(Credit to 2gamers/Toogee for Sprite!)
Name: Taggarty "Tag" Lee
Age: 27
Class: Trainer
Birthdate: June 11th (Cancer)
Hometown: Blackthorn City, Johto.
Appearance: The man is of average height, about 5'9, 5'10, but that's about all of him that's average. With tanned skin, short black hair, and bright blue eyes, with a couple of black tattoos marking his face, he's actually an intimidating sight. He got the very painful tattoos to cover up some of the scars on his face, but now it looks very similar to the markings on a Tiki mask: Two are vertical lines along his cheek, and branch out along the bottom of his face heading back upwards. Two are horizontal lines just under his eyes, spreading out to under his ears where they meet, then pass through, the vertical tattoos.
Tag is built averagely. There's some musculature there, but he secretly laments his love handles. He wears a plain chain around his neck, with the scrap of an ornament hanging there.
Typically he wears a white wife beater, brown leather jacket, and comfortable blue jeans, even when traveling, as its his most comfortable outfit now. He tends to wear hiking boots, as he travels most places on foot.
After the events of "When Crime Pays", Tag discarded his leather jacket, and is currently wearing just a wife beater and the blue jeans.
During "Arasam, That Toddling Town", Tag got a Sleeve tattoo, covering his right pectoral, right shoulder blade, and all the way down his arm in a tribal style to match his face. On the apex of his shoulder, the shape of the Twilight Badge is tattooed in black, while on his Bicep, the Emberwing badge is similarly tattooed.
During "Part-ay in Gigarte", Tag acquired a long brown duster which he wears.
Personality: Tag is surprisingly cold. In accordance with his intimidating face, he hates things such as idle chit chat, and nonsense shenanigans. He's very businesslike by nature, tending to want to complete his task and be done with it, moving onto the next task. As a result, he tends to shun people incredibly quickly, or glare at them until they shut up. Perhaps he was once a happier person, but even at his young age, it appears all joy has been sucked out of him. It is not that he has no love for anything, he most especially cares for his pokemon, but he doesn't seem to enjoy anything having to do with people.
Tag has an affinity for very cute pokemon. He internally melts at the sight of them, and has a tendency to catch cute pokemon.
Over the course of his travels in Furoh, Tag is slowly opening up again. Whether this is a metamorphosis into a new person, or rather a revealing of his old self remains to be seen.
History: Taggarty Lee was born and raised in Blackthorn City. At the young age of 16, he set out on his pokemon journey, starting with a Dratini. He traveled Johto, honing his skills and catching dragon like pokemon. Essentially, he sought a chance to become just like his idol, Lance. He even kept a dragon shaped talisman on his neck, to remind himself of his promise to be a great Dragon Master.
He never challenged the Elite Four though, he never felt he was strong enough. However, he jumped from region to region, gaining new dragon pokemon, and eventually he had assembled an incredibly powerful team. Dragonite, Flygon, Salamence, Garchomp, Altaria, and Kingdra. Rumors had stated that he'd even gone so far as to attempt to break into the Distortion World to capture Giratina, and had attempted at one point to scale the Sky Tower to capture Rayquaza, but these were only rumors.
Finally came time to take the test at the Dragon's Den, and lo and behold, he failed. In his rage at being denied what he felt was his birthright, he violently attacked the Dragon Clan members, rampaging until he was finally defeated. His pokemon were confiscated from him, his dragon talisman was destroyed, as a painful reminder of the incident. Tag now uses it to remind himself of how he'll never again use a dragon pokemon, ever.
Exiled from Blackthorn, he wandered aimlessly with no pokemon, until he ended up in Violet City. With a great emptiness in his heart, he set out to drown himself in the little sea there.
* * *
He woke up some time later at a hospital in Goldenrod city, still alive. Evidently life still had things in store for him. Once he was released from the hospital, he immediately headed back towards Cherrygrove to try and kill himself again, however, as he passed the Daycare, a trainer was just refusing an egg. The Daycare old man looked a little upset as the trainer said he had no need for eggs. Tag stepped up and requested he take it. At first, the Daycare man seemed unwilling, but he saw the scarred face, and the cold eyes, but evidently saw deeper past them, giving the man the egg with the promise to take care of it. Not much longer, it hatched into a Ledyba, and Tag decided to start all over again.
Shortly thereafter, while training Ledyba, he caught a wild Male Nidoran, adding it to his team. He soon got someone to tattoo over the scars on his face, effectively hiding them amidst the dark line tattoos. It gave him a slightly more intimidating appearance, but he didn't care; he didn't have to deal with people anymore.
Upon hearing of the Furoh region, he decided to go, and start a new life (and perhaps one day, return and destroy Blackthorn City. The thought has crossed his mind several times).
* * *
Tag's Roster (click to showhide)
SuzuLedianLevel 44FemaleGentle NatureSwarm AbilityMoves:~Bug Bite*, Encore*, Tackle, Supersonic, Comet Punch, Light Screen, Reflect, Safeguard, Mach Punch, Baton Pass, Silver Wind, Double Team**, Agility, Acrobatics**, Swift, Thunderpunch****, Swords Dance**~
Heritage:Father: Shuckle
Mother: Ledian
Egg Moves*, TM Moves**, Move Tutor Moves***, Dream World Moves****
BachiNidokingLevel 43MaleNaive NaturePoison Point AbilityMoves: ~Leer, Peck, Double Kick, Focus Energy, Poison Sting, Horn Attack, Fury Attack, Helping Hand, Toxic Spikes, Hone Claws**, Flatter, Poison Jab, Chip Away, Thrash, Earth Power, Counter***, Earthquake**, Taunt**, Megahorn
Heritage:Father: Nidoking
Mother: Nidoqueen
TM Moves**, Dream World Move****
KyokoBellossomLvl 44FemaleBold NatureChlorophyll AbilityMoves:~Charm*, Worry Seed***, Absorb, Sweet Scent, Acid, Poisonpowder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Mega Drain, Lucky Chant, Sunny Day, Leaf Blade, Magical Leaf, Toxic**, Teeter Dance****, Venoshock**, Leaf Storm
Heritage:Father: Breloom (Paternal Grandfather: Togetic)
Mother: Vileplume
Egg Moves*, TM Moves**, Move Tutor Moves***, Dream World Moves****
TobiNinetalesLevel 50MaleCalm NatureFlash Fire AbilityMoves:~Disable*, Hypnosis*, Psych Up*, Ember, Tail Whip, Roar, Quick Attack, Will-O-Wisp, Confuse Ray, Imprison, Flame Burst, Safeguard, Payback, Fire Spin, Magic Coat***, Flamethrower, Captivate, Purgatory, Faint Attack, Hex, Extrasensory, Grudge, Inferno, Pain Split***
Heritage:Father: Golduck
Mother: NinetalesEgg Moves*, Move Tutor***
OrinFroslassLevel 43FemaleTimid NatureCursed Body AbilityMoves:~*Spikes, Powder Snow, Leer, Double Team, Bite, Icy Wind, Headbutt, Protect, Ice Fang, Crunch, Attract**, Ice Shard, Confuse Ray, Ominous Wind, Wake-up Slap, Captivate, Hail, Ice Beam**, Snatch**[/b]
Heritage:Father: Roserade
Mother: Frosslass
Egg Moves*, TM Moves**
TonboSlowpokeLevel 58MaleThe Best NatureOwn Tempo AbilityMoves:~Curse, Yawn, Tackle, Growl, Water Gun, Confusion, Disable, Headbutt, Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt, Slack Off, Amnesia, Wonder Room*, Psychic, Rain Dance, Psych Up, Heal Pulse, Thunder Wave**~[/b]
Heritage:Father: Golduck
Mother: Slowking
Egg Moves*, TM Moves**
KanaSpindaLevel 41FemaleQuirky NatureOwn Tempo AbilityMoves:~Role Play*, Psycho Cut*, Tackle, Uproar, Copycat, Faint Attack, Psybeam, Hypnosis, Dizzy Punch, Sucker Punch, Teeter Dance, Psych Up, Work Up**~
Heritage:Father: Alakazam
Mother: Spinda
Egg Moves*, TM Moves**
UchiNosepassLevel 46FemaleLonely NatureSand Force AbilityMoves:~Stealth Rock*, Magnitude*, Tackle, Harden, Rock Throw, Block, Thunder Wave, Rock Blast, Rock Slide, Sandstorm, Rest, Spark, Power Gem, Discharge, Mirror Coat***, Earth Power, Stone Edge~
Heritage:Father: Golem
Mother: Probopass
Egg Moves*, Move Tutor Moves***
EnkaFlaafyLevel 46FemaleJolly NatureStatic AbilityMoves:~Agility*, Screech*, Tackle, Growl, Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Cotton Spore, Charge, Take Down, Electro Ball, Cotton Guard, Discharge, Signal Beam, Confuse Ray, Power Gem, Discharge, Cotton Guard, Light Screen, Thunder, Heal Bell***~
Heritage:Father: Weavile
Mother: Ampharos
Egg Moves*, Move Tutor***
RazoMienfooLevel 45MaleAdamant NatureInner Focus AbilityMoves: ~Baton Pass*, Me First*, Pound, Meditate, Detect, Fake out, Double Slap, Swift, Calm Mind, Force Palm, Drain Punch, Jump Kick, U-Turn, Quick Guard, Dual Chop**~
Heritage:Father: Furret
Mother: Mienshao
Egg Moves*, Move Tutor**
MinaLevel 46FemaleBold NatureSerene Grace AbilityMoves: ~**Thunder Wave, *Psycho Shift, After You, Sky Attack, Extreme Speed, Aura Sphere, Air Slash, Magical Leaf, Growl, Charm, Metronome, Sweet Kiss, Yawn, Fairy Wind, Encore, Follow Me, Bestow, Wish, Ancient Power, Safeguard, Baton Pass~
Heritage:Father: Xatu
Mother: Togekiss
Egg Moves*, TM Moves**
RyomaLevel 46MaleImpish NatureLightningrod AbilityMoves: ~*Encore, *Lucky Chant, Thundershock, Charm, Tail Whip, Thunder Wave, Sweet Kiss, Nasty Plot~
Heritage:Father: Clefable
Mother: Raichu
Egg Moves*
* * *
Released Pokemon (click to showhide)
ZukiPoochyenaLevel 38MaleSerious NatureRattled AbilityMoves:~Snatch*, Yawn*, Tackle, Howl, Sand-Attack, Bite, Odor Sleuth, Roar, Swagger, Assurance, Scary Face, Taunt~
Heritage:Father: Liepard
Mother: Mightyena
Egg Moves*
Inventory:-Wallet with Trainer ID and Money
-Various old tickets from travels
-cigarette case with his badges, in no particular order.
Traveling Knapsack:
-small first aid kid
-water bottle
-water purification tablets
-pocket knife
-small blanket
-mirror - (Traded Away)
-flint and tinder
-hot plate - (Traded Away)
-Swiss Army Knife (Traded away)
-Flare Gun - (Traded Away)
-Go-Goggles, a gift from Vernon Blazena
-Destiny Knot
What is the biscuit's name? Waldorf, purportedly.
Activity in Furoh (click to showhide)
Completed Roleplays:Operation Wounded Snake: Having made his way over to the path outside of Petropolis, Tag spotted
Justin Smart and his partner Nate Guzman hauling a wounded Seviper on a cart. As the two dragged it along, they were suddenly attacked by a wild Zangoose. Tag and another bystander,
Malcolm Smith, leapt to their aid at their behest, and soundly defeated the Zangoose. Justin and Nate requested their aid in escorting them to the Pokemon Center in Petropolis, and Tag agreed, if only because he was piqued in Justin's Hitmontop, and he was already headed in that direction to begin with.
The quartet encountered a trio who claimed to be Pokemon Rangers, but quickly deduced that they were lying, and a battle ensued. His Nidoran wiped out the enemy Tangela, before his Ledyba eliminated the opponent's Drowzee. As the other battles wrapped up, the group continued towards Petropolis as the 'Rangers' retreated.
Upon arrival in Petropolis, the rangers returned, awakening the Seviper. As Malcolm and Nate ran off, Tag confronted Justin on the matter, and another battle ensued. After taking out Justin's Bonsly and Nincada, his Ledyba and Nidoran were both wiped out by Justin's more powerful Hitmontop. With that, Tag wandered off.
+8 Levels to Suzu

+6 Levels to Bachi
Forever Summer Fanfiction Contest: The story shows the repercussion of Tag's failure at the Dragon's Den in Blackthorn City. He's exiled from Blackthorn City, and decided to drown himself. While this was an attempt at suicide, we know that it, too, was a failure.
+1 Level to Suzu
+2 Levels to Bachi
Lockdown: Tag's next few days in Petropolis prove to be quite eventful. Reeling from his loss to Justin, Tag heads to a Battle Arena in Petropolis, to further hone his skills. During the first battle, against self proclaimed "Ace Trainer" Pistol Jones, Tag's Suzu and Bachi evolve into Ledian and Nidorino respectively. After a callous abandonment by Pistol Jones, the opposing Oddish is left trainerless, and Tag immediately scoops her up, claiming her as his. He then proceeds to solidly trounce Annabel Yu in his next match, but naturally, his third opponent is Justin, who beats him yet again.
Later, at the Pokemon Center, Tag meets Andrew Harding, and is once again met with Justin. This time, however, their little party is interrupted as an eco-terrorist group takes over the Pokemon Center, creating a hostage situation. After a risky gambit, which leaves Tag virtually unconscious, Justin rallies the other fighters to re-claim the center.
The next day, after a stint in the hospital, Tag challenges Vega of the Petropolis gym. After a grueling battle, he emerges victorious, and the proud new owner of a Twilight Badge.
Suzu evolves into

Bachi evolves into

Tag catches Kyoko,

Tag obtains the Twilight Badge after defeating Vega
+5 Levels to Suzu
+5 Levels to Bachi
+5 Levels to Kyoko
Lost in Lenolia: Curious about the "Sons of Lenolia" who had so randomly attacked in Petropolis, Tag decides to investigate Lenolia itself. What he finds is the filthy hovel of what appeared to be a once proud city. Secondly, he finds a Black Market, where he rescues a Vulpix via purchase, but due to the interference of an Abra, he cannot rescue any further ones. He also finds company in the form of
The Artist Formerly Known as Cameron Ramirez and
Raven Amaranth. The trio square off against a trio of brigands who seek to capture Cameron for ransom. Bound together by their happenstance journey, Tag and Raven are eager to go back and rescue the rest of the contraband pokemon, and convince Cameron to join them in their little crusade.
After a quick training session on shortening commands, the lot sets out with a borrowed Chansey. A massive battle royale ensues, with Tag, Cameron and Raven taking out 9 opposing trainers. They don't come out as cleanly as they'd like, as Raven throws fisticuffs with an enemy trainer, Cameron takes a knife wound in the shoulder, and Tag takes a grazing bullet to the stomach. After the grueling melee, they emerge victorious, and retreat to the Pokemon Center. After escorting new friend Cameron to Loch Ranch, Tag once again sets off.
Tag purchases Tobi,

Kyoko evolves into

+5 Levels to Suzu
+3 Levels to Bachi
+3 Levels to Kyoko
+4 Levels to Tobi
When Crime Pays: After leaving Cameron and Raven at the Loch Ranch, Tag wanders off towards Mt. Carello, in search of a Move Tutor. He also hears about the gym at Arasam, and decides to challenge the gym. While searching for the Move Tutor, he finds a cave (unbeknownst to him, it was made by Justin and Nate via a Numel). Naturally, he runs into the aforementioned Justin and Nate, whose mission had just been botched. Not-naturally, just behind him were Raven and Larvitar. Nate's Numel, Da Bomb, had been kidnapped. Tag and Raven agree to help Justin and Nate.
Upon traveling in further inwards, they stumble across a group of Larvitar, which Tag and Raven take down. They then come across the Mother Tyranitar, unconscious. Raven flips out, then Nate and Justin have an altercation. Justin is then left behind as Tag runs off to follow Nate. As Raven leaves to follow, they're all chased by the newly awakened Tyranitar. Justin follows it from behind.
The group is split into two, as Raven is knocked unconscious and rescued by Justin, and Tag and Nate venture off into a side cave, wherein they're confronted by a group of Snorunt. Tag captures one, but needs help on the ice. Nate's Sneasel, Ninja, is the one that saves the day. As soon as the battle ends, Justin and Raven enter with a newly evolved Sudowoodo and Luxio respectively.
The group catches up to the people who kidnapped Da Bomb and a battle ensues. Justin runs off to chase the leader, leaving the group to handle an uphill 3 on 4 battle. Tag's pokemon are all essentially taken out in a tough battle against one of the kidnappers. With a quick switch around and Justin's timely return, the group returns relatively unscathed. That is, until, a Houndoom from the group rushes back in and starts to tear Kyoko apart with his Fire Fang move. Raven moves to rescue the flower pokemon, and ends up with a severe bite wound in her shoulder. The group returns to Arasam, wherein Justin and Nate head back to Petropolis, and Tag stays with Raven in Arasam for the time being.
Tag catches Orin

+2 Levels to Suzu
+3 Levels to Bachi
+3 Levels to Kyoko
+3 Levels to Tobi
+3 Levels to Orin
New Years Resolution Contest: Tag jokingly states that his New Years Resolution is to destroy Blackthorn City in a fairly gruesome manner. He amends it to: "Tell Better Jokes" instead.
+1 Level to Suzu
+2 Levels to Bachi
+1 Level to Kyoko
+1 Level to Tobi
+1 Level to Orin
That First Kiss Contest: Tag's first kiss was Raven Amaranth, and his mind goes a little bonkers.
+1 to Bachi
+2 to Kyoko
Arasam, That Toddling Town: Tag and Raven spend the day in Arasam. They have a mock battle to test out Raven's new Vulpix 'A Capella' and her new Larvitar 'Forte'.
As Tag and Raven prepare for the gym match, they're interrupted by a crowd of people recognizing Raven Amaranth. Raven retreats to the Pokemon Center, while Tag faces Otis in a full forced match over the Emberwing Badge. After a grueling battle, Tag emerges victorious, holding his second badge. To commemorate, he has his right arm tattooed.
Kyoko evolves into

Tag obtains the Emberwing Badge after defeating Otis
+4 to Suzu
+3 to Bachi
+3 to Kyoko
+3 to Tobi
+2 to Orin
The Par-Tay in Gigarte: Tag and Raven arrive in Gigarte but are promptly split up by Paparazzi in an attempt to find Raven. Upon arriving at their rendezvous spot, Raven is nowhere to be found. Tag heads to the circus in an attempt to find her. He first runs into an eccentric move tutor, who teaches his entire team of pokemon new moves. Upon exiting, he notes a caged Seviper, who looks quite familiar. His suspicions are confirmed as Justin and Nate appear on the scene, but Nate talks him out of a battle. As he snoops around the circus, he stumbles across a Slowpoke, destined to be 'discarded' back into the wild, and opts to capture it, prompting a brief fist-fight with the guard. As he makes an escape, he bumps into
Seiccan Serroc, and immediately the two battle. Tag wins, but the battle is shortly interrupted when the guard from earlier bursts onto the scene with a Skuntank. The battle is cut short again as Justin Smart intervenes with Hitmontop, and Tag walks away. He spies the Seviper again, and moves to rescue it incognito, enlisting the help of Seiccan, sort of. Justin intervenes once more, and the two reach a compromise: Tag walks away, but Justin has to do something about the Seviper. Tag heads off to Starfall Field in search of Raven.
Tag catches Tonbo

+8 to Bachi
+3 to Tobi
+4 to Orin
Starfall Field: Tag journeyed to the PokeCon in order to see if he could find any leads on Raven's whereabouts. The first thing he proceeded to do was find the buffet table, immediately stuffing his face with as much food as possible. Upon accidentally attempting to eat Lima, the Cleffa of Pandora Gibbs, Tag was introduced to both her and her friend Darryn Kellor. Little did the three know that they'd be the de-facto leaders of the events later. Tag battled and caught a rogue Poochyena at the buffet table, then went back with Darryn and Lyla to their tent, where they spent most of the time chatting.
Upon the meteor strike, Tag and Darryn fled, with Tag sending Suzu out to find Lyla. They made their way over to a ditch, and helped to usher in many more of the refugees from the PokeCon. Upon travelling into the ditch, they made their way into the Underground Jungle, and ultimately the Gigas Temple.
As they split into groups, Tag saw that Darryn had joined the Ice Temple team, and his old rival Justin had joined Pan in the Rock Temple Team. Confident that there was some power on those fronts, Tag lended his strength to Team Steel, and wound up their de-facto leader due to his age and experience. Leading a rag-tag group of Jaima Kuonji, Alex Slasher, Douken Sota, Kaya River, Rose Fiore and Anita Lyfe, Tag went down into the Steel Temple. They were met with Bronzor guards, who also acted as keys to the entrance.
During this fight, Tag made the conscious decision to become Champion of the Furoh Region, and use his winnings to open a Pokemon Battle school.
The group made their way to several steel platforms, which all moved apart, and were controlled by a fleet of Magnemite, Magneton, and held aloft by a Magnezone. The ensuing battle was fierce, with Tobi, Zuki and Kyoko winding up unconscious. As they progressed, they found themselves trapped in a tunnel, with Bastiodon at either end, aiming to smash them! Due to Tag's quick thinking, the team managed to stall the Bastiodon, then melt the floor underneath one, giving them room to climb over its face and into the main room. There, they found Registeel, and upon receiving an electrical charge, floated them back up to the surface, and returned them to the Gigas Temple.
With the mission over, the group returned to the surface, but beheld a massive meteor bearing down on them. After a spectacular display, they found themselves safe, and being extracted via helicopter. Tag retrieved a moon stone from the meteorite, and left on foot.
Tag catches Zuki

+5 to Suzu
+3 to Kyoko
+2 to Tobi
The Judged: Taggarty Lee made his way to Aridana, where he met Vernon "Luck Truck" Blazena. Vernon immediately challenged him to a battle, which ended abruptly. Suzu, while holding back, managed to severely injure Vernon's Tepig.
After a quick trip to the Pokemon Center, Tag found himself confronted by an old acquaintance from Blackthorn, seeking revenge upon him. Pino Graham, a dragon trainer, using only a Flygon and a Gabite, managed to wipe out Tag's entire team, then knock Tag out, stealing his pokemon. As Vernon sprang to the rescue, Lily Graham, Pino's younger sister, managed to hold him off to buy them time to escape.
Upon waking, Tag immediately purchased a pair of quick balls and ran out into the Aridana Desert. He caught the first two pokemon he saw, which turned out to be a Nosepass and a Spinda. Tag then withdrew Orin and Zuki from storage, Zuki having been delivered with an evolutionary stone for Orin. Orin evolved into a Froslass, and the new team of four set out to retrieve the old team.
After a magnificent battle, with a victory for Tag, the space they were in caught fire, causing Vernon to collapse under a PTSD induced panic. Marshalling all the available pokemon, Tag executed an escape from the burning building, rescuing Vernon, and allowing Pino and Lily to escape. Parting ways with Vernon, Tag set off to return to Gigarte.
Tag catches Kana

Tag catches Uchi

Orin evolves into

+2 to Tobi
+3 to Orin
+4 to Zuki
+3 to Tonbo
+1 to Kana
+1 to Uchi
The Tormented: Returning to Gigarte, Tag immediately winds up in trouble as he runs into Justin Smart and Nate Guzman. There's an SOS from their superior, and Tag decides to tag along. They find everyone asleep, and immediately drift off themselves.
Coming around, they find that they've woken up in some sort of dream world, and have to rescue the Team Deception Member Helms from his own dream. They fail, Helms is killed and the dream moves on. They wake up in a dark room, with a wardrobe filled with chopped up body parts. They decide to move through the murderhouse, when they're suddenly beset upon by several ghost pokemon. A battle ensues, and another Team Deception member, Ace, is killed by the dream version of his father and a Dusknoir. Waking up once more, the group is now prepared for Miriam's dream, but it turns out to be Tag's. Tag attempts to drown himself, while the others race to save him. They're attacked by a swarm of terrifying water pokemon, and Miriam is killed in the slaughter. Tag is rescued, the dream succeeds, and they move on. The next dream is Omar's, where the world is falling apart. They escape only to face a trio of powerful dragon pokemon. Omar takes control of his dream, effectively winning it, and the team is sent into Nate's. Nate's nightmare involves the group being hunted down by Team Deception members. Omar is killed in the first skirmish by a sniper, and the rest of the team have to take out the remaining members, plus the aforementioned sniper. Upon completion, they are transported into Justin's dream. Justin turns on his friends, controlled by his nightmare, and attacks them. After a grueling battle with Tag, wherein Justin attempts to bodily murder him, Justin is stopped by his Hitmontop and comes around.
With the success of all the dreams, the team comes face to face with Darkrai, the mastermind behind the nightmares. The Team Deception unit had been searching for him, and this was his defense. They promise not to follow him any further, as well as promise to allow their pokemon to chose to stay or leave. Justin and Nate's pokemon all choose to stay, but Tag's Zuki opts for freedom instead, running off and away into Gigarte. Tag is visibly distressed, but carries on.
Bachi evolves into

Zuki is released.
+4 Levels to Kyoko
+3 Levels to Tobi
+4 Levels to Tonbo
+4 Levels to Kana
Back in the Zone: Tag is wandering around Gigarte, taking on the various upstart trainers. He battles a girls' Samurott and Gothitelle, trouncing her with Kana, his Spinda, and Tonbo, his Slowpoke. Then Vernon, from "The Judged" appears, witH Razor in tow, and they're quickly met by Jill Laurent. All three agree to challenge Chloe of Gigarte together.
The chance is broken as a pokemon stampede breaks out. The Pokemon from the Circus (Back from Par-Tay in Gigarte), are let loose, and Tag, Vernon and Jill wind up in the fray. Vernon catches a Pawniard, while Jill catches a Vulpix, and lastly Tag snags a Mareep to add to his team. The stampede is quickly put down, but Vernon and Razor are both (once again) heavily injured. Sending Vernon off to Hospital, Jill and Vernon carry on to face Chloe.
Both have little luck in dealing with the gym leader. Chloe's Graveller and Cradily prove difficult opponents for Tag, the former even evolving into a Golem to make matters worse, and with a Serperior with Contrary using Leaf storm, Tag is forced to concede. Jill doesn't fare much better, and both trainers leave empty-handed.
+8 to Tonbo
+6 to Tobi
+1 to Uchi
Pulling Pigtails Fanfiction Contest: A short focusing on Tag as a teenager, picking on his crush, Eileen. Their play goes too far, and she steals his Dratini, but Tag retaliates with a terrifying speech. His mother swoops in and intervenes, preventing any further escalation. (Honourable Mention)
+5 Levels to Tonbo
+1 Level to Uchi
This post has been edited by Kamaitachi: Aug 13 2014, 11:19 PM