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The Most Important Delivery of All Time |
![]() Omar comin' ![]() Group: Members Posts: 889 Joined: 12-April 09 From: Texas Member No.: 10 745 PANE ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It hadn't even been a full day since Abraham West's release from a Team Magma prison facility disguised as a warehouse. After an unexpected battle, and quite a bit of fatigue, he did manage to get back to his motel room, shower and sleep for a solid few hours. It was the best sleep he'd had in a while. However, the knocks at the door caused him to have the worst wakeup he'd had in a while. "4A was the salmon!" he yelled in response. Perhaps he meant to tell them the door was unlocked. Maybe he was having one of his usual nightmares about waiting tables. As the narrator of the story, I can tell you it was the waiting thing. "West!" the door seemed to yell and there were three more knocks. "Coming!" He finally jumped to his feet and instinctively ran his hands through his hair to fix it up. Barely awake, he wobbled over to the door and opened it up. There was a man dressed in a Magma uniform looking back at him with an eyebrow raised. He was unfamiliar. "You have a good night's rest?" he smiled. "No." Abraham stated bluntly. What the hell was this guy so laughy about? Then he looked down to see that he was shirtless and shoeless, wearing only a loose pair of gray sweatpants. "Oh. Can I, um," "I didn't come her to pick you up, man," the man shook his head, "Just to give you your assignment. I got places to be and stuff. So, here," he handed Abraham an envelope with the fiery red magma seal. On the back, it was simply labeled "Abraham West," as well as the address and room number of his motel. "See you round, West," Abraham didn't nod, just closed the door and walked back to his bed. His legs gave out and he face planted the uncomfortable (and probably very fertile) mattress. Sighing, he rolled himself over so he was lying on his back and opened the envelope. He read it very quickly and sighed again. Apparently he was supposed to deliver a package to the poor district. Seeing as how he lived there, that wouldn't normally be a problem, but he would have to meet up with his partner, Raine Vega, across town, who had the package (and apparently his new uniform). He wondered why they didn't just have the guy who delivered his mission deliver the package since he was in the area anyway. So inefficient. The final sigh, however, was not because he'd have to go across town or because he was working for a dumb "organization" or because of who his partner would be. It was because it would probably take him all day to get across town to Raine's place, back to the poor district to deliver the package, and then back to wherever he needed to go to report afterwards. This would mean he would have to miss the day shift where he worked and he wasn't scheduled for the night. This meant he would definitely come up short for the week's rent due in two days. Hopefully he'd get paid for this "mission," otherwise he'd be homeless. He had to be at her apartment at seven, which was an hour away, so he finally got up and walked over to the pull up bar in the doorway of his bathroom where all of his clothes were hanging. Of course, the motel provided a little dresser, but he was not about to fold up his clothes and cram them in that thing. He squeezed past the various suits and shirts and took care of some business in the bathroom before walking back outside and to his dresser where he had his pokeballs. He let Gaia the Swinub out of her pokeball and onto his bed and Double A the Elekid onto the floor next to it. In the same drawer was a pack of generic pokemon food and he poured a little into each of their bowls next to his bed. As Gaia crawled down the bed to get to her bowl, Double A began chomping down immediately, rotating his little arms as he ate. While they took care of that, Abraham went back to his rack of clothes and squeezed by them another time to get into the bathroom. After a quick shave and fixing up his hair nice and messy, some deodorant, a facial cleanser and his contacts, he was ready to get dressed. He picked out a modest blue and white striped button down shirt and tossed it on. He wanted to keep it fairly casual since he knew he'd have to change into his Magma uniform when he got to Raine's apartment, but he still had to get across town, and he wasn't about to do that in a T shirt. After he buttoned it down, leaving the top one unbuttoned (which, of course, meant he was not planning on wearing a tie), he took off the sweatpants. I'm not gonna describe his red, silk underwear simply due to how tiny they were. Oh, I guess I just did. Sorry. He pulled out a nice pair of flat front pants from his collection and put them on over the shirt, making sure it was tucked in. Then, he headed back out to his dresser and pulled out a few more things before going back into the bathroom. He threw on a belt, put on a pair of black socks and a pair of oxford shoes. As he rolled up the sleeves on his shirt, he smiled at himself in the mirror, adjusting it slightly over the course of a minute until it was perfected. This was one of his morning rituals to make sure that his face worked with his outfit and was never awkward. He pondered putting on a tie, but decided against it. Instead, he went less formal and untucked his shirt. He walked outside of the bathroom looking casually sexy. Gaia was waiting on his bed, just looking at him calmly while Double A was sitting on the floor next to it, looking tired. "How do I look?" he smiled his practiced smile, but it looked and felt natural. Gaia squealed and jumped just a little bit, which he took as a good thing. Double A didn't get fashion like she did, but he was still nice to have around. "Alright, we're probably gonna be a little late," he shrugged, noting that he took way too long getting ready. He even skipped his morning shower (though he showered only hours before when he got home). "Hopefully I'll make up for my tardiness with my sexiness. But, yeah, I'll have to put you guys up." They accepted their fate and were pulled back into their pokeballs. With that, Abraham grabbed his keys, his wallet and his cell phone, putting them in his left, back and right pocket respectively. "And we're good." He used the very last of his money to take a cab across town. He got there at 7:04, which he thought was actually pretty impressive, and knocked on her apartment door. -------------------- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart] ![]() ![]() Justin Smart Profile Current Level Post Wiki Currently In: Zoobreak! [align=right] ![]() Nate Guzman (Partner) Wiki[/spoiler] [/align] [spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent] ![]() Jill Laurent Profile Current Levels Post Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler] [spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt Abraham West Profile Progress Tracking Currently In: Interception! :piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler] |
![]() Nachtales ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 549 Joined: 7-February 10 From: In ur heart. Steelin' ur luvs. Member No.: 83 491 The Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
There she was. Sitting in the middle of a large field. It was springtime, and the Pidgey were chirping, and a warm breeze was blowing through the tall green grass. Butterfree and Beautifly were fluttering around her, and one even lighted on her shoulder, and she giggled as the bug's wings tickled her cheek. She was wearing her usual black turtleneck, with her blue jeans, but the sun bounced off of her silky black hair in a fashion that made her face glow...or maybe that was just the broad smile that crossed her delicate features, causing her sapphire eyes to squint jovially. She was waiting for someone. And here he came. It was the man from the prison cell, the one she had had one of her first lengthy conversations with. She didn't know his name, but for some reason, she knew that he was the one she had been waiting for. She rose to her feet and slowly ran through the tall grass, jumping up and wrapping her arms around his neck. As he gave her a small kiss on the nose, beaming down at her like he was the proudest man in the world, she heard his voice say "I told you we would have a real first date." Raine smiled broadly, marveling in the way the sunlight lit up his face. His grin slowly faded into a look of longing, and she heard him whisper "You are the most beautiful girl in the world, you know that?" She found herself focusing more on his lips, and noticed that he was focusing on hers. Their pulses went together like a pounding, roaring ocean tide, and as they leaned closer, she could almost taste his warmth on her face- TAP TAP TAP. TAP. Raine's eyes opened with a start, the rapping on her door bringing her out of her dream. She sat bolt upright in bed, automatically drawing a hand over her modest sized breasts in an attempt to conceal them, even though she was wearing a sleek black gown. She looked outside before she looked at the clock. The sun was up, though it wasn't high in the sky yet, so she knew it was morning. She then turned to the clock, and it read 7:04 AM. Her mind raced for why someone would be at her door this early in the morning; she was supposed to be called in for briefing on her next mission the following day. Her eyes darted to the package on the couch, and her mind whizzed with what could be inside. Still concerned, she began running through her schedule for that day. However, she eased her tense form as she remembered what day it was. It was Friday. Noverus still implemented a milk-delivery service for the extra few dollars...but Raine liked her milk. It was her favorite beverage actually. Lucien was pawing and growling at the door, while Omicron remained patiently at the foot of her bed, looking more dismayed at being woken up than the fact that there was someone at the door. Sliding slowly out of bed, she ran her hand through her tousled morning hair, remembering what she had been dreaming about. A flush hit her face, and she shook her head childishly, going so far as to stick out her tongue in disgust. Her? With him? The mere thought made her stomach turn. Sure, he was handsome enough, but looks weren't everything. He was a deceptive fellow, and one she needed to stay away from. She would be perfectly content if she never saw him again. The thought of his body close to hers...his warmth...his smile...his hair...his strong arms that could hold her so close...was...disgusting. Right. Disgusting. TAP. TAP TAP. TAP! Suddenly remembering that the milkman was at the door, she stood up, cringing as her little feet met the cold wooden floors. "Just one moment, please!" she called to the door, which only seemed to agitate Lucien more. He was pawing so viciously at the floor, Raine was sure he was going to make a tunnel to the milkman before she got to him. Lucien liked his milk, too. Looking at herself in the wall mirror, she wrinkled her nose. The spaghetti strap, silk gown that clung to her feminine curves and rested just above her knees looked a bit burlesque to be greeting a milkman with. However, she had known the man. He was an elderly fellow, with only a few teeth to his name, and he was an innocent enough fellow, always pleasant. She figured that he was the least likely fellow to make a pass at her. Besides, it was early, and no one would really be up and about. She could have sworn that the milk was delivered at 8ish, though...not 7. TAP...TAP...TAP!! "I'll be right there!" the girl called, running over to her satchel and pulling out her wallet, which didn't have very much in it. Pulling out the normal amount, her bare feet pitter-pattered over to the door, and she unlocked it, and opened it, looking down at the money in her hand, making sure she had accurate change so she could get back inside the safety of her apartment. "I'm so sorry about that...I could have sworn that the milk was delivered later than 7. The usual amount?" she asked pleasantly, a tiny smile on her face which completely dissolved into a look of horror as she saw who was actually at the door. She blinked at him for a few moments, her mouth wide open in shock, before she squeaked a word that could be identified as "You!" before slamming the door in his face, placing her back up against the door, breathing as though she had had a minor panic attack. She might have. Her face was more crimson than it had ever been, and as she stood plastered against the door, Lucien was more apt than ever to get through that darn door. As she caught her breath, and collected her thoughts, she realized she had just slammed the door in his face, which was expected, really, for a girl like Raine...but was still quite rude. She slowly turned around, and opened the door just a smidge, so that he could hear her. All that he could see of her now was possibly a blue eye, and the tip of a little red nose, if he stooped down low enough. "Wait ten seconds, and then you can come in and sit on the couch. Ten real seconds, please." she said hurriedly, before shutting the door with a click, and scampering off to her dresser, where she pulled out some of her normal garb (and an extra sock, in her rush) and scurried off to the bathroom, where she slammed the door. As she checked and rechecked to make sure the door was locked, she proceeded to change into some decent clothes, all the while wondering what the heck that man was doing at her door at 7:00 in the morning. Surely he hadn't been serious about taking her on a date? And even if he was, he could have at least given her some notice so she could at least refuse. As she was dragging her brush through her hair, allowing it to poof slightly around her face, she could vaguely hear another rapping at the door. Raine rolled her eyes, looking down at her sockfeet sans tennis shoes, and found that she couldn't get out of the bathroom. Oh, right, the door was locked. The flustered girl escaped the bathroom and skidded across the floor in her sockfeet, opening the door cautiously. A smiling faced man, dressed in a Magma uniform greeted her. "Ms. Vega?" he asked curiously, poking his head inside and waving over to the strange man on her couch. Noting the discourse with some confusion, Raine nodded curtly. "Yes. Who's addressing me?" she asked as formally as she could, still trying to regain a bit of her composure. "I'm here on account of the package you were to be delivering tomorrow. Due to...circumstances beyond our control, we regret to inform you that instead of being briefed tomorrow, the package is to be delivered today, to the Poor District. Mr. West over there has the map to where you'll be going, and for this mission, you will be partnered with him to ensure the safe delivery of said parcel. Again, I am told to reiterate that the contents of the package are not to be investigated or disturbed for any reason, and the successful delivery of said package is essential. Do you have any questions?" Raine stared at the man dumbly. She turned to who she now knew as Mr. West, then back to the man. She nodded slowly, and the man in uniform smiled and nodded back, and proceeded to thrust a package with an extra uniform into her small hands. "Very good! Good luck, guys." he stated with a click of his heels, and then he was off. Raine watched him vanish down the hall, and slowly shut the door with a click, still blinking in a fashion that showed she was mildly overwhelmed. She then looked down to the package in her hand, tilting her head at it curiously. Turning around to the man on her couch, she looked at him shyly, her hands holding the package and uniform to her breast. A familiar heat rose to her face as the man from the dream she had been so lividly living moments before stared back at her calmly. Again, gross. She then stated the kindest thing she had said to the man all day. "...Hi." This post has been edited by Tymid: Feb 1 2011, 10:45 PM -------------------- [align=center]~>
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Draggies! 8D[/align][align=center] ![]() ![]() Credit for Sprites: Weavile Luffer, DuesSuetonius, Firewave the Dragonite, Zeta of the Skies, Master PokePilot, Skyking240 GirlcalledBob, Drakonawin, PokeNOM NOM NOM, Proddit, Tysm. Credit for Avatars: Ruki, Sparkleplex, Greykitty, Weavile Luffer, CuPcAkEbUnNy, Absoleevee, JelloJolteon2000, FangChan13, Agent Arcanine, Niltava, Creature Feature, TehArtMonkey, Schmee, Miharu, Mya, TyeDyeWolf, mewkeemyuu, Miekiki, Flygon 3X, TeeHeeDaruma, Teh Huntress.[/spoiler][/align][spoiler=Sprite Collection! (Rotating Images)][align=center] [align=center] ![]() The Insanity. Raven, my OC Trainer ![]() Tymid the Nachtales ![]() [/align] [/align][spoiler=P.A.N.E and Uprising][align=center] ![]() ![]() ![]() Credit: PokeNOM NOM NOM and Ruki Raven Amaranth Current Levels ![]() Credit: Doctor Octopus Uprising [/spoiler][align=center] ![]() ![]() Sprite Credit: Poke NOM NOM NOM Raine Vega Progress Tracking[/align][/align] |
![]() also known as Duzzel. ^_^ ![]() Group: Members Posts: 849 Joined: 27-December 08 From: Internet Land. :3 Member No.: 3 392 Dream Party ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Compared to the mornings he had the past two months, this one was rather, for lack of a better word, tedious. Jened lifted himself out of his bed just as his alarm began to screech its horrid noise at 5:30, and slammed the top of it, being careful not to break it in the process, as was the fate of so many alarm clocks before. A Growlithe strutted over to Jened and laid his clothes at his feet.
He lifted the now wrinkled outfit and petted the puppy Pokémon, Ardaine. This sudden change in sleeping schedule had decreased Jened’s alertness this morning, and didn’t focus on reprimanding his Pokémon for messing up his clothes. Jened walked out of the bathroom, now clean and fully dressed, as steam flowed past the doorway. His white shirt wrapped around his skin almost as tightly as his dark pants were. The collar was open and formed a sort of deep V-neck shape, in which was displayed a necklace of silver, ruby and sapphire. He continued to dry off his hair as he walked back into his bedroom. A Vulpix lay in the corner of his room, resting on a luxurious pillow lying on top of his shoes. He lifted the fox gently and set her on the foot of his bed. Aglaia, as Jened named the Vulpix, opened one eye casually and continued to rest her eyes after getting an idea of what was going on. Jened then lifted her pillow and retrieved his shoes, setting them next to his bedroom door to tend to when he had finished taking care of everything else in the bedroom. Jened returned a few stray books to his backpack and then swung it over his shoulders. After he scanned his room for anything he might have missed, a few heavy thuds were heard as he stepped down the stairs. “I made breakfast for you!” An object was sent flying towards Jened as he reached the ground level of the house. He caught it and observed it, taking note of char and little black bits of what seemed to be… vegetables? Jened’s uncle Gerrard continued to make his own breakfast as he yelled from the kitchen, “Don’t be late! I don’t want my widdle nephew to create a bad second impression in school.” Jened didn’t attempt to glare at his Uncle as he would have usually done at a time like this. Instead he opened the front door and on his way out, threw the “breakfast” in the garbage. Gerrard gave a slight chuckle when Jened returned shortly after to get his shoes, Pokégear, jacket, and Pokémon. ~~~ Jened’s feet hit the ground hard with each step, but progressively grew more alert. He decided to release his Pokémon although it was just before school. He had plenty of time before it started anyways. He swung his backpack behind him and held onto it with both hands, raising his elbows above his head. He continued walking until a pink pillow thumped him in the back of the head after a gentle breeze. The pillow let out a cheery ‘pip’ and continued drifting overhead. Jened brushed his hair out of his face and continued walking, keeping a closer eye on his free-floating Hoppip. The trainer glowered at his Pokémon as it smiled happily and let out a series of ‘hop’s and ‘pip’s, as though it was carrying on a conversation with itself. He walked over to a park bench and opened his bag. He reached in, grabbed a book and began to read. He ignored the trainers nearby, getting an early challenge to start the day. However, a man walked by Jened in a fire red uniform, scanning him up and down for any sign of disrespect towards Team Magma. Because he wasto the strange kid sitting in the park and not where he was going, he hadn’t noticed the Shellder in front of him and inadvertently kicked it. A familiar Growlithe noticed this and ran towards the Magma agent, with a Vulpix trotting behind him. As Ardaine ran around the Magma agent, barking angrily at him, Aglaia sat a few feet away, preening her golden paws, as they had gotten some dirt on them during play. Jened closed the book, his middle finger serving as a place holder, and approached the Magma grunt calmly. The white-haired trainer snapped his fingers once and Ardaine reported back to her trainer and sat obediently. The Grunt had finished flailing about in the air, no longer trying to avoid the ferocious creature and straightened his clothing. “You are a terrible trainer if you can’t control your Pokémon. I’d recommend just releasing it if you can’t tame it.” Jened replied coolly, “I doubt we would have this problem if you had enough sense to look where you’re going, instead of trying to find some reason to arrest a teenager as he was reading.” Aglaia had returned with the Shellder (she pushed it through the park, an interesting, if not comedic, scene to watch) and sat by her trainer’s side. Jened bent over to pick up the Shellfish and returned his gaze to the Grunt. “I’m sorry for the trouble; I’ll try not to make walking too difficult for you by placing my Pokémon in your path.” Jened tossed the hair gradually falling into his face back to the side and returned to his bench. He set the Shellder down next to him and began reading once more. “I do have to wonder though, Caile, what were you doing on the sidewalk?” The Shellder had, inevitably, fallen asleep by that point, and Jened just returned to his book. ~~~ Jened opened his Pokégear and read 6:45. He still had a lot of time before school started. After a few moments of deep thought, he decided his Pokémon were rather low in health and decided that a trip to the Pokécenter wasn’t a bad idea. He could even see what had been going on in the city while he was gone. Besides, he could get to school on time, it’s not like the Pokémon center was far from it. Jened approached the front desk and held up his badge. He walked past the counter into a room that led to a basement of some kind. There he found an officials office and took a seat. “So, Jened, I’m glad to see you’re back. Where did you run off to?” “I plead the fifth, sir.” “Now Jened, you know there’s no reason to be formal with me. Anyways, what can I do for you, or the other way around?” “I’m just wondering if there are any jobs you need me to take care of.” “Well, actually, we don’t have any missions currently. Besides, most of them are rather spur of the moment. Wouldn’t you agree?” Jened remained silent. He stared deeply into his higher-ups eyes, demanding a straightforward answer. The man sat silent for a moment and finally broke. He resituated himself and cleared his throat. “We don’t have any missions available for you, Agent Tenkuu. I’m afraid you’ll just have to go out and find one if you’re so anxious. Just, don’t go over your head.” The officer smiled warmly and placed his hands in his lap. “Was that so hard?” Jened smiled. Seeing a change in the personality of the Agent, the Officer was a little unnerved. It wasn’t typical for Jened to smile. “Alright then, I’ll see you around.” He stood up and walked out of the office and back into the Pokémon center. He exited the building and released his Hoppip, the idea of going to school today completely lost. The wind at that time was practically nonexistent, so the little Hoppip merely drifted to the ground. “All right Amy, I guess I’ll follow you. Show me where the action is.” The plant Pokémon perked up her leaves and anticipated a gentle breeze. This post has been edited by knil1: Feb 2 2011, 08:19 PM -------------------- ![]() Uprising (click to show ) |
![]() Omar comin' ![]() Group: Members Posts: 889 Joined: 12-April 09 From: Texas Member No.: 10 745 PANE ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Waiting at Raine's front door for as long as he did felt surprisingly awkward. It was early in the morning, and he had to nod and smile to people as they were leaving their homes for work. He knocked again and was greeted with a hurried "I'll be right there!"
After about a minute, the door squeezed open and Abraham found himself in an interesting predicament. It was Raine, alright, but she was not in her Team Magma uniform, not that her nightgown was much less revealing. He glanced down, naturally, but then looked at her face (he still had to look down to do that, but less further down). "Morning," he said. "I'm so sorry about that...I could have sworn that the milk was delivered later than 7. The usual amount?" She was completely out of it, going through some cash, as though he was some sort of milk delivery man. He didn't respond, just waited for her to figure the situation out on her own, smiling all the while. Then she finally looked up at him and blinked awkwardly. "You!" she squeaked, hiding inside and slamming closed the door. Not quite the reaction he was expecting, but it was still reasonable. She opened the door and told him to wait ten real seconds before coming in. He rolled his eyes, as if her body were so pure and beautiful that he was going to be a bastard just to get a glance. He shrugged, though, and counted ten real seconds, then opened the door, closed it behind him and took a seat on the couch. Checking his watch, he noted that it was 7:10. They needed to get going. He did find it curious that she wasn't expecting him, though. Maybe- Knocking at the door? "Raine?" Abraham asked as he stood up, loud enough for her to hear from the bathroom. He heard her wiggle the bathroom doorknob and then a click. Then the doorknob turned again and Raine practically bolted out and slid across the floor to the door. He overheard the messenger give her a package and a very short briefing before heading out. Then, Raine turned to him shyly and, finally, greeted him. "Hey," he smiled as he walked over to her. "I think this is my uniform," he added, shaking his head and took the folded uniform from the top of the box which she was holding. "Not quite my style. But hey!" He turned around and walked a few steps back towards the couch before turning back to her. "I guess new recruits aren't allowed to look good. Your outfit is a little ridiculous too. To be honest with you, I'm more than a little excited for us to walk across town in matching, terribly designed Magma uniforms." "I'm gonna go ahead and get changed," he said, beginning to unbutton his shirt. "You probably should too. Unfortunate. I finally get to see you in some nice looking clothes. You do look good." He added, sincerely. -------------------- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart] ![]() ![]() Justin Smart Profile Current Level Post Wiki Currently In: Zoobreak! [align=right] ![]() Nate Guzman (Partner) Wiki[/spoiler] [/align] [spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent] ![]() Jill Laurent Profile Current Levels Post Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler] [spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt Abraham West Profile Progress Tracking Currently In: Interception! :piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler] |
![]() Nachtales ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 549 Joined: 7-February 10 From: In ur heart. Steelin' ur luvs. Member No.: 83 491 The Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
As Mr. West walked towards her, her head tilted upwards as was her normal fashion when anyone taller than her (practically everyone was, save children), until she was able to look up at his face. Eye-contact was out of the question; she didn't know nor trust him well enough to grant him that. However, as he reached out and grabbed the uniform from the top of the package, she took a step back warily, though she was sure that he meant no ill-will. It seemed he didn't mind, however, as he turned around and stepped towards the couch, turning back to her. Maybe he was respecting her privacy?
Raine canted her head at the man curiously. He sure did have a lot to say this early in the morning, didn't he? He commented on her outfit looking ridiculous, and she shrugged in agreement. She hated that darn uniform. She thought it made her look like a harlot. However, as he began talking about walking across town in Magma uniforms, her brow furrowed. He wasn't seriously thinking about sauntering across the Poor District dressed in full Magma uniform? They'd be dead before they got to the outskirts. The Poor District was technically Magma run, but Raine knew better than anyone that Aqua ruled that territory, and would be more than happy to dispatch of anyone wearing flashy Magma uniforms, low-rank or not. Mr. West began unbuttoning his shirt, which not only caused great distress to cross Raine's face, but also caused her to realize that he was indeed serious. She didn't avert her gaze, no...she turned her back completely. Whether or not she was attempting to hide the blush or just be courteous was known only to Raine, and to her, it was a little bit of both. "Are you truly contemplating that plan of action, Mr. West? If we go there in uniform, we'll be massacred. It would be best if we traveled in civilian garb. Even then, we'll draw attention, since we're not known faces, but at least we won't get killed on sight. I lived there...a long, long time ago. I know how they operate. So, if you please, kindly keep your clothes on." she stated firmly, but there was a definite quaver to her voice. Such as her mind operated, she mentally flipped to her social relations handbook, and determined that she had been rude, once again. If she was to be working with this man, she would at least have to attempt some form of etiquette, begrudging or not. So, she tried. "N-not that you offend me in any sort of way, Mr. West. You're quite handsome. Not handsome in the handsome sort of way, but...you have a very nice...er...smile. Yes. A very nice smile. Don't think I mean you look nice though. I mean, you do...you look very nice in civilian gear. ...Not that you didn't look nice as a prisoner! What I'm trying to say is...thank you for the compliment." she stuttered awkwardly, finally ending with a phrase that sounded more resigned and desperate than anything else. Her pale features were a hot crimson now; she was fairly certain she was melting. Lucien was pacing in circles around Mr. West, sniffing at his pants cautiously. He didn't bear an aggressive stance, merely curious. Omicron, on the other hand, seemed rather lackadaisacal on the whole matter. He had been rather lax since the ordeal at the Warehouse. Raine speculated that he was in a mild state of emotional shock at having encountered his first battle; time would heal such things. In the meantime, she was quite aware that she had just made a complete and total dullard out of herself, and had a feeling that it was too late to rectify the situation. She felt rather upset at herself; she could outwit just about any person she encountered. However, despite the knowledge she contained, she couldn't find it within herself to speak coherently to another human being, without being horrendously awkward. The only one she had even had some semblance of conversation with was...well, standing right in front of her. "Look, I'm sorry..." she murmured, turning around to face him. "I don't mean to sound hateful...really, I don't. It's just, I'm sure you can tell I'm not very good with people, is all, especially people I don't know or trust all that well. Which, is practically everyone. I'll try to do better." she concluded, dipping her head slightly. That was the best apology she could up with, for now. Her logic kept telling her that she had no need to apologize to a man that had lied to her. Then again, he had also helped her. She sighed inwardly. This was truly an awkward situation. Page 4 of her handbook said that establishing a first name basis with someone was a crucial first step to interacting with one's fellow man. However, she felt that the prompt given of: "Hello! My name is _____. What's yours?" was rather inappropriate. She'd word it her own way. "Well, we should be off soon. I'm...curious to know if I could perhaps know your first name. We are to be working together after all, and I find Mr. West to be painfully formal; you are not my superior, yet. After all, you know my name...I hope it isn't prudent of me to query after yours?" ...Learning the basics is a hard process, for some. -------------------- [align=center]~>
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Draggies! 8D[/align][align=center] ![]() ![]() Credit for Sprites: Weavile Luffer, DuesSuetonius, Firewave the Dragonite, Zeta of the Skies, Master PokePilot, Skyking240 GirlcalledBob, Drakonawin, PokeNOM NOM NOM, Proddit, Tysm. Credit for Avatars: Ruki, Sparkleplex, Greykitty, Weavile Luffer, CuPcAkEbUnNy, Absoleevee, JelloJolteon2000, FangChan13, Agent Arcanine, Niltava, Creature Feature, TehArtMonkey, Schmee, Miharu, Mya, TyeDyeWolf, mewkeemyuu, Miekiki, Flygon 3X, TeeHeeDaruma, Teh Huntress.[/spoiler][/align][spoiler=Sprite Collection! (Rotating Images)][align=center] [align=center] ![]() The Insanity. Raven, my OC Trainer ![]() Tymid the Nachtales ![]() [/align] [/align][spoiler=P.A.N.E and Uprising][align=center] ![]() ![]() ![]() Credit: PokeNOM NOM NOM and Ruki Raven Amaranth Current Levels ![]() Credit: Doctor Octopus Uprising [/spoiler][align=center] ![]() ![]() Sprite Credit: Poke NOM NOM NOM Raine Vega Progress Tracking[/align][/align] |
![]() Omar comin' ![]() Group: Members Posts: 889 Joined: 12-April 09 From: Texas Member No.: 10 745 PANE ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Mr. West just smiled as Raine spoke, or tried to at least, and buttoned his shirt back up. She was right, of course, but Abraham was of the belief that they were in fact required to be in uniform. She was a Magma longer, though, so she knew the rules better. Apparently she knew what was going on in Noverus as well, since even Abraham didn't know that the poor district was Aqua controlled, and he lived there.
Still, he couldn't help chuckle as she felt so awkward. Abraham hated awkward situations, but this one seemed very unavoidable. This girl was going to be awkward anyway, so he might as well just enjoy it for what it was. She went on about how stunningly handsome he was, and then apologized for being awkward. Then she asked his first name in an attempt to make things less formal, but she did so in an incredibly formal way. "I don't know," he shrugged. "I was kinda liking Mr. West." She didn't seem to gather by his smile that he was joking, so he chuckled again and shook his head. "Honestly, I'm surprised they didn't tell you my whole name when I was in the jail cell. That's the only reason I skipped the whole introduction thing. But you're right. Let's make this situation a bit more familiar. "Hi," he said, taking a step towards her and holding out his hand. "Nice to officially meet you. I'm Abraham." This post has been edited by Yzarc Drowsnam: Feb 6 2011, 01:01 PM -------------------- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart] ![]() ![]() Justin Smart Profile Current Level Post Wiki Currently In: Zoobreak! [align=right] ![]() Nate Guzman (Partner) Wiki[/spoiler] [/align] [spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent] ![]() Jill Laurent Profile Current Levels Post Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler] [spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt Abraham West Profile Progress Tracking Currently In: Interception! :piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler] |
![]() Nachtales ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 549 Joined: 7-February 10 From: In ur heart. Steelin' ur luvs. Member No.: 83 491 The Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
As Abraham stepped forward and introduced himself, she backed away from the hand cautiously. She knew about handshakes, she had read about them. However, the logical point of such a gesture was something she couldn't fathom. Why risk the spreading of germs for a greeting? Raine, for one, did not believe that the giving a new acquaintance the flu made for a good first impression. However, she mustered her courage, and with a slightly shaky hand, she gripped his. Her hand was tiny in comparison, but she still gripped firmly enough so that he'd know she was there. She had read that a weak handshake showed the receiving party that one was weak. She couldn't have him thinking that.
Shortly after she had gripped his hand, a bleating sound caused her to jump, causing her to pull her hand back in alarm. She relaxed, however, as Omicron was hopping on the bed excitedly. Raine couldn't help but feel a bit touched. She knew that Poke'mon were good at reading people, but had the little sheep just expressed excitement at Raine actually being social? Since she had no one else to talk to, she often talked to her Poke'mon about just how dearly she wished she wasn't so awkward, and how she desired to have at least one compatriot that actually spoke back. Raine could only assume that this was Omicron's way of being proud of her. She giggled lightly at the happy, bouncing sheep, but the smile on her face began to fade as Omicron, mid-bounce, began to glow. Raine squinted as the glow became too bright to handle, but as the glow began to fade, she cautiously opened them again. A Flaafy was now bouncing on the bed, emitting a sweet sounding bleat. The pink, fluffy creature seemed ecstatic about his new appearance, though Raine couldn't help thinking that the pink shade to his fur made him seem just a bit feminine. "Flaa...fy! Flaafy!" Omicron bleated excitedly, hopping off of the bed to come and stand by his trainer. Raine tilted her head down at him, a curious look in her sapphire eyes. "...Oh. Okay." she responded, nodding her head, stroking his soft wool gently. The Flaafy bleated once again, revelling in the approval, and immediately began posing for a curious Lucien, who was rather confused by this entire morning. Raine observed their interactions lovingly for a moment, before she realized that Abraham was still there. She tugged idly on the bottom of her turtleneck, wrinkling her nose in thought. She looked at the clock, which read 7:30. It was really time for them to be off. They had a long journey ahead. "Well, I guess we should be off then?" she asked lightly, choosing to ignore the response she would have received by summoning Lucien and Omicron back into their Poke'Balls, rummaging through her satchel to make sure she had everything, and recovering the parcel she had temporarily laid down on the couch, placing it snugly within her satchel. She walked towards the door, placing her hand on the handle, and looked at Abraham expectantly. -------------------- [align=center]~>
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Draggies! 8D[/align][align=center] ![]() ![]() Credit for Sprites: Weavile Luffer, DuesSuetonius, Firewave the Dragonite, Zeta of the Skies, Master PokePilot, Skyking240 GirlcalledBob, Drakonawin, PokeNOM NOM NOM, Proddit, Tysm. Credit for Avatars: Ruki, Sparkleplex, Greykitty, Weavile Luffer, CuPcAkEbUnNy, Absoleevee, JelloJolteon2000, FangChan13, Agent Arcanine, Niltava, Creature Feature, TehArtMonkey, Schmee, Miharu, Mya, TyeDyeWolf, mewkeemyuu, Miekiki, Flygon 3X, TeeHeeDaruma, Teh Huntress.[/spoiler][/align][spoiler=Sprite Collection! (Rotating Images)][align=center] [align=center] ![]() The Insanity. Raven, my OC Trainer ![]() Tymid the Nachtales ![]() [/align] [/align][spoiler=P.A.N.E and Uprising][align=center] ![]() ![]() ![]() Credit: PokeNOM NOM NOM and Ruki Raven Amaranth Current Levels ![]() Credit: Doctor Octopus Uprising [/spoiler][align=center] ![]() ![]() Sprite Credit: Poke NOM NOM NOM Raine Vega Progress Tracking[/align][/align] |
![]() Omar comin' ![]() Group: Members Posts: 889 Joined: 12-April 09 From: Texas Member No.: 10 745 PANE ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
When Raine hesitated at shaking his hand, Abraham persisted, his hand still out. He knew that part of his job was to play daddy to this little girl and teach her how to be an acceptable human being. When she finally did take his hand, there was an odd noise coming from behind him. When he turned, he saw Omicron, Raine's Mareep, acting all kinds of giddy. It was pretty cute, the way he-Oh. He was evolving.
"Nice," he smiled when he saw the sheep, now able to walk upright. "Congratulations, Omicron. Welcome to the world of bipedality." He wasn't entirely sure if that was the word he wanted to use. It sounded right. It sounded sexy is what it sounded, but was it right? Bipedalism may have been more appropriate, but you can't take it back. Maybe Raine would correct him. He kind of hoped she would, but when she moved towards the door after checking the time, he simply nodded and walked with her towards the door as she called back her pokemon. He stood aside and let her lock the door behind her, as he figured she would, and he began walking to their destination, Raine beside him, as he took out the map. After looking at it for half a second, he immediately folded it back up, rolled his eyes, and put it in his right pocket. He already knew where they were going - The poor district. He knew how to get there, and it would be a while before they did, so he wouldn't need the map until then. It wasn't an incredibly long walk, but it was a pretty intense struggle for Abraham to force some conversation out of Raine. God help her, she was trying, but Abraham hated awkwardness. They managed to land on a topic of interest when they began discussing the contents of the box. They had strict orders not to open it so it could be very important. On the other hand, they were two new recruits, so it couldn't be that important. Maybe it was a new pokeball. Maybe it was a pokemon inside a pokeball. Maybe it was a small pokemon outside of a pokeball. Maybe it was just an empty box to see if they could successfully deliver it. They hoped that wasn't it. They weren't children. Just outside of the Poor District (though the lines are somewhat hazy. It might have actually been in the Poor District) they came upon a restaurant called the Horsea's Mouth. Seafood sounded really good, but there was the whole issue of him not having any money. He bit his bottom lip as he thought through the situation. How could he swindle some money? Just enough for lunch. It was a little early for lunch, but a three hour walk and no breakfast will make a guy hungry. Raine was probably hungry too. There. A little bit further down the street was a Pokemon Shelter. That probably meant they were still in the Wealthy District, but very close to the Poor District, where beaten, neglected or otherwise abandoned pokemon might show up. Now, he wasn't about to go rob a non profit. But he wasn't above doing a few other terrible things. "Hungry?" He asked, as they walked by the Horsea's Mouth. -------------------- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart] ![]() ![]() Justin Smart Profile Current Level Post Wiki Currently In: Zoobreak! [align=right] ![]() Nate Guzman (Partner) Wiki[/spoiler] [/align] [spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent] ![]() Jill Laurent Profile Current Levels Post Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler] [spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt Abraham West Profile Progress Tracking Currently In: Interception! :piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler] |
![]() also known as Duzzel. ^_^ ![]() Group: Members Posts: 849 Joined: 27-December 08 From: Internet Land. :3 Member No.: 3 392 Dream Party ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It wasn’t as though he had wished for it to happen, the morning simply unfolded as it had. Not to mention, he hadn’t really focused on the direction he was heading. No one’s really paying that much attention at 7:15 in the morning anyways. But Jened still had to explain to his teacher why he was going to opposite direction of the school this morning.
“I do realize class isn’t in session for another 45 minutes, Mr. Tenkuu, but I can’t help but wonder where you are going. Care to enlighten me?” Ms. Argounova was, as most of her junior students put it, sexy. But her reputation as a succubus wasn’t too far off. She wore her lengthy strawberry blonde hair in a ponytail typically thrown over her shoulder. She always wore a pinstripe vest, with pinstripes being nearly the exact color of the blouse under it. Jened stood silent and relaxed as she positioned her thin frame glasses in front of her grey eyes. “Mr. Tenkuu, are you listening?” “Yes ma’am. I just realized that I had forgotten my work at home and was on my way to get it. I will get to class shortly.” “Very well, I expect to see you in your seat at 8:00. If not,” She smiled, “well, let’s just say that our school doesn’t have any policies on assigning extra work. Have a good morning.” She walked off casually, her heels clicking the sidewalk. Not much unsettled Jened, and although he rather liked his teacher, Ms Argounova could get scary. She’s known to get around town. Every other month she’s seen around town with a new man and each one of them a member of team magma. Then soon enough, she’s single and her ex-boyfriend is missing. Her students have theories, some even accusing her of being an agent for the Rebellion. Jened, however, hasn’t ever seen her at the sanctuary or any other Rebellion base, leaving succubus to be the only explanation. ~~~ All the while, Amy had continued drifting down the street, and when Jened looked up, she wasn’t to be found. “Great, now I need to find that puff-ball and get back to class pronto.” He was rather eager to find a mission, but his luck so far was rather nonexistent, and Ms. Argounova could pile on homework; no one would want to face that. After a few minutes of searching, Jened had found Amy drifting over a dock in Northwest Noverus. She was headed out to the water as Jened pulled out his Pokéball and returned her to her portable home. He swung his backpack off his shoulders and traded the Pokéball with his Pokégear. He flipped it open and anticipated a time around 7:30. The school was close enough he could make it there in a sprint. But once he read the digital screen, he froze for a moment. 7:45 left him little to no time at all to avoid his punishment. He ran down the streets of the poor district looking for some faster form of transportation. There were bikes nearly everywhere, but stealing from Noverus citizens wasn’t a positive thought. However, the Magma Cruiser resting outside a small store would work fine. It seemed as though the grunts were planning on running in and back out of a store, as the Cruiser was still running; luck had found him. He jumped into the driver’s seat, released the emergency break, and slammed on the gas. A cloud of smoke drifted around him and once the wheels gained traction, he was flying down the street. After a minute or two, the familiar sound of sirens were ringing through alleys and eventually blue lights were seen in the rear-view mirrors of the cruiser. He took a sharp right down an alley and upon reaching a larger street, took another sharp right. “Great, just what I needed this morning…” The chase lasted a few more minutes, and eventually, Jened had enough. He drove by a stand on the side of the road and swiped a hat from a rack, making sure not to make a mess. He was, for the moment, quite proud of himself, but reality sunk back in and he devised a way to escape. He maneuvered through the poor district to find a road that ran straight for a while. The one he found was small, but fit his requirements. He tucked his hair in the stolen hat and jumped out of the speeding cruiser, rolling as he hit the ground. He ran behind a stand and watched as the vehicle slowed down until eventually running off course into the side of a building. The lack of explosion was somewhat of a letdown, but Jened didn’t want to feel worse about damaging property. He ran into a nearby restaurant and took a seat rather hastily, trying to keep away attention, but ignoring all of the waiters and waitresses as he took a booth that he had the feeling was about to be taken. A waitress with raven-black hair in a ponytail showed up at the end of his table. She brushed off her Blue Apron and took out a pen and notepad. “Can I get you a drink?” Jened didn’t appreciate the tone, but was gracious enough to accept the offer. “Water would be great, thanks.” The waitress, Jeanne as her nametag read, wrote on her notepad and trotted off to the kitchen, more than likely ignoring his order… “I guess I’ll be lying low for a while...” Then the idea of schoolwork all night sunk in and caused him to slouch over the table. -------------------- ![]() Uprising (click to show ) |
![]() Nachtales ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 549 Joined: 7-February 10 From: In ur heart. Steelin' ur luvs. Member No.: 83 491 The Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
As they had walked, lightly conversing about the contents of the box, Raine felt herself a little more at ease. She couldn't help but feel that he was actually attempting to talk to her to talk to her, not just to seduce her or something. Yeah. Like that would ever happen anyway. Raine was far too clever to allow herself to be conned, twice, by a common street mountebank. However, she couldn't help but slightly enjoy the conversation, considering that it was a topic that she was quite interested in herself. She knew that the contents of the package were "top secret", and she respected her employers enough to keep it that way. That hadn't stopped her from idly weighing the package in her hands once she had gotten it, jostling it innocently and gently, or even discreetly placing her ear to it. She had done exactly what she had been commanded; she didn't open the box, and she treated it with care. Begrudgingly, she admitted that the "top secret" contents were still "top secret".
Raine didn't particularly like secrets. Pausing a couple of times along the way, Raine began to notice that her legs were getting a little sore, as well as the fact that her stomach was crying out for attention, though fortunately, for the sake of her embarrassment, the sounds of passing cars and people stifled the awkward rumbles. Just as she was getting legitimately weary, Abraham asked if she was hungry. Looking up, she saw the sign above her head, emblazoned with the image of a close-up of a Horsea's tubular snout. A small smile flitted across her features, as she remembered vaguely walking past this restaurant as a child, on the way to the library. Oh, how good it had smelled when she walked past...just like it did now. Her stomach grumbled approvingly, and she snapped out of her reverie by placing a palm against her stomach, hoping that Abraham didn't hear. As he looked at her expectantly, she nodded, a peaceful smile on her features as a couple of the better memories of her youth fluttered back into existence. She changed her course of direction, and headed towards the door, only to be roughly buffeted by a youth who was charging into the eatery. The small girl got knocked back slightly, exclaiming something that closely resembled an "Oh!", stumbling backwards and into Abraham's chest. The contact wasn't for long, however, as she stepped forward, a furrow on her brow, and her nose wrinkled in displeasure. "How rude..." she murmured quietly, checking her satchel to make sure that everything was still intact. Why did the random things always have to happen to her? Why couldn't she just...sneak into the background and hide? She shook her head, and proceeded to enter the Horsea's Mouth. Her eyes widened as she looked upon the aquatic themed restaurant. The exterior certainly did not give the interior credit. It was a nice place, with a quaint, homey charm to it, but with an air of traditional elegance that belied the shabby sign and door she had seen from the outside. She looked around for a moment, studying her surroundings. She'd never actually been inside the Horsea's Mouth; she had no money at the time to spend on frivolous things such as restaurants, especially when she could make her own food at home. Suddenly, Raine's eyes locked on a large aquarium in the middle of the room. A small "Oooh..." escaped her lips, and she walked over to it, taking care not to put her hands on the glass. Hand smudges were most unappealing. Inside the aquarium lived a few Crabby, Qwilfish, and Remoraid...but it was the small floating Horsea that caught her eye. The little creature was eying her as curiously as she was it, and the way it just...floated in the water made Raine smile. It was so adorable. "Ma'am? Would you like to be seated?" Raine turned sharply at the voice, seeing a dark haired waitress standing between her and Abraham. The waitress looked at her curiously for a moment, before Raine decided to nod. The waitress led them to a booth; Raine noted in displeasure that the rude boy who had bumped into her was one booth over. However, she wasn't one to complain, and sat down, thanking the waitress. As the waitress placed her menu in front of her, Raine noticed that she could still view the aquarium, and that the Horsea was still watching her curiously. She didn't notice that the waitress had asked her what she would like to drink, but she did hear the woman say: "So, you like our selection in the aquarium?" Raine's head snapped up curtly, a slight flush coming to her face. "Yes, ma'am. I think it's beautiful. That Horsea is so sweet." she stated quietly, offering a polite nod towards the waitress. The waitress smiled and nodded. "You have no idea. Our chefs apply the finest herbs and spices to bring out the unique, sweet flavor of the Horsea filet. Would you like that as your entree', ma'am?" Raine's face paled. They were going to kill it? That sweet little blue creature? "Oh, no! You can't kill it!" Raine stated adamantly, shaking her head towards the waitress. Raine was really at a loss for what to do. The little Horsea was just...staring at her. She couldn't imagine it being served blackened and on a plate. "Could I buy it for menu price? Alive? Please?" Raine pleaded, to the shock of the waitress. She shot a look over to Abraham, before turning back to Raine, a forced smile on her face. "One moment, ma'am. I'll bring the manager out." she stated crisply, turning on her heels and heading to the back room. Raine looked over at Abraham, a look of angst in her eyes. "They can't kill it." she insisted, looking back over at the Horsea again, who was still just...floating and staring. The manager was there shortly after the waitress had left. He was a hefty fellow, with rosy cheeks and a nice suit. Raine couldn't help but think that his large frame was due to the fact that he had eaten so many tasty Horsea. She repeated her plea to him, and as he contemplated, Raine naively had her fingers crossed under the table. Finally, the man spoke. "Well..." he began, his voice an odd, croaking rumble that belied his jolly appearance "...I'll still be making the same profit, and you'll still be a happy customer. I figure it's a win-win, eh?" Raine smiled broadly, reaching into her satchel and pulling out a poke'ball, handing it to the man. He walked over to the aquarium, and with some gentle coercion, caught the Horsea swiftly. Returning to her table, he handed her the ball, which she held close, like a young girl being reunited with a doll. The man simply nodded, looking over at Abraham with a look that closely resembled "You sure did pick an odd one, kid." Bidding them his thanks, the man returned to the back, and the waitress soon returned, ready to take their order. Raine was indeed ecstatic with the way things had turned out, but a loud rumble from her stomach showed that she was indeed hungry. Since she had just caused so much of a delay, she would give Abraham the opportunity to order first, an action that she indicated by nodding toward him, placing her new Poke'mon in her satchel. -------------------- [align=center]~>
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Draggies! 8D[/align][align=center] ![]() ![]() Credit for Sprites: Weavile Luffer, DuesSuetonius, Firewave the Dragonite, Zeta of the Skies, Master PokePilot, Skyking240 GirlcalledBob, Drakonawin, PokeNOM NOM NOM, Proddit, Tysm. Credit for Avatars: Ruki, Sparkleplex, Greykitty, Weavile Luffer, CuPcAkEbUnNy, Absoleevee, JelloJolteon2000, FangChan13, Agent Arcanine, Niltava, Creature Feature, TehArtMonkey, Schmee, Miharu, Mya, TyeDyeWolf, mewkeemyuu, Miekiki, Flygon 3X, TeeHeeDaruma, Teh Huntress.[/spoiler][/align][spoiler=Sprite Collection! (Rotating Images)][align=center] [align=center] ![]() The Insanity. Raven, my OC Trainer ![]() Tymid the Nachtales ![]() [/align] [/align][spoiler=P.A.N.E and Uprising][align=center] ![]() ![]() ![]() Credit: PokeNOM NOM NOM and Ruki Raven Amaranth Current Levels ![]() Credit: Doctor Octopus Uprising [/spoiler][align=center] ![]() ![]() Sprite Credit: Poke NOM NOM NOM Raine Vega Progress Tracking[/align][/align] |
![]() Omar comin' ![]() Group: Members Posts: 889 Joined: 12-April 09 From: Texas Member No.: 10 745 PANE ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
When Raine was tossed into Abraham, he casually lifted his hands to grip her shoulders from behind, just to make sure she didn't fall. "You alright?" He asked, immediately letting go as he sensed it made her uncomfortable. "Kids these days, hm?"
Abraham didn't really say anything as Raine's understanding of the restaurant progressed. He smiled kindly at the waitress who took them to their table and watched as Raine came to the horrible conclusion that they were going to be serving sea food at the sea food restaurant. When the manager handed Raine the pokeball with the Horsea inside and gave an odd look at Abraham, he just shrugged proudly. He sure did pick an odd one. Except that he didn't pick her. She was certainly odd, though. In a cute sort of way. He didn't realize for a few seconds that he had been grinning dumbly and quickly fixed his face. When the waitress returned, Raine seemed to insist that Abraham order first, even though manners dictated that she did. She was above them, it seemed. "I'll have the, um," he began. The situation was frustrating, because he really wanted some horsea. "Tell you what. I'd like to go on a Magikarp-et ride, please," He folded the menu back up and handed it to the waitress. Both smiled flirtatiously at the dumb name of the menu items. Before she looked over to Raine for her order, however, Abraham continued. "Oh, damn. You know what? I gotta take this call. I'll be right back." He quickly stood up and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, then put it up to his ear. "Hey," he said on his way to the front door. "This is he. Yes, sir, I'd be more than happy to-" Once he stepped foot outside of the restaurant, he flipped his phone shut and put it back in his pocket next to the map. In his other pocket, of course, were his miniature pokeballs, holding Gaia and Double A. He had his destination already in mind. He was heading to the pokemon shelter. It looked like they were still closed, which was a good thing. He stood out in front and pulled out Gaia's pokeball, summoned her and put the ball back in his pocket. "Hey girl," he said, kneeling down to talk to her. She seemed rather content, but when she saw the light of day, she quickly retreated into Abraham's shadow. "Think you can do me a favor?" At the notion of that, though, she perked right up. "I need you to pretend to be sick. Really unhealthy. Can you sneeze for me?" She sneezed. It was beautiful. "That'll do it," He smiled. "Just lay down at my feet and do that while we get us some breakfast money." It was early, and the streets were still busy with people rushing off to work. The timing was really perfect. People weren't so late that they didn't have time to relieve their consciences, but they were too late to sit and listen to a long lecture. "Excuse me, ma'am," Abrahm waved down a woman who was walking by him. Her face fell when he flagged her down because she knew exactly what he was planning on doing. "Do you have five minutes to spare for pokemon in need?" "I really don't, I'm sorry," she shook her head, still a few feet from him as she moved her head as though she was willing to walk straight past him. "What about five dollars?" He asked. "Really, anything will help." She sighed. "Here," she pulled out her wallet from her purse and handed him a crumpled up five dollar bill from it. Before he got a chance to thank her, though, she began walking very quickly. "Magma Pokemon Shelter thanks you!" He shouted, but she didn't seem to care. About five more minutes of that was enough to rack up thirty one dollars and twenty six cents. It certainly wouldn't be enough for pay for rent due in a few days, but breakfast was looking good. Fish for breakfast? Oh yes. He arrived back at the restaurant with a cheery smile on his face, sitting back down across from Raine. "And we're back," he said. "So, did I miss anything while I was gone? What'd you end up getting?" This post has been edited by Yzarc Drowsnam: Feb 8 2011, 10:17 PM -------------------- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart] ![]() ![]() Justin Smart Profile Current Level Post Wiki Currently In: Zoobreak! [align=right] ![]() Nate Guzman (Partner) Wiki[/spoiler] [/align] [spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent] ![]() Jill Laurent Profile Current Levels Post Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler] [spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt Abraham West Profile Progress Tracking Currently In: Interception! :piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler] |
![]() Nachtales ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 549 Joined: 7-February 10 From: In ur heart. Steelin' ur luvs. Member No.: 83 491 The Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
As Abraham left, Raine watched him leave with a look of mild confusion on her face. She didn't understand why people didn't just turn off their cell-phones during meal times; it was so distracting. Regardless, even the fact that Abraham had pretty much just gotten up and left her to her own business couldn't stifle the excitement she felt about getting a new friend. As much as she wanted to withdraw her new companion, she resisted, gandering that the Horsea wouldn't like seeing the very place where it was to be executed again. She'd take it out after they got back outside, let it have a breath of fresh air. She smiled at the thought.
She ended up ordering a lemon broiled Magikarp filet with a side of seasoned fries, one of the more reasonably priced items on the menu. Every now and then, she would peer restlessly around the corner, looking for a sign of Abraham's return. She scowled as she was chewing the flaky, tender meat--she should probably expect that he'd abandoned the mission, and left her with the bill. He was a devious fellow, she could tell that much about him. As the minutes passed by, and Raine nibbled idly on a seasoned fry, her worry began to deepen as Abraham did not return. She occupied her idle worry by thinking of names for her new companion. She came to realize that she had no idea if the Horsea was a boy or a girl, and so developed names for both. If she found it was a girl, she'd name her Morrigan, and if it was a boy, she'd name it Epsilon. She had no real theme behind her naming process, she simply named them words and terms that she thought would fit. A curt nod to herself thought that she thought those names were fitting. A figure approaching snapped her out of her introspection; it was Abraham. Her eyes darted up to him momentarily as he was sitting down, and then back to her plate. He seemed to be in good spirits; must have been a good call. She looked up at him, and couldn't help but subliminally mimic the smile on his face, the latter being shown in a very tiny smile on her own face. As he asked her what had gone on, she shrugged, her lower lip pouting slightly in a "Not much" kind of face. At his question about what she had ordered, she, in more or less (less, really) words described the entree she had ordered. Taking a bite of fish, she leaned across the table, placing her hands under her chin. "So..." she said quietly, her head tilting slightly in mild curiosity. "While our mission is simple enough to interpret, I still think it would be a good idea to establish a general plan of action towards keeping our mission as quiet and succint as possible. Any ideas?" she queried, a strand of hair falling between her quizzically glimmering eyes. As much as she would have liked to rest a bit, they had to get moving. -------------------- [align=center]~>
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Draggies! 8D[/align][align=center] ![]() ![]() Credit for Sprites: Weavile Luffer, DuesSuetonius, Firewave the Dragonite, Zeta of the Skies, Master PokePilot, Skyking240 GirlcalledBob, Drakonawin, PokeNOM NOM NOM, Proddit, Tysm. Credit for Avatars: Ruki, Sparkleplex, Greykitty, Weavile Luffer, CuPcAkEbUnNy, Absoleevee, JelloJolteon2000, FangChan13, Agent Arcanine, Niltava, Creature Feature, TehArtMonkey, Schmee, Miharu, Mya, TyeDyeWolf, mewkeemyuu, Miekiki, Flygon 3X, TeeHeeDaruma, Teh Huntress.[/spoiler][/align][spoiler=Sprite Collection! (Rotating Images)][align=center] [align=center] ![]() The Insanity. Raven, my OC Trainer ![]() Tymid the Nachtales ![]() [/align] [/align][spoiler=P.A.N.E and Uprising][align=center] ![]() ![]() ![]() Credit: PokeNOM NOM NOM and Ruki Raven Amaranth Current Levels ![]() Credit: Doctor Octopus Uprising [/spoiler][align=center] ![]() ![]() Sprite Credit: Poke NOM NOM NOM Raine Vega Progress Tracking[/align][/align] |
![]() also known as Duzzel. ^_^ ![]() Group: Members Posts: 849 Joined: 27-December 08 From: Internet Land. :3 Member No.: 3 392 Dream Party ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jened watched as Jeanne proceeded to seat people around her area of the restaurant. It wasn’t a very large room, according to Jened, but he didn’t think it was up to him to judge size.
The booths on either side of him were quickly filled, and he sat at the table tapping the surface anxiously. Eventually, the waitress returned with a glass full of water and slammed it down in front of Jened, a sort of wake up call, as he had been getting rather dreary. “Would you like to order something?” Jeanne retrieved her notepad and waited for an order. Keeping alive the sarcastic tone of the situation, he responded, “Yes, actually. I would like to order a menu.” He could read in the waitress’ eyes, “Well if you were seated appropriately, you would have gotten one wouldn’t you?” However, she merely responded with a simple, “of course,” and walked off. A member of the table behind Jened had gotten up, claiming to take a call. Jened tilted his head towards a window and watched as the man surprisingly shut his cell phone and walked off. Jened grinned. It was rather rude to just leave someone at a table with a lie, but he enjoyed the deceit. He just found it interesting. He sat upright rather hurriedly as a menu plopped down in front of him and the waitress commented. “I’ll give you a moment to make a decision.” He opened the menu and saw not much besides seafood. He scanned areas in tiny fonts for something more suitable as a morning meal than ‘Krabby Legs’ (get them before they get you). Once Jeanne had returned, Jened decided to order a salad. Rather simple, but he wasn’t looking for something too elaborate anyways. Then, his ears perked. As Jeanne transitioned to the table in front of him, Jened heard something rather interesting at the table behind him. He could only make out a few words, but that was enough to get him hooked into their conversation. Apparently the man had returned as Jened was looking at the menu, and it was time for them to get serious. Jened lifted his glass to his lips and gulped down some water as he began to eavesdrop. -------------------- ![]() Uprising (click to show ) |
![]() Omar comin' ![]() Group: Members Posts: 889 Joined: 12-April 09 From: Texas Member No.: 10 745 PANE ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Well, in my professional opinion," Abraham began, looking down at his grilled fish and french fries with a sort of intrigued look. He then, looked back up at Raine. "We should just not talk about it. I mean, we're in Aqua territory, right? I'm pretty sure, technically, it's still Magma, but you know. Whatever. Point is, there's not much of a game plan we really need to discuss anyway. We take the package directly to the location. We deliver it, get paid, hopefully, and then we get drinks to celebrate."
He took another few bites of his Magikarp-et Ride and then went for the bottle of ketchup in the middle of the table for his fries. As he poured it and nothing came out, he looked over to his waitress, who was refilling someone's water. When she finished, she looked up and noticed Abraham's gaze. After that, he waved his hand and smiled politely. "Hey," he said when she approached, "There's no more ketchup. Can we get some more?" "Of course," she smiled, taking the empty bottle. "You know, I'm not much of a ketchup man, myself," he said to Raine as he waited for their waitress' return. "And I don't really like french fries. I mean, they're terrible for you, they don't really taste great and they're just so..Lame, you know? But you put ketchup on some french fries and they're kinda tolerable." "Here you go, sir," the waitress put the full bottle of ketchup on the table. "Thank you, ma'am," he said, pouring a nice little pile on his plate next to the fries. God help him if he let any of it touch his fish, though. God help us all, in fact. He dipped a fry into it and took a bite. "But that's me, you know. I'm a little pretentious when it comes to food." He was a little pretentious when it came to most things. "But I'm way too broke and strapped for time to cook a solid meal every night. I'll get there though. "Can I ask you something, Raine?" he asked regardless of her answer. Unless, of course, her answer was "You just did." Oh God he hated that. Were that the case, smart money says he would just get up and walk out of the restaurant without saying a word. Hopefully that's not what she said. If she said what a decent human being would say, something like "Of course!" or "Sure," then he went on to ask, "What's someone like you doing doing working for...Textiles?" Textiles seemed like a good cover story. They're so boring that no one really asks any further questions and so basic that, even if they did, you'd probably be able to make something reasonable up. Yeah. When they were in Aqua territory, they were textile workers. -------------------- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart] ![]() ![]() Justin Smart Profile Current Level Post Wiki Currently In: Zoobreak! [align=right] ![]() Nate Guzman (Partner) Wiki[/spoiler] [/align] [spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent] ![]() Jill Laurent Profile Current Levels Post Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler] [spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt Abraham West Profile Progress Tracking Currently In: Interception! :piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler] |
![]() Nachtales ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 549 Joined: 7-February 10 From: In ur heart. Steelin' ur luvs. Member No.: 83 491 The Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Raine sipped at her milk idly as Abraham began to say all the reasons why they shouldn't talk about the plan, closing her eyes in an extended blink as while she listened, he explained basically everything that anyone eavesdropping would like to know. However, instead of correcting him on this fact, she simply nodded and shrugged, placing another french fry in her mouth, chewing slowly. She knew if she were to go anywhere with anyone, she had to stop attempting to correct people for their lack of logical conversation. As she pondered this, she smiled to herself, taking note of the positive change and adding it to her social "do" list. It was a rather short list, as compared to her social "do-not" list.
Abraham then went on to ask for some ketchup, during said discourse Raine merely twirled a french fry between her fingers. She still had a ways to go on her meal, and she was already getting a little full. However, not being the type to waste, she decided that she would simply let the food settle, and if she still couldn't finish it, she'd take a to-go box. By the small burps she was trying to stifle, she figured that the latter would be in order. She roused out of her mealtime indecision as Abraham queried if he could ask her a question. Raine tilted her head to the side, a somewhat wary look in her eyes, but that look remedied itself rapidly, as her mind quickly told her that suspicion, while merited, was unbecoming to a fellow co-worker, and would inhibit progress of the mission instead of allowing it to proceed smoothly. Leaning forward onto her palms once again, she responded with a tiny: "Um...sure, if you'd like." Raine couldn't help but smile as he attempted to code what he was saying. It seemed a little unnecessary, since he had just given out the fact that they were Magma to anyone who cared to listen, but it was a rather intelligent move. She wouldn't say so, but she hadn't expected it of him. He seemed a little, well...ignorant. Not as in, ignorant intelligence-wise, but more like ignorant in the ways of logic and consideration. It was a...pleasant change. "Well, it's a bit of a long story...so I'll give you the short version." she began, brushing a lock of raven hair out of her eyes, placing her forefinger to her temple, as though she were trying to place thoughts together into a concise form of telling them. Which, coincidentally, was exactly what she was doing. "To start off, my parents opened a textile shop, which was a direct rival to the biggest textile shop in the region. However, due to the quality of their wares, they became quite popular with the private textile sector, and when they had kids, they expected their children to carry on with the family business. All of their children, except for me, loved the business. I, did not. I wanted to do something else, like...play the violin. I didn't want to work with cloth and silks my entire life. I was treated differently from my siblings, and I became very insecure, and disliking of my parents. In some primitive way, I wanted to seek revenge, but despite all of my knowledge of playing the violin, nothing seemed to seem adequate enough. After being on my own for a couple of years, I finally came to the conclusion that joining the larger textile business would be the best way to show them that I was more than what they, or anyone else believed me to be. I wanted to show them I was somebody." Raine's eyes darted towards the table, the slightest hint of remorse in them. She nibbled on her lip nervously, feeling as though she might have divulged too much about herself; she didn't want Abraham to think she was "easy". An awkward silence fell between them, as Raine couldn't think of anything else to say, save the fact that she hadn't realized how truly difficult her childhood had been. You were supposed to be able to trust your family. However, if you couldn't trust them...who did you have? -------------------- [align=center]~>
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Draggies! 8D[/align][align=center] ![]() ![]() Credit for Sprites: Weavile Luffer, DuesSuetonius, Firewave the Dragonite, Zeta of the Skies, Master PokePilot, Skyking240 GirlcalledBob, Drakonawin, PokeNOM NOM NOM, Proddit, Tysm. Credit for Avatars: Ruki, Sparkleplex, Greykitty, Weavile Luffer, CuPcAkEbUnNy, Absoleevee, JelloJolteon2000, FangChan13, Agent Arcanine, Niltava, Creature Feature, TehArtMonkey, Schmee, Miharu, Mya, TyeDyeWolf, mewkeemyuu, Miekiki, Flygon 3X, TeeHeeDaruma, Teh Huntress.[/spoiler][/align][spoiler=Sprite Collection! (Rotating Images)][align=center] [align=center] ![]() The Insanity. Raven, my OC Trainer ![]() Tymid the Nachtales ![]() [/align] [/align][spoiler=P.A.N.E and Uprising][align=center] ![]() ![]() ![]() Credit: PokeNOM NOM NOM and Ruki Raven Amaranth Current Levels ![]() Credit: Doctor Octopus Uprising [/spoiler][align=center] ![]() ![]() Sprite Credit: Poke NOM NOM NOM Raine Vega Progress Tracking[/align][/align] |
![]() also known as Duzzel. ^_^ ![]() Group: Members Posts: 849 Joined: 27-December 08 From: Internet Land. :3 Member No.: 3 392 Dream Party ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jened held back a grin as he listened to the man explain his mission. And luckily, it wasn’t one of his own, but the complete opposite. He repeatedly crushed his croutons as he tried to stab them with the end of the fork. By the time the mission details were complete, he decided to scoop them up, trying not to release a sea of fury upon them for being so darn difficult.
There was talk of Ketchup as Jened consumed his salad. He planned what he was going to do concerning his new “assignment” as he ate, seemingly getting excited enough that he began to eat faster. It was then he realized he was sitting alone… eating quickly…. Becoming more and more aware of how odd his situation was… He sat upright and paced his eating. He was finishing off his bowl when he heard the girl behind him begin to talk about her textile business, or lack thereof. He was brought down by it, and began to wonder if these people were appropriate targets, but he knew that a mission was a mission and must be carried out whatever the case. Besides, if Magma needed something delivered, someone would have to be there to stop it. Jeanne walked by the table and dropped it in front of Jened as she moved along. He looked at it and paid the bill, and leaving a 25% tip, mainly for having to deal with him and the entertainment he got from it. He stood up and swung his backpack onto his shoulders, glancing ever so slightly at the people who sat behind him. He left the restaurant and turned right. He removed the cap on his head and ruffled out his hair. Since it was tucked in such a small hat, it was rather tangled by then. But it would eventually fall into place again. He slowed down after a while and walked into a narrow alleyway. He looked around for any Magma agents, who seem to have decided to keep an eye on things, and released Amy. The Hoppip proceeded to float to the ground and bounced a little upon impact. “pip?” “Go back to the restaurant called Horsea’s Mouth. Float around there and when you see a somewhat small girl with black hair and a man with black hair come out, follow them.” “Hoppip”. Amy floated above the buildings towards the street and eventually stopped when she found what she was looking for. Jened pulled out another Pokéball and released a Growlithe. “Ardaine, keep an eye on Amy, she’s down the street. When she starts moving, run back to me and let me know. Then the chase begins.” “Grow”. She licked her trainer and ran off, a little too excited for the situation, but she was the appropriate Pokémon for the job. Jened jumped up on a crate, tying his hair back. Of course, not all of it followed suit, so he was left with bangs, but he didn’t mind them so much. He straightened out his shirt and jacket, looking over his pants, which weren’t his typical ‘mission pants’ but they would suffice. He sat on the crate and waited for the inevitable yipping of Ardaine when she comes running back. In the meantime, Finishing up his homework seemed like a good idea. -------------------- ![]() Uprising (click to show ) |
![]() Omar comin' ![]() Group: Members Posts: 889 Joined: 12-April 09 From: Texas Member No.: 10 745 PANE ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
After Raine told Abraham about her life in Team Aqua in a very covert manner, he waited a few seconds and noticed her eyes became sad. That wasn't really what he was expecting. Of course, there probably aren't really that many people who made a happy decision to join one of the teams, or even the rebellion. Noverus seemed like the kind of place filled with people who couldn't be elsewhere for one reason or another.
"I think you're somebody, Raine," he smiled to her. His smile disappeared immediately as he looked away. What the hell did he just say? "I think you're somebody?" What the hell was he, in middle school? How stupid was that line? As he looked back over to her and noticed she didn't seem to be making fun of her for using such a dorky line, he remembered that she had the social skills of a middle schooler anyway. There was something charming about her innocence, something that made him regress as well. "And by that I mean everybody is," he continued. "You know, we all have our quirks and our reasons to do things. I'm not here to say what reasons are good and what are bad. I mean, I think your reason is pretty shallow. Surprisingly so considering how smart you are, but the last thing I expected was for your reason to be emotionally motivated. Maybe that makes it less shallow. I don't know. "Anyway, we should go," he leaned his head towards the door, not noticing that the buy sitting behind them was gone as he turned his head. "Seeing as how we have the most important delivery of all time to make." Like a proper gentleman, he pulled himself out of the booth and walked around to pull out Raine's chair, only to remember that they were in booths. Instead, he just took a step back to give her room to get out with the package in tow. When they left the restaurant, there was a slight breeze as a hoppip drifted by, seeming to smile at them. Abraham, at least, paid very little heed to Amy. "So looks like we're in the poor district now," he said as they continued walking past the Horsea's Mouth. "If anyone gives us any trouble, just let me do the talking, alright?" -------------------- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart] ![]() ![]() Justin Smart Profile Current Level Post Wiki Currently In: Zoobreak! [align=right] ![]() Nate Guzman (Partner) Wiki[/spoiler] [/align] [spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent] ![]() Jill Laurent Profile Current Levels Post Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler] [spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt Abraham West Profile Progress Tracking Currently In: Interception! :piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler] |
![]() Nachtales ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 549 Joined: 7-February 10 From: In ur heart. Steelin' ur luvs. Member No.: 83 491 The Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Raine listened to his comments, and blushed slightly whenever he stated that he thought she was somebody. It was...a rather sweet thing to say. She subconsciously mimicked his dopey smile, but it soon faded as he went on to explain what he had meant. The smile faded into a sort of stoic gaze, reminiscent of a student listening to a lecture. She nodded curtly, looking down at her fish. She wasn't intending on making a retort, and reprimanded herself slightly for even allowing a moment of weakness. She knew this fellow had a silver tongue, and she would have to be more cautious in the future. She had just...hoped that...
"Anyway, we should go," he stated, causing her to lift her head in time to see his head leaning towards the door. She rose rapidly, hitting her knees on the table and grunting with the sharp pain, a hot flush rising to her face as she threw the napkin that had been on her lap onto the table. She cleared her throat softly, acting as though nothing had happened, and uttered a soft "Right.", before lifting her head to see that he was standing next to where she was about to exit. Rolling her eyes to herself, and resisting the urge to slap her palm to her face for the sake of awkwardness, she sidled past him, her shoulder brushing against his torso. She shifted her satchel, parcel securely within to a more comfortable position, before striding quickly outside. A blast of sea air, reminiscent of home whipped her raven hair back with a gentle caress, and she inhaled deeply. Home was still home, despite the horrid memories it wrought. A tiny smile flitted across her lips as the cool breeze brought back memories of happier times, such as when she would walk to the library, her heart eager for a new book. The salty air also reminded her of her new companion, and she stroked his poke'ball idly. She wondered if it would be safe to withdraw him somewhere out of water; she'd never read anything about it being impossible. It was worth a shot, at the very least. Raine procured the poke'ball, and cast forth the Horsea, and watched happily as, instead of it falling over in a flopping heap, it used its curly tail to bounce up and down, it's little flared nose breathing in the fresh air, it's eyes squinting happily up at his new owner. "There...that's much better, hm?" Raine queried, and the Horsea responded with a squeaky, whinny-like "Seeea! Horsea!" Raine giggled, kneeling down to the Horsea's level. It tentatively approached her, and sniffed at her extended palm. "So! I should get to know you, yes? Are you a...boy?" she queried, to which the Horsea seemed to nod eagerly. "Great! How do you like the name Epsilon, then?" she asked, and the Horsea, after contemplating for a moment, nodded eagerly once more. Her heart was light, and happy, but the feeling was short lived, considering Abraham almost trampled her when he came outside, and she quickly rose to her feet, Epsilon's big eyes following her face. It was then that she noticed a Hoppip that was slowly drifting by on the breeze. Her eyes squinted curiously. She hadn't done a great amount of research on individual poke'mon, but she did remember reading something about the migratory patterns of different poke'mon. Though she couldn't place a finger on it, a nagging suspicion told her that this was not the migration period of Hoppip, and yet, she couldn't recall ever seeing one while she lived in the Poor District. She nibbled her lip in thought, watching the smiling, floating creature with interest, idly listening to Abraham as he said something about letting him talk. "M'hm, yeah...of course..." she muttered in a less than attentive tone, still scouring her memory banks on when the approximate migration of Hoppip was. -------------------- [align=center]~>
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Draggies! 8D[/align][align=center] ![]() ![]() Credit for Sprites: Weavile Luffer, DuesSuetonius, Firewave the Dragonite, Zeta of the Skies, Master PokePilot, Skyking240 GirlcalledBob, Drakonawin, PokeNOM NOM NOM, Proddit, Tysm. Credit for Avatars: Ruki, Sparkleplex, Greykitty, Weavile Luffer, CuPcAkEbUnNy, Absoleevee, JelloJolteon2000, FangChan13, Agent Arcanine, Niltava, Creature Feature, TehArtMonkey, Schmee, Miharu, Mya, TyeDyeWolf, mewkeemyuu, Miekiki, Flygon 3X, TeeHeeDaruma, Teh Huntress.[/spoiler][/align][spoiler=Sprite Collection! (Rotating Images)][align=center] [align=center] ![]() The Insanity. Raven, my OC Trainer ![]() Tymid the Nachtales ![]() [/align] [/align][spoiler=P.A.N.E and Uprising][align=center] ![]() ![]() ![]() Credit: PokeNOM NOM NOM and Ruki Raven Amaranth Current Levels ![]() Credit: Doctor Octopus Uprising [/spoiler][align=center] ![]() ![]() Sprite Credit: Poke NOM NOM NOM Raine Vega Progress Tracking[/align][/align] |
![]() also known as Duzzel. ^_^ ![]() Group: Members Posts: 849 Joined: 27-December 08 From: Internet Land. :3 Member No.: 3 392 Dream Party ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jened was in the middle of a math problem when he heard a series of barks growing louder. He walked out onto the sidewalk as Ardaine flew towards him. He casually stepped to the side and watched as she flew past him and hit the ground. He chuckled to himself as she rose, panting happily.
“Alright, show me where Amy is.” Ardaine let out a calm ‘growl’ and walked back towards the ‘Horsea’s Mouth’. As he walked, Jened thought about how he would actually retrieve the package. He could just wait until they set it down for him to dash by and swipe it. Or he could just approach them. Or, what could be really beneficial to him and the Rebellion would be to follow them to their destination and then get the parcel. He decided on the latter, but if it came to it, direct confrontation would have to suffice. He looked up and noticed a pink orb with green sprouts overhead. Ardaine stood on Jened’s foot happily, acknowledging her job well done. “I’ll get you a poffin when the missions over.” He scratched behind her ears, causing her to get excited and begin to jump around. Jened played a little target practice as he aimed for the energetic Growlithe and finally returned her to her Pokéball. He returned his sight to his Hoppip and followed her, making sure to take a look over the crowd and verify he was following the right people. Sure enough his targets were a couple of yards ahead of him. He took into consideration the suspicion that might arise, being followed by a random Hoppip, but he doubted that she had even been noticed. He tracked his targets, trying to blend in with the somewhat small crowd. -------------------- ![]() Uprising (click to show ) |
![]() Omar comin' ![]() Group: Members Posts: 889 Joined: 12-April 09 From: Texas Member No.: 10 745 PANE ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Abraham watched and stifled a smile as Raine got to know Epsilon. He actually thought it was kind of adorable how quickly she bonded with the rescue. Of course, it was worth noting that she still went to town on that Magikarp Fillet. So she wasn't a vegetarian as long as she didn't have to see the creature while it was still alive. The hypocrisy, surprisingly, didn't annoy him.
"Good to meet you, Epsilon," Abraham nodded to the Horsea. It was a good name too, he couldn't help but notice. There was something that just sounded so much more fluent about Epsilon than, for instance, Double A. Sure, it made sense. Elekid was like a battery. But the name was far beneath Abraham. He decided, while Raine's Horsea was out and about, he'd call out Gaia and Double A so they could all walk together. Gaia the Swinub, wasn't extremely quick, but she shuffled along nicely while Double A rotated his arms almost violently as he walked. "You're not a Double A are you?" he asked as the elekid looked back up to him, somewhat confused. It was his name. He'd never given it a second thought. He was just a little baby pokemon, though. He didn't know any better. "What do you think, Raine?" he asked as they continued their walk into the Poor District. "Gaia was named after an ancient primordial deity which represented the earth. But Double A is named after a specific type of battery. I mean, it works I guess, but it's not as pretty. How do you feel about Tartarus?" He asked, directed at both Raine and Double A. Really, though, their reactions didn't matter. "Tartarus was a stormy pit of hell within Hades, also represented by a deity. It doesn't quite fit yet, but I think when you become bigger and stronger, you could really fill those shoes." Elekid's smile sealed the deal. He didn't comprehend a majority of what Abraham just said, but he didn't need to. He understood that Abraham liked the new name and he wanted desperately to please his first ever trainer. See, ever since he was captured, Abraham had an odd sort of disdain for him. He cared for him and protected him and everything, but still, he looked to him as more of a competitor than a friend like he did with Gaia. When he looked up to Raine, he noticed she was somewhat preoccupied, focusing intently on the Hoppip still floating behind them. "Hey," he said, soothingly as he stopped walking and put his right hand on her shoulder to get her to stop walking as well and look at him. "You okay?" -------------------- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart] ![]() ![]() Justin Smart Profile Current Level Post Wiki Currently In: Zoobreak! [align=right] ![]() Nate Guzman (Partner) Wiki[/spoiler] [/align] [spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent] ![]() Jill Laurent Profile Current Levels Post Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler] [spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt Abraham West Profile Progress Tracking Currently In: Interception! :piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler] |
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