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A Tale of Two Kitties, Meow!
Bronze Charizard
post May 12 2011, 08:50 PM
Post #1

Dragons rule. Admit it...
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Hot Springs Gym



The cell phone ring tone seemed as loud as a jet taking off. Terra threw the covers off the bed, then sat up and looked at the nightstand. The phone wasnt there, but the clock was, and it was barely 7:00! Annoyed about having to leave that awesome flying dream this early, Terra got up and began digging through her bag, the banana phone song seeming to pierce her eardrums.

"Grandparents" was displayed on the phone's plastic screen. This better be an emergency... Terra thought. She pushed the talk button. "Hello..."

"You were asleep, weren't you?" The voice on the other end said.

"What gave you your first clue..."

There was a pause. "Well, waking up early never hurt anybody. When I was your age-"

"Grandpa!" Terra snapped. "Did you call just to wake me up?"

"No. I went to feed Aurora and she's missing. I'd like you to help me look for her."

Terra sighed. "Okay...I'll be right there." Aurora was her grandparents' fat old glameow. She had next to no battle experience, so she wouldn't survive long on the street. This counted as a...small emergency. Terra hung up the phone and put it back in her bag.

She chose a pair of jeans and a T shirt and changed into them, then grabbed some pop tarts and the hotel room key. She slung her bag over her shoulders and took the elevator down to the lobby, then checked out and walked out the front door.


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post May 12 2011, 11:19 PM
Post #2

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Cesc rose slowly from his bed, stretching languidly in all of his shirtless glory for a moment. He looked down his tanned body, smiling at how nice it looked. This was no narcissism, no. He had been working out constantly since he decided to be a coordinator and decided that he needed to look as good as possible alongside his pokemon.

He looked over at his clock: 7:58, two minutes before his alarm was set to go off. He lay back down on his bed, a small smile on his face as he waited for the abrasive noise to sound.

Sure enough, as the numbers flipped over, a harsh beeping filled the air. As if on cue, to pokemon skittered into the room, leaping up onto the bed. Valentine the Chimchar and Oberon the Sneasel, fully recovered from their trip to Fidona, gamboled about happily in his bed, calling incessantly at him until he rose back up, hugging them closely.

"Good morning, my dear dear friends." Cesc squeezed the two tightly, before rising back up. Both hands went to work as one rubbed the side of Valentine's head, while the other scratched the underside of Oberon's chin. "Today, friends, the objective is to work on our combination techniques. Secondary objective: We add a new performer to our troupe. How does that sound?

The two pokemon bounced excitedly on his bed, sounding their obvious approval with their jovial little voices.

"Cesc, we have a delivery!"

Cesc blinked. The business had been so slow lately, that there hadn't really been that many deliveries. It was surprising to have two in the same week. He quickly hopped out of his little bed and into the restroom in the hallway.

* * *

Before long, Cesc reappeared, snappily dressed as always. He had opted to wear a suit today, going for an almost mafioso like theme. The suit was black with pinstripes, with a deep purple kerchief in the breast pocket. His tie was a black with a textured pattern of slanting stripes, still black, but more interesting than a simple solid. On his lapel, he had pinned a small white rose to match the rose-shaped gold cufflinks he wore. To finish off the ensemble, he wore a fedora, similar to the one Oberon wore to their trip to Fidona.

His pokemon sported interesting looks as well today. Valentine wore a black bandana over his head, with a black scarf wrapped around his waist to form a belt. He had a hoop earring in his left ear. Oberon, meanwhile, sported a white tie and two silver bracelets. Of course, all of the clothing had been tailor made by his Aunt and Uncle.

"Francesco, you look so handsome in that suit!" Cesc's Aunt smiled as he rounded into the kitchen "I hope everyone asks you where you got it from!"

"They undoubtedly will, Aunty." Cesc smiled, leaning in to hug her. "Now, where's the package to be delivered?"

"Port Barley today. A woman named Tina Redman has requested a formal gown in nautical colours, perhaps for a evening affair. Who knows. Either way, get the package to her as soon as possible, we've already received the payment in full."

"Understood Aunty." Picking up the package from the table, Cesc exited the little apartment, meeting the hated Skarmory, Speed, outside.

"Okay Birdbrain. Let's not make it too miserable today, okay?"


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Master Houndoom
post May 13 2011, 09:39 AM
Post #3

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The sun had long risen in Port Barley, but in a room at the pokecenter, there was still a young girl, sleeping sprawled on the twin bed. She did not take up much space, making it seem, proportionally, that she had a queen sized bed all to herself, for she was quite small. She was also still, spread-eagle and flopped at an odd angle, and only her breathing and the line of drool sliding from her mouth indicated that, yes, she was quite alive, only sleeping quite heavily.

The window, though covered with a blind, could not hold the bright sun at bay, and the square of light that resulted crept across the ground like a thief, making a slow yet unmistakeable path toward the young girl's face.

It was gradual enough that it didn't wake the girl right away, however, when the light was finally fully shining on her face, she began to react. First she squeezed her eyes shut, then she rolled over, then she flopped her hand to her face, all the while groaning and whining, fighting valiantly to remain asleep.

The room was typical of many pokecenters around the world, from Kanto to Unova. Sparse by design, because they were akin to hotel rooms, the walls were white, the bed was standard, with a small wooden headboard, white sheets, and, in this case, a dark blue comforter as a bedspread. There was a small wooden desk with a computer bolted down to it under the window, with a small wooden chair with a padded seat. Across the room was a television, also bolted down and a pair of pokeballs, though they were not part of the room's original decor.. Next to the bed was a small table with a drawer, a lamp, an alarm clock, and a phone. The clock was bolted down, with the controls being exposed, but the phone was not, as communication devices were almost always given away to trainers these days, and who would steal a phone that needed a wire connected to a wall? To the pokecenter's chagrin, the answer was, of course, "It does happen, but we haven't figured out who just yet." Above the bed was a stylized painting that, depending who you asked, looked as if the artist had angrily flung a bunch of paints at a canvas and charged too much for it, or a jumpluff. A small dresser rounded out the original decor, and next to that was a large messenger bag, the flap of which had two gears linked together with blue center cogs. Leaning on the bag, sleeping soundly, was a cubone with a decorated skullhelm.

Finally the ray of light won, and with the clock displaying 9:00 AM in its LED crafted characters, the young girl flipped the covers off of her as if they were an insult. She wore pale blue and white pajamas, the blouse of which had ridden up on one side to show a small gap of skin there, and the pants of which had bunched up around her knees. She slid from the bed and let her feet touch the floor, her eyes still closed, her hair messy, and a look of utter contempt on her face. The bed, though a small one, came up to her chest. With her now standing, the entire room looked as if it had been made for a giant.

With her back bent at a melodramatically put upon angle, her arms hanging from her shoulder and her head bowed, she trudged to the adjoining bathroom and closed the door. There was silence for minutes, then a flush and the sound of a shower running. The sound woke the cubone, who stretched and stood, taking up the bone that had been resting on the side closest to the wall, and did a series of exercises, stretching his muscles (for he was male, though it is not easy to tell with a cubone) and, tapping the bone on the floor twice, beginning a series of stances and strikes that lent, along with the plumed and decorated skull on his head, a military look to him. From the bag came a rhythmic "klink, klink, klink".

Suddenly the bathroom door slammed opened, and the girl, sharply contrasting her previous appearance, literally flew from the bathroom, her face bright and cheerful, singing enthusiastically into her hairbrush and letting the terry cloth robe, that seemed three sizes too big, swirl around as she bopped to the tune she sang and that was in her own head.

I used to think maybe you battled
Now baby I'm sure!
And I just can't wait til your pok'mon
Are sprawled on the floor

You fought me with an oshawott, man
And then a sandshrew!
But I got a pokemon with me
That can defeat you!

I'm fighting with Sunkern! WHOA-OH!
I'm fighting with Sunkern! WHOA-OH OH!
It evolved to Sunflora! WHOA OH!
And Don't it feel good!

Dancing over to the dresser, she pulled out a skirt and a blouse, along with the proper undergarments and accessories to complete her outfit, and bopped her way back into the bathroom.

Dimo blinked and stared after her, shaking his head when the door slammed shut. [Ho, dat gurl, she hiss vun kooky ting.]

"Klink klink", came the bag.

[Ho, no,] the cubone said, in his own cuboney language, [she's a schmott gurl, bot a leetle krezy in de hed!]

Another series of klinks came from the bag, and the cubone chuckled. [Hyu sed it gut, Tinka!]

The phone began to ring, but Dimo went right back to his exercise, ignoring the ringing and the singing. Before long, the girl came out of the bathroom, wearing the blue skirt, pastel green blouse, with a short blue jacket over it. Her blonde hair was done up into twin high pigtails. She smiled brilliantly at the cubone as she crossed to the phone.

"Morning, Dimo! Morning Tinka. Let me get this and we can go out!"

Picking up the phone, she put it up to her ear. "Hello?" Instantly she pulled it away from her ear, squeezing her eyes shut as a shrill female voice exploded from it.


"Morning, Zola," the girl said sweetly, switching the phone to the other ear. "So nice to hear your sweet tones first thing in the morning!" Despite the slightly sarcastic tone, the look in the girl's eyes showed that she also meant it.

The other line was quiet for a while, and then a loud (but not as loud as the "greeting", to be certain) wailing sob came through.

"Oh, Zola, don't cry! I'm fine! There was just a bit of a bump and my phone slipped out of my hand."

"But why didn't you caaaaaaallll? I was worried sick, Branwys!" cried the woman on the other side. Branwys rolled her eyes.

"I did call, Zola! I left a message with Zeetha. She said you were hyperventilating in the bathroom."

Another long pause, and then, angrily, the woman on the other end barked out, loud enough that, in the next room, a man and his wife woke up, startled, "ZEETHA!"

"Whaaat?" Came a third female voice, sounding groggy, even though Branwys was sure it was much later in the day where the women were.

"Branwys said she called when she landed! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!"

"I did," snapped the other woman. "You were wailing so loud that you didn't listen! I left a note, you crybaby!"

Branwys listened to the two women argue with a wistful smile. She hadn't' been gone long, but she already missed home. The phone had obviously been put down, but Branwys didn't move until a male voice came over the speaker. "Hello?"

"Gil!" Branwys laughed. "Zola and Zeetha are at it again. I just wanted to get my fill of home life before I start my adventure properly."

"Missing home already, huh, Tinkertot?" Branwys' eyes squeezed shut in pleasure at the sound of her nickname.

"A little."

"Everything with you is little, sprocket."

"Ha ha," Branwys intoned blandly. "Love you, too, you tyrant."

"Hey, my rule is legitimate and benevolent." The man's voice sounded incense, but with the hint of tongue-in-cheek-ness that only family can have.

"Yes, and so long as everyone does as you say, the floggings will be done with flower-covered whips, right?"

"Oh, no, those are too expensive. I've opted for just perfuming them."

"Wow, a tyrant AND a cheapskate."

The man on the other side laughed. "Be safe, Tinkertot. I have to go, Zeetha's pulling hair and Zola's biting."

"Ugh, and I'm the youngest..." Branwys smiled brightly.

"Yeah, but since you left, we're low on the brat quotient-"


Gil laughed. "Everyone sends their love, Mom, Dad, and the other five. I'll hug them all for you. Unless you'd rather let me use the whips."

"On everyone but Tarvek. He's my favorite."

"I thought I was your favorite!"

"OK, so don't whip yourself, either!"

With a laugh, the two said their goodbyes and hung up. Branwys looked at the phone after setting it down, wiped her eyes, and sighed. "I love you guys," she said, though the connection had been severed and she'd said as much to Gil in leaving.

Swallowing, she took a deep breath and hopped off the chair, packing her pokeballs into the large messenger bag and stroking the gear decoration on it. "Ready, Tinka?"


"Ready, Dimo." The cubone saluted, tapping the bone in his claw to the skull he wore.

"All right, lets go out and meet people!"

With that declaration, posing in the classic "finger to the sky" pose that Dimo mimicked with his bone-club, Branwys opened the door and jogged out and down the hall, messenger bag slung over her shoulder and Dimo following alongside.

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Bronze Charizard
post May 13 2011, 11:12 AM
Post #4

Dragons rule. Admit it...
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Hot Springs Gym

Terra walked toward the pokemon center. Normally she would've gone in and socialized a bit, but today she had no time. Aurora could be in great danger. She was so concentrated on that thought that she didn't notice the small girl coming out of the door, who she collided with.

Blinking, she looked forward and saw the girl. "Oh, sorry. I'm in a hurry and-" She noticed the cubone toddling behind the small girl and chuckled softly. "Is that your cubone? He's quite fashionable...or she..."

This post has been edited by Bronze Charizard: May 15 2011, 01:54 PM


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post May 14 2011, 07:14 PM
Post #5

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

As Cesc and Speed soared over the bustling port city of Barley, Cesc took a moment to reminisce about his arrival in Furoh. They'd left the gateon Port in Orre, landing here some time later in Barley, before renting a car and trekking their way out to Arasam.

As they hadn't been in Barley that long, Cesc really had no major memories of anything taking place in the Port. Nevertheless, he thought that he recognized a place or two as they made their way towards the Pokemon Center. He had to make his delivery, but Speed always took him to the closest Pokemon Center.

Once the red-topped building drew closer, Speed flared out his iron wings, stopping abruptly in midflight. The hapless Cesc was thrown off, sailing unceremoniously through the air, screaming curses at the Skarmory as he flew.

He landed with an undignified thud and skid. Slowly, he rose up off the ground, dusting himself off in vain in an attempt to clean up his outfit a bit. Adjusting the fedora so that it was out of his eyes, he turned to watch the Skarmory fly off, a cackle mixed in with his usual metallic caw.

"That's right, birdbrain, you'd better run!" Cesc shook his fist at the retreating Steel Bird. Once he settled down for a moment, he turned to see two young girls within feet of where he stood.

"Oh...uh...hullo ladies." He flashed what he thought to be a rather dashing, urchin smile.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Bronze Charizard
post May 14 2011, 10:06 PM
Post #6

Dragons rule. Admit it...
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Hot Springs Gym

A flash of silver and red appeared in the corner of Terra's vision field. It was close enough that she merely needed to move her head a bit to see what it was. Is that a skarmory? She hoped she was right, and that the skarmory was wild, and that it just wandered into the town. Even though skarmories were native to her home region of Johto, she had never seen one save for on TV or in books. And she'd always wanted one on her team.

The flash slowed to a stop in midair. It WAS a skarmory. Terra brought her hand down to the pokeballs at her waist, grabbed one, and opened it, all in one swift movement. At the same time that the pokeball was opened, a person plummeted from the skarmory's back and landed on his belly on the ground.

"Maow!" Wildclaw was raring to go. He unsheathed his claws and puffed out his fur, displaying his tough battle pose. This only lasted for a few seconds, until he noticed the retreating bird pokemon and the human on the ground. He was confused. Surely he wasn't supposed to attack the human? He looked toward Terra, and she looked as puzzled as he was. I should see if he's okay... Wildclaw padded over to Cesc, then sniffed him cautiously until he started to move. The meowth's tail bristled as he hissed and ran and hid behind his trainer.

Well, so much for that bright idea... Terra didn't know whether she was more disappointed or weirded out. She watched the man shout at the skarmory, then blinked as he addressed her. "Uh, hey. You better...go after your skarmory. Doesn't look like it's gonna come back..."

This post has been edited by Bronze Charizard: May 15 2011, 01:50 PM


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Master Houndoom
post May 15 2011, 06:42 PM
Post #7

Team Rogue: Houndoom
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The next few moments of Branwys' life had gone by in a flash. There was a lot of colliding, falling, yelling, and weirdnesses, which took Branwys some time to analyze, but in the end, after she had time to think about it, she came to one conclusion: She was in a very strange place.

First of all, there was the door to the pokécenter. She had been so excited to get out and explore this strange new region that she hadn't watched where she was going (though Dimo and Tinka would tell you, should you find yourself able to speak the pokémon language, that this was not exactly a new situation for the youngest Muphenz, and could not be directly put upon the newness of the area). Because Branwys was small, she rarely collided with anyone by virtue of not taking up a whole lot of space at a single time. The faster she moved, the less likely she was to be in a certain point in space long enough to crash into anyone. So when she did so, it usually happened in small hallways, doors, and once, a window (poor Lucrezia had subsequently gotten caught sneaking back in from a late date, and her and Branwys had been grounded over it. Lucrezia had increased her sentence by making Branwys cry, since Branwys was so much younger at the time).

This time, however, was at a door, and had the added benefit of two people not looking where they were going, which had the added benefit of one person noticing she got bumped into, and the other laying sprawled on the ground, blinking at the sky and wondering what in all of the nine levels of hell had just happened. Anyone could guess which was which.

As Tinka "klink"ed in surprise from her place notched onto a special setting on Branwys' bag, and Dimo put his claw to his helmet in exasperation, the other girl, who had barely been effected, began to apologize and then noted Dimo and his unique fashion sense. Branwys sat up, blinking, as something had seemed off, when it hit her. No comment about how tiny she was. No asking if her mommy was around, or if she shouldn't be more careful with all of the "big people" walking about. Simply an apology and a notice of her uniquely decorated pokémon.

Branwys had stayed quiet for a second longer than she ordinarily would (ever), causing Dimo to cast a worried look at her. When she finally opened her mouth to reply, a skarmory (Branwys had only seen one in Agatha's pokédex) stopped short by flaring out its wings, dropping a cursing and screaming man from its back before it took off with a cackled cry and a roar vaguely reminiscent of a tie fighter.

Branwys watched, silently and still on the ground, as the man rose from his similar predicament, wiped the dust from his suit as best he could, and then saw them.

It was as obvious that he had been caught off guard as it had been that the other girl, who was staring similarly to Branwys, but from a much higher standpoint, was stunned. When the young man raised greeted them, Branwys raised her hand, waving shakily.

"Um. Hi."

Dimo put his claw to his head again.

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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post May 17 2011, 04:13 AM
Post #8

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

“Uh, hey. You better…go after your Skarmory. Doesn’t look like it’s gonna come back….”

One of the girls, the older looking one with reddish hair and green eyes, was addressing him directly.

The other one appeared to be a grade schooler, and she was clearly the shyer of the two. Her hand seemed to tremble as she waved meekly at him. Perhaps this was because he was an older man (of 22), or because he had just, for all intents and purposes, fallen out of the sky. Cesc was completely unaware of Branwys’ hypopituitarism/dwarfism (whichever it actually was.)

“S’not my Skarmory” he grumbled for the moment. “That lousy hunkajunk belongs to my aunt and uncle. He’s just my means of conveyance. Oh. And he hates me.” Cesc continued to dust himself off, running his fingers through his hair to re-apply it before replacing the fedora back atop it to reconfigure his look. He deliberately placed it at a slightly jaunty angle, perhaps for the cool-factor of his appearance. He hadn’t put his hair back up in its usual silk brocade, so he had to tuck it back up under his hat, rather than let it fall back down to his shoulders.

“Well, since I landed at your feet, I suppose I ought to introduce myself. Francesco Rojas, of Arasam. Delivery Boy and Coordinator.” He swept his hat off once again, despite the fastidious care he had taken in placing up on his head, and swooped it under his chest in a very graceful bow. “Do you two lovely ladies also have names?” He mentally smacked himself for that one. Of course they had names. Oh well. Too late to fix that little blurb. “And hello to you, as well, Cubone Friend.” He winked at the little bonekeeper before straightening back up to survey his surroundings a bit.

He might have seemed a little distracted, but he was listening to the ladies, waiting for their response. In the mean time, he figured he’d catch his bearings first. Trips of Speed were always very disorienting (in both senses of that sentence). Only after a moment did he realize that he was directly in front of the Pokemon Center.

He flipped out the package from his backpack and checked the tag neatly attached to it. He’d have to find Captain Jack’s Seafood Shack, and deliver this to one of the waitresses, Tina Redman. In the meantime, he’d have a little time to explore and adventure, since Speed was not due back until later in the evening.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Bronze Charizard
post May 17 2011, 03:36 PM
Post #9

Dragons rule. Admit it...
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Hot Springs Gym

Terra nodded. "I see...no wonder he threw you off and flew away. Perhaps invest in a moped or something?" She paused a bit, then added: "The name's Terra. And this..." She turned around and picked up a still nervous and squirming meowth. "is Wildclaw."

"Mrowr." Wildclaw was staring straight forward, with a "if looks could kill" expression. The glare wasn't necessary directed at Cesc, but it appeared to be since the delivery boy was right in front of him. He still had no idea what was going on. On top of that, the adrenaline rush that he had felt before had worn off, and he was NOT a morning person. He wanted to go back to bed and take a catnap until it was time to eat. Then he'd probably go to sleep again. Then he'd eat again. Then he'd be up all night. It was a cat thing. He squirmed and kicked with his back paws until Terra put him down, then returned to his place behind her.


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Master Houndoom
post May 19 2011, 01:06 PM
Post #10

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Branwys looked down at her bag, next to her from when she hit the ground, and nodded. "You're right, Tinka. I guess it's an off day for me."

She stood up and, like the young man who had introduced himself as Francesco, brushed dirt off of her skirt and the back of her blouse as much as possible. She repositioned her bag on her shoulder, brushed out her pigtails as much as possible, straightened to her full height of three feet, and put on her most charming smile. Luckily, her mother was used to the social graces, and her sister, Zola, had taken after her mother and helped Branwys to learn how to act in "polite company" (which meant anyone who wasn't spending time building things in a shop, according to the older sister), so the smile looked delightful.

"Seńor Rojas," she said, bowing slightly in the young man's direction. "Terra," she said, a little awkwardly since it was more polite to address a new acquaintance by their surname unless otherwise specified by the person in question. "I am Branwys Muphenz from Castellia in the Unova region. You may call me Branwys. Are you all right, Mr. Rojas?"

Dimo, behind her, gaped. This was not the mistress he had followed for so long now! His eyes narrowed behind the skull: The blonde one had gotten to her.

Branwys herself grimaced, straightening and sighing. "I'm really not good at this, but I promised my sister." She waved a hand in dismissal. "I'm Branwys. This little cutie is my cubone," there was a short pause as Branwys gave a soft squeal of delight, "Dimo, who, yes, Terra, considers himself very fashionable, and quite the hunter as well! And this," she said, holding out her bag to show the decoration on it, "is Tinka."

For a moment or two, the decoration simply looked like any other decoration. Then, with an audible "klink!", it turned, once, and the two black and white spots, one on either gear, blinked at the two humans. Branwys smiled from behind the bag. "I've only just arrived last night. You never said, are you OK, Mr. Rojas?"

As Branwys began her conversation anew, Dimo let his shoulders drop in relief, except for the brief moment when he puffed out his chest as his mistress introduced him.

OOC for Dimo! (click to show)

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

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Bronze Charizard
post May 19 2011, 01:37 PM
Post #11

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Hot Springs Gym

"Castelia, huh?" Terra replied, smiling. "I happen to be from Ecruteak in Johto. My grandpa's told me about Castelia, he's a sailor and he went there once. He says it's like a huge maze and he got lost and had to ask for directions." Her smile turned into a worried expression after that, for she had remembered what she was supposed to be doing.

"Oh...sh- shoot." She muttered, quickly changing the four letter word into something more appropriate for a small child like Brawnys to hear. "Speaking of my grandpa, I'm supposed to be looking for his lost glameow...have either of you seen one running around?" Terra paused for a second, then added: "Glameows are blue cats with long tails that spiral and have white tufts at the end...they're native to Sinnoh." She glanced at Francesco. "Yeah. You never said where you're from. I didn't know whether you guys knew what they looked like or not."


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post May 19 2011, 11:26 PM
Post #12

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Terra's suggestion of a moped seemed utterly ludicrous. Cesc tilted his head slightly, with a questioning expression. After a split second he realized that she'd possibly made a joke. He offered a quiet, sympathetic chuckle, even though he really didn't understand the joke. Mopeds couldn't go over water, after all.

The girl introduced herself as Terra, which somewhat made sense. The girl had a rather earthy apperance to her. Whether or not this was merely Cesc's own fabrication remained to be seen, but naturally, he agreed with himself.

Wildclaw, the introduced Meowth, stared at him with his wild, Meowth-y eyes. He apparently did not enjoy being lifted up and shown off to anyone, and resisted quite squirming-ly to this levitation. Cesc leaned down a little, smiling at Wildclaw while giving a friendly wave.

At Branwys' introduction, Cesc felt rather taken aback at being called "Mister" in two languages. It made him feel incredibly old, especially in the presence of a girl who probably hadn't yet hit puberty. Not only that, but the little bow she gave only further showed the disparity of their heights. Not that Cesc was remarkably tall...but this girl was very, very short.

"Branwys." he began. He paused for a moment, eying her oddly for a moment before testing the water with: "Branny.", then "Brans". Finding distaste at both, he tried again with "Branwys. Call me 'Cesc'. No need to be so formal." he shrugged. He was used to being called "Brother Cesc", "Big Bro Cesc", "Cesc Nii-chan" (by his cartoon-watching friends)etc. Being 22 evidently officially made him a 'Mister', and he really didn't like that in the least. Of course, Branwys wasn't quite a child, but that's what made the situation a dramatic irony.

He was also a little confused as to what exactly Branwys had promised her sister? To call any older men 'Mister'? What a horrid promise that was.

"Hello Dimo." He took a moment to study the Cubone's very fashionable skull. In his mind, he began designing a matador's suit for the little bonekeeper. It was utterly adorable. "Hello Tinka." He blinked at the little gears, who blinked back at him in return. He'd never seen such a pokemon before, and was honestly a bit stumped as to how he'd dress that one up. As far as he knew, gears didn't wear clothes. Stickers maybe, but clothes: no.

"I've only just arrived last night. You never said, are you OK, Mr. Rojas?"

"Oh, I'm just fine." Cesc flashed a winning smile. "It's how I start all of my days. You know, harangued by a giant metal bird. It's a wonder more people don't have that same problem."

Terra announced that she was from Ecruteak, despite not really being asked about it. Her definition of Castelia, secondhand from her sailor grandfather, made the city seem fairly unpleasant, though upon reflection, The Under was a bit of a maze too."

Terra launched into an explanation of her quest, and also of a glameow. She ended with: "Yeah. You never said where you're from. I didn't know whether you guys knew what they looked like or not."

"Oh, well I just toppled out of the sky" Cesc blinked awkwardly at Terra "I don't think I had the chance to look for any glameow there. I'm from The Under, in the Orre Region. Just moved to Arasam a little while ago." He had never been to Johto, Sinnoh or Unova, and felt rather under-traveled just upon meeting these two. He also wasn't sure whether or not to refer to himself as "from The Under" or "from Arasam". The Under felt a bit more like home, so he supposed he'd keep using that for awhile. "And, uh, thanks for the description of the pokemon. I wouldn't have known it if it bit me in the a...ss." He couldn't think of a suitable new word to replace his 'swear-word', and so merely spoke it in a slow and awkward voice.

Well, he had some time to kill, and didn't mind playing the good Samaritan. Hopefully, the search wouldn't take them too far from his destination (which he still wasn't sure precisely where it was located).

"So...I'll help you look for this glameow." Cesc nodded, attempting vainly to move the conversation beyond the point where he'd used a foul word in front of a pre-teen.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Master Houndoom
post May 20 2011, 02:54 PM
Post #13

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[Vould hyu look at how dey talk to de mistress?] Dimo folded his stubby arms across his chest. [Dey treat her like unt child!]


[Hy don' care dot she looks like a child! She is no child! The Mistress is unt schmot gorl.]


[Shot op, hyu.]

Dimo's eyes narrowed behind his skullhelm, and he eyed Cesc's leg as if it were a tasty treat. He also sized up Wildclaw, the meowth now stationed behind the girl named Terra. If it came down to a fight, he thought, Dimo was plenty a match for the feline. But there were, likely, more. Even the Mistress had brought him and Tinka with her.

In the meantime, Branwys' mind had strayed in two directions. One of them had been the familiar, grudging annoyance at being mistaken for a pre-teen, again, which was also annoying by the fact that no less than five of her eight siblings had counseled her to be ready for it. Everyone in Castelia knew her by now, and she was only mistaken for a child by various the odd tourist and visitor; even the regulars at the dock knew better. Even there, it benefited her half the time with a free Castelia Cone or Lemonade. Branwys chewed on the inside of her cheek for a short time before allowing the aggravation settle to its usual "why did I have to grow so short" place in the far reaches of her mind and set her mind to the other, more intriguing track of her thoughts.

From Cesc's description, the skarmory that had dumped him so unceremoniously did so out of spite, and there was a mutual hatred there, but that didn't mean Branwys couldn't help him overcome it. It obviously wasn't a real hatred, otherwise the beast would have dumped the poor man from a much greater height, intending to hurt him.

Branwys grinned, a slow, mischievous grin that was well hidden by the fact that she was not currently being paid attention to, and turned to Dimo.

"All right, my little hunter, I need you to work some miracles again," she said, softly enough that only pokémon with good hearing, or those who were close enough and actively listening, would hear her. "I need some straps, about two inches wide, like crash webbing or a seat belt. I need a metal clip, or a ring, I can thread them through, and three or four magnets about yay big." She described the size with her hands, making a circle about three inches in diameter. "They'll need to have a ring or something attached to them so I can attach the straps to them, and I'll need something to do that with. Preferably nuts and bolts, OK?"

Dimo looked up at her, then nodded, the plume sprouting from the back of his helmet waving at the motion. He saluted with one claw, which came to about eye level, and spouted something in his own language, ([I hont!]) which Tinka responded to with her usual "klink", and scampered off.

"Oh, and keep your eye out for a glameow!" Branwys called after him.

Turning back to her companions, she smiled bashfully. "Sorry. Dimo's going to run some errands for me. I'd like to help, too, though! And that's a very good description, Terra. My eldest sister and brother are a researcher and trainer, respectively, though, so I would know a glameow, especially if it bit me in the ass!" she finished with a sly look in their direction.

I swear, she thought to herself, I'm going to flash the next person who mistakes me for a little kid!

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Bronze Charizard
post May 21 2011, 06:32 PM
Post #14

Dragons rule. Admit it...
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Hot Springs Gym

((OOC: Introductions are done and the plot is moving rapidly onward. Now we need some ideas for things to go on between now and the time they get to the thieves' stronghold...post in the OOC topic. We'll brainstorm there.))

Terra blinked. "Okay..." She was trying to figure out what the contraption Branwys had described was going to be used for, and after hearing that word come out of that small mouth, she was naturally a bit shocked. Kids learning words like that was nothing new...but then she noticed Branwys wasnt built like a little kid at all. She mentally smacked herself. Why didnt she notice that before? She really needed to take in the whole picture, not just a person's height...

But when she was about to open her mouth to apologize, a loud squeal sounded from the sidewalk in front of the building next door. The squeal sounded familiar...just like...

"Aurora!" Terra's voice was loud enough for the glameow inside the cage to hear. Aurora went ballistic, rattling the cage and meowing as loud as she could.

"Shut up you dumb cat!" The cage carrying man roared, slowing to a stop. That stop was all it took for Wildclaw to catch up and jump onto the man's face. Ignoring his trainer's attempts to call him back, the meowth attacked in a flurry of claw swipes and flying fur. A truck pulled up, and the man staggered into the passenger side. The truck zoomed away, slamming into a post in the process. An antenna topper was ripped from its perch. It rolled down the sidewalk and landed in the gutter.

The antenna topper was one of those yellow smiley faces, but it certainly wouldnt be smiling if it could see the look on the face of the person holding it. Fantastic. Terra thought. How am I supposed to find those bozos when this is the only clue I have...if only I had a bloodhound or something... If she was in a comic strip, there would be a light bulb over her head then. She DID have a bloodhound. Well, she had a houndour, but close enough.

"Arf!" Moonrise emerged from his pokeball, then sat down and awaited orders. Terra kneeled down and showed him the antenna topper. "Here's the scoop, Moonrise. Wildclaw and Aurora have been kidnapped. This came off of the kidnappers' vehicle. Can you use that powerful nose of yours to track them down?"

Ugh, cats...they're more trouble than they're worth...but she'll make me into a rug if I refuse... Moonrise sniffed the antenna topper for about a minute, then looked up and wagged his tail.

Terra smiled. "That's good." She turned to the others. "Cesc, Branwys. Moonrise here has caught the scent. We better get moving."

This post has been edited by Bronze Charizard: May 21 2011, 10:13 PM


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post May 22 2011, 10:57 PM
Post #15

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Branwys mouthed some words at her Cubone, Dimo. This was combined with some bizarre form of sign language. Dimo seemed to understand perfectly. He gibbered some Cubone-speak back at her before waddling off in the way that only Cubones do.

Cesc did find himself slightly taken aback as the child repeated his own profanity back at him. He wondered briefly on the protocol for soap-to-mouth washing. He had heard that it was a fairly antiquated form of punishment for foul-mouthed children (his aunt had threatened him with it many a time.) In the end he decided that he didn't quite know how to respond, and that the girl would eventually learn the word, just as everyone else had. Perhaps she still associated the word with the animal. Who knew?

In any case, things started happening at a startling pace. A man appeared with the pokemon they had been searching for. This would've been most convenient had she not been in a cage being loaded into the truck.

The man holding said cage decided to roar at the glameow, which took all of his focus. In his momentary stop, the man was soon assaulted by a more different cat, Wildclaw. Then out of nowhere, a truck appeared, the man got in with Aurora, and Wildclaw was somehow left behind? The truck zoomed off, leaving Cesc incredibly confused. He hadn't sprung into action, and had essentially stood there slackjawed and dumbfounded as the events unfolded.

He shook himself out of his reverie, realizing that he'd have to work on his reflexes if he was ever going to enter the field of coordinator battling. He had to be able to issue commands at the drop of a pin, and it seemed like at least several pins had fallen between the time Dimo left, and the time Terra decided to lead them off after her grandfather's pokemon.

Not that Cesc minded helping out, really. He did have some time to kill before making his delivery. Perhaps he would've rather been asked then commanded to 'get moving' along with two people he'd just met. Oh well.

Cesc turned to Terra, nodding in compliance as he prepared to follow her and her Houndour, Moonrise.

"Branwys, those men look dangerous. You sure you want to come along?" Cesc cast a sidelong glance down at the diminutive woman, still completely oblivious to the fact that she was probably a little older than him. "You're also down one pokemon, since you sent Dimo off, will you be okay?"


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Master Houndoom
post May 23 2011, 03:15 PM
Post #16

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Branwys actually had to blink at the young man asking her if she'd be OK. Gritting her teeth, she appeared to mull it over a bit, giving herself time to keep from shouting at Cesc that she was old enough to drink, for crying out loud. With a bit of a sigh, she nodded. "What's the use of starting your adventure if you're just going to sit on the sidelines? Besides, I can't abide dummköpfe who steal other people's pokémon." Branwys smiled at him, a full faced, squinty eyed smile that she knew did nothing to dispel the illusion that she was anything more than a ten year old girl. Let him figure it out on his own, she said. It'll be fun to see how long it takes.

As they began following Terra and her houndour, Branwys looked over her shoulder. "Besides, Dimo will find me. He always does, and always with what I need."

As they walked, Branwys reflected on her life, briefly. She'd always had her brothers and sisters there to put aside anyone's wonderings. And, despite the fact that she had not exactly been a recluse as she grew, there were quite a few wonderings about her. Those, somehow, weren't so bad, not as much as the people who hadn't heard about her before meeting her. To them, she was, for all too awkward a period of time, a novelty to be gawked at, or, worse, asked to perform.

There was also that one creepy guy who had followed her around, but Tinka and Dimo had put a stop to that, and Gilgamesh and Moloch, her middle brothers, had made it clear that the man's interest was the furthest from welcome her could think of. Which, she found out later, caused him to go the furthest from her he could get without leaving Unova.

For some reason, though, this man's assumption was grating on her, even worse than the girl's, who, when faced with the truth, wasn't at all unlike Zola's treatment of her. Perhaps it was because this man looked close to her actual age, or that he and Terra were the first people she'd met that wasn't on the boat or a Nurse Joy (who, to her family's credit, treated all trainers alike, and wasn't unlike the Nurse Joys she knew in Unova, weird hair notwithstanding), and she'd wanted to be treated like a normal person.

Or maybe, said a niggling, teasing voice in the back of her head that sounded annoyingly like Zeetha, it's because he's a very handsome boy...

Branwys hoped that the heat in her face wasn't an indication that she was blushing.

"So," she said, a mite too loudly, "what do you two do for a living..? Besides miss details, I mean," she muttered, not realizing she was still speaking aloud.

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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post May 25 2011, 12:36 AM
Post #17

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

"Missing details is my specialty." Cesc responded blithely, having completely missed the subtle jab at him. After all, if he was to be insulted by a child, he was expecting terminology such as: "Doodoo-head" and "Boogerbrain". Not that he didn't stoop to those when confronted with the lack of proper insults, but even still. "It's embarassing," he continued, "I still live with my Aunt and Uncle. They run a tailor shop over in Arasam, tailoring custom clothes for humans and pokemon alike." He stepped forward brusquely, giving a somewhat graceful rond-de-jambe to show off his attire. He casually flipped his hat off, letting his long hair fall down to his shoulders before flipping it back up and under his hat.

He really did look something like a mafioso from early 20th century New York, and the white rose on his lapel (and matching cufflinks) gave him a fairly dashing look. Even his shoes were two tone, white and black, which had once been a specialty of his Uncle's. Two tone shoes were fairly uncommon these days.

"I'm training to be a co-ordinator, as it's probably the best advertisement for our tailor shop. Oh, here, let me show you some of our pokemon wares." Fully aware that he was shamelessly plugging his Aunt and Uncle's product, Cesc, nevertheless, had no shame in showing off his pokemon.

"Oberon! Valentine!"

The two pokemon appeared in front of the group, none too far from the sniffing Moonrise. Valentine appeared wearing his bandana and sash-belt, with the clip on hoop earring still in his ear. He looked rather swashbuckling for a Chimchar, and stood there, hands akimbo, eying these new women (and the Houndour) closely.

Oberon appeared with the more subdued appearance, sporting his white tie and silver bracelets. Cesc hadn't been too sure about this particular outfit, but it seemed to be growing on him as he watched the Sneasel slink around Valentine.

"Finest quality pokemon wares you'll find anywhere around." Cesc grinned proudly at his Aunt's work.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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Master Houndoom
post May 26 2011, 12:03 AM
Post #18

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Branwys stared, agape, at the man who was now hawking his wares like a street vendor. The suit was nice, like one of those old movies her father would watch with her while she was growing up, full of men with suits and tommy guns and speaking in weird voices. None of their hair was as long as Cesc's, but the effect was similar. Jubilife Gangster Chic.

In the mean time, a poké-napping had just occurred right in front of them and this... this... guy was showing off his aunt and uncle's outfits, including special pokémon accessories, as if he were some street vendor.

Who hadn't watched two pokémon get kidnapped in front of him!

"Yeah, yeah, that's great, but aren't we supposed to be, I don't know, following the van where Terra's Grandfather's glameow and her meowth were both pokénapped in?"

Raising her brows, she looked between the two, pointing after the van, then, for emphasis, pointed with both hands while still looking at them.

[align=center]Uprising Mod

Jaima Kuonji and Meiko Omura||Branwys Muphenz
[spoiler=Jaima's Gym Badges][/spoiler]

Jay Lange||Olivia Prewitt

As of January 29, 2010, at approximately 7:50am CST, 2gamers helped me complete my pokedex!

:houndoom: I claim Houndoom! :houndoom: [/align]
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Bronze Charizard
post May 26 2011, 05:31 PM
Post #19

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Terra looked at the sneasel and chimchar. "Nice props. I'm sure they've won a lot of contests, am I right?"

Then she heard Branwys' outburst, and was about to say something when Moonrise stopped in front of a warehouse and barked. "Is this where they are, boy?" The houndour's face had a caniney smile, and he wagged his tail and barked again.

"Meow!" A scared meow came from between a shelf and a stack of boxes. A cream and brown tail was sticking out. "Wildclaw!" Terra ran into the building and began moving the boxes. They were a bit heavy, but not too much. Moonrise helped too, grabbing the corners of boxes with his teeth and pushing them away. When the boxes were all moved, Wildclaw jumped into Terra's arms. Terra hugged her meowth and petted him. "I'm so glad you're safe!"

"Damnit!" The man from before appeared, his face scratched up. "I was just about to dispose of that pest!"

"You're not disposing of anything." Terra glared at the man, trying her best to look intimidating. "I'm here to get back my grandpa's glameow. Tell me where she is. Now."

The man snickered. "Or what? Will a couple of lovebirds and a little girl come to the rescue? Is this the best that old geezer can do? Ha!"

This post has been edited by Bronze Charizard: May 29 2011, 12:08 PM


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post May 31 2011, 02:47 AM
Post #20

I'm dying to see how this one ends.
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Taggarty Lee

Cesc beamed for a moment as Terra complimented his pokemon. He found himself immediately crestfallen as she supposed that he'd won several contests. Cesc had not yet even entered a single contest! This notion reminded him that he had more training yet to do before he was ready. In the meantime, this little adventure was probably precisely the pokemon training he needed for the battle portion of contests.

Branwys, however, reminded him that the situation was dire, and there was no time for lallygagging as he was. It really was sticky, as two pokemon had disappeared due to a pokenapping, and he was effectively slowing them down through advertisement. He did find himself chuckling at Branwys' exaggerated motions, thinking to himself he'd seen that in a comedy flick one time. Once again, he felt himself snapped back to reality once the gravity of the situation hit him once more.

"Oh right, let's rescue some pokemon, right?" he put on a brave face, adopting a heroic pose before resuming his place next to Branwys and Terra. Valentine and Oberon followed close to him, more aware of the situation than their trainer, and painfully worried that they, too, could be next on the docket should the kidnappers have returned.

The next thing he knew, they had found the warehouse. The next thing after that, boxes were flying everywhere, and one of the two disappeared pokemon had returned. Things moved far too quickly for Cesc to fully process, but all he knew now was there was an enemy in front of him.

Terra had two pokemon out, Cesc had two pokemon out, and Branwys had the...Klinka? Branwys had the Klinka on her backpack. This meant that they were currently 5-0 in terms of fielded pokemon. There was banter, and the man with the scratched face seemed pretty confident despite the fact that he was outnumbered. He made mention about 'lovebirds', but he saw no love or birds anywhere nearby, so the comment sailed gracefully over Cesc's head.

"Valentine, Oberon, at the ready!" The two pokemon bounded forward from behind Cesc and stared down the man. Cesc, unlike some trainers in Furoh, was fairly hesitant to attack an un-pokemoned human.


Song Stuck in My Head:~*~Blank Space - Ariana Silvanas (Postmodern Jukebox Cover)~*~

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