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Broken Bonds and Bad Transmissions
post Dec 10 2010, 11:05 PM
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Uprising Pokemon

Without a wink of sleep in the past three days, Richie simply sat at the edge of his bed, half hoping to see Ramirez or Daniel. He had not seen either since the fiasco at the warehouse. Ramirez was reported MIA and Daniel simply left, possibly back to his mother. The whole time, Richie couldn't help but feel as if he was to blame for the failure that had landed upon them.

"Daniel," Richie sighed, hoping that the mentioning of his name would make him pop up, "Ramirez...please just let me know you're alright..." He had a tear trickle down his left cheek, a second falling from his right. He felt a large amount of sorrow for his friends. The door opened, causing Richie to dry his eyes and stare at the doorway. It was only an Agent, making sure Richie was doing alright.

"Are you okay, Palmer," the agent asked, causing Richie to glare.

"I'm fine," Richie said, with his throat feeling tighter than usual. The agent sighed, trying to comfort Richie in anyway we can. He realized he couldn't, so instead of sticking around, he left Richie to feel sorrowful. With his head buried within his pillow, Richie sobbed deeply, staying there until he drifted to sleep.


Morning rose, waking Richie up. With no sleep until then, Richie felt somewhat refreshed, not feeling bad at all about his friends not being there. He simply left from his room, heading towards the briefing room. He walked into a rather attractive female, standing at 5'3" with light brown skin, curly black hair, and beautiful brown eyes.

"Hey..." Richie said, rather starstruck at the female standing before him. She simply looked at him, wondering who he was and what he wanted. "my name is Richie Palmer, I was wondering if you had any info on the whereabouts of two agents?"

"Firstly," she exclaimed patiently, "that information is classified, therefore, I cannot give it to you. Secondly, I have no clue myself, so it would be useless trying to tell you some false information. Wouldn't you agree, Agent Palmer?" Richie breathed deeply, nodding his head afterwards. She sighed and looked at him. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she tried to comfort the Rebel as much as she could. "I'm sure they're alright. Why don't you go on some more missions and they'll be back by then, okay kid?" Richie pulled away from her grasp, feeling slightly offended.

"I'm no kid," Richie said in an agitated tone. She simply stared at him in confusion, before he realized he made a mistake. "I'm sorry, it's just that I feel responsible for both of them disappearing. More so Ramirez than Daniel..." Her eyebrows raised slightly at the mentioning of the name Ramirez.

"Gregory Ramirez," the girl inquired, "how do you know him?"

"He taught me everything I know," Richie exclaimed. She smiled, removing the glasses she was wearing.

"Come with me," she grinned, causing Richie to be even more intrigued.


"You used to be what," Richie asked in astonishment, causing her to place her hand over his mouth.

"Shut up," she barked, "do you want everyone to know you're in here?"

"It matters," Richie asked, causing the female to roll her eyes. "Besides, I don't even know your name."

"Katt," she told him plainly.

"Huh," Richie stated, dumbstruck. She wrote "Katt" on his palm, kissing it as well.

"That's my name," Katt responded to Richie's confusion. A light clicked on in his head, finally realizing who he was talking to.

"Okay, cool," Richie stated, slightly blushing at her. "I had a pen pal named Katt while I lived in Johto." Katt looked at Richie, unsure as to why he would bring this up. Then again, she had received several letters from a guy named Richie that stayed in New Bark Town.

"What part of Johto," she asked him calmly.

"New Bark Town," Richie stated, being tackled in a hug afterwards.

"Oh my gosh," Katt responded in awe, "it really IS you!" She kissed him on the cheek, making Richie turn scarlet. "I never thought I'd see you! How have you been? Why are you here? What are you doing in Noverus?" She smiled widely, causing Richie to be confused. After looking at her long enough, he recognized her right away. Sure enough, an old friend of his was sitting before him. Before they could catch up, a Veteran bursts through the door.

"Agent Bailey," the veteran exclaimed, immediately noticing Richie, "and Initiate Palmer?" The Vet. scratched his head, finally redirecting his attention to Katt, "urgent news! Agent Ramirez has been found!" A jump from both her and Richie meant only one thing...

Ramirez was alive.

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post Dec 10 2010, 11:35 PM
Post #2

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Elsewhere in the facility, a girl with light purple hair slept calmly on a small bed, rolling over every now and then. Having only meant to take a quick nap, the girl known as Violet soon found herself trapped in a dream. Not so much of a dream as a memory however, a memory she would have been best to forget long ago. However no matter how many times she tried to forget it, to focus on the here and now instead of the past, it always managed to come back to her, especially in the worst of times.

"...No..." she murmured, gripping a fistful of blanket with one hand as her other jolted outward, shoving empty air away from herself. The sharp movement caused someone else to stir: a small Pokemon that had been resting at the foot of her bed. It's wide triangle-shaped ears twitched as it raised its large head, staring at its friend with big black eyes. Slowly, the Pichu crawled over behind Violet, and prodded her lightly between the shoulder blades. "Pi?"

Without warning, Violet rolled over again, causing the Pichu to jump backwards, and tumble down onto the ground. "...Chuu..." it groaned, before hopping to its feet. Something told him that she was dreaming again. Even though their time together hadn't been so long, he could tell when she was bothered. Deciding it was time for her to get up, he bounced up onto an empty space on the bed, before racing up her leg and sitting on her chest.

Sparks flew from his cheek as he let out a weak Thundershock, causing Violet to spring up in alarm. Tumbling backwards, the Pokemon stared up at her from the foot of the bed, concerned.

"...Sorry Sparx..." she mumbled weakly, trying to smile as she picked the small Pokemon up. "...I was just dreaming."

"Chu!" Sparx replied, looking almost relieved as he squirmed from his grasp, racing up her arm until he plopped down on her shoulder, a content expression on his face. This caused Violet to laugh.

"I guess we should go check for new assignments." she replied almost casually, getting to her feet as she slipped on her shoes and headed out the door. She had only become a member of the Rebellion a few weeks ago, and during the short time things had changed. She hadn't seen Daniel nor Ramirez for awhile, and she only ever briefly saw Richie as a result of the two crossing paths. While she had joined to end the reign of Aqua and Magma in the once peaceful city, she had been hoping to do so with her friends, familiar faces that she could count on in times of crisis. However they were never assigned together, something which was rather discouraging to one that had little to strive for.


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PANE RP Character profile: Tikal Faylen: @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 18
Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
PANE Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Tikal Faylen - Furoh Wiki
Uprising Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Sera Taisa - Uprising Wiki
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post Dec 11 2010, 01:51 AM
Post #3

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The Pack

Raine fumbled with her screaming alarm clock, finally finding the button that caused the alarm's screeching to cease. As she was about to fall back to sleep, calculating that she could slumber the 7 minutes that her snooze button allowed, a hot, wet tongue was lapping at her face, and she felt something resembling countless static shocks at the bottom of her feet. She uttered a soft groan, attempting to pull the covers over her face, but the prodding nose of the Houndour managed to bury itself underneath her blanket, nosing curiously at her ear. The Mareep continued it's attention at her toes, finally resorting to nibble on the wiggling demons which were viciously trying to escape.

"Children...must you pester?" she muttered quietly, however, it was followed with a chuckle as she slowly sat up from bed, hugging the Houndour tightly. A concerned bleating rose from the side of her bed, and she realized that her jump-challenged sheep was unable to make the ascent to her comforter. She leaned down, picking up the Mareep, hugging it tightly, feeling a familiar, happy tingling resonating through her nerves. Looking once again at the digital alarm clock by her bed, she found that the struggle between her in her poke'mon had lasted approximately 5 minutes, and thus, it was time to get up. Lowering the Mareep to the ground, and allowing the Houndour to follow her to the kitchen, she stretched gracefully in the middle of her living room, a small squeak emitting from her lips. She made her way to the kitchen, and proceeded to pour herself a glass of milk, her bare feet padding against the hard floor. Her pulse was already beginning to accelerate, and she knew that within half an hour, if she didn't eat anything, her nervous stomach would be unable to keep any food down. Downing the glass of milk, she proceeded to fix breakfast for her two companions, both of which were waiting eagerly at her feet.

"This is why you wanted me to get up, isn't it? You scamps will be the death of me." she stated lightly, reaching down to rub the head of each of her friends. As she drank her milk, she nearly spluttered half of it up as the snooze alarm she had forgotten to turn off started screaming once again for attention. With a look of consternation on her face, she quickly took care of that little issue.

After preparing a meal of an organic Poke'food made out of Pecha berries for her Mareep, and a blend of Cheri Poke'food with Pidgey giblets for her Houndour, she went to go take a bath. She was quite proud of her ability to provide meals that were both high in nutrients and and flavor for her friends, and spent the extra dollar to get food that was natural, instead of the generic "Nibbles 'n' Chunks" brand that most people fed to their poke'mon.

After her bath, she proceeded to get dressed in her customary outfit, which consisted of a black turtleneck, some comfortable blue jeans, and her white tennis shoes. She wrung her hair dry, and after brushing it, made no further attempt to style it or make it look "pretty". It fell at a natural, thick wave alongside her face, and she liked it that way. As she strode back to the kitchen, she laughed softly at the look of a very happy Houndour with food all over his face, and a clean-conscious Mareep who was giving him a look of utter disdain. Raine quickly used a damp paper towel to clean the face of the Houndour, whose only qualm seemed to be the light steam rising from his muzzle from the moisture on the paper towel. "Lucien...we can't have you looking like that on our first day, now can we?" she softly asked the Houndour, who responded with a "Dour!" of acceptance, licking his lips once his master was through with her cleaning.

Raine took a moment to let her Poke'mon digest their breakfast while looking over the assignment she had been given. It seemed to be a relatively simple task, guarding a prisoner, but she still wanted to make sure she had all of her times, locations and passwords correct. She found it mildly redundant that the letter stated that she was to NOT wear her Magma uniform until she arrived at the location multiple times. As much as she described the skimpy outfit, she found it insane that someone would simply wander the streets in their uniform. However, she could picture some excited recruit scampering off to his first mission in the Port District wearing a Magma uniform. The thought made her chuckle. As she looked at the uniform, neatly folded on the arm of the couch, her nose wrinkled in distaste. She liked her body parts to be sufficiently shielded from prying eyes (not that she thought anyone would be looking), but it was part of the job, so she would do what she needed to. She thought back to when she had first tried on the uniform, and how long she had tugged the skirt in an attempt to make it go lower, to no avail. Oh, well. Every job has it's downfalls, she figured.

As she quickly memorized what she needed to, she nodded to herself, a crisp, quick nod that showed her willingness to succeed. She rose from the couch, fingering at the poke'balls on her belt. "Lucien...Omicron...time to go to work." she said in a cheery tone, but was not surprised when both poke'mon retreated; Lucien dove behind the couch, and Omicron dashed to the bathroom. She rubbed her temples, thinking to herself how she shouldn't have spoiled them so much in their younger days. Reaching the poke'ball over the back of the couch to retrieve Lucien, and then moving to the bathroom to get Omicron, she grabbed her uniform and put in in the satchel on her back. "I'm sorry, boys...you know I have to." she apologized to the two poke'balls, before clipping them back to her belt. She did a quick scan of the apartment, to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything, and proceeded to exit, opting to take the elevator instead of her usual traipse down the stairs in an attempt to ease her steadily rising pulse.

The bus ride to the suburbs was uneventful, as far as bus rides go, since her nose was buried deep in a book, titled "How to Interact: A Guide to Pleasant Social Interaction in Everyday Life. As much as Raine believed to be books a cure-all, the tips she was reading practically made her stomach quiver with nervousness. "Step 1: Walk forward confidently and with a pleasant smile on your face, and say: "Hello, my name is ______." What kind of advice was that? She could just imagine herself with a shit-eating grin on her face, walking towards someone with her shoulders back and saying: "Hi, my name is Raine." No matter which way she envisioned it, she realized how impossible it appeared for a 5'0" girl to walk with a confident swagger. The more steps she read, the more nervous she got, so she abandoned the book and proceeded to look out the window. The landscape changed from the big, marvelous houses of the Wealthy District, to smaller, yet still elegant apartment buildings, to somewhat normal looking apartment buildings, to the darker, factory laden area of the suburbs. As the bus stopped, she disembarked, thanking the driver, and looked around at her surroundings. There were a few people meandering around, some looked to be on break, others looked like they were heading to work. Others still just looked like they were taking a nice morning stroll, though why they would choose to take a walk here, she had no idea.

Looking down at her watch, the time read 7:00 AM. She still had two hours until she was due to report at her station. Maybe waking up at 5:30 was a bit too early? Or better yet, maybe they would appreciate her early arrival. Most employers did. She began to walk through the Suburbs, her mind recognizing landmarks from the letter, including a post-office box that leaned slightly to the right. At about 7:30, she recognized the shabby, dark warehouse where she was supposed to be stationed at for the day. Nearing the building, she saw a bright, sparkly, new keypad on the door. Oh, yeah. That wasn't a dead giveaway that something was inside. No matter, she knew what she was here for...and as she typed in the passcode, she heard a confirming click from the door in front of her. Looking around, she saw no one, and proceeded to enter.

The inside of the warehouse was much nicer looking than the outside hinted at. A vending machine stood at the opposite wall, which she thought was an odd addition to a so-called prison. She took a step further inside, and the door closed itself behind her, causing her to jump as it slammed. The residual echo resounded on the solid walls of the room she had entered, and soon, she heard footsteps, running footsteps headed her way. Soon enough, a Team Magma grunt appeared at the doorway next to the vending machine, a look of confusion on his face.

"Who the hell are you? How did you get in here?" he said gruffly, having to lower his gaze to see the small girl. Raven, a bit startled by this gruff introduction, stood there for a moment, before she found her voice, and said "I-I'm Raine. Raine Vega. I know I'm a bit early, but I'm here for the 9:00 shift." Her voice was so pure, but so quiet, the man seemed even more startled by it.

"You're Raine? Tiny thing, aren't you." he said softly, obviously losing a bit of his harsh edge now that he knew some midget wasn't attempting to break into the Warehouse. He did notice Raine's look of distaste as his eyes glanced over her petite figure, and offered her a smirk in return. "Well, alright. Welcome to your first assignment, Recruit. You can come back here to change...don't worry, you get you're own room." he added, seeing her eyes widen as he stated the word 'change'. She followed him to the back, keeping a modest distance between the man who was at least a foot taller than her. They passed a series of rooms, all dimly lit and shady. Raine had no idea whether these rooms held prisoners, or if they were actual rooms for storing things.

"You don't talk much, do you?" she heard him say, which brought her out of her thoughts. She didn't respond for a moment, trying to think of something to say to that, but simply settled with a shrug and a quiet "Nope." She felt a little bad for not saying more than that, but she couldn't really think of anything to say, and she was still a bit offended at the way he was looking at her, earlier. The awkward silence ended, however, when they moved to a more brightly lit room, which looked like a workroom. There was another vending machine (to which Raven thought "Is there really a need for two?"), and a long table that had numerous papers and food remnants on it from what she guessed were previous shifts. She wrinkled her nose a bit at the sight of the food, but she quickly turned the look into a soft smile.

"Well, here's home. Heh." he stated, extending his arms and looking around the room. "You can wait in here until your shift starts. The bathroom..." he pointed to a small door at the corner of the room "...is over there. You can change in there. You can sign in..." he now pointed to a clipboard on the table "...over there. Just your name and the time will do. Oh, and by the way, my name's Thomas. You can call me Tom." he said with a wink, which was reciprocated by a slow blink from Raine, and an awkward, tiny smile. Quickly, she remembered Step 2 in the book she read on the bus. "It's nice to meet you, Tom." she said softly, nodding towards him.

"Hey, we may make a talker out of you yet, Raine. I'm gonna' go check on the prisoner. Let you have some privacy while you change and what-not." he said with a grin. He was missing a tooth.

Raine watched him leave, breathing a sigh of relief. Well, that hadn't been...too...awful. She really didn't want to change right at this moment, but she realized with a sense of uncertainty that there might be more than one reason he wanted her to call him Tom. She didn't want any peepers. She hefted her satchel on her arm and walked to the bathroom, opening the door with a bit of a tug, considering the door stuck a little.

Great. Just wonderful. The damn bathroom had a window. She paused and stared at the window incredulously for a moment, before devising a quick plan. She would change as quickly, and as efficiently as possible. In literally a few moments, she was in her undergarments, and attempting to put on the Magma gear. This involved much hopping, and a thud into the door, which nearly opened upon her falling on it. She grabbed onto the handle and closed it a little, before getting the rest of her gear on. Her hair was tousled and messy with the effort, and as she clipped her poke'balls onto her Magma belt, she noticed in the cracked mirror that her face was slightly pink with the effort. She took a moment to compose herself, and checked her gear to see that it was sufficiently where it should be, and it met her satisfaction. Slowly, she opened the door and poked her head outside, seeing Thomas in a chair that was leaned back against the wall, reading a magazine.

Upon hearing the creaking of the door, he looked towards her and smiled. "Come on, now, don't be shy. Let's see ya'." he said, his hand motioning for her to exit. Slowly, she stepped out, her little hands tugging at the bottom of her skirt, just to make sure that it was down as low as it could go. She felt her face flush as he whistled at her, and he sat up a bit straighter in his chair, folding his magazine on his chest. "Well, aren't you a little cutie?" he said sweetly, his eyes sweeping over her body in a slower fashion this time. Raine wanted to disappear. Looking down at her watch, the time read 8:03. She still had 57 minutes to go until her shift started.

She never thought she would be so excited to start working.

Draggies! 8D[/align][align=center][/align][spoiler=Credits!][align=center]Credit for CURRENT signatures: Paparazzi, Samoosian, Darcy Wing, TeeHeeDaruma.
Credit for Sprites: Weavile Luffer, DuesSuetonius, Firewave the Dragonite, Zeta of the Skies, Master PokePilot, Skyking240 GirlcalledBob, Drakonawin, PokeNOM NOM NOM, Proddit, Tysm.
Credit for Avatars: Ruki, Sparkleplex, Greykitty, Weavile Luffer, CuPcAkEbUnNy, Absoleevee, JelloJolteon2000, FangChan13, Agent Arcanine, Niltava, Creature Feature, TehArtMonkey, Schmee, Miharu, Mya, TyeDyeWolf, mewkeemyuu, Miekiki, Flygon 3X, TeeHeeDaruma, Teh Huntress.[/spoiler][/align][spoiler=Sprite Collection! (Rotating Images)][align=center]
The Insanity.

Raven, my OC Trainer

Tymid the Nachtales

[/align][spoiler=P.A.N.E and Uprising][align=center]
Credit: PokeNOM NOM NOM and Ruki

Raven Amaranth
Current Levels

Credit: Doctor Octopus

Uprising [/spoiler][align=center]~*~
Sprite Credit: Poke NOM NOM NOM

Raine Vega
Progress Tracking[/align][/align]
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Yzarc Drowsnam
post Dec 11 2010, 12:31 PM
Post #4

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"Gentlemen!" Abraham West announced cheerfully once a fourth stranger sat down at his table at a dive bar in the Wealthy District. Normally, he figured they would have kicked out someone who lived in the slums, but Abraham managed to bring along a few of his nicest suits to Noverus and very much looked like he belonged. "Who here's been to Texas?"

There was a look of confusion on their faces. "Neither have I. But this, my friends, is how they play poker. It's called Texas Hold 'Em. Basically the same as regular poker, except you only get two pocket cards. You make your initial bets - I wouldn't recommend going overboard quite yet even if you happen to get Pocket Aces - And then I draw three community cards: The Flop. These apply to everybody. We bet, then comes the Turn, one more card, then we bet, then the River, another card, then we bet again. That's it. So who's in?"

"What the hell is Texas?" one of the men asked, a big guy with an impressive beard and a juxtaposing suit. "We play that all the time here. It's just called Hold 'Em."

"Fair enough," Abraham wasn't about to argue with this man. "So, everyone here already knows how to play?" The men all nodded. "Perfect! Then I won't feel so bad about taking all your money." He smiled jokingly and the men laughed. Of course they were confident in their card playing abilities. More importantly, they were rich. Should luck not go his way, Abraham would probably be in trouble due to them playing high stakes, which he did not have, but he was confident.

Rightfully so, it seemed. After five minutes, he came to the realization that these guys were chumps. They bluffed nothing way too often and were so obvious when they got a good hand. Needless to say, Abraham cleaned up. It all came down to what looked like the last round. While Abraham had the majority of the money, the two other remaining players (two were already knocked out) were betting pretty vigorously. He was pretty confident with his hand, a straight before the River, so he just kept checking. He was pleased with the look of nervousness which overtook the other two men when they saw that everyone else was either checking or raising the bet. They were, of course, trying to hide their nervousness, but their tells were clear.

The Flop was 5 of Hearts, 6 of Diamonds and 8 of Clubs. The Turn was a King of Diamonds. Thanks to Abraham's Pocket 7 of Spades and 9 of Clubs, he had a solid straight. The King of Diamonds didn't help him, but it also probably wouldn't help anyone else thanks to the Flop being so low.

Finally, one of the men put in his last chip, but said, "Hold on," as he took off his watch. "Let's call this four hundred." and threw it in the pile.

The other man looked at his own pile of chips, which did not add up to four hundred. "You know what? I'm out," He took his pile of chips, significantly smaller than what it started, to turn it back into cash. This left Abraham and the man who bet his watch. Of course, that man was bluffing. He could see it. Even though it meant betting most of his remaining chips, he called it. "And the River," A 5 of Clubs, which didn't do anything to help Abraham's straight but it did make a pair within the community cards. He beat a pair easily, though, so-

"Yes!" the other man couldn't help but react. Abraham got a little nervous. Did this son of a bitch just get super lucky on the River? It was too late now, though. He had already bet on this hand too many chips and was left with less than what he started with. This was particularly problematic because he did not have the money to back it up. So he better win.

"Well, you don't have anything else," Abraham said, "So, you ready?" He turned over his 7 of Spades and 9 of Clubs, combining with the Flop's 5, 6 and 8 to make a straight. "Straight."

The other man showed his two cards with the biggest smirk on his face. 8 of Diamonds and 5 of Spades. "Son of a bitch!" Abraham shouted. The guy had a two-par (5s and 8s) until that damn 5 of Clubs showed up, pulling it up to a Full House. He should have won. He should have just walked away after he won enough, but he had to insist. And now it was time to pay up, but that wasn't going to happen. As the man was putting his watch back up, Abraham calmly stood up from his chair. "Good game, Jake," he said, holding out his hand. Jake smiled and shook Abraham's hand.

"Good game, Abe," Jake replied. "Looks like I took your m-" Abraham bolted. It lacked a sort of finesse, he was aware, but looking like a fool was probably better than getting the living hell beat out of him. Jake may have been rich, but he was a big guy.

He ran plenty fast enough to get to his motel in the Poor District without being followed. Finally, he locked his door and went to his dresser where three pokeballs were sitting idly along with a bag of pokemon food. He pulled two of them out and summoned Double A, an elekid and Gaia, a swinub. Breathing heavily, he fell onto his bed. As he closed his eyes, he felt Gaia's nose nuzzle up against his legs. Right. He forgot to feed them that morning.

He went to the same dresser and got the back of food. He opened it up and half heartedly poured a bunch into two separate bowls. He didn't even change out of his suit before he passed out on his bed, face down.

He woke up to noise. He quickly turned over to see Double A knocked out cold and Gaia trying so hard to fight off a venomoth, but one Psychic was enough to knock her out clean. By the door were two men and a medicham. One of these men was the bearded man who Abraham neglected to pay. "Jake!" he shouted. "What the hell is-"

"Knock him out, Tanya," Jake said. Tanya, evidently the medicham, summoned a quick burst of power and smacked Abraham in the head, knocking him out.

His unconscious body, along with his passed out pokemon, who were in their respective pokeballs and being held by Jake, arrived at a Team Magma prison in the suburbs around 9:15 that morning. The two men carried his well dressed body up to the door and input the passcode.


[spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart]
Justin Smart Profile
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Currently In: Zoobreak!

Nate Guzman (Partner)
[spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent]

Jill Laurent Profile
Current Levels Post
Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt
Abraham West Profile
Progress Tracking
Currently In: Interception!
:piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler]
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post Dec 11 2010, 05:55 PM
Post #5

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Uprising Pokemon

Read this... (click to show)

A list of veterans stood in front of several people, mainly Initiates, but with a few Agents as well.

"What the..." Richie said in disbelief. Looking to the side, he noticed Violet standing and waiting as well. "Vi," Richie exclaimed, "over here!" At first, Violet believed she was simply hearing things. However as she glanced over to the direction of the voice, she spotted Richie literally waving her over. Glancing to the people at both her sides, she broke from the formation to make her way over to Richie. Sliding from in front of Richie,(in a rather provocative manner mind you)Katt met Violet part of the way.

"Initiate Violet Hunter," Katt said, smirking slightly, "nice to finally meet you." She stuck her hand out, hoping to show signs of respect. "I've heard a lot about you and it's a pleasure to finally meet the woman behind the stories." A little baffled, Violet played along as she extended her opposite hand out to take Katt's shaking it lightly.

"A pleasure to meet you too," she replied, before the sleeping mouse on her shoulder awoke to stare at the stranger with large curious eyes. Violet simply laughed. "That's Sparx, one of my partners." Sparx saluted smiling, making Katt chuckle as well.

"Nice to meet you too, Sparx," Katt told the Pichu, extending her finger to him. "My name's Katherine Bailey, but everyone calls me Katt." She pulled out a Poke Ball, "I have someone that Sparx can get to know." The ball swiftly opened, revealing a Pikachu, happy to appear in front of the group. "His name is Gigawatt." Sparx took Katt's finger happily, sparks coming from its cheek as he let out a happy cry. However he immediately became distracted at the sight of the Pikachu, immediately racing down Violet's arm to greet the new Pokemon. Moving towards it, he then spun around and extended his stubby tail.

"Pika pika," Gigawatt cried before making his tail connect with the Pichu's. Soon, sparks danced around the pair, showering the Pichu. Violet nodded with a smile as she watched her Pichu interact with Gigawatt with a smile.

"It looks like they'll become good friends," Violet said, still smiling at their interaction. Katt nodded cheerfully as well.

"I agree," Katt responded plainly, noticing Richie's distraction. Sparx glanced up in awe as the sparks flew around them, letting out another happy cry as one touched his left cheek. With a smile, Violet then glanced to Richie.

"So what are you two doing," she asked her comrade, placing her hands on her hips and showing a small smirk, "I haven't seen you in awhile." Richie looked back at Violet, slightly distracted by the show the pair had put on. He looked serious once more.

"We got word that Ramirez was found," he said, half excited, half terrified. Violet frowned, soon picking up on the seriousness of his tone as she nodded.

"I see..." she replied, sounding almost distracted. She remembered having heard something about one of the agents having vanished, but she never could have thought that it was Ramirez. "Did they tell you where he was?"

"No," Richie responded, shaking his head in depression. He then looked at the front, wishing he'd finally get his chance to hear what they are saying. "I'm just hoping I can find out where Ramirez is. I think I deserve it more that everyone else." Katt flashed him a look, making him stop talking immediately, but he still looked towards the veterans. Soon, the one type of person that Richie had never seen in the Rebellion, an Infiltration Expert, walked forward with a microphone attached to his ear.

"Silence," the man bellowed, making everyone stop talking immediately. Gigawatt saluted the expert, making sure he was statue stiff. Richie raised an eyebrow at the man, hoping something would be told to him. "That's better." With a smile, he looked around to the crowd of people. Pulling out a small sheet of paper, he looked at it briefly. "Now, when I call your names, report to the front of this line." He looked at the list, then cleared his throat. "Katherine Bailey, front and center." Doing a bit of a curtsy, she skipped to the front of the line, standing in attention. "Violet Hunter, front and center." Violet, utterly confused as to why she was being called up, moved to the front and also stood in attention. "Last but not least...heh, go figure..." Richie looked at the Expert, his ring gleaming brightly.

"I need a chance to prove myself..." Richie muttered under his breath. His eyes began to water, making him turn away. He faced the doorway, preparing to leave.

"Richie Palmer," the Expert's voice rang within Richie's ears. A hush fell the crowd at first, making him uneasy. He turned around, facing the best skilled person he had met.

"Yes sir," Richie asked, waiting for the next words to be said. A smile appeared on the Expert's face.

"Front and center," the Expert responded, almost making Richie jump out of his shoes for joy. An uproar of cheers and congratulations went around Richie as he made it to the front, saluting. "These three will be going on the mission to find Agent Ramirez." Richie was so happy at the moment, he didn't even realize the tears rolling down his cheeks. "Briefing at 1500 hours," the Expert told the trio, "don't be late."

This post has been edited by Protoman: Dec 11 2010, 05:56 PM

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post Dec 14 2010, 11:53 AM
Post #6

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From: In ur heart. Steelin' ur luvs.
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The Pack

"...So then, I was 10 years old at Christmastime, right? My mom had promised to get me a Ponyta due to the whole 'Santa's sleigh crashed last year' excuse the year before, right? Guess what was under the tree. An apple. A single, small, tiny, wormy apple. At first I thought it was for the Ponyta, but noo...Mom told me that the Ponyta had burned Santa's sleigh down, and had to be humanely euthanized. I found out a few years later that my dad had an eggnog problem and proceeded to go streaking at the local orpanage, which, of course, completely destroyed their nativity scene. Mom had to sell the Ponyta for bail money. Now, isn't that some shit?"

Raine was so far hidden into her book that only her eyes could be seen, pointed towards the direction of Tom. Tom had deemed her worthy of sharing his entire life with, and he had done so for the past 45 minutes. Raine had offered little input towards the biography, only nodding and shaking her head where it was appropriate. She thought that if she seemed distracted, he might leave her alone, but that tactic didn't work. Instead, she was now looking for a new tactic, in the other book she had brought with her: "How to AVOID Social Interaction: A Guide on How to Get Out of Those Awkward Situations.". Ironically, it had been sold as a companion to the book she had been reading on the bus, which should have been a tip-off to the calibur of the author. She had managed to turn discreetly to: "Method 7: Check your watch and say you have something to do." Obediently lowering the book she checked her watch, which read 8:56. Her heart leapt with excitement, and her feet did as well, as she sprang to her feet and snapped the book shut, which startled the reminiscent Tom.

"Oh, look! It's time for my shift!" she exclaimed, pointing to the clock on the wall. However, in her excitement, it had come out: "OhlookitstimeFORmySHIFT!" in a garbled language that Tom had no inkling what to do with. However, as he looked towards the clock, he slowly gathered what she had meant, and sadly said "Oh...yes, yes it is. What a shame. I was enjoying our conversation." He shook his head, and shrugged. "Maybe we could finish it after your shift is over? Maybe enjoying a cup of coffe-...Raine?" he queried, lifting his head to find the clipboard swinging on the wall, a freshly inked sign in on it's front page, and the sound of feet scuttling down the hallway. "...Man, she's such a tease." he said with a sigh, proceeding to find a magazine on the table and absorb himself in an article having something to do with car parts.

Raine breathed a sigh of relief to herself as she escaped the room containing Tom and the first 10 years of his life. She was tired of his crude language and lack of general knowledge. She was also tired of her throwing bits of paper at her while she had been pretending to nap. Tugging on her skirt, she stood in the hallway, coming to the realization that she still didn't know where the prisoner was located. She began to peek into each room, attempting to find something that even closely resembled a jail cell. One smelled of dirty socks, the other looked as though someone had had a pillow fight in it recently (the amount of loose feathers in there was staggering), and one had faint, sultry music playing. She closed that door rather quickly, looking around to see if Tom had stalked her to that room. As she was close to losing hope (and faith in the fact that this was indeed a prison) she came across a room that had no door, but contained bars, a chair, and a man in said chair who was snoring loudly and had a rather foul magazine on his lap. Raine was smart enough to know that "Santa's Little Helpers" typically wore clothes. Judging by his Magma uniform, she could assume that this was the guy she was going to be replacing.

Averting her gaze as much as possible from the girl smiling at her from the cover of the magazine, she shoved the man's shoulder. When that didn't do anything, she shoved him again, only this time, she uttered a soft "Hey. Heeey. Wake up." When that didn't work, she, in frustration, picked up the smiling girl magazine and started tapping him on the head with it, which did the trick. He awoke with a snort, and when he saw his magazine in her hand, he grabbed at it and snatched it out of her hands. "It's not mine..." he said groggily, rubbing his eyes with his free hand and looking inside the cell, to see the prisoner was still in there. He then looked back up at Raine, and gave her a semi-toothless smile. "You're a girl." he said plaintively, and tugged at his shirt as though he were attempting to make himself look nicer. Raine wrinkled her nose a bit, crossing her arms in front of her. "Yeah. We exist outside the pages of your...fascinating...literature. But, most importantly, I'm your replacement. You can go." she stated quite bluntly, her eyes darting to the rolled up magazine and back to his less-than-charming grin without the slightest change of expression.

As he rose to his feet and stretched, he let out a profound groan and flexed in a poor attempt to impress his replacement. Looking around to gauge her response, he found that he had to look down to see the tiny, female intruder. "You're small." he muttered, smirking at the 5'0" tall girl who was giving him a look that could have melted glass. "You're just full of wonderful information today, aren't you, Skippy?"she said sarcastically, and when he nodded slowly, she put her hand to her temple and sighed. "Just...go sign out, okay? Thomas is waiting for you."

"Does Thomas have any of my pizza left?"


"My pizza. Does he have it?"

"...I don't know. Go find out. Go on." she said in an exasperated tone, motioning him out the door. She might have been shy, but for some reason, she was able to talk to people whose IQ was room temperature. Perhaps it was because she felt that they didn't have the mental capacity to judge her words. Needless to say, she was slightly disheartened. Were all men this intellectually unstable around here? Her thought was confirmed as she thought she faintly heard a "Meanie..." come from his retreating back. Shaking her head, her cheeks puffed out in a long sigh as she turned and contemplated the chair he had been sitting in. She quickly decided that that chair was unclean, considering she had no idea he had been entertaining himself with that magazine. However, all she cared about was that it was quiet and still. Still and quiet. This was how she liked things to be.

She walked around the area that would be her home for the next 10 hours and got a measure of where everything was. Next to the chair was a desk with a lamp, and a drawer. Upon inspecting the drawer, she saw some poke'balls, a key, and a pen and paper. She assumed that the poke'balls belonged to the prisoner, and quietly closed the drawer. She unhooked her own poke'balls and quickly summoned the poke'mon within. Lucien and Omicron appeared, looking quite happy to see her, but quite confused with their surroundings. "Easy, guys. We're at work. You guys have got to help me in keeping this fellow inside, okay?" she said softly, kneeling and petting them both on the head. The cooperative "Dour!" and "Ma!" that followed caused her to smile, and she scratched both of them behind the ears. However, Lucien's demeanor quickly changed from one of relaxation to alertness, and the footsteps coming down the hall caused her to rise to her feet.

As she did so, two men carrying a limp body entered the cell. Raine's poke'mon, sensing her tenseness, growled and sparked menacingly in their own respective manners. "Got another one for ya'." one of the men said gruffly, before standing in front of her, almost expectantly. "Well, you just gonna' stand there, or are you gonna' open the door?" the other man asked, hefting the man's feet impatiently. Raine responded with a quiet "Oh!", and went to the drawer, grasping the key in her shaking fingers and proceeding to unlock the door. As it slid open with a creak, the men unceremoniously threw the limp body inside and slid the door shut with a slam. Both the sound of the man hitting the ground and the slam made her wince, and the man who had been at the front tossed her the key after the door had been locked, and a couple of poke'balls. Raine awkwardly, if not miraculously caught all of the items, her hood falling down in the process.

"Hey. You're a girl." the man who had been at the back said with a soft laugh, nudging his partner, who also proceeded to chuckle. Raine simply nodded, still in a state of shock, and said "Yes." As they turned and started to leave, Raine followed after them, and with a tone of concern in her voice, asked "W-wait! I was told I was only guarding one prisoner! What am I supposed to do?" The men slowly turned, and shrugged. "You figure it out, lady. We're just the delivery boys."

And with that, they were gone.

Raine slowly turned and walked back into her little area, which had so recently been a place of comfort. While she was quite confident at her poke'mon's abilities to take down two exhausted prisoners, she was still not one for surprises. She steadily walked back in, looking at the unconscious man on the ground, and at the other prisoner. Since he hadn't spoken, she had no idea if he was awake, or even alive for that matter, but she would assume that he was awake now, since the commotion had been quite raucous, if she did say so herself. She gently lowered the poke'balls into the drawer, along with the key, and looked down to find Lucien and Omicron at her feet, looking up at her with confused, and concerned expressions. As she closed the drawer, she knelt down and petted them, the gentle motion being quite reassuring to her newfound worry. "It's alright, boys...we can handle this." she said reassuringly, and as Lucien licked her face, she felt her own words sink in. She could handle this. Magma wouldn't have let her in if she couldn't. She would simply have to be at the top of her game, that's all. Being a girl of considerable knowledge, she was always at the top of her game. To not be so was...illogical.

Draggies! 8D[/align][align=center][/align][spoiler=Credits!][align=center]Credit for CURRENT signatures: Paparazzi, Samoosian, Darcy Wing, TeeHeeDaruma.
Credit for Sprites: Weavile Luffer, DuesSuetonius, Firewave the Dragonite, Zeta of the Skies, Master PokePilot, Skyking240 GirlcalledBob, Drakonawin, PokeNOM NOM NOM, Proddit, Tysm.
Credit for Avatars: Ruki, Sparkleplex, Greykitty, Weavile Luffer, CuPcAkEbUnNy, Absoleevee, JelloJolteon2000, FangChan13, Agent Arcanine, Niltava, Creature Feature, TehArtMonkey, Schmee, Miharu, Mya, TyeDyeWolf, mewkeemyuu, Miekiki, Flygon 3X, TeeHeeDaruma, Teh Huntress.[/spoiler][/align][spoiler=Sprite Collection! (Rotating Images)][align=center]
The Insanity.

Raven, my OC Trainer

Tymid the Nachtales

[/align][spoiler=P.A.N.E and Uprising][align=center]
Credit: PokeNOM NOM NOM and Ruki

Raven Amaranth
Current Levels

Credit: Doctor Octopus

Uprising [/spoiler][align=center]~*~
Sprite Credit: Poke NOM NOM NOM

Raine Vega
Progress Tracking[/align][/align]
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Yzarc Drowsnam
post Dec 14 2010, 10:07 PM
Post #7

Omar comin'
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Abraham woke up about ten seconds before gathering the courage to open his eyes. He was looking up at a particularly dull ceiling, his right arm resting on his chest and his left off to his left side. His feet were lying with an unfortunate lack of grace as well. He straightened his body up before pulling himself to a sitting position on the floor. From there, he was able to further analyze the situation.

There was a single bed, and a man resting on that. That man was likely asleep. When he looked to his right, there were bars and outside of them was a chair with a very small but cute young lady in an unfashionable yet seductive red outfit surrounded by two capable looking pokemon, a houndour and a mareep. He cleared his throat before he spoke, not to get her attention, but to make sure that his voice didn't crack or anything that could be embarrassing. He was imprisoned, perhaps, but the fact that he was still wearing a very nice suit and tie told him that it did not mean coolness stopped mattering.

"Hey," he said to the girl as he straightened up his hair. She looked like she was the shy type, which would make seducing her a challenge, but he knew how to do it. He was Abraham West, after all. "Those two didn't happen to bring a couple of pokeballs, did they?"


[spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart]
Justin Smart Profile
Current Level Post
Currently In: Zoobreak!

Nate Guzman (Partner)
[spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent]

Jill Laurent Profile
Current Levels Post
Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt
Abraham West Profile
Progress Tracking
Currently In: Interception!
:piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler]
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post Dec 15 2010, 08:11 PM
Post #8

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notice (click to show)

"I can't believe I get to actually go find Ramirez," Richie exclaimed, unable to control the anticipation within. Katt simply nodded, smiling at Richie.

"Calm down, we've still got a briefing to go to first." Violet replied, Sparx running up onto her shoulder, holding her hair. "We should probably do something to pass the time until then."

"True," Richie said, finally calming down. He looked around at the open space they had, smiling after doing so. "How about a quick match?" Richie suggested, ready to test out his mysterious third Pokemon. He bounced the Dive Ball off of his knees, waiting for Violet and Katt to choose. Gigawatt, who was still standing by Katt, sparked up violently.

"I suppose a little training couldn't hurt..." Violet started, glancing to the Pichu on her shoulder. The sound of snoring however made her smile, realizing that Sparx was not an option for this fight. "I suppose Tikal could use a bit of training."

"Smart choice," Richie stated, letting the Dive Ball expand. "Let's go, Snap," Richie bellowed, tossing the ball into the air. Once it opened, a blue crocodile was revealed, dancing around happily. "I'm going with Sneasel," Katt released her Poke Ball, revealing the weasel Pokemon.

Pulling a plain-looking Pokeball from her pocket, Violet smiled, before gently hurling her Pokeball into the air. In a brillant flash of light, a blue serpentine Dratini watched the other two Pokemon with warm bright eyes, before letting out a yawn.

"Let's get things started," Richie stated, "get in close to that Sneasel," Without a moment to lose, Snap started skipping, soon dashing towards the Sneasel. "Now use Scratch!" A power packed scratch hit the Sneasel flush, but something was wrong. A punch sending Snap skidding backwards acknowledged this.

"Tikal, hold." Violet called, not wanting her Pokemon to attack just yet. She just needed to wait until they were close enough together until putting her new plan into motion.

Snap looked back at Richie, who simply nodded, letting Snap know to go in and attack once more.

"Wait for it..." Violet said quietly, watching as Snap recklessly dashed forward in an attempt to land another attack on the opposing Sneasel. Once they were a few feet away from each other, she shot her hand forward. "Use Twister!"
Seeming to awaken from her slumbering state, the Dratini lifted its body into the air, before whipping her tail out and releasing a powerful draconic wind towards them

Both combatants were trapped in the twister, no way for either of getting out.

"Perfect shot Tikal!" Violet smiled, rather pleased with the way the Twister had managed to capture both opposing Pokemon. "Let's see if we can do it again: Thunder Wave!"
Eyes beginning to glow, Tikal let out a cry as blue flashes danced around her form, before taking the form of a lightning bolt toward the Twister.

Although Snap wasn't as effected by it, Sneasel was.
The perfect combination stopped him from doing anything but helplessly spin in circles.

"Let's see if we can bring it down to one on one now: Use Wrap on the Sneasel!" Violet commanded with a confident smile.

Tikal raced forward, slithering across the ground before bounding into her own Twister and coiling tightly aroung Katt's Sneasel, binding its arms to its body.

With a desperate struggle from within the hurricane, Snap escaped the violent twister, landing on his hands and knees. With the Sneasel stuck, Richie thought of this to be the perfect timing for an attack.

"Use Water Gun," Richie exclaimed, watching as Snap shot both Pokemon in their sides. He knocked them over, making things more complicated for the Sneasel. Fortunately for Violet and Tikal though, the potential damage was lessened due to her resistance towards the Water element. However it meant that the Sneasel was free, and so with that, Tikal hopped backward.

"Ermm... Thunder Wave on Snap!"

The Thunder Wave hit Snap flush, causing him to shave violently, sparks jumping off of his body.

"Aw man," Richie stated, noticing the paralysis as it set in. "Shake it off, Snap."

Katt smiled, realizing this was an oportunity she couldn't miss.

"Agility then Fury Swipes," Katt blurted, "use it on Tikal." With a dash and a slash, Sneasel started moving at an intense rate, swiping at Tikal. Looking horrified, Violet quickly shouted:

"Tikal, dodge!"

Unfortunately the Dratini could not move fast enough, without warning she was overtaken by the Sneasel's swift attack. Tumbling backwards, she was obviously hurt.

"T-Tikal!" Violet frowned, gripping her hands tightly. She glanced down to the rather disfigured scar on her left arm. With a frown, she found herself struggle to continue. "U-Use Leer." Another catch, this one stopping the Sneasel dead in its tracks.

"Sneasel," Katt said, trying to comprehend exacty what just happened here. "Attack this instant! Don't stop for a moment!" It was almost as if the Sneasel was unable to move any farther. The Dratini had caught it within her hypnotic gaze.

"N-Now try another Twister." Violet called, breathing a sigh of relief as the Leer had prevented another oncoming attack. With that, Tikal let out another cry, the Pokemon foating again and unleashing another draconic whirlwind towards the stunned Sneasel. With the Sneasel being tossed around in the hurricane, Snap slowly started to gain some form of mobility. Richie noticed this and immediately decided on using an attack to make the tables turn.

"Dragon Dance, then Rage," Richie said, knowing this was a long shot. Soon, the Totodile started doing a dance of his own, making his small muscles tensen up and his movements more rapid. Once the Pokemon stopped, however, he grew a beet red, charging towards the Dratini.

"Hey wait!"
Tikal was soon overcome by the next opposing Pokemon, tumbling in against the wall. Slowly, she got up, shaking a bit, before collapsing onto her side, knocked out. Violet was silent as she went to go recover her Pokemon, looking a little annoyed. "Two versus one is not fair." Once the twister subsided, Sneasel fell to the floor.

"Magma's not gonna play fair either," Katt told Violet, "so get used to the double team thing." Without a moment's hesitation, Snap attacked Sneasel in the same blind fury that was used on Tikal. Picking up her Dratini carefully, Violet simply sighed in irritation and slight pain.

"Well neither of you had to deal with it!"
It was obvious that it brought up bad memories for her. She clenched her left hand, the burning sensation remaining. Without another word, she left them on their own, to get her Pokemon recovered. Richie, already feeling bad, now felt even worse. Calling back Snap, he chased after Violet.

"Wait, wait," Richie yelled, looking back at Katt. "You shouldn't have even mentioned that," Richie said in almost a whisper, "not to her..." He continued to rush after her, hoping he'd catch her to apologize. He caught up to her, immediately breathing heavily. "I'm sorry, Violet," he apoligized.
"I didn't mean for it to get this far out of hand."

"I...I know..." Violet frowned, coming to a halt as she gazed down at her injured Pokemon, then to her arm. "It's just... every time I'm reminded of what happened... it gets to me. I'm even afraid of Houndours now!"

"I understand," Tyson sympathized with her, already know where she was coming from. He wanted to make sure she was protected at all costs. "The only thing is that I've been in a worse situation than that one."

For a moment, Violet glanced to Richie, her eyes softening, before she glanced away and continued to the Pokemon Center. She knew he had suffered loses as well. Everyone had. Still, it would take time for her to fully r ecover from her trauma.

"Listen," Richie said, placing a hand on her right shoulder, "I know you don't like seeing your Pokemon in pain. No one does. The fact is that the only way to not see them in pain and to ensure the safety of them in to engage in more practices like that one...to get stronger...the desire to protect something dear to you drives you to do many things. Some of which you'd never think you could."

He walked beside her, "Let's hurry to the Pokemon Center," he said, placing a small smile on his face, hoping he cheered her up. Violet only nodded as she rushed in to the Pokemon Center.

"Well. I wouldn't mind practicing if it was fair. Even if they're not going to play fair, I would at least like practices to be fair." Richie simply nodded, understanding where she was coming from. He saw her expression didn't change much, and felt as if his efforts were all for naught.

As she delievered Tikal to Nurse Joy, Violet made her way back and sat down on a chair, running her fingers through her hair. She looked to her left, gingerly touching the scar left on her arm with a frown.

"Don't poke at it," Richie said softly, not trying to anger Violet any further, "it'll only make it harder to forget about it." He lifted the left side of his shirt up, showing a rather old looking scar. "Trust me." Violet glanced to him and nodded.

"When it's out in the open and visible like this... it doesn't stop people from asking..." Richie shrugged, knowing that something like that would be brought up.

"Well, if you want," he added, "you can borrow a couple of long sleeve shirts from me."

Violet shook her head. "I've tried. Fabric seems to irritate it."

"Ah," Richie said, not knowing what to say after hearing that.
Soon, Katt walks through the door, carrying her Poke Ball in her hand, hoping things were better.

"Uh, Violet," Katt says sheepishly, as if she was talking to someone highly skilled in karate, "I'm sorry about everything that happened..."

Violet nodded, glancing down to the ground. "...It's alright. I just want to forget everything." she frowned. At that point, Sparx hopped into her lap and grabbing her thumb. "Pi?" he asked, worried about her mood. He didn't like it when she was unhappy.

Katt looked at Sparx, automatically noticing how he responded to Violet's mood. She knew this because Gigawatt had a tendency to do the exact same thing. She looked at Richie, who signalled to go outside. With a nod, she steps out the door.

"I'll be back in a minute," he told Violet before stepping outside.

Violet glanced to the two and nodded before looking to Sparx, trying to smile, but failing. "I'm sorry... I just don't know why I can't get over it..."

The door opened once more, with Richie walking outside. Katt, knowing she really blew it this time, looked at him longingly.

"What did I do," Katt asked softly, hoping she didn't ruin anything. "What did I say wrong to her?"

"You shouldn't have mentioned the double teaming thing around her," Richie answered.

"Huh," Katt inquired, her look resembling that of a confused beagle. "What about it?' Richie looked at Katt and sighed.

"She was double teamed," Richie said plainly, "a while back. Before you came into the picture...that's how she got the scar on her left arm...and why she got so upset when you said that. She's trying her hardest to put her past behind her," he concluded, noticing tears falling from the eyes of Katt. She was crying, something Richie had never seen her do before. He walked over to her, not meaning to make her cry, just realize what Violet had been through. Katt fell into Richie's arms, sobbing heavily for her new friend.

Sparx glanced at Violet sadly, before making himself comfortable against her arm. Violet smiled lightly, before scratching behind one of his ears, watching as it twitched in response.
"Thanks for trying... I wish I was as strong as you..." she said. After all, he too had gone through it all with her, and he didn't seem that bothered by those past events at all.

After a few minutes, Richie and Katt walked back in, Katt still drying her eyes. "Everything okay," Richie asked Violet, hoping he'd get a good response.

"I guess..." Violet replied, having calmed down as Sparx slept on her lap quietly. It was obvious she wasn't going to go anywhere for awhile.

Katt sat down next to Violet, hoping no hard feelings were between them. She looked at how cute Sparx was as he slept on Violet's arm comfortably. She looked at Violet, knowing now everything.

"I didn't mean to anger you Violet," she told her.

Violet nodded, glancing to the ground, then to her. "...I know... it just brings back something I wished never happened."

"It's okay," Katt responded, "we're gonna make them pay. I promise." She clenched her fist tightly, remembering a bad experience with her life as well.


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PANE RP Character profile: Tikal Faylen: @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 18
Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
PANE Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Tikal Faylen - Furoh Wiki
Uprising Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Sera Taisa - Uprising Wiki
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post Dec 17 2010, 06:09 PM
Post #9

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The Pack

Just so ya' know... (click to show)

Raine's head lifted as she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. The man was rousing, and she practically bristled with tension. She kept her blue eyes on Lucien and Omicron, and she stifled a jump whenever he addressed her. She took a moment of silence, before she turned her blue eyes over to him, seeing him in a sitting position. "No clue. I'm just a recruit." she said softly, her voice as crisp and quick as a brisk wind. She rose to her feet, straightening her skirt, and crossing her arms. She secretly admired his good looks, but hid it as well as she hid everything else, instead, the mask on her face only showing a curious brow lift.

"Look, I get it," Abraham shrugged, pulling himself to his feet and dusting off his suit as he did so. Wrinkled. Damn. "I'm not asking for you to give them to me or anything. I just need to know. They're my best friends."

Raine felt sympathy for him, but her logical mind could not comprehend how telling him their location would aid in keeping her own poke'mon safe. As he rose to his feet, she followed his gaze by tilting her head backwards, putting her shoulders back in an attempt to remain...intimidating? Fat chance. "I know where they are, yeah. If it'll make you feel better, I can tell you that they're safe."

He thought back to his late father and all the great times he could have had with him. He remembered holding his mother on their anniversary because there was nothing else he could do. His throat closed and his eyes watered. Bingo.

"Can you promise me that?" he asked, walking to the edge of his cell, his hands wrapped around the bars. "Do you know the people who are holding them?"

"Do you know what they're capable of?"

With a quick snap of her fingers, Raine pointed to Omicron and quietly whispered "Contact." Omicron nodded with a 'Ree!' and put the ball on his tail against the bars, and unless the metal of the bars was some sort of alien metal that didn't conduct electricity, the man would get a nice warning shock. "Don't touch the bars." Raine stated softly, a lock of hair falling between her eyes, which seemed to have sparks of their own. This man seriously underestimated Raine's intelligence, and that was something that plucked on her frustration nerve. "I told you they were safe, that should be enough for you. As per your two previous questions, I have no obligation to answer them. My only job is keeping you in this cell."

He released the bars and took a step back, averting his gaze away from her so as not to give away his feelings. She was so cute. She was the best kind of cute: The kind where she had no idea how cute she was. The ridiculous outfit clashed with her serious demeanor in such an adorable way. He had to have her. But he also had to escape.

"Why?" he asked, bluntly.

"Don't be an ignoramous. I -hate- ignorant people." she stated through clenched teeth. The word 'why' could keep a conversation going on for an eternity, no matter if it needed to go on or not. "I know that you know why you belong in here. I also know you want out. No one wants to be in jail." she said quietly, keeping her gaze upon him. "Desperate people do desperate things, and I assume that that's why you're here, and that also means you're going to do desperate things to get out of here. I have a job to keep you in here, and since my personal job is as important as your will to escape, answering any further questions would be illogical. Our motives clash."

He sighed and looked at the floor, but then shook his head. "You know what? No." He insisted. "No, this conversation is not over. I can tell you exactly what I'm in here for. I cheated a douchebag out of some money. Money, which I'm sure he has plenty of. And now you're telling me I gotta sit in a jail cell for who knows how long while my best friends are somewhere else, scared and lonely? And you're telling me that your will to keep your job is somehow more important than my will to protect the lives of myself and my pokemon? I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me there's not something wrong with that."

Raine listened, nodding to herself as he spoke. A small smile fell upon her face as she listened to him. As he finished speaking, she waited for a moment to see if he was done, and he was, since he was now waiting on her to respond. So, she did. "There, now. Don't you feel better?" she asked softly, tilting her head up at him. "Something to remember; don't try to manipulate me. I'm not your typical dame. Now, as for your request, I can look you in the eyes and tell you that you have done the misinterpreting, here. My job, at this time, is keeping two men who could easily beat me to a pulp inside a small, confined space. Both of you did something wrong, no matter how many excuses you want to put behind it, though I don't know what he did. In doing my job, I am putting my life, as well as the lives of my poke'mon at risk. You would, in a heartbeat, easily hurt me or my poke'mon in order to escape. Would you have me stand idly by, just because you got yourself into an unfair circumstance? Tell me, sir...if there's something wrong with that picture."

"I wouldn't hurt you," he shook his head. "Certainly not in a heartbeat."

"To protect the lives of your scared and lonely friends, I believe you would." Raine stated with a knowing smirk, choosing to avoid the fact that he had side-stepped her own request.

"Well, it's your word against mine," he said. "And you're the one in uniform." He took a deep breath, coming to the realization that this was one of those girls who he couldn't trick. "Are they gonna kill me?" he asked after a few seconds.

"Doubtful." she replied, shaking her head, her mind shifting through all of the protocols she had memorized. "If you just swindled someone, they may make you work off the debt somehow. If they were going to kill you for cheating, they would have done it by now, because you would have had to have angered someone who's far higher up than me."

He didn't believe her. "Well if they do," he backed up and sat down, resting his back against the wall. "Could you do me a favor?"

Raine canted her head at the look of doubt in his eyes, and as he fell against the wall, she shrugged. "I suppose I can try."

"My pokemons' names are Double A and Gaia. Which is which is obvious when you see them. Could you look after them?" He wanted to ask her to bring Gaia back to his mother, but decided to not get her involved.

Raine blinked a couple of times, tucking her lower lip in between her teeth as she nibbled. He truly thought he was going to die. She couldn't help but feel a bit of remorse for the fellow, but she couldn't let that show, so she simply nodded. Looking at the chair she had deemed 'unclean', she decided the 5 second rule applied to perversion as well, and sat down in it. After a moment or two of silence, and against her better judgement, she motioned to her poke'mon. "The houndour is named Lucien, and the mareep is Omicron. I do apologize that I can't bring your poke'mon to you." she stated softly, not looking at him, and averting her eyes to the ground, her nervousness beginning to take hold.

"I understand," Abraham replied. "Another favor, though, on the chance that I live?"

The dark-haired girl nodded once again, bringing her gaze back to the man in the cell.

"A real conversation," he said. "Where we're not trying to get past each other. At dinner. My clothes are ironed and yours aren't, uh, ridiculous."

Raine's mouth opened, and her eyes flashed, as though she were preparing to say no. However, a small, rebellious voice, the same voice that had convinced her to join Magma, stilled her retaliation. Sure, he had lied to her, and attempted to trick her, but he was a desperate man, thinking he was about to die. She had been a recluse all of her life, and had shot down every attempt anyone had ever made to get to know her. Instead of allowing her to think it through, the little voice spoke through her, in her own, audible, soft voice. "We'll see." She placed her hand over her mouth, as though in shock that she had said it, but instead, she felt herself stifling a chuckle. "At least I'm not the only one who thinks I look ridiculous." she murmured, a tiny smirk on her lips.

Draggies! 8D[/align][align=center][/align][spoiler=Credits!][align=center]Credit for CURRENT signatures: Paparazzi, Samoosian, Darcy Wing, TeeHeeDaruma.
Credit for Sprites: Weavile Luffer, DuesSuetonius, Firewave the Dragonite, Zeta of the Skies, Master PokePilot, Skyking240 GirlcalledBob, Drakonawin, PokeNOM NOM NOM, Proddit, Tysm.
Credit for Avatars: Ruki, Sparkleplex, Greykitty, Weavile Luffer, CuPcAkEbUnNy, Absoleevee, JelloJolteon2000, FangChan13, Agent Arcanine, Niltava, Creature Feature, TehArtMonkey, Schmee, Miharu, Mya, TyeDyeWolf, mewkeemyuu, Miekiki, Flygon 3X, TeeHeeDaruma, Teh Huntress.[/spoiler][/align][spoiler=Sprite Collection! (Rotating Images)][align=center]
The Insanity.

Raven, my OC Trainer

Tymid the Nachtales

[/align][spoiler=P.A.N.E and Uprising][align=center]
Credit: PokeNOM NOM NOM and Ruki

Raven Amaranth
Current Levels

Credit: Doctor Octopus

Uprising [/spoiler][align=center]~*~
Sprite Credit: Poke NOM NOM NOM

Raine Vega
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post Dec 19 2010, 05:41 PM
Post #10

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Uprising Pokemon

Stirring lightly, and now looking towards the bars that confined him, Ramirez noticed immediately two things. A new guard and a new roommate.

"Oh joy," Ramirez scowled as he saw the pair talking to each other. "A new person to talk to. Now I won't be bored. The sarcasm was rather thick in his voice, almost as thick as the facial hair he had now. His former baby face appearance now was made more rugged with a full beard and mustache combo. His eyebrows were even thicker that before and his hair had now grown to ridiculous lengths. He looked at Abraham briefly before focusing more on Raine. Her blue eyes intrigued him, these being his favorite part of a female. The brighter color the eyes, the more intrigued he is. He walked into the light, making himself visible to Raine as well as his cell mate, Abraham. He smiled his smug little smile, this now looking rather different than it had before. He looked like a pervy old man in his thirties, so a pervy, middle-aged man. "Can I get a pair of hair clippers," Ramirez asked his new guard, "and some edgers and a razor?"

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post Dec 21 2010, 06:30 PM
Post #11

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Raine slowly turned her head towards the other prisoner, who had finally risen from his slumber. As he rose to his feet, she heard Lucien growl, and she did not stifle him or reprimand him; he was protecting his friend, which was exactly what he had been trained to do. Her eyebrow cocked at his sarcastic comment, and as he continued to stare at her, she stared back with determined resignation, even though this prolonged eye-contact was making her feel very uncomfortable.

As he walked into the light, Raine looked up at him, as she did everyone else, since everyone else was basically two heads taller than her, but she maintained eye-contact. Maybe talking with the other prisoner (whose name she still did not know) was a bad idea, made her seem soft and pliable to this man's will.

As he asked for a razor, her brow quirked, and she blinked at him for a moment, to see if he was joking. After a moment of silence, her soft voice echoed back to him "What, are you serious?". After a moment or two of silence, she raised her hands to her temples, as if in defeat, and said "Sure, I'll get you a razor. While I'm at it, I'll go ahead and give you the key to this cell, as well as a chisel and a hammer to get through the bars, if that doesn't work." The sarcasm was now thick on her voice, and she shook her head, her mind racing with thoughts of how people could think she was that stupid. Even if the man just wanted to shave his face, there was no way she was going to allow him to have anything that could hurt her, or her poke'mon, or the other prisoner, for that matter.

Turning back to look at the open doorway, and the lit hall outside, she checked her watched to see what time it was. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me." she grumbled to herself. 10:30. She had only been there for an hour and a half. She was contemplating going to ask Tom if he had any more stories to tell her. Inhaling deeply, she exhaled through her mouth. Think positive, she kept thinking to herself. Think positive. The man she had talked to hadn't been so bad, even if he had tried to manipulate her in the beginning. They didn't know anything about her, not even her name, so she was relatively safe, in that aspect.

"Oy, Raine!"

Raine's eyes slowly closed, and her nostrils flared in exasperation, as Tom's hulking form stood in the doorway, holding out a plate with an absolutely disgusting piece of pizza on it. "I hid this pizza from Jake, and told him I ate it all. I thought you might be hungry." he said proudly, wiggling it towards her. As he flashed his priceless, toothless grin, Raine merely crinkled her nose at the pizza, which she thought, in the dim light, had something moving on it. "Tom...I'm...not really hungry right now." she said with an air of forced politeness, the smile she had been trying to create ending up looking like more of a grimace as the pizza neared her face.

"Ya' sure? Well, alright, I'll save it for ya', then. These guys givin' you any trouble?"

"No, not at all, Tom. In fact, I think they're the nicest men I've met today." she stated smoothly, only now realizing that she had literally backed into a corner, in an attempt to escape the pizza. Tom blinked, and with a loud guffaw, he pointed to her with his free hand, and followed it with a knee-slap. "Nicest men?! That's a good one, Raine! I'm liking you more and more!"

His laughter disappeared down the hall, and she heard repeated "Nicest men...that's a good one!" until he finally made it back to the workroom. Raine exhaled the breath she had been holding, and her hand, yet again, made it's way to her temple. She was going to end up rubbing a hole in her skull if this kept up. She slowly turned towards the two men in the cell, offering them a look of complete frustration that would have made a sailor cry.

So much for them not knowing her name.

Draggies! 8D[/align][align=center][/align][spoiler=Credits!][align=center]Credit for CURRENT signatures: Paparazzi, Samoosian, Darcy Wing, TeeHeeDaruma.
Credit for Sprites: Weavile Luffer, DuesSuetonius, Firewave the Dragonite, Zeta of the Skies, Master PokePilot, Skyking240 GirlcalledBob, Drakonawin, PokeNOM NOM NOM, Proddit, Tysm.
Credit for Avatars: Ruki, Sparkleplex, Greykitty, Weavile Luffer, CuPcAkEbUnNy, Absoleevee, JelloJolteon2000, FangChan13, Agent Arcanine, Niltava, Creature Feature, TehArtMonkey, Schmee, Miharu, Mya, TyeDyeWolf, mewkeemyuu, Miekiki, Flygon 3X, TeeHeeDaruma, Teh Huntress.[/spoiler][/align][spoiler=Sprite Collection! (Rotating Images)][align=center]
The Insanity.

Raven, my OC Trainer

Tymid the Nachtales

[/align][spoiler=P.A.N.E and Uprising][align=center]
Credit: PokeNOM NOM NOM and Ruki

Raven Amaranth
Current Levels

Credit: Doctor Octopus

Uprising [/spoiler][align=center]~*~
Sprite Credit: Poke NOM NOM NOM

Raine Vega
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post Dec 22 2010, 06:58 PM
Post #12

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Ramirez chuckled lightly, he knew that she was going to be fun trying to get his way with. He automatically noticed how she assumed he was going to break out, making him laugh this time.

"I honestly didn't think you'd give them to me," he replied, pulling out a razor from his back pocket, "so I brought one with me." He pulled out a small cannister, filled with shaving cream, popping off the top gently before squirting the gel onto his hand. He rubbed the substance on his face vigorously, making sure the entire beard was covered. He then walked to the small sink that they were provided, beginning to remove the facial hair that bothered him so...


Five minutes passed, with Ramirez's face now looking squeaky clean as it did before. He rubbed his chin and upper lip in pride and success, smiling widely at his reflection. He then looked back towards Raine, still intrigued as to why Magma would have such a small girl watching over them. Though the idea was ridiculous to him, Ramirez said nothing before stretching and yawning loudly.

"You're doing a better job than the last people watching me," Ramirez told her, "they did everything for me. They even gave me some good food to eat." Sure enough, there was a large amount of plates stacked on top of each other, with a small pile of bones on the ground beside them. "Oh by the way," Ramirez smiled as he looked at both of them, "the name's Ramirez. Nice meeting you both."

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Yzarc Drowsnam
post Dec 22 2010, 08:30 PM
Post #13

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Abraham sat against the wall as Ramirez spoke a lot. The man clearly liked the sound of his own voice, perhaps to a debilitating level. He was trying so hard to be nonchalant that his efforts gave him away. As the man began shaving his thick beard, Abraham touched his own, which was similarly growing more than he preferred, but he decided against asking to borrow the man's razor. It did make him a little uncomfortable that this man had a razor at all, but he wasn't going to hurt him with it.

He couldn't help but smile slightly when the girl stood tall against the larger man. Smaller or not, she had the power here. Stockholm syndrome wasn't supposed to take effect this soon, but he seemed okay with it. He couldn't help but notice another of his captors call her Raine, which seemed to frustrate her to no end. He didn't say anything, because he hadn't won anything quite yet, but he made a mental note. Raine. He then cracked half a smile at her on the side of his mouth where his fellow inmate could not see.

Ramirez chirpily introduced himself to Abraham and Raine. Abraham simply nodded at his cellmate without providing his own name. He didn't want to bond with this man. "What're you in here for, Ramirez?" he simply asked.


[spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart]
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[spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent]

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[spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt
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post Dec 23 2010, 06:38 PM
Post #14

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Ramirez looked at his cell mate, noticing the tone that was used. He automatically noticed that Abraham didn't exactly trust him.

"Well, for starters," Ramirez explained slowly, "I am a member of the Rebellion...you know, the guys that they call Rebel scum?" He nodded towards Raine, not knowing she was a new member of Magma, just knowing she was a new guard. He then noticed her Pokemon, Looking at him dangerously and with some form of hatred. He pulled out a Poke Ball, opening it up, revealing his Charmeleon. Apparently, they hadn't taken his Pokemon either. The Charmeleon simply looked at Raine and her Pokemon, not saying anything. A ring of smoke bellowed from his nose as he waited patiently for anything to be said.

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post Dec 27 2010, 03:47 PM
Post #15

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The Pack

Raine's eyes widened as the man pulled out the razor and began to groom himself. She snapped her fingers, and issued the command for Omicron to place his tail against the bars again, to keep the man from rushing the bar with a sharp object. Her mind reeled with confusion and frustration: there was a prisoner in front of her, who had a weapon that was perfectly capable of injuring her or his own cellmate, and no one had thought to do a check? She completely missed out on Abraham's smile, since her blue eyes were riveted on the razor.

However, it was when the poke'ball was withdrawn, and the charmeleon exposed, that she proceeded to take action. "Ramirez, I will ask you once, and only once. Return your poke'mon to it's captive state, and, along with the razor, lay them near the bars of this cell. You have no choice but to comply, or I will be forced to take action." she said menacingly, and Lucien, hearing the tone of her voice, proceeded to face the man and growl. She looked over to Abraham, the anger flickering in her eyes. Her eyes turned back to the man called Ramirez, and they narrowed with disdain.

It was clear, in her mind, that he was taunting her, with this show of power. She would be damned if he let him think for one moment that he had the upper hand here. "Any other poke'mon or items you have should be removed and placed by the prior poke'ball and razor. I would hope that you are honest about it; I have full clearance to allow my Mareep to paralyze you, so that I may do a search of my own." she warned, looking down at Omicron, whose very fleece seemed to crackle with confirmation.

Draggies! 8D[/align][align=center][/align][spoiler=Credits!][align=center]Credit for CURRENT signatures: Paparazzi, Samoosian, Darcy Wing, TeeHeeDaruma.
Credit for Sprites: Weavile Luffer, DuesSuetonius, Firewave the Dragonite, Zeta of the Skies, Master PokePilot, Skyking240 GirlcalledBob, Drakonawin, PokeNOM NOM NOM, Proddit, Tysm.
Credit for Avatars: Ruki, Sparkleplex, Greykitty, Weavile Luffer, CuPcAkEbUnNy, Absoleevee, JelloJolteon2000, FangChan13, Agent Arcanine, Niltava, Creature Feature, TehArtMonkey, Schmee, Miharu, Mya, TyeDyeWolf, mewkeemyuu, Miekiki, Flygon 3X, TeeHeeDaruma, Teh Huntress.[/spoiler][/align][spoiler=Sprite Collection! (Rotating Images)][align=center]
The Insanity.

Raven, my OC Trainer

Tymid the Nachtales

[/align][spoiler=P.A.N.E and Uprising][align=center]
Credit: PokeNOM NOM NOM and Ruki

Raven Amaranth
Current Levels

Credit: Doctor Octopus

Uprising [/spoiler][align=center]~*~
Sprite Credit: Poke NOM NOM NOM

Raine Vega
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post Dec 27 2010, 06:08 PM
Post #16

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"Sheesh," Ramirez complained loudly, "you're dangerous when you get mad...return Charmeleon." With a flash of red light, the lizard went back into the Poke Ball. He took the razor and placed it next to the bar along with Charmeleon's Poke Ball. He simply looked at her, emptying his pockets to show nothing but a few candy bars left. Shaking them to show that they weren't dangerous, he placed them back into his pocket. Ramirez then pulled out his wallet as well, this being deadly empty minus his driver's license he had received a while back. He threw it down with the Poke Ball and razor, stepping away from the bars back into the shadows. "Any more commands you have," Ramirez asked impatiently, "I'm a busy guy and I'm still waiting on my hearing to see how long I'm gonna be held in here before they take whatever actions their gonna take." His brown eyes flaring with anger as well, he simply glared back at the new guard.

This post has been edited by Protoman: Dec 29 2010, 08:46 PM

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Yzarc Drowsnam
post Dec 27 2010, 06:39 PM
Post #17

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When Ramirez summoned Charmeleon, Abraham's eyes widened. The razor wasn't much of an issue, but a firebreathing lizard could be deadly. Needless to say, he was scared. He looked over at Raine with urgency and then back at Ramirez and then to the pokemon. "This is not okay," he said quietly to himself. "Not right. No good."

Thankfully, Raine handled up on the situation real good. He gave up the razor and the pokeball with Charmeleon inside. Ramirez seemed exceptionally angry at the whole situation, surprising because he had been imprisoned the whole time. What made now different from two minutes ago? He didn't have weapons? Did he expect to be able to keep them after flaunting them in front of his captor?

"What did you expect would happen, Ramirez?" Abraham asked, calming down a little now that his life was in less immediate danger. "She'd just be cool with you keeping a firebreather around while you're supposed to be imprisoned?" Before his cellmate could respond, though, he stood up. "Hold up a second. It seemed to me like a pretty important deal that I not have my pokemon with me," He looked over at Raine, with a look of "Right?" on his face. "Now how the hell did you get in here with a pokemon? Why the hell did no one check you?" He looked over to Raine. "Why didn't you check him?"

He realized his enemy here was not Raine immediately after he asked, though. She was the one who made him give up his pokemon. It was someone else who decided not to check him. "What is this? What's going on?" He was asking Ramirez. "Who are you?" He shook his head as he spoke, his eyes burning. "Don't tell me your name."


[spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart]
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[spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent]

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[spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt
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post Dec 28 2010, 08:36 AM
Post #18

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"I'm an Agent in the Rebellion," Ramirez said, breathing heavily as if he was tired of repeating the same thing over and over again. "We're masters at stealth and being sneaky." He looked at Abraham's face, automatically realizing that he thought Ramirez was gonna kill him. "You aren't one of them are you?" Ramirez asked with disdain, "you aren't a Magma, right?" Anger fueled his body while he clenched his fists. His eyes now burning more intensely than before. He didn't mind being captured, or not keeping his Pokemon and his razor, but he wouldn't tolerate being captive by TWO Magmas at once.

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post Dec 28 2010, 08:57 PM
Post #19

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The Pack

As Raven's frustration grew, the calmer she looked. She reached through the bars, taking the contraband and setting it on the desk. The cool voice of logic cascaded through her mind like a trickling fountain, allowing her to master her frustration and angst at the situation, and allow proper thought. As she heard his sneering, sarcastic voice, she turned to him, offering him a gentle, sweet smile. "Nothing more is needed at this time, Mr. Ramirez. Thank you for your cooperation. It is much appreciated." she stated pleasantly, without a harsh edge to her voice in the slightest.

Striding over to her chair, she sat down in it, idly looking over to the rising tension in the cell. She almost smirked at the fact of how angry Ramirez was; this fellow teased her suspicious nature. What was he up to? How had he managed to get two potentially dangerous items past the last guard, or even past Thomas? His whole demeanor caused her to ponder, which was why hearing herself being referenced by the other prisoner caused her to start.

The other prisoner, whose name she did not know, seemed to be getting more and more infuriated by the one known as Ramirez. To be honest, Raine didn't blame him; he was cocky and rude and was hiding something that the intelligent Raine was working hard to decipher. If Thomas ever brought her a file for the two prisoners, she would be sure to write her suspicions in Ramirez' file, as well as his violent behavior. She'd be reporting Thomas' and the other guard's negligence as well.

Still sending out a barrage of questions, Raine looked calmly towards the man she had shared such a nice conversation with before, and lifted her brow, as though to say "C'mon, now. You know better." but remained silent. Her calm, focused demeanor was intimidating to most, honestly, and she upped the anty by allowing herself to check under her fingernails, which were long and clean. She listened to Ramirez' angry retort, tilting her head towards him as the man seemed unjustifiably and horrendously upset, to the point of clenching his fists in a threatening manner. This had gone on long enough.

"Silence, now." she commanded with a slightly raised tone, rising from her seat and looking at both of them. A strand of her black hair fell betwixt her sapphire eyes, and her head canted to the side in a studious, authoritative manner. "Now, I realize you fellows don't want to be here, hm?" she queried, raising her brows as though asking a legitimate question, her hands also raised, palms to the ceiling. Lowering her hands, she clasped them behind her, and began to pace. "Now, Mr. Ramirez, as I explained to your cell-mate here, I have a job to do, which is to keep you in this cell until any point that my superiors decide to move you, such as, for your trial. Part of that entails keeping myself alive, so I can accept promotion, and another part of that involves keeping your cellmate alive, so he can receive his just punishment for his...for whatever he did wrong."

Raine paused when addressing the other inmate, choosing not to divulge the information he had disclosed to her. It was unnecessary for Ramirez to know. She stopped in her pacing, one toe precariously lifted off the ground, as she seemed to freeze while her brain formulated her next phrases, so as not to risk embarrassing herself with stuttering. "Now...I have no need to explain myself to you, but since my job entails treating both of you with unbiased and uncompromising emotion to keep my job and your lives intact..." her eyes very briefly flashed away from Ramirez to the other cellmate, as if to tell him this was all pomp and circumstance, really, "...I would like to ask you, hypothetically of course, if you were in my position, and one of your captives...well, let's just say your Resistance force captured me. Hypothetically, how would you feel if I produced a sharp, deadly object, alongside a potentially dangerous poke'mon?"

Before he got the chance to answer, she made a turn in her line of pacing, and as her heels clicked together, her eyes locked directly on the other cellmate's pupils. She really felt much like a teacher. "As for you." she began, looking at his tense and stressed features, but not allowing the hardness in her eyes to disappear. "As a recruit, I was instructed that this man, Ramirez, had already been searched, and thus, my only instruction was to keep him, and eventually yourself, sane. As you came into my care, I was the one who...searched you..." she cleared her throat, tugging at her hood in an attempt to shield the flush that came to her cheeks. She was on a roll, she couldn't stop now. "...and thus removed anything that could have possibly harmed myself, my pokemon, or your cellmate. For this whole endeavor, I am sorry, and I will do my utmost to make sure both of you feel safe and secure while under my watchful gaze." Her eyes reflected the slightest amount of distrust that had lingered in her eyes before their conversation; her trust was difficult to get, and even harder to maintain.

"With all of that mess said..." she quipped, turning to face both of them again, her head tilting to the opposite side this time, and a smile lingering on her lips; "I think you will both agree with me when I say that the remainder of this time would be better spent in silence, unless the two of you have a direct question for myself, in which I will be happy to respond." And with that, she swiftly turned and took the two steps to her chair, and sat down, crossing her arms as if the matter was finished. She could only hope the fellows took her advice, she wasn't sure if she could handle two bickering children all day.

Draggies! 8D[/align][align=center][/align][spoiler=Credits!][align=center]Credit for CURRENT signatures: Paparazzi, Samoosian, Darcy Wing, TeeHeeDaruma.
Credit for Sprites: Weavile Luffer, DuesSuetonius, Firewave the Dragonite, Zeta of the Skies, Master PokePilot, Skyking240 GirlcalledBob, Drakonawin, PokeNOM NOM NOM, Proddit, Tysm.
Credit for Avatars: Ruki, Sparkleplex, Greykitty, Weavile Luffer, CuPcAkEbUnNy, Absoleevee, JelloJolteon2000, FangChan13, Agent Arcanine, Niltava, Creature Feature, TehArtMonkey, Schmee, Miharu, Mya, TyeDyeWolf, mewkeemyuu, Miekiki, Flygon 3X, TeeHeeDaruma, Teh Huntress.[/spoiler][/align][spoiler=Sprite Collection! (Rotating Images)][align=center]
The Insanity.

Raven, my OC Trainer

Tymid the Nachtales

[/align][spoiler=P.A.N.E and Uprising][align=center]
Credit: PokeNOM NOM NOM and Ruki

Raven Amaranth
Current Levels

Credit: Doctor Octopus

Uprising [/spoiler][align=center]~*~
Sprite Credit: Poke NOM NOM NOM

Raine Vega
Progress Tracking[/align][/align]
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post Dec 28 2010, 10:37 PM
Post #20

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Uprising Pokemon

"Bite me," Ramirez said before finally flopping on his bed, turning away from them both. He simply stared at the wall, his stomach then beginning to growl loudly. He dug deeply into his pockets, pulling out a candy bar and began to take a bite before looking at the other two. Without a second thought, he pulled out two more, tossing one to Abraham and one to the bars. "Better yet," Ramirez began before beginning to calm down, "bite that. It's pretty good. Trust me, I wouldn't do anything to harm anyone." He took a bite of his candy bar, the flavors swirling in his mouth like a violent tornado, causing a satisfied "mmm" to slip from his lips. After chewing for about thirty seconds, he swallowed deeply and looked at Raine.

"To answer your question," Ramirez retorted, still maintaining the calm, confident attitude he had earlier, "the Rebellion doesn't take prisoners. We release those that have been held captive by almost everyone's enemy." He then looked at Abraham, noticing his demeanor had changed for the worst. "I don't harm civilians, so unless you really have a problem with what I've been saying, then that look doesn't concern me. Not only that, but I've noticed a few things about both of you, just from hearing your voices and looking at you." As if he was mimicking the deciphering skills of Raine, he simply placed his hand on his chin, thinking before making any sudden statements. "You sir," he said pointing to Abraham, "are a gambler. You aren't in here for anything ordinary, but it's not unheard of either. Some people are sore losers and others...well are sore winners..." He then directed his gaze to Raine. "You, on the other hand, are new here." He continued to simply stare, "you see, those guys watching me from before, they were old...associates of mine. They owed me a favor from way way back. Before we went our separate ways. It wasn't a failure to search me. Oh they searched me rather...thoroughly." He paused before shuddering, remembering the grueling search that went on. "In the end, they let me keep my best friend. More like my pet than something dangerous.

"I couldn't harm anyone," Ramirez concluded, "which is why they let me keep the razor. They knew the most I could do was shave. I'm not a master lock pick or any of that crap. I'm just a simple Agent First Class in the Rebellion." After breathing deeply, he smiled, showing off his bright, white teeth. "Well, now that I've gotten that off my chest without so much as a 'Shut the hell up, inmate!', I feel better...you guys can go ahead and tell me about yourselves now." Ramirez simply sat down, waiting on one of them to begin their tale of why they were there.

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