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Putting on Masks, Or, Annoying Your Coworkers 101 |
![]() Team Rogue: Espeon ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 044 Joined: 25-March 09 From: United States Member No.: 5 443 Tuesday's Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
There was a loud crash-thumping, and a squeal, as Marissa Jenkins dodged out of the way of a door that had lunged open just as she walked by. Casper put both feet back on the floor and sauntered lazily through the door, just before it closed shut behind him.
"Why can't you just open the door like a normal person?" Marissa snapped at him, clutching the file folders she held to her chest. Casper lifted the coffee cups he held. "My hands are full." He paused a moment in his walk, eyeing her openly from the ankles to her ears. She was only a file clerk, but definitely a cute one. Thin, curvy, with stylishly short-heeeled ankle boots, a knee-high black skirt, and a light green button-up blouse. Her thick curly black locks of hair hung full around a near-flawless light brown face. "You know, you'd be perfect if those green eyes weren't always squinted--" "Leave me alone, Casper!" "Hey... hey, I'm leaving," he said, flashing her a grin and heading off in the other direction. He spun around to wink at her, and then ducked behind a cubicle to dodge a rather thick file folder thrown at his head. Standing in the empty cubicle, Casper took a moment to set his coffee down and brush a hand through his golden hair. Grinning at himself in the blank computer screen, he picked up his coffee cups and headed down the aisle, walking a very familiar path. "Livianna!" he cried, upon turning a corner to stand in front of the desk of one Olivia Ann Prewitt. "I missed you so much over the weekend, I just couldn't wait to come in this morning and start our mission! Aren't you excited! Of course you're excited!" He flopped down into the chair in front of her desk and eyed her clinically. "Now, I know you're still bothered by our last mission, but that's no reason to go into this one with Johnny Raincloud hanging over your head. You're a smart girl, Livvie. You can figure out what you did wrong in the last mission, and make sure it doesn't happen in this one. I have faith in you." He reached out to pat her hand, but stopped when Olivia's purrloin, Isra, growled low in the back of her throat, her tail twitching. Casper flashed the cat pokemon a grin. "All right, all right, Izzy - I get it. No touching the lollipop until you've seen the doctor. Or, in this case, Piggly Wiggly." There was a loud sigh behind Casper, and he turned in his seat to find his supervisor, Mr. Wigsby, standing behind him. "Wiggles!" Casper cried, delighted. "Ghost," Wigsby said, massaging his forehead. "Please remind why I hired you." "You didn't," Casper said cheerfully. "I was hired by your assistant while you were on medical leave. Bronchitis." "That explains it. Remind me to fire my assistant for clear use of drugs on the job." "You already did, sir." "Then remind me to fire you after your mission is complete." "Sure thing, Wigman. Just give me a sec to put that into my phone calender, and another to accidentally delete it." Wigsby sighed and looked at Olivia. "I have your mission." Olivia looked up then, her face expressionless as usual. "Seaweed Sensations-" Wigsby ignored Casper snickering. "is a seafood restaurant located in the Subarbs. We've received information that there will be a meeting this afternoon, around one o'clock, between a member of Magma, and a member of Aqua. You are to find the Aqua agent, neutralize him, take his place, and meet with the Magma agent, who will give you a package. Under no circumstances is this package to fall into the hands of Aqua." He looked at Casper. "Understood?" "Hey, don't look at me. I'm not the one who screwed up the last mission." Wigsby handed a file folder to Olivia. "This is what we know of the Aqua agent you're to intercept. Make it count." He pointed at Casper. "Don't screw up." "Not possible." Casper turned around then, as Wigsby walked off, and placed one of the coffee cups on the desk in front of Olivia. "My hair got screwed up when Wigglesworth pointed at me. I'm gonna go fix it." He turned and walked away, sipping the other coffee. As Olivia reached forward to drink the coffee Casper had so kindly given her, he called back. "By the way, I took the liberty of drinking your coffee for you." Casper tossed his own empty cup in the trash. "See you downstairs, Lollipop!" -------------------- |
![]() Zap. You're a penguin. ![]() Group: Members Posts: 326 Joined: 4-January 12 From: Somewhere pretty. Member No.: 156 949 My Awsome Party ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Marcia Price strutted into the room, Togini in her purse. It was eleven in the morning, and the angry teen had not yet finished putting on her makeup. "What is the meaning of this?" she shouted as she entered her most recent supervisor's quarters. "I was told that you would not be as bothersome as the last leaders!"
"...more like you're the bothersome one..." "What was that!" "Oh, never mind..." The supervisor was a nervous looking man with blond hair and a pasty look about him. His name was Cedric Duch, though it had already been forgotten by Marcia, who had swapped leaders at least ten times in her first two weeks. The problem was, no one could stand her. She didn't listen and had just about the most stuck-up attitude of anyone you could meet in your lifetime. Duch was only going to have to put up with her for a wee bit today, which he was thankful for. "Well? Why did you bring me all of the way into your little office? I need mascara to survive the day! You, sir, need to explain yourself." 'I'm your SUPERIOR, Marcia!" "Well FINE! What do you want me for, anyway?" Marcia looked indignant that he should mention the fact that anyone was superior to her. Her Togapi, Togini, attempted to copy her expression. That Togapi, thought Duch, needs a better role model. "I need you to deliver this package for me. It contains parts, junk of course, that we're selling to someone for money. You will go meet him at Seeweed Sensations. He should be wearing a blue jacket. Is that clear?" "WHAT! You get me in here while I am still putting on makeup, your assistant telling me that I'd finally get a mission, AND THIS IS IT?" "Go get ready." "Well, gooday to you, sir!" Marcia strutted with an indignant walk, letting Togini walk beside her as he was tired of the purse. Togini, too, tried to strut, but Togapi don't have terribly long legs to do such with. The resulting sight was rather comical. Duch put his head on his hands. As normal, he had a headache from dealing with that kid. At least she'll be gone, and my benefactors will get the parts they need, he thought as he went to fetch some Tylenol for his aching head. -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Houndoom ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2 186 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Austin, Texas Member No.: 804 Uprising Mod ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Olivia Prewitt had arrived very early that morning. This was not, as once was thought, in order to garner favor with the boss, or to make friends. Those were not things that Olivia Prewitt was apt to do in the best of circumstances. She had, in fact, one person who could even be considered a friend: A blonde, zaftig beauty by the name of Brittany, who, it seemed, had taken it upon herself to call the dark haired, quiet girl her friend. As loudly and as boisterously as Brittany thought Olivia could tolerate.
No, Olivia arrived early because she was an early riser, and it suited her. She was able to get quite a bit of work done in the hour between the time she sat at her desk and the time everyone else trickled in. The quiet was pleasant as well. She was enjoying the last five minutes of such quiet with a slight, uncomfortable sense of dread welling in the pit of her stomach. Her confusion as to why such a nice moment might be marred by foreboding when Casper Weard banged his way through the door. Ah. Yes. I'd blessedly forgotten... She briefly felt sorry for Marissa, but was more happy that his attentions were on the file clerk and not oh her. Soon enough, however, that changed. She could hear Marissa swearing as she plucked the file and it's now loose contents off of the floor. She did not bother to look up. She didn't want to encourage him. She made a note to address Isra's growling at Mr. Weard properly. Perhaps a nice treat at dinner time would be good enough. The smell of coffee and the placing of a single cup in front of her changed that. It was a surprisingly gallant gesture. Mr. Wigsby had just given her another assignment, and she had been preparing to go and complain when the cup dropped in front of her. She looked at it, then at him, feeling her brows rise almost to her bangs. The dropped again when she picked up the cup and saw that it was empty. She very nearly tutted, but simply dropped the cup into the trash as she rose to speak with Mr. Wigsby. "Isra," Olivia said, softly, in a voice that was almost too childish for her, "please stay and watch my desk. Nyx, come with me, but for now don't make yourself obvious. I would prefer you stayed with me while I was in with Mr. Wigsby, and we mustn't give him a chance to take offense at your presence." Nyx rose fluidly off of the floor at Olivia's feet, and Isra opened an eye. The look between them, when Nyx was visible past the desk upon which Isra lay, spoke entire monographs of information, almost all of which involved keeping Olivia safe. She walked quickly, her back straight and eyes forward. This, though many thought so, was not to avoid eye-contact nor try to make her co-workers feel inferior. She was not to that extreme, either. She would hold polite conversation with someone if they were the ones to start it, even though it made her uncomfortable. She simply was more comfortable alone. She wished Mr. Wigsby would realize that. "Ah, Miss Prewitt," Mr. Wigsby said, straightening his tie. "How may I help you today?" "Mr. Wigsby... are you certain Mr. Weard and I are right for this assignment?" Mr. Wigsby blinked, then looked down at the folder, then back up at her. "Is there a problem, Miss Prewitt? "Sir, I was... very detailed in my written report of the previous mission. I think that Mr. Weard and I are not a good match, nor am I suited to lead a team." She swallowed. "I... I think this is a mistake." "Are you questioning my ability to plan missions, Miss Prewitt?" For the first time, Olivia saw Mr. Wigsby's face grow stern. She brought her chin up. "I am, sir." Mr. Wigsby looked at her for a long time, and she held his gaze. Finally, and to her surprise, he gave a quick, slight smile. "Noted, Miss Prewitt. I do have my reasons and ask that you be patient with me for the time being." Olivia mulled that over. "Yes, sir. Thank you for hearing me out." With that, she turned and went to her desk, to collect her information and pokemon, and try to find Mr. Weard before the urge to leave him behind grew too strong. -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Espeon ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 044 Joined: 25-March 09 From: United States Member No.: 5 443 Tuesday's Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Now, Strings," Casper was saying when the door that led from the stairwell to the basement opened, "you just remember what I tol-- Strings!"
The shuppet ignored his trainer as he flew gracelessly over to where Olivia had just entered the basement, and spun circles around the girl's head. Strings was careful not to touch her hair, because he was told not to, but he knew that if he spun around her head fast enough, the breeze he generated by his movement would make the locks flutter and dance with him, and he so loved the nice-pretty-girl's hair. "Good morning, Strings," Olivia greeted politely. Strings, who had been dancing around Olivia's head, abruptly vanished at the greeting. A moment later, his eyes appeared, glimmering with their odd coloring, and he blinked shyly at her. "Strings," Casper grumbled. The shuppet flashed back into view completely and somersaulted backwards until he was hanging upside down in the air and looking at his trainer. He blinked innocently. Casper muttered under his breath. "I thought we talked about this." In response, the shuppet righted himself, and began to race around Olivia's head, before stopping to make indistinct gestures with his eyes at her untouched locks. Casper scowled for a moment, before shifting his attention to Olivia and grinning. "Lollipop! So glad you could join me! So, we've got to find this Aqua dude, knock him for a loop, hide him somewhere, and take his place. I guess the only question is... boxers or briefs?" Olivia merely looked at Casper. "Boxer-briefs?" "Mr. Weard, we have a mission to complete, and for some unknown reason, our supervisor has placed us together again, despite numerous suggestions that the action is an incompetent one." "Come on, Livvie - what do you think our watered-down quarry is gonna be wearing under his powder-blue jammies?" Olivia turned around and started to walk down the corridor, leaving Casper to follow behind. "What, you think he goes Commando? Or are you just hoping?" "What I am hoping, Mr. Weard, is that you will actually be useful during this mission." Casper tilted his head to the side, even though she couldn't see it, facing away from him. "There's some tension around you, LivLiv. Something's bothering you." He tapped his lips with a finger for a moment, before grinning. "You dreamed about me naked, didn't you?" "And woke up in trembling terror. Never has something so small incited such disgust. May we leave now?" "Ah, Livvie, if I'd known you were gonna be looking I would've sha-" "Mr. Weard. May we leave now?" "Ladies first." Olivia made a motion toward the door at the end of the hall. The rest of the walk through the basement was done in silence, but for the steady thump of their shoes on the floor, and the swishing of the air as Strings, bored with this slow pace, danced back and forth through the air. Casper followed Olivia outside of the building, and they managed to walk for a whole thirty seconds in silence. "Are we there, yet?" When Olivia didn't respond, Casper pouted. He pouted as loudly as one could pout without making any actual noise. His eyes got really big, his eyebrows scrunched down, and his lower lip jutted out and began to quiver. Facing away from him, obviously, Olivia didn't respond. Casper let out a cry of tormet. "You're not even looking!" -------------------- |
![]() Zap. You're a penguin. ![]() Group: Members Posts: 326 Joined: 4-January 12 From: Somewhere pretty. Member No.: 156 949 My Awsome Party ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Marcia was strutting down the suburban street, drawing more attention than anyone wanted her to. She had found out before leaving that she was "not to, in any circumstances, wear your Magma uniform. Dress more... inconspicuously." Marcia was thrilled. It may have been a lousy first mission, but at least she didn't have to wear that tacky uniform! We can be sure, however, that what she came up with was not the idea anyone else had of dressing inconspicuously. She was wearing a designer dress, blue with a gold belt. With it, she had her Gucci purse, extremely high heels, dangling diamond earrings, her compass pendant, and her Ray-Bans. In other words, she looked like a supermodel.
The suburban street in question had so many shops, Marcia was not quite sure how she was expected to find the correct one. The shops lined the street, selling everything from apples to zebra-striped spandex. What caught Marcia's attention were the jewelry stores and second-hand shops. Designer brands at cheap prices... even a Price, who normally look down upon such things, can't resist it. "Ooh, looky here, Togini! That store sells emeralds! I need some more of those... oh, and look! Dresses! Purses!" Marcia cursed herself for only bringing one of her twelve credit cards with her, as all of them had a buy limit. Suddenly, a thought struck her. "Say... I am selling this package, am I not? Well, who says the price can't get a little higher... and that that old boss of ours has to find out?" Marcia gained a new spring in her step as she strutted towards Seeweed Sensations. (Who calls a store that anyways?) Oh, this was going to be a lot better than she had expected. This post has been edited by ShinyRalts: Jan 30 2012, 08:14 AM -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Houndoom ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2 186 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Austin, Texas Member No.: 804 Uprising Mod ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Her feet set into the steady rhythm, clack clack clack, that comforted her a bit as they exited the Rebellion compound. Since this was no where near where the other mission had taken them, they had had to take a less clandestine route. That, however, was a bit of a misnomer. It was more of a distinction of semantics: Some forms of hiding were to make sure that you could not be seen. Another, however, was to make sure that if you were seen, it was not considered important. The main entry to the Rebellion Headquarters was just that. The basement of the central Pokecenter of Noverus had housed the first Rebel movement, and the years between the first and the present had only seen an expansion in the Rebel's base of power.
Olivia trusted Ghost to follow, if only because she had yet refused to rise to the bait he kept casting out there and his pride would not let him give up yet. She had to admit, his plaintive cries that she wasn't even looking at him almost made her smile. Almost. They climbed the stairs to the pokecenter, and immediately upon opening the door, the noise of a very large, very busy pokecenter drowned out Casper's attempts at humor. Nyx and Isra spread out ahead of them, not bothering to stay hidden, but looking as if they had every right to be where they were (not at all untrue, despite their trainer's faction), and Olivia stopped just after Casper closed the doors, getting her bearings and enjoying the relative quiet of the bustling pokecenter compared to Casper's braying. She finally looked back and caught Ghost's eye, tilting her head toward the door and indicating that he should lead the way out. He opened his mouth to say something, but she put a thin finger to her lip to forestall him, as he would have had to shout over the din. He scowled, but lead on. Once they were out, he seemed to feel the need to make up for lost time. "Some leader you are. Can't even lead us out of a pokecenter..." "On the contrary, Ghost," Olivia stated, ignoring the twinge of annoyance that using his code name brought (she would have much rather called him Mr. Weard). "You were the larger of the two of us, thereby making a better path toward the door. I lead you into that action." She looked at him and raised a brow. "May we go now? Seaweed Sensations are right around this corner... -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Espeon ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 044 Joined: 25-March 09 From: United States Member No.: 5 443 Tuesday's Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Casper followed behind Olivia as they made their way down the sidewalk, in clear view of anyone who happened to be looking out of their windows that moment. Or, Casper noted, walking passed them through town.
He looked behind him as the pretty red-head walking her poochyena passed, and ogled her skirted ass happily. "Ghost, I realize you can't help that you're deficient, but must you be barbaric, as well?" Casper turned back to the way he had been walking and grinned shamelessly. "It comes with the territory, Lollipop. I wouldn't be me if I wasn't, now would I?" "God forbid." They walked in silence (a truly remarkable thing, present company being as it were) for a few moments. "Tell me something, Livviepop." "You're the single most annoying creature that I have ever associated with." "Other than that," Casper said dismissively. "Why did we have to wait for hours until we could leave the office? I actually bothered to be there on time this morning." He flashed her a lewd smile. "I was excited to see you, remember?" "I find it disturbing that you haven't been fired yet." "I'm far too important, Lollipop. Now come on, why did we have to wait so long to start our mission? I was ready at eight this morning. Did you spend all that time fixing your hair? It doesn't even look that great." "It is brushed. That is all it needs." "Remind me never to nominate you for the cover of Vogue." "Never nominate me for the cover of Vogue." Casper pouted. "Lollipop," he moaned, "you're not even trying." Olivia had apparently chosen to ignore him. "Here's the restaurant." "Great! Table for two, you're buying." "And there's the man we're supposed to meet." Olivia indicated a table near the back of the small restaurant. "The meeting's not for two hours. What in the hell is he doing here so early?" "Apparently, having a snack." Casper peered through the window. "A snack? Try a four course meal and then some! I've eaten less in a full week. Hamlet's eaten less in a whole month!" "Do you regularly starve your pokemon?" "You know, I think this could work to our advantage. I'll sneak into the kitchens, knock out one of the waiters, steal their clothes." He paused, shifting a glance to Olivia. "Minus the underwear, of course. I don't swing that way. "Then I'll take one of the dishes he ordered, sprinkle it with a little arsenic special seasoning, and once the guy croaks, we'll pretend to be coroners and steal his body for secret voodoo reanimation rituals... oh wait. Except that last part." Olivia sighed. "We're not killing him, Ghost." Casper paused in his continuing tirade. "We're not?" "No." "Why not?" "Because I said so." For a brief moment, Casper considered responding with "you're not the boss of me," but even Olivia wasn't stupid enough to fall for that lie. So instead, he said, "I won't tell anyone." "No." "Come on, just a little rattata poison." "No, Casper." Casper made a face, and without even correcting her calling him by his real name instead of his codename, turned around and waltzed right into the restaurant. He walked right past the waitress who had come to ask him if he needed to be seated for one, and made his way right up to the table where the man they had come to haul off and inpersonate was sitting. Up close to him, it was clear to Casper that they would never be able to just neutalize him and steal his clothes for Casper to wear. The man had to weigh at least 500 lbs., and there was more fat on him than there was hair (and he wasn't a bald fellow). Spread out before him on the table was enough food for four people. Either the man wanted to sample everything, or he was as big a pig as he appeared. "Have you had the sushi?" Casper asked casually, crossing his arms over the back of a chair and leaning forward. "Who are you?" the man asked, wiping his face on a napkin and eyeing Casper curiously. "Or maybe the Magikarp Mignon? Gyarados Gyro?" "Excuse me." Ah, now he's starting to sound annoyed. I'm good at that. "Or maybe you're a clamperl kinda guy." Casper made a show of studying the table, muttering loudly, "Of course, you seem like a eat everything within sight and spit out the silverware kinda guy." "What do you want?" "Not your body," Casper said, turning back to face the man. "Dear gods, not that. I can't say anyone would. I imagine a man like you needs a crane and a pulley system to get up out of that chai-" There's nothing quite like being interrupted mis-sentence by a giant fist crashing into your face. Casper stared up at the ceiling from where he lay on the floor. "I guess tubs of lard move pretty fast in spring. Ow." He wiped his shirt sleeve across his bloody face. "I think my nose is broken." -------------------- |
![]() Zap. You're a penguin. ![]() Group: Members Posts: 326 Joined: 4-January 12 From: Somewhere pretty. Member No.: 156 949 My Awsome Party ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Marcia saw Seaweed sensations in front of her. It was one of those greasy seafood joints, somewhere she would have never entered had she had the choice. Natuarlly, she still didn’t want to, even though she now had no choice. She looked inside. An annoying looking boy was chatting to some fat man in there. The fat dude... he better not be the one wearing that jacket, she thought. He’s so... gross.
Hoping to avoid looking in that restraunt much longer, Marcia turned around and looked in the storefront across the street. And stared. Like a beakon from heaven, there it was. It was a black leather purse mad by the most popular designer in Kanto. She saw the price tag, even from such a long distance. (When it comes to cloths, she had brilliant eyesight.) Only $2,987 dollars? That was cheap! She ran up to the store at such a rate she nearly dropped the package. Suddenly, she tripped over something. Marcia looked for the source of her embarissing fall. There, stading below her feet, was a very angry girl Nidoran. It gave Marcia a death stare as it nursed a bruise that was oddly similar in shape to Marcia’s heel. “Nido nido nidoran. Nidoran! Nido nidoran.” “Aw, how cute! A little blue Pokemon. Togini, let’s catch it!” Marcia lifted Togini out of her purse and put him on the groud. The Togapi took one look at the Nidoran and tried to hop back in. “Now, don’t be silly! It’s only a little Nidoran!” The Togapi puffed up its chest and stood tall. “Now, use Sweet Kiss!” The Togapi walked up to the Nidoran and pecked it on the cheek. Nidoran has spines all over its cheek. The Togapi bouced back an whimpered. His lip hurt! The Nidoran was succesfully confused... but not because of the move’s effect. The Nidoran then hopped over ad kicked Togini twice in the belly. “Um... it’s OK, Togini! Use... er... Metronome!” The Togapi wiggled its finger around. Suddenly, a hole i the ground opened beneath it as the ground shook. Earthquake! Well... but Togini had not been prepared to use Metronome properly by Marcia. He tripped, and the move ended before it reached the Nidoran. The Nidoran only lowered its head. Marcia, not recognising the move, considered this a good time to attack again. “Metronome!” Togini wiggled its finger again and stole a black rock that the Nidoran was holding. However, before Thief got into the attack part, the Nidoran charged. It was a Skull Bash! “TOKI!” The Togapi lost it and hopped back in Marcia’s purse after pulling off only three attacks, of which only one really worked. The Nidoran was just marveling that anyone could manage to use Metronome badly. How do you even do that? Feeling bad for the undertrained, the Nidoran played fainted. “Alright! I’ll just use this Pokeball... Gotcha!” Proudly, Marcia held up her new Nidoran’s Pokeball. She let the lady Nidoran out. “I’ll name you... Nidora!” Nidora settled down in Marcia’s purse. She greeted her new Togapi friend. And in that manner, Marcia caught a Pokemon for the first time. ”So, I guess we should be friends now. I guess my name is now Nidora, and I’m glad to help you battle!” “Yay!” Marcia was thrilled. Her new Pokemon already liked Togini! “Whoops! Look at the time! I was supposed to arive a hour and a half early so no one could intercept us. I only have two minutes left!” Marcia looked over her shoulder. “But first...” And so Marcia rushed over to the store to buy that purse. Capture! (click to show )
This post has been edited by ShinyRalts: Jan 31 2012, 11:08 AM -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Houndoom ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2 186 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Austin, Texas Member No.: 804 Uprising Mod ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Olivia had pursed her lips when Casper stepped past her to confront the rather large Aqua. Her eyes narrowed as Ghost bantered with the man, annoying him, then insulting him until the Aqua couldn't handle himself and responded with violence.
Olivia pulled out her phone, trying very hard to ignore the thought that, quite possibly, Ghost had actually done something brilliant, and at the very least was able to use his one natural skill of being a proper nuisance for the good of the mission. With a quick tap on the screen, she held the device to her ear. "Yes, is this the police? There's a disturbance at Seaweed Sensations. Yes, a rather large man seems to have gotten upset with a smaller man and is beating him severely. Yes. I think the poor man's," she tried not to roll her eyes at that, "nose is broken. Thank you." It was a slight surprise that three uniformed officers entered shortly after she had put her phone away. The only explanation she could think of was that they were on patrol nearby. The uniforms, too, were interesting. Standard khaki affairs, but with a red and black braid on the right of the shoulder passant. One of the men approached her as the other two wrestled the large man in blue off of Casper. "Ma'am, did you see what happened here?" Olivia nodded. "I called it in. It's impressive that you arrived so quickly." The man smiled, a fetching smile. Olivia held in a sigh. Sometimes men tended to try to put more meaning into their words, as if the act of talking to her would garner a date as well as information. "We happened to be in the area. Lunchtime. Unfortunately, crime doesn't stop for lunch." He winked at her, causing Olivia's left brow to rise. "At any rate, can you tell me what happened?" "Yes. The man your men are struggling with punched the man on the floor, likely complaining vociferously about his broken nose. As far as I had observed, the smaller man had merely spoken to the other one." It was the truth. She hadn't been close enough to hear anything. "I see. Well, it looks like my men have everything in hand. Thank you for your diligence. We'll take it from here." Olivia nodded, watching the two other men struggling with the large man. Casper was walking up to the right of one of the officers. "I told you, Dandiel, I'll gedd id bacg to you soond!" The man sneered and steered his charge out the door, the other cop reinforcing him, and the third walking out behind. Olivia glanced at Casper, raising a brow. He leaned in, a little too close. "Persondal friend. 'Loaned' mbe a bag a bit ago." Olivia nodded, then, remembering, turned to look at the police, just now turning the corner out of sight. Could it be..? The feel of cloth on her shoulders startled her slightly, and she looked down. Draped over her shoulders was a blue jacket approximately the same shade as the large man's. "OK," Casper said, grinning. "I did my bit. You're on!" -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Espeon ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 044 Joined: 25-March 09 From: United States Member No.: 5 443 Tuesday's Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
OOC (click to show ) Casper's grin didn't falter when Olivia turned a disinterested glare upon him, before glancing at the coat he had draped over her shoulder. She pulled it off and held it up in front of her. Her small frame made it appear that much larger in comparison. She peered at him blankly. "And what brought you to the conclusion that I would be the one impersonating our tubby friend?" "You mean asides from my broken nose?" Casper asked cheekily, flashing her a grin that was marred slightly by the fact that his top teeth were stained red, and his nose was still bleeding. "Your nose is not broken." "How do you know?" Olivia raised her eyebrow, as if to ask if he would prefer she check to see if it was broken or not. Casper sustained his grin, but he would not deny to himself that while he knew his nose was not broken, the pain it caused him was very real indeed. He wiped his arm across his face to mop up the blood, succeeding only to smear it across his lips and cheek and arm, but he paid little mind to that fact. "I suppose you're worried," Casper said, after taking that moment to think up a decent reply, "that including yourself in this mission too thoroughly will have it turning out just as the previous did. Of course, it must be so obvious to you now how much more experienced I am at being an agent - I did try to tell you, you know." He turned around, forefinger tapping his bottom lip, as he ignored Olivia's droll look. "Very well, then. I'll meet with this Magma agent," he said, turning back around and plucking the jacket from Olivia's arms. "We'll need to fetch the clothing described in the file Wiggingham gave us. I would have liked to just steal it from the lard who was here, but even I couldn't make those clothes look good. There's a store across the street. We can, I suppose, buy them." He looked properly disgusted at the topic of paying for clothes, but he knew from the last mission that Olivia would have none of his five finger discounts. She had been annoyed enough about the bus fare he had stolen back. Though, so far, he'd still managed to avoid having to pay her back the money she'd clandestinely reimbursed the bus driver. He'd since stolen back that reimbursement and more, but as she hadn't been with him at the time, she needn't ever know. "You can hang outside of the restaurant, keep a close watch on things, while I grab the package. I know how I'll handle it. An old character I haven't used in a while. Captain Whiskers McGray, the pirate lord of the Silver Gyarados, fastest ship that ever sailed from Johto to Kanto on a backward win-- HEY!" He made a futile grab for the jacket, but Olivia was quick, sweeping it from his arms and folding it neatly in her own. "In retrospect, the mission is too delicate to allow someone of your... disposition-" "What's wrong with my disposition?" "-to act an impersonation of this nature. I will play the part of the Aqua agent. You can be... a busboy." She turned around and left the restaurant, clearly headed for the clothing stores across the street, to find something to fit the description of the fat man, that would also fit her. "Lollipop... at least give something that will match my talents!" "This restaurant does not allow transients, Mr. Weard." Casper gave her a pointed look. Olivia sighed, her next word mingling with the door-chime as they entered a clothing store. "Ghost." -------------------- |
![]() Zap. You're a penguin. ![]() Group: Members Posts: 326 Joined: 4-January 12 From: Somewhere pretty. Member No.: 156 949 My Awsome Party ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Marcia was in heaven. Not only was the purse on sale, but everything else was too! All of the ridiculously expensive clothing and accessories were now only being sold for a slightly less ridiculously expensive price! It was pure joy! She raced from rack to rack, quickly drilling up the charge on her Visa.
"Nido nido RAN," Nidora shouted, which roughly translates to, "Stay on task! I MEAN IT!" Naturally, Marcia was an expert at ignoring those sort of things, especially from a Pokemon. She never paid attention to people who weren't herself. Nidora quickly gave up. They had already been in too long and were going to be at least twenty minutes late. Normally, she figured the buyer would have left in disgust at the agent's lateness. "Oh, look at this shirt! It's only six hundred dollars! What a deal!" "Oh, wow, a ring for only seven thousand?" "My goodness! That perfume is so very cheap for two hundred dollars!" Marcia was as distractable as a newborn Meowth placed in a gold vault. She was rushing around, unsure where to look next. Togini was worked up too, but he wasn't quite sure why. Suddenly, the bell on the door rang. Marcia looked over and saw a would-be-cute blond, if it weren't for the broken nose, accompanied by an admittedly pretty girl, though she wasn't as fashionable as Marcia was. Marcia thought they didn't look high-end enough to be shopping in such a high end shop. Still, she felt the need to buy even more in order to prevent them from snapping up he favorite items before she did. The check-out lady gave her an odd look as she handed her purchases over the counter. "Um... you do know that your total adds up to forty-six thousand dollars, don't you?" "Yep." Inwardly, though, she cringed. Her credit card would only let her buy a little more. "Here you go!" The clerk paled as the supermodel-like kid finished paying, then waltzed out into Seaweed Sensations to wait for the buyer. This post has been edited by ShinyRalts: Feb 8 2012, 08:29 AM -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Houndoom ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2 186 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Austin, Texas Member No.: 804 Uprising Mod ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Olivia entered the shop. It was one of those high end, classy places, the kind that made her happy it didn't have blaring music, and annoyed that there were people who would spend 300% or 400% more than they needed to on clothing. Unfortunately for her needs, this boutique was the only clothing store around, and Olivia needed to change quickly.
She barely acknowledged the other person besides her and Casper. The girl who'd been in the store before they'd entered was busily pulling clothing off of the rack, as well as other items. Olivia swept past her to the back of the store. As she had hoped, there was a section for past styles and unsold clothing, marked down much cheaper than it had been. Casper saw the garish yellow signs, posted on poles that kept them well below the usual sight line of the other, more expensive items, and tutted. "Going for cheap, Lollipop? Well, I suppose pencil pushers like yourself don't make much..." Olivia practically ignored him, pulling a pair of modest jeans, a white button up shirt, and, in a fit of what can only be called Whimsey, a small blue beret. Only when she heard him suck in a breath to keep taunting her did she respond. "On the contrary, Mr. Weard-" "Ghost-" "Then call me by my codename. As I was saying, on the contrary, Ghost. The agent that you so... efficiently," she paused to acknowledge that as hard as it had been to see anything praiseworthy in Casper's tactics, she did manage it, "weeded out and disposed was wearing specific clothing. Blue jeans," she said, ticking each item off on her long, delicate fingers, "white shirt, blue jacket. Hardly a blatant signal, but one none the less. If I am to catch his contact's eye, I must be dressed similarly. And while I see that they use American dollars here to inflate the apparent price of the clothing, even by the exchange rate of dollars to poké, I don't want to spend a lot of money for a disguise I will wear but once." "It's called an expense account-" Casper said, following her. He was cut off by her suddenly turning and arching a brow at him. He looked down at her, confused, until she pointed blithely above her. Obligingly, and not without some eye rolling, Casper looked up, to immediately see the "Women's Change Room" sign, in neon. He grinned. "Sure you can't use a bit of help?" "Positive," Olivia said, dryly. "Make yourself useful and go away." "How is tha-" His words were ct off when she pulled the thick curtain that was the doorway between them. A small click revealed that, despite it being a curtain, it had a lock. Casper hated locks. He decided, rather than to "go away", he would lean on the wall between the dressing room Olivia had gone into, and the one next to hers, which was also closed. The reason became evident. Soft mewling noises came from the other stall. After a moment, there was no mistaking what those noises could be. In her stall, Olivia was buttoning up the shirt when she, too, heard it. Unfortunately, and almost instantly, she recognized the offender. She could feel heat crawling up her face, and she closed her eyes. It wasn't her place to forbid such things, but she would be talking to Isra about propriety and discretion tonight! Fully dressed, and with a snap, Olivia yanked the curtain open and stepped out. She knew her face was still red, and, worse, there was Casper, snickering and watching the other curtain. Olivia cleared her throat. "It's time, Ghost." "Hold on, I want to applaud these two when they come out." "Mr. Weard..." Olivia cold not keep the tightness from her jaw and her voice. "It... is time." "Eat beans, Liverlilly- OW!" She had been loathe to do it, but she saw no choice. She reached up and, with a small amount of pressure, grabbed the upper part of the aurical on Casper's ear. She did not yank, merely waited until she had his attention and he turned to look at her. "Work first. Let's go." "What are you, my mother?" Despite his caustic words, he blinked, looking taken aback at himself. Olivia did not see this reaction. "No, but it seems more and more that I have been assigned to babysit." As the two left to pay the substantially discounted price for Olivia's disguise, a small purrloin slipped under the curtain, her tail held straight up, purring lightly. She stopped with twitching whiskers and tail when a voice came from the shadows. Sah-lut. With a whip of her tail, Isra moved toward the exit and her Olivia. Quiet, you, she sussored back to what could only be her Nyx. A soft snicker followed her. When the glameow tom came out, he, too, was brought to a quivering halt, but the soft, thin voice was much, much colder. If you hurt her, I will kill you. -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Espeon ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 044 Joined: 25-March 09 From: United States Member No.: 5 443 Tuesday's Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
After Olivia had paid for her poor choice in clothing, she and Casper split up. Olivia left the store first and headed into Seaweed Sensations to find a table at which to wait for the Magma agent they were to meet. Casper, instead, walked down the sidewalk until he found a through-way alley and made his way down it, backtracking until he ended up behind the shop, where there was a second entrance for the staff.
He walked casually through the entrance, eyes peeled for anyone coming to stop him from going that way, as he quickly found where the kitchens were located, the door to the main dining parlor, and the bathrooms. Casper slipped into the men's room. There were four small stalls and one handicapped at the end of the bathroom. Casper glanced around and sneered at the poor choice in coloring. A vaguely-masculine blue-green color more suited for a kid's playroom than a men's bathroom in a well-to-do restaurant, but he wasn't here for the decor. Checking each of the stalls to make certain that no one else was present, Casper slipped into the second stall and locked the door behind him. He took a moment to perform some personal business, and then removed the two toilet paper rolls from their dispenser. "Should have paid that extra two poke for the decent brand," he said, and with a grin, dropped both rolls in the toilet bowl and flushed. A few minutes later, Casper slipped out of the restroom and made his way toward the staff entrance. It was nearing the new hour, which meant staff change. Sure enough, Casper had only been waiting by the entrance for a few minutes before a teenager with a wrinkled uniform and messy hair came dashing toward the door. He looked like he was worried about being late. Casper stepped away from the wall he had been leaning against and right into the boy's way. The kid stopped short, and Casper put on his best uncertain expression. "Um, you work here, right?" he asked, looking at the boy in confusion. "Yeah," the kid said, trying to fix his messy hair by running his hands through it. It wasn't working. "Oh... um, good. There's a problem with one of the... the toilets." Casper whispered the last word like he didn't want to say it too loudly. He rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand and shuffled his feet. "I dunno what it is, but I wanted to get someone. Could you come look at it?" "Er... I could get one of the other guys to-" "I asked someone else already, but they said they were getting ready for the lunch hour and I should grab someone who wasn't busy and, you're not busy, are you?" "No, I... hang on and let me clock in." "Okay," Casper muttered, folding his hands behind his back and rocking back and forth on his heels. The young waiter left and came back a moment later. "All right, show me which toilet, then." The two walked together to the bathroom. "It's the second one," Casper said, locking the door to the bathroom silently, and quickly checking the other stalls to make sure no one was inside again. The young waiter had gone into the second stall and was peering into the toilet. "Ugh, some asshole must have flushed a whole roll of paper down the toilet." Casper stepped up behind the waiter and stabbed his index and middle fingers down on a point on the kid's neck. "Hey, ow!" The waiter swatted him hard, spinning around. Casper tried again, moving his fingers a little to the right and stabbing down. "What the hell are you doing?" The kid slapped his hand away. "The Vulcan Nerve Pinch." Casper frowned, ignoring the waiter's confused glare. "You wouldn't happen to know where I'm supposed to put my fingers, would you?" "I have no idea what you're talking about!" "I suppose that leaves the Klingon Face Punch, then." "What?" WHAM! "Sonuva-" Casper grit his teeth and snarled between them, clutching his right hand to his chest, as the waiter slid to the floor, unconscious. "Bitch, that hurt." He tried to extend his fingers and managed it, whimpering painfully. "Ow... okay, okay..." Grimacing, Casper grabbed the boy's arms and dragged him out into the center of the bathroom, before he began to pull of his clothes. "'fraid I'm gonna have to borrow these from you," he said, unbuttoning the kid's shirt. "What's your name, anyway?" He found a nametag stuffed in the boy's one pants pocket and stared at it. "Thomas. You're name's Thomas?!" Casper took of his own shirt and threw it into the nearest sink, before pulling on the waiter's shirt and buttoning it up. He growled under his breath. "Of course it is." -------------------- |
![]() Zap. You're a penguin. ![]() Group: Members Posts: 326 Joined: 4-January 12 From: Somewhere pretty. Member No.: 156 949 My Awsome Party ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Marcia was disdainful towards the food at Seaweed Sensations. It was all so greasy and fattening! She much preferred lobster to fried anything, and paid no attention to the fact that, even in the coastal town of Noverus, lobster camee from regions far north and was an extremely expensive import.
However, she was concerned that her battling skills seemed to be a zero. She sent out Togini and Nidora. "Ok, today we're gonna practice battling! However, we're in a restaurant,so we'll do it as a... little game, instead. You can each take turns attacking each other while I try and learn something. Togini looked at her funny. "Does she think we're nuts?" "No idea, but you aren't going to learn a thing this way. Let's see... how about I teach you not to be surprised when Metronome activates?" "Okey Dokey!" Marcia was sure that her Pokemon were learning something amazing from their game! As she watched delightedly, she saw a girl walk in. She looked oddly familiar, but Marcia brushed it off. It was important to note, however, that she was wearing exactly the cloths her buyer would be. Marcia's heart leaped. This was it, her first mission. As dumb as it was, she didn't want to mess up. Especially when she was going to secretly make money off of it. Picking up her purse and letting her Pokemon hop inside, she walked over. "So, you're here to buy some goods? I think I have what yo want, but they're more valuable than previously thought. You're gonna have to pay up. A lot." -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Houndoom ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2 186 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Austin, Texas Member No.: 804 Uprising Mod ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Confidence was hardly ever Olivia's problem. She neither had an over abundance of it, nor a severe lacking of it. This was not due as much to her natural belief in her abilities as it was due to her penchant to stay within her field of expertise. Her supervisor, however, had seen fit to pull her well out of that field, and therefore her confidence suffered from it.
One could not tell this by looking at her, at least, not without some knowledge of her usual demeanor. Her eyes did flash nervously from side to side, but not in the darting way that most people did. Rather like she was reading something. Her brow did have a light sheen of nervous sweat on it, but it was not furrowed in worry. She had availed herself of the changing rooms once again before leaving, making sure to signal for Isra to remain outside of them and for Nyx to watch her. She made sure not to notice the pouting face Isra made, nor the smug look on Nyx' muzzle. There, she put on her white shirt, blue jeans, blue, light jacket, and a small blue beret over her otherwise straight hair. She looked in the mirror and sighed. She didn't like it. Still, the mission was the mission, and she felt she should make at least some effort in its success. And, as Ghost had made plain to her, without meaning to, that anything he did would simply be a fiasco, it was up to her to meet the Magma contact. She walked into the restaurant and waited for the maitre'd to find her a seat. Surprisingly, the first person to approach her was not the maitre'd, but the girl from the clothing store. Olivia clenched her jaw. This was not good. If this girl was the contact, it was very possible the plan was already doomed to fail. Instead, the girl launched directly into a sale's pitch for "goods". Olivia was relieved for a short time, before it became clear that if there was anyone about who would have interest in their goods, on one side or another, standing in the foyer of a restaurant was a bad place to have a conversation about it. "Quiet," she said softly. "Let's get to a table, and then we will talk." She looked into the girl's eyes, but was unable to ascertain if the other girl had understood before the maitre'd came to seat them. On the way to the table, Olivia's mind whirred. Was money to change hands? She was sure she didn't have enough. But the other girl had indicated that she was now looking for more money. Perhaps there was something she could exploit. It was time to call on whatever gods of luck Olivia believed in. The problem was, Olivia believed in neither luck nor gods. The maitre'd sat them down, and Olivia set about avoiding conversation until the waiter arrived. It was not a long wait. "I'll have the seaweed salad, please," she began, waiting for the other girl to decide what she wanted, and the waiter to leave, before she started talking. "You say it will cost more," she said, again softly, just barely audible over the background noise of the restaurant. "What makes you think it hasn't already been paid for. I'm just the pick up." She pierced the other girl with her eyes, watching her to see her reaction. Isra looked intently at the bag. She had, of course, followed Her Olivia into the good smelling place. So had Nyx, across the room. Despite her embarrassment earlier (and it had been too good an opportunity to pass up), she knew there would be fish for her and Nyx when the mission was over. Fish and a talking to was worth it for the fish. The Look of Intimidation™ was usually successful when it came from Her Olivia, but Isra felt that it would be a good idea to try other tactics at first. This other girl, she wasn't subtle. Her bag was big and bulgy, a perfect place to hide what it was Isra's Olivia sought. She signaled to Her Nyx with her tail. She was going into the bag. She didn't see Her Nyx' frantic tail wave not to do it. She had come in a good few minutes behind Nyx, yes, but Nyx was too cautious sometimes, and they needed that package. Isra crept up to the bag, slow and steady, avoiding feet and eyes and all kinds of things. She was quite proud of her stealth. She didn't like to say it out right, but she was stealthier than Her Nyx was. Nyx had the advantage of illusion, so of course Her Nyx could get to places sometimes Isra couldn't. But Isra could get to places without illusions. Like across a crowded restaurant, under a table, to lift her head into a bag and see... A togepi and a nidoran. Crap. -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Espeon ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 044 Joined: 25-March 09 From: United States Member No.: 5 443 Tuesday's Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Casper stepped in front of the mirror and inspected himself.
He was glad that he had a good eye for picking out people that fit his size. He supposed it came from being so careful to watch people, to place where they were in the hierarchy based on their size and the way they moved. Uniforms could be so misleading, as his current actions were proving. The black slacks were tighter than Casper liked, though it was clearly the style of the pants, and unfortunately, the current fashion in men's wear. The white shirt, long-sleeved and buttoned the whole length down the front, with a collar, was much more comfortable. It was not something that Casper was unused to, not that he normally wore such clothing by his own decision in a casual setting. He took a moment to roll the ends of the sleeves back and button them. Much better. There was a black vest, simple, with two buttons in the front over his stomach, that he wore over the white shirt. It made him look like a penguin. As the restaurant was of the fancier kind, however, he knew he would have to deal with it. Wardrobe malfunctions would not be tolerated by... whoever his boss was. Olivia, his brain helpfully reminded him, as she was not present to do so herself. At least he was left to his own devices to do his side of the job as he saw fit. He had to give her that; she did not crowd him. It was a... relief. Casper reached up and ran his hands through his hair. The blonde locks were wild and hung low in his face, but he did his best to push them to the side, in some semblance of decency. It would have to do. Grimacing, he looked down at his feet again. The shoes that the real waiter had worn were a size too large for Casper and loose on his feet. However, they were nice polished dress shoes, possibly Italian-made, though that would be very expensive for such a teenaged waiter. Perhaps his father bought them for him. At any rate, the shoes were black, and while Casper would not slip out of them while walking (he had tied them tightly enough to be sure of that), his socks were white, and he was not wearing someone else's socks. That was disgusting! The pantlegs should be sufficient in covering them, unless Casper had to sit down at some point, in which case they might become visible. Not too horrible for a customer to see, but he really didn't want to draw attention to himself from the other waiters, either. Well, if his luck held... Glad that no one had come to the restroom to use it in the time that he had kept the door locked, Casper dragged the unconscious Thomas up with some difficulty, sitting him on top of the broken toilet, so that only his feet could be seen beneath the stall door. After turning the lock from the outside with his fingernail with some difficulty (and rather a good bit of pain), Casper found the laminated Out of Order sign the staff kept in a simple drawer beneath the sinks and pinned it to the stall door. Washing his hands, Casper glanced down at his feet again, checked in the mirror, brushed his hair back from his face, and pinned the nametag to his vest. With a final swallow, he unlocked the door to the bathroom and stepped out, and headed to work. The kitchens were bustling with cooks and waiters preparing for a busy hour. He found this to be in his favor, as most everyone was too busy doing their jobs to give him too much of a study. Casper moved around the kitchens, picking up a ladle here and carrying it to another counter, checking the recipe in a book, unscrewing the lid of a salt shaker to check if it needed filled - anything to make himself appear busy and hard at work. It wasn't difficult. So long as he wasn't standing around with his thumb up his ass to the eyes of those who glimpsed him briefly, no one had any reason to say anything. As he did all of these seemingly purposelessly purposeful tasks, Casper was really planning an escape route. Laws stated that restaurant kitchens were required to have at least two exits. Casper counted three. One led him back out into the hall where the staff entrance he had used to the outside was located. The other led into the public seating area where the patrons were being served their food and eating it. The third was a large chute, big enough for a person Casper's size to fit into, located in a small closet-like room set off from the kitchen. From the smell that wafted up when he opened the latched door to the chute, Casper easily deduced it led to a dumpster. Not the most ideal of exits, but if things went ideally, he and Olivia could simply walk out the front door. He rather doubted that would happen, but he certainly wouldn't tell his partner that he was preparing for the worst. "You there, boy!" Casper turned when he was called. He had been standing in one place too long, musing. "What're you doing about the disposal?" "Just throwing away a chicken," Casper returned easilly, his voice taken on a note of nervousness - a teenage boy in a job too big for him. "It'd spoiled in the fridge." "Eh, spoiled? I told Aaron to check the food yesterday!" Casper shrugged, but the gesture was unnecessary, as the cook had rushed off. No doubt to either check this fridge himself, or scold Aaron for not doing his job properly. Casper didn't care which. Wandering through the kitchen again, he caught sight of a large pot on a stove. Lifting the lid, the scent of seafood wafted up at him, making his mouth instantly water. He hadn't had breakfast. There was a single cup of Lucky Charms waiting for him to come home to that night for supper. He'd be eating it dry, since he hadn't managed to scrape up the money this week for a carton of milk. He should consider catching a Miltank. Resisting the almost involuntary urge to lick to his, Casper grabbed a nearby jar of oregano and upturned it in the pot, stirring quickly. He hated oregano. That would quell his temptations. Replacing the lid, he dropped the empty jar of oregano in a nearby trash can and snatched a full salt shaker off of a shelf. Flitting around from counter to counter, he liberally skyrocketed the sodium content in the meals most of the patrons would be receiving. He hoped no one complained. Enough time had surely passed for Olivia and their target to have met. Casper briefly considered snatching a handful of what looked like rangoons and eating them before he ran out to do his part, but he decided against it. Rangoons, or any of their cousins, were dangerous beasts. Chefs filled them with any and everything, and Casper couldn't risk accidentally eating crab meat. Hamlet would knock him silly with his bone club if he did something so reprehensible. Casper peered out in the tabled area, his eyes scanning the crowd of people. He finally caught sight of Olivia, or rather, her atrocious choice in clothing, and then herself, and the person - a really, really hot person, in fact, of the female variation - sitting across from her. Casper made his eyes move to the number on the edge of the table. 43. Moving casually over to where the hostess worked, Casper picked up two menus from the stand. He took his time fumbling with them, his eyes on the computer screen, picking out the color-coded description of the tables and their servers. He glanced around him, briefly. No one was watching. With the swiftness of a thief, Casper set down the menus and began typing rapidly on the keyboard. To any patron, he would merely appear as another worker adding some information into the database that contained who needed served and what tables were free, but Casper wanted to avoid being spotted by any of his "coworkers." He found Thomas' name in the database. His color was teal. Ew. Quickly scanning the tables that he - or Thomas - was supposed to be serving, Casper made a few minor adjustments. All of the tables were shifted to be color-coded brown, magenta, or green. Only Table 43 remained on Thomas' schedule. For a teenage boy working as a waiter in a fancy restaurant, that was surely enough. "Something I can help you with?" Casper couldn't help the twitch of his shoulders in surprise, before he glanced up. There was a woman there, long, straight blonde hair hanging down just below her shoulders. Her skin had a slight tan, and though her eyes were a dark brown, they did not compliment her appearance. She was slightly too tall to be attractive, and while her broad shoulders could be overlooked, the full red lips might have sold her as beautiful if they weren't hardpressed into a scowl. It looked permanent, and perhaps painful. She was dressed in a uniform like him, though the vest was slightly more feminine. It didn't suit her. "I was just checking which table I have." Those dark eyes narrowed. "Same one you've always got," she grumbled, before muscling him aside and out of her way. If Casper was the boss, he wouldn't have placed her as the hostess. She seemed the kind of person who would be hiding in the way back of the kitchen, strangling the chickens before they could be cooked. "Right, well, keep up the good work!" Casper said, flashing the hostess a grin. He grabbed the two menus and headed off, the very vision of a waiter off to serve his table. He arrived with a casual smile, though he couldn't resist just a slight, quick glance down to the toes of this gem Olivia was meeting with, and back up again. When he caught her eyes, he grinned. "Good afternoon, ma'am." He glanced at Olivia and noticed her usual bland expression, though there was that little hint of exasperation, perhaps, at his antics. She hadn't expected him to be their waiter. Oh, well, surprise, Olivia. "Ma'am," he said, nodding respectfully. He placed a menu before each of them, though his smile was a little brittle as he introduced himself. "My name is Thomas and I'll be your waiter this afternoon. If you ladies know what you'd like to drink, I'll fetch that for you while you decide on what you'd like to eat today." -------------------- |
![]() Zap. You're a penguin. ![]() Group: Members Posts: 326 Joined: 4-January 12 From: Somewhere pretty. Member No.: 156 949 My Awsome Party ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Marcia looked up at the waiter. Hey, everyone here seems familiar for some reason... must be Deja Vu. Or maybe I have seen them before? ...I'm getting paranoid.
She looked down at the menu and quickly said, "Just get me a water, please." This got rid of the waiter for a second while she examined the menu, which she had failed to look at before now. Her face slowly got redder and redder. "WHERE'S THE LOBSTER?" Frustrated, she looked over the menu again. "IT ISN'T HERE!" Frustrated, she looked again, just to make sure. "What sort of seafood restaurant doesn't sell lobster? What sort of place IS this?" She continued to rant on about this for some time, conveniently ignoring how expensive lobster was in Hoenn and how difficult it was to get. Continuing her trend of ignoring hard facts, she continued ranting. "No blue crab, either. That's the best kind! EVERYWHERE HAS SNOW CRAB! You might as well just take it off the menu!" You see, blue crab is seasonally harvested, and at the moment it was the off-season. However, she had collected herself by the time the cute blond waiter came back. In her most polite voice, she said, "I'll have the old bay shrimp." Turning back to the kid she was supposed to be selling this stuff to, she thought about her answer. Huh. She wouldn't even have to lie. "I was told to collect payment, idiot. Would I be asking if I hadn't been?" Togini and Nidora both jumped as they saw the Purrloin approach. Togini immediately gave her a piece of his mind. "What on EARTH are you doing coming over here? I demand you-" "Shut up, you're acting like Marcia." Nidora had no doubt that she was better prepared for this situation than Togini. Honestly, the kid seemed like he had never been in the wild. He needed to learn a thing or two. She lowered her head, ready to Skull Bash if necessary. "Get out, or tell us three good reasons why we shouldn't attack you if you don't. Trust me, you don't want to face...." Well, the cat probably wouldn't mind facing Togini, but she bet that it didn't know that. "...us." -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Houndoom ![]() Group: Members Posts: 2 186 Joined: 8-January 08 From: Austin, Texas Member No.: 804 Uprising Mod ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Olivia struggled to keep her eyebrows from raising, and her lip from curling down. Casper's appearance at their table had been almost a shock as Casper's actual appearance. The clothing was much more reserved than she had ever seen him wear, and even his hair was much better kempt than usual.
More than his physical appearance, the fact that he had done something particularly clever was yet another surprise. He had managed to find a way to keep close to his partner unobtrusively. Another struggle ensued: the reconciliation of Casper's good work with what she knew of him. She forced herself, this once, to give him the benefit of the doubt rather than wonder when whatever he'd done in the meantime would come back to bite them. Of course, too, she realized she could never tell Casper how very impressed she had been, either. He would likely accuse her of being romantically attracted to him or something else juvenile in that vein. "Tea, please. Hot, with some honey on the side." She looked at him pointedly, hoping he could see that she approved by her eyes. How he'd manage that, she had no idea: She had rarely seen any change in her eyes in a mirror no matter what emotion she felt at the moment. "Green, if you have it." As Casper moved off to fulfill the order, Olivia opened the menu to peruse it. She had, of course, enough money for lunch, even to treat Casper once the mission was over. She should, in fact, eat lightly in case of that eventuality. She seemed to remember it was impolite to treat someone to a meal and not eat herself... Still, the fish looked delicious, and she could always slip some to Isra and Nyx later... Her deliberation was interrupted by the sudden raving of the girl across from her. Olivia looked up, feeling the one eyebrow that had been denied far too long in the wake of Casper's surprise competence rising as the girl raved, not only about the lack of Lobster on the menu, but also the loss of Blue Crab, despite the fact that suitable substitutions were very prominent, both standard and pokémon based. Ordinarily, she didn't advocate eating pokémon, and until a rather informative lecture in her college class, had refused. But some were raised to be eaten, and still others could regenerate the cuts taken from them with little to no actual visible scarring. Olivia had doubted it, but the fact was that sometimes something being unpalatable didn't mean it wasn't also necessary. She said nothing about the rant as the girl calmed, instead deciding that she would try the seaweed salad, that looked from the picture on the menu like it was prepared in an Asian manner, and the blackened alomomola. Hopefully, Isra and Nyx would appreciate fish from their native region. She very much doubted that Isra would care either way, however. She gave her order to Casper, after the other girl had ordered the bay shrimp, and was treated to the third, and most unpleasant, surprise so far: She had been called an idiot. Olivia wrapped her slender fingers around the cup of tea, allowing the heat to distract her from the uncharacteristic anger that surged through her. Finally, when she felt she had control, an act which did not take overly long, she spooned some honey into her tea, and stirred. "Lobster," she said, speaking reservedly in her slightly high, clear voice, "is harvested very far from here. With the sanctions that Magma has put on things, it is more trouble than it is worth the cost to stock lobster. Those places that do so make it a status symbol, and it takes a lot of money to purchase it. Blue crab," she continued, watching the girl's face as she, calmly, lectured her, "is far out of season and will be for a few months yet. Now, there is obviously a communication breakdown, which I would be happy to try to rectify, so long as you remain respectful. Otherwise, I will walk out of here, and you will be left to answer why the transaction, which is obviously important to both of our respective superiors, did not take place." She paused to sip her tea, then set it down, carefully and deliberately. "As for the increase in price you so gracefully blurted out at the door... no. It will be the original price agreed to, or, again, I walk, and you will be left to explain to your superiors." Both of her thin brows raised. "So, shall we enjoy a nice lunch together and then get on with business, or shall I leave you with the goods, no money, and the check for the meal?" *-*-*-*-* Isra grit her back teeth. This was horrible. This was inconceivable. This was the worst. Possible. Thing She was going to have to talk. It wasn't that she didn't like to talk. She talked fine to that fine hunk of a glameow, in more than one "language". And she and Her Nyx had ways of communicating that went far beyond vocalization. Even Her Olivia had learned to tell when Isra needed attention, or food, or water, or O-U-T, and responded accordingly. But she avoided vocalizing. That was the great thing about Her Nyx and Her Olivia: They didn't need noise from her throat to get her. Even the Glameow preferred to speak in the near silent language of the felinoid. But now she had to vocalize, which meant she might be heard, which meant she could ruin EVERYTHING. And worse... she hated her Unovian accent. Still, she had been foolish enough not to listen to Her Nyx and get herself into this situation. She might as well try to salvage something out of it. She put on her best, toothiest cat smile, whisking her tail back and forth in what she hoped was a friendly manner, the blade-shaped fur cutting swaths in the air. "How adorable," she cooed, her voice flowing like her silky fur through Her Olivia's fingers. "You must have been wild at one point, to make everything such a challenge." She peered at the togepi, fighting her usual impulse upon seeing the adorable egg pokémon. She would never live it down if she even briefly squealed at the cute pokémon that she'd always had a weakness for. "Is this your big sister? Does she teach you her horrid manners?" She knew she was getting the nidoran female riled, could smell it even if the other pokémon didn't lower her head more in a show of threat. It was part of her plan, after all. "I can give you your reasons, darling," she purred, "but with your head down and obvious desire for battle, I wonder if you'd listen. Shame. Let's see... this one, at the table, is My Master, and I had hoped I would get some fish when she was served. The bag looked warm and comfortable, and I had hoped for a nap until then. I do apologize for that," she pouted, "If I'd known it was occupied I wouldn't have bothered. Let's see, a third reason..." She grinned, then, flexing one paw to show, facing her so as to reduce the threat to an implication rather than a fact, her bright, gleaming claws. "I am a purrloin, and I do whatever I feel I want. There are your three reasons. Now, since I know you are too thick skulled to listen, let us go to the alley and see if you have the mettle to back up your threatening stance." She looked, again, at the togepi and bit down on a squeal of delight at its tiny, angry face. "You can watch, if you'd like..." -------------------- |
![]() Team Rogue: Espeon ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1 044 Joined: 25-March 09 From: United States Member No.: 5 443 Tuesday's Pack ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Leaving the table after taking Olivia and the hot girl's order, Casper had a brief flash of worry about where he was supposed to take the order so it could be made, because it was one thing to impersonate a waiter, but quite another to impersonate a chef, and he had no illusions about being capable of toasting bread, much less cooking seafood without poisoning it. His concerns were thwarted quickly, however, when he spotted another waiter - this one a man in his early fifties, with greying hair and a salt-and-pepper beard. He slowed down so that the older man made his way back into the kitchen first with his order and followed behind.
"Hey, James," the older waiter said, walking towards a cook who must have been good at his job, for his stomach was not small in the slightest. "The Fenwyck Family is back today. You know the kid likes his food spicy." "Oh yeah, I remember that one." The large cook chuckled as he took the order from the waiter. "If I could eat like I used to when I was his age, I'd be even bigger than I was now." "Yes, but you wouldn't have any taste buds left." "True, true." He spotted Casper coming up. "Eh, new kid, are you?" "Yes, sir," Casper said, deciding to keep a low profile with the kitchen people as best he could. "I have an order for a salad and some blackened alomomola, and one for shrimp. Do they both go to you?" The cook looked at the order, scanning it quickly. "I'll get the shrimp started-" His eyes flicked to Casper's nametag. "-Thomas. Take that slip on over to Gordon. He'll mix up the salad." "Yes, sir." Casper slipped around the corner that James had pointed toward, but there wasn't a man there. Rather, a short, older woman, about late forties, early fifties, stood alone in the kitchen area. Her hair was dark brown and curled inward at the ends, hanging just below her ears. When she turned to look at him, her eyes were sharp behind a pair of round, thick-rimmed glasses, and her face was stiffer than Olivia's - an emotionless mask he couldn't see beyond. She didn't say anything when Casper appeared, but raised a slender eyebrow at him in a condescending manner. Casper's immediate reaction was to not give her the order, as though it were a priceless bit of information he couldn't allow to fall into the wrong hands. At the last moment before he flinched away, he made himself step forward and hand her the order. "James said you'd handle making the salad," he lied. This woman, whoever she was, was certainly not named Gordon. "Of course." The woman's voice was not so sharp as brisk. She took the order from him and set it on the counter beside her, before turning back to look at him. Casper, who had expected to be able to watch her begin to make the salad, was startled to find staring him down. "Um... I guess I have... other tables," he said, uncertain. He didn't really like this woman... Feeling very much like he was turning his back on a waiting python, Casper turned around and walked back toward the restaurant's seating area. He'd made it two steps before Strings flashed into view directly in front of him, eyes wide and curtain-like body spinning wildly in dismay. Casper dropped to the floor like a bomb had gone off. The sound of something slicing through the air just above his head, and the feeling of a light breeze ruffling his hair, made Casper very glad that he kept Strings out of his pokeball. There was a loud screeching sound - Strings' signature battle-start move - and Casper rolled to the left, just in time to avoid a long, sharp blade that impacted the ground where he had been laying. Finding his feet, Casper jumped back away from the scyther who stood imposingly in front of the apparently in-need-of-anger-management woman who was not Gordon. "What the hell, lady?" Casper snapped. "You didn't really think Kenickie came without backup, did you?" "Kenickie?" Casper wracked his brain for a moment, before it occurred to him. "What, you mean tubby? Hell, lady, I saved him from exploding all over this fancy restaurant. I was afraid the waiter would offer him a mint." "Scyther! Fury Cutter!" "SCY!" the scyther hissed, and Casper was surprised the pokemon kept his cry rather quiet. Apparently, the woman didn't want to draw too much attention to their battle. So they were trying to stay low, as well. He and Olivia had competition for their prize. "Hamlet!" There was a flash of red light and the cubone appeared, swinging his bone club in an upward arc, slicing through the scyther's fury cutter attack and sending his bladed arms jarring backward. The scyther hissed in response. "Take him, Hamlet!" Casper snapped. The cubone's grip tightened on his bone club and he swung at the scyther again. There was a flash of green and a loud double-crack and Hamlet was reeling backward with a faint cry. Casper turned at the sight of the retracting vines. Behind him stood James, the large cook he had spoken to earlier, and a Unovian pokemon he vaguely recognized. Snivy. Casper grimaced. "I'm afraid your attempt at infiltration was less than stellar, Thomas. Though, I have to admit, knocking out that poor boy in the bathroom was a clever idea. The dumpster we tossed those old cooks in was a tad too full." Spreading his legs just slightly and bending his knees, in case he had to move quickly to avoid an attack, Casper gave the two of them one of his more obnoxious smiles. "So, you're both working with Chubby, are you? Wat'd you say his name was? Kenickie? I guess that makes you Rizzo," he said, waving at the short, older woman, "and you, what? Doodie?" He sneered at the large man. Rizzo looked furious at the nickname, but Doodie chuckled. "Clever tongue you have, boy." He turned to look behind him, where the older waiter Casper had followed back earlier had appeared. "Danny, I presume?" Casper asked, trying hard to keep himself from shaking. There was no way he could take on three of them at once and hope to live. "Take the dishes out to the table," Doodie said. "We don't want anyone getting suspicious or complaining so much we have to deal with the management to boot." "BJ's already got that covered if it comes to that," Danny said, but nodded anyway and quickly went to do as he had been told. Casper quickly whispered something to Strings while the two were talking. "Let Olivia know there's trouble." For a moment, he thought the shuppet would refuse. Those large, expressive eyes were very worried. But then Strings vanished abruptly, and Casper found himself standing with Hamlet, between a rock and a hard place. "Snivy, wrap this boy up to go!" "Scyther, vacuum wave on this cocky bastard!" Good thing he was a Ghost. "'fraid not, ladies! Hamlet, skull bash that bug back into the ground! Sheut!" he said, grabbing the third pokeball on his belt he had just recently received from his mother and tossing it out. "Safeguard, now!" ~*~ Strings did not like leaving Ghost behind. Strings had been with Ghost for as long as Ghost had had a pokemon, and it had been Strings. Leaving Ghost behind was like leaving a piece of jammy toast behind when you were hungry, and knowing someone else was going to eat it. For a moment, Strings considered going back and giving those two trainers a PIECE OF HIS MIND! But Ghost had given Strings an order, and Strings needed to follow it, even if he didn't like it. Strings needed to let the NicePrettyGirl know that they were in biiiiiig trouble. She already knew they were in a restaurant. Strings stayed invisible as he moved through the restaurant. The stupid-grey-haired-not-waiter had gotten a tray and put a nice salad and a plate of steaming shrimp on it and was taking it out to the NicePrettyGirl. Strings stayed invisible and hovered behind the stupid-grey-haired-not-waiter's head, floating out to the table where NicePrettyGirl was sitting with the LoudHotGirl was sitting. She was only HotGirl because Ghost had said so. Strings didn't think her temperature was any higher than Ghost's, or NicePrettyGirl's. When they reached the table, Strings considered floating underneath it to talk to NotSoNiceKitty, who he could hear talking quietly, or seeing if he could find the FoxThatCouldDisappear, but he didn't know where to look. Instead, still invisible, he floated behind NicePrettyGirl's head and leaned in close. Forming a fist with his tongue like he did to Knock Off people, he began to play with the back part of Olivia's hair, where no one could see. He wasn't so gentle as he had been before when he was prettying her hair secretly, though, because now he needed to get NicePrettyGirl's attention. He needed NicePrettyGirl to know Ghost was in trouble... -------------------- |
![]() Zap. You're a penguin. ![]() Group: Members Posts: 326 Joined: 4-January 12 From: Somewhere pretty. Member No.: 156 949 My Awsome Party ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Marcia reddened. She was being told off by this stupid, inferior, commoner, acting like she was her superior like that, she couldn't stand it! Unfortunately, if she was going to succeed this mission, she had to. She bit her lip to prevent herself from making a scathing comeback. She was not going to fail, and so she had to succeed.
"Fine. Be that way. I'll give you the price he gave me,and honestly I have no idea whether it rose or fell. I expect no trouble getting the seven thousand Poke he asked for, got it?" Marcia sighed. "I have no idea why a box of junk parts is worth that much, just no arguing. He's blaming me if he doesn't get everything." She looked over at her back. Ignoring the obvious bristling of her Nidora and the Purrloin, she grinned. "Aw, how cute! Our Pokemon like each other!" She briefly wondered what they were so riled up about. Perhaps they were excited for dinner? Finally, she looked back at the matter at hand. "Deal or no deal, that IS the question, isn't it," she murmured under her breath. All she could do was wait. Nidora did not like that Purrloin one bit. Togini was excited for the battle at hand, and the Nidoran might have been proud enough to do it too, if it weren't for the fact that she could tell it was bait. Fighting nine brothers for territory, food, and a way not to be mates had equipped her for every battle scenario in the book. This could be avoided. "Nice try, I'm not dumb enough to take the bait. I'm still threatening to make you leave, but you can't just TAKE ME OUT OF THE BUILDING! How dumb would I have to be to leave the very thing I'm defending." "Aw! I wanted to see you and the cat fight!" "Togini, you must understand, it isn't always-" Nidora stopped. What was that? Her ears were very sensitive. She looked and saw that Togini had heard something too, a, a... battle cry. Now, Nidora was paranoid from time to time, and she would be the first to admit it, but even if this establishment had Pokemon helping in the kitchen, it made no sense for them to be using screech. "Did you hear that? Togini, and I suppose you Purrloin, let's go investigate. I don't like the sound of it..." And after that comment Nidora simply walked off. Togini was briefly torn between Nidora and the sassy cat, but finally decided to follow Nidora. He wanted to see a battle, even if it wasn't the one he had expected, and that was that! This post has been edited by ShinyRalts: Mar 6 2012, 03:20 PM -------------------- |
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