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Port Barley
The Rose Crusade...
post Aug 3 2008, 06:20 PM
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Melinda Rose

Port Barley

The port was beautiful. There were merchants everywhere selling various goods from all regions. It was very interesting. There was a little battling park nearby and a famous seafood restaurant not far from that. There were fisherman everywhere, hoping to make a great catch. Of course, there was the harbor where all the ships came in to dock. It was magnificent to see such masterfully made ships. There were children and their pokemon playing in a beach near the docks. This particular beach was very clean; not a piece of garbage in sight. Yes, Port Barley was a beautiful serene place for anyone to relax and just be content wit life. But that was not the reason Melinda was there.

Melinda settled down on a large wooden dock that went out onto the sea. She knew today was the day. She had always wanted a water pokemon. Something beautiful, elegant and mesmerizing. And boy, was she in a great place to find one! Barley was famous throughout Furoh for its selection of water pokemon. Melinda knew exactly what she wanted: a Corsola. It had power and was visually attractive. Taillow and Combee were standing by, ready to attack the pokemon that Melinda would reel up.

Earlier, Mindy rented a rod from a local fisherman. She didn't have much money on her, so she got the cheapest one she could get. The rod itself looked rather old and dilapidated, but nevertheless, it was a rod. Any rod could catch anything, as long as it had good bait, right? Well, that was Melinda's philosophy. She had Combee gather some honey which she molded into a ball and placed at the end of the line. What pokemon could resist delicious honey? She lowered the bait into the water very far; hoping that the farther the lowered it, the stronger a pokemon she would catch. Melinda said she would be patient, as would Taillow and Combee. She would lift many pokemon up, and wouldn't accept anything but a Corsola. Of course she would have many pokemon brought up from the water. Her plan was foolproof. Nothing could go wrong.

~Two Hours Later~

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. There had not even been a nibble on the line! This was ridiculous; Melinda was furious. She got tired of being angry though. She soon grew into a slumber out of the sheer boredom of the situation.

~One Hour Later~

Melinda was awoken with a jolt. Some thing had pulled on the line! She almost lost hold of the rod. But once she regained full consciousness, she was fine. She was then able to control the rod steadily. Surprisingly, the pokemon was easy to reel up the air and onto the dock. As she was reeling, she looked to her pokemon for help--only to discover that they were both asleep. She would have to surprise it with a pokeball. Right as the pokemon was lifted onto the dock, Melinda launched pokeball right at it, without even seeing what pokemon it was. By now, she didn’t care what pokemon she caught, her dreams for a Corsola were over. She just wanted a water pokemon. The pokemon obviously didn't put up much of a fight , because it was immediately captured within the confines of the pokeball. She decided to wait to see what it would be until later. She returned Combee and Taillow to their pokeballs and walked off. It was getting laterin the day, and in an hour or so the sun would set. At least she was close to a lot of shops to do stuff. She walked down the boardwalk, hoping that something interesting would occur.

(And that's where you come in! Lol, I'll be waiting happy.gif)
(Oh, and don't worry about the pokemon Melinda caught, its not that great.)
Melinda's new Pokemon (click to showhide)

This post has been edited by The Rose Crusader: Aug 12 2008, 03:17 PM


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post Aug 3 2008, 10:16 PM
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This is it huh?

The sun was hanging wearily over the water watching the beach for his final hours of the day. He watched as boats pulled in, he watched the children laugh, he watched the lights flicker on slowly one by one. He watched a young man and his pikachu walk onto the dock and yawn. The pikachu hopped off of his shoulder and weaved his way underneath the man. Suddenly the man grasped his stomach and sighed then slowly started towards the rails of the dock.

Jax leaned against the railing of the dock and peered up into the sky. Although he seemed entranced by the falling sun he was just trying to get focus off of his stomach that seemed to be housing a monster. He took his eyes off of the sun and glanced over to his right to see a girl flail about with a pole and a Feebas. He sunk down on himself and turned his attention to his left. A family of fishermen were returning home for the day, it looked as though they made some impressive catch as they were all smiling and walking tall. For a second Jax considered asking them for food, but suddenly one of them mentioned something and they quickly made their way in the opposite direction.

"Hey Flash," Jax smirked at the pikachu that was hiding in between his legs. "I think we might be out of luck unless we can do something drastic for food... How about a street performance!" Flash returned interest in the form of a sigh. "Got any better--" Jax stopped as a look of horror crept onto his face, "Oh nooo... I'm turning into my dad!" Again the pikachu sighed. "Think about it buddy! I'm talking to a pokemon about my money problems! I left the house with only pocket change! Next thing I know I'm gonna fall in love with someone who is completely better than me at battling!" Jax picked up his pikachu and looked him straight in the eye, "If we don't starve, promise me that you kill me full well before I turn into my dad."

Suddenly a thought crossed his mind as a girl walked behind him. She seemed drowsy enough... This plan could work! "Wait!" he yelled at the girl. Before she could turn around he had already started proposing his challenge. "I challenge you and that new pokemon I saw you catch to a battle! A one on one! If I win you have to pay for our dinner, if I lose then you get free lessons on how to fish!" To be completely honest, Jax had never even laid hands on a fishing pole. He had been on plenty of fishing trips with his dad though! He could teach her. To be completely honest, he had never watched his dad fish, he was too busy catching a nap or chasing mankeys around. Despite this, a smile crept across his face. Even if he did lose he was sure he could charm her. No girl could possibly resist Jax.
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Master Houndoom
post Aug 4 2008, 01:32 AM
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Jaima stretched as the announcement was made across the ship that they would be making landfall at Port Barley within minutes. He'd taken the latest possible ship out from Johto, which, of course, made it the latest ship to arrive in Furoh. The sun was low on the horizon here, and he would have to find a pokécenter to stay in quickly.

It wasn't very long before the ship docked, and Jaima made his way down the gangplank to the dock. In truth, he was quite happy to be on something more stable than a boat. The last cruise he'd been on still swam in his mind (and the pun of his self description was not lost on him), and he was not fond of boats as it was.

On the dock, he saw a girl hurriedly throw a ball at a pokémon that had been on her line, and blinked. He had not seen the fish, but he had seen the girl, and felt a flush rising on his face. He shook his head ruefully as she made her way down the boardwalk. He shrugged, his mind filling immediately with excuses of why he shouldn't even try to approach her. It was just a coincidence, he told himself, that they were walking the same direction, him a good ten feet behind her.

It was because they were walking in the same direction that he heard the boy call out to her, challenging her to a duel with the pokémon she had just caught. Maybe he should stick around, just to see what was going on. He had seen, though, the old and obviously well used fishing rod she had been carrying, she couldn't have gotten anything better than a Magikarp with that old rod.

He fingered the pokéball closest to his hand on the belt. He didn't expect trouble. He didn't WANT trouble. But if trouble was brewing, he'd be ready.

He hoped.

The guy looked pretty big. And there was something about him. Something about the way he smiled, that Jaima just didn't trust.

((OOC Note: Jaima did not see the pokémon, he's only guessing what it might be based on what she was using to catch it))

This post has been edited by Jaima: Aug 4 2008, 01:33 AM

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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The Rose Crusade...
post Aug 4 2008, 04:29 PM
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Melinda Rose

Melinda rolled her eyes."Look what you've gotten yourself into now Mindy, another starry-eyed boy just wanting you to go out on a date...Gee, you've never been in this position before, have you?" she thought sarcastically. She absolutely hated boys that were full of themselves and always wanted to challenge her. Plus, she was exhausted from the horrible thing that was today. Her fishing extravaganza had not gone as planned, to put it lightly. She still didn't even know what she had captured. It must not have been strong, The pokeball had no problem capturing without even weakening the pokemon. There was no way she was buying him dinner either. But she wouldn't just say no to a challenge. But first, she would teach him a lesson.

"Listen here, bud. If you think I'm just a little pushover who knows nothing, you've got another things coming," she said angrily, her rage rising. "Why would I accept your challenge out of the circumstances. Well, let's name why not. First of all, I have no idea what I caught, so I don't know its moves. Secondly, look between your legs," she pointed down to a Pikachu hiding behind the boy's legs. "That's a Pikachu, an electric type. I just caught a water pokemon." She was getting angrier now, almost yelling. She had had it with boys like this. "Thirdly, that is no way to treat a woman, yelling at me, asking me to a challenge like that." she spoke animatedly. Then, she paused.

"But, I would like to have a battle before the day is done." She looked out into the horizon. The sun was setting now. Pretty soon, it would be getting dark. "Ugh...but it cannot be a long battle. I need to...um...be somewhere after this." She had calmed down by now. The sunset was a beautiful array of oranges and pink. It seemed to calm her completely. She wasn't angry anymore. "Well, we can battle right here in this little Pokemon Park." She looked around. It was getting late, and all the little children were gone. There were slides and swings amongst other things. "This should be good experience for my pokemon anyway." She pulled out a small white and red ball with a sticker on it.

"Go Combee!" she yelled as she released the ball into the air. Out of the sphere came a large honey colored hexagon. Then that large hexagon shattered, and through that came a little creature that was made up of three little hexagons, all with smiles on their faces. One of the hexagons, the bottom one, had a red dot on its head; it was the most important one. It flew up into the air using its small wings, ready for battle. Melinda knew that she would need to be very careful if she wanted to win. Electric attacks were super effective against Combee, being half flying type. But she could overcome that obstacle, and had a plan to do so.

"Lets get this place smelling nice Combee, start out with Sweet Scent!" commanded Mindy. Combee's two antennae at the top of its head began to glow. Suddenly, the air seemed to have a tint of pink and smelled luscious. Out of all the aromas Melinda has worked with in her life, it was her favorite smell. The smell seemed to make everyone in the area a little happier, and move a little slower to stop and take in a good whiff. "Well, its your move boy. Hit me with your best shot. That is, if your little Pikachu isn't too distracted by my Combee's scent." Melinda giggled. It was his turn now, and she would be ready for anything he would throw at her.

(I know there are a lot of errors, but this week my computer time is limited, and I don't have time to edit.)


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post Aug 4 2008, 04:49 PM
Post #5

The Kid With the Funky Name
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Lemonade was just spending a day at the beach with his Rattata and Riolu. Lately he had been spending too much time at home, his mom was sick of him. He was having fun splashing, running, making sand castles and watching other people that day that he didn't even think about going home. The funniest thing he noticed that day was a gal just sleeping with a fishing pole on the dock. He knew the reason that she wasn't getting any bites was because all the pokemon were playing with his pokemon. There were plenty of Corphish, Feebas, Corsola and Lanturn playing with him and his pokemon that he wasn't surprised at all about her fishing predicament.

"Hey Ratty," Lemonade said to his Rattata, "Why don't we help that gal out, she's been there for hours." His rattata looked at the girl and stared for a second, then turned back and nodded. "Okay, first I need you to battle that Feebas over there so I'm able to carry it," Lemonade said pointing at an average sized Feebas. It took Ratty just a tail whip and a couple of tackles to make it weak enough to carry.

"Nice job!" said Lemonade picking up the weakened Feebas. He was attempting to wade through the water as quietly as he could as not to wake up the girl. Once he was close enough to grab the line attached the Feebas to it as carefully as he could with out pulling on the line he gently placed the Feebas back into the water and swam back to his pokemon.

Lemonade waited for just under two seconds when the Feebas had enough energy to pull the line. He noticed that girl just blindly threw the pokeball at it and wondered why she didn't see what it was before she caught it.

~Several Minutes Later~
The trainer and his pokemon were getting dried off when he noticed a bee pokemon being released from its pokeball. Once he noticed it he dropped his towel and sprinted off to the battle site. His pokemon seemed startled and went with him. While he running the air starting smelling really nice out of nowhere. It made him not want to run so fast.

Once there he witnessed a battle that was truly a site to see. A Pikachu and a Combee fighting, and by the looks of it the Combee actually had the upper hand. Lemonade had seen that the gal that had the Combee was the one he helped catch the Feebas. Lemonade was thinking: It looks like this gal is better at battling than she is at fishing. I just hope she can keep it up.


Lemonade Johnson, the Yellow and Green Freak

My Lucario

Inspired by Dark's Gliscor
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post Aug 4 2008, 08:33 PM
Post #6

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As the girl yelled at him, he couldn't help but get more excited for the fight. Jax watched her anger rise while he kept smiling. He felt a bit bad for challenging her, but he was starving. Flash was the perfect contender for this fight however and he needed an easy win for this to work. Suddenly she stopped yelling and started walking over to the park and released her Combee.

Interesting... The park huh?

Suddenly the tiny bee released a pink color through the air. The scent seemed to attract a group. "Welcome everybody to the battle extravaganza!" Jax raised his arms up into the air. Flash climbed up the trainers back and jumped off his shoulder and into the park. Jax walked up to a slide and made his way up to the top and sat down in a comfortable position at the top. He looked down at the everybody and took in the presence of a crowd. "This battle is purely for show, no pokemon shall be harmed in this exhibition!"

The crowd started to grow tired of his stalling. Most the people watching were waiting for the fight to start. Sensing the tension, Jax stood up and commanded the Pikachu. "Well, its your move boy. Hit me with your best shot. That is, if your little Pikachu isn't too distracted by my Combee's scent." the girl giggled as if she was hiding something. "Hardly!" Jax replied, "Flash can't possibly lose to such a cute pokemon!" The pikachu stretched a little then got in a feral stance with his cheeks sparking a little. "However, since you were so kind to give us a move... Flash use charge!" Jax made a quick dramatic gesture with his finger.

Flash started to glow a little with the occasional spark leaping from his body to dance on the ground for a few quick seconds. The trainer and the pokemon's faces matched, they were both full of adrenaline with big grins on thier faces. "My move is finished, when you are willing to continue with the show, please be my guest." Jax crossed his arms, he could see that she had a plan, but it wasn't going to work tonight. He was gonna get fed. Power was going to overcome finesse in this scenario.

((How do you wanna handle the battle? AIM/MSN or through PMs?))
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The Rose Crusade...
post Aug 4 2008, 08:57 PM
Post #7

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Melinda Rose

(I think it would be better off if we just posted it right here. It won't be a long battle, trust me happy.gif )
(Oh, and by the way, I loved Abe's post. Kudos to you! Lol)

"Wow, this kid is really full of himself," she thought. "Combee, use Gust!" Combee immediately stopped its antennas from glowing and blew up a small twister of wind, the righrt size for Pikachu. As it went, the gust carried with it the little wood chips it picked up as it grazed across the landscape. It headed at a fast paces towards the Pikachu, and the wind was definitely dodgeable. But the debris, nto soo much seeing as it was everywhere. "Now Combee! Position yourself near those swings and the honey ready!" Combee followed the orders and positioned itself behind a set of swings, watching it's attack go towards the Pikachu.

This post has been edited by Birdknight: Aug 5 2008, 06:52 AM


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post Aug 4 2008, 10:20 PM
Post #8

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"Spectacular! A swift gust!" Jax sat back down on the slide. "Flash! Get closer to ground and keep charging!" The small tornado kept it's pace and smacked right into the pokemon. "Now Flash! Jump!" The pokemon listened faithfully to it's trainer. The bits of debris cut into Flash but it did not stop his charge, Let's hope this Gust isn't too powerful buddy. The pikachu was flung high up into the air and towards a tree. Onlookers flinched as the pikachu fell into the foliage. "Hey Flash! You ok buddy?" Jax shouted to the immobile tree. "I think we have enough power! Thundershock towards the swings now!" A bolt of lightning blazed out of the leaves and quickly made it's way towards the swings. It was fully charged and quick, dodging was possible, but no matter what it hit, it was going to hurt.
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The Rose Crusade...
post Aug 5 2008, 07:16 AM
Post #9

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Melinda Rose

"Perfect, a direct hit!" Melinda thought to herself. Everything had been going according to plan. So far. The electric attack was heading straight for the the metal bar on top of the swings in front of Combee. The Pikachu had given off a decent shot from its position and situation, indeed, it did have good aim. But, Combee didn't have to move to dodge because the metal would block the attack: they conduct electricity and the attac would be drawn to it. Like a lightning rod. In fact, that was the reason Melinda didn't want to battle in the Park's Battle Arena a few yards away. Here, there was cover from the elecrtic attacks. If they had battled in the Arena, Pikachu would have already won.

But she still had one more trick up her sleeve she wanted to try out. Melinda had always bee curious to try this strategy out, and this seemed like a better time than ever. Since Combee's moveset is so limited, she knew from the start she would need to think of alternatives to Sweet Scent and Gust. She would also need a way to keep Combee safe from electric attacks. But now was the first time she could try it out. She hoped it worked. "Combee! Throw your honey at the pole that's not going to be hit!" By this, she meant the vertical pole connected to the ground. The electric attack was heading for the horizontal pole, which was held up by the two vertical poles.

All Melinda wanted to do was try to redirect the course of the attack to see if she actually could manipulate the shockwave. Combee threw a good sum of goopy honey over to the vertical bar, flying very close to the electric shock. As the electric attack came for the horizontal bar, it suddenly changed course, and instead landed right on the vertical bar! This was because of the fact that honey conducts electricity very well. And by giving it another point to go to that was close to it, the electricity followed. The defense mechanism was a success! The crowd liked the original thinking. Since the electricity had moved in a downward fashion, following the honey, it fried all the honey until there was none left. But then, it had nowhere else to go except down (because it was following the honey) and since the honey was now a non-conductor (being fried and all) it blocked the electricity from following up the tube. So the electricity went down, right into the ground which completely nullified the attack. However, the part of the pole it did hit was visibly damaged. It was less thick as the others now, and much black and darker than before.

"How do you like that you male shovanist pig! Combee! Let's brew up another Gust attack! Same strategy, use the wood chips, but more wind!" Melinda shouted. She knew that she would need to keep a distance from Pikachu if she was to win, so she ordered Combee to sue more wind to force it back more. The Pikachu was obviously damaged from the first wind, but not that much. Flying type moves are not very effective against electric types, and Melinda knew that. But still, a lot of small hits are just as good as one big punch. That's what her dad used to say. "Combee! Stay behind those swings! I still got one more back up plan, have Gust ready for defense this time!" Combee followed orders, and stayed put while watching a slightly more powerful Gust attack fly beautifully across the battle field.


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Master Houndoom
post Aug 5 2008, 11:23 AM
Post #10

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The first thing Jaima noticed was that the girl was competent, and so was the boy. Or man. It was hard to tell, since he had an air about him that he’d seen more than the average teenager had. Competent was actually too soft a word, but Jaima had never been one for extremes.

The second thing he noticed (well, first, since he noticed it before the fight) was that the girl was actually kind of cute. He kept trying to push that particular thought away, but it would spring back in without the slightest provocation. At least he wasn’t blushing. That would be embarrassing.

The last thing he noticed was that the girl had issues. True, the challenge had been tricky, but she seemed to take it and the subsequent battle far too personal, as if the other trainer had assumed that she was going to lose because she was a girl. If he had to call it, and it was too early, given the cleverness of the combee’s trainer, if she lost, she wouldn’t lose because she was a girl.

She would lose because she chose to use a flying pokémon against an electric type.

He popped the Cyndaquil out of her pokéball and then did the same with the other three he had. “Watch carefully, guys. This is how good our competition will be.” Grondir, a tiny little Bulbasaur, sniffed the air cautiously, then more vigorously, enjoying the sweet scent. Fang seemed to come alive with all the electricity in the air, and Shadow merely sat on Jaima’s shoulder, watching. Ember hid her head in Jaima’s hair, watching timidly with one eye from her perch on Jaima’s shoulder.

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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post Aug 5 2008, 11:55 AM
Post #11

The Kid With the Funky Name
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Lemonade was carefully watching every move that both trainers made. It was amazing how accurate that Pikachu could fire it Thunder attacks. Then he thought that even though that Combee was at a disadvantage, it could easily counter those attacks with a ball of honey!

While the two Pokemon were fighting, Lemonade was looking around for people he knew. Everyone there seemed to be from different parts of Furoh. While searching he noticed a kid that looked just a few months older than him take out his pokemon. After thinking why he did that he realized it was so that his pokemon could witness an actual battle. Lemonade then copied his idea by taking out his Riolu followed by Rattata.

Rosie, the Riolu, was watching the battle with such interest that her eyes never left the field. It seemed that even though she had never been in a battle she knew exactly what was going on. On the other side of Lemonade Ratty was just lazily watching the field as if he was better than the pokemon that were currently battling. Lemonade got down on his knees and said to Ratty, "After this battle is done do you want to find someone who wants to battle with us?" When the Rattata heard this he perked up a little and nodded his head.

While the battle was getting hotter still Lemonade was now looking at everybody a little differently, he was now looking for people that seemed like trainer material. Only that one kid with the Cyndiquil and Bulbasaur seemed to have pokemon. It seems, Lemonade was thinking, that that kid is the one that I going to fight.


Lemonade Johnson, the Yellow and Green Freak

My Lucario

Inspired by Dark's Gliscor
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post Aug 5 2008, 02:03 PM
Post #12

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"No way! Honey conducts electricity! Hahaha, that's wonderful!" Jax looked over the Combee and her trainer. "What!? Women make just as good battlers!" Just then the Combee let out another gust. It was too far away, even with the power and the wood chips Flash was safe beneath those leaves if he positioned himself right. However now was not the time for a boring battle. "Flash jump to the next tree and charge again!" A ball of electricity was seen for a split second in between the foliage before he disappeared into this tree. It's obvious I'm not going to be able to hit that bee from this distance there are too many conductors..."Stop charging Flash!" Jax again made a dramatic pose with his finger.

Just then Jax flipped around to address the crowd as if the battle wasn't even happening anymore. "Isn't this wonderful folks!? The determination of the Combee and her trainer against odds! The clever workings of a pikachu and his devilishly handsome trainer! This is truly a sight to behold! Your grandchildren will truly appreciate stories of this battle for years to come." A few of the onlookers gave a weird face, but a few smiled and some even laughed at him. Jax was satisfied and moved back to the fight. The gust blew against the tree Flash was previously in, rustling the leaves and knocking down a few branches. "Your move, beautiful!" Jax sat back and awaited the trainer's response.
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The Rose Crusade...
post Aug 5 2008, 09:11 PM
Post #13

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Melinda Rose

"Ugh! You boys are so conceited aren't you! Why I oughta..." Melinda was enraged now. Some of the onlookers started to back away. Even Combee was scared. Her face became bright red and fuming. While the boy was standing with his back to her, proclaiming about how wonderful he was. She stampeded towards him. Her hands clenched at her side while gritting her teeth. He ordered his pokemon to do something, but she didn't really care anymore. He turned around and said. "Your move beautiful" but he didn't know that she was right behind him. At that moment, something in Mindy's brain snapped. She pulled back her arm and slapped him as hard as she could right across the face. She didn't even see how he responded. She did hear a couple people in the crowd gasp. One person even cheered for her. She returned Combee to her pokeball and began to walk towards the pokemon center. Not caring what anyone else thought of her. It was getting late. The sun was setting. UIt was getting late, and Melinda did NOT like the darkness. She walked faster towards the Pokemon Center, not even looking back.

~At the Pokemon Center~

"We are almost at full capacity tonight, and we need to double up the rooms. You will be sharing a room with a boy named Jaima Kuonji. Is that alright?" the nurse asked.

"Yes, its fine." She said. She walked silently down the hall. She was still mad at the embarrassment of the situation she just barely got out of. She hoped her roommate for the night wasn't an annoying brat. She had had enough of those for one day. She needed someone to talk to in this strange new region, and hoped that maybe her roommate could be that person. She got into the room and layed her stuff on the bed on one side of the room. There was another one on the other side that was untouched. "Oh, I guess he's not here yet then. I'll just wait."she thought to herself She sat on her bed, pondering about what to do next.

(Now, Rpgbpouncer and Abe, you two can room together as well. Our characters can talk and interact, but no more battles for this day. I will say when we all go to bed. )

This post has been edited by Birdknight: Aug 6 2008, 06:57 AM


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post Aug 5 2008, 10:21 PM
Post #14

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A wave of shock fell across Jax's face as her hand connected with his face. For a second everything stopped and he was free to think. Spunky, I like this girl. Time returned and half of the crowd was watching him, the other half was focused on the girl who was walking away. Suddenly his smile found him again and he flipped around to the crowd again. "And that's it! Flash the heroic pikachu has triumphed over the evil bug!" Jax bowed before the crowd. He felt the sting still in his face while he waked over to the tree to retrieve his pokemon.

Suddenly a child burst from the crowd and over to Jax followed by a few others. "Can we pet your pikachu?" the kids asked in unison. Jax chuckled as Flash fell into his arms, "No you may not..." he said "For he is an evil pokemon who shocks little children!" The young man flipped around with the blase pikachu held outward. Jax made ghost noises as he swung his pikachu from left to right. "Awww, he's so cute!" one of the girls squealed as she grabbed the pikachu from his hands to hug him. The rest of the children gathered around and started to pet him. "Alright time to go home, stop bothering the pikachu." One of their fathers broke out from the dispersing crowd.

Jax was content sitting there watching his pikachu receiving all the attention that it was. He was brought back to reality with the man calling back the children. Jax bent over and put his hand on the ground, Flash responded by running up his arm and onto his shoulder. As he stood back up the man was hovering over him. "Thank you for the show, you really put a spark into the night" he smiled at Jax, "Here's a few bucks for the show.". Jax smiled back at him and accepted the money, "Thank you sir, I was happy to be of service. Now if you excuse me I have to catch my co-star." he pointed in the direction the girl was just walking. "You better move quick, I can't even see her." the man suggested. "Don't worry sir, she's waiting for me at the pokecenter. You think I made this all up?" Jax gave one last quick smile and ran off with Flash on his shoulders.

The door was held open by an arguing couple as Jax slipped into the pokecenter past them. The pokecenter was open for just an hour longer and Jax was happy he made it there in time. He looked over the crowd of people sitting around talking, smiling, and laughing. He knew they were all trainers by the looks of them. They had a presence about them, the way they talked and acted. He wanted to be a part of it, but first things first, he has to get a room. He quickly made his way over to the desk eager to get in the crowd of trainers and show off his pikachu.

"I'll take a room for the night nurse!" Jax proclaimed loudly. The nurse smiled back at him politely, "Lucky you. A room for two just opened up the couple that had it, had to leave for the night. It's all yours if you don't mind sharing a room." As he took the pass for the room the nurse grabbed his arm. "I'm sorry sir, but I can't let you go to your room with that pokemon." Jax looked back at her quizically, "Does he need to be in a pokeball?" She shook her head and grabbed the pokemon, "He's harmed and I'm not letting him sleep with these cuts. You can get him back in an hour." Flash got a look of disappointment on his face and Jax shrugged back at him, "Guess I'll see ya in an hour buddy."

With his pokemon gone, Jax grew saddened and avoided the crowd and moved back to his room and fell back into his bed. I guess I'll wait for my room mate to show up. Jax rolled over to the clock and set the alarm for an hour.
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post Aug 6 2008, 10:15 AM
Post #15

The Kid With the Funky Name
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What!? Lemonade was thinking to himself with a face full of shock, That wasn't even a proper battle! I thought the gal was going to win! Just because he's a little full of himself doesn't mean she had to slap him! But, he realized that there wasn't much he could do, so he went to go look for the kid with all his pokemon hanging around.

Nothing. He searched through the crowd and didn't him. Lemonade picked up his Rattata and said to him, "It looks like this kid isn't around. I was looking forward to an actual battle after that one we'd just seen." Lemonade then glanced at the time on his Pokegear and said, "Oh crap! The Pokemon Center is closing in half an hour!" and he started to sprint toward it.

▲At the Pokemon center▲
"The couple that had has left for the night, you can have it as long as you're okay with sharing it with a guy named Jax," the Nurse said to Lemonade.

"That's the guy that got slapped silly by the gal with the Combee! Yeah, sure, I'll take it." Lemonade said nearly shouting. Then the Nurse gave him the key to the room and he left to go up the stairs.

Lemonade found the room and the door was unlocked. He stepped inside and saw Jax setting the alarm clock in the room. Lemonade took his bag off of his shoulders and through it on the empty bed, while at the same time saying, "Hey there Jax, nice battle. Too bad no one won, right?"


Lemonade Johnson, the Yellow and Green Freak

My Lucario

Inspired by Dark's Gliscor
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Master Houndoom
post Aug 6 2008, 11:00 AM
Post #16

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It had been an interesting day, in the end. The battle he’d watched after coming off the ship was really interesting. For some reason, despite being opposed to most violence (an oddity, he admitted, for a budding trainer, amongst other things), he couldn’t get the end of the fight out of his mind. The cute girl (why, oh why did he keep going back to THAT?!) had had enough and slapped the guy. And, much to his shame, he’d cheered. Luckily, no one noticed.

He could have sworn that he heard someone call, “Hey, you with all the pokémon!”, so he recalled Grondir and Ember, leaving Shadow on his shoulder and Fang resting on top of his head (a few calls of “how cute!” followed him) and made his way to the pokécenter slowly. He wanted to give himself time to think, and there was at least an hour before the center closed. He’d called his reservation in via his cell phone, before he lost the signal.

Once he finally arrived, the Nurse smiled and bowed. Jaima bowed back, bringing a slightly broader smile to her face.

“I have a reservation for Jaima Kuonji?” The nurse nodded.

“Yes, Mr. Kuonji. I apologize for the short notice, but with the new trainers arriving we’ve been forced to double up on rooms. Your roommate is a Melinda Rose. Is that all right?” The nurse looked slightly harried as she asked the last question.

Jaima sighed. He was going to have to spend the night with some annoying little ten year old trainer and deal with questions coming at him a mile a minute because he was older, so he must know more, right? Still, the Nurse looked absolutely panicked the longer he stayed quiet, so he gave her a little smile and bowed again. “It’s fine. I understand how hard it must be to try to provide so many with rooms on such short notice.”

The Nurse smiled gratefully, then nodded to his shoulder. “Would you like us to keep your pokémon? Some find it more restful to stay in the healing cradles, and with the rooms being...” She stammered and swallowed, “crowded, it might be for the best.

Jaima looked up at Fang, who mewled “Shi!” and then over at Shadow, who said noting, but climbed down Jaima’s arm, pressed the button on his pokéball (black and blue to match him) and was recalled to it. Even the Nurse blinked.

“Sometimes he’s too smart. It’s scary,” Jaima said with a chuckle as he recalled Fang to his (Black and blue, with a star) ball. The Nurse giggled, then took his team to the back.

Jaima picked up his bag and made his way to the room number on his pass. Opening the door, e found his roommate for the night.

The girl who slapped the other trainer.

Oh, crap... I’m... I’m... I’m blushing!!

He stood for a moment, then swallowed, then tried, desperately, to think of what to say. Finally, after nothing clever came to him (he rejected “hey, slapface” and “holy crap, you’re hot!”), he rubbed the back of his head and laughed. “Why don’t I just go wipe all this red stuff off my face, and we can introduce ourselves properly?”

He rushed to the bathroom before she could reply, and when he came out, he was much calmer. He swept his blond braid off his shoulder and extended a hand.

“Hi. I’m Jaima Kuonji. You must be Melinda. It’s nice to meet you.”

What Jaima looks like (since I couldn't find a way to describe him so late) (click to showhide)

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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The Rose Crusade...
post Aug 6 2008, 02:52 PM
Post #17

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Melinda Rose

She got up from the bed and met his hand with hers. They shook lightly, and then he introduced himself. "Thank goodness! At least this guy isn't a jerk!" Melinda was pleased with this boy. He had good manners, and was older, so he was more mature than that other brat she faced earlier today. "My name's melinda. But, you can call me Mindy. its nice to meet you." she responded joyfully. Really, she was relieved that she didn't have another insensitive person as her roommate for the night. At this point, things hadn't gone quite as she planned in the Furoh region, and she desperately needed a friend. "So...um...do you want to chat?" she asked. She was desperate for normal social interaction. Then, she made a realization. "Oh no! Did you see that battle I had earlier? Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a battle, but...well...Please don't be afraid of me. that boy just really pissed me off. Please don't judge me." she begged. "Would you mind if our pokemon could play for a bit? My Taillow hasn't been out all day, and i know he'll be a bit restless. Plus, I caught a new pokemon that I want to look at." She threw all three pokeballs. Out of one popped a Tiny bee pokemon, out of the other popped a little bluebird with a red head. And out of the other...well...melinda screamed and got sick., and ran to the bathroom/ "What is that thing?!?!?!?!?!" she yelled in between each outburst of barf.

(You do have your pokemon, right? Oh, and just respond to my questions and Melinda will have understood your answers. happy.gif)


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post Aug 6 2008, 03:34 PM
Post #18

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Jax stood up and grabbed the kid by the shoulder and sat him down next to him. "Buddy! I don't know what you're talking about! We both won. I got to have a fun learning experience and she got to meet the greatest trainer ever." Jax relieved his arm from the kid's shoulder. He got up and slowly walked over to his pillow. Upon arrival he reached under it and pulled out a pink pokeball with a heart sticker on it. Jax didn't recognize the design, but to anybody else it would have easily been recognized as a healball.

"This thing was bothering me... who do you suppose it belongs to?" Jax fiddled with the ball in his hands as he sat back down. He knew the couple left it behind and he had the intention of returning it, but first he wanted to have some fun. He glanced over at the clock, It's only been 5 minutes! I'll never see Flash again! He fell back on his bed letting the pink ball roll out of his hand and back next to the pillow. Letting out a huge sigh he sat back up and looked back at Lemonade, "What's your name pal?"
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Master Houndoom
post Aug 6 2008, 04:37 PM
Post #19

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Jaima smiled as Mindy shook his hand. It seemed she was much more pleasant in person than she was in the battle. She began the conversation, asking to chat, which it seemed she was desperate to do. Before he could answer, her eyes widened.

QUOTE(Birdknight @ Aug 6 2008, 02:52 PM) *
"Oh no! Did you see that battle I had earlier? Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a battle, but...well...Please don't be afraid of me. that boy just really pissed me off. Please don't judge me."

"um," responded Jaima. "I was a little surprised, bu-" She cut him off, seeming to not hear him.

QUOTE(Birdknight @ Aug 6 2008, 02:52 PM) *
"Would you mind if our pokemon could play for a bit? My Taillow hasn't been out all day, and i know he'll be a bit restless. Plus, I caught a new pokemon that I want to look at."

"Um," he responded again, lamely, trying to catch up. "The Nurse took them, but I'm sure I ca-" This time, the interruption wasn't caused by nerves, but by the horrid site of the feebas flopping on the ground. Jaima was queasy, but it seemed the nerves of the day had taken their toll on Mindy. She rushed to the bathroom, throwing up into the commode.

QUOTE(Birdknight @ Aug 6 2008, 02:52 PM) *
"What is that thing?!?!?!?!?!"

"I think... I mean, I've never seen one as bad as that, but it looks like a really sick Magikarp." Jaima had followed her, as much to get away from the flopping disaster as to see if Mindy needed any help. He ended up, out of instinct, holding her hair away from her front as she barfed. When she looked up, he handed her a towel, then coughed. "Sorry, I have to do that for my sisters sometimes if they're sick."

Jaima peeked out the doorway and looked at the poor little feebass. "Um... maybe the Nurse can help it? Want me to take it to her while I get my kids?" He blushed faintly, calling his pokémon "kids", but he'd done that since he first got Ember, and that is how everyone he knew was used to him calling them. Besides, Shadow and Fang really WERE kids.

He reached down to pick it up (Ugh, it's COLD) and waited for Mindy to get ahold of herself and answer.

((Sorry if it seemed I made Mindy look bad by talking over Jaima, but he's shy, so if she were the type to overtalk when she's nervous, he would likely react thusly...))

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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post Aug 6 2008, 05:22 PM
Post #20

The Kid With the Funky Name
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"What's your name pal?" Jax asked Lemonade.

Lemonade did not like being talked as an inferior, so he replied, "I'm Lemonade, pal! HAHA! You say both of ya won? Yeah, getting slapped by a pretty cute gal is winning! That's a good one buddy! Also you say you're the best? You've just got a Pikachu, my grandma is better trainer than you!" Lemonade then decided he'd said too much by the look on Jax's face and then cleared his throat, "Yeah, um, you were pretty good. You could have one if that amazingly brilliant honey technique didn't play the way it did."

It went quiet for a few seconds, but felt like an hour. Lemonade then took his pokeballs and let Rosie and Ratty out. Both of them went to rest at the foot of Lemonade's bed. He then looked around the room searching for a something that seemed to be missing. "Umm, where is Sparky? It is Sparky isn't it.?"


Lemonade Johnson, the Yellow and Green Freak

My Lucario

Inspired by Dark's Gliscor
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