A Kiss Goodbye, Post fanfiction contest entries here |
Jan 25 2012, 12:00 AM

Take a story and craft it well...

Group: Members
Posts: 878
Joined: 17-September 09
From: Where the wind comes sweeping down the plains...
Member No.: 63 755

And the entry is complete! I hope you enjoy it. New Beginnings (click to showhide) Rachel examined herself in the mirror as she combed her hair. She wore a white V-neck long sleeved shirt with black pants and new white tennis shoes. Her hair was up in two small tied in the back and connecting in one braid over the rest of her long blonde hair. Her blue eyes gleamed with excitement and anxiety. She swept aside her curly blonde bangs and turned, displaying herself before her only Pokémon. Jaklyn, Rachel’s Snivy, motioned for her to turn. Rachel complied, and Jaklyn nodded in approval. She jumped down and scurried to Rachel’s three bags, two of them filled with clothes, and the last with personal items. Her last bag was bulging twice as much as the other two bags.
Jaklyn chided Rachel as she plucked out various things to allow the bag to close. Rachel gasped in mild hurt as childhood awards and old papers were thrown onto her bare bed. The room seemed suddenly hollow in comparison to the items. The walls had been stripped of everything but the paint and the bed had been cleaned of sheets and blankets. Everything she wasn’t taking was in the basement downstairs. Rachel stroked the familiar walls with great care, memories flooding her from each chip and scratch.
A knock on the door woke her from her stupor. Her oldest brother, Marcus, grinned from the doorway. “The Coder sets sail for a new land, but not without a good-bye first.” He entered and jumped onto the bed, followed by Rachel’s two other brothers, Tyro and Blake. They sat side by side, like three clones in a gradually older line. Rachel laughed and hugged them.
“Guys, I’m glad you’re here.” She sat in only chair in the room, facing them. Her brothers each took a pokéball from their belt. Marcus spoke first.
“Rachel, since you’re going away, we thought you should have a good-bye gift from us.” In union the brothers released the Pokémon within. Rachel recognized the Pokémon as a Poochyena, a Torchic, and a Togepi. Rachel gasped.
“Really?” Blake nodded and handed her the pokéball. Marcus and Tyro did the same, their eyes brimming with tears. Rachel took the red and white orbs with stuttered thanks. The Pokemon were such a token of love, unlike any she had seen before from her brothers. She hugged them tightly. When they left, she could tell she wasn't the only one who had been crying. ~~~~~~~
A few hours later, Rachel stood on the Canalave City docks with her bags and new pokéballs strapped to her belt. Her family stood behind her with Professor Rowan, who had driven to Canalave City to wish her good luck. She turned and held her family tightly one last time. Rowan held out a Pokétch to her. “You’ll need this,” he said in his deep voice. Rachel smiled.
“Thanks.” A boat horn sounded, and she scrambled to find her ticket in her pocket. She pulled it out and found the matching boat name. “Well, this is it. I’m going to miss you all.” She wiped away an approaching tear. “I love you all.” Rachel ran onto the boat’s deck as the horn called out again. She waved to her family and friends from the rail. She had a thrill of joy at her new adventure, and her dreams were daring and far-fetched in her rush.
With exhilaration and adrenaline came a sudden fear. What if she were to not come back; what if something happened to her on the voyage, or at the Hoenn region? Her stomach dropped and she shook, hiding it by gripping the rail. She wasn’t normally paranoid, but something about leaving left her feeling vulnerable and insecure. Her heart raced faster than she thought possible. Rachel wanted to throw up, and she felt nauseous. She thought over her original plans for her life.
The possibility of becoming a Pokémon Researcher like Rowan was fleeing if she didn’t get a greater education in high school. The love of battling swept her to Hoenn, though, and she couldn’t find the urge to stay. She wanted a new journey, into a new world. Everyone in her hometown knew her, and a new city would allow her to create a new reputation and try new things. Rachel decided firmly; she would go to Noverus, and she would become a powerful Pokémon Trainer.
An idea for her parting words came to mind. She waved vigorously and called out, “Don’t you ever forget the legend of the Coder!” Her family laughed and waved as the boat chugged out of the port and into the sea.
Rachel smiled and let the first home-sick tear fall.
This post has been edited by Dragonwish2: Feb 11 2012, 04:03 PM
Pane (click to showhide) Percentages and Truths (click to showhide) 90% of teens would die if MySpace had a system failure and crashed. If you are part of the 10% that would die laughing, copy and paste this into your signature. 75% of Roleplayers don't care about doing a good job at Roleplaying. If you are one of the 25% of roleplayers who really cares, copy and paste this into your signature. 95% of teens are obsessed with twilight currently. Put this in your sig if your part of the 5% that think it's overrated.
You see a robber in your house ready to steal all your stuff. 60% would silently call the police for help. 25% would let them go. 15% would grab the nearest weapon and beat the living day lights out of the robber. Copy this into your sig if you are in that 15%
Jan 25 2012, 12:03 AM

Zap. You're a penguin.

Group: Members
Posts: 326
Joined: 4-January 12
From: Somewhere pretty.
Member No.: 156 949
My Awsome Party

Here it is, my entry! I might edit later, but I think it's done... Where art thou, oh brother of mine? (click to showhide) It was a beautiful day. Marcia Price was sitting outside of Price Manor and contemplating the Saffron sunset. Togini walked up. "Toki, Toki!"
"Hey sis." Her brother stood in front of her, carrying three cans of lemon aid. "One for me, one for you,and one for Togini." He smiled. "It sure is a pretty day, is it not?"
"Most certainly, brother of mine." The siblings both sipped daintily out of thier can of lemonaid. Her brother looked uncomfortable all of a sudden. Marcia studied Daniel with her crystal blue eyes. The boy was up to something, she just knew it. She had for three years, but had not uncovered it yet. This would be the day, though, she just felt it.
"Marcia? I have to go inside." His compass, the family crest, reflected a beam of light from his watch. "Tell Ma I'm home, alright?" His white suit was the "in" in fashion recently.
"You're covered, Daniel." As soon as he was out of sight, Marcia pulled out her laptop. Time to find out what he had been up to the last three years... ..............................
She disliked recalling that night. Her parents' screaming, her brother's yelling back. Her own voice, siding against her brother. That was the day her older brother left... .............................
"Mama? Have you seen my new Lily jacket?" It was two months later. Her birthday had been the day before, and Marcia had gotten many gifts. Her favorite had been that jacket!
"No, sweetly. No jackets here..." Marcia detected something in her mother's voice. It was an odd note, but it was recognizable as Daniels two months ago. Odd... it was a nervous tone, a shakey tone, but a tone that believed in what it was saying.
Marcia shrugged it off. She was imagining things. No, her new Gucci purse would do just as well. She would go for a stroll, that always cleared her head. She walked past Saffron's famous Silph Company, and Togini made her stop. "Toki, Toki!"
"What is it... Oh!" It was the chief of police, putting up posters. "REWARD OF HUNDRED THOUSAND POKEDOLLARS! LOST BOY BY THE NAME OF DANIEL PRICE!" The chief of police had better be working hard, they had been paying him lots of money. Daniel would be found. Except, no one had seen him since...
Nonsense. He would be found. .............................
"Daniel! You, you, you're giving away our money? OUR HARD EARNED POWER?" Marcia was furious. She loved being above those public school low-class mutts.
"They need it more than us."
"I'm telling Mom."
"Marcia, please, no!"
The yelling. The running. The night took him away... .............................
Now it had been four months more, and winter had come, in both the hearts and the town of the Price household. He was gone. He had avoided the heavily bribed and blackmailed police system. He had avoided the greedy. citizens of Kanto. It was like he had disappeared from the face of the earth. Marcia was trying to stay calm as hr life fell into chaos. Her parents no longer seemed to care.
"Marcia. I have something to tell you." Marcia hugged Togini close. She heard rumors amount the aristocrats... "Daniel seems not to want to be found. We are now trying to give him a reason to be found."
"We've been donating money to Kanto Hearts, the charity." .............................
"DANIEL!" Marcia's boots were ruined. The mud in the alleys has assured her of that. She was chasing her brother, Togini on her back. "DANIEL! WHERE ARE YOU?"
"Here." Her brother stepped out of the shadows. He was illuminated by the glow of the Crecent Lamps, hung on thus day every year. Marcia pulled out her compass.
"Don't... don't go. Please."
"I have no choice. I can't stay here any longer. You people are insane not to see it as I do!"
"Insane? We need to keep our power, our strength! We need to stay above the rest, and our money is our power! YOU ARE THE INSANE ONE! We have everything, you're GIVING IT AWAY?"
"YOU! WHY DON'T YOU HAVE ANY EMPATHY!" Her brother ran off into the night. Only later she would realize that she had forgotten to say goodbye. .............................
"You're leaving too... Our children, oh, mi miseras!"
"You leave me no choice, Mother. I leave for Noverus today."
"You... You are saying goodbye to every chance of finding your brother. You... You can say goodbye?"
"Yes. I guess I can." She stormed off onto a boat with her entire inheritance. It was a family rule to give it when a child leaves the house. .............................
"Goodbye, Daniel," she whispered as the boat began to toss itself through the sea, leading her further and further away from her beloved older brother. She pictured one time when they were younger and a kiss goodbye she gave for his first day of school.
But for now, it was better to forget.
This post has been edited by ShinyRalts: Feb 8 2012, 08:27 AM
Jan 31 2012, 07:27 PM

I'm dying to see how this one ends.

Group: RP Moderators
Posts: 1 861
Joined: 22-December 09
From: Washington, DC
Member No.: 77 254
Taggarty Lee

My submission. Please enjoy! RA (click to showhide)
"Dr. Chamuel, are you certain?"
Dr. Regan Chamuel fought as hard as she could not to roll her eyes. Instead, she imagined, for the moment, that she was boring a hole through the young doctor's head with laser eyes.
"It's never lupus." she frowned "Lupus has a wide array of symptoms, yes. However, this seems more like an onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Check the skin again near the affected joints for Rheumatoid nodules."
"...oh...right." The younger man scampered back off to his patient's room.
Regan, not having moved from her seat in the Cafeteria, continued to slowly eat her salad, taking the rare moment to actually enjoy her food. That in itself had been a hard won privilege. Years of service in the medical field, and now instead of prestige and some hard-won time off, her life had become all the more hectic. Not only did she have her own patients, but for some godawful reason, the younger staff looked up to her. She by no means saw herself as some Hippocratic monolith, and she definitely was not as bright as some of the other Attendings among the staff, but she had quite the cult following. Once, she had thought that her fairly cold demeanor would keep people from liking her. She tended to keep to herself, and came across as incredibly stern. But, evidently young doctors were gluttons for stinging criticisms and were constantly asking for her help.
So, along with her own mountain of work with her own patients, she basically had to assist every intern and resident, with their patients too. To be frank, they seemed quite hell-bent on killing every patient that came their way.
Sometimes, she would joke darkly to herself about letting them do so. It would weed out the chaff immediately. Then, admittedly, she'd feel ashamed of such thoughts, as it was an idea that used other peoples' lives as pawns in some horrible game.
She opted to vent her frustration in the form of eating her salad. At least the salad couldn't fight back, and the grilled chicken was already dead.
"Lupus. Really." She muttered to herself incredulously.
* * *
Slowly opening her eyes, the former doctor propped herself up on her elbows, looking around at the fairly spartan room she now inhabited. What few possessions she had now were neatly arranged about the tiny room. There were no windows in her room, as it was neatly tucked away underground in the Sanctuary. Due to her age, she'd very politely asked for a single room, so as not to have to share with the young blood running around. Not that Regan minded the rebel youth, but sometimes they were just a bit much for her to handle. She wanted her privacy and quiet time, which seemed to be interrupted very constantly by the younger rebels. One young man in particular, Casper, perhaps, had seemed hell-bent on annoying her, in a way that actually made her miss her interns.
She took a look around her room, sensing that it was time to wake up, but with no sun to guide her, she wasn't quite sure if it was still dark out or not. Flipping on her light, she blinked owlishly as the soft, almost orange glow filled her room. On her nightstand was a neatly wrapped parcel, that looked to be about the size of...well she wasn't quite sure what. It didn't look like a book, or a box meant for clothing...perhaps...a painting?
Her name was written on it in fairly neat handwriting, but she could not place whose handwriting it was. Curious, she placed on her spectacles to get a better look, and noted that it was a scrawling script, florid and flowery. No one she knew wrote like that.
Suspicious of the mystery gift, she slowly opened it. Noticing a little wooden frame on the outside, she figured that it was some sort of painting. The curious notion that someone had painted something for her seemed...well...curious. She didn't know anyone in the Rebellion all that well, and she held few other friends in Noverus (or anywhere for that matter).
As she neatly removed the frame, she noted that within its glass casing, a certificate proudly displayed her name.
Tears immediately sprang to her eyes. She missed her days of yore, having spent nearly her entire life in the pursuit of a career that now eluded her so long as Magma was in charge. She missed her pokemon dearly; only two of her companions remained, and they were now her partners in something that was essentially a war game between bigger powers. Now in front of her eyes, was a reminder of what seemed like a distant past, of a life that Magma had taken from her.
As a tear started to roll down her cheek, a brief ache in her knees brought her back to her senses. Joint pain. The tiniest smile crept on to her face.
Not sure who to thank, as there was no one in her room save herself, she hugged the framed certificate to her chest. Lifting it up once more, she placed a gentle kiss on the glass over the seal before slipping it into the unused bottom drawer of her nightstand.
"Goodbye, old life." she gingerly pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, appearing both young and frail for the first time in quite awhile. "Maybe we'll meet again."
Feb 9 2012, 10:01 PM

Feel the burn!

Group: Members
Posts: 800
Joined: 13-September 09
From: I'll let you know as soon as I find my sanity. . .
Member No.: 63 077
My Dream Team

Some Friends are not Forever (click to showhide) Ares' life as a kid was never easy. On top of living on the streets, he was often picked on by other students for his rather small size and shy behavior. On the days he went to school he often spent the time after class running from bullies. As a younger boy, Ares had always longed for a friend to spend his time with. While Hope, his Gligar, would always be considered his best friend, he longed for a friend that was human.
That friend came in the first grade. In the large yard surrounding the school one of the more notorious bullies, a fifth-grade brute known as Marcus Zendall. He and his goons had surrounded Ares and were shoving his around. Finally, Hope snapped. She swooped down on Marcus and bit him on the shoulder as hard as she could with her two sharp fangs. The bite simply enraged Marcus, who shook Hope off and lunged at Ares with surprising speed, his shoulder bleeding slightly.
And that was how Ares found himself cornered at the end of an alley, with nowhere to climb to escape. He flattened himself against the brick wall behind him and squeezed his eyes shut as Marcus cracked his knuckles, hoping he'd make the beating quick. The beating never came. Ares opened his eyes a bit to see Marcus in a fistfight with another kid. Ares recognized him as Seth Kavelade, who was a few years older than Ares. Not only did Seth have one of the strongest pokemon in the school, but he was tough to boot. He was one of the only people Marcus was afraid of. The bully was being whipped, with his goons running away as well.
"You okay?" Seth said after Marcus had left with a sufficient beating. He seemed concerned. Ares nodded, not saying anything. He was still shaken up from Marcus almost breaking his nose. from behind Seth, Hope glided down onto Ares' shoulders with an apologetic purr.
Over the next few days Seth and Ares began to hang out more and more. The former seemed to take a liking to the latter, while the latter was just happy to have a human companion for once. Soon, they'd become friends. Seth was closer to Ares than anyone else aside from Hope. He felt like he could tell Seth anything. The two of them would spend their days laughing at the Magma operatives, poking fun at their outlandish uniforms and uppity behavior. Both of them agreed that they would never, ever have anything to do with Team Magma and it's work. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ares, now fourteen, found himself walking up to the rickety old building he called his school the day after his birthday. He nervously fingered the gleaming pokeball in his belt's third slot, which belonged to his Sandshrew Cadou. He loathed returning to this place and facing Seth, provided the previous days events. After seven and a half years of laughing at Magma and promising up and down not to have anything to do with them, he'd been forced to join their ranks. He could only hope Seth Would understand his predicament.
"Ares," Seth growled, standing. He'd been waiting for the younger trainer on the steps leading up to the school. "A few of the others said they saw you join them Magmas yesterday. Is that true?" Ares nodded, shrinking back from his best friend. Seth's eyes narrowed and his scowl deepened.
"I-it's not like how you think it is," Ares said timidly, trying to explain. He'd been afraid that Seth wouldn't understand that he'd had no choice in the matter. "I was-"
"You were what?" Seth said, his voice rising now. Ares took a step back, frightened. "All these years, saying we'd never join them, did it mean nothing to you? Who's been you best friend for seven years? Who's kept you safe from bullies? Who was the one who stopped Marcus from skinning your hide in the first place? That was me, not them! And now you're dumping me for those blasted idiots? I never would've guessed you'd be such a dirty double-crosser."
"Seth, listen to me." Ares said, once again trying to explain to his friend.
"Get out of here Ares."
"I said get out of here!"
Ares turned and ran, tears blurring his vision. His best friend hated him now, for things Ares hadn't had any control over. He ran had fast and far as he could, not stopping until his legs couldn't carry him any more. He collapsed next to an old brick building, gasping for breath. After a moment he started to cry. Tears spilled down his cheeks and his shoulders shook with each sob. A drizzling rain started to fall, matching the teenage trainer's mood. Without Seth he felt alone, even with his pokemon. After a while he got up and dried his eyes. He took one last look back at the school, where almost every aspect of his old life had been left behind. He was never going back to there, he promised himself, it would bring back to many memories.
"Good bye, Seth," Ares whispered as he left to find shelter from the rain. "And hello Magma."
I am a Christian. Jesus Christ loves me, and he loves you too. With a "never stopping, never giving up, unbreaking, always and forever love" (Jesus Storybook Bible).  Click the trainer card to get to my PANE current levels post! My Stories (click to showhide) Avitar Credits (click to showhide) Ruki, Firelugia, Peanuts, Mars Adept Enten Previously known as Hurple and Drakonawin
Feb 14 2012, 10:18 PM

Omar comin'

Group: Members
Posts: 889
Joined: 12-April 09
From: Texas
Member No.: 10 745

My Two Favorite Gals (click to showhide) "Jason. Hi. This is Michelle. I, um, I talked to Ted about the, uh. The thing that we talked about, you know. I know you told me not to, but after it sort of turned out like it did, and I lost all that money, I just sort of had to. You know. Um. He thinks you were conning me. I know it isn't true, Jason, but I'm just saying that's what he thinks. And you know Ted, he- Well, actually. You don't know Ted. He's mad, and he has um. He has connections. I, um. Wow, this is really hard to say. He wants to kill you. He suspects something between us, which is what really makes him mad and I lied to him, told him over and over that nothing happened between us.
"You have to leave Mauville, Jason. If he finds you, he'll kill you. And I know he can find you. So, please, leave the town. I care so much for you. You made me feel things I forgot I could feel, and I adore you for that. And that's why I have to let you go, so that you can live. I want, more than anything, to see you one last time. To share with you one last kiss goodbye. But unfortunately that's impossible. If Ted ever sees me even speaking with another man, I'm sure he'll assume it's you, and have us both killed.
"So, Jason. This is goodbye. Please. Please, be safe.
Abraham listened to the message for the second time that day at his mother's house. She was out, but he let himself in with the key she kept under the rug (which was, incidentally, the first place a burglar would look if he was trying to burgle the place, but he'd already given her hell about that). And so, he sat on the couch in the living room, listening to the message on speaker as he pet Gaia, his Swinub and oldest friend, who he only ever got to see when he came to visit - She lived with his mother.
"So," came the familiar voice of his mother, a shock to him. He whipped around the couch to see her standing behind him, a shocked look on her face. "What's your plan, Jason?"
"Mom," Abraham jumped up and walked around the couch to embrace her. "How long did you-"
"I heard the message begin from the other room."
"You didn't- I thought you weren't home."
"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you come in. I was reading."
"Right," Abraham sighed. "Um."
"Sounds like you're in trouble." She was very perceptive.
"Well, Jason is," Abraham shrugged and smiled.
"Abraham," she said. "Are you in trouble? Can this man find you? Can he learn your real name?"
His playful smile faded and his confident eye contact did too, as he looked at the ground between them. Gaia climbed up the back of the couch and nuzzled against his arm, and he looked back up at his mom. "Yes."
"So, I have to leave, mom," he said. "I have to leave the city, and I don't suspect I'll be coming back soon or often."
Her eyes watered up, but she didn't react overly emotionally. "Where will you go?"
"I'm not sure yet," he was sure, but he couldn't tell her. He was going to Noverus, where even Ted's thugs couldn't reach him. He figured he'd take his chances with Magma or Aqua over this wealthy maniac. "I didn't come here to talk it through with you, mom."
"I know," she nodded. "You came to say goodbye."
"To my two favorite gals in the world," Abraham smiled, tears filling his own eyes.
"Just to me," she insisted, shaking her head defiantly. "You take Gaia with you."
"You do it!" she yelled. "You take her. Promise me you'll take her, and keep her with you. It's the only way I can be with you, in whatever way. So, you take her, and there will be no argument about it. Protect her, and she'll protect you."
Abraham nodded, simply. "I love you, mom."
"Come here."
And they embraced and held each other for a few minutes, the last time in a very long time they'd get to do so. At the end of the hug, Abraham kissed his mother on the cheek. Gaia would stay with him, but he admired his mother so much, and to have to part with her was the most difficult thing he'd ever had to do. But he had to do it, for his own safety and for hers.
Feb 17 2012, 11:15 PM

Sacred Guardian of the Ice-type

Group: Members
Posts: 532
Joined: 13-April 09
From: Pluto (It's coldest there)
Member No.: 11 138
Cold as Ice

((This is still open? My lucky day~)) Rash Decision and Broken Family (click to showhide) Sixteen year old Vincent Lance ran down the hill with all the speed he could muster, tears streaming down his face and a crying baby Snorunt in his arms. Only a few minutes ago, he had broken out of his home and fled, leaving his cruel, distrusting father and his beautiful, loving fiance behind, along with every pokemon he had ever called a friend. On his belt he had the one pokeball that belonged to Snorunt and his cell phone, which was ringing madly inside the pouch it rested in.
Just down the hill from the Lance's home was a port, where ships heading to the mainland Hoenn could be boarded for free, if one had good connections. As he neared the shipyards, Vincent blindly bashed through thick crowds of tourists on his way to the nearest dock. Cries of anger and surprise filled the morning air as people were thrown onto their backs during the escape. Enraged customers and confused merchants alike all called after Vincent as he flew past them.
All of them called him by name. Vincent was, after all, a pokemon Master. He had every gym badge from three regions, and had challenged the Hoenn Elite Four only to emerge victorious. On top of that, he had some notable victories, and some down to the wire defeats, at the hands of other Elite Four members from around the world. He was the premier battler of the island, and trainers from all over Hoenn had come to his home to challenge this renegade master to unofficial battles, the majority of which he had walked away from the undisputed winner. Everyone knew Vincent.
But they couldn't understand why he was running so fast, so determined to get away from them. Even as he charged up the boarding ramp of a monstrous liner, the ticket man at the top held out a hand to stop him and called out his name in confusion. Vincent disappeared into the ship and reemerged on the top deck a minute later, overlooking the ocean ahead with tears still running down his wind-bitten cheeks. Snorunt was crying softly in his arms, trying to understand where it was, and why his daddy was running so far away from home.
The vessel's captain strode over to Vincent and put a hand on his shoulder. Turning to face him, the teen took a sharp breath of surprise and stared blankly at him.
“Son, are you alright?” asked the captain.
“N-no sir. I n-need to leave t-town.”
“I see. Well, you're always welcome on my ship, son, but I would like to know-”
“It's personal!” Vincent nearly shouted in irritation. He desperately wanted to be left alone, and the friendly captain couldn't understand why.
“If you say so, Vincent,” the captain finally sighed after a moment. “Welcome aboard.”
Then, without another word, the older gentleman spun on his heel and walked back to the helm. Vincent took note of the fluid turning motion, thinking it to himself a rather sophisticated maneuver, and made a promise to learn its execution while in exile. The ship's smokestacks began to pour out black smog as it began preparing to disembark on the short journey to mainland Hoenn. Just when Vincent thought he was all alone at last, with nothing but the ocean ahead of him, a bright light from somewhere behind him caught his attention.
When he turned around, he was both excited and terrified to see Lanette, his fiance, huddled down on the deck with Vincent's Kirlia. She stood up abruptly and threw her arms around him, sobbing.
“Vincent,” she wailed, “please come back home!”
“I can't,” he replied solemnly, putting his arms around her gently. “My Dad doesn't trust me.”
“Your father loves you, Vincent! I love you! Your pokemon love you!”
Kirlia leaped forward in perfect ballerina pose and landed beside Vincent, putting her arms around his leg affectionately. She had been her master's very first pokemon, way back when he'd started his first journey. Vincent adored his Kirlia.
“Lanette, I can't...”
“Please, Vincent, your father didn't mean what he said! There's more to it than you think!”
“He called me immature, and unprepared for the real world. If anything, I need to prove I am. I've faced the impossible before and I've come back a champion. I make one little mistake like the one back at home, and my father kicks me out of the house.”
“But he regrets that! He underestimated-”
“-me. Yeah, I know. I'm going to prove him wrong.”
The couple stared at one another longingly for a moment before Vincent continued. “Come with me. I want to be with you forever, Lanette.”
“I...I need to stay behind,” Lanette choked. “Your pokemon...”
“They'll be fine. Listen, come with me, and forget about my dad. He can take care of my pokemon for me, he always has.”
“He's getting old, Vincent. He can't run the lab on his own.”
Vincent stepped back. “...You're choosing him over me?”
“He's your father, Vincent!”
“And I'm your fiance!”
“And what about your pokemon? Did you even think about them?”
Kirlia rubbed her face against Vincent's leg. He looked down at her unhappily, and she smiled back up at him. For a moment, everyone was quiet, but then Vincent got down on his knees and opened his arms. Kirlia bounded forward and was caught in a tight embrace as tears began rolling down the trainer's face afresh.
“I...I love my pokemon...” he stammered, pausing to kiss Kirlia on the temple. “But this is something I must do. I have to prove myself to dad.”
“And I need to take care of him,” Lanette counter softly, “with all of your pokemon.”
“Then this is...goodbye for a while.”
Vincent stood back up and looked lovingly into Lanette's eyes. She knew he was making a mistake, but he did also. He'd be back, and she'd be waiting. For the last time that year, Vincent embraced Lanette lovingly and pushed his lips into hers for a kiss that neither of them forgot until the day they reunited. The ship's departure whistle sounded across the morning, and Kirlia, being the only one to hear it, shook Lanette's skirt fiercely to get her attention. Then, once the couple was separated, she teleported her master's mistress back to the home on the hill, where they watched the cruise liner sail away until it was long out of sight.
This is my story series. I'm done posting the second book! Read it!  About me (click to showhide) My FEPlanet User Profile75% of Roleplayers don't care about doing a good job at Roleplaying. If you are one of the 25% of roleplayers who really cares, copy and paste this into your signature.
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