the bakery, so loud that Zach couldn't hear himself think. Zach's pokemon had just finished eating, so Zach returned them to their Pokeballs before finishing off his second donut, and prepared to leave.

This post has been edited by Pinsir: Aug 23 2010, 11:08 PM

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Bronze Charizard
post Aug 22 2010, 05:55 PM
Post #6

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Hot Springs Gym

"This place too? Holy crap." Kazill had to carefully dart around a small child standing in the doorway as she entered the bakery.

"Mommy?" The child piped up. "Do you think that big thunder bird's been in the power plant?"

"I don't think so Sweetie. Something that powerful would turn off the power completely."

"Okay." The child took a bite out of his sprinkle donut. Kazill smiled. That was one smart kid, knowing about Zapdos at such a young age. She wondered if he was related to a professor or something.

Something was going on at the power plant, and she was dying to know what it was. She walked to the front of the room, stood on the counter, and raised her voice to get everybody's attention. "I'm going to find out what's wrong with the power plant." She then let her two pokemon out. "Anybody who's up for an adventure is welcome to come with me."

"That sounds dangerous." An old man said.

"I'm a Charizard Rider apprentice." Kazill replied. "It's an occupational hazard."


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post Aug 23 2010, 12:33 AM
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Hunter's Party

Before leaving, Zach noticed as Kazill barged into the bakery and started shouting some random things. He managed to pick out a couple words despite the commotion, and when no one offered to help, Zach walked forward and said, "I'd be glad to help you,"

"Me too." said a boy as he stepped forward. He was about 5 foot 4 inches in height, and was of an average weight. He had dark brown hair that was spiked, and his eyes were of a hazel color. His shirt was a dark blue polo, and he also wore some light blue jeans. "My name is Ethan."

"Great to have you on board, Ethan," Zach said.

"This is my Sneasel." Ethan added, pointing at the Sneasel clinging to his right shoulder. It jumped off, and greeted Spark and Blaze.

"Sneas! Sneasel!"

"This is my Charmander, Blaze, and my Electrike, Spark." Zach said, as he knelt down next to his pokemon as they greeted each other."

"Awesome!" Ethan responded, "I've always wanted an Electrike."

This post has been edited by Pinsir: Aug 23 2010, 11:07 PM

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Bronze Charizard
post Aug 23 2010, 11:56 AM
Post #8

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Hot Springs Gym

"Key key!" Racket chattered happily. She was never too tired for adventure.

"Yeah, the more the merrier." Kazill added. She shook Ethan's hand. "I'm Kazill, and my pokemon are Inferno and Racket. Inferno is the charmander and Racket is the mankey."

"Char. Charmander!" Inferno was pulling on Kazill's pant leg and pointing at the door.

"We'll leave as soon as everybody is ready."


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post Aug 23 2010, 11:06 PM
Post #9

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Hunter's Party

Zach quickly checked the inventory of his backpack. He was pretty well equipped, a couple of Pokeballs, Potions, Paralyz Heal, and some berries. And of course, his PokeDex.

"I'm ready to go," Zach said as he zipped up all of his backpack's pouches.

"I'm ready too," Ethan assured them, as he looked out the window. It looked like it was about to storm. The clouds were of a dark bluish-gray tint, and the sun had gone behind it. Ethan opened the door and a cold breeze of air blew through the bakery, giving Zach the chills. Luckily, Zach had a hoodie in his backpack, and he put it on. It was of a bluish-green color, and had a worn out logo of a local athletic store on it. Ethan was already wearing jeans and said that he had a sweatshirt in his bad if he needed it.

"Kazill, are you going to be warm enough in those clothes?"

This post has been edited by Pinsir: Aug 23 2010, 11:11 PM

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Bronze Charizard
post Sep 3 2010, 06:17 PM
Post #10

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Hot Springs Gym

Thunder rumbled in the distance. Kazill assumed the storm was coming from the docks' direction, there were many cumulonimbus clouds in the sky over that area. In a worst case scenario, the storm would turn out to be a hurricane that nobody knew about since the power went out. She reassured herself that the coast guard or somebody would've said something by now if that was true.

She turned to Zach and nodded. "I've got a jacket in my bag, and these pants'll be warm enough. Unless it rains dump trucks and we end up having to swim through the streets, I don't see any risk of getting too cold."

"Char..." Inferno shivered at the thought of flooded streets.

Kazill picked him up and patted his head. "I won't let you get mortally wounded or drown, don't worry."


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Bronze Charizard
post Dec 12 2010, 10:29 PM
Post #11

Dragons rule. Admit it...
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Hot Springs Gym

Dropping out of this...it just seems like Pinsir has no time anymore to RP.


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