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Jill Laurent
Yzarc Drowsnam
post May 27 2011, 02:30 AM
Post #1

Omar comin'
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Name: Jill Laurent
Age: 28
Hometown: Pewter City/Route 2
Current Residence: Arasam

Appearance: Jill is tall, standing at about 5'10. She has tanned skin and black hair that goes down to her shoulders. Though she dresses fairly casually, opting for jeans and a t-shirt over business clothes, she still walks fast and with purpose, with excellent posture. She carries a handbag, which is where she keeps her pokeballs.

When she's in town, she will wear makeup and pay close attention to her appearance. She doesn't much care herself, but she cares what other people think. If she's going to be around someone, even someone she doesn't like, she will try to look her best, but when she's out on the road, it doesn't matter. Also, while she's out on the road, she wears cowboy boots and a cowboy hat in addition to jeans and a t-shirt.

Personality: She is straight to the point with herself, a very goal oriented person. She decides what she wants, and doesn't waste time taking the scenic route getting there. She goes for it. In achieving her goals, she can be manipulative and deceitful, or brutally honest, depending on how it will help her cause. She refuses to allow people to get in the way, and considers them baggage, intentionally pushing them away if they get too close.

Though she does have a few girlfriends, she refuses to get romantically involved with anyone, though her friends often try to set her up. She often disdains them for that, but realizes that they don't know her past, and so they don't understand why she closes herself off to men. As such, her relationships with men tend to consist of one night stands, with which she is totally okay.

Though she lives in Arasam and is friends with her neighbors, she doesn't particularly identify with that town nearly as much as she does the road. Very often, she will leave the city and just ride around on Pele, her Ponyta, enjoying the open air just like back home.

Biography: Jill grew up outside of Pewter City on a ranch. It was a lot of work, but it taught her how to be a hard worker, how to prioritize, and how to enjoy the company of pokemon, because more often than not, she'd be out there by herself with no one but Pele, the Ponyta her parents got her for her fourteenth birthday. It was an expensive breed, but she probably would have loved it just as much even if it wasn't.

She went to school in Pewter City and had a great time. She was glad she was pretty, because she knew that everything else was pretty much going against her in terms of popularity. She was very good at math, and actually enjoyed it, she never wore expensive clothes and she rode Pele to school every morning. And yet all the boys liked her. They said it was because she was so different, that they loved her unique personality, but she was smart enough to know that they'd be singing a different tune if she was ugly. She learned to accept the praise.

Once she graduated high school, she moved to Cerulean for college. Naturally, she left Pele at home, but found herself quite lonely without her. She wasn't quite the social butterfly she wished she was, and she had a much more difficult time sorting out the intentions of smart college boys instead of dumb Pewter boys. It didn't help that she hated her roommate, who would bring home a different guy every weekend, while Jill was trying to study. She majored accounting, so she had a lot of high level math classes, and it was quite difficult.

However, it wasn't all bad. Her sophomore year, she became an RA, mostly for the free rent, but it also forced her to be more friendly to people she had herself convinced she could never like. She met David Vaughn, an RA from the second floor, and found herself talking to him all the time. One day, he invited her out to the bridge overlooking the lake. While they were sitting there, she saw a little Bellsprout waddle out of the tall grass and towards them. Jill's "Awwwww" inspired David to capture it using his very own Paras. Once done, he gave him to her. She named him Vinyl.

Jill and David were together after that, and remained so for years, even after graduation, when they moved to Saffron. Jill got a stock analyst job, and David was going to law school. Things were going perfectly until Jill got pregnant. When she told David, she was expecting him to be devastated, but instead he was so excited. He proposed a week later, and they managed to get married before it was born, though it didn't stop her father from being extremely disappointed. He got over it, though, because he had to. They named the baby boy Ryan Vaughn.

Two years later, David and Ryan were doing some errands while Jill was at work. She got the call in the middle of the day that her husband and son had been in a car accident. David suffered severe injuries, but would be fine. Ryan didn't make it.

They tried to stay together after the tragedy, but they just couldn't. She still loved him, but just looking at him made her cry every time. They divorced. He begged her not to go, that she was the only thing in his life since Ryan died, but she just couldn't do it. When she told her parents, they disagreed, but understood. They gave her Pele in her pokeball and she moved to Furoh with what money she saved and her two pokemon: Vinyl and Pele, as well as all of her clothes and, most importantly, a picture of Ryan, Jill and David all together, which she kept in her wallet. The plan was to start a new life here. She would never try to replace David or Ryan, but she had to learn to live life without them, or else she would fall apart just like David did.

ponyta.gif Pele (f): Level 32
Rash Nature, Ability: Flash Fire
Morning Sun*
Sunny Day**
Tail Whip
Flame Wheel
Flame Charge
Fire Spin
Take Down
*Egg Move (Father - Espeon)
**Tutor - Petropolis Grand Invitationals

weepinbell.gif Vinyl (m): Level 31
Lonely Nature, Ability: Chlorophyll
Weather Ball*
Giga Drain**
Vine Whip
Sleep Powder
Poison Powder
Stun Spore
Knock Off
Sweet Scent
*Egg Moves (Father - Roserade)
**Tutor - Petropolis Grand Invitationals

vulpix.gif (f): Level 32
Sassy Nature, Ability: Drought
Role Play**
Tail Whip
Quick Attack
Fire Spin
Confuse Ray
Flame Burst
**Tutor - Petropolis Grand Invitationals

Items: Potions, Pokeballs, Pokedex, Cell phone, picture of family

What is the biscuit's name? Is it still Waldorf?
Other Notes: This isn't the same Jill with whom Justin Smart hooked up in Lockdown. Very different girl.

Previous RPs:
14/15 levels in On the Edge of the Ocean: After work on a Friday, Jill decides to take a weekend vacation in Fidona. There, she meets Finn Oakley, a teenager who is stuck on the island until the next boat arrives at the end of the weekend. Feeling some sympathy for him, Jill buys him dinner. That night, before going to bed, she sees out of her hotel window that Finn is in trouble. Together, they fight off a duo of Carvanha.
  • 8 to Pele
  • 6 to Vinyl
15/15 levels in A Lost Gem: Jill, along with coworkers Erica and Matt, are sent to training seminars and meetings in Petropolis. While on lunch break, they witness a mugging of a woman. After learning that it was a pokemon stolen, Jill acts to find the thief. She joins up with Kirby to get it back and, though the two don't get along so well (he is just a little too happy), they get the pokemon back.
  • 7 to Pele
  • 8 to Vinyl
15/15 levels in Back in the Zone: Jill learns shocking news that her ex-husband, David, has committed suicide. Though saddened, she collects the sizable insurance claim and quits her job. She then decides to embark on a pokemon adventure, and so travels to Gigarte to face the gym leader. There, she meets Taggarty Lee. The two do their part in calming a jailbreak of circus pokemon where Jill catches a Vulpix, and then proceed to lose (Tag first, then Jill) to Chloe, of Gigarte.
  • 5 to Pele
  • 5 to Vinyl
  • Captured Vulpix
  • 5 to Vulpix

This post has been edited by Yzarc Drowsnam: Aug 12 2013, 10:06 PM


[spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart]
Justin Smart Profile
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Currently In: Zoobreak!

Nate Guzman (Partner)
[spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent]

Jill Laurent Profile
Current Levels Post
Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt
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:piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler]
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post May 27 2011, 06:21 AM
Post #2

Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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From: Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the sun
Member No.: 208

And a Golurk

It's nice to see characters that aren't teenagers. We're getting an actual adult who had her own family! oh.gif

Anywho, the only thing I could think of adding would be attire. I assume she isn't walking around butt naked with a cowboy hat, boots, and make-up :P. What's her preferred style? What does she think other people would like her to wear?


PANE x2 (click to show)

Credit for 2gamer's Seel of Approval (click to show)
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Yzarc Drowsnam
post May 27 2011, 12:06 PM
Post #3

Omar comin'
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From: Texas
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mmm that sounds hot though

Though she dresses fairly casually, opting for jeans and a t-shirt over business clothes,

She wears the same thing when she's out on the road. I guess I'll specify that in the profile.


[spoiler=PANE - Justin Smart]
Justin Smart Profile
Current Level Post
Currently In: Zoobreak!

Nate Guzman (Partner)
[spoiler=PANE - Jill Laurent]

Jill Laurent Profile
Current Levels Post
Currently In: Back in the Zone[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Uprising - Abraham West]Magma - Grunt
Abraham West Profile
Progress Tracking
Currently In: Interception!
:piloswine: :elekid: :shellder:[/spoiler]
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post May 27 2011, 07:05 PM
Post #4

Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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Group: RP Moderators
Posts: 3 412
Joined: 19-August 07
From: Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the sun
Member No.: 208

And a Golurk

Weather Ball can be used once Bellsprout evolves.

Approved! You should know the drill happy.gif.


PANE x2 (click to show)

Credit for 2gamer's Seel of Approval (click to show)
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