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Dr. Regan Chamuel
post May 8 2011, 02:05 AM
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I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Name: Regan Chamuel
Nickname: Doc
Age: 40
Class: Doctor/Medic
Birthday: January 10th (Capricorn)

Hometown: Noverus

Appearance: Regan stands at about 5'9" out of heels, not too terribly tall. She's possessed of a very slender frame, and appears almost frail. Her long brown hair is now streaked with grey, but it's hard to notice since she keeps it tied back in a bun almost constantly. Her eyes are a strict grey, the kind that gives thunderstorms a run for their money.

Regan wears thick, black-rimmed glasses, giving her the appearance of a librarian or secretary. However, they mainly serve to accentuate her already severe features. Her high cheekbones, thin lips and generally stern expression are magnified by the intense glare she administers from behind her glasses.

Dr. Chamuel wears her lab-coat constantly. Her outfit underneath may change (it is usually a blouse and short to medium length shirt. The blouse usually light blue, the skirt usually black), but her lab coat is the one constant. She leaves her stethoscope around her neck at all times, simply because she finds that she misplaces it when she's not wearing it. Out of habit, she wears her old pager.

Personality: Regan is an incredibly stern and almost humorless woman. She is often referred to as a "harridan", as she finds humor in nothing, is constantly serious, and is unforgiving of anyone else's fun. Extremely business-like and extreme devoted, Regan throws all of her energy into any given mission, yet still retains something of her regal poise and posture. The woman never slouches when she can be seen.

She is not a mean person, by any means. She's simply straightforward, often blunt and incredibly direct. This leads people to believe that she's a callous, frigid, ice queen, but it's really not true. She has a soft spot for the wounded, of any kind (This would lead to her calling as a doctor.)

Regan is very studious, and very driven in her pursuit of knowledge (mostly in the medical field), but is not afraid to expand her field of understanding in any direction. As a result, she is incredibly intelligent, and very dry. She does, however, occasionally lack the common sense that most do. For instance, proper social interaction is a great weakness of hers.

Biography: Regan was born in Noverus to a fairly prominent family. Even from young she was a serious child who took no pleasure in anything but studying or reading. Not fond of the other children, Regan was an introvert, despite her parents' best attempts. She proclaimed her interest to be a doctor at a very young age. Her parents never quite knew what brought on the decision, but Regan never denied her calling. Knowing, even at her young age, that it would take a lot of work to fulfill her dream, she threw herself into her schoolwork.

In an effort to make her socialize, her parents adopted pokemon for her, a sweet little Togepi from Johto. They figured that perhaps Regan would run off and start a pokemon journey, make new friends and travel the world. Her Togepi, Sophie, became more of a friend and pet rather than a pokemon for battle or coordinating. Sophie seemed quite happy at this as well.

Regan did not follow this plan. She schooled in the proper way instead, even making sure to take on a few extracurriculars, such as playing the Clarinet. (She even played in High School for a few years, but dropped it immediately during her Bachelors to make room for more studying.)

As a gift for graduating each level of school, Regan received another pokemon from her parents, mostly healing-type pokemon. From her Elementary school graduation, she received an Igglybuff. Completion of Middle School got her a Happiny. Upon graduating High School, her parents adopted her a Cleffa. After graduating Undergrad, she received a Minccino, and lastly, after Medical School, her parents adopted her an Audino. This was the last gift she received from her parents, as her mother died of breast cancer shortly thereafter, and her father left Noverus 'on business'. She has not heard from him since.

Regan enrolled to a Medical School in Saffron City, Kanto on full scholarship, and finished fairly quickly. Regan interned at a small hospital in Saffron, then returned to take Residency at one of the Hospitals in her hometown of Noverus, and ultimately made Attending as an Internal Medicine Doctor. She wanted to specialize in Oncology, but never got the chance: Magma had taken over Noverus.

At the Hospital, any doctor who did not align themselves with the Magma faction found themselves immediately terminated from their positions. Regan's promising medical career in Noverus ended. She spoke out, protesting vehemently against Magma's occupation of the city, and more specifically, the hospital. Ultimately, in order to silence her, Magma confiscated her pokemon and imprisoned her as a political prisoner for a spell.

Before long, Regan was rescued upon her transfer by a group of people who shared her sentiments. She managed to keep Sophie, her Togepi, and Uri, her Minccino, but the rest of her pokemon had disappeared with Magma.

With the advent of the Rebellion in Noverus, Regan sought them out in order to sign up. She figured they were the proper means of rescuing her remaining four pokemon, and offered her services as a field medic, both to pokemon and humans, in the war.

Preferred Faction: The Rebellion

Starting Pokemon:

Level 33
Naive Nature
Serene Grace Ability

~Growl, Charm, Metronome, Sweet Kiss, *Psycho Shift, Yawn, Encore, *Extrasensory, Follow Me, Bestow, Wish, Ancientpoer~
Father: Noctowl
Mother: Togetic
Egg Moves*

Level 31
Naughty Nature
Technician Ability

~Pound, Growl, Helping Hand, Tickle, *Aqua Tail, Doubleslap, Encore, Swift, Sing, Tail Slap, Charm, Wake-up Slap~
Father: Floatzel
Mother: Cinccino
Egg Moves*

Shiny Skitty
Level 29
Hasty Nature
Wonder Skin Ability

~*Wish, *Baton Pass, Fake Out, Growl, Tail Whip, Tackle, Foresight, Attract, Sing, Doubleslap, Copycat, Assist, Charm, Faint Attack~
Father: Togetic
Mother: Delcatty
Egg Moves*

Several Pens
Small flash-light
First Aid Kit
Pokemon First Aid Kit - (Super Potion, Antidote, Ice Heal, Burn heal, Paralyze Heal, Awakening)


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Master Houndoom
post May 10 2011, 04:01 PM
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Team Rogue: Houndoom
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Uprising Mod

Except for the following caveats, this would be approved:

For Sophie, Psycho Shift can be used now (I realize it is a much higher level move for many pokemon, but it is a status move that requires a status ailment to be placed on the user first, giving it sufficient limits to be used at low levels, in my opinion. However, Extrasensory needs to not be used until level 37 (Which is when the father first could have possibly learned it).

For Uri, I cannot allow Endure, only because her father cannot learn it himself. If the father is changed, I can allow it, but, of course, this would change any other possible egg moves you may wish to add in the future.

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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post May 10 2011, 04:30 PM
Post #3

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Tada, I have feeeexed them!


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Master Houndoom
post May 10 2011, 05:03 PM
Post #4

Team Rogue: Houndoom
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From: Austin, Texas
Member No.: 804

Uprising Mod

Approved. Post to the Progress Tracking thread... again wink.gif

Also, you may LIST Extrasensory, but note that it can't be used until 37, or you may wait wink.gif

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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