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Jonah Hiffin |
![]() Gym Leader ![]() Group: Members Posts: 490 Joined: 26-March 09 From: With Vivi of Final Fantasy IX Member No.: 5 608 Awsome ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Name: Jonah Hiffin
Age: 36 Height: 7 feet Hometown: Lavender town Appearance: Jonah has been tall his entire life. At 6"10 he towers above most people. He is skinny, and if anything, underweight. He appears to be muscular, probably from running around with eggs. He wears many different things depending where he is. While he is in his Team Torchick (Spelled wrong on purpose, explained later.) uniform, he is in an orange jumpsuit. It has pictures of Piplup, Bulbasaur, Torchic, and Multrase on the top part of the suit. While he is in his Casual clothes he wears a red shirt and Green shorts. The 5 pockets on both the front and back are helpful for storing things in. In his traditional clothes of Lavender town, he wears a purple shirt with long, black pants. The long shirt and pants both almost reach the ground. Personality: Jonah is very friendly and energetic. He can do heavy activity for extended periods of time without breaking a sweat. One time, on his adventures in Kanto, he ran across the continent from Lavender town to the Grand Plateau! This gives him the stamina to start training after a recent defeat. Jonah, even though new to Noverus, makes many friends from all over the world. He has a friendly aura about him. He helps whoever is in need, no matter who they are. This gives him a strong since of what is right and wrong towards humanity and he fights for his beliefs. His belief gets him friends but angers, also, his enemies. He loves his pokemon, especially if they are his favorites: Piplup, Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Torchic, and Multrase. His respect and kindess help his pokemon grow strong from the start. Biography: Jonah grew up in the town of Lavender. He lived a life, always giving empathy to those who just lost a Pokemon. He never had any himself until he was 5. When he was five professor Oak came to Lavender town. Jonah stumbled upon him while paying his respects at the Pokemon tower. Professor Oak was looking for some Gastly in the tower for research when he saw Jonah petting a Growlithe who's trainer's Dustox passed away. The Growlithe was taking a liking to Jonah, and Professor Oak saw his talent of Friendship was unique. He walked over to the boy and said kindly, "Boy, do you have any Pokemon? I could use some help and I think you could help." When Jonah turned around he was shocked! One of the world's greatest Pokemon Scientists was asking him for help! Jonah swiftly replied, "No, sir. I would happily help you though." The nice old man calmly spoke, "I'm glad you can help, you see I need people to catch Pokemon and get information on them. I would do it myself but I'm getting old and can't get around as much." Jonah stood amazed as he sucked in the news from Professor Oak, "I need people like you to help me collect information. You would receive a lifelong partner!" Jonah quickly replied, "I'll take the job." and he was handed a Bulbsaur whom he named "Abbey". The years passed and Jonah became one of the strongest and most respected Pokemon trainers in the world. His love for Pokemon helped him collect every single Pokemon in the world. Most of them were low levels and were given to beginner trainers around the world. But one day, when he was twenty-six, he went to four Island and discovered something amazing. "The Seagallop High speed seven is pulling into the dock. This is four Island, an amazing island were your Acquaintance Lorelei grew up. Enjoy, because it is now safe to exit the boat." The captain waved at Jonah as he left the boat, Jonah stepped on the dock. The waves were splashing all around him and there was a cool breeze. Maybe I"ll check out the caves that are said to on this Island. I should let my Pokemon rest though. He looked around the small island and got acquainted to it. He noticed a sign saying, "We raise Pokemon here!" Great! I can leave my newest Pokemon here and go explore the caves with my more experienced ones. He gave a Ditto and a Pidgey he was studying to the receptionist with gray hair. "Thank you! Come back when your done exploring the caves." Jonah nodded and ran to the caves. Later that day after exploring the caves Jonah came back to the daycare center. The old man said, "We don't know how it happened but your Pokemon had an egg! Do you want it?" Jonah slowly nodded as he was given the egg. A Pokemon egg! So this confirms that Pokemon come from eggs. With this knowledge I can bring rare Pokemon to poor people who can't afford to catch them. He grinned and he knew what he would do.... He used his Knowledge to start a non-profit organization called "Team Torchick" This team brought the rare Pokemon that Jonah loved so much to the public. The name was spelled differently so that they could tell the difference between it and the Pokemon. It's headquarters in Lavender town brought much growth to the city Jonah grew up with. Many new trainers traveled to the city to get their first Pokemon. However, this Team ended him in Noverus.... Jonah was sailing to Hoenn from Kanto, delivering eggs to a base in Slateport, when he ran into a strom while sleeping. He woke up with his bed floating on water. He quickly grabbed his clothes, Pokedex, Pokegear, and the eggs, along with anything else in his suitcase. He grabbed on to his Empoleon, "Lugno" and swam into the ocean. A giant wave came and swept them under. When Jonah woke up he was in Noverus. All he had were the things he had carried in his suitcase. His Pokemon were gone. He looked around weird men in Blue were running around. He started to look around. As his thoughts came to mind he started to weep, knowing his Pokemon probably didn't make it. He wandered through the city until he collapsed in a run-down part of town. Jonah had nothing to live for without his Pokemon. He laid in defeat. He suddenly heard a cracking noise. Suddenly he heard a cry of a Bulbasaur. His eggs were hatching! Piplup hatched from another. Then a Torchic and a Chikorita came out. They were all some of his favorite Pokemon! God needed him to live. He picked up the eggs and ran to what looks like a hotel. When he came in some people went scuddling into the corners of the Hotel. Jonah screamed, "I have lost my Pokemon and my eggs just hatched." Jonah had over exerted himself and feinted. Jonah woke up with a man in a green outfit saying, "Your Pokemon are safe and so are your newly hatched. However, you won't be able to get your Pokemon back for a long time. You see, Team magma controls what can come in and out of the city, and they certainly wouldn't let you leave to get your Pokemon." Jonah asked faintly, "How do you know?" "Your Pokegear received a call from a member of Team Torchick. Team Torchick isn't strong enough to come rescue you. You'll have to defeat Team magma to get out." Jonah rejoiced when he heard the news. He looked at the hatch lings sleeping in a bed next to him. They were strong because they were children of his strongest Pokemon. These young Pokemon now had all Jonah's hope in their hands. Preferred Faction: The rebellion because it believes in freedom and they saved him when he was in need. Rebellion Rank: 75 Starting Pokemon: Bulbasuar Lv.8 "Abbey" Chikorita Lv.8 "Hibiscus" Torchic Lv.8 "Ember" Piplup Lv.7 "Limao" Items: Potion x3 Pokeball x5 PokeGear x1 Pokedex x1 This post has been edited by Jonahman10: Dec 16 2009, 07:14 PM -------------------- My websites (click to show ) My Acomplishmnents (click to show ) A pokeplush levels up when clicked, So click it! ![]() Click here to feed me a Rare Candy! Get your own at Pokeplushies! Friend's eggs ![]() My eggs; ![]() |
![]() Pokémon Champion ![]() Group: Advisors Posts: 2 705 Joined: 24-February 08 From: Ottawa, Ontario Member No.: 1 219 Lugia Hype ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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![]() =- Game Dev, currently making a game called Cursed Seasons. I tweet about it sometimes. -= http://cursedseasons.tumblr.com/ Discord is a thing ![]() [/align] |
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