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Operation Wounded Snake
Yzarc Drowsnam
post Jun 9 2010, 06:51 PM
Post #1

Omar comin'
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Justin joins Team Deception (click to show)

"Oh my god will you shut up for like five minutes?" Justin practically yelled at his new partner, Nate Guzman. Nate was a year older than Justin, but about half a foot shorter and significantly skinnier. He had plenty of stories, that's for sure, most of which were about sex or violence, all of which were very clearly exaggerated if not outright false.

"Sorry, man," Nate laughed awkwardly. "I thought we were getting to know each other and shit you know?"

"Dude, I haven't talked a quarter as much as you have. I'm getting to know you, sure, way more than I want to."

"Okay, well, damn, why don't you say something? You got a girl?"

Tina... "I did," he sighed, but left it at that. She left him when she found out he was breaking into homes and stealing people's stuff. Luckily she didn't know he officially made the transition into professional crime by joining Team Deception, meaning she couldn't do anything to really hurt him. You know, any more than she already had.

Nate didn't say anything for a little while, taking the hint that Justin really didn't want to talk. He shrugged it off and about two minutes later, continued talking. "You know, we're partners now, whether you like it or not," he said. "And we're gonna have to get to know each other to make this whole thing bearable, you know what I mean? We gotta become friends."

"I am not your friend," Justin stopped and turned to his right, looking Nate dead in the eyes.

"Then that's gonna make this partnership suck a lot more than it has to," Nate shook his head and kept walking. Justin thought of himself as above Nate, not only physically (which was true) but in most other aspects as well. He was smarter (debatable, since Nate at least graduated high school), stronger, more mature and generally just way cooler and better in every way. His perspective of course. Basically, Justin was a little offended that Team Deception considered these two equals.

Justin continued to walk near Nate (who took the lead at this point) but not next to him. They were in an open field about a day's walk northeast of Petropolis. The grass was beautiful and the city from this distance ceased to remind the two of the hard lives they had lived there previously. They were more alike than Justin cared to realize.

In any case, they were looking for a pokemon called Seviper. It was a dangerous and poisonous snake, one which could be brought down, hopefully, without too much trouble. The trick, though, was that their goal was not to kill it or even to capture it in a pokeball. It was to knock it out and tie it down in the wagon Justin was pulling behind him. The reason for this was that one of their bosses had plans to open up a pokemon zoo in Petropolis and you can't use domesticated pokemon in zoos. It just defeats the purpose.

Another problem with the zoo plan is that, with rare pokemon at least, you can't take them from the wild either, because that's illegal. Few people know this, but many species of pokemon are actually banned from being captured in pokeballs with the exception of them attacking. If a rare pokemon attacks a human and your options are to kill it or to capture it, it is legal to capture it. This loophole makes it effectively impossible to enforce that law. But if a zoo were to be opened up, you can bet that a little more than local law enforcement would be looking into it. So the plan (which barely concerned Justin and Nate) was to say these rare pokemon were taken from the wild by Team Rocket and rescued by a fake private corporation, the CEO of which happened to be an officer in the enigmatic and barely heard of Team Deception.

Nate and Justin, should they be caught somehow, were to pose as members of Team Rocket so the seviper could be rescued by Team Deception.

"Look, there's one," Nate uncharacteristically whispered.

"You're sure that's not an ekans?" Justin asked.

"Definitely," Nate nodded. "Look, it's bigger. And see that blade on its tail? That's a seviper." Justin looked at the wrinkled up picture of Seviper he had in his pocket and nodded, then looked back up. It was laying in a muddy area by a small pond not too far from where they stood. This needed to be handled delicately. "I got this shit," Nate stood up tall.

"Wait! No!" Justin shook his head and chased after Nate, who ran towards the snake, one of his pokeballs out. The seviper lifted its head to see Nate coming and opened its mouth to reveal its fangs. Nate didn't stop, though. Instead, he summoned his numel from its ball.

"DaBomb, use Magnitude!" Nate had stopped a few yards away from the snake, his fiery camel pokemon out in front of him. Justin caught up in time to hear its name.

"Da Bomb?" he asked facetiously. "Really?"

"Shut up, it's a cool name."

"Yeah, ten years ago," Justin shook his head. "What are you, twelve?"

"I'm older than you, kid,"

"You been alive longer, but you're not older than me."

"Shut up. I'm gonna nab us this seviper."

Da Bomb focused intensely for a few seconds as the seviper moved in. The snake stopped, though, as the ground beneath it began to tremble. It was a pretty strong attack, and on a pokemon very not defensively inclined, not to mention one who takes particularly strong damage from earth type attacks, it was enough to severely weaken it. However, it was a much stronger pokemon than Da Bomb, and launched a powerful poisonous attack with its tail. Da Bomb got knocked down, but not out for good. As it tried to get back up, though, the seviper wrapped itself around the fire camel, keeping it from using its attacks. "Damn it!" Nate yelled.

Justin sighed and summoned his favorite pokemon, Tyrogue. Named Tyrogue. "Fake Out," Justin said. Tyrogue used its favorite move, Fake Out. He ran right up to the seviper and Da Bomb and made a loud CLAP noise with its hands right in front of the snake's face. Stunned at the loud noise, it released the camel and focused on its new target, the fighting type. Tyrogue jumped towards the snake, though, and the tackle was enough to knock the weakened pokemon out.

Nate and Justin stood over the fallen beast, not quite sure what to do. They were both scared to actually put it on the wagon, which Justin had left off in the distance. "Right," he sighed, running towards the wagon and bringing it back.

"It's heavy," Nate said when Justin got back. "I, uh, I tired to lift it."

"Well, lucky for us," Justin cracked a smile. "My arms aren't spaghetti." He leaned over and wrapped his behemoth arms around the snake's head, hoping so hard that it stayed fainted. He lifted and realized that it was, in fact, very heavy. "Um," he continued. "You wanna grab the tail?"

"No," Nate said, looking at the sharp blade on its tail, which had just gotten finished putting poison into Da Bomb. "Not really, no."

"Don't grab the sharp part, then, dude, come on."

"Fine!" Nate put his arms under the back end of the snake and lifted, watching the poison blade like a hawk as he did so. Finally, they got it far enough off the ground to drop it into the wagon, both jumping back, just in case. Luckily, it stayed down. "Tie it down," Nate said. With snake like speed, the duo used the few ropes they brought and tied them to each end of the wagon, making a sort of net above the creature. Hopefully it would be strong enough to keep it in place long enough for them to knock it out again, should it wake up. More hopefully, it wouldn't wake up.

"Here's to an eventless trip home," Justin sighed, holding his fist out to Nate, who bumped it with a fist of his own.

Pokemon captured (click to show)

This post has been edited by Yzarc Drowsnam: Jun 12 2010, 05:13 PM


[spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart]
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[spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent]

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[spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt
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post Jun 10 2010, 03:24 PM
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PANE Party

"Come on Togepi." Malcolm said. He was used to Pikachu following him around, but since she'd evolved from a Pichu she seemed more content to stay in her pokéball. Togepi preferred to walk around though so Malcolm wasn't going to stop him, especially since he was glad of the company. They were leaving a hospital near Petropolis. Malcolm had unsurprisingly been thrown into the sea after trying to sail from Charizard Isle on his newly evolved Gyarados in a heavy storm, and then flown south to the mainland for treatment. He was fine though and he was glad to see all of his pokémon were as well. Gyarados had even been found and was safe inside his pokéball. He'd taken the doctor's word for that anyway, he didn't expect Fishy would be overly happy about appearing from the ball miles away from any water.

"This way?" He asked, looking towards the blinking lights of the city in the distance.

"Pi!" Togepi confirmed, pointing to a sign clearly indicating the way towards the city.

"Let's go then!"

The pair of them started making their way towards the distant city. As he was being discharged a receptionist had offered to call for a ride to take him to the city, but having no real need to go anywhere he'd politely refused. He had no plans and nothing to do, so he might as well do nothing here than over there. Who knew, maybe he'd find some pokémon whilst he was walking? There didn't seem to be many though, they must have been hiding in the tall grass. Why did they always hide in the tall grass anyway?
It wasn't long before he wished he'd accepted the offer. There was almost nothing but fields in sight, besides the small hospital and group of buildings behind him. The city never seemed to get any closer, and considering how small it looked it must have been miles away. He looked back to see if there was anyone coming who could help them. It didn't look like it, he could see quite a long way and there were no signs of vehicles. Well, he guessed he'd have to make the best of a bad situation. He could do with the exercise and his pokémon would do well to get some training. And that was when he saw it; there was a Nidorino on its own by the side of the path. He didn't have a poison type, but could really do with one.

"All right Togepi - quickly, yawn at it!"
Togepi managed to give Malcolm a bemused glance upon hearing the order, but knew what he meant. Yawn was an attack to put pokémon to sleep, although it would take a little bit of time to take effect. Togepi walked up to the Nidorino and did as he was told. The poison type gave Togepi a similar look that Togepi had given to Malcolm, but then narrowed its eyes and growled at the little pokémon. As soon as it did this, however, it fell asleep.

"Pokéball, go!" Malcolm shouted. He threw a pokéball forwards at the target. It was asleep, how could it possibly escape? The pokéball collided with it and in a flash of light the Nidorono disappeared.

"Yes!" He laughed, walking forwards to pick up his new pet. Once the pokéball stopped shaking it would be official: he owned a Nidorino. Much to his disappointment however the pokéball didn't just stop shaking. It burst open and, in another flash of light, the sleeping Nidorino reappeared. It woke up, looked around groggily and then back towards Malcolm. It grinned and ran off before he had a chance to call out any more pokémon, happy to make a hasty retreat after Malcolm's failed attempt to catch it.

"Bah. Well, you did your best Togepi." He sighed.
Perhaps that wasn't the best way to go about catching pokémon. Still, he didn't really like the idea of harming them if he could avoid it. Sure, if he caught a pokémon he'd be able to take it to the pokémon center, but he still didn't feel right about attacking arbitrary pokémon for no reason. It just wasn't fair, it wasn't as if they'd done anything wrong. He guessed he was just too nice for his own good, for all the years he'd been a pokémon trainer he'd never battled a pokémon in order to catch it. His first was Pidgey, which he just threw a pokéball at and caught without any fuss. Pidgey was much weaker then, so that wasn't much of a surprise. His second pokémon was Pichu, which he'd been given as a gift from his teacher in return for attending lessons. Like Pidgey he didn't need to battle Magikarp to catch it, and Togepi was perfectly willing to join Malcolm's team although at the time he was just trying to look after him whilst he found the pokémon's family. Last but not least was Charmander, who had hatched from an egg Govannon (Malcolm's teacher's cousin, and the breeder she got Malcolm's Pichu from) brought to Furoh just a day earlier. Malcolm was starting to regret parting ways with Govannon, especially since there was so much he'd be able to teach him about Pokémon. Malcolm was virtually useless, he had almost no idea what was going on with anything. Gyarados' name was Fishy simply because he didn't know what species Magikarp was, except that he looked like a fish. Malcolm had hoped that most of that would change with getting a pokédex though, which he initially thought was a kind and generous gift from Govannon. It soon turned out, however, that he'd simply given it to Malcolm so he wasn't carrying the useless contraption around with him. On the rare occasions it worked it could misidentify pokémon, and since the screen showing an image of the pokémon was blurred and fuzzy it was sometimes impossible to tell if it was correct or not.

He looked back down the route. This time he could see something, but nothing that would help him get to Petropolis. There were two people and a wagon with what looked like a pokémon on the back. They were quite a mismatched pair; one was small (almost scrawny) wearing baggy clothes, and the other was largely built and muscular. As they approached Malcolm thought about offering to help them but expected that they were heading for Petropolis. The city was still hours away, and although he was ashamed of his laziness he didn't fancy the idea of pulling that wagon all the way.

This post has been edited by Xal: Jun 27 2010, 04:58 PM


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post Jun 11 2010, 12:54 AM
Post #3

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Taggarty Lee had arrived a short while back in the Furoh Region, and had essentially just wandered about, keeping as low a profile as he could. His appearance was enough to stand out, but he surely didn't want to any more than he already did. Occasionally, on his walks between places, he'd let out one of his pokemon to enjoy the nice weather with, or to keep him quiet company.

Pokemon typically didn't talk, and he enjoyed that. They communicated, certainly, but nothing more than they ever had to. Suzu, his Ledyba, would flutter lazily along side him, keeping pace while looking about with its large, saucer eyes. Bachi, his Nidoran, would trot alongside, sometimes bounding ahead playfully.

When he felt particularly glum, he'd let the two out of their pokeballs, silently enjoying their company. The innocence of pokemon is something he felt was missing in his own life, naturally. Before this, they had been tools for battle...now perhaps he was taking a new approach to his life as a trainer. At almost 30 years old, it had clearly taken awhile for him to learn this concept.

The former Dragon trainer found himself one day near Petropolis, in the fields there. Yawning idly, he decided to have a seat on a small rock at the side of the path. First, he checked to see if said rock was actually a Geodude in disguise, knowing full well he had little means of dealing with something like that with his current pokemon team. He also didn't want the 'rock' self-destructing underneath him like those geodude liked to do once in awhile. He let out Suzu, to let it get a little fresh air, (and Suzu particularly enjoyed the warm sunlight). It buzzed about him happily, perching on his shoulder or on his head occasionally.

Oddly enough (and much to Tag's chagrin), the placed seemed more crowded than it should've been. There was a youngish looking guy with a Togepi, and a ragtag duo of people carting a Seviper along. The latter was clearly the more curious of the two sights, so Tag stood up, observing them. Suzu took curiously as well to the happenings, and perched on Tag's head, inspecting the various people closely.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

Pane (click to show)

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Yzarc Drowsnam
post Jun 11 2010, 12:54 PM
Post #4

Omar comin'
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It looked as though Justin and Nate were in for a more eventful trip than expected. Perhaps if they wanted to avoid confrontation with people, they should have avoided the path. In any case, neither the boy they were coming up on nor the man sitting alone with his ledyba seemed to intent on stopping them, and so they silently kept moving, hoping they would continue to leave them alone.

Let's make matters worse, shall we? Justin felt the wagon wiggle. He stopped and slowly turned his head, something Nate imitated. Seviper was waking up and was furiously trying to escape. It didn't seem to comprehend the rope contraption in which it was imprisoned, so it seemed as though it would be unable to break free. Still, though, this put the two in a precarious position. Needless to say, both the other two trainers were looking at them and it might not be such a great thing to summon a pokemon to knock out a pokemon that was already captured. Moreover, this way of capturing was not particularly humane and, while the more mature of the onlookers didn't seem the pokemon rights activist type, the younger one looked (as most young people do) naive and good hearted.

Justin rolled Tyrogue's pokeball in his hand, prepared to knock this thing out again. But he felt the need to assure these two bystanders that what they were doing was legal. "This seviper has been wo-" he was going to say wounded, but there was a noise. A noise of rustling grass not too far off and this noise was causing the captured snake to get even more insane. Finally, it used its tail to cut through the ropes and scrunched itself up on the wagon, not looking at either of its captors, but into the grass.

Justin and Nate jumped back, looking at the sight. It was free and it was deadly. Why wasn't it killing them? Their answer came in the form of a pokemon. That rustling sound was a zangoose making its way towards the wagon and when it got close it jumped from the grass and onto the path where the seviper was waiting. Though the snake blocked the attack, it was already weakened and the zangoose seemed very much stronger anyway. Seviper was knocked off the wagon and onto the dirt path.

"It's not gonna stop," Nate shook his head. "It's gonna kill our snake."

Justin had heard of this so-called blood feud. The two pokemon seemed to have been bred to hate each other. "I guess we could try to fight it off." he suggested.

"Look at that thing," Nate said. "It'll fuckin' kill us if we get in its way."

"Yeah," Justin agreed. "But like, I don't think it can beat all our pokemon."

"I'm not sure I wanna risk it." Nate added.

"What if we had help?" Justin suggested. He turned to the onlookers. "Please help us fight off this zangoose. This seviper is injured and cannot defend itself!"


[spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart]
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Nate Guzman (Partner)
[spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent]

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[spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt
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:piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler]
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post Jun 11 2010, 03:24 PM
Post #5

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PANE Party

Malcolm furrowed his brow as he tried to think how he could help. He'd never seen either of the pokémon before, so had no idea what their strengths and weaknesses were and had no idea how strong they were. It was just as possible they would destroy his pokémon as it was that they'd have no hope of beating his. He didn't expect it would help, but he tried to use the pokédex.

"Ekans!" It declared triumphantly, bursting into life as Malcolm pointed it at the snake. No, Malcolm knew what an Ekans looked like and that wasn't it. He grumbled to himself as he shoved the faulty dex back into a compartment on his belt. One of the boys had called it a Seviper, but beyond that he knew nothing about it.

"All right. I'll try my best to help you, but I can't promise that I can be much help, sorry."

The attacking pokémon looked strong, but during his time in Furoh Malcolm had gathered a reasonably strong team. Brute strength wasn't always the answer though and in situations like this it was better to have your wits about you. It would be much easier to put the wild pokémon to sleep than it would be to outright defeat it in battle. Malcolm considered sending Togepi to use yawn again which would have the pokémon unconscious within seconds, but not before it had attacked the tiny pokémon. He wasn't particularly optimistic about Togepi's chances, so decided that perhaps launching in with attacks was probably the best idea after all. It wasn't as if he had any better plans anyway.
A day earlier Pikachu had shown that she was able to use Volt Tackle, a move which proved to pack quite a punch. Besides Gyarados, who obviously couldn't be used here, she was probably the pokémon with the strongest moves. Well, he needed to help and if he was going to he may as well go all out. He unclipped her pokéball and the yellow pokémon appeared in a flash of light.

"Pikachu, I need you to use Volt Tackle. Target the zangoose." He said, not knowing a great deal about the attacking pokémon either.

"Pika!" She responded, ready for action. She stepped back and let power build up within her, sparks crackling from her cheeks below her scrunched up eyes. With a scream she suddenly ran forwards, illuminated by her own electricity. She struck the unsuspecting pokémon head on in an instant, knocking it to the ground away from the strangers' snake pokémon. She quickly climbed off and gained some distance from it, ready to attack again if she had to. Malcolm hoped that wouldn't be necessary, especially since Volt Tackle seemed to have hurt her too, but was still ready to battle if it was. He didn't really know how strong this pokémon was, but always had other pokémon in reserve to join the battle if Pikachu was starting to take a beating.

This post has been edited by Xal: Jun 12 2010, 01:10 PM


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post Jun 11 2010, 04:20 PM
Post #6

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Things had been progressing along at a fairly slow pace. The two men with the Seviper seemed to be having trouble with their catch. "This seviper has been wo-" he heard. Figuring the last word to be 'wounded'. Naturally, the first question was 'who wounded it in the first place', and that clearly pointed to the two men. (Neither of them possessed the aura of a good samaritan, and almost no one would possess the good graces to save an angry, wounded Seviper with its ridiculous fangs and ridiculous, poisonous tail.) However, it was a chance to test his pokemon's mettle against a clearly more powerful opponent.

Now things were interesting; etched into the DNA of both Zangoose and Seviper was the inherent need to kill the other. Zangoose, naturally, had over time developed its special ability: Immunity, in order to prevent itself from succumbing to Seviper's poison (amongst other things, like Umbreon's toxic sweat, and his own Nidoran's Poison Point ability).

His pokemon were only in the realm of weak, still, so it made no sense to adhere to the rules of battle. Tossing out his other pokeball, Nidoran appeared in a flash of light. The trio moved over to where the young kid was essentially squaring off against a Zangoose with a Pikachu. Volt Tackle...the kid was using such a reckless physical move, while Pikachu's attack strength was surely lackluster, and to do damage to itself was silly, considering Zangooses overwhelming strength. All the same, he couldn't question the fact that Pikachu's Volt Tackle was surely an impressive and powerful attack.

"Suzu, Supersonic. Bachi, Leer." Tag was an experienced battler. While his specialty had once before been dragon type Pokemon, it didn't change the fact that there were general strategies across the board. If Suzu's supersonic landed a hit, it would provide an opportunity to use Zangoose's monstrous strength against it. "You idiots" he pointed to Justin and Nate "Restrain your Seviper. Kid, lay on the Zangoose full force. I'll provide support." The kid's pokemon were, regretfully, probably at a higher level, and the attack prowess of Nidoran and Ledyba was minimal at best. They had been easy catches (The Ledyba he merely chucked a pokeball at). Just as it was with Dragons, he would raise these weak pokemon until they were incredible battlers, and there was no better chance than to start in full now.

Tag felt the blood in his body rushing through it, as if sheer battling alone had once again riled his sleeping spirit. He couldn't escape his calling, it seemed.

This post has been edited by Kamaitachi: Jun 18 2010, 05:06 AM


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Yzarc Drowsnam
post Jun 12 2010, 02:21 AM
Post #7

Omar comin'
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The other two jumped into action pretty quickly, the older taking the lead even though it was clear his pokemon were fairly weak. They were holding their own though, and it didn't take long for the zangoose to be all turned around. Justin called out Tyrogue and Nate his krabby, Pinch. While the other two fought Zangoose, they were going to try to restrain Seviper once again. Shouldn't be too difficult, as it was already weak and Zangoose injured it pretty badly. It wasn't knocked out, though, and that's what they needed in order to tie it down.

"I'll hold it down," Nate said. "You finish it off."

"Done," Justin agreed.

Pinch approached the snake, who was scared and angry, a dangerous combination in a wild, poisonous pokemon. Pinch approached cautiously, so as not to get poisoned by its bladed tail. The snake, like an accordion, pulled itself away from the krabby, its fangs protruding and leaking venom. It struck the crab, but its neck was caught by its pincers. While its body kept wriggling around, trying to escape and trying even harder to impale Pinch with its tail, its head seemed to be immobilized.

Before it landed a hit, its face was met with a full body tackle from Tyrogue. Pinch released Seviper just before the fighting pokemon's hit landed, causing the snake to fly back unconscious. "Same deal as last time," Justin said. "I'll grab his-"

"Nah screw that," Nate cut his partner off. "I'll get the head."

"Fine," Justin shrugged. "Its teeth are just as sharp as its-" As he reached over to pick up the snake's back end, he noticed Tyrogue doing something weird. He was bent over front ways, his hands touching the ground. He kicked his legs up into the air but they fell back down to the ground. "Tyrogue, what the hell are you-" he did it again and his feet got a little more air. The third time, he was doing a complete handstand.

"Congrats, your pokemon can do a handstand," Nate was being impatient. "Can we tie this thing up?"

"Dude," Justin tilted his head. "Dude, check it out," Tyrogue forced himself to spin around on his head as he lifted his hands off the ground, balancing on a single point, which seemed to be growing at a rapid rate like a spike. It began spinning so quickly that it was nothing but a blur. This blur was making a noticeable change, however, in that its size was increasing. It was getting bigger and bigger and by the time it had slowed enough for them to make out a shape, it was no longer a tyrogue. It had fully evolved into a spinning hitmontop. "Sweet," Justin smiled.

"Can we, uh?"

"Right. Yeah, sorry."

So they heaved the snake into the wagon once more and tied the ropes around it again. It was difficult since it broke through the previous ones so they had less to work with. This time, though, they made sure to specifically tie down its tail so it had absolutely no wiggle room. Hopefully it didn't have any more surprises. And hopefully there weren't any more zangoose in the area.

"We appreciate the help," Justin said, turning to the other two. By that point, they had already defeated the zangoose. "This seviper was wounded and we're trying to get it back to Petropolis to get it healed up at a pokemon center there. I'd use a potion, but you can't use it on a knocked out pokemon, and if it wakes up it's too dangerous to approach. Anyway, if either of you are headed to Petropolis or just want some company or somethin', we wouldn't turn you down. Seems the road is dangerous when you're toting a venomous snake."

He was trying to contain his excitement about Hitmontop. He'd never actually seen one in person before, but how cool is a pokemon that spins on its head and kicks with both legs? Really cool. That's how cool.

Evolution (click to show)

This post has been edited by Yzarc Drowsnam: Jun 12 2010, 05:14 PM


[spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart]
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[spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent]

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[spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt
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post Jun 12 2010, 01:20 PM
Post #8

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PANE Party

Malcolm didn't really need the stranger to tell him to attack the Zangoose, he was already planning on it. Volt Tackle hadn't finished it off so further attacks were necessary.

"All right Pikachu, try thundershock." He ordered. The small electric type let forth a bolt of electricity, hitting the Zangoose which winced slightly.

"All right Togepi," He said, seizing the opportunity to end this "Use yawn and then get out of there as quickly as you can. Pikachu, help him if the zangoose attacks."

Togepi looked nervous, almost frightened, but followed the order. He walked forwards, let out the most ferocious yawn a yawn could be, and then quickly scuttled back and his behind Malcolm. The Zangoose looked towards Togepi as it ran to Malcolm, apparently unsure about what had just happened. It still turned to attack him though, but just as it was about to Pikachu used a second thundershock and stopped it just in time. It swayed backwards and forwards for a few seconds, but then fell to the ground asleep. Malcolm didn't think it would be waking up for a while, and even if it did it would be in position to battle. By the time it came round they'd be long gone.

As the battle was finishing the two people pulling the cart were finishing off containing the snake pokémon. It seemed as if one of the pokémon had changed, but Malcolm had no idea if it had been switched or had even evolved. The larger boy turned towards him and started talking.

"We appreciate the help" He said, which Malcolm smiled and nodded in response to. He explained what was wrong with the Seviper and then continued to ask if anyone wanted to come along.

"Anyway, if either of you are headed to Petropolis or just want some company or somethin', we wouldn't turn you down. Seems the road is dangerous when you're toting a venomous snake."

Malcolm guessed he may as well, or even had to, simply because he was going the same way. He could hardly say no and then walk nearby for the next few hours. Besides, if any more pokémon attacked they'd be safer in numbers.

"I'll go. I think I'm going the same way... Petropolis, right?" He asked, just to confirm it.
"Oh, and I'm Malcolm by the way."

He looked down towards Pikachu, who didn't seemed bothered by the battle. She was probably injured by Volt tackle, but not to an even slightly significant degree. She'd still be better off in her pokéball though, and would probably prefer it to the trek to Petropolis. He took her pokéball from his belt, withdrew the small yellow pokémon and clipped it back on.

This post has been edited by Xal: Jun 12 2010, 04:54 PM


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post Jun 12 2010, 03:45 PM
Post #9

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Taggarty Lee

((OOC: I'm pretty sure Hitmontop is bipedal. That third 'foot' is it's tail, I think.))

Once the supersonic and leer attacks had taken effect, Tag backed off from the battle, letting the kid do his thing. The Zangoose lay on the ground asleep, but that was nothing like unconsciousness: It could easily wake up at any time. As the kid turned around, leaving the battle essentially unfinished, Taggarty Lee took the opportunity to make sure the battle was over. "Suzu, Comet Punch. Bachi. Double Kick." The two pokemon pounced on the sleeping Zangoose, making sure that it wouldn't wake up for much longer. Putting a pokemon to sleep with a status effect was not the end of a battle, and he wasn't about to have that Zangoose wake up and track them back down again, especially with its need to destroy the Seviper the two men were carting around. "Idiot Kid." Taggarty muttered as he walked over towards the Zangoose, confirming its total unconsciousness.

He procured the two pokeballs, recalling his pokemon into their little portable homes before moving to stand near by, but not directly next to, Justin, Nate and Xal. He hovered somewhere off to the side, not bothering to introduce himself. All three of them seemed pretty useless, to be honest. A kid who wouldn't finish a battle, and two goons who were lugging around a very large poisonous snake without capturing it.

"I'll follow you to Petropolis" Tag nodded, not even breaking a smile. That seemed sufficient.

The hitmontop, however, had caught his attention. Perhaps if stayed with the group at least to Petropolis, he'd get a chance to test his pokemon's mettle against it.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Yzarc Drowsnam
post Jun 12 2010, 06:47 PM
Post #10

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((OOC: Thanks Kam. I honestly thought it had three legs. But yeah, I went ahead and edited all that stuff out.))

"Yeah, Petropolis," Nate added after Malcolm asked for clarification. "I'm Nate, this here's my partner, Justin."

Justin, arms crossed, glanced at Nate for a second when the word "partner" came up. "Not, like," he began. "We're friends. We're not-"

Nate started laughing. "Shut up, Justin, they know what I meant."

Justin shrugged and pulled out Tyr-err-Hitmontop's pokeball. He pointed it towards his only real friend these days and called him back into it. "Anyway," Justin continued, mainly talking to the more silent of the newcomers. "The reason we didn't just toss a pokeball at it so it would let us heal it is 'cause I have full intentions of releasing it into the wild once it's healed up. Domesticated pokemon got it a lot tougher out in the wild and the second one is captured in a pokeball, it's domesticated. I don't want it growing attached to me just so I can release it."

"No one asked, Justin," Nate smirked. "Yo man, I never got your name," he said to the tattooed man. "Bitchin' art by the way."

Justin couldn't help but silently agree. This man was clearly older, wiser, more mature, smarter and a hell of a lot tougher. His pokemon seemed weak, but there was some sort of mystery about him, something that made him all the more intriguing and even somewhat intimidating even though Justin's pokemon were stronger and Justin was even a little bit bigger. And yet something told him not to cross this man.

This post has been edited by Yzarc Drowsnam: Jun 12 2010, 06:49 PM


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post Jun 13 2010, 08:22 AM
Post #11

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"I guess we'd better get going then." Malcolm said quietly to no one in particular, looking in the direction of the city. It was still quite a distance, and he wasn't sure how long it would take them.

He hadn't expected anything interesting to happen on the way to the city, but here he was with three strangers accompanying and unconscious wild Seviper to get it treated. He guessed that there hadn't been a pokémon center near the hospital if they were heading to Petropolis. It seemed strange that there wouldn't be one, but if they'd gone past the buildings (which they might not have, they could have come along another route or stayed off the route altogether) and there was a pokémon center there he was sure they'd have gone into it. Why wouldn't they?

He looked towards the Seviper lying knocked out on the wagon. He wasn't sure he was comfortable around it, it looked quite powerful and he could easily see it getting out again. There wasn't much rope left after it had broken out from the first time, so if it did escape again there might not be enough rope to tie it down again. Malcolm was sure he was just being paranoid though; the tail seemed to have been tied down more securely this time, and even if it did get loose he was sure the older man could probably just scare it into submission. There was something intimidating about him and his bitchin' art, so Malcolm made sure not to do anything which might annoy him. There was something just that little bit annoying about Malcolm though, as Govannon's facial expressions had told him nearly every time he said something. He hoped it was just that he was younger and he was still a little immature, and not something permanent within his personality. That said, even Magikarp had seemed to find him annoying. He didn't know if that had changed now that Fishy had evolved, but he wouldn't be surprised if it hadn't.

He looked down to Togepi, who seemed to be getting tired from the battle and from walking.
"Come on then." He smiled, sending him back into the pokéball. He needed a rest, there was no point in not giving him one just so they could walk together. It was at that point he realised he still needed to get to know Charmander; Malcolm was almost religious in the way he cared for and befriended his pokémon, but he'd yet to share any kind of connection with the small fire type at all. That thought of it made him feel guilty; Charmander had rejected his own family back at Charizard Isle to stay with Malcolm, and still wouldn't leave (despite Govannon's orders, who as the owner of the egg was technically his trainer) even though it threatened to start a battle between the humans and the pokémon there. He released Charmander from his pokéball, who looked up at the sun and blinked, covering his eyes. This was the first time he'd ever been outside except as an egg, so it was no surprise he seemed a little uncomfortable. Then again, he was also surrounded by strangers (except Malcolm), and this wouldn't have been helped by the fact he was newborn and tiny, a similar size to Togepi.


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post Jun 13 2010, 11:33 AM
Post #12

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Taggarty Lee

Tag raised an eyebrow at Justin's story. He was certain there was the ring of untruth and the ring of +4 agility in the man's words, but there was no proof otherwise. It was as he noted earlier: Neither of these two goony kids looked like Good Samaritans. If those words had come from Malcolm, who seemed like he was the innocent sort, full of sunshine and kitty farts, then he probably would've had an easier time believing that.

When asked for his name, he wasn't quite sure what to do.

"Tag" He stated blankly, not quite sure what to make about Nate's comment on the tattoos on his face. "Thanks."

The group walked in relative silence for a little bit, Tag occasionally, and very calmly, glancing back to check up on the Seviper. It seemed quite unconscious and passive, and there was definitely no more sign of Zangoose in the vicinity. The presence, however, of a baby charmander piqued his interest. He studied it briefly before returning to his perpetually uninterested gaze.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Yzarc Drowsnam
post Jun 13 2010, 08:17 PM
Post #13

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It was certainly nice that these two were willing to help out, but Justin was more just hoping that nothing would happen on the way home that they would need help with. You can never be certain of something like that, though, and in a field full of wild pokemon (well somewhat full) having some extra combat assistance nearby couldn't be a bad thing. His only concern was that either of them would follow Justin and Nate to ensure they take the seviper to a healing center.

Justin looked over when Malcolm sent out his charmander. He seemed so blissfully unaware of all the evils of the world and it was a sort of innocence that he, himself, never got a chance to enjoy. And the whole time, he was completely taking advantage of this kid's willingness to help and naivety, likely snatching the boyish innocence away forever. Of course he felt guilty. He wasn't too proud of his decision to join Team Deception in the first place but he already quit his job and this was the only way to make money. Well, not the only way. But the only way to make good money for sure, bar actually being responsible and going back to school for some years.

Then there was Tag, certainly the enigma of the group. He was short (average really. Justin was just tall.) But he had a few tattoos on his face, which gave him a sense of toughness and maturity. That's not to say that tattoos always give an aura of maturity. Perhaps it was Tag's naturally stoic face which blended with the ink to make him just seem superior. Unlike with Malcolm, Justin did not feel the least bit guilty about tricking Tag. Moreover, he wasn't even sure whether he had tricked the man. It was hard to tell what he was thinking, given his expressionless face, but there was certainly the possibility that Tag didn't buy their story. To assume they were doing something illegal, though, would be a stretch, so he wasn't far too concerned. Still.

"Like I said," Justin said, walking side by side with Tag. "I do appreciate you helping us out. See, I'm kinda new to this whole pokemon game. Trying to try somethin' new, y'know? I want that right there," he nodded towards Malcolm, gleefully getting to know his charmander. "Maybe it's too late for me, but I gotta try, you know? So that's why my pokemon are weak, and that's why I can't fight that well. And that's why I'm takin' this seviper to get healed. I couldn't just leave it out there to die, and I'm the one who knocked it out in the first place. Anyway, point of that was to say thanks, 'cause I'm not sure me and my buddy Nate would be able to defend ourselves on the way back and I can tell you know a lot more about battling than either of us." There. A hint of truth in his bullshit story. Hopefully enough to make his face seem real and get Tag to buy that he was just a good ol' boy trying to do the right thing.

Lying like this - It was actually invigorating. Just blatantly lying about something with full intentions of getting people to believe you and not correcting yourself. It was wrong, but kind of exciting. Perhaps Team Deception was the right- Nah. This was temporary. He wasn't a bad guy. He was just down on his luck. That's it.


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post Jun 14 2010, 02:13 PM
Post #14

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Taggarty Lee

"I think we all want that." Tag interjected briefly as Justin talked about Malcolm and his charmander. Justin carried on and on a little bit, to which Tag raised an eyebrow. He didn't say anymore, but was curious as to why someone would render a wild pokemon unconscious and then take it to a pokemon center, but would leave the other unconscious pokemon just lying in the path. The selectivity of the matter was confusing, and now he was even less trusting than before. The flattery at the end was a nice little deflect as well. He didn't seem like a bad guy, though, just down on his luck. However, Tag decided to throw the guy a little bone. "Well, I guess you're just a good ol' boy, trying to do the right thing. Don't worry, I believe you."

Tag never spoke much, so most people just assumed that everything he had to say was of utmost importance. However, truth was he didn't have much to say, and he didn't care that one of those things was a blatant lie. For true, though, he was curious as to what Justin and Nate were going to do with the Seviper, so at least for that, he'd stick around.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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post Jun 14 2010, 05:48 PM
Post #15

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Walking with Charmander was helping Malcolm get over the sense of unease. In all honesty he wasn't particularly comfortable; Tag, the oldest in the group, looked quite intimidating and he didn't really trust the two pulling the wagon. There was something that just didn't sit right about them, especially the weaker looking one. Malcolm knew people said you weren't meant to judge a book by its cover but he had no idea why he should listen to that. The covers of books were always good indicators of what was inside, and when judging someone on their appearance it was quite unusual to be wrong. That didn't mean he disliked any of them, though. They'd not done anything wrong that he knew of and an absence of trust with a stranger was normal, it wasn't some kind of breeding ground for hatred. It was probably the Seviper playing the largest role in making him uneasy, he decided.

As they walked Malcolm overheard a few parts of Justin's discussion with Tag. It seemed a little odd that they'd put the Seviper in such bad shape and then wanted to help it, but he wasn't going to ask about the fine details of the situation. There must have been a valid explanation, just as there was for all the things in Malcolm's life that could seem a bit suspicious. One bizarre example would be the Charmander seemingly trying to get rid of as much grass as possible.

"Stop that please, Charmander." He said to the fire pokémon, who was spitting fire at the grass every few steps and leaving a series of burn marks along the route. He was just playing and watching the tall grass fall as the bottom of it was burnt off, but Malcolm was worried it might attract unwanted attention. They'd already had problems with a Zangoose, and although he didn't really agree it was necessary for Tag to lay into it so hard he understood why he did it, and thought that they would probably have to if more pokémon came to attack. They were still quite isolated, although nearer to Petropolis now, so a strong attack could be disastrous.


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Yzarc Drowsnam
post Jun 15 2010, 09:22 PM
Post #16

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It seemed as though Justin had endeared himself somewhat to Tag, which was good. At that point, any more sappy stuff would probably come off as more suspicious than anything, so he kind of backed off. He was, truth be told, a little hopeful that opening up (fake however it may have been) would entice the mysterious Tag to follow suit. It seemed as though that wasn't going to happen, though. Justin was kind of looking forward to having someone above his maturity level to talk to for once.

As the group walked, a noise came to them from behind. As this sound got closer, it was revealed to be a jeep with a driver and two passengers, one of whom was in the back. They were all fairly casually dressed in jeans and T-shirts and they stopped right next to the group of four. Nate and Justin gave significant glances at each other as the three people (two men and one woman, all in their late teens, possibly early twenties) hopped out of the jeep and approached.

"What do we got here?" the woman asked, looking past the men and boy and straight towards the seviper. "It looks injured."

"Why are you boys tugging around an injured seviper?" one of the men asked.

"We're headed to Petropolis to try to get it healed up," Justin said, blankly. "Who are you?"

"We work for the Pokemon Rangers," the remaining man stated. "We'll take over from here."

"Define 'take over,'" Nate said, crossing his scrawny arms.

"We'll take the seviper to get it healed properly. Doubtful it'll make it all the way to Petropolis."

"How did you know where to find us?" Justin inquired, trying not to sound too suspicious or upset that his catch was being snatched away by a bunch of bleeding hearts.

"There was a beaten zangoose not too far back," the woman said. "We figured whoever fought it probably wasn't doing to well themselves, given its size and natural power, so we headed straight for the city. Why isn't your seviper in its ball? And why is it tied up?"

"It's not our seviper," Justin said. "It's wild, and I kind of wanted to keep it that way."

"Fine," the man who was driving said. "We won't capture it. We'll release it once it's healed up. Happy?"

"What happened to the zangoose?" Nate asked. "I mean, I'm just curious. You said you came across it, right? If you're trying to save injured pokemon, why not take it as well? I mean, if it weren't for our wagon being full already, we'd have loved to take it to get healed too. But we didn't have the space like you seem to."

Justin was rather impressed by Nate's surprisingly well said inquisition. The same man who drove looked over at both his partners before the woman held up a pokeball. "I captured him for easier transportation. It's also better for the pokemon. Any more questions or do you want to save this seviper's life?"

Justin simply looked over at Tag and Malcolm. He wanted to see what they were going to say about this situation.


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post Jun 16 2010, 02:32 AM
Post #17

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Taggarty Lee

Tag walked slowly, watching curiously as the Charmander set about burning the grass. That in its small stature indicated that it was probably newly hatched. There was a slight twinge as he watched it - it was yet another reminder of the dragon pokemon he used to train. For just a moment, it seemed that his eyes grew colder than they were before, but that was mostly the intense suppression of all the disappointment and anger he had so carefully bottled up. Turning his gaze back forward, he continued to walk, nodding or shaking his head to any of Justin's questions.

* * *

At the appearance of the trio with the jeep, Tag merely rolled his eyes. Things were getting all the more complicated by the minute.

Tag folded his arms, looking off to one side as if he were wholly disinterested in the matter at hand. The dialogue unfolded off to his side, and the man's expression never once changed. He was, however, listening closely at everything. Things simply weren't adding up.

The first thing that struck him as odd was the fact that a wounded Zangoose meant a wounded Seviper nearby. It was true they often inhabited the same areas, but 'A' did not directly lead to 'B'. He also found himself slightly insulted that they assumed the Zangoose had given them trouble. After all, the creature didn't even have time to get a single attack off before Malcolm and Tag's Pokemon had descended on it.

If the woman had actually caught the Zangoose, she would lay claim that she wouldn't want to let it out for fear it would attack the Seviper again.

However, the main thing was that they stated they worked for the Pokemon Rangers, who he thought didn't capture pokemon with traditional pokeballs.

"How did you catch an unconscious pokemon?" Tag turned suddenly, nodding towards the woman's pokeball. "Don't you rangers use that silly stylus technology?"

He had a pretty good idea in his mind what was going to happen next. Shifting his weight, he made it seem like he was just resting his hand on his hip, but his fingertips rested on the two pokeballs clipped to his belt. Calmly, he awaited the reply from the 'Rangers'.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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post Jun 16 2010, 04:18 PM
Post #18

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Malcolm had no idea what to think of the trio that had just arrived in the jeep. He had no idea who Pokémon Rangers were, but there was something that just didn't sit right about these three. Perhaps it was the way the driver looked over to his partners when asked why they hadn't taken the Zangoose instead of just answering, or maybe Tag's suspicion. He seemed a lot more knowledgeable than Malcolm, if Tag was suspicious then there was probably good reason. He didn't think much of the way that they'd bluntly stated that they would 'take over' either, especially since at that point they thought the Seviper was owned by Nate or Justin. If they really were taking it to be healed for them then they'd have just offered. Not practically demanded they hand the pokémon over. He'd have thought Rangers would have revives and potions as well, removing the need to take it all the way to a pokémon center (at least with such urgency, anyway). Then again Malcolm didn't really know much about the people they were claiming to be, so perhaps his suspicions were completely unfounded. But pokémon ended up in a similar shape after friendly trainer battles, and the Seviper hadn't really taken a huge beating when it escaped (and it certainly wasn't on death's door when it causing trouble then).

Everyone else seemed to be giving them an interrogation but Malcolm couldn't think of anything to say. It wasn't really his business; it wasn't as if he knew Justin and Nate were taking it to be healed either, he had just as much reason to question their motives as he did the Rangers'. However, during the short time he'd spent with them and listening to their story they seemed reliable enough. There didn't seem to be any use risking handing the pokémon over to strangers who might not be who they said they were. If Justin and Nate weren't to be trusted, at least they'd 'caught' the pokémon (in a manner of speaking anyway - and if they were lying, why wouldn't they have captured it? It seemed clear they were telling the truth when they said they were going to release it) and so had some claim to it.

But really, Malcolm had no idea what to think. There was so much to consider, and in reality this had nothing to do with him. If things got ugly he didn't think he'd need to get involved. But then again, if the Rangers were going to start a fight over it then surely that was proof they weren't who they claimed? This whole situation was very confusing. He thought it might be for the best if the other three handled this, and he'd take a back seat until he was needed.

This post has been edited by Xal: Jun 27 2010, 05:02 PM


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Yzarc Drowsnam
post Jun 16 2010, 05:50 PM
Post #19

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After Tag's line of questioning, it seemed very clear to Justin, and Nate as well, that these were not, in fact, Pokemon Rangers. There was probably no way for Malcolm or Tag to suspect this, but Justin, at least, figured them to be members of Team Deception out on the same job. But something didn't add up. Why would they be sent on the same job, in the same area to capture the same exact pokemon?

"I'm sure this is just some sort of misunderstanding," Justin said, looking at the man who was driving, clearly the leader. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

Justin took this man to the side. "What the hell are you doing? There's no way you three were sent to get seviper too."

"You're smarter than you look," the man smiled.

"Well you're just as dumb as you look," Justin crossed his arms. "Are you just fucking with me or what? Why are you here?"

"Kid," the man shook his head. "There are 100 units in Team Deception. One hundred. One hundred and one, it makes the whole thing all odd numbered and weird."

"Yeah, well, you keep this shit up, we'll surely be back to 100 soon enough."

"That's the plan," the man smiled.

"Oh, so you're trying to get us kicked?" The man just nodded. Justin just sighed and looked back over at his group and then at the other two members of Team Deception. He rubbed the back of his neck for a second and then, in a second, looked back up at the man he spoke to and launched his fist right at his face.

"These people aren't who they say they are," Justin walked calmly back over to the group. The other two members had pulled out a pokeball each by that point. Nate spoke up.

"What did he say?"

"They're criminals," Justin said. "They're trying to get the seviper for its poison. The guy offered me money to let him go, so I hit him."

"Son of a bitch!" came the leader's voice as he pulled himself up. "Take them out. All of them. Now!"

All three, simultaneously, summoned their pokemon. The leader, naturally, took an eye towards Justin. The woman faced Tag and the other man faced Malcolm. Nate jumped to Justin's side to help against the leader, but Justin just shook his head. "Let me. You take over if I lose."

"Why?" Nate asked.

"Because we're better than that."

The leader's first pokemon was a trapinch so Justin went ahead and tossed out Bonsly. Not the wisest decision considering Trapinch's only attack at low levels is Bite, a move which Hitmontop can take with ease, and Hitmontop can dish out a lot more damage than little Bonsly. Bonsly seemed right, though, because of its solid exterior and high defense, while it seemed clear Trapinch was a physical attacker. Anyway, Justin had Bonsly use its best attack, Flail, while Trapinch used Bite. They ran at each other, as fast as two ridiculously slow pokemon can run. Trapinch bit down hard, hurting Bonsly pretty bad, but not knocking him out.

Bonsly, weakened heavily, flailed with all its might, knowing it might not get another chance to attack. The damage it did was astonishing. Trapinch not only flew back, but landed on its back, its tiny legs squirming in the air like a turtle on its back. "Finish it," Justin insisted. Bonsly threw itself on the trapinch's belly, knocking it out entirely.

Justin crossed his arms victoriously as Bonsly slowly and tiredly waddled its way back to its trainer. The opposing trainer called back his fallen trapinch and scoffed. "It's cute that you think I'm done." He sent out his next and final pokemon, a meditite. "Trapinch is weak. Mainly just trying him out. This, though, this is my real pokemon. Have fun beating this guy."

"I doubt I will," Justin called back Bonsly and sent out his pinsir. "In order for it to be fun, you'd need to be challenging."

The man just shook his head. "Confusion!" he shouted. Justin wasn't really sure what Pinsir's attacks were. He knew they weren't regular attacks, and that they were always effective, but he didn't know the specific names. So, he just went ahead and said "Attack!" knowing it would at least be able to do that.

So as Pinsir charged his opponent, Meditite seemed to be sitting calmly. Then Pinsir slowed down and it seemed to have taken some damage, a good amount it seemed. He continued, however, and landed a solid hit with its pincers on the meditite, who didn't seem to be too phased by the hit. Pinsir kept squeezing but Meditite seemed to not react, almost like it was biding its time. Justin seemed confused by Meditite's lack of action, at least until it effectively exploded with power and rage, knocking Pinsir back and out for the rest of the battle.

"My turn," Nate put his arm in front of Justin.

"No," Justin insisted. "It's weak. Let me finish it."

He sent out Nincada, knowing Meditite's psychic attack would deal too much damage to Hitmontop for comfort. Of course, his faster pokemon would easily have been able to finish Meditite before it got a Confusion off, but Justin wasn't confident enough to risk it. So Nincada took a full powered Confusion as it charged the meditite, which damaged it so much it almost was knocked out. It wasn't, though, and managed to get close enough for a weak bite to finish it off. The bite (Leech Life) managed to heal it a little bit as well, which was nice but still pretty insignificant.

"My team's going to beat your team," Justin called back Nincada and approached his opponent, who had called back Meditite. "They will. And I swear to you, if you call us out, I will hurt you. Your face isn't very pretty as is, but trust me, I'll find a way to make it worse. Don't say a word. Tuck your tail between your legs. And drive away. Are we clear?"

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This post has been edited by Yzarc Drowsnam: Jun 17 2010, 02:37 AM


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post Jun 17 2010, 03:25 AM
Post #20

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Tag sized the woman who had purportedly caught the Zangoose. He watched as she continued to grip the pokeball tightly, again one that supposedly had the injured pokemon.

Before addressing her, he turned to Nate and pointed at him: "You, idiot. Guard the Seviper."

"You wouldn't want to field Zangoose here." he stated calmly "You know it'll go straight for the Seviper." Basically, he was double-calling her bluff. The Zangoose from before was too powerful for him to handle in One on One, so it would stall her from sending it out, since its blood fued would render it useless in the battle. If she didn't have Zangoose, she would have to hold on to her bluff and not use that particular pokeball.

"Strangle them, Tangela!" she almost shrieked, throwing 'Zangoose's' Pokeball at the field before her, revealing the weird looking grass pokemon.

"How deceptive of you." Tag sneered dryly, woefully oblivious at the stupid pun he had just made. It did serve, however, to cause the woman to double take. She probably stood there, wondering whether or not the man had completely figured her out without her having said a single word. Nevertheless, Tag took her moment of hesitation to capitalize on his attack.

"Bachi." Tag called simply, popping open the ball in his hand, rather than throwing it out into the field. The Male Nidoran appeared in a flash of light, waving his horn around threateningly. It was a shame that Bachi didn't know poison sting, as it would've been the natural choice against a pure grass type. But Bachi had another move up his sleeve, designed for dealing with Grass and Bug Type pokemon mainly. "Peck."

At the simple command, the Nidoran threw himself forward, basically pecking at the tangled vine pokemon with its horn. For whatever reason, Peck being a flying type move by nature, dealt some pretty decent damage to the Tangela. Tag didn't take the time to question the mechanics of that, but nevertheless he was prepared to press the attack.

"Tangela, poison powder!" The Tangela quivered, sending out a cloud of toxic spores towards the Nidoran, who merely stood its ground proudly, unaffected by the poison.

"Rookie mistake." Tag, hands in pockets, looked utterly bored with the battle. "Bachi, Focus Energy."

For a moment, his pokemon stood stock still, glowing briefly as it steadied itself, tightening its gaze and body posture, the tension building up in its tiny frame.

"Rookie yourself" the girl scoffed "Giving me another free turn like that, Tangela, Constrict!" Tangela's vines shot out, wrapping around Tag's pokemon partner and pulling it close. The Nidoran squeaked for a moment in surprise, but then seemed to regain its composure, glowing again while it continued to focus in on its next attack. "I got you now. No way that pokemon can use its horn on me now!" The girl threw a childish victory pose, as if she were sure she'd won the battle.

"Bachi, Double Kick." The little Nidoran began motoring its little legs as fast as it could, slamming the now close range Tangela with both of its little feet as rapidly as it could. The Tangela squealed in pain, letting go of its prey as it stumbled back.

"T-Tangela!" the woman looked absolutely taken aback; she'd been sure there was no escape from that last move. "Uh...use..uh...Absorb." The pokemon obediently and swiftly lashed out with its vine, drawing some of the energy from the Nidoran. For a moment, Bachi wore the same bored expression as his trainer, as if the grass attack held no significant threat whatsoever (which, naturally, it didn't.)

"Bachi, Peck." Tag himself had no need for flourish, wave his arms or even shout commands. He conducted battle in a cold, calculating and almost surgically precise manner. His trusted partner lanced forward one more time, jabbing its horn right between the Tangela's vines, rendering it senseless in no time.

"Tangela, return." The girl frowned, re-clipping the pokeball to her belt. Tag noted one more balls clipped there, and was prepared for a long haul. "Suppress, Drowzee!"

"Bachi, return." The Nidoran disappeared in a pool of red light, returning to its pokemon home as Tag, with his other hand, popped open the ball for Ledyba. "Suzu." he declared confidently. In a little flash of light, the Ladybug pokemon floated happily up in the air, circling Tag's head twice before moving into the battlefield, eager and ready to go.

"What's this? Switching pokemon like a coward?" His opponent taunted, pointing at his face in the most condemning matter she could "You too scared to face Drowzee with your crap Nido-" She suddenly found herself shutting up. The sudden and intense glare from Taggarty Lee swept over her, and she found herself virtually paralyzed. The man had looked calm and intimidating before, and while his face hadn't changed too much, his eyes had slightly narrowed. This look of intense loathing seemed to wash over her completely, briefly chilling her to the bone.

"D-Drowzee, Pound" The pokemon ambled forward swinging its chubby fist and knocking Suzu a good one on her adorable head. She looked terribly cross for a moment, threateningly waving her six legs about.

"Suzu, Encore." Suzu appeared to be smiling grandly, clapping its three pairs of legs together in what sounded like applause. The woman stood quietly, waiting for something to happen, but to her surprise, nothing did.

"C'mon Drowzee, that nonsense didn't do anything. Hypnosis!" She blinked in disbelief as the Drowzee ambled forward, swinging its chubby fist again in an attempt to use Pound. "Wha-wha?"

"Suzu, Supersonic." As it drew close, the Ledyba swept backwards, narrowly avoiding the punch. However, she let out a high pitched wail, in near proximity to the Drowzee. Its eardrums ringing, and its brain a little addled, Drowzee staggered around a moment, clearly disoriented with its surroundings.

"Drowzee, Disable!" The female ranger seemed to be panicking a bit as Tag's Ledyba was doing all sorts of debilitating things to her pokemon. To her chagrin, Drowzee launched another pound attack, only to land flat on its face.

"Suzu, Bug Bite." Ledyba landed gracefully on Drowzee's back, clamping its mouth on the pokemon's back before floating back up.

"Drowzee, Confusion!" Once again, the Drowzee stood and swung its clenched hand at Ledyba, this time knocking it a good one and sending it tumbling out of the air. Suzu shook angrily on the ground before her wings started to buzz. She floated back up into the air, looking angry for a bit before regaining her composure. She swayed from side to side, eyes intently focused on the still staggering Drowzee.

"Suzu, Bug Bite." She floated in one more time, latching onto the Drowzee's head. Clearly having had enough, Drowzee toppled over.

The woman looked utterly surprised. Her pokemon were by far more powerful than the two pokemon Tag had presented, yet he had completely and utterly trounced her through what seemed like flawless strategy. She probably hadn't even inflicted that much damage to the man's pokemon, and there she was, out of pokemon to fight with. Resigned, she threw her hands up in the air and plopped down on the ground, reluctantly recalling her Drowzee. Suzu buzzed over to Tag, landing on his shoulder. Absently, he reached up to pat her on the head as she nuzzled affectionately into his cheek. Presently, he turned his attention to watching the end of the other two battles around him.


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