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PANE: Taggarty Lee
post Jun 6 2010, 10:21 PM
Post #1

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

(Credit to 2gamers/Toogee for Sprite!)

Name: Taggarty "Tag" Lee
Age: 27
Class: Trainer
Birthdate: June 11th (Cancer)

Hometown: Blackthorn City, Johto.

Appearance: The man is of average height, about 5'9, 5'10, but that's about all of him that's average. With tanned skin, short black hair, and bright blue eyes, with a couple of black tattoos marking his face, he's actually an intimidating sight. He got the very painful tattoos to cover up some of the scars on his face, but now it looks very similar to the markings on a Tiki mask: Two are vertical lines along his cheek, and branch out along the bottom of his face heading back upwards. Two are horizontal lines just under his eyes, spreading out to under his ears where they meet, then pass through, the vertical tattoos.

Tag is built averagely. There's some musculature there, but he secretly laments his love handles. He wears a plain chain around his neck, with the scrap of an ornament hanging there.

Typically he wears a white wife beater, brown leather jacket, and comfortable blue jeans, even when traveling, as its his most comfortable outfit now. He tends to wear hiking boots, as he travels most places on foot.

After the events of "When Crime Pays", Tag discarded his leather jacket, and is currently wearing just a wife beater and the blue jeans.

During "Arasam, That Toddling Town", Tag got a Sleeve tattoo, covering his right pectoral, right shoulder blade, and all the way down his arm in a tribal style to match his face. On the apex of his shoulder, the shape of the Twilight Badge is tattooed in black, while on his Bicep, the Emberwing badge is similarly tattooed.

During "Part-ay in Gigarte", Tag acquired a long brown duster which he wears.

Personality: Tag is surprisingly cold. In accordance with his intimidating face, he hates things such as idle chit chat, and nonsense shenanigans. He's very businesslike by nature, tending to want to complete his task and be done with it, moving onto the next task. As a result, he tends to shun people incredibly quickly, or glare at them until they shut up. Perhaps he was once a happier person, but even at his young age, it appears all joy has been sucked out of him. It is not that he has no love for anything, he most especially cares for his pokemon, but he doesn't seem to enjoy anything having to do with people.

Tag has an affinity for very cute pokemon. He internally melts at the sight of them, and has a tendency to catch cute pokemon.

Over the course of his travels in Furoh, Tag is slowly opening up again. Whether this is a metamorphosis into a new person, or rather a revealing of his old self remains to be seen.

History: Taggarty Lee was born and raised in Blackthorn City. At the young age of 16, he set out on his pokemon journey, starting with a Dratini. He traveled Johto, honing his skills and catching dragon like pokemon. Essentially, he sought a chance to become just like his idol, Lance. He even kept a dragon shaped talisman on his neck, to remind himself of his promise to be a great Dragon Master.

He never challenged the Elite Four though, he never felt he was strong enough. However, he jumped from region to region, gaining new dragon pokemon, and eventually he had assembled an incredibly powerful team. Dragonite, Flygon, Salamence, Garchomp, Altaria, and Kingdra. Rumors had stated that he'd even gone so far as to attempt to break into the Distortion World to capture Giratina, and had attempted at one point to scale the Sky Tower to capture Rayquaza, but these were only rumors.

Finally came time to take the test at the Dragon's Den, and lo and behold, he failed. In his rage at being denied what he felt was his birthright, he violently attacked the Dragon Clan members, rampaging until he was finally defeated. His pokemon were confiscated from him, his dragon talisman was destroyed, as a painful reminder of the incident. Tag now uses it to remind himself of how he'll never again use a dragon pokemon, ever.

Exiled from Blackthorn, he wandered aimlessly with no pokemon, until he ended up in Violet City. With a great emptiness in his heart, he set out to drown himself in the little sea there.

* * *

He woke up some time later at a hospital in Goldenrod city, still alive. Evidently life still had things in store for him. Once he was released from the hospital, he immediately headed back towards Cherrygrove to try and kill himself again, however, as he passed the Daycare, a trainer was just refusing an egg. The Daycare old man looked a little upset as the trainer said he had no need for eggs. Tag stepped up and requested he take it. At first, the Daycare man seemed unwilling, but he saw the scarred face, and the cold eyes, but evidently saw deeper past them, giving the man the egg with the promise to take care of it. Not much longer, it hatched into a Ledyba, and Tag decided to start all over again.

Shortly thereafter, while training Ledyba, he caught a wild Male Nidoran, adding it to his team. He soon got someone to tattoo over the scars on his face, effectively hiding them amidst the dark line tattoos. It gave him a slightly more intimidating appearance, but he didn't care; he didn't have to deal with people anymore.

Upon hearing of the Furoh region, he decided to go, and start a new life (and perhaps one day, return and destroy Blackthorn City. The thought has crossed his mind several times).

* * *
Tag's Roster (click to show)

* * *

Released Pokemon (click to show)

-Wallet with Trainer ID and Money
-Various old tickets from travels
-cigarette case with his badges, in no particular order.
Traveling Knapsack:
-small first aid kid
-water bottle
-water purification tablets
-pocket knife
-small blanket
-mirror - (Traded Away)
-flint and tinder
-hot plate - (Traded Away)
-Swiss Army Knife (Traded away)
-Flare Gun - (Traded Away)
-Go-Goggles, a gift from Vernon Blazena
-Destiny Knot

What is the biscuit's name? Waldorf, purportedly.

Activity in Furoh (click to show)

This post has been edited by Kamaitachi: Aug 13 2014, 11:19 PM


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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post Jun 7 2010, 06:49 AM
Post #2

Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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From: Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the sun
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And a Golurk

You contradict yourself in the appearance and personality sections. You say he is "an intimidating sight" but has "a warm appearance." Which is it?

I'd like to know how the scars are placed on his face (cheeks, forehead, etc). Tiki masks come in different styles, so I find it hard to visualize.


PANE x2 (click to show)

Credit for 2gamer's Seel of Approval (click to show)
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post Jun 8 2010, 10:10 PM
Post #3

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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From: Washington, DC
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Taggarty Lee

I have edited. Thank you.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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post Jun 8 2010, 10:45 PM
Post #4

Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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Group: RP Moderators
Posts: 3 412
Joined: 19-August 07
From: Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the sun
Member No.: 208

And a Golurk

Approved. Go post in the Current Levels thread. Have fun!


PANE x2 (click to show)

Credit for 2gamer's Seel of Approval (click to show)
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