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Gigarte Gemma, Gemmation at its finest
post Jan 2 2012, 01:47 PM
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Even in Gigarte, where the light was not natural except in a few locations where windows at the top of the dome allowed natural light into the city, night was simulated by a daily darkening of the lights that started on the eastern side of the dome and ended on the western side and reflected outside weather patterns. In general, the dome was carefully regulated to resemble an ecosystem typical of that on the surface. While residential areas may be kept at more moderate temperatures, agricultural facilities use technology to simulate winter in its fullest.

It is there, in the tenebrous of night it struck.

Mr. Darsey was simply incensed! His noble foliage had been ravaged by some form of dirty pestilence. Not only had he been disgraced by the presence of filth in his homestead, his guards had failed to catch the culprits likewise. Clearly, their specialty was in human intruders, not of Pokemon invaders.

It would be costly to employ professionals to counter the horrid infestation; amiable bystanders would be more dept at dealing repercussions than his droll guards. However, failure to eliminate the threat would result in a large financial loss. He pondered the possibilities quickly and soon realized he had already thought it himself. He would ask volunteers to aid the institution. After all, Gigarte was full of citizens eager to prevent a repeat of the Lenoilia disaster.

Mr. Darsey made a phone call, "Salutations. This is Fitzwill Darsey....Yes, I would like to make an advertisement for some help..."

A Snowy Day Above Gigarte

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a Gigartian in possession of a good fortune must be in want of some flora...

Amelia never got further into her Shane Austin novel because her concentration was interrupted by Uncle Joe. Uncle Joe had made a marvelous recovery since the Starfall Field Disaster, though Amelia never found out who the stranger she met was or where he went after she went to fight Regice. He still had a bit of a limp, but he was otherwise recovered from the trailer fire. After coming home, business was good but they still didn't have enough money to pay for the property lost during the Starfall field tragedy.

It was snowing outside. It was hard to think that it was almost a year ago she had been going to an art festival that led her to causing the Gigarte Grotto disaster. While something worse might have happened if they hadn't gone, she had put her friends in dangers way. But they forgave her anyways, and it was good being forgiven.

Uncle Joe made his way to the counter and started talking about how another high-class gardener in the city below had been having a pest problem. Of course he had preemptively volunteered Amelia to go and help. Between the events of the last year, her Pokemon had shown exponential growth, and Uncle Joe had volunteered her for these sorts of thing occasionally because Uncle Joe knew that Amelia felt that she didn't spend enough time with her Pokemon sometimes.

She usually enjoyed the bonding time with her Combee, Hope, and her Pidgey, Austin, but today she was curled up by the fire reading a book to them. She didn't feel like going through 5 inches of snow to get to the elevator down to Gigarte. Besides, farmers down there simulated the winter season to stimulate the growth of new buds. There would be snow inside this particular biosphere, which was mildly unusual because it was supposedly a dome for flowers which usually didn't require cold seasons.

She really couldn't say no, she was already volunteered! She put the book down and called Hope and Austin back into their balls. She got her boots and coat on and began her journey to the underground city. The snow didn't slow her down by more than a few minutes, and it wasn't long before she riding down the heated elevator into the warmer commercial area where the Elevator let out. She headed down the road to the agricultural section of Gigarte, where it was much colder than the warm commercial section. She headed to the glass building where Uncle Joe told her to go.

She opened the door into the facility, where there was a small reception room. No one was in the comfortable waiting room except the receptionist at the desk. She walked over to the receptionist.

"Hello, Ma'am. I am here to help with the pest problem, my name's Amelia."

"Please take a seat and wait for Mr. Darsey, the respected owner of the facility. There may be some other volunteers who will also help you with our slight issue. Thank You!"

Amelia nodded and took a seat on a small red sofa. Hopefully this wouldn't take very long...

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post Jan 13 2012, 06:06 PM
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Liz walked the streets of Gigarte, searching for the Pokémon Center. Her eyes scanned for a building of a bright red and white. A color caught her eye, and she looked to the sidewalk to see a pink odd pair of goggles. She picked it up and studied it, noticing the pink lenses and heart designs on the frame. She pocketed the strange item and continued her search, relieved to see the Pokémon Center just a few feet ahead. Liz entered and walked to the front desk, where Nurse Joy stood smiling. The woman greeted her merrily.

“Hello, and welcome to the Pokémon Center. How can I help you?” Nurse Joy watched as Liz unstrapped her pokéballs from her belt and set them on the counter.

“Can you do a check up on my Pokémon, please,” Liz asked. Joy pulled out a small steel tray from under the desk, with six indentations in the metal. She placed Liz’s pokéballs in each indentation and smiled again.

“Of course, just wait inside and I’ll ring the bell when they’re ready,” the nurse said. She carried the tray into a room behind her, and Liz took a seat by the entrance. The lobby consisted of the front desk, placed centrally along the back wall opposite the opening doorway, a bulletin board along the left wall with two doors, one leading to stairs and then further on to rented rooms of visiting trainers. The right wall had a small area with TV’s and lounge chairs, in one of which Liz sat. The room’s walls were painted white, but the furniture was mainly green and cream browns.

Liz looked down at her own attire and chuckled, for she was wearing similar colors. She wore a green shirt with white long sleeves, the green theme special for the occasion. Her new skinny jeans were a light grey, draping down to her green flats. Her long brown hair was down, draping over her shoulders. She blew at her bangs as she watched the television in the lobby, the scenes flashing through ads and commercials. A bell rang at the desk behind her, and she rose and walked to the desk. Nurse Joy nodded and set down the steel tray with Liz’s pokéballs.

"Here are your Pokémon. They're in great health." Liz strapped the orbs to her belt as the nurse spoke. “Do you need anything else?”

Liz pondered the question, and then nodded. “I found this item on the sidewalk before I came in. Do you know what it is?” As she spoke, she pulled the goggles from her bag. Nurse Joy reached for it, and then stopped herself.

“May I?”

“Of course.” With Liz’s approval, Joy took the goggles, examining them. She nodded, as if confirming something to herself.

“This is a TM. It’s a device that can teach its recorded move to certain Pokémon. This particular TM holds the move Attract, an infatuating move that leaves the target love-struck for the user. You’re in luck to find one, for most people don’t care to accidentally lose these.” She handed Liz the goggles. “We have a machine in another room that allows Pokémon to learn the move safely. Would you like to use it?”

Liz nodded, already knowing which Pokémon she would teach. She strapped her pokéballs back to her belt and followed the nurse into a hallway on the left. She stopped at a door and typed in a code before opening the door. Liz entered with Joy, taking in the large machine and plastic panel. The machine was positioned along the right of the rectangular room, with thin mechanical arms that looked like the perfect thing to hold the TM. Joy smiled at Liz.

“Choose the Pokémon which you want to learn the move and have it stand on the platform there,” she said as she pointed to the machine, “and we’ll stand behind this protective panel while your Pokémon learns the move.”

Liz chose a pokéball from her belt and threw it into the air, waiting as her Oshawott appeared. Oreo was playing with his scalchop, though he stopped when he saw Liz and Nurse Joy. Liz walked to the machine and set the TM between the mechanical arms. She beckoned Oreo to stand behind it. The Oshawott hustled to the platform, staring into the goggles with wonder.

“Okay, Oreo, now stand right there and hold still until Nurse Joy tells you otherwise,” she called to her Pokémon. Oreo slapped his tail to show he heard. Joy and Liz moved behind the plastic panel. Joy hit a button on the wall, and the TM lit up. Oreo suddenly seemed concentrated on the machine, and in a minute he began moving his arms and swinging his tail in a flirting manner. Joy nodded in approval and turned to Liz.

“He’ll be done in just a few minutes. In the meantime, you can watch here.” Liz nodded and thanked her as she left, then turned back to her water-type Pokémon and watched him intently.


Half an hour later, she was back in the lobby, with her Riolu standing by her side. Liz was scanning the bulletin board. Ryan, her Riolu, noticed a battle being displayed on one of the televisions, and he wandered towards it for a closer look. The scene showed a Sandshrew and a strange blue and tan weasel Pokémon with flames on its head and tail. The Sandshrew jumped and spread his arms wide, shooting speeding golden stars at the weasel. Ryan copied the motion, throwing his arms out, a glimmer appearing on his paws. He frowned and tried the motion again, this time sweeping them as if expecting stars to shoot from his palms.

Meanwhile, Liz spotted an intriguing flier. It read,
Gemma Farm asking for volunteers to assist in ridding the farm of a pest problem. If interested, come to this address and ask for Mr. Darsey.
Below was the address, written clearly. Liz took a picture of it and turned back around, calling, “Ryan, we need to get going.” Her Riolu turned from the TV and followed her to the door.

Liz entered the building and looked around. A small wooden desk sat to her right, with a woman standing behind it. Liz approached the desk and asked, “Is Mr. Darsey here? I’m here about the pest problem.” The woman smiled.

“Of course, just have a seat and he’ll be right with you. You can speak with the other volunteers while you’re waiting.” Liz nodded and turned, noticing now that a girl sat on a small red sofa behind her. A few other white and cream chairs circled with it around a round wooden coffee table. Liz sat in a soft white chair and smiled at the girl. She appeared to be about seventeen, with auburn hair and pale skin. She was wearing a tank top and shorts, relaxed as she sat. Liz aimed to be friendly.

“Hi, I’m Liz. Are you one of the other volunteers here as well?”

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post Jan 14 2012, 11:07 PM
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And a Golurk

“So this guy looks familiar?”

“Oh, there could be no mistake. Intimidating looking fellow, tattoos all over his face. However, I haven’t seen him around for at least a month. He must be halfway across Furoh by now.”

Darius was following a lead about the whereabouts of the infamous Taggarty Lee, the dragon trainer who had nearly destroyed Blackthorn City. In his quest, the dragon trainer had journeyed into the depths of Gigarte, specifically the pokemon center. Unfortunately, the pokemon nurse informed him that his lead was a dead end; the once elite trainer would not be found in the relative peace of this underground city. With a nod to the nurse, Darius headed for the waiting room to contemplate his next move.

“Blast!” he said to himself. “Of course he’s not here. This crummy city doesn’t have a decent piece of meat anywhere. Who in their right mind would stay here for…oh, you were all listening to that?”

Of course, the waiting room was filled with other people, many of which were residents of the aforementioned crummy city. Darius, wanting some privacy with his thoughts, promptly left for the other side of the pokecenter. Some might have heard him mumbling something about “minding their own business”.

There was really only one option for the dragon trainer: immediate departure. The cuisine certainly wouldn’t keep him here, and with no dragons or dragon trainers around, there wasn’t much reason to stay. And yet, Darius saw his reason posted upon a bulletin board.

“A farm in need of pest control? Not exactly the most epic quest, but all legends must start somewhere!”

Yes, Darius had a thing for tasks involving people’s problems. It would certainly assure that his name and deeds were spread across the countryside, thus solidifying his future legendary status. Without hesitation, the dragon trainer pulled the flier right off the board and headed outside to find this Gemma farm.

Darius had quite a shock upon entering the agriculture sector of Gigarte. Compared to the city, it was bitterly cold, complete with snow and everything. How could anything grow in this freeze? The dragon trainer wrapped his cape tightly around himself to keep warm as he treaded towards the glass building.

Upon entering and promptly slamming the door behind (luckily, the glass was made of sturdy stuff), Darius unfurled his cape, revealing the rest of his rather foreign outfit to the people inside. He walked right past the girls and headed straight for the receptionist.

“Your pleas for help have been answered, for I, Darius Dovakin, have come to rid your land of this pestilence.” As soon as he finished, he slammed the flier into the receptionst’s desk. Though quite a bit startled by Darius’s entrance, she still told him to wait for the owner with the others.

Wait, others?

Darius took a better look at his company. One was a young girl (quite young at first glance) with brown hair and rather skinny appearance. The other was closer to his age and evidently not dressed for the weather. Still, the outfit showed off the girl’s features well, something a guy like Darius could appreciate. Though their skills might not be necessary with Darius around, it would be interesting to see what they brought to the table.

The dragon trainer quickly made himself at home, sitting in one chair while resting his feet in another that he dragged across the room. Sitting down was a little tricky with his broadsword along his left hip, but he adjusted it to his satisfaction. Once he settled in, Darius gave a short nod to Liz and Amelia and greeted the two.

“Anyone know why the heat’s off in this place? I thought they were growing plants in here?”


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post Jan 16 2012, 07:55 PM
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Amelia waited patiently, wondering why she had taken her coat off. They were just going to go out into the cold again, and it wasn't even that warm in here. However, the red couch was nice and warm, and it would be too much trouble to walk all across the room to the coat rack. She wondered who else would be working here today.

Her question was partially answered as a small girl, probably in her early teenage years, skip happily into the facility. She spoke a little bit with the secretary and then sat down across the small coffee table from her. She was wearing some tan jeans and some pretty green shoes. She introduced herself as Liz and asked if she was a volunteer.

"Yes, I'm a farmer myself, and I know what it is like to have bad luck. She shuddered, reminded of her large debt before the Gigarte Grotto Disaster, "Ohh, my name's Amelia. Nice to meet ya!"

It wasn't long before some guy with a strange get-up and even weirder hair waltzed in declaring his presence. She wasn't sure, but Amelia thought she caught a glimpse of something that could have been a sword. He might have been pretty good looking, if it weren't for his bad taste in fashion. She also noticed that he was looking at her strangely, perhaps she should have gotten her Winter gear back on again.

What was even more peculiar about this guy, was that he apparently couldn't even sit down. He had to drag a chair all the way across the room so he could lounge. Though the way he was lounging, made it quite clear he was holding some sort of sword. It would be quite unfortunate if Mr. Darsey came in and found this weirdo lounging around, if Mr. Darsey's reputation as being proper was accountable. Finally, the weirdo alienated himself even further by displaying his lack of knowledge of botany, and failing to introduce himself. Still, it would be best if she put her best foot forward this time.

"Certain plants need winter to grow, it's sorta like a vacation for plants. It might be best if you put you feet down; rumor says that Mr. Darsey is really a strict sort of guy. My name's Amelia, what's yours?"

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post Jan 16 2012, 11:47 PM
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And a Golurk

Darius took Amelia’s advice…sort of. It was true that he didn’t want to upset his future employer, but the dragon trainer’s execution was less than ideal. He kicked the chair to the other side of the room. It made a loud bump against the wall; luckily, it didn’t even crack the paint. Some amount of slush from his boots was left behind on the upholstery. Darius went on as if nothing was amiss. Besides, as he went on to become a legendary figure, that chair would be the landmark of Plant Town. I mean Gigarte.

“My name is Darius Dovakin. I came all the way from Opelucid in search of a dragon master, one with intimate knowledge of his craft. I’ve had no luck in Plant Town, but before I leave, I figured me and my team could flex our muscles against some of these pests here.”

As he said this, Darius patted the pair of pokeballs on his belt. He was quite ready to show off his pocket monsters to a whole new continent of people.

“So, how about you?” Darius asked Amelia. “What far away land did you embark from?”


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post Jan 18 2012, 05:18 PM
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As Darius introduced himself, he shoved the comfy white chair halfway across the chamber, leaving a slushy mess in its wake. She saw the eyes of the secretary narrow on the peculiar man. She bit her tongue as he referred to Gigarte as "Plant Town". Something told Amelia that she wasn't the only one who would be losing their anger today. Somehow, she didn't believe Darius was all that he cracked up to be...

Amelia tried not to show her anger at Darius's referral of Gigarte as "Plant Town", but nonetheless her frustration showed, "Well, Darius, I come from a farm that is high above our lovely city of Gigarte. Though, I've never heard anyone ever call it Plant Town before..."

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post Jan 18 2012, 09:06 PM
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Liz listened intently to Amelia, and then looked up as a man entered. He had pink-red hair in the shape of a V, with a cape around his back. Liz was surprised to see a glimpse of a sword at his hip, along with what appeared to be armor on his chest. He talked to the woman at the desk before joining Amelia and Liz at the chairs. He made himself comfortable, sprawling himself over two chairs as a Meowth might when trying to soak up the sunlight. Liz eyed his scabbard warily, listening as he spoke. He asked if either of the girls knew why it was so cold. Amelia offered him an answer, displaying her botanist skills. She then replied in question his name.

The man kicked the chair he had had his legs propped up on, sending it spiraling into the wall. He spoke, his voice reminding Liz of something she might have imagined belonging to a fictional hero.

“My name is Darius Dovakin. I came all the way from Opelucid in search of a dragon master, one with intimate knowledge of his craft. I’ve had no luck in Plant Town, but before I leave, I figured me and my team could flex our muscles against some of these pests here.” Liz rolled her eyes at the misplacement of Gigarte’s name. She was normally tolerant of other’s lack of care, but Darius’ attitude was beginning to annoy her. “So, how about you?” Darius asked, “What far away land did you embark from?”
Liz looked to the chair he had kicked and was dismayed to see the reproduced snow of Gigarte staining it. She turned to Darius when Amelia had finished speaking.

“I’m Liz, Darius. I’m from Lilycove City in the Hoenn region. Isn’t Opelucid a dragon themed city? Are there many dragon-type Pokémon there?” In Lilycove, dragons were rare, even considered a bit mythical. To see someone living in a place where they were common was like meeting someone from another world. As she thought, Liz considered tracking down one and catching it. The idea was pelasurable, but easier said than done. She quickly drew her notebook from her bag, ready to write down any knowledge Darius might share on the elusive Pokémon. “Do you have a dragon-type Pokémon? If so, may I take a picture of him or her?”

Liz drew her camera in preparation and took a quick picture of Amelia and Darius, tagging Amelia as ‘Gigarte Botanist’, and Darius as ‘Dragon Knight with weird hair’. She set the camera on her lap and waited patiently. Mr. Darsey was nowhere to be seen yet, and Liz wasn't going to waste one second of her free time with her new friends.

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post Jan 20 2012, 05:44 PM
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Amelia noticed that Liz also disdained Darius's use of "Plant Town", and explained that she had come from a far away region too. Though, if Amelia remembered correctly, Lilycove was one of the most stylish cities in the world, explaining her very good fashion savvy. She would probably get along with all the artists in Gigarte just fine, maybe they could go to the Gigarte Art Museum later.

Liz also took a quick picture of her and Darius and wrote something down. So she was keeping a photo-diary of sorts? Amelia remembered she had one of those when she was Liz's age. It would be fun to work with Liz, but she didn't know if she could manage to work with the hot-headed Dragon-hair guy.

After conversing for a short while, a door could be heard shutting in the distance followed by the footsteps that grew in intensity. In a few seconds, a man, about the age of twenty arrived in the chamber. He was very well dressed, in a style that reminded her of Victorian styled clothes. He wore white gloves, and had a monocle in his coat pocket. Amelia supposed he wasn't unattractive, and certainly not as weird as Darius, but he seemed very stuck-up by the way he moved.

He glared intensely at Darius, who's boots made him the clear suspect for dirtying the chair. After a few seconds, he regained his composure and began speaking in an arrogant, condescending tone.

"Hello kind people, it is my pleasure to introduce myself as Mr. Darsey. Now, I suspect that you all came here to aid in our situation. I was hoping that you would work simply for the good of your fellow man, but I suppose that I will have to compensate you. If you do a good job, I will not fine you for ruining that chair. Sound just? I hope your Pokemon are ready, we have quite an infestation, and you will not be granted amnesty for ruining any of my foliage. As you probably know, this facility specializes in especially rare plants, some species are exclusively found in here. If you are not able to complete the task, some of these plants may fail to produce the gemma that make the survival of the species popular from year to year. As you can see, it is clear that we work in the utmost fashion. Any questions?"

Amelia remembered reading in a virtual magazine that this farm made over 10 Million Pokii a year. If what Mr. Darsey said was true, one of these plants might be worth more than what she makes in a year. She would have to be careful not to harm any foliage, or else she would be even farther in debt than she was before the Gigarte Grotto Disaster! She wondered how much the chair Darius kicked cost, it could be worth hundreds of Pokii...

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post Jan 20 2012, 11:34 PM
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And a Golurk

When Amelia informed Darius of her hometown (and its proper name), the dragon trainer simply winked and gave a nod to the girl.

“Catchy, ain’t it?” he said of Plant Town. “I’d say it’s pretty apt considering it’s freakishly green for a city built underground. I mean, after making a giant city hundreds of feet underground, who would have thought to put a giant forest in it?”

Darius’s attention was drawn away from Gigarte’s origins to the questions by the young girl sitting next to him. She seemed fairly interested in dragon pokemon. It had only been a few days since his arrival in Furoh, but Darius was psyched to have a fellow enthusiast of the most powerful class of pokemon. Dare he say that he had an apprentice in the making, one that would spread his epic tales across the land? With that thought in his mind, Darius answered Liz with a hearty laugh.

“Ha Ha Ha! Are there many dragons in Opelucid? That is like asking if there are clouds in the sky! In Opelucid, dragons are bound to our way of life, from our ancient roots to our glorious future! Most everyone has a dragon, for they represent power and honor. Both are qualities of the dragon trainers, the greatest of all pokemon trainers.

When Liz asked about his pokemon, Darius patted the pokeballs upon his belt.

“My pokemon possess the spirit of dragons. As a matter of fact, I’m here in Furoh to track down dragons. The elders say the many mythical beasts gather at this continent. Dragons are surely among them.”

Before Darius could introduce his team, however, their host had chosen to appear. He looked quite fancy, though not nearly as awesome as Darius. Their host began by glaring at the dragon trainer, who met his stare with a shrug. Darsey then went on about how special his plants were and how terrible the infestations were. Frankly, the dragon trainer would have to see the situation himself; Fancy Pants here seemed like the dramatic type. Still, he quickly spoke up when given the chance.

“First, don’t worry about the chair. It’s just water; I’m sure it will dry up.” Darius stopped short of recommending ottomans (maybe later) and moved on to the mission at hand. “And second, what exactly are we dealing with here?”


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post Jan 25 2012, 08:29 PM
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Liz jotted down keywords of what Darius said, awed that a place existed with so many dragon Pokémon. While he still had the hint of arrogance in his tale, Liz suddenly felt compelled to believe him when he said dragon trainers were the best, though she inwardly felt she should defend co-ordinators. A powerful and honorable trainer, she thought, and again she felt she were in a grand fairy tale. She was a princess, being swept off her feet by a mysterious but handsome knight and his dragon steed. She, however, felt she would almost rather be the prince, if it meant training a dragon Pokemon. An idea came to her, and she spoke.

“Of course, and with dragon types showing such, ah, majesty, would you have a recommendation for one both elegant and strong? I’m seeking to be a co-ordinator, and a beautiful dragon is just-“

She was cut off as a man entered the room. The man looked out of date, just as Darius did, but in a different era. Liz guessed he was Mr. Darsey. He wore a suit that looked to be the ancestor of the modern tux. A monocle dangled from the suit’s pocket, and his hands were covered by white gloves that appeared to be flawless, as if his hands were holy. The man spoke, first by confirming he was indeed Mr. Darsey. He went on to tell them of his rare plants and that there was to be no damage to them, something at which left Liz with a mild anger, for his tone seemed to feel undermining. He gave Darius a stare of annoyance that would have shamed a Growlithe, and he told Darius his reward would consist of not have to pay for the chair.

Liz looked back to the chair, recalling what her mother’s recipe was for cleaning mud stains from furnishings; a dabbing of Abra-Clean, and if the cushion had a zippered cover, removing the cover and washing accordingly. She was about to tell him she could clean it when Darius spoke to Mr. Darsey. Liz shut her mouth and waited patiently. Her mother had taught her to be quiet when others were speaking, especially employers, for both Liz and her mother had worked various jobs with often irritable people.

“First, don’t worry about the chair. It’s just water; I’m sure it will dry up.” Darius paused, as if in thought, than continued, “And second, what exactly are we dealing with here?” Liz wanted to shake her head and prove him wrong, but she kept herself silent.

“Yes, I’d like to know that as well, and as I has been saying Darius, a beautiful dragon is just what’d I’d-“

Again her question was cut off, for the same reasons as before. Another person entered. Liz glared at him with composed anger, though her face remained still and blank.

This would be a long day to try her patience.

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post Jan 25 2012, 08:41 PM
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My Awsome Party

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Fenrir was a little frightened of this big new city. He had just arived in Gigarte, and was feeling claustrophobic. Poochyena were never meant to live underground.

Relax, Fenrir. Surely this cannot be more awkward than getting your trainer’s license was.” Fenrir was glad for Fang’s advice, it was true. His trainer’s license had nearly been a disaster. There was a new Nurse Joy at the Lenoilia Pokemon center. She, unlike most, hed not treated him before after some hunt or another.

“Well, what’s your name? No deary, that can’t be it. That name doesn’t exist, silly! Oh, that name was of a two-year-old boy who had gone missing years ago. He’s probably dead, so that’s not it either! Come on sweety, what’s your real name?” After finally convincing her that his birth name was his own, she had asked him to sign the trainer card. He could not write. They were both thouroghly exasperated when a vetran Nurse Joy took over for the newbee. He soon had a trainer’s license.

Fenrir, where are we going?” Poor Scruff was as frightened as he was. Fenrir felt bad for the weaker of the two Poochyena. He had had it rough, three of his brothers being killed. Only Fang was left.

I think we’ll shop. We need suplise.” They found the Pokemart and entered, excited by the amount of money in the wallet they had stolen from a poacher. About ten minutes later, they left, dejected. As it turned out, 500 Poke was only enough to buy about one potion.
On second thought... we need money.

As they walked through Gigarte, they passed the gym. Fenrir knew that as a trainer, he would soon battle the leader. But not yet. Fang and Scruff were not strong enough yet. As they passed the gym, they noticed a flyer. With some difficulty, Fenrir managed to read it. The flyer was an advertisement for a job. It didn’t seem to pay, but Fenrir knew that reputation was worth any amount of cash. It seemed easy enough; hunt down some pests and drive them out of the farm. He had been hunting and tracking his whole life. This couldn’t be that much different, could it?

That’s when he noticed the date. “Shoot! Fang, Scruff, we’re gonna be late! We need to move it!” The two wolves and Fenrir ran as hard as they could towards the farm. Without caring for apperances, (they never had thier whole life), they burst through the door.

Fenrir made an effort to yell in English. He wasn’t aware he was cutting someone off mid-sentence. “Sorry I’m late! I’m Fenrir. I’m here to help you get rid of those pests!”

This post has been edited by ShinyRalts: Jan 25 2012, 08:44 PM


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post Jan 26 2012, 08:49 PM
Post #12

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Amelia almost felt bad for the boy with Wolfish Features. Mr. Darsey gave him a stare, not dissimilar to the one he gave Darius. She shivered a little, she would hate if she were subject to that stare. Even though she felt bad for the boy, she couldn't stop feeling that only the women in the room were even from the right time and place. The longer this intense stare continued, the more time she had to realize the peculiarities on the boys face. His face was full of scars and he looked drastically underfed. He was even worse off than Mack was...

Mr. Darsey's frozen glare was broken by Mr. Darsey's booming voice, which carried a great deal of condescending annoyance, "Well, So good of you to join us, sir. Anyways I suppose we should skip the banter and just get on with the task at hand. It will save time if I simply show you all the facilities. You there, tell our newcomer about our enlightenment." It was rather interesting that he charged Liz, who the newcomer interrupted, with filling the new guy in on what had already happened. It was also quite odd that Mr. Darsey had been fuming mad about the chair a few minutes ago, and now he seemed to have forgotten about it.

Mr. Darsey made off at a a good pace, and wondered if the underfed-boy would be able to keep up with them. The waiting room only constituted a small part of the facility and it probably took less than a minute to go through the waiting room and the control room for his field's climate. The control room was full of complicated switches and buttons and flashing screens which individualized Mr. Darsey's field to his particular botanical needs. She was glad that since her farm was above Gigarte, the weather came naturally. This style of farming was way to expensive for them to maintain, even though it was apparently quite profitable if you could afford the start up.

As Mr. Darsey activated the automatic door, the subtle beauty of the field took her breath away.

It was a fairly large area and a thick layer of artificial snow blanketed the landscape. The snow was thicker than the rest of the agricultural area, meaning that these plants probably came from someplace cooler than Gigarte, as the standard settings mimicked the climate of the surface to the point. Despite being artificially induced, seeing strange plants in a layer of glittering snow gave her a wonderful sense of majesty. The serene cover of snow was only interrupted by pristine tracks of Deerling.

Any other season there were probably graceful birds and interesting bug Pokemon, but most of those had either gone into rest somewhere or migrated to a residential area. However, she would have suspected that the Deerling would have gone to a warmer area too. Maybe they needed the change of the seasons just as much as all the plants did. They were the symbols of the seasons after all!

Mr. Darsey didn't seem to be affected by the wonder of the scenery, he merely seemed agitated about the Deerling problem. "As you can see from the track in the snow, we have many acerbating Deerling who mock this noble establishment by destroying the Gemma of the foliage and awakening resting bug Pokemon. Simply put, get rid of the beasts and settle down the bugs and your task shall be complete."

Despite it being rather cold, the task was very doable. Mr. Darsey seemed satisfied with the group and went off back into the building. She called out Hope, her Combee, and Austin, her Pidgey. They needed the training, but she felt bad breaking the tranquility of the moment. "Wow, it is so pretty. I feel bad ruining it all."

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post Jan 27 2012, 09:45 AM
Post #13

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Liz studied the new person with intensity. He was just a bit taller and older than Liz, with shaggy jet-black hair darkening his already tan skin. His silhouette gave him a lanky appearance, with his knees and elbows sharp and black and ratty clothes draped over his chest and legs. His arms and face were scarred disturbingly, and his gaze gave Liz goose bumps. He smelled heavily of musk and body odor. A vague and ominous aura surrounded him like a poisonous cloud. Liz almost wanted to cough or plug her nose and look away.

Mr. Darsey pointed to her, waking Liz from her stupor. “You there, tell our newcomer about our enlightenment." Liz blinked and looked between him and Fenrir.

“Wait, what?” Mr. Darsey ignored her and turned, beckoning the group to follow. Liz rose, releasing a breath in an angry blast. She glanced at Fenrir and nodded briskly. If everyone was going to be an outcast in Mr. Darsey’s eyes, they had to stick together. “Alright, I’m going to tell you now there is no ‘enlightenment’, we just were told the situation. Some Pokémon are damaging his rare plants, and we have to get them to leave the plants alone. If you damage the plants, though, Mr. Darsey will give you a death glare,” she said, whispering the last part. Liz chuckled at her joke, hoping to lighten her own fear, but his stare made her go silent quickly.

She followed Mr. Darsey to a room full of flashing and labeled buttons. Screens covered in cryptic text and images of plants. A metal sliding door was built into the wall by the machinery. Liz guessed the room was for the false snow and temperature control, though she couldn’t be sure. Mr. Darsey pushed a large button on the wall and the door opened.

Outside was a winter wonderland.

Snow draped the foliage gracefully. Liz gaped in shock, a giddy joy bubbling inside her. Such peaceful snow was rare in her hometown, and if the heavy and torrential rains did freeze, it became dangerous hail or blinding sleet. Liz wanted to make a snow fort or a snow man, but something told her most everyone else in the room would disapprove. She considered the warning thought; everyone else there was older than her, most of them being around twenty or older, with the exception of Fenrir. She hated controlling herself, but she needed the respect of her partners to do the job well.

Liz spotted a mark in the snow, a set of hoof prints. Mr. Darsey answered her unspoken question.

"As you can see from the track in the snow, we have many acerbating Deerling who mock this noble establishment by destroying the Gemma of the foliage and awakening resting bug Pokémon. Simply put, get rid of the beasts and settle down the bugs and your task shall be complete," and with that, Mr. Darsey left. Liz stared him down as he left, and then turned to her Pokedex. She flipped the screen up and flipped through the pages of Pokémon information until she found what she was looking for.

”Deerling, the Season Pokémon. A grass and normal type Pokémon. The color and scent of their fur changes to match the mountain grass. When they sense hostility, they hide in the grass.”

Liz clicked the screen shut and thought carefully. She didn’t want to hamper the snow or plants, nor was she supposed to. Her fire type Growlithe seemed the first obvious choice, but he would easily set the entire field on fire by accident. Her Oshawott was clumsy, and her Zorua would likely damage the field on purpose if she knew it would cost Liz. Her Ralts might be handy later for trying to calm the bug types, but the two Pokémon that best fit the situation were Ryan and Serena, her Taillow. Liz pulled their Pokéballs from her belt, checked to make sure they were the right ones, and threw them into the air.

Her Taillow and Riolu appeared in a beam of blue-white light. Ryan studied the area with a calm gaze, turning to Liz when he had sufficiently memorized the scene. Serena gently flew above the plants, expressing her awe and joy of the snow in loops and twirls. The Taillow had grown up in Lilycove City with Liz, so she too was deeply moved by the blanket of white. Serena flapped her wings mightily and climbed into the sky, folding in her wings and letting gravity pull her down in a spinning movement. She opened her wings slowly two yards from the ground, and she landed gracefully on Liz’s shoulder.

“Ryan, use your ability to sense if there are any wild Pokémon nearby. Serena, fly between the rows of plants to try to spot anything moving. Don’t damage the plants or snow, and don’t attack anything you find until I get there.” Her Riolu nodded and began briskly running through the field, his small feet leaving gentle dents where he stepped. Serena took off with a gentler flap of her wings, and some snow blew into Liz’s face. Liz withdrew her camera and took a few pictures of the farm, ending with a zoomed in view of the Deerling print. She shivered and propped up a knee, setting her gray bag on her thigh while she rummaged through it for a jacket. She found a black pea coat and pulled it on, glad for the new warmth. In the coat’s pockets she found two matching black gloves, and she put those on as well.

Amelia chose two Pokémon next to her, a Combee and a Pidgey. She almost sighed and said, "Wow, it is so pretty. I feel bad ruining it all." Liz nodded in agreement.

“Well, the sooner we start, the sooner it ends, I guess. I’ll follow my Pokémon and see if either of them spot something. If you guys find anything, call me. I should be able to hear.” Liz turned and entered the thicket of plants where her Riolu had just moments ago disappeared. Her flats soon became soggy, and Liz constantly lifted her feet and rubbed them. She had chosen bad clothes for her job, apparently.

She picked up her foot for the fifth time and sighed. It was going to be a long work day.

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post Jan 27 2012, 02:37 PM
Post #14

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My Awsome Party

Fenrir stepped outside, (or was it inside?), into the field. He was shocked that it had somehow snowed underground. However, unlike the others, he was not at all struck by a sense of beauty. Snow had never been his friend in Lenoilia. Instead, survival skills drilled into him as a pup raced through his mind. One: never leave the pack in a snowstorm. Two: if you are unfortunate enough to be alone when a blizzard hits, seek shelter. Three: to hunt in the snow, you must be an excellently quiet hunter. Snow makes you more visible, but your prey is also. They will be leaving footprints... Speaking of which...

"As you can see from the track in the snow, we have many acerbating Deerling who mock this establishment by destroying the Gemma of the foliage and awakening resting bug Pokemon. Simply put, get rid of the beasts and settle down the bugs and your task shall be complete." Fenrir did not know what half the words in that statement meant. He understood the girl who had explained things to him better. No big words. English was too noisy in his opinion. Why couldn't it be like Wolf, in which 75 percent of the language is silent body language? The loud words would alert the Deerling of their hunt. Personally, the wordy language hurt his throat.

Fenrir made a soft growl and called over Fang and Scruff. "See the Deerling tracks? It appears we are tracking winter Deerling today. No kills, I doubt our employer would like that. Also, we need to calm down some bugs, but we can leave that to the other humans. Understood? We will set of now."

"Understood." The two Poochyena immediately began to weave through the plants, following the footprints and tracking the scent. Fenrir pulled out his claw. Deerling were not generally tough to hunt, but they were fast and easily spooked. He heard the two ladies talking behind him. He wanted to turn around and warn them to be quiet, but he doubted it would work

Stealthily, he set out across the snowy field, his footsteps barely even crunching the snow. Looking at the tracks, that was a heck of a lot of Deerling. It wa going to be a tough hunt.


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post Jan 27 2012, 06:42 PM
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Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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And a Golurk

Darius had heard just enough from Liz to know that she was very interested in dragons. Excellent! She would be the first to spread the virtues of dragons across this new land. Soon dragon trainers would spring up all over Furoh. They would found their own city to match the majesty of Blackthorn and Opelucid. It would appropriately named Dovakinia, after its founder and legendary figure.

But before he could divulge Liz into the menagerie of elegant strong dragons (of which included all of them), another guest entered the room. A homeless boy accompanied by puppies volunteered for the task of clearing out the pests. Though he could use an updated wardrobe, Darius respected the kid for roughing it out on the streets instead of being some pansy who obsessed over a bunch of flowers.

Speaking of which, Mr. Darsey led the group into his garden. The area was practically an idealized version of the North Pole, with a sprinkling of snow falling around them. Even the dead leaves added to the elegant look of winter. The only thing missing was a jolly old guy in a red suit. That was not what Darius was seeing, however. The dragon trainer saw a battlefield, snowy hills and valleys providing vantage points and choke points to rein the deerling in. The enemy was too busy frolicking amongst the dormant plant life to pay much attention to them. This was the perfect time for Darius and his pokemon to unleash fiery doom.

“It’s time for these guys to know the dragon’s wrath. Let’s go Bindy!” Unlike Liz, Darius went straight for the fire pokemon. Out of the pokeball emerged a charmander, who greeted the dragon trainer with open arms and a giant cheer. With her big dark eyes and bright smile, she was absolutely adorable. That didn’t sit too well with the dragon trainer.

“Bindy, that intro was far too cute! You want your enemies to fear you! Try again.”

“Charmanderrrrrrrrr…” Bindy scrunched up her shoulders and held her hands up next to her face. She growled low, though the effect came off as a cute creature trying to be scary.

“Yeah, we’ll work on that later. Right now, we have to get these deer out of this guy’s garden. Let’s show ‘em what dragons bring to the table!”

The pair rushed off into the garden, rounding a hill of snow to get a view of the enemy. As soon as they rounded the hill, Darius spotted a lone deerling munching on one of the prized plants. It had an entire patch of gemma to itself. He also saw that the valleys that the hills created formed a single path, the perfect set-up for an ambush. The dragon trainer pointed his charmander towards the path, specifically a spot just behind a large curve. Bindy obliged and walked over to the ambush point, while Darius snuck through the dormant trees to get to the deerling. His footprints dug deep into the thick snow at various points. Though it slowed his progress, the snow also kept his steps silent as Darius stopped a few feet from the little deer. Then, without warning, Darius pulled out his broadsword and bellowed his battlecry!

“FUS RO DAH!” Darius ran straight for the terrified deerling, his sword stretched over his head to make him look like a giant predator. Naturally, the deerling ran like heck through the garden, running between the hills as predicted. Surprisingly, Darius didn’t give chase. Satisfied with the outcome, the dragon trainer strolled between the plants as he waited for Bindy to fulfill her part in the plan.

The Deerling was running at full speed as he went for the curve, not realizing that he was not being chased. The little deer was too focused on what was coming behind him to see the fire lizard waiting for him. By then, it was too late: Bindy fired off an ember attack. However, its execution was very peculiar. The charmander grabbed her tail with a hand and held it in front of her mouth. Like a child wielding a bubble wand, Bindy blew through the flame upon her tail, spreading fiery sparks upon the deerling’s face. Being a grass type pokemon, the attack was quite effective, though the deerling still had the energy to turn around and flee. Bindy gave chase, wielding her flaming tail/bubble wand. The season pokemon was heading back into the patch…and straight for Darius!


The surprise stopped the deerling in its tracks. This allowed the charmander to catch up and fire another ember attack. This one was even more effective, leaving a burn upon one of the little deer’s hind legs. Though he continued to run past Darius, the deerling’s movements were greatly decreased, stumbling through the gemma patch to get away. Bindy easily caught up, and with encouraging commands from Darius, she had no problem with firing off more attacks. One last ember strike finally brought the deerling down, landing in the snow with a “plop”

“Well met, Bindy!” Darius said as he petted his charmander. “We’ve drawn first blood! Let’s go show the others.”

The dragon trainer hoisted the fainted deerling upon his shoulders and walked with his charmander towards their starting point. Behind them, several of the charmander’s attacks had left a few singed leaves upon the gemmas. Because of the cold weather and moisture from the snow, this did not cause an inferno. Darius headed straight for Liz, for she had camera to record his victory.

“Behold! I’ve apprehended one of the culprits.” He showed off the poor deer that he wore upon his shoulders like a boa. “Quick, take a picture.” On cue, Bindy stood in front of Darius’s right leg and flashed a “V” with her fingers.


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post Jan 28 2012, 08:52 PM
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It seemed that everybody was working by themselves, she was perfectly fine with this for the most part. Even though she liked Liz, the other two were too "Out There" for her personal tastes. Darius had chosen to use a fire Pokemon, even though they were supposed to be careful around the plants. However, his approach was effective. Amelia hoped for all of their sakes that Mr. Darsey wouldn't notice the burns on the foliage.

Darius had gone over to the thickets where Liz's Taillow was flying, leaving a trail of slush through the otherwise perfect snow. Amelia sighed, it was pretty while it lasted. Anyways, she should probably start as well, it looked like Liz and Darius had their area quite covered, but she didn't see where the underfed kid was. However, there was a relatively unsoiled plot of snow around some sort of tree.

Amelia trotted to the tree to investigate further and, on the other side of the tree there was a small group of Combees flying around in an unpleasant mob. Hope quickly jumped in to calm them down. They didn't seem to be as powerful as Hope, but they had a sheer numerical advantage over Hope. Besides, she might be able to get them to calm down peacefully.

At first things went well, but it wasn't long until things started to go badly: a Deerling was wandering closer to the tree, not seeing Amelia due to her lack of movement and her height being dwarfed by some thick evergreen bushes. Whatever had bothered the Combee swarm, had been caused by a Deerling for sure. Amelia, who had noticed the Deerling through a miniscule gap in the otherwise impenetrable hedge, commanded Austin to take care of the Deerling. Austin paused uncharacteristically, unsure of himself, then jumped over the hedge.

Amelia realized why Austin had paused: Hope and Austin had always fought together, and this was the first time that they were fighting by themselves. She was sure they would be fine, for once they were better trained than their opponents. She looked up to see how Hope was fairing.

At first her figure was hard to pick out among all of the Combee, but was distinguished when the others started forming up around her. She hesitated a moment, than suddenly flew up as an offensive Combee lunged forward to use a Bug Bite on her, resulting in the attacker to crash into a comrade. A few of the swarm combined their Gusts to form an attack, and Hope wasn't able to avoid it this time.

Hope lost an altitude of several feet, but managed to redirect her downward force to a horizontal Gust attack that hit several other Combees. This made a clear zone directly around her. Both sides waited patiently for the other to make a move. Hope suddenly flew backwards and turned around just in time to Bite the Combee behind her. The other Combees flew in as she turned around. Two created a combined Gust attack while the other went in to bite her. This time she was able to avoid the gust, but the other Combee managed to bite onto her wings.

Amelia's throat went dry as she saw Hope start to fall with the other Combee on her back. Strangely a feeling of serenity came over her. Apparently, so did the Combee on her back! Hope must have conjured a sweet scent to distract the Combees! Hope flew up several feet and started to summon a particularly powerful Gust attack, which hit the opposing Combee.

Suddenly all of the Combee started to gang up on Hope. Amelia shivered as the Sweet Scent began to wear off: there was no way she could go on fighting all of them simultaneously. But oddly, Hope had ceased fighting back. Amelia suppressed an urge to bite her nails, remembering she had gloves on. Soon the swarm completely engulfed her, but then dispersed almost instantaneously. They circled around in a harmonious circle, and at its center was a majestic Vespiquen.

Amelia's jaw dropped, she wasn't expecting that! Hope's new form was much larger than before, snd she was absolutely beautiful. She knew that they had trained hard ever since investigating the Gigarte Grotto Disaster, but she didn't expect this to happen so soon. The Combee resolved to disperse back into slumber, leaving only the gorgeous new Hope alone with Amelia.

Hope flew down to Amelia's level, and Amelia jumped up and Hugged her, "For a moment there I thought you were gonna be a goner, but I guess they were just marking you for your strength. Next time, please tell me before hand though! I was really scared."

Hope simply replied with an elegant buzz. Amelia was ecstatic, her Pokemon had evolved! Now she knew how Delainey felt when her Quilava evolved. It was like she had just won a Million dollars, she jumped up and down and then realized that Austin was still somewhere on the other side of the hedge fighting a Deerling. Amelia told Hope, and then ran around the corner into the next row of plants while Hope flew directly above the hedge...

This post has been edited by Jonahman10: Feb 2 2012, 05:26 PM

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post Jan 28 2012, 09:14 PM
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My Awsome Party

Fenrir took swift, silent steps. Fang had just scented three Deerling in front of them. He had heard the commotion of a battle behind him, and knew that the longer this went on the more the Deerling would make themselves scarce. He had to hurry if he wanted to catch them all.

"Ok, on three, we rush them. You two Tackle at them first, while I heard them in and prevent them from escaping. Normally, pinch moves work well in this situation. If they keep running, use Howl to scare them back in the other direction. We've done this a million times before. Ready?"

"One... Two... THREE!"
Fang jumped the gun a litte bit and Scruff was a little late, but the Deerling were confused by the fact that they had come from either side of them. The two wolf Pokemon Tackled them around, knocking one over. However, it quickly got up. The Deerling, easily recognizing predators, started to flee.

That is when Fenrir came in. He let of a menacing growl as he appeared directly in front of one of the Deerling. The trio reared up and continued onward, not really afraid of humans. However, when the said human lept at them, howling and snarling, the Deerling revised their opinion and fled in the opposite direction. The problem was, Fang and Scruff were that way.

"Now!" His two partners then circled and tackled a few more times, seven to be precise. This felled the Deerling rather effectively.

"All right! We got THREE!"

"Now Fang, don't get too excited. We've still got work to... What are we supposed to do with three knocked-out Deerling?" It was a good question. Finally, they agreed that they needed to put all of them in one place and then somehow transport them out of the bio dome at the end. Fenrir found an odd orange and yellow rock ond the ground. To mark the spot, they tied it to a nearby tree where it would catch the light.

"Commence!" The pack once more continued the hunt.


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post Jan 29 2012, 01:14 PM
Post #18

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Liz trailed her Riolu until he stopped, his eyes faintly glowing. Liz stepped quietly behind him and looked through the plants to see a Deerling and a Spinarak being circled by Serena. The Taillow cawed loudly, but she made no move to attack the two Pokémon. The Deerling made moves to escape, but Serena dove in its path with her claws reaching out in warning. The Spinarak fired multiple string shots, but it was no match for Serena’s speed. Liz looked to the Pokémon by her side and waited until Ryan stepped out. The Deerling froze in horror for a brief moment but then quickly resumed trying to flee with pitiful bleats of “Deerling!”

Liz gently pushed past the gemma plants and spoke. “Ryan, use your force palm attack on the Deerling. Serena, use wing attack on the Spinarak.” Her Taillow responded by diving, striking the Spinarak with her wings. The Spinarak made a scowling face, and Serena slowed down in fear of it. Ryan ran and pushed the Deerling into a snow bank. The Deerling climbed from the snow and charged the Riolu, turning sharply and kicking Ryan twice with its hind hooves. The Riolu was blown backwards, but he pushed his legs into the snow and remained upright.

“Good work. Serena, use your wing attack again on the Deerling,” Liz called. Serena chirped and repeated her attack, but she was careful to avoid the Deerling’s hooves. Ryan faced the Spinarak, his body building up strength for a Counter attack. The Spinarak stood still for a brief moment before a shady figure appeared between them. Ryan froze as the figure materialized into a replica of Liz, but this time appearing horribly cut and wounded. Liz gasped in shock at seeing herself. It surprised her that the thing that hurt Ryan most was seeing his trainer hurt. She found a new pang of sympathy and love for her aura Pokémon. The Riolu cringed, his attack forgotten after the Spinarak’s night shade move. It scurried away into the undergrowth before Ryan could retaliate.

Serena landed on Liz’s bag, chirping softly in triumph. Liz looked to see the Deerling lying in the snow, breathing softly as it tried to recover from the attacks. Ryan approached the Pokémon calmly and examined it. A short nod released Liz’s tension, and she stroked the unconscious deer.

A crash behind her made Liz turn. Rather than a Pokémon, which was what Liz expected, Darius appeared with a Charmander walking beside him and a Deerling strung over his shoulders. For a moment Liz feared he had possibly killed the creature, but the Pokémon’s white breath told her otherwise. Darius glowed with pride, and he spoke loudly.

“Behold! I’ve apprehended one of the culprits.” He exposed the Deerling’s side for a moment, revealing burn marks on its legs. “Quick, take a picture.” The Charmander made a ‘V’ with its fingers. Liz snapped the camera from her wrist into her palm, holding it in place. She took two pictures of the scene before turning it off again. She considered carefully what to say.

“Impressive. I found a Deerling as well, and we sent one of the bugs running. I just hope there aren’t too many more.” She looked to the Charmander and wished she had called her Growlithe out. Behind Darius was some burnt foliage. Liz instantly took back her wish and let the camera dangle from her wrist. “So, as I had been asking, if you’re a dragon expert, what dragon Pokémon do you think might best fit a Co-ordinator?”

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post Jan 31 2012, 11:47 PM
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Weak Livered Milk Drinker
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And a Golurk

As Liz marveled (in Darius’s mind) at the dragon trainer’s victory, she once again asked about a good dragon for her contests. Darius nodded; the girl was hooked on dragons! The dragon trainer would have to nurture that curiosity in order to turn it into an equal passion for the mythical beasts.

“Well, the dragon pokemon is not only powerful but also versatile. Any one of them would serve you well. The voice of Altaria will touch one’s soul with even the simplest melody. Milotic’s beauty is legendary, said to have captured an entire rainbow within its scales. And then there’s dragonair, who has the potential to transform into a devastating pokemon. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with having all three, maybe more!”

Darius gave a fist bump, almost knocking the deerling off his shoulders. It was brilliant. Liz could be the world’s first dragon coordinator- no! Dracordinator, a new class of contest goers founded by the legendary Darius Dovakin. Through Liz, Darius would begin a dynasty of powerful coordinators that would rule the halls of Furoh for decades to come. Crowds all over would be awed at the majestic beauty of dragon pokemon. All thanks to the heir of Dovakin.

Surely Darius was walking into legend at this very moment.


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post Feb 2 2012, 11:49 AM
Post #20

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My Awsome Party

Fenrir was beginning to wonder about the Deerling. There were so many and they all seemed so oblivious, they would never survive in the wild! Wolves would tear them apart. Fenrir suddenly felt guilty. He was a survivor and would not have any qualms about hunting Deerling, but these guys seemed like they needed to be in an inclosed space like this. He just wasn’t sure they’d survive with real preditors.

”Ok, guys, there’s one more. Let’s get that one, then see how the others are doing.” Fang and Scruff nodded, then the trio circled the Deerling. When Scruff and Fang jumped out using Howl, normal Deerling woul have run away from the potential preditor. Instead, the Deerlng just seemed confused.

Fang gave Fenrir an odd look. ”It knows I just raised my attack, right? It didn’t run off!” The Poochyena shrugged it off and hurled himself at the Deerling. The Deerling took the hit, then retaliated back with Double Kick. This was not good. The Deerling then seemed to... patiently wait for the next attack?

”It’s a trainer’s Pokemon!” That explained the last one, too! The first three seemed normal enough, but the last one and this one were acting downright odd. Fenrir wondered what sort of trainer would realese so many Pokemon. He then decided to keep his suspicions to himself, he could easily be wrong. If someone else more experienced noticed, then he would worry.

”Scruff, are you ok?” Scruff seemed exhausted. Suddenly, it hit Fenrir. Double Kick is no good on Poochyena. It hurts. A lot. Fenrir looked desperately around for some healing items. He saw some Sitrus berries in the snow. They didn’t really match any of the other plants, so hopefully they were weeds.

”Catch! Scruff and Fang quickly bit into a berry each. They then did one more pinch Tackle and managed to knock the Deerling out. They carefully moved it over to where the other four Deerling were.

Fenrir looked over at the others. A swarm of bugs seemed to be in the air. Good for them, I can’t stand bugs. They’re just so... creepy. He seemed safe... until he noticed a nearby Durant hill. Carefully, he backed away. He and his Pokemon were not equipped to battle steel types. Fenrir made the execuative desicion to back slowly away and leave it for that Charmander.


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